Amadeus: Play and Movie Review

The film released by Milos Foreman in 1984 is based on the play written by Peter Shaffer, an English playwright. The plot of the play is typically based on the lives of music maestro’s namely Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Antonio Salieri. Music composed by Mozart and Salieri and other composers...

Classroom Discipline: Wong’s, Kyle, and Scott’s Win-Win Strategies

Discipline is important for high-quality education. Indiscipline decreases the time available for teachers to teach. The most effective way to deal with discipline problems is to teach students how to control their own behavior. A teacher should take charge of students’ behavior. A teacher should be prepared to avoid commotion...

Educational Research: Variety of Available Sources

Understanding of the character of the research process and its strategies is important for receiving the specific knowledge and skills required for conducting a successful research. Getting rid of the stereotypes, representing the researchers as elderly men, mixing chemicals, the contemporary educators are to learn the available methods of conducting...

7Ps of the Marketing Mix

A marketing strategy is a company’s battle plan in the struggle of market competition. However, its task is in effect to outline the way the company plans to act in the market, which is made in a general way. To realize the marketing strategy, a company develops a marketing mix,...

The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool

The Internet and interactive media have become an integral part of each person’s life. This is why there is no wonder that they have infiltrated into every single sphere of human activity. Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the...

The History of Gilded Age

The Gilded Age was a period in U.S history that occurred in the late 19th century around 1870-1889. This period was characterized by the second Industrial Revolution and the post-reconstruction effects of increased agricultural activities. Consequently, this period witnessed a massive growth in the U.S economy whose outcome was an...

Lesson and Recommendations After British Airways Strike

Introduction Profitability is possible if the management protects the Company’s brand image while maintaining a good relationship with the workers. British Airways suffered major losses from the wild cat strike due to poor leadership that embittered the workers. Their loyalty and service to the BA were down-graded and treated unfairly...

Discrimination of Women Entrepreneurs in Getting Loans From Banks

Introduction Research has suggested that women entrepreneurs face problems in raising capital as well as getting loans from banks (Blake 2006; Wilson et al. 2007; Prasad 2009). Women face credibility problems when faced by bankers and are less likely to have access to entry into institutional financial networks (Wilson et...

“Nobody Knows” by Hirokazu Kore-eda

Nobody Knows is a movie that is quite slow-moving and gradually builds over to an emotional end. The plot of the movie is set in Tokyo and is about a mother who shifts into a new flat with her four children that are from different fathers and ultimately deserts them...

Job Analysis and its Purposes

According to the Conspiracy Doctrine, trade unions were associated with illegal conspired groups that should be therefore removed and subjected to punishment. As it could be seen, the trade unions were hampered and oppressed purposefully by the companies that were striving to increase their capital and power. Another legal instrument...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Managing in a Multicultural Context

Introduction In today’s world, the workplace is the major meeting place of different people with different personalities, values, cultures, and generally different ways of life. Because of this situation, a workplace has different challenges that the company’s management must handle with caution to achieve a balanced ground and a suitable...

The Economics of Race, Agriculture and Environment

Introduction The United States of America is a nation that has great diversity in terms of race and ethnicity. This kind of diversity brings in some effects in terms of resource use. This research paper is going to answer the question; do public policies reduce or enhance racial inequality in...

Personal Leadership Style: Supportive Style

Many people mix up the concepts of Leadership and Management with each other. Leadership and Management are not the same things. Leadership comes from within the person; whereas, management does not. Leadership is not just all about managing people, tasks, or resources; it is much more than that. A good...

Federal Reserve’s Role in the US Economy

The US economy is going through a very bad period; the Subprime crisis has severely affected the US economy. This is arguably the second worse situation that is haunting the US economy. The worst was the great depression which was signaled by the Stock market crash in the year 1930....

How Is the Stigma of Asperser’s in Young Adulthood Overcome?

Asperser’s disorder is generally a mild form of the common autistic syndrome observed in children. The most common characteristics in affected individuals include social isolation and, to some extent, eccentric behaviors mainly observed during childhood. More importantly, stigma has a great impact on the development of children into early adulthood....

Issue of Un Relevance and Their Works

Introduction The UNO was created in 1945 or maintaining peace on the Earth, as its predecessor – the League of Nations failed in accomplishing this task. Pacta sunt servanda is the principle, which is the basis of any statute, treaty or convention, thus, every UN member should observe the rule...

Governing Business Activity: Small and Big Firms Relationship

Introduction A small firm is a company that has less than 50 employees and having an annual turn over of 5.6 million Euros or less. A small firm is also characterized by current assets whose total is fixed on its balance sheet of 2.8 million Euros or less and usually...

Survival and Life Cycle

The survival of any firm in a certain market is very important and there are certain factors that affect survival. The probability of survival is dependent mostly on the attributes of the firm, its products and its life cycle. There are certain times when the hazard rates in the life...

Web-Based Prototype of the E-Business Activity

The prototype of the e-business activity will be based on the principles of caring and communicating with customers via e-mail or any other electronic communication tool. The services and products, which are sold are associated with design, art, and hand-made exclusive postcards. The designed pictures, styles, or themes for the...

Reviews on Gender Articles

When searching the required articles, I followed the necessary requirements. The first article called New Brooms They Say Clean’: Women’s Political Activism on the Ballarat Goldfields, 1854 is a scholarly and peer-reviewed article, as it contains the necessary credentials, namely the information about the author, the author’s Ph.D., and the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

IRIS Center Learning: Benefits of PALS

Introduction The development of a learning strategy is very important in any education system and depends on a number of factors including the students’ characteristics, the available resources, and expected results. PALS are peer-assisted learning systems; which are meant to help students learn better from their peers. In this case...

Quality Staffing for Success of Company

Introduction Production of high quality products is the aim of all companies that seek to satisfy their customers, putting in mind that the customers always pay attention to high quality products for purchase. Therefore, for any company to survive in the market, quality must be addressed sufficiently and adequately. Many...

Acting Out “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

Cast of characters: Dorothy; Witch; Little Men; Narrator. Narrator: After a terrible cyclone, Dorothy woke up in her house turned upside down in some strange land. It was a country of marvelous beauty. Dorothy stood up to see the land. She went outside her home and began to look around....

United States unleashed the atomic bomb on two cities in Japan

Part 1 C. When the atomic bomb was unleashed by the United States on two cities in Japan, the act ended World War II and caused incalculable human anguish. This historically momentous event gave rise to questions regarding how wars will be fought in the future, the viability of the...

Ethics: Experiments on Animals

Introduction Experimenting on human has been done several times especially in the US. Philosophers believe that it is not good to carry experiments on human beings. Human beings should be treated as an end not as a means to an end. Kant claimed to have a solid reasoning behind it....

Novels by A. Bierce and H. James Comparison

Introduction The short story “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” written by Ambrose Bierce is about the last minutes of a man who was condemned to hanging. Standing at the Owl Creek Bridge, the place of his execution, he never stops thinking about his family and plans his escape. Another...

Moral Reasoning – Virtue Ethics

I choose virtue ethics as one of the five major perspectives of moral reasoning as being most closely related to my personal views. Virtue ethics is an approach that looks at the principles which are more concerned about the behavior of the moral agents, instead of the set principles or...

Decline in General Motors of 2007

Introduction The year 2007 to the present time has been a bad business period for most companies. In motor industry, General Motors have had a bad experience in most of their markets. The period, 2007 to the present time have seen General Motor sales decline consistently. General Motors internal production...

Is Belief in God Rational: Discussion

Introduction This paper seeks to examine not the existence of God or negation, but whether man’s belief in god is rational and based on sound logic and deductive reasoning. The aspect that needs to be discussed first is which acts constitute holiness. It is seen that the acts which gods...

Stranger in a Strange Land: Gregor Samsa & Meursault

This essay depicts the self tribulations that two men, Gregor Samsa and Meursault deal with in their separate yet similar lives. It also depicts their tragic ends and their attitudes towards men, law, religion and society. The two gives the expectations that man, religion, law and society have on fellow...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cyber-Science, Fiction or Modern Reality?

In their article From Cyborgs to Cyberbodies: The Evolution of the Concept of Techno-Body in Modern Medicine, Andrea Gaggioli et al. strived to provide readers with the insight into the fact that, due to the recent revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of informational technology and biomedicine, the very concept of...

Informative Process of Education

Generally, any process is described in the simple bow and arrow format and they represent the totality of the process. But education is one of the most important aspects of human life and one can not describe education in the above-mentioned process. Actually, with the globalization of the World, the...

Procurement Management: Selecting Your Wedding Photographer

Now that Team B has been selected as the wedding consultant, this paper will provide a briefing of the factors that should be taken care of in the process of soliciting, selecting, negotiating with, and launching the wedding photographer. The light shall be shed upon this four-stage project from the...

Marine Biology: Description and the Key Features

Biscayne Bay: This is an open area of the coast line that is exposed to ocean currents and tides. Mangrove Creek: This is a backwater area with occasional flooding of sea water. Results: Readings at the two locations are shown in the graphs along with the average values. Secchi depth...

Level 5 Manufacturing: Pros and Cons of the Mode

Level 5 manufacturing entails the assembly of a desktop PC assembly, floppy disc, and fan. This mode has many disadvantages and disadvantages that are discussed here. First of all, the motherboard and chassis are built separately by contract manufacturers outside the United States. The chassis and motherboard are then separately...

Analyzing the Short Story: A Rose for Emily

William Faulkner is often considered as one of the most widely accepted writers in English literature. Faulkner’s story ‘A Rose for Emily’ explains the story of Emily Grierson. Emily Grierson is a strong woman with a great sense of tradition and a very dynamic character. The final paragraph of Faulkner’s...

American Public Attitudes to Overseas Military Deployment

In modern times, the media, which is popularly referred to as the fourth estate, has witnessed unrivaled growth. Not even a single event can now take place without the media coming in and airing it to the world. All sectors of the media have benefitted from the media boom, which...

Manha De Carnival Analysis

To begin with, it is necessary to state that the piece to be analyzed in this paper is a bright example of the Brazilian music style called Bossa Nova. The piece of music under consideration was created by Luiz Bonfa and Carl Sigman. The original version of the song has...

Seeds of Innovation – Change Strategies

There are many efforts that are aimed at creating change in the management of an organization. Most of these efforts use any of the three change strategies which are programmatic, continuous and emergent. Each of the aforementioned change strategies can employ the tools that are used in project management although...

Self-Control and the Quality of Life

Introduction Self-control simply being in a position to have a guarded behavior, actions, emotions and line of thought. Having full control over your emotions, behavior, and thought is a whole developmental process. Self-control can also be called self-regulation. A number of factors impact one’s ability to practice utmost self-control. Scientifically,...

A Belief in Helping Strangers

The collision of the two vehicles startled me. I swerved to the side of the road to ensure that I did not become a victim. My husband jumped out of the car before it had even stopped and rushed towards one of the cars that had been involved in the...

Getting Sufficient Wealth Without Cutting Workers Salaries: Is it Possible in Florida?

In the current state of financial crisis that our national and local government finds themselves in, financial analysts and local government advisers have been busy trying to find ways and means by which to bring down an ever ballooning budget deficit due to uncontrolled government spending. In Florida State, a...

The American Sociological Perspective

Introduction The American Sociological Association defines Sociology as the scientific study of social life, change, causes, and related consequences of human behavior as a result of social action (Livesy, 2005). Sociology studies the social structure and how people interact within the structure. This is informed by the belief that all...

Society as Viewed by Geniuses, Social Stratification

Human society is a rather complicated phenomenon due to its institutionalized character and inequalities that can be found in every sphere. Racial and sexual discrimination, prejudice against the poor experienced by the rich and vice versa are all the issues that modern society faces. However, social stratification is one of...

Email, Voice, Business Communication

Effective use of email and instant messaging in business communication When using email to communicate, the geographical and chronological constraints of communication media are invalidated. Thus, it is imperative to adhere to the necessary guidelines in a bid to promote the efficiency of the communication process. It is prudent to...

The Literary Legacy of Paul of Tarsus

Introduction First, it is important to consider the direction of Paul’s life before the Damascus encounter, before turning to the encounter as supported by his epistles. In many occasions, we see Paul testifying about his conversation. He describes the vision to be a reality in as far as he saw...

Opioid Drug Regulation: Legislative Letter

Dear Senator Nelson, In my practice, I regularly deal with patients affected by chronic pain. Chronic pain is a serious condition that requires considerable effort to be managed appropriately. Patients affected by the condition are known to experience a major deterioration in the quality of life (Dueñas, Ojeda, Salazar, Mico,...

The American Cultural Values

Introduction America is one diverse society and the question of if cultural values exist is complex. American society is made up of various ethnic groups and cultures. American culture is enhanced by the values and beliefs, which have shaped the attitudes and behaviors of the majority of Americans. There are...

“Cultural Literacy and Critical Literacy” by Donald Lazere

Donald Lazere has devoted his numerous works to the matter of critical thinking in the modern culture. In his Cultural Literacy and Critical Literacy (1992), Lazere focuses on the notion of the critical literacy, which, in his opinion, is rather important for the intellectual potential of an individual. He has...

Clinical Teaching: Long- and Short-Term Goals

Long-term Objective The long-term objective that the teacher developed revolves around the student’s ability to construct an argumentative essay where they state a claim on an issue using strong textual evidence as well as a counterclaim to their arguments. This objective is rather important because it will enable students’ thinking...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Compensation and Pay Plans Explained

Whatever the size or nature of the National Lewis and Clark Corporation, having a skilled and motivated team is very important for the future success of the company. Having and finding the right employees in this organization can lead to an enhancement of team work, lower worker turnover, and business...

Parsing and Analysis of the Phenomenon of Terrorism

Introduction The common objective for most terrorist groups that engage in violent activities has been achieve their political goals. These objectives vary from reclaiming a certain territory to freeing of detained prisoners. With all the carnage, violence and dead bodies most people even the neutrals do not see how killing...

The Theme of Success in “Winter Dreams”

Literary works of F. Scott Fitzgerald are very famous in the whole context of 20th-century American literature; the writer managed to win fame due to his artistic and gentle language, the ability to conform to the views, tastes, and attitudes of the beginning of the 20th century and his skillful...

Gwendolyn Brooks and Langston Hughes: Poetry Comparison

Introduction Within a single lifetime, the United States has gone from a nation that openly and legislatively discriminated against a group of people based upon their race through the upheaval of the Civil Rights Movement to a society that elects a man of mixed races to the highest office available....

The Ethical Issues of Western Bank and Trust and Bobby’s Bagels Managers

The ethical issues in business and accounting play a crucial role in the company’s developing and acquiring the status of the influential and reliable enterprise. In this paper I am going to examine ethical issues in two companies: Western Bank and Trust and Bobby’s Bagel. As far as the case...

Should We Sweat About the Sweatshop?

Right from its conception in the 1980’s, Outsourcing has been a debatable issue and it can be viewed as a double-edged sword. It may be defined as a subcontracting process which hires a third-party company to perform some specific operations of the business. It has done with the intention of...

Managing the Hospitality Workforce in Hyatt Hotel in India

The Indian culture represents a challenge for many international companies. For this reason, Hyatt Hotel develops unique strategies to manage a culturally diverse workforce. The purpose of diversity management is to level cultural, religious, age, and social differences and create effective communication and a positive climate. Equality of treatment and...

Ancient Greece: Athenian Acomplishments

Introduction Ancient Greece is considered to be the phenomenon of the development of human civilization. The association that arouses when hearing the word combination “Ancient Greece” is “genius”. The roots of philosophy, art, imaginative literature can be found there. The scientists and artist of different historical epochs have drawn inspiration...

“The Storm” by Kate Chopin

On 18th July 1898, Kate Chopin wrote a short story titled “The Storm” which played around the events happening in the life of a woman (Calixta) over a stormy afternoon. Calixta was a typical traditional housewife bundled with the task of taking care of the home while her husband (Bobinît)...

Sustein and Tocqueville: Two Opinions on Freedom of Speech

Introduction Sustein argues that everyone has freedom of speech and can dissent a belief when the need arises. He says the government should not restrict citizens to certain autocracies. He urges that one’s freedom of speech should be protected instead of condemning it. According to Sustein, freedom of speech is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nursing Course Reflection and Future Plans

The knowledge acquired in the advanced nursing course is essential and valuable for every student to develop their professional philosophy in the future. The participants of the class were taught to differentiate between direct and indirect care providers. However, the following paper is intended to explain the right perception and...

“Learning to Think” by Torrence

Psychology has become an integral part of our life and science of great importance for humanity since a human being is a subject it studies. There are a lot of specialized, peer-reviewed periodicals that offer recent news from the sphere of psychology. However, it is possible to find connections with...

Culinary Arts and Nutrition

Introduction Food habit of people changes with time. This paper deals with culinary arts and nutrition. It discusses the relevance of nutrients in our food. It explains why I selected the field of culinary nutrition. It also explains the goals of selecting such a field. Food consumption style of people...

The Salaries of Different Jobs

Among the different jobs like accountant, financial analyst, product manager, and stockbroker, the product managers are paid more and the stockbrokers are paid less. These professionals get the expected salary. Basically, the salary for each job is based upon the employee’s performance, output, designation, etc. The product manager gets good...

Hobbit: Archeological and Paleontological Point of View

Homo floresiensis, had features that were similar to his ancestor australopithecines. He had a small body size, his legs were shorter in length and his clavicle and scapula shows he had the ability to rotate less as compared to his ancestor’s australopithecines. When we compare his hands with those of...

Teaching Argumentation: Planning and Instruction

Planning The short-term learning goals and related measurable lesson objectives for the two lessons described in this log There were several short-term objectives that were developed throughout the two lessons: The student had to learn how to state a claim. This short-term objective can be validated by the idea that...

Transnationalism Issues: Migration and Gender

Migration from one’s own hometown or country to another country involves the abrupt disruption of familiar surroundings into an alien world. This essay compares and contrasts the works of Katharine Charsley and the duo- Audrey Kobayashi and Valerie Preston’s views on migration and gender issues faced by Pakistani and Hong...

Anna’s Sacrifice in My Sister’s Keeper by Jodie Picolt

This paper analyses the role of Anna Fitzgerald and her character traits in the novel “My sister’s keeper” which was written by Jodi Picoult became the best-selling novel in the United States of America in 2004. “My sister’s keeper” novel is basically about a thirteen-year-old young lady Anna Fitzgerald who...

Comparison of the Slavery Systems in Ancient Rome and Ottoman

Introduction Slavery refers to a situation whereby an individual is owned by another individual and is sometimes denied some of his rights. Slavery was mainly practiced in ancient years. Examples of the empires which practiced the trade include Rome and Ottoman. This research will shed light on how slavery was...

A Person’s Safety Is Not Increased by Buying a Gun

Safety is defined as a state in which a person protects himself from any arm that can arise. Safety has become a key concern for many people in the world today. It is clearly understood that where there is no safety, there are more chances of harm or even death....

Knowledge Management and E-Government

In accordance to, LLC (2009) Efficiency is defined as “the state or quality of being efficient; competency in performance” (, 2009). It further defines the term as an “accomplishment of or ability to accomplish a job with a minimum expenditure of time and effort: The assembly line increased industry’s...

Slave Labor, the Subjection of Women and Almost Perpetual Warfare

Greece was the first among the European countries to become civilized. It came at a time that there was little or no religious influence. The Greeks were politically and economically driven. There were several Greek civilizations like Minoa which was the first and very peaceful and also characterized by art...

Correlations Between Jewish Diasporas and Cultural Hybridity

Globalization is associated to the idea that advanced capitalism, aided by digital and electronic technologies, will ultimately obliterate local traditions and creates a homogenized, world culture. Critics of globalization argue that human experience everywhere is becoming fundamentally the same. Appadurai claims that modern Diasporas are not simply transnational but “post...

Roosevelt Corollary in the Light of the “The Monroe Doctrine” of 1823

It is important to understand the stance taken by President Theodore Roosevelt in the introduction of the Roosevelt Corollary, in the light of the ‘The Monroe Doctrine’ of 1823. The Monroe Doctrine was put forth in the year 1823 by President James Monroe, which called for an end of the...

Ways in Which Multinationals From Mainland China Have Imitated the Strategies and Operations of Japanese Companies

By the time globalization gained momentum, Japanese companies were the leading multinationals in industries, such as electronics, computers, automobiles, and others. This was as a result of competitive strategic operations they had implemented that enabled them to cut the cost of production and maximize their revenues. This enviable growth made...

Nixon, More Than Watergate

Richard Nixon, the 37th President of the United States, will be forever known as the only president that resigned the office in disgrace. When examining the highlights of Richard Nixon’s presidency, his setbacks often overshadow his many accomplishments, a historical travesty. When Nixon took office as President in January of...

Cuba Policy During Barrack Obama’s Presidency

The President of the United States Barrack Obama had not even been born in the year that General Fulgencio Batista was driven out of office by Fidel Castro. However, he is the first president to take concrete steps towards ending the embargo placed on Cuba by President Kennedy in 1962....

Aristotle’s Discussion in Nichomanchean Ethics

Aristotle’s discussion in Nichomanchean Ethics provides a perfect definition of an ethical society and the meaning of such ethics. His discussion leads him to a quest of wanting to find out about voluntary and involuntary actions. In the process of attempting to differentiate the two terms, it occurs to him...

Library Connects People and Helps Them to Socialize

Eastwood Library, Ryde – 2010 – in the frames of the Living Library Program meeting with Jenny, a Chinese immigrant to Australia, will be held. Jenny was a high school teacher in China, but migrating to Australia, she faced the difficulties of the adaptation period and was induced to start...

What Are the Causes of World Hunger?

Hunger is not a problem for people who can afford to buy food. For as long as there is money to buy some sort of food, the hunger pangs that one feels can easily be alleviated. There always seems to be more than enough food around for most of the...

Classroom Practices Are Best Learned by Experience

Classroom practices are best learnt by experience due to the myriad of details involved in teaching. However, there exist some guidelines on how to get the best of classroom time. In this essay, we categorically suggest classroom methods and analyze the importance of each specific detail (Drummond 2002, para. 1)....

Dangerous Driving: Many Drivers Have Dangerous Habits

Introduction Accidents happening on our roads have been a major cause of deaths and injuries in the country. Many unnecessary costs of medication; loss of livelihood and of lives are incurred. This paper seeks to identify some of these habits and some of the steps that can be taken to...

The College Concert: Mozart, Piazzola and Beethoven

Every concert is an opportunity for talented musicians to demonstrate their understanding and interpretation of certain musical pieces. The task becomes especially complicated when works dating from different styles and epochs are combined in one concert, since it requires careful selection of the pieces providing sufficient diversity without excessive dissimilarity....

Organization Member Analysis: The Chair of the Student Media Executive Board

The University represents a unique organization which specific educational tasks and goals. In this environment, a good manager should possess the ability to communicate his thoughts and ideas in a clear way and get feedback, which shows that the workers have a proper understanding of what they are expected to...

Art and Science of Security

Introduction Security is more a matter of art than science. It is argued, that a successful security strategy entails both these components, however, the combination of these components is not the science and not the art: it is more the experience that joins both these components, and intuition, which is...

KOLO: Reflective and Inquiry Project

The study under consideration aims at applying the reflective practice to a procurement management problem that KOLO, and the Australian-Polish joint venture is currently facing. The problem consists in changing the system of supply due to the rapid development of technologies which entailed a frequent use of Internet marketing and...

Global Warming: Harmful Impact on the Polar Bears

Over the last 50 years, human activities have considerably worsened the ecological situation. The Earth suffers from heat-trapping gases that lead to global warming. The rise of temperature increased the sea level that made the Arctic ice melt. As a result, the survival of polar bear population is under the...

Moral Virtue of Learning Foreign Languages

Reason A skill that most utilizes the concept of reason is learning and speaking a second language. Scientific research suggests that language learning leads to enhanced cognitive control, which improves mental attention, flexibility, and reasoning. The reasoning is applied in learning a language since a person has to acquire specific...

Japanese Filmmaker, Hayao Miyazaki, and His Influence on Me

Introduction Hayao Miyazaki is one of the most famous filmmakers in Asian cinema. He is specialized in animated films. Hayao Miyazaki was born on January 5th, 1941 in Tokyo, Japan. He started his career in 1965 when he worked as an artist in the film, “Gulliver’s Travels Beyond the Moon”....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implicit Memory: Animal Observation

The focal point of this paper is to enumerate the observation of an animal outside the class in relation to a concept of general psychology. In this context the animal chosen is a dog and the concept of general psychology is implicit memory. Implicit memory is essentially, philosophically and metaphysically,...

Job Analysis in Employees Management

Introduction Job analysis is the use of various techniques to determine the requirements of a job so as to specify it. Specification helps in determining the minimum requirements of the job holder like academic qualifications and the basic skills he should posses. Job analysis also entails coming up with a...

“The Ghost Map” by Steven Johnson

Introduction The main idea of the book “The ghost map” (2006) by Steven Johnson, although focusing on the worst cholera outbreak in Victorian London, was in that science develops in accordance to the problems that it has to face. Accordingly, the book traces the way the knowledge is born in...

Organizational Diversity: Term Definition

Introduction This article by Jackson, focuses on the term ‘diversity’, and the kinds of researches that have been carried out to see the effects of workplace diversity on teams and organizations. Diversity in this context has been used as a term that describes the personal attributes of people who...

Sin and Perfection in Religious Literature

The three stories by Nathaniel Hawthorne namely the Ministers Black Veil, the Birthmark and Rapaccini’s Daughter all have some elements of sin and perfection. Precisely sin is apparent in these works. In the Ministers Black Veil, the message conveyed is that of concealed sin. Here Hooper the town minister is...

Bottled Water Status in the UK

Introduction The economy of the UK has improved drastically over the years. UK is now renowned a conducive area in which to carry out businesses and has risen in areas of food and drink technologies, medical devices and transport technologies for instance rail and aerospace (Gutnik, 1984). The bottled water...

The Peruvian People: Culture and Lifestyle

My observation of the culture and the lifestyle of the Peruvian people can be exemplary of social differentiation(6:174). For Peruvian people the difference between their culture (2:41) and the American consists of differences in norms (2:43). The sociological perspective that can be distinguished from this observation is symbolic interaction (1:21),...

Nick Hornsby’s “About a Boy”

Introduction Nick Hornby’s novel, About A Boy, explores the multifaceted relationship between two characters, Marcus and Will. The story is based on Marcus, a twelve-year-old who is eccentric, bullied, and extremely introverted. The entire story describes Marcus’s intricacy of finding a sense of balance between being a child and being...

Violent Television and Increased Aggressive Behavior in Children

Introduction The broadcast media, particularly, television and its varied programs, is now considered a big part of everybody’s life. Every day, almost every hour, people of all ages, sizes, and/or gender can be seen glued to the TV watching their favorite program. Indeed, TV has become a detrimental part of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

How Did the Collapse of Communism Transform Eastern Europe?

Introduction – collapse of communism in 1989 The end of communism in the Eastern Europe was market by the memorable year of 1989. The event definitively set in new democratic form of government in the region in Poland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, and Hungary by the end of 19889, however, the communist...

The History of Dollar Crisis 1970s

The depreciation in the value of the Dollar has given rise to the trade deficit all across the globe; this is because the Dollar is the most widely used currency in exchange. When compared with the Euro, the value of the dollar is similar to its value in the mid...

Critique of a Study on Ergonomics

“Effectiveness of an Intervention to Increase Construction Workers’ Use of Hearing Protection” is a study on ergonomics which deals with proving the effectiveness of hearing protection devices for construction workers. “Hearing damage is one of the most common occupational diseases
 affecting workers in manufacturing, construction, transportation, agriculture, and the military.”...

Why the Americans Defeated the British: Ten Reasons

Britain is known as one country that had many colonies at one single time. Most of these colonies decided to wage war against Britain but they could not win easily since it had a strong fighting army. One country that fought Britain was America. However, it lacked a skilled army...

Characteristics of Critical Thinking and Decision Making

“Critical thinking entails fair mindedness with specific traits such as intellectual humility, integrity, courage, autonomy, empathy, perseverance and confidence in reason” (Kirby & Goodpaster, 2007, p. 6). Critical thinking involves fairness and it implies in-depth thinking with highly insightful thinking. A critical thinking mind treats every opinion as relevant to...

The Learning Activity Management System

At the University, the need for change was caused by old-fashioned technology and equipment which prevented students from effective learning and knowledge acquisition in distance education. The objectives of LAMS (the Learning Activity Management) project are consistent with the strategies that the entire organization LAMS aims to support educational facilities...

Management Skills Development in Volunteers

Observations are useful aspects of any research study which involves investigation of issues through naturalistic inquiries into participants’ behavior, actions, decisions, interactions, and events resulting from these (Jorgensen). In this observatory paper activities of a peer group comprised of volunteers from the classroom are studied to identify different issues that...

Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce

Introduction The article “Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce. A Randomized Controlled Trial,” written by a number of researchers deals with the behavior of adolescents whose parents have been divorced. The study presented in the article is based on the results obtained by interviewing and observing the...

Pepsi: Principles of Supply Chain Management

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that Supply Chain Management is one of the most crucial factors, required for successful business development. The fact is that these principles are generally intended for improving the cooperation practices with the suppliers and consumers of the company’s product or services. The...

Evaluating the Performance of a Job

Introduction To perform is a term used to refer to an act of carrying out a duty or procedure while to evaluate is a term used in reference to gauge how the duty or procedure was carried out. In essence, the performance precedes the evaluation. Most jobs have an evaluation...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Distinction Between Inductive and Deductive Arguments

Introduction In a deductive argument, it is impractical for the basis to be true but the end bogus. In this case, a deductive argument is an argument in which the conclusion follows from the generalizations. On the other hand, deductive logic is the capability of distilling the pertinent facts and...

An Independent Woman in American Literature

What is the place of a woman in modern society? Should a woman be a classical housewife and the ‘mother of the family’ or a modern independent businesswoman with a strong position in the so-called ‘men’s world’? Today we have a right to choose. Today we have equal rights and...

The Features of an Ideal Economy

Introduction Every countries dream is to have an ideal economy but what it is, is not well outlined. In this essay, I shall be discussing this ideal economy, its features, and what is expected from this ideal economy by different stakeholders. For an economy to be ideal the gross domestic...

Progressive Era of the United States History

The so-called Progressive Era has always been viewed by many scholars as the period of the United States history, during which the country drastically changed its economic and political landscape (Gould, 22). However, there is not much agreement as to the underlying causes of this phenomenon and especially its far-reaching...

Political Campaigns: The Polling Technique

Polling or sampling is the process by which the views of a number of people in a population are taken so as to represent the way the entire population looks at or views a certain issue. Polling is basically carried out in all aspects regarding issues that the public is...

Solutions for Dysfunctional Companies

A dysfunctional company is a fast-growing company but its existence into the future is not guaranteed. It often develops bad politics internally, breakdown of communication, bad management, lack of commitment, and also there is no collaboration when working. There is low productivity and the company is often in crisis. What...

Korean Citizens: Migration to the US

Introduction Korean immigrants have played a big part in the shaping of US culture and history over the last hundred years or so. From a rich history of serving in the armed forces or representing the US in various sporting disciplines, they have become a part of American society even...

Marketing Tactics: Wal-Mart and Winco Food Companies

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the issues of branding are generally regarded as one of the most important and crucial issues of marketing and advertising, as the brand name and logo of any company are regarded to be the face of production or services, which the...

Effective Cyber Protection in the Technology Sector

Introduction The smallest security flaw in the cyber protection is capable of total disaster in the global information and technology sector. Measures to protect the critical infrastructures and individuals from cyber threats must enhance ability and effectiveness in the achievement of higher protection rates and have the capacity to seal...

Masco Corporation: Internal Company Analysis

Abstract Many elements can influence the corporation’s conduct in the world of business nowadays, particularly when the matter relates to market forces and competitive advantage. This paper discusses the case study of Masco Corporation with in-depth recommendations. Conclusion is provided to summarize the paper’s details and a reference list is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Benefits of a Home Gym

Introduction Obesity is a health problem that peoples from all walks of life battle with daily. The most common solution to such problems is to follow a proper diet and participate in an exercise program. The need for a proper exercise program is the reason why fitness gyms have become...

The Struggle for Black Equality

Introduction For the majority of white people in the south of the US, denying African Americans their right to vote was central. The African Americans were the majority particularly in the profound South and this meant that if they were to vote then they could manage to transform the power...

Writing Is Difficult in Any Language

The issue of writing in any language is a core element of teaching. The thing is that the researches in many countries and among many educational establishments showed that writing classes are difficult for students. In this respect, the analysis in the paper is intended to work out the problem...

Gwendolyn Brooks’ “We Real Cool”

Poet Gwendolyn Brooks compresses a lot of meaning in a few short lines, in her poem “We Real Cool”, on page 649 of The Bedford Compact Introduction to Literature. Following a student review of Chapters 18-20, one can appropriately analyze this poem. The author utilizes various poetic devices to get...

Do the Trobrianders Have Fathers?

Introduction Trobrianders are the inhabitants of the Trobriand Islands officially known as Kiriwina Islands lying at the eastern coast of new Guinea. They live in traditional settlements and have traditional beliefs about reproduction. These people are completely ignorant of physiological paternity (Lyons 2004); they see no connection between copulation and...

Whistleblowing: The Ford Company Case

The corporate social responsibility in organizations brings about the aspect of ethics especially when it concerns the safety standards of the products being released to the customers for consumption. The case of Pinto in Ford Company gives a situation where the company failed to observe its moral obligation of ensuring...

Jerry and Alan: Unethical and Illegal Situations

Jerry and Alan had different motivations. Jerry’s motivations were to earn money to pay off his loan, as well as to pay for the house he had contracted and wedding he was about to have; but his main motivation was to justify Alan’s trusting him with a responsible position. However,...

Are Human Rights Universal?

In recent years, citizens in Western countries are being encouraged to think of the concept of “human rights” as something universally objective. Moreover, they are also being prompted to think that, despite utterly euro-centric subtleties of this concept, it fully applies to just about any “human”, regardless of his or...

Ethics: Types and What Is It For

Ethics is a major part of philosophy which subject of studying is morality. Morality does not form a special area in human life, but it is present in people’s every relation (the relation surrounding people surrounding, to the nature, to animals). Ethics have a close connection with sciences about humans...

The Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Policy Against Bullying

General understanding of bullying by Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Bulling and any kinds of abuse at the workplace are punished severely at most companies and are usually followed by the government of the region. People have the right to work in the company they like and which is interested in...

Are Brand Extensions Good or Bad?

The brand extension (also called brand stretching) refers to a marketing strategy used by firms with strong existing brands to extend to other products, leveraging on the strong brand name to capture the market. When customers feel satisfied with the quality of a certain brand and have sufficient loyalty towards...

You Can’t Judge A Book By Its Cover. Good First Impression

We are often told that it is most important to create a good first impression when meeting somebody for the first time. The connotation is that we are most often judged first by our physicality, and only secondly upon our character. Sadly, this is the criteria by which we are...

Issues Dumping Chemical Wastes in the Lake

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that the solution of this situation fully depends on Joelle’s personal situation: whether she really needs this job, whether there is an opportunity to find another job, and what the reputation of the company is. The further events may be different...

“Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J Shreeve

The article “Machiavellian Monkey’s” by J. Shreeve describes intelligence and IQ factors of monkeys. The author finds that a young baboon Paul has a high level of intelligence and can be compared with humans playing and interacting with each other. To humans, animals also practice deception playing tricks with other...

Organizational Design Research Worksheet

The purpose of this research is to identify different organizational designs within different organizations. You will do this by looking at different company’s organizational designs and structures and how that design and structure helps the organization to achieve its business objectives. Instruction In the Response row, each team member must...

Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Analysis

Emily Dickinson was a famous American poet. She was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, to a brilliant family with respectable community ties. Despite that, she lived rather a solitary and isolated life. After graduating from the Amherst Academy, she entered a Mount Holyoke Female Seminary and returned home to Amherst. She...

Sylvia Plath’s Fish in the “Mirror”

Sylvia Plath’s biography provides several important clues as to the meaning of this poem. As a teenager she seemed perfect in every way, blonde, beautiful, intelligent and talented. After attending Smith College she studied at Cambridge, married the poet Ted Hughes and returned to the United States to teach at...

Marxism: The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels

Thesis Statement The Communist Manifesto by Marx and Engels was claimed to argue about social division and class exploitation. In spite of the fail of communistic regimes in most parts of the world, and the democratization of the former Socialistic camp, the division of the society is still present. Discussion...

“Sadie When She Died” by Ed McBain

Ed McBain’s “Sadie When She Died” is one of the stories from the 87th Precinct series which he started writing in the mid-1950s. It presents the story about the officer, Steve Carella, who knew from the beginning the identity of the real murderer but lacked proof to accuse him of...

Sources and Uses of Power: The National Association of Colored People

Introduction On February 12, the NAACP will celebrate its 101st anniversary. Born out of violence and the good will of abolitionists nearly half a century after the Declaration of Emancipation, the NAACP waged successive campaigns to shield the African-American from mortal danger, bring about suffrage and other civil rights, and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Will Obama’s Stimulus Plan Work?

The global economic recession has seen many complain about working harder for lesser pay and even spending more nearly on all the goods and services available in the market. This is currently affecting all Americans and the world at large. From recent research, data reveals that there is a rapid...

Irish “Potato Famine” of 1846-1850

The Irish “Potato Famine” is known as the most abhorrent and the most deplorable tragedy in history. The catastrophic number of deaths, which led to the immigration process, absorbed the entire country resembling the black hole. The reasons for the calamity arising from the extreme shortage of harvests propelled the...

Moral Theories: Utilitarianism, Duty-Based Ethics and Virtue-Based Ethics

Introduction Ethics and morals are close in meaning, interchangeable and quite often complementary terms. Studying ethics, people seek to assess the actions and their consequences from the moral point of view. In that sense, moral can be an abstract term, whereas the assessment of one’s actions’ morality is of practical...

Photography’s Effects on Modern Art

Since its invention, photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples they would never have known about otherwise. The public appearance of the photographic process in 1839...

Television and Society: Cold Case Files Series

Introduction Among the many factors that influence a person’s life, is the television, which is viewed in most households of the world, at times due to entertainment, and sometimes due to quenching the thirst for knowledge. With the rising crime scenes all over, new crime detection series are additionally viewed...

Consequences of Malaria in Africa

There is a common cry in Africa. Africans are used to the usual cry of hunger and poverty, but deaths of young children as a result of malaria has currently taken over. The research fact of malaria killing 2 million African children in every year has brought about an ever...

Central Factors for Development in Latin America

Introduction The Latin culture includes both formal and informal with high and popular cultures clearly observed. Latin America is a romance speaking territory where languages such as Spanish, French and Portuguese are primarily spoken. They have a diverse population with different ancestries and many ethnic groups. All along the expansion...

Important Dietary Considerations for Endurance Athletes

Introduction Endurance entails the fundamental elements of physical fitness. Therefore, it is important for a majority of the athletes to have a certain level of cardio-respiratory as well as muscular endurance to enable them perform better in various sports. Nutritional assessment of the diets taken by endurance athletes reveals greater...

Organizational Development and the Management Process

Introduction Certainly, each organization strives to improve its effectiveness and structure. Such field of academic study as organizational development is connected with industrial processes, business strategies, human communication, and psychological issues. Regarding this, there arise many definitions of this term where one serves as a conceptual boundary for another. Still,...

INTEC: Strategic Skills Analysis and Pay Equity

Relationships among KSAs (knowledge, skills, and abilities), job analysis, organizational strategy, and HR activities An organization will have a strategy in place to achieve its desired goals. Most organizations have the desire to expand their businesses such as in the company INTEC a subsidiary of a construction and engineering company...