Holtz Children’s Hospital: Licensing and Professionalism

Organization and Its Clients The organization I would like to work at as a Family Nurse Practitioner is Holtz Children’s Hospital, a department of Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami (“Holtz children’s hospital,” 2017). The hospital offers a variety of pediatric services such as neonatology, neurosurgery, nephrology, dermatology, otolaryngology, intensive care,...

World War I: Franz Ferdinand’s Death and Alliances

The Great War caused the death of at least 8.5 million soldiers and 7 million civilians (Erlanger 1). The Great War maimed and injured 20 million people. Aside from the horrific casualties, significant economic losses deprived many people the chance to acquire a decent livelihood. In the aftermath of World...

Emancipation Proclamation in American History

There is no doubt that original texts of legislative proposals and proclamations remain the most credible sources for individuals interested in the history of their countries. Among the brightest events related to American history in the second half of the nineteenth century, it is necessary to single out the appearance...

Dys- and Functional Disputes in Organizations

Introduction Choosing your battles entails calculated tactics, forethought, confidence, and solution-focused strategies to distinguish between dysfunctional and functional disputes, articulate Robbins and Judge (2015). In the context of organizational behavior, the ingenuity of disentangling adverse collisions and instituting effective conflicts is imperative especially for managers and leaders of team groups....

Obesity Prevention and Patient Teaching Plan

Introduction The problem of obesity in modern society is an issue that could hardly be overlooked due to its vast prevalence among the United States population (Roberto et al., 2015). Based on the information obtained in Genetic Health History, it should be stated that the adult participant is at risk...

Legislative Change: Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment

Strategies for Legislative Change The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was presented during the presidency of Obama to provide more opportunities in healthcare coverage and reduce the number of uninsured people in the country. While major achievements are already evident in the medical sphere, there are many points to...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Readmission

Introduction Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a very common lung disease often caused by smoking, fumes, and a polluted environment. Sometimes, genetics can determine a predisposition towards COPD. Although the disease can be treated in many hospitals and the mechanisms for its diagnosis and treatment are well-known, the readmission rate...

Video Game Creation: “The Ballad Singer”

Executive Summary The project involves creating “The Ballad Singer,” a unique role-playing videogame developed by a group of Italian designers, which has elements of a visual novel. It provides players with opportunities to play according to multiple (about 1700) paths or stories that have 40 endings. This videogame primarily depends...

Telehealth: Barriers of the Technology Adoption

Introduction Telehealth technologies are often referred to as the future of family practice and the overall healthcare system as it increases Americans’ access to quality health care. The use of technology has proved to be beneficial in many cases especially when it comes to rural areas (Moore et al., 2017)....

French, Chinese and Hispanic Cultural Customs

French Cultural Rites and Customs The interviewed person is French. She states that an important custom or even ritual is getting together to have dinner. She stresses that inviting people to such dinners can also be regarded as a ritual. An invitation to a dinner should be seen as an...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Outback Steakhouse Restaurant’s Selection Process

How the employee selection methods at Outback Steakhouse help the organization achieve a competitive advantage Competitive advantage is achieved through the optimization of the company’s internal and external environment. If a company manages to leverage its structure, it will be far easier for the company to remain relevant in its...

Google Search vs. EBSCO Information Services

Abstract The following work is devoted to the investigation of modern ways of getting information. Possibilities of a web search system are analyzed and compared with possibilities of a web library which also gives access to academic sources. Their convenience, ease of use, ability to fulfill the demands of a...

The UPS Store’s Total Quality Management Adoption

Could the implementation of the main principles of the TQM result in the significant increase of the level of performance of a company and its incomes? Nowadays, in terms of severe rivalry, UPS company tries to implement the strategy that will be able to guarantee its success and gradual improvement...

Global Strategic Management: Competitive Advantage

Production of valuable, unique, and hard to imitate products is the best approach that a company can employ to gain a competitive advantage. However, most companies encounter many difficulties in trying to maintain the competitive advantage as explained below. Competition All business people aim at having a competitive advantage over...

Walmart Company’s Value Chain and Industry Analysis

Introduction Walmart’s current approach toward its value chain management can be regarded as directed at international expansion. Specifically, the inbound and outbound logistics of the company have reached the global level, the company having thousands of suppliers all over the world (Nguyen, 2017). In order to enhance its performance rates,...

Race in Social Scientific Research in the United States

Introduction Research of diverse issues is usually guided by the corresponding associations. Thus, the study of “race” as a scholarly and social problem is provided under the statements of the American Anthropological Association (AAA) and American Sociological Association (ASA). Both organizations provide their views on social scientific research on race,...

Human Trafficking and Psychological Impacts

Human trafficking refers to the sale of people for the intention of prostitution, forced labor, or profitable sexual abuse. Hernandez and Rudolph (2015) aver that human trafficking may encompass “providing a spouse in the context of forced marriage or extraction of organs or tissues including for surrogacy and ova removal”...

The CS/CS/HB 1337 Bill by Health and Human Services Committee

Introduction It could be stated with certainty that legislative acts are one of the most important instruments that are used to improve the public health sector in general as well as the quality of care, patient safety, and the ability of nursing professionals to efficiently perform their tasks. The purpose...

Research Designs and Sampling in Nursing Practice

Introduction The primary role of nurses is to take care of patients, but the scope of practice has expanded to address emerging needs. Research is one of the areas that have emerged and it contributes significantly to the overall care provision. In nursing, research is needed to advance the practice,...

The Climate Tragedy and Adaptation to Disasters

Introduction Issues affecting the environment and people’s livelihood in a changing climate are the subject of many studies and discussions and, as a rule, evoke a lively public interest. Some authors consider these problems comprehensively, and some focus on specific topics, conducting in-depth studies and analyzing the current situation from...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Desiree’s Baby” Short Story by Kate Chopin

Introduction In the short story, Desiree’s Baby Kate Chopin depicts truth of life speaking about social problems of women and role of racial differences. In this short story, a women character of embodies qualities and unique characteristics typical for many 19th century women, and reflects their expectations, values and morals....

Explaining What Is Meant by Authoritarian and Totalitarian Models of Government

In political science, or any studies related to politics, a major concern is the right understanding of the various systems of government and the clear understanding of the systems of authoritarianism and totalitarianism is of pertinent significance as they are often not well understood or discussed. Authoritarianism can be well...

Working Capital Management Analysis

Working capital management is often adopted as a strategic managerial accounting function. The main objective of working capital management is to maintain efficient levels of the two components of working capital – current assets and current liabilities – concerning each other. By efficiently managing its working capital the firm would...

Enya’s “Orinoco Flow” Song Analysis

Enya is the anglicized version of the name Eithne N Bhraonin, the artist who recorded Orinoco Flow. Technically the song is considered to be “New Age”, which is often thought of as a new type of “elevator music”. However, the construction of the melody and the combination of interesting, though...

Ocean Transport Capitalizing Interest Costs

SFAS 34 Capitalization of Interest Cost SFAS 34 Capitalization of Interest Cost was enforced in Oct 1979 and laid out standards for capitalization of interest cost as a part of the historical cost of acquiring certain assets. The interest cost that may be material and eligible for capitalization includes the...

Hearing “Sonny’s Blues”, by James Baldwin

James Baldwin spent most of his adult life living in France, but is widely recognized as an essential American writer. Through the experiences of his youth in Harlem and the distance of his adulthood in France, Baldwin was able to both illustrate the unique nature of the black community as...

The Process of Control in Schools and the Role of Leaders

A school is composed of students, teachers and administrators who contribute to the process of control. The institutions or individuals vested with the authority to initiate control in schools include administrators, state school officers, school education boards, student and teacher organizations. Student control is achieved through organizations such as student...

Research Methodology Philosophy in Strategic Management

The Research Philosophy Explaining the research philosophy helps in understanding the interrelationship amongst the key components of the research and makes room for improvement in the methodology. This also helps in recognizing different positions concerning the research methods and defending the position being adopted for a particular research study. It...

Sephora: Liberating Beauty Products

Summary Sephora is international cosmetic products retail store that has its roots in France that was started as a perfume store in 1993. Sephora has experienced rapid growth in the past decade in terms of the number of retail outlets it has on the back of innovative marketing practices that...

Strong Central Government: Public Administration

Introduction A strong central government is a political system whereby, all the laws that are supposed to govern a country are made by the central government. Some people argue that it is the most appropriate system of governance because it does away with the variations that would affect the approach...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Curriculum Outline: Classroom Planning with Groups

Introduction In accomplishing their responsibilities, educators are faced with many challenges. Among them, is teaching students whose English is their first language (Meyers, 1993). This can be encountered at any level of the educational system including grades 4-6 (Gibbons, 1994). Being a great challenge, educators are faced with problem of...

Best Practices for Identifying Gifted Student

Currently many parents find it hard to identify the talents of their children and thus they depend on teachers and other career counselors for help. Therefore, it is imperative that these people know the procedures behind identifying the gifted children (Johnsen, 2009, p.9). According to the Improving America’s Schools Act...

Human Rights Violations in Hong Kong

The current event discussed in this paper is about a story that appeared on Human Rights Watch on March 27, 2020. The article is about the arrest of district councilor Cheng Lai-king on March 26, 2020, after being accused of seditious intent. According to the article, Cheng is a pro-democracy...

English Introduction to Literature: “Journey Into Literature” by R. Clugston

In his book “Journey into literature”, Clugston provides an engaging and informative outlook on varied aspects of the process of reading. Clugston shows reading as an interesting and inspiring journey into the world of human wisdom. In the following paper, I aim to address particular concepts from Clugston’s text to...

Free School Lunches: Support of Free Lunch and Opposition and Rebuttal

Introduction Children are delicate, and they should be given all the necessary support that they need at school, including being offered free lunch. Hungry children cannot learn efficiently because they lack the capacity to tolerate the effects of an empty stomach. However, whether school lunches should be free or not...

Offline Learning in the Educational Process

The educational process has always been influenced by new technologies and methods of conveying knowledge. Nowadays, it undergoes revolutionary changes due to digitalization, which threatens to replace the traditional classroom teaching method. Similar situations have happened before, for example, with the invention of printed books or videotapes. Digital media is...

Research on Stress Levels During Scheduled Sleep Behavior

Research Question and Objective Past studies have revealed that there are several strategies used to reduce stress. Most scholars such as Geiker et al. and Kang et al. agree that there is a relationship between sleep and stress. In this experiment, I studied this issue by creating a routine sleeping...

The Health Effects of E-Cigarettes, Vapes, and Juul on Today’s Youth

The process of the socialization of youth is a phenomenon that is actively researched by marketers to identify trends and interests that teenagers prefer. Due to the prevalence of mass consciousness as a common form of interaction in this age group, individual habits and lifestyles are often adopted by adolescents...

Romeo and Juliet Play at Globe Theater in 2019

The theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet at Globe Theater 2019 is a contemporary example of postmodern art. The proof of this statement is the mixture of styles shown to the audience. The modern theater is increasingly striving for experiments, and individual interpretations of certain directors are often expressed in...

How to Starting a New Business

Starting a new business is always a great challenge for any entrepreneur – it involves the creation of a detailed business plan, the consideration of all accompanying opportunities and threats that await him or her in the future process of operation. Everything has to be planned carefully to achieve success;...

“Mexicans Begin Jogging” by Gary Soto

Introduction In his free verse poem “Mexicans Begin Jogging,” Gary Soto addresses the issues related to the employment conditions of Mexican Americans. The story of illegal factory workers who have to run when the police arrive for inspection explicitly demonstrates the existence of ethnic problems in society caused by disparities....

Color Blindness – Diagnosis and Symptoms

Symptoms Color blindness is a genetic disorder that is associated with the inability of the victims to see some colors in the normal way. The eye senses color in diffrecent objects and the brain translates and perceives the color through nerve cells. The brain understands the color of a given...

Health-Care Cost of Smoking: Economic Impacts

Introduction Smoking simply refers to a practice in which a known substance, usually cannabis or tobacco, is burnt and the smoke it produces is inhaled directly. The combustion releases active substances like tar and nicotine that are responsible for lung poisoning and infection. When inhaled, the smoke induces spiritual enlightenment...

“Educated: A Memoir” by Tara Westover

Introduction Education is not just about learning things at school; it is about creating one’s own identity and values, even if they contradict those of other people. I believe that this is the purpose of Tara Westover’s writing her book, Educated: A Memoir. In the novel, the author recounts her...

Justice System and Criminal Justice Agencies

The managerial grid was first introduced in 1962 by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton in the journal of American society of training directors. There are two sides to the grid where one deals with production while the other deals with people. The sides, axis, or dimension are delineated on a...

Application of Public Opinion on Trial of Hosni Mubarak

Introduction This reflection will focus on the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Therefore, the study will review one theory of public opinion that is relevant to the above case and provide sound judgment. The maxim is that no person is to be prevented from pursuing justice. The former...

Girls with Obesity: Hospital-Based Intervention

Childhood obesity is one of the major public health concerns in the USA. It has been estimated that approximately 17% of American children and adolescents are overweight or obese (Schapiro et al., 2019). This health condition has negative effects on students’ physical and mental state, which can have negative effects...

Aspects of Engineering Ethics

Introduction Since the very genesis of human civilization, the peculiarities of interpersonal communication have been predisposed by a variety of socio-cultural factors and implicit moral codes. In such a way, the patterns of interactions could have been established and passed over the generations. However, whereas there exist canons of human...

Servant Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership Performance

Considering the notion of leadership in the modern organizational culture, the meaning behind this term has undergone some drastic changes over the past decades. Previously, the idea of leadership was driven by the desire to achieve the maximum quality result in the shortest time possible. Whereas the overall productivity was...

William Blake’s Influence on Modern Counterculture

An accomplished painter and poet, William Blake, is an influential figure of the Romantic age, which was characterized by people’s reactions to the changes occurring in Europe. His two prominently famous publications, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and Songs of Innocence and Experience, are among the artistic endeavors espousing...

Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

Providing care to individuals living in remote areas has been an issue for healthcare providers for a long time. Fortunately, the emergence of new communication technologies, such as messaging and the Internet, has removed some barriers to healthcare access. Telemedicine, which is the use of communication technologies in healthcare, is...

Covid-19 Implications on Economic and Social Transformation

Introduction The ongoing pandemic has affected the ordinary lives of many individuals irrespective of economic or socio-cultural backgrounds. People across North America and countries within the European Union have experienced adverse impacts of Covid-19. Unfortunately, I have been a victim of the pandemic, which has affected many aspects (Firang, 2020)....

“Cathedral” Short Story by Raymond Carver

Introduction In the short story Cathedral by Raymond Carver, the narrator is a husband who goes through a life-changing experience that teaches him not to be judgmental and also learns to listen. It is not only a tale of mutual understanding and acceptance, but it is also a cultural narrative....

The Myth of Computers in the Classroom

Introduction The use of computers in classrooms has been approached with mixed feelings. While some people feel like it is an unnecessary engagement, a good number are of a different opinion. In both circumstances, it is impossible to ignore the role of computers for a decent performance of students in...

Major Life Events: Starting College

Throughout life, people experience many events which change their lives positively or negatively. Major life events such as marriage, childbirth, job changes, and others have a significant impact on the quality of a person’s life and activities. It is true that “most people experience a major and potentially traumatic event...

Dual Status of the American Deaf Community

The Deaf Community in the United States has a complicated history of status and legal positioning due to the conflicting perspectives on it. On the one hand, it is perceived as a linguistic minority with its own communication tools and distinct culture. On the other hand, the community benefits from...

President Obama Did Have Authority to Order Operation Geronimo

It has been almost ten years since the death of one of the most dangerous terrorists in the world. There is hardly anyone who has pitied the person responsible for the killing of so many innocent people. In spite of this fact, some still debate on the legality of Operation...

Statistics in Healthcare: Sun Rays Exposure

Introduction Statistics that keep track of mortality, fertility, and many other life indicators in a region or country include many more hands than it might seem at first glance. A considerable number of different relationships, including mainly the causes of death and the proportional mortality rate, show the ratio of...

Rembrandt’s “The Return of the Prodigal Son” Painting

The work of art titled The Return of the Prodigal Son is one of the most insightful and significant oil paintings by Rembrandt van Rijn. This masterpiece depicts the final episode of one of the Bible narratives: a reunion of a long-wandering son with his father accompanied by forgiveness and...

Heinrich von Treitschke’s History of Germany

Introduction Writing the history of a country is not an easy task; many historians have tried to bring something of their own to the chronology of events. One such historian was Heinrich von Treitschke, who wrote many works, one of which was the History of Germany. This paper will present...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of the Cultural Revolution on People

In history, the Cultural Revolution was an organization started in China in 1966, mainly aimed at preserving the elements of Chinese culture and traditions. It also had the role of educating the younger generation about their cultural beliefs and practices. It was against the modern lifestyle that had cropped up...

Internet as a Revolutionary Innovation

Technology advancements have transformed how humans work, socialize, cook, and even seek medical care. Between 1945 and 2,000, different scientists invented tools and appliances that shape the life of many people in 21st century. One of the major discoveries is the Internet, which over 50% of the global population use...

The U.S. Airlines Analysis: The First 10 Years of Industry Deregulation

After 40 years of regulatory protection, in 1978, the U.S. government decided to deregulate the airlines. This happened because the economists concluded that without any regulations, the airline industry would be close to perfect competition (Marcus et al., 1991). In the first years of this deregulation reform, companies differed in...

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder’s Treatment

Watkins, L. E., Sprang, K. R., & Rothbaum, B. O. (2018). Treating PTSD: A review of evidence-based psychotherapy interventions. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12. The article, Watkins et al. review different psychotherapy interventions that can be applied in treating Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) among adults. Most patients that experience...

Human Development Psychology

The Notebook is a romantic novel authored by Nicholas Sparks in 1996. The novel is told in two versions; first, when Noah reads the notebook to a woman by the name Allie. He reads to her how Allie and Noah fall in love young; they are separated for years but...

Medical Terminology of Treating Schizophrenia

Article Summary The article Clinical relevance of paliperidone palmitate 3-monthly in treating schizophrenia discusses how the mentioned injectable antipsychotic (PP3M) improves non-adherence and prevents relapses in schizophrenia treatment using four injections per year. Paliperidone, the active metabolite of risperidone, is an antagonist of the D2 and 5HT receptors (Mathews et...

Aspects of IT Services in the Business

Introduction The rapidly developing IT sector became one of the most critical instances in the business world. The invention of a young Intel engineer, Ted Hoff, completely changed the technology for computer processing, laying the foundation for the IT sector (Carr, 2014). The influence of this transformation was considerable and...

Children’s Contribution to Their Development

Modern ideas about the biological and social relations in children’s development are based mainly on Vygotsky’s positions. The scientist emphasized the unity of hereditary and social factors in the process of maturity (Martin, 2021). Heredity plays a role in the formation of all mental functions of the child, but its...

Pro-Forma Projected Expenses and Operating Costs for Robotics

A pro forma projected financial statement A pro forma projected financial statement is a leveraging tool for hypothetical assumptions and data for the future value of a project performance during a period yet to be covered. It forecasts financial statements for future periods in a business (Laurie, 2019). For this...

Human Trafficking and Poverty Issues in Modern Society

Introduction The problem of human trafficking affects people all over the world, which defines the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue from the criminology perspective. According to de Vries and Radford (2022), it is vital to explore this type of crime to enhance one’s understanding of its nature...

How Art Represents Reality in Plato’s View

Plato & Aristotle’s View of Art According to Plato, art is an imitation of things in the real world. However, these things for the philosopher were only shadows of their ideal images. Therefore, art turns out to be even further from the truth than the surrounding world, which it imitates....

Nature in the Poetry of A. R. Ammons

While A. R. Ammons is a prolific poet who has addressed many topics in his work, nature and various forms of life are among the themes that take a unique place in his poetry. From his early works to the late ones, Ammons managed to depict nature by using subtle...

Exploring Idealized Love in Marie de France’s Poems

Introduction Marie de France was a poet from the Early Middle Ages best known for her lays, or narrative poems written in Old French. These lays address a wide range of subjects, from courtly love to morality to societal conventions. The novels frequently feature romanticized types of love, in which...

Fear and Guilt in Poe’s The Tell-Tale Heart Story

Introduction Poe’s story, “The Tell-Tale Heart,” features a man who plans and murders his elderly next-door neighbor. The story rushes into the action, leaving the reader with no time to get to know the characters or learn about their relationships with the environment. Although the male protagonist of story adaptations...

Watching a Movie at Home and in Theatres

Introduction It does not matter whether a person likes action, drama, comedy, or another genre of films and movies. Almost everyone loves watching video materials. There are many reasons for the people’s desire to watch video films and movies. While most people watch videos to release stress or for recreation...

Psychology: Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and creative thinking are two forms of thinking that characterize creativity, originality, innovation, reflection, and deep comprehension of reality. Creative thinking refers to the process of developing original ideas that require further explication for full comprehension. On the other hand, critical thinking refers to the process of reflecting, evaluating,...

An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village by Elizabeth Fernea

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...


Introduction The American government faces many challenges in trying to contain illegal immigrants from gaining access to America. Though there are mechanisms in place to enable people legally to get visas into America, some people will not qualify. Some of the unqualified people usually decide to cross the American borders...

Climate Change: When Nature Is in Agony

Introduction: Global Warming Is Coming The issue of climate changes not new; it has already been on the agenda of the world ecologists in 1990s, and in 2010s, the issue seems to have gained a new significance. The phenomenon is traditionally defined as a “process strongly affecting the water resources...

“Citigroup Banks on a Reform Plan” by Thor Valdmanis

Executive Summary Stock research essentially involves arriving at precise inferences on particular securities’ worth, based on the gathered legitimate information and the subsequent release of this information to investors. However, investment banks have an incentive to trade by buying undervalued stocks and selling highly-priced ones against the instructions of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Innovation Impact on Export Success

Introduction The approaches behind a company’s competitiveness and global triumph have at all times attracted the focus of a huge set of business and economics studies. In this regard, the innovation endeavors of a company might represent the major course stimulating the organization’s venture in foreign markets. The comprehension of...

Stakeholder Management and Its Influence on Staff

Abstract The paper at hand provides a concise analysis of stakeholder management concept, its basic principles and potential challenges. One makes an attempt to summarize the insights provided by various researchers and work out the main characteristics of this type of management. Moreover, one tries to elucidate the role of...

Biography in “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien

Introduction The Things They Carried is a classical work of art written by Tim O’Brien. The piece of work is classified as a novel and an anthology of interconnected short stories (Scott 1). Although the critics have challenged the book several times for its vulgarity and confusing structure, it should...

Global Strategic Business Plan in International Business

Going global is a common practice in international business. It has proved to be beneficial for winning new markets and increasing revenues. However, expanding business requires a thorough investigation of the background in the host country and designing an accurate strategic plan including communicational barriers, leadership styles, and motivational systems,...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Advanced Role

The selected specialty for this discussion is that of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP). Pastor, Cunningham, and Kuiper (2015) indicate that an FNP is an advanced practice registered nurse who collaborates with other professionals to ensure quality family-focused medical services are available to the targeted clients. The purpose of this...

Primary Care Case Manager’s Interview

Introduction The interview for this assignment is A., a case manager working in the sphere of primary care. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with significant experience in primary and acute care. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and has been working as a case manager for three years....

Telemedicine and Telehealth: Gerontological Application

The development of technologies has provided nurses and healthcare practitioners with more opportunities to deliver care to patients from remote areas or older adults. In this context, telehealth is the term used to identify all technologies which are utilized by healthcare providers to access patients from remote or isolated regions...

Change Management and Technologies in Marketing

Abstract The paper explores the way change affected the sphere of marketing and what field leaders can do about the occurring changes. The main aspect that caused several changes in the sphere of marketing is the rapid growth of technologies. Through the use of social media, market leaders can redefine...

Sex and Gender as a Social Phenomenon

This essay provides discussion on how the social constructionism can be comprehended in the aspect of sociology. The research explores several relevant appeals to gender and sex regarding the matter of sociology (Brickell, 2006). We will establish the differences between sex and gender; define the term of gender identity; interpret...

Teratogenic Effects of Alcohol and Smoking

The teratogen is an umbrella term for substances that can have adverse effects on the physiological development of an embryo. The effects are usually caused by the toxic effects of the agents in question, and can result in abnormalities and birth defects, including malformation, growth and development retardation, functional disorders,...

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Evolution of Female Sexuality

Throughout history, views and scientific theories regarding female sexuality have been changeable and controversial. In her article, Carol Groneman examines the history of the phenomenon of nymphomania and the major changes in its perception by society, as well as its diagnosis and treatment by contemporary doctors. The author argues that...

Tanglewood Company’s Employees Management Planning

Tanglewood’s staffing practices have been rather stable for years, and many stores in the state of Washington have been operating without any problems for quite a while. Since Tanglewood uses the resources of its internal labor market to fill in the openings, a certain percentage of the jobs will become...

Prosocial Behavior and Its Factors

Introduction Human beings can embrace various ethical values and principles to help others. The term “prosocial behavior” is any form of action undertaken to help or support others (Piff, Dietze, Feinberg, Stancato, & Keltner, 2015). Various concepts are underlying the idea of prosocial behavior. The first concept is empathy and...

Mortality and Morbidity Rates in Miami, Florida

Mortality and Morbidity Rates Apart from the continuous development of the medical sphere and technology, mortality and mortality rates for some illnesses and diseases remain high, and in the context of this paper, a situation in Miami, Florida, will be discussed. In the first place, it is vital to focus...

Exercise Stage and Decisional Balance in Overweight People

Research Problem and Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between “exercise stage and decisional balance in overweight and obese people seeking advanced practice nurse (APN) care” (Smith, Griffin, & Fitzpatrick, 2011, p. 92). This study highlighted that no studies have focused on obese and overweight...

Dealing With Procrastination Among Students

Abstract Procrastination is an important problem among university students, for it wastes their time, decreases their effectiveness, lowers their academic achievements, leads to stress, and might even cause mental and/or psychological problems. The current study used a survey to find out how often students of a university procrastinate, whether they...

Nursing Evolution: Future Perspectives and Challenges

Introduction As a relatively young discipline, nursing is in the process of constant change and improvement, both within the United States and worldwide. New disciplines and qualifications emerge, legislation changes and new knowledge alters the nature of care. Over time, different career paths for nurses have emerged that do not...

Time and Food: Chrononutrition & Night Eating

The formation of a well-conceived and balanced nutrition routine is essential to one’s knowledgeable approach to life and health awareness. Developed eating habits are different and unique, as they are adapted to the individual’s work schedule and timing. In today’s world, our lifestyle and diet have dramatically changed due to...

Psychotherapy Integration: Research Issues

Abstract Integrative practice is a relatively new approach in psychotherapy, which has been in dire need of additional research. Studying the problems related to mental health from the perspective of multiple disciplines and theories allows detecting the hindrances to recovery that would not be noticed otherwise. Therefore, the incorporation of...

Retail Environment: Employee Relationship, Channel Strengths and Weaknesses

Introduction: Customer service philosophies Retail merchandise involves the sale of goods from a fixed location or by post for direct consumption by the buyer. Retail industry has brought in unique changes in the whole process of production, distribution and consumption of consumer goods all over the world. In the nine...

Representation of Nurses in the Media

A community newsletter was the most preferable media. From the beginning of the existence of human beings, they have always preferred to form and live in communities. While dwelling as a community, they can be able to learn collectively and accumulate their knowledge and new ideas, information, and rules into...

The Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Human Life

Introduction Technology has become part and parcel of our day to day lives, human beings are heavily dependent upon technology. Mobile phones is probably the most used gadget across the globe, people rely heavily upon their mobile phones and can’t imagine even a day without their phones. There are various...

Odysseus and Athena Relationship in Homer’s The Odyssey

Odyssey is one of the major poems written by Homer. It has been translated to a number of modern languages and originally it was expected to be sung, rather than read. Odysseus, a Greek hero, is a central character of the poem and throughout the story the reader can observe...

Fast-Food Restaurants’ Popularity and Its Causes

It is a fact that most Americans and other people around the world especially in the developed countries are now turning to fast food restaurants for food instead of the traditional hotels. This can be seen in the number of fast food restaurants that are joining this industry and the...

Customer Segmentation in a Changing Business Environment

Within a modern competitive business environment, it appears essential to position the company’s product so as to attract as many customers as possible. For this purpose, market analysts investigate the existing arena trying to define specific target groups at which the product should be aimed. One of the specific areas...

“The Handicapped” By Randolph Bourne

Disability is in most social circles perceived as a hindrance to achievement. Disabled people are therefore from the onset viewed with prejudice and bias. This condition colors the way in which the handicapped person perceives his life mostly to his disadvantage. The false perception that disability is actually inability makes...

Paul Politis’ Black and White Photography

Introduction Photography has been a recognized and a distinguished form of art. Many renowned artists have worked as photographers each specializing in the different fields. This paper shall be discussing the works and the inspirations of renowned photographer Paul Politis who specializes in the black and white photography. Discussion Paul...

Commonality in Northern Black Ghettos in 1941-1965

The most significant commonality within Northern Black Ghettos between 1941 and1965 and the description of the social life during this period is going to be analyzed in the paper. The United States of America in the XX century may be characterized as the country with the racial problems which were...

Monopoly: Characteristics, Advantages, Disadvantages

Monopoly can be defined as a situation whereby a single individual or firm has adequate control when it comes to supplying a specific good or service to be able to considerably determine the conditions on which other individuals or firms will have access to them. Monopolies are characterized by an...

Small Businesses’ Dilemma of Providing Health Insurance Plans for Their Employees

No legislation exists that demands small employers to offer health insurance to their eligible employees. However, the Affordable Care Act stipulates useful guidelines that small business owners need to embrace in case they decide to provide health care cover for their employees. Having a health insurance cover for employees provides...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Disparity and Disproportionality in the Criminal System

Introduction Background of Study and Opening Statement Americans are proud of their democratic society where all people are claimed to enjoy equal rights and have equal opportunities. In reality, this equity is quite limited and the criminal justice system is an example of existing disparities. For instance, 40% of imprisoned...

Education for the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers

Introduction The importance of education is emphasized by the United Nations and other international organizations. However, their efforts in ensuring access to equal opportunities do not necessarily lead to a successful outcome. The provision of this fundamental right is complicated by specific conditions of the present-day world, such as varying...

Decision-Making and Information Politics

Introduction Decision making and information politics form part of an organizations structures and are therefore important for success (Lauwereyns 13). In the current business world, organizational politics is a reality that we are supposed to face. This means CIO’s are supposed to act in a certain manner. As a matter...

Basic Requirements for the Contract and Its Elements

Introduction A contract is made when two or more parties come into an agreement on whether to undertake something, abstain from doing it or pledge to do something for one another. A contract can either be verbal, on paper, indirect or direct and they can either be lawfully enforceable or...

Walmart Tactics and Action Plan

Introduction Walmart is known across the globe for its revolutionization of retail strategy. It has maximized the cost-efficiency of all processes, including logistics, manufacturer relations, distribution, as well as human resources (Reich, 2018). Throughout its history, the company was one of the first to introduce numerous changes that helped streamline...

Development and Launch of an Information Technology Product

Introduction Framers Company is in the process of launching a new product. One of the objectives is to provide customers with low prices within a limited time. The company also aims at producing a product that is unique in the market and one that will fulfill the needs of the...

Barriers to Practice: Advanced Practice Nurses

Despite the 2010 report by the National Academy of Medicine (previously Institute of medicine) Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) continue to struggle against barriers of practice (Schober, 2019). APNs with the same national certification and educational preparation face various restrictions when relocating from one state to another, thus limiting their scope...

The Role of Christianity in Slavery: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Human rights are a multifaceted concept that requires subjective respect and documentation of relationships. In other words, the individual has that set of possibilities and freedoms that are generally accepted. Nonetheless, the times of slavery are a notorious period in social existence in which injustice and cruelty were models for...

Social Security Retirement Fund System: Analysis

Introduction Ensuring that aging people have a decent life of the required quality is an essential part of the government’s function. However, in light of the recent developments in the global economic and financial field, as well as on local levels, some of the present frameworks for supporting the aging...

The Role of Public Spaces in Managing Racial Experiences

The societal perception of race is built and manifested directly in the environment that a particular ethnic group occupies. The vision of race as a social construct in the sense of a group’s understanding of themselves and others is influenced by social context, which includes public spaces. Political, social, and...

Lifetime Appointment for the Supreme Court Justices

The Supreme Court is the highest judicial instance in the United States, with Justices appointed by the President with the Senate’s approval. The appointment lasts for life and can only be interrupted by voluntary registration or impeachment. Recently, the need for reforms has been increasingly discussed. Many people believe that...

Engineering: Fracture Toughness

In most engineering designs, fracture toughness, a property describing how cracked objects resist fractures, is a chief property in most applications. Stress intensity factor (K), examines the linear-elastic fracture toughness of the sample under observation when its crack begins to grow. KIc denotes the fracture toughness, with SI units of...

A Treatment for Coronavirus Patients: The Article’s Review

The current effects of global pandemic are disturbing since the number of people affected by the virus keeps increasing. However, after months of quarantine and social isolation, there is still no viable antiviral drug to treat Coronavirus. Apart from the dexamethasone trial conducted in Britain, the media’s attention has been...

Evidence-Based Public Health Policy

Evidence-based policy is based on a well-informed research and factual evidenced. However, evidence-based policy is established for the benefit of the public. In addition, evidence-based policy utilizes scientific methodologies to improve and validate the outcomes. Therefore, the use of random controlled trials to ascertain the reliability of variables and sample...

Nursing Certification Paper

Nursing certification programs have already established their importance and value among both nurses and the healthcare institutions that employ them. Admittedly, even patients realize the benefits of those. Certification is validated by the nongovernmental agencies regarding particular standards, qualifications, skills, and final assessment in a defined sphere of nursing (AACN...

Portfolio Analysis of Dairy Farm Company

Risk Identification Dairy Farm International Holdings identifies the risks facing the company through an audit committee. The committee is charged with assessing areas of risk and uncertainty and the effectiveness of the firm’s internal control processes. This occurs on a regular basis but the reporting of the committee’s findings to...

Management: Friendly Financial Works

The effective functioning of any company depends on management practices used to ensure the desired outcomes and attain specific goals. It is vital to create an environment motivating workers to engage in various processes and contribute to the evolution of the company. Designing a productive and satisfying job is a...

The Ford-Firestone Case: Large-Scale Controversy

Summary Ford-Firestone case is a large-scale controversy related to the tire company Firestone and the Ford Motor Company. The event itself concerns a period where an increased number of tread separations were reported in tires by Firestone. The event first gained traction in 1998, when an insurance agent has researched...

The Impact of Poverty on Children and Minority Groups

Introduction The problem of poverty, not only among children but also among adults, has plagued this planet for a long time. It prevents people from living life to the fullest, consequently affecting society. When it comes to children, they are the ones who suffer the most from peer attacks, lack...

How Police Supervisory Styles Influence Patrol Officer Behavior

The field supervisor, also identified as the patrol sergeant, directly oversees officers’ conduct, performance, appearance, and tactical operations assigned under their command. The management style of police officers’ field supervisors determines, to some extent, their performance when handling an ongoing issue or community problem. In his report, Robin Engel investigates...

Therapy Comparison: Gestalt, Feminist and Cognitive-Behavioural

It is important to point out that among all three therapies, CBT is the most specific and solution-focused one, which views the majority of issues as manifestations of proper or improper interconnectedness of key three components, which are thought, feelings, and behavior. The core theoretical basis is rooted in the...

Negative Cancel Culture Perceptions in Contemporary Media

The modern-day trends in social media and digital activism encompass a variety of controversial social topics. As such, the necessity to reprimand an individual who performed unrighteous conduct became especially prominent in the digital environment over the past years, enabling the rise of the cancel culture phenomenon (Mueller, 2021). Currently,...

Family Roles and Their Impact on Cultural Domains

Introduction Interviewing people about their cultures and, more specifically, their effects on family life provides an insight into the intrinsic mechanisms defining the external manifestation of their particular characteristics. They primarily include gender roles, goals, traditional and alternative lifestyles, communication methods, education, and occupations correlating with spiritual and religious beliefs...

Who Is a Progressive According to Roosevelt?

Characteristics of a Progressive According to Roosevelt, a progressive believes in doing what is right and just for a better community. The political coalition had the agenda to reverse the ills in the economic, political, and social sectors. Although it was meant to achieve several positive goals for the political...

Controversy in Children’s Literature

As material aimed at some of the most vulnerable and impressionable members of society, children’s literature has long been a subject of controversy, both at the time of its release and historically. Contents and permissible topics within the field change depending on both the time period and cultural characteristics of...

Lifestyle Challenges: Convenience Over Health

Introduction The problem of promoting health through a number of widely known techniques, such as dietary choices or physical activity, is a dubious initiative from the perspective of its efficiency. One can easily suggest that these measures are sufficient for eliminating the risks of developing specific conditions; meanwhile, researchers claim...

Comparison of Ares and Aphrodite in the Greek Mythology

The civilization of Ancient Greece marks one of the most important chapters in the history of the world. This period has provided humanity with an array of important achievements, including the principles of democracy, theater, art, and sciences. These accomplishments have had an immense impact on the development of the...

Financial Markets and Their Importance

Financial Markets The article “The Importance of the Financial Derivatives Markets to Economic Development in the World’s Four Major Economies” by Vo et al., 2019 investigated the association between economic development and financial markets. According to the article, financial markets positively contribute to economic growth. Financial markets’ significance is realized...

The Victory of Union in the American Civil War

The American civil begun following the election of President Abraham Lincoln of the Republican Party in November 1860, which the Confederate states felt was a threat to their culture of slavery. Lincoln’s antislavery sentiments sparked this fear during the campaign. The election led to the secession of eleven states (Dew...

Gay Marriage Redefines the True Meaning of Family

Introduction In the last decade, the concept of family has changed significantly in part due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the USA. The contemporary understanding of a family unit and its purpose in broader society has undergone meaningful transformations shifting from the focus on the goal of procreation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation Within the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Though it is hard to disagree that this is a wonderful world, unfortunately, there are several disadvantages and adverse factors influencing people’s experience throughout their lives. For example, one of the primary and serious problems is the high crime rate and the vast number of offenders. A way to...

Apple Products and Technology Adoption Lifecycle

The technology Adoption Model describes the lifecycle of a given product from the moment it first enters the market to the time it saturates it. From the perspective of customer segmentation, this model divides the products and their target customer groups into five categories: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late...

Offender Profiling in Apprehending Serial Killers

Introduction Crime prevention is one of the most prioritized objectives of law enforcement organizations globally. From these considerations, offender profiling or investigative analysis of the criminal’s behavior is an effective method of predicting the offender’s future actions (Canter and Youngs, 2003). This approach is particularly beneficial in apprehending serial killers,...

Sociological Experiment: The Salience of Social Norms

People who break societal norms are rarely welcomed and often perceived with suspicion. The folkway that I decided to challenge is not interfering in strangers’ conversations. I chose three locations to test the reaction of various groups of people to this behavior: the student cafeteria, the Michael Kors store in...

Discrimination: Resume Screening

Problem It is important to note that the problem of discrimination is a pervasive one, which can manifest itself in a wide range of settings and processes. One of such discriminatory practices can be observed in the hiring process during the resume review stages, where an act of discrimination is...

Immunity Passport: Advantages and Disadvantages

Immunity passports would be an excellent measure that allows individuals who are immune to the virus to break the set lockdown protocols. This would be an important step in the prevention of the spread of the virus while still boosting the economy of a country. Essential services would still be...

Managing Project Teams: Leadership and Information Systems Development

The project as a form of organization of activity provides for such a phenomenon as teamwork. Each participant of the project solves individual tasks set by the project manager, but there are tasks that can be solved exclusively in collective interaction. Even the elementary decomposition of a key project task...

The Minority Business Development Agency Project

The Rationale for MBDA research In order to serve the community, any national agency must ensure the fulfillment of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) practices. Income inequality between different populations, lack of minority inclusion, and absence of diversity in the working communities have been recognized as pertinent problems for the...

Absence of Computers in Modern Life

Introduction Without a doubt, if one was asked to imagine modern life without computers, one would be challenged to rethink every aspect of their life to understand whether it would be better or worse. The rapid development of technologies in the contemporary world is associated with multiple positive and negative...

The Creation of the Yoga Class Project

Project Introduction For the purposes of this project, our group decided to create a yoga class. The decision was made after considering the needs of the students and staff alike, along with the unique competencies of our group. Many people knew a lot about personal fitness and health, while others...