Bamboo Toothbrush: The Environmental Benefits

Introduction Bamboo toothbrushes are manual toothbrushes that are similar to what you could find in any shelf has a long handle and bristles used to remove debris from the teeth. The notable difference between the bamboo toothbrush and the plastic toothbrush is the long handle made from sustainable bamboo....

Discussion of Quality Assurance Standards

Client Interactions Any Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is likely to focus on total customer satisfaction. Some of the standards of this QAP related to client interaction are determined by its sponsors; the rest are self-set. It is planned to conduct anonymous and non-anonymous surveys among the patients or their relatives...

Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools

The article “Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools,” written by Karin A. Martin, narrates about the dependency of one’s gendered perceptions on social constructions instilled in schools. The scholar’s observations serve for determining the link between these two phenomena while discussing them in detail by the sphere of influence...

Interactions with People: Categorizing Schemas

In consideration of different schemas to categorize people, bias takes an essential place. I prefer distinguishing people by relation or importance circles. In the closest circle reside family members and close relatives, next circle is filled with friends and acquaintances, others are excluded from the two circles. It is also...

Course Social Sciences of Sport

Soccer is a popular sport known to promote the sustainable existence of community members. Plays have a special place in human culture, as they teach society to improve their lives every day. The lessons, which can be learned by engaging in sporting practices are honesty and morals. The physical activities...

Religion: “Canoeing the Mountains” by T. Bolsinger

Once an individual is lost from the dance floor, a balcony offers more space and fresh air when compared to the closed dance room. The balcony provides an ample space that allows a person to look at the people in the room in a bigger picture. The balcony epitomizes the...

War Through a Man’s Shattered Mind

Introduction The Sorrow of War is a novel about the war in Vietnam and its effect on both soldiers and civilians. The book is centered around Kien, a Vietnamese war veteran who struggles to tie his life back together after horrific events that happened to him and the people around...

The Break Novel by Katherena Vermette

Many bad things happen around; some are noticed and fairly discussed, while others remain neglected. In 2016, Katherena Vermette wrote The Break to show how dangerous and traumatic the human experience could be in a seemingly ideal community. One of its most outstanding issues is that there are no properly...

“Every Leaf Traps CO2” Advertisement

Leagas Delaney Advertising Agency created the ad depicturing this leaf in January 2012. Several similar leaves are explicitly made for the ecologic campaign “Plant for the Planet.” This particular ad shows a torn leaf with many factories inside of it. It is devoted to air pollution due to emissions from...

Heritage Theme in “Everyday Using” and “The Parable of the Lost Son”

In both works, the theme of inheritance seems to be very internal; it is not on the surface. In Everyday Using, on the surface lies the mother’s relationship with her daughters, her thoughts, dreams, and memories; her fault and understanding of the mistakes of upbringing. The Parable of the Lost...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Spread of Pentecostalism as a Global Movement

Pentecostalism today is the largest Protestant branch, and it has clearly influenced the other divisions of Christianity. Interestingly, the global path of Pentecostalism is relatively short compared to other Christian movements, only taking up less than two centuries. Historical development makes it especially remarkable to notice the impact this movement...

Racial Identity and Racial Identification by Anthony Appiah

Appiah helps the readers see the more fundamental problems that stem from racism in the chapter ‘Racial Identity and Racial Identification’. These are the problems of the effect on people as they see themselves and consequently the paths of action that are open to them in life. Racism becomes the...

Epistemology and Methods of Knowing

Epistemology and the Three Models Notably, epistemology is the branch of philosophy concerned with the knowledge’s nature, implications, and limits. Hence, epistemology is focused on whether the knowledge claims can withstand investigation in such a way that individuals can distinguish between simple ideas and factual knowledge (Tavernaro-Haidarian, 2018; Entwistle, 2015)....

“Paperland: The Bureaucrat Observed” Documentary

Sociology, as a broad and multifaceted science, views the realities in society in their complexity. Various phenomena occurring in social structures might be analyzed using sociological theories and concepts that provide rationalization and explanation of human actions within social systems. The social phenomenon of bureaucracy has been meticulously portrayed in...

The Image of Zeus: Virtuous and Despicable Human Traits

Mythology has influenced the world up to the present time and remains meaningful for modern society as it is one of the most significant elements of culture. Contemporary arts, literature, and science continue using ancient myths, and people can find references to them in almost all the spheres of life....

Urbanization and Rapid Growth of Cities

Pre-urban settlements have existed for a long time now – at least approximately ten thousand years. However, serious studies of urban life began only in the middle of the 19th century. According to Borer et al., this is due to it being the age when urban places as we know...

Telepsychiatry as Innovative Healthcare Practice

Digital psychiatry is a healthcare field that has come a long way in the last few years. At this time, we witnessed a rapid growth of research and commercial interest, accompanied by high hopes. About ten years have passed, but the impact on the everyday clinical practice of digital methods...

On Attending a Conference About COVID-19

Overview The scholarly activity that I participated in presented a conference about COVID-19. Namely, it was the Precision Medicine World Conference in June 2020 that covered various topics concerning the pandemic situation. The event was performed in virtual form so that multiple people could participate while being in safely. Professionals...

The Black Eyed Peas’ “Where Is the Love?”: Civic Engagement

The given analysis will primarily focus on the harmful aspects of Haidt’s three “great untruths,” which are setting up the current generation for failure, and how the author’s key message in regards to the importance of civil engagement is reflected in a song by The Black Eyed Peas’ “Where Is...

The Lied and the Melodie: Similarities and Differences

Introduction The lied and the melodie are varieties of songs that have their similarities and differences. They both originated in the 19th century, during the era of Romanticism; the first one was from German composers, while the second was from the French. Primarily, these were poems sung with an accompaniment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Investigation of Daimler AG v. Bauman Case

Workers and relatives of employees of the Gonzalez-Catan plant of Mercedes Benz Argentina sued the company for violating the 1991 Law on the Protection of Victims of Torture. They alleged that during the 1976-1983 “Dirty War” in Argentina, the company wanted to punish workers suspected of being union agitators and...

The Benefits of Physical Fitness and Nutrition

There is considerable evidence of people striving for a healthier lifestyle by switching to more balanced diets and approaching daily exercise. Positive effects of these activities are sometimes doubted and considered to be perceived. However, researchers display statistical evidence of fitness and nutrition impacting people’s overall health status. This paper...

Dividend Policy at Linear Technology

The M&M theory is used to guide the management of corporates of all sizes: large, medium, and small-scale. The theory proposes that company value should not be affected by its capital structure. It implies that the company’s revenues, profits, and other financial metrics should not be influenced by its value...

Patterns of “Writing That Works” by Oliu et al.

A pattern of organization is crucial to guide readers and help them understand writing. I am most familiar with the general to the specific pattern because I used to have a travel agency in Cuba. The general to specific leads writing from a piece of general information to a more...

Second Battle of El Alamein

The second Battle of El Alamein is one of those battles that is still being discussed; especially many hypotheses are being built about whether General Rommel would have won over the British. The second Battle of El Alamein was a complex battle, in which, however, it was the outcome of...

Parental Caregiving Assumptions and Best Practices

There are several biases about parental caregiving the society might have. Many people believe that when they become adults, and their parents reach a certain age, it inevitably leads to shifting the roles of their parents. Society has a deep-rooted bias connected with the fear of death, and aging is...

Metaphysics, Existence and Its Beginnings

Metaphysics is a process of searching for the original nature of reality, the world, and existence. Aristotle was the first to use metaphysics to answer the cause of beginnings and the becoming of the world. In the Middle Ages, the content of metaphysics was replaced by finite: Thomas Aquinas thinks...

How TD Canada Safeguards Its Data

As the use of advanced technology intensifies in the banking sectors and other businesses, more challenges are experienced in the form of data safety and protection. TD Canada utilizes a combination of different methods to protect customers’ data from a privacy, security and ethical perspective and ensure safe banking. From...

Self-Care Importance Overview

Social work requires high commitment and adherence to professional values. The core values of social work include service, dignity, justice, competence, integrity, and the importance of communication (National Association of Social Workers, 2017). Ethical principles behind these values state the importance of the professionalism of social workers, helping people, and...

The Qualities of a Real Leader

Introduction Leadership is a cornerstone of the army, fleet, and warfare in general. Although war is not a need, it has existed since the earliest days of humanity. Good military leaders, including officers, are one of the key factors in winning the war. A competent and well-qualified officer with a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Enhancing Efficiency of Marketing Operations Using Advanced Analytics

In today’s highly technological world, it is vital to utilize the available analytical tools in marketing operations. Using Data Science, Computational Analysis, and Statistics, I would be able to achieve several optimizations resulting in higher sales, a more efficient business, and higher satisfaction from the customers. As a digital marketing...

“Supplements and Safety” Documentary by Frontline

The Principal Points The documentary on Supplements and Safety by Frontline, New York Times, and the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation presents an insightful description of the hidden dangers of supplements and vitamins. These organizations analyzed the marketing and control of supplements, as well as their serious health problems. According to the...

Meeting Physical and Dietary Needs

Diabetes mellitus is a series of disorders that alter how the body utilizes glucose. Diabetes can induce artery thickening, leading to heart attacks, cardiovascular disease, and stroke risk. Consequently, a person with diabetes may have to avoid certain foods. Nevertheless, while diabetes requires adhering to specific rules, with the proper...

Marketing Communication Strategy for a Guest House

Introduction Hosting a guest house in a small town requires a well-designed marketing strategy to attract guests and establish profitability. Marketing for the low-involvement buying process requires developing a marketing strategy that includes objectives. Objectives and strategy implementation steps should be accurate and easy to measure for performance. Low-involvement Buying...

Fraud Schemes in the Healthcare Industry

In the current research paper, I will discuss two legal cases in the healthcare industry. The first case concerns Medicare and Medicaid fraud, which has caused approximately $3.5 million in losses. Consequently, the second case regards the false claims, fraudulent schemes, and consequent permission for Motion for Leave to file...

Mishnah and Gemara Interpretation: The True Meaning of the Hand

Interpreting religious texts always represents a substantial degree of complexity due to the multiple approaches to understanding the meaning of a specific message or a certain term. The Talmud is no exception to the observed rule, with its Mishnah and Gemara, or the written text and the perception of its...

The Roman System of Government

The earliest systematic description of the Roman state structure belongs to the Greek historian Polybius. He faced the beginning of Roman rule when the West and the Hellenistic East were combined into a single whole. The great historian wrote forty novels about ancient Rome. In Book VI the Roman system...

Cultural Values of Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People

Introduction Art is a highly subjective matter that influences people in many ways. Culture, and subsequently, works of art, have the ability to carry the influences and impacts of their epochs (Leach, 2014). Eugene Delacroix’s Liberty Leading the People is a product of the July revolution in France, and it...

Memory by René Magritte Review

The artwork that was chosen to be explored is Memory (1942) by René Magritte. Originally titled La Mémoire, it was created in 1942 with oil on canvas and its size is 30 x 22 in. or 75,4 x 55,4 cm. This work is stated to having been exhibited in the...

Ethical Issues of Individual Privacy and Security

Since the beginning of the “information era,” personal privacy has been the most valuable asset that the vast majority of people cannot obtain. Moreover, the issue is only expanding despite many significant conflicts targeted to slow the growth of government intervention in private life. On the other hand, when it...

The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong

The world today changes and develops so fast that we can barely keep up. Although many people do not think about it or even notice it, they are constantly bombarded with tons of all kinds of information their brains have to process. It often takes time and self-analysis to realize...

Why the People Crave Horror Movies

Introduction According to Stephen King, everyone is insane to some degree though the level of insanity differs from one individual to another. Stephen King’s ethos in horror films is the key reason why many people like movies. “Why we crave horror movies” forms an outstanding argument written in his essay...

Advanced Aviation Technologies and Their Impact on HIP

Introduction Human information processing (HIM) is often referred to as a set of individual capabilities to sense and perceive information, process it, and react accordingly. It is especially important for ones working in aviation, e.g., pilots, controllers, and others, to operate information in an effective manner within the required timeframe,...

Grand Canyon Geology in Two Articles

The first article on the geology of the Grand Canyon, where a series of events led to the emergence of the canyon. It began with the formation of the inner gorge’s metamorphic and igneous rocks two billion years ago, which were uplifted between 70 and 30 million years ago due...

Phenomenology Approach in Studying Religion

Introduction Many disciplines have attempted to define the field of religion to give it a substantive and universal grounding. However, some of these definitions have been found to be compartmentalized and narrow. The different methods used to define religion include phenomenology, comparative religion, historical approach, sociology of religion, and philosophy...

Objective Social Structure: Race, Gender, and Class

Introduction It is important to note that the concept and perspective of objective social structure place social elements above individual subjective interpretation. The implication of such understanding can be most clearly seen in the context of major demographic factors of a population. These aspects include race, gender, and socioeconomic class,...

Religion and Faith for a Better World

Religion and faith make a very pivotal aspect within the social setting because of the significant influence it has on the wellbeing and existence of individuals within the community. Society consists of very diverse individuals who practice different forms of culture. Religion is one of the different forms of cultural...

Racism in “Being Brought From Africa to America” and “A Letter From Phyllis Wheatley”

Phyllis Wheatley, the first African American to publish a book of poetry in 1773, was the author of the poem “Being Brought from Africa to America.” Wheatley represents the start of a long tradition of African American poets. She described her African ancestors as non-Christian (“Pagan”) and believed that she...

“On the Value of Social Studies of Science” and “The Sociology of Ignorance”

Currently, the rate of scientific studies has increased as most institutional and governments are interested in new discoveries. Despite the advancement in the research field, there is an increase of resistance faced by scientists producing knowledge for public consumption. Generally, there have been movements like ‘Post-Truth’ that have been attacking...

HypothetiCo: Scale Challenge Logic Problem

In this situation, it is required to identify an item that differs from the rest of the beams for a limited number of scales using. The search for a solution in this case is carried out by comparing operations, however, not only single elements, but also groups of elements with...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Hope Leslie” by Catherine Maria Sedgewick

Catherine Maria Sedgewick’s book Hope Leslie depicts a story of historical context, romance, and social issues. A very prevalent theme throughout the narrative consists of the author’s interpretation and representation of Native Americans. Sedgwick can subvert several dishonest stereotypes that were widespread before and at the time of the book’s...

Comcast Company in Telecommunications Industry

Defining the Industry The industry of telecommunications has evolved significantly over the course of the last two centuries. From the telegraph to 3D television and virtual reality, there had been quite a few substantial steps forward that defined the industry and allowed numerous manufacturers to ride the wave of innovation...

Importance of Artwork Visual Aspects

The visual aspects of the artwork are intertwined between each other, creating a foundation of any art piece. Line, shape, tone, color, pattern, texture, and form must be evaluated when examining a drawing, painting, or sculpture to discover how they interact to produce the overall impact of the piece of...

Social Classes and Discrimination in “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction A Rose for Emily by William Faulker is among the best 20th-century stories in American literature. It is his first published work in a magazine due to its influence on society. The author presents his story in a mid-20th century community in South America. The story occurs in a...

The X and Y Sex Determining Chromosomes

The genome of human beings is organized into twenty-three chromosome pairs, of which only one pair is responsible for sex determination, with each parent contributing to one chromosome out of the two. The X and Y are the two sex chromosomes that will determine the sex of an embryo (Szalay,...

Media as a Powerful Communication Tool

Media has become one of the most powerful communication tools in the modern world. For this reason, it has been given much attention, and numerous researchers have investigated this phenomenon. Thus, one of the major insights regarding the topic is the media’s ability to promote communication by creating new communication...

The Haiti Quake and Disaster Aid

Introduction The task of mitigating the risks stemming from natural disasters through aid to the populations is complicated by numerous obstacles that are frequently neglected by international organizations. One of the examples of this phenomenon is the occasional earthquakes in Haiti, and the lasting nature of their problems is determined...

Needs and Motivations From Maslow’s and the Scripture’s Perspectives

Introduction Humans crave various things in life, so numerous attempts at studying the nature of needs have been made. Particularly, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs remains the most inclusive yet structured approach. For this reason, many researchers put the classification into practice to study motifs that determine those needs. In this...

FindDreamJob Ltd.’s Advice to College Students

FindDreamJob Ltd. offers advice to college students who are considering their career options. Therefore, as a company representative, I would like to discuss the career outlook of Information Clerks based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and provide my findings and recommendations. The employment prospects are promising because overall...

2018 Global Financial Crisis: Causes and Effects

Deregulation in the financial sector was the primary driver of the 2008 financial crisis because it gave banks the power to fund trading activities with derivatives. As a result, banks raised their mortgages to cushion the derivatives sales, which brought more profit (Bernanke 251). Similarly, the move encouraged more borrowing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Endgame Structure: The Structure of the Play

In the first act, a room with two windows is substituted, in the center of which there is a blind man in a wheelchair covered with a sheet. In the corner are also two trash bins covered with sheets. Clov, the servant of the house, enters the room; he opens...

Effect of Thanksgiving on Indigenous Communities

Introduction Frank B. James from the Wampanoag community was initially supposed to deliver his speech on the 350th anniversary of the thanksgiving ceremony. However, the event organizers denied Frank’s speech since it told the truth about what it was. The white man viewed the Wampanoag community as savages and that...

Atonement: Theories and Interpretations

Introduction About two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ died for all humanity’s sins. It is called the crucifixion of Jesus, by which he produces the atonement for the whole of humankind. Despite the fact of this event and the clarity of its consequences, there are many theories and interpretations of...

“Miss Brill” Short Story by Katherine Mansfield

Katherine Mansfield’s “Miss Brill” portrays humble attempts of a lonely English teacher to aggrandize herself and her surroundings and demonstrates the pitfalls of daydreaming. It reveals the inner workings of an ordinary person’s soul showing that everybody has their passions and dramas. The plot and narrative techniques chosen serve the...

Professional Judgement and Decision-Making in Social Work

Decision making is one of the most important aspects of social work. It can affect not only one element in the life of a person but immediately have an effect on all its further course for a group of people or an individual. The article Professional judgment and decision-making in...

Doctors Without Borders: Organization Description, Aims, and Application Process

Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres) is one of the most prominent organizations doing global work. The organization, as evident by its name, specializes in providing medical and healthcare services around the world, particularly in regions where the health system is severely lacking or underqualified, or there is a sharp...

Aspects of Event Venue Investment

The two main factors to consider in determining investment in event management services are cost/logistics and usability/operability. Cost is a major factor, depending on a range of other influences. Constructing a dedicated event management facility from the bottom up will be more costly as it includes elements of planning and...

United States as the Strongest Country

Introduction Since the Second World War, America has taken the leading position in the world, both militarily and economically. Thus, the Cold War influenced the build-up of defensive systems, as well as nuclear weapons. Moreover, the favorable investment climate and the growth of the largest companies in the world, such...

Why Celebrating Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Is Important

The world is remarkably diverse, and people’s communities are becoming increasingly multicultural, multilingual, and multiracial. By developing intercultural understanding in children and adults, people strive to create inclusive communities and instill in everyone a sense of connection and belonging. People welcome their diversity and embrace the differences, commonalities, and shared...

Cognitive Neuroscience: Language Processing and Memory

The statement that the left hemisphere controls language is wrong since the activity of the hemisphere is imbalanced. Thus, this is most evident in individuals, where the right hemisphere regulates spatial awareness and manages the opposite side of the brain. In contrast, the left hemisphere handles logical thinking and motor...

Rutger Bregman’s Statement of Poverty

Rutger Bregman’s TED talk on poverty approaches the global problem to define core reasons why poverty does not limit the intellectual potential of the poor. The speaker focuses his speech on exploring how despite the popular opinion that poor people deliberately make poor choices, their choices are influenced by poor...

The Wallace Group’s Company Information

Introduction The Wallace Group is a diversified company focused on technical products and systems. The corporation is structured with three main groups concerned with plastics, electronics, and chemicals. It is also significant to note that government procurement is the primary part of the corporation’s revenue generation. At the same time,...

Barriers to Intercultural Communications

Communication between people can be complicated by different factors, even within one culture. Farnen (2017) provides several possible barriers that can emerge during the interactions, such as language, body gestures, context level, chronemics, stereotypes, and emotions. Language is the most apparent difficulty that can hinder communication even if a person...

The Problems of Disabled People in Canada

Canada is one of the most prosperous and developed countries in the world. Still, local citizens face various issues with human rights and suffer from discrimination and underrepresentation. The present paper summarizes the article of Rodriguez (2021) dedicated to the problems of disabled Canadians. The paper analyzes which problems are...

Chapter 4 of Art of Islam by Burckhardt et al.

In the fourth chapter, the key points Burkhardt et al. are trying to make the Arab art Islam art. Arab art and Islamic art are intertwined in the language and history of Islam. Arabic calligraphy is the art of writing among Muslim artists. The Arabesque entails strict geometrical interlacing work...

Stigmatization of the Psychologically Ill Patients

Despite the improvements in the effectiveness and quality of psychological health services and treatments, revolutions in psychiatric therapy remain incapable of minimizing stigma among mentally ill patients. Due to stigma, psychologically ill patients become victims of isolation and delayed treatments, resulting in significant economic and social burdens (Ye et al....

Theories of Aging and Stem Cell Aging

Theories of Aging When theorizing the why and how of aging in relation to biology, I was most struck by Arbuthnott et al.’s (2016) discussion on evolutionary theory and aging. The authors’ main aim was to explain why mortality rate rises with aging. One thing that stood out for me...

Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour Review

The music group that performed in the video is called the Monterey Jazz Festival on Tour. It is a band that consists of “six of the fastest-rising stars in jazz” (Monterey jazz festival on tour, 2019, para. 1). In 2019, they “join forces for the first time to celebrate the...

Al-Juneidy Dairy Factory’s Operational Processes Recommendations

Basic Information About Al-Juneidy Dairy Factory Al-Juneidy is a dairy factory specializing in processing milk products such as ghee and yogurt and selling whole milk. They are a mid-sized firm and face stiff competition from other brands, but the market share and demand are enough for all competitors to stay...

Issue of the Urgent Need for Health Insurance

Today, the cost of doctors’ services, medicines, necessary procedures, and examinations often exceeds citizens’ income. The purchase of a V.M.I. (voluntary medical insurance) policy will help get out of the situation with a win-win situation, without worrying about the cost of treatment (Hamon, 2017). The registration of the policy guarantees...

COVID-19 and Drugs at Schools as Public Health Issues

COVID Vaccination Alexandria is one of those cities in Virginia where COVID transmission levels have already changed from substantial to high in a short period. Thus, the Health Department has announced the necessity to provide additional vaccine doses for people who are defined as immunocompromised (Cullum, 2021a). The author also...

Separation of Law and Morals

The question of the interdependence of law and morality has worried many generations. In this regard, a discussion arose between G. Hart and L. Fuller about the relationship between morality and law. It was prompted by the question of how the courts of post-war Germany should regard Nazi legislation. Among...

Health Disparities in the United States: Immigrant Community

Introduction The immigrants in the US are a fraction of the population, which is seriously affected by the lack of available medical help. This leads to deterioration in mental in physical health and results in deaths. The Essence of the Problem The ability to access adequate medical services in neighborhoods...

Researching of Law Against the Indigenous People

Summary Cindy Blackstock is an influential Canadian activist who advocates for child welfare and the protection of the Indigenous people. As a member of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, she played a vital part in appealing against First Nations children’s discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal...

Reconstruction Years in United States History

Reconstruction was a relatively short period in US history that followed immediately after the Civil War and marked a qualitatively new developmental stage of the state. Reconstruction took place between 1865 and 1877; within this time, the states that separated from the Union before the Civil War reunited with the...

Chapters 33 and 34 of “Istanbul” by Pamuk

Chapter 33 In Chapter 33, “A Foreigner in a Foreign School,” Pamuk talks mostly about his school days and his feeling of not belonging and otherness from people surrounding him, including his classmates, family, and friends. The author recounts his experience at Robert Academy, although he speaks mostly about the...

“The Creation of Adam” by Michelangelo as Inspiration

Rethinking the past is beneficial for idea generation, so turning to the universally recognized masterpieces for inspiration is a common practice. The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo, one of the key tourist attractions of the Vatican, is among such thought-provoking pieces. This paper presents a drawing inspired by Michelangelo’s painting...

The Role of Attitudes for Organizational Membership

More and more current companies feel the need for ethical behavior. This way of communication eliminates unnecessary tension and struggle in the team and contributes to accelerating many issues through quality communication contacts. An attitude is an evaluated statement closely intertwined with organizational behavior that conveys specific feelings and influences...

The Cold War’s Impact on the Fate of Nevada

The Cold War is a military, economic and political confrontation between two military-political blocs led by the USSR and the United States in the second half of the 20th century. It was not a war in the literal sense since there was no direct military clash between the participants. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social and Personal Responsibility

War has always been used as a tool to achieve specific goals and empower a particular state. Politicians have used military conflicts or threats of intervention as the lever of pressure to protect a position and acquire benefits. However, war is the most horrible phenomenon in the civilized world as...

Discussion of Genetic Testing Aspects

Should prospective adoptive parents be able to request and receive genetic information regarding the infant they are considering prior to adoption? The primary aim of the adoption process is to ensure that the children move into a safe and loving environment. The parents are expected to cater to the adopted...

Anti-virus and Anti-spyware Developers

In the age of rapid digitalization, the concepts of online threats and cybersecurity have become a matter of intense interest. As technology grows more advanced, it opens new avenues for individual users, companies, and entire businesses. Millions of people benefit from the facilitated communication, data storage, and analysis that introduce...

Lifelong Disability, Chronic Illnesses, Comorbid Conditions and Aging

Individuals maturing with deep-rooted incapacities need to confront the very maturing issues as those that emerge for everyone. A lifelong disability is characterized as a condition or capacity decided to be essentially disabled compared with the typical norm (Saxon et al., 2015). The term is utilized to allude to individual...

The Play “Julius Caesar” by William Shakespeare

As a character, Julius Caesar is defined by hubris and commitment to the grandiose. In Shakespeare’s eyes, Caesar is the ultimate emperor: simultaneously destructive and strangely magnificent in his yearning for omnipotence. The conspirators accuse Caesar of ambition, and his actions back up their claim: he does fight for full...

Federalist, Anti-Federalist Governments, and the U.S. Constitution

Introduction At the end of the 18th century, the presentation of the U.S. Constitution as an important nation-shaping document led to reconsidering the Articles of Confederation in order to create a more organized pattern of political power within the United States. The Philadelphia Convention of 1787 resulted in the emergence...

Discussion of Aristotle Rhetoric

Main Idea of The Text The reading discusses the idea of rhetoric as a means of persuasion. Aristotle (1954) argues effective persuasion depends on the successful use of ethos, logos, and pathos. In other words, persuasion depends on the speaker’s character, effective appeal to the audience’s emotions, and appeal to...

Researching of Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Ronald Reagan’s Quote Peace is a term that can be described in different ways. Some people might think that peace is the absence of conflicts. However, there is a famous quote from President Ronald Reagan regarding peace, which is as follows: “Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is...

Lessons Learned From the Poverty Simulation

Description The first lesson I learned from the poverty simulation is that those who have not experienced poverty may not adequately understand the situation. Some people think poverty only entails having deficient financial resources while it involves hunger, poor quality health, and poor education. The second lesson I learned is...

Alcoholic Yeast Fermentation and Optimal Conditions

Abstract This laboratory report examines the relationship between environmental parameters and ethanol yield as a product of yeast metabolic fermentation. Yeast is microscopic fungi that produce alcohol from glucose under the influence of enzymes. This is an essential biochemical reaction that is often used in science, industry and cooking because...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson

The basic notion of the modern society is related to the fact that all people are initially created as equal human beings. In other terms, people bear identical rights since the beginning of life, including, for instance, the right for education or happiness. The major part of the Declaration of...

Examining the Happiness: Statistical Analysis

Phase three of the lab project survey involved collecting and analyzing data from eighteen randomly chosen neighborhood members. The data collected was on happiness and the scale provided was between one “low or no happiness” and seven “high levels of happiness.” The survey was administered using a guided questionnaire where...

How Hybrid Cars Differ From Traditional Cars

Introduction Nowadays, it is not easy to surprise anyone with hybrid variations of cars. They are more profitable in terms of fuel consumption than cars equipped with internal combustion engines, and at the same time, cheaper than electric vehicles. However, few people know how hybrids work in general. The purpose...

Merck’s Pharmaceutical Company Ethical Dillema

The scale of the ethical dilemma raised by Merck’s management and scientists is defined by two outcomes. The pharmaceutical company could either have invested money in an entirely economically unsound project, showing goodwill and corporate responsibility for the eighteen million patients from poor regions suffering from onchocerciasis. On the other...

Internalized Racial Oppression in Students

People have different identities that they associate with, be it religious, cultural, or national, but the most important is the racial and ethnic identity. Ethnic identity has to develop from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Identifying with one’s ethnic group shows solidarity. Nowadays, people have multiple ethnic personalities due to...

Total Societal Impact: Contextualizing and Applying

Government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are doing a lot more than some might give them credit for, yet the humanity is still far away from reaching any of its sustainability objectives. Over the past decades, the global community started to recognize the role the private sector could potentially play in...

Healthcare Programs in Wyandotte County

Health Inputs Highlighted in the Case The key inputs to health highlighted in this case study include the different programs that Wyandotte County has implemented to prevent or reduce untimely death. One of these projects is the County’s 20-20-20 challenge, aiming to lengthen sidewalks, bikeways, and trails by 20 miles...

The Concept of Education and Religion

Introduction Education and religion are major social institution that impacts the lives of many people. They play an integral role in shaping values and beliefs as well as comparing various religious and educational practices across the globe. Education is a formal system of teaching knowledge, skills, and values (Henslin 495)....

Themes in the Novel “Invisible Man”

The novel Invisible Man is rightfully perceived as one of the pillars of American classical literature. Its main themes include identity, racial oppression and prejudice, civil rights, radicalism, and the contradiction between an internal and an external vision of oneself. The identity turmoil specifically acts as a central conflict of...

Caucasus’ Conquest by the Russian Empire

The conquest of the Caucasian Region by the Russian Empire was a pivotal historical period for the Caucasus due to the invasion of Russian political rule and the following dependency that disrupted Caucasian autonomous development. Several key historical events marked the process of incorporation of Caucasus into the Russian Empire...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Globalization Strategies for Multinational Enterprises

Introduction A common perception in society, when looking at what it means for a company to be successful, is that it should be looking to globalize to achieve greater market growth (Rossum, 2015). It is suggested that a business should be scanning opportunities across the globe in order to respond...

Supply Chain Disruption in International Business

Cause of the Supply Chain Disruption The disruption in the supply chain may bring many undesirable consequences for the business. There are numerous causes of disruptions in the supply chains. They include lack of efficient communication between manufacturers and suppliers, supplier’s opportunism, truck drivers and port workers’ strikes, inability to...

Emotions: Why Do Lovers Love?

From the loftiest attribute or significant promise, the strongest interpersonal attachment, to the simplest pleasure, love spans a variety of healthy and supportive emotional and mental experiences. The love of a parent differentiates from the love of a husband, which distinguishes it from the love for items, as an illustration...

Google Inc.’s Overall Ethical Assessment

Google is a high-power tech company that has excelled in the industry for decades. It is located in Silicon Valley, California and was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1996. It is infamously known for its search engine service that almost anyone who has internet has been using...

Aspects of Database Normalization

Database normalization is a database design technique that eliminates undesirable characteristics such as Insertion, Update, and Deletion Anomalies and reduces data redundancy. Normalization rules divide larger tables into smaller tables and use relationships to connect them. SQL normalization aims to eliminate redundant (repetitive) data and ensure logical data storage. This...

The Bible as a Cultural Work for the Time Capsule

Notably, I agree with my peer’s choice of the Bible as a cultural work for the time capsule. Hence, I am interested in seeing the differences in fresh translations of the Bible because it has changed multiple times throughout centuries as well. When considering the legacy of the selected work,...

Missy Elliott’s Career and Queer Representation in Hip-Hop

The discussion of gender stereotypes and queer representations in music is especially valid in the hip-hop genre that has been subjected to racial and gender limitations for the longest time. In the modern era, the attention of hip-hop audiences is primarily focused on the question of whether there is a...

Romanticism Poetry by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth was born in 1770 in Cumberland, England, under the reign of Queen Victoria. He began his poetry in England as a young boy while in school before completing his college studies. Wordsworth related his composition to the people’s affair with nature and advocated language utilization including, the lecture...

The Concept of School 42: Benefits and Advantages

Testing the concept of School 42 within the Centre for Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship could bring new creative minds, ideas, and innovation. The concept of School 42, which later received global development and has more than 15 schools around the world, including in projects such as School 21 in Russia....

The Theoretical Origin of the Concept of Racism

In 1964, an important accomplishment was achieved in the struggle of the black population of America for their rights; the US Congress finally passed the Civil Rights Act, formally prohibiting racial discrimination. However, in the minds of ordinary people, these changes took much longer, and the film In the Heat...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Photography Atelier 21 Exhibition

Nowadays, it is not recommended to visit public places, and many people prefer to stay home and find other ways to enjoy their free time. However, many persons may notice that engaging with various art forms heals and helps relieve anxiety and depression. Therefore, in this century of technology, it...

Market Structure of Limited-Service Restaurant Industry

A low concentration ratio of the limited-service restaurant industry demonstrates that there is no monopoly in this market. It denotes that many firms have relatively the same shares in the market, and evident dominant players are absent. This information allows for supposing that pure competition is found in this industry,...

Womanhood in Piercy’s “Barbie Doll” vs. Kincaid’s “Girl”

For the American feminist movement, the 1970s was a time of utmost importance in many ways. According to McBean (2018), even though the Women’s Liberation Movement started in the 1960s, it gained traction in the public sphere in the next decade. This contributed to the appearance of mainstream feminist fiction...

Composition of “Dominos-Havana” by John Goodman

In a 2000 photograph of Dominos/Havana, John Goodman depicts a game of dominoes by capturing two pairs of moving hands over dominoes on gelatin silver. The effect of hand movement conveys to the viewer the message that the players are shuffling dominoes at the moment captured in the frame. A...

Philosophy: The Perception of Truth

Can Truth be Known Based on the Writings of Aquinas and Plato? Philosophers have varying interpretations of the truth as human beings understand the meaning of the word. According to Aquinas, truth resides not in the human intellect but in things (Knight, 2017). This belief applies when the truth cannot...

“Walking on Eggshells” Photo by Sandy Skoglund

Understanding of the Image Walking on eggshells is a photograph by Sandy Skoglund, which depicts two women in a room with snakes, eggs, and rabbits on the floor. The two women are close together and one has her arm stretched towards the other, who is holding a towel. They both...

Post-COVID Recovery and Government Intervention

The unprecedented outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has been long-lasting and has caused substantial economic recovery challenges. Due to this, the U.S. government has to actively design and enforce policies that will handle different issues that cannot be addressed by pure market forces, like the unavailability of market risks and...

Applying the Sociological Imagination

Sociological imagination is a framework that helps individuals to connect their personal challenges or experiences to issues affecting the broader society. Most personal problems are not entirely attributable to personal matters but can also be influenced by social norms, culture, and habits. For example, an individual’s challenge in getting a...

Van Helden’s Article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century”

The article “The Telescope in the Seventeenth Century” was written by Van Helden in 1974. The author discloses the science behind the invention of the telescope and how it affected humanity’s future and development. Van Helden (1974) argues that the telescope was invented in approximately the 1600s but became known...

Remembering the Titans: Analysis of Film

The problem of racial inequality has been an acute one in society for many years. Despite the fact that it is actively raised in all sources of media, literature and films, it remains quite problematic. One example of a work that raises the issue of race is the film by...

The Downfall of the Roman Republic

Many historians have argued the exact reason behind the downfall of the Roman Republic. With the growth of the Roman Republic, many problems emerged; each of them could be considered the cause of the downfall. The late Republic was plagued by economic, political, and social issues; many changes were required....

Ideas and Topics in Saint Mark’s Gospel

Saint Mark’s Gospel is the shortest and the most volumetric text out of the four existing ones. His telling is in some ways similar to Mathew’s narrative, but some occurrences are presented in the other order, and the descriptions are shorter. The Gospel of Mark is believed to be the...

Rhetoric as Style Choice in American Literature

American literature is broadly defined as English-language literature produced in what is today known as the United States. It began with the works of English adventurers and colonists arriving in the New World and proceeded its development alongside the historical events occurring since the period of colonization. Nevertheless, the alignment...

Protection of Health Record Documentation

Standardizing medical documentation Standardizing medical documentation has sufficient benefits for the communication between doctors and the patient, improving its quality and making cooperation more productive. The healthcare system, in general, may undergo positive changes due to the innovations in the work with the problem-oriented record. The physician is fully responsible...

The HealthSouth Company’s Financial Scandal

Based on the video, HealthSouth conducted a series of actions that unfortunately altered the book’s integrity. Firstly, HealthSouth intentionally falsified revenues and assets. As shown in the video, it was clear that fraud was manifested in the representation of the assets (Stanford Graduate School of Business, 2011). For instance, the...

Impacts of the Epidemic Outbreaks

SARS 2003 In 2003, a dangerous respiratory infection with a very high mortality rate – every tenth infected person died. The new virus spread across China and beyond its borders (Branswell, 2013). Nonetheless, the disease was eliminated after eight months since it was first detected. The Chinese government has taken...

“With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa” by Eugene Sledge

Eugene Sledge’s With the Old Breed: At Peleliu and Okinawa is a memoir by a World War II participant. The book describes the thoughts and experiences of a young man who joined the US Marines and fought against the Japanese forces. Thus, the summary will demonstrate the controversial nature of...

Greenpeace Canada Overview

Introduction The organization, which will be the focus of this report, is Greenpeace Canada. It is a subsidiary of the largest non-governmental environmental organization in the world. It can be accessed online by following this address. The main purpose of Greenpeace Canada is to ensure the ability of nature to...

Negative Effects of Drugs on Voice

Vocal maintenance presents one of the prominent aspects of the singer’s career. Maintaining the right state of the throat and vocal cords, in particular, is necessary for the signers to control their voice’s sound and quality. The main recommendations require providing additional attention to various health concerns that can affect...

Fraud in the Healthcare Industry

Healthcare fraud comes from isolated instances of theft of medical equipment to the actions of entire criminal organizations engaged in stealing patient information. There are many companies that exist only on paper and bill insurance firms that provide fictitious services to patients. Many people working in health care deny the...

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Ethics and Civics of the Patriots in America

Introduction The 18th century was the time of the founding and development of the North American English colonies, and it ended with the United States acquiring independence from England. During this period, the American land was torn between the landowners from Britain, Spain, and France, who only pursued their own...

“Breathe” by Michael Smith: The Theme of Love

When emotions cannot be expressed, words act as a release medium. Songs are primarily used to display affection, grief, or disapproval of something. “Breathe” is a six-minute religious devotion song choreographed by Marie Barnett and sung by the renowned Christian musician Michael Smith. The song’s lyrics are dominated by the...

Teaching Children Languages and Literacy

Language and Literacy should be learned in a “game” format to encourage children enough for studies since this program level requires preschoolers to be ready for learning and not to learn the school program. Since the vast majority of toddlers cannot read at this moment of their life, children should...

The Air Travel Industry: Strategic Alliances

Strategic alliances are business relationships and arrangements between two or more independent organizations to carry out a specific and mutually beneficial projector to achieve core business objectives. In today’s competitive market, the success and survival of any business are determined by effective strategies that create an advantage over the competition....

Cinematic Experience of Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”

Introduction The Things They Carried is a collection of short novels written by Tim O’Brien that tells the life stories of American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The stories mainly have a fictional character but feature details from real life that the author witnessed and experienced during his participation in...

Is Social Media Bad for You? Evidence and Unknown

Social media has taken a notable position in people’s lives, although society has conflicting opinions on its effects in the long term. In her report on BBC, Jessica Brown (2018) presents considerable studies on how the most popular social media platforms affect the modern population. The purpose of Brown’s article...

“The Amazon Cannot Be Recovered Once It’s Gone”: The Issue of Deforestation

Introduction In the modern world, despite the rapid and successful development of technology, there are many problems that require immediate solutions. One of these issues is to reduce the number of forests and green spaces. This is especially true of the precious and vital Amazon rainforests. Such areas provide a...

The Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

The European Christianity have a long and varied history of decline. A powerful tendency for secularization appeared in Western Europe spreading to the entire European continent. The age of Enlightenment is the epoch of the decline of faith under the onslaught of scientific worldview and rationalism. The sunset of the...

What Factors Caused the Civil War

The factors that led to the Civil War include the disagreements on some core issues and values between the communities in the North and the South. Ultimately, the Civil War was a result of prolonged tension among the American citizens about the values and politics of the state. For example,...