Artificial Intelligence: Its Potential and Use

Introduction Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of machines that simulate human intelligence, both in action and thought. It is a revolutionary branch of computer science that applies multiple approaches. Examples of AI technologies widely used today include planning, speech recognition, learning, and problem-solving. AI is common in the...

How Alice and Giselle Teach Us to Comprehend the World

Every day now, people learn more about the world around them than medieval scientists in their entire life. Alice in Wonderland, a fairy tale by Lewis Carol, and Enchanted (2007) Disney movie are two peculiar stories about how a person reacts in an entirely new environment. This paper aims to...

Specific Disease Condition of Women Life Span

Osteoporosis is a widespread skeletal disease distinguished by reduced bone strength and quality. The disease increases the likelihood of bone fractures in the patients. Even though men do get the disease, 80% of those suffering from the illness are women (Compston & Rosen, 2009). Other factors that may increase the...

Multimodal Transportation Systems

Introduction Multimodal transportation system is the system of transportation of goods in which only one carrier is involved but there are more than one modes of transportation involved. In multimodal transportation the carrier uses the first mode of transport up to a certain level which it cannot go beyond then...

Resistance Protests Against the South African Apartheid

Modern society respects diversity, and globalization the world experiences now teaches humanity about the equity and value of any individual regardless of the differences. However, less than a century ago, the opposite historical events took place, and such characteristics as a race could determine a person’s life. Apartheid, the racial...

Steroid Induced Delirium in Elderly Adults

It is rather common to prescribe corticosteroids to patients who are receiving treatment in intensive care units (Schreiber et al., 2014). However, recent studies have found that the use of steroids by patients in ICUs (specifically, patients with acute lung injury or other lung problems) is connected to the increased...

The Tuskegee Syphilis Study: Circumstances and Repercussions

Scientists have always found the human body with all its features and diseases fascinating. Over the centuries, there have been many experimental attempts to unravel some of the mysteries. However, several of those experiments remain in history as despicable acts against humanities, also known as research disasters. The purpose of...

Symbolism and Social Issues in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “The Scarlet Letter”

“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne is an excellent piece of literature enabling to examine the way symbolism may be applied in order to reveal the most appealing ideas and address the most complicated issues of human life. This romantic work discusses a row of important problems existing within the...

Peculiarities of Saint Augustine’s “The Confessions”

There is a widely held opinion among many literary critics and theologians that Saint Augustine’s “Confessions” is the first autobiographical work in the history of Western European literature. It reflects the main peculiarities of philosophical and theological thought in the Middle Ages. The author gives a full account of his...

The Relationships Among Tests and Scales, Populations, Reliability and Validity

Researchers have affirmed the existence of a relationship among tests, scales, populations, reliability, and validity (Kolen & Brennan, 2014). Scales often rely on unidimensionality because they use one item, which defines the unit of the construct. Franzen (2013) defines this unit as the level of severity within the construct under...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stress in Nursing Practice

How Stress Affects the Quality of Patient Care Nurses work in extremely sensitive environments. This means that if one works under stress, then they are bound to make errors. Stress can be attributed to many factors in the nursing profession, the principal one being extended work schedules. In the medical...

Morals and Ethics in New Jersey Dental School

Nowadays, it is critical to use universal ethical and moral dogmas as guidance, as it will help avoid conflicts and find effective solutions. This matter is highly important in dentistry and other branches of medical sphere since the safety of the patient is highly dependent on following these principles. Apart...

Health Disparities Studies in the United States

Abstract The disparities in the American healthcare systems have been depicted in the form of discrimination, which takes place when people from different socioeconomic, cultural, and racial groups try to access the healthcare being provided. In most cases, the disparities in providing health services emerge when different or particular groups...

Description of the Vacuum Cleaner

Introduction Every person in their home has more than one dozen household items, which greatly simplify life. From now on, all daily tasks are solved with the help of a specially designed device, including a dust collection with a vacuum cleaner. Studying the principle of operation is essential for further...

Tort Reform and Its Public Policy Influence in Texas

According to tort law, the reform focuses primarily on personal injury issues that should be compensated in financial terms. Therefore, tort demands that people, who are responsible for harm or damage to another person, should reimburse the loss. The damages usually imply income loss, medical costs, and reimbursement for physical...

Does Utilitarianism Pose a Threat to Rights?

Utilitarianism is a theory focused on the consequences of the actions, while rights are claims justified by ethical principles. These two concepts can be juxtaposed, as utilitarianism denies the absolute nature of ethical rights and proclaims universal happiness as the only worthwhile goal. The idea of universal human rights is...

Analysis of Health Care Delivery Models

The models that apply family-centered care principles can result in the creation of positive changes among patients. According to Mackenzie, Carey, Sanson and D’Este (2012), models aligned with the family-centered care (FCC) normally reduce anxiety among the family members and lead to improved communication. Thus, the following paper is an...

Heath Care – Impact on Pharmaceutical Companies

Introduction The signing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Public Law 111-148 (H.R. 3590) (PPACA) into law by President Obama on March 23, 2010, had implications on the entire medical fraternity. According to King (2010), “The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), commonly known as the health...

“The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson: A More Positive Ending

“The Lottery” is a famous short story by Shirley Jackson that embodies a great number of themes and encourages readers all over the world to take a critical look at traditions and related problems and think about the sanctity of life in different societies. Having read the ending, one suddenly...

Clinical Information on Professional Nursing Practice

Introduction Clinical information systems have played an important role in adding value and redefining patient care. This has been enhanced by various programs that can be shared among different facilities and healthcare providers. Many processes and activities are performed using these programs (Rais, 1991, p. 76). Such processes might include...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Case Brief on McCreary County v. ACLU

Facts: The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against McCreary County at a federal district court because of displaying copies of framed Ten Commandments in public schools and courthouses. The ACLU argued that the county display of the Ten Commandments was unconstitutional because it sullied the First Amendment...

UK and US Corporate Governance Frameworks Plan

Overview This is an evaluation of the different approaches to corporate governance frameworks in the UK and USA. The plan will have three main chapters as outlined below: Introduction Make a background look at corporate governance frameworks that were in practice in the UK and the US in the early...

Holding a Limited Amount of Inventory: Advantages for a Grocer

Introduction Having quality and quantities of stock at any one time is a competitive advantage mechanism in retail businesses. However, determination of adequate and appropriate inventory is problematic. There are constant changes in supplies and logistics; coupled by an ever changing consumer need, it makes the business world a constant...

Survey of Medical Institution Personnel Regarding the MAGNET Program

The quality of health care in the United States is a big concern for the public. Many times, you find people asking questions about the cost of the health services offered in hospitals, the quality and how it is affected by staff shortage, especially shortage in nursing staff (Lewis &...

Criminal Justice System and Race in Documentary “13”

After viewing this documentary, I felt frustrated and a bit surprised to see the reality of today’s prison. It was eye-opening to look at the implementation of the thirteenth amendment, observing the intersection of race and justice in the US. The tension only climbs up with the current riots happening...

The Most Important Judiciary: Federal and State Courts

Judiciary is the arm of the government that interprets and applies the law as the government. It also helps in resolving disputes among individuals, other arms of the government and between citizens and the state. The judicial arm of the government has another duty of ensuring that citizens and the...

The “Black Lives Matter” Movement

#BlackLivesMatter is the movement that fights policemen violence against African-Americans, which tends to happen in the United States. Their slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” is well known by almost everyone in the world nowadays because of its rapid spread and broad support. In this paper, the question of whether the Black...

Contact Dermatitis Versus Atopic Dermatitis

A disease is any abnormal condition of the body usually caused by alien pathogens or viral infections. In other words, disease is any condition that tends to affect the normal functioning of the body. Contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis are both infections related to skin disorders. They also have almost...

Alcoholism: Analysis of Drinking-Related Disorders

The article represents a reflection on the drinking problem as well as its social and nursing implications. According to the primary assumptions, it was offered to investigate a connection between shyness and alcohol-addictive problem motives. The tendencies of drinking ill-use were verified every six-month period during two years. The study...

Shared Responsibility for Victims

Traditionally, it is believed that victims of any crime are innocent people who have been unjustly wronged or afflicted by a perpetrator; however, many criminologists and lawyers believe that they may also bear responsibility for their misfortunes. In other words, they could have avoided the crime but did not do...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Reproductive System. Endocrine Glands and Hormones

The reproductive system is formed by organs in an organism. These organs function together for the reason of reproduction. It is found in both sexual and asexual organisms. The reproductive system of human beings is similar to that of many animals. A male and female come together during sex and...

Expression and Purification of Tagged Protein in E.coli

E.coli has been found as a modal vector in which genes of different sources can be expressed. There have been many developments in the systems through which protein expression and purification can be achieved using E. coli as the cloning agent. Clontech HAT (Histidine Affinity Tag) is a protein expression...

Madness Case: “In Two Minds” Film Study

Utilized Artifact Today I would like to talk about how problems in wellness can be overcome by analyzing different approaches or conducting relevant research. I will analyze the issue using a film called “In two minds: Is mental illness really an illness? ‒ madness” published by Films Media Group (1991)....

The Use of Taser Guns in the United States and Canada

The use of taser guns in the United States and Canada among civilians and the police force has become a common practice since tasers have been considered to be less lethal and effective weapons for maintaining security and apprehending aggressive suspects. However, there have been long-running debates on the safety...

The Focus of the Healthcare Reform Program

Introduction. The healthcare reform program enhances the improvement of the current healthcare process. The article focuses on the government’s healthcare reform. The article focuses on the nurses’ healthcare reform contribution. The partnership between the government and the nurses increases the success of the United States healthcare reform program. Summary. The...

Recovery Model at a Psychological and Biomedical Level

The recovery model is a fundamental principle within the nursing realms since it guides decisions focusing on case administration. Concurrently, the agenda associated with long-term ailments equally magnifies nursing aspects. According to Snoddon (2010, p 63) the agenda for addressing long-term ailments ought to focus on continuous learning. As a...

The Issue Of Abortion in the United States: Arguments For and Against

Introduction Abortion is one of the most debated issues in the modern United States. Liberals tend to view abortion in terms of privacy. For them, only the pregnant woman should decide if the fetus should be aborted; it is her body, after all. Moreover, liberals feel that if the pregnant...

Substance Abuse Prevention and Effective Prevention Programs

The discussion on substance use should be based on three distinctions made between use, abuse, and dependence. Substance use is taking of alcohol and drugs. Substance abuse is a maladaptive pattern of drug or alcohol use that leads to clinical impairment or distress. Substance abuse is manifested in failure to...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing and Its Role in Nursing Career

Abstract In this paper, I focus on my personal nursing philosophy and the way I will use it to guide myself through my nursing career. My conviction is that nursing should readily embrace all possible dynamics to ensure that quality care is the first priority at any given time. Nursing...

Personification in the Works of Robert Frost, William Blake, and Thomas Wolfe

In Robert Frost’s poem “Out, Out”, personification plays a significant role. The poet deliberately gives the saw human qualities to impress the reader, for example, it “leaped out at the boy’s hand” (Frost 30, line 16). This effect is used to show the strong intention of the saw to hurt...

The Concept of Organizational Culture in Health Care

In today’s nursing practice, much attention is paid to the promotion and management of a working environment, also known as culture. The development of a safe environment plays an important role for employees and patients to choose helpful educational resources, prevent harm, and make positive changes (College of Nurses of...

Nurse Use of Research Evidence: Nursing Leadership and Management Strategies Analysis

This paper examines leadership and management strategies that influence the use of research evidence by nurses. Methods that could be initiated to instigate the use of research in the course of practicing clinical nursing were also studied. As a result of existing computerized records, research was conducted by querying the...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 UN Speech: The Significance of the Message

Why Gorbachev chose the United Nations as his forum for this speech Gorbachev chose the United Nations as his forum of speech because he considered it an institution that brings the world together. According to him, his message of unity for the world could only be delivered in a forum...

“Dulce et Decorum Est” by Wilfred Owen

“Dulce et Decorum Est” is a poem written by Wilfred Owen after his experience of fighting in World War I. The title is a Latin clause meaning it is worthy to die for one’s country. However, Wilfred Owen shares the reverse opinion, implying that it is an awful death. Due...

“Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions” by Finer

High rates of abortion in the United States can be discussed as a challenge. The authors of the article “Reasons U.S. Women Have Abortions: Quantitative and Qualitative Perspectives” aim to answer the question about the reasons causing U.S. women to end a pregnancy while using the advantages of quantitative and...

Social Problems Related to Alcohol and Drugs

Introduction Alcohol and drug use is a significant issue in the contemporary world that influences not just the individual but also their family and the wider community. Hence, various scholars have concentrated on the social consequences of alcohol and drug use in their articles or considered them, along with other...

Clinical Activity: Cardiovascular Technologist

The cardiovascular technologist was selected for a new job after conducting a meeting with the management team, as this position is critical for the sufficient functioning of the department. It remains apparent that this occupation is vital, as it ensures the clarity of results while depicting the functioning the functioning...

Capital Budgeting of New Heritage Company

As can be seen from the described cases, New Heritage is continually developing new projects in various areas. This allows the company to develop, interest the audience, and attract new customers. These projects relate to different areas of the company’s activities, such as creating new lines of clothing or the...

Nurse Understaffing: Identifying a Financial Issue

Summary of the Articles The most common problem faced in hospitals today, and that has been occurring for a long time, is the issue of nurse understaffing (Davis, Mehrotra, Holl, & Daskin, 2014). Nurse understaffing is simply the inadequate number of nurses accorded to patients in a hospital. Several factors...

Ebola Campaign Implementation in Sierra Leone

The health belief model (HBM) would outline the main framework for implementing the public health campaign. It posits that most people would adopt health-promoting behaviors if they perceive the cost of noncompliance to be higher than the cost of compliance (Westmaas, Gil-Rivas, & Silver, 2014). If we extrapolate this concept...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Net Present Value, Estimating the Future Net Cash Flows

Net Present Value (NPV) is used for estimating the future net cash flows of the project. For computing NPV, all cash inflows and outflows of the project are projected and then they are discounted back to the present date using a suitable discount rate (Ross, Westerfield, & Jaffe, 2013). The...

Procedural and Distributive Justice in the Workplace

Just like in the rest of the society, concepts such as transparency, fairness, justice, and equality play an important role in the workplace. Particularly, the employees’ perceptions of both procedural and distributive justice may have an impact on their job satisfaction and turnover intention. In any system, procedural and distributive...

International Trade Law: Cif Contract

CIF contracts are one of the most popular trade agreements between a buyer and a seller in the sphere of international trade when sea carriage is used. CIF is a shortened form for cost, insurance, and freight. As a rule, the cost of goods depends on freight and insurance. As...

Halophiles (Extremophiles) Analysis

Halophiles are organisms that inhabit environments with high concentrations of salt. Depending on the salt concentrations in their environment, halophiles can be grouped as extreme halophiles which can survive in areas with salinity as high as 35% and moderate halophiles. Moreover, there are some halophiles that survive in habitats that...

Life as a Struggle for Freedom

Freedom is one of the phenomena that permeate all spheres of human activity. Many philosophers, writers, and scientists thought about it, trying to understand its essence and necessity for humanity. In my opinion, freedom seems to be something attractive and essential for a happy life. Unfortunately, many people feel unfree...

The Aspects of Conflict in “The Road to El Dorado” by Bergeron

The Definition of a Conflict Conflict is a clash of interests of various groups, communities of people, and individuals. Both sides of the conflict must recognize this clash of interests (Ryan 43). The most common cause of social conflict is the unequal position that people occupy in a system of...

The Aging in Place Model: Role and Importance

Considering the situation, it is possible to refer to Marek and Rantz (2000) who state that the Aging in Place model should be used as the basis for health care delivery for elderly people. The main idea of this model is the creation of the health care management department which...

Systems Approaches to Management

Managing change is one of the difficult activities that many organizations come across. The change that occur because of diversity and technology advancements poses numerous challenges as the majority of them may not have implemented sufficient strategies for dealing with it. However, the US Army has implemented several approaches for...

Levels of Measurements and Concepts of Validity

Abstract The process of research entails collecting data and making meaningful conclusions from the data. Significant conclusions are influenced by the process of data analysis, which is in turn affected by the type of data collected. Therefore, it is important to decide the appropriateness of data to be collected with...

Nurse-Patient Ratios Problem

In order to solve the problems that cause difficulties and are perceived as the sources of stress and conflicts in their careers, nurses are to be able to choose an upstream approach. In other words, instead of trying to deal with the issues at the workplace spending more effort and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

International Journal of Nursing Terminologies and Classifications

From 1970, there has been a problem regarding the standardization of nursing language to enhance communication amid nurses from dissimilar medical backgrounds and aid the initiation of nursing information on the electronic medical records of patients. This problem resulted in the creation of classifications for nursing judgments, interventions, and results...

A Medical Committee’s Group Process Analysis

Group Activity This analysis will dwell on the quarterly meeting of the AIDs (Immune Deficiency Syndrome) Monitoring and Support Committee held on August 13 2011 at the Medicare Hospice conference room. Type of Group This is a professional group that was mandated to oversee the implementation and evaluation of a...

Information Systems: Critical Issues and Innovative Approaches

Abstract Technological changes are happening at so fast a rate that organizations have to constantly remodel their strategies in order to beat competition. One of the major changes that institutions have had to undergo is the installation of reliable information systems such as office automation regimens. This paper seeks to...

Chief Nursing Office Role in Nurses Everyday Duties

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) have remained blurred in healthcare delivery systems despite their fundamental roles of enhancing patient outcomes and participating in decision-making processes (Salmon and Rambo 136). Although their roles and responsibilities seem unclear, CNOs are in a distinctive position to influence change in...

Tests and Scaling Tools in Social Studies

Social science researchers have a responsibility towards effective assessment and measurement of works conducted by others through appropriate usage of test and scaling tools (Sahn & Stifel, 2000, p.96). One, therefore, as a social science researcher needs to acquaint himself or herself with these tools to be able to carry...

How the Criminal Justice Agencies Reactes to Plight as a Victim

Introduction: Analysis of the cases After completing the laboratory exercise, I have come to the conclusion that lawsuits based on sexual crime have negative consequences for innocent victims. Therefore, the main problem lies in the legislative process that is harmful to both, the accused and the suffered side. To be...

Health Promotion to Meet the Identified Health Need

Hughes (1999) has offered ten strong reasons why social workers should be included in the behavioral health plan for community support. He is sure that social workers are close to mentally ill people and their intervention is helpful and promotes recovery. Being isolated from family and friends, in some cases,...

An Inguinal Hernia and Testicular Pain

According to Grossman (2013), an absence of cremasteric reflex and apresence of testicular pain are likely indications of inguinal hernia. An inguinal hernia is a swelling that occurs in the groins due to the weakness in the surrounding muscles. Testicular pain is mainly attributable to the reddening and swelling of...

Five Rs of Change and Decision-Making

Identifying and Explaining the Five Rs Changes and decisions are mandatory in every healthcare organization. Such changes can transform the behaviors, practices, and roles of different caregivers. The five Rs are therefore critical towards promoting change and making appropriate health decisions. The concept of reengineering focuses on appropriate practices and...

The Power of Metabolism

There is plenty of health problems which practitioners fail to address. One of them is obesity and excessive weight, and they are treated with diets (Suarez, 2016). However, there is an apparent paradox in this situation related since the number of people in the United States suffering from these conditions...

Social Perspective of School Violence

Schools have changed greatly from 1950s. Initially, school aggression was a minor issue and attracted little attention. In 1989, the number of violence in schools doubled as the figure of diverse students increased. In 1990s the aggression involved the use of firearms such as the shootings that happened in Columbine...

Probation Success and Failure

Probation is a key element of the criminal justice system, where an individual is kept out of jail but imposed a certain set of rules. One should be aware that probation’s success relies on a wide range of factors, which can include the active involvement of probation officers and the...

Overview of Research Methods

Research is a dynamic and systematic procedure, whose aim is to establish one or more facts. Because the process is generally dynamic, there are different methods of conducting it (Houghton, Casey & Shaw 2013). The type of research strategy, approach, and technique to be employed is entirely dependent on the...

Healthcare Innovations and Improvements

Abuhejleh, A., Dulaimi, M., & Ellahham, S. (2015). Using Lean management to leverage innovation in healthcare projects: case study of a public hospital in the UAE. BMJ Innovations, 2, 22-32. Web. The article showed that effective implementation of Lean Six Sigma management strategy resulted in vital implications for hospitals. It...

Medical Profession: Behavior Standards and Codes of Ethics

While the practice of the medical profession advocates for collective and individual responsibility and discretion in making a decision, it may be inappropriate to allow physicians to operate outside universally acceptable standards. There should be core values and principles that are shared by members of the medical profession. Working in...

“28 Days” by Betty Thomas: Abnormal Character Behavior

Introduction Directors often turn to rather common psychological problems in their films in search of increased interest among the audience. Betty Thomas, in the movie 28 Days, shows the viewer the life through the eyes of an addicted woman being treated in a rehabilitation center. 28 Days is full of...

Healthcare Research: Ethical Issues

It is always difficult to deal with patients and their data as the code of ethics should be followed. However, the research is one of the main guarantees of successful treatment in the future. To make sure that the research corresponds to the specific rules and ethical norms, it is...

The Problem of Violence and Aggression in Health Care Services

The problem of violence and aggression in health care services has received great attention over the last few years. Many health care workers have to be able to handle behavioral emergencies. It is important not only to be able to react or avoid such situations. The primary problem refers to...

The Nursing Professional Opinion on Patient Confidentiality

Applying ethical frameworks guide professionals in their everyday practice. The ethical issues that arise in a particular profession are often numerous, making ethics a practical and not theoretical concept (Moulton & King, 2010). In several cases, applied ethics defines the moral behind actions, even as differences between good and bad...

Role of the Reinforcement Strategies

Employee productivity and performance rests on motivational approaches and reinforcement strategies towards achieving organizational goals. Extrinsic rewards relate to the positive outcomes of a group or individual’s productivity in a work setting. John and Leavitt (2001) argue that these rewards reinforce the emotional attachment of an individual or group to...

Gender Pay Gap: Making Change With Civil Disobedience

It is necessary to find out which factors provoke the current situation of a gender pay gap. Understanding if this difference might be the consequence of discrepancies in the qualities and characteristics of male and female workers can help to address the issue and select the methods of making change....

Equity and Debt in Economy

I work in a company dealing with horticultural products. The two main categories of our products are fruits and flowers. The company imports the products from countries where the products are cheaply sourced. We then distribute the products locally to wholesalers and retailers. The company’s most important assets are warehouses...

Nursing Roles Grid: Nurse Educators

Nurse Educators (NEs) are qualified professionals capable of transforming the health outcomes of many people. These practitioners should be aware of the eight core competencies of nursing (Iglehart, 2013). They should be conversant with different technologies, medical skills, and health informatics in order to delivery adequate patient care. NEs should...

“Making the Case for Nursing Specialty Certification” by Blozen

Introduction Nurses possess adequate competencies that make it easier for them to provide high-quality medical support to patients with diverse needs. After completing school, these professionals need to identify specific organizations that can support their career aims. The idea of certification is also essential since it prepares them for additional...

Bullying and Its Impact on My Life

Childhood and adolescence are usually considered a time of happiness, undisturbed by the problems that adults could face. However, children often encounter matters that are special for that age, as well as for the social environment in the school. At the same time, young people are still vulnerable, having not...

The Impact of Citizenship on the Outcome of the Trial

Looking at critically there exists similarities and differences between the case of Annette B and Dred Scott. This is based on the facts of the case and the ruling delivered by the different courts. The aspects of similarities bring out the relationship that exists between the two cases. The matter...

Clinical Reflection on Australian Nursing Competency Standards

Introduction Australian Nursing and Midwifery Council (ANMC) is a regulatory body in the sphere of Medicare that is responsible for the training and provision of nursing services nationwide. In this respect, the idea of healthcare protection and stimulation is outlined in the paper using paying attention to competency standards of...

Additional Financial Resources

Introduction Additional capital for a company is often required when the company needs to implement a potentially successful project, extend the production or range of services. The means, that may be resorted to are various. This paper aims to analyze at least three measures, which may be resorted to gaining...

The Canterbury Tales and the Role of Women

The concept of gender roles has existed as long as a society, and it does not lose its relevance to this day. The study of women’s position is a subject of research that has generated much discussion, even in ancient times. However, often only writers could show the life of...

WMD Threat Impact on a Freight Transport System

Introduction After the attack by terrorists in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security has taken various measures to protect the nation from an even bigger attack by terrorists as they are capable of using weapons of mass destruction. The department has taken the initiative of launching the security measures of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing and Patients Care Delivery Models

There has been increasing global changes in the nursing practice and was greatly influenced by the cultural diversity and the rising population. As the population increases, the number of people suffering from chronic ailments is expected to rise. With the rising number of people suffering from chronic diseases, the nursing...

Disseminating Evidence

Such public health concerns as the catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) are important to be discussed at several levels, and the results or outcomes associated with different projects, studies, and researches on the topic should be disseminated effectively in order to develop strategies of coping with the stated problem. The...

The Problem of Prescription Drug Abuse in the United States

Prescription drug abuse is a serious health concern that causes an overdose crisis in the United States. There are several determinants such as social, economic, and healthcare-related issues, leading to the increased opioid-associated mortality. Even though the problem of prescription drug abuse is multifaceted and complicated, it is possible to...

Cooper Green Hospital: Community Care Plan Implementation

Overview statement The case study discusses the question of necessity and existing opportunities for introducing new strategies and health care reforms in order to keep the Cooper Green Hospital open. However, the clinic faced numerous problems with providing services and diligent treatment to their patients. First of all, the healthcare...

Explaining Attachment Theory and Romantic Relationships

Introductory Paragraph Although the attachment theory was initially developed in terms of children and their caregivers, in recent decades, it covered the functioning and development of romantic relationships. Support for Thesis 1 Topic Sentence: there are many critiques of the attachment theory and its assessment criteria (Fitzgerald, 2020). Nevertheless, it...

Art Creation and Reflection: A Personal Art Piece

Painting is one of the most popular forms of traditional art, which has fascinated people by the variability of genres and the uniqueness of ideas hidden behind each creation. My favorite kinds of painting are landscape and still life. In the present paper, I would like to present my own...

The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)

Legal provisions within the health care sector allow patients in hospitals or nursing homes to express their acceptance or refusal of the administration of various medical procedures in case their health deteriorates to a state whereby they can no longer make sound decisions. The PSDA encourages health care providers to...

Embracing Diversity in Modern Workplaces

Abstract This essay provides an insight into the significance of appreciating cultural, ethnic, and gender dissimilarities in contemporary workplaces. Recruitment of employees has been a sensitive exercise since prospective candidates come from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. The constant movement of labour across continents has worsened the situation since diverse...

Aging: Factors that Negatively Affect Health Care

Aging is a process of getting old and mature, and it cannot be reversed but it is possible to reduce its effects so that a person can live better health. The book Health in the Later Years written by Armada Ferrini and Rebecca Ferrini provides information on the process of...

‘A Defense of Abortion’ by Judith Jarvis Thomson: Major Arguments for Abortion

The reading under consideration written by Judith Jarvis Thomson dwells upon the abortion debate. The major point Thomson (2018) makes reveals the one-sidedness of the arguments against abortion. The writer stresses that the opponents of abortion focus on proving the fact that a fetus is a person, so, like any...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Hamlet Passage by William Shakespeare

Introduction William Shakespeare is one of the most significant figures of the United Kingdom and the whole world. His contribution to the development of culture and literary and theatrical art is priceless, and the fact that this ingenious writer lived and created literary works is a gift for all humankind....

Concepts of Madeleine Leininger’s Culture Care

Under the influence of the process of globalization in the world many disciplines and fields started to change their attitude towards cultural diversity. Nursing is not an exception. Over the last several decades this field has undergone the influences of globalization and the specialists started to research and explore opportunities...

Leadership Within a Global Context

Introduction Public health leadership undergoes many challenges that have to be solved to achieve the best outcomes in practices (Hofstede, 2010). Global health leadership development cannot be stopped, and sufficient competencies are necessary (MacPhee, Chang, Lee, & Spiri, 2013). Among the problems in the chosen sphere, the challenge of bringing...

E-Learning and Its Advantages in Nursing Education

Introduction In the contemporary world, learning technology evolves together with the technological progress that facilitates more and more opportunities for the development of educational methods and strategies. Discussion In education, e-learning is often associated with other similar terms such as distance education and online learning, since all of these concepts...

Health Care Delivery for Victims of Motor Vehicle Collision

Many factors influence the basic characteristic of the health care system in any country. These factors include the political climate of a country, technological and economic development, social and cultural values. Population characteristic such as health and demographic trends, physical population influences the character of the health care system. The...

The Spread of Preventable Diseases

Our world has entered an incredible era of technological development, which has significantly affected the level of medicine – new drugs and treatments have been created; some diseases have disappeared. Every day, scientists make many efforts to find a way to defeat new threats to human lives and make them...

The Paradox of Progress and Technology

The extraordinary advances of technology in the 20th and 21st centuries have brought numerous benefits, most of which we now take for granted. For instance, people can easily travel around the world in a matter of several hours, which is now just “another everyday triumph for technology” (Weiten et al.,...

Medical Ethics in Nursing Practice

The case of Canterbury and Spence introduces an isolated case of negligence in medical practice. The physician violated the rights of the patient by not informing him of the potential risks of laminectomy and that it can lead to paralysis. After the surgery, he was left unattended and fell in...

The U.S. Juvenile Justice System

Historical development of juvenile justice system The progressive Era reformists saw the institution of the juvenile justice system in the better part of 1899, prior to which young offenders were tried and punished in adult justice systems. Within the time range 1968 – 1974, the Supreme Court overturned the usual...

The “Fed Up” Documentary’s Main Idea and Issues

Summary The documentary “Fed Up” focused on the amount of sugar that is in many food products that are available on the market today. In some cases, cereals, juice drinks, and even supposedly healthy granola bars are filled with large amounts of sugar which improve the overall taste but make...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Morals and Ethics: Crucial Aspects

The word ethics and morality are quite often used interchangeably. This shows how related they are. Ethics deal so much with the study of morality. In a narrow perspective it is used to refer to the moral principles of a given tradition as purported by John Deigh (1995) in Robert...

Cultural Identity and Theater Aesthetics

Theater in the twenty-first century is characterized by the examination of various topics related to diverse aspects of human life. Cultural identity is one of the areas explored with the help of theatrical aesthetics. It is noteworthy that the issues related to identity have been recurrent throughout the history of...

Representations of Buddha in South and Southeast Asia

Introduction Buddhism consists of a set of religious practices predominant in Asia. Siddhartha Gautama, also referred to as the Buddha, founded the religion in ancient India. The focus of Buddhism is to achieve a state of enlightenment without the involving priests or gods. The way Buddha is represented in different...

Community-Based Interventions to Promote Non-Smoking

A research design is a methodical plan to investigate a problem (Gnich, 2004). Every research utilizes a specific design in the methodologies depending on the type of the study to be carried out. Notably, the designs for the quantitative researches are descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental. The paper below analyzes...

The Effectiveness of the World Bank

Introduction The World Bank was established with the main aim of alleviating poverty by providing aid to developing countries. For many years, the institution has given billions of dollars both as loans and grants. However, its effectiveness has been questioned because despite the support, many countries have remained stuck in...

Ethics in Epidemiological Research

Many public health research studies aim to know the truth about a health issue (Vinik & Jenkins, 1988; Coughlin, 2006). Albeit this goal is straightforward, conflicts of interest often emerge and prevent them from achieving their goals (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Human Research Protections, 1993)....

Natural Gas as the World’s Most Preferred Fossil Fuel

One of the world’s most preferred fossil fuel is natural gas. Experts believe that the energy has the potential of becoming the world’s number one in the coming decades. In its structure, natural gas has varied composition, which makes it more expedient. Principally, consumers have been receiving methane that contains...

The Roles of Governmental Accounting

Introduction Governmental accounting entails the accounting procedures and principles for state, local, and even federal government units, whereby the National Council on Governmental accounting establishes specific rules. Their fundamental differences from the normal profit-oriented businesses are what necessitate their different financial and accounting standards for reporting. This is meant to...

High-Level Assessment Skills: The Importance for Nurses

Nurses are an integral part of the healthcare system and these professionals use their skills to care for patients and promote positive health outcomes. The role of nurses in the healthcare industry has changed significantly over the decades. Clarke (2014) notes that historically nurses were only required to read and...

Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion

Introduction and assumptions The paper will analyze the relationship between the highest level of education, labor force status and the number of hours worked in a week. The paper will concentrate on estimating the measures of central tendency and dispersion (Arnold, 2011). The data will be collected from NORC at...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Health Information System Evaluation

A reflection on strategies for evaluating health information systems Health information systems play crucial roles in patient care outcomes within healthcare organizations. To ensure continued efficiency and effectiveness, a health information system should be evaluated routinely (Nahm, Vaydia, Ho, Scharf & Seagull, 2007). An evaluation of a health information system...

Grand Nursing Theorist Report and Its Impact in Modern Nursing Care

Introduction Self-care deficit theory focuses on the practical role of a nurse and explains the interrelation of caregiver and care receiver in relation to the environment, health, and wellbeing. The theory implies that patients have the capacity for self-care and the nurse’s role is in supporting and enlarging this capacity....

Following the Scientific Method

Purpose of the Study Upon the realization that sugar-sweetened beverages (e.g., soft drinks/sodas, fruit-flavored drinks, sports drinks, and energy drinks) are closely associated with adverse health outcomes such as elevated risks of obesity, metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the authors in this particular study set out to...

Legal Liability: Tort, Terms of a Contract, or a Statute and Law

According to Popow, there are three bases for legal liability, which are tort, terms of a contract, or a statute/law. To be more exact, three types of liability exist and are distinguished by their bases: Tort liability Explanation Tort liability presupposes the responsibility for doing any kind of harm to...

Transformational Leadership Style in Geriatric Nursing

Various nursing and management styles impact differently on the goals and objectives of an organization, as well as on the intellectual stimulation and personal development of the workforce (Murphy, 2005). For example, a transformational leader empowers and motivates the workforce differently than an autocratic or transactional leader. The research paper...

Google Inc. vs. Chinese Censorship Rules

The Google Company found itself in a tight corner explaining its decision for entering the Chinese market. This was a highly restrictive market as the government monitored and limited the kind of information internet users could access. The company operated on core values of satisfying the user interests and expanding...

When the Heat of the Boiling Pot Reaches its Boiling Point

Introduction In the XXI century, the concept of the American Dream seems to be completely inseparable from the image of the United States (Li, 2010). The idea of North America representing the business empire and the place where even the most daring and reckless ventures turn out to be a...

Derain’s “Large Bathers” and Matisse’s “Pink Nude”

The given comparative analysis of art works will focus on Andre Derain’s Large Bathers and Henri Matisse’s Pink Nude. The painting Large Bathers presents and depicts a less sexualized form of nudity. In order to conduct a thorough analysis, one needs to take into account a number of parameters of...

Freedom of African Americans in the Southern States

Introduction The history of the United States is tightly connected to the attempts to diminish the existing disparities in society. One of the principal directions of the government’s actions was the abolition of slavery in the southern states of the country. However, such measures did not provide for the improvements...

Medicare and Medicaid in the US Healthcare System

The research gave an extensive history of Medicare and Medicaid in the US healthcare system. Additionally, it provided an overview of the healthcare standards in the country. Through the research, it was identified that it is the role of the government to ensure that its citizens access affordable and quality...

Should Juvenile Offenders Be Tried as Adults?

There has been a major controversy over whether juvenile offenders should be tried as adults or not. A juvenile offender is a wrongdoer who is too immature to be tried as a grownup. The required age at which an individual can be tried as a grownup differs amongst states but...

Enterprise Risk Management: The Impact on Health Care Organizations

The topic of enterprise risk management (ERM) has been discussed for a long period of time. Many authors choose a variety of spheres, make use of their experience, and share their ideas on how crucial ERM can be. Still, not much attention is paid to ERM in terms of health...

“Inside Worcester’s Development” Article by Caplan-Bricker

An article by Caplan-Bricker (2018) titled “Inside Worcester’s development: What’s the catch?” discusses the living conditions in Worcester, MA, as they compare to those of Boston. The text touches upon several topics that pertain directly to gentrification. In particular, the article emphasizes how gentrification leads to population displacement and increased...

The Efficacy of Female Condom Skills Training in HIV Risk

Abstract This paper includes an evaluation of the research method and validity of the research concerning the efficacy of the training on the use of female condoms. It is stated that the design method is selected effectively, but there are some threats to internal and external validity. Introduction Experimental design...

Aggression, Violence, Psychopathy

Violence is a striking problem nowadays which is obvious in society. This way of negative emotional expression is the intention that is needful for people being impulsive and unbalanced. This problem is still being discussed and researched by plenty of psychiatrists and medics. The paper is dedicated to analyzing the...

Affordable Care Act 2010: Mental Health Illness

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, also commonly referred to as Obamacare, can be termed as the most progressive and inclusive piece of healthcare legislation ever to be implemented by the American federal government since the institutionalization of the Medicare and Medicaid programs in 1965. During its infancy...

Escuchando a Nuestros Jovenes: Overview

Synopsis Noone, Allen, Sullivan, McKenzie, Esqueda and Ibarra (2014), the authors of the article Escuchando a nuestros jóvenes: a Latino youth photovoice project on teen pregnancy, attempted to analyze the situation regarding increasing rates of teenage pregnancy among the representatives of the Latino culture. However, due to the specifics of...

Financial Implications of Nurse Understaffing

Background In recent years, the relationship between nurse understaffing and adverse events such as medical errors, poor patient outcomes, and burnout has attracted considerable interest among nurse practitioners and other medical stakeholders. Research is consistent that nurse understaffing has affected many countries globally due to factors such as cost-containment, commercialization...

Prostate Cancer Among Blacks in Maryland: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Abstract The paper revealed a high level of prostate cancer among the black population in Maryland. In turn, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening was considered as being ineffective for this race group with the help of cost-effectiveness analysis. Nonetheless, this instrument can measure the efficiency of overall public health benefit by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The E-Commerce Case With Foodmart

In his attempt to purchase the chocolate sauce which he saw in an advertisement, Todd agreed to the online contract of Foodmart stating that sales prices are applicable to items not included in advertisements and the stocks will be dependent on the existing inventory of the nearest store to the...

Empowering Youth Engagement in Society

Checkoway, B. and Gutierrez, M.L., 2006. Youth Participation and Community Change. New York, Routledge. This is a very informative book that not only talks of the benefits that the youth get from participation in the community but also the positive changes that can be accrued from their participation in the...

Nursing Turnover: Reasons and Effects

In many hospitals around the whole world, the issue of nursing turnover is not new: a number of nurses leave their jobs because of different reasons, try to find some new options, and consider their own interests and the level of satisfaction with the work they have to perform. One...

Professional Mentorship in Nursing

Through positive interaction with my field instructor during the practicum experience, I learned professional knowledge and skills related to nursing. I had the opportunity to judge and handle patient cases, actual hands-on care for patients, participate in health education and apply nursing knowledge to clinical patients. Prior to the practicum...

Euthanasia as a Remedy for Patients

Euthanasia is a termination of life for individuals suffering from incurable diseases. It is an illegal procedure in most of the world. Decisions about euthanasia are especially hard to be made because they concern the topic that everyone, sometimes unwillingly, faces – eternal sleep. The etymology of the word shows...

Cycle of Juvenile Justice: a Way to Break It

The creation of a separate legal institution to judge the moral and immoral behavior of our youth did not exist until the early 1800s. There was a time when youths were subjected to the same laws and due process as adults and when found guilty, dealt the same punishment. Today’s...

Nursing Practicum and Experience Gained From It

During the nursing practicum, I had the opportunity to develop and improve my skills and explore theories and practice models in the health field. I was able to assess my progress, reflect on setbacks and changes during the practicum experience, which was important in implementing my practicum learning agreement (PLA)....

Substituting the Use of Physical and Chemical Restraints

Introduction Physical and chemical restraints are widely used in critical care settings to prevent patients from inflicting harm on themselves and on those around them (Hamers, Gulpers, and Strik, 2004). However, many research studies have been carried out to examine the effectiveness of restraints. The majority of the studies show...

Enron Scandal: Risk Assessment

Enron was the second largest company in US history to be declared bankrupt. Recently, the Congressional committees have analyzed the company in order to establish the cause of its fall. Although the cause has not been determined with precision, some of the vital elements that caused its downfall are clear....

Documentation and Reimbursement

When it comes to reimbursement, it is crucial to make sure that all documents are available. To avoid any issues related to reimbursement, it is essential to make sure that documents created at the initial stage are properly developed. Thus, physical examination, history and medical decision-making should be detailed and...