Social Media for Fitness Trackers

The time after the rigorous lockdowns amidst the COVID-19 pandemic presents a great market for fitness trackers. Without access to proper equipment, impacted by the possible mental issues, the average US young adult is likely to invest in proper workout gear and assess the current body condition. Thus, the target...

The Pantheon in Rome: A Structural Analysis

Built in 1018 AD, the Pantheon in Rome is considered to be one of the most important architectural wonders from ancient history, which still makes a strong impression on architects and viewers from all over the world. Its unique design demonstrates the proficiency and genius of Roman architects, serving as...

Investing in Ethereum: Advantages and Disadvantages

The rise of technologies provided individuals with new ways to pay for goods and services without using cash. Thus, Ethereum (eth) is one of the cryptocurrencies available to individuals today. It is a specific form of virtual money used in the form of tokens or coins (Bhattacharya, 2021). Today, there...

Methodological Flaws in Studies of Air Pollution and COVID-19 Death Rates

The research reviews the considerations related to studying the correlation between ambient air pollution and its effects on the symptoms of COVID-19. There were numerous studies that claimed that there are certain connections between death rates from COVID-19 and the issues related to the quality of air. As researchers claim,...

Team Performance Improvement and Stimulation

The current composition of the group lacks the necessary balance, as three of five animals — a donkey, a monkey, and a peacock display potentially disruptive behaviors. However, only an inspirational lion has the authority and power to rectify the situation, while a nice and loving cat is too busy...

Accusations of Breach of Code of Ethics: Memo

This memo addresses recent events involving a former employee and accusations of breach of code of ethics resulting in her termination. Heather Smith worked at Lord Berkeley corp for six months before her termination over the aforesaid breach of code. The facts of this case were that the employee took...

“Avengers: Endgame” as a “Zeitgeist Film”

Avengers: Endgame has become one of the highest-grossing films in the history of cinema. No wonder that one may consider this film not only as a commercially successful product but also as a “Zeitgeist” film. The basic concept of the term Zeitgeist is that the film raises such pressing issues...

The Gender Influence on the Language of Communication

Introduction An analysis of the conversation between men and women reveals the extraordinary complexity of their social relationships. Sociolinguistics examines the dynamics of relations between men and women through the prism of the language of their communication. Men and women often understand each other inaccurately during communication. This article discusses...

Save the Rhino, Save the Plant

In the present day, a lot of animal species are threatened with extinction. The presented article deals with the fact that Sumatrian rhinos are the most endangered species of rhinoceros. Because of this, several plants are endangered as well, as only large animals can disperse their seeds by eating fruit...

History and Accommodation of the Deaf Community

Alexander Bell, like his family, encouraged oralism and deaf intermarriage. These speech abilities, Bell argued, were critical for deaf Americans’ socialization as well as their social and work progress. Bell observed that deaf individuals preferred to marry one another. He claimed that if this pattern were maintained, a deaf subspecies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of Fitness in Adolescents

Boys and girls experience significant changes during puberty and become adolescents. Differences mainly affect physical changes, and emotional changes are similar. Girls become taller, acne may appear, and their body shape changes – the hips become wider, and the breast grows. Moreover, hair grows in the armpits and around the...

Pediatric Occupational Therapy for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

This is a systematic review of quantitative research studies and occupational therapy interventions for children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Firstly, Nielsen et al. (2017), provide a short introduction to the prevalence, symptomatology, and treatment of school-aged children with ADHD. ADHD is a chronic neurodevelopment disorder that affects 11%...

Apple’s Decision to Open Retail Stores

There are several reasons why Apple decided to open its own retail stores all around the world, which now accounts for slightly more than 500 physical establishments (McCarthy, 2021). First of all, the company’s choice is explained by the desire to provide a better buying and product usage experience (Macaholic,...

Nurturing Independent and Adventurous Children

Is it not amazing how creativity pays in contemporary society where the internet offers people unlimited possibilities? Parenting styles should adjust to the changing society to support children’s adaptability to become responsible, productive, and successful adults. While researchers often encourage parents to use the authoritative parenting style due to its...

Analysis of Climate Change Ethical Issues

Climate change is a major problem in contemporary society, evidenced by issues such as global warming that have affected and continue to wreck societal norms around the world. In the first instance, global warming results in thinning polar ice caps. While individuals in areas such as California see this issue...

Emile Durkheim’s “The Elementary Forms of Religious Life”

Religion has been important and influential in people’s lives for a long time. Emile Durkheim’s The Elementary Forms of Religious Life explores religion’s essence and role by studying its primitive form. The author chose the study of archaic religion because he believes it will best reveal people and their religious...

The Essay “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

The work Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau is an illumination of the current shortcomings of the government. In the essay, the author describes the evil side of the authority that uses its power to reach its benefits, disregarding the nation’s interests. The paper written by Thoreau serves as a...

Return to Domestic Manufacturing

Introduction One might suggest that actors and participants in the financial world are now witnessing a resurgence of a protectionist and even isolationist paradigm in trade with the United States (US) as a pioneer. According to Dettmer, “the U.S. is 
 focusing on national self-reliance and boosting manufacturing capacity.” Global...

Vivaldi’s “Winter” as an Example of Baroque Music

Precisely the Baroque era is the period of the introduction of instrumental music characterized by extravagant and bizarre textures and harmonies and depicting an extra-musical place, character, or idea. Music of the Baroque era has evident contrast between soft and loud and long flowing melodies. It is more unpredictable and...

Global Recruiting: Advantages and Disadvantages

There are several advantages and disadvantages to global vs local recruiting. On the one hand, a negative aspect is considered the need for applying different approaches to hiring personnel. Thus, a technique is not necessarily globally effective if it is successful in one region (Gale, 2013). However, the talent pool...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leonardo Da Vinci: Connecting Art to Science

One of the ways to draw parallels between art and science would be to mention how Leonardo Da Vinci tried to gain more insight into natural phenomena and observe them to an extent where he would recognize all of their peculiarities. From the human musculature to lip movements, Da Vinci...

Researching of the Global Health System

The U.S government is committed to advancing healthcare readiness across the U.S and the world. The federal government formed the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid services (CMS) to administer major healthcare programs in Medicare, Medicaid, and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). CMS also evaluates the quality of health facilities, insurance...

The Phenomenon of Terrorism and Its Relation to Globalization

The phenomenon of terrorism is tightly connected to the concept of inequality of globalization. This relationship is demonstrated by the example of seeming assistance to developing countries, manifested in an armed attack. Aggressive actions contribute to the deterioration of the economic and social situation within the victim country, which also...

Seduction of Joseph in the Hebrew Bible and the Koran

Seduction plays an important thematic role in the story of Joseph. As a form of temptation, it presents a problem for the spiritual growth and righteousness of faith, and represents many of the dangers religion can protect from. In the context of both the Hebrew Bible and the Koran, seduction...

Effects of Drug Use on Society

Every society encounters a variety of problems that it needs to address, and one of the most common is drug use among the population. Essentially, illegal substances cause a considerable addiction in people, which can lead to numerous social issues and negative effects. Specifically, drug use causes people to become...

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina: Composition’s Theme, Style, and Key Features

“Cantares” by Joaquin Turina is a composition with an underlying message of unfulfilled love and conflict. The smooth melody and soothing vocals from Turina’s composition resonate with a sentimental style different from the Spanish style. The composition style is typical of the traditional Spanish style reminiscent of the traditional technique...

Dangers of Microplastics to Marine Ecosystems

A marine ecosystem refers to an aquatic environment with a high concentration of dissolved salts. At the same time, micro plastics are small pieces of ductile particles found in the environment due to pollution. As a result of contamination of environment, the marine ecosystem has been affected causing many side...

The Rogerian Theory and Its Applications

The Rogerian argument posits many advantages to an Aristotelian discussion. Individuals are likely to become defensive when others confront them. In this way, the Rogerian approach tries to defuse a tense situation and connect these factions rather than seek domination of one over the other (Quinn, 2015). It involves establishing...

Non-Symbiotic and Symbiotic Mutualism

There are two main types of mutualism: symbiotic and non-symbiotic. In symbiotic mutualism, both parties involved benefit from the relationship. This type of mutualism is often seen in nature, where two species help each other exist. For example, many plants have a mutualistic relationship with bees; the bees collect nectar...

Mohandas Gandhi’s Career Success and Failures

During his time under British control, Gandhi positioned himself as a spokesperson of the common people. As the leader of the Indian National Congress (INC), he was effective in his efforts to organize nonviolent resistance. He organized a peaceful resistance campaign known as satyagraha in order to pressure the British...

Self-Determination Right and Euthanasia

In the current euthanasia-related discussion, identifying the moral rightness to kill or let a person die for the good plays an important role. On the one hand, doctors and nurses are obliged to preserve human life and relieve suffering at any cost (Vaughn, 2019). On the other hand, they need...

The Relevance of the World Music Term

Introduction Many people across the world listen to music daily without necessarily knowing its genre. In 1999, David Byrne, in one of his articles, highlighted how people confuse the different music categories. Being a versatile and prominent person in the entertainment sector, Byrne begins by pointing out that what many...

Agon Pas De Deux by George Balanchine

George Balanchine was indeed one of the most gifted ballet choreographers in the 20th century. Having directed numerous ballet plays, he became well-known for his style and approach to ballet choreography, distinguished among his fellow professionals. However, Balanchine’s Agon Pas De Deux, performed at the opening of the New York...

Vieques, Cochabamba, and Cesar Chavez Protests

Cesar Chavez is most known for his attempts to improve working conditions for the laborers who were forced to work in deplorable circumstances for little salaries. Nonviolent protests were used by Chavez and his Union to contest California grape farmers’ policies (Ortiz, 2021). The demonstrations in Vieques were against the...

Berkeley’s Evolving Theory: Philosophical Reflection

Philosophical queries are multifaceted and involve reflection and awareness. Especially notable is the thought that people’s limited capacity for perception creates a subjective stance toward the world. A direct consequence of this is a belief in the distance and increased priority over the rest of the world. Buddha and Berke...

The Anti-Black Race Riot as a Civil Rights Issue

In the given scenario about the anti-black race riot, I selected the role of a member of the NAACP. My further discussion will be from that person’s point of view. I am a member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). I attended a local meeting...

Race: A Socially Constructed Concept

Racial concerns are a major cause of contention around the world. Dr. Samuel Morton started a flawed and biased research study to determine the biological differences elicited in races in the 1800s (Parker, 2021). Science unequivocally refutes Dr. Morton’s findings as race is not biologically evident (Parker, 2021). Individuals’ genetic...

Benefits of Nursing Informatics in Health Sector

The current health IT has a positive effect on nursing, medicine and other disciplines at my institution. Nursing informatics helps these individuals integrate and communicate data to and from providers such as physicians, nurses, and pharmacists, eliciting coordinated care. It has connected varying departments and allowed these people to seek...

Listening to Music: Several Levels

Listening to music in the background often accompanies many people in everyday life: the radio can sound at home or in the car, and music in supermarkets and other places. However, I try to make listening to music a separate matter or a process that requires some attention. The transition...

Historical Trauma in Native Americans and African Americans

The term historical trauma refers to a traumatic experience in the lives of several generations in a specific group of people united by racial, cultural, or ethnic characteristics. Examples of historical trauma in the history include different methods of harming an ethnic or cultural group, such as forced relocation and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Conformity: Sociology in Our Times

The degree of the conformity is governed by elements such as the source’s age and state, instantaneity, and the number of persons in the group to whom the observer was exposed, according to suggested biological considerations. Conformity is influenced by social variables such as a change in views or conduct...

St. Thomas’s Natural Law Teaching and Aristotle’s Teaching in Ethics

People tend to have varying views on numerous aspects of life and explain some significant and primary concepts differently. Thus, attempts to discuss and define natural law started in Ancient Greece; later, many brilliant philosophers, including Thomas Aquinas and Thomas Hobbes, tried to understand this concept. Overall, according to Hobbes...

Trends in Consumer Eating Habits

Contemporary consumers tend to practice a variety of eating habits caused by health, ethical, and sustainability issues. In particular, a versatile number of restrictive diets have become very popular in the recent past. They include vegan baking trends, vegetarian diets, gluten-free, paleo, nut exclusion, and others. These frequently observed consumer...

A Novel Educational Model and Technology

The education system plays a pivotal role in contemporary society. It serves to prepare individuals for participation in modern economies and foster a strong cultural identity in persons living in a multicultural world (Robinson, 2010). The primary function of education is to ensure that children grow to become efficient members...

Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Resolution

Introduction Emotional intelligence is a vital skill that can be applied in a variety of situations, including conflict resolution and negotiation. However, as with any skill, not everyone possesses it, and people can develop it further by emulating a model of behavior provided by the leaders in their place of...

How Health Care Receives Payments by Health Care Users

Types of Healthcare Providers The three main types of healthcare providers are; hospitals, nursing homes, and home healthcare. Hospitals are institutions that patients visit to acquire health services. Nursing homes, on the other hand, are used by patients who do not need to visit the hospital but require special care...

Importance of Brands and Branding for Business

The brand is what differentiates a good or service from others. Thus, branding is implemented to distinguish something that one company offers from the same products produced by other entities. Having a solid brand facilitates high consumer loyalty, hence, profit (Keller, 1991). Since the provider of the goods is recognized...

Proceedings of Anti-Jackson Convention in Richmond

The agenda of the authors is to reasonably prove that Jackson is not suitable for the nation’s highest office. Citizens thought that his election would be dangerous. This view is supported by such prejudices as inexperience in public service, intemperance of character, and propensity for violence. These three aspects are...

Chinese Guardian Lions

Chinese guardian lions are national symbols of power and richness that protect people from evil spirits. While they represent real-life lions, they are frequently referred to as foo dogs or lion dogs. Chinese guardian lions are an essential part of rich Chinese history, but they first originated in Persia (Pang,...

Epidemiology of Deadliest Diseases in History

Some of the deadliest diseases in human history include acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), cholera, influenza, smallpox, bubonic plague, and COVID-19. According to MPH Online (2021), the influenza pandemic of 1918 had the highest death rate of up to 50 million people. Another pandemic was HIV/AIDs identified first in 1976, but...

The Film “Concussion” by Peter Landesman

The ethical perspectives of the NFL include the provision of help to the people in need. The support should mainly be directed towards the youth, especially those who suffer from concussions. In addition, benevolence is required in managing the players and football, in general, to ensure success in the sport...

Limiting Smartphones Use in Communication

The advancement of technology has transformed communication in the contemporary world. People have embraced smartphones as their interaction tools, thus disregarding face-to-face communication. According to Kim (2017), experts are concerned that this emerging trend risks phone-use addiction. The internet inspires many individuals to spend considerable time online on various social...

Representation of North American First Nations

Annotated Bibliography For the Child Taken, for the Parent Left Behind The first source used in this work is “For the child taken, for the parent left behind” by Renate Eigenbrod. It is a text written by a former student of a boarding school and expresses all the feelings, emotions,...

Changes in the Second Vatican Council

There are numerous different religions globally, and each one has its traditions, rituals, and celebrations. Catholic Church also owns certain important and memorable dates on which it holds ceremonies that aim to honor some historical and religious figures or feast holidays. One of such celebrations is Holy Mass, which is...

The American Policy: Impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68

The given essay aims at examining the impact of the National Security Council Paper Number 68 (NSC-68) American policy during the early Cold War. The document will also address the role and consequences of the Iran-related events during this period in forming national policy during both the Cold War and...

Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody Song Analysis

I think that Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody is a song of the decade for the 70s. It is an obvious choice, but I think it is really difficult to name a more iconic and long-standing track. Being a rock ballad, it combines unexpected shifts of melody and style to the point...

Communication Styles at the Workplace

Today’s communication is often built upon texting due to the high popularity of online contact. The LabSim platform provides advanced opportunities for communication through texting. The first reason this site was chosen is that it allows learning and communicate through video calls. This helps quickly solve the particular problem, which...

Polynomial Use in Real Life Applications

Store and bank safe are two real-world applications for polynomial equations. Assuming a bank manager wants to keep money in a safe and they will not be available at the time of delivery. The manager may have to request that his tellers open the safe. However, the manager may not...

Colgate: The Brand Success History

The No. 1 toothpaste company on the Russian market, Colgate, has existed for more than two centuries. Now its net income for the quarter exceeds billions of dollars (Colgate-Palmolive, n.d.). The appearance of toothpaste on the market in history contributed to the first step toward the company’s global success. The...

Controversial Issues in Today’s Media

The first controversial issue in the contemporary media landscape is the Supreme Court’s potential overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Jones (2022) claims that this decision will limit women’s economic mobility since the United States is the only developed nation with no childcare aid or paid family leave. If women cannot...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Group Setting Population

Social concerns associated with a decline in educational and cultural level, the blurring of life reference points and values, and the inability to interact constructively and resolve conflicts have become more acute among adolescents. This concern has arisen primarily due to the unmet needs of teenagers, and it must be...

The Great West Expansion in American History

Introduction The history of the United States is a fascinating subject that can reveal many surprising facts about the past of American society and the country in general. As the country grew into the international power the United States is today, most of its history is well-known as it is...

Use of Drones in Emergency Management

The use of drones in disaster relief is becoming increasingly important. Drones can capture images, film videos, and deliver objects. The imagery and mapping technology in drones can be used to survey the damage and assist in allocating victims in emergencies. Unmanned aero planes can also be used to deliver...

Introduction to Sociology and Its Aspects

Registering for a sociology course helps discern various problems in life. The interconnected nature of sociology to societal wellbeing is a major concern that allows one to develop an acute understanding of the environment. Working as a surgical technologist aids one in determining the various factions necessary for surgery. It...

Analysis of Style Role in Art: Vincent Van Gogh

The concept of style is often mentioned in relation to different art pieces. A style as an artistic notion might seem somewhat difficult to explain. However, the definition offered by Hauser (2018) seems to be comprehensive and detailed enough. Specifically, Hauser (2018) defines style as a characteristic of art pieces...

Philosophical Thinkers and Questions in Ethics

The fundamental difference between philosophy and science is that the former asks conceptual questions and tries to find explanations entirely through thinking. On the other hand, the latter formulates theories that can be tested experimentally. The first crucial philosophical question is related to the existence of objects, which is asked...

Wilson’s “Fences”: Discussion of Rose Character

It is important to note that Rose in Fences is a vital character who represents maternal care and practical love. One needs to be aware that she is the only female figure in the story who brings balance between Cory and Troy. In addition, when it comes to her functional...

The Project Management Office

The project management office (PMO) presents one of the most important activities in management that focuses on providing directions, methodology, and training for project management. Furthermore, PMO is a critical factor in achieving project success as it improves the projects’ effectiveness through the active transfer of knowledge and experience and...

The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo for the United States

The United States is one of the largest countries on the planet in terms of territory size, yet many of its current regions had been acquired during wars. The Mexican–American War, which occurred between 1846 and 1848, became one of the most notable events in the history of the two...

The Evidence-Based Treatment: Definition, Purpose, and Benefits

Therapy that is supported by scientific data is referred to as evidence-based treatment. As described in the video by Veterans Health Administration (2014), tests have been undertaken, and a substantial study on a specific treatment has been published, and it has proved to be effective. Moreover, the studies that demonstrate...

Transgender Health Disparities and Solutions

It has been found that people who identify as transgender, intersex, gender non-conforming, or gender diverse have exacerbated health disparities compared to other people. These disparities include physical and mental health issues, the development of which is brough about by a high level of stress, stigma and incomprehension these people...

Racism in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie”

Preconceptions based on racial origin are exceedingly unjust and hurtful because one cannot select their ethnicity. Hearing disparaging statements from strangers is different from suffering emotional disrespect from those closest to an individual. The pain of discrimination is portrayed within a blended background in Ken Liu’s “The Paper Menagerie.” The...

The Impacts of COVID-19 on Resilience

Many variables can impact resilience; however, some significant ones incorporate a person’s adaptation to stress. The research around the impacts of COVID-19 reveal that a larger part of individuals has reported a negative effect on their psychological well-being because of COVID-19 (Liu et al., 2021). Nonetheless, there are few examinations...

Personnel Assessment and Selection

In order for the hiring manager and the human resources (HR) manager to cooperate successfully, it will be crucial for them to build mutually positive relationships. The latter will provide the team with enough opportunities for data-driven analytics that could be utilized to innovate some of the processes across the...

Kant’s Role in Developing Moral Philosophy

It is challenging to overestimate Kant’s role in developing moral philosophy, which explains the fact that many other experts rely on his works. In her article “Morality as a System of Hypothetical Imperatives,” Foot (1972) attempts to deny a commonly held belief that moral judgments cannot be hypothetical imperatives. In...

Detecting E. Coli Using Anti-Salmonella H Antigen-Antibody

Two tests were carried out in the lab task. The first task was to detect E. Coli using anti-salmonella H antigen-antibody and anti-Shigella antibodies. This is a negative control because the control sample is the one that does not contain E. Coli. According to Tippe-Schindler et al. (2019), negative controls...

Machiavelli’s The Prince: Political Virtue or Unethical Governance?

The Prince political treatise is known for being rather controversial and making people have conflicting ideas, which affected the reputation of the text’s creator NiccolĂČ Machiavelli. Some interpret the book as immoral and encouraging cruel rule in which Machiavelli promotes unethical governance. However, others consider this writing to be a...

The “Bullshit Jobs” and “Political Happiness” Concepts

Nowadays, it may seem quite challenging to enjoy various aspects of life and be thankful to the government for solving a vast number of issues in the correct ways. What is more, it is difficult for people to take active roles in policymaking and be activists because they have their...

The Computer Sales, Markets, and Input

The environment in which the sales of computers operate has characteristics of perfectly competitive and monopolistic markets. Due to the enormous variety of price ranges, performance capabilities, and other factors, hundreds of firms are able to compete and observe profits. However, it is also undeniable that a select group of...

How British Government Played a Role in Industrialization

Introduction The British government safeguarded private property rights, which meant that displaced handicraft workers could not attack the new factories. It did not restrict salaries or pricing, allowing new business owners to manage their labor costs as they saw appropriate. It had gotten rid of guild rules that impeded innovation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Universe’s Origins and Expansion

Questions about the origin and, consequently, the further development of our Universe have often bothered me since the uncertainty of knowledge breeds panic and arouses curiosity. In fact, in the absence of constructive information due to the lack of technological development, I used to find answers to all unexplained questions...

Class and Race: Interconnection Analysis

Within society, there is a debate around the interconnection between class and race and how these factors affect people. This debate contributes to our understanding of race and racism because it explains how race can impact the class of an individual. This paper will focus on the connection between class...

The Bible of the Poor and the Moses Window

One of the cultural legacies of world culture is a phenomenon called the Bible of The Poor. It is a series of windows depicting certain scenes presented in the Bible. The name refers to the fact that in the heyday of Christianity, many commoners could not read, and such objects...

Paley’s Teleological Argument and Intelligence of God

Paley’s teleological argument in the watchmaker analogy suggests that the complexity of animal organisms is sourced from the intelligence of the creator, God. One of the examples of animal features that can be compared in complexity to a watch analogy is the development of night vision. Night vision provides a...

“Girl With a Balloon” by Bansky

The name of Bansky art is “Girl with a Balloon” was seen stenciled on a wall at London’s West Bank in 2002. The period was characterized by the largest anti-war protest after the bombing of Iraq implying that there was high need for hope despite turbulent times. Bansky image, 27.5...

Analysis of Business Form Changing

The changing of a business firm refers to a process in which legal structures of a firm may be modified. Currently, the most common forms include partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorships, or limited liability companies. Each form has a set of benefits as well as drawbacks. Changes in business form do...

Citizens: The Importance of Being Historically Informed

Citizens need to be historically informed because it encourages them to be more active in community activities. It is the responsibility of any citizen to engage in all aspects of the community to make it a better place for themselves and others. By being historically informed, citizens can organize themselves...

African Americans’ Life in 1900

Considering the life conditions in which African Americans were supposed to live during 1900, such a treatment is expected. Led by industrialization and related to its migration, many race problems appeared in this period (Locke & Wright, 2020). As far as white politicians took control over the voting polls, black...

Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Main Achievements

Introduction Franklin D. Roosevelt was the only US president to be elected 4 times in a row. Therefore, his presidency lasted a long period – from 1933 to 1945. Not surprisingly, the politician’s reforms were generally perceived as successful. The most important achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt were the development...

Researching of Civil Rights Movement

The period from 1945 to 1965 designates one of the pivotal points in American history concerning freedom, democratic values, and civil rights. The civil rights movement aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and ensure that everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of skin color (LeMay, 2021). Some notable events include...

Freedom of Speech: The Adequate Restrictions

Freedom of speech seems an inalienable human right that cannot be restricted or taken away because it determines the ability to express and broadcast opinions and experiences. In reality, however, freedom of speech cannot be unlimited because individuals live in a society that sets the limits of acceptable speech. It...

Should Parents Be Held Accountable if Their Children Misbehave?

Parents should be involved in their child’s education, controlling his actions. For many types of crimes or administrative violations, responsibility comes only from a certain age. Therefore, if a child commits illegal activities, his parents will be responsible for it. According to the Family Code, parents are equally obliged to...

Employee Access to Social Networks at Work

In the day and age of the rise of information technology, social media serves as a powerful tool for communication for people in all areas of life. Work is no exception: many employees use social media during work to collaborate, share information, and search for solutions to problems. Bizzi (2018)...

Michael Porter’s Technique for a Competitive Analysis

Introduction Michael Porter’s technique for competitive advantage evaluates the five forces for competitive strengths and positions of a business in its environment. The five forces include supplier power which assesses the ease of merchants to drive prices down. Supplier power is determined by the uniqueness of products, relative size, and...

The Impact of Nature Boy by Nat King Cole

Nathaniel Adams Coles, also known as Nat King Cole, was one of the most prominent figures in the jazz music genre. Nat King Cole was a pioneer in many areas, being the first African American variety TV host and a visionary for jazz music’s further development. Famous for his uniquely...

British Army Against the Northern Ireland: The Morality of Murder in Wartime

This discussion board post sets itself the task of investigating the question of the morality of murder in wartime. Hence, the alleged confrontation of the British Army against the Northern Irish was taken as a basis. Having a desire to take revenge, I, as the commander of the Irish troops,...

The Proactive Aviation Safety

There are many indications that commercial air travel increases, meaning that the number of incidents will also increase without specific measures to decrease the accident rate (Cusick et al., 2017). ASRS seems to impact safety because of the staff. All ASRS staff members are aviation professionals who have high experience...

Evaluating Financial Statements Before Granting Loans

Bank employees need to evaluate the set of financial statements before granting loans. The income statement, statement of owner’s equity, and balance sheet provide information on whether the borrower can repay the loan and make it possible to assess the likelihood of repayment in the case of bankruptcy (Chron, 2020)....

Problematic Generalizations About Civil War

The most non-obvious simplification is often the simplest possible. The heaviest battles were fought precisely on southern soil, and explanations about the South suffered significant losses. During the Civil War, most of the combat occurred in the South. This was a product of both sides’ battle strategy, in part. The...

The Fall of Rome: Gibbon’s Theory

Despite the fact that the Roman Empire fell a few hundred years ago, since then, scientists have been trying to establish the reasons for the disappearance of the great state. One such researcher is Edward Gibbon, who established his own theory of the fall of Rome. According to him, the...

The World War II Recruitment Poster Analysis

The target market for the poster was all able-bodied American men and women back in 1943, during World War II. Right before the United States of America joined the allies in 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on their naval base at Pearl Harbor (Locke & Wright, 2020). The...

Substance Use Disorders in Prisoners

Correctional institutions may provide insufficient medical services and have limited resources. Substance use disorders represent a considerable problem among the incarcerated population within the American health care system (Fazel et al., 2017). Therefore, it may be critical to develop an adequate framework in order to address the issue and improve...

Whether Infinite Economic Growth Is Possible

Answering not the question of whether infinite economic growth is possible, one should understand its constituent parts. I believe that endless economic development is impossible in practice, and for a number of reasons. The main component of the idea of endless growth is exponential growth. Exponential growth is any growth...

A High-Performing Team Benefits

A high-performing team is a group whose members are deeply committed to each other’s personal growth and success. It far exceeds not only all other teams but all reasonable expectations, given the abilities of its members. Participants of such a team have a heightened sense of responsibility for doing teamwork....

Statistical Analysis in Business

Statistical analysis is an integral part of the business, allowing to analyze the current situation and make decisions based on the collected data. However, as the amount of information generated and processed grows, it is necessary to use specialized techniques that make it easier to interact with data (Cote, 2021)....

The Ethics of Control Groups in Cancer Research

Hypothesis-Driven Study Treatments for breast cancer include several surgeries – mastectomy and lumpectomy – and radiotherapy. Lumpectomy is not as invasive, as only cancer-affected areas are removed, while the breast is preserved as much as possible (Giannakeas, 2018). In the case of mastectomy, the breasts, lymph nodes, and muscle tissue...

Religion: The Main Approaches

Religion is a rather diverse but also complicated concept to explain. Some of the reasons why it is so hard to depict it is because every religion has similarities and differences, does not provide an explanation for various phenomena prior to modern science, and does not focus on one specific...

Galen’s Experiential Philosophic Approach to Healthcare

Galen’s works present one of the most prominent contributions to the development of modern medicine. Following the path outlined by Plato and Aristotle, Galen significantly influenced the direction of medical science development. Even though Galen supported an ultimately false humoral theory about the four senses of humor in the human...

“A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

In 1879, Henrik Ibsen’s masterpiece “A Doll’s House” was published. It is about a central figure Norwegian family in the middle ages. Torvald Helmer works as a provider, whereas Nora Helmer babysits to raise the children and property. As the piece unfolds, it becomes clear that Nora’s marriage is seriously...

Inequality in American Society: Myths and Realities

Inequality in modern society is primarily the result of an economic model of capitalism, where each person’s differential input into the economic context is valued differentially. The explanation and reason are rooted in unequal access to knowledge, opportunities, support, skills, and resources. The conflict theory explains socioeconomic stratification the best,...

Economic Issues Confronting Healthcare System

The current healthcare system is plagued by economic challenges highlighted by increased spending. The economic challenges facing healthcare include a lack of price transparency, and adequate payment model, and monopoly power imposing substantial price hikes on medical products and services. As patients assume more significant financial responsibility for their healthcare...

Impact of Eating Breakfast on School Performance

The principles of healthy eating are the aspects discussed not only in the narrow professional environment of nutritionists but also among ordinary people since this topic affects everyone. Particular attention is paid to the nuances of child nutrition because the problems of obesity and related chronic problems at an early...

Renee Shaw: The Public Dialogue

Shaw starts her speech with an introduction of herself, during which she states her expertise. Such an opening is effective because it immediately conveys the message to the audience that the presenter is an authoritative figure and can share valuable information (Shaw, n.d. a). Furthermore, she skillfully uses images and...

Emotions That Drive Action: Benedict Arnold and Michael Jordan

People experience a range of emotions that can have both positive and negative effects. Hence, some of them can become a drive to make a serious decision or start acting. These emotions are the strongest and have an exceptional value. Thus, this work will explore how inner experiences and feelings...

A Body Image in a Contemporary Fashion

Introduction The modern fashion industry has long been criticized for establishing unhealthy standards for women’s bodies by producing clothing that fits and looks well only on underweight individuals. The promotion of extreme thinness in media resulted in pathological thoughts and behaviors predominantly among females, causing unthinkable numbers of young girls...

Educating on Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

This work reflects on the earlier written projects on the topic of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV was once such a devastating illness that it was deemed a worldwide endemic. The works cover the issues of the impact of HIV on society, the fight against it, as well as statistical data...

ProOcean Company’s Break Bulk Shipments

The Company in Numbers and Names ProOcean is a South Korean company specializing in cargo liners and business supplies. The company has a rich history of long-term contracts, awards, and growth to become a logistics giant. Currently, ProOcean is a millionaire and works with contracts worth over a billion dollars....

Legal and Illegal Discrimination in the Society

Introduction I believe the first scenario represents legal discrimination, whereas the second scenario is an example of illegal discrimination. The crucial feature that distinguishes these situations is the data provided to support discriminatory employment policies. Body It is the law and its interpretation that distinguish legal discrimination from an illegal...

Childhood and Adolescent Obesity and Its Reasons

Various socio-economic, health-related, biological, and behavioral factors may cause childhood obesity. They include unhealthy diet, insufficient physical activity and sleep, genetic predisposition, family lifestyle and eating habits, the use of certain medications, and the presence of certain diseases (for instance, Cushing disease) (Mayo Clinic, 2020). Moreover, a child’s psychological and...

Advantages of SEO as a Strategy in Digital Marketing

Among the many strategies for digital marketing, search engine optimization (SEO) appears to be consistently superior to others. First of all, it is not as costly as most other methods (Khorev, 2020). Secondly, it is not as intrusive as e-mail marketing and not as irritating as ads, especially pop-up ones...

Artificial Intelligence in Scientific and Fiction Works

For this project, I decided to research what possible benefits can come from cooperation between scientists and science fiction writers regarding the negative image of artificial intelligence that is often being depicted as ‘malicious.’ Throughout my research, I have examined numerous peer-reviewed and newspaper articles written by various scientists, IT...

Artificial Intelligence: The Monstrous Entity

This discussion post will analyze the exigence and discourse community around the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) as a monstrous entity. The potential for the development of human-like intelligence in a machine grows closer, which makes many scientists and novelists alike highly interested in further research and philosophical implications of...

Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia and Strategic Alliance

The Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia is a media company that works in a variety of business segments, including the internet, media platforms, merchandising, and publishing. The company primarily focuses on selling and advertising homemaking products, how-to content, and similar products for the average population (“2021 media kit”, 2021). The idea...

The Cross-Generational Discrimination

Harmful biases may present themselves in forms that not many people recognize. Ageism is one such discrimination that is widely accepted among many companies, with over 78% of older and many younger workers being subjected to it (Hasserot, 2021). I observed this phenomenon myself, as I have been deemed inexperienced...

Evidence of the Evolution Theory

Evolution is a consolidating factor in biology supported by pieces of evidence from unique areas of biology. The areas of biology to be studied for evolution pieces of evidence include anatomy, biogeography, molecular biology, and fossils (Festa-Bianchet & Mysterud, 2018). Over time, evolution changes the genetic composition of species. The...

The Culture, Language, and Race Interconnection

For the purposes of this discussion, two sources discussing culture, language and race will be viewed. One is a chapter of the book “Racialization and Language” by Bonnie Urciuoli concerning the racialization of certain people and the impact racism has on one’s understanding of culture. The other is “Michael Silverstein...

Decolonization as a Response to Racism and Discrimination

Decolonization as a term is often connected to the second half of the 20th century when countries of the Global South gained their formal independence from the colonial powers of Europe. However, according to Norwegian Students’ and Academics’ International Assistance Fund (2020), the notion of decolonization is much bigger than...

Irresponsible Conduct in Research

Irresponsible Conduct in Research Irresponsible conduct in research also called scientific misconduct among scholars and academicians is a term covering various malicious and unethical behaviors and activities that researchers intentionally engage in during the research process. Scientific misconduct makes all academic data cultivated and procedures made unreliable and non-credible, and...

“What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July” by Frederick Douglass

Federal holidays are associated with joy, but they are often affiliated with unpleasant historical events. In his public speech concerning the Fourth of July, Frederick Douglass expresses a harsh and sincere attitude toward the anniversary and freedom in America. Douglass claims that the only way for him to view Independence...

China’s Tourism Takes on a New Direction This Spring

The China policy connected with the COVID-19 pandemic makes severe travel limitations and lowers the profits of travel companies. In March – April 2022, the country imposed a strict lockdown again, especially in Beijing and Shanghai. Such a policy makes travel companies uneasy; however, while the forecast is negative in...

George Washington’s Farewell Address: Description and Key Aspects

George Washington’s Farewell Address (1796) was a letter from one of the greatest American leaders to the citizens of the country providing explanations about his choice to not seek a third term. The Farewell was something deeper, it was guidance and support for American residents to have a safe and...

Medical Terms and Their Abbreviations

Term Abbreviation Meaning Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act HIPAA A set of regulations for the health industry, particularly emphasizing privacy of patient information and data sharing In-network INN A provider is contracted with the specific insurance provider used by the patient Out of network OON The provider does not...

Discussion of Plato’s Views on Reality

The main concept of Plato’s cave allegory is to describe the human condition, in which genuine truth is veiled and misleading pictures and information are mistaken for reality. Plato describes the narrative of a person who is led down the Gnostic road in the allegory. This allegory depicts the state...

Doctor Michael R. Walker as Leader in Healthcare

The healthcare sector faces continuous reforms to deliver effective, safe, and high-quality care. Driving these changes calls for effective leadership at all levels of the health system to actualize the objectives of the reforms. Leadership in the health care system creates peculiar challenges since it is spread across clinical and...

Discussion: Adapting to Change

The inevitability of change requires prior preparation to facilitate a seamless transition. Failing to prepare can lead to the unsuccessful implementation of a change project at personal and organizational levels. Taking conscious steps towards adopting a transformation and embracing the scope of work and resources needed to achieve the revolution...

Romantic Era: Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1

The video represents the virtuoso performance of Frederic Chopin Concerto No. 1 for piano and orchestra in e-minor. The concert involves the play of a piano, multiple violins, and contrabasses, which assemble the performance more complete due to the balanced combination of strings and keyboard musical instruments. The concert hall...

Ben M’an Perdut and L’Orfeo Comparison

Ben M’an Perdut by Bernart de Ventadorn is a troubadour song from the 12th century. Claudio Monteverdi’s L’Orfeo is an opera, created in 1607. These works are prominent examples of their respective ages’ secular music, demonstrating the common characteristics and properties of such music. Comparing the two allows one to...

Role of Advance Directives in Healthcare

Advance directives give much-needed assurance and peace of mind by allowing individuals to make decisions about their healthcare in advance. They also offer some security to healthcare practitioners who may face family members with opposing viewpoints on what is best for their relatives. The most morally troubling situations are directives...

The Problem of Same-Sex Marriage

Marriage gender equity supporters claim that providing same-sex couples marriage privileges ensures equal legal status and opens the door to a slew of governmental opportunities that benefit both the offspring of same-sex partners and society overall. Opponents of the phenomenon argue that simply permitting opposite-sex weddings enhances the traditional family...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Mitochondrial Dysfunction

The discovery of mitochondrial DNA supports the endosymbiotic theory, which explains that an endosymbiont is a single organism that lives inside another organism. The chloroplast and the mitochondrion both represent organelles that used to be free-living cells, which ended up in host cells. Through rigorous study, scientists found that both...

Gestalt Theory and Its Application in Design

The Gestalt theory states that the human brain tends to unconsciously organize separate elements, as well as to simplify complex pictures for better perception. There are several Gestalt principles that are widely applied in design. Figure 1 illustrates the figure-groud principle, which describes how the brain perceives images in the...

Case Study About Pizza Chains

Pizza Hut uses a price skimming policy to vary their prices and make them flexible. It might be appropriate to say that their pricing is one of the most flexible in the pizza market. In addition, Pizza Hut offers combined sets, where you can get a dessert or other tasty...

Exploitation of Wilderness Lands: Negative Effects

The author of “A Sand County Almanac: With Other Essays on Conservation from Round River” considers wilderness as the beginning of that which humans received. He notes that people used the land to develop businesses and society as a whole. However, Leopold Aldo indicates that the exploitation of wilderness lands...

The Issue of Food and Water Security

The global issue selected for the final paper is food and water security. This is a topical problem nowadays, especially in light of climate change and population growth. Statistics show that, currently, about 690 million individuals worldwide are hungry, and three billion people cannot afford to eat healthily (“Food loss,”...

Researching of McDonald’s Supply

Before getting to the customers, the product usually goes a long way – the supply chain, which includes various components. It affects the organization’s profitability and is sensitive to multiple influence factors. McDonald’s is one of the world’s most famous fast-food restaurant chains, which is a sign of careful supply...

Maternal Child Reflection Log: Losing a Newborn

Losing a child is likely the most painful thing that any parent can experience. In a Good Morning America (2020) feature, Kara Keough Bosworth opens up about losing a newborn son due to his shoulder dystocia. With this pregnancy, Kara had decided to have labor at home, which determined the...

“Can God Create Humans With Free Will Who Never Commit Evil?” by Thai

The issue of whether God could have created persons with free will who never do evil has been addressed by theologians and philosophers. The essay “Can God create humans with free will who never commit evil?” by Thai and Pillay delves into this complex topic, touching on God, free choice,...

Social Networks’ Destructive Impact on Society

Ferdinand Tonnies and Karl Marx believed collective human effort leads to producing new qualities in society, either non-physical or material. Tonnies advocated for a community that cultivates feelings of belonging, mutual dependence, and togetherness. Marx believed in the importance of collaborative human labor as it pertains to producing economic goods....

Tissue Fluid and Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system of the human body is a complex mechanism that is based on the interaction of many different cells. One of the main elements of the lymphatic system is interstitial fluid, which is also called a tissue fluid, a solution surrounding the cells of all multicellular animals, including...

Japan-US International Trade Relationship

Introduction In the international trade, countries are obliged to consider the state of industries of their trade partners. Nations whose economies size up to each other have to carefully assess their comparative advantage in order to ensure that they benefit from international deals. Through the example of Japan-US trade relationship,...