Presidential and Radical Reconstruction in History

Reconstruction denotes a problematic period in US history that followed the Civil War. It was associated with the effort of reintegrating the Southern states into the United States from the Confederacy. Under President Andrew Johnson’s administration, the new legislature concerning Southern states was passed with restrictive ‘Black Codes,’ which would...

Heterosexuality: Do Lesbians Exist?

The article named Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence was written by Adrienne Cecile Rich and was published in 1986. The author’s thesis states, “Coercion and compulsion are among the conditions in which women have learned to recognize our strength” (Rich, 1986, p. 22). The author supports a critical position on...

Health Problems of Aboriginal Communities in Canada

Introduction There are many aboriginal peoples and communities in Canada, including the First Nations, Inuit, and Metis. Unfortunately, the health status of Aboriginal peoples is generally much worse than that of non-Aboriginal Canadians (NCCAH, 2013). This is a severe problem that requires attention and government aid. The article “An Overview...

Police Officer With a Juvenile

Within the context of policing, discretion refers to power, the ability to make decisions that directly affect the life of a subject who is being policed. When a subject in question is underage, naturally the degree of the leeway allowed becomes a topic of ethical debates. Police officers faced with...

The History of the Virginia Colony

The colonization of North America Spanish pioneered the colonization of North America. Therefore, it was problematic to find an uninhabited place distant enough from the Spanish colonies and the villages of Native Americans. Moreover, England had attempted to settle in the New World before Jamestown, yet both of the attempts...

Physical Security: A Biometric Approach

Based on modern trends and current news, failures and violations in IT physical security can lead to catastrophic consequences. As practice shows, such results often include financial losses, dissatisfaction of employees and customers, as well as various litigations and lawsuits. In accordance with this fact, many companies need high-quality protection...

Wisdom and Death in Socrates’ Philosophy

Introduction The philosophy of Socrates, which became the background for the formation of many doctrines and concepts, is an example of how reason conquers ignorance. In his writings, the ancient Greek thinker pursued truth as one of the key benefits that allowed the human to comprehend the secrets of life...

Unconscious Bias in Group Formation

Bias toward the representatives of certain social groups may play a significant role in building human relations. It becomes particularly important when it is unconscious and, therefore, not recognized by the person exercising it. My experience suggests a conscious bias in favor of veterans and moderate unconscious gender stereotypes, and...

BMAC Firm’s Influence Diagrams and Decision Trees

BMAC, a research and development company, faces a dilemma that might impact its future development and growth. At the moment, it has an option to invest $2million to continue with a specific drug development research project. However, it can be a risky venture because of the lack of guarantees that...

The Phoenix Hospital’s Workload-Shifting Strategy

Introduction The chosen strategy is to make Phoenix Hospital the preferred hospital in Hanover County by employees and consumers by reducing the workload for the nursing department. This strategy can solve several problems of the hospital at once, since the hospital’s costs have increased significantly recently, which affects the economic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Locke’s Philosophy

Locke’s philosophy on the state of war represents a particularly interesting topic due to the presence of ideas that require a substantial amount of nuance and the transfer of these ideas into the context of actual war settings. Namely, Locke’s idea of an aggressor’s right to instigate a war as...

Sleep From the Angle of the Biological Process and Its Features

Introduction We have recently begun to study sleep as a biological process. We analyzed different stages of sleep and its complex study as a cycle. We also investigated various factors of influence and disturbance of the sleep process. Particular attention has been paid to specific sleep patterns, factors affecting them,...

Tennis Injuries: Trends and Patterns

Tennis is a valuable activity that attracts people who enjoy physical competition. However, as with almost every sports game, injuries often occur in practice. Moreover, since tennis can be played by people who perceive it as a professional sport, some might attempt risky moves to win. This report explores what...

The Roman Roads: Source Analysis

Madricardo, Fantina, Maddalena Bassani, Giuseppe D’Acunto, Antonio Calandriello, and Federica Foglini. 2021. “New Evidence of a Roman Road in the Venice Lagoon (Italy) Based on High-Resolution Seafloor Reconstruction.” Scientific Reports 11 (1): 1-19. Web. The authors are employees of different universities in Italy; each has several works in archaeology, seascapes,...

Advantages of Computer Technology in Healthcare

Before the utilization of computer technology within healthcare, several issues were prevalent and directly impeded the quality of patient care. Records were organized in non-universal and non-permanent structures and were not always easily accessed. Similarly, individuals in remote locations had little access to medical consultation and treatment. Patients with ongoing...

Researches Devoted to the Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

O’Brien, Timothy. “Who Arose for Emily?” The Faulkner Journal, vol. 29, no. 1, 2015, pp. 101-109. This article published in a scholarly journal reflects on a possible pun in the famously hard-to-interpret title of Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily.” After listing several interpretations of what a titular rose, never explicitly...

Haiti: Artifacts, Culture, and Today’s Issues

Self-expression and Artifacts Humans may create cultural artifacts for such simple reasons as survival. However, the object will be different from that created by another person, although if they belong to the same culture, some similarities are also likely to exist. The need for self-expression arises from the sense of...

Child Mistreatment, Interpersonal Violence, and Covid-19

During the pandemic have been noticed the increased number of domestic violence cases, and the hotlines have received more calls asking for help than in the last years. People started experiencing many traumas and fears connected with the coronavirus that has created new stresses and worries. The most psychologically vulnerable...

Evolution in Recent History: Technological Change

Evolution is the process that defines development occurring in diverse spheres of people’s lives, such as technology, the human body, sea inhabitants, literature, and medicine. Additionally, evolution in different spheres required various periods of time. For example, technology develops fast; therefore, technological processes and devices can be managed, improved, and...

The Essence of an Accountant’s Work

There are multiple ways in which an individual can make the world a better place. Among them, a person’s career path remains one of the most important avenues of impacting their environment on many levels. This tendency is natural, as an average individual devotes a considerable portion of time and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Marxism in “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant

Introduction Published in 1884, Guy de Maupassant’s short story with the ambiguous title “The Necklace” is an excellent example of a work with an unexpected ending that forces the reader to rethink the artistic narrative. Along with the psychological issues of the conflict of desires and opportunities, the instability of...

“American Psycho”: Plot and Main Ideas

Outline American Psycho is a film made as a critique of the materialistic American society, the incompetence of law enforcement, and misogynistic violence. Working as a black comedy, it combines elements of horror with more light-hearted aspects to lampshade the world around it. Additionally, the film exists as an interesting...

Breastfeeding in African American Women: Nursing Project

Intervention Plan The intervention plan is based on the purpose of the project, which is the improvement of breastfeeding exclusivity of postpartum women from African American descent. The plan will consist of several steps, each of them aiming at fulfilling a specific goal of the project. Such elements as the...

Massive Internet Outage Hits Websites Including Amazon, gov.UK and Guardian

Complexity The unexpected failure of the content delivery network (CDN) called Fastly severely affected the work of numerous websites in Western Europe and North America. These websites are the Guardian, New York Times, Amazon, Twitter, Reddit, and the website of the British government, to name but a few. CDNs are...

The Rise and Fall of Rome: History of the Roman Empire

Rome is a historic city and capital of Roma Province and is situated in the central region of the Italian Peninsula. For a long time, Rome controlled the destiny of all evolution known to Europe before it fell into despair and dissolution. Even with many challenges, Rome was able to...

Books IX-XII of Paradise Lost by Milton

Book IX Milton reveals gender-related biases present in the seventeenth century – Eve is to blame for the couple being exiled from Eden. “To whom soon mov’d with a touch of blame thus Eve” states the poem and also emphasizes the author’s opinion by describing Adam’s disappointment in the woman’s...

Cybersecurity and Crimes as Advanced Persistent Threat

Introduction An advanced persistent threat (APT) is a discerning spasm which that acquires unlicensed entry to communication and information systems to drain private data from government institutions, companies, and industries with the intent of effecting harm. The attacks pose an imminent menace since it is challenging to spot them at...

Perfect Competition and the Cost of Healthcare

Introduction Markets can be organized according to different competitive structures, including perfect competition, monopoly, imperfect competition, and oligopoly. Perfect competition is largely considered theoretical because it comprises certain features that may be impossible to replicate in the real world. Aside from the features of a perfectly competitive market, examining how...

A Philosophical Solution for a Soldier Who Finds a Child With a Gun

As a way of life, philosophy demands that children should have a space for active engagement in philosophical thought to promote their critical thinking. Philosophical thought allows children to ask existential questions about their surroundings and the world (Kizel 142). The curiosity in children exposes them to many dangers, some...

Genetic Modification of Organisms to Meet Human Needs

Introduction One of the greatest scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century has been the ability of humans to modify organisms to satisfy their needs. This advancement has had many impacts on human lives, both negative and positive. However, the positive effects of this development have been far greater than the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Postponement Strategy in Business

Introduction A “postponement” strategy is a business strategy that defers investment until the last possible moment. It is believed that this strategy reduces the risk of unsuccessful investments and the potential profit increases. This approach has several advantages. For example, in supply chain management, in cases where it is impossible...

DNA Fingerprinting Technology: Description and Use

The sphere of biology is constantly developing as researchers and scientists around the world make new discoveries and create new technological solutions which benefit the entire humanity. One of the most notable breakthroughs of the past decades was the creation of genetic fingerprinting, which enabled biotechnology to make considerable progress....

“Goblin Market” Poem by Christina Rossetti

Introduction The goblin market is a poem published in the 18th century by Christina Rossetti. The poem unfolds the story of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who enter the Goblin market when men are selling their fruits in the streets. The fruits represent sexual activities advertised by the merchants in...

Business Continuity Plan Assessment

To understand how the organization works and how stable it is, one should consider its assessment using the concept of business continuity (BC). It includes evaluating how the business is resistant to various tensions and challenges, which are inevitable in all stages of business operation. The continuity plan shows how...

Overpopulation and the Environmental Wellbeing

Introduction The world population is growing at an alarming rate, threatening to deplete resources. Between 1999-2010 the world population increased by one billion people (Collins & Page, 2019). Specifically, the people of the United States have tripled in the 20th century, showing how population increase is a matter of great...

Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Five Basic Assumptions

The idea of the hierarchy of needs was first proposed by psychologist Abraham Maslow in 1943. According to Maslow, the basic human needs must be satisfied first, before the psychological needs, and lastly, the self-fulfillment needs (Aruma & Hanachor, 2017). This essay will look at the five basic assumptions of...

Issue of Racism in Colonial Haiti

The understanding of racism in Haiti, at the time called St. Domingue, was different even among the people at the time. In the book, The Haitian Revolution by David Geggus, two examples of contemporary writing on the matter of discrimination are presented. The first account is presented by Henri-Baptiste Grégoire...

BMG Right Management vs. Cox Communication

The Issue BMG rights management sued Cox communication for the alleged copyright infringement to hold its contributory responsibility for restricting BMG’s copyright by Cox’s internet services. The jury declared that under section 512 (a) of the digital millennium copyright act (DMCA), 17 USS 512 (a), Cox is guilty because it...

Erickson’s Developmental Theories

Erikson’s theory suggests that personality evolves in a preset order through eight distinct stages of psychosocial development, ranging from infancy to adulthood, and progression at appropriate biological age results in a healthy personality. Skinner developed the behavioral theory of learning, suggesting that it is a process of conditioning in a...

Concessions: Dilution and Weakness of Brands?

Regardless of the controversial attitudes to concessions’ effectiveness, in the present day, Primark and multiple other companies include them in their strategies of development. Primark is one of the largest international retailers that offer quality fashion, beauty, and homeware, operating in more than 380 stores across Europe and America (About...

Student Loan Debt Issue Highlighted in Editorials

Student loan debt has been a topical question for the past decades, and the U. S. government has tried to address the issue in different ways. One of the latest steps discussed is debt cancellation, which evokes quite contrasting emotions and views among Americans. This paper includes a brief comparison...

High-Risk Behaviors and Psychological Disorders in Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a very difficult period in any child’s life. It can be just as difficult for the parents as well. At this age, the children go through puberty and experience hormonal changes, while at the same time learning to deal with the demands, expectations, and challenges that the...

Compatibilist and Libertarian Views of Human Action

Introduction Various concepts of human freedom are different from each other in few events. Some human choices are the results of the freedom that they possess. Additionally, these ideas are both non-theistic and theistic, including compatibilism, incompatibilism, libertarianism, and determinism. Freedom is the procedure of selecting or determining a set...

Corporations: The Inevitable Influence

The controversy surrounding corporations as public figures touch on critical aspects of society’s development and well-being. Does one wonder why corporations have become so pervasive? Why do they affect all of us, not just the people who buy the companies’ products? In The Corporation, the authors talk about the reasons...

Successful Innovation in Toyota’s Market Industry

One of the factors of consumer success and achieving a strong competitive advantage in today’s companies is a commitment to innovation. Innovation should be thought of as any innovation in a company that aims to increase productivity and optimize labor. In other words, many of today’s companies, especially the largest...

“Silver Water” by Amy Bloom: Main Character, Plot, and Themes

The book Silver Water by Amy Bloom revolves around a girl, Rose, who becomes mentally ill at an early age. The theme of the narration is that of mental illness and how it has a significant impact on the patient’s life and that of their family. It also shows that...

Philosophical Research: Setting the Scene

Introduction Psychological research involves the empirical pursuit of exploring and explaining phenomena. We might ask questions such as: Does X vary with Y? Does X cause Y? What is the strength of the relationship between X and Y? Within the context of clinical psychological research, we might ask questions such...

Means of Expression in Communication

In this video, the narrator constantly maintains eye contact with the audience. This makes it possible for listeners who see the speaker not to doubt his professionalism and draw attention to the person himself. For example, at the beginning of the speech, Michael Todd highlights certain moments of his remarks...

Aspects of Absorbtion of Dyes

Introduction The absorbance of a substance can be measured by determinig the absorption spectra of the substance. A spectrometer can be used to measure the energy transition from the ground state of a substance to an excited state of the substance which is usually above 300KJmol-1(Bhowmik et al., 2018).The absorbance...

Social Psychology in Media

Social influence is a social psychological concept that indicates that individuals are likely to change or adapt behavior based on the social environment which surrounds them. Social influences typically impact multiple aspects of a person’s life, often placing them with a choice of desiring to conform to the predominant social...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Behavioral Economics Concepts

Introduction Behavioral economics is a discipline that studies human behavior and its reasons. Its subject is influences experienced by humans that change their behavioral patterns and force them to make certain decisions. It is deeply connected with marketing, as instruments for influencing human behavior are widely used for advertising. Behavioral...

Dealing With Uncertainty: Estee Lauder Company

Summary Given that recent pandemics and responses shape humanity’s future, there is an urgent need for more critical insights than ever before. Before the outbreak, progress toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) had been enshrined for well sustainable development. From the above, a conclusion was arrived at and published in 2019...

The Decline in the US Dollar Compared to the Canadian Dollar: Exports Fall

Introduction The decline of a currency is when its value becomes low compared to other currencies in the foreign exchange market. An example of a currency decline is the Canadian dollar compared to the US dollar. A single US dollar can purchase a more considerable amount of Canadian dollars at...

Savings, Investment Spending, and the Financial System

Explain how overall national savings is related to overall investment and why savings is always equal to investment. Savings are a part of income that is not consumed now, that is, the accumulation of finance. Therefore, savings, formed by the difference between income and expenses, are the primary investment source....

The Kitchen Remodeling Contract

Introduction This contract was drafted by (*name of subcontractor and their address) (subcontractor), among (*name of general contractor and their address) (general contractor) and (*name of the homeowner and their address) (homeowner). Collectively, they will be addressed as “parties” and “party” individually. All parties involved shall only sign this contract...

Entrepreneurship: A Fixed State of Existence or a Role

Nowadays, entrepreneurship has undergone democratization processes connected with technology. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to find out its function in an individual’s life. Indeed, entrepreneurial people serve as a subject of interest not only for psychologists but also for economists, managers, sociologists, and even philosophers. The power of entrepreneurship...

Dangers of Drunk Driving: The Role of Preventable Steps

There are many deaths per year resulted from drunk driving, and every one of them is preventable. The loss of life in engine vehicle accidents generally rises to the consolidated number of suicides and murders. In any case, one cannot shape or form inferences about drunk versus sober drivers causing...

Ethical Challenges for the Finance Manager: Case Study

Situation You are the finance manager in a long term care facility that is struggling to remain solvent. The facility’s administrator has hired a consultant to work with you to increase Medicaid reimbursement. The consultant recommends that you be more “liberal” in coding the severity of residents’ needs to justify...

Socialization in “Life as the Maid’s Daughter” by Mary Romero

Mary Romero’s Life as the Maid’s Daughter is an essential piece of literature highlighting the differences between white upper-middle-class and Mexican working-class societies. The research was assisted by private household workers of color, sharing their experiences and struggles. The narrative follows Teresa’s life, a live-in maid’s daughter, exploring the constant...

Researching of Gender and Work-Life Balance

Project Management Demographics There is only a scarce amount of evidence dwelling on the role of women within the field of project management. Nevertheless, the existing quantitative statistics show that only as much as 20-30% of all project managers are female worldwide (Siemiatycki, 2019). This is an important finding because...

Discussion of Public Health Concept

Preparedness as a Universal Public Health Concept Regional, national, and global public health and emergency management institutions and systems are reorganizing around public health and emergency preparedness principles. These terms and concepts are defined in this paper emphasizing system-level and organizational difficulties (Belfroid et al., 2020). Public health providers have...

The Day of the Dead in the Film “Coco”

Coco, a culturally sensitive, beautiful, and colorfully animated film, is formed around the Dia De Muertos (the day of the dead), a Mexican-based traditional and cultural celebration conducted to commemorate and honor the dead. Norms and cultural practices are usually specific and meant to portray or represent a precise meaning...

“Space Mining & Exploration” Article by Skauge

The most manageable steps of reading a long article are to overview what the authors communicate in the papers. The reader may not get the significant meanings of what the writer speaks about in the report but develops a clue of what he is to expect. The first step is...

Healthcare Settings: Financial Challenges

Hospitals face a variety of financial challenges as the most utilized of health care settings. In recent years, exterior factors have caused hospitals to experience less frequent admission rates, length of stay, financial backing for the increased prices of certain procedures, and bad debt losses (Gapenski & Reiter, 2016). This...

Recycling in the United States: Ball Corporation’s Report

Recycling is one of the most effective ways to reduce environmental pollution, but this process is not universally controlled across all U.S. states. An independent ecological consultancy, Eunomia, in collaboration with Ball Corporation, collected data and prepared the report about recycling rates and policies in all 50 states (Ball Corporation)....

Creative Trends in Design and Nature of Innovation

One constant thing in the universe is change. Change is the foundation of innovation, and today, the speed of change within human societies is at its highest. Some societies are more dynamic and developed; they invest more in innovations; therefore, their rate of change surpasses that of others. Such a...

Attention and Movements: Types and Functions

1) Although the ordinary individual does not give selective attention enough consideration, its consequences may be felt in every waking minute. The system by which the human mind focuses its attention on a single subject for a period of time is known as selective attention (Banich & Compton, 2018). Human...

Discussion of Stress Response in Human

Summary The article in question examines the topic of resilience and stress response in humans, and attempt to find an answer to people having to endure traumatic events. The paper opens with a few paragraphs describing the experiences of Dennis Charney, who often took his kids on trips which they...

Google Inc.: The Right Ads at the Right Time

The fact that companies gather data about potential customers to make advertising effective is no wonder. Notwithstanding, the Internet has made it feasible for organizations to lead these exercises on an unprecedented scale. The Internet empowers organizations to actuate clients to attempt new items with more accomplishment than they recently...

Geoffrey Chaucer: The Master of Popular Poetry

Geoffrey Chaucer is an extremely famous English poet from the 14th century best known for his “Canterbury Tales.” This work of poetry depicts several pilgrims traveling to the town of Canterbury, which was a very important holy place in Medieval England. Travelers belong to all walks of life and, in...

Deming’s 14 Principles and Baldrige’s 11 Values

Introduction Management is a complicated process that consists of various activities, including organizing, planning, directing, staffing, and supervision intended to achieve organizational goals. In this regard, diverse concepts and practices have been developed to improve the management efficacy and the overall performance of a company. This paper aims at describing...

“A Clockwork Orange”: Alex’s Character Evolution

In the novel “A Clockwork Orange” by Anthony Burgess, the narration is conducted on behalf of a difficult teenager Alex. He and his friends rob, rape, and arrange brutal reprisals. At the same time, he describes all the actions in an ordinary tone, as if nothing is happening. During one...

Intersectionality of Race and Gender

There is little doubt concerning the fact that the notions of gender and race are some of the most complicated social matters that have been discussed in society for centuries. However, nowadays, there exists a common misbelief that the abolition of segregation and slavery, along with the progress made in...

Discussion of Management Theory

Management theory presents concepts on effective organizational management. The topic covers various theoretical underpinnings of management which in turn form the basis of leadership and management approaches used to guide organizations into growth and sustainability. The topic begins by establishing the classical viewpoint of management on scientific methods used to...

Top 3 Linux Distributions for Privacy, Security, and Penetration Testing

Linux is an open-source operating system (OS) family founded on the Linux Kernel. Users usually get the OS by downloading one of the Linux distributions, available for a variety of systems such as powerful supercomputers (Rocks Cluster Distributions), personal computers (Linux Mint), and embedded devices (OpenWrt) (Day, 2021). Currently, the...

The Relationship Between Human Sinfulness and the Doctrine of Salvation

Introduction According to the principles of the Christian faith, every person born into this world has been sinful since childhood. The limits of this sinfulness lie not in the guilt of the individual for actions committed or imperfectly performed, but in the fact that he or she is the ancestor...

All the Abundance of the World in Our Stomachs

Why do we Americans love these online food shows, culminating in mukbangs? And yet we forget about our figure, fat-shaming men and women, praising supermodels in transparent dresses, which appear before us as standards of femininity and sexuality. Maybe this is not only because we are gourmets and lovers of...

Diversity in Families, Cultures, and Schools

Introduction Diversity creates an environment where people of different backgrounds constantly interact, which results in constant exposure to new ideas. Diversity at the family level comes in different ways, such as having foster children or members of different races. Since family is the primary social unit where members interact close,...

Harm Inflicted by COVID-19 and Aplomado Falcons

Stating the Problem The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all areas of society due to the global lockdown. Quarantine measures led to changes not only in the private life of people but also in the economic sphere. Many global economies are currently in recession, and their volume...

Bass Fishing: The Role in Christianity

Fish symbols and images have a special sacral meaning in Christianity. The mentioning of the fish is correlated with the ancient rituals and can be found in the Bible. Some Christians associate Jesus Christ with the image of fish as a symbol of holy ablution. Today, there are different fishing...

Sweets Bakery & Café – New Employee Orientation

History of Sweets Bakery & More Welcome to Sweets Bakery and Cafe, where we serve the best specialties. We have been a part of this incredible community since 1995, when we opened our doors to the public of Houston. Since then, we have been proving our allegiance to the community...

H&M Firm’s Business Model and Sustainability

H&M is an international fast-fashion company with Swedish origins and is the second-largest global clothing retailer. The brand operates through direct distribution in chain stores and online with solid recognition and various campaigns (Bini and Bellucci, 2020). Their operation strategy allows them to produce goods at affordable prices and address...

Situational Analysis on Opportunities and Threats

Introduction A situational analysis should explain and examine the internal and external environment that affect an organization’s development. It is a means by which it can identify its weaknesses and strengths and relate them to threats and external opportunities. The cleaning organization created by Abu faced many drawbacks and found...

McDonald’s in Hong Kong and Taiwan

Hong Kong is one of the largest dynamic financial centers globally, with correspondingly high food and lodging prices. McDonald’s in the region is often open 24/7, which is why some residents use the restaurant as a home to sleep. In 2018, a study was conducted that showed that 72% of...

Civil Rights Movement and Construction of US Racism

Racism in the twenty-first century is the focus of online social movements and contentious political polarization. Due to innovations in communications technology and sites such as Twitter and Instagram, people worldwide are learning about the history of institutional racism in the United States. This has caused a vastly different landscape...

Gender, Labour and Financial Agency in “Jane Eyre”

This paper will summarize the fifth article ‘Charlotte Brontë’s Circumvention of Patriarchy: Gender, Labour and Financial Agency in Jane Eyre’, by Owsley Lauren. The main argument is whether Jane Eyre functions as a primarily feminist text in the modern literary and gender discourse (Owsley). She does this by examining the...

The “Race, the Power of an Illusion” Film Review

Introduction The film called Race, The Power of an Illusion is devoted to comparing the different racial groups’ peculiarities through the closer scrutiny of their DNA. The video claims that the skin color, eye shape, and other factors determining which ethnicity a person belongs to do not estimate their physical...

The Effectiveness of Carnegie’s Argument in the “Gospel of Wealth”

The “Gospel of Wealth”, an article by Andrew Carnegie, includes multiple perspectives on the usage of money. Specifically, the author advocates the essential utilization of the central philanthropic principles, emphasizing the importance of spending money wisely. In that way, wealthy people are encouraged to donate their money to charities and...

Medication Administration: Failure Mode Effect Analysis

Medical procedures are sensitive processes bearing many unintended and avoidable errors. One such error is poor medication management which may lead to medication shortage for patients, further worsening their state. As a preventable error, medication shortage can be addressed following effective documentation of the acquisition, delivery, and availability of drugs...

Media Narratives That Influenced Worldview

Our previous experiences profoundly influence our future actions because humans tend to turn to the behaviors earlier observed in others when making decisions, explanations or predictions. When acting out of habit rather than plan, humans tend to depend on the history of previously reinforced actions (Gershman et al., 2016). Thus,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financing Terrorist Organizations

The financing of terrorist organizations is a significant problem for the national security agencies that monitor and suppress extremists’ activities and the entire world community. Investments that go to the needs of criminal groups are difficult to control because modern technologies make it possible to receive funds in a digital...

Responsible Consumption and Diffusion of Responsibility

A person’s willingness to engage in prosocial behavior in a given situation depends on a number of psychological mechanisms. One of such mechanisms is the diffusion of responsibility, which refers to the change in the willingness to act depending on the number of people involved in the situation. Its basic...

Finding Intelligent Genomes in People’s Brain

Nowadays, the significant progress of health and medicine science leads to the disclosure of the new “chapter” of humans’ knowledge about themselves. However, some advancements are so unbelievable that scientists do not know how to interpret the information and implement it into future studies. In this case, the authors of...

Research of Mental Health Aspects

Introduction Mental health refers to the mental and psychological well-being of an individual. It can manifest in various ways and be caused by factors such as dissatisfaction and others. It is important that one can undergo treatment and make a full recovery. This field research has focused on themes of...

Gender Differences in the Dream Content of Children and Adolescents

Most people have dreams that relate to their real-life and waking experiences, and they are most often a regular part of a person’s sleeping process. However, the gender of people and their age in different ways affect the perception of various experiences, which should also be reflected in dreams. For...

“Love for Sale” by Alice Clement

“Love for Sale” by Alice Clement is a book examining gender roles, sexual morality, and sexual practices between 1900 to 1945. It compares prostitution and courtship with a new social practice called “treating.” Women were “treated” when they provided sexual favors for material goods like shoes and dresses or dinner...

Analyzing Body Language of Afro-American Orators

A co-founder of the Black Lives Matter movement, Alicia Garza, gives her speech to emphasize the current inequality of different races. She focuses on the fact that black people are mistreated across the globe and provides statistics to support her arguments. For instance, she mentions the number of black people...

Globalization: Impact on Modern Society

Globalization contributes to establishing relationships between individuals, independent social objects, and phenomena, embracing all spheres of people’s lives. Some people consider globalization a threat to national cultures. Others believe that free trade between states implies prosperity and economic growth of all nations and businesses. That is why it is difficult...

Schizophrenia: Myths, Causes, and Impacts

Purpose statement: to educate my audience the myths, causes, and impacts of schizophrenia How our societies treat people with psychological disorders amongst us is a cause of worry. In the Bible teachings, the Bible specifies that we should all love each other and treat others with just. As most of...

Media and Democracy in “By the People: Debating American Government 5e”

“By the People: Debating American Government” is an introduction to the American government, and the 9th chapter focuses on media and democracy in the US. Mass media is an excellent source of influence, information, and controversy. This chapter is an analysis of how media has changed over time, where the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

US Constitution Draft in Historical Context

Introduction The Constitution of the United States of America is the sole most crucial document in the country’s history. It helped establish the national government of early America, outline its fundamental laws, and ensure the citizens of the new nations had their fundamental rights guaranteed and protected. Despite being written...

Daoism Issue, Solution, Techniques, and Exemplars

Daoism, often called Taoism, is a philosophy initiated in Earliest China and propagated by theorists such as Laozi. This viewpoint, which some individuals regard as a religion, instructs persons on living in agreement with the rest of the universe. The word “Dao” refers to “path,” the essence and pattern of...

The Nature of Average Salaries Paid by Inosmart Inc

Table1 below shows the average amount of money InoSmart Inc. spent on salaries in the year 2020. Table 1: Average Salaries for InoSmart. Year 2020 Average Salary January $743,430 February $705,320 March $67,950 April $780,240 May $801,970 June $69,440 July $816,550 August $734,380 September $791,110 October $753,370 November $717,640 December...

Kant’s Ethical Philosophy and Milgram’s Experiments

The problem for Kant’s ethical philosophy is whether moral principles are applicable to nonhumans, such as Galacticans. Kant’s humanity formulation holds that people should not treat others as a means to an end (Gibson, 2019). Instead, human beings are agents with goals and ambition and should be accorded respect. Since...

News and Personal Data Speculations

News is operational information that is of political, social, or economic interest to the audience in its freshness, that is, messages about events that have occurred recently or are occurring at the moment. With the development of the Internet in the modern world, information is transmitted much faster than in...

Artificial Intelligence Implementation in Accounting Processes

The article by Bakarich and O’Brien (2021) refers to the problem of the implementation of AI technologies in the field of accounting. The most popular technologies in this sphere are machine learning (ML) and robotic process automation (RPA) (Bakarich & O’Brien, 2021). The research aims to determine to which extent...

The Populist Movement in the United States

In the 1880s, the most massive and most radical farming movement of the last third of the 19th century entered the political arena of the United States – the populist one. Armed with the democracies of Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln, populist leaders demanded a radical transformation of American society. The...

Cryptocurrency: Annotated Bibliography

Titov, V., Uandykova, M., Litvishko, O., Kalmykova, T., Prosekov, S., & Senjyu, T. (2021). Cryptocurrency open innovation payment system: Comparative analysis of existing cryptocurrencies. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 7(1), 1-13.  This article examines the possibility of expanding the reach and use of cryptocurrency through the implementation...

The Origin of Blues Music Genre

Introduction Blues is one of the few music genres that originated in the African-American communities. Its main characteristics are unusual rhythm, repeatable lyrics, and unique chord progressions, which make the genre instantly recognizable. Over the years, blues has gained popularity not only in the African-American communities but also throughout the...

“An Adventure With Teddy Roosevelt” by Jerome Alden

An Adventure with Teddy Roosevelt by Jerome Alden is set in the United States in the early twentieth century. During this period Theodore Roosevelt, the country’s 26th president, attempted to run for a third term as president in 1912. Having already been a leader of the United States twice and...

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The Story of Eritrean Refugees Escaping From the Country

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Randy Pausch Last Lecture

Introduction Randolph Frederick Pausch was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University. He was given a terminal diagnosis of three to six months after being found with pancreatic cancer. The concept of death is brought out in the lecture as Pausch shows how people can react to death...

Domestic Violence and COVID-19 Connection

Introduction Domestic violence is the extreme or aggressive abuse of a spouse or a partner in marriage or cohabitation. Since the coronavirus pandemic struck the world at the end of 2019 and early 2020, it has led to rising social, economic, and political issues. However, many countries worldwide are fighting...

Ethnocentrism: The Practice of Arranged Marriage

Introduction Globalization is an inescapable and ever-expanding conceit, which seems to be considered synonymous with modern-day existence. As if in opposition to the notions of diversity and tolerance, ethnocentrism has emerged. Thus, a citizen of the United States, for example, might assume that their lifestyle and traditions are superior than...

The Works of Li Qingzhao

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Different Perceptions of New York

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University of Iowa Stanley Museum of Art Analysis

When it comes to heritage, most people are not interested in saving the memory of their ancestors. On the other hand, there are special places where everybody can come and reconnect with their past, understand another way of living, and participate in interactive shows that enable the other culture to...

The Ape and Human Skulls Comparison

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Scandinavian Social Security: Comparative and International Perspective

Welfare initiatives have become the primary tools that modern developed governments use to combat economic disparities. In this context, the case of Scandinavian countries, namely Sweden, is actively discussed as an excellent example of effective welfare policies. According to Szebehely (2018), the primary purpose of Scandinavian social security initiatives is...

Right on Target

The main idea of the essay is that Target is a good store with high-quality service. According to the author, there are three reasons for Target’s superiority, including easy access to a wide variety of goods, high quality of personnel, and constant improvement of the store. There are a couple...

Accounting: The Stories Behind the Careers

If one were about to ask their friends or colleagues about the notions that they associate with the career of accounting, the words that would be said are most likely “responsibility”, “stability” and “immovability”. This is why some will probably be surprised to discover that accountants themselves do not view...

Media Popup Products Segmentation and Target Market

Media Popup product developed by Porttron Inc. will meet the highest demand among the ‘Generation-Z’ consumers, as all product features are geared towards this demographic segment. Media Popup will easily conquer the market if the new marketing campaign is aimed at the chosen target group. Equally important, the selected demographic...

Types of Business Communication

Email Email is a means or system for transmitting messages electronically, as between computers on a network (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). Email is appropriate to provide large amounts of information through attachments that do not need to be explained in detail, to provide timely information and status updates in the body of...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Cross-Cultural Management in the UAE

Assessment The Arab model of business management is molded by their national culture. For this reason, the Hofstede five-dimensional model is the most feasible cultural framework to use in evaluating a Coca-Cola company in the UAE. In Middle East countries, family is the basis of their social structure (Browaeys and...

Detroit Municipality’s Bankruptcy Petition

Introduction Boroughs usually pursue recourse from some or all of their deficits through the legal process of filing bankruptcy. In the United States, cities have a right to petition for insolvency relative to chapter 9 of the federal bankruptcy code. This case study on Detroit’s municipality insolvency is key in...

Appropriation or Appreciation: Clothes of Other Cultures

Since the traditions and customs of each country have their peculiarities, residents of different countries have various attitudes towards the choice of clothing. While in some states, a woman in trousers looks quite natural, in other countries, she can shock citizens. However, there are certain conditions under which people of...

Growing Family Diversity: The New Social Tendency

Growing family diversity refers to the increasing range of family types recognized in society in addition to the traditional nuclear family. According to Cohen (2020), there are different responses to the changing trends with regard to the family structure. As shown in Figure 13.5, young people are more tolerant of...

Miserable Life as Enslaved People

Slavery is a state in which another powerful man denies freedom to some people. Enslaved people were mostly transported to provide labour to European countries overseas. In this case, they were considered to belong to someone else. In some communities, enslaved humans were considered movable and transported to other countries...

The Walt Disney Company’s Generic Strategy

The Walt Disney Company, one of the biggest entertainment companies in the world, utilized various business models. In the present time, the company uses the generic strategy to obtain a competitive advantage by the unique structure of the entertainment, mass media, and amusement park industries (Williams, 2019). Generally, generic strategy...

Schizophrenia Depicted in “A Beautiful Mind” Film

Schizophrenia is a mental illness in which the boundary between imagination and reality is blurred. Most schizophrenics suffer from hallucinations and persistent delusions. Although patients are distinguished by strange behavior, they are not aggressive and do not suffer from a split personality. This disorder affects millions of people worldwide, and...

An Analysis of ”Robinson Crusoe” and ”Pride and Prejudice”

For the most part, Daniel Deoe’s Robinson Crusoe tells a story of a man who lives on an island where the class of a person does not matter. Nevertheless, the concept of the middle class still plays a significant role in the book and its narrative. Robinson’s father is a...

A US Diapers Firm’s Entry into the Brazilian Market

Introduction The proposed initiative, the Brazilian market entry of a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers, requires particular attention due to the differences in conditions of the two locations. The conflicting views regarding the use of an original advertising message and the responsibility for pricing decisions alongside the trends of the...

Whistleblower Protection Program

The topic of this informative essay may seem controversial, and it is evident that not all people have the same opinion on it. Nevertheless, it is incredibly important to raise employees’ awareness and talk about their rights, safety, and protection if they are in a situation that will be discussed...

“Bears” Short Story by Matthew MacKenzie

Trying to adapt the format to a traditional theater seems ridiculous, game-moving through different landscapes, clever avoidance of trackers, and genre demands when production and audience are trapped. How simulating the heightened tension is commonplace for a limited number of people time? How the main message and theme are delivered...

Recommendations Concerning Unsuccessful 2017 Frye Festival

The Frye Festival was an event that took place in 2017, and it had a lot of problems. One of the main reasons for the failure was that there were too many people at the event. However, there were not enough activities to keep them all entertained. The organizers were...

Marijuana Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

Substance selected: Marijuana Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). SAMHSA releases 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Web. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that the COVID-19 pandemic had a highly negative impact on the nation’s overall health and wellbeing. The organization does not...

Strategies in Increasing Cash Flow

The first strategy that would be suggested to improve the cash flow and position of the following company includes value pricing. Pricing is an essential factor in the success of any business, as it is directly involved with the functions and efficiency of the company’s cash flow. Services and products...

Natural Resources and Population Growth

In the modern world, two main global problems threaten the survival of all flora and fauna: an increase in population and exhaustion of the planet’s natural resources. The first critical feature of these problems is that both issues are interrelated; the more people on earth, the more resources are consumed....

President Roosevelt’s Civilian Conservation Corps Program

During the Great Depression, one in every four American workers was unemployed. Within weeks of his inauguration, President Roosevelt sent legislation to Congress to provide employment opportunities for the unemployed population. In the first few weeks between election and inauguration, the president traveled, planned, and assembled like-minded individuals from experts...

The Higher-Order Cognitive Functions

Executive functions are a complex term used as an umbrella for various hypothesized cognitive processes such as planning, memory, attention, inhibition, and self-monitoring performed by the prefrontal lobe. Abstract reasoning is an executive function that helps the human body reach a logical conclusion without physical data, concrete phenomena, or specific...

Coverage Story on Thunberg Speech

In the speech held at the United Nations climate action summit, a climate activist girl called Greta Thunberg argues about environmental degradation as an emergency. Greta began a great crusade to fight global temperature and carbon emission rise when she was eleven. She is from Sweden, is short, wears no...

Religious Interpretive Art Project on God’s Omnipresence

Christ has no body now on earth, but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours; yours are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion looks out at the world, yours are the feet with which he is to go about doing good, and yours are the hands with which...

Transition From ANOVA to LMM

As science progresses, methods used to obtain knowledge are improving and becoming more complicated. Boisgontier & Cheval (2016) note that there is a transition to using mixed models for statistical analysis in various areas of science. They offer a better basis for analyzing variables than other more familiar tools. In...

Analyzing Articles on Data Collection Using Unobtrusive Measures

Article Critique Typically, during research, an investigator has to be physically present to collect data; this can influence the respondent’s response and behavior. The consequence of the participant’s responses is altered or biased results. Unobtrusive information collection methods may be used to resolve some of these data errors. The purpose...

Health Professionals’ Challenges and Countermeasures

Introduction The work of healthcare specialists is complicated by various factors related to their efficiency in the workplace and the perception of them among patients and other workers. Therefore, medical facilities tend to develop policies addressing specific issues to improve their work as a whole. Their efforts have been proved...

Social Media as a Tool for Social Movements

In this article, the authors offer convincing arguments regarding the use of social media to influence social movements. Such technological innovations provide the best environment for participation and encourage people to focus on issues that affect them directly. Individuals who rely on social media platforms will have higher chances of...

Privacy Concerns Over DNA Sequences

Introduction The depth of studies increases alongside the technological progress of humanity. Genetics is one of the scientific fields that benefit greatly from these advancements, as many of its aspects rely on the analysis of massive data sets. However, when scientists began working with human DNA, it became apparent that...

Financial Advisor: 10 Questions to Choose the Right One

The first items are qualifications and credentials, which tell about a person’s capabilities. More detailed questions include experience, recent courses, and their application in a previous job. It is a necessary point since knowledge of current trends and expertise define a professional. The second parameter is the list of provided...

Oral Health Program: Funding Examples Discussion

Introduction Public health programs have to be adequately funded if they are to achieve their objectives and make a positive change to the targeted communities and populations (Rosenbaum, 2015). Based on this elucidation, it is important to look into the funding landscape to have a clear understanding of the funding...

Media Influence on a Government Official’s Image

Overall, the media play an essential role in shaping collective views and opinions on various issues. Various agents of social construction create the image of any social institution. The idea of the civil service in the media today can be very ambiguous. On the one hand, civil servants are often...