Aspects of Error Culture

At present, the company’s willingness to change quickly and adapt to the market requirements has become crucial in corporate culture. There are several critical points in building an effective organizational structure that can quickly adapt to the market situation. One of them is error culture, which affects the company’s performance....

Transnational Corporations’ Cross-Cultural Communication

At the current stage of its development, the world is more globalist than it has ever been. Notably, information about other nations continues to become more and more available for ordinary citizens, and cross-cultural communication can occur through several channels in parallel. The paper examines three, of which each has...

The Great Depression vs. The Civil Rights Movement

It is important to note that both the Great Depression and the Civil Rights Movement had a major impact on the American socio-economic state of being. On the one hand, the former was a devastating occurrence, which destroyed institutions, degraded citizens, and shattered American economic power. On the other hand,...

Threat of Terrorism in the Middle East

Global terrorism can be stopped by the joint efforts of many countries. Mainly, the basis for the development of radical views among the population is social and economic inequality. In addition, if the political and cultural identity of a particular region is violated, then people tend to react aggressively to...

Main Ideas and Practices of Daoism

Introduction Daoism, a philosophy that originated in the 6th century BCE China, has significantly influenced China’s cultural beliefs and religion and most other Asian countries. The popularity of this philosophy has increased worldwide and continues to capture the attention of scholars and philosophers in its application in various fields, ranging...

Athletes’ Injuries and Coping Strategies

Sport: an athletes’ sense of identity, source of self-esteem, and way of dealing with stress It is very accurate that injuries affect athletes’ everyday lives to a greater extent. As such, injured athletes find it difficult to cope with sustaining injuries. Sports injuries generally traumatize and alter athletes’ psychological state...

Motives of “A Dream Called Home” by Reyna Grande

Reyna Grande was born on September 7, 1975, in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, in difficult social and financial conditions. Today she is a famous author living in the United States and has received numerous awards and prizes for her books and novels. Grande, along with her siblings, grew up in poverty;...

Navigating the Tech Ecosystem in Cameroon

Consideration of the problems that are characteristic of the African part of the world is necessary. The reason for this is the need to update functions to bring the most significant benefit to the country and the world around it. This position paper examines the problem of introducing digital technologies...

Effective Use of Technology in the Classroom and at Home

Technology makes it easy to access information compared to traditional information forms, such as books. Thus, technology is vital in learning both in the classroom and at home. Technological devices such as computers, smartphones, and tablets have enabled students and teachers to attain their academic objectives faster. It is essential...

Natural Gas: Composition, Formation, Location, and Use

Introduction Natural gas is a type of fossil energy occurring in a hydrocarbon gas mixture. It was first discovered in Iraq between the years 6000 and 2000 BC (Ma, 2017). This fossil gas was formed due to the ancient remains of animals and plants, such as diatoms that were buried...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in “When They See Us” Film

When They See Us The events on which the series is based are so dramatic and cruel that on a wave of emotions, I hurry to share my impressions with you as soon as possible. Everyone should know and see this story with their own eyes, and this should not...

Understanding Frida Kahlo’s Artworks

To understand Frida Kahlo, one has to approach her work through the lens of personal perception, adding intimacy to the viewing, just like Kahlo immersed herself in each artwork. There is an inevitable consequence of such close viewing – endowing Kahlo’s work with many interpretations, and appropriately so. The integrative,...

A Chicago Four-Star Boutique Hotel: Social Media Goals

Social Media Goals Small and medium-sized businesses and large corporations actively integrate social media platforms into their digital marketing strategies. The hospitality industry might also benefit from using the benefits of social media to engage the market and enhance customer loyalty, profit, increase sales, and ensure continuous feedback from clients....

Hamlet’s Relationship With Gertrude

Introduction As a targeted literary work to analyze, the world-famous play The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark by William Shakespeare will be considered. For the first time, the tragedy was published in 1603, and to this day, this is one of the outstanding works of the genius of classic...

Angelitos Negros by Andres Eloy Blanco Review

The United States is a country rich in cultural diversity and differences in ethnic communities, due to this fact, it has repeatedly faced racial, ethnic, confessional and social problems, which are still perceived very acutely in our time. Discrimination, racial segregation, racism, nationalism led to acute social conflicts, which in...

The River Valley Civilizations Comparison

Introduction Civilizations developed in major river valleys are considered to be the oldest societies in the world. There were four major river valleys: Indus valley, Nile River valley, Mesopotamia, located between Tigris and Euphrates, and Yellow River valley, and each one of them became home to unique societies. Although river...

United States Postal Service’s Understaffing and Overworking

Background of the Company The history of the United States Postal Service starts in 1775 with the appointment of the first Postmaster General. Over 250 years history, the company has faced a significant number of organizational changes in order to stay relevant and up to date with the technical progress....

Worldly Writing on Music: K-Pop Culture

Music is an essential component in the socio-cultural mainframe of any community due to the trickle-down effect of influencing emotional connectivity despite diversity. Heterogeneity is an issue across the different ethnic groups that leads to conflicts among individuals hence the significance of exchanging values and norms. In this case, it...

Plato’s “Apology”: Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction Representing a peculiar interpretation of the trial that Socrates faced after being accused of multiple wrongdoings, including the corruption of young minds, Plato’s “Apology” can be considered one of the most accurate accounts of the described events. In his work, particularly, in the passages that address the accusation of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effective Leader Communication Advantages

A leader’s job is a highly demanding profession that requires flexibility, the ability to motivate and correctly distribute tasks. Communication is a crucial skill, as it is at the very core of leadership. With its help, the manager communicates to employees their goals and objectives and helps in difficult situations....

Entrepreneurial Networking and Relationship Capital

In the modern business environment, entrepreneurial networking and relationship capital have already attracted particular attention. Therefore, this work aims to examine the importance of these concepts. In general, entrepreneurial networking refers to the formal or informal organisation of entrepreneurs to increase the effectiveness of their businesses’ activities (Das and Goswami,...

The Same-Sex Marriage Counterargument

Introduction Same-sex marriage continues to be a highly controversial topic even in the most economically, culturally, and politically advanced countries. Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that allowing LGBT people to create families gradually destroys fundamental societal structures and leads to the population’s extinction. The scientific community debunked many of these...

Descriptive Statistics in Business

Descriptive statistics, despite their simplicity, are quite powerful tools. These short ratios summarize any given data by central trend analysis or data distribution analysis (Logan, 2021). This approach allows one to obtain general information without the need for detailed analysis quickly. This is especially useful in cases where the volume...

“The Tale of Sinuhe” in Ancient Egyptian Literature

The number of monarchies in the modern world has undoubtedly been greatly reduced compared to two or three centuries ago and the Middle Ages. Society has gone through many stages of development and the forms of government used have changed. In The Tale of Sinuhe, the author talks about the...

Chapter 1 of “The Story of the Quran” by Mattson

Introduction Ingrid Mattson’s Story of the Quran analyzes the holiest source of Muslims’ faith and knowledge across the globe. The key points the author is trying to highlight in the story include the origin of the Muslim cultural, personal, and historical details. It also illustrates how the Quranic revelation is...

Politics in “28 Days Later” Film by Danny Boyle

If the definition of politics is the management of power and conflict, then my favorite movie, 28 Days Later, is political because it focuses on the fight for power and the attempt to resolve a dispute between two opposed parties. Politics and its impact on human life is essential not...

Cultures in International Business: Theme Park in Indonesia

Culture is the way of living characterized by the norms, values, and beliefs people have towards a certain perspective. There is a variation of cultures depending on the region and the ethnic and background aspects. The first cultural mistake that the Walt Disney Company (WDC) made was to incorporate the...

Sugar in School Breakfast Article by Lengyel et al.

Article Summary The article Sugar in School Breakfast: A School District’s Perspective provides a detailed account of the sugar amounts in students’ food rations. As the parents become more concerned about the effects of increased sugar levels on the children’s health, this study evaluates the learners’ everyday intake of sugar,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

What Makes Leonardo Da Vinci Different Among Painters

What I Find Inspiring Leonardo da Vinci is an iconic figure in the world of art and science, with certain admirers even referring to him as a “genius.” The thing that inspires me the most about the life and legacy of da Vinci is the pure vastness of his imagination....

The Arab Uprising by James Gelvin

The Arab Uprisings by James Gelvin is devoted to a detailed examination of the history of uprisings in Arab countries. The author organizes the narrative into a question-and-answer form and tries to highlight the causes of uprisings in the Arab world, describe the course of the most significant protest operations...

The Hemingway Home: Writers’ Issues

No other place is as informative about influential personas as the places where they lived. It is no wonder why Ernest Hemingway’s house in Key West has attracted so many visitors, me included. Hemingway’s residency is now a public museum that preserves authenticity due to Hemingway’s possessions remaining there. When...

Significance of Forgiveness and Its Importance

Introduction All people at least once in their lives faced the choice of forgiving or not forgiving someone who made a mistake or offended them. It can often be very difficult to overcome oneself and forgive, but in fact, there are several reasons why this act is necessary. First, mental...

The United Kingdom Separation of Powers

The United Kingdom self-identifies as a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarch. As a democratic country, the UK has a separation of powers into executive, legislative, and judiciary branches. The judiciary branch is independent of the other two branches and includes magistrates’ courts, county courts, high courts, the Crown Courts,...

Enslaved Blacks Adopt the Cause of Liberty

The petition for freedom by the enslaved Blacks was an example of the Revolutionary ideologies rapidly spreading throughout the colonies. Reading the text, it was evident that the slaves sought to co-opt many ideas of the revolutionary movement and apply them to their struggles. The primary purpose of the American...

The Movie “Alien” Overview and Analysis

The movie Alien, a science fiction horror film directed by Ridley Scott and written by Dan O’Bannon, revolves around the concept of putting humanity first and views everything from a human viewpoint, which is, in retrospect, a wrong mindset. However, the issue of alien life should be reviewed from a...

Eliot’s and Ferlinghetti’s Poems Comparison

Poets at all times have been looking for new forms to express their thoughts in literature. Especially interesting in this respect are the works of T. S. Eliot, who experimented with both form and content, giving his poems new meanings. His poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is...

South Africa: The New Energy Infrastructure Policy

Situation Analysis of the Status Quo of South Africa’s New Energy Strategy The near future poses significant challenges in the form of a power crisis for the countries of South Africa. Lack of industrial infrastructure is already making itself felt as many cities in the region are experiencing periodic load-shedding....

Comparing of Judaism and Taoism

The purpose of this essay is to compare the two religions, their main characteristics, beliefs, and conceptual and ethical attitudes. Judaism and Taoism are chosen as examples for comparison. Judaism is one of the oldest Western monotheistic religions, distinguished by belief in the one true God. Judaism is based on...

The Origin and Characteristics of the National Anthems

Almost every nation has its hymn, which is a sign of patriotism. The national anthem is interpreted as a solemn song adopted as a symbol of state and social unity, performed on all official occasions. It is sung primarily at formal celebrations, events, ceremonies, and rituals; during its performance, it...

Education and Impact of Modern Technologies

The article “Information technology and education: Research on learning, equity, and policy” is devoted to the problem of broad information in the modern world. As the authors point out, information technologies in education expand learning opportunities and change the perception of education. Technology and education, intertwined, is becoming a level...

Social Contract in the French Revolution

One of the most significant contributions linked to the French Revolution can be disclosed through propaganda messages and the gospels of insurgency. This eventually means that the French Revolution became a crucial historical event that transformed France and brought liberty to the French land. Based on the information presented by...

“At the Dark End of the Street” by Carr

Introduction The problem of racism is topical for modern American society. Unfortunately, racism is not only about hatred of people with different skin colors but also about encroachment on their lives and inviolability. One of the most famous victims of racism is Recy Taylor, who was kidnapped and raped by...

Theme and Word Choice in “The Monkey’s Paw” by Jacobs

Many have desired a magic stick at least once in their lives, but few understand the luck of it remaining a fiction. The short story The Monkey’s Paw by William Wymark Jacobs tells the reader about an ordinary family granted the possibility to change their life but bitterly regretting it...

Christopher McCandless: True Transcendentalist

Introduction Transcendentalism is one of the most significant philosophical movements of the nineteenth century. Developed in the U.S., it was based on the idea of embracing idealism. Transcendentalists advocated for the innate goodness of humans, the prevalence of experience and insight over logical judgment, beauty and purity of nature, and...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Who Will Control Business?

Large corporations that create resources for human comfort and well-being rarely think about their actions on the environment. Environmental pollution is a severe problem, and the fight against it has been going on for decades. Corporations must be aware of their responsibility and understand how their activities are connected to...

The Informal Power of the Governor in Texas in Social Media

Introduction In Texas, the governor can sway public opinion as well as direct and influence the actions of other officials on multiple powers that the legislature confers to him or her. These are the informal powers conferred to the occupant of the seat of the state governor. Noteworthy, these powers...

Cereals: Nutritional Value and Price

Cereals are one of the leading human food products, which have many nutrients and vitamins that represent the product’s nutritional value. Parallels between nutritional value and food value have been drawn since the last decade using the USDA food database for research (Drewnowski, 2010). However, a deeper analysis of cereals...

“Where Do We Go from Here?” Webinar Summary

In September of 2021, The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) conducted a webinar dedicated to the traumatic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic concerning children and young people. The webinar “Where Do We Go from Here? A Call to Action” focuses on the specific strategies and recommendations to improve the...

Women in World History

The family wage was an increased wage demanded by the male labor unionists in the United Kingdom. The wage was aimed at removing the need for women and children to work and actively preventing them from seeking employment (Hughes & Hughes, 1997). The establishment of the family wage led to...

The Cabuliwallah vs. Mini’s Father in Tagor’s Story

There are similarities and differences between the Cabuliwallah and Mini’s Father. The Cabuliwallah is from Afghanistan, while Mini’s father is from Calcutta in India. The Cabuliwallah has traveled from his country to Calcutta, India, to make a living by selling fruits, specifically grapes. He walks from door to door selling...

Researching of the Roman Roads

PaĹľout, Adam. 2017. “The Roman Road System in the Golan: Highways, Paths and Tracks in Quotidian Life.” Journal of Landscape Ecology 10 (3): 11-24. Web. Adam PaĹľout is an employee of the Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa. He has several works in scientific publications on topics related to...

The Corporate-Level and Business-Level Strategy for the Apple Company

Introduction The business-level strategy is primarily aimed at identifying and implementing the company’s long-term competitive system. The creation of the business strategy requires the determination of well-defined arrangements and solutions regarding the working process. The corporate-level strategy remains at the top of the strategic pyramid and manages all interdependent fields,...

Parental Listening, Encouraging, and Trusting

Introduction Teenagers are particularly susceptible to certain emotional and social challenges due to their vulnerability in terms of mental health, physical changes, environment, and other factors. Moreover, this is a period of transition from dependency to independence, which may also manifest itself in various behavioral changes. While often wanting to...

Influential Figures in Social Work

Alice Walker Alice Walker is an African American internationally renowned activist, author, actor, and poet. Through the skills and talents, Walker has explored and exposed gender discrimination, patriarchy, and gender discrimination within African Americans and racism from the whites (Horsley, 2014). For example, the activist described the struggles of a...

The Importance of the Five Types of Data

Exploring this case related to People Analytics will require performance rating, salary analysis, retention study, leave analysis, and demographic analysis. These data are quite significant since they allow for assessing the staff’s performance and uncovering the weaknesses of the organization’s HR functioning. For instance, due to performance ratings, it is...

Sneakerhead Subculture in the United States

Gunduz, Erin. “The Intersection of Sneakerhead Culture and Racism in the United States of America.” Intersect: The Stanford Journal of Science, Technology, and Society, vol. 13, no. 2, 2020, pp. 1-26. The article discusses Sneakerhead culture, emphasizing its role in the contemporary world and explaining its relevant features. It also...

Feminist “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman

The Yellow Wallpaper enlightens the reader about women’s health, motherhood, mental disorders, and treatment. This story is about feminism and gender relations in America at the end of the XIX century. Although many details have changed, the story is semi-autobiographical. The author relies on her health crisis, particularly her fraught...

Writing Styles of Mike Rose, James Paul Gee, and James Porter

One of Rose’s most significant contributions is his profound reappraisal of cognitive analysis and thinking processes. His work suggests that writing is an in-depth mental process that applies thoughtful consideration of word choice and the connotation one is trying to convey. His thought is actively traced throughout the article Hard...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Consumer Analysis of the Charmin Brand

“Charmin” is an American toilet paper brand manufactured by Procter & Gamble. It has a wide range of products, business strategy, and active promotion, which creates a competitive advantage, allowing it to occupy a leading position in the sales market. A variety of choices makes it possible to attract different...

The Role of Dreams in Gilgamesh

The Gilgamesh Saga belongs to the oldest literary monuments of the Sumerian civilization. However, the story of changing the personality through true friendship, overcoming adversity, and searching for immortality still resonates in the hearts of readers. The plot is based on the adventures of king Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu,...

“Crash”: Movie Significance

Introduction The movie Crash is an American drama film released in 2004. The film was written and directed by Paul Haggis and it premiered in 2004, at the Toronto film festival on the 10th of September. The movie won numerous academy awards, with its primary theme being that of racial...

The Balance Sheet in Accounting

The balance sheet is one of the four core financial statements used to report the company’s financial information. The three primary characteristics documented in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholder equity (“The four core financial statements,” n.d.). The former refers to cash, inventories, land, equipment, and other purchases...

Parenting Advice and Its Quality

Parenting can be extraordinarily complicated since the process of raising children requires approaching emerging issues from multiple perspectives while remaining supportive of the child. In the era of social media, when communication opportunities have expanded tremendously, parents can obtain numerous recommendations and pieces of advice from the global community (McCormick...

Stereotypes & Biases and Cultural Competence

Summary Stories unlock cultural heritage, creating misconceptions, perceptions, and certitude about people. However, for the notions to be justified, the stories must be diverse in all aspects and authenticated (Adichie 00:09:17). “The Dangers of a Single Story” is an awakening message by novelist and writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that explores...

Visual Effects in “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” Film

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a film that has received widespread critical acclaim, including an Academy Award for Best Visual Effects. VFX directors Tim Burke and Christian Manz have implemented many innovative technical visions to create visuals during filming. This paper aims to discuss the new techniques...

In the Heat of the Night: A Movie Experience

The educational aspect of working in a group of 5 members on the movie in the heat of the night was the ideal goal for the realization of team achievements. There were various challenges, but the most obvious one included; reduced engagement and withholding information from some of our team...

Researching the Concept of Biodiversity

In general, biodiversity is a key player in maintaining the survival of all kinds of life on Earth. However, in everyday life, it is hard to formulate what it is really about. What is surprising, scholars also tend to give broad definitions because of the wide scope of the phenomenon....

The Bible as a Source of Wisdom and Knowledge

The Bible is justly considered a source of eternal wisdom and knowledge about every meaningful aspect of daily life. As Bickel and Jantz (1998) note, the Books of Wisdom offer a perspective on the righteous ways to enjoy life and strategies to overcome suffering and accept challenges without diminishing one’s...

Construction of Knowledge in Society

One can construct knowledge in multiple ways, but the information is not always trustworthy. Tierney’s Diet and Facts demonstrates that knowledge is built through an informational cascade (1). An individual can make decisions about certain questions based on other people’s assumptions, regardless of those assumptions’ reliability (Tierney 1). For instance,...

Hamilton Show’s Soundtracks and Their Importance to the Performance

Introduction Hamilton is one of the most famous Broadway shows which won the audience’s hearts and received numerous awards. There were multiple performances and movies based on the musical, and each offered something unique to the spectator. Perhaps, the most outstanding and exciting part to me was the music since...

World History: The Crusades, Humanism, and the Printing Press

A variety of events have shaped the social, cultural, and political dimensions of the world. The significance of most historical events is apparent to date, thus validating the study of history at all levels of education. The Crusades shaped the future of Christianity in Europe, humanism changed how people viewed...

Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen: Song Analysis

Musical Elements in Don’t Stop Me Now One might say that Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen is the perfect example of the rock band’s overall musical style. Here one can hear the combined melodic sound of a set of musical instruments that is both unique and traditional in this...

Electricity Consumption in El Paso, Texas

Electricity is one of the essential resources in people’s daily lives. It is needed both in non-residential premises to perform many tasks and in residential ones to ensure the vital activity of the population. Electricity is necessary for everyone, and people need to pay for it, and the issue of...

Discussion of Maternal Mortality Crisis

Amankwaa, L. C., Records, K., Kenner, C., Roux, G., Stone, S. E., & Walker, D. S. (2018). African-American mothers’ persistent excessive maternal death rates. Nursing Outlook, 66(3), 316-318. Web. The article describes maternal mortality, ethical considerations, policy, and causes among African American women. The authors give brief background information on...

On Being Brought from Africa to America Poem by Wheatley

The poem On Being Brought from Africa to America by Phillis Wheatley is a poetic representation of dark period in American history when slave trade was prominent in society. However, despite the horrors of slavery, it is a poem of resilience and strength demonstrated by Wheatley on her journey. In...

Exploring Reliability and Validity in Social Studies

Values significantly determine a person’s behavior, motivation, aspirations, and relationships with others. Values and motives questionnaire (VMQ), also known as values and motives inventory (VMI), was created to measure them. The test estimates three dimensions of personal values: interpersonal, extrinsic, and intrinsic (“Values and motives questionnaire,” n.d.). As a result,...

Business Model of a New Games Venture

Competition The proposed game localization venture does not have much in terms of competition in the Middle East due to the fact that large game companies did not indulge in localization efforts all too much, opting for porting an English version of their games to the region. The largest company...

Analysis of Online Fame and Reputation

Obtaining fame through social media is a frequent phenomenon in the current age, with numerous individuals becoming recognized due to the Internet. As the access to online social platforms continues to expand, various people gain an opportunity to become famous by posting different content. The present paper focuses on the...

Kudlisnki’s Boy and Markle’s Butterfly Tree Picture Books

The books I have chosen for this assignment are Boy and We Were Wrong About the Solar System! by Kathleen Kudlisnki and Butterfly Tree by Sandra Markle. The Features of Boy, We Were Wrong About the Solar System Boy, We Were Wrong About the Solar System! is an excellent non-fiction...

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Introduction Tuskegee Syphilis Study was a series of experiments conducted on unaware African Americans with the goal of uncovering medical evidence of racial disparities. Not only were the researchers driven by racial prejudice, but they also manipulated their test subjects with lies and deceitful information. The experiment gained wide resonance...

How Much Governments Assist Citizens During Crises

Since the wake of COVID-19, many people worldwide have faced an economic downturn. Millions of people were laid off from work, losing their source of income, and thousands of businesses could not move on. The government has the mandate to protect its people from physical and economic problems and provide...

Vermont Accountable Communities Model

Introduction Unfortunately, vulnerable groups in the US may receive improper medical care because of the flaws of the health system. Therefore it is of paramount importance to reduce costs and improve the quality of health by founding new screening models to access services needed. Such a model already exists and...

Religious Diversity in the Workplace: The Case for Alternative Dispute Resolution

Key Points Based on the topic and results of the study in question, one can highlight several key points. Firstly, as Rouméas (2020) states, religious diversity is the issue that arises in the workplace due to the distinctive cultural backgrounds of colleagues, and its emergence can become a barrier due...

Amazon: Process Management and Locations Planning

Process management Amazon is an internet-based retailer and web service provider with millions of customers. Its headquarters are located in Seattle, Washington. It has revolutionized online purchasing by making delivery quick, inexpensive, and painless for customers. This essay will focus on the process and location strategies it has put in...

The Significance of Social Learning Theories

The social learning theory developed by Albert Bandura, a social cognitive psychologist, is considered a contrasting perspective on understanding social learning as the process of observation, imitation, and modeling that shape human behavior. Bandura’s social learning theory argues that observational learning might pose a powerful impact enhanced when the observers...

Crime and Factors Influencing It

Gender Ratio Problem This problem describes one of the phenomena often observed in society regarding the number of crimes committed by people. As statistics show, there are significant gender differences since men commit much more crimes than women. This statement is true for almost any society and all types of...

Continuity in the UK Defence Policy Since 1945

Overall, it is fair to say that the war brought many changes to Great Britain. The war economy peaked in 1943 when dozens of large military factories were operating in the country. Many civilian industries, including export ones, were reoriented to produce weapons and military equipment production. In 1943, the...

Songwriting Process and Its Main Phases

Writing a song does not follow a specific structure, and while some songwriters adhere to a semi-formal or formal process, others tend to work randomly. However, it must be pointed out that using the latter approach to songwriting often results in less predictable outcomes. The lack of or limited success...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Kodak Firm’s History and Technological Impact

A dry platform and machine for processing a large number of plates were created and patented in 1880 by George Eastman. In Rochester, New York, he also created the Eastman Kodak Company. He substituted a roll of film for photographic glass plates in 1884, because he believed in the potential...

Categorization and Data Representation

The correct presentation of data is one of the most important tasks associated with processing information. Regardless of the area, the data should be presented accurately and not allow different interpretations. One of the convenient tools for implementing these principles is categorization. Using this method, one can concisely present the...

Language Policy and Planning in the United States

Relations between different languages within one state are inseparable from interethnic relations, which are unanimously considered by politicians and sociologists to be the most vulnerable side of the coexistence of people within the framework of society. Therefore, a vision of a complex language situation is always a part of the...

The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam

Introduction The Ten Commandments and the Pillars of Islam serve as the foundations of the Islamic and Christian religions. In general, they consist of predetermined norms that lay the groundwork for how Muslims and Christians should conduct themselves in their interactions with the Almighty and those with whom they interact....

Wisdom Comes with Age: “How I Met My Husband” by Munro

Contentment and happiness might be found in front of people rather than in elaborate hopes. “How I Met My Husband,” a short story by Alice Munro, illustrates the infatuation of Edie, a fifteen-year-old girl, for Chris Watters, an itinerant pilot who comes offering paid rides in a close-by fairground. Edie...

Peplau’s Theory of Nurse-Patient Relationship

Introduction Peplau theorized the main goal of care is to create an interpersonal, therapeutic relationship to allow nurses to assist their clients in identifying their felt problems. The therapeutic relationship is considered a healing technique essential for providing professional assistance to clients. This professional relationship focuses on the client’s problems,...

Straw Man Argument in Real-Life Situations

The fallacy titled the straw man argument occurs when a general argument is refuted in a distorted manner. Hence, this type of misrepresentation makes it harder to attack the counterargument in cases where the distorted response is significantly different from the original claim (Ika, 2018). When one’s position is presented...

The United States and Panama: Comparing Economic Variables

The less favorable economic situation of Panama compared to the United States is seen from their GDP and GDP Per Capita. Thus, according to Country Economy (n.d.), the former’s corresponding indicators are $52,938 million and $12,373 million as of 2020, respectively. Meanwhile, in the United States, these numbers are $22,993,500...

Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets

Introduction The article by Barry at al. “Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets” (1998) describes the capital markets in developing countries. These markets are believed to have a great potential for development, as long as about 80 percent of population belongs to them. Now they produce only 20 percent of...

Aspects of Security in Workplaces

It was interesting reading through the discussion post on security in workplaces. Workplace violence cannot be better defined than with the OSHA, which is a regulatory body of the United States Department of Labor that is duty-bound to inspect workplaces and its workers’ security concerns. Your choice of defining workplace...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Relation Between Politics and Social Media

Background During the past decades, social media have provided important platforms in politics that are mainly used to educate and disseminate information. People can interact directly with politicians and party representatives, and share their ideas about civic and political issues (Wihbey, 2019). Platforms such as Facebook are widely used by...

The Sexual Identity: Adolescent Students

Social skills present an important element of students’ development and foundation of communication and relationships with others. There are three primary concepts of social development, one of which, the theory of mind, suggests that people can learn to read or understand other people’s mental states. Being able to use the...

Measles Vaccinations in Colorado State

Introduction Twenty-one years ago, the WHO declared the USA a measles-free country. However, since that time, numerous cases of measles have erupted in different states. There have been outbreaks in Washington and New York, Michigan and California, New Jersey, and American Samoa. Measles is a highly contagious disease, and vaccination...

Success Factors for Hosting Mega-Events

The first success factor for the mega-event that contributes to both economy and tourism is repositioning by employing innovations. By utilizing the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo to promote its new technologies, Japan established an image of a leader and proceeded to host mega-events (Dubinsky, 2019). Japan was able to...

Mass Immigration in the United States

Since the 1800s, America has experienced three great waves of mass immigration. The first great wave of immigration came from Europe between the 1820s-1880s (Healey and Stepnick 60). The second mass immigration came from the 1880s to the 1920s, and the current wave has been continuing since 1965. Each of...

Dolphin as Example of Modern Whales

General Information The dolphin is a typical representative of the mammals of the cetacean class, which, despite living underwater, do not have gills for underwater breathing. In fact, the aquatic lifestyle has influenced the body shape of these mammals: dolphins have a dorsal fin and a streamlined long body shape....

Influence of Technology on Students’ Communication and Learning

Introduction Modern technologies embedded in the educational process have become valuable tools and helped increase students’ interest and productivity. An opportunity to engage in digital content has broadened the prospects for communication and advanced learning. Moreover, unlimited access to various materials has a positive effect not only on collective but...

Review of “The Taming of the Shrew” Play

Critical examination of works of fiction, combined with a reflective analysis of one’s reactions and emotions from reading them, is an effective academic strategy. For this assignment, the object of study was William Shakespeare’s monumental play The Taming of the Shrew, written in 1590. As an illustrative example of a...

The American History: The Underground Railroad, Andrew Jackson

The Underground Railroad The Underground Railroad refers to enslaved African Americans’ secret efforts to escape from bondage through many routes. Ditlmann et al. (2017) explain that it operated from the eighteenth century to the Civil War, although the exact existence dates are unknown. The number of black people who escaped...

Discontinuity of Care in the Criminal Justice System

The media and much of the general community believe that crime and mental illnesses are related to each other because of the numerous cases of crimes committed by the mentally ill, as well as the big number of imprisoned mentally ill persons. For example, such cases as Andrea Yates in...

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East-West Rivalry and Atomic Race of Cold War

Cold War intensified after Russia and the United States got new leaders, namely Nikita Khrushchev and Dwight Eisenhower. The war dynamics transformed to a new level as ground troops were reduced because the two nations wanted to focus more on nuclear weapons. The U.S. policies were highly aggressive, and in...

Application of Different Technologies in DSL Communications

The efficiency of communication is a critical requirement in any society, community, or organization. Different technologies have been applied to achieve this specific objective. Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is a communication technology that carries both voice signals and digital data based on the assumption that digital data does not need...

“To Live” Directed by Zhang Yimou: Movie Analysis

Told through the lens of the protagonist and set in the era of the Chinese civil war, “To Live” tells a story of a Chinese family that has to survive the challenges of living amidst the Cultural revolution and the resulting Civil War in China. The movie opens with the...

Greek and African Art & Culture of Civilizations

Introduction Historically, art arises when a man goes beyond the satisfaction of his immediate physical needs and is allowed to create. Thus, art is a unique form of human exploration of the world, in which the world is presented through forms of human activity, communication, and self-realization. It gives a...

Aspen Consensus Recommendations for Re-Feeding Syndrome

RS refers to electrolyte and metabolic alterations that occur due to increased or reintroduction of calories after a prolonged lack or decreased consumption. Calories, in this situation, can be from many sources ranging from oral diet and PN to enteral nutrition. To the article, RS was initially explained in World...

Variations in Writing Approach to the Propaganda of Stretching

Introduction Exercise is one of humans’ oldest and first health practices to maintain and preserve their healthy bodily status and high muscle functionality. Nowadays, medical and technical innovations and new pharmacological inventions overshadow this simple therapeutic technique, and people often underestimate its actual and potential positive impact. While novel medicines...

Lifting All Up to God Here (L.A.U.G.H.) Organization

In terms of the summary, Lifting All Up to God Here (L.A.U.G.H.) is a faith-based organization for youth, in which participants can learn life skills and workforce training, express themselves through creative arts, culinary arts, and practice in counseling. The establishment requires grant assistance since it plays an essential role...

The Box Man by Kobo Abe: A Short-Form Analysis

Passage “The seaside smell of rain is quite like a dog’s breath. The place is not all that suitable as a rain shelter, for the drizzle is directionless as if expelled from an atomizer. The bridge girders are too high. This entire location is unsuitable. Everything—being at a place like...

Business Financing and Decision-Making

Business financing is an action of funding a business activity, whether it is starting a new business, running, or expanding an ongoing venture. Regardless of the business type or size, a need to provide resources as an enterprise requires procuring items such as equipment, buildings, office furniture, and machinery. When...

The Last Supper by Leonardo Da Vinci

Introduction The picture pasted above is a well-known oil painting by the genius artist of the late 15th century, Leonardo da Vinci. The author of the picture worked on this masterpiece from 1495 to 1498. It was rather a long and complicated process of creating this artwork because just at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Manager’s Role in Increasing Creativity

In many developed companies, managers play an essential role in increasing creativity since it is necessary to produce something radically new. To increase creativity, managers, and leaders of companies must be open to new things. One of the most important strategic purposes of leadership is to foster employee creativity (Vele,...

Power and Ambition in Shakespeare’s “The Tragedy of Macbeth”

Introduction “The Tragedy of Macbeth,” one of the first works to be associated with the name of William Shakespeare, doubtlessly is more than a story with a moral. It serves to illustrate the common laws of life, which work on human beings even without their understanding of them. In fact,...

Kant’s View on the Lex Talionis Principle

Lex talionis is a famous concept in Western ethics and jurisdiction. This word comes from the Latin language, describing the principle of equal retaliation. It was commonly used in the jurisdiction and other spheres to set human behavior limitations. Lex talionis can be regarded as a helpful tool to exercise...

Body Language as a Core Non-Verbal Communication Signal

Even in the modern highly-integrated, and progressive world, many still overlook the importance of body language as a core non-verbal communication signal. It is instrumental for helping understand and decode what another person is saying and what are the intentions behind their words. However, the role of posture, gestures, facial...

Religious Beliefs: Reasons Behind the Faith

Religious beliefs and the reasons behind them are very personal matters, and different people are likely to offer varying accounts and testimonies of faith. Belief in God is central to many people’s lives and, for them, requires no evidence, only trust in the Divine. Faith in the Deity is intuitive...

“All Summer in a Day” and “Eveline”: Desire to Return to the Past

The contrasts between the past and the current settings are of special interest to numerous writers, who explored the emotional significance of nostalgia in their works. As the surrounding environment changes with time, many individuals perceive a development in their psychological well-being, which might be drastically impacted by a considerable...

Having a Pet for Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, in the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Researching of Strategic Innovation

Innovation is the systematic application of ideas that culminate in the presentation of new products and services or an enhancement in the manner those products and services are offered. In the sphere of business activities and organizational performance, change and transformation can become the drivers of progress. Hence, it is...

Sifers-Grayson Five Technologies to Improve Security Posture

Patch management indicates the distribution and application updates to the software. A patch management system is vital to any cybersecurity system to maintain up-to-date protections and relevant functionality. Regular patches can fix identified vulnerabilities and enhance protection against attacks. All electronic devices functioning on a network have and should be...

Documentary “The Codebreaker” by Chana Gazit

The Codebreaker is a documentary about Elizebeth Smith Friedman, a significant figure during WWII, yet not many people know about her. Friedman began her career as a codebreaker when she started analyzing whether Shakespeare’s works were written by Francis Bacon or William Shakespeare himself. Friedman and her husband soon became...

Strategic Business Steering Committee for Projects

Abstract Given the lengthy nature of a business project, there is always a need to find the best way of ensuring the project is undertaken in the most systematic way with no or rather less errors. Therefore, this paper has laid out some of the important issues that should be...

Role of Information Technology in Business

Relational databases constitute the basis of business intelligence platforms and are the most common type of databases. In such systems, the tables are linked to each other, allowing the users to access related data with ease. Therefore, the primary advantage of the RDBMS is the simplicity of the system, convenience,...

Beauty in The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison

The idea of beauty has always been important to human society. People use specific standards to consider someone more attractive than others and provide them with privileged status. At the same time, failure to meet dominant standards might result in exclusion, isolation, and loneliness. Thus, beauty is one of the...

Philosophy and Its Role in Modern Science

Introduction Philosophy has often been criticized for its lack of practical utility. Indeed, some scientists and their followers maintain that most of the philosophical questions, especially the most basic ones that have been researched for centuries, are still unanswered. As a result, metaphysical, ontological, and existential endeavors are seen as...

A New Concept Based on “Antigone”

Antigone is one of the most notable plays of Ancient Greece, which remains relevant to this day and is used by directors around the world. The play explores the topic of the oppressive patriarchal society, which makes it particularly topical during the current times. Antigone inspires me to develop a...

Amilia Lanier Biography and Influence

Introduction The name Emilia Lanier is unique in the context of English history and poetry. Emilia Lanier, nee Aemilia Bassano, lived in 1569-1645 and appeared to be the first English woman, who claimed herself a professional poetess. This fact was surprising for the people of this epoch. She resided in...

Rawls’ Social Contract Theory and Software Engineering Ethics

Introduction John Rawls defined the characteristics of a just society through his social contract theory. In his theory, four conditions characterize a stable society: equal and free individuals, justice being open to public scrutiny, just sharing of surplus, and a responsibility to the social contract to ensure continued cooperation. Rawls’...

A Comparison Between Language Planning and Policy in Finland and France

Language planning and policy are vital elements in establishing a relationship between nationalism, language, and identity. In order to create a strong nation with a unified language, governments have the power to define one or multiple official languages. Being a part of the European Union, France and Finland face migration...

Acute Bronchitis in Evidence-Based Practice

The problem statement is centered around the efficacy and plausibility of antibiotics usage for acute bronchitis. The search for evidence yields a mix of results, which is why the literature review was critical in order to derive a properly assessed and analyzed conclusion and recommendations. The quality and reliability of...

Marcus Garvey in Black Freedom Struggle History

African-American history in the United States has many notable events which forever transformed the society of the country. One of the most important historical moments was the rise of the early Black civil rights movement at the beginning of the 20th century. Marcus Garvey is the man who became a...

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Marketing Project of Sony Ex4D Pro

The company producing the cellphone is Sony, and the product name is Sony Ex4D Pro. Shape your experience. This slogan presumes that by using the new cellphone model Sony Ex4D Pro a customer can use its multifunctional interface for different activities. Sony Ex4D Pro is an ultra-powerful smartphone from a...

“A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings”: A Character Analysis

Introduction Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a Colombian Nobel prize winner commonly regarded as one of the best authors of the 20th century (EchevarrĂ­a). His works famously blend elements of fantasy and realism to explore solitude, violence, and the human condition (EchevarrĂ­a). A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings is a...

America Counteracting Prejudice, Discrimination, and Violence

America today continues to defend its image as a global democracy that opens doors to all nations and ethnicities. Many Americans continue to believe in the equal opportunity stereotype, or the stereotype continues to live on its own, with the tacit consent of the majority. In practice, however, America is...

Developing Your Identity and Role in Adult Nursing

The main reason why this research was done was to facilitate and maintain effective communication between patients who have cancers with their nurses. Effective communication is essential as it helps in improving the health results as well as the satisfaction that comes with the treatment (Arbour et al., 2022). This...

Wolfgang Keller at Konigsbrau: Hellas A.E

Konigsbrau A.G is a corporation based in Greek, it produces premium beers, and its worldwide sales were estimated to 2.6 million US dollars. By the time its director was Mr. Wolfgang Keller, Konigsbrau was one of the companies that enjoyed recognition in the whole continent as it was the best...

What Should Society Censor?

Introduction The issue of what should be censored by the society is quite controversial. Society feels the need to protect children from unwanted materials, which include, adult materials, hate speech, among others (Ashcroft et al 4). The government may also censor speech as some people could take the advantage of...

Walmart’s Unethical Employee Management Practices

Walmart is the company that took the dominant position in the market. The strategy of the business to provide the customers with the American products for the lowest price seems to be essential to the company’s success. There is hardly an organization in the world that does not face challenges,...

The War Ends, The Reconstruction Begins. USA after the Civil War

The present paper is focused on the issues of Reconstruction that took place in the USA after the Civil War and different approaches different government bodies took to it. At the beginning of beginning of analyzing Restoration plans it is necessary to define what in fact Restoration was – what...

The Role of Psychology in Understanding Political Violence

Political violence, as well as any other kind of violence, has various causes at its core. Some people or groups resort to rampage when they want to reach equality. Others behave destructively when they desire to gain more power than they already have. Research shows that individuals are often motivated...

The Return on Security Investment

The calculation of the Return on Security Investment (ROSI) entails the combination of the quantitative assessment of risk and the cost of implementing security to counter the measures of the risk. Security is often more complex to measure in that an investment does not offer increased revenues but does provide...