Psychological Trauma Assessment: Jenny Curran’s Case

Jenny Curran has developed a complex traumatic stress disorder (CTSD) due to traumas obtained in her childhood. Jenny’s alcoholic father physically and sexually abused Jenny and her sisters and as a child, she tended to try to escape from him and used to pray, “Dear God, make me a bird,...

Irish Celebrations Features

Introduction Like every country, Ireland has a rich history of celebrations, holidays, and festivals. While some of them are shared by the whole world, like New Year or Christmas, others are solely Irish peculiarity, like St. Patrick’s Festival, Bloomsday, or the Irish wake. Each holiday has its traditions, which are...

Dyslexia: Overcoming Barriers in Learning

Summary of the Disorder Dyslexia is one of the widespread learning disorders that affect the population on a large scale. According to some estimates, as much as twenty percent of individuals have it in some form or another (Lapkin, 2014). Despite such an impressive presentation and a growing body of...

The American Frontier: Reality and Myth

Introduction The American Frontier is often recognized as the single most popular period in the history of America, especially when it comes to the portrayal in the popular media and, as a result, the recognition in the public consciousness. There are many reasons for that, and different scholars tend to...

Essential Elements of Doctor of Nursing Practice in Healthcare

Introduction Essential VIII proposed by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) as a part of its Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials is concerned with advanced nursing practice. It incorporates seven sub-competencies, including those related to health assessment, intervention development, evidence-based practice, and various interpersonal skills (relationship development,...

The Global Financial Crisis Indicators and Risk of a New One

Introduction The global financial crisis of 2008-2009 was the worst economic calamity since the Great Depression. The crisis was an extremely complex event the causes of which are still disputed among economic scholars. Academic accounts of the economic disaster are characterized by disparate interpretations and a high level of heterogeneity...

I Am Legend: Fear of Science in Post-9/11 America

Introduction Francis Lawrence’s film I Am Legend came out in 2007. While the film received only mediocre reviews, it left an impact on the public conscience. Despite being an adaptation of the 1954 novel by Richard Matheson, the text of the film reflects the fears and social anxieties that people...

Charlie Crist: Florida’s Advocate for Education and Environment

The Florida state legislator chosen for the interview is Charlie Crist. He is a politician and lawyer who entered the American political arena in the 1980s as a supporter of the Republican Party. In 1992, Crist was elected to the Florida State Senate where he spent two terms protecting the...

Gilded Era of American History

The unification of the North and the South after the Civil War and the following period of Reconstruction determined the course of further growth of the United States. The end of slavery and the start of the westward expansion provided the potential for the development of the country. This situation...

Defining Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The issues of violence as a threat to many individuals’ mental, physical, and emotional well-being, is broadly discussed by researchers. However, there exist multiple definitions of the term, as well as diverse interpretations of the phenomenon. Due to the complexity of the nature of violence and its various manifestations...

Michael Jackson: Essay on His Influence on Music & Pop Culture

Are you looking for inspiration for your essay on Michael Jackson? Read this sample paper to learn about the cultural impact of Michael Jackson. How did Michael Jackson influence music? This essay answers this question, as well as discusses his impact on music videos and the whole industry. Michael Jackson...

Analyzing Ferguson et al.’s Study on Pressure Injuries

Broad Topic Area Health care reform, medical care quality, quality management, safety regulations Problem Statement Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPIs) are preventable events yet still occur because of various factors, including noncompliance to safety guidelines. Purpose Statement To determine the commonness and attributes of pressure injuries and to indicate important factors...

Addressing Healthcare Understaffing: Retention & Burnout Study

Introduction The problem of understaffing in healthcare organizations can be addressed from multiple points of view. However, all clinics should analyze possible retention strategies to detect how they can reduce nurses’ turnout rates and increase job satisfaction (Hughes, Bobay, Jolly, & Suby, 2015). The current state of research shows that...

Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore,...

Sephora and Beauty Industry

Introduction Sephora is one of the most prominent companies in the beauty industry. Just like other market players that focus on creating a positive brand image, Sephora designs and implements a range of efforts that help explain the positive outcomes of purchasing from the brand to the target customers. This...

Strategic Marketing Approach: The Case of Kraft Mac and Cheese

The food production industry is undergoing substantial changes due to the development of technology, as well as the shift in political, social, and cultural domains. Modern hectic life makes packaged food popular among diverse groups, including students, young working adults, childless couples, and families (Casini, Contini, Romano, & Scozzafava, 2015)....

Wilkie Collins’ “The Moonstone”

Introduction The character of Franklin Blake is depicted as a reliable narrator as he can explain some events of the party and can prove his innocence. Now it is certainly tempting to interpret this silence on Gabriel Betteredge’s birthday part simply as generosity and compassion. Thesis Franklin Blake’s story is...

How to End a Relationship?

Introduction Human beings are by nature social beings and therefore it can be understood that at one time in a person’s life, a person must establish a relationship of a particular nature. Relationships come in various forms and they involve a certain degree of intimacy. People enter into relationships optimistic...

Women as Leaders in the Correction Institutions

Introduction A number of female employees are interested in occupying the positions in the corrections. The work in prison is usually considered as the male one and when women are noticed at those positions a number of questions arise. Correction establishments are presupposed for working with criminals who are prejudiced...

The Great Northeast Power Blackout of 2003

Introduction In August 2003 at about 4pm EST “parts of the Northeastern United States and Southeastern Canada experienced widespread power blackouts, the US states of New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts were severely affected” (Lerner 7). Many nuclear power plants had to be shut down and...

Elemica as the Main Quotation of Chemical Products and Competition

The Main Goal of the Company Elemica main aim is to impact growth in the entire chemical industry in terms of the supply chain management and connectivity in terms of procedures and operations. It achieves this by providing web based orders hence chemical companies are able to purchase and sell...

The Situation of Gun Control

Introduction Although many states have a restrictive firearm guiding policy, it is difficult to find a problem in the world that is as fiercely debated as the issue of personal weapon control. In this context, debates principally are founded on whether laws concerning a personal right to arms are an...

The Uniqueness of Christianity in Comparison With Islam

Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...

Crisis Intervention: School-Based Crisis Teams

Introduction The crisis has become one of the burning issues in our times. According to Frieda F. Brown and Jackson P. Rainer, the crisis is “the presence of an event or situation as beyond the coping mechanisms of the individual” (Brown & Jackson, 2006, p. 953). Three components of crisis...

Hospital Acquired Pneumonia Prevention: Article Study

Hospital-acquired pneumonia (HAP) is a medical issue that causes concerns among healthcare workers: it lengthens patients’ stay in a hospital and can be followed by severe health deterioration. The article Hospital Acquired Pneumonia Prevention Initiative-2: Incidence of nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia in the United States by Baker and Quinn (2018) focuses...

Plastic Contamination and Marine Ecosystem Safety

Every year humanity creates innovative technologies, some of which have the potential to change the order of life fundamentally. Although the first plastic was invented by Alexander Parkes in 1855, it only became prevalent a few decades ago. For modern humans, plastic bags, cups, cocktail tubes, and glasses are not...

Visual Analysis – Editorial Cartoon

The student debt crisis raises an increasing concern in different segments of the USA society mainly because it places the enormous financial burden on both a distinct individual and the USA budget. The fierce debates primarily revolve around effective solutions on how to repay or reduce the debt and make...

Margaret Sanger and Her Contribution to Women’s Freedom

The American dream is a belief in a society free from prejudice, and in the success of people that depends only on their personal qualities. This dream is based on the principle of individual freedom and the protection of human rights. In search of these privileges, new migrants came to...

The Tragedy “Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Evidence of Religious Beliefs

The Tragedy of Hamlet is among Shakespeare’s notable plays which have been performed across the world. In the tragedy, the ghost of the King of Denmark tells his son, Hamlet, to avenge his death by murdering the new king who is Hamlet’s uncle. Hamlet pretends to be mad, envisions life...

Agriculture: Application of Information Technology

Information technology (IT) has been useful in transforming different sectors of modern economies. Business entities have integrated innovation in management and operational roles for effectiveness. Similarly, academic institutions have adopted online information systems for enhancing students’ performance. Many communities practiced farming and cattle rearing as a traditional way of life....

The National Football League Anti-trust Law

Introduction The world of professional sport in America undergoes several negative features. The thing is that in most of the leagues represented in the United States the economical issues became dominating over the direct approach to the sport. The National Football League (NFL) during its long-lasting development is colored today,...

Challenges Faced by Hispanic Immigrant Population

Hispanic immigrant population refers to an ethnic group coming from various countries with native Spanish language and culture. According to Ennis et al. (2011), this segment of the population is identified as Spanish, Mexican (Mexican American), Chicano, Spanish (Spanish American), Hispanic, Hispano, Latino, and so forth. The Migration Policy Institute...

Nickel and Dimed and The Queen of Versailles

Known as a Land of Opportunities, the US allows some people to become successful, leaving the rest to survive by themselves and support the few fortunate ones. As a model of capitalism, the country may ignore the needs of those who do not contribute much to money and resource circulation....

Quality Improvement Plan in Health Facility

Regular quality improvement is a critical component of modern clinical practice, hence the importance of health facilities to develop methodologies aimed at implementing quality improvement initiatives and aligning them to the broader goals and objectives of the organization (Kahn & Fuchs, 2007). This paper looks into the authority, structure, and...

Nursing Philosophies, Models, and Theories in Preventing Respiratory Complications

The project ‘Preventing Respiratory Complications on Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center’ will relate to Martha Rogers’ Unitary human being theory, Jean Watson’s Theory of Human Caring, and Madeleine Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory. Nursing Philosophy Main concept of Philosophy Project significance Martha Rogers’...

Colombian and Mexican Drug Cartels and Their Impact in the U.S.

The majority of Americans are not well informed on the illicit drug problem (Lyman & Potter, 2007, p. 1) which is giving the federal and state government a run for their money. The United States has been spending a lot of money on this issue for decades in an attempt...

Catholic Culture vs. Deaf Culture

Cultures define humans because they dictate how a group conducts its activities and how its members interact based on beliefs and traditions. Although in some instances an individual has the liberty to decide whether to belong to a particular culture or not, it is not always the case. For instance,...

Diffusion of Innovations Theory in Public Health

Prevention Intervention and Selected Article The selected injury prevention intervention chosen for this paper is alcohol and drug addiction education, an innovation that can combine several steps of intervention and different programs. Various programs that focused on alcohol, tobacco, and drug addiction education has been already implemented in the United...

Cultural Competency in Nursing

Positive changes in the demographic situation, as well as the multinational composition of the population give rise to particular concerns about cultural issues in medicine. Effective doctor-patient interaction is associated with increased patient satisfaction, adherence to recommendations, and a subsequent health improvement. Many people think of cultural competence only as...

Modern India’s Development and Political Challenge

Among the pressing issues within the Indian society is the contrast between a prospering middle class and people living in poverty, who face serious economic challenges. The modern Indian state is characterized by the caste system and the presence of scheduled groups, such as tribal people. Moreover, the history of...

Themes of Humanism in Jackson’s “The Lottery” Story

Shirley Jackson’s short story “The Lottery” is a mystic and enthralling story, shocking the audience with its ending. The story begins with a quite positive yet suspicious note. From the first lines, readers feel the tension and guess that something terrible is about to happen. Later they realize that they...

The “Finding Your Roots” Documentary

Introduction The documentary Finding Your Roots addresses a problematic matter of the American past – its slavery times. The film does not violate the ethics of the research done with people’s engagement outside the social sciences. Finding Your Roots brings to the surface the truth about black American ancestry without...

Amy Tan’s Mother Tongue Review

The United States is a multicultural country that has many variations of its official language. For example, according to Britton (2021), more than 20% of the American population have a mother tongue language other than English. An increasing number of international students in the U.S. created “ethnolinguistic diversity” (Britton, 2021,...

“Jesus’ Son” and “The Lame Shall Enter First” Comparison

Jesus’ Son, a related collection of short stories named after the lyrics of The Velvet Underground’s song, is often described as one of the most important literary works of Johnson’s generation. It was even included in The New York Times’ Top 25 Best Writings 2006 – a list of the...

6-Week Program for an Athlete Preparing for the NFL Combine

Introduction. Weeks 1-4 Objective: Increase strength, speed, and power. Monday: lower body effort; begin with 10-15 minutes warm-up with dynamic movement. Exercises Lateral leg swings: 3 sets, 12 reps, 30 seconds rest period. Front leg swings: 3 sets, 12 reps, 30 seconds rest period. Both exercises should be done with...

The Family and Medical Leave Act: Pros and Cons

The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) is an important document regulating relations between employers, and employees, protecting people, and guaranteeing the accessibility of health services. This labor law requires covered employers to provide all workers with job-protected leave for medical and family reasons with continuation of health...

Local Restaurant Closing Down

Elbistro hotel and restaurant will close its doors at the end of this week after 20 years of service due to the effects of COVID-19. The establishment is one of the most iconic businesses within our city because of the quality food it offers. George Gilbert, the manager of Elbistro,...

Nutritional Value of Wild Amaranth Grain

Indigenous people’s conventional foods represent a potentially new source of healthy dietary options in the contemporary world. The wild Amaranth plant resembles the soybeans in the early stages of growth. However, as the crop grows, it become taller, with purple-colored seeds producing amaranth grains, which can then be harvested (Kindscher...

The Philosophy of of Confucianism

The Chinese culture has its foundation in Confucianism, an ancient philosophy and belief system. It was invented by Confucius, a philosopher and teacher who lived from 551 to 479 before Common Era (BCE) (Makeham 4). According to several writings produced by Confucius ‘ pupils, confucianism stresses concepts of ethical behavior,...

Andragogy and Pedagogy for Adult Learners

Instructional coaches play an impactful role in the educational system. Since they are responsible for mentoring teachers and affecting the quality of education which they further give to the students, they have to have an excellent understanding of the efficient strategies of adult education. There are the concepts of andragogy,...

Manipulation and Distorted Traditions: Analysis of “The Lottery” by Jackson

The short story Lottery, written by Shirley Jackson, covers the events of one day in a small village where residents gather for the traditional annual lottery. However, while most lotteries bring positive results to the winners, such as monetary prizes and material rewards, the story twists its original meaning. The...

Planning Tony and Peggy Sue’s Wedding

Summary All events must have proper planning to become successful to the planners. A wedding is a sensitive occasion that must be well systematised in that it will suit the desires of both parties. When doing a wedding, individuals need knowledge and expertise to assist in putting in place each...

Quality Improvement Initiative to Prevent Infection

Introduction Quality is an essential aspect of healthcare that allows for striving for excellent performance when facilitating patient outcomes. Any organization motivated to grow and develop must rely on continuous quality improvement based on the timely identified drawbacks in the current practices. In particular, the detection of frequent and repetitive...

Mayo Clinic: Health Care Risk Management

Introduction Healthcare risk management is critical to patient safety, as it helps minimize the risk of adverse events and improve the quality of care. Mayo Clinic, a renowned healthcare organization, has a comprehensive approach to healthcare risk management that includes several components, such as patient safety culture, patient safety processes,...

Drugs Theme in R. Carver’s “Cathedral” and J. Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

Many people associate drug abuse with antisocial behavior such as crime. However, drugs do not necessarily lead to such behavior. In Raymond Carver’s “Cathedral” and James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” drugs, such as marijuana, alcohol, and heroine enhances creativity and also enables self-discovery. Alcohol and marijuana enhance the communication between the...

Monster Theory Applied to Beowulf

Monsters are legendary creatures characterized by grotesqueness, supernatural powers, and the desire to bring harm and suffering to people. The main difference between monsters and other mythological creatures lies in the sociological aspect that characterizes them. Monsters are essentially transgressive, that is, they violate traditional ideas and social norms. Monsters...

Legalization Debate: Comparing Marijuana and Crack Cocaine Policies

Legal use of marijuana Marijuana (cannabis) has varied medicinal uses, and many States in the Americas have allowed the possession and use of small quantities of marijuana for medicinal purposes only. This is consistent with the fact that “Eleven states in the United States passed laws allowing cannabis possession and...

Studying Abroad: Pros and Cons (Essay Example)

Studying Abroad Essay: Introduction On the outside, it may seem extraordinarily strange that some individuals choose to journey hundreds, perhaps thousands of miles to study abroad when they could just easily register for a similar course in their home country. But on the inside, there are many valid reasons why...

Prescription Drug Abuse in Oklahoma: Awareness & Prevention

Introduction Substance abuse is, unfortunately, quite a common phenomenon in the 21st-century reality (Holmes 17). While, for the most part, drugs are rather hard to obtain, with prescribed drug abuse, however, the situation becomes more complicated, since the doctor provides the patient with open access to the drug. As a...

Gun Control in U.S. Domestic Policy: Analyzing Legislation and Public Opinion

Introduction The United States has a strong gun culture, and it is estimated that there are over 300 million privately owned firearms in the country. With this number, the US is a developed country with the highest proportion of private gun ownership. In recent years, there have been calls for...

Enhancing Quality of Life: Peer Support for Intellectually Disabled Individuals

Provision of support to people with intellectual disabilities is an important topic that could potentially improve the quality of life for many intellectually disabled people around the world. This paper aims to examine several articles that explore, among others, the role of peer support in the life of people with...

Health Disparities in Hispanic Minorities: A Public Health Crisis

Introduction The increasing diversification of the United States’ population has led to a situation where, according to the recent estimates, up to 36 percent is comprised of ethnic and racial minorities (CDC, n.d.). It has also been established that due to a wide range of health disparities, these minorities are...

Telemedicine and Electronic Health Records: Transforming Modern Healthcare

Introduction The quality of modern health care delivery can be significantly improved with the adequate utilization of patient care technologies (Cassano, 2014). The evolution of IT industry provided the basis for the continuous drive for innovation in the medical field. Health care organizations (HCOs) recognized the need for the development...

Diabetic Foot Ulcers: Effects on Quality of Life and Health Management Strategies

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases, which are known in the world. Apart from being a critical health problem, it affects various aspects of the lives of people who are diagnosed with it. Therefore, the disease in question might change the lifestyle due to its complications...

College Sports vs. Quality Education in American Universities

Today, more than ever before, it is increasingly becoming clear that big-time college sports are adversely affecting the quality of education provided by American universities. Many of the students enrolling into these institutions seem motivated by other concerns outside the scope of achieving quality education. This trend is not new,...

Evidenced-Based Practice in Nursing: Motivation vs. Barriers

Introduction The major role of the nursing profession is to provide high-quality health services. The implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) is one of the most important strategies to achieve this professional role. EBP refers to the contentious, judicial, and explicit use of the current empirical or scientific evidence in informing...

Themes and Devices in “Disgrace” by Coetzee

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” written by John Maxwell Coetzee can affect anyone who reads it. The author of the work has received several awards for it, and experts in the field have highly appreciated the book. The reading reveals the essence of extremes that can exist in any person, and...

Financial Operation Exposure Management Principles

Operating exposure is the effect on the value of a firm arising from a change in exchange rates. These changes in exchange rates affect a firm’s cash flows of operation in the future (Connolly, 2006). When the exchange rates fluctuate, the relative prices that a firm also faces experience change....

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Advanced Clinical Decision Support Systems

Change Proposal Patient safety is the key priority of all health care professionals since no mistakes are allowed in this area. Regardless of the level of technological support of the unit, safety policies require ongoing improvement as they must respond to the ever-changing environment (Healy, 2016). The problem is that...

Standards and Best Practices in Program Management

Abstract The short and long-term objectives of a project should be analyzed before examining possible implications on the resources to be involved for its completion. It is critical to examine the budgetary provision, expected efficiencies for the project, and draft a schedule to meet the project deadline and limit risks...

IBM Company’s Mission and History of Change

Look for a statement of mission IBM IBM is committed to becoming the leader in the invention and innovation of advanced information technologies such as software, microelectronics, computer systems, and storage systems. Microsoft Incorporation Microsoft is committed to helping individual and organizational customers attain their full potential. Ben &Jerry At...

A Rock Concert by Kansas

The Concert by Kansas Recently, on the evening of Friday, February 19, I attended a rock concert by Kansas. Kansas is an American rock band that gained its popularity as early as in the 1970s, and is still active today, albeit it had a short break in 1984-1985. The band...

Comprehensive Guide to Decision-Making Processes in Organizations

Break-even point in annual unit sale The break-even analysis gives the number of units of output that must be produced and sold that will ensure that the total cost incurred equals the total revenue earned. Therefore, it will give the minimum number of units of goods that need to be...

Chad’s Agricultural Reforms and Challenges

Introduction The case country is Chad, one of the least developed countries located in Central Africa. Chad is bordered by Libya in the north, Niger to the west, Nigeria and Niger in the southwest, Central Africa Republic to the south, and Sudan in the east. Similar to Country A, Chad’s...

“A Grief Observed” the Work by C. S. Lewis

Clive Staple Lewis is a known writer, renowned scholar, and lay theologian. He is recognized for over 30 works written in a genre of fiction and non-fictional Christian apologetics that is still cited by many philosophers and apologetics. One of C. S. Lewis’s religious works, A Grief Observed, was dedicated...

Evaluating Restraint Use in Home Care: A Nursing Perspective

The article by Scheepmans et al. (2013) is titled “Restraint use in home care: A qualitative study from a nursing perspective”, and it is an appropriate description of this work. The abstract is well-structured and contains all the necessary sections that would help to get a better understanding of the...

Sepsis Prevention Project: Implementing Orlando’s Nursing Theory

Nursing Theory The nursing theory that can be utilized as the basis of this intervention is Orlando’s Deliberative Nursing Process. According to this philosophy, introduced in the 1970s, the nurse-patient relationship lies at the center of all activities that a nurse performs (Smith & Parker, 2015). The nursing process is...

Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates Through Strategic Follow-Up Call Programs

Introduction Due to the importance of improving the transitional care model through follow-up calls to reduce patient readmission rates, the nursing practice should be based on a special methodology involving a comprehensive assessment of the problem. Since the work is aimed at the direct interaction of medical personnel with patients,...

Nuclear Family’s Assessment in a Low-Income Area

Introduction It was chosen to select a nuclear family in a low-income area for the present assessment. The choice was based on the fact that families that live in an environment that lacks resources for prosperity are more likely to have worse health outcomes compared to those who have access...

Climate Change and Impact on Human Health

Introduction It is well known that nowadays, due to the destructive activity of human beings, climate change has become a burning issue. Thus, it may lead to global warming, which causes sewage contamination in cities, ozone air pollution, and wildfires (Patz, & Thomson, 2018). As a result, all these changes...

Racial Discrimination in the US

Introduction Racial discrimination refers to the unfair systems of social relationships, justified by principles whereby one racial class benefits from controlling the other and uses this control to define its self as well as other people, (Piven F., Richard A. 2007). The system of racism entails degrading and harmful actions...

Managing People: How People Can Be Managed?

The main topic of the assignment is managing people. How people can be managed? Mangers’ most difficult and important job is to manage people. Every organization is facing a shortage of talents to manage to change the environment. The world of work is changing. New labor laws, globalization, shifting demographics,...

Old Angel Midnight by Jack Kerouac

Introduction The narrative that has been taken into consideration goes by the name of Old Angel Midnight and was written perhaps in the year 1959 and was written by the well-known author Jack Kerouac. This narrative can be considered as a consequence of Kerouac’s involuntary experiments of writing that he...

Heroine Analysis: Helen and Penelope in “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey”

Introduction The story of Helen and Penelope in both works by Homer displays different destinies of the two most eminent heroines in terms of their participation in the development of actions shown in both books. In this respect it is necessary to admit that The Odyssey and The Iliad touch...

“Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress” by Dai Sijie

Dai Sijie and his novel Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress provide a scope of huge intentions of two young men in China to provide their skills in learning foreign literature in a time when such perspective was banned by the government. The thing is that the events in the...

Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche: Comparative Analysis

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel was born on 27th August, 1770 in Stuttgart, Germany and died on 14th November, 1831, in Berlin. At Tübingen he studied theology and after that pursued contemporary philosophy and Greek classics. He also served as private tutor for 7 years and then...

Objectivity in the Role Played by University Student Leaders

Abstract The need of a student leadership in universities cannot be overemphasized. Considering the university setup where students have too much freedom, and unlike school settings where there is more interaction between students and the administration, university student leadership is crucial in ensuring a working relationship between the university and...

Bullying and School Drop Out Rate Relationship Analysis

Bullying is a dynamic concept that refers to repeated experiences of systematic abuse by an individual seeking to dominate others in a social setup. Perpetrators and victims of bullying are vulnerable to the challenges of social stratification (Lösel& Hurrelmann, 2009). Bullying is rife in schools where physical and verbal abuse...

Culture Discouraging Girls From Excelling at Math

The video is a documentary coverage of an all-girl math contest which is held annually in the United States. The contest, held at the New York University, presents new perspectives on some of the reasons why math seems to be a male-dominated subject. Similar competitions held before for both genders...

“Strange Meeting” by Wilfred Owens

Introduction Wilfred Owen is often considered as one of the eminent war poets in English literature who exhibits real pathos in his poems. His war poetry shows an astonishing advance in expressions as well as contents. Owen had previous experimented with a variety of new technical devices, such as half–rhymes,...

Pressure Ulcer: PICOT Question

Introduction Prolonged immobility is one of the most common factors causing pressure ulcers in patients in the emergency department. Most often, such injuries are hospital-acquired and caused by improper skincare. The consequences of pressure ulcers can be critical because, in addition to external tissues, internal organs are also deformed. This...

Interview and Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Interview Summary The interviewee is a registered nurse working in the intensive care unit of a local hospital. The nurse is a female in her late twenties with five-year working experience at the hospital mentioned above. The interviewee provides a wide range of healthcare services to patients with diverse acute...

“Heat” by Joyce Carol Oates Review

The story depicts life as a period, full of torment and fierceness, whereas death is the nonappearance of it, nearly peaceful. Death is energized and claimed in history because of the challenges in life. The depiction of Rhea and Rhonda proves of Oates’ message portraying them as lovely as dolls....

Differences Between Left and Right Parties

Despite the fact that almost all people want to achieve the most comfortable, fair and healthy state of society, the ways in which they want to do this are often radically different. Thus, there is a division into several groups or political parties according to people’s beliefs and ideas. For...

Tax Research Memo and Calculations

Eighteen months ago, Barry Bartolo won a $2 million Massachusetts state lottery and chose to receive it as a $120,000 annual annuity for the rest of his life. This year his sisters persuaded him to sell the annuity to a financial institution for $1.79 million and invest the proceeds in...

Master of Finance to Help African Development

Introduction Education is a vital need of modern society. It allows people to develop their skills and talents so that to further use them for their own prosperity and for the glory of their countries and continents. In Africa, the issue of education is rather burning as the weak economies...

Autism in the “A Boy Called Po” by Asher

Summary of Po’s Experience Autism is a developmental disability characterized by significant communication, social, and behavioral challenges among affected individuals, and in most cases, it begins from early childhood. As a result, patients interact, communicate, and behave in manners different from other healthy individuals (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...

Case Management Models in Care Delivery

Introduction Case management models are nursing concepts that encompass the delivery of satisfactory care to the patients in both hospitals and the community. This type of management has been noted to entail immense advantages that satisfy both patients and nurses in the healthcare system. The model is seen as that...

Organizational Cultures in Healthcare Facilities

Organizational culture is one of the fundamental aspects that organizations need in order to improve their performance and quality. In the health sector, organizational culture is important because it helps employees deliver services that match the needs of patients. A good combination of organizational cultures is essential for any health...

Smallpox Vaccines & the Future

It is unimaginable what could be the situation at the present if the smallpox vaccine had not been discovered. One development that has been hailed to save mankind from a dreaded disease is the discovering of the vaccine. From the audio interview, Richard Preston author of “Demon in the Freezer”...

The Importance of Community Health Education

Contribution of Community Health to Addressing the Causes of Death of Young People The health efforts the community makes can affect the leading causes of death for adolescents and the adults in many ways. Adolescents aged between ten and fourteen years have the lowest risk of death compared to other...

Analysis of Reverse Psychology Used by Lago in Shakespeare’s “Othello”

The character of Iago from Shakespeare’s Othello is one of the most unique and multi-faceted villainous characters from all of Shakespeare’s works. The mysterious and deceitful aura of the character makes the play more thrilling to the viewer or reader, who is aware of Iago’s untruthful motives, and makes the...

“Why We Need to Talk About Suicide”: Lessons Learnt

Introduction Suicidal contemplations and actions remain taboo topics, which might hinder suicide prevention efforts. In his speech titled “Why We Need to Talk about Suicide,” Mark Henick exposes, criticizes, and explains the ongoing avoidance of this issue. This response paper’s purpose involves summarizing new learning from the video and remaining...

Mounds in History of American Mound-Builder Societies

In America, there is a vast territory littered with thousands of archaic mounds and embankments made by a man out of earth and shell. This territory starts from the Great Lakes and stretches all the way out to the Gulf of Mexico, encompassing the Mississippi Valley out to the coast...

The Success of Denial and Deception Efforts

Introduction Denial and deception is a term that is frequently used to characterize a nation’s employment of a variety of information operations to achieve its goals. The attempt to suppress information that an opponent may utilize to learn some truth is denial. By definition, deception refers to a country’s attempt...

Principles and Values of Buddhism

Introduction Buddhism is among the most ancient religions that have followers in the modern world. It is regarded as one of the major religions in the world with approximately 500 million followers globally. However, as Buddhism originated in India more than 2,500 years ago, the vast majority of its followers...

Multiple Regression in Practice

Introduction Nowadays, multiple regression (MLR) is believed to be an efficient means of analysis of independent configurations. The article under consideration aims at finding the correlation between centralization, digitalization, and structuralization in terms of public procurement. Thus, the authors provide the results attached as a table. By use of MLR,...

How to Conduct Greeting Session With Patients With Suicide, and Homicide

Introduction The greeting session does not involve any deep analysis of the client’s thoughts and diagnosis as well. It can be described as a get-to-know meeting rather than wholesome work. During the first session, the client usually tells about his problems, while the specialist asks about his feelings, concerns, and...

Banking in the United States of America

History Of Banking The United States of America has the most powerful banking system in the world. However, this system is one of the youngest, and banking has its own specifics with a lot of restrictions and even archaic elements. Its own banking structure appeared in the United States during...

Creating a Nursing Plan to Improve Response to Pain

Introduction Nurses’ actions and attitudes play a significant role in the physical and mental state of their patients. It is hard to disagree that precisely nurses empower patients in the decision-making process and act as advocates for their rights. Consequently, it is essential for nurses to avoid medical errors and...

Youth Struggling with Mental Illnesses

Mental Health Problems All three components: body, “soul,” and society, are closely related to each other and affect a person’s well-being and condition. The ability to cope with stress, anxiety, and bad moods reduces the likelihood of psychosomatic diseases based on psychological causes. However, there are more and more cases...

Solving the Capital Leakage Problem with the Help of Local Assets: Jamaica

Before discussing a possible marketing plan for Jamaica’s tourism, it would be helpful to start with the physical description of the island. Jamaica’s terrain is predominantly mountainous, where a sandstone plain covers nearly 67 percent of the mainland, and sinkhole groupings dominate the island with caves (Marsooli & Lin, 2020)....

Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs

Experimental drugs are certain medicines not officially approved to treat specific illnesses. The use of unproven therapy might be unsafe, as the effect of such a cure is unpredictable. As a rule, doctors prescribe and document treatment that is counted in the official medical database. Indeed, incurable patients might use...

Social Media and Children’s Brains: Source Analysis

The first source is an article on a Newport Academy Website named Effects of Social Media on Teenagers. It was published on July 14th, 2022, by Monroe and analyzes how various social media resources affect teenagers. The author uses statistics from other publications and touches on the subject of mental...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Nursing Intervention

Introduction Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the children’s most frequent neurodevelopmental diseases. Hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention are hallmarks of this disorder. Around 2.2% of school-aged children worldwide are affected by this. ADHD symptoms can range from hyperactivity to attentional dominance. Smoking, heavy drinking, stress, and prenatal lead...

Aspects of Medical Treatment for Alzheimer’s

Introduction Since there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, it is one of the significant issues of the modern day. Alzheimer’s patients experience memory loss and trouble finding the appropriate phrases in the early stages of the illness. The sick people’s emotional statements are likewise erratic. The development of emotional...

Housing Discrimination: Redlining Continuing Affects

Introduction The issue of homeownership inequity, such as the historic redlining practice, is one of the most challenging aspects when buying a home. Housing discrimination limits certain homebuyers’ capacity to build equity. Housing discrimination is the unlawful act of discriminating or acting in a biased manner toward those who purchase...

K Tire’s Radio Frequency Identification Technology

K Tire is a South Korean company, established in September 1960 when the country’s domestic automotive industry was still in its primitive stage. The same applied to other auto motive parts such as the tire industry. The operations of the company then were affected by facilities shortages and backward technology....

Income Inequality in Modern Society

The problem of income inequality occupies a high niche in the modern economic agenda of the country. First of all, this refers to the irregular distribution of material wealth among the population. The market economy is based on the fact that income is shared depending on several factors of production,...

Mission of Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Mission and Vision “The State of Ohio will be free of sexual violence” is the vision of Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence. Consequently, a vision statement defines the company’s projected future course. The vision statement significantly describes the organization’s strategies. A vision statement is a glimpse into the future...

Drug and Prostitution Issues in the Local Community

The present scenario concerns a patrol officer assigned to a truck stop near a major highway encountering crime and disorder problems. This truck stop serves as a parking lot for hundreds of trucks and is known for having high levels of drug use and prostitution. Parents in the community have...

Trauma and the Impact It Has on a Child’s Life

Introduction Trauma can be described as an emotional reaction to an unexpected event, such as an accident, a natural disaster, and others. Trauma can also be associated with harm caused to a person’s mental health as a result of exposure to adverse environmental factors. U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (2022)...

Cultural Intersection and Portrayal of Native Americans in Dances with Wolves and The Searchers

Introduction The realm of cinema is a treasure trove of narratives that explore the human condition, often delving into critical socio-cultural discourses. Two films that navigate the terrain of cultural intersections and the complex dynamics of racial tension are Kevin Costner’s Dances with Wolves (1990) and John Ford’s The Searchers...

Role of Women in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek society was one of the most highly developed communities of its time. Science thrived, and so did the economy, architecture, literature, art, and many other components of any culture. On the other hand, however developed the ancient Greek society may seem, there was indeed place for certain shortcomings....

The Case for Legalizing Same-Sex Marriages in the USA

Today the issue of same-sex marriages is widely discussed in the legal and social spheres in the USA. Every day the situation becomes more and more controversial because this problem involves the questions of the equality of civil rights for all people in the country and the role of states...

Managing Organizational Changes at Mitra Organizations: Effective Strategies

Introducing changes to an organization is always a challenging task. Even in case the smallest details have to be altered, the entire system has to be shaped so that the alterations in question could lead to an improvement instead of harming the firm. The situation in Mittra’s organization, the case...

Technology’s Influence on Design Evolution

The introduction and adoption of the new technology in the contemporary world has significantly intertwined graphic design practices and other reproduction techniques. The so rapid growing use of the modern digital media makes the expectation of the design practices more difficult to meet. Today, graphic designers must learn both the...

Symbolism in “Disgrace” by John Coetzee

Introduction The Novel, Disgrace, revolves around David Lurie, a University lecturer who faces one disgrace after another. Disgrace follows David wherever he goes throughout the novel. The 52-year-old man faces life in a post apartheid South Africa where racial discrimination is still rife. David’s first scandal with Melanie at the...

Overload in Canadian Public Hospitals: Challenges and Solutions

Issue The emergency wards in public hospitals are overstretched in terms of the physical space and staff who should attend to the patients. According to a recent survey by MacQueen (1), patients are always forced to wait for close to one hour before they can get critical services at the...

The Historical Significance of Versailles: Louis XIV’s Architectural Legacy

Louis XIV always wanted people from different countries, including his native one, to realize the power and glory of France. He believed that the place of his reign also has a great role, as it is seen by many people. So when he got tired of Louvre, the “Sun King”...

Miami’s Strategy for Managing Communicable Diseases Effectively

Introduction Communicable diseases are frequently more dangerous than chronic because they are characterized by a quick spread and can develop into an epidemic which is difficult to control. Some of them can be controlled and prevented with the help of vaccination according to a national schedule. In fact, global attention...

Gender Display in TV Shows, Movies and News

How Gender is shown in the Media The media has been the biggest stream of information that is readily and easily accessed. Through the media, people get to learn of important information and some unimportant issues about the world regarding what is trending and what is irrelevant. The effects of...

Understaffing in Palmetto Hospitals: Addressing Nursing Challenges and Patient Care

Inadequate nurse staffing levels affect almost all aspects of the delivery of health care services. According to the American Nurses Association, the nursing shortage can increase to 1 million RN by 2020 if the issue is not properly addressed (as cited in Zinn, Guglielmi, Davis, & Moses, 2012). The aim...

Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott Decision

How was each section of the country impacted by the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision? Both the Kansas-Nebraska Act and the Dred Scott decision promoted slavery against the backdrop of the pressure from the Northerners for the abolition of the practice. The passage of the Act coupled with...

Lucy Lurie in “Disgrace” by J. M. Coetzee

Despite the impressive improvement in recent decades, adherence to humanistic values remains uneven in different parts of the world. Even after the official adoption, they continue to be undermined by conservative social views, leading to numerous personal tragedies. In Disgrace, J.M. Coetzee creates a complex character, Lucy Lurie, who faces...

The Soup Spoon Company’s Marketing Management

The company presented in the case study is The Soup Spoon, which has 21 outlets in Singapore. Although its menu mostly consists of soups, the customers can also purchase salads, sandwiches, and wraps. The company’s ambitions are strong, and the founders of the company aim to become “the Starbucks of...

Westward Expansion of the United States: 19th Century History

The westward expansion of the United States is the central theme of American history of the second part of the nineteenth century. During this process, millions of settlers moved to the North American West and Great Planes. It resulted in the integration of massive amounts of new land to the...

Bias of Communication: Space-Biased Media & Other Concepts

Bias of Communication: Essay Introduction The concept of bias of communication has attracted many scholars over the past years. The media used to communicate to a given audience determine the nature of bias. Harold also argues that some communication platforms can retain a given message for a longer period while...

Creating My Ideal State with Presidential System

Introduction The targeted country has been characterized by civil unrest and a dictatorial leadership style. A new opportunity for democratic leadership has emerged after the end of the past regime. This paper begins by describing the domestic concerns that need to be addressed and the best measures to achieve positive...

Nursing: Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being

Nurse practitioners (NPs) can identify different theories and apply them in their respective units to deliver high-quality care. This nursing critique paper analyses Martha Rogers’ Science of Unitary of Human Being. It begins by presenting the theory’s meaning. The next parts examine the model’s origin, usefulness, and testability. The last...

Technological Advancements in Bar Code Medication Administration Systems

Designed by Glenna Kennick, the Bar Code Medication Administration (BCMA) is an automated information technology tool that helps to prevent medication errors. This technology influences health service delivery and nursing care. It improves patient safety by ensuring that patients are attended to appropriately. As such, BCMA has been helpful because...

First Steps on Becoming a Grassroots Lobbyist or Advocate for Health Care Policy

Leave Behind The attempt by the Republican Party to modify the existing Affordable Care Act passed under President Obama is incompetent. Attempts to bend regulations to benefit health insurance companies and large employers. Existing loopholes for state waivers for higher premiums for individuals with pre-existing conditions. States have the ability...

Exxon Mobil Corporation’s Sales Strategy

The Exxon Mobil Corporation is an Oil and Gas Industry based company. The company became the largest company in the world, in terms of its revenue, after the merger between the two companies Exxon and Mobil. The company is also the largest publicly owned company with a market capitalization worth...

“The Frogs” Comedy Analysis

Introduction It begins with Dionysus’ trip. At first it is described as an attempt to save the tragedy but latter it turns into an attempt to save Athens. His trip assumes a double function and purpose. The first one, the salvation of the theatre is easy to be identified. Meanwhile...

Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the UK

Introduction Fiscal and monetary policies in every country are the two major tools to sustain macroeconomic stability and to ensure the functioning of the state. These two policies differ and use different inventory; however, their interconnectedness and hence the necessity to carefully interrelate them has been proven long ago, thus...

“Billy Elliot” as a Play and a Movie

The work of cinematography I am going to analyze is called “Billy Elliot”. The film is about a boy who wants to become a ballet dancer. He meets his father’s and brother’s opposition; he has no person to support him except his grandmother. The dance teacher recognizes his talent and...

Disney Movie “Beauty and The Beast”

Introduction The notion that physical appearance is used as a measure for ugliness or good look has been used so frequently in the movie world. In many instances, physically unattractive individuals are made to believe that they have a negative impact on people who watch them as far as scariness...

Communication and Conflict: Analysis of a Conflict Situation

Case Overview Mr. Selig as the producer in this show has sternly expressed a positive demand on the result of the show which is about to be performed and does not require any further discussion about the matter. To him, the only thing he would accept is the success of...

Knowledge Theory in Philosophers’ Views

Introduction Despite many philosophical works and scientific research, it is still problematic for humanity to understand where knowledge has come from and how one receives it. Knowledge often has to do with the soul, the divine beginning, and the concept of world creation. Some philosophers, such as the empiricists John...

Vaccine Hesitancy as a Global Health Issue

Introduction Addressing global health issues is a complex and multifaceted task since in order to determine the most severe problems, healthcare providers need to identify relevant trends and common threats. In the context of the availability of information exchange, the measures proposed by authoritative boards may be distributed among the...