đ Best Essay Topics on Islam
â Catchy Islam Essay Topics
- Selflessness in Islamic Belief and PracticeThe paper argues zakat is a way to connect with God because is an expression of love and submission to Allah showing that a Muslim values faith more than material possessions.
- The Perception of the Nation of Islam in “The Fire Next Time” by BaldwinThe Fire Next Time represents the Nation of Islam as a paradoxical concept that inspires a black community to unite for a good purpose but wrong methodology.
- Mecca and Meccan Society Before IslamAfter the rise of Islam, Mecca developed exponentially. This paper discusses the Meccan society before the rise of Islam.
- The Concept of Death in IslamAccording to Islam, death is the soul’s return to its creator, who is Allah. Thus, this religion regards human life as a complex of severe trials, which always end in death.
- Islam: Sacred Text (The Quran)Islam is a universal religion of Millions of Muslims around the world. The holy book of Muslims is unique and it is in its original form since its revelation on Prophet Mohammad.
- Comparing Judaism and IslamTwo major religions in the world captured the imagination of many. It is Judaism and Islam, both springing up from the same region â Palestine.
- Comparison of Christianity, Judaism, and IslamThe principles and stories of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism demonstrate that these religions have many common features that should unite people.
- Hinduism Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: ComparisonThis paper compares Hinduism on the one part, and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam on the other part based on the existent points commonality in the Abrahamic religions.
- Pillars of Islam Compared to Ten CommandmentsThere are certain similarities between the Ten Commandments and the pillars of Islam in regard to the direction in which they are geared.
- Islamic Culture, Politics and ReligionThe paper looks into the different aspects of Islam and compares it with Judaism and Christianity to understand why Islamic values are commonly misunderstood.
- Islamic Law and Its Legal SystemThe report focuses on Islamic lawâs background, current legal structure, and its importance in modern world and society.
- Islam in the Todayâs WorldGlobalization, in an Islamic context, is an alternative to Western globalization, which promotes economic and technological developments, particularly in health and communication.
- The Umayyad-Hashemite Civil War and the Birth of the Sunni-Shiite Islamic SchismThe Umayyad-Hashemite civil war is attributed to the succession disputes, which took center stage after the death of Prophet Muhammad.
- Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the WorldThe spread of Islam is associated with the rapid growth of civilizations, as well as the beginning of active trade between different parts of the world.
- The Figure of Jesus in Islam and the QuranThis paper discusses the figure of Jesus in the Islamic religion by highlighting His reference in the Quran, specifically his birth, death, and return.
- Algebra – an Islamic Contribution to the WestMuslim mathematicians are the inventors of the Arabic numeral notation and the decimal system, which is applicable in contemporary mathematical problems.
- Abrahamic Religions: Judaism, Christianity, and IslamThis paper provides a comprehensive overview of the origins and similarities of the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
- The Uniqueness of Christianity in Comparison With IslamThe most prevalent distinction is that Islam requires worshiping only Allah, while Christians believe in Christ, who is God and human.
- Historical Origin of Judaism, Christianity, and IslamThe world’s three major religions grew from the same historical rootstock. This paper will focus on the historical heritage of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
- Servant Leadership and Communication: Islam Religion and Indian CultureLeadership is the exercise of authority over others and is influenced by social factors like culture and religion.
- The Islamic Rule in IndiaAcross the world, the Islamic religion is the second largest after Christianity. In India, the religion has a high number of followers after Buddhism.
- The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of IslamThe paper states that the Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions.
- “Islamic History as Global History” by R. EatonRichard Eatonâs goal was to transform the Western worldâs view regarding the Arab Muslims and the role of Islam in global history.
- Christianity and Islam: Their History and InteractionsThe monotheistic meaning of religion is to worship one God while rejecting other gods’ existence, and Christianity and Islam fulfill this description.
- Analysis of Islamic Banking and FinanceThe purpose of this article is to consider the features of Islamic banking, as well as the principles on which the relationship between the bank and customers is built.
- Islamic Art: The Dome of the RockFrom an architectural perspective the Dome of the Rock has numerous meanings and symbols that relates to religion, especially the Islamic faith.
- Islamic and Western Corporate Social ResponsibilityIslamic and conventional corporate social responsibilities are similar in humanitarian services but different the reason for implementation.
- Baghdad as the Islamic World in 8th-11th centuriesBaghdad simply means the gift of God. During the 762 AD, the Abbasid rule controlled the Muslim community. After five centuries, the city became the centre for world education culture.
- Rise of Islam: Comparing to ChristianityChristianity and Islam are considered two different religions, although they have some similarities. These two faiths have the largest number of followers globally.
- Concept of Human Being in IslamHumans are considered the most important beings among all the animals created as they can distinguish between right and wrong.
- Cultural Similarities and Differences Between Islam and JudaismThe paper states that such faiths as Islam and Judaism contain many contradicting factors: from symbolic to gender and sexual equality.
- Divorce in Islam in Contrast with ChristianityIn contrast with Christianity, Islam permits divorce, as marriage is not considered sacral but rather an earthbound contract between two individuals that can be canceled.
- Islamic Culture and Criminal Justice ProfessionalsThe issue of misunderstanding between the Islamic community and justice system professionals has been acute since the 9/11 attack.
- Art of Islam: The Common Language of Islamic ArtIslamic art encompasses many artistic disciplines, including calligraphy, architecture, painting, ceramics, textiles, and glass.
- Islamic Effect on the Cultural ExchangeIslam produced a notable effect on the cultural exchange between participants, promoting Muslim religion and culture across the Silk Road.
- The Spread of Islam With Trade and GeographyDue to the research on Islam, scientists managed to preserve the scientific heritage of previous civilizations and develop new directions in science, culture, and art.
- Prenuptial Agreements and Islamic Womenâs Rights in the US and UKThis paper focuses on the US and the UK, where the interpretation and resolution of Islamic prenuptial agreements present a conflict in both state courts and the religious court.
- “The Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terror” by LewisLewisâ book âThe Crisis of Islam: Holy War and Unholy Terrorâ narrates the complex history of Islam and how most of its followers continue to reject modernism.
đ Good Islam Research Topics & Essay Examples
- Umayyad Islamic Empire: Differences Between the Umayyad and the People They ConqueredThis paper analyses cultural, religious, political and lifestyle differences between the Umayyad and the people they conquered.
- Islamic Culture: Religion of PeaceAs long as there are Muslims that turn to extremism to push their religious agenda, the development of a pluralist Islamic society will be impossible.
- Baghdad, the Capital of the Abbasid Islamic WorldThe paper looks at the events of the 8th-11th centuries in Bagdad in order to understand the history of this city as the capital of the Abbasid Islamic world.
- Islamic Culture in AmericaIslam is one of the major religions in the world. It is highly controversial because of global links to terrorism.
- “Holy War” in Islam vs. ChristianityThe “holy war” concept emerged in the Middle Ages. Christian church considered Islam a threat to its existence.
- Islamic Architecture in Its Historical ContextThis essay explores Bifolium from the âNurseâs Qurâanâ, the animal flask, and the Hispano-Moresque style, analyzing their historical context and relation to historical events.
- Judaism, Christianity, and IslamThe Abrahamic religions are the most popular in the world. Judaism, Christianity and Islam are the three most famous of them.
- Islam as the Worldâs Most Misunderstood Religion: The Problem of StereotypingThe paper discusses that due to the misrepresentation of Islam in the media, a harmful stereotypes about Muslim religion and Islam has been perpetuated, causing the discrimination.
- Ethics and Islamic Values in BusinessThe case study is based on the crash of the Costa Concordia in January 2012. The report will link the case study to an ethical issue and assess it using Islamic perspectives.
- Civil Law, Common Law & Islamic Law SystemIn this research paper, three types of law systems are handled; Civil law, Common law, and Islamic law. All three sources of law are used to govern people in different countries.
- Promotion of Islamic Financial Products by Digital Media in Kingdom of BahrainThis research proposal suggests a study to understand how digital media has promoted Islamic financial products in the Kingdom of Bahrain.
- Sufism: Islamâs Contribution to MetaphysicsThis study endeavored to investigate the impact of Sufism on the larger religious model and to elucidate the contribution that Islam has made to the study of metaphysics via its ascetic arm, the practice of Sufism.
- “Islam in America” BBC DocumentaryFor the benefit of the one billion faithful Muslims all over the world, it is imperative to redefine Islam based on an idealistic interpretation of the said religion.
- Islam: Understanding the ReligionIslam is followed by fully one-fifth of people in the world, and its essence is encrypted into the Quran, the holy book for all the Muslims.
- Rise of the Islamic EmpireIslamic empire became the biggest state the world had ever seen. The Islamic Empire is an ideal example of cooperation between a state and religion.
- Christian-Islamic âHoly Warsâ HeritageSimilarities between the Christian and Islamic âholy warsâ come down to the fact that they are not founded merely on conducting war against religious non-followers.
- The Origins and Spread of IslamIslam is one of the worldâs most famous and influential religions, the second largest one and one of the youngest religions in history.
- Middle Eastern Women’s Place in IslamThere are several internal and external forces that have harmed Muslim women in the Middle East’s power throughout history.
- Islam and Womenâs Rights in Iran After 1979Womenâs rights are a major concern of contemporary societies. Iran, through the 1979 Islamic revolution, underwent a significant political shift.
- Aspects of Islam and the QuranThe Quran is a sacred text that is followed by Muslims around the world. It promoted polygyny, men, and women being equal in Allahâs eyes, and marriage for procreation.
- Researching the Concept of IslamophobiaUltimately, Islamophobia fits into other nativist forms of ethnophobia and shares striking similarities with anti-Semitism, anti-African, and anti-Native American prejudices.
- The Islamic Religion, Beliefs, and PracticesIslam represents a universal monotheistic religion widespread in the Muslim world. Islam traces back to the seventh century of our era.
- The Ashari Theology in Sunni IslamThe Ashari theology is among the early primary theologies establishing itself as the most important, dominant, and influential tradition of systematic theology in the Sunni Muslim.
- The Islam Spread in Colonial AmericaThis paper aims to study how Islam spread and took root in the territories of colonial America with the help of transatlantic trade by representatives of African peoples.
- Islam in Relation to the Western CivilizationDespite being so close to Western civilization, Islam is the most difficult religion to understand in Western countries.
- Why Women in Islam Have to Be ModestOn the excuse of Islamic modesty, women in several Muslim-majority countries (MMCs) are still subjected to gender segregation and mobility restrictions to varying degrees.
- Christianity and Islam: The Central IdeasReligion is a complex aggregate concept that includes particular mythology, a system of dogmas, cult and ritual actions, and socialized religious institutions.
- The Ambivalence of Religion: Competing over IslamReligion has been a fundamental component of human civilization in all locations and eras and continues to be so throughout our society.
- Sunni and Shia’ Branches of Islam: The History of the SplitDespite the Islamic belief in Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad, the Sunnis and Shia have distinct practices and leadership structures.
- Islam and Hinduism: Commonalities and DifferencesThe current paper states that the comparison of Hinduism and Islam confirms that seemingly different religions can have commonalities.
- Jewish, Christian, and Islamic RelationsChristianity, Islam, and Judaism are three major religious and worldview traditions that divide people in their vision of the world and perception of history.
- Developing the Islamic Banking Cluster in the UAEThe report’s mission is to develop the Islamic banking cluster in the UAE in order to be number one in Islamic Banking.
- Islamic Conversions in Medieval West AfricaThe spread of Islam in Africa was characterized by various political, social, and economic factors that facilitated the widespread of Islam.
- The History of Islam and Arabs and Their Contributions to Global CivilizationSince Islam stemmed and grew from the Arab traditions, other cultures which have embraced Islam also seem to be influenced by the Arabic customs.
- Islam, Christianity, and Judaism â Similar or Not?The question of the relationship between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism is one of the most sensitive aspects of interreligious relations in modern society.
- Islam and Christianity: Fundamental ComponentsBoth Muslims and Christians have different perspectives on God, and he is the ultimate standard of what should be done, according to the Qur’an and the Bible.
- Islamic Perceptions of the CrusadeThis paper discusses Ibn Jubayr’s chronicles on the crusaders, his perceptions of the events of the crusades, its significance in understanding some of the Islamic cultures today.
- Islamic Banking and Its Development ProblemsIslamic banking’s main purpose is to perform the function of making payments and working with a considerable amount of money.
- The Representation of Islam in the British PressBaker et al.âs study âDiscourse analysis and media attitude the representation of Islam in the British pressâ presents the discussion about Islam in the British mass media.
- Islam and Christianity: ComparisonIslam and Christianity are the world’s two main religions. There are many differences in both religions’ belief systems, starting from the core of who he is and whether he is Holy.
âïž Islam Essay Topics for College
- Islamic Culture and Civilization Then and NowThe Arabian individuals are considered to be the prominent individuals who embraced the Islamic culture across the world.
- Womenâs Rights from Islamic and Judaism PerspectivesThe Islamic and Judaism perspectives on women’s rights are often used as a tool to deny women equal rights and perpetuate gender discrimination.
- Universalizing of Religion of IslamBased on the massage of Prophet Muhammad which is believed to have been conveyed to him from Allah through Angel Gabriel while he was meditating in the caves.
- Chapter 4 of Art of Islam by Burckhardt et al.Arab art and Islamic art are intertwined in the language and history of Islam. Arabic calligraphy is the art of writing among Muslim artists.
- Peace in Islam and International RelationsIslam promotes social harmony and peacemaking nationally. Internationally, Islamic teaching encourages peace, unity, and mutual respect among various populations.
- Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity in SocietyThis paper analyses three of the most common religions: Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity, in order to identify their role in the life of society.
- The Five Pillars of Islam in the Muslim CultureThe five pillars of Islam are highly crucial for every believing person as they present the core belief and ideas of the religion.
- Approaches to Psychology. Discrimination of the Islamic ReligionThere has been growing discrimination against the Islamic religion and its relation to terrorism. Such a stereotype arises due to the interactions people have with the environment.
- Witch Hunt: Islamophobia After 11 SeptemberAlmost immediately after the devastating 9/11 attacks, society in the U.S. would experience fear-mongering, and racism.
- Egalitarian Inheritance System of IslamThe paper states that Islam has a specific egalitarian inheritance system. Following the peculiarities of this system, there is no place for primogeniture.
- Islam: The Different PerspectivesThe main principles and essence of Islam are the following points: among the tenets of Islam is monotheism, the most authoritative source of Islamic belief is the Qurâan.
- Al-Hallaj and His Influence on IslamThis paper aims to discuss the earthly journey of the great prophet and thinker Al-Hallaj and how he influenced Islam.
- Feminism Oppression in IslamThis essay looks into feminism oppression in Islam in the modern world. It will analyze what the term modern feminist means and then take a look at feminist oppression in Islam.
- Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment TrustThis paper reviews some of the studies done on IREITs with the aim of determining their effectiveness during economic downturns.
- Unidroit Contract Law and Islamic LawIn 1994, UNIDROIT published the first set of principles to harmonize private international law. An updated version of the regulations was published in the year 2004.
- Comparing Islamic REITs: Insights from Global Financial CrisesThe performance of Islamic REITs during economic downturns has not been determined. It has not been determined whether they perform better than the conventional REITs.
- Competition in Islamic Banking SystemsThe main purpose of the research will be to investigate the effect of competition on profitability and the market power in the Islamic banking system.
- Islamic Real Estate Investment TrustREITs form part of Investment Trusts in Real Estate. These are trusts that give investors an investment guide in all landed properties.
- The Islamic Criminal JusticeThe Islamic law and jurisprudence are an integrated homogenous whole contrasting to the perspective of modern society.
- Islamic Banking: Risk Management, Operations and BarriersIslamic banks have been opened all over the world and they have their own unique operations that depend on the rules and regulations of Islamic law.
- Islamic Banking Features AnalysisThe purpose of the research will explore specific features within Islamic banking that impede the free flow of capital.
- Religion: Christianity vs. IslamIslam and Christianity became the predominant religions; questions about their relations have been an interest globally.
- The Major Abrahamic Religions: Christianity and IslamBoth Christianity and Islam are the major Abrahamic religions that share several key similarities in regards to monotheistic values.
- Five Pillars of Islam and Armenian CommunityIslam remains one of the biggest religions in the world today with millions of followers. This paper analyzes the Five Pillars of Islam and why they are given such a name.
- Christian Theology and World Religions: Christianity and IslamChristianity and Islam share many similarities, although they are two distinct religious traditions. The paper analyzes their similarities and differences.
- The Concept of God in Christian, Islamic and Hindu ReligionsThis paper proposes a comparison and juxtaposition of the concept of God in the Christian, Islamic and Hindu religions.
- The Awakening of Central Asian IslamMost Soviet Muslims lived in Central Asia; they were the first to adopt Islam from the chronological point of view.
- Islam in America: Movie ReflectionThe movie Islam in America introduced Islam to the audience and carries the message that is important for everyone to learn the beliefs, traditions, and habits of Islamic culture.
- Islamophobia in Europe: Switzerland, GenevaThis research paper will focus on the issue of Islamophobia in Europe, with a particular interest in Switzerland.
- Did Christianity or Islam Liberate Women?Islam and Christianity recognize the impacts of patriarchal culture on religion, and the way religious interpretations can condone oppressive practices towards women in society.
- Comparing Islam, Christianity, and Judaism ReligionsThis research paper will compare and contrast Christianity, Islam, and Judaism in terms of origination, foundation, beliefs, rituals, and major prophets.
- Religion and Architecture: Christian Church, Buddhist, Islamic MosquesReligious architecture is mainly concerned with design and building of houses of reverence or holy deliberate places such as stupas, mosques, churches and temples.
- Religious Fundamentalism in Islam and ChristianityThe religious fundamentalism is best defined as peopleâs tendency to idealize their sense of religiosity to such an extent that they begin to pose danger to themselves and to society.
- World Religions: Islam vs ChristianityIn this paper, Islamic knowledge will be attained from an interview with a Sheikh (a teacher of the Islamic faith in a Mosque).
- Islamic Mosque Customs and ArchitectureAll Muslim men came to the mosque at the call for namaaz, which is known as the âazaanâ and is an indication that the time for performing prayers has commenced.
- Five Percents of the Muslim ReligionThe basic faith of Muslim religion is same, i.e. to believe in one God Allah and His prophets as messengers. Different Muslim sects evolve from followers of different Imams.
- The Roots of Islamic TerrorismThe history of the Islamic religion has influenced the cause of terrorism since most terrorist groups are linked to the Islamic religion.
- The Difference in the Islamic TermsThis paper gives the ability to show the difference in the Islamic terms that is greatly characterized in the works by two eminent authors: Farid Al-Din ‘Attar and Ismail R. Al-Faruqi.
- Major Religions of the Modern World: IslamThis paper discusses Islam as one of the major religions of the world today, the origin of Islam, and the authors of the Koran, the religious book used among the Muslim faithful.
- Democracy in Islamic WorldThe urgent problem of modern society nowadays is the state of democracy in Islamic countries that claims attention of politicians and common people all around the world.
đ Islam Argumentative Essay Topics
- Islam and Muslims’ Life in Xinjiang Province, ChinaIn order to restore peace in Xinjiang’s autonomy, the government must respect Muslims and provide them with equal economic and social opportunities.
- Ibn Khaldunâs Understanding of Civilizations and the Dilemmas of Islam and the West TodayâIbn Khaldun’s Understanding of Civilizations and the Dilemmas of Islam and the West Todayâ, strive for the idea of the peaceful coexistence of Islamic and Western civilizations.
- History of Islam: The World with Only 100 MuslimsThe history of Islam started from one single person that was Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) that came up bringing Islam as the last religion with a revealed book Quran.
- Golden Age of Islamic CivilizationMuslims were very ready to protect their language, law and religion from external influence and would only allow other religious groups to their territories only if they recognized Muslim faith.
- Middle Eastern History: The Five Pillars of IslamIslam is currently the second-largest and fastest-growing religion in the world. The pillars and tents are all vital to the basic coherence and purification of all Muslims.
- Islam’s Fast Expansion: Strong Leadership or Merits?Early leaders of Muslims, together with the ideologies of the Muslims, played a key role in the expansion of Muslims.
- Islamophobia in Community and Health ImplicationsSocieties tend to be guided by moral values, principles, and norms. Such attributes dictate the behaviors and practices of different community members.
- Impact of Mobile Banking in UAE: A Case Study of ADIBThe purpose of this paper is to analyze modern online banking practices in the UAE, using Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) as an example.
- Aniconism in “The Hidden Art of Islam” DocumentaryThe Hidden Art of Islam is devoted to the history of aniconism in Muslim culture and its influence on Arabic calligraphy, geometry, design, and contemporary art inspired by Islam.
- Paranoia & Rhetoric: From McCarthyism to Anti-Islam SentimentsOne of the bright examples of such manipulation is the cultivation of the irrational fear of communism during the Cold War by Senator Joseph McCarthy.
- McCarthy’s “Enemies from Within”: Cold War Rhetoric and FearThe speech was a direct attack on President Trumanâs foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department.
- McCarthyism’s Anti-Communist Rhetoric and Its ImpactJoseph McCarthy was famous for his anti-communist rhetoric that resulted in the emergence of a trend called McCarthyism.
- First Muslims in USA: Early Migration and InfluenceHistorians do not know exactly when the first Muslims came to the USA. The earliest migration is believed to take place at the beginning of the 14th century.
- Islam and Politics’ RelationsThe political processes, ideas, and views of Islam were directly influenced by religion, so it is important to study different political roles played by key actors in Islam.
- Islam and Judaism in Zaid Shakirâs and Reza Aslanâs ViewsThough Islamic the fastest growing religion in the world, it is remains shrouded by ignorance and fear. This paper discusses what the essence of this ancient faith is.
- Islamophobia in the US and the Rise of American IslamIslam in America is a growing community with people from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. One reason for the rise of the Muslim community in America may be marginalized minorities.
- Modern Morocco: Islam, Society, and PoliticsMorocco is a country with a history that has absorbed millennia of traditions into its culture. The imprint of several ancient civilizations can be strongly felt in it.
- Islamic Terrorism: A Threat to U.S. National SecurityThe power of extreme Islamic terrorist groups seems to be enormous to the people of the U.S. and Europe; it is far more prominent in the Middle East and some African countries.
- Islamic Banking’s Growth and Adaptation During Economic CrisesOn the surface, it may seem odd that Islamic banking is in such demand but when looked at from a cultural and religious perspective, it embodies the very essence of Islamic law.
- ISIS in Mexico: Lauren Caroll’s Fake News Checking ArticleThe article under analysis highlights the issue associated with ISIS in Mexico and a range of facts expressed by different people regarding its potential entranceto the US.
- Iranâs History, Islamic Governance and Relationships with the USNowadays, Iran remains one of the most powerful countries in the region and largely influences other Middle Eastern states.
- Islamic Culture and Perception in the USAIn America, there are various stereotypes that are associated with Islam, especially in matters concerning the connection between the faith and Jihad (holy war).
- Examining Cultural Misunderstandings Depicted in Films About Islam in AmericaThe primary purpose of the paper is to focus on the movie Islam in America and provide reflection regarding discussed subjects.
- Islam in the US: History, Culture, and Post-9/11 ChallengesThe US has had longstanding stable relationships with Islam nations. However, the relations deteriorated after the 9/11 attacks.
- Malcolm Xâs Relationship with the Nation of Islam: Ideological and Social ImpactsMalcolm Xâs tragic death following the animosity between him and the NOI reveals that he had differed with the organizationâs principles, and the leaders were not pleased.
- Extreme Islamic Terrorist Groups Compared: Al Qaeda vs. ISISAl Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) represent two generations of terrorism threats faced by the United States and the rest of the world.
- Medieval Artworks of Asia, Africa, America, and the Islamic WorldThis paper presents a small exhibition of objects of art from the cultures of China, Japan, Africa, America, and also showcase Islamic art.
- Evolution of the Caliphate: From Prophet Muhammad to Modern StatesThis paper looks at the history of Islam, focusing mainly on the first Islamic state by Prophet Muhammad. It shows that the first caliphate and the current caliphates are very different.
- Medieval Art Objects from Asia, Africa, America, and the Islamic WorldThis paper discusses art objects that highlight significant and essential ideas of culture of China, Japan, Africa, America, and also showcase Islamic art.
- Islamic State: Analyzing Human Rights Values and ViolationsThis paper gives a reflection and analysis of Islamic culture using the ideas gained from the movie âIslam in Americaâ.
- Is Islamic Spirituality a Key to Psychological Well-Being?This paper will try to adapt the principles of Islamic spirituality to the dimensions of psychological well-being. Islam, in general, has three dimensions â Islam, Iman, and Ihsan.
- Muslim Culture Representation in “Islam in America”: A Cinematic PerspectiveThis discussion gives a detailed reflection of the movie âIslam in Americaâ to support arguments that Islam is a religious faith of peace.
- Evaluating the Threats of ISIS: Current Perspectives and ImplicationsAt the edge of centuries, the world faced great changes. The tendencies in war also became different. A shift of power resulted in the increase of substate groups influence.
- Development and Outcomes of Islamophobia: Understanding Its Societal ImpactThe Centre for Race and Gender of the University of California provides a detailed explanation and a definition of Islamophobia as a concept.
- Examining the Nature of Islamophobia WorldwideThe paper explains the nature of Islamophobia and establishes whether it is a homogenous phenomenon and if it consists of branches and types of fear mixed with hatred.
- A Comparative Study of Fascism in Nazi Germany and Its Influence on Islamic StatesThe paper discusses 3 questions about fascism: Volkswagen as a fascist object, the double nature of Nazi imperial reveries, and connection between ISIS and fascism.
- Impact of Islamic Religion on Cultural Diversity within American SocietyMany Americans have not understood the essence of the religion. For instance, there is a common suspicion that Islam is anti-Western and supports terrorism.
- Religious Syncretism: Islam and HinduismReligious Syncretism entails the integration of two religious beliefs into new system. This paper will explain how Sikhism originated, its doctrines and practices and how it has grown.
- Christianity and Islam: Diverging Beliefs, Shared Principles, and Their Global InfluenceIslam and Christianity are monotheistic religions which originate from Judaism. Both religions refer to The Old Testament as the relevant source and the origin of beliefs.
- Peace and War: Exploring Religious Values in Islam and ChristianityThe paper proves that it is not the religious beliefs that define people’s existential mode, but people’s racial affiliation defines the essence of their religious beliefs
đ Most Interesting Islam Research Titles
- Triangular Relationship Between Islam and Eastern and Western Christendom
- Business and Consumer Protection in Islam
- The Christian Ten Commandments and the Five Pillars of Islam
- Aristotle and Islam: Two Views of Womenâs Rights
- Islam: Literature and Music in the Golden Age
- Are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Male-Chauvinist Institutions?
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam: The Three Oldest Religions Are Based on Faith and Commitment
- Hate Crimes and Intolerance of Islam in the Indian Subcontinent
- Analysis Daily Worship Ritual, Mohammedanism, and Islam
- The Rise and Expansion of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula
- How Far Did Climates of 7th Century Arabia Contribute to the Emergence of Islam
- What Events and Figures Have Shaped the Development of Islam in the United States?
- Religious Doctrine and Social Ethics in Islam
- The Cultural Economic and Political Impact of Islam on West Africa
- How Muhammad Established Islam as a Major Political and Religious Force in the World
- Demystification the Common Misconceptions About the Role of the Family in Islam Shariah
- Public Sector Resource Mobilization in Islam
- Middle East Culture Islam Israel Democratization
- Understanding Islam: Development, Economics, and Finance
- Christian and Islam Views on Creation
- Are Islam and Democracy Compatible?
- The Reasons Contributing for the Spread of Islam Globally
- Differences Between Christian and Islam Attitudes Towards Merchants and Trade
- Radical Islam and the Problems in the Middle East
- Examining Absolutism vs. Pluralism in Islam Today
đĄ Simple Islam Essay Ideas
- The Relationship Between Islam and Democracy in Turkey: Employing Political Culture as an Indicator
- Gender Equality and Justice in Islam Theology Religion
- The Prophet Muhammad, the Founder of Islam
- Culture and Diversity: Understanding Islam
- Black Community and the Nation of Islamâs Lack of Impact
- James Baldwin and Elijah Muhammad on the Nation of Islam
- Analysis Role and Influence of Islam Today
- Christianity and Islam and Their Views on Life After Death
- Early Growth and Development of Islam Religion
- Christian Attitudes and the Attitudes of Islam to Help Infertile Couples Have Children
- Hughesâ Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate
- Religious Language Development and Its Negative Effects on Islam
- The Origins and Beliefs of Shia and Sunni Islam
- Was Islam the Motivation for Ottoman Empire Expansion?
- The Black Muslim Movement: The Nation of Islam
- Similarities and Differences Between Christianity and Islam
- The Cultural and Religious Differences in the Role of Women in Traditional Islam
- Islam the Role and Function of the Mosque in a Muslim Community
- Tracing Back the History of Islam in Ancient Persia
- Ties Between Marriage and Sex in Islam and Hinduism
- Cultural Variations Between Islam and America
- Does Islam Cause Violence in the Middle East?
- The Economic and Political Impact Islam Had on Europe
- Understanding Islam, the Muslim People, and the Islamic Faith
- Medical Ethics and Islam: Principles and Practice
đ Easy Islam Essay Topics
- The Importance of Quran, the Holy Text of Islam
- The Saharan Long Distance Trade and the Spread of Islam
- The Beginning and History of Islam in the United States
- Daily Rituals and Mohammadâs Importance in Islam
- African Religion and Its Influence on Christianity and Islam
- The United States Foreign Policy Toward Islam
- Differences Between Arab Nationalism and Political Islam
- Islam Cultures and Entrepreneurial and Business Strategy Roles
- Arabian Nights Magic and Islam Critical Thinking Examples
- What Does Indeed Unity Mean in Islam?
- Did Islam Spread Throughout Africa With the Use of Force?
- Islam and the Problem of Economic Justice
- Islam and the Religious Dimension of Conflict in Kenya
- The Role of Myths Rituals and Symbols in Islam
- Biography About Muhammad Islam and the First Arab Empire
- The Relations Between Arabs and Israelites Before the Rise of Islam
- The Gold DinÄR and Silver Dirham – Islam and the Future of Money
- Different Political Tribes Opinions About Islam in Malaysia
- Which Religion Did More to Help or Hinder Medicine – Islam or Christianity?
- Islam, Globalization, and Economic Performance in the Middle East
- Islam and Its Popularity, Universality and Political Aspects
- Radical Islam: Itâs Real Threat to the Whole World
- Family Planning, Islam and Sin: Understandings of Moral Actions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
- Does Islam Need Reformation or Do Islamic Societies Need?
â Research Questions About Islam
- Are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism Male-Chauvinist Institutions?
- What Was Arab Life Before Islam?
- What Are Some Observations on the Significance of Heresy in the History of Islam?
- What Is the History of Islam in Indonesia?
- What Does the Idea of Idolatry and the Emergence of Islam Say?
- What Is the Role of Islam in World History?
- How Are Islam and Christianity Alike and Different?
- How Did the Advent and Expansion of Islam Influence Russia and the Byzantine Empire?
- How Does Islam Fundamental Used the Power of Religion Twisted?
- How Far Did Climates of 7th Century Arabia Contribute to the Emergence of Islam?
- How Has the Development of Political Islam Since 1979 Affected the Greater Middle East?
- How Islam Views Same Sex Marriage and Its Effect on Public Opinion?
- How Muhammad Established Islam as a Major Political and Religious Force in the World?
- How Radical Islam Has Become the Number One Focus of the US?
- How the West Perceive Islam and What Mazrui Thinks Is the Reality?
- What Beliefs and Practices Does Islam Share With Judaism and Christianity?
- What Did Medieval Europe Learn From Islam and Byzantium?
- What Factors Allowed the Spread of Islam in Arabia Peninsula?
- What Non-muslims Say About Muhammad, the Prophet of Islam?
- Which Religion Did More To Help or Hinder Medicine: Islam or Christianity?
- Why Has Islam Become So Popular Among Arabs?
- What Religion Was in Saudi Arabia Before Islam?
- What Is the History Behind the Holiest Month in Islam?
- What Are the Golden Rules of Islam?
- What Islam Says About Worker’s Rights?