Impact of the 2008 Election on the Hispanic Population

United States presidential election has seen a very diverse group of supporters who greatly influenced the outcome of the voting process. The election of 2008 showed how a minority group can have a great impact on the result. Barack Obama was chosen as the new president of the United States...

Spotify and South Korean International Market

Introduction This paper focuses on Spotify as a music streaming company. The aim of the report is to recommend South Korea as an ideal international market for Spotify. The analysis below is based on macroeconomic factors. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of the music streaming industry in South Korea...

Corporate Social Responsibility in the Saudi Arabia Kingdom

Introduction The role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been increasing continuously in the business concept within the last years. According to Bueble (1), the prominence of CSR in recent years is “shown by the fact that 90% of the fortune 500 companies have explicit CSR initiatives today and an...

Mental Disorders and Vulnerability to Homicidal Death

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (2014), there are approximately 800,000 deaths that occur annually due to suicide. Moreover, suicide has been reported to be one of the major causes of death among people aged 15 to 44 years and the second highest cause of death among individuals aged...

The Benefits of Raising the Minimum Wage

The minimum wage law was intended as a humanitarian act which would stimulate the economy as well. Most agree that employees who work full-time hours should be paid a wage sufficient so as to allow them to provide for their most essential needs which current minimum wage does not accomplish....

Critique of Qualitative and Quantitative Studies in Nursing

Nursing is a science besieged by increasing challenges and complexity. As a career that deals with human beings, it requires utmost care and consideration of details, as lives may be at stake. Nurses need to be critical in their decision-making skills. This essay critically reviews two studies -one qualitative and...

Environmental Law: Property, Law, and Territorial Resources Relations

Over the years, there has been a success in courts and tribunals on the rulings made on property law, and some have gained more victory over others. Both successful and losing sides are dependent on the court system’s pace in delivering final rulings. Lord Carmweth, the chief justice of the...

U Pack It We Move It Company’s Marketing Plan

Executive Summary U Pack It We Move It is a small startup logistics company that is about to start its operations. The company has a fleet of trucks that will be used to a wide range of products for its clients from one location to another in a safe way...

Country Profile of Turkey

Introduction Turkey, as it stands today, was founded in 1923 from the remnants of Anatolia after the downfall of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal under whom the country went through a series of legal, judicial, social, and political and economic changes led the country. The country faced military coups in...

Theories for Juvenile Delinquency

Abstract The current paper attempts to examine the theories which establish a correlation between juvenile delinquency and the family. Many studies have been conducted and there is still theorizing about how an inadequate family structure leads to delinquency. On the other hand, the literature agrees that juvenile delinquency is highly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Ancient Sexuality: Women and the Ancient Greek Symposium

Any study into the role of Women in the Ancient Greek Symposium must come with considerable personal speculation. A perusal of the sources in Greek history will result in a finding that Greek Women played a very, very minor role in the affairs of Greek Society. Not only was Citizenship...

The Five Biggest Ideas in Parenting

Introduction Parenting is a big challenge to parents especially in the context of today’s society. More often, than not parents are too busy and do not spend enough time with their children. Furthermore, the little time spent with their children does not impact their (children’s) lives because the kind of...

Homemade Medicine: Bishop’s Crimes

Introduction A crime is an act done by an individual against the laws and regulations of a country. Crimes are treated equally globally, but people get different punishments as per the specific country’s constitution (Metsch et al., 2015). However, individual acts are noncriminal in particular countries and a crime in...

Healthcare in Canada: Problems and Solutions

What are the challenges facing Medicare in Canada? Can we afford them? A majority of the professionals in healthcare, along with the rest of the Canadians, are quite committed to the tenets of Medicare. This being the case, it has not been lost to everyone that the Canadian healthcare system...

Lens Analysis: Natural and Applied Sciences

The issue of women in the workforce is an important one in the field of natural and applied sciences. According to Noonan (2017), 76 percent of the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) workers are men. There are numerous reasons for this disbalance, one of which is the high rates...

Family Psychotherapy Modalities and Methods

Abstract This is a paper about family psychotherapy. The paper examines two types of family psychotherapy methods, that is to say, systemic therapies and social construction therapies. There are various types of models which fall under systemic therapy. They include Multi-generational family therapy (Murray Bowen), Adlerian family therapy (Alfred Adler),...

Australian Fire Fighting Department’s Management

Introduction Bushfires, like droughts, have been part of the Australian environment for thousands of years. These days, bushfires constitute a major natural and socio-economic risk, costing Australia, in excess of seventy million US dollars per year, and affecting around 2.5 million hectares of land in southern Australia alone. In some...

“Too Big to Fail” by Andrew Ross Sorkin

In 2008, the US economy was on the brink of collapse, and huge banks, which seemed firm and stable, began to crumble. Two of the big five US investment banks Bear Sterns and Lehman Brothers declared themselves bankrupt (Erdem, 2020). Two mortgage giants Freddy Mac and Fanny Mae were urgently...

Constituents of Security Issue to the American Government

Introduction National security issues were redefined after the September eleven attacks. They were characterised by greater pre-emption rather than deterrence in what is now known as the Bush doctrine, this was done after it had been ascertained that the attacks had been caused by Al Qaeda. A campaign against global...

Consumer Behavior and Advertising Effectiveness

Introduction The current report is aimed at investigating the effect of advertising on consumer behavior. Commercials and advertising messages have gained a significant level of influence on potential customers, thus defining the marketing success and the following revenue-generating of businesses. If the consumer is relevantly exposed to an advertised stimulus,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing Communications Strategies for Consumer Vehicle Brands in the UK

Introduction The success of the business in the present world has largely depended on the marketing activities of that business. Marketing refers to the procedure and implementation of that processes to plan and execute the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services, or ideas creating exchanges, which will meet...

Book Clubs: Professional Development Among Teachers

Introduction Professional development among teachers is one of the most common expectations because this profession requires regular improvements and new opportunities. The sphere of education is not about teaching or sharing information but the enhancement of skills and knowledge that play a critical role in life or job performance. There...

“Why Evolution is True” by Jerry Coyne

Introduction Even in the age of information and scientific developments, the theory of evolution continues to separate people. This theory supports religious separation by disproving the concept of intelligent design, according to which the complexity of living organisms on the planet makes life unexplainable and suggests the presence of an...

The Field of Employee Relations

Introduction The employee relations have been changed last 30 years for many reasons for developing for information dissemination, employee feedback and employee assistance program. These are a most important factor which provides significant change. By virtue of the European Communities Act 1972, UK incorporated all EU law in domestic law....

Robert Maxwell’s Biography and Scandals

The early life of Robert Maxwell Ian Robert Maxwell was born Jan Ludvik Hoch in June 1923 in the small town of slantwise Doly, Carpathian Ruthenia, Eastern of what is now the Czech Republic. He grew up in a tight-knit Jewish Community. He fled the Czech invasion in 1939 and...

The Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918

One of the deadliest occurrences of human history is the 1918 “Spanish Flu” epidemic. Influenza spread to almost every part of the world and appeared in the United States, Britain, and France in the same year. Overall, the virus affected three to five percent of the world’s population, including the...

Principles for Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction The United States Department of education, working closely with the Council of Governors, has been struggling to ensure that there is a universal implementation of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) across the country. The initiative is a typical standardized approach to teaching content and learning approaches in formal...

Barclays Plc and Barclays Bank of Kenya: Case Study

Barclays Bank PLC, headquartered in London, has been operational for over 300 years in the United Kingdom (Barclays, 2011). In the UK market it offers several products and services that are grouped into four major categories; personal and premier banking, corporate and business banking, investment banking and wealth management (Barclays,...

Forecasting and Risk Assessment in Business

Knowledge and Risk ‘Knowledge can be divided into uncertainty and perfect knowledge. Where does risk fit into this spectrum?’ According to several sources, knowledge can be defined as the relation between two or more ideas that are usually perceived mentally (Reany, 1988). Naturally, such ideas or concepts do not exist...

Teaching Methodologies for Various Learning Styles

Introduction The learning process is an integral part of the life of any individual. However, what kind of knowledge a person will receive is mostly determined by the teacher’s personality. Therefore, high demands are placed on these people, and the learning process itself is extremely complex and multifaceted. This paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

New Markets in Foreign Countries for CHEERS

Executive Summary Companies that want to maximize their profits or attract additional customers can identify new markets in foreign countries. However, leaders should conduct detailed analyses to understand the potential opportunities for maximizing results and possible risks that can affect performance. The discussion below examines how CHEERS has recorded notable...

Crime Rates in the US and Its Link to the Juvenile Justice System

Abstract The juvenile justice system was meant to help reduce the rate of crime in the United States by taking children engaged in criminal activities through a rehabilitation process. The process is meant to transform them into responsible and law-abiding citizens. However, studies indicate that this system has failed to...

The Analysis of “Microsoft’s Aggressive New Pricing Strategy“ Using Microeconomic Theory

Introduction Monopolistic power is a profit earner for many companies. Monopolism still prevails despite the presence of government regulations against the formation of monopolistic power in the market, which brings deformities into the competitive scenarios. One of the vivid examples of the monopolistic dominance is Microsoft (Burrows, 2009). The article...

Analysis of the Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions, ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

Religious Studies and Theology: Paganism in the Military

Overview Any form of involvement in a religious practice that goes against the Christian doctrine has been largely defined as paganism. This term is also used by the two main religious mainstreams, namely Christianity and Islam to refer to those who do not belong in either of the two religions....

History of Psychology and Its Theories

Introduction Accordingly, human beings study psychology to understand the peculiarities of a personality’s development, avoid making similar mistakes in handling and treating various psychological disorders, obtain valuable ideas to develop psychology as a science, and satisfy their natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Needless to say, studying psychology starts with...

Information Technology: Barclays’ Business Operations

Introduction The success of business organizations depends on the established strategic plan, model, and the ability to consider the changes recorded in the industry. Many companies are currently implementing evidence-based processes that revolve around the use of information, communication, and technology (ICT). The Internet has gone further to support this...

Well-Equipped Learning Lab: Project Management

Background The university Engineering and construction Division is to develop some portable, flexible teaching and promotional space for our current and potential students. Six 42GO container units have been donated along with 100,000 budget for converting the containers into working spaces. Any project management task is deemed successful if it...

“Why Evolution Is True”: A Chapter-Wise Reflection

Introduction The origin of modern species has been the subject of study by many scientists, and it involves contrasting worldviews of creationism and evolution. Most people are adept with the primary arguments that Charles Darwin proposed in his famous book, On the Origin of Species, especially the proposition that the...

Comparing Marchiavelli’s View of Virtue to Christine de Pizan’s

Introduction The concept of virtue has attracted the attention of many scholars over the past several decades. The civilization brought with it an understanding that one’s action should not deliberately hurt others or cause harm to society. One should strive to hold high moral standards at all times and behave...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lens Analysis: History. Humanities

The discussion of women in the workforce from the historical perspective would be incomplete without mentioning of the feminist movement. Initially, the movements of the 19th century were focused on women’s suffrage, i.e., the ability to participate in elections. Later, from the 1960s, feminists pay attention to the position of...

A Specific Theory of Persuasion: Social Judgment Theory

Introduction Choosing a specific theory of persuasion that would align with the selected persuasive appeal is necessary for contextualizing the appeal and determining its effects. It was chosen to focus on Social Judgment Theory, which implies that the position of an individual on a particular issue depends on the preferred...

Etihad Airways: Strategies Analysis

Introduction The major differences between the organizations that are successful and those that are not is the degree of the effectiveness of their strategies. Any organization hoping to succeed in the market must ensure that its strategies conform to the prevailing conditions in the environment which could have negative impacts...

Computer Science and Computational Thinking Teachers

Teaching is one of the most honorable, revered, and complex professions in the world, which requires a person to have certain qualities and skills. Also, there are some subjects that are much more difficult to teach than others. It happens because they relatively recently appeared in the educational system, and...

The Evolution of Taekwondo

Introduction Taekwondo is a well-known Korean martial art. More than sixty million fans practice taekwondo throughout the world (Cook, 2017). This martial art is considered to be the most popular nowadays. Many international organizations support and promote taekwondo. However, this combat sport has a long and complicated history, and some...

Pacific Theater of World War II

Introduction Pacific theater of World War II is also referred to as the Asia Pacific War. The Japanese first dealt with the Pearl Harbor, it was then that they were able to obtain power in such a way that they could control the areas around the Pacific Ocean and the...

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy in Prenatal Care Practice

Introduction The public healthcare sphere is one of the most important branches of human activity, within which measures are taken to maintain and improve the quality of life of the population. The primary task of the system is to preserve the health status of individuals, which in the long run,...

Popes Influence Throughout the 1500’s-21st Century

History of the Roman Catholic Church Christianity existed before the 1054 schism with most Christians living within the boundaries of the Roman Empire. Later on, the Roman Empire drifted into two parts: the Eastern and the Western. Expansions took place in the Roman Empire which drifted the western and Eastern...

The History of American Revolution and Revolutionists

Introduction In the early 1600s, Great Britain started establishing colonies along the North America’s Atlantic coast from Florida in the south and Newfoundland in the North. Virginia was the first successful colony. In the 17 Century, more immigrants moved to the United States from Europe by travelling across the Atlantic...

Improving Company Productivity With New Technologies

Introduction The web technologies have advanced in the past years. Web 2.0 and Enterprise 2.0 are among the recent technologies that have come up the world of Information Technology. These technologies have various functions that can be used in various fields today. They have been used in various organisations and...

Counterterrorism for First Emergency Responders

Introduction Since September 11, 2001, first responders have made significant progress strengthening capabilities needed to defend the nation against the threat of WMD. The DHS national guidelines developed and implemented nationwide have provided a durable framework for multi-agency coordination and cooperation. This is important because terrorist attacks or major disasters...

Emotional Regulation From a Cognitive Psychology Perspective

Introduction Over the past decades, the number of publications on the problem of the regulation of emotions in norm and pathology in the psychological literature has increased many times every year (Anastasi, 2013). However, despite the fact that this topic is increasingly becoming the object of systematic research in both...

Web Evaluation of Disneyland Hong Kong

Introduction Web Evaluation The widespread of internet technologies led that the web becoming virtually accessible to everyone. The statistics show that as of March 2011 there are approximately 298,002,705 sites responding online. All of those websites vary in their orientation, directivity, and the sphere in which they operate, but most...

Genderlect in the TV Show Parks and Recreation

Introduction From time immemorial, men and women have communicated using slightly different languages. This observation is accurate for almost all cultures and throughout human history. In some parts of the world, women and men have entirely different styles such that they cannot converse directly with each other (even though they...

African Americans in the Revolutionary War

Introduction For many years, the role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War was not counted as important because of the discrimination that lasted until the second half of the twentieth century. However, historical documents show evidence that their input was significant, and some individuals even left personal achievements. Various...

The Rise of Islamic State (IS)

Introduction The global militancy connected with the modern jihadist ideology and the ensuing instability in the Middle East pose a great threat. Not only the surrounding regions but also the United States, Europe, and the whole world are exposed to danger. The dramatic rise of the Islamic State (IS) is...

Al-Ghazali’s Sufism in Contrast to Classical Sufism

Introduction Sufism has often been cited as a representation of Islamic faith and practice. Through it, knowledge and divine love’s truth is sought in God and Godly life. Sufism operates on the concept of mystical paths. The path is focused on enhancing the existence of wisdom knowledge and divine love...

Aspects of Online Consumer Behavior

Abstract Over years, numerous researches have been conducted by various scholars in highlighting many aspects of online consumer behavior. In as much as immense progress has been made in this trivial field, most of the studies have been conducted from a general viewpoint and not specifically pinpointing the exact issues...

Group Work and Teamwork and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Group work is the art of working together in a group so as to achieve unity goals, or to maximize each others learning in the case of students. The instructional use of groups among students to maximize learning among students is referred to as cooperative learning (Johnson, Johnson &...

The Current American Food Situation Influenced by the Immigrant Farmers

Introduction The United States of America can be described remotely as the land of plenty of food. The amount of foodstuff in the United States has been on the increase as food producers have been increasing. The main food problem in the States now is not its shortage, but its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

African American Males in “Boyz n The Hood” Movie

The greater part of films is always aimed at the performance of social functions since the aim of a filmmaker is to influence society in one way or another. Usually the producer’s aim is to provide important knowledge and reflection of experience to the target audience. The film “Boyz N...

Marie Antoinette’s Influence on Fashion

Introduction When discussing fashion, the name, Marie Antoinette is mentioned frequently. The contribution of this former France queen is so significant to fashion that some fashions are associated with her. There are clothes that are named after Antoinette and that draw memories of her influence not only to fashion and...

Polish Intelligence in the 20th Century

Abstract After the First World War had ended, German nationalists on one hand and communist Russia on the other dominated Poland. The Treaty of Versailles did not guarantee much security for the Poles. After going through a rough revolt, Russia went ahead with its imperialism against Poland by taking over...

A Conference on “The Future of Nuclear Power”

Introduction Purpose of Plan Nuclear poser usage is obviously the future alternative to the gradually depleting powers sources as a well as the ever increasing need for power. Concerns are however raised globally regarding the viability of this source of power considering the numerous risks associated with it. It is...

Day Care Centers: Health Risks

Introduction In the world today, most families have both parents going to work to make to boost family income. Their children, with no one to take care of them, end up at childcare facility centers, where they spend substantial time during the day. The advantages associated with daycare centers about...

Wind Works Ltd.: Wind Energy Development Methodology

Introduction Wind Works Ltd, as the company, which provides the alternative energy sources, and makes them available for the wide range of the population needs to resort to a particular assessment strategies. The fact is that, environmental costs, which are required to be calculated for the entire implementation of the...

Cultural Difference: United Kingdom and Pakistan

Introduction The world is slowly becoming a global village. Globalization and technological advancement have contributed highly to this state. Before, individuals related highly to their countries or regions. Today, the trend is being replaced by a state where individuals identify themselves as global citizens. The trend toward global citizenship is...

A Biological Terror Attack in Agriculture

Introduction Food production or the agricultural industry is vital to the US economy. It contributes approximately seventeen percent of the country’s Domestic product but most importantly, its commodities are essential raw materials in other industries. The world is slowly becoming susceptible to new forms of terror attacks as advancements in...

Fiscal Budget Decision and Gross Domestic Product

Introduction This is a case of a developing economy where the government has a supplemental $2 billion budget meant for policies to boost per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) over a 15-year planning horizon. Two proposals have been tabled. The first aims to raise the literacy, competence, and self-sufficiency of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Life and Activities of Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey, who lived between 1887 and 1940, is widely known as the founder, organizer and charismatic leader of one of history’s largest movements involving the black people, the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) (Marable & Mullings 239). A Jamaican by birth, Marcus Garvey was a printer and journalist, having...

“A Door into Ocean” by Joan Slonczewski: Human Cultures Collide

No one wants to die. Understanding this fact is what enables a connection between seemingly opposite human viewpoints. Taking this extreme into consideration is most important now in struggles with the environment, because these struggles mean life or death for generations to come. “A study published in the journal Science...

Trade in Environmental Goods and Economic Growth

Abstract Currently, there have been talks about economic growth and trade. As well, there has been the issue of economic growth and environmental conservation which has become a global issue. This means that there should be a way of addressing this global issue while at the very time encouraging global...

IBM’s Management Accounting & Financial Practices

Introduction International Business Machines abbreviated as IBM is considered the undisputable champion in the field of technology (Buck 1986, pp 2). It deals with both computer hardware and software. Lately; it has taken a direction that is geared towards sharpening its focus on software development. IBM is a hot company...

The Birth of Jazz Fusion: Miles Davis

Introduction Jazz is not just music; it is a way of life, a way of thinking, and the way of being. Initially associated with African-American communities, providing an outlet for their thoughts, feelings, and artistic expression, Jazz became a worldwide phenomenon as one of the most fast-growing and popularized musical...

Falls Prevention in Sedated Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Patient falls are frequent in patients taking psychiatric medications, and such adverse events are associated with both physical injuries and extra treatment costs. The paper reviews current knowledge on fall reduction strategies in psychiatric populations. As the literature review suggests, strategies that are the most beneficial to psychiatric patients...

Glassblowing Technique in the Roman Empire

Introduction The glass was widely used in Roman times for different purposes. It exerted a greater influence on the daily life of people during this era than any other period before the Renaissance. It was the preferred material in the making of various vessels, household items, and windows. Glass was...

WWII and Iraq War Comparative Analysis

Introduction Questions have arisen in the recent past whether Americans favor unilateral or multilateral foreign policy and if they really know what their country’s preference represents. This is particularly after the US invasion of Iraq that defied the United Nations stand. Several questions have emerged on whether the unilateralist policy...

Strategic Financial Management: Diageo plc and SAB Miller plc

Introduction Strategic financial management involves making complex decisions by the high management to bring success to an organization. Financial management interacts with strategic management and comes up with financial criteria that the management uses to make decisions affecting the finances in an organization. Organizations with competitive advantage over others that...

Substance Abuse Literature Review

People often abuse substances such as alcohol, drugs tobacco for many varied and complicated reasons. It is very clear that our society plays an important role in the existence of this vice. The major indicators of the increase in substance abuse are the daily cases of health damage in hospitals...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The History of Florida and Hispanics in It

The ancestors of Hispanic Americans were present in the country of the United States before it was a nation-state. That heritage broadens from the 16th century in parts of present-day New Mexico and Florida and from the 17th and 18th centuries in parts of Arizona, Texas, and California. However, we...

The Land Registry at Swansea Office

The Land Registry Office at Swansea was indeed one of the underperforming government agencies about a decade ago. However, the organisational restructuring process that has taken place over the few years has not just transformed the Land Registry. The improvement measures have also seen the department grow by leaps and...

Critical Analysis of James N. Gregory’s American Exodus

Introduction The book, American Exodus: the Dust Bowl Migration and Okie Culture in California, is written by James N. Gregory and it depicts the great dust bowl times which caused major agricultural and subsequent economical damage in American agricultural lands from the years 1930 to 1936. Canadian prairie lands were...

Ozone Hole and Atmosphere Evolution

Introduction What is the atmosphere? “Envelope of gases that surrounds the Earth” (Origin of the Earth’s atmosphere, n.d.). Another definition is as follows: “The Earth’s atmosphere (or air) is a layer of gases surrounding the planet Earth that is retained by the Earth’s gravity” (Priyadarshi, 2009). It is a dense...

International Consensus for Terrorism Mitigation

Introduction Terrorism does not just occur within US borders, consequently, it makes sense for some consensus to be sought. The world has not been spared from other attacks after the nine – eleventh attacks. Certain terrorist groups have an agenda against western democracies in general or may aim for soft...

Baldrige Standard and Operations Criteria

Introduction It should be noted that contemporary quality management evaluation systems regard self-assessment of companies as one of the most important tools for a systematic improvement of organizational performance. Enterprises apply this technique to ensure that they remain productive. Importantly, the evaluation of instruments and frameworks have been refined due...

The Fish Inc.’s Human Resource Project

Introduction Firstly, it has to be understood that the company Fish Inc. operates in the seafood industry and strongly relates its operations to the food processing. The plant is located close to the Charlottetown. Despite facing challenging condition with the attraction of the qualified personnel, the company is planning to...

Brexit Effects on the UK and International Relations

Introduction On 23 June 2016, the British came out in large numbers to vote for a referendum that marked the turning point for their relationship with other European Union (EU) member countries. The majority of the people voted in favor of leaving the EU. It was not the first time...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Response

Definition Corporate social responsibility is defined as a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model; it is aimed at motivating business entities to voluntarily involve themselves in corporate initiatives, as an alternative to additional or existing mandatory initiatives. It is a form of corporate social regulation integrated into...

Health and Spa Tourism: Focusing on Body Fitness

Introduction The health and spa tourism focuses on addressing the issue of body fitness and the means of keeping oneself health. This tourism industry is growing at an alarming rate in the world today. This is to keep the pace with the growing new age and revamp the traditional health...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marketing in the 21st Century

Abstract The modern marketing environment has experienced a lot of changes due new lifestyle patterns, an increase in consumer awareness and the growth of new technologies. As a result, these changes have compelled business firms to use multiple marketing channels to engage their consumers to make them have positive perceptions...

The Meadow Brook Town: Performance Management

Introduction Rapid globalization in the world in recent years has led to a number of shared environmental problems. One among these, a serious concern for all environmentalists, is the problem of pollution. The problem of environmental pollution which cannot be overlooked has proven to be existent and uncontrollable. The problem...

Coping with Stress at University

Abstract Stress is one of the major challenges that students face in universities. Studies have found out that many institutions of higher education do not help students cope with stress thus increasing the prevalence f stress-related problems such as anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. The main reasons why universities do...

Psychotherapy. “A Beautiful Mind” Film by Ron Howard

Introduction Reality of society is peculiar for its diversity and inequality in accordance with different ranks. In fact, people are trying to express themselves in life to make more emphasis on the uniqueness of their personalities. In this respect it is great when one community of people can impress other...

Violence Against Women and Women Battering

Introduction The issue of domestic violence is international because it cuts across all races, classes, religions and gender. Violence against women or women battering has for many years been considered a private issue. Hence, the conspiracy of silence against battered women has made its eradication very difficult due to the...

Online and Traditional Business Degrees Comparison

Contemporary societies have been transformed by the sweeping phenomenon of technological advancement and globalization among a host of others. The progress that has been registered especially in information technology has tremendously changed the way things are getting done nowadays. From a business perspective, the buzzword is e-commerce where businesses enhance...

Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” as a Tragedy

The tragedy of Hamlet has remained a mystery to many people. Over the years, many people have questioned if the Hamlet fits the description of a tragedy outlined by Aristotle in the poetics. In a classic tragedy, there is a noble and heroic protagonist whose destruction is caused by a...

Family`s Factors Shaping Children`s Behavior

During the lifespan, an individual passes through several stages of his/her development characterized by different processes. These phases of the evolution are critical for the formation of a person and his/her becoming a personality with all qualities needed for the efficient functioning within the contemporary society. The period of childhood...

American Cultural Studies in ‘White Noise’ by Don DeLilo

Introduction America is considered to be the most influential nation in the world. Its cultural and economic practices have been preferred by people of different cultures which has made it popular. The country has gone through different faces that have formed the basis on which its cultures have changed. Most...

Research Methodologies for Crane Workers Safety

Abstract Crane workers safety is a serious employee and social problem all over the World in crane employees. Safety is first recognized as a separate a human resource issue that is given care for a long time. Often misunderstood as ‘split personality’, it is actually a serious human resource with...

Traditional Lakota Food: Buffalo

Abstract The human way of life is characterized by changes. Over the last few years, many aspects of the traditional way of life have undergone numerous changes. One area that has undergone considerable change is the dietary habits of man. In the past, human food was comprised of components that...

The Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of Mass Destruction The 2003 Iraq War added vigor to the discussions and debates on weapons of mass destruction – their definition, their use, control and the threat they represent to the world at large in the future. This paper attempts to shed light on some salient key topics,...

Conventional Mechanism of Global Governance

The world today is faced with threats, challenges and problems that cannot be resolved by individual nations. Such challenges pertain to violation of human rights, international terrorism, wars, environmental degradation and poverty issues which have to be addressed at the global level. The occurrence of a large number of events...

Media Representation of Stranger Danger

Abstract On the basis of recent studies, it has been noticed that mass media has a fairly important role to play in terms of deciding the communication abilities between families and the outside world. In accordance to the principles of psychology, media influences are the basic ways, through which people...

Obesity in Clark County and Health Policy Proposal

Problem Statement The number of people suffering from obesity is increasing. This applies for both the young and the old. Obesity is becoming a major problem in the United States as a whole, with the current changes in nutrition. Defined as the statistical measure referred to as body mass index...

Constantine the Great – His Life and Legacy

Introduction Constantine I was a Roman emperor in the years 324 to 337. The Catholics call him, Constantine The Great. His real name is Caesar Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. He made numerous contributions to Christianity, and even if the Catholics do not recognize him as a saint, his contribution...

Creation of FEMA and DHS: Reasons and Importance

Introduction The Federal Emergency Management Agency has been in operation since 1979 and has the duty of preventing, mitigating, recovering, and responding to man-made or natural disasters in the United States. The organization has achieved a number of milestones but at the same time has been the center of controversy....

Infants’ Thinking and Patterns of Communication

Introduction The mother-infant bond is a special kind of bond that begins from the time of conception. This interaction continues even when a baby is born and continues throughout the infancy stage. Nevertheless, as infants, communication takes a unique pattern particularly in infants who have not yet started talking. It...

The Changes That Have Taken Place in Polish Government

Introduction The Republic of Poland is located in central Europe bordering Germany; Ukraine, Lithuania, and Belarus; Slovakia and Czech Republic; and Russia to the west, east, south and north respectively. Currently, the population is estimated at thirty eight million people who occupy 312, 679 km2 of the land. The Republic...

A Country Profile of England

Introduction England is a country that is located in the United Kingdom. It is bordered by Scotland, Wales, the Irish Sea, and the Celtic Sea and has many islands that are approximately 100. The main spoken language is English. It is one of the countries in which the industrial revolution...

Mayan Culture: Traditions and Achievements

Introduction The Maya community is a classic society who has made use of almost the same land for thousands of years. The society speaks about thirty languages that are interrelated in such a way that scholars argue that they come from the same place. The Mayan culture over the years...

Internship Report Done at the United Nations

Introduction Graduate employment opportunities are becoming rare by the day. With the global economic crisis that recently hit almost all sectors globally, the situation is worsening with some firms retrenching their staff. This is because it is not economically viable to maintain them when the firm is making losses. The...

Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Action Research

Instructional Environment The facilitative approach is used for creating the study environment. This approach creates an environment of collaboration and involves activities with time to interact with the content of the course and one another. However, participants in a clinical placement always appreciate standing by and only listening or even...

Chemical Dependency, Types and Their Destructive Consequences

Introduction Chemical dependency refers to the physical and psychological need to utilize alcohol and any other drugs, which the person continues to use despite their negative effects. Therefore, it is a chronic, major illness with hereditary, environmental and psychosocial factors, which influence its manifestations and improvement. The illness is mostly...

Cognitive Changes in Human Development

Introduction Cognitive development is part of human development and refers to the abilities of individuals to acquire “thinking, problem solving, concept understanding, information processing abilities and overall intelligence,” (Oakley, 2004, p. 2). Various cognitive changes take place as people grow from infancy to childhood, teenage, adulthood and finally as they...

Public Policy and Civic Engagement of Older Adults

Civil engagement By civil engagement, we mean collective actions of individuals that specifically identify and deal with issues concerning the public. This includes taking part in community events, voting, social activism, religious activities, political lobbying, campaigning, and involvement, helping the neighbors, and voluntary and paid community work. It has been...

Organizational Culture in Google Corporation

Introduction Organizational culture can be interpreted through the lens of cultural change and cultural transformations. People use their organizations for unconscious reasons such as defending themselves against certain anxieties, renewing a sense of lost omnipotence, enhancing their self-esteem, and resolving incomplete developmental issues; as targets of aggression; and as a...

Temperament in Children Development

The events in an individual’s life during childhood vastly influence the personality type of that person during adulthood. In most cases, the roles played by parents contribute significantly to the personality of a child even as he or she grows to maturity (481). During the infancy stage, there is a...

Social Work as a Profession

Introduction Social work is a social science that deals in ensuring social justice and preserving the sanctity of life. It is a profession that deals in restoring emotional balance in human beings that becomes impaired during moments of stress. The practice pursues the well-being of society at large. The body...

The Information Systems Strategic Models

Acquisition Several scholars have written quite a number of methodologies that can be used by an enterprise or an individual to select suitable software that will be outstanding and offer strategic as well as technical advantages. These methodologies include the aquifer technology and the vendor evolution methods. (Stresemann 1985) Describe...

Managing Emergencies and Disasters

Introduction The level of America’s preparedness in dealing with emergencies and disasters has been tested by many disasters and emergencies. The top ones that have had far-reaching effects are the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Gustav, and the BP Oil Spill. The responses to these disasters were different...

Wolf Dombrowsky’s View on Disaster as a Concept

Introduction It is difficult to define what a natural disaster is. It is assumed that influences from nature have an effect that is catastrophic such that t a great impact is experienced on human beings (Barton 1969 and Drabek 1986). The traditional understanding of disasters is that disasters are divided...

Adult Education for Canadian Immigrants

Almost one in every five residents of Canada is an immigrant, thereby making 18 percent of the Canadian population to be immigrant. For this reason, Canada comes second after Australia, which has a 24 percent of its population attributed to immigrants (Statistics Canada, 2005). In addition, close to two thirds...

Bilingual Education Policy in Taiwan

One important role of a country’s education system is to ensure that its students can compete favorably in the international job market. To achieve this, the education system must emphasize the topics of relevance like technology, management, ethics and above all languages which act as the tool of communication that...

Powerful States and Humanitarian Intervention Response

Humanitarian intervention is best understood as the process of engaging in military intervention by one state into another state with the purpose of minimizing suffering in the recipient country. Although this intervention is based on a very noble cause, a number of challenges have arisen in terms of such situations....

Drugs and Society Violent Crime: Public Drunkenness

Outline The consumption of drugs in contemporary societies has led to great effects which have been witnessed in those consuming the drugs as well to entire contemporary societies. Among those societies that have been affected by drug usage is Australia, where its main concern is on alcohol consumption. In Australia,...

The EU-Moldova International Relations

Introduction Moldova has made significant progress in the implementation of democratic reforms in its society. However, democracy has not prevailed over the previous communist ideals established in the society. Although politically independent from the Soviet Union, Moldova has consistently been dependent on Russia making it difficult to shift politically from...

Ethnic Parties and Democratic Stability in Divided Societies

Introduction Intellectually, specialists can be of great assistance to independent constitution-scholars in racially alienated nations. This is because such specialists are in a position to create certain suggestions, as opposed to overpowering them with a stream of alternatives. Particularly, the following requires the best precedence and ought to be the...

Potential Effects of Cultural Patterns

Introduction Cross-cultural communication refers to how people from different cultures communicate. It encompasses the differences and similarities between the different cultural communities as well as the effort different people from different cultural backgrounds put to communicate effectively across cultures. Cross-cultural communication has become an important discipline due to globalization. People...

Business Research: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Introduction This paper will start by looking at data analysis strategies and techniques of analyzing qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative and qualitative data must be clearly linked to each other in order to allow easier interpretation of data. This article has information about data analysis and interpretation in business research...

America’s 2000 Presidential Elections

Introduction The 2000 presidential elections in America saw a heated contest between George W. Bush, who vied as a republican candidate and Al Gore, who was a democrat candidate. The then incumbent president Bill Clinton was leaving the office after serving for two terms in the office as provided by...

Cultural Satire in John Gay’s Beggar’s Opera

The Beggar’s Opera is the first of a new form of opera that was developed by John Gay in the early 1700s as a reaction against the superficiality of the popular Italian opera and its effects upon his culture. This form of entertainment came to be known as the ballad...

Corporate Governance: An International Perspective

Introduction Globalisation has made cross-border investing more attractive and profitable but just as risky. The extent of this risk is highly dependent on the quality of corporate governance in the country where an international investor intends to do business. Corporate governance is defined as the organisational structure in the modern...

“Kenny” as Cinematographic Account of Metaphysical Whiteness

Introduction Ever since Australian mockumentary “Kenny” was released to the theaters in 2006, it made a powerful contribution to the process of Australian cinema becoming ever more popular among Western moviegoers, which is why, during the course of recent years; the actual meaning of this film has been discussed from...

“Origins of Nazi Violence” by Traverso

“Origins of the Nazi violence” is an attempt by the author to offer an explanation on one of the most horrendous events of the twentieth century i.e. the Holocaust. Generally speaking the book is quite analytical and draws on several schools of thought. It then uses these previous philosophies to...

Policy Analysis According to Bardach

Introduction This paper will summarise the book A practical guide for policy analysis: The eightfold path to more effective problem solving (2nd ed.) by Eugene Bardach. Discussion Part I Based on old models to research and systems analysis, Bardach (2005), took-off and proposed the eightfold path to more effective problem...

The Importance of Good Health

Introduction Health refers to the well being of the body with regard to the physical, mental and social aspects; based on which an individual undergoes normal body metabolism. It should also be noted that health does not mean the absence of disorders or diseases within the body, but a situation...

Culture and Its Relationship to Fundamentalism of Modern Iran

Introduction Culture has been defined as a set of symbols, values, artefacts, language and values that defines the members of a society. In the case of Iran, the current regime that came into power during the 1979 Islamic revolution wished to revert back the country back to the traditions, away...

Social Identity: The “We” Aspect of Our Self Concept

Abstract There are fundamental questions about his existence that man has asked ever since time immemorial. Questions that center around who we are, what our purpose is and where we are going. Man has also strived towards understanding himself, because if he cannot demystify the person that he is, how...

D&D London Restaurant Company: Internet Strategy

Introduction The Internet is becoming a very important tool in the world of business because it presents a method of transacting not only in a very short time, but also a way of saving costs among other advantages. The Internet is becoming a major focus of advertising, research, promotion, selling...

Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs

Banned Drugs Metamizole Sodium Metamizole Sodium is a drug which is seen as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and it has been widely used as a very strong pain killer on medical grounds and it is also used to reduce fever. It has a wide usage all over the world...

History of Rock Gardens Review

Background Landscape history can be defined as the study of the ways in which mankind has tried to change the physical appearance of the environment. It is also referred to as landscape archaeology. The discipline was first discovered as a distinctive area of study in the 20th century and has...

Palestinian Oppression: The Role of Media

Palestinian Oppression Many contemporary theories of partition and nation-state blame the media for misrepresenting culture in developing and maintaining a sense of national consciousness and cultural imperialism. How far this blame is correct and to what extent American and international media is responsible in misrepresenting Palestine oppression, we will analyze...

The Effect of Long-Term Foster Care on the Cognitive of Middle School Boys

Outline Abstract Introduction Literature review Findings Conclusion References Abstract The problem statement is the development of cognitive of children in the middle school in long term foster care. The concept of foster care homes is somewhat similar to the Cinderella option, wherein children who are unable to return to their...

Islamic Art: The Dome of the Rock

Introduction The Dome of the Rock is a key landmark that also serves as an Islamic shrine. This landmark is located in Jerusalem, on the Temple Mount, an ancient platform often referred as “The Noble Sanctuary” by Muslims. This landmark that took 3 years to complete (from 1688 to 1691)...

Knowledge as a Factor in Economic Development

Introduction Development is always supported by knowledge and skills proficiency within the workforce. Basically, countries with people who possess skills and knowledge have always registered a higher social, economic, and political growth than those with the majority of unskilled people. This is because knowledge and skills encourage creativity and innovativeness...

Theory of Natural Man, Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Introduction “The first man who, having fenced in a piece of land, said “This is mine,” and found people naive enough to believe him, that man was the true founder of civil society. From how many crimes, wars, and murders, from how many horrors and misfortunes might not anyone have...

Conformity During the 1950s in American Society

Thesis Statement Suburban life was always a kind of perfect starting base for further success in life in the view of American society. This topic has always been extremely popular in literature and art, however, the art of the 1950s is full of suburban protagonists, and the mentioning of life...

Economy: Effects of Globalisation

Introduction Globalisation and post industrialisation are terms used to describe changes in nature of economic activity, globalised markets, growth in the service sectors and increased levels of productivity. Work in the current economy stimulated by globalisation seems to be different as compared to the old economy. New economy has brought...

PowerPC vs Intel Pentium Processors

Introduction Some manufacturers are producing personal computers with the PowerPC in place of an Intel Pentium CPU. Consequently, the market is developed by the two leaders, and, despite differing capacities, various technical goals and suitability for personal PC industry, these are regarded to be the most rival competent in the...