Leadership Lessons From the Love, Trustworthiness, and Strength of God

Introduction Theology proper allows the systematic scrutiny of God and His nature. In theology proper, scholars examine Godā€™s existence, definition, and attributes, and works. Based on biblical teachings, scholars can comprehend the key features that make God what He is and relates them to day-to-day life. The following paper analyses...

Frontal Lobe’s Role in Executive Functioning Development

Introduction The nervous system (and the human brain as its core element) is still one of the most under-researched systems. The development and functioning of the brain have been studied for centuries using diverse approaches. Behavioral, cognitive, and developmental approaches have enabled researchers to explain and describe diverse mechanisms and...

Examination of the Circulatory and the Respiratory Systems

The Circulatory System Blood Blood is one of the most researched liquids of the body that circulates through the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries (that will be explained further in the text), performing various functions. Despite being 78% water, this red color pigmented substance contains four distinct components, which are...

The Implementation of the FFCRA Act and the CARES Act

Abstract As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, many individuals experienced serious health problems and had to undergo treatment. Yet, apart from the risks to peopleā€™s physical wellbeing, the virus also jeopardized the sustainability of world economies. In the United States, due to business activity restrictions and social distancing orders,...

The Fresh Direct Firmā€™s Entry into the Chinese Market

Introduction For modern entrepreneurship, economic growth means expansion and exploration of other markets, as well as other types of customers and their preferences. Thus, an organization continues to evolve and strengthen its grasp on its industry, accumulating the potential for gaining more weight in it (Zhang et al., 2018). The...

The Locate of Art and Design and Scientific Model

Abstract Science is an essential aspect for the growth and success of art and design. The incorporation of Science in art and design can help to improve and diversify skills. This is similar to the idea of social co-creation towards the creation of value. For instance, the scientist, computer scientist...

Starbucks Company’s International Business Strategy

Issues Prevalent In Influencing Starbucksā€™ Future Internationalisation Agenda The main driver of growth within the retail coffee sector is domestic and international expansion. The majority of stakeholders in this industry rely on company-operated outlets as the main distribution points, which have to be located in high-traffic areas (Glowik, 2017). Furthermore,...

Child Abuse Management: Multidisciplinary Approach

Abstract This paper investigates the efficacy of multidisciplinary and non-multidisciplinary approaches in child abuse management. Evidence of increased prosecution rates increased medical referrals, and increased provision of medical examinations show that a multidisciplinary approach is highly effective. Conversely, confusion, jurisdictional disputes, and weak investigations (during the detection, reporting, and management...

Network Functions Virtualization

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) is an architectural concept that uses virtualization technologies at the network, as well as network functions level. To some extent, NFV can be considered a development of the concept of SDN (Software-Defined Networking), but it would be more correct to say that NFV uses SDN. Software-Defined...

Patient Pathway Aspects

Introduction The patient pathway or journey, also called the clinical pathway (CPW) is a medical jargon. It refers to the route followed by a sick person from the first encounter with a healthcare provider through referral to treatment completion (Aspland, Gartner, and Harper, 2021; Rogers, et al., 2019). In the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fourth Amendment Most Important Parts

Introduction The fourth amendment guarantees the rights of American citizens to enjoy their property without any disturbance by the state unless there is probable cause or a warrant to search a premise. The fourth amendment is part of the United States (US) Bill of rights and it was developed as...

Spainā€™s Current Healthcare System

Introduction Governments across the globe implement powerful measures and allocate adequate resources to support their respective healthcare systems. The involvement of different stakeholders, professionals, and partners remains critical to ensure that timely results are recorded. The Spanish healthcare model remains one of the best in Europe and across the globe....

Medical Triage in Japan and United States

Introduction Triage refers to sorting peopleā€™s needs for medical attention, and it is done in healthcare emergency rooms during disaster events and wars. Limited medical resources have to be allocated strategically to maximize the number of survivors. In it sense, triage originated during the First World War where wounded soldiers...

Metallic Materials for Aerospace Industry

Introduction Aircraft building is a complicated process that requires meticulous selection of the right materials. Engineers must fully understand the qualities and limitations of all construction materials in order to make the right selection. Ideal metals for aircraft production often have minimal weight, are corrosion, fatigue, heat, and crack resistant,...

Polio in Kenya: Preventive and Control Measures

Introduction Polio is a viral disease that paralyses the nervous system causing deformity of the limbs resulting in disability. The poliovirus infects an individual through the mouth and enters into the intestine where it multiplies rapidly. According to Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (1997), ā€œacute onset of a...

The Contemporary Architecture and Technological Trends

Introduction Technology simply refers to the purposeful application of scientific approaches in commercial or industrial objectives. The impact of technology on modern society cannot be overestimated. Many people view technology as a boon to society, considering the many benefits it has brought to the global population. The trend has served...

Organizational Management. Scientific Management

Management is the process by which leaders direct and maintain organizational systems through methodical human effort. It is also defined as the generation and preservation of an internal environment where people work in teams to achieve set objectives (Sherlekar, Khushpat and Apexa, 2017). It is the art of creating the...

Mass Transfer of CO2 in a Packed Column

Background for the research Researching the influence of sustained tilt on the mass transfer of CO2 in a packed column, the basics of the floating production systems are going to be considered. One of the unit operations onboard floating systems is the gas-liquid contacting columns used to strip gases such...

Sergo Games Outsourcing Analysis

Introduction So games are contemplating outsourcing the production of variety of games. The term outsourcing can be defined as the premeditated application of exterior investment to carry out commerce purposes conservatively run by domestic personnel(Linder, 2004). Outsourcing is done when a corporation takes a fraction of its commerce and gives...

Launching Antibacterial Wipes in the UAE Market

This report describes the market research conducted on behalf of ABC multinational company planning to launch wipes with antibacterial qualities in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) market. Antibacterial wipes are pre-moistened towelettes that contain sanitizing or disinfecting substances such as alcohol or chlorine compounds which kill germs on surfaces and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Coca-Cola Company’s Strategic Plan in Pakistan

Introduction Coca-Cola is the most prominent foods and Beverages Company in terms of growth and global market in this industry. The company operates in over 200 countries in the world. Pepsi foods and beverages Company trails behind Coca-Cola in the global market trend currently. The Coca-Cola Company in Pakistan operates...

Supply Chain Management (SCM): The 4V’s in SCM

Background Global operations by commerce and industries that initially served within their local markets create the need to form promotional plan of supply chain management (SCM). The globalized operations increased the use of information system technology which boosted the construction of a self-proliferating and complex chains of supply (Clauson et...

Feasibility of Investing in the US and Turkey

Introduction One of the most significant factors when deciding whether to invest in a certain country is the volatility of its currency. It has been argued that currency volatility is correlated with the volume of international trade. It is an intuitive conclusion since volatility raises risk. High volatility creates uncertainty...

Pain Management in Patients with Addiction

Introduction Addicted patients are among the most delicate types of patients as far as pain management is concerned. Addiction is characterized by the continued use of a substance despite the harm that such a substance poses to oneā€™s health. Research has shown that more than 15% of the worldā€™s population...

Nursing Issues: How to Deal With Difficult Patients

Introduction The various technological innovations have entirely changed the world. Moreover, these advancements have lead to rise in medical conditions. However, appropriate handling of these medical conditions; it is mandatory that the medical practitioners have appropriate information, and expertise to ease the amount of energy that they require in handling...

Americans With Disabilities Act for Small Business

A Restaurant Business The research paper uses a restaurant business as a case example of a small business. The business will deal with the provision of services to all kinds of customers. It will offer a variety of services to customers ranging from drinks and beverages, meals, and entertainment among...

Monuments of the French Revolution

Introduction The period of the French Revolution of 1789 to 1799 is a historical marker that has been instrumental in shaping the world as it is known today. The turbulent times gave an end to the absolute monarchy in France that has been taking place for centuries. Moreover, it enabled...

Acute Coronary Syndromes and Cardiac Rehabilitation

Introduction Acute coronary syndromes (ACS) are an umbrella term for a wide range of conditions that result in reduced blood flow to the heart muscle, resulting in a medical emergency. These include heart attacks, with three primary forms of ACS encompassing ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI), non-ST segment elevation myocardial...

The Role of Architecture in the Society

Introduction Architecture is the outcome that results from the combination of art and science through planning, design and construction (Booth, 2011). Architecture has been used for years to represent the art and culture of all the civilizations that have been present in the world. Through architecture, societies have been able...

Decision-Making Process and Types of Skills

Introduction Today, the ability to solve business problems, conflicts between employees to maintain the team spirit within the team is an essential part of the functioning of the business. According to Minda, ā€œthinking is so central to the human experience that it has been described as the essence of beingā€...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Design and Health Promotion Program for Someone to Quit Smoking

Background Smoking is one of the main targets of health promotion programs since it damages body organs (Tait et al. 2006) leading to many deaths and health complications (Miller et al. 2005). However, persuading a person to quit smoking can be quite a challenge (Drevonhorn et al. 2007) due to...

Life Cycle Assessment of Environmental Impact

Introduction The environmental impact forms the major pillars of concerns in dealing with food production and consumption strategies. A properly chosen environmental assessment tool influences the results obtained. To assess the environmental indicators, two categories of tools namely the product-based tools and the area-based tools may be used. LCA is...

Privatization in Latin America: Selling National Assets

Introduction Privatisation as an economic concept became popular around the world in the 20th and early 21st centuries. A study by Nowak found that many government-owned corporations were not efficient, and as a consequence, competitive enough to be profitable (46). Because of this, they often had to rely upon government...

Woman’s Cardiac Screening Program Cost Analysis

Introduction Cost analysis is an activity that uses engineering, time and motion studies, timekeeperā€™s records, and planning schedules from production supervisors. Cost analysis techniques include break-even analysis, comparative cost analysis, capital expenditure analysis and budgeting techniques. After determining what is happening, management should identify available alternatives. Professional judgment is then...

Starbucks Corporation’s Strategic Management in Singapore

Executive Summary Starbucks Coffee Company operates in the food and beverage segment with coffee shops in multiple countries. This report provides an overview of the company and its operations in Singapore with a detailed review of its strategic goals. Further, strategic positions and strategic direction analyses are provided using tools...

Administrative Law: Information Privacy

Information privacy constitutes an important consideration for any sector in the economy. Issues pertaining to information privacy present various challenges to administrative law. This is because it is often difficult to determine the extent to which private information should be made accessible. Private information is always made accessible when it...

Effects of TransFormational Leadership on Subordinates

Introduction The success or failure of any organization depends on the leadership in place. John C. Maxwell, a reputable author on leadership issues once said, ā€œeverything rises or falls on leadershipā€ (Maxwell, 2007, p. 267). This assertion underscores the importance of understanding how various leadership styles affect employees and ultimately...

Family Nurse Practitioner: Advanced Roles, Leadership Attributes, and Health Policy

Introduction The United States and other countries review the roles of advanced practice nurses in a bid to improve health care services delivered to the patients. The United States believes that developing more advanced roles for its nurses could be one of the most effective strategies to improve health care...

Regression Analysis of Keynesian Consumption Function

Introduction Regression analysis is a statistical tool that is used to develop approximate linear relationships among various variables. Regression analysis formulates an association between several variables. When coming up with the model, it is necessary to separate between dependent and independent variables. Regression models are used to predict trends of...

The Trends and Challenges Facing Nursing Practice

Introduction Technology has enhanced my learning through the introduction of equipment and instruction techniques that augment my grasp of salient course concepts. Multiple innovations such as simulation, telecare, electronic health records, wearable devices, and telehealth applications have revolutionized nursing practice. Innovations such as simulation have improved the learning process by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Published Financial Statements and Their Objectives

Introduction Financial reporting in the corporate world is both a necessity and requirement. According to Woefel, financial reporting is done in the form of financial statements that in some cases are referred to as monetary statements (1994, p 48 ). Financial statements help investors to determine the health of a...

EasyJet Airline: Strategic Management

Introduction Strategic management encompasses a group of continuous deeds and well-calculated practices that businesses deploy to organise and/or set their assets in line with the established goals. Actions in strategic management have t be in line with the organisationā€™s mission, vision, and values. Activities in the discourse change the static...

MBA Programs: Business Plan Proposal

Executive Summary Purpose of the Plan The main aim of this plan is to outline a start-up MBA program targeting the UK, China, and India Markets. The name of the proposed University will be London MBA School which will be located in southern London. The major activities of the University...

Case Laws & Identity Theft Crimes

Introduction Previously, identity theft was considered a personal crime requiring criminals to have some form of contact with the victim. In this research paper, identity theft reflects unauthorized gathering and deceitful use of other individualsā€™ personal information. Today, however, identity theft has changed completely since it can be conducted as...

Nestle Company: Strategy Enterprise and Innovation

Analysis of strategic capabilities and external environment Introduction Barnely (2001) defines strategy as a long-term plan to achieve the preset objectives of an organization. Dracker (2002) depicts innovation as the means through which an entrepreneur comes up with new ways of creating wealth or endows the existing ones to enhance...

Global Mind Commodities Trading Company’s Strategic Marketing

Sugar is one of the most basic commodities used in every household around the globe. Moreover, the widespread consumption of fast food and sugar-rich products, including chocolate and sugary drinks, has pushed the demand for sugar higher over the past decades. Hence, the sugar trading industry is believed to be...

Starbucks Corporation’s Entry into China

Company Background The Starbucks Company is a popular brand operating in over 40 countries around the world. The company was initiated in 1971 in Seattle, on the concept of the Italian roadside cafĆ©ā€™s and bistros which served snacks, small meals along with freshly brewed espresso coffee. The business process of...

Caribou Coffee House’s Strategy for Competitive Edge

Introduction Caribou coffee company started as a coffee shop located in Minnesota to a current publicly-traded company on the NASDAQ. It was the second-largest owned coffeehouse in the united states of America in 2007 with several coffee houses in operation. Through its resources and capabilities, it has been able to...

Firefly Burger Fast Food Marketing Plan

Introduction Firefly is a fast food restaurant located in Aqaba, Jordan. The casual environment blends its comfortable atmosphere with a menu of delicious burgers. In this case, the mission of the organization is to not only offer its visitors an unforgettable taste but also make the service as efficient and...

Global Link Computer Services Company’s Business Plan

Business name The proposed name of the company is Global Link Computer Services (GLCS). It will be located in the northern edge of Doha, Qatar, and it will be a sole proprietorship form of business. This location is quite central in terms of technology. In addition, Global Link Computer Services...

Barnana: Adventures in Upcycling

Introduction One of the principal conditions of the present-day companies’ sustainable development is the correspondence of their regular operations and essential decisions to international environmental regulations. The company under consideration, Barnana, is no exception to the rule since it cooperates with the United Nations and follows the organization’s goals (Dann...

Biomedical Model: The Nurses and Midwives Council Code

Introduction Several models have been derived to look at health-related theories but biomedical model brings out an interesting coverage of the topic. Biomedical model looks at health from an individual point of view. In this case, the body is a machine with constituent parts that could be repaired or manipulated...

Disease Processes. Traumatic Brain Injury

Background and Clinical Situation Traumatic brain injury (TBI), an acquired brain injury and not degenerative, takes place when there is an insult to the brain. TBI may result from a “sudden and violent blow to the head or it may occur when an object pierces the head and enters the...

Comparing and Contrasting of Federal and State Courts

Introduction Federal and states court interact with one another owing to the system of government in the country, that is; judicial federalism. The US central political authority shares power with subunits in various states both legally and politically. Tensions often arise between the latter entities and the former ones. This...

Prison System Issues: Mistreatment and Abuse

Introduction Criminal justice is a variety of processes and agencies which aim at understanding, controlling, and minimizing crime and providing moral support for victims. Research on criminal justice has been developing for decades, and, during this time, it produced many theories. These opinions generally attempted to contribute to the prevention...

Theory Core Nursing Courses, Description, and Sample Syllabus

Abstract Nurse Practitioners (NPs) possess consummate decision-making, leadership, health promotion, and critical thinking skills. However, it is necessary for such nurses to have completed their bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) programmes. This essay identifies and describes the core courses for the BSN programme. The paper goes further to give...

Lab Experiment on Photovoltaics

The abstract With regard to the theories of Photovoltaics physics learned in the course, this report is an attempt to support and rationalize their implications in actuality. The experiment was done specifically to ascertain how various connected units could be coordinated to give a more reliable and controllable functioning. It...

Data Communications: File Transfer Protocol

Introduction File transfer protocol (FTP) is a protocol used to transfer files from one computer to another over a network connection, such as the Internet. Abhay Bhushan designed the first FTP protocol in 1971. It originally used dos command prompt, but has been redesigned using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)...

Homeowners Insurance Policy

Introduction The numbers of risks that private homes face is immense hence making it appropriate for many with private homes to insure their property. The type of insurance that covers private homes is normally referred to as a homeownerā€™s insurance or property insurance (Gron, 1994). Home insurance is very popular...

Aromatherapy and Massage for Decreasing Anxiety in the Transition Phase of Labor

Introduction Aromatherapy refers to the practice of using oils and aromatic compounds to alter the physical, psychological, and cognitive wellbeing of individuals through procedures such as massage, topical application, immersion, and inhalation (Luo, Huang, Xia & Zeng, 2014). Essential oils can be used during the transition phase of labor in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Red Bullā€™s Sports Marketing

Introduction The relationship between sports and marketing has been studied for decades. Today, many businesses have recognized and embraced the potential of sports marketing to generate sustainable revenues and to ensure the survival and competitiveness of firms. In other cases, brands have used sports as a platform to launch and...

What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women by Giles

The book What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women is a comprehensive critique of the ā€œcomplementarianā€ assertion that women are meant to be subordinates of men both at the household and in church. The author, Kevin Giles, is an accomplished scholar and backer of female leadership and he has written...

Architectural Similarities in Umayyad Palaces

Introduction Sparkling on the desert mist, they ascend like the distant illusion to mock, ethereal buildings, challenging someone to look at them again. Is that a four square palace, towered and equipped, rising from the desert? Why is a brick building amid the desert? And why does it have decorated...

The Relationship Between Breast Cancer and Genes

Introduction Cancer in general is a disease caused by genes that have mutated or adapted in a different way that was intended. When the genes that control the reproduction and division of cells become damaged, cell replication and division takes place at an uncontrollable rate. Growths begin to develop in...

The Insurance Industry in Saudi Arabia

Introduction The insurance system is an important sector and it plays an integral role in the economic growth of a country. This system guarantees the social security of the population and leads to notable and positive effects on economic growth by directly enhancing the financial system of the country. In...

From Slavery to Racism: Historical Background

Introduction In Capitalism and Slavery, Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery” (7). The author proceeds to prove the thesis by analyzing the history of slavery and pointing out much more substantial reasons for its development: economic ones. In this paper,...

Investors Attention on Market Dynamics

Business Problem In budgetary financial matters, extensive consideration has been given to comprehend the relationship between returns, instability, and exchanging volume. Price-volume relationship and investors’ attention is imperative since this observational relationship helps in contending hypotheses of trading behavior and market trend. The analysis enhances the development of the test...

Financial Crisis in Russia in the 1990s and Lessons for Today

Introduction The word ā€˜Financial Crisisā€™ is a term that many economies, large or small, are in fear of. It is a situation which occurs when a country which was once doing well in the financial sector is suddenly faced with huge amounts of debts as well as inflation due to...

Researching Criminal Mythology

Summary Crime is a vice that is looked at from different perspectives by society. There are several myths that have been developed in view of the vice which has made societies have certain attitudes towards crime. Criminal mythology may differ from society to society depending on what is observed and...

Brain Stimulation in Neurophysiological Treatment

Abstract The early discovery, classification, and treatment of neurophysiological conditions are vital clinical bolster errands for medical specialists in tweaking quiet treatment projects to better deal with the advancement and the movement of these maladies. Endeavours are being made to analyse these neurodegenerative issues before its complications. For sure, early...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stem Cell: Environmental Science

Research on the stem cells is a more advancing knowledge concerning how an organism forms from a solitary cell and how strong cells restore the injured cells in adult organisms. Stem cells are the mainly mesmerizing areas of environmental science at the moment. Nevertheless, study on stem cells tends to...

Harley-Davidson Companyā€™s Marketing Improvement

Introduction Marketing plays an essential role in every business, irrespective of its size, specialty, and others. An adequate marketing strategy allows companies to reach targeted customers to achieve prosperity and economic benefits. That is why every firm should take significant efforts to implement an effective marketing strategy to achieve these...

Feminism Oppression in Islam

Introduction The issue of feminism has been debated for decades. There are various schools of thought on what feminism is, and what it should achieve. Ideally, a significant majority of these schools of thought are founded in the West, thereby, it can be argued that other cultures in other parts...

Scheduling With Primavera P6 R8.2

Primavera P6 R8 is a software release by oracle. The projects planners and schedulers use it to improve the predictability of projects, programs and portfolios to minimize the risks and to reduce the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) (Tan 4). Planning a project includes dedicating roles and responsibilities to qualified...

The Cobalt-60 Machine in the Fight Against Cancer

Introduction Cancer is a life threatening disease characterized by the development of malignant tumours in various parts of the body. Ravichandran (2009) reveals that this disease is the number one killer in the world. It leads to suffering in the patient and if untreated causes death. Scientists and doctors have...

Ethical Dilemma: Should Gene Editing be Performed on Human Embryos?

Introduction Biological innovation has paved the way for designing life by reshaping the human genome. Changing the genetic composition of DNA strands to prevent children from succumbing to hereditary disorders is a contemporary scientific approach that seems acceptable to many people around the world. However, there are many questions about...

Airworthiness Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the entire world to a standstill in a matter of mere months. The new virus has had a profoundly negative effect on many major economic sectors. The air travel industry felt the ramifications of the looming pandemic even before the World Health Organization (WHO)...

Communication Between Sadness and Disease in the Elderly

Introduction Elderly people are fragile individuals whose body tissues have deteriorated over time. This has led to development of chronic conditions (Rossheim & McAdams, 2010). In addition, the conditions have affected their daily functioning. The conditions range from physical impairment to internal complications. This often results in acute pain. Most...

The Global System for Mobile Communications: Security and Encryption

Introduction The Global system for Mobile Communications (GSM) is the most widely used system for cellular mobile communication. The GSM accounts for over 100 million mobile subscribers scattered across the globe. The system was developed to overcome weaknesses inherent in preceding analog system that was used for mobile communication. Analog...

Streaming Media Technology and Copyright and Related Rights Law

Introduction There have been heated debates on the issue of streaming technology considering some legal constraints such as copyright. The concern is that there are websites that are uploading copyrighted materials without their authorā€™s approval. Copyrights laws are infringed when copyrighted materials are used without consultations with the copyright holders....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Inflation and Control Policies in the United Kingdom

Introduction Inflation is a highly contentious issue. This is due to its economic implications. For instance, if not regulated, inflation has the potential of crippling a countryā€™s economy. As a result of this, governments are always coming up with policies and strategies to ensure that it remains at manageable levels,...

Using GPS in the Airline Industry

Abstract Navigation has evolved over the years from rudimentary forms that included the use of celestial bodies to the satellite-assisted systems used today. Over the years with each new system solving the preceding systems errors aircraft navigation has improved at a constant pace. These improvements have made air travel safer...

Discussion of Community Mental Health

Abstract Nicotine addiction is a prevalent mental issue among black youth in America. The causes include low social economic statuses and racial discrimination. This intervention program aims to assemble a team of youth addicted to nicotine in Iowa for intervention. The team is further subdivided into smaller identification categories for...

Technology Integration Into Studies

Introduction There are several barrier related to technology integration into studies. This literature review explores different aspects related to factors that affect technology integration into studies as well as the appropriate measures that need to be considered to address these underlying issues. This section has been put into four sections....

Google and Its Advancing Technologies

Tech companies around the world try to outdo one another in coming up with new technologies. For that reason, these companies set aside a large share of their revenue for research and development (R&D). Startups and established organizations also get financial support from governments and NGOs, which helps in advancing...

Environmental Impact for Nuclear Power Plant in Uganda

Introduction Environmental impact assessment is a study done in a particular area to determine the extent of positive and negative impacts caused to the environment by a particular project. It involves natural, social and economic aspects surrounding the environment. The reason behind the assessment is to sensitize decision makers of...

Cancer Pain Experiences in Caucasians vs. Minorities

Introduction In spite of the attempt by the healthcare providers to provide cancer patients with ā€˜effective analgesiaā€™, pain as a result of the disease continues being suboptimaly treated and also under recognised. Nearly 18 million new diagnosis of cancer have been made in the United States since 1990. In 2008,...

Food Supplements in Preventing Long-Term Illnesses

Introduction The changing lifestyles and the busy schedules that characterize modern societies have led to several challenges. Unhealthy eating habits comprise one of the challenges associated with modern lifestyles. The modern individuals grapple with poor and unhealthy diets as well as busy schedules. In the light of these developments, a...

The Training Effects of Foam Rolling Pre and Post Exercise

Introduction For centuries, people believed that the structure of the human body depended only on skin and bones, yet in the 19th century, fascia was discovered and soon linked to the movement system performance. Fascia constitutes a sheet of connective tissue in the human body which forms under the skin...

Self-Certifying Names Which Have Been Used by Various System Designs

Introduction Contemporary computing and Information Technology has seen the surge of various forms networking projects to provide especially the cyber landscape with highly advanced features that its infrastructure have not been naturally supporting. Critical challenges in the aspects of naming, addressing as well as mobility and security among other aspects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Radiology Techniques Overview

Introduction Radiology is a branch of medicine that mainly deals with imaging of various body parts to study or for diagnostic purposes. Radiologists use various radiological techniques to get the radiological images. The radiology techniques used in viewing the objects mainly involves the use of electromagnetic radiations such as X-rays...

The Use of I-Stat Hand Held Blood Analyzer

Introduction In the present ā€“day health care environment, patients continue to attend emergency departments(ED) with diseases of increasing complexity and acuity. With reductions in the number of inpatient beds in many hospitals, the ED has become a place of significant bottlenecks in patient flow. Not until the introduction and use...

Legal Advice for the Landlord or Tenant

Introduction This is a report on legal advice (based on the UK law) for the landlord or tenant on the resolution of specific problems identified, such as dilapidations, asbestos, health and safety matters, Equality Act (and DDA), and fire safety issues. Dilapidations Youens Finance Ltd holds the Head Lease of...

Moral Questions of the Bible

The Unforgiving Servant The first parable appears in Matthew and can be characterized by its two-stage double indirect narrative. According to Snodgrass (2008), the plot of The Unforgiving Servant has a well-balanced three-part structure followed by an explanation. The parable tells the story of a servant who, at first, has...

The Financial Crisis: The USA in 2007

Introduction The phrase financial crisis has been applied in wider aspects in recent days with an array of state of affairs in where some financial organisation or assets unexpectedly go down of a large portion of their value. Through around the centuries the civilization has evidenced financial crises coupled with...

The Interrelationship Between Fashion and Architecture

This work is concerned with the interrelationship between fashion and architecture. By starting with a description of the fashion system, the work focuses on answering the three criteria set questions, namely, how fashion and architecture interrelate, how architecture can be explained to exploit the fashion system and to what extent...

Security Management System

Introduction Security management involves actions taken in order to protect facilities such as assets, buildings, and property from unauthorized access, damages, theft, and other risks. The provision of physical security to a facility looks at three areas. These include providing security upgrades to outer areas, inner sections, and interior parts...

Child Welfare in Canada and a Policy Position

Introduction The issue of child welfare is quite complicated especially when it is placed within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child. Canada is one of the countries in the world in which a large number of cases of inequality in terms of child...

Business Plan: Smooth Residential Cleaning Services Limited

Executive Summary Cleaning companies in the US have focused primarily on corporate services. For years, these services were required in firms as opposed to homes. However, with a significant number of people looking for more than one job to enable them to pay for their needs, the pressure to get...

The Uninvolved Parenting Style and Its Effect on the Psychological Development of a Child

Approaches to parenting and child care can vary significantly based on the parents’ individual characteristics and their preferred style. Each of the strategies exhibits unique features and characteristics that envelop parents’ personality traits and identify the behavioral patterns chosen. However, the most outstanding achievement of parenting style theories lies in...

Why Companies Pay Dividends

Introduction Despite the fact that many companies have different policies on dividend payments; dividend payment still remains one of the most controversial issues in corporate finance (Investopedia 2011, p. 1). This issue is brought to the fore by the fact that companies such as Microsoft Corporation (despite its success over...

Business Organizational Forms in the United States

Introduction Organizations review the market to identify various forms of business that they can adopt. The organizational form is directly related to various business-related functions and issues (Padgett & Powell, 2012). It should be noted that there are seven key categories of business characteristics. The key categories of characteristics include...

Children as Perpetrators and Victims of Crime

Topic one: myth and evil According to Segal (2004), ā€œA myth is a story with a meaning attached to it other than which it seems to have at first; and the fact that it has such a meaning is generally marked by some of its circumstances being extraordinary.ā€ These stories...

The Ritz-Carlton Hotel: Companyā€™s Dilemma

Welcome to our sample essay on the Ritz-Carlton hotel company case study! Learn more about the hotelā€™s operations management with us. Ritz-Carlton Case Study Analysis Introduction Ritz-Carlton is one of the oldest hotel companies in the world. Having been established in 1893 by Cesar Ritz, it became one of the...

Stadium Development in Sports

Introduction Around the world, stadiums have played a major role in the sports industry as avenues for recreation and entertainment for people. While on one hand, they cost much money to build, on the other hand, millions of revenues are collected depending on the publicity, attendance, and popularity of events...

The United States Legal System and Constitution

The United States has unique legal system compared to other nations in the world due to its dual sovereign structure in the provision of judicial services. The judicial system has been allocated two main levels of operation ranging from federal states to the central government. Service provision varies in each...

Needs of a Growing Population

The modern healthcare faces multiple problems starting from the decreased effectiveness of the existing insurance problems and ending with the gradual deterioration of the health of the nation caused by the environmental factors and diseases that have a detrimental impact on individuals. For this reason, functioning under complicated conditions, the...

Colgate Company’s Marketing Strategies

If youā€™re about to write a paper on Colgate marketing strategy, check out our sample! Here, youā€™ll find information about marketing mix of Colgate, the companyā€™s campaigns, positioning, branding, and other aspects. Introduction A marketing plan is a comprehensive document that covers an organization’s product promotion efforts for a given...

Electronic Health Records System Application

Executive Summary The need for a faster way of sharing information between various specialists in the medical field has made people explore the idea of having Electronic Health Records (EHR). On the same note, the continuum of care requires an easy method through which patientsā€™ information would be retrieved whenever...

Global Poverty and Nursing Intervention

Welcome to our sample essay about community nursing diagnosis examples for poverty and nursing interventions for poverty. Check it out to get some ideas for your assignment! Nursing Intervention for Poverty Essay Introduction Poverty is inextricably connected with global healthcare inequalities. According to the World Bank (2008) report, about 1.5...

The English Language Arts Class

Abstract The provision of feedback to teachers is a part of their professional development, helping them in identifying areas for improvement and ways to achieve higher results. This feedback report includes a detailed analysis of Danielle Troettiā€™s English Language Arts class given in the eighth grade. The major objective of...

Mandatory Retirement Age for Federal Judges

Introduction The problem of mandatory retirement age (MRA) for judges in the United States has been discussed for years. On the surface, there is little to no controversy in the very concept of retirement age; on the contrary, the very notion was created in order to ease the tension of...

Service Contract and a Joint Venture Oil and Gas Transaction

Introduction Over the decades, different parties have entered into different types of contracts such as service contracts and joint ventures for disparate purposes in various nations throughout the world. Nonetheless, before settling on a particular type of contract, certain factors are considered so that the most applicable and effective type...

Common Law and Civil Law: Comparison

Abstract The paper compares elements of civil and common law. It gives a brief history of each of the legal systems in an attempt to explain their background. The origin of civil law is traced back from the Roman Empire while common law derives its origins from England. Areas of...

Radical Feminism Explains Prostitution

Introduction Living on morally wrong earnings and exercising control over prostitutes are criminal offenses. Interestingly, at the same time as constructing prostitutes as a social class of ethically different and sexually indiscriminate women, the social critics also see them as different from other women by virtue of some type of...

Investment Decisions in Economics and Finance: Global Mining and Pioneer Gypsum

Introduction The expected return from individual securities carries some degree of risk. Risk is defined as the standard deviation from the expected return. More dispersion or variability from a securityā€™s return means the security is riskier than one with less dispersion. In simple terms securities carry differing degrees of expected...

Personal Development: Description and Theory Application

Introduction Human development is one of the most fascinating and at the same time most complicated fields of study in psychology. Being influenced by a myriad of factors, which range from genetic ones to the influences specific to a certain area where an individual grows, personal development requires closer scrutiny...

Family Law: Parentā€™s Right to Travel

Introduction In the US, each state has different child custodial laws that stipulate the requirements that have to be met by parents who wish to relocate or travel outside their states. When solving these cases, courts have to be cautious not to infringe on individualā€™s constitutional rights to travel. Similarly,...

History and Treatment of Depression

Introduction Depression is currently one of the most common medical conditions that are affecting many people in the United States and around the world, regardless of oneā€™s age. Shally-Jensen defines depression as ā€œa mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest and affects how one...

Financial Crisis: Beyond 1929 – 2008 Comparison

Abstract This report compares the great depression of 1929 with the financial crisis of 2008. The basis of comparison is with respect to outset, causes, effects and nature. The report describes the general factors that are likely to cause financial crisis. It also includes the various forms of financial crises...

Halfway Houses in the Community-Based Correction System: Issues, Challenges

Introduction In the recent past, there has been a remarkable growth in the development of community-based correctional programs for criminal offenders. Although halfway houses have been in existence for a long time, the interest in the use of these facilities has escalated since the mid-20th century. Currently, the category of...

Transformational Leadership the Field of Nursing

Introduction Every organization or group of people must have a leader, who supervises everything that takes place. A leader ought to be a transformational and influential person, who can persuade other people to do the right things and accomplish common tasks. A transformational leader is an inspirational person with a...

Homicide in Puerto Rico: Analysis of the Situation

Abstract During the course of recent decades, it became a common trait among Americans to think of Puerto Rico in terms of being a crime-haven, even though America’s mass Medias and this country’s “progressive” sociologists continue to refer to this tendency as simply another proof of White Americans’ “biasness”. Yet,...

Critical Literature Review of Digital Signature

Abstract The literature review is on the digital signature and the opinions of different writers who have written on this topic. There have been some articles written on the topic of digital signature, a problem on cryptography needs to be solved, there are different companies and organizations that continuously use...

The Damage in Permitting Prostitution

Interviews conducted in the United States of America reveal that majority of Adult Americans do not favor decriminalization of people based on their sexual orientations. Many researches on the subject indicate that it is only a small percentage of Americans who support strategies of restraint, toleration, or validation. Many research...

Neural Networks and Decision-Making

Abstract Neural networks have been defined as mathematical constructs that have the ability to emulate the numerous processes individuals utilize to recognize patterns, learn tasks and solve problems. For a long time, Neural networks have been characterized in terms of their number and types of connections specifically between the person...

Markov Chains Overview and Analysis

Introduction to Markov chains A Markov chain is a stochastic (random) process representing systems comprising multiple states with transitional probabilities between them. A stochastic process is a ā€œmathematical model, which is scientifically proven, that advances in subsequent series that is from time to time in a probabilistic mannerā€ (Miller &...

Childhood Diabetes in Saudi Arabia: The Prevalence of Type 1 Diabetes Among Children

Diabetes is one of the major chronic ailments facing children in Saudi Arabia. This trend has been observed in recent years, in the light of which campaigns have been launched to reverse the trend. The prevalence of diabetes varies from region to region. This necessitates further research into the reasons...

Health Policy and Quality Management in the UK

Introduction Cancer exerts a lot of pressure on family and government resources. In the United Kingdom, of the four deaths that occur, one is a cancer case. Cancer affects many parts of the body and has diverse presentations and complications. Its treatment process is also complex. These factors present major...

Business Environment Risk Intelligence

Introduction There are different approaches to country risk assessment. Qualitative analyses include aspects such as legal and political risks that require analysis of qualitative data. Financial institutions that utilize qualitative analyses include COFACE, EIU, and IIF among others. Conversely, the quantitative approach involves econometrics, analytical, ā€˜Logitā€™ and non-linear conditional analyses...

Social Media Effectiveness in Engaging Consumers

Introduction Customers’ engagement on social media plays a vital role in building strong customer relationships and customer brand loyalty. Today, more customers shop online and use social media to collect information about a product and make a purchase later. Many customers use social media to connect with the brand and...

Impact of Malpractice Suits on the Medical Care

Executive Summary This report will analyze malpractice suits and their impact on the cost of medical care. It will specifically target the aspect of self-interest in the field of medical care practice. The main areas of concern are the options available to both the patients and the physicians. Defensive medicine...

Bromination-Debromination of Cholesterol

Bromination/debromination which is an important organic reaction that aims in purification of crude cholesterol from impurities which include 3-cholestanol, 7-cholesten-3-ol, and 5,7-chlestadien-3-ol was performed in a laboratory scale for two weeks. Due to steric constraints, only cholesterol reacted with bromine and crystallized from the solution making it possible to be...

Communication in Health and Social Care Organizations

Introduction Effective communication has increasingly become essential for the hospital and social care settings where interaction between nurses and patients constantly occurs. Good communication ensures effective expression and explanation of problems pertaining to the diagnosis of diseases and treatment algorithms. Currently, most patients complain of being ignored by nurses who...

Composition of Recyclables Delivered

Introduction Background to the study The data given in this paper is raw data that has been summarized and organized following research that was most likely intended to study the individual components of solid waste. What is therefore represented by this data are figures of certain variables that the research...

“Leadership and Self-Deception” Book by Arbinger Institute

Introduction / Book Summary “Leadership and Self-Deception: Getting Out of the Box” by the Arbinger Institute is a book addressing the problems and misunderstandings that people and organizations face as a result of what the authors call “self-deception”. The book is based on the premise that understanding the concept of...

The Centrality of Technology in Architecture

Different architects, theorists, and critics held different views regarding the centrality of technology in architecture. This paper examines three facets of this centrality. It includes a discussion on the centrality of technology in architecture, followed by recent technologies used in architecture, and closes with a discussion on the necessity of...

Chinese Currency Growth in Value: Exchange-Rate Determination

Introduction The Chinese currency (Yuan) has been recording a relatively strong performance against the US dollar. Recent data from the year 2007 has indicated that the exchange rate between China and US has been fluctuating with China gaining in most of the cases. At the beginning December 2007, the Chinese...

Nicaragua, a Country with High Mortality Rate

Introduction As countries continue improving on the quality of health services, the mortality rate is drastically decreasing. Lack of access and/or poor health services are some of the factors that contribute to high mortality rates across the globe. Despite the improvement in healthcare services, the majority of the developing countries...

Facades of Buildings During the Mamluk Period

Introduction ā€˜Mamlukā€™ is an Arabic word for slave and refers to soldiers who were captured from non Muslim origins, converted to Islam, and trained to fight for their captors. Mongol or Turkic is believed to be the Mamluk sultanā€™s foundation. While there, they acted as guards on behalf of Ayyubid...

Fire Suppression System in a New Residential Home

The inclusion of sprinklers as a measure to fight outbreaks in fire is not included in the countries policies. Although this is so, the many advantages that come with it lead to a need for its inclusion. The sprinkler will not act only as an alert factor in case of...

Relationships Between the European Settlers and the Native Americans

Introduction Many factors played their role in the growth and development of the Colonial New England. Future America has served as a place where three district human cultures intersected. Relationships between the European settlers, the Native Americans, and the African Americans are intricate, and the groups have had a significant...

Regulating Internet Privacy and Related Issues

Introduction A personā€™s right to privacy has been highly cherished in the US and in many countries across the world. This is because the consequences for victims of privacy intrusion can be devastating, ranging from hurtful gossips to stealing of identity and even damaged credit ratings (Chiu, 2000). Even though...

Unidroit Contract Law and Islamic Law

In 1994, UNIDROIT published the first set of principles aimed at harmonizing private international law. An updated version of the principles was published in the year 2004. In this article, a comparison will be made between UNIDROIT 2004Ā principles and Islamic law (Sharia). This is especially Al-Majalla Al Ahkam Al Adaliyyah...

Change as a Concept in Contemporary Nursing Practice

Introduction The purpose of writing this essay is to fulfill the requirements of the module “Contemporary Nursing Practice” in the MSc program that the author is undertaking. The author chose this concept to investigate looking back into the problems he faced with the nurses being moved from one institution to...

Country With High Mortality: Afghanistan

The health of individuals and communities relies on a combination of factors. Health, or lack of, depends on circumstances facing people, in addition to environmental factors. Factors such as the social environment, genetic access to health facilities, government policies and intervention, personal behavior, and coping skill play a crucial role...

Crime Prevention Practices Overview

Prevention of crime through social development is perceived as the most effective strategy not only in preventing crime but also in reducing crime rates since it addresses the shortcomings of traditional methods of crime prevention. CPSD theorists argue that crime is effectively eliminated if preventive measures target its root cause...

The Criticality Accident in Sarov (Radiation of Uranium)

The Circumstances under Which the Accident Occurred It was on June 17, 1997, when a physicist who was working at the Nuclear Centre at Sarov, in the Federation of Russia was exposed to severe radiation of uranium. This physicist was the senior technician at this plant. This critical accident took...