116 Heritage Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Heritage

✍ Heritage Essay Topics for College

  1. Frederick Douglass’s Narrative – Legacy of Resilience
    The paper discusses the “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass”. It calls readers on a heart-wrenching journey through the life of Frederick Douglass.
  2. Heritage of Philipines Culture
    This paper explores the cultural heritage of the Philippines and its significance in healthcare settings, highlights the cultural characteristics of Filipinos.
  3. Takht and Dabke as Part of Musical Heritage
    Takht is a traditional Arab ensemble that became popular at the beginning of the 18th century. Dabke music is another genre that my family and I often listen to.
  4. Egyptian and Filipino Heritage and Health Beliefs
    While Egyptian and Filipino cultural heritages have different backgrounds, there are also some similarities including the aspects related to healthcare.
  5. Identity and Cultural Heritage in “Everyday Use”
    In “Everyday Use,” the key themes are the generational conflict and the problem of self-determination and identity in the context of one’s cultural heritage.
  6. Heritage Theme in “Everyday Using” and “The Parable of the Lost Son”
    In both “Everyday Using” and “The Parable of the Lost Son,” the inheritance was awarded to children who dared not claim it, realizing they were unworthy.
  7. The Problem of Heritage in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”
    In the story “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker addresses the problem of African Americans’ heritage, namely, what they considered to be their heritage.
  8. Literary Heritage of Virginia Woolf
    Virginia Woolf Virginia Woolf is regarded as one of the critical English writers of the 20th century who shaped the modernist tradition.
  9. Characters of Walker’s “Everyday Use” and Their Heritage
    This paper aims to compare the distinctive features of the main characters of the short story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker and find out what could cause these differences.
  10. Alice Walker’s ‘Everyday Use’: Heritage Conflict in African American Family
    “Everyday Use” is a short story authored by Alice Walker. The story is told in the first person by an African American woman known as Mama.
  11. Dee’s Struggle with Family Heritage in “Everyday Use”
    In Alice Walker’s story, Dee’s pursuit of cultural identity through arrogance and selfishness leads to a rift with her family and a loss of true heritage.
  12. My Haitian Heritage’s Influences on My Worldview
    My Haitian heritage shaped the way I act in life and think, and it is interesting to conduct a comparative analysis of cultural elements of Haitian, American, and French cultures.
  13. Cultural Heritage in the Case of Hoi An
    The Hoi An case is an example of heritage preservation that helps develop ways to battle social and economic challenges to the country.
  14. Heritage in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use”
    The family conflict based on a different perception of the concept of heritage is the key theme of Walker’s Everyday Use.
  15. People of Haitian and Iranian Heritage
    This paper discovers peculiarities of Haitian and Iranian heritage and their impact on health care beliefs of these ethnicities.
  16. African American, African and Haitian Heritage Culture
    African American and African cultural group is represented by individuals who live in Africa or in the African Diaspora in the USA. Haitian Heritage’s socio-cultural group includes people from Haiti.
  17. Heritage and Cultural Sector in the Travel and Tourism Industry
    Tourism is one of the most rapidly growing industries that generate billions of dollars and create thousands of jobs places across the globe.
  18. Arab Heritage: Patient-Centered Care
    Within a medical case study, the paper studies culturally congruent strategies of ensuring the patient’s concerns are addressed appropriately and they are given the necessary care.
  19. The Legacy of the Gold Standard as a Medium of Exchange
    An economy that adheres to the gold standard accepts countries’ currencies’ value to be directly linked with the gold reserves that a country holds.
  20. African History and Cultural Heritage
    There is reason to draw a parallel between the Egypt and Nubia ancient civilizations since, they have the same ancestor, as a result of which the cultural features unite them.
  21. The CN Tower Is the World Cultural Heritage Site
    The CN Tower is recognized as a great landmark that is a symbol of Toronto and all of Canada and personifies the freedom and power of architectural thought.
  22. Cultural Heritage Course: Insights into Arts, Literature, Music, and Society
    Through this course on cultural heritage, I have learned important lessons that have changed what I already knew about arts, literature, stories, and music.
  23. Family Heritage Assessment and Analysis of Health Traditions
    The idea of support and cooperation as the key to further recovery was an important part of our family’s health philosophy.
  24. Masterworks of 20th Century Music: Influential Compositions and Their Legacy
    The concert included musical masterpieces of the 20th and 21st century. The first piece was “Symphony #1 The Lord of the Rings” (1987) by the Dutch composer Johan de Meij.
  25. Hispanic Cuban Americans’ Cultural Heritage and Traditions
    The Cuban American’s culture and traditions are a blend of Spanish customary practices, different homeland Cubania heritages, and the US lifestyle.

👍 Good Heritage Research Topics & Essay Examples

  1. Cultural Identity and Legacy in Junot DĂ­az’s ‘The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao’
    “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” contains the themes of colonialism versus dictatorship and individual versus the nation.
  2. Slavery’s Legacy in Kindred by Octavia Butler
    “Kindred” offers a thought-provoking perspective on the complexities of slavery. Octavia Butler examines power, control, and the ramifications of one’s choices in chapters 7 and 8.
  3. Christian-Islamic “Holy Wars” Heritage
    Similarities between the Christian and Islamic “holy wars” come down to the fact that they are not founded merely on conducting war against religious non-followers.
  4. Campus Heritage Preservation Value and Rating
    Morgan State University is one of the oldest institutions of higher learning, initially designed to accommodate students of black heritage in the United States.
  5. Exploring the Chinese Multicultural Heritage and History
    By continually taking one of the leading positions globally throughout the decades, China has always remained a strong influence on world history and its development.
  6. People of Cuban Heritage: Hispanic Americans v. Cuban Americans
    The highest proportion of Hispanic Americans is in New Mexico, California, and Texas. The largest proportion of Cuban Americans is in Florida, New Jersey, California.
  7. Enslaved Workers’ Contribution to the Architectural Heritage of Washington
    Slaves provided cheap labor, and hence the master utilized them in various aspects, including masonry, carpentry, painting, and plastering.
  8. European American Jewish Heritage Presentation
    European American Jews originated from Eastern Europe, mass immigration of the Jews from Europe to America started in the mid-1880s.
  9. Russian Immigrant Heritage Consistency and Acculturation Evaluation
    The purpose of this article is to assess the continuity of the heritage and the acculturation of the Russian immigrant.
  10. Legacy of the Family. “Snow Falling on Cedars” Movie
    The paper explores how the family culture influences socio-cultural, environmental, communication, decision making, and roles. The assessment will draw examples from the movie Snow Falling on Cedars.
  11. Cultural Heritage and Health Traditions
    In Nigerian culture, health maintenance is observed in some ways. First, people are required to dress according to the prevailing weather conditions. Secondly, a balanced diet should be taken.
  12. Thomas More’s “Utopia” Legacy Review
    Thomas More’s “Utopia”, written in 1516, gave the name to the corresponding genre in literature. The influence of this book in the following centuries cannot be overestimated.
  13. Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions
    The present paper provided a summary of the heritage assessment test. Additionally, the paper provided a comparison of existing health traditions.
  14. The Perception of Heritage in “Everyday Use”
    In her story “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker presents the motivations of people resulting in the emergence of particular views on heritage.
  15. The Ancient Greek Philosophers: The Heritage in Modernity
    The ancient philosophy has elaborated almost all basic principles that can be found in the philosophy of modernity.
  16. Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy That Lives On
    The Transatlantic slave trade that took place between the 16th and the 19th centuries removed Africans from their homelands and brought them to Americas against their will.
  17. The Legacy of Emmett Till: The Power of Imagery in Media
    The story about the abduction and the ultimate gruesome killing of Emmett Till in 1955 at the age of 14 years birthed the Civil Rights Movement.
  18. Preserving Cultural Heritage: Conflict in Walker’s “Everyday Use”
    The story suggests that the best way of preserving a group’s heritage, be it physical objects or spoken language, is not putting it on display, as in a museum.
  19. Cultural Family Heritage Assessment in Relation to Healthcare
    Belonging to a particular cultural group often explains the traditions and habits of people, their way of life, and, in particular, their attitude towards health.
  20. Health Beliefs of Appalachian and Arab American Communities: A Comparative Study
    This paper analyzes two different ethnic groups, the Appalachians, and Arab Americans. Arab people came to the United States only in the nineteenth century.
  21. Afro-American and Amish Health Beliefs: Comparative Cultural Insights
    This paper analyses the cultural development of African American and Amish heritage in the United States as well as the influence of cultural beliefs on health care.
  22. Asian and Russian Heritage and Health Beliefs
    This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Asian American and Russian Heritage.
  23. African and Haitian Heritage and Health Beliefs
    This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between African American and Haitian heritage.
  24. Hispanic and Mexican Heritage and Health Beliefs
    This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Hispanic American, Latino American, and Mexican heritage.
  25. Native Americans and Navajo Heritage and Health Beliefs
    This paper demonstrates a compare and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between Native American and Navajo heritage.

📌 Easy Heritage Essay Topics

  1. Assessing Heritage Resources in St. Croix: Dunnavant’s Methodology
    Professor Justin Dunnavant and his team have put extensive effort into exploring the history and effects of slavery on the island of St Croix.
  2. Comprehensive Health Assessment Tools: Enhancing Nursing Heritage Practices
    Heritage health assessment tool is used in nursing in order to assess, maintain, and promote healthcare habits in individuals and families based on one’s culture and beliefs.
  3. Indigenous Cultures: Heritage, Ownership & Narrative Control
    First people’s communities lack control over their cultural narrative. This essay argues that the “object” of representation needs to become a subject and find its own voice.
  4. Native American History and Language: A Deep Dive
    The aim of this research paper is to present the main characteristics of such cultural groups as Native Americans and Cherokee Heritage populations.
  5. Enhancing English Teaching Through Saudi Heritage: Innovative Approaches
    In the elementary classroom setting, the drawings by young learners create a cognitive corridor towards nurturing their own understanding.
  6. Online Marketing for Heritage Attractions in Malta
    With the increasing awareness and demand for heritage tourism in the global market, the Maltese HVAs, and the whole tourism industry has gained a prospect.
  7. European American and Italian Heritage: A Historical Overview
    This paper includes a comparative and contrast analysis of common characteristics and distinguishing traits between the cultural group: European American and socio-cultural group: Italian Heritage.
  8. Hispanic, Latino Americans and Mexican Heritage Culture
    Hispanics/Latinos are the largest minority cultural group, while Mexicans form the largest socio-cultural group among the Hispanic/Latino constituency.
  9. Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta
    This chapter undertakes a literature review on the Heritage Visitor Attractions in Malta and the attractiveness of Malta as far as tourism and heritage are concerned.
  10. African American Cultural Group and Heritage
    This paper contains presentation about African Americans as cultural group and African American Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
  11. A Brief History of the Cultural Group: Early Asian Immigrants
    This paper contains presentation about Asian Americans as cultural group and Japanese Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
  12. Exploring Apache Heritage and Its Significance in Native American Culture
    This paper contains presentation about Native Americans as cultural group and Apache Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
  13. Comparative Analysis of European-American and Polish Cultural Heritage
    This paper contains presentation about European Americans as cultural group and Polish Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
  14. Native Americans and Navajo Heritage
    This paper contains presentation about Native Americans as cultural group and Navajo Heritage as socio-cultural group using scientific literature, Internet resources, and other sources.
  15. Family Life Education: Heritage Assessment
    The assessment of heritage characteristics of three families revealed some common traits and also differences. It seems appropriate to analyze each family in detail.
  16. Planning a Taiwanese Heritage Cultural Diplomacy Event
    The main goal of the ‘Taiwanese Heritage’ event is to leverage on the country’s cultural assets to create a favorable image of Taiwan in the American public.
  17. Cultural Impact on Health Care: Hispanic, Russian, and Chinese Views
    The cultural heritage of three families has been assessed in the context of health care traditions and practices. The highest score was received by a Hispanic family.
  18. Interview Insights: My Husband’s Uncle’s Cuban Heritage & Faith
    The family member that is being interviewed for the assignment is my husband’s uncle. He is a 77-year-old male who was born in Cuba.
  19. Peter’s British-German Heritage and Cultural Background
    Every individual comes from a family. The heritage assessments provide helpful information about the historical record of Anne and Peter.
  20. Health and Heritage Assessment for Hispanic Patients: A Comprehensive Review
    The Heritage Assessment tool is helpful in evaluating and analyzing the health problems of a particular cultural group.
  21. Cultural Competence in Healthcare: Heritage Assessment of Families
    The three families represent a diverse set of beliefs, behavioral patterns, and cultural practices that are attributable to the differences in their cultural backgrounds.
  22. Health Traditions and Heritage Assessment of Three Families
    It is vital to implement the heritage assessment as it can help the healthcare practitioner identify specific views of patients and ways to communicate with them.
  23. Cuban, Russian, Japanese Families’ Heritage and Health Traditions
    The purpose of this paper is to review the results of a heritage assessment that included three families with different cultural backgrounds
  24. Ivan the Terrible’s Legacy: Reforms and Oppressive Policies
    This paper discusses the legacies of Ivan the Terrible: the centralization of authority, administrative changes, territorial expansion, and political disempowerment.
  25. Fanon’s Legacy: Colonialism, Revolution, and Postcolonial Theory
    Much of Fanon’s work explores his experience while the general background explored provokes a spell of bitterness, especially when he talks of colonization and its negativities.
  26. Historical Trauma in Japan’s Former Colonies: A Legacy of Suffering
    Chinese and South Koreans still demonstrate hatred against the Japanese for the evils they perpetrated during the period they had colonized both countries.
  27. Bill of Rights: Origins and Legacy in U.S. History
    The historical importance of the Bill of Rights could hardly be overestimated. It appeared in times when the way the country would evolve had to be chosen.
  28. Racial Socialization and Its Impact on the Life of the Local Community
    The importance of analyzing one’s heritage lies in people’s need to understand their culture and compare it to the customs of other people.
  29. Importance of Heritage Assessment in Nursing for Family Health Outcomes
    Using the heritage assessment tool, it has been found that the interviewee’s parental grandparents come from Phoenix, Arizona, and her maternal grandparents are from Atlanta.
  30. Tracing the Effects of the Cultural Revolution on Kosovo and the Soviet Union’s Legacy
    The paper is a transcript of two interviews. The first one was made with a 40-year old female Russian resident. The other interview featured a 28-year old male Kosovo resident.
  31. Health Traditions in Different Cultures: A Comparative Study
    Health beliefs and traditions depend on the technical and social sophistication of society as well as on the peculiarities of a local religion.
  32. Bill Clinton: 42nd President’s Legacy and Achievements
    Bill Clinton served as the governor until the year 1992 when he vied for the United States Presidency and defeated the then President George W. Bush.
  33. The Allies’ Last Horrible Triumph at Versailles: Historical Significance and Legacy
    This paper discusses the paramount aim of the Versailles Treaty that is the democratization of Germany by means of various provisions.
  34. Film Analysis of Bill Monroe’s Legacy as the Father of Bluegrass Music
    Bill Monroe: Father of Bluegrass Music is the film directed by Steve Gebhardt. It discusses Bill Monroe’s biography referencing to musicians influenced by his music.
  35. Struggle for Gay Human Rights: Nonviolence and Harvey Milk’s Legacy
    Harvey Milk and his contribution in the struggle to preserve gay human rights are discussed from a theoretical perspective. This paper provides an in-depth understanding of gay human rights.
  36. Hispanic American Cultural Group: Diverse Ancestry & Rich Heritage
    The Hispanic American cultural group is comprised of individuals of different ancestry. The group includes the Mexican, Colombian, Rican, Neomexican, Guatemalan, Cuban, and Dominican.
  37. The Dominican Revolution: Resistance and the Mirabal Sisters’ Legacy
    The Dominican Republic went through phases of foreign occupation by the French, Spanish, and the American. Communist and capitalist forces were active under the direction of the United States.
  38. The Methodist Doctrinal Heritage
    In consideration of the Methodist’s heritage and the study of it, Methodists are people from many denominations and organizations that attribute their beliefs to John Wesley.

🎓 Most Interesting Heritage Research Titles

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. Art Heritage, Resilience, and Humanitarianism in South Sudan
  2. How Can Your Korean Heritage Influenced Your Future?
  3. Heritage and the Immigrant Community in the United States
  4. Ethnic Identity and the Maintenance of Heritage Languages
  5. Cultural Heritage and Job Satisfaction in Eastern and Western Europe
  6. Family Heritage and Symbols in Everyday Use
  7. World War One Heritage and Remembrance
  8. Philippine Traditions: The Greatest Heritage
  9. Chinese Heritage and Higher Education
  10. African American and Haitian Heritage
  11. Arts and History Heritage Before the Italian Unification
  12. Immaterial Heritage and Identity of Youth of St. Petersburg
  13. Heritage Laws, Protection, and Conservation in Ireland
  14. American Politics and Heritage of the United States
  15. Institutional Development and Colonial Heritage Within Brazil
  16. Indigenous Biocultural Heritage for Sustainable Development
  17. Factors Explaining the Growth in Heritage Tourism
  18. Art, Architecture and the Cultural Heritage: The St. Louis
  19. Indian Culture and Architectural Heritage
  20. Cultural Heritage and Identity of the United States
  21. The History and Heritage of Stonehenge

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