🏆 Best Essay Topics on Evolution
✍️ Evolution Essay Topics for College
- Charles Darwin’s Evolutionary TheoryDarwin’s theory portrays that there is no difference that is fundamental between man and other higher mammals (primates) in their faculties of mind.
- Evolution of Beauty: The Transformation of Beauty Throughout HistoryThe description of beauty and what is regarded as good-looking has changed over time. The way people view beauty varies with every culture.
- “Why Evolution Is True”: A Chapter-Wise ReflectionThis paper reflects on persuasions to accept the evolution theory as a valid discourse of explaining the origin of species in the nine chapters of Coyne’s “Why Evolution is True”.
- Sharks: History, Evolution and HabitatSharks are a crucial part of the marine ecosystem, skillful predators with well-developed sensory systems. Most species are harmless to humans.
- Actinopterygii: The Evolution of Ray-Finned FishesThe paper illustrates that the Actinopterygii may be the largest, most varied but there remains much debate about the timing and extent of early evolutionary development.
- Whittington’s Classical and Evolutionary Approaches Towards Business AnalysisThe key theories that should be analyzed are Whittington’s classical and evolutionary approaches towards business analysis, as well as the resource-based view of decision-making.
- The Evolution of TaekwondoThe purpose of this paper is to review the way of the development of taekwondo and highlight the main controversial aspects regarding the origin of this martial art.
- Human Rights: Historical and Conceptual EvolutionThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a fundamental document for the world population. It covered all aspects of the social, economic, and political life of human beings.
- The Evolution of Tragedy: From Greek to AmericanThe purpose of this paper is to provide a definition of tragedy, a form of drama, and discuss the differences between ancient Greek, Elizabethan, and an American one.
- Evidence of the Evolution TheoryEvolution is a consolidating factor in biology supported by pieces of evidence from unique areas of biology. Over time, evolution changes the genetic composition of species.
- The Beatles Band’s Strategic Musical EvolutionThis paper provides insights into the formation of the Beatles, the British invasion, and their strategic musical evolution.
- The Evolution of Business Ethics: Historical Perspectives and Modern ImplicationsDrastic changes have occurred in the last few years in the position and duties of the leaders of the company or business establishments.
- The Historical Evolution of the International CommunityThe emergence of the international community is linked to the treaty of Westphalia of 1648 which was signed following the thirty-year war.
- The Evolution of the Nursing Practice RoleThe role of nursing has shifted significantly in the last decades, enabling nurses to become critical and leading professionals in the community and healthcare systems.
- Anthropology: Natural Selection and EvolutionNatural selection is the process of an organism’s adaptation to the environment that is performed through changing its genotype on a selective basis.
- The Evolution of Classical Music to Modern TimesClassical music has evolved over centuries, starting from the medieval period and reaching its modern form in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Aquaman: An Evolution Through the AgesAnother way of how the Aquaman franchise has evolved to respond to the preoccupations of the time becomes clear when emphasis is placed on the details of Aquaman’s plot.
- Dell’s Business Model: Evolution, Challenges, and StrategiesDell company finds a certain business model which will be able to guarantee success and make company beneficial and recognizable for people to buy its products.
- Role of Consumption of Meat in Human EvolutionThis paper explores the role of meat consumption in human evolution and discusses how the consumption of meat provided necessary nutrients for brain development.
- Characters’ Evolution in The House on Mango Street and Bullet in the BrainThe House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros and Bullet in the Brain by Tobias Wolff learn the same lesson as Little Prince/Narrator by Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry does.
- The Evolution of Family in the USAFamilies are still prevalent and do not lose their significance among people in the U.S. Rather, they are transforming into new kinds that are more appropriate to the current time.
- The Future of Nursing: Evolution, Challenges, and Emerging PerspectivesForensic nursing is the branch of the profession that deals with patients that are involved in various legal issues.
- Homo Floresiensis and Human Evolution ModelsHomo florensis were discovered recently as a new hominid species and provided some new evidence for the three models of human origins.
- Leadership History and EvolutionEvery century has an example of a capable leader that influenced many people. However, various leaders differ significantly from each other from one period of time to another.
- Culture and Evolution of Hip-Hop in South KoreaKorean hip-hop, otherwise known as K-hip hop, is a subgenre of hip-hop music from South Korea. It is essential to establish the culture and evolution of hip-hop in South Korea.
- The Evolution of the Panspermia HypothesisThis report will review the evolution of the panspermia hypothesis and the mechanisms of life transfer that are not rejected as totally unrealistic.
- Evolution of Healthcare Information SystemsHealthcare and hospital information systems have greatly changed in the past twenty years and this has been as a result of the improvement of information technology.
- Sainsbury’s Market: Its History and EvolutionSainsbury’s was founded in 1869 by John James Sainsbury as a small shop in Drury Lane, London, however, in 1922, the company became the largest retailer of groceries.
- The Evolution of Nursing Research and Evidence-Based PracticeThe NINR is the main supporting power for EBP due to the efforts it takes to boost nursing research aimed at disease prevention, symptom management, and life enhancement.
- Harvey Fineberg: Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?The speaker explains evolution as an extended process of passing on the genome to the following generations, surviving through, and adapting to future years and environments.
- Evolution by Natural SelectionCharles Darwin has worked out a theory of evolution according to which all the species are united by a common ancestor. There exist some objections to this theory.
- Human Impact on Evolution and EnvironmentResearch on positive and negative impacts of humans on evolution and industrial development on the environment.
- Cognitive Development Theories and Their EvolutionThis paper analysis the cognitive development concept with a lot of focus on the various theories, their evolution, and the associated developmental stages.
- Dehumanization and Its Evolution in WarfareOne running theme in the history of warfare is dehumanization, which has often served the purpose of legitimizing the taking of human life during a war.
- Hip-Hop Evolution of Rap MovementThis work explains the rapping element of Hip-Hop as it developed across time, how it has influenced the movement and changed over the years.
- Technology’s Influence on Design EvolutionThe introduction and adoption of the new technology in the contemporary world has significantly intertwined graphic design practices and other reproduction techniques.
- Evolution of Modern Banking: Middle Ages to PresentThe history of banking began around 2000 BCE in Assyria, Sumeria, and India when wealthy families kept gold and silver coins in their homes.
đź‘Ť Good Evolution Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Music Evolution and Historical RootsMusic as a form of art was constantly changing throughout the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, and the Baroque periods.
- The Evolution of Thought on GovernanceThis paper explores the evolution of thought on governance, comparing the perspectives of philosophers such as Plato, Aristotle, Aquinas, Locke, and Hobbes.
- Flashbulb Memories and the Evolutionary MechanismsThe paper discusses the prevalence of so-called flashbulb memories and the evolutionary mechanisms that can be connected to them.
- Evolution, Not Revolution: Gender Law and Women Rights in Saudi ArabiaSaudi Arabian government should enact policies that promote women to take professional courses such as engineering, medicine among others.
- Magnolia Tree: Life Cycle and EvolutionMagnolia is among the largest genus flowering plants in Texas and eastern North America. Magnolia is derived from the French botanist Pierre Magnol.
- “Why Evolution is True” by Jerry CoyneJerry Coyne’s work provides some context for certain social issues, such as the misuse of Darwin’s theory, scientific racism, and the ongoing conflict of religion and evolution.
- American Clothing Evolution and Its FactorsPlenty of social, economic, and political aspects impacted the American outfits, changing them, and also the appearance of people.
- Evolution Psychology: “Is Anatomy Destiny?”The media “Is Anatomy Destiny” raises questions relating to the issue of anatomy by arguing that the concept of anatomy is to a large extent influenced by social categorizations of the human body.
- Living Without Boundaries: The Role of Social Norms in Human EvolutionLiving in a world without any social, political or moral restrictions can hardly seem possible, because the humankind needs certain boundaries which will define the meaning of good and evil.
- Tracing the Evolution of Pop Music: The Rise of the Hip-Hop GenreThe ever-expanding audience of the hip-hop culture has raised the question of the authentic rap music in the market. Hip-hop gained mainstream interest and popularity since the nineties.
- Evolution of Behavioral Health: Key Historical Developments and AdvancesBehavioral health evolved through events like world wars, deinstitutionalization, and the DSM’s creation, enhancing mental health care.
- Genetics and Evolution: Mutation, Selection, Gene Flow and DriftEvolutionary genetics deals with mechanisms that explain the presence and maintenance of traits responsible for genetic variations.
- The Evolution of Perspectives on Indigenous PeoplesThe article includes various sources, revealing both the historical contexts of prejudices about indigenous people and considering modern approaches, views, and contexts.
- Evolution of Healthcare Facility Design in 1960-1980The development of medicine in 1960 required a more rigid division of hospital buildings and complexes by specialization.
- Misconception and Theory of EvolutionThe paper discusses the idea of evolution and its concepts. The understanding of evolution is tainted by the idea that it aims to explain where life came from.
- The Evolutionary Process and Natural SelectionEvolutionary processes in nature involve constant mutational changes in the genetic makeup and the fixation of those traits that provide a survival advantage.
- The Christian Iconography EvolutionThe evolution of Christian iconography can be explored through various works which date back to the first millennia.
- Business and Economics: The Evolution and Impacts of the Ponzi SchemeThe regulators should keep the general populace informed through general alerts regarding methods employed to swindle investors.
- Cultural Evolution in Vietnam’s Early 20th Century Article ReviewThe authors are argumentative in presenting their central points. The first research question deals with the validity of the chosen approach.
- Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural SelectionDarwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection was crucial for science in the past but remains essential. This theory started a true revolution in science.
- Analyzing the Evolution of Data VisualizationDu Bois’ visionary statistical methods of infographics have revolutionized data visualization, and new platforms offer even more possibilities for analysis.
- GE’s Two-Decade Transformation: A Journey Through Organizational EvolutionGeneral Electric transformed itself over the last two decades by focusing on innovation, lifelong learning, and a global perspective.
- Evolution and Challenges of Modern AdvertisingThe study aims to highlight the problems of advertising by identifying the causes, finding solutions, and evaluating the effectiveness of the solutions.
- The Evolution of John Ford’s Idea of the WestJohn Ford developed the idea of the West and the evolution of his thought can be seen in three famous films: “Stagecoach”, “The Searchers”, and “The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance”.
- Evolution: Are Humans Animals?The people supporting the idea of humans being animals may give an explanation of the origins of mankind and how it achieved its current form.
- How the Evolution of Technology Has Advanced Cyber Financial CrimesThis paper aims at discussing and assessing the specific ways in which technological evolution and digitalization advanced cyber financial crimes.
- The Structure and Evolution of StarsAlthough the life span of a star is extremely long, scientists have managed to analyze the evolution of celestial bodies and synthesize the knowledge gained.
- “Why Evolution Is True” Book by Jerry A. CoyneThe book “Why Evolution is True” by Jerry A. Coyne features the characteristics of evolution that brace wildlife’s existence and tries to champion its ideas to be taught in school.
- The Evolution and Stability Concepts ComparisonIn the evolutionary process, each new state about the previous one appears to be better both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Internet Technology: Software Maintenance and EvolutionMore and more organizations depend on trends in the IT market. Now one can see how even small companies hire employees who can create a website.
- Running Racing: History and EvolutionEvolution is crucial in the running of the early man and various historical events led to the adoption of running as a sport.
- Misconceptions About EvolutionQuestions about the origin of man continue to be topical, and the topic of whether humans are related to apes excites many.
- Historical Evolution of the Two-Party System and Functions of PartiesThe American two-party system characterizes the dominance of two major political parties that comprise the country’s largest number of elected officials.
- The Internet Evolution and AdvancementSince its creation, the Internet has changed humanity’s trajectory. All aspects of people’s lives, from business to social interactions, are now shaped by the World Wide Web.
- Jamaican Music’s Evolution and FormsJamaican music finds its origin in enslaved West Africans who sang for their masters and got rewarded for the skill. This form of music was known as the Mento.
- The Kuiper Belt and Evolution of a StarThe Kuiper belt is a circumstellar disk located 30 to 50 astronomical units from Neptune. The region has many smaller bodies that primarily consist of metal and rock.
🎓 Most Interesting Evolution Research Titles
- The Nature of Man: Evolution and AdaptionHumans and animals share similar biological characteristics; while man’s thinking abilities are strikingly diverse, distinguishing them from animals.
- Guitar: Evolution of InstrumentThe paper is devoted to the development of the guitar and the emergence of its new types, such as the electric one. The origins of the classical guitar are not known precisely.
- Immunology: Influenza Virus EvolutionThe influenza virus is one of the major threats to the health of the population. It is considered to be one of the infections with the highest potential for mutation.
- Human Evolutionary Development in AntiquityThe traditional view of the evolution of Homo sapiens is that the modern individual did not evolve from an ape but rather from a great ape.
- Cultural Progress and the Evolution of MedicineThis paper states that medicine evolves with the culture, as treatment reflects the culture and the current status of the country’s development.
- 911 Evolution: Computer-Aided Design for Personal SafetyThe computer-assisted 911 vehicle dispatch program includes vehicle dispatch, call dispatch, resources deployment, instruction and protocols, and status modification.
- Social Media Evolution and How Does It Make a Difference in Today’s WorldThe evolution of social media has made it a global political actor because of its significant role in various areas of human life.
- The Evolution of Cheese and CheesemakingThe cheese was discovered as a happy accident that occurred when a shepherd found they could store milk in the preserved stomach of a goat.
- The Evolution of the Roman EmpireThe paper states that the transformation of the political system within which the Roman Empire operated could be seen as a twofold concept.
- Convergent Evolution, Genetics and Related StructuresThis paper discusses the concept of convergent evolution and related structures. Convergent evolution describes the emergence of analogous or similar traits in different species.
- Anthropology as a Study of EvolutionAnthropology as a study of evolution gives an understanding of the human experience and the different aspects that explain the lives of other human groups.
- How Will the Design Track the Evolution of the Growing Complexity of Society’s Problems?The paper argues it is the joint efforts of different cultures that create stunning designs that influence the expression of the thoughts and ideas of the authors.
- Gender Identity Evolution and Its ResultsThe evolution of gender identity evoked attempts to modify the cultural perceptions of the citizens; in this situation, sex became a less significant characteristic.
- Evolutionary Cycles and Strategic LeadershipIt is quite natural for any company to experience business cycles due to the constant need for progress and introduction of new ideas into the organizational setting.
- Evolution in Recent History: Technological ChangeTechnological evolution is happening fast and is implemented in medicine, engineering, production, marketing, and even policing.
- Evolution of Humans: Darwin’s TheoryCertain scientists claim that Darwin’s theory of evolution from monkeys is fundamentally based on the same principles as the basic concept of evolutionary theory.
- Convergent Evolution and Analogous StructuresConvergent evolution is a situation whereby different unrelated species independently develop similar traits. In some cases, other organisms develop identical characteristics.
- Christianity Views on Abortion Concepts, the Big Bang, and the Evolution TheoryThe Bible and other Christian articles provide information related to contemporary society, views on abortion concepts, the big bang, and the evolution theory.
- Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Influence on Contemporary DatingGiven the evolution of human mate selection, there is increasing egalitarianism between men, women, and members of the LGBTQ community in finding suitable sexual partners.
- The Four Basics of the Human EvolutionFour important forces can change the gene frequencies in a populace—the natural selection functions by choosing alleles that confer advantageous traits.
- CompStat: It’s Origins, Evolution, and IntegrationCompStat is effective in monitoring and analyzing crime rates by using comparative statistics and geographical distribution maps.
- Healthcare Marketing and Its EvolutionDuring the last several decades, much attention has been paid to developing healthcare advertising and replacing traditional marketing principles with innovative ideas.
- Evolutionary Mismatch and Mental HealthThe evolutionary mismatch has led to divergent cultural and lifestyle adaptations that have left current generations at a higher risk for mental illnesses.
- Vertebrate Jaw Evolution From Developmental PerspectivesThe vertebrate jaw is one of the essential developmental features associated with the crest cells’ changes, the history of jaws’ evolution can be traced to early fish species.
- Darwin and the Theory of EvolutionHave you ever asked yourself about how life appeared on Earth? This question has always been at the center of attention.
- Evolution of Lungs: Understanding the Divergence of OrganismsLungs are among the organs highly studied by paleontologists to understand the divergence of organisms over time.
- DNA and Proteins as Evolutionary Tape MeasuresDNA and proteins can be used as tape measures of evolution but their usage depends on the concept of a linear sequence of nucleotides.
- Supply Chain Management. EvolutionSupply chain management (SCM) entails the planning and management of every activity involving sourcing and procurement.
- History and Evolution of Online EducationThis paper aims to explore the evolution and history of online learning to understand its key milestones and recent developments.
- “Frontiers, Borderlands, Wests”: The Evolution of the Historical Study of the American West“Frontiers, Borderlands, Wests” explores what connotation the interpretation of certain events takes on depending on the context, for example, the history of the American West.
- The Evolution of Immunity and Immune SystemsImmunity is the biological state where an individual has adequate defenses against diseases, infections, and other invasions.
- Religion and Science: Darwin’s Theory of EvolutionFrom an epistemological point of view, science and religion are two distinct ways of knowing; the first one relies on logic and empirical findings whereas the other is based on faith.
- The Evolution of the Goals of the Justice SystemThe justice system has always focused on reducing crime in society, and it develops policies aimed at helping in the reduction of recidivism.
- Digital Video Evolution and Its Implementation in AustraliaIn the current digital era, the production of video has become more effective. This is due to the availability of new technologies that support the production of digital video.
- Skull Evolution in the Rhinocerotidae: Phylogeny of Early RhinocerotoidsModern rhinos with a pointed upper lip and a two-horned African rhino with a wide rectangular mouth, are pitiful remnants of a rich in species group of mammals.
đź“Ś Easy Evolution Essay Topics
- Darwin’s Theory of Evolution: Impact of GeneticsNew research proved that genetics are the driving force of evolution which causes the revision of some of Darwin’s discoveries.
- iPhone 12 Mini: Apple’s Smartphone EvolutionThe iPhone is one of the most competitive smartphone brands in the world today. This discussion examines how the iPhone has evolved until the latest device, the iPhone 12 mini.
- Why Evolution Should Be Taught in SchoolsEvolution should be taught in schools so that we may raise scientists who can be able to give answers to most of the challenges we face today.
- Natural Selection Process and Evidence of EvolutionThe purpose of this paper is to discuss the book “Why Evolution is True” by Coyne. This article assumes that evolution by natural selection is true.
- Evolution of Skyscraper Design Since 1920The essay analysis how improved build of tall buildings since the 20th century and provides examples of modern buildings.
- Evolution of Long-Term Care SystemsMore programs like Medicaid and other long-term care initiatives occurred and started registering children and women and helping aged people.
- The Evolution of Opportunity in SportsThe evolution of opportunities can be explained from the two breakthroughs of Jackie Robinson in professional baseball and Tiger Woods in professional golf.
- Evolution of Microsoft Windows Operating SystemThis paper will cover the road Windows has traveled and continues to explore with Windows 7 that will be launched on the 22nd of October.
- Language Evolution: The Major Schools of ThoughtThe theory of language development and evolution has continued to attract attention of many analysts, researchers, and psychologists.
- Evolution of Neurogenesis ConceptsIn brain damage, neurogenesis plays an adaptive role in preserving the body’s functionality, and the older the patient becomes, the worse their neurogenesis is.
- Exploring the Evolution of Fungi: Ancient OriginsFungi have ancient origins: the most recent evidence suggests that they appeared as early as one billion years ago.
- The Evolution of Romantic Encounters and Norms and Actions Within RelationshipsThe vast majority of young people tend to perceive romantic relationships and actions within them as requiring an extensive amount of responsibility.
- Catholic and Scientific View of EvolutionEvolutionary theory is accepted by the Catholic and the scientific community. The church views evolution as a sign of God’s indirect participation in how living organisms were formed.
- Evolution of the United States Health Care SystemThe paper aims to describe how the US health care system has evolved since the early 1900s and what two unique characteristic features this evolution has brought.
- Evolution of Organizational Performance MetricsThe metric of profit has likely not changed much throughout the 20th century. The rate of return is also calculated in the same manner, but it may have become less significant.
- Nursing Evolution Analysis: Challenges and Changes in Nursing PracticeNursing is a multifaceted profession that requires commitment and constant personal development from anyone who makes the decision to follow this professional path.
- Forensic Psychology, Its History and EvolutionForensic psychology refers to an applied discipline focused on the application of psychological research as well as principles within the legal and criminal justice systems.
- Zionism: The Evolution of JudaismIn this paper I will give a definition of Zionism, a brief history of the Jewish people and explain the two stages that the Jews had to go through before they returned to Israel.
- Evolution of Human Language: Biological AnthropologyThe best way to understand language evolution in the wider spectrum of human culture, is tracing the function of images in the human brain.
- Intelligent Design and Evolution TheoriesThe existing theories of human origin are still controversial, however, Intelligent Design remains a religious belief without clear scientific arguments.
- Government Power Evolution and InterpretationPolitical voting in America has declined today, for the reason that the level of articulate elite and mass political behavior has changed.
- Evolution of Rock and Roll in RadioRock and roll is a music genre that emerged during the close of 1940s and the dawn of early 1950s in the southern region of the United States.
- The Role of Religion in the Evolution and Creation DebateIn this work, the creation of man, described in world religions and by scientists, and the conflict between different approaches to explaining the origin of mankind are discussed.
- Ozone Hole and Atmosphere EvolutionThe main purpose of the atmosphere and all its strata is to protect the earth’s living organisms by absorbing ultraviolet solar radiation or rays through the Ozone stratum.
- Evolution vs. Religious DogmaThe religiously fervent still rejects the idea of man evolving from ape but now even the most religious persons today accept evolution to be true.
- Religion and Science. Intelligent Design vs. EvolutionIn the context of science vs. religion, science will always have an upper hand, because it is always religion that resorts to science, in order to substantiate its own dogmas.
- Automobile Industry and Its Evolution in the USThe book entitled “Twentieth-Century Technologies” mainly focuses on the automobile industry and its evolution in the United States.
- Evolution of the US Healthcare SystemThe healthcare system of the US can be regarded as unique since it was changed from the national to the private type.
- Tracing the Evolution of Nursing Practices: Historical and Current PerspectivesUnderstanding the differences between various nursing roles performs a vital function in the arrangement of successful collaboration within healthcare settings.
- Aspects of Human EvolutionThe work describes the connections between the Homo Sapiens and related cultures like art, agriculture, and changes in the climate, and how these aspects affected human evolution.
- Forensic vs Advanced Practice Nursing: Evolution and Comparative AnalysisThe main distinction between forensic nurses’ and advanced practice nurses’ divisions is their scope of practice. Forensic nursing has developed in a direction different from APN.
- The Evolution of CryptographyIn this paper, attention will be paid to the progress of cryptography through ancient, technical, and paradoxical periods, the worth of common encryption methods, and the impact of coding on modern communication.
- Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?The analyzed video is related to biopsychology through the aspect of interfering with human genes to influence different aspects of life, such as longevity and disease resistance.
- Cleopatra’s Role in the Evolution of HumanityCleopatra managed to effectively rule her country, fostered its development by combining outstanding diplomatic skills, charisma, and knowledge.
- Architectural Form Evolution Throughout HistoryThe evolution of form in art is connected to human development over the years. This paper explores the connection between different art forms and their influence on architecture.
- Evolution and Natural Selection: Impact on Human DiseasesNatural selection has helped humans identify the most crucial areas that impact genetic adjustment to the environment.
🌶️ Hot Evolution Ideas to Write about
âť“ Evolution Essay Questions
- Which Theory About Human Origin Is Correct: Creation, Evolution or Intervention?
- What Do Scientists Say About Evolution of the Telencephalon in Nonmammals?
- How Do Scientists Characterize the Evolution of the Herpesviruses?
- What Is the Application of Genetic Approaches to the Study of Human Evolution?
- What Are the Principles of Human Evolution?
- Is It Possible to Discover New Theories of Human Evolution?
- What Is the Evolution of Sensitive Periods in the Development of Insects?
- What Are the Three Periods of Regulatory Innovation During Vertebrate Evolution?
- What Is the Evolution of Profit Persistence in the USA?
- What Is the Evolution of Brain Size and Juvenile Periods in Primates?
- What Is the Body Size Evolution During Cold Climatic Periods in the Cenozoic?
- What Are the Drivers of the Evolution and Amplitude of the African Humid Periods?
- What Are the Two Critical Periods in the Evolution of Random Planar Graphs?
- What Are the Glacial Periods on Early Earth and Implications for the Evolution of Life?
- What Is the Molecular Characterization of the Evolution of Phagosomes?
- What Is the Experimental and Numerical Characterization of Damage Evolution in Steels?
- Is a New and General Theory of Evolution Emerging?
- What Are the Contributions to the Mathematical Theory of Evolution?
- What Are College Students’ Perceptions of the Theory of Evolution?
- What Is the Theory of Games and the Evolution of Animal Conflicts?
- What Is the Relation Between Multilocus Population Genetics and Social Evolution Theory?
- What Is the Effect of Quaternary Climatic Changes on Plant Distribution and Evolution?
- What Are the Roles of Time and Displacement in the Evolution Effect in Rock Friction?
- What Is the Evolution of Binary Stars and the Effect of Tides on Binary Populations?
- What Is the Effect of Tolerance on the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance?