A Policy Change Model: Cannabis Discussion

Due to cannabis’s dubious aspect, the evaluative discussion of why nations should authorize medical and recreational marijuana is still hotly contested and divisive in many places. Research can, at most, contribute to this debate in a limited way (Knopf, 2019). Due to the abundance of decades’ worth of proof on...

Ethical Analysis of the Bakun Dam Project

Introduction Utilitarianism distinguishes right from wrong based on the outcomes. As such, it is a representation of consequentialism. The locus of utilitarianism is choosing a course of action that produces optimal good for the largest number (Chen, 2021). Keeping the previous argument in mind, the ethical analysis of the Bakun...

A Unified Theory of Human Development

There is a plethora of studies, both new and archaic, that explore the most efficient models of education. There are structures contained within development research that share similarities, allowing scientists to attempt to congregate the existing information into a single framework (Liben, 2008). However, this notion has a questionable purpose...

How Does Substance Abuse Affect Mental Health in High School?

Introduction The topic of my research is the question, “How does substance abuse affect mental health in High School?” This topic is relevant because, recently, the number of people who use drugs has increased significantly. In connection with this, the number of students who, for one reason or another, begin...

How Analytics Can Help Improve Healthcare Decision-Making

Applying healthcare analytics appropriately helps one make more productive and effective operational and clinical choices. Healthcare analytics focuses on the technical procedures that gather, monitor, and interpret healthcare information to curb challenges like diseases, ensure good healthcare services, promotion of workers and patient security. Data analysis assists healthcare professionals in...

Importance of the Teacher Leadership

Introduction Teacher leadership is the process of a tutor undertaking formal and informal duties within the school instead of only classroom responsibilities to enhance learning for all students and the success of the school’s improvement efforts. Cheung et al. (2018) indicated that instructional reforms relied on teacher leaders’ ability to...

Patient Assessment and Social Determinants of Health

One of the most urgent problems of modern health care is the issue of patient assessment. Individual approach to health needs assessment requires considering personal characteristics that affect treatment selection (Mahalingamet al., 2020). Given the individual particularities of each patient, the interview techniques would differ in selecting questions on the...

Judges Decisions: Realism and the Law

The case of Mr. Kass is an example of a court proceeding where the judges had to consider several facts in reliance on the principles of the law. Mr. Kass quit his job with Bechtel Power and moved from Michigan to New Jersey since he was to be employed by...

Leadership and Management: Reliability, Validity, and Approaches

Reliability and validity can demonstrate and link the thoroughness of research procedures and the veracity of study findings. Reliability and validity are often used in the research to ensure that data are reliable and reproducible, as well as the results’ accuracy. In quantitative research, the amount of variation in a...

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and international airports. Contrary to the theoretical implications of the name of the force, they ride horses only during ceremonies (Reichel, 2018). They control law and order throughout...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Aspects of the Environmental Activism

Introduction The environmental activism subculture is centered around ensuring the best outcomes for the environment. Members advocate for these interests through initiatives like informational campaigns, marches, lobbies, and peaceful protests. Its active expression of biospheric and altruistic values sets this group apart. The former values promote the interests of the...

Kantian Perspective on Lying: View of Ethics

Close inspection of different perceptions of morality in Western philosophy allows identifying unique features of philosophical teachings. Furthermore, studying how different philosophical doctrines approach violations of morality can be used for a clearer understanding of philosophers’ views. In a significant part of her works, O’Neil defended Immanuel Kant’s philosophy and...

The European Commission and Google

The lawsuit filed by the European Commission against Google has become one of the landmark legal battles for the right to privacy. Having drawn a legal line between the right for a company to promote its product and the right of individuals to retain their privacy, the specified case has...

Communist Manifesto vs. the Capital

The Communist Manifesto expresses Communist theories while Capital is a scholarly examination of the formation, collapse of an economic system. The Communist Manifesto gives a demand list on how to create communism while Capital is a political economy critical analysis showing exploitation of the working class. Communist Manifesto is a...

Reviews Plato’s “Allegory of the Cave” and “Theory of Forms”

Plato experienced a variety of influences from previous philosophical movements. The pre-Socratic influential thinkers include Protagoras, whose relativist thought inspired Plato’s dialogues despite contradictions between the two thinkers’ approaches. As for the Sophists, some contempt for them could have encouraged Plato to achieve excellence in reasoning. The impact of Socrates...

Organizational Environment, Social Environment Affects on Organizations

Charter schools are institutions developed and managed by parents, teachers, society, or education organizations. According to Renzulli (2005), the primary motivation behind the emergence of such schools is autonomy. Most members who started the charter schools aimed at providing different curriculum and services from those offered in traditional schools. However,...

Stress Management in the Work Environment

Business responsibility cannot extend only to providing high commercial value. On the contrary, high business performance can be achieved by expanding employer social responsibility. This includes increasing corporate protection against stress. In general, stress has a severe negative effect on the mental and physical health of employees, and it is...

Organizational Environment: Specific and General

There are two types of environmental analysis of an organization: specific and general. When one conducts a study on the specific environment, he or she focuses on examining the organization’s internal elements. It is possible to note that “internal factors include aspects of HR (owners, managers, and employees), financial aspects,...

Information in the Modern Globalized Environment

In the modern globalized environment, information has become a major asset that can be used to improve people’s well-being and quality of their lives all over the world. Our organization contributes to the improvement in the quality of visual data management by offering the cameras and drones of the best...

Changes of the Global Business Environment

Currently, the global business environment is undergoing major changes. Firstly, digital technologies take the driver’s seat in guiding the development of almost all economic sectors. New solutions cause disruptions that revolutionize entire industries once and for all. For this reason, the global business environment is as competitive as ever. For...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory

Major Concepts Nursing – Creation of The Best Conditions Human Beings Are Linked with Environment Environment Is the Most Critical Factor Health Is the Primary Goal of Nursing Health Promotion Is Important to Prevent Illness Florence Nightingale’s Environment Theory is a nursing theory with a key focus on environmental factors....

Safety, Independence and Least Restrictive Environments

The healthcare environment requires a fundamental focus on the patient’s safety, independence, and a sound healing environment. Such background may only exist where there are evidence-based practice and effective decision-making. Max’s case study provides a practical demonstration of how medication choice and self-response may affect a patient’s safety and recovery....

Present-Day Entrepreneurs and Their Environment

Entrepreneurs drive the economy and foster further technological progress, thus increasing people’s quality of life. Although personal traits and skills, such as innovative thinking and willingness to take risks, are important factors contributing to entrepreneurial success, they are insufficient without external support. Only the combination of personal qualities, supportive government...

Toxic Air Pollutants: Environmental Health

I did not know that toxic air pollutants present in the air can result in the emergence of cancer or serious health problems. Cancer risk associated with this issue is about one per million; however, it can be considered a critically high percentage because of the severe complications associated with...

Decisive Action Training Environment (Date) Overview

Military operations and the relevant environment for activities are highly dependent on a wide range of factors included in a region’s PMESII-PT. In the case of Caucasus, the political sphere affects the operations through a bipolar form of governance, such as democracy and autocracy. Military power concentration also influences the...

Advanced Nurse Practice Environment in Illinois

Before 2017, advanced practice nurses (APNs) could not work independently from physicians. However, in 2017, the Illinois Governor signed a law allowing individual nurses to provide services without being dependent on physicians (Korte, 2017). The law amends the Nurse Practice Act to enable APNs and other nurses to work without...

The International Music Festival Event Industry as a Business Environment

Operations in the international music festival event industry are highly complicated due to involving a large number of participants, venues, managers, and visitors. Unlike companies responsible for small events, the international industry has to predict and try to avoid the risks associated not only with the artists but also with...

Developmental Research: Human Development

Introduction Human development is a continuous process that occurs not once but throughout one’s life. Developmental research is the study of how a person changes as they mature. According to Davis-Kean and Ellis (2019), developmental research may entail studying behavioral aspects that could be the effect of chronic illness against...

The Style in “The Grand Budapest Hotel”

Introduction The director’s commitment to strict symmetry explains the many orthogonal lines in the frame’s construction. Diagonal compositions, camera movements, and camera deviations from the horizon are almost not found in the film. A limited fictional world in which the strict arrangement of objects and people is practically a fundamental...

The Impact of Genomics on Policy and Practice in Healthcare

Genome-wide sequencing, multi-gene panels, and other multi-genic tests are replacing single-gene testing for illness diagnosis, prediction, prognosis, and therapy as the field of medicine moves from genetics to genomics. The consideration of the policy changes genomics poses is framed by the shift from genetics to genomics. The switch from genetic...

Mahayana Buddhism’s Beginnings

Introduction Mahayana Buddhism’s beginnings are still a mystery; neither its beginning nor its location is documented, and it is most likely that the movement developed over time and in several areas. Most representations have been hugely affected by the goals of contemporary sectarian motions, and the holy texts most highly...

The Problem of Aligning Cross-Cultural Concepts

The nature of social and personal conflicts might seem explicitly varied depending on the community and its characteristics, yet the core premise of failing to manage familial relationships and societal expectations remain consistent across cultures and time periods. Examining how these issues are interpreted in literature will allow eliciting a...

The Documentary “A Brilliant Genocide”

The documentary “A Brilliant Genocide” shows how the Ugandan government killed over 800,000 people in just 100 days. I enjoyed this documentary because it was eye-opening and informative. I like how it provides many details about the killings. Additionally, the film gives a voice to the Acholi people, who are...

Developing a New Information System

I absolutely agree that integrating a new information system can completely change the nature or direction of a business. Understanding business processes is essential to dealing with these organizational changes. The introduction of information technology can lead to administrative changes of varying degrees, from minimal to far-reaching (Laudon & Laudon,...

Earthquake’s Intensity and Magnitude

Intensity measures earthquakes’ strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquake’s magnitude quantifies its size. There are two ways to measure magnitude; the maximum amplitude of a shear wave and the distance a fault moves. Intensity can be measured by the damage the earthquake causes and the movement...

Virgin Group: Investments in Start-Ups

Introduction Virgin Group is a well-known venture company that makes investments in start-ups that might change the world. In 2022 the firm has made yet another contribution that has been financially rewarding. In the summer of 2022, Virgin Group made an announcement that the company made an investment in Lightyear,...

Aspects of Bloodborne Pathogens Standard

Introduction Chapter 12 regards Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and OSHA Frequently-Asked-Questions (FAQs). It details procedures regarding contact with harmful chemicals and blood in daily routines at work. Key terms include blood, bloodborne Pathogens, Chief, clinical laboratory, decontamination, and engineering controls. Discussion The main pathogens addressed include Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Human...

The Ocean Clean Up Company’s Trial in Guatemala

The Ocean Clean Up firm decided to work on collecting plastic waste in Rio Motagua, which experts estimate is going to be the world’s most heavily polluted river. It is the largest river in Guatemala, extending from the western highlands to the eastern Caribbean Sea. Each year during the rainy...

Age-Related Mathematical Problems and Solutions

Age problems are algebraic, dealing with people’s current, past, and future ages. According to Ventura‐Campos et al. (2022), age-related word problems typically compare two different points in a person’s life. If the problem involves a single person, it is like an Integer Problem. In addition, if an age problem includes...

The Six Characteristics or Elements of Self-Control

The elements of self-control determine a person’s ability to resist and avoid crime in any context and kind of temptation. The absence of self-control shows the characteristics that essentially determine a crime in particular circumstances. This classification was created by Gottfredson and Hirshi to explain the mechanisms and reasons for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Comprehensive Health and Physical Assessment: Environmental and Genomic Influences

Introduction Recent scientific advances in the field of genomics call for the urgent redefinition of nursing practice. Now, when using a holistic approach toward health examination, healthcare professionals should account for the patient’s socioeconomic determinants and genetic predisposition to a disease. This paper briefly overviews the significance of a comprehensive...

Human Resource Management’s Strategic Role in Achieving Organizational Goals

The HRM functions are related to stimulating the growth and development of the organization. HR managers utilize social support strategies to achieve the organization’s overall goals (Pak et al., 2019). The main goals of my organization include optimizing work processes and reorganizing the team to increase performance. My organization’s HRM...

Analysis of the Film: “The Invisible Man”

Introduction The film has been made into two different versions: the original from 1993 and a remake set for 2020. The original picture was a famous horror film from the Golden Age of Hollywood, based on HG Wells’ 1897 novel of the same name, and is a genuine horror picture...

Climate Change Threats in Public Perception

Ballew, M.T. Leiserowitz, A., Roser-Renouf, C., Rosenthal, C. A., Kotcher, J. E., Marlon, J. R., Lyon, E., Goldberg, M. H. & Maibach, E. W. (2019) Climate change in the American mind: Data, tools, and trends, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 61(3), 4-18. Web. The study’s authors, research scientists,...

Orem’s Self-Care Implemented in Today’s World

Orem’s self-care is a nursing theory that offers direction to the nurse practitioner on how to identify a patient’s deficit needs in getting well. The different levels of care range from educating the patient’s family to giving total attention. The theory explains how nurses can intervene to help patients maintain...

The Decline of the Household Income in Suburban and Metropolitan Areas

Introduction According to Antonios, the article “Decline of Inner Suburbs” was written in a clear, easy-to-understand manner. The piece by Lucy & Phillips (2000) states that the household income in some suburban and metropolitan areas declined. Among the reasons is little to no reinvestment in structures which shortens the lives...

Racial Issues in the “Fences” Play by August Wilson

My favorite play from this course’s reading is Fences by the playwright August Wilson. The drama relates the story of Troy Maxson, a former player in the Negro basketball league trying to provide for his family. Because of his race and the color barriers in sports, he was prevented from...

The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction Faith and resilience stand out in the novel The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway, particularly in the older man’s story. Reading about Santiago’s experiences allowed me to view life from a hopeful perspective. The old man’s life is an inspiration to deal with life’s challenges without...

Healthcare Costs Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Background It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all spheres of life, including healthcare. In the United States and all over the world, it led to a dramatic growth of national healthcare spending as the prevention and treatment of the infection required the development and implementation of...

Aspects of the Transaction Demand

Introduction Both transaction demand and asset demand refer to an essential sum that a person or business has to possess. However, they differ in the purpose of having money on balance. Transaction demand is the entirety of money that a certain organization of individual needs for completing transactions. Asset demand...

An Analysis of Strategies for Businesses to Raise Cash

Introduction This article is an analysis of strategies for businesses to raise cash and find ways to lend. The authors present five main ways for businesses to act in an unstable financial situation. The purpose of the article is to explore what organizational and strategic steps will allow the company...

“Eleonora” by Edgar Allan Poe: A Short Story Analysis

Eleonora is a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe that could potentially relate to his personal, romantic experience. The story presents a collection of the main character’s discourse about love, passion, and memories of Eleonora, his cousin. The story’s plot can be separated into four parts: In the first...

Prioritizing Teachers’ Wellbeing

Teachers have a significant impact on the overall society’s future and progress. Therefore, addressing the issue of teachers’ well-being now is likely to have positively influence teachers’ productivity and the quality of education in the future. Furthermore, the teaching profession requires substantial efforts to overcome the challenge of working with...

The Story of Telemachus in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Numerous books exist in the world, presenting to readers various aspects of life. One of the most renowned literary works is the epic The Odyssey that represents the fascinating stories of Odysseus and his son Telemachus (Homer, 1996). While both characters go on complex journeys, Telemachus’s quest reflects the search...

Animation Film Pocahontas by Walt Disney

Introduction A seventy-eight-minute animation film, Pocahontas, by Walt Disney, is about a Native American heroine who saved a British man, John Smith, from execution by her father. The movie has received criticism, especially from Arab Americans (Goldberg & Gabriel, 1995). The film is analyzed on three concepts; libel, privacy invasion,...

Personal Philosophy About Raising Children

People react differently when they learn they are expecting their first child. To establish a meaningful definition of parenting, one ought to understand its essence. The basic definition of parenting is the process of caring for a child. Parenting is the art of naturing a child’s physical, social, spiritual, emotional,...

Navigating Organizational Theories in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that organizational theories are critical in healthcare. The main reason is that they determine the organizational structure and design, which can either enhance or hinder a healthcare facility’s capability and its business needs in a successful manner. A theoretical framework’s applicability is tied to...

Themes in “Two Ways to Belong in America” Book by Mukherjee

Bharati Mukherjee is an author of Indian descent who immigrated to America in 1961. She was born in 1940 and was raised in Calcutta, India. She earned an M.F.A and a Ph.D. in literature. Bharati Mukherjee has authored several books that have gained her worldwide fame and recognition. Two Ways...

Analysis of John Updike’s Short Story “A&P”

Introduction The tragicomic short story written by famous American novelist John Updike describes the social boundaries of society and how people create and follow their made-up rules. The author focuses on the topic of choice and its consequences. This essay analyses the meaning of the short story, its central and...

Hypertension and Nurse Practitioner Care

Hypertension (HTN) may be regarded as one of the most common cardiovascular system disorders all over the world. “Characterized by a persistent elevation in the arterial pressure,” this medical condition implies the rise of systolic (≥ 130 mm Hg) or diastolic (≥ 80 mm Hg) blood pressure or both of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Health Care Standards

One of the medical industry’s primary concerns is patient safety. Disfavored events during medical activities can occur because of any medical intervention, even when performed correctly (regardless of whether it is diagnostic, therapeutic, or rehabilitative). Improving patient safety requires comprehensive resolutions within the health care system, and safety standards are...

Public Opinion in Forming Public Policies

Introduction Public opinion is a set of viewpoints regarding a specific person, topic, or policy. They are used to learn about people’s approval, disapproval, or neutral attitude towards a certain politician’s actions and ideas. It plays a crucial role in politics, as ignoring it may result in protests or riots....

Geography and Healthcare Equity in the U.S.

The insurance coverage, accessibility to treatment, functional capacity, standards of healthcare, and care costs in the U.S. health system vary widely by geographical location. Geographical location plays a vital role in healthcare accessibility and equality concerns. Uneven geographic access to health care is a result of areas with greater income...

Gender Intersectionality: Fighting Discrimination

The concept of intersectionality in social sciences points to the connection between different social categories and how they apply to an individual or a social group. The social categories can include such characteristics as gender, race, and social status. The concept suggests that people belonging to several disadvantaged groups can...

Two Religions in “Yellow Woman” Story by Silko

The two religious traditions are approached in Silko’s story from the point where differences between people serve as the key contributor to issues within any given community. The author explained it by dwelling more on how there could be people looking forward to demoting another person based on perception and...

Groundhog Day: Philosophical Parallels

Summary Groundhog Day is an iconic film that has a classic rethinking of the time loop theme with deep philosophical overtones. Even though I had watched the movie several times before, I rewatched it a few days ago and found a lot to think about. The film builds parallels with...

Life and Work in a Foreign Country

Introduction Before reading the unit materials, I had a strong desire to live and work in a foreign country, but now I am not sure. As it appears, to find a job abroad, one needs to be an extremely valuable specialist in the field or already be an employee of...

Eclipse of Civility in Poe’s The Cask of Amontillado

In the short story “The Cask of Amontillado,” Edgar Allan Poe writes about how a man named Montresor exacted revenge on his enemy, Fortunato. The story is told by Montresor, who narrates that Fortunato had caused him a thousand injuries and insults (Poe 1). The narrator vows to avenge himself...

Adequate Supply of Registered Nurses

In hospitals with a high patient-to-nurse proportion, healthcare workers experience dissatisfaction, burnout, and patients suffer from higher rates of death and abandonment than those in organizations with a lower patient-to-nurse ratio. Some states and even countries have begun passing laws to limit the ratio of patients to nurses. Despite this,...

Themes in “The Bluest Eye” Novel by Toni Morrison

The novel by Toni Morrison The Bluest Eye shows how racial oppression has a devastating effect on African Americans through the image of madness. The main character was a victim of racism, and in an effort to conform to the ideals of the beauty of white people, she began to...

Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Comparison

Human capabilities and feelings are much more complex than any computer program. Although, according to Laudon and Laudon (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) performs many tasks that would be impossible for humans to perform and can equal or come close to human tasks in interpreting CT scans, recognizing faces and voices,...

Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion

There are several reasons why nurses are at higher risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work in unit with nurses who illegally use drugs. Firstly, the stressful nature of nurses’ work contributes to the development of compassion fatigue, which...

Navigating Impostor Syndrome as a New Intern

Imposter syndrome, alternatively defined as imposter paradox or impostorism, is a mental event in which a person continuously fears being discovered as a liar and has hesitations regarding their abilities, qualifications, or achievements. Imposter syndrome is a behavioral pattern in which individuals, including those who have sufficient external proof of...

The Problem of Biased Media in the Modern World

Introduction Media is expected to be one of the most potent democracy tools providing individuals with objective and accurate information about important events. Unfortunately, in numerous cases, it fails to perform its central function. For instance, journalists might be biased when speaking about racial issues or protests promoting injustice and...

The Role of Natural Resources on Economic Development

The worsening shortage of resources is one of the true underlying causes of the escalating and latent maturing local, regional and global problems of the new millennium. The existence or absence of the necessary natural resources directly affects the living standards of earthlings, the prospects for the socio-economic development of...

Supply Chain Disruptions and the Effects on the Global Economy

The research aims to define the key problems that appear during the supply process and how they affect the economic situation in many countries worldwide. The study will also show the recovery process and possible solutions to the existing issues in the sphere like planning and risk prediction based on...

Comparing Artificial Intelligence to Human Intelligence

Intelligence is essential for humanity, as it can isolate important information from the environment and systematize it into knowledge used to solve specific problems. In the modern world, firms and businesses often use not only human intelligence but also artificial intelligence (AI). AI performs many tasks of processing large amounts...

Recruiting Expatriate Staff Over Local

Introduction When compared to training locally available people, hiring expatriates to cover a significant number of operational jobs is simply too costly (Zheng & Smith, 2018). Although hiring locals could seem like a temporary, less expensive solution, the underlying reserve money might be compromised by unfavorable long-term results. Discussion This...

“The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things” by Sei Shonagon

Introduction The Pillow Book and the List of Hateful Things, written by Sei Shonagon, is a portrayal of the Heian culture in regard to elitist approaches to etiquette, social interactions, and gatherings. Namely, one of the hateful elements that the author highlights is “One is telling a story about old...

The Death Penalty: James Holmes’ Case

Introduction The doctor asserted that the convicted shooter was sullen and silent even though he was good when inquired about how he was faring. Hence, James Holmes was seen as a rational person during his shooting spree at a movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado injuring 70 and killing 12 people...

Popular Research Paper Topics

An Open Introduction to Cultural Anthropology

For a deep study of culture, it is essential first to understand whether it is arranged according to the principles of patriarchy or matriarchy. Establishing a central line of transmission of cultural heritage contributes to the structuring of research. For example, if the matrilineal descent community defines membership in the...

The Psychology of International Politics

Introduction Political psychologist analyzes political patterns by applying whatever is understood regarding human psychology and concentrating on persons within a particular political institution. Political psychology is a prominent subject of a systematic social investigation involving bases in psychology and political science and integration into a multitude of other social sciences...

Issues and Possible Solutions in the Healthcare Sector

It is hard to disagree that healthcare is one of the most fundamental and intricate sectors playing a crucial role in people’s lives. Despite the importance of individuals receiving quality medical services, several factors negatively affect healthcare. For example, currently, health policymakers face the need to solve problems like the...

Constitutional Law: Freedom of Speech

Introduction One of the fundamental roles of the United States Constitution is to the protection of citizens’ individual rights and liberties. Although there can be limits beyond which the U.S. Discussion Constitution on an individual’s fundamental rights and liberties does not apply, only the court system can accurately interpret or...

Aspects of the Mobile Photography

Introduction Photography is a form of art that allows us to capture a memory and pass it on to future generations. The art of photography includes many elements, for example, lighting, composition, and the idea behind it. A photo is rich in the exactness of perspective and detail (Martin, 2018);...

Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Research

Introduction It is hard to disagree that academic research plays a significant role in people’s lives. While not everyone realizes it, precisely credible research papers can test hypotheses that affect healthcare, find new ways to eliminate social issues and explore the negative and positive effects of technologies. In order for...

French Communication Pattern and Listening Habit

Effective communication is extremely important to ensure successful business relation. Multiple factors need to be taken into consideration when approaching business partners from other companies and particularly from other countries. I believe that to approach a businessperson from another country, it is essential to try to predict the challenges that...

Dorothea Lange’s Migrant Mother Photo Review

The story of Florence Thompson and her migrant experience touches many people who see the works of a documentary photographer, Dorothea Lange. The themes of depression, despair, and the necessity to protect her family are perfectly observed in several images. In my attempt to evaluate the offered shots, I would...

The La Sierra Members: The Self-Defense Doctrine

Introduction The La Sierra members were not entitled to assert a defense of self-defense. The self-defense doctrine is only available when an individual reasonably believes that they are in imminent danger of severe bodily injury or death and that using deadly force is necessary to prevent that harm (Muñoz 2021)....

The Sund & Baelt Case Study: Business Analytics

Introduction The construction company sector undergoes significant challenges annually due to natural or infrastructure causes. Over 46,000 American bridges are architecturally inadequate and in unacceptable condition, as has been emphasized by the IBM case study (Bertrand, n.d.). The case study that will be reviewed is the Sund & Baelt case...

Love in “Lay of Guigemar” Book by Marie de France

Marie de France devotes a special place to the disclosure of the concept of love and how it happens. Her works often feature selfish love, as well as love sincere and genuine. Such a true love occurs between Guigemar and the Queen. Their love is presented as an external force...

Aspects of Witnessing in Teaching

Introduction It is always engaging to discover some new ideas and inspirations from the feasts and holidays of Indigenous peoples. Here the notion of “witnessing”, which constitutes a great role in the potlatch feast, will be discussed in the frame of ideas for new learning and teaching practices. Discussion Potlatch...

Post-Crime Investigation Analysis

Introduction Post-crime investigations are an essential process that involves many factors. One of the most important is the scene of the crime and the testimony of the victim and witnesses. After a crime has been committed, each of these factors undergoes extensive changes, making it impossible to investigate the crime...

Authoritarian Political Systems and Economic Development

Authoritarianism and populism are returning to the world, raising questions about how economically successful such regimes can be. As practice shows, economic growth is less stable under authoritarian regimes than in democratic countries. Economic growth gradually leads to forming an urban class and protests against authoritarian rule. Authoritarianism as a...

Elaborated vs. Restricted Codes in Communication

Elaborated and restricted codes are specific forms of language and speech in particular social contexts, including in different orders of meanings. Basil Bernstein claims that English social classes demonstrate a diverse knowledge of each mode of speech and its social and educational consequences (Neuliep). Even though the codes are often...

Emotional Behavior in the Utku Family Members

The behavior model in the Utku family shows typical Eskimo traits such as the man’s dominant role and respect for older family members. However, in the Inuttiaq family, there are differences from this pattern in the very favorable treatment of children. A characteristic feature of behavior in the Utku family...

Rwandan Genocide Analysis with Foote’s Typologies

In 1994, a horrific event took place in Rwanda where large numbers of people were massacred during the Rwandan Civil War. The act targeted the Tutsi – a minority group in the country. The Hutu militias killed approximately 600,000 individuals within a period of 100 days (Meierhenrich, 2020). The conflict...

The Marxist Concept in the Historical Context

Marxism and the concepts behind communism have been reflected in many iterations throughout history. Speaking about the fact that Marxism and the ideas of communism are not compatible with human nature, Norberg makes a thunderous and dubious statement (Gasper 26). Even though Marx was frankly wrong about many economic and...

Phenacetin From Acetaminophen Using a Nucleophilic Attack Mechanism

Introduction This work aimed to obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen using a nucleophilic attack mechanism. Reflux, ice-bath cooling and heating, and vacuum filtration procedures were used to complete the synthesis. Melting point values were instrumentally measured for the final product, and TLC chromatography and IR and NMR spectroscopy were performed to...

Problem Solving Using Leadership Approaches

In a fast-changing world, the only constant factor is the influence of leadership. Leadership is applicable in every sphere of people’s lives, from politics and the workplace to households and a close circle of people. However, most of the time, leadership is discussed in terms of companies since the lack...

Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records

The main aim of “Appendix 2:Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records California Code of Regulations Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders Section 3204” is to enhance access to exposure and medical records. The document is published for employees, their representatives and representatives from the Division of Occupational Safety. In...

Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control

Appendix 3 details the minimum code of regulations about infection control as defined by the California Dental Board. It begins by highlighting key definitions of terms useful throughout the established standards. For instance, it describes standard precautions as a set of practices for the prevention of infection that may apply...

Monitoring and Controlling Functions in Healthcare Organizations

Monitoring and controlling are the primary functions of an organization’s management team, and their work determines how efficiently the recourses are allocated and used. Multiple components, such as finances, workforce, technology, and equipment, are integrated into the strategies to administer and optimize the work of a hospital (Almansoori et al.,...

Business Presentation: Preparation and Delivery

To many workers, the opportunity to conduct a presentation to their superiors is either a dream come true or a nightmare. Standing before these executives indicates that one is doing a good job; hence, they should strive to turn the opportunity in their favor (Petty, 2018). Nuyen (2018) argues that...

Communication Patterns in Lewis’ Model

Richard Lewis’ model was developed in the 90s and was based on the writer visiting 135 countries and working in 20 of them. It consists of three specific categories: linear-active, multi-active and reactive. According to his perspective, my country, the USA, belongs to the first one along with the rest...

“The Power of Coincidence” by Jill Neimark

The Power of Coincidence, written by J. Neimark, emphasizes how the ambivalent concept of coincidence can influence lives and alter situations. After reading it, I can, without a doubt, concur that coincidences exist and are very important. As we read the narrative, we can see how the author recounts Elisabeth...

Negative Reinforcement in Pediatric Feeding Disorder Treatment

In this review the researcher’s main aim was to study how negative reinforcement can be used in the treatment of feeding disorder and the participant was an 8-year-old male diagnosed with cerebral palsy (Voulgarakis & Forte, 2015). The subject had challenging mealtime behavior which was maintained by escape and therefore...

News Coverage of the Jackson, MS, Crisis

Issues affecting communities and their well-being on a large scale are quite difficult to approach when shedding light on them in public media. On the one hand, the context and extent of the issue need to be provided; on the other hand, maintaining objectivity and neutrality remains a concern. However,...

Social Comparison and Social Cognitive Theories: Conceptual Synthesis

Psychological theories are collections of concepts that can explain many aspects of human cognition, behavior, and emotion. These theories are developed by psychologists in order to anticipate future human actions or events that may occur if specific behaviors exist. As such, social comparison theory and social cognitive theory are examples...

Outcomes of Analyzing Diversity

Evaluating racism as an element of diversity through the historical, social science, humanities, and natural and applied sciences lenses contributed to an in-depth understanding of human behavior and the consequences of racism. The lessons learned positively impact personal experiences by enhancing inclusiveness, facilitating professional conduct, and translating to a positive...

Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness by Kenzaburo Oe

Kenzaburo Oe, the author of the book “Teach us to outgrow our madness,” has displayed several ways to uphold our passion and original vision for things. A fascinating account of the 1964 Christmas Eve party at Yukio Mishima’s house, where Nathan first met Oe and fellow novelist Kobo Abe, serves...

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

The health of a community is greatly affected by the work that people do. The reality is that every industry has its own set of risks when it comes to the place of employment, with perhaps just a distinction in the nature or severity of the dangers present. There has...

Abuses in a Healthcare Context

Physical and psychological forms of abuse manifest themselves in various ways within a healthcare context. Routinely, medical providers encounter different kinds of abuse that are either directed to them or their patients. Sexual discrimination, domestic violence, emotional abuse, and neglect are forms of abuse encountered in a medical context. Practitioners...

List of Required Postings in a Dental Office

Regulatory compliance requires that the posters be conspicuously displayed to the dentists. The posters can either be from the federal or state or printed by an individual from these state agency websites. Some of the posters that dentists should be aware of and can be retrieved from the national labor...

Functional Medicine: Probiotics in Children

The human body needs certain types of bacteria to maintain health, including those that help in digestion, fighting other infectious microorganisms, and absorbing nutrients. In children, probiotics help manage inflammatory bowel disease, reducing the duration of diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis and reducing the chances of developing allergies and eczema. When...

Trust to King’s Letters from the Birmingham Jail

In the “Letters from the Birmingham Jail,” King excellently convinces his audience and gains their trust. The author achieves this by using appropriate language and by calling on shared beliefs. Firstly, King clearly defines his target audience, who are thought leaders aiming to achieve the same goal as him: social...

Writing an Extended Narrative Essay

Writing an essay is time-consuming because it requires commitment and dedication to achieve great results. The essay forms a certain sense of the structure and format of the work, thereby organizing the writing style as a whole. I have yet to encounter specific types of essays in my practice. The...

Rhetoric Tactics in The King’s Speech Film

Public speaking is an emotionally and physically challenging task. Not only does it frighten inexperienced speakers, but it can also cause anxiety in public figures. The King’s Speech showcases the strategies used by the ascendant monarch of the British Empire to overcome his own fear of public speaking. Out of...

The Black Plague vs. the COVID-19 Pandemic

The documentary History of the Black Death recounts a global pandemic during the Middle Ages that can somewhat be equated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Like COVID-19, the Bubonic Plague originated in one area, spreading globally and leading to the death of millions. The Black Plague started in China, spreading through...

Ethical Behavior During Research Process

Ethical misconduct is a serious issue that continues to affect scientific research. I believe falsification, plagiarism, and other research ethics violations are crimes against world science. Although many programs can recognize borrowing, there are still many aspects of scientific papers in which dishonest researchers can violate ethical standards. It is...

The 1846-1848 United States-Mexico War

The 1846-1848 Mexico-American War was the first invasion of a foreign land by the United States. It was a one-sided victorious fight where a militarily and politically divided and unprepared Mexico was defeated by the American expansionists. Further, the conflict led to the US taking new territories: the west in...

Why Anxiety Is Not Related to Personal Weakness

Anxiety as a concept may be further broken down into the intolerance of uncertainty and the cognitive avoidance aimed to prevent thinking about the uncertainty. It is common to think about anxiety as a response to specific triggers; for example, it is common to hear from people that flying gives...

Unmanned Systems Frequency Spectrum Allocation

The main advantage of an unmanned aircraft has its downside: as a rule, the area where the device is located is out of the operator’s sight. This makes it imperative to create an encrypted security system that can eliminate natural noise and interference and be safe from simulated attacks. As...

The International Law Rules in the Space

Space exploration is still an incomprehensible and complicated topic for humanity, despite all the progress, since people know little about it. For this reason, governments and companies develop new technologies to explore space and other planets and create autonomous robots for this purpose. However, despite the insignificant presence of people...

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization

Food, beverages, and medicaments are an integral part of an average American’s everyday life. Unfortunately, modern food and medical products companies can use substandard or hazardous food additives and disrupt storage or transportation conditions. Thus, public health may be at risk, and the Food and Drug Administration’s mission is to...

The Diabetes Epidemic in the United States

Introduction Today, diabetes is one of the most common autoimmune diseases in the United States. 37.3 million Americans, or 11.3% of the nation, had diabetes in 2019 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). This is a pressing issue for the nation, especially for nurses and doctors, who should be...

Heart Disease Risk Profiles and Gender Differences

This study presents and discuses the article by Murray et al. (2019) entitled “Gender-specific associations between coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases: Cross-sectional evaluation of national survey data from adult residents of Germany.” The researchers affirm that there are gender differences in heart disease risk profiles and associated chronic...

Risk of Tele-Medication on Controlled Substances

Telehealth medication enabled continuum health care in the U.S.A with minimal risk of Covid-19 transmission. However, despite the DEA restricting controlled substance prescription to only allow audio or visual programs that allow patients to speak with physicians in real-time, it could have negatively implicated the prevalence of Substance Use Disorder...

The Neglected College Race Gap Article by Libassi

Summary The Main Idea of the Article The article’s main idea is that black students are underrepresented in some of the key areas of study: engineering, education, mathematics, statistics, and physical sciences. The reason for this is the unwillingness of universities to fully acknowledge the impact of structural racism and...

The Importance of Bioethics Principles

Respect of Autonomy The necessity to ensure that the patient actively participates in their care and prognosis makes autonomy crucial. Respecting patient autonomy entails recognizing that patients who are capable of making decisions about their own care have the right to do so, even if those choices run counter to...

The Evolving Metropolis Article by Southworth & Owens

Compared to the rural and the city core areas, the suburbs have a majority of job creation and populace rate. The article by Southworth & Owens (1993) investigates the change in metropolitan cities by undertaking comparative case studies in the San Francisco Bay region development under three parameters: housing, neighborhood,...

Facial Profiling: Race, Physical Appearance, and Punishment

Key Concepts in the Study Social scientists frequently study the influence of an individual’s appearance on their life outcomes. For instance, Johnson and King (2017) examined the impact of defendants’ physical characteristics on punishment. The researchers utilized the following key concepts: facial appearance, race, and punishment. The concept of facial...

Bible Principles Regarding Debt

The Bible generally says that a person should pay off his debt. For a Christian, one should live without obligation and not be an owner. To do this, he should leave everything to the will of the Lord (ChristianSuper, 2020). The Bible says that nothing belongs to the man in...

High-Context vs. Low-Context Cultures

The theory that divides cultures into high-context and low-context was developed by Edward Hall. It is based on the difference between the use of verbal and nonverbal communication, and particular importance is given to the context during the interaction. At the same time, it is essential to realize that there...

Shifting Disease Burden and Age Discrimination

One of the human’s greatest achievements is the vast improvement in healthcare that has increased peoples’ lifespans. However, rising health and social care costs due to an aging global population are considered a danger to global economic growth in the twenty-first century. Old age is associated with the weakening of...

Pensions and Post-Retirement Benefits

Choosing the optimal discount rate is a task that requires taking into account information regarding both the company’s properties and external data. An employer should consider several factors relating to the business when setting the discount rate. In this case, the company’s financial stability is determined by characteristics that include...

Freedom and a Quest for Greatness in Hawthorn’s Wakefield

“Wakefield” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was first published in 1835. It describes the non-trivial life of Mr. Wakefield, who leaves his wife of twenty years to live on a nearby street. From time to time, Wakefield comes to the street where his wife lives, but some...

The Hadza: Last of the First Film by Bill Benenson

The documentary, The Hadza: Last of the First, highlights the hunting and gathering practices and way of life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania. I like how the film reflects the natural lifestyle of the Hadza, such as construction, social life, and hunting techniques. The historical prologue of the tribe...

Image-Processing System and Its Benefits

The present time has brought many new and valuable innovations not only in the field of data exchange but also in auditing, which significantly facilitates the process of record-keeping and the creation of adequately compiled databases. In addition, computerization has ushered in a new era in service and image processing...

Embracing Technological Advancements in Human Services

The method that human services work is carried out is changing as a result of ongoing technological advancements. These technological advancements allowed for the creation of an interactive, real-time work environment. Automated personnel record keeping gave way to more complicated reporting and decision-making systems as a result of the evolution...

Relevance and Reliability in Accounting for Intangible Assets

Asset accounting is an important process for every organization because it allows for assessing financial health and making appropriate decisions. One should explain that intangible assets are non-physical and long-term assets that are consumed over a few accounting periods (AccountingTools, 2022). When a firm reports its intangible assets, it should...

Transformational Leadership and Student Achievement

Globally, student achievement has been a topic of debate in legislation, education discourses, and society at large. Particularly, this has led to questions on whether transformational leadership often leads to positive achievement among students and particularly if school leaders often lead to substantial growth in student achievement. The Literature Review...

Relationship of the History of the Western Civilization II Timeline to Historiography

The main relationship of the history of the Western Civilization II timeline to historiography is rooted in the fact that the former focuses on western history since the Renaissance. It also provides an in-depth analysis of various political, economic, military, philosophical, and technological advancements made by the West. However, historiography...

Health Information Technology Service Management

Healthcare is one of the most important services provided to people, as the need to be healthy is shared by all humans. It is crucial that healthcare management keeps improving with the introduction of new technology. The implementation of IT in health services has been a work in progress for...

Healthcare Workers Knowledge of Spirituality

While healthcare workers need to remember that spiritual care exists and may assist patients who practice any form of spirituality, it is equally crucial not to impose one’s views. Knowing a patient’s needs is essential, even if they are not particularly spiritual. However, certain groups of patients, such as terminally...

DJ (Disc Jockey) Controllers and Serato DJ Software

DJ controllers and software such as Serato DJ are tools that assist modern musicians in creating and mixing their compositions. Yet, before different DJ equipment appeared on the market, people used devices that were in many ways similar to them. It is possible to say that the main precursors of...

Discussion: Diabetes in the United States

Diabetes is among the most prevalent conditions affecting millions of people in the United States. According to the CDC (n.d.), “37.3 million Americans—about 1 in 10—have diabetes” (para. 8). There are significant racial disparities when it comes to diabetes. This condition is more prevalent and likely to occur in some...

Airport Ownership and Regulation

Most modern airports are giant constructions with complex infrastructure and numerous employees necessary to guarantee their stable functioning. Moreover, they can offer a trading place for companies, shops, and retailers to sell their products to passengers. For this reason, it can be a source of stable income and increased attractiveness...

Demands to Studies Involving Human Subjects

Informed consent is a critical demand for research studies implying human beings. However, in some cases, IRB may waive the requirement for obtaining the form. First, there is no more than minimal risk to the subject during the research (Qatar University, 2011). Second, the study cannot be carried out without...

Bible Verses About Responsible Stewardship

Religious books teach people to put their hope in God. However, it does not indicate that people should not plan for the future, save, and invest money. On the contrary, the Bible accustoms religious followers to wise financial management. It is written in Proverbs 13:11: “Wealth gotten by vanity shall...