Parenting Techniques Analysis

The text divides parenting into four styles according to the level of parental responsiveness and demandingness. Parents who display low levels of both these dimensions are indifferent since they pay insufficient attention to their children’s lives and stay focused mainly on themselves. Indulgent parents only show high levels of responsiveness...

Safety and Effectiveness of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Health care is one of the necessary elements in the life of every individual; therefore, people are ready to pay a considerable amount of money for treatment. As a result, the demand for complementary and alternative medicine has recently increased due to the desire to stay healthy (Stanhope & Lancaster,...

Theme and Symbols in Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

“The Rocking-Horse Winner” provokes various emotions, including fascination and concerns about the boy, pity and disappointment about the mother, and misunderstanding of adult behaviors. Such attitude may be explained by the theme, morals, and symbols Lawrence uses. There are two evident topics in the story: a conflict between material and...

Leadership in Registered Nursing

Communication is a Personal Attribute and a Learned Skill Personal communication style reflects an individual’s character and level of professional education. In general, I try to communicate with people respectfully and expect the same attitude from myself. My communication style may often vary depending on my confidence, which fluctuates depending...

The Gospel of Matthew: The Temptation of Jesus

One’s personal growth is accompanied by various distractions of the present-day world, which prevent them from achieving important goals and having meaningful lives in general. They differ depending on the source and manifestation of such events, and revealing them should be a primary task for everyone who strives for a...

Establishing Scene: A Movie About the Great Depression

The image was taken in New York in 1929, and it shows the panicking crowds of Wall Street during the market crash that led the United States to Great Depression. Adjusted to the camera resolution, the shot can be applied as the establishing scene for a drama about the financial...

McDonald’s: The Most Popular Fast-Food Restaurant

McDonald’s is one of the most popular fast-food restaurants, and its success is defined by compliance with the needs of the present-day business world. However, any company has specific strong and weak points, and their consideration allows the managers to readjust the operations according to the current situation. Therefore, the...

Ichabod Crane and Abraham “Brom Bones” Van Brunt: Comparison

The primary theme of the story is rivalry and enmity between Ichabod Crane and Abraham “Brom Bones” Van Brunt. Both characters wished to marry Katrina in order to become wealthy and take a chunk of inheritance. However, this competition for the hand of Katrina put a great strain between Crane...

The Impact of Motivational Interviewing

Individuals prone to or suffering from substance abuse, smoking, eating disorders, gambling, etc., are less likely to have the motivation and desire to change. As a humanistic psychological practice, motivational interviewing has been treating addictions, disorders, and mental health issues. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an approach that “encourages people to...

The Importance of Cultural Competency in Nursing

Cultural (intercultural) competence in nursing is the ability of the nurse to interact with people from different cultures effectively. Cultural competence has four components: understanding one’s cultural worldview, attitude towards cultural differences, knowledge of various cultural methods and worldviews, and intercultural skills. The culture-based perception of the disease affects the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Toyota Motor North America. Executing Global Strategy

It is important to note that although the given analysis and summary will primarily focus on Toyota Motor’s North American division, the latter is heavily influenced by Toyota Japan. In the case of the corporate culture, the company harnesses loyalty and hard work, where the employees are put in a...

Conformity and Individualism in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” and James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

“The Lottery” is a short story by Shirley Jackson, describing the events in an unnamed town where villagers gather for a mysterious annual lottery that ends unexpectedly, tragically, and meaninglessly. “Sonny’s Blues” is a short story by James Baldwin that presents Sonny, a blues musician and heroin addict, and his...

The History of Civil Rights Movement

While comparing Claudette Colvin’s experience in the fight for equality and civil rights with that of young activists in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, one can cite both similarities and differences. Ms. Colvin, as a young girl, did not have the same opportunities to publicize her story as people...

Researching of SWOT Analysis Directives

The directives for efficient use of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis assist businesses in comprehensive internal and external company assessment for maximum profit. A SWOT examination allows corporations to identify achievements and areas for improvement. Companies can make SWOT assessments productive by conducting them regularly, extensively searching...

Fad Diets: Opinions, Comments, Responses

Diets are a relevant topic for both men and women, and even for children. Along with this, it is also necessary to understand that predisposition to obesity depends not only on genetics but also on gender and ethnicity (Hernandez et al., 2017). I agree with Rayon that it is essential...

Followership and Servant Leadership in Army Officers

Followership and servant leadership styles are the primary forms of leading people, especially in the army. Therefore, army officers typically resort to these two types because they are increasingly influential and demand soldiers’ engagement as well. As a rule, soldiers tend to develop better by sharing experiences and opinions with...

“My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” Album by Kanye West

Kanye has released an album after disappearing for a while, and it has lived up to the suspense. It is safe for Kanye fanatics to proclaim ‘Kanye is back’ after veering off his brand with 808s and Heartbreak. The album is a signature of Kanye sampling genius; it is RZA’esque....

Chinese Political System in Eric Li’s TED Talk

The TED talk by Eric Li on the benefits of the Chinese political system claims that it possesses three defining characteristics: Adaptability, meritocracy, and legitimacy. He proves that the system is capable of adaptability based on how many different approaches the party had taken throughout the years, and the results...

Decision-Making Styles: Analysis of Plant Fantasies

Keeping a company sustainable in a competitive setting, especially in a niche market setting, requires consistency in decision-making and a clear understanding of the key external (particularly, market-related) and internal (employee- and production-oriented) factors. At Plant Fantasies, Inc., Teresa clearly prefers the Intuitive approach to decision-making since she manifests significant...

Art and Science: Collaboration and Interdependence

Art and science have for a long time been complemented in several ways. It is difficult to differentiate the key features between the two. The key variance is that art is subjective, unlike objective science. Art expresses knowledge whereas science depicts the acquisition of knowledge. The collaboration between art and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Structuration Theory of Anthony Giddens

According to Anthony Giddens, an individual’s structuration is based on their social habits, tied to how society expects them to conduct themselves. However, a person has the freedom to act as per their conscious mind, despite the situation. Someone who is dedicated to observing a society’s culture will consciously consider...

FDP Company’s Income Varying with Production Level

FDP Company has been performing below the analysts’ earnings expectation, and the management must either increase production or reduce the prices of items, which would improve sales. Although the latter might raise the firm’s revenue, it may lower its income, therefore, using the former approach would be the most appropriate...

Aspects of Marketing Self-Efficacy

Business-to-business markets involve a relatively small number of buyers and sellers. There are four main types. Producers purchase goods to make them into other products. Resellers sell goods and services of other businesses. Governments purchase goods to provide services to the people. Finally, institutions use the goods in the same...

Sampling Methods in Evaluating Research

It is true that for researchers, the use of sampling techniques in statistical testing is critical. For example, the concept of probability or nonprobability sampling can be used to form a group of participants. Smallidge et al. (2018) used a quantitative cross-sectional approach to assess licensed dental hygienists’ awareness gathered...

A Counseling Theory for Child with Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is usually spread among children and adolescents. The disorder is associated with lack of concentration and impulsive, hyperactive behavior, disturbing the child’s learning process. Proper educational counseling can help students with ADHD to cope with the problem. There are three major counseling theories. The first...

Fields Critical for a Typical Restaurant Chain Database

For a restaurant chain database, it is important to integrate data on the location of restaurants, specific customer information, financial needs, and guest management issues. The first critical field to include is customer data, including name, means of contact, and bonuses. This information is crucial to make efforts for retaining...

Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative Activist

Phyllis Schlafly is remembered more as a conservative activist who proudly opposed issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and feminism. Additionally, many of her views were recorded in her publication, such as “A Choice Not An Echo,” which is arguably her most influential book. Further, she successfully campaigned against the ratification...

Understanding Our Perceptions of Asian Americans

First of all, it is necessary to understand why the advisor said this particular phrase to Anthony. Most likely, they started from Anthony’s appearance and origin, thereby acting according to the stereotypes prevailing in society. Many people automatically attribute to people of a certain race a complex of traits that...

Mind Mapping for Adult Learning

Today, I would like to discuss mind mapping and how helpful it can be for adult learning. Adult education is more complicated than many people may think because it occurs at a time when individuals have already had some educational and professional experience, and adjusting to new knowledge can be...

Works of Artists in the Style of Impressionism

The artists who utilized the impressionist style intended to make their work a captivating sketch of real life. In the Claude Monet painting in his Studio Boat by Édouard Manet, one of the impressionist features is the use of different shades of lighting. The painting is colorful and adopts brush...

Strategic Management in Healthcare

The growing rate of medication errors poses a serious threat to the hospital in question and requires a close examination of its roots to determine the steps required for its reduction. One of the universal solutions to the issue is the adoption of a digital framework that will help medical...

Pediatric Leukemia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Leukemia or, in other words, cancer of the blood and bone marrow is a disease connected to the abnormality of white blood cells. At the initial stage, it can be unnoticed by the patients since the condition implies the growing weakness of one’s body, which can be ascribed to other...

Healthcare Delivery and Shift in Healthcare Organizations

Several decades ago, people realized that healthcare delivery must become more complex in the future. There needed to be a significant paradigm shift that came with establishing High Reliability Organizations (HROs). Such organizations were developed to operate in complex, high-hazard domains for extended periods without serious accidents. They cultivate resilience...

Chapter 14 of Texas: The Lone Star State by Richardson et al.

The conservative Democratic rule discussed in Chapter 12 of Richardson et al.’s Texas: The lone star state was frugal and lacked wide public support. While it may have resolved some of the public debt issues, many Texans felt left behind and demanding socioeconomic reform, particularly the farmers. This led to...

Role of Technology in Enhancing the Power

Technology plays a key role in enhancing the power and reach of most presidents. For instance, Telegram has promoted communication between most state presidents and military officers. Such conversations happen in real-time thereby creating a greater control over a leader’s subjects. The instantaneous communication further guarantees prompt feedback from the...

“Americanizing the White Man” by Felix S. Cohen

In Americanizing the White Man, Felix S. Cohen uses the term “Americanizing” to mean transforming immigrants from Europe into the American people. The author uses this term to raise a question about what kind of traditions and culture America heritages. For example, traditional American food and products such as corn,...

The Premier League Fan Festival Analysis

The fan festival hosted by the Premier League in Miami Beach, Florida, in 2019 is a prime example of how hosts have used multiple unmediated communication strategies effectively. The organization focuses on many aspects of sports such as “football, coach development, community, youth development, safeguarding, broadcast, commercial, communications, digital, finance,...

Edward Norton’s CrowdRise Fundraising Company

For this discussion, it was chosen to focus on Edward Norton’s for-profit crowdfunding platform CrowdRise. Norton is a US actor and filmmaker who decided to take part in fundraising for individuals and organizations for both charitable and personal causes (Cressman, n.d.). The business implements gamification as a system of rewards...

“Takin’ It to the Streets” by Bloom

Primary sources are invaluable when it comes to exploring the socio-cultural phenomena of the past. The collection of essays devoted to the new cultural groups of the 1960s compiled by Bloom and Breines sheds light on the historical period’s countercultures and allows keeping track of their evolution. Particularly, the collection...

The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet

The Internet, social networks, and online streams have become a staple of modern life. Almost every person with access to the Web is influenced in some way by the infinite amount of information. The Internet connects far-flung corners of the world at a previously unimagined level. Yet, despite the increasing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comparing Collective Bargaining Agreements

A collective bargaining agreement (CBA) is an essential aspect of industrial relations. It refers to a documented legal contract between an employer and the union representing the workforce (Doellgast & Benassi, 2020). CBA is an outcome of a comprehensive negotiation process among the parties concerning wages, working hours, teams, and...

Beleza Natural: Strategic Direction for Long-Term Success

In combination with opening new institutes, the best strategic long-term approach for Beleza Natural would be to offer a broader range of services such as the different types of styling on various types of hair as well as potentially offering some service offerings to men. Expanding service offerings is a...

“I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype” TED Talk by Canwen Xu

Most of the time, Canwen Xu was the only Asian among her peers. Hence, she was facing a lot of stereotypical judgments from her peers. The difficulty in the reconciliation of her Chinese heritage with her American identity is that everyone around her would only notice her Chinese origins. It...

Autoethnography: The COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic had a considerable impact on all the spheres of life, and the influence was aggravated by the abruptness of the outbreak. In addition, uncertainty about the virus, its influence on human organisms, and effective preventative measures contributed to the common confusion. In the context of political consequences,...

Legal Services Outsourcing: Analysis

Introduction Outsourcing legal services in the modern globalized business sphere is no longer a novelty but a reality. However, given the specifics of the field of legal services, outsourcing has its benefits and risks. Since the service fulfills “the supporting role within the businesses,” its outsourcing can significantly affect the...

Proper Hand Washing Technique Barriers

Hand hygiene is a critical process in ensuring patient safety and quality treatment outcomes in health care facilities. As such, it is necessary for health care facilities to initiate and implement hand hygiene proposals to help in the reduction of infections acquired at the hospital like Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection...

Sampling Bias and Non-Response Bias

Sampling distortion happens when some people are more likely than others to be chosen systematically in a survey. In the medical profession, it is also known as ascertainment bias. Since sampling bias jeopardizes external validity, especially population validity, findings are restricted in their generalizability. In other words, results from skewed...

Violence in Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going?” Story

This short story by Carol Oates does not describe a single episode of violence or an act of aggression, but somehow it scares you more than any story about rape or coercion. You can only «watch from a distance» how a dangerous person persuades a young girl to come out....

Dick’s Sporting Goods: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats

Dick’s Sporting Goods is one of the best performing firms in the sportswear and sports equipment industry. The firm has a well-diversified portfolio that has enabled them to succeed in the global market. Dick’s Sporting Goods can attribute its success to an effective SWOT analysis of the market, which enables...

Conflict Between Supervisor and Employee: Case Analysis

The main problem in this case study is the misunderstanding between the immediate supervisor Corey and employee Stacy. The staff member claims that his supervisor is extremely unapproachable, arrogant, and unsupportive. He does not provide Stacy with enough details about the tasks that should be completed, which leads to him...

Innovative Strategies in the Automotive Industry

The rapid pace of technological and social change has made innovation a matter of vital importance for today’s companies. Overcoming new challenges and making the best use of opportunities necessitates developing innovative strategies which involve the modification or creation of new value propositions. The displacement of once-undisputed home video industry...

Diseases and Their Risk Factors

The causes of diseases can be divided into many groups according to the type of impact. Iatrogenic refers to the reasons that arose as a result of a medical intervention due to a medical error in the diagnosis or treatment. The result of such intrusions can be violations of the...

The Growth of the Gig Economy: Negative Consequences

Today, there are some negative consequences of mass self-employment in the context of business uberization, which is rapidly gaining momentum. The situation is asymmetric – corporations are exempted from any guarantees to employees, and personnel, in turn, cannot normally defend their rights since they do not formally belong to the...

The Nature of Memory and Its Practical Aspects

Ulric Neisser opened a conference on Practical Aspects of Memory with his article “Memory: What Are the Important Questions” in 1978. The author aims to find out why people recall sources differently, how it is possible to remember things, or what can be done to train the memory skill. Although...

Nature-Nurture Debate: People’s Uniqueness

Human social and genetic research seeks to understand the occurrence and magnitude of environmental (nurture) and genetic (nature) effects on people’s uniqueness, cognitive capacity, behavior, and interests. Adoption and twin research affirm that behavioral attributes are principally heritable (“In Colombia” par. 2). However, attempts to establish genes that influence behavior...

The Psychodynamic Theory. Gateways to Mind and Behavior

The psychodynamic theory is a psychological perspective that originated from the works of Sigmund Freud on psychoanalysis, which focused on the unconscious level of awareness and the interactions among personality structures. In contemporary society, it encompasses all psychological theories that attribute human behavior to the influence of unconscious interactions of...

Ancient Egypt and the 21st Century

Have you ever thought of the Egyptians who lived thousands of years ago? It might seem that people of the 21st century are absolutely different and can have nothing in common with them but in fact, our lives are influenced by ancient craftsmen. The culture and art of Ancient Egypt...

Want-It-Now Rapid Delivery Service’s Advertising

Advertising campaigns are indeed sales engines for businesses, but entrepreneurs should refrain from overly aggressive, inappropriate advertising that may cause distortions in the perception of the product or service. To monitor the quality of advertising campaigns, the FTC, a state agency, exists. The FTC can supervise, monitor, and even prosecute...

Schizophrenia as the Most Challenging Psychological Disorder

Despite its relatively low prevalence, schizophrenia ranks among the most impairing and debilitating psychological conditions in people. It is a severe long-term mental illness characterized by relapsing episodes of delusions, hallucinations, and the progressive loss of contact with reality. Although this psychological disorder severely impairs the patient’s quality of life,...

Franz Schubert’s “The Lovely Maid of the Mil” Song

The song cycle originally called “Die schöne Müllerin,” which is translated as “The lovely maid of the mil,” is written by German composer Franz Schubert. The composer was fascinated with folk songs and scenes and tried to reveal and increase their significance in Germany’s culture through this cycle, which imitates...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Code of Ethics for Human Services Professionals

The selected field of interest is that of human services since it allows social workers to support and empower troubled people to lead better lives. The presented standards include focusing on existing community strengths, getting informed consent from individuals, and maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality and privacy (“Ethical Standards...

Vietnam’s Emerging Market Potential

The western countries can help Vietnam improve its business climate by assisting the country in improving its legal, political, and regulatory frameworks. Since Vietnam’s exports depend on multinationals such as Samsung, the country must focus on providing opportunities for local companies. Western nations can instruct the Vietnamese officials on how...

Technology’s Impact on Workplace Conflict

Technology is a significant part of modern business because it simplifies several tasks in an organization’s day-to-day functions. According to Briken et al. (2017), technology has transformed employees’ interactions across different industries, thus streamlining environmentally tedious and wasteful processes. For instance, the office culture is changing considerably with technological advancement,...

Software Programs: Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator Adobe Illustrator is a highly ranked software program that supports graphic design activities. Users can efficiently and accurately develop a range of products, such as icons, logos, and drawings, using the aforementioned software. Furthermore, this application allows one to capture their visual creativity with color, shape effects, and...

VA Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Expansion and Impact

The public hearing was a session held by the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs during which the state of things regarding telehealth provision at VA was discussed. The primary notion was that because of the pandemic, VA as an organization as well as its facilities and providers had to rapidly...

African American Genomes Largest Study

Modern advances in science allow researchers to explore in detail the data related to the events of the past. In particular, DNA analysis techniques help in investigating the characteristics of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. Scientists have conducted “the largest DNA study to examine African ancestry in the Americas”...

Kaptivate Kulture is Preparing for Delightful Debut at Couture Fashion Week New York

Sophisticated and elegant brand of postcard lining jackets Kaptivate Kulture is happy to surprise you with our new designs in the Crowne Plaza Times Square. The event will happen on Monday, at 7:00 p.m., on November 15, 2020. Kaptivate Kulture’s mission is to be a luxury brand that strives to...

West Indian Ocean Coelacanth (Latimeria Chalumnae)

West Indian Ocean coelacanth is a fish species found on the southeastern coast of Africa. They generally live at a depth of 100 to 800 meters, although a living specimen has been observed at a depth of a mere 54 meters (Fraser et al., 2020). This fact makes them relatively...

The Army Publishing Directorate: Online Resource

The Army Publishing Directorate (APD) is at the center of the U.S. military knowledge ecosystem. It publishes works that are of immense benefit to the diverse military personnel and a broad audience of readers beyond the military field. The importance of the APD’s website to the target audience is so...

Risky Financial Decisions

A risky financial decision under consideration was made by a close relative, who decided to purchase an already operational liquor store that had been closed for a month due to serious documentation issues. However, the relative believed that it would be easy to operate an already established entity as compared...

Neuroscience. Addictive Personality

Some psychologists argue that all actions occur depending on processes in the brain. This human body’s organ releases certain chemicals called neurotransmitters responsible for a specific set of functions. However, the statement that human consciousness and actions are the result of neural processes is quite debatable. The data obtained from...

Good Night’s Sleep for Brain Function and Waste Disposal

The video concerns the connection between sleep, the brain, and waste disposal. The body’s biological system processes create the problem of waste disposal. A constant supply of nutrients is crucial for all body parts to function. The brain comprises only 2% of the body’s mass but consumes 25% of its...

Novartis’s Prescription for Invoice Processing

Invoice processing is the complete method of managing a supplier bill, from its receipt to the time it is recorded in the data system and awaiting payment. Novartis is a Switzerland based international healthcare organization that offers solutions for addressing the changing prerequisites of patients in many countries globally (Novartis,...

Implementing Data Analysis in Nursing Studies

Data is a crucial element in all decision making processes in the healthcare industry. Similarly, nursing is a science field, and therefore, the success of all related activities relies on the process of information collection and its application. However, the gathered data can only be classified as authentic and reliable...

The History and Implementation of Rotoscoping

The period from the 1870s and the late 1890s is regarded as the time when contemporary animation and film technologies started to develop. It originated when photographer Eadweard Muybridge discovered a method to capture the movement of a horse. Muybridge’s creative approach was tightly connected to Phenakistoscope technology. His innovation...

Krebs’ Portrayal in “A Soldier’s Home” by Hemingway

In Hemingway’s “A Soldier’s Home,” the main character experiences apathy for a multitude of reasons. Harold Krebs was trained in a way that made him void of any empathy. The disinterest towards maintaining normal relationships or any mundane hobbies settled in after the return to civilian life (Hemingway 2). This...

Abraham Lincoln and the Second Revolution

The first chapter of the book Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution by James M. McPherson touches on the subject of the so-called second Revolution. One of the main arguments is the comparison of the events of the 1860s and the events of the first American Revolution (McPherson, 1992)....

“I Have a Dream”: Then and Now

The best words to describe the history of Black people in the United States are hardship and struggle. The one who understood this best and told the American society about it was Martin Luther King. He also told Americans that “one day this nation will rise up and live out...

Locating Credible Databases and Research Assignment

The case for the evidence-based research is a 23-year-old female patient with spine osteoporosis, a diagnosis that is not common for that age. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising clinical staff nurses, I would need to explain that evidence-based practice is required to determine the correct treatment. First of all, I...

Aspects of Russia’s Economy

It is no secret that there is a significant difference in economic power and potential between the Russian Federation and the United States. Nevertheless, the unemployment rates of both countries are close. According to Kuranova (2021), “Russia’s unemployment rate came in at 5.8% in January 2021” (para. 1). In the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Gore’s Flat Structure Works Well

It should primarily be mentioned that it is surprising that an organization without any structure or hierarchy can achieve the described amazing results. This is primarily because, usually, in order to attain goals and improve performance, there has to be a system that operates and drives the organization in a...

Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Medicare Spending

The Affordable Care Act is gradually decreasing costs by means of the restructuring of payments to Medicare Advantage. This has occurred because the government was spending more money per enrollee on Medicare Advantages compared to Original Medicare. Therefore, the financial impact of the ACA implied significant cuts, which were carried...

Seismic Waves Definition and Overview

Continental plates are constantly moving which leads to a series of natural occurrences. One of these occurrences is the earthquake, which results from sudden contractions along the fault lines. Therefore, these sudden contractions transfer from their epicenter in form of seismic waves. According to Brûlé et al. (2017), there are...

Social Influence Psychology Summarization

When one thinks of social influence, the usual type of example that readily comes to one’s mind is a direct attempt at persuasion, which is when one person deliberately tries to change another person’s behavior or attitude. However, to social psychologists, social influence has a broader meaning. For them, social...

Shipping Terms to Be Considered for the Contract Loss Minimization: Memorandum

Memorandum To: Mr. Jones, the CEO From: Your Name CC: Other recipients Subject: Shipping terms to be considered for the contract loss minimization Dear Mr. Jones, I am writing to inform you that Okinawa, Ltd., our ink supplier from Japan, has offered for our company a highly expedient deal on...

Maternal Healthcare Overview

Maternal health is a field that focuses on the well-being of women while pregnant, during, childbirth, and throughout the postnatal period. Professionals in the fields of nursing and maternal health should be aware of the ever-changing cultural issues and trends. The nursing theory identifies cultural competence as an evidence-based practice...

Eugenics and Sterilization in the United States

Eugenics in the United States was one of the controversial subjects, which did not get as much attention as it should have. Individuals like Laughlin were among the active proponents of eugenics-based sterilization programs, which advocated for making mentally impaired and ill sterile. There was a strong belief that intelligence...

Africa’s Freedom: The Events of 1960

The article “What Does Independence Look Like? Images From the Year of Africa” by numerous authors are dedicated to 1960, which signifies the most important year in modern African history. Not only did countries become free of colonial rule, but they also gained independence during that year. The article itself...

Medicare: Choosing a Healthcare Facility Based on Quality and Safety

Medicare’s official website contains sets of different types of information with a focus on Medicare programs. The database of this agency also includes data helping people to choose the most appropriate healthcare facility (, n.d.). Such variables as available services, sufficient staffing, and social components are highlighted as primary aspects...

Fear of Sex in American Society

Sex is visible in media and popular cultures across America, and various sexual practices are acknowledged in society. From the Internet to media advertisements, sex or sexual orientation is noticeable. However, these aspects have not stopped people from having well-established fears of sex and sexuality (Schwartz, 2010). The following evidence...

Sticking to an Exercise Program

Exercise programs are usually recommended for patients suffering from illnesses because it helps them remain physically fit or lose some weight. Sometimes it is challenging for a patient to stick to an exercise program. However, there are several strategies they can employ while exercising. The following are some of the...

Villanelle in Poetry: “The House on the Hill” by Robinson

Poetry utilizes many different tools related to its rhythm, style, structure, and composition to achieve a variety of effects it may apply to the reader. Some of those, specifically different composition types, contribute to the internal typology that has formed throughout the evolution of poetry as a literary form. Villanelle...

Reflections on Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a nonprofessional and apolitical community, which gathers members having problems with alcohol consumption worldwide and supplies them with mutual aid. The main aim of such a fellowship is to reject alcohol abuse and support each other in achieving sobriety. The main criteria for entering it are...

Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Payment of Scholarships

Historically black colleges and universities are a particular category of higher education institutions in the United States of America created for the education of the African-American population. This type of educational institution was associated with the abolition of slavery in order for black people to have the opportunity to receive...

A Typical American Dinner Plate: Origins of Food

Americans are renowned for diverse cuisine tastes as every state boasts of a specific palate specialty. Nonetheless, a typical dinner often comprises dishes made from potatoes, meat—particularly beef and chicken, — and vegetable soups. Accordingly, a plate with tater tots (fried potatoes), chicken wings, spinach soup, and a piece of...

Atoms in the Human Body

Introduction Billions of years ago, when the dense speck expanded, the matter and antimatter should have disappeared and left nothing but energy. Still, some amount of matter remained and filled the world with numerous particles (Sundermier, 2015). Those particles circulating through the dark matter across the universe might pass through...

The Role of Social Stigma in Mental Health

The stigmatization of mental health, indeed, plays a significant role in the life of a person suffering from mental disorders. First, stigmatization affects how a person identifies their psychological disorder. Second, the stigma affects whether a person eventually seeks help from specialists to receive treatment. To understand the extent to...

Aspects of Mass Wasting

Mass wasting refers to the downhill movement of soil and rock due to gravity. Most of the time, mass wasting is commonly associated with a landslide (Shi et al., 2016). However, a landslide is a general term under mass wasting characterized by a quick movement of geological elements. During a...

The Case About the Number of Chips

The case about the number of chips in cookies has accounting and ethical sides as the reduction of chocolate lead to costs decrease, and the managers involved might have a conflict of interest. When the new manager noticed that the number of chips could be reduced to save the costs,...

Some of the Common Pitfalls in the Mediation Process

Failing to Prepare Appropriately For the mediation procedure to be highly successful, the concerned parties must be adequately prepared. Many arbitration processes do not succeed because either the claimants or respondents fail to prepare well, and so, do not understand their case fully. People should also know their opponents’ cases...

Review of “The Last Leaf” Story by O.Henry

The “Last Leaf” by O. Henry is a narrative that focuses on people’s need to have hope. The story mostly centers on two painters, Sue and Johnsy, living at the top of a three-story building. Johnsy has pneumonia, and she believes that when the ivy vine on the wall outside...

Hamlet’s Monologue: A Rhetorical Analysis

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, is one of the most famous fictional characters in the world who lent his name to the whole play by William Shakespeare. Though written in 1623, due to the tense plot and sharp political and love conflicts, the tragedy has remained popular for several centuries (Joughin,...

Online Grocery Services and Consumer Decision-Making Process

Based on the results generated from our research work, there are a number of criteria that affect consumers’ experience and results in their final purchase behavior. The primary data was collected through the survey procedures conducted among the general public through the Survey Monkey online service. We collected responses and...

Complex Moral Dilemmas

Deontology ethics defines the morality of an action based on whether it is right or wrong, while teleological ethics constitute moral obligation justified by the desirable end or outcome. The two concepts often present myriad challenges among medical practitioners during decision-making scenarios. As such, given a chance, some of the...

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois Fighting Discrimination Against African Americans

Being two of the best-known leaders in the African American liberation movement in the late 19th and early 20th century, Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois represented entirely different approaches toward the promotion of equality and the fight against discrimination of African American people. While Washington encouraged...

Misconceptions and Constructivism

As the students begin to attend new classes, the teachers hope they perceive new concepts and receive understandings of the subject. In other words, the process can be explained as “learning as a result of teaching.” However, when children go to school for the first time, they already have a...

Business Model and Its Impact on a Company

Case studies are an indispensable part of exploratory research. Before setting out on a new business strategy, people in decision-making positions need to collect enough data that would inform their actions. Case studies describe both successful and unsuccessful attempts of making something more or less similar to what one intends...

Gerald R. Ford International Airport and Its Service

Gerald R. Ford International Airport (GRR) is one of the largest airports in Michigan, covering more than 3,100 acres (U.S. department of transportation federal aviation administration, 2021). According to the statistics provided by the Gerald R. Ford International Airport (n.d.), every day, approximately 10,000 travelers pass through the airport. The...

The Asperger’s Syndrome: Managing Children with Disability

Working with a student with special needs in a classroom requires special preparation and awareness from an educational professional. Children with Asperger’s Syndrome have significant developmental, emotional, social, and behavioral particularities that must be considered when working with them in a group of other students. Since children with Asperger’s Syndrome...

Themes in the Movie “The Physician”

Speaking about the movie The Physician, it is essential to note that its plot is more educational than entertaining. It tells the story of a young man, Robert Cole, who wants to study medicine after his mother dies of appendicitis. The audience can see a similar plot in the movie...

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Challenges for Managers in the Workplace

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A relationship between employers and employees can be a complex one because these individuals often have various priorities. While subordinates want to maximize their employment rights and freedoms, executives emphasize the employees’ duties and obligations. This situation results in disputes regarding whether subordinates may publicly criticize employers. Thus, some ethical...

Developmentally Driven Grade Levels

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Pan-American Identity in Saludos Amigos Film

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Should the Government Monitor its Citizens Using Technology?

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“Pride and Prejudice” as Austen’s Book’s Title

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Violent Crime, Its Forms and Patterns

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Isaac Lidsky: What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?

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The “Bintel Brief” letters and responses from the Jewish Daily Forward editors are remarkable proof of how similar in nature, albeit different in shape, were the problems encountered by immigrant Americans throughout the twentieth century. The main topics revealed in letters and replies are the opinions of the inner circle,...

Evidence-Based Practice as Problem Resolution Method

Evidence-based practice is a method of problem resolution in treating patients, using evidence from trustworthy sources, the nurse’s experience, and patient preferences to provide the best health care. Today the concentration of nurses in hospitals worldwide is growing due to a decrease in the lifespan to limit increased expenses, which...

Implications of Current Gender Expectations

The article by Mary Ellen Alu (2019) focuses on social differences between the sexes. Society places many stereotypes on both men and women, infringing certain values, which create conflicts and problems. As these values are ingrained during childhood, people find it difficult to resist them in adulthood. Understanding why the...

Childhood Immunization and Related Controversy

The development and use of vaccines have allowed the global population to mitigate the spread of severe illnesses and significantly reduce child mortality. Still, there are groups of people who believe that vaccines are harmful and oppose immunization, not allowing their children to be vaccinated. The controversy regarding childhood immunization...

Schizoaffective Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Schizoaffective disorder is one of the less understood conditions because it shares diagnosing criteria with other psychiatric disorders. It is mistaken for schizophrenia as it was first classified as a subtype of this illness. Since there is no single definition for schizoaffective disorder that is agreed upon, it is difficult...

Immigrants and Savers: The Irish in 1850s New York

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

“Teaching Strategies for Preschool Educators” Summary

Teaching strategies for preschool educators, Editorial Team of Resilient Educator (No concrete author), Resilient Educator, 2021. From the very beginning of the children’s formal education process, they face many challenges related to the basic principles of some fundamental sciences. Consequently, this situation creates supply and demand for preschool educational entities...

Analysis of Accessibility of Medicine

One of the most pressing issues in modern realities, in which people are forced to choose one side depending on their interests, is medicine. Americans face incredibly high treatment prices in all areas of health care, from family therapists to optometrists. However, high prices are the reason for allocating most...

Nursing Shortage: Possible Interventions and Solutions

The worldwide shortage of nurses remains a significant problem in the field, forcing specialists to overwork themselves and put patients in danger. The healthcare industry in the United States is already experiencing difficulties in operation and pricing, and the nurse shortages decrease the efficiency of the system even further. The...

Nursing Areas of Difficulty: Patient Safety and Expectations

The first area of difficulty I faced during my practice in the adult daycare center is meeting patients’ expectations that mostly appear demanding. Because of staff shortages or limited budget, it was difficult to serve all patients appropriately and pay a sufficient amount of time to their needs. As a...

Correlation: Scatter Diagrams and Linear Collinearity

Correlation is referred to as the association between bivariate data, which is also described as data sets containing two observations. Scatterplots, also known as scatter graphs or correlational charts, provide excellent descriptive representations of the interrelationship between two quantitative variables. Each point in a scatter plot denotes a paired measurement...

Observing Children: Teaching Practice

Undoubtedly, teachers need to carry out pre-assessments to create different learning activities and determine students’ progress. Pre-assessments can help teachers increase classroom productivity and make the process of learning more engaging. Moreover, observing children interacting and gaining knowledge contributes to a better understanding of useful teaching approaches. Therefore, teachers should...

Belief Systems in Projecting the Future

Beliefs, and belief systems, are a significant factor in the transmission of information. According to Shannon & Weaver (1948), the process of communication in any form involves encoding a message into a signal, transmitting, and then decoding it to receive the original message. This principle applies to computer systems as...

“How to Talk to Girls at Parties” Story by Neil Gaiman

How to Talk to Girls at Parties is a fantasy story by Naiman, set in 1970s London. Enn, the main character, narrates it after thirty years from the action. He and his friend, Vic, in their teenage years decided to meet young ladies. They study at the school for boys...

The Wife of Bath’s Prologue

Relationships The affair between the Wife of Bath and different spouses greatly influenced the development of her character. Of her five husbands, she admits that the first three were good mainly because they were rich, old, and submissive. Being the dominant partner in these relationships, she happily recounts how torments...

Plot and Characters in Arthur Miller’s “Death of a Salesman”

In the play, Death of a Salesman Miller says that the latest boom in real estate is one of the testimonies of the success of the American businesses. He particularly highlights the rapid development of residential buildings in Willy’s Brooklyn neighborhood. Those who have succeeded in their careers and businesses...

American Association for Community Dental Programs: Overview

The American Association for Community Dental Programs (AACDP) focuses on supporting efforts to promote vulnerable populations’ oral health at the community level. AACDP (n.d.a) offers guidance and information support for those participating in program development and implementation. Another critical area of activity is the organization of conferences and professional events...

“When You Are Old” Poem by William Yeats

One of the most famous works of William Yeats is “When You Are Old,” which is the poem addressed to a woman Yeats loved. The poem can be summarized as a plea with strong arguments. The author urges the woman to think of the future as not to regret her...