What Are the Benefits of Being Bilingual?

While in the last century, bilingualism was considered, for the most part, a hindrance to language learning, nowadays, it is more of an advantage. There are different approaches to who is considered a bilingual, but the prevailing view is that two language systems are always active in a bilingual. The...

All In: The Fight for Democracy Documentary

All in: The Fight for Democracy is the 2020 documentary film. The film revolves around voter suppression in the United States. The central theme of the film is disenfranchisement. The directors, Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortés, used the 2018 election experience to show that the right to vote has always...

Accounting Affairs and Fundamental Mathematics

Modern society, having a highly developed system of commodity-money relations, is experiencing an ever-increasing need for specialists who perform accounting work. A person in this profession is not just an employee in the financial department of an enterprise or organization. This is one of the most important elements that allow...

Guillain-Barré Disease and Therapy Options

Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) is an uncommon condition in which the immune system targets the nerves in the body leading to muscle weakness, tingling in the extremities, and sometimes paralysis. GBS is a rare disease that affects roughly 1 in 1000 persons (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)). According to...

The Rules of Friendship and Their Explanation

Introduction Table 1: Explicit and Implicit Rules in Friendship Explicit Rules Implicit Rules 1. Being on time for meetings 1. Emotional support at difficult times 2. No rude jokes 2. Participating in each other’s important life events 3. Call when urgent help is needed 3. Checking if everyone is okay...

Chinese Immigrants in the United States

The experiences of Chinese immigrants in the United States are closely connected with the consequences of the 1849 Gold Rush and the cultural image of the Chinese that emerged in the late 19th century. Having entered the United States in 1850 to participate in the Gold Rush and escape the...

Perfume Ads: Le Labo and Juicy Couture

Advertising is a tool that most businesses use to promote their products. According to researchers, it has been evolving significantly (Liu-Thompkins, 2019). Customers need to relate to the product that is being advertised, and this is why certain marketing strategies are used to intrigue a specific target audience. The perfume...

Expanding Access to Food Interview Plan

To increase the availability of food, given the lack of time, resources, and finances, it is necessary to conduct a survey among the unprotected part of the population using the services of food banks. This is how the maximum amount of information will be obtained with the minimum intervention. The...

Discussion: Meditation on Death Awareness

Meditation on death may sound gloomy and unnecessary, but it has a great spiritual potential for ourselves. People get used to the things they possess and love during the life course. But, when the death comes, the self is deprived of all these things and has to start the death...

The Asylum-Madness: The Rise and Fall

Challenges The rise of the asylums happened in the 1800s, and at that time, it was a widespread type of institution for mentally ill people who had severe disorders and required special care from professionals. Eventually, when the patients were sent to the asylums, they usually stayed there for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Kitchen Heaven Project’s Lifecycle

The predictive life cycle is based on the definition of immediate tasks and their detailed study and planning. Further tasks, for example, expected in one or two months, are considered irrelevant for planning. Managers in this cycle solve problems as they come and do not waste their energy and that...

Mekons: The Punk Rock Band and Its Artworks

The “Revenge of the Mekons,” is a portrayal of a hardy British punk rock band that epitomizes the term “cult band.” Director Joe Angio not only provides the audience with a brilliantly made narrative of this weirdly diversified band. He also portrays his belief that they are as good as...

An Interview with the Member of the Taliban

Of all nationalist movements, the Taliban is perhaps the most notorious and feared one. In a recent conversation with a Pakistani friend at a Ramadan party, my assumptions were mostly confirmed. The controversy surrounding the Taliban is undeniably warranted, given its history of attacks on its opponents and merciless executions...

Researching of House Discrimination

Aranda, C. L. (2019). Housing discrimination in America: Lessons from the last decade of paired-testing research: Testimony before the house appropriations thud subcommittee. Policy Commons, 46(2), 96-115. Aranda’s main arguments about the existence of housing discrimination are unequal accessibility to socially significant objects. For example, the black population of America...

Influence of Media on Policymaking

Introduction Policymaking is a crucial political procedure that depends on socioeconomic variables while shaping the future of the intended society. Media is directly associated with policymaking because it dwells on the potential effectiveness of proposed solutions and sets the tone for the given policies in the first place. This is...

The Role of Power in Conflicts in the Workplace

Introduction Thank you everyone for coming to this workshop. Today we are going to learn about the role of power in solving conflicts in a workplace. Conflicts are common in a workplace and they occur do to various factors including poor management, lack of communication, conflict of interest and conflicting...

“Salome” the Opera: Characters, Meanings, and Musical Essence

Symphonic poems brought great success to Richard Strauss, but in the 20th century, he rarely turned to instrumental genres – the composer’s main area of ​​​interest was opera. One of the most popular writers at that time was Oscar Wilde. Therefore, it does not seem surprising that Strauss turned to...

Interconnection of Globalization and Culture

Analysis of social processes is governed by the idea of globalization in modern science. Globalization today is the determining factor in political, economic, and cultural development. It encloses the most important economic and social evolution processes that accelerated modernization, cultural change, and economic growth. Moreover, globalization innovates new issues and...

Nutrition in Biological Anthropology by Dufour

Summary This article examines the anthropology of nutrition – a dynamically developing branch of research of modern ethnologists, social and medical anthropologists. On the one hand, it is based on dietary research, and on the other – on the consideration of cultural phenomena influenced by natural factors. This article establishes...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Nile River’s Geologic Value and Natural Issues

The Nile River is one of the longest rivers in the world, flowing through Northeast Africa. As a result of the floods, the river provided food and water sources for ancient Egyptians, which led to population migration along the river and the development of civilizations. Many sources state different versions...

The Best Tax System in Personal Opinion

Introduction Taxation primarily imposes mandatory levies on entities and individuals through countries’ governments globally. While there are many varying tax systems, the majority of the United States citizens recognize the essential part played by taxes paid to local, state, and federal governments in the provision of public utilities. For a...

Terracotta Relief Depicting Achilles: Analysis and Interpretation

This fragment of a terracotta relief created ca. 600 BC and currently displayed in the Greek and Roman section of the Metropolitan Museum of Art depicts an armed warrior geared for combat. According to the plaque, the relief depicts Achilles, most likely identified by his name written in the relief’s...

Intriguing Elements of the Michael Clayton Movie

Economic life is supposed to be challenging in terms of survival within the business world. As for competition that contradicts ethical norms, it is doomed to produce madmen gripped by pangs of conscience. This is also true of real life, therefore the story of moral insanity, which is based on...

Speech and Open Letters: Genre Analysis

GENRES Explain how the style of the writing influences the ideas Pick ONE passage from each GENRE; copy the passage below and explain why it is effective. Use MLA citation style to document the passages. Compose 2-3 sentences about your issue/topic in the style of each genre. Compose a paragraph...

Bangladesh: Stimulating Economic Growth

Introduction Bangladesh is located in southeast Asia and covers an area of about 148 km². The country’s rich history implies a diversity of traditions and cultures, which is exceptional for such a small state, making it appealing for the project. The government’s official website is the most reliable source of...

Bipolar Disorder in the Criminal Justice System

Bipolar disorder is a type of mental illness marked by mood fluctuations that are out of the ordinary, as well as changes in energy and capacity to operate. Unlike typical mood swings, which everyone experiences, the symptoms of bipolar illness may be quite significant. In some situations, the first signs...

Parenting: The Family Resource Guide

Introduction Who are the parents to their child? Teachers, mentors, friends. A child is a big responsibility, so parents are responsible for putting resources into them and helping them develop. Parents need to handle difficult situations so that their children can grow up psychologically healthy. This quick guide will help...

Eat Healthy – MyPlate Kitchen

MyPlate Kitchen: Description of the Content Area In this section of the site, at the very top of the page, the user is greeted by a greeting inscription, under which the “view recipes” button is located. Below is the search bar with which a user can find a specific recipe....

Developing Organizational Guidelines for Ethics and IT

Summary Ajax Digital Information (ADI) is a novel business entity in the consulting field, and it faces various market and organizational challenges daily. Recently, its IT management tracked down employees’ abuse of computing privileges. An internal investigation revealed that a significant portion of these unethical and potentially malicious activities are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Speech of Emma Watson: Gender Equality

Introduction The analysis is based on the two speeches regarding the women’s rights protection topic. Emma Watson makes the first speech called United Nations Address on Gender Equality, focusing on gender equality (Watson). Malala Yousafzai proposes the second one called Speech at the United Nations, emphasizing the role of women’s...

Mathematics in Ancient Greek Architecture

The emergence of the mathematical sciences was a breakthrough discovery for all of human civilization. Laws, orders, equations, and identities gradually took on a material meaning as man learned to transfer numbers and letters from papyrus to life. Ancient Greek architecture was not the least area that underwent significant metamorphosis...

“Erlkonig”, “Jeanie With the Light Brown Hair”, and “éTude Op. 10, No. 12 Revolutionary”

“Erlkonig” Personal Impression “Erlkonig” is a composition, the musical structure of which is subordinated to the development of the plot. The rhythm of the accompaniment, its continuous heavy beat – octave and chord rehearsals with triplets, creates the ballad, holds and unites all parts of the whole. The music begins...

Detroit on $1 Million a Day and The Post-Post-Apocalyptic Detroit

The two articles assigned for this week’s reading show a huge difference in terms of their context, content, authors’ arguments, and audience. Due to this diversity, the articles are perfect for the learners’ analysis and critique. This paper reflects on these two articles’ main ideas and authors’ arguments and their...

Utilitarianism and PR During the Pandemic

The most relevant area for consideration of ethical issues at the moment is public relations and information policy. Often within the framework of this discipline, the PR manager is faced with difficult dilemmas requiring the use of an ethical framework. The situation of a pandemic in which it seems difficult...

Restaurant Staff Training Plan for 2020-2021

Introduction This proposal covers a training plan for all employees of the restaurant. The purpose is to educate and train the personnel following the demands in the hospitality industry of 2020 and the following year. The expected result is the fully trained and properly prepared staff within a reasonable time...

Christian’s Role in Ethical Research

Introduction Research ethics play an important role in any scientific enquiry as they guide researchers to conduct and report the findings of their investigations responsibly and credibly. The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) states that “good research should be well adjusted, well-planned, appropriately designed, and ethically approved.”1 According to the...

Gerontology: Theoretical Development

Commentary and Analysis The section Standing on the Shoulders of Giants in Gerontology includes a short preface by Richard A. Settersten, Jr. and four chapters explaining the theoretical development of gerontology by Hayflick, Schaie, Bengtson, Estes, and DiCarlo. The four articles are described as “personal perspectives” from the outset and...

The Documentary “The Mask You Live In” by Jennifer Siebel

Introduction In her second work, director Jennifer Siebel explores the problem which can be called “education of masculinity in men.” The analysis of the issue begins with a rather easy step: the recognition that there is no need to hide feelings, but boys all over the world have been taught...

Aspects of Online Dating

Online dating or Internet dating is a scheme that facilitates individuals to find and introduce themselves to prospective connections over the internet, intending to establish sexual, personal, or romantic relationships. An internet dating service is a firm that offers particular mechanisms such as software applications and websites for online dating...

Endocrine Functions of the Kidney

Introduction Kidneys have many tasks in the body and endocrine functions are some of the most important functions that they perform. The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone mechanism helps the body to fight against chronic ailments as will be discussed in this essay. This paper seeks to discuss the endocrine functions of the kidneys...

Pharmacovigilance in Hospice, Palliative Care

This paper critically analyzed a research study that was conducted to identify the various side effects of haloperidol on delirium patients receiving hospice care. The researchers largely followed the scientific method in conducting and presenting their study. Success was registered by the researchers because they were able to identify the...

America’s Vietnam War and Its French Connection

The Vietnam war is probably one of the most infamous military conflicts that the United States took part in in the second half of the 20th century. The war began as a civil war in South Vietnam. However, soon after the beginning of the war, it spread to North Vietnam,...

Importance of Rhetorical Features in Literature

A brilliant leader can convince people by using conclusive and meaningful language. A conversion is a way of delivering a verbal message to an audience. The proponent aims to change the audience’s affection and reason by adopting certified words or behavior which can influence them. The leader’s success depends on...

American Nursing Code of Ethics

Introduction Healthcare becomes more and more complex every day. Changes occur so rapidly that it is near to impossible to be on top of all of the changes all of the time. There have been issues with nursing ethics from the very beginning but there have been increases in those...

Native Americans: Annotated Bibliography

The Routledge Companion to Native American Literature Summary In this review, the author encourages the reader to appreciate complex relations modes of Native American representation and being. The author describes three sections of the book that cover multiple aspects of Native American Literature. The author briefly mentions important works in...

Macropoland, a Natural Gas Country

Macropoland is a natural gas country, and it imports oil. It is experiencing an economic recession that has negatively affected the financial operations of the country. This paper will focus on addressing the issue the country is currently experiencing by recommending the fiscal and monetary policies needed. The report will...

The Importance of Diabetes Prevention Education

The selected social media application for this task is Facebook since it is one of the most common social media platforms. Moreover, Facebook can be used to spread information across different people in various regions within a short period. Diabetes has become a significant threat to modern society. Consequently, the...

Reconstruction Under Lincoln, Radical Republicans, and Johnson

Reconstruction under Lincoln The goal of president Abraham Lincoln was the unification of the divided country. Having survived the assassination attempt, Lincoln proceeded with his plan to reintegrate the Confederate states into the nation. This led to them receiving proper representation in Congress. Having former confederates among the supporters would...

Modern Computers: Changes Within Our Current Technological World

Modern Computers and Their Functions in Human Lives The use of computers changes human life considerably in different ways. People discover more ways on how to improve their work, communication, and calculations. Within a short period of time, a computer becomes an integral part of this life, and there is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Three Principal Aspects of the Path

The Condition of Living Beings The best way to help living beings is to show them the path leading to liberation. Thus, the best way is the unity of method and wisdom, which is the quintessence of the teachings of all the Buddhas, that is, these three essential aspects —...

The Animal Rights Movement for Justice

Brief History of the Animal Rights Movement This paper aims to highlight a critical social justice movement that touches beings that are barely protected by society – animals. The idea that animals possess personal qualities akin to humans stems from the Darwinists who protested against speciesism (Linzey & Linzey, 2018)....

Investing in Doctors Without Borders

Merits Doctors Without Borders is an international non-governmental humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance to populations affected by famine, epidemics, forced migration, natural disasters and armed conflicts. The last decade of the XX century was the time of the real heyday of the organization and its wide international recognition....

Readings That Are Necessary to Obtain Academic Success

It is a simple fact that any student who wants to succeed in their studies must dedicate themselves to reading. Oftentimes, these readings are dry and tedious, and many struggle in an attempt to finish them. However, some texts found in a curriculum or related to it somehow can become...

Mathematical Problems: Methodologies and Approaches

Background We invited five different students to take up the assignments, and out of the five students, we met three physically while two virtually. The participant’s identities remained unanimous and were labeled as participants 1-5. The students were ages 14 years and above and were neither currently enrolled nor had...

What Will Happen When AI Picks Up Social Biases About Gender?

Social biases on gender will not have room when Artificial Intelligence takes over and the systems are put into everyday life. Artificial Intelligence has changed how society does things, how people relate to each other, and how people rediscover themselves. Gender stereotypes have been an issue in society, which has...

Importance of Merit Pay in Business

Introduction Merit pay is a sort of remuneration used by businesses to reward high-performing staff with continuing bonuses. This performance-based compensation system rewards for employees who execute their tasks efficiently based on easily measurable criteria. Even though the method is most commonly employed in government civil service, it has primarily...

The 2020 Quake on the Banda Sea and Its Impact on Society

Earthquakes are one of the most devastating natural disasters when tectonic plates break. The main problem is that such ruptures happen all the time in seismically active zones causing repeated earthquakes of various intensities. In areas such as the Banda Sea, surface and deep faults are constantly occurring due to...

English as a Lingua Franca and the Idea of a Foreign Language

The paper focuses on the topic of English as a lingua franca (ELF) and the idea of its replacement of English as a Foreign Language (EFF) in the curriculum. It was written in 2016 by TĂĽnde Nagy from the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, Department of Humanities. The author is...

Truth Happens to an Idea: Pragmatism

William James appears to be a prominent figure in the field of philosophy. He lived in the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century in the United States, and his professional activity regarded philosophy, history, and psychology. William James has become famous for...

Clean Air to Breathe for Generations to Come

Air pollution kills millions of people and harms the environment in numerous ways. Perhaps recently, considering the pandemic issue, the problem of air pollution has remained in the background, but this does not mean that it is less relevant. Small, invisible particles in the air penetrate deep into people’s lungs...

Divorce in Islam in Contrast with Christianity

Quran serves as the basis for Islamic doctrine and is considered the word of God, whereas Muhammad is merely a conduit through whom God speaks with humans. A significant part of the Quran could be described as the “family law,” and it contains a view on such types of family...

Ethics: Women’s Right to Abortion

Abortion is the termination or evacuation of an embryo or fetus from a pregnant woman. In the past, abortion limits and bans have been in place for three primary reasons. To begin with, the procedure was risky, and abortion doctors were murdering a large number of women (Berer, 2017). As...

The Marketing Plan of Master Designs

Introduction My company is Master Designs, and my product is spray painting. I offer various spray painting services, including home decorations, house painting, office painting, and other related services. Mission Statement “To quality and affordable services according to the customers’ preferences.” SWOT analysis Strengths Uniqueness: I offer unique services based...

Healthcare Information Systems

Dynamic changes in the world have a massive impact on the healthcare sector. These changes bring the issues of digitalization, enrollment of patient information, the transfer of this information, and its clever use. Paper documentation in modern healthcare is a burden that complicates employees’ work and slows down the processes...

Freedom of Speech: The Basic Human Right

Freedom of speech allows everyone to seek, receive and impart information. People and communities should articulate their opinions, thoughts, and ideas without fear of any form of intimidation. Figure 1 above is an image to illustrate the restriction of freedom of speech. I chose to use this exact image to...

The US Dollar Value and Demand Relationship

Since 1944, the US dollar has been considered the most powerful and trusted currency all over the world. Such authority eventually allowed it to become a central agent of world trade between the states and an official currency to secure the world financial reserve (Siddiqui, 2020). However, over these years,...

Australia Domestic Airline’s Market Structure

The airline market in Australia has a monopolistic market structure. Monopolistic market structures are made up of a few enterprises that operate in a comparable market and provide similar but differentiated items to a large number of clients (Bertoletti & Etro, 2017). They set their prices depending on their market...

Rites of Passage: From Childhood to Adulthood

The Rites of Passage have long been a subject of discussion since, in many ways, they are not in line with the modern perception of adolescence as a continuous process that lasts well into a person’s twenties. However, the Rights of Passage, established long before the modern system of education...

Netflix: The Internal Drivers of Change

In a corporate climate where organizations are constantly competing with rivals that make and sell identical items, change is not only an unavoidable task but also a crucial component of driving innovation and gaining a competitive edge. Today, Netflix is a breakthrough and a champion because it provides value to...

Challenges for Multinationals and Expatriates in Canada

Canada is a multi-ethnic and cultural country with many possibilities for everyone willing to work hard enough for the prospect. This country has become home to millions of immigrants who came here for a better life (Patel et al., 2019). The proximity between cultures of different countries has a beneficial...

Church’s Responses to Development of Capitalism

The Industrial Revolution is one of the most significant periods in human history that drastically impacted society and future development. There was a massive shift from the agrarian approach to the technological method of production, which transformed the common perception of work and people’s lifestyles in general. Factories moved from...

Feline Mental Health and Separation-Related Problems

Introduction Physical health in cats has been a very commonly reviewed topic. But it also sparks discussions regarding feline mental health. Since mental health research in pets normally focuses on dogs, it is important to review the existing studies related to cats as well. Moreover, the almost insignificant amount of...

Nazi Germany: Race and Space Policy

During the Second World War, millions of people of different nationalities, including Poles, died at the hands of the Nazis and their accomplices. All races in the Nazis’ view were arranged depending on the proximity of blood to the Aryans, to which, in addition to the Germans, some Western European...

Chasing Rivers: Grand Canyon’s River

The planet’s environment becomes more and more polluted every day. Deforestation, droughts, polluted air, countless emissions from cars and factories, and decreasing clean water are part of people’s lives nowadays. Rivers’ waters are severely affected by people’s irresponsible attitude towards them, wasting clean water, and pollution on a daily basis....

Improvement of National Department of Health

Decision-making in the healthcare environment is often complicated, with it being tied with the results of such decisions — whether the patient will live or not, become disabled or not, and similar tough questions. In institutions such as the National Department of Health, each decision could lead to horrible long-term...

Caring for Patients With Diabetes

Most people with diabetes cannot take care of themselves, so they need outside help. In the presence of a complicated form of the disease, professional care is required. The main tasks of care are the systematization of medication intake, preparing a competent diet, providing moderate physical activity, and monitoring the...

Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy

Brief Summary of Two Organizations The two organizations were selected in Oklahoma; they create local, sustainable solutions, namely Oklahoma Sustainability Network (OSN) and the Nature Conservancy (TNC). The Oklahoma Sustainability Network connects and educates Oklahoma’s citizens about the various facets of sustainability. This organization serves as a catalyst and platform...

The Musical Composition “Lux Aurumque” by Eric Whitacre

The compositions of Eric Whitacre can be categorized as neoclassical choral electronic music, and this statement requires a detailed analysis. Neoclassicism implies the renewal of conservative musical material in order to extract and enhance the value of the aesthetic elements in it. Neoclassical music does not duplicate traditional classical music,...

North Atlantic Treaty Organization & Western Pact History

Intergovernmental Organizations Post-World War II The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is an intergovernmental military alliance that currently houses 30 member states which include 28 European nations and 2 North American countries. The alliance was formed as a response to the destruction of the Second World War, which had...

The City’s Physical Face and Its Citizens’ Behavior

The modern city is a complex system that is characterized by numerous and dynamic interactions between various groups of people. According to Durkheim, through the mechanism of social solidarity, individuals create meanings, norms of communication and behavior, and symbols (Kumar et al. 45). In this regard, it can be argued...

Reaction to Addams’ Twenty Years at Hull-House

The study of literary works is of particular importance for understanding the past years’ events. However, autobiographical works are even more valuable, as they directly reliably talk about the trends and worldviews that ruled during their writing. One of these works is a book by Jane Addams called “Twenty Years...

The Career of a Registered Nurse

When choosing a career, it is always important to consider all of its aspects and details in order to be knowledgeable about one’s occupational opportunities. Registered nurses are among the main healthcare workers who provide vital services to patients in various environments. The carer of a registered nurse implies having...

Aspects of FOXO3: A Longevity Gene

The discussion presented by Jolois related to FOXO3, a longevity gene discovered in the brains of people living longer than 100 years. This development of gene science is thrilling and inspiring for the medical and layperson community for many reasons. First, humankind has been dreaming of eternal life for many...

Nutrition: Impact on Human Health and Self-Esteem

Nutrition is an important part of the functioning and development of the human body. In order to maintain good self-esteem and health, it is necessary to keep track of what kind of food an individual consumes. In addition, one must distinguish between the chemical elements that come with meals. The...

Scriptural Authority and Theological Interpretation

Scriptural authority and theological interpretation are two distinct and different topics. According to Entwistle (2021), scripture is incredibly authoritative, and those who do this place their views on the same level of authority as scripture itself. Theological interpretation takes precedence over psychological interpretation, which a person may have, and a...

Companies That Use Information Systems

Concerning particular businesses that utilize information systems, firstly, it is feasible to emphasize the experience of IBM. IBM, or International Business Machines Company, is considered to be a global technology corporation based in Armonk, New York. For operational, transactional, and database activities, this organization has been employing a management information...

The United States as the World Superpower

Background The historical process in different eras has defined states as superpowers, which had more opportunities and geopolitical influence. Such states emerged, actively developed, and used the resources available to them, after which they were often replaced by others. Since the last century, the world superpower should be considered the...

Effect of Big Data and Data Mining on Global Business

Data play an essential role in the present stage of the development of society and human activities. Therefore, the more global a business is, the more seriously it should treat extensive data management. In particular, this aspect affects the process of making informed and thoughtful decisions. Consequently, this scientific paper...

Confucianism as the Main Religion of Indonesia

Confucianism is one of the world’s major philosophic and spiritual teachings, primarily practiced in Asian countries and China in particular. It is based on the various ideas of Confucius, comprising the moral and spiritual backbone of a number of nations. For its country of origin, China, Confucianism remains a source...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The MAC University Library’s Strategic Planning

As the completed SWOT and Porter analyses demonstrated, the MAC University Library has significant internal weaknesses and external threats that might hinder its competitive advantage in the market and reduce its value compared to rivals. To address these drawbacks and risks, the library should use its strengths and opportunities and...

What Is an Organization’s Culture?

In his lecture What is an Organization’s Culture, professor Christensen presented the views of a number of prominent researchers in organizational culture (Edgar Schein, Modesto Maidique) on the definition, genesis, and development of this concept. Based on Edgar Schein’s works, the lecturer defined organizational culture as a social unit “whose...

Construction: Characteristics and Reliability of Piles and Props

The secant pile of the wall consists of two parts: primary and secondary piles. Primary piles should be drilled first and built using ‘soft’ cement-bentonite mix or ‘firm’ weak concrete. Such materials help create a temporary water seal system and give some time for constructing a future system for waterproofing...

Reducing Surgical Site Infections

The purpose of the research study was to analyze how professional health institutions have suggested reducing surgical site infections. The interventions told included both actions to be taken before the operation was conducted and after it had been conducted. The suggestions included pharmacological and non-pharmacological ways to help care workers...

Christian Reform Movements of the 19th Century

Introduction The Christian reforms and corresponding movements of the nineteenth century were significantly informed by societal changes; however, the latter is more complex that it seems. This stance is supported by the evolving religious perspectives, which somehow complement these movements, deriving from the most critical issues of the population. Hence,...

Modern Missionary Work and Religion Decline

About 100 years ago, and even at the beginning of the 21st century, religion spread much faster than in recent years. The period from 1981 to 2007 was analyzed for the spread of religious trends and missionary activity in 49 countries (Inglehart, 2020). As a result, it was found that...

The Scatter Graphic Representation

A correlation infographic, scatter diagram or scatter graph are all terms used to describe a scatterplot. It is indeed one of the most effective strategies for determining how two variables are related. In a perfect world, one variable would be presented on the horizontal plane and the other on the...

Theories in Gerontology Research and Work

Introduction A supportive advance toward getting what social changes would lessen the weight that aging accomplices put on society is the improvement of gerontology. Essentially, a theory is an endeavor to clarify why peculiarities happen. Aging theories empower what is known and clarify the how and the why behind the...

The US Rail Freight Industry’s Productivity Improvements

The stresses and damages of World War II, the Korean War, and the recessions of the 1950s had severe impacts on various industries. In order to survive and recover after those terrifying years, the industries needed to implement a number of changes and try to restructure their systems in order...

Reflections of “Many Years Ago” Article by J. Tarr

Tarr, in his essay, “Many years ago,” reflects on environmental problems, such as urban noise and air pollution. In this essay, Thor compares the current and past causes of environmental issues – the car and the horse. Back in the distant 1700s, Americans were puzzled by searching for an alternative...

Popular Research Paper Topics

COVID-19 Consequences to Indigenous Canadians

One event has inevitably changed the world once and forever: COVID-19 affected every person materially, mentally, or physically. Unfortunately, the Indigenous people of Canada were not an exception. Due to the lockdown, these people suffered from different mental health problems and disorders. Some women were exposed to violence, and the...

Prevention and Control of Computer Abuse

IT departments are strongly encouraged to extend enterprise-level protection to employees’ devices, but this is only possible if employees themselves seek to place their devices under the care of specialists from the IT department. This is important because it is necessary to consider the influence of the American Civil Liberties...

Coffee Shop: The Exterior, Interior Design, and Customer Service

In my opinion, coffee is significantly more than just a drink. I consider coffee a cultural attribute, a part of lifestyle, and a source of inspiration. The atmosphere of a coffee shop makes people more creative through a combination of an informal environment and visual variety.1 The magic of coffee...

Patient Identity Management Policy in Healthcare

Rationale for the Policy The prime reason to implement PIM strategies considers the linkage and quantity of electronic healthcare data. Currently, approximately three out of four office-based physicians in the United States use some form of electronic health records (EHR), and this number is growing rapidly due to relevant incentive...

Could the American Civil War Be Avoided?

The American Civil War is well known, primarily because it started because of the institution of slavery. All people in the North and South were influenced by the brutal and costly war that lasted four chaotic years (“The North and the South”). The bloody conflict of the industrial North against...

The Film “The Post” by Steven Spielberg

Press freedom is an important phenomenon in ensuring non-biased reporting and news. This paper analyzes The Post, a film where Washington Post was in dilemma of publishing leaked documents on the United States’ failures in Vietnam. Although the government knew that the war in Vietnam was taking a wrong path,...

The Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies on Animal Welfare

The article written by Shields and Orme-Evans focuses on the relevant problem of climate change from the aspect of greenhouse emissions from farm animals and their contribution to global warming. In order to resolve the ecological disaster, the experts proposed several mitigation strategies targeted at changes in agricultural practices. The...

The 2002 Ăśberlingen Mid-Air Collision

What Happened On July 1, 2002, a Bashkirian Airlines Tupolev TU-154 and a DHL Boeing 757 cargo jet collided over Ăśberlingen, Baden-WĂĽrttemberg, Germany. All 71 people on board of the two aircrafts were killed. Peter Neilsen was the key contributor to the crash due to the fact that he was...

Donald John Trump’s Biography and Career

Donald John Trump is a globally renowned individual whose major spotlight was when he served as the 45th President of The United States of America from 2017 to 2021. Besides, he is a celebrated entrepreneur interested in the hotel industry, real estate, and media (Wheeler 10). Trump was born to...

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Enabling Successful AI Implementation in the Department of Defense

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Psychology and Christian Theology Integration

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Leadership Behaviors, Honesty and Ambition

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The US and Canada’s Approaches to the Energy Issue

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Houston City’s Bid for Hosting Olympics

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Americans’ Obsession with Technology: The Key Reasons

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Halal Tourism Market in Japan After COVID-19

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Haitian Immigration in the United States

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Costs of Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Introduction The solutions to the greenhouse gas emission problem incur two types of costs: static and dynamic. Calculation of the static costs stems from the actions which can be undertaken with currently available technologies, while the dynamic costs outlive the life of the specific project (Gillingham & Stock, 2018). Gillingham...

Organic vs. Inorganic Chemicals Difference

Introduction The experiment conducted for my lab report consists of two tests: iodine and emulsifiers. The objective of the experiment was to identify the difference between organic and inorganic chemicals. Both positive and negative reactions to the iodine test are included in the analysis as well. Furthermore, the experiment will...

Tokyo’s Technological Wonder and Innovation

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Cigarette Manufacturers’ Liability

Manufacturing and selling a product that causes serious health consequences may bring various ethical questions. In Cipollone v. Liggett Group, Inc. 505 U.S. 504 (1992), the court addressed the plaintiff’s complaint, which alleged that cigarette manufacturers (the defendant) were responsible for the death of his mother, a smoker of 42...

Equipment for Childrens’ Ward in a Nursing Facility

dos Santos Nunes, E.P., da Conceição Júnior, V.A., Giraldelli Santos, L.V., Pereira, M.F.L., de Faria Borges, L.C.L. (2017). Inclusive Toys for Rehabilitation of Children with Disability: A Systematic Review. Universal Access in Human–Computer Interaction. Design and Development Approaches and Methods. UAHCI 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10277, 503-514. ...

Coal as an Energy Source and Its Impacts on Human Health

Introduction Coal power generation is one of the most used energy production types in the world. The process of energy generation using coal includes burning or combustion of solid coal in order to obtain power. The chemical composition of this natural resource includes “carbon and hydrocarbons, which have a high...

Do Negative Life Experiences Help the Creative Process?

Different perspectives can be taken on the subject of whether negative life experiences help the creative process. The effect of negative experiences on cognitive and emotional creativity is yet unknown for certain. Some believe that self-focused attention is linked to both low mood and creativity. On the other side, it...

Evaluation and Management of Medical Decisions

When making medical decisions, three significant key components of evaluation and management services are considered: history, examination, and medical decision-making. History, the selected critical components highlighted, is critical in medical decision-making since treatment heavily relies on the patient’s records (Buhmann et al., 2018). Specific to chronic health problems, the information...