Change Theories in Evidence-Based Intervention

Kurt Lewin developed the theory of change in patient care. The theory includes three main categories: driving forces, constraints, and balance or balance that is achieved as a result (Barto, 2019). This model includes actions such as defrosting, changing and subsequent freezing. Another approach in this paper will be the...

Aspects of the Oral Health Care Course

Oral health care is a vast area which needs to be taught carefully and the right methodology. The course of The Oral health Care gives an outline of dental medication to draw in, teach, inspire, and help a student in working on the teeth of future patients and advising individuals...

Healthcare Issues: Becoming Pain Free

Healthcare is only a disease care system that focuses on soothing the pain instead of changing an individual’s habits. Chronic pain is an epidemic that is ravaging society because people have become dependent on health practitioners to make them feel better, instead of seeking knowledge and support on how to...

The Treatment of the Patient with Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

Vincent Brody  67 years old. Has a 50-year history of smoking 2 packs a day. Admitted with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Related to stress and pain experienced as a result of COPD exacerbation Priority Nsg Diagnosis # 1 Risk for respiratory distress symptoms: Subjective data: “This cough...

Prevention-Oriented Health Policy Goals

Prevention-oriented health policy is a modern medical practice, the main goal of which is to prevent chronic diseases. It is possible due to early detection and timely correction of imbalances in the body, which would lead to various conditions and pathologies, and their complications. In the past centuries, the main...

Customer Scope of Influence and Technology Effect

It is important to understand and establish an effective scope of influence between companies and customers in modern business. Social media is one of the contributing factors that identify the customers’ scope of influence. It has already changed how people develop their business, and now, social media helps extend the...

Enhancing Skills of Staff in Healthcare Facilities

There is a positive correlation between nursing education and patient outcomes established by numerous studies. They claim that the efficiency of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare is significantly dependent on one’s qualification (Melnyk et al., 2018). The link between these two notions is frequently considered as a combination of intertwined...

Nanostructures in Tissue Engineering

Society is currently living in the dawn of the nanomedicine age. Nanoparticles and nanodevices are increasingly used in the development of drug delivery systems, cancer treatments, and surgeries. Operating at atomic and molecular levels, nanotechnology comprises the fields of science, engineering, and technology. One of the major medical advances in...

The Animal Testing Problem

Introduction The animal testing problem raises the question of whether it is ethical and necessary. It has been done for years by scientists and physicians. From testing cosmetics to biomedical studies, they claim that animal testing provides people with opportunities to save lives or satisfy their needs for specific products....

CEO Longevity in Companies: CEO Replacements

CEO replacements are somewhat frequent when viewed across the entire industry. Leblanc (2020) finds 54 succession cases in the S&P 500 during 2017, over 10%. With that said, some companies tend to replace their CEOs relatively frequently while others have the same person in the position for decades. The reason...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impacts of Climate Change on Electricity Demand in China

It is hard to disagree that there is typically a strong correlation between some changes, for example, in prices, and a quantity demanded. Fan et al. (2019) discuss how changes in climate may have significant effects on electricity demand in China. According to the authors, since the electricity sector is...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

The concept of slavery in the American colonies actively developed during the 17th and 18th centuries when hundreds of thousands of African people were kidnapped and forced into crop works. American colonies exploited slave labor to cultivate tobacco, sugar, and cotton before the mid-19th century ( Editors, 2009). In 1619,...

Enlightenment and Its Impact on the French Population and the Industrial Revolution

The phenomenon of Enlightenment is widely known among the scholars of history. The period between 1685 and 1815, referred to as the Age of Enlightenment, has hugely impacted various European countries’ economic and academic growth (Outram, 2019). The Enlightenment had an exceptional influence on both the french population and the...

Rhythm in Byron’s So, We’ll Go No More a-Roving Poem

Rhythm is characterized as a poem’s beat and pace; a poem comprises patterns that stress certain words and syllables. In (So, We’ll Go No More a-Roving) George Gordon Byron’s poem, the poet uses rhythm to stress some words, the words stressed are “So” and “we’ll” in the poem from (So,...

Evaluation of Articles on Affordable Healthcare

For this assignment, I picked two reference materials for evaluation. Their score for every parameter from the Information Source Evaluation Matrix are listed below. Who? What? Where? When? Why? TOTAL Bio-based materials as applicable, accessible, and affordable healthcare solutions 2 3 2 4 4 15 “Accessible and affordable healthcare? Views...

“Let America Be America Again”: The Poem Analysis

The poem “Let America Be America Again” by Langston Hughes is highly controversial and concerns many arguable subjects. One of those subjects is the American Dream, and Hughes says it has changed (191). The author hopes the American Dream will one day become what it once was. Hughes also states...

Mise-en-Scene of “Blade Runner” Film by Ridley Scott

Based on the opening scene of Blade Runner, the viewers can see that Los Angeles is presented as a modern and developed city. In addition, the fact that it is presented at night is another important element. The author wants people to see the lights and fires of the city...

Analysis of the News: “Christian Manifesto”

In the course, we studied Schaeffer’s Christian Manifesto and his critique of modern humanism as opposed to the founding principles of Christianity. At the same time, last month in Poland, protests against the abortion ban started again, which is a pressing issue for the topic of humanism and Christianity. This...

Application of Interdisciplinarity

The contemporary world has become more interconnected, and this unification has led to the emerging concept of interdisciplinarity. Multidisciplinary refers to the disintegration of old disciplines to create room for emerging items that would otherwise not have room in the field of sciences (Okamura, 2019). The interconnectedness across various subjects...

Hitachi Power Systems: Case Study

The studied class text provides useful ideas and concepts that project managers should take seriously. The case of Hitachi Power Systems outlines some of the key aspects that corporations need to consider if they are to dispel some of the common myths. At this organization, every project team relies on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Germany After Signing Versailles Treaty

The signing of the Versailles treaty was done on the 28th of June 1919 at the Versailles Palace. It is one of the critical pacts in history since it helped end World War I. According to the reports from the sessions, Germany was treated unfairly since it was the only...

Globalization Effect on Social Movements

A social movement is an independently organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a specific goal, usually a social or political one. Modern movements often use technology and the Internet to mobilize people around the world (Cosma, 2011). Adapting to communication trends is a common theme in...

Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and Strategies

Conflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties. Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the behavior of both parties. For example, two people can have shared plans to start a creative or business project, but disagree...

The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US

There is a big disparity between the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States of America and most parts of Europe and Canada. The main reason behind this trend is the American perceptions of morality and the hypocrisies behind it. America is a country where most policies are often...

“A Thousand Cuts”: Women and Free Media

“A Thousand Cuts,” a documentary, was filmed to inform the world about numerous and moving situations that female journalists experience in the line of duty. Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 states that everyone has the right to freedom of expression, meaning that every individual has the right to...

Tattoos Should Be Considered Fine Art

Tattooing has existed as a form of visual art for centuries, reflecting unique human stories on their bodies. Indeed, ancient skeletons painted with ochre suggest that it was one of the first forms of art (Jones). Tattoos are created by placing ink to the deeper skin layers using needles to...

Impressionist CĂ©zanne’s Biography and Art

A highly sensitive topic for an analytical essay is discussing the genius of famous artists combined with a critical examination of their talent. The objects of this paper are the biography and art of CĂ©zanne, a famous French post-impressionist painter whose work fell in the second half of the 19th...

Fake News and Media Bias Overview

Media outlets, educational facilities, and religious institutions often present their audience with only one side of a problem or situation. Popular news agencies and online platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram make it possible for political organizations and influential public figures to integrate their propaganda into the posts viewed...

Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety

TeamSTEPPS strategies and tools are designed to enhance team performance and patients’ safety across the healthcare system. Some elements of the TeamSTEPPS are used on a daily basis, like brief and debrief meetings, mutual support with the task assistance, and providing feedback to team members to improve team performance. The...

Reasons Why the Third World Is Underdeveloped

In the 1960s and 1970s, a peculiar trend emerged in world social thought —dependence theory. Other variants of this trend are dependent development, dependent capitalism, peripheral development, and peripheral capitalism (sometimes this trend is called dependentism). Representatives of the scientific community of Latin America play a significant role in this...

Students’ Motivation in Present Grading System

The problem of a drop in students’ motivation remains a contentious concern in most schools nowadays. Educators and scholars have provided and tested a variety of strategies for increasing students’ motivation, yet the effects of the said strategies have not been consistent enough to consider the issue resolved (Svennberg, Meckbach,...

Patient Teaching in Health Care

Nowadays, the medical field is constantly developing, and various proposals are advanced in order to improve health outcomes. One of the recent implementations regards patient education, which implies shaping the information while sharing it with a patient in accordance with his or her health behaviors for improving health status. This...

Life in Eighteenth-Century New England

The most crucial objective prerequisite for the liberation movement in the colonies was the progress made by the middle of the XVIII century in socio-economic relations, political and cultural life of American society. There were signs of forming a new nation, which was a powerful impetus in the struggle for...

Transformational Versus Servant Leadership

When it comes to managing organization dynamics and promoting change, a leadership model plays a significant role. It is so because the ways how managers approach stakeholders to be served influence the performance of the latter. It means that leaders should do their best to choose the most suitable behavior...

Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

The concept of cultural competency in nursing refers to the awareness of traditions and peculiarities of patients cultures, understanding of their values, and respect to their beliefs and views even if they differ from ones of a nurse. According to Sharifi, Adib-Hajbaghery, and Najafi (2019), cultural competency consists of “cultural...

New Technology in the Air Cargo Industry: Artificial Intelligence

The YouTube video is titled “Transport logistic: Artificial Intelligence at Air cargo.” It discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) will revolutionize the air cargo industry. It discusses two major developments being implemented. It was published by Transport Logistics on May 23, 2019. The logistics sector forms an important component of the...

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” and “Don’t Make English Official”

The writing piece of Nicholas Kristof on gun laws provides an invaluable argumentation for implementing proper legislative regulations alongside technological improvements by making the issues analogous to cars and their regulation. However, Dennis Baron’s argumentative writing focuses on banning the English language in the United States by promoting the radical...

Value of Salesforce Software Using VRIO Model

Salesforces CRM is software that is designed to help managers organize their businesses efficiently. It is valuable because it uses the latest virtual advancements, like a cloud to connect all of its teams, leaders, and systematize customer data (Manchar & Chouhan, 2017). CRM stands for customer relationship management, and it...

Footwear and Tire Track Evidence

To properly document and collect footwear evidence, a number of specific tools and equipment is needed. In particular, a camera and a tape measure are required. A camera set on a tripod can be used to accurately capture the texture and size of tracks from different angles. Tape measures can...

MGM Resorts International’s Business Strategy

MGM Resorts International is a holding company that owns and operates casino resorts. It offers gaming, hotels, conference rooms, restaurants, entertainment venues, shops, and other resort amenities. The company is widely represented in Las Vegas but also develops in Atlantic City, Mississippi, Maryland, Detroit, and other gambling zones in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Contemporary Culture Impact on Humanities and Creative Expression

Many aspects of contemporary culture like politics, social beliefs, or commonly shared themes may influence the humanities and creative expression. For example, people demonstrate improved attitudes toward racial and gender equalities and promote international and intercultural relationships. Creative expression reflects current achievements and the ways of how people understand themselves...

Yolk-ay and Expansion of the Menu of the Restaurant

Yolk-ay is a restaurant chain in the United Arab Emirates, which specialization implies the dished based on unpopular, but delicious and unique Indian recipes. During the previous years, the development of the company was focused on its geographical expansion (Case study: Expand the menu?, 2016). At the moment, the business...

Standardization in Multinational Enterprises

Multinational enterprises have to cope with some issues, associated with corporate culture, which alters its approach to establishing standards within a company. In addition, local specialties, such as specific environment and cultural features, have a considerable impact on the operation of a company and, therefore, on the administration, which is...

Colonel Cars Incorporated Issues

Colonel Cars Inc. plans to introduce an innovative speaker system in their cars’ steering wheels and prepares an advertising campaign centered around it. Although both the speakers and the campaign are kept secret, the competitor, European Motor Works (EMW), manages to launch a similar campaign before Colonel Cars starts its...

Philosophy Theories and Paradigms and Research Perspectives

Due to the fact that a particular unified theory of education is absent in pedagogical science, we should talk about a paradigmatic approach. In many ways, paradigms of philosophy have become the basis of theories and paradigms of education. According to the approach, there are several paradigms that allow characterizing...

Religious Pluralism as a Mark of a Healthy Community

The issue of religious beliefs has always been a rather contentious subject due to the often-conflicting interpretations of different religious principles. The absence of tolerance and readiness for a nuanced and respectful discussion of religious differences has provided the breeding grounds for conflicts throughout history. For example, the Thirty Years...

Empire’s Needs for Proper Functioning

I think that an empire needs to have strong authority and control to function. The size of an empire is not as important as the quality of its political organization. Thus, if the leaders can control and rule the central state successfully, they will be able to govern the whole...

Rape as a Sexual Assault

Rape is defined as illegitimate sexual intercourse through the anus, vagina, breast, or any other body part, with or without force, through one’s sex organ, or any other body parts, or a foreign material without the permission of the victim. Rape is committed when a victim withdraws his or her...

“Blackout in Puerto Rico” by Frontline PBS

The Frontline PBS documentary Blackout in Puerto Rico (2018) provides a convincing and informative investigation of the reasons behind the humanitarian and economic crisis in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria. In 2017, Hurricane Maria, the worst natural disaster in the history of mankind, destroyed much of Puerto Rico’s infrastructure, leaving...

Writing Skills: Effective Communication

Effective communication is vital for delivering information in a manner which can be easily understood. Messages can be conveyed in written or spoken form, although there is certain specific communication for particular groups. To correctly relay information on a paper, an individual must ensure that the writing skills are well...

Diversification Decision Overview

When considering both the positive and negative aspects of the automotive industry, a diversification decision has been made to expand the business to cover increased motorcycle production and marketing to end consumers. The decision to diversify was made because, in the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, consumers have shown...

The Problem of Hispanic Interracial Crimes

An interracial crime refers to an offense where the perpetrator and the victim are the same race. Conversely, an interracial crime involves an offender and victim of different races. For violent victimizations, interracial crime is more prevalent than interracial crime. Examples of crimes included under violent victimizations are robbery, rape,...

Message From Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

At first sight, Jeff Bezos’ preference of narratives to PowerPoint presentations may seem to violate some principles of good writing. According to Bailey (2008), a well-written material has to be easy to read, meanwhile, a six-page memo is not. Neither is such a writing likely to attract the reader, which...

African-Americans Grievances After Slavery Abolition

Slave-Like Conditions Among African-Americans The black people experienced different slave-like conditions, which denied them social and economic justice. For instance, African-Americans were prohibited from using public facilities belonging to the white race in the 1880s (Oshinsky, 1997). The former were punished severely by the authorities when found in the slightest...

Social Solidarity During the Pandemic

During the pandemic, sociological thinking is a tool that allows ensuring comprehensive protection of the population due to citizens’ responsibility to one another. Individual precautions are important, but if the community does not promote general safety measures, for instance, ignore threats to the most vulnerable segments of the population, the...

Underdevelopment of the Mentoring Theory

Apparently, there are several significant problems in the mentoring theory development. Bozeman and Feeney (2007) from the Department of Public Administration and Policy at the University of Georgia focus their article on identifying these persistent issues and critiquing this theory, as well as a number of existing findings that are...

Effective and Ineffective Ads: Share a Coke Ad

The advertisements of two rival multinational beverage corporations may be regarded as examples of effective and ineffective campaigns. From a personal perspective, the Share a Coke ad by Coca-Cola is one of the most positive and heart-touching (Brand News, 2015). In general, this campaign that implied the personalization of every...

Three Views of Grammar

The textbook identifies three views of grammar – traditional grammar, structural linguistics, and transformational grammar. Standard grammar refers to a set of prescriptive rules and concepts about the structure of language. This type of grammar has its roots in the principles formulated by the scholars of ancient Greece and Rome....

The Problems of Petrobras: Corruptive Schemes

The major oil company based on Petrobras included influential corruptive schemes investigated in 2014 by federal police in Brazil. These problems included enormous kickbacks in contract payments to the corporation’s executives that have been put to jail due to the turmoil in the country. Furthermore, the Brazilian wealthiest people were...

Weight and Health Professional Bias

In an examination where patients with extra weight went through a genetic testing, it was discovered that of 54 patients with weight issues 37 were hereditary disorders, 9 were medicine instigated obesities, and 8 obesities were because of cerebral injury (Kleinendorst et al. 9). Patients with genetic obesity issues more...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Government-Created Price Ceiling on the Market

In a number of cases, the government, proceeding from certain political, economic, or social interests, establishes restrictions on the market to exert a stimulating or restraining effect on it. However, the government’s actions disrupt the mechanism of market forces, and as a result, such situations may arise in which the...

Modernism: Themes and What Modernists’ Works Reflect

Modernism was a prominent period of creativity that was provoked by the grim reality of the twentieth century. The pressure from a multitude of societal issues, two World Wars, and rapid technological advances appear to have influenced modernism in a way that made many authors question the line between pessimism...

Propaganda in Historical Documents of the US

Propaganda is the widespread communication of ideas that are not necessarily objective to persuade an audience of a certain notion or incite people to take a particular action. Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis and Common Sense are both forms of propaganda. They present a subjective opinion communicated as an objective...

Serum Neurotrophic Factors in Adolescent Depression by Pallavi et al.

The research hypothesis (question) The research hypothesis of the article is to compare the serum concentration of neurotrophic factors in depression patients and healthy control. Besides, the article analyzes correlations between serum neurotrophin levels and clinical severity. The main study variable(s) The primary variables are serum level, brain-derived neurotrophic factor...

Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. Review

“Harrison Bergeron,” a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. in 1961, presents the world 120 years later when the government has complete control over freedom of thought and full equality has finally been achieved – at a price, obviously. The story is interesting in many ways, especially in analyzing...

Analyzing Social Problems – Case Study: Jake Levy

During the last therapy meeting, Jake Levy was talking about his emotional fixation on an email he got lately, about his comrade committing suicide. He expressed deep remorse for the gruesome statistics that every day, “22 veterans commit suicide in the US” (Laureate Education, 1:47). This occurrence led him to...

The Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof

In his New York Times Article “Our Blind Spots About Guns,” Nicholas Kristof (2014) addresses a pivotal social issue, which gun ownership, outcomes, and responsibility related to it. The author introduces his topic by drawing a similarity between fatalities induced by cars and those caused by guns. Kristof (2014) states...

Poverty Prevalence and Causes in the United States

There are numerous social issues in the United States that hinder its progress, damage its reputation, and cause stagnation of its communities. Poverty is one of the most critical of them, as it affects approximately 12% of the U.S. population (Magnus, 2020). While the causes of poverty have been analyzed...

Emotional Intelligence: Importance in Teamwork

Many people are used to being team members at some point in their life. Moreover, some of them remain working in a working unit professionally. Teamwork is a process that enables a group of people to gain a competitive advantage (Lencioni, 2020). However, I assume that emotional intelligence is the...

Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries...

Patriotism in Music: Patriotism and Nationalism in Music Education

Music changes alongside new generations and their views, reflecting the crucial ideas and issues within the society of that time. Patriotism in music can be seen as detrimental for all nations as its effect on the morale and attitude towards national ideas and views can not be underestimated. Moreover, patriotic...

Mayor Mitch Landrieu’s Controversial Speech Analysis

Mayor Mitch Landrieu gave a controversial speech on removing four statues from the city of New Orleans. The confederate statues were erected over 100 years ago, and they were a part of the city’s heritage. They were identification markers, but they were removed in 2017 by the Mayor. In this...

Problem of Diabetes in the Elderly

I have chosen diabetes in the elderly as a topic for my community teaching project mainly because it is a very important and urgent problem in the health care systems of most countries. Its prevalence rates double every 10-15 years, and in 2015 more than 5 million deaths were attributed...

Formative Assessment in Education

Formative assessment is a form of evaluation that is done periodically within the classroom set up by the teacher to expose and improve the learners’ abilities. A teacher’s decision on whether to maintain the learning approach, materials, and environment depends on the nature of the classroom as depicted in the...

The Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III’s Criminal Case

On Thursday, January 28, 2021, six people were reported killed in Indianapolis by a 17-year-old man named Raymond Ronald Lee Childs III. According to media reports, the young man shot and killed his father, stepmother, two teenage relatives, and a pregnant 19-year-old woman expecting a baby soon (CNN, 2021). Given...

Utilitarianism vs. Deontology in Case of Betrayal

Ethics often asks questions of choice. In the analyzed story, there is a choice of a man who has committed a betrayal, but no one will know about it except if he personally tells. In the story, the ethical dilemma of Utilitarianism vs. Deontology appears. In the case of Utilitarianism,...

Electrolyte Imbalance in Human Organism

Sodium is an example of an electrolyte that promotes the normal functioning of the body. In particular, sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function, with the entrusted health specialists emphasizing that the correct sodium level is key to ensuring an individual’s well-being. However, the lack of enough sodium results...

“High Lonesome” by Joyce C. Oates

Adolescence is a turbulent period of one’s life when a teenager spends most of their time with peers and ignores the family’s influence. While it is a natural part of growing up, some teenagers represent the rebellious phase of puberty more vividly than others. Such is the case of Connie,...

The Power of Trust in Effective Communication

Communication and trust are complementary components of a relationship that need equal attention. Consequently, the two elements play a crucial role in achieving organizational goals and objectives. For instance, managers and leaders cannot inspire change among followers without proper communication skills or motivate them towards specific company targets in the...

Group Development: Working in a Team

Every person in the world has been a member of a group at some point in their lives. It could have been at school, at work, or at other social events and issues. Teams are bound to have people with conflicting personalities and talents, which can potentially lead to conflict...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Intimate Partner Violence in the Modern United States

Intimate partner violence is historically known as domestic violence, describing physical, mental, and sexual assault. Domestic violence is a consequence of long-term societal, health, or economic challenges passed on to victims of assault. All individuals are at risk of assault from their partner, although women are more likely to suffer...

Mindfulness Interventions for Dementia Patients

Since the prevalence of dementia tends to increase globally, it is critical to understand its cognitive issues and related evidence-based interventions. The cognitive changes caused by dementia include disorientation, short-term memory loss, and personal care challenges. To cope with these ambiguous losses, people with dementia can be offered mindfulness training...

Pediatrics: Risk Factors Affecting Early Childhood Development

The advancement in developmental neurobiology allowed scientists to establish the influence of early childhood experiences on violent behavior in adulthood. Brain imaging demonstrated that diminished fear response was present in those children who had an increased tendency for criminal behavior (Sterzer, 2010). The experimental studies demonstrated that exposure to chronic...

Use of Statistics in Criminal Justice and Criminology

The book Statistics for Criminology and Criminal Justice focuses on the usage of statistics, which can be considered one of the most important means of studying crime in its quantitative and qualitative terms. It contains data on the number of offenses committed, their structure and dynamics, as well as information...

Analysis of Drug Classification

Radiologic technologists play an important role in providing patients with care and assessment. These medical specialists are responsible for conducting imaging procedures to examine people’s physical and emotional well-being and promote diagnostic accuracy (Suchsland et al., 2020). In clinical settings, radiologists should identify and prescribe different pharmacological agents during the...

Support for the Legalization of the Drug Consumption

The appropriate use of drugs is everyone’s responsibility, and whether legalized or illegalized by the government may not reduce its abuse. Drugs offer a source of income for many people; hence illegalizing them may not help the situation. Instead, the government needs to provide civic education to use drugs rightfully....

Raymond Carver’s “I Could See the Smallest Things” Story

“I Could See the Smallest Things,” written by Raymond Carver, is concise, but it has a powerful effect on readers. The author masterfully attracts attention, forcing them to search for clues about what is happening in the characters’ lives. The story’s plot is constructed around Nancy’s night walk, who hears...

Whole Foods: An Organizational Needs Analysis

Whole Foods is a large international supermarket chain which offers healthy, natural, and organic products. The organization’s mission is to extend its role from sustaining people to feeding the planet (Whole Foods UK). Thus, the individual stores often support local area programs on ecological causes. Employees regularly clean local areas...

Those Winter Sundays Poem by Robert Hayden

The Poet Robert Hayden wrote the poem “Those Winter Sundays” depicting a Person remembering the love of his father that he failed to understand when he was young and returned with cold indifference. The protagonist is shown to be lamenting his past relationship with his father. The claim that the...

Genetic Testing and Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

In my opinion, genetic testing at a young age can be beneficial. Although young people can identify incurable diseases, they can work to prevent them. They will know that they must lead a healthy lifestyle from a young age. This will help them delay the illness and lead a richer...

“How To Tell a True War Story” Analysis

“How To Tell a True War Story” shows the connection between storytelling and the experiences people go through while at war. This story intends to investigate the reality of war stories told by those from Vietnam. The story is narrated from O’Brien’s experience, who acts as a soldier and a...

Access to and Coverage For Health Care in the US

While being oriented toward the well-being of the American nation, it is necessary to provide all citizens with the right to receive healthcare services in spite of their social and economic status. The rationale behind this position is that only a healthy nation can contribute to the further development and...

Rehabilitating Prisoners Overview

The debate as to whether criminals can be rehabilitated has been ongoing due to the difference in opinions as to inmates’ capacity to receive support and guidance when they had none their entire lives, which led to dire consequences for them (Lieu, 2010). Personally, I cannot wholly agree with the...

The Use of Social Media in Nursing

Social media has helped me significantly during the pandemic. First, it assisted in locating those in need, especially during isolation, quarantine, and lockdowns. Most people could not access shopping centers to purchase supplies. Such individuals could air their grievances on social media, asking for help. Also, it facilitated the coordination...

The Statistical and Clinical Significance of Studies

Evidence-based research implies retrieving and analyzing objective data that is not based on researchers’ opinions or subjective vision but on numerical and impact-based findings. For that matter, the statistical and clinical significance of studies is essential to demonstrate the validity of results and their relevance to the clinical setting or...

Freedom of Speech Despite Life Risks

They say that “knowledge is power,” and hence spreading the information one possesses serves the good of the community by sharing that power with others. Today, the US prides itself on its freedom of speech, with the First Amendment protecting the population from censorship. However, while there are no laws...

The Theme of Mistreatment in “Cesar Chavez” by Diego Luna

The film Cesar Chavez covers a currently relevant theme of mistreatment of immigrants in the United States. The movie’s central conflict revolves around the titular hero’s struggle to establish non-exploitative labor contracts from farm owners in California (Luna, 2014). As Cesar Chavez and his agricultural coworkers are predominantly immigrants, they...

Ethical Dilemma of Reporting Teacher Misconduct

Ms. Lore is a high-school drama teacher who is generally well-liked, especially by her beloved students from the school’s drama club. As both a teacher and a leader of the club, she is particularly close with some of her students. One day, during rehearsals for the end of the year...

Nursing and Policymaking: The Problem of Policy Accumulation

From the very genesis of active policymaking in healthcare settings, the process has been facing a variety of severe challenges in the way towards successful implementation. The major issue, however, concerns the fact that central decision-makers in terms of the existing policies have nothing to do with healthcare, being rather...

Minerals-Concept Fluoride and Dental Fluorosis

Fluorine is a common element abundant in the earth’s crust. Naturally, the mineral occurs in the soil, rocks, and water with higher concentrations in places that have experienced geologic uplift1. Many industrial processes are dependent on fluorides due to their use. The primary source of systemic fluoride is exposure to...

The “Somm” Documentary Movie by Jason Wise

“Somm” is a documentary movie directed by Jason Wise and first presented in Canada in 2013. The film reveals the sommelier profession and shares the stories of people who dedicated their entire lives to wine production and degustation. Only around 200 people in the world have the Master of Sommelier...

Complex Moral Dilemmas for Healthcare Administrators and Providers

A regularly used method in handling ethical challenges emphasizes moral principles, including respect for patient autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice. The four-quadrant approach is utilized to analyzing moral values as it questions a given case based on the patients’ liking, value of life, and appropriate features. Accountability is tolerating one’s...

Constitutional Scholars Tell Congress It Has Power to Make D.C. A State

In his article Dozens of Constitutional Scholars Tell Congress It Has Power to Make D.C. a State (24 May 2021), Kapur presents a bold statement made by constitutional experts. Several representatives of respected universities such as Harvard, Berkeley and Michigan Law Schools claim in an official letter to the U.S....

A Common Theme in “A Pair of Tickets” by Amy Tan and “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

One of the overarching themes in Amy Tan’s “A Pair of Tickets” and Jhumpa Lahiri’s “Interpreter of Maladies” is the theme of cultural heritage and identity. The main characters in both stories were born and raised in America, and both stories show them traveling to their motherlands: China and India....

Improving Patient Safety in the Radiology Department of a Hospital

The radiology department has a professional and legal responsibility of ensuring the safety of patients receiving imaging services. Radiation helps in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. However, inappropriate exposure can lead to health hazards for the patient exposed. Every profession in the radiology department has a moral responsibility of...

Internal Control Practices in Any Business Organization

Introduction Internal Control is essential for any business organization, as it helps to minimize errors and maximize efficiency when working with financial assets. Some fast-food companies, like Southern Fried Chicken, put a video camera above the cashier to record the details of the operations. Others, like high-tech cybersecurity firms, divide...

Winthrop’s “City Upon a Hill”

John Winthrop’s speech to his Puritan community is a well-known example of a person’s vision of the future. Many American scholars and politicians refer to the expressions and phrases implemented by Winthrop (Squiers, 2018). The advice presented by the Puritan leader is still relevant to this day, providing a significant...

Australian RedCross Supporting the Homeless

The homeless and people at risk of homelessness are among Australia’s most vulnerable and underprivileged demographics. At the moment, around 116,000 Australians are homeless, 20,000 out of which are in Queensland (Queensland Government, 2017). Half of the homeless population lives in severely crowded dwellings, 21% dwell in supported accommodation, and...

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Michael Porter described the strategic model of the five competitive forces analysis. The analysis is conducted on five factors, or so-called forces: customers, suppliers, existing competitors, new competitors, and substitute products. With the help of these structural units, it is possible to consider how a company, in the long run,...

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The Link Between Subcultures and Ethnocentrism

Positive interaction between subcultures is an ideal worth pursuing in any situation. Although the values and beliefs held by two subcultures or a subculture and broader culture may differ significantly, to the point of being difficult to reconcile, that is not necessarily the case (Adams, et al., 2015; Haviland, et...

Legal Corruption: Cases Practice

Representatives of the US Administration and Congress come up with accusations of corruption against other states and their leaders on a regular basis. Nevertheless, there is still an apparent problem of political bribery, which is quite enough legal, even though everyone considers it the norm. There is no doubt that...

Lee Boyd Malvo: Life Sentence Case

Lee Malvo, who is currently 34 years old, was only 17 when he and his counterpart John Allen Muhammad killed more than ten people in Virginia, Maryland, and the District of Colombia through sniper attacks. This led to John Allen Muhammad’s death sentence in which he was executed in 2009,...

Doing Genders: Social Constructs of Gender

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Reflection on “The Shock Doctrine” by Naomi Klein

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The Scope Trial Legal Case and Social Implications

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Distractions At the workplace, employees or customers can be distracted for various reasons. Indeed, within a customer setting, there are several disturbances for instance, chatty co-workers or gossipers are the first forms of distraction (Tiutiunnikov, 2018). These are the colleagues who leave their working section and move to their fellow...

Overview of African Americans’ Genetic Diseases

African Americans are more likely to suffer from certain diseases than white Americans, according to numerous studies. It is often due to the genetic predisposition of communities. Even though the genetic basis of disorders continues to be studied today, as many patterns have not yet been identified, some dependencies have...

Brainstorm: Stem Cells Research

Stem cells potential application in medicine and medical research. Main points: Cells grown in the laboratory can be used to replace damaged tissues and organs or correct their improper work (Cafasso, 2017) Their study can also help in the research of genetic defects in cells and the development of cancer...

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice

Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice is an 18th-century novel of manners set in rural England and portraying the relationships between the four daughters of the Bennet family and their neighbors. While accurately and vividly depicting the manners and social norms of that time, the novel also provides sharp observations on...

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The images that can be distinguished the most from the Topic 10 video are the posters from the book of Giambattista della Porta that show the similarity of human faces to animal faces. These posters illustrate the idea that a person whose facial features are similar to a particular animal...

Cinderella Syndrome’s Impact on Sustainable Fashion

In the article, Dana Thomas mentions Cinderella syndrome – a disastrous phenomenon promoted by social media that contributes to fast fashion and its negative impact on the economy and environment (Chua, 2019). In general, it implies a whole culture that forces people to get rid of clothes after a few...

The Health Concept in the Electronic World

Healthy Environment A healthy environment refers to creating a blissful environment involving culture, occupational safety, and a pragmatic lifestyle for employees. Supervisors appraising and providing positive feedback to the employees instills motivation. The physical environment should be safe and free from environmental hazards that may cause harm to employees. Strategies...

Risk Management and the Role of Managed Care

Healthcare organization administrators play a prominent role in identifying, and executing risks about patient healthcare policies and ensuring managed care organization (MCO) standards compliance. A healthcare setting is a critical area that requires proactive and reactive approaches to safeguard or minimize uncertain event damages, including injury to patients, workers, and...

Quality of Life Impacts of Computers and Information Systems

The use of computers and digital information has led to various impacts in life. First, due to the innovation and digitization of processes, there has been improved livelihood since most of the resources can be obtained from the internet. Secondly, depending on computer programmed processes leads to replacement of human...

Role of Congress in Country’s Economy

According to the provisions of the commerce clause, Congress is vested with the authority to regulate the entire country’s economy. The power implies that it also can control commerce between and among states. However, some critics argue that Congress exerts excessive control over commerce and limits individual states’ ability to...

Immigration and Red Scare Discussion

The Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas. This phenomenon influenced the perception of immigrants in the years 1910-1920. The threat from the socialist regime prompted a response in the form of an anti-immigration...

Martin Luther King Speech Reflection

Introduction King revealed his talent for public speaking as early as in high school, where he was a successful member of a debate team (Fleming, 2008). His academic path, which resulted in acquiring a bachelor’s degree in social sciences and divinity, and Ph.D. in systematic theology, certainly contributed to his...

Suicide Risk Factors in Queer (LGBTQ) Community

Stigma and prejudice about a particular group of people may cause adverse consequences for their health and overall quality of life. For example, the LGBTQ community has worse health outcomes than heterosexual people (Zajac & Godshall, 2020). Specifically, the LGBTQ population is at greater risk of developing mental health issues...

The Success Story of Whatsapp

I would turn to the success story of WhatsApp to hook up with the audience. The popular communication app that was downloaded more than 70 million times in 2019 was created and developed using a limited amount of money (Statista, 2019). New digital solutions require prominent ideas and concepts and...

“What is Strategy?” Overview

Porter’s article “What Is Strategy?” provides an insight into different recommendations for a company’s development. It was interesting to know that it is possible to outperform competitors only if a company can establish a difference and preserve it. Indeed, customers usually pay attention to companies that stand out from others....

Vision of Gender Stratification in an Advertisement

Gender Messages Conveyed Through Advertisement Instances of an advertisement directed toward women are often encountered in daily life. Permanently, the images of women appear in fashion magazines, such as Vogue, and convey gender messages which affect society. Preconceptions raised from advertisements include physical attractiveness, fashionable clothes, the use of cosmetics,...

Discussion of the Factors That Impact Voter Turnout

In the United States, four main factors determine whether people come out to vote in the elections. First, the degree of competition exhibited during campaigns and the level of enthusiasm inspired by the poll candidates matters a lot. Second, the election type influences the number of citizens that show up...

Management Buyout Exit Strategy

Just as business strategic models, such as the integration of network-based and razor-blade business models, are important to a new enterprise so is an exit strategy from the market. Successful entrepreneurs develop exit strategies well before going into the market because the choice of an exit strategy determines the development...

Using Independent Commissions

I believe that the independent commissions should be used to set the boundaries of electoral districts. Currently, gerrymandering is a significant issue in the United States, as elected state politicians face at least two conflicts of interest. On the one hand, incumbent legislators want to ease their reelection, which makes...

Product Performance vs. Product Aesthetics and Brand Success

Product performance and aesthetics are often compared in many discussions about which product qualities are more important to the overall success of a brand. Some experts say that buyers appreciate functionality and meaning first and foremost. Others point out that form is a continuation and addition of functionality and meaning....

“Neighbors” Short Story by Raymond Carver

The story of the Millers presents fascinating attributes of families in contemporary societies. In many instances, people tend to copy what their fellows are doing with a perception that these other individuals have a better life, just like the Millers admired the Stones. Although Bill is portrayed as an outgoing...

Artificial Intelligence and Its Usage in Modern Warfare and Healthcare

AI usage in modern warfare The question of AI usage in modern warfare is topical these days. I have never heard of the controversial Project Maven. Still, I have looked it up, and it sounds bizarre to think that regular Google employees could be involved with the Department of Defense....