FreshDirect Case: Strategic Challenges and Recommendations

FreshDirect is an online grocery delivery service operating primarily in the US. As the title implies, the company focuses on the delivery of fresh produce, aiming at making grocery shopping fast and more convenient. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the company experienced unprecedented growth due to the restrictions. However, even with...

The Profession of Arms: An Army White Paper

Introduction The Profession of Arms is a document by the US government that helps explain the American army’s professionalism. The document also states the critical role the US army plays in society, such as being experts in all their responsibilities. The paper is a professional campaign that makes people understand...

Literature: The “Mimesis” Book by Erich Auerbach

Introduction In this book, Erich Auerbach has adopted distinct rhetoric and philosophy of communication that significantly advanced my theoretical knowledge of concepts. For instance, the author assumes a persuasive form of writing whereby he coins around words to present an idea or a thought. Firstly, the book has boosted my...

Sexual Harassment at Workplace in Massage Industry

Sexual harassment is a common issue in workplaces worldwide. It can be related to any gender, but the issue is particularly relevant for women. There are various laws and acts that are purposed to protect people from such behavior of others, yet the problem is still present and requires attention....

Climate Change: Causes, Dynamics, and Effects

It is crucial to provide a description of the problem of the climate crisis, its causes and effects, and possible prevention measures. Introduction The climate crisis, combined with declining biodiversity, is the most significant challenge facing humanity. At the moment, rising average temperatures are having a strong influence on the...

Diagnostics and Cognitive Science: Critique Analysis

For an accurate diagnosis, the practitioner must have extensive background information. Theoretical and methodological developments can considerably aid curriculum and teaching in biomedicine and education programs in biomedical informatics in the learning and cognition sciences. This is achieved through discussing topics like the methods used to understand medical data and...

Business Ethics in The Wall Street Journal Article

The article under analysis by Daves Michael (2022) deals with an issue of the breach of corporate ethics. Specifically, the report describes the egregious breach of ethical standards in relation to audits conducted at Ernst & Young. Michael (2022) makes it abundantly obvious that the described violation of ethical corporate...

The Valley Forge Battle in American History

The Valley Forge battle, as described in the NCO 1700, was a turning point in American history. Despite the challenging circumstances, Valley Forge is occasionally said to as the origin of the American military since the worn-out soldiers emerged with renewed energy and self-assurance as a skilled fighting power. The...

Systems Employed to Plan and Control Working Capital

The importance of working capital to the Apple Inc. organization A company’s working capital is measured by its ability to function and its short-term financial stability. There are enough short-term debt payments and expenditures to cover the company’s short-term cash flow based on the company’s networking capital. There are several...

What Makes an Effective Executive

Peter F. Drucker contributed to the conceptual and practical underpinnings of contemporary corporate management through his publications. He also can be referred to as the father of modern management because of his contributions to the establishment of management education. In his paper “What Makes a Successful Leader,” he discusses the...

The NextGen Transportation System Implementation

The document critiqued is a report of the Government Accountability Office (GAO) on the implementation of the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). NextGen is a platform for transitioning air traffic from ground-based control to satellite navigation, digital communications, and automated position reporting by...

Development and Productivity of Communication

The company aims to attain effective communications by aligning the firm’s delivery decisions with the organization’s vision, mission, and goal statements. Implementing change management principles in developing productive communication within the organization incorporates internal delivery decisions that prioritize the company’s mission. The firm anticipates tracking its communication systems to promote...

Perception of Random Nature of iPod Shuffle Feature

Music plays an essential role in many people’s lives. Plenty of people enjoy listening to music while doing chores, going on walks, and exercising. Some of them do not want the predictability of knowing what song comes next, which is why the iPod’s shuffle feature is such a convenience. It...

Racialization and Racial Formation

Introduction One crucial and still unresolved issue is the existence of races in the spectrum of past and modern times. To date, there are several points of view with intermediate variants, but none of them gives an accurate and objective explanation. Michael Omi and Howard Winant managed to bring a...

Aspects of Social Identity Theory

Introduction Social identity theory is recognized as one of the major theories in social studies. Especially in the last several decades, interest in it has grown considerably. From the theory’s origins in the 1960s to the present, the theory has undergone evident development. The seminal works in this field have...

Corruption in Africa: Causes and Solutions

Since corruption is a negative social phenomenon that hinders the development of many countries and undermines their economy, the fight against it is considered one of the most significant tasks of the modern world. Bribery is probably the most burdensome for the inhabitants of African states, where it weakens the...

Climate in Charleston and at McChord Air Force Base

The largest city nearest to JB Charleston is North Charleston, South Carolina. It takes roughly 18 minutes to traverse the approximately 8 miles from central North Charleston to the joint installation, although given the size of the city, travel times might vary considerably. The region has a tropical monsoon climate,...

Powerade Food Myth Buster: Investigating Health Claims

Electrolytes are substances with a natural negative and positive electrical charge when dissolved in water. The main essential electrolytes in the body include potassium, calcium, sodium, Magnesium, Chloride, and Phosphate. Individuals may get their electrolytes by eating nutritious diets, mainly whole foods. Electrolytes help keep the body hydrated, regulate muscle...

Academic Performance in Public vs. Private Schools

Introduction People popularly assume private school attendees exceed public school students’ academic performance. Although this statement rings true for an overwhelming majority of countries, there are still unique cases which disapprove this norm. Current literature questions the common belief in the superiority of private education. Researchers still cast doubts on...

Incarceration in the U.S and Ireland

In different cultures and social settings, the state of being confined to prison or intercalation is spelled out as a formal structure. In the progressive development of the various aspects elements, different approaches are deployed by the respective authorities to define prison terms and the measures put in place to...

An Equity Markets Software Company Proposal

Introduction Money has existed for centuries, and with it, the markets were an integral part of any operation. With the further development of economies, companies began to emerge, varying in size from small to big firms that permeated the entire market. Although people are familiar with money and companies, they...

Music: “Create, Produce, Consume” by Bruenger

Introduction It is foolish to deny that the music business is booming nowadays. It has continued to evolve and uncover new methods of delivering and satisfying consumers for nearly a century. Long ago, the ability to listen to music was limited geographically, economically, culturally, and technologically; it is available almost...

Deaf Adults as Role Models for the Hearing World

The only exceptions when deaf people interact with others are with their family members, adults in the community or the workplace, and at school. Unless otherwise, most deaf people do not meet with hearing people. The absence of past experiences with other deaf people makes it challenging for hearing parents,...

Gender and Race in Langston Hughes’ Poetry of the Spanish Civil War

Langston Hughes was a crucial figure in the 1920s Harlem Renaissance, which blossomed black intellectual, literary, and creative life in several American cities, particularly Harlem. In the times of the Spanish Civil War, he was a press correspondent. This encounter made a mark on his writing, particularly in his poetry,...

Overfitting: A Challenge for Data Science Models

In data science, overfitting can pose a major challenge to a model. It happens when “the algorithm, unfortunately, cannot perform accurately against unseen data, defeating its purpose” (IBM Cloud Education, 2021, para. 1). For interpolation, “‘double-descent’ curve subsumes the textbook U-shaped bias–variance trade-off curve by showing how increasing model capacity...

Oral Language Development Stages

Reading is one of the most complex and significant forms of human mental activity that performs psychological and social functions. In order to read correctly and at high speed, the coordinated work of several analyzers is needed: visual, speech motor, and speech hearing (Olulade et al., 2020). The process of...

Saharan People: Feeding Desire by Rebecca Popenoe

In Feeding Desire, Rebecca Popenoe offers the reader a perspective that is enliveningly different, one in which being overweight is wonderful for women. However, what is most amazing about this study is how many women from totally different civilizations share obvious commonalities. Popenoe investigates the practice of “fattening” among Azawagh...

The Next Generational Air Transport System Concepts

Introduction The Next Generational Air Transport System (NGATS) is the most recent modernization project managed by the U.S national airspace system. The operations of the NGATS began in 2007 when Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) hinted at improving the goals of using new technologies in aiding safety, access, flexibility, and predictability...

The “Truth & Method” Book by Hans-Georg Gadamer

Basic Knowledge The truth may be discovered via art, and the truth of art can elevate any way of comprehension. An experience can inspire a piece of art, which can then be produced to depict the event. In certain circumstances, the accuracy or correctness with which a piece of art...

Pernicious Anemia: The Case Study

The patient is a 57-year-old Mr. X, whose tests confirm pernicious anemia. This condition is an autoimmune disorder characterized by gastric mucosa atrophy and decreased parietal cells (Pandharkar & Thote, 2021). One of the reasons for this type is the absence of vitamin B12 (cobalamin) or folic acid in the...

Legal Modernisation of Colonial Algerian Courts

Legal modernization is a complex and multicomponent process with features in different countries. Algeria and Egypt are no exception, as the legislation of states was significantly changed under the influence of other cultures and the process of colonization. New state norms and institutions were created in both countries, directly impacting...

The Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill Analysis

Background On April 22, 2010, at about 10.30 a.m. local time, the Deepwater Horizon platform sank off the coast of the U.S. state of Louisiana, which led to the largest oil spill in the history of the United States (Stenzel et al., 2022). On the evening of April 20, a...

Social Injustice: Eradication Strategies

The World Day of Social Justice is observed on February 20 with the goal of promoting peaceful and prosperous coexistence between and among countries. “If you want peace and growth, work for social justice” was the theme in the year 2019 (Tobin & Barrett, 2020). A healthy society is critical...

American Women’s Rights Discussed in Lyrics

Throughout the decades, singers have been covering the topics that are important to them and their communities. In the case of female songwriters, poets, and musicians, women’s rights and role in society remained significant subjects of discussion. The following analysis of four pieces created by women shows similar ideas and...

The Quarterly Journal of Speech’s Areas of Focus

A journal is a type of publication done for a specialized group and thus focused on a particular field of study. An example of a journal is the Quarterly Journal of Speech (QJS). It was established in 1985 and is owned by the National Communication Association. QJS is a quarterly...

Themes of Terminator, RoboCop, and Terminator 2

Introduction Nowadays, the use of technology seems a normal part of society’s life that continues to permeate all spheres of life. While several decades ago, it was hard to imagine cars that would use chargers instead of traditional gasoline and vacuum cleaners that would clean the house on their own....

Reflection Essay on Memories of Murder

Introduction Memories of Murder is the second feature film directed and written by Bong Joon-Ho. Released in 2003, the film failed miserably at the box office, but this did not prevent the film from gaining cult status over time because a truly national movie was hidden in the Hollywood detective...

Summary of Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin

Introduction “Sonny’s Blues” is one of the most compelling short stories that effectively conveys its message to the target audience. The fiction story aims explicitly at telling the story of suffering among the Blacks living in America. The story takes the reader through the tales of two brothers who went...

Anti-Overfitting: Assessing Tactics

Defining which strategies to avoid overfitting in deep learning are best objectively is difficult. Numerous technological and human factors and contexts are involved in big data (Matthews, 2018). The effectiveness of such techniques as early stopping, regularization, entropy weighting, data augmentation, and additional training data depends on such subjective variables...

Subjective Predictors of Personality Behavior in Situations of Cognitive Dissonance

In modern conditions, the flows of contradictory information are significantly increasing. As a result, a person finds himself in a problematic cognitive situation when it is necessary to adequately assess and respond to messages coming from different social groups, including authorities. Personality increasingly finds itself in situations of cognitive dissonance...

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast Technology

Introduction The technological advancements have led to the development of aircraft security systems, helping the public gather information about an aircraft. ADS-B is a technology that allows an aircraft to determine its position through satellite navigation, and periodically broadcasts it, allowing it to be tracked for safety purposes. The Traffic...

Domestic Abuse in Married Couples

Acts that violate the rights of a weaker partner in a partnership are termed domestic abuse. Family settings are common locations for the incidence of gender-based violence, which the perpetrators virtually always conceal. The shame associated with naming and shaming perpetrators of domestic abuse has contributed to an increase in...

“The History and Theory of Rhetoric” Book by Herrick

Basic Knowledge Herrick’s book revealed some of the hidden facts about rhetoric and its implications on language and communication. The reading enhanced my understanding of rhetoric in several ways and helped me develop an inquiry into the arguments and criticisms of rhetoric. Through this book, I realized that I have...

Discussion: Second Language Acquisition

Second-language acquisition (SLA) is the process through which a person learns the elements of a new language, such as vocabulary, phonological components, grammatical structures, and writing systems, after having learned a first language. Rod Ellis comments on language pedagogy, teacher education, and second language acquisition (Ellis, 2010). He argues if...

Integrated Theory of Leadership from Theological Perspective

Abstract The paper presents my integrated theory of leadership by explaining how adaptive leadership relates to my theology. Scientific evidence is included to explain the basics of adaptive leadership, while its principles are aligned with my theological beliefs, including God’s love for humanity and the presence of sin in the...

Recommendations for Advancing the Service

This paper recommends that Evie expands its operations by including more professionals in its team to make Evie more practical and user-friendly while prioritizing artificial intelligence. Implementation will take place within 180 days (6 months) of approval. Improved productivity, reliability, and productivity will be realized by making the market accept...

“The Nicomachean Ethics” Book by Aristotle

Basic Knowledge of the Book The Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle is a major guiding force in academic and political ethics, which is a fundamental factor for human existence. The book is based on the author’s views and is subject to constructive and negative criticism from its intended audience. From my...

Problems of Democratic Consolidation in Developing Countries

Introduction Developing countries pursuing economic and political heights should strive to consolidate democratic forces. It is democratic regimes that receive significant investments, a high reputation, and a level of trust among international businesses. Therefore, as researchers state, consolidation is considered a vital transitional aspect from one state organization to another....

The Mixed-Method Research: Strengths and Weaknesses

Research methodology is the key to the high quality of study and one of the determinants of its validity. In a way, methodology is the bridge between the aims and the outcome of the project. If this bridge does not correspond with the requirements imposed by the objectives, it will...

Mega Telco: The Customer Churn Model Optimization

Optimization efforts are needed in the case of Mega Telco’s customer churn model to get better scores and hence enhance forecasting performance to increase business value. Organizations are attempting to build algorithms that will allow them to predict which clients are most likely to change and take appropriate action (Klepac,...

Mental Health Therapist: Professional Resume

Professional Summary A highly experienced mental health counselor specializing in depression, stress, and anxiety management. Years of successful mental health practice as a therapist have contributed to the expertise in delivering patient-centered care with the prioritization of the particularities of the individual in therapy. The use of behavioral, cognitive-behavioral, psychosocial,...

Kindergarten Choice for Children

Going to kindergarten is difficult and quite stressful for a three-year-old child. The baby faces a new environment, the absence of parents nearby, and new, unfamiliar people. To ensure the most comfortable process of adaptation and stay in kindergarten, it is necessary to choose an institution based on essential criteria....

The Cahill Versus Nike, Inc.: Sport in Society

Cahill versus Nike, Inc. is a class action lawsuit brought by former and current employees of Nike. The parties in the lawsuit included Alyssa Anderson, Kelly Cahill, and Samantha Keller, who allege that Nike engaged in gender discrimination concerning pay and promotions (Jin, 2022). The plaintiffs, Kelly Cahill and Sara...

Compare and Contrast Louisiana with US Constitution

The Louisiana Constitution is a 1974 legal document cornerstone of the state’s law. In this case, the legal document ensures the protection of the rights of people in the state of Louisiana, and it describes power distribution among the local government and state officials. On the other hand, the US...

Poverty in Puerto Rico and Eradication Measures

Introduction Studying Puerto Rican poverty as a social problem is essential because it helps identify the causes, effects, and eradication measures in Puerto Rico and other nations experiencing the social problem. The topic helps clarify the fundamental problems Puerto Rico experiences since poverty is the basis for most of its...

Microsoft Access Database and Microsoft Excel Design

Database design is a process of planning and organizing information that enables users to access, read, and write the data. This can include separating the necessary information into multiple tables and ensuring relationships (Eckstein & Schultz, 2018). The main difference between a Microsoft Access database and an Excel spreadsheet is...

Safranin and Crystal Violet in Gram Staining Method

Staining allows us to detect microbes in the microscopic material, determine their number, and quickly study the morphological features of microorganisms. The ratio of bacteria to Gram stain is determined by their ability to retain the complex of gentian violet with iodine formed during the staining process. For coloring, the...

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Benefits

In the present day, regional trading agreements may be defined as a treaty signed by several countries in order to encourage trade and the movement of products and services across its members’ borders. In general, international tariffs, quotas, and other trade barriers limit the transportation of goods and services across...

Designing a Management Development Program

First-level supervisors are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their department and report to a store manager or other supervisors. They may be responsible for hiring and training new employees, scheduling, assigning work tasks, overseeing inventory and stock levels, and addressing customer complaints or problems. To attain outstanding results, the...

The Importance of Posture and Stability

Introduction We have many mental images associated with posture. The advice from our mothers to sit up straight is probably the one we hear the most, and it makes a lot of sense from a musculoskeletal standpoint. When we adopt a “military posture,” such as sitting up straight or standing...

Fredrick Douglass and Martin Luther King

Introduction Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther King are the most famous African American leaders of the 19th and 20th centuries. Douglass was one of the most significant figures in the African American movement, a revolutionary democrat and abolitionist. King, a Baptist preacher, was the most famous African American civil rights...

Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter” Story and Hitchcock’s Film

Introduction It is quite common for initial literary works and their further film adaptations to have a number of differences in plots and characters’ behaviors. Such a situation refers to the short story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl and the short film Lamb to the Slaughter by Alfred...

Challenges of Virtual Assistance Technology Implementation for Healthcare

The inherent human bias in data can be inherited by AI systems so that “the model learns certain biases against marginalized identities,” which “can be harmful in clinical settings” (Sezgin et al., 2022, p. 4). This human prejudice can manifest through inaccurate recommendations, offensive language, overlooking patient complaints, or affirming...

The Apple Company’s Marketing Mix Analysis

Introduction Marketing mix is an important concept for the modern business world. It consists of the four elements describing the major aspects of a company’s work: product, price, place, and promotion (Kotler & Keller, 2021). This model helps to analyze the work of a certain firm and enhance its understanding...

Pay Inequality and Its Impact on Women and Other Groups

The YouTube video “Child Social Experiment Looks at Gender Equality” demonstrates pay inequality between men and women. In the video, the children are asked to sort out blue and pink balls into two different vases. Although the boys and girls do the same kind of work, the boys get more...

Social Entrepreneurship and Democracy

Social entrepreneurship is an important facet of any democratic society. Through active engagement, citizens can have a substantial impact on social institutions and ensure that they address the vital problems in society. In a pre-democratic context or an emerging democracy, social entrepreneurship can affect the development of the country itself...

Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is one of the most topical issues in the sphere of healthcare today. As a result, over the years of research, many therapy solutions have been developed in order to address the condition. Hypnotherapy is one of the practices which are rarely discussed in relation...

The MP3 and WMA Audio Formats Comparison

Introduction Numerous codecs exist for digital audio. WMA and MP3 are two of the most widely used audio formats. Both formats offer excellent compatibility and let users choose how data is compressed. The development of the MP3 format, which allows files to be compressed without noticeably sacrificing quality to less...

Using ProjectLibre to Create WBS, Gantt chart, and Estimate Cost-Adjusted Copy

Professional Screenshot to Share The ProjectLibre software is used to create a simplified Gantt chart, work breakdown structure, and estimate the costs for each project task. Dependencies in a project refer to the relationship between activities and how they can be initiated with reference to one another. The selected project...

On Ugliness and Beauty Following Umberto Eco

St. Michael by Raphael (1504-1505) In Raphael’s artwork, St. Michael, the archangel is depicted as a young man defeating a monster. The painting provides a striking contrast between the handsome, powerful, youthful archangel and his hideous adversary. Michael’s body is adorned with a halo and wings, encircled by Hell’s gloomy...

Discussion: Respiratory Assessment

Summary Breathing is one of the main physical processes without which the body’s functioning is impossible. Without sufficient access to oxygen, the human body cannot efficiently operate since the work of many organ systems is disrupted (Rolfe, 2019). Therefore, in the presence of even minor breathing problems, a complete respiratory...

“The Rule of Metaphor” Book by Paul Ricouer

Basic Knowledge Paul Ricoeur is one of the most distinguished linguists and philosophers of modernity. His book on the evolution of the understanding of metaphors, titled The Rule of Metaphor, observes its evolution from antiquity to modern times. Ricoeur postulates that metaphors brought about the ending of old rhetoric and...

Advocacy Plan Assignment: Overdose Prevention in Rural Arizona

The previously identified area of concern is the lack of resources for addressing opioid overdose cases in La Paz County in Arizona. From preliminary research, effective means of drug overdose death prevention include local service providers’ access to opioid agonists, such as naloxone, ensuring adequate training on drug agonist use...

The “Rhetoric in the Middle Ages” Book by Murphy

Basic Knowledge The book Rhetoric in the Middle Ages, by James J. Murphy, clarified how, why, and when classical rhetoric ceased, and medieval rhetoric began. Although the events described in the book were not new to me, I managed to understand the logic of the transition from one tradition to...

The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, California

The Museum of Tolerance was established with the goal of educating people about the Holocaust and encouraging them to combat all forms of discrimination and prejudice in the contemporary world. The museum is located on West Pico Boulevard in Los Angeles, California. It is a breathtaking place, which I visited...

Escherichia Coli Role in Nature

It can be confidently stated that Escherichia Coli or E. Coli is among the most well-known prokaryotic microorganisms, which will be the primary focus of the given discussion post. The subfield of interest is bacteriology, which is concerned with the study of prokaryotic organisms, specifically bacteria (Hill et al., 2019)....

“Les Misérablesby” by Victor Hugo: Analysis

It is important to note that Les Misérables, written by Victor Hugo, is an outstanding piece of literature that explores many aspects of living in a broken society and a personal will to act. The book’s core idea is centered around one’s freedom to resist the social degradation and evil...

Enhancing Organizational Learning and Development at the Home Depot

The fourth industrial revolution, caused by the ever-increasing pace of technological innovation, leads to changes in production, which, in turn, also requires the transformation of the labor market. Indeed, the progress manifests itself in the growth of robotization and digitalization, which reduces the demand for physical labor. Instead, human capital...

Socioeconomic Status and Sentencing Severity Experiment

Type of Experiment Quasi-experimental design should be used in the study since the primary purpose of the experiment is to investigate the correlation between social-economic status and sentencing equality. Quasi and true experimental designs seek to determine the causal relationship between variables, but critical differences between the two reflect why...

Foot Patrol Discussion Forum: Analysis

Several police departments in the United States engage in foot and other forms of patrols with bicycles and horses. This paper will review the three police departments: Berkeley, Wayne State University (WSU), and Detroit. The Detroit police department has 2200 officers whose task is to police the region of 139...

The “Confessions” Books by St. Augustine

Confessions by Augustine is a series of books by St. Augustine, which describe his life’s journey and transformation from a sinful paganistic individual to a devout Christian. These books are some of the earliest theological and scholastic works depicting one’s path towards religion. It is often described as a ‘self-help’...

The Communication Studies Journal Analysis

Communication Studies is a peer-reviewed journal whose primary objective is to cover the current agenda on communicative processes with a particular focus on the theory and research on the field of interpersonal communication. It is published both in printed and online editions by Taylor & Francis Group, specifically by Routledge....

Universal Healthcare as a Basic Right of Humanity

Introduction Free healthcare means everyone has access to the medical treatment they require anytime they need it, free from financial strain. A significant part of the world’s population does not now have access to the necessary healthcare. Consequently, due to medical expenses, millions of individuals are forced into extreme poverty...

Nonprofit Organizations: Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is an essential component of nonprofit organizations, which determines how the organization will advance its goals and significantly impacts the organization’s potential for success. Strategic planning for nonprofit organizations allows for building an action plan that includes measurable goals and priorities to ensure efficient work. Considering the nature...

Analysis of Elizabeth Bishop’s “In the Waiting Room”

Pulitzer Prize awarded and one of the most important poets of the twentieth century – Elizabeth Bishop – is the author of “In the Waiting Room”. This poem was published in 1971 and starts with setting the time and place of the story. Little Elizabeth came to a dentist’s appointment...

The First Inaugural Address by Franklin Roosevelt

In his First Inaugural Address, Franklin D. Roosevelt uses metaphors and references to war and religions to inspire the American people and explain the course of action chosen for his presidency. First, the president compares the American people with an army that should be disciplined to make common progress and...

Digital Communications Practices in the Workplace

Introduction In the past three decades, the development of technologies has allowed most the people in developed countries to constantly accessible for communications in one form or another. These digital channels include offline or online voice calls, video calls, and textual or voice messages. As such, the benefits of the...

Five Factors of Personality Differences and Similarities

The five-factor theory of personality is one of the dominating personality theories in psychology that attempt to categorize personality types depending on the manifestation of one of the five primary factors. According to Boyle (2008), the five-factor model, which is also referred to as the Big Five, is comprised of...

Classical Strategists and Their Legacy in Business Operations

It is often said that one must know their history to avoid past mistakes. However, it is also possible to utilize such knowledge as the foundation for future successes. Many classical strategists had ideas that were so revolutionizing that they still lie at the core of many organizations and business...

Keiser’s Abdication During World War I

After realizing that Germany would lose World War 1 on November 9, 1918, Keiser Wilhelm 11 was abdicated as the British Emperor and King of Prussia. The news spread through London in the evening when people returned home from watching the Lord Mayor’s show. Keiser’s administration led to unrest in...

Business Model Canvas: Activities and Partners

The Business Model Canvas (BMC) is a strategic planning tool that helps businesses and entrepreneurs model, design, create, and analyze their enterprises. The nine key activities of the BMC are customer segmentation, value proposition, channel, customer relationship management (CRM), revenue model, cost structure, resources, infrastructure, and key partners (Siburian, 2020)....

Adolescent Psychosocial Development

Background Psychosocial and psychological developments in adolescent years are crucial for individual’s future development. It is highly affected by physical brain development and social environment. Erikson suggests that people progress through a series of stages as they grow and develop through their life. Each stage is linked to an essential...

“Imagine a World” by Amory Lovins

The essay starts with the parable about parachuting cats to Borneo in order to trace the idea that it is more essential to focus on solutions rather than problems. In the story, the spread of malaria was a major threat to the country’s residents back in the 1950s. The researchers...

Food Processing: Principles and Controversies

Overview of the Principles of Food Processing Food processing is a currently applied trend to turn fresh food into different food products through such methods as washing, pasteurizing, freezing, cooking, or packaging. The purposes of this decision vary, but the major outcome is to extend the shelf-life of food and...

Corruption in the African Countries

The main purpose of the work is to present the problem of corruption and possible solution in different parts of the world. African regions have been chosen to stay more specific in the discussion, and, on the examples of developed countries, the possible strategies unique for the African countries can...

Techtonic Group: Recruiting Strategies

Techtonic Group is a fast-developing IT organization attracting young specialists to ensure the introduction of new and unique features. According to Dessler (n.d.), the company has already introduced a program of training people without experience and providing paid internships when they show positive results. However, additional strategies might be introduced...

The “Short History of Ethics” Book by MacIntyre

The book Short History of Ethics brings out the correlation between the philosophy of communication and communication ethics. Rhetoric and philosophy of communication theory challenge the assumption of effective communication on an assertion that philosophy is subversive. The book views the inability to think philosophically as promoting biasness and prejudice...

A Historical Exploration of Language, Reality, and Communication

Bizzell, Patricia, et al. The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings from Classical Times to the Present. 3rd ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020. Basic Knowledge This book is an excellent source of information that demonstrates the features of rhetoric from a historical perspective. First of all, this source allowed me to significantly expand my...

Impact of Religion on Individuals, Society, and the World

Religion plays an essential role in the growth of an individual, society, and the whole world. Religion acts as a guidebook on how people should live, driven by their faith and principles of life (Primal Religions, n.d.). Moreover, religious leaders are expected to teach people the virtue of love and...

The “Leisure: The Basis of Culture” Book by Josef Pieper

Basic Knowledge The study of rhetoric and the philosophy of communication requires a command of various approaches, concepts, and theories. The notion of leisure is often overlooked in the contemporary world concerned with pressing social issues and more relevant problems. Josef Pieper revisits the importance of leisure for society in...

The Development of Western Law

Introduction Islamic legal concepts had a significant impact on the development of Western Law. Both Monica Gaudiosi and Marcel Boisard agree that some concepts in these two frameworks are similar. Thus, Gaudiosi speaks about the correlation between waqf and trust in England (1240). It might serve as the basis for...

Wellbutrin and Lexapro: Drugs Affecting Neurotransmitters

Introduction Wellbutrin and Lexapro are prescription drugs that cause addiction and are used in the treatment of major depressive disorder. Both drugs act on neurotransmitters but have different mechanisms of action. Wellbutrin is a dopamine and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor; Lexapro belongs to a large group of antidepressants, working as a...

Prevalence and Control of Obesity in Texas

Introduction Over the years, obesity has been a severe health issue in the United States of America and globally. A person is obese if their size is more significant than the average weight for their stature (Chooi et al., 2019). In Texas, from 1990 to 2019, the obesity prevalence in...

Improving Runway Usage Efficiency at Airports

My focus on more efficient usage of the runway revolves around big data and analytics. Big data analytics gather vast amounts of data around the airport and analyze it to produce patterns and trends, identify any anomalies, create alerts, and communicate insights. At airports, aeronautical data and information would be...

The Galanz Company’s Operations Strategy

Galanz is a Chinese company producing microwave ovens and competing with such giants as LG, Panasonic, and Toshiba. The company’s success is attributed to the low-cost strategy, achieved by efficient use of capacity and process improvements, and the combination of OBM, OEM, and ODM, allowing for economies of scale. Currently,...

Hermeneutics: Interpretation Theory in Schleiermacher, Dilthey, Heidegger, and Gadamer

Hermeneutics refers to the methodology and theory of interpreting language, primarily linguistic text. In the book Hermeneutics, Palmer uses rhetoric and different philosophies of communication to expound issues concerning theology. The view of understanding involves the philological methodology and questions the nature of historical knowledge, the philosophy of language, and...

Advocacy and Communication in Healthcare

Advocacy is defined as care that is tailored to the individual, is coordinated, is supportive, and treats the individual with respect, compassion, and dignity. Empowering a person to have a voice and influence over their care is one method to make person-centred treatment possible (Tomaschewski-Barlem, 2017). Excellent verbal and nonverbal...

The Rhetoric and Public Affairs Journal Analysis

Current Publisher The journal in question was published by Michigan State University Press. The ISSN for Rhetoric and Public Affairs is 10948392. An ISSN is an 8-digit code assigned to each item. It is used to identify printed and digital journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines. In the past three years,...

Competitive Advantage and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction CSR is a concept of management that involves policies that institutions adopt to consider social, economic, and environmental implications while meeting the stakeholders’ and shareholders’ expectations. Numerous organizations list companies according to their CSR performance and these ratings often attract significant publicity (Porter, Michael, and Mark, 2006, p 3)....

Overfitting: When Models Fit Training Data Exactly

It is important to note that overfitting is a major problem in data science. It takes place when “a statistical model fits exactly against its training data,” which means that algorithms are unable to perform effectively when faced with unseen data (IBM Cloud Education, 2021, para. 1). The issue is...

The History of Climate Change and Global Warming Issue

The history of climate change and the solutions communities opted for are critical to tackling the current global warming issue. Howe explores the historical contribution captured by people who were first to notice global warming to ask readers to form their own opinions on the matter. To elaborate, the subsequent...

Space Mining and Exploration: Legislative Basis

Easiest Steps The article’s title is straightforward as it offers the readers a glimpse of what to expect, the pivotal moment facing space mining and exploration. The title is followed by the table of contents that lists five sections and subsections, indicating how the author would cover the topic. The...

Overfitting: Cross-Validation, Dropping Out, and Feature Selection

In most cases, overfitting happens when a model performs perfectly during training data but generalizes poorly to unseen data. It is common in machine learning, and numerous studies have revealed methods that can prevent overfitting (Delua, 2021). Some of the most potent ways to avoid overfitting are cross-validation, dropping out,...

Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holding Setting Acceptable Toll Charges

Context Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holding Limited (CKI) is a global infrastructure company that aims to make the world a better place by investing in transportation infrastructure and other global developments. CKI also diversifies its investments to other infrastructures such as household, energy, waste-to-energy as well as infrastructure-related business. The company’s...

The Effects of Discrimination That LGBT Persons Encounter

Introduction The article selected for this proposal is number two in the UDHR. It deals with the issue of discrimination and prohibits harassing other people (United Nations 6). This problem is compelling to me because I know people who face inequality or prejudices daily. Current Knowledge Presently, I know that...

Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America

The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually. Americans who immigrated to North America in 1600 were strong drinkers because they could import rum from the West Indies and brew peach juice and apple cider. Since...

An Indian’s Views on Diversity in the US

I believe that diversity is a wonderful thing, for it provides us with different viewpoints and ideas that we may not have thought of earlier. In my opinion, perspectives different from ours can give us valuable information and help improve the field of medicine. While this field is rather successful...

The Networking Topology Concepts and Approaches

Understanding basic network topologies is central to building a viable physical design thereof. Currently, the point-to-point (P2P), bus, ring, star, and mesh topologies are considered to be the most effective and, therefore, the most broadly used ones. The P2P topology, as its name suggests, requires a direct connection between two...

The Aspects of Violent Acts

Introduction The violent act has a wide definition in the law industry, and professionals working in this sphere meet diverse cases daily. People who are not related to this area can mention some acts in their ordinary life while watching TV or on YouTube. The operational definition of the violent...

The Supernatural as a Human Conception

Introduction Why are tales, stories, folklore, and dreams based on supernatural elements popular, ranging from the media to personal conversations? The perception of the supernatural reflects one’s individual emotions, beliefs, and knowledge. It is seemingly mundane events that tend to be more complex or multifaceted to the point of assumption...

How Does Poverty Affect Crime Rates?

While research may be initiated on the basis of curiosity, it traditionally aims to solve a particular problem. Crime rates have always been a highly serious social issue, and multiple studies have already been organized to examine factors that affect crimes for their prevention. That is why I would like...

“Using the Balanced Scorecard…” by Kaplan & Norton

In 1996, Kaplan and Norton wrote an article about organizational functioning called “Using the balanced scorecard as a strategic management system.” The paper introduces a complement to the company’s financial metrics in the form of balanced scorecards, which imply the addition of certain non-financial factors. Kaplan and Norton believe that...

Researching of a Personal Moral Dilemma: Caregiver for Friend

Moral dilemmas are contradictions between two behavior choices in a particular life situation. An ambiguous choice of behavioral strategy is common and places demand on the qualities of the individual. One of the most striking episodes that created a moral dilemma was a situation when I had to take care...

Greek and Macedonian Empires of Ancient Times

Introduction The two most influential empires that helped to shape the ancient world on European land were Greece and Makedonia. The expansion of these civilizations has had a lasting and considerable impact on the formation of modern cultures and nationalities in Europe. Though the two empires were historically closely interrelated,...

Employers Need to Pay More Attention to the Mental Health of Their Employees

The development of society from an industrial to an informational society is characterized by a growth in the value of human capital. The evolution of various spheres of services, the high technology market, and the emergence of the need to show creativity and the ability to communicate in society has...

The Greek Council for Refugees

Background The geopolitical situation in Ukraine has made refugees once again the most pressing issue for many European governments. One of the countries that welcomed Ukrainian refugees was Greece. Therefore, I became interested in the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), an organization that manages the refugee situation in Greece. The...

Exploring the Benefits of Plant-Based Diets for Gym Athletes

Vegetarian diets are becoming an increasingly common lifestyle among athletes, so clinicians are turning their attention to this phenomenon. This article evaluates the benefits of a vegetable-based, balanced diet for the physically active gym athlete (Constantin et al., 2019). The central beliefs of the authors in this paper are that...

History and Influence of Feminist Psychology

Feminist Psychology is a theory dealing with sexuality and gender. This psychological theory, based on social structures, was developed by Karen Horney through a series of articles discussing traditional beliefs and conceptions about women and societal influence on female psychology (Lafrance & Wigginton, 2019). In medieval times, however, early feminists...

Operations With Short Life-Cycle Products

When it comes to businesses, many might struggle with forecasting, planning, producing, and distributing short life-cycle products due to inadequate calculations, lack of information, or inefficient approaches. For example, one of the problems connected with forecasting short life-cycle products like fashion apparel or electronic devices is a lack of past...

Lashkar-e-Taib: A Pakistani Islamist Militant Organization

Introduction Multiple terrorist attacks took place in Mumbai between November 26 and November 29, 2008. Ten shooters suspected to be linked to Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based terrorist organization, carried out the attacks (Kulungu, 2019). The terrorists used automatic guns and hand grenades to attack people at several locations in Mumbai’s south,...

Circulatory Shock: The Case Study

A 19-year-old patient survived a serious car accident while her best friend died. Although she has minor physical traumas like bruises and scrapes, her principal diagnosis is circulatory shock. Its contributing factors include trauma, blood loss, burns, and other causes that provoke the lack of blood or oxygen in the...

The Coca-Cola Poland Firm’s Workplace Culture

Workplace culture is directly linked to employee stress, engagement and productivity. According to the 2016 Global Wellness Institute report, costs of health problems caused by work stress reached 12% of the GDP in the United States alone (as cited in Mazur & Mazur-Małek, 2018, p. 98). The problem of insufficient...

Hypnotherapy as an Effective Method for Treating Depression

Depressive disorders are a significant problem that affects many people in the United States and worldwide. The emergence of practice guidelines and evidence-based therapies implies that satisfactory treatments for the condition exist, and not all of them are traditional. Currently, a lot of attention is drawn to the method of...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Advantages & Disadvantages

Current cognitive‐behavioral therapy is a general concept for scientifically validated treatment for well-diagnosed psychopathologies with particular therapeutic approaches. According to David et al. (2018), CBT is the most investigated kind of psychotherapy, and no other type of cognitive therapy can be deemed substantially stronger than CBT. Cognitive behavioral therapy has...

Department of Corrections: Litigation and Protection

Prison Litigation Reform Act The Prison Litigation Reform Act (PLRA) of 1996, introduced to lower litigation incidences within court systems, continues to draw mixed reactions from the public and scholars. Some of the act’s aims included lightening the caseload for courts tackling inmate litigations, permitting correctional officers to solve problems...

Marriott International’s Financial Analysis

Abstract This job involves finding and analyzing the numbers in Marriott International’s reports. It includes the collection of information and a detailed study of the data obtained during the study. At the end will be formed a detailed report on the work done, as well as the conclusions. Based on...

The NYU Langone Health Organizational Profile

Product promotion is crucial for each organization, and NYU Langone Health is no exception. NYU Langone Health is a medical center in New York City’s five boroughs, Long Island, New Jersey, Westchester County, and Florida. The organization’s mission is to allocate high-quality, attentive, culturally competent, and comprehensive healthcare services in...

Rehabilitation Methodology for Chronic Pain after Knee Arthroplasty

Introduction The study focuses on a specific population of people with chronic pain after TKA. The developed methodology (result) can be used for evaluation after interventions in the long term. Comparators are therapeutic exercise and surgical intervention. The results can be measured after implementation in practice. For the study, the...

Coronial Practice in Case of Patient Fall

In modern legal practice, numerous perspectives exist regarding coronial functions. The coroner’s functions are diverse, leading to various perceptive roles, which include protective, public health, therapeutic jurisprudence, death investigative, civil liberties, and human rights. In this case, the coroners play a critical role in attaining human rights about the outcomes...

The Gustav Mahler Orchestra Performance in 2013

The Gustav Mahler Orchestra took place in Europe during one of the summer classical music festivals. The orchestra took place in 2013. The orchestra’s performers are young people under twenty-six years of age. This paper discusses the venue, performers, as well as audience. Firstly, the architects of the hall where...

Henkel: A Digital Transformation Journey

Introduction In the present day, rapid technological development has made it necessary for large business companies to change the ways their factories work. Technologies such as automation, 5G, and Blockchain have made it clear to corporate leaders that they need to adopt some of them if they want to optimize...

Public Health Problems Related to Depressive Disorders

Introduction Depression is a serious illness that can completely change and limit a person’s functioning. Depression is when a person is constantly in a bad, decadent mood (Healthy People 2030, 2022). Today’s rhythm of life is such that mental health is more and primarily negatively impacted. Studies worldwide show that...

Stakeholders in Business: Roles and Responsibilities

This week’s materials focused on the topic of stakeholder relationships in business. The stakeholder term in business includes many external and internal individuals and groups; therefore, learning more about their role is essential for understanding how businesses operate in the modern world. While the role of external stakeholders in business...

The Need to Eliminate Immigration Detention System

Introduction The issue under discussion in this paper is the violation of human rights in the current immigration detention system in the USA. This problem entails the cruel treatment of immigrants in detention while kept in confinement. Evidence demonstrates that people are exposed to the “use of solitary confinement, patterns...

Description of Escherichia Coli

It is important to note that microorganisms play a vital role in benefiting ecosystems, humans, and the environment. The given discussion will primarily focus on Escherichia Coli (E. Coli), which is a prokaryotic bacterium that is of major interest in microbiology called bacteriology (Hill et al., 2019). Although E. Coli...

Four Jobs Qualification and Characteristics

Qualifications of a Basketball Coach The goal of any basketball coach, whether at the high school, college, or professional level, is to have their team ready to compete at the most outstanding possible level. Teams receive guidance from coaches in both practice and competition. Stojanović et al. (2019) identify the...

Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act

Introduction Operationalization is the conversion of abstract ideas into observable and measurable data. It entails specifying the methods for measuring, observing, and manipulating a concept. This process can enable researchers to collect and assess phenomena that may not be observable and measurable directly. This paper describes the operationalization of the...

The “Philosophy of Communication Inquiry” Book by Holba

Metaphors for Other Philosophy provides people with a basis to reflect on various aspects of life and the meanings behind them. In Chapter 13 of her book Philosophy of Communication Inquiry, Annette Holba introduces her selection of metaphors for the Other, with one of the major arguments revolving around connections...

Aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

The medical field of psychiatry has several methods of treating difficult and debilitating disorders in people. One is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which encompasses many treatment activities and procedures – cognitive reappraisal behavioral and motivation strategies, emotional regulation, and psychoeducation. CBT has been proven effective when treating mental illnesses such...

“The New Penguin History of the World” Book by Roberts

Basic Knowledge The book is written for a mature audience to remind a non-specialist audience of the importance of historical inertia in a culture that frequently teaches us that we can control and command our surroundings. Notably, the book expands my theoretical knowledge in the following ways; first, it helps...