Agriculture: Application of Information Technology

Information technology (IT) has been useful in transforming different sectors of modern economies. Business entities have integrated innovation in management and operational roles for effectiveness. Similarly, academic institutions have adopted online information systems for enhancing students’ performance. Many communities practiced farming and cattle rearing as a traditional way of life....

Contrasting Two Planning Visions

In the contemporary world, land use planning is an essential concept that has to determine whether society should stay focused on preserving the environment or promote the economic growth of the cities. For this reason, planners continually face both opportunities and challenges at work. While having a chance to “deliver...

The Health Effects of E-Cigarettes, Vapes, and Juul on Today’s Youth

The process of the socialization of youth is a phenomenon that is actively researched by marketers to identify trends and interests that teenagers prefer. Due to the prevalence of mass consciousness as a common form of interaction in this age group, individual habits and lifestyles are often adopted by adolescents...

The Challenges and Benefits of Medical Marijuana Cultivation

Introduction Marijuana use for medicinal purposes has been one of the most topical and discussed topics over the last years. However, only recently, “scruffy hippies getting high on their supply in a disorganized underground economy” started to be replaced by specialists with the industrial and scientific approach as the use...

Human Experience Across the Heath-Illness Continuum

Introduction Individuals’ health state changes throughout life and determines their satisfaction with it. Various modifications in well-being of people are caused by specific triggers connected to the environment, nutrition, age, genetics, and psychological problems. In order to illustrate the process of change and adaptation, medical specialists developed a specific concept...

The Media and Society: Media Influences

These days, the media have turned from a simple tool of searching, processing, and transmitting information into means that control and transform a person’s inner, mental world. Instead of expanding the horizons of the development of human awareness, giving it sovereignty and independence in judgments, modern media are increasingly manipulating...

Social Identity and Multicultural Solidarity

Today, when societies become more and more multicultural, the issue of national solidarity becomes especially relevant. Many countries strive to preserve their unique cultural and social identity by adopting stricter immigration laws, social policies and creating economic barriers in the way of migrants. However, the processes of globalization can only...

Inclusion and Diversity: What Do We Mean?

Diversity across cultures is a phenomenon that threatens the ideal approach to handling interactions among Americans. On the one hand, dynamism in cultural practices enhances an optimal interaction and exchange of information that improves appreciation of the global population and demographics. On the other hand, the evolution of human society...

Gender Stereotypes and Their Role in Advertising

In modern times, the world is filled with advertising; it is found everywhere – on television, on the radio, on the Internet, on the street, in newspapers, and in magazines. Now it is difficult to imagine life without advertising, the role of which in the modern world is difficult to...

English Literacy Autoethnography

Introduction Second language acquisition is a challenging and complex process both for the teachers and learners. There are many teaching methods and approaches that can be used in teaching English to various groups of students. They often depend on the specific country’s approach to teaching foreign languages and the goals...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Woman’s Identity: “Professions for Women” and “The Unrepentant Whore”

Michael Harris and Virginia Woolf both presented the difficulties and dangers that women faced daily while working with men. The authors describe two different occupation fields: Harris is focused on sex workers and Woolf on writers. Even though the settings in the articles are not identical, the principal purpose of...

Main Character and Heroism in “Beowulf”

Beowulf is a well-known work of Anglo-Saxon literature that depicts the reverence of heroism. Despite the fact that the writing is based on a single manuscript, the epic manages to sustain the Anglo-Saxon people’s strong values. Here, Beowulf is regarded as a great hero and rescuer of the people. This...

Management and Leadership

Introduction Management is the act of having all activities done well and at the right time by other people. Management involves organizing, analyzing, planning, and budgeting for the activities to be carried out to effectively achieve the set goals. While leadership is the process of motivating others or influencing others...

Aspects of Zydeco Music

Zydeco is a musical form that evolved in the southwestern areas of Louisiana in the early 20th century among the Creole and Cajun cultures. Zydeco is a musical style created by combining French folk music, African and Caribbean rhythms, and creole songs. In the 1980s, there a revival in South...

Preferable Business Venture When Faced With a Recession

Introduction When faced with a recession, there is a great anticipation of a general slowdown in economic activity. During the recession period, people cut off on expenditures and shift to spending exclusively on the necessary items. Expenses during these tough times are aligned to basic human needs such as food,...

CMMI and Product Development Processes

Introduction There is a need to properly address customers’ wishes while developing software. The customers’ needs are constantly evolving; hence it is common practice to address these needs first. However, this could potentially lead to disastrous consequences as security measures are placed as the second priority. Therefore, leading IT companies...

Reflective Practice in Personal and Professional Development

Introduction Reflective practice is one of the essential techniques for personal growth. It refers to self-examination and introspection into one’s actions, and decisions after the event have occurred in order to gain a deeper understanding of the potential for future improvements. This method of professional development is especially crucial for...

New Parent Guide: Breastfeeding and Attachment

New Parent Expectations Informing people about the upcoming birth and taking care of an infant is a crucial part of a successful upbringing. When becoming a parent, one can expect the newborn’s and early infant’s needs of specific nutrition, psychological development, and precautions for the safety of a vulnerable organism....

Effects of Obesity on Human Lifespan Development

Introduction Obesity is a widespread disease, and it has multiple adverse effects on different stages of human development. Being obese means having body mass index, which is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared, “at or above the 95th percentile for height and age” (Kuther, 2018,...

Difficulties in Applying Scientific Publications in APA Journals

Psychology is a science that requires a multifactorial approach to research. Diversity is a crucial concept to achieve relevance for most studies, as the analysis of causality in mental difficulties and conditions requires extensive profiling. “The Neglected 95%” by Jeffrey Arnett, published in American Psychologist in 2018, challenges the quality...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Justified Reasons for Vetoing Critical House Bills by Governor Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott has been objective in signing significant bills into law in Texas. The Republican leader has also vetoed various bills attributed to dynamic reasons entailing efficiency and effectiveness in time and financial resource management. This discussion aims at analyzing bills vetoed by the governor of Texas on June...

Bostonians’ Puritan Values From Durkheim’s Perspective

Introduction Every community thinks within the framework of religious and social principles that were formed long ago. The United States, as a society and a state, has a unique genesis, whose foundations are the city of Boston and Puritanism. However, American society has undergone many dramatic social, economic, and ideological...

Pricing Strategies Comparison

Introduction Businesses rely on pricing strategies to maximize their sales and profits. Marketers consider various factors before determining the best pricing method, such as existing conditions, actions of the competitors, input costs, and trade margins. The selected product for this discussion is that of a luxury car. This paper gives...

Benefit From Medicare and Medicaid

Introduction In the United States, the incremental movement towards providing and securing healthcare has pushed the state and federal governments to finance various programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid. These two government-sponsored programs are designed to cover healthcare costs for eligible American citizens who enjoy a wide array of specific...

Lifelong Learning in the Context of the Army and SHARP Program

The concept of lifelong learning has seen a steady increase in popularity in recent years. The 21st century’s lifestyle creates favorable conditions for its implementation, encouraging people to continue their development across the years. While the advantages and popularity of lifelong learning are evident in the majority of settings, the...

Patient Consultation About Bariatric Surgery

Mr. C is a patient in the hospital for consultation for bariatric surgery but is displaying many other concerning clinical manifestations that highlight his health status. At his height and weight, Mr. C. has a high BMI of 45, which indicates morbid obesity but could be expected considering the initial...

Global Health History and Evolution

The first stage of global health is tropical medicine, which occurred in the 16th century when Europeans explored the world and discovered new lands (Palilonis, 2020). As people were settling, they discovered various diseases and, along with indigenous tribes, suffered from infections and epidemics. The next stage is military medicine...

Theories in Ethics and Criminal Justice

Introduction Ethics is designed to help a person behave correctly with other people and follow the standards of morality. It can be applied at the workplace, at home, or in social structure. Ethical theories elaborate on how to improve an organization by integrating moral concepts into a situation. An ethical...

Angelica Group Research Project – Learning Team

Medical science is a constantly developing field with new evidence in favor of various treatment options generated daily. The goal is not only to treat a condition that causes discomfort but also to find ways to make the healing process as safe and harmless as possible. Therefore, medical practitioners must...

Police Corruption in California

Introduction Police is a powerful law enforcement organization that can influence citizens and regulate their decisions to prioritize legitimation and government. The ability to intervene provides police officers with the opportunity to make the world a safer place, but sometimes they misuse the given domination. It leads police to corruption,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Measuring Health Behaviors. Key Methods

Evaluating the different health behaviors is the number one approach to collecting, analyzing, and interpreting the information regarding population health patterns. The measurement provides reliable estimates of the national state of the behaviors and the possible changes that may occur. Consequently, these results are powerful in making informed decisions regarding...

Labor Law in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma

Introduction Labor law is one of the main guarantees of safe working conditions and fair treatment of employees in any country. Labor conditions in the United States can vary from state to state, as, along with federal laws, each state’s government adopts local laws. For this reason, although the fundamental...

Cultivation Theory and the 2019 Gillette Commercial

Introduction At the beginning of 2019, the personal shaving supplies brand, Gillette, released a commercial online titled “We Believe: The Best Men Can Be.” It discussed the topics of sexual violence against women by men and called for the male sex to improve as a whole. However, the response to...

Introduction to the Container Business

Maritime Trade as a Facilitator of Global Trade Maritime trade has accompanied human civilization from the moment the boats strong enough to cross seas were invented. The use of sea vessels allowed to reduce the traveling time to the minimum, while significantly increasing the volume of transported goods. Thanks to...

U.S. Antidrug Policy and Problems

The drug policies implemented in the United States have the potential to discourage more people from acquiring, distributing, or selling illicit substances. However, they might have negative consequences on the affected individuals since they fail to consider how they can re-pattern their experiences and lead better lives. For instance, Joe’s...

Vaccine Hesitancy as a Global Health Issue

Introduction Addressing global health issues is a complex and multifaceted task since in order to determine the most severe problems, healthcare providers need to identify relevant trends and common threats. In the context of the availability of information exchange, the measures proposed by authoritative boards may be distributed among the...

Implementation of an Electronic Health Record System

Introduction Electronic health record systems are electronic records of patient health information that include data on patient demographics, progress notes, medications, past medical history, lab data, and other reports. The advantages of using EHRs are easy to access and an opportunity to move from the conventional standard paper record system....

Google Chrome OS Description

Introduction Chrome OS refers to a Google-designed, open-source operating system based on Gentoo Linux. The aforementioned technology is derived from the Chromium OS–free software. It also utilizes the Google Chrome browser as its primary or main user interface (Hachman, 2019). Chrome OS stores user data/information and applications in the cloud,...

COVID-19 and Its Influence on the U.S., Spain, and Italy

In the last few months, the whole world has been going through a horrifyingly deadly pandemic, infecting those with a weak immune system. Many countries are in lockdown for an indefinite period and are looking for a cure. Because of that, this pandemic is not only affecting public health, but...

Quality Improvement and Safety in Nursing

Ensuring a safe environment for patients is among the primary concerns for nurses. It could be difficult, as many factors impact safety within the health care setting. One of them is connected with medicine administration, which is an essential part of a nurse’s job. While it may feel routine, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Doha Negotiations: Possible Solutions and Outcomes

Possible Solutions Among issues to be discussed in negotiations, it is crucial to pay attention to the Chinese currency revaluation. In light of the events of 2019, when China devalued its currency, the US is concerned about Chinese currency policy, according to the New York Times.1 Among the consequences of...

Analysis of Capital Budgeting

Introduction Finance is the lifeblood of each and every business and capital budgeting is one of the important finance functions. Capital budgeting is the investment decision of a firm i.e. the decision of a firm to invest its funds in the long term assets efficiently. The investment decision may be...

Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reimbursement Rate

Introduction The excerpt indulges in the repealing for the reinstatement of the Obamacare health program. Obamacare, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was created by Congress and President Barack Obama in 2010 (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020). The principal goal of the program was to ensure that all...

Experiences of Care After Bariatric Surgery

Qualitative Research Article Critique Follow-up care after surgery is critical to the patients’ health and well-being. Substandard care can result in patients’ healing process being jeopardized, severely affecting their mental health. Thus, it is essential to access the follow-up care offered after surgical treatments and find ways to improve it....

Why Pediatric-Vaccines and Immunization Is So Important

Introduction In times of the Covid-19 outbreak, immunization becomes even more crucial than before. Children who undergo a proper course of vaccination before six years of age have a stronger immune system (CDC, 2019). It develops infection-fighting antibodies capable of protecting them from multiple dangerous threats, including measles, pertussis, tetanus,...

Knowledge Theory in Philosophers’ Views

Introduction Despite many philosophical works and scientific research, it is still problematic for humanity to understand where knowledge has come from and how one receives it. Knowledge often has to do with the soul, the divine beginning, and the concept of world creation. Some philosophers, such as the empiricists John...

Does Media Violence Cause Violent Behavior?

Looking at the recent trends, one can note that the public is becoming desensitized to seeing blood on screen. With films becoming continuously gorier and the rise in popularity of violent video games in the past couple of decades, even young kids have most likely encountered such media in their...

The Scandal of the Brand of a Medical Device – EpiPen

In 2016, an enormous spike in the price of EpiPen, a life-saving epinephrine auto-injector used in emergencies by people suffering from severe allergies, caused a massive scandal and numerous discussions. The manufacturer of the device, Mylan, confronted a public outrage and had to take measures to be rehabilitated in the...

Correlation Between Childhood Attachment and Adult Anxiety

Introduction Childhood attachment can be the result of severe psychological impairments in adulthood, and parenting aspects are largely those factors that stimulate specific disorders. According to Corcoran and McNulty (2018), parental neglect is a driver of emotional development difficulties in children, and the lack of attention is fraught with anxiety,...

Streaming Service and Elderly During COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The Covid-19 novel coronavirus pandemic has had a significant impact on the entire planet, and no corner of the world remained untouched. To mitigate the consequences of the outbreak, governments implemented strict lockdown protocols in multiple areas. As a result, millions of people remained confined in their homes with...

Urban Education for Black and White Children

Thesis Statement Due to the lack of resources for early childhood education, inconsistent financing options, budgeting issues caused by the decisions of the education board, and the presence of institutional discrimination in American education in the urban setting, African American students receive fewer options for advancing in their studies. Problem...

Why Technostress Is Harmful to Psychological Well-Being and Ways to Reduce It

Constant access to the Internet and the need to always be connected create optimum conditions for technostress. People, on the one hand, get tired of continuous messages, e-mails, and notifications monitoring. On the other hand, they are afraid to lose sight of something interesting or important, which is called the...

Cyber Violence: Structures and Effectiveness

Recently, social media has become a platform for cyber violence. This issue primarily concerns public health and is associated with adverse mental or physical outcomes. As a result, cyberbullying is one of the top contemporary problems that needs to be approached from different angles to be resolved entirely. The purpose...

The Theories of James, Wundt, and Jung in Psychology

Psychology fits well under the category of relatively young sciences as identified in the 19th century’s experimental exploration of human beings. Scholars exploring mind-related issues in the context of philosophy, however, discovered the concept of human thinking much earlier. The arguments about this cogency became tense before the 19th century,...

Oncology Certified Nurse (OCN)

Introduction Certification Description: Specialization in cancer patients’ long-term care; Details about Certification: Three-hour test of 165 multiple-choice questions; $225-$296 for ON /APHON members and $315-$416 for non-members; Active registered license; two years experience as an RN; 2,000 hours of oncology nursing practice; 10 contact hours of nursing continuing education in...

Axe and Bermuda Triangle Overview

Among numerous contemporary writers, Carmen Boullosa occupies a specific place due to her fascinating use of metaphors and textual objects to convey deep underlying meanings. She is famous for many novels dedicated to the pressing problems of Mexican and American society. Still, she admitted in her interview that she had...

Case Study: Medial Meniscal Tear

Mary Ellen is a 38-year-old patient who lifts weights, and she has done so in the last ten years. On the 10th of October 2017, she presented with persistent pain on the posteromedial right knee. There were occasional effusions from the joint though the patient did not characterize the discharges....

Thesis for Rhetorical Analysis Essay: That Sugar Film Directed by S.Dalton

An Australian director and actor, Damon Gameau, decides to test whether sugar is harmful to the body. His girlfriend is pregnant, and who, if not a future father, should think about healthy eating. Having gathered several doctors, Gameau calculates that for the purity of the experiment, he needs to eat...

Collaboration in Special Educational Process

Collaboration is an integral part of an effective educational process. Collaborative processes help teachers improve students’ outcomes and arouse their interest in learning. According to Friend and Cook (2017), “interpersonal collaboration is a style for direct interaction between at least two coequal parties voluntarily engaged in shared decision making as...

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” by J. Rowling

Introduction Today’s generation of adults and their children know the storyline about a wizard boy whose parents were killed by a criminal wizard. Joanne Rowling not only gave the children a new literary character, but also created a whole world for readers with its unique characters, laws, regulations, traditions, and...

Mystery, Morality, and Miracle Plays – “Everyman”

Introduction The medieval theater originated in the deep layers of folk culture. Its roots are associated with ancient ritual games, folklore, and the creative work of wandering actors. Their performances gave viewers a cheerful spirit and amused them. Actors and jugglers made fun shows where everyone was ridiculed. Some of...

Wrongful Convictions Issue and Its Prevention

Law enforcement agencies play an essential role in maintaining law and order in any state. Legal proceedings are the only mechanism for the implementation of legislation that ensures the prevention of crime. The power exercised by law enforcement officials is a powerful tool for the performance of government functions. However,...

Basic Beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most commonly practiced religions in the world today. It is believed that both religions originated in northern India around 500 BCE. The two religions later on expanded to other regions, especially in Asia, where Buddhism continues to have a major spiritual and religious...

An Overview of System Architecture

Introduction In the current world, IT is involved in all kinds of business processes. System architecture is an essential component of designing, defining, and supporting any IT-related project. It helps achieve the company’s goals by analyzing the data to further present the best combination of components. This field is broad...

Florida’s Nursing Homes Local Policy Issue

The author of this paper lives in Miami, FL, which has several local newspapers that discuss policy issues. For this assignment, they have chosen an article that was posted on the Miami Herald website on May 8. It discusses the continued failure of numerous nursing homes to comply with the...

The Presidential Elections in the US of 2020: Personal Review

The presidential elections in the US of 2020 are the most intriguing ones; it seems that the whole world watches them. Unfortunately, I have not voted because I am on a green card since I am from Brazil, and the law prohibits noncitizens from voting. Nevertheless, I am immensely willing...

Historical Analysis of Presidential Power of Executive Order

The executive order denotes how a sitting president of (most) democratic countries issues a federal or national directive. Presidents utilize the order to manage the national operations, depending on the country’s nature (Johns 100). Executive orders play a fundamental role in enforcing laws by the head of state. Most occupiers...

The Concept of Health Seeking in Men

This article was published in July 2016 in the Urologic nursing journal. Authors: Gwendolyn L. Hooper and Susanne A. Quallich The concept selected is health seeking in men. I chose this concept because men are likely to manage the pain without using healthcare services while women go to the doctor...

Enhancing Quality and Safety of the Patient

Patient safety is among the primary concerns in healthcare settings, and one of the safety issues is patient falls. A fall is defined as “an unplanned descent to the floor (or extension of the floor [e.g., trash can or other equipment]) with or without injury to the patient and with...

Analyzing Social Problems: Health Disparities

Introduction Seeking primary medical care is a fundamental human right that every United States citizen is entitled to. However, in reality, some people have more freedom in choosing a healthcare provider while others cannot receive even the most basic treatment. Healthcare disparities have been a growing social issue in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Representation of Colombian Marginal Life in “The House of Maria Duque” by Botero

Introduction The quality of an artwork is hard to evaluate, and the importance of doing so may seem doubtful. In contemporary art history, a sort of agreement has formed upon the subjectivity of art perception, which does not establish the existence of a finite interpretation and allows the existence even...

Citing Sources in Business Administration Research

Proper citation of sources is an imprescriptible part of writing an academic paper of high quality. Scholarly articles used in an essay should be reliable, peer-reviewed, and up to date. Besides, using sources and correctly citing them is about ethics and respect for the efforts of the writers. The current...

The Influence of the Media on Government and the Public

Media as an educational source Media has strong educational power, and it is undoubtedly one of the most essential roles. Through reading news or watching TV, people receive information on what processes happen in the government, how it affects their lives and helps the general public understand complex concepts. Besides,...

The Earth Liberation Front as the Domestic Terrorist Organization

Domestic terrorist organizations have been recognized as a threat for the past hundred years, yet, recently, a change in their strategies has been observed. Nowadays, members of such groups choose to act more clandestinely and often do not commit murder to prove their point, instead, they turn to arson, damaging...

The Need for Curriculum Change Among African American Students

Summary of the Article The theme of the achievement gap between African American students and their European American counterparts is widely discussed in the current literature. Recent research by Wang et al. (2020) aimed at contributing to the current body of knowledge on the topic. The purpose of the study...

Disease Research: Breast Cancer

Introduction Breast cancer is a multifactorial, complex illness that demands proper clinical understanding and a multidisciplinary way to determine diagnosis and treatment. Over 250,000 females in the US are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year (Watkins, 2019). The overall mortality rate for such patients has decreased; the disease remains...

Evidence-Based Interventions for Hypertension

Background of the Problem Hypertension is a chronic disease prevalent among older adults, which requires blood pressure to be controlled to reduce the risks of complications, such as cardiovascular illnesses. According to CDC, the incidence of hypertension increases with age; in 2015-2016, about 33% of people aged 40-59 and 63%...

The Issue of Police Injustice in the United States

With the growth of the American population, the number of interactions between people also increases, which affects the number of crimes committed. To control such a vast country, people need multiple police officers able to maintain order. However, despite the long and high-quality training of law enforcement officers, there are...

Bocassa, the Cruel Ruler

The African continent has a unique history, as it has hardly been completely independent during its existence but was a metropolitan colony as a source of oil, uranium, and ores. This created a rather harsh socio-economic environment in mainland countries, which indeed hurt local populations. In particular, the Central African...

Whey Protein and Muscle Recovery

Whey protein is one of the major ingredients found in dairy products. It offers significant amounts of the much-needed amino acids and energy. In the form of a powder, this supplement can be added to liquids, blended with fresh fruit for their various functional properties (Ghanimah, 2018). People usually consume...

Using Peplau’s Theory in Practice

Introduction Nurses play a vital role in the healthcare industry. They are essential in treating patients, comforting them, and ensuring their satisfaction with the delivered services. It comes as no surprise that nursing requirements extend beyond medical expertise. Qualitative patient care also demands effective communicative skills. This necessity is a...

Stress and Its Negative Influence on Health

The rapid pace of modern life and the variety of complicated situations people should cope with provoke a high level of stress. Even though it is a natural reaction of the human body to adverse psychological and physical conditions, stress negatively influences health and causes dangerous illnesses and disorders. Even...

Mobile Commerce and Changing Customer Behavior

The 20th century has witnessed technological progress, which influenced almost all aspects of life. The shopping process and the relationship between customers and retailers are no exception. This paper aims to discuss the influence of online shopping on the crucial steps of the consumer decision-making process and review the pros...

About Police Chaplaincy Program

Introduction At present, the public sees the police as forceful representatives of law enforcement. They deliver a prompt response in situations of crisis to citizens. However, the scope of the police’s helping methods is limited. At the same time, chaplaincy volunteers working alongside some police departments can comfort people and...

Effectiveness of the Use of a Point-Of-Sale System on Business

Alliance Supermarket is gathering basic information using its point-of-sale (POS) system, and this is why the management is yet to reap the maximum advantage of this piece of technology. The chief information officer (CIO) is exploring ways of mitigating the loss of sales and facilitating customer satisfaction. The organization is...

Mrs. G: Homecare Institution Case Analysis

When elderly parents need support to remain safe and healthy, one can be uncertain how to manage the situation. The identification of their needs, responsibility for choices, and decision-making can feel daunting. This is because one is not sure exactly what needs to be done. Nevertheless, it is of utmost...

Acculturation and Enculturation: Business Issues

Abstract This essay will examine the concepts of enculturation and acculturation in the context of their impact on business ethics. The current state of business ethics and issues related to the moral issues of doing business will be discussed. Researchers began to single out the two analyzed terms relatively recently;...

Budgetary Change: Unstable Situation Due to the Pandemic

A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a specific future time, usually compiled and revised on a periodic basis. Budgetary changes tend to occur often due to the necessity of strengthening some areas more than the other ones. Therefore, the article “Trump threatens to cut funding if...

Japan: Researching of Orientalism

People usually see Asian culture as significantly different from American or European traditions for example. Additionally, social structures, laws, and interactions are managed in ways different from those in non-Asian communities. Even some aspects of close or resembling nationalities’ traditions may seem odd; hence, non-similar foreign cultures are generally considered...

Charleston Target Market Analysis

Introduction Segmentation is one of the principal marketing strategies commonly applied in practice. After identifying the target audience and breaking down the 5 P’s of the marketing mix within Charleston’s scope, it is crucial to segment the target market along demographic and psychographic dimensions. In other words, to successfully implement...

Analysis of Ron Powell’s Career and Performance

Management style plays a crucial role in today’s business activities. There have been many theories regarding management and employee motivation strategies. However, such theories might end up not working as planned, when put into practice. Furthermore, a strategy that has proved to be useful once may not be the option...

Women Have the Right to Decide the Abortion

Introduction An archaic patriarchal world dominated by masculinity is obsolete today, and numerous women’s rights movements attest to this fact. However, some aspects of social life are perceived as biased, and little freedom in decision-making limits women’s rights. This work aims to describe abortion as a controversial phenomenon that always...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Its Global Prevalence

Abstract Alzheimer’s disease is a debilitating progressive neurodegenerative condition that causes a decline in cognitive skills. While the condition is not yet fully understood, scientists believe that it is caused by age-related neurological changes and genetic factors. Its symptoms include the impairment of memory, learning, social, and motion skills, and...

Martin Scorsese’s Goodfellas and Gangs of New York: A Comparison

In the era of the Great Depression and Prohibition in the United States, gangsters became the new heroes. Perfectly dressed guys like Al Capone and John Dillinger have regularly appeared on the pages of the crime chronicle, becoming celebrities and trendsetters. They were imitated in life and on the movie...

Defining and Redefining Art: Discussion of the Problem

Introduction Defining abstract concepts, such as beauty, art, success, family, is often connected with uncertainty and multiplicity of meanings. Different understanding of the people may shape their interpretation in numerous ways. In the case of the concept of art, there are several interrelated definitions of it established by society. Reviewing...

Concert Report: Rondeau, Bach, Chopin, Webern and Others

Vertigo, Jean Rondeau Jean Rondeau is a Baroque composer; his compositions immerse the listeners into the atmosphere of the early 17th – 18th centuries. Vertigo is performed on the harpsichord that has a long history according to its external appearance (Warner Classics). That is the harpsichord with its balanced timbre...

Understanding Diversity and Respect in American Culture

Summary In the beginning, the speaker describes the difficulties she experienced the first time she publicly decided to wear a hijab in line with the Muslim religious faith practices. Several feminists confronted her for failing to embrace the opportunity to display her feminine beauty. These feminists felt that the speaker...

Bald Genius Stereotype: Raymond Reddington From “The Blacklist”

Character Description Character: Raymond Reddington. Television show: The Blacklist. The Blacklist is an ongoing American crime thriller television series that airs every Friday at 8 PM on the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). The show premiered on 23rd September 2013 and is currently on its eighth season, claiming that it has...

African-American Historical Objects in Museums

A Silver-Plated Tea Set The inscription on the tea set states that in 1858, it was given as a gift to Mrs. Howard in order to promote evening social affairs and close the gap in terms of interpersonal communication that was based on slavery and segregation. Despite being rather inexpensive,...

Eyewitness Testimony Overview

Eyewitness testimony occurs when an individual observes a crime or an accident; later, they reveal the details on the court’s stand to help investigate the case. Typically, it is a more complicated process than one might initially presume. Collecting testimony includes what happens during the crime scene, before, and after...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Review of “Young Goodman Brown” Story by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Introduction The story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne is a fascinating piece that focuses on guilty conscience and different issues faced by people in the community. The story involves Brown, who leaves his wife, Faith, to meet a man in the dark forest he identifies as the devil. Authors...

Measuring Competencies in “Sex Education”

Otis Milburn is a nerdy teenager who has heard too much about sex from his advanced mom, a sexologist but has never actually done it. His friend, Maeve Wiley, on the contrary, is too developed for her age, as she was born into a dysfunctional family and has already tasted...

Public and Private Administration. Comparative Analysis

Public administration is a complex entity that exists on the political, legal, and managing levels. It strives to serve the people while executing its functions within the grounds dictated by those levels. Public administration is inherently democratic, and its proper functionality is at the core of democratic processes. However, it...

Developing COVID-19 Prevention Strategies

The Overview of Disease Respiratory infection spread from person to person Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) 14 days to become symptomatic Activity of the virus for a period Instant infection due to close contact The Coronavirus Statistics Outbreak of Covid-19 in Wuhan in 2019 16 million infected people...

McCormack and McCance’s Person-Centred Care Nursing Framework

In the present day, the concept of person-centered care is becoming immeasurably significant within nursing on a worldwide basis. It is frequently used to describe the standards of health care delivery that are characterized by the significance of the patients’ needs regardless of their cultural, religious, and individual peculiarities. As...

The Availability of Dental Care be Increased

It seems that the importance of oral health care is often underestimated. Many health insurance plans do not cover dental issues, and patients with low-income cannot afford expensive services. Oral care should be taken more seriously as it plays an essential role in medicine and may influence people’s general health....

Cognitive Psychology: Emotions and Anxiety

When Emotions Get the Better of Us: The Effect of Contextual Top-down Processing on Matching Fingerprints Evidence to support the main argument Fingerprint identification involves a decision-making process. There are no 100% identical fingerprints as even if the person provides sets of prints one after the other, they will be...

Hospital-Acquired Infections: Leadership Action Plan

Overview of hospital-acquired infections Hospital-acquired or nosocomial infections are conditions that patients develop while in a healthcare facility and were absent at the time of admission. They are exacerbated by factors, such as the environment in which care is provided, and the condition and susceptibility of the patient (Khan et...

Racial, Ethnic and Gender Categories in the U.S. Census

Racial, ethnic, and gender categories have been used to gather information on the population by the U.S. Census since the records started. However, this system is always evolving, with these categories being adjusted and improved over the years. The paper aims at analyzing the concepts of race, ethnicity, and gender...

Health Promotion Using Healthcare Informatics

Project Project Title Obesity as a Risk Factor of Hypertension Project Objectives Increase awareness about risk factors of elevated blood pressure; Provide education about efficient strategies for controlling weight; Inform about the consequences of obesity and hypertension; Teach self-assessment techniques and provide information about when to seek help; Provide information...

A Dissemination Plan on Adolescent Obesity and Falls in Elderly Population

Research on clinical diagnoses and conditions is essential for obtaining practical information and adjusting current intervention strategies. Fall incidents in the elderly population, diabetes, and adolescent obesity are medical concepts that require definite prevention practices. This study is essential for specialists in emergency and hospital care, as many factors predict...

Lifestyle Influences on Physical Health

It seems reasonable to state that a human’s life is affected by numerous factors. Psychologists claim that these factors are to be continuously studied through theoretical and practical lenses. The issue of physical, cognitive, and psychological development of an individual has always been relevant and appropriate to discuss. Throughout my...

Connection Between Schizophrenia and Neurotransmitters

Initially, there may be no direct connection between schizophrenia and neurotransmitters, which perform several vital functions in one’s body. However, as it tends to happen, as long as everything works properly, there might not be obvious links, but once one element of the system breaks, so will others. This paper...

Medication Errors: Causes, Outcomes, and Solutions

Abstract One of the unresolved global problems in the healthcare system is medication errors and the damage that is caused as a result. These mistakes can occur at any step of the patient treatment process, from unnecessarily prescribed medications to wrong dosages to issues with monitoring to lack of documentation...

Cerebral Palsy: Definition, Treatment and Prevention

Background Cerebral palsy (CP) is a prevalent group of motor disorders that affects an individual’s ability to maintain balance, posture, and mobility. It is caused by abnormal brain development or brain damage that affects a person’s ability to control muscles, stemming from dysfunction in the central nervous system and the...

Community Health: Disaster Recovery Plan

Healthy People 2020 Goals Boosting lifespans and quality of life Eliminating health disparities between groups Ensuring healthy physical and social environments Supporting health across life stages First two goals are plan priorities Note: Healthy People 2020 is a government initiative aimed at improving health for all groups. Its objectives are...

Diagnosis of an Obese Patient: Case of Mr. C

Clinical Manifestations Present in Mr. C. Mr. C. is morbidly obese with a BMI of 47.9 based on the height of 68 inches and weight of 134.5 kg, which is one of the major predisposing factors to high blood pressure, type II diabetes, and various heart diseases. He also has...

The Phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance

Introduction The cognition of a person is a unique and complex process that involves multiple systems and affects the whole body. In the process of evolution, humanity managed to improve its ability to cognize the surrounding world and explain the majority of phenomena that are important for it. The desire...

The Ethnic Minority Group and Its Health Status

Various ethnic minorities groups presented in the US have their own social, cultural, economic problems that might impact their living conditions. Asian Americans are one of these groups that has specific health status and disparities. This essay will discuss unique challenges and differences Asian Americans have and will analyze cultural,...

Improve the Quality of Health Care Using TQM Methods

Introduction Providing high-quality health care using the best ideas and techniques while also being ready for potential costs is a priority for hospitals nowadays. Total quality measurement (TQM) as a management system aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and enhancing employee and organizational performance is considered one of the most prospective...

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Nursing Role: Course Reflection and Personal Assesment

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Elderly Depression: Symptoms, Consequences, Behavior, and Therapy

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Applying Research Skills in the Healthcare Area

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Combating Prescribed Opioid Abuse in the USA

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Seizures: Pathophysiology and Treatment

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International Trade: Identifying Market Structure

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Why the King Salmon Population Keeps Getting Smaller

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Personality Type and Work-Related Outcomes

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The History of American Imperialism

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Nurse Planning Policy Making Visit

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Software Tools for Qualitative Research

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Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials Reflection

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) offers its perspective on the essentials that a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education should take into account. The resulting document can be employed as an evaluation tool for one’s preparedness to fulfill the role of a DNP (Gerard, Kazer, Babington,...