Betrayal and Deceit as Depicted in the Play “Julius Caesar” by Shakespeare

In the play Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, the tale is built on a foundation of betrayal and deceit. There are several instances throughout the play in which significant characters are either directly involved or are the victims of enormous betrayals. The most atrocious acts of treachery and dishonesty are...

Black Lives Matter vs. All Lives Matter Movements

This editorial argues that the only people who would utilize the ‘all lives matter’ argument aid and propagate the white supremacy, reciting the origins and motivation of racist oppression and systemic inequality. Moreover, the work points out that the oppression of the poor does not seem to affect the more...

The Syphilis Bacterial Infection and Disease

Introduction By engaging in sexual activity with an infected person, an individual can contract the bacterial infection syphilis. Treponema Pallidum is a spirochete bacteria that causes it. It can spread during pregnancy as well as during blood transfusions. Skin-to-skin contact is another method HPV can transmit, particularly if there are...

Long-Term vs. Dangerous Offenders

Summary An accused person is classified as a Dangerous Offender (DO) if they have inflicted or attempted to inflict serious harm on somebody else and suffers from a severe personality disorder. The offender must have endangered somebody else’s life, have a previous record of conviction of at least one felony,...

Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction CSR is a concept of management that involves policies that institutions adopt to consider social, economic, and environmental implications while meeting the stakeholders’ and shareholders’ expectations. Numerous organizations list companies according to their CSR performance and these ratings often attract significant publicity (Porter, Michael, and Mark, 2006, p 3)....

Choosing a Change Model for Jeanstyle Organization

Introduction The most suitable model for application by JEANSTYLE company would be Lewin’s Change Model. This model is a comprehensive change model that is designed to understand the reasons why change takes place and provides clues on what actions an organization should partake in to execute the change seamlessly. For...

Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur

Introduction A successful entrepreneur is independent, responsible, goal-oriented, self-confident, educated, creative, and willing to take risks. If people want to start their own business, they must ensure they have such qualities. Entrepreneurs develop their abilities through education, work training, experience, apprenticeship, and experimentation. A successful commercial entrepreneur must combine the...

Teaching “The War of the Wall” by T.Bambara to Children

Dear Sir, As you have already been informed, I have chosen to teach the short story “The War of the Wall” by Toni Cade Bambara for the English class with the 6th and 7th graders. This is a short story written in a simple yet emotional and bright language, so...

The Poem “The United Fruit Company” by Pablo Neruda

Worker rights are a contemporary issue whose depth and importance were similarly relevant in previous centuries. Pablo Neruda utilizes his poem, ‘The United Fruit Company; to satirize the actions of Latin American leaders in the twentieth century, specifically as they associate with foreign international corporations. Their suppressive actions favoring imperialistic...

Supply Chain Design at Crayola

Dynamic sales volumes – involves meeting the needs of volatile sales volumes that can stem from customer demand or internal promotions (Kajewski, et al., 2015). ColorWonder and WashableDeluxe are both highly popular global products that also contain products from diverse supply chains in the company. When designing the supply chains...

Popular Research Paper Topics

European vs. American Freight Systems and Policies

The vast majority of cargo in Europe is transported by land. Roads are used to move about 70% of all goods transported on land (Wiegmans ET AL., 2018). Over the past few years, there has been an increase in the variety and volume of goods shipped to and from Europe,...

Aspects of Sophocles Oedipus’s Cycle

Introduction Sophocles is a contemporary of the golden age of Athens; his writings reflect the ideals of polis democracy. These are the political equality and freedom of all full-fledged citizens, selfless service to the motherland, respect for the gods, and the nobility of people’s aspirations. Independence in their decisions and...

The War of 1812: Reasons and Results

Introduction In June 1812, Napoleon’s army invaded Russia, and the United States declared war on Great Britain, an ally of the Russian Empire. In Russia and the United States, the wars of 1812 have long been considered events that seriously influenced the development trajectories of both states. Russia declared itself...

Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl

Introduction The main idea that runs through the entire work of Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, is the idea of the incommensurable suffering of men and women in slavery. In her opinion, a slave woman is not only subjected to all the trials that fall...

Health Insurance and Inaccessibility in the US

The United States of America does not have compulsory health insurance for the entire population, unlike, for example, the European Union. Many unprotected social sectors of the population cannot afford insurance because of its high cost and live without it. In case of illness, this person may not have enough...

Hyatt Hotels Corporation Financial Analysis

Introduction Hyatt Hotel Corporation is a US hospitality establishment with many branches worldwide. It was founded by Hyatt Robert and Jack Crouch in 1957 when they purchased Hyatt House at LA International Airport. The company went global twelve years later and grew by developing portfolios and acquisitions. The hotel acquired...

Types of Responsibility

Responsibility is a fundamental concept that shapes human behavior and societal structures. Responsibility, in its essence, refers to the duty or obligation one has to fulfill tasks, make decisions, and be accountable for the consequences. In this essay sample, we investigate the definition and types of responsibility in daily life....

Technological Advances in Intermodal Transportation Industry

The intermodal industry has seen major changes supported by development in technology. Intermodal is the transportation of cargo in an intermodal compartment or vehicle, utilizing various modes of transportation (rail, ship, and truck), with no handling of the cargo when moving from one mode to the other. The following are...

Sociology: “Damned Lies and Statistics” by Joel Best

The brash title is the premiere point of the captivation of Joel Best’s ‘Damned Lies and Statistics.’ As per its apt title, the book investigates the lies and or the truths that are presented by statistics. Within it, the author states that people, for the most part, are innumerate. They...

Radio-Frequency Identification Metrics in Transportation

Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a system for tracking and tagging objects, in a manner not dissimilar to barcodes. The information is stored in the tags through the use of electromagnetic fields and does not require line-of-site for the reader devices to scan them, unlike barcodes. This provides more freedom of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Coca-Cola’s Cultural Diversity in Theory and Practice

Introduction Developing the value system based on the principles of diversity is crucial for an organization operating in the global economy. Coca-Cola has shown an impressive propensity toward cultural diversity in both theory and practice, thus, building the foundation for a cross-cultural dialogue with all stakeholders involved. Body: Coca-Cola Analysis...

Locally Hosted and Cloud Electronic Health Records

Introduction Electronic health records (EHRs) have a great potential for the improvement of healthcare quality and efficiency. Given the significance and frequency of EHRs use (AbuKhousa, Mohamed, & Al-Jaroodi, 2012), the choice of EHRs appears to be an important decision; in particular, it is necessary to consider the alternatives of...

The US-Australia Cooperation and Its Implications

Analysis Summary In his article ‘An ally for all the years to come’: why Australia is not a conflicted U.S. ally, Bisley (2013) argues that the partnership between the United States and Australia, which has existed for an impressive amount of time, provides for economic and political safety of the...

Disturbed Sensory Perception as Nursing Diagnosis

Introduction A nurse should determine the presumptive nursing diagnosis that furnishes details of the concrete symptoms of the illness and defines the patient’s problems. It is defined after collecting the essential information about the health condition and the personal data of the patient. The suppositional nursing diagnosis is required to...

New Leadership Theories: Servant, Spiritual, Authentic and Ethical Leaderships

Swanson, Territo, and Taylor (2016) cite four leadership theories that they characterize as the “new” ones. They are geared towards a more ethics-based approach to leadership and emphasize the importance of moral decision-making (Zhu, Zheng, Riggio, & Zhang, 2015). It appears that all the theories have their merits, which makes...

The Problems of Nursing Activism

Introduction The whole healthcare system was created to help and protect people. Social justice is considered as a primary value for healthcare providers and, therefore, for nurses (Drevdahl, 2013). Social activists put their efforts to the system changing and development to make it more community-orientated and fair. It could be...

US Soldier’s Ethics and Deontology

The perspectives of deontology, deriving from the root meaning duty, and associated with Immanuel Kant and William David Ross, suggest the ethical complexities facing a US soldier. Both thinkers focus on not depending on what one wants to do, but on what one has to do. Although the connection to...

Repression and Crime Control

In the article “Repression and Crime Control: Why Social Movement Scholars Should Pay Attention to Mass Incarceration as a Form of Repression” Pamela Oliver raises the topic of repression of black Americans in the 60-70s. The author provides statistical data on the number of prisoners in this period, and the...

Life-Work Imbalance and Related Issues

Introduction The increased number of responsibilities peculiar to modern society along with the necessity to earn money resulted in a significant shift of priorities from traditional values like family and personal life to work and career. In this regard, the issue of the life-work balance becomes extremely topical nowadays. Numerous...

High-Reliability Healthcare Organization’s Traits

Introduction In general, a high reliability organization is that with all its systems working at maximum efficiency thereby achieving their goals and minimizing potentially fatal mistakes. However, in order to improve the reliability of an institution, it is necessary to follow certain techniques that focus on the development of organizational...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Young Sailor II” Painting by Henri Matisse

Introduction Henri Matisse has finished painting Young Sailor II in 1906. It is a portrait 40 inches tall and 32 inches wide, done in Matisse’s famous Fauves style. The subject of the portrait is a young man, wearing traditional fisherman’s clothes. The young man sits sideways on a chair against...

When Business Dilemmas Have to Be Faced?

Customers are not getting their orders in a timely manner. It’s your job to find out why. How can the functions of demand management and order management impact your organization’s logistic and supply chain structure? What indicators are you looking for? What actions would you take? Customer satisfaction is one...

Psychobiology: Biology of Behavior

My specialization is General Psychology, and I am especially interested in learning more about the biology of behavior. I would like to study the relationship between the body and the mind, or, more specifically, the influence of biological factors on the mind, and vice versa. I believe that the achievements...

Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination

Stereotypes are Hard to Change Stereotypes are very hard to get rid of, and the reason is connected to the emotional nature of attitudes. Often, when a person is presented with factual information that contradicts their prejudice, they discount it in an illogical manner. Devine’s two-step model of cognitive processing...

Predictors of Postpartum Depression

Giving birth to a baby is a happy occasion, yet numerous women cannot experience the feeling. The phenomenon of postpartum depression affects the quality of women’s lives, as well as their self-esteem and relationships with their child. To prevent instances of depression and the associated issues, a detailed assessment of...

Why Privacy No Longer Exists in the Digital Age

Introduction Information technology provides people with new opportunities related to data storage and management. Since technical mechanisms are becoming more complicated, many people expect modern technology to provide maximum privacy and prevent the unauthorized use of their personal information. Confidentiality no longer exists because of new ways to collect data...

Jesus and Confucius Comparison

Christianity and Confucianism are well-known systems of belief, based on the number of adherents and their significance. There are three more than 2 billion Christians today, whereas there are approximately 7 million Confucianists only. While Christianity is expected to remain the world’s largest religion in the nearest 50 years, competing...

David Williams on Outdated Music Education Model

Introduction The number of students who enroll in school music offerings, traditional band, chorus, and orchestra, dropped drastically in recent decades, and this tendency has been developing apace since then. The situation reached the stage when concerns about the future of American musical education at schools have arisen. The most...

Feathers Fashion: The UAE Brand in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Feathers Fashion is a UAE company that primarily sells fashion products. The list includes a wide range of products, such as jewelry, bags, sunglasses, shoes, perfumes, mugs, bracelets, pens, and watches. All these items are designed in a highly luxurious way in order to appeal to richer consumers. In...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Its Application

The Philosophy Key Concepts My personal nursing philosophy is concerned with the key concepts and ideas that I endeavor to apply in practice. I believe that I can make a difference, and I will work to contribute to the development of our society by providing high-quality service and taking the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transcultural Assessment and Questions Planning

The proposed date and location of the assessment The proposed date for this assessment will be December 1, 2018. The respondent will be encouraged to sign an informed consent form (Mackey & Bassendowski, 2017). The best location is the interviewee’s home. I will visit the individual at their place in...

Philosophy. Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics

The Nicomachean Ethics is Aristotle’s best-known and significant work that defined his ethics. This writing includes ten books that were initially introduced as separate scrolls and are believed to be based on his lecture notes at the Lyceum. Aristotle was one of the last great Greek philosophers and the heir...

The Canterbury Tales Costumes as Symbols

Clothing in a literary work can serve as a detail that communicates certain information about the hero. Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales are replete with detailed depictions of various characters’ wardrobes. At the same time, Chaucer’s numerous descriptions of clothing are equipped with varying artistic functions, serving special expressive purposes. The...

Rocky Horror Picture Show: Letting Go of Life’s Little Horrors

The film Rocky Horror Picture Show was first released in 1975 in the UK and in America shortly afterward. Directed by Jim Sharman, it had an all-star cast including Tim Curry, Richard O’Brien, Susan Sarandon, Barry Bostwick, Patricia Quinn, Nell Campbell and Meat Loaf. Officially classified as a comedy, the...

International Law: Formation History

Introduction International law also referred to as public international law is concerned with regulating affairs and activities between different countries as well as the procedures that regulate international institutions like the United Nations. International law also checks how the state protects individuals as well as international associations or partnerships. It...

How to Relax: Avoiding Stress

Introduction In daily life people engage in situations in their work, relationships, commitments, managing time, etc they feel nervous irritable and under pressure and hence they get stressed. Virtually, all people at one time or another are faced with such kind of situation. Stress is manifested through such symptoms as...

Licensing, Joint Venturing, Mergers or Acquisitions

Introduction Licensing is the granting of rights to another or individual, for a fee, whereby the firm that has been granted to sell and produce the products or services by the licensing company. Licensing provides a way of expanding the products but with minimal costs on the innovating company, and...

How Inclusion Affects General Education Students

Description of the problem Existing teaching strategies and instructional techniques have suggested various teaching methods and instructional settings to overcome learning problem in an inclusionary classroom. In a language class room students have often showed the symptoms of difficulties in reading and writing. The fact that students read and write...

The Sweet Time of The Childhood

Sometimes it is said that childhood is the most perfect period of a human life. During this period a person gathers different characteristically traits and attributes which develop inside the person and ultimately shapes his character. From the perspective of developmental psychology, childhood is a stage which is promptly divided...

Working in a Sphere of Retail

Summary Working in a sphere of retail has always been a questionable endeavor in terms of employee engagement in the work process and inner motivation. Thus, there is a common tendency today to assume that working in retail is mostly encouraged by financial rewards and the necessity to find a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Dental Clinic Person-Centered Prevention

Introduction Person-centered care defines a technique focused on more critical elements to the patients and families, such as treatment, support, and care. This method is an approach based on professionalism and a kind of thinking which views social and health services users as partners; in monitoring, developing, and planning clinical...

Crohn’s Disease: A Patient Education Plan

Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory disease that affects different parts of the gastrointestinal tract. Crohn’s disease ruins the small intestines, but it can occur anywhere from the larynx to the anus. It is considered an immune disease and produces inflammation of the tract. The usual age of patients is 20-30...

Crime and Causation: Robbery

Definition and Description An action is qualified as a crime if it “offends the strong, well-defined states (sentiments) of the collective consciousness” (DiCristina, 2016 p.318). A felony is a deliberate act of omission or commission of actions that contravene morals or the states of collective consciousness (DiCristina, 2016). Robbery is...

Ethical Professional Codes of Healthcare

In recent decades, developments in medical practice made it possible to prolong human life, sometimes even past its natural limits, which entails various end-of-life dilemmas. Brain death, for instance, is associated with several ethical and legal controversies. A person’s brain is no longer functioning, but their heartbeat may be maintained,...

How Ageism Affects Mental Health and Addiction?

Introduction Recent developments in the social sciences of the 20th and 21st centuries started attracting public attention to a variety of issues that used to be ignored. One of such problems is ageism or the discrimination of people based on their age. This essay will address such topics as the...

The Portrayal of Schizophrenia in a Beautiful Mind

Mental health is an important aspect of people’s lives that requires immediate attention and careful consideration. However, the topic of mental illnesses has been a taboo to discuss and portray for many years. Today it becomes more and more acceptable to talk about one’s health freely, especially in art. The...

Racism & Privilege Within the Social Work Setting

Although nowadays, the relationships between the representatives of different races and ethnicities have been considerably improved, the concepts of racism and privilege are frequently discussed by social workers and psychologists. According to Tatum (2018), it is important to have a clear definition of racism as it is the only opportunity...

Use and Training of Mobility Service Dogs in the USA

What is your overall research topic? This study’s topic is the use and training of mobility service dogs in the USA. Background Source This website is dedicated to promoting the use of mobility assistance dogs in the USA. Some website pages are devoted to participation and volunteering; others describe the...

Math: Functional Analysis

“Functions are mathematical ideas that take one or more variables and produce a variable. You can think of a function as a cook that takes one or more ingredients and cooks them up to make a dish. Depending on what you put in, you can get very different things out”....

Purnell Model for American Cubans in Miami

American Cubans One of the most successful sub-groups among Hispanics 27% have a bachelor’s degree Lower poverty rate compared to Hispanics Higher income compared to Hispanics Loyal to their traditions, customs, and language Cubans are one of the most successful sub-groups among the citizens of the Hispanic or Latino race...

Use of Anabolic Steroids: Adverse Effects

Modern science and medicine have developed many substances designed to make human life more comfortable. These include a variety of medications and supplements, such as vitamins. However, in most cases, these elements should be used strictly according to the doctor’s prescription to avoid the appearance of side effects due to...

Health Care Organization Licensing, Accreditation, and Certification

Introduction Health care administration in Florida State is provided for in Chapter 408 of the Florida Statutes called the Health Care Licensing Procedures Act. This is administered by the Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA) otherwise known simply as the ‘agency’. The agency issues, revokes, or denies certificates of need...

TV Shows: “Transcendent” and “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”

This media analysis will focus on two LGBTQ+ centered TV shows: currently airing Transcendent and 2003 Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. As it concerns Transcendent, the set consists of five transgender women working in the AsiaSF nightclub. Xristina is a social rights activist of Dominican descent who appears to...

The Concept of Branding: Strategic Integrated Marketing Communications

Branding is an important marketing tool for creating an impression and revealing the company’s philosophy, values, mission, and vision of the future. A corporate brand is significant for consumers; at the same time, it also allows creating an internal corporate culture. It is possible to note that during the last...

Achievements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act abbreviated as PPACA, also frequently referred to as Obamacare or Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a decree of the American federal government. It was signed into law on the 23rd of March 2010 by the President of the United States, Barack Obama....

The Bio-Psycho-Social Model Application

The bio-psycho-social model (BPS) was proposed by Engel (1977) in response to the crisis that, according to the author plagued the medical society as a result of “adherence to a model of disease no longer adequate for the scientific tasks and social responsibilities” (p. 129). This outdated biomedical model was...

A Medical Committee’s Group Process Analysis

Group Activity This analysis will dwell on the quarterly meeting of the AIDs (Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Monitoring and Support Committee held on August 13 2011 at the Medicare Hospice conference room. Type of Group This is a professional group that was mandated to oversee the implementation and evaluation of a...

The Book “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Most people would likely agree that preserving one’s cultural heritage is a meaningful and worthy pursuit. However, people also tend to disagree on what is the best way to proceed with it. Maintaining African American cultural legacy features prominently as a theme in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use.” The author uses...

Hypothesis in Engel et al.’s Study on Emergency Patients

Does the study contain a hypothesis or hypotheses? Engel et al.’s paper “Patient understanding of emergency department discharge instructions: where are knowledge deficits greatest?” has one hypothesis. The study made assumptions that most of the respondents failed to fathom the discharge instructions given to them, which led to a deficit...

Successful Business Performance: Key Factors

Nowadays, competition in the market is constantly growing, and therefore, companies need to pay attention to their business strategies and marketing plans. Proper presentation of products, the evaluation of customers’ buying behavior, and reducing costs while increasing income are only some of the factors that require careful consideration. In this...

A Windshield Survey of Kiryas Joel Community, New York

Physical Environment Although available data shows that the Kiryas Joel community has a total area of 1.1 square miles (2.8 km2), physical observations do not reveal any boundaries within the community apart from the fact that it is located close to the neighboring towns of Blooming Grove and Woodbury. There...

Systems of Whiteness: Asian Americans and Immigrants

Introduction School years are the most essential, though vulnerable time regarding personality formation for most children. However, not only psychological considerations complicate this process, but also the impact of society, including various stereotypes and prejudges, is dominant in this case. The latter is represented by a specific theory referred to...

Russia and the United States’ Cultural Correlations

Russia and the United States have a long history of rivalry and diplomatic confrontation. With the establishment of the USSR, the two cultures have become opposed to each other. While Soviet Union practiced socialism, the United States developed capitalism and even prosecuted people who were suspected to be communists. Nowadays...

“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien: Bright Characters With Uneasy Fates

Introduction Wars are conflicts blown out of proportion, leading to thousands, if not millions, of innocent deaths. Tim O’Brien wrote stories about the simple people who happened to be at the heart of the Vietnam conflict. It is hard to tell which events in his book “The Things They Carried”...

The Need for Cybersecurity Data Science

Introduction The data around companies is increasing rapidly, and so are cyber-attacks. All activities that employees do online produces new data and create a digital footprint that cyberattacks can exploit. Whereas organizations utilize machine learning and data science to maintain their systems and data gathering security, hackers use more advanced...

Sherman Alexie’s Book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Review

Sherman Alexie’s book The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian is a narration about a 14-year-old Arnold Spirit Jr., called Junior in his family and community. The subject of the book is interesting and edifying because it focuses on the coming-of-age story and the feeling of belonging and community....

Memphis International Airport as Air Cargo Hub

Brief Synopsis of your Selected Air Cargo Hub The FedEx air cargo operators contain the majority of hubs at Memphis International Airport (MEM). It is located in the north of the United States (US) and serves the cities of Memphis, Tennessee. It is the busiest hub since aircraft are up...

The Principle of Social Justice in World Religions

One of the remarkable features of modern society is promoting diversity, not only in views and opinions but also in religious affiliation. Many people worldwide profess particular religious views, and according to the number of adherents of particular faiths, there are several world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Interestingly, there...

Social Movements in Canada

Social movements are groupings of people who push for or rally against a social change, including political matters. They do not have to be formal, and different movements can individually advocate for a common cause. Social movements can be broken down into different categories depending on the individual they target...

Gladiators and Practitioners Experience of Greek Style Athletics

Sports origin is deeply rooted in the rich history of Rome and ancient Greece. Olympic games in ancient Greek represent one of the oldest and most foundational types of sports recorded in history. Colosseum is a familiar battlefield where gladiators hosted several ferocious and suspenseful chariot races. Both the violence-driven...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How to Prepare Chicken Alfredo

Remember when you were little, and your parents would teach you how to cook? Do you remember the smell that spread throughout the house when the food was almost ready? Well, today we are going to make tastier chicken alfredo for all your Italian needs. The meal is a classic...

How Endangered Species Are Protected

The current trend for sustainability highlights many environmental concerns, yet usually, they are limited to climate issues. At the same time, there is also a problem of endangered species, which is addressed thoroughly by many organizations, but rarely gets covered in media. Nevertheless, new approaches to saving species and preventing...

A Conversation with Koko Directed by Barbet Schroeder

A documentary film A Conversation with Koko, which was shot in 1999, tells a story of a gorilla named Koko, who demonstrates profound intellectual ability and a sensitive emotional character. The film evokes mixed feelings, as it explores the areas which humankind is not yet at ease with, such as...

Could the American Civil War Be Avoided?

The American Civil War is well known, primarily because it started because of the institution of slavery. All people in the North and South were influenced by the brutal and costly war that lasted four chaotic years (“The North and the South”). The bloody conflict of the industrial North against...

America’s Vietnam War and Its French Connection

The Vietnam war is probably one of the most infamous military conflicts that the United States took part in in the second half of the 20th century. The war began as a civil war in South Vietnam. However, soon after the beginning of the war, it spread to North Vietnam,...

Review of “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction The short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a metaphorical narration created to express the process of taking vital decisions in life. The author uses such literary elements as setting and symbolism to convey the essential ideas related to the themes of faith, hope, sense of living,...

Lucky Me Animal Rescue: Project Management

Projects are the driving force behind change for any organization, especially when it comes to organizing and operating a collaborative event. Accordingly, the way to create business value of an organization through the implementation of project activities depends on the capabilities and resources of the organization, as well as on...

Athletes Performing a Power Clean and a Power Snatch

The purpose of a power snatch is to raise the bar as quickly and as heavy as possible from the ground to an overhead position. This technique is used widely in both CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting since it is foundational in both sports. Weightlifting movements such as the power clean...

The Ancestors in the Americas Documentary

There are many facets to oppression. Outright aggression often gets, at the very least, reprimanding comments. However, another variety of mistreatment manifests in alienation, and it often goes unnoticed due to its quiet nature. Looking deeper into the matter, it becomes clear that the Asian population of the Americas has...

Aspects of Social Construction

Introduction During the development of an individual, specific changes occur related to psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. For instance, these changes happen distinctively with different life stages. Based on this, social construction involves an ideology of information within sociology that assesses how people generally acquire their understanding and knowledge regarding...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Polypharmacy: The Use Among the Elderly

Inappropriate polypharmacy is a significant problem among the elderly, and it has been linked to adverse health consequences. A priority is determining the optimal approaches to optimize proper polypharmacy. As a result, polypharmacy, or the use of many medications to improve clinical outcomes for patients, is gaining popularity (Rankin et...

Business Model Canvas: Activities and Partners

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic planning tool that helps businesses and entrepreneurs model, design, create, and analyze their enterprises. The nine key activities of the BMC are customer segmentation, value proposition, channel, customer relationship management (CRM), revenue model, cost structure, resources, infrastructure, and key partners (Siburian, 2020)....

Justifying Abortion From Utilitarian Position

Introduction Utilitarianism – is the philosophical standpoint that advocates for the morality of actions that cause happiness and the amorality of actions that cause harm. There are two approaches inherent in this philosophical position – rule utilitarianism and act utilitarianism. Rule utilitarianism implies that people should follow specific sets of...

The A&M Records Inc. v. Napster Inc. Trial

Introduction Napster, the defendant, was a peer-to-peer file-sharing platform that allowed internet users to access music for free. Individuals could connect to a network of computers and search for mp3 files downloaded to other devices. The files mentioned above were created by “ripping” tracks from CDs and changing their format...

Strategies to Tackle Primary Care Staffing Shortages

Diagnosis stresses are quickly rising due to impending staffing scarcities in the nursing community and an increment in the number of patients pursuing primary care assistance. In order to fulfill requirements in the next years, the quantity of medical personnel will need to skyrocket. The United States will suffer substantial...

Faking Orgasms: Reasons and Consequences

In the present day, sexually explicit media is very widespread. Not only is there an abundance of easily accessible pornographic videos, but more mainline movies show more than they used to in the past. It is not surprising that a general idea of orgasm is constructed within the viewers’ minds....

Enlightenment and Founder Father Ideology

Introduction The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the eighteenth century. The principles of Enlightenment had a significant impact on social and political development in Georgia, and while they did not last long, they left an enduring legacy in terms of philanthropy. The Founding Father ideology is a philosophical idea...

All My Sons by Arthur Miller: Play Analysis

All My Sons is a Broadway play by Arthur Miller that received a warm appreciation. The play set happens during the second world war, and tells the story of Joe Keller, a war profiteer who puts money above duty to society and human relations. Joe has a wife Kate and...

Planning a Wedding: Hiring a Professional Manager

Introduction Planning a wedding is a task that requires meticulousness and much attention to detail. Usually, the best way to organize a wedding is to hire a professional manager with the skills and connections needed for such a task. The manager’s responsibilities include developing the wedding plan with the clients,...

The History of Progressivism in the United States

Introduction The progressive era between 1880 and to early 1900s is among the most significant periods in the history of the United States. The era was marked by massive political, social and economic reforms that have affected the region’s governance and development. The reforms were affected by various progressive and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Creation of Stereotypes in Film: Moana

Introduction It is significant to mention that author Wesley Yiin wrote an article, “Is Disney’s portrayal of Maui, a Polynesian demigod, in ‘Moana’ culturally insensitive?” June 28, 2016 (Yiin, 2016). Moreover, the author is a former Washington Post reporter who now lives and works in Sitka, Alaska. The article’s main...

Corporate Finance and Venture Capital

Corporate finance is a discipline necessary for any enterprise, as it deals with the money flows in the company. Producing goods or providing services, paying salaries, purchasing materials, renting rooms, and production capacities are examples of corporate activities that require intelligent money management. Venture capital is the field of corporate...

The Role of Gender in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

In Charlotte Gilman’s short story The Yellow Wallpaper, one of the characters is Jennie, who is directly influenced by the gender norms and expectations of the time. This story, like the story of this hero, holistically talks about how gender stereotypes and society’s expectations negatively affect the mental health of...

Discussion: The Format of a Wedding Party

Summary The format of a wedding party is universal, and it is suitable for almost any audience and any number of guests. This is an accessible democratic evening format, where the bride and groom can pay attention to all the guests without forcing them to take action or watch the...

Father-Son Relationship in Night by Eli Wiesel

Father-Son Relationship in Night: Introduction The novel “Night” provides a detailed account of the author’s experience during the holocaust. The story revolves around the story of Eliezer (Eli) Wisel, the author, and his Jewish family during the holocaust. Specifically, the relationship between Eli and his father moves from a common...

Communication Strategies in Dementia Patients

Abstract The study on communication strategies to tailor the needs of dementia patients is proposed for submission to the International Journal of Nursing Studies. The research will cover the problem field and purpose of the study, the research questions, and hypotheses, methods, and results. Following this structure, the effect on...

Interactions in Young Students with Special Needs

Poor social development ranks as a common problem for children who suffer from conditions such as autism. This paper considers one study on the use of peer networks to improve social interactions among students with special needs. The studied literature (Debra et al., 1997) presents suggestions on how early childhood...

Search Methods and Literature Review

Introduction Literature review is one of the most common types of academic works. This type requires applying specific search techniques. Although there are various techniques used in academic research, some general methods are applied by the majority of researchers. The main goals of this paper are to discuss the key...

Basic Principles of Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Concepts of Nursing Paradigm

Definitions Besides being a discipline studying the fundamental essence of knowledge and existential aspects of human life, philosophy can also be defined as an attitude of a person or a community that provides guidelines for behavior. Philosophy of nursing is aimed to state one’s personal ideas concerning the nature of...

Economic Growth and Market Dynamics

What is GDP? Gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of the value of all services and goods produced in a certain period of time. If GDP is negative, the contraction of the economy occurs, while if it is positive, the growth of the economy is observed (“Gross Domestic Product,”...

Community-Based Nursing and Clinical Care: Articles Review

Article Review: the loneliness of old women Alaviani, M., Khosravan, S., Alami, A., & Moshki, M. (2015). The effect of a multi-strategy program on developing social behaviors based on Pender’s Health Promotion Model to prevent loneliness of old women referred to Gonabad urban health centers. International journal of community-based nursing...

Medication Compliance and Safety Use

Introduction Each patient-caretaker interaction remains an individualized experience, with the personality of all parties and their attitude towards health playing a particular part within the healthcare process. People may decide not to adhere to their medical practitioner’s advice for a variety of reasons, opting out of taking the prescribed medicine...

Child Psychiatry: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD and Environmental Factors Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a childhood disruptive behavioral disorder that manifests in “inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity” and can persist into adulthood (Perese, 2012, p. 657). ADHD is supposed to originate from developmental deviations in the prefrontal lobe area, which are likely to be the...

China’s Economic Growth and Manufacturing

Introduction The Chinese economy has been linked directly to the performance of its manufacturing industry for quite long. The connection between the economic growth of the state and its manufacturing sector is quite obvious; as the latter has been the source of employment options for most denizens of the Chinese...

Servant Leadership in Robert Greenleaf’s Perception

Many renowned companies and faith-based agencies have succeeded in their lines of business by upholding the concept of servant leadership. In addition to presenting this concept as a collective responsibility, servant-leaders acknowledge the need for prioritizing their followers’ demands and working closely with them to develop the underlying leadership potential...

Art Definition: Modern vs. Traditional

The definition of art is changing with time. The modern definition of art focuses on the way art changes over time and breaks away from its traditional definition. The old definition of art focused on skills or crafts demonstrated. According to Awesome Artistic website, art is the use of skill...

Validity and Reliability of Psychological Tests

Introduction Validity is the effectiveness of a scale score giving a sound and meaningful reflection of what it is intended to measure while reliability is validity is the correctness of a scale score in measuring what it claims to measure. Explain the types of reliability and validity are used Test...

“Finally High School Is Over” by Abu-Bakr Muhammad

“Finally, high school is over,” softly said Abu-Bakr Mohammed to himself as he walked down the sandy road that led to his village from the school he had attended for the last six years. Abu, as most of his friends called him, was excited beyond measure because he had made...

Customer Risk Avoidance Plan

In business today it is not uncommon for customers to pay for goods and services using credit. The bulk of these credit facilities have been made possible through the banking industry and its increased use of computer networks. The increased push towards globalization and expansion of markets has made the...

“The Rights of the Nonhuman World” by Mary Warren

Why do sentient nonhuman animals have certain basic moral rights? Sentient non-human animals are supposed to have certain moral rights because they have the capacity to distinguish pleasure and pain. Moreover, they have a tendency to avoid painful experiences. In this case, the capacity to suffer is the main reason...

Counseling Therapy: Josie Case

What are the key advocacy issues or risk factors impacting this case? Cultural factors In most cultures, people with disability are often victimized and secluded from societal activities. The victimization coupled with seclusion results in low self-esteem among the special group of individuals (Lago, 2005). Josie has undergone victimization and...

Voluntarism, Experimental and Gestalt Psychology

Experimental psychologists were, in fact, the first researchers to try to study mental processes by utilizing the experimental method to understand the influence of the body and the physical world on the mind. On the other hand, voluntarism came about with Wundt’s discovery that it is possible to measure the...

Slavery in African vs. European Countries

In historical time, slavery in Africa had various forms which sometimes did not correspond to the concept of slavery adopted in the rest of the world. However, in the middle of the 15th century, Europeans began to establish trade for African captives. Such a stage was devastating for Africa but...

H. Longfellow’s and D. Thomas’s Poetry Analysis

Literature is an approach that individuals utilize for conveying their thoughts. Among the essential themes explored by them are life, death, and their meaning. Both poems Psalm of Life by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night by Dylan Thomas offer a view on the...

The Concept of Poverty

Introduction The concept of poverty can be interpreted differently from social, economic, and other points of view; however, in each definition, this phenomenon influences all the aspects of people’s lives negatively. Based on academic theories and scholarly findings, it is possible to determine the role that families play in protecting...

“The Communist Manifesto” Book by Marx and Engels

Introduction Despite the intentions of people to live in an equal society, there will always be some social differences. In the middle of the 19th century, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, the two well-known German philosophers and social scientists introduced their vision of class struggles through the prism of the...

Society During the Early Renaissance in Europe vs. Contemporary Society

Introduction Many modern people like to think that their current progress and achievements have nothing in common with their past. They believe that their growth at this period has an immense power that did not characterize previous centuries. However, contemporary society and the society of the early Renaissance may be...

Suicide Assessment by Psychiatric Nurses

The article is qualitative research, as evidenced by the fact that there is no evidence of statistical data analysis. Indeed, the research is based on suicidal assessments, something that is hard to measure empirically. Its analysis is done in a narrative form or in words, as opposed to the use...

Visual Loss: Nursing Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Visual loss is a challenging condition associated with numerous complications. In addition to evident sensory perception deterioration, it creates significant emotional and psychological effects. The following paper presents two nursing diagnoses for a patient with a sudden loss of vision accompanied by respective teaching and nursing care plans. First...

Primary Nursing Care Model in Geriatric Units

The model of nursing care I observed the essential elements of the primary nursing model, including its being oriented at establishing productive relationships between nurses and patients and facilitating individualized provider-patient interactions (Nadeau, Pinner, Murphy, & Belderson, 2017). Moreover, I was able to observe the provision of personalized education to...

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