People’s Inclination to Self-Esteem: Subjective Outcome

Introduction Self-esteem is described as the amount of value or worth a person perceives him/herself to be. In this essay, two articles are critically appraised with the intention of finding out their similarities and differences with regard to the content of people’s inclination to self-esteem. Forsyth et al. (2003) in...

US Healthcare Policy: Obama’s Healthcare Reform

Introduction Every citizen of the United States should have access to quality and affordable healthcare. Health is a fundamental issue that needs to be catered for to ensure that all citizens are comfortable. In the past decade, much has been written and talked about the health of people in the...

Classroom Management: The Impact of Tokenism on Students

Introduction Teachers have an obligation to build a safe learning community. To motivate their students, they need to make meaningful decisions. This has a great impact on how the students learn their relationships with one another and the classroom atmosphere (Sapon-Shevin, n.d, p. 99). From research, tokenism as a means...

Effective Assessment Practices: Objective Structured Clinical Examination, Written Assignments and Rubrics, and Teacher-Created Tests

Introduction Effective assessment practices are regarded as the key to the effective educational principles. It is claimed that assessment principles are needed for adequate evaluation of students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities that are required for further educational process, or passing the final exam. Techniques that will be assessed in the...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Universal Health Care Reform

Introduction Universal health care has elicited a wave of heated debate since it was kicked off by President Obama. It has been received with mixed reactions from different sides causing serious divisions between democrats and their republican counterparts. Battista & McCabe (Para. 1) say that the US is the only...

Organizational Change in the Concord Bookshop

Introduction The current trends in the healthcare industry call for the implementation of several changes to achieve the organization’s mission and goals while satisfying patients and workers in general. These changes are triggered by both external and internal factors, which affect the organizations, employees, and the patients (Buchbinder & Shank,...

History. The Monroe Doctrine and Its Controversy

In American history, there are ambivalent decisions that still cause debates among historians, and the Monroe Doctrine is one of such controversies. This declaration was issued to define the foreign policy of the U.S.; however, in the situation of the increasing external threat, other actions could be more appropriate. People...

The Methods of Acquiring Information in Investigations

Role of Information in criminal investigation When conducting a crime, perpetrators can leave signals that represent valuable information being left behind. This can include eyewitness descriptions, murder weapons, fingerprints, and others. However, Investigators cannot make conclusions based on one type of evidence, so gathering all kinds of information is essential....

Crisis Intervention for Suicidal Behavior

Suicidal behavior has been common throughout the history of humanity. Examples of suicides appear in literary works. It has also been a topic of scholarly inquiry. There are numerous theories on the causes and nature of suicide, and there are various strategies to address this issue. This paper dwells upon...

Novant Health: The Policy of the Clinical Facility

The policy of the Novant Health hospitals regarding the use of restraints has measures that prevent or minimize the use of restraints and seclusion. The policy also mandates that restraints should be used following individualized evaluation of the patient. The policy regarding the use of restraints has a number of...

Changing Identity: Key Development Issues

Identity is a complex topic and consists of many interrelated items. The theory behind this notion has not yet developed to the stage when it can provide answers to all questions. Some believe that people are born with identity, while others consider culture as the primary influencer. These beliefs attribute...

Nursing: Core Competencies Comparisons

The nursing profession is deemed ineffective when the core competencies are not upheld. To this end, the core competencies are vital in the delivery of high-quality care services, a norm that is the nurses’ identity that upholds their social status. Given the core competency profile, the ideas fronted are both...

The U.S. Economic Development: The Significant Periods

Nowadays, America can boast one of the most developed economies in the world. The service sector is an important source of the country’s budget; the U.S. is also a world leader in many spheres of industry. However, the history of the U.S. success is complicated; the country went through periods...

The Role of Public Spaces in Managing Racial Experiences

The societal perception of race is built and manifested directly in the environment that a particular ethnic group occupies. The vision of race as a social construct in the sense of a group’s understanding of themselves and others is influenced by social context, which includes public spaces. Political, social, and...

Public Health/Health Administration Program

During the latter quarter of the 1800s and the first quarter of the 1900s, scientific development, especially in microbiology steered in a novel aspect for the field of public health. This bacteriologic phase of the public health movement was led by the discoveries of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and...

The Glass Menagerie and the Idea of the Escape

Topic: The Glass Menagerie and its idea of pursuing adventure or sticking to one’s duties. Thesis Statement: The Glass Menagerie suggests that a person should not make a choice between chasing one’s dreams or staying put because it is possible to find the middle ground and do both. Brainstorm: Happiness Comes at...

McDonald’s Corporation’s Analysis: Intangible Assets

Introduction McDonald’s corporation is undoubtedly the largest chain of hamburger fast-food restaurants in the world. The restaurant serves more than 58 million customers every day. The operation of Mcdonald’s is like a typical large chain that operates as a corporation, a franchise, or at times as an affiliate. It draws...

Inductive Reasoning Definition and Statement Analysis

Introduction In order to apply inductive or deductive reasoning, one has to set aside ones personal affectations or prejudices; otherwise the achieved results may be easily questioned. Additionally, the process of argumentation has certain standards, which should be met. For instance, we may take such statement as, “illegal immigrant are...

Urban Outfitters: Objectives and Trends of the Company

Urban Outfitters was founded and established in 1970 and is a company offering a mix of distinct merchandise incorporating music, contemporary art, and fashion (Heidi 150). They owe their success to their growing ability to be in a position to understand their customers as well as relate with them emotionally....

Computerized Physician Order Entry Practice in Pediatric Care

The Methods Used in the Collection of the Results The evaluation of the errors in the drug prescription is showing that the most suitable intervention is the act of targeting the common flaws within the system as opposed to the individual fault. Literature studies acknowledge the positive effects of the...

An Ideal Society. Key Components

People belong to specific cultures, societies, and nations. The field of sociology allows individuals and researchers to learn more about societies, how they develop, and the attributes governing members’ behaviors. Sociological perspectives offer superior ideas for supporting the establishment of an ideal society. However, the realities recorded in different communities...

Romeo, Juliet, Ishmael Beah, and Victor Frankenstein

Scene 1: The Beach (ROMEO and JULIET find themselves trapped on a tropical island. The sun is shining brightly, and the weather is scorching and humid compared to summers in Verona). ROMEO: (Worried). Where are we? And what happened to the boat? JULIET: (Calmly). I’m not sure about the boat,...

Why the Electoral College is Necessary

Introduction The electoral college has been controversial It sometimes contradicts the popular vote The 2016 election is an example Trump won despite Clinton’s popular vote advantage However, this result is ultimately desirable The 2016 election has been divisive, with the Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump, winning the race with a...

Identifying Three Trends in Information Technology

Introduction As part of the business or other enterprises, information technology (IT) is a rapidly progressing industry in the modern technology-based society. It implies the use of “computers and other devices for exchanging, retrieving, storing, and networking of electronic data” (Morkes, 2018, p. 23). IT engages with various companies, ranging...

Technology as the Cause of Obesity

Introduction Today, humanity witnesses the third industrial revolution, or the broad implementation of innovative solutions into various spheres of activity. It contributes to increased effectiveness, better outcomes, and provides new opportunities for evolution. The contemporary digitalized society offers multiple opportunities for people to attain success in various spheres and benefit...

Ancylostoma Duodenale Known as Hookworm

Summary section Gerald Schmidt and Larry Roberts argue that Ancylostoma duodenale is a parasitic worm also known as hookworm. It is mostly found in the small intestine of mammals such as humans and livestock. It’s one of the major hookworms that cause infections in humans. Numerous A.duodenale often produces iron...

Overhead Cost Reduction: The Problem of Reducing Costs

Introduction Overhead is analyzed into three broad groups, these are, production overhead, administrative overhead and selling and distribution overhead. It is important to grasp that although overhead is the same from whatever angle we view it from, the methods of overhead reduction will differ from one group to another. In...

Socioeconomic Background as a Barrier to Success

The books The Dreams of Two Yi-min by Margaret Mai and Philip Vera Cruz: A Personal History of Filipino Immigrants and the Farmworkers Movement by Lilia Villanueva and Craig Scharlin have many vital points in common. In their stories, the authors reveal the lives of people who arrive in the...

Use of Anonymous Sources in Journalism: Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction A journalist that wants their story to be believed uses at least two named sources in a story. Using just one source that is unknown to the reader, and sometimes the reporter, for the sake of sensationalism and competition is, unfortunately, becoming a common practice. Others, including responsible journalists,...

Sexting and Related Cybercrime Legislation

Cybercrime is considered one of the critical adverse outcomes of the excessive use of technologies, which have become part of people’s daily lives around the world. The exposure to such adverse implications can lead to both financial and psychological issues, which is why the issue is high on the current...

Health Informatics Trends

Executive Summary Health informatics is the scientific field that addresses biomedical information, insights and data as regards their maintenance, retrieval and use in the resolution of issues and decision making. The informatics website creates a dependable source of enterprise information technology resolutions and software development services. American Medical Informatics Association...

Second Language Paradigms: Understanding Teaching Patterns

MODELS ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Phonetics Develop the formation of words Develop their reading skills Develop their writing skills For slow learners, it may be discouraging. I.e. In cases where their fellow classmates scoff at them. Group work Impact confidence to students Develop their speaking concept Develop unity between the students Encourages...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological issue that is typified by extreme apprehension about events and actions. This excessive worry negatively impacts daily functioning, and individuals are concerned about health matters, destiny, family issues, monetary and work problems, and friendship outcomes. In this context, patients may present with...

Nurse’s Role in Disaster Planning and Preparedness

Introduction Public health officials play an important role in disaster planning and emergency preparedness. Specifically, nurses are involved in disaster planning and preparedness together with response and recovery. This section addresses the role of nurses in executing the different aspects of disaster management. Planning The planning phase starts with understanding...

“Hamlet” by Shakespeare: Scenes Analysis of the Play

This paper is based on scene analysis of the play Hamlet by Shakespeare, the paper critically analyzes the “Ghost Hamlet “ in this drama, which is based on the Novel “The Norton Anthology World Literature”, authored by Sarah Lawall in 2009 and published by W. W. Norton publishers. Over the...

Nursing is in Transformation, and That’s Good for Nurses

Introduction Nursing is an essential part of the healthcare system that has significant human resources and the capacity to meet the needs of the population for affordable and acceptable health care. Nursing specialists play a crucial role in ensuring the availability and quality of medical services provided to society, strengthening...

“Smart Business Networks: How the Network Wins”: Article Review

Introduction Smart Business Networks (SBNs) entail a creative approach in carrying out business activities through establishing a strong connection with key players and business processes to achieve better results compared to the traditional way of doing business (Holland et al., 2004, p. 254). Here, business organizations develop strategies that enable...

Inconsistency of Socrates’ Arguments in Crito and Apology

It is often the case that philosophical judgments are self-contradictory. The matter is that philosophy as such is a very contradictory science and what at first may seem true, turns out to be absolute lies after thorough consideration. A number of philosophers are blamed for being inconsistent in their arguments...

Grief and Blight in Poem “Spring and Fall” by Gerard Manley Hopkin

Introduction Gerard Manley Hopkin’s poem “Spring and Fall” is centered around one’s perception of death and mortality. The central figure of the writing is a girl called Margaret, who is crying over dead leaves and ordinary seasonal changes. However, the narrator understands that the underlying reasons for such an emotional...

The Preservation of Humanism Contrary to Tradition in Story “The Lottery”

Introduction Residents of the American town gathered for the annual lottery, and as with any other venerable tradition, attitudes toward it vary depending on age. The older men cannot imagine the life of the community without it. Still, the youngers are more skeptical, and they take it without reverence. The...

Identified Limitations and Threats to Validity

In a multi-site empirical study on cross-organizational Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) size and effort estimation, Daneva (2008) identifies some limitations and potential threats to validity and reliability of the research findings. The first major threat to external validity identified is that ERP projects that the study focused on might not...

Is Helicopter Parenting That Terrible?

It is not a secret for anyone that the way children are brought up in the family influences their psychology, performance in school and local communities, and future life interactions. Parenting is a complex process that requires a continued support of the social, intellectual, physical, and emotional growth of a...

The History of Enterprise Architecture and Their Specific

Enterprise Resource Planning refers to an approach or process implemented with a prime objective of merging all the departments and business functions within an organization into a single integrated computer system that meets the information units of every business unit within the organization (Alexis, 2007). The outcome of Enterprise Architecture...

The Culture of Communication and Interaction

Communication is an essential component of any culture. Every day people engage in interpersonal and group interactions either locally or internationally. Businesses are continually establishing strong relationships with new partners, students find common ground with their teachers and classmates, and individuals build global friendships. However, millions of contemporary world citizens...

Organizational Behaviour Overview: National Iranian Oil Company

Introduction Organizational behavior is the study of how people or groups acts in an organization or an interpretation of the the relationship between people and organization interms of the firm as awhole. This aims to enhance good relationship through the achievement of the general objectives of human, organization and social....

The Importance of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction The nursing profession and practice have undergone an evolution since become a vital part of care delivery in the late 19th century. Theories have helped shape nursing practice into a discipline that is flexible and adaptable to serve any role within the healthcare system. Nurses serve numerous roles and...

Self-Care Deficit Theory and Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Developing personal nursing philosophy is an essential step towards understanding the goals, processes, and perceptions leading to proper patient care. The factors that affect the development of a personal nursing philosophy are intrinsic beliefs, experiences with patients, their families, and other medical professionals, and nursing education (MAS Medical Staffing,...

Nurse Practitioner’s Strategic Analysis

Advanced practice role in nursing is associated with many responsibilities that affect the quality of patient care. According to Sincy (2016), SWOT is “is a tool that can provide prompts to the managers, clinical leads, nurse tutors, nurse mentors and staff” (p. 34). The method can help me analyze my...

Famine Crises in the “Horn of Africa”

Introduction The degree to which people might be helpless against starvation is a result of a system, which includes a relationship among material, hierarchical and socio-mental subjection. Climate change influences food generation, and this factor controls food shortage and famine. For example, rising temperatures decrease yields by affecting photosynthesis and...

Neo-Analytic Theories: The Effectiveness of Jung’s Theory of Personality Types

The purpose of this paper is to highlight the effectiveness of Jung’s theory of personality types. Psychologist C.C Jung made the famous theory of the personality types and the purpose of the Meyers Briggs Type Indicator test (MBTI) is to ensure that people understand this theory and make it useful...

Mood Disorders: Depression Concepts Description

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness (Hammen, 1997). Anyone, irrespective or age, race or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million...

Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment

Introduction Mary Mallon, or Typhoid Mary as she was called, was a notorious healthy carrier of typhoid fever. She worked as a cook and was reputed to have caused infections of Typhoid fever in 47 people and caused the death of 3. What was worse was the she refused to...

Business Leadership Communication: Effective Leadership Styles

Vince Lombardi states that “leaders aren’t born, they are made”, which makes it crucial for mangers to understand the importance of effective leadership in team building and communication. While it is an accepted fact that efficient leaders motivate their teams to deliver results, it is also extremely essential to understand...

Animal Use in Scientific Testing Should Be Stopped

The use of animals in scientific experimentation has been debated widely. Several studies have shown that animal testing is unethical and ineffective, and alternative methods of study should be developed and adopted. Proponents argue that animals have body systems that are similar to those of humans, and are the most...

Unique Worldview: Personal Worldview Definition

It can be argued that each person has a unique worldview, and that one’s beliefs affect their thoughts, judgments, and actions. A worldview develops based on one’s understanding of spirituality, pluralism, scientism, and postmodernism, as these are some of the key philosophical concepts related to knowledge and perception. My personal...

Public Administration Research and Theory

Governments are complex organizations with hierarchies and forms of control and management. For efficient operation, their activities should be based on practices supported by empirical evidence. Public administration is an academic discipline that constitutes the basis for effective public policies and their implementation. This paper will discuss what public administration...

Laura Pausini: Live Music Event Critique

In this paper, I will present my analysis and reaction to the live concert of Laura Pausini, which took place in Miami on July 26, 2018. The event started at 8:00 PM at James L. Knight Center and lasted for a couple of hours. It was dedicated to Laura’s new...

Community Health Related Issues in the United States

This paper analyzes five different articles that address community health-related issues. The first article was retrieved from an online portal of the University of Wisconsin (College of health sciences). The article spells out what community health entails. Health education, as outlined on the university’s website, is a social science that...

Crisis Intervention. The Batman Movie Shooting Incident

The Batman Movie shooting incident was an indication that terrorism is still a world crisis. It was that night when people were gathered for the action movie that turned to be a nightmare as a gunman sprayed the audience with bullets. It was as if the events in the film...

The Philosopher’s Explanation of Reason and Empiricism

Epistemology, Metaphysics, & Reason Rene Descartes is one of the world’s most famous philosophers that influenced the way people see the world and make meaning out of it. Many of these theorists’ ideas were considered to be authentic and radical. For instance, he was the first one to question human...

The U.S. Correctional System’s Role and Functions

The US correctional system is a complex of special institutions that implement state policy in the field of the execution of punishments for crimes. Jails and community-based confinement facilities for offenders’ rehabilitation and resocialization are under the jurisdiction of municipalities and county governments. Each correctional institution is assigned a security...

“Under the Skirt of Liberty” by Giannina Braschi

An outstanding piece of writing called Under the Skirt of Liberty is Giannina Braschi’s creation, which criticizes the American establishment for the loss of its previous values and goals. The author’s message is primarily focused on describing major pitfalls of the American system, and it reaches out and converses with...

Fire Disaster Plan For a Skilled Nursing Facility

The purpose of this fire disaster plan is to guide the given skilled nursing facility on fire emergency procedures to protect the lives and property of staff, residents, and visitors. Disaster planning in this skilled nursing facility is the responsibility of the facility Administrator. The Administrator delegates authority to the...

Influence of Stakeholders on Nursing Programs

Stakeholders in the nursing program evaluation have several impacts or roles which they can play in not only assessing but also evaluating all programs related to nursing. To begin, stakeholders will make an impact by first of all establishing the right mechanisms. This can be achieved through outsourcing the support...

Microeconomics: Understanding the Concept of Price Theory

This paper will throw light upon the price theory which is extremely important to understand. Demand and supply play the most pivotal role in deciding the price of a commodity or a service. The same will be elucidated further with the help of Euro star which is a fast-speed train,...

Hard Determinism Theory: Responsibility for Our Behavior and Actions

Introduction Why do I act in certain ways? Am I really responsible for my behavior and actions? These are some questions that most of us have asked ourselves at one time or another. While philosophers have put forward many theories to explain this phenomenon, no one seems to have satisfied...

Universal Healthcare System: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction The United States is the only country in the developed world that does not have a universal health care system. The United States pursues a predominantly private health care system with little government intervention. However, the system is in a deep crisis. High insurance premiums and high out-of-pocket user...

Rhetorical Writing Analysis of Jenna Berko’s Essay

Introduction Rhetorical writing is a special kind of activity that involves the ability to both analyze the plot of the object under consideration and see how the author manages to affect the audience’s perception of this object by certain rhetorical means. The appeal to the audience is rather important in...

MBA Dissertation Proposal: Consumer Awareness of Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction This dissertation aims to measure the level of consumers awareness about CSR (corporate social responsibility) in such countries as the United Kingdom and Qatar. On the whole, this concept is relatively new; it came into existence at the end of the twentieth century, particularly, in the late eighties. According...

How Communication Affects Leaders in an Organization and Vice Versa

Conventional Approach The conventional approach is the old-school way of perceiving communications within the organization, where the company operates separately from the connections between the employees. Scholars refer to such a communicational model as the “informational view of communication,” which is centered around the transmission within the firm, while “ineffective...

Organizational Systems and Quality Leadership

Abstract As it happens in all types of services and professions, there is always a change that takes place due to the changes in development of technology and human relationships over time. Many such changes have also taken place in nursing, and that is what is going to be discussed...

Effect of the Law on the Human Resources Process

Introduction The success of an organization is largely dependent on forces external to it and operating in a global external environment. For the effective implementation of managerial functions, it is necessary to understand the effect of these forces. Organizations have to adapt to changes in the environment and accordingly adjust...

Researching a Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom’s taxonomy comprises cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains, which form the basis of curriculum development in learning institutions. As one of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy, the cognitive domain has become the gold standard of curriculum development because it measures six aspects of cognitive variables that determine the ability of...

Social Theories and Artistic Practice

Introduction Some people do not see the practical or any value of social theories and believe those are reflections of some people that deserve limited attention. These individuals acknowledge the benefits of natural science theories that provide specific laws regarding nature that can often be quantified and witnessed clearly. However,...

Aspects of Curriculum Development in Nursing

The individuals selected to form a review group should be specialists in the given learning domain. For example, a curriculum for a health specialty degree such as dentistry can only be created or reviewed by persons with a strong background in dentistry. Hence, specialty checks and further training in curriculum...

Role of the Family in the Formation of a Healthy Lifestyle

Introduction Human health depends on many social factors and variables. If society is characterized by stability, a high level of citizens’ well-being, and social policy aimed at increasing life expectancy, this contributes to the health of both the individual and society. When creating a plan of care about health, each...

Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect

Social workers should cooperate with clients to understand their problems and intentions. In this paper, attention is paid to Brandon, a 12-year-old boy who survived his father’s sexual abuse at the age of 6 and experiences post-traumatic stress disorder at the moment (Plummer et al., 2014). There are many adolescents...

Nutrisystem for Men: Company Analysis

Title of commercial online weight loss program The site is labeled simply “Nutrisystem” after the company of that name based in Horsham, PA. Nutrisystem Inc. started up operations in 1972 as a telephone and subsequently online counseling service for those wanting to lose weight. At last count (end-2008), Nutrisystem reported...

“Sherlock Holmes and the House of Fear” by Neill

The movie Sherlock Holmes and The House of Fear was directed by the famous director of the 20th century Roy William Neill. Despite the fact that he did not have finances to create high-budget works, Neill was one of the most influential producers of the 1910-1940s. Throughout those years, he...

Situational Leadership: Roles and Importance

Introduction Sometimes, managers may find that not all employees work equally well and hard. The reason is that various management schemes must be applied to them because each employee is at a different stage of development: both within the company and personally. The solution to this problem is the situational...

UHealth: Organizational Cultures of Excellence

Introduction In modern management, organizational culture is one of the main strategic tools that allows to orient the work process and direct the aspirations of employees to shared goals, and, in addition, to form general corporate views. Elements of organizational culture are a guideline for management decision-making, establishing control over...

The Implementation of Telemedicine in the Workplace

The use of modern means of communication for the remote provision of medical and consultative services is a branch of medicine that tries to limit the impact of distance on the access to health care for a population. Telemedicine is a domain that tends to be considered new, partially due...

Jet Fuel Quality. Aviation Fuel

Introduction Jet fuel refers to a form of aviation fuel, made up of a mixture of a great amount of various hydrocarbons, which is manufactured for use by aircrafts. It is crucial that the fuel used in a jet be of the required quality because contaminants can be detrimental not...

The Link Between of Communication and Organizational Change

Everyone strives to be understood, but with this desire, not everyone does everything necessary for the meaning of their speech to be clear. In case of misunderstanding, both parties of any communication are most often to blame. In particular, such problems can occur during changes in an organization. People do...

Ancient Rome Civilization Accomplishments

Introduction The Roman Empire declined many centuries ago, leaving its inventions and ideas for future generations. Even though the world has experienced numerous historic events since then, reshaping humans’ lives, the Romans’ legacies still can be noticed in almost every area, ranging from politics to culture. The accomplishments of ancient...

Business Process & Information Technology: Supply Chain Management

The advent of Information Technology, internet and World Wide Web has brought down an era in which computer based technologies have minor or major role on almost all aspects of society, business and industry. The competitive environment of business and corporations has seen the most drastic changes like ecommerce, online...

The Issue of Wardriving: Unauthorized Access to Wi-Fi Networks

Currently, many private residents have purchased “Wireless Fidelity” (Wi-Fi) network, in effect enabling their members of the family to gain access to, for example, network drive or a printer from any location within the house. When this technology lacks the suitable security, neighbors, as well as other individuals who could...

Behaving in a Loving Relationship

Introduction During one’s life, one has to make a number of crucial decisions, and choosing a partner, marrying, and then sharing one’s life with this person is one of them. However, even after finding a soulmate, there is a possibility of mutual misunderstanding, mistrust, and various arguments. A couple may...

Career Management Program for an Effective Sales Team

Career management program Developing a career management program entails comprehensive job analysis to establish the specific needs for the jobs. The task of the selected team is to increase the sales volume of the new bigger business entity to new heights. The team is composed of a mixture of employees...

Work Performance Training Methods

Introduction Organizations benefit immensely from training employees because well-trained workers have higher productivity and output. Studies have shown that companies that invest in employees’ professional development report lower rates of absenteeism and staff turnover, as well as increases in innovation and customer satisfaction. It is important to educate new employees...

Basic Research Methods and Statistical Concepts

Research Area My main area of research will be in the analysis of the performance of the various features of business organizations in a selected area. This entails the use of data from the field to produce results and consequently, carry out analysis on the same to make conclusions and...

Lying as an Intrinsic Part of Human Condition

Arguably, there is no more rudimentary experience in a person’s life than lying or being on receiving end of lies. The amount of art that investigates the issue through the prism of fiction (which potentially makes this exploration less genuine) is glaring. Among the greatest liars, there is an array...

TOK Exhibition: The Ethical Responsibilities

One must credit people who have created knowledge by citing their names in written texts or mentioning them and their contributions when discussing a topic. The first real-world object is the textbook used for the TOK course by Popov (2016) titled “IB theory of knowledge – A student’s guide.” When...

Benefits and Detriments of Going Public

Introduction Between 2009 and 2013, numerous companies have changed from public to private, in order to avoid the financial backlash of the economic crisis that shook the global economy during those years. In order to respond to the various economic challenges arising during those years, many smaller companies were absorbed...

“Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” by Taylor

Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book “Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” explores how the Black Lives Matter (BLM) began, its history, and how it came to shape the black liberation movement. It also features the role that neoliberalists played in the development of the BLM. Although most people would think the movement...

Metabolic Syndrome and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes mellitus I would like the patient to know that he is right in suspecting that his condition had led to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. However, the patient should be aware that metabolic syndrome encompasses several health conditions including; obesity, high serum triglycerides,...

The Problem of Poverty in Art of Different Periods

Artists have always been at the forefront of addressing social issues, by depicting them in their works, they attempt to draw the attention of the public to the topics which are often avoided by politicians. The problem of poverty affects many societies worldwide, and to this date has not been...

Affordable Care Act: A Critical Analysis

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) covers almost a thousand pages and represents a radical attempt to review the medical insurance and health care system in the United States. From the early stages, even before its adoption and implementation, the law had generated a lot of discussion and concern on the...

Artificial Neural Networks

In the given magazine article, I would like to provide a simpler and plainer explanation of artificial neural networks to the general public by describing their current state of development. The target audience is comprised of individuals who are not educated and trained in the specified field, but willing to...

Concepts of Pro-Slavery and Anti-Slavery

Introduction The history of America knows many controversial stages, one of which was slavery in the country. Today, when any manifestations of inequality and, in particular, racism are condemned, it is not easy to imagine that, along with the opponents of this antisocial phenomenon, its supporters were in favor of...

Body Cameras: Civility Through Accountability

“I’m a cop. I can do terrible things to people, with impunity” (Aloi). This line comes from an HBO show titled “True Detective,” explaining the dangers of power in one crisp sentence. When the representatives a social class or a profession gain a disproportionate amount of influence over others, it...

Business Analytics Aspects and Applicability

Introduction In today’s world, the popularity of business analytics is increasing; companies start to use its tools to guide their decision-making processes. This paper presents an overview of business analytics, evaluating its aspects and applicability. The report features opportunities and challenges business analytics presents. In addition, it addresses the features...

How the Internet Challenges Families

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine an ordinary day without the Internet. People find it normal to use social technologies for different purposes. In 2019, there are more than 4.39 billion people who use the Internet regularly (Kemp, 2019). Regarding such a considerable spread of opportunities, social media may challenge...

Legalizing Physician-Assisted Suicide: Literature Review

Outline of the literature review This literature review tries to make an analysis of the previous studies about the legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide. Three studies are reviewed and these resources are evaluated. The extent to which the review could affect the researcher is also included. Introduction Legalizing physician-assisted suicide for...

Economic Development: Australia’s Economic Situation

To begin with, the world economy is often collapsed by crisis. It is known that many economists tend to increase the local economies then to provide a strict policy in supporting other countries. It concerns mainly well-developed countries with highly intensified economies. Australia is no exception in this case. Its...

Business-to-Business Marketing Plan: Cleaning Products

Mission statement To work towards a clean environment by developing products that work and are friendly to the environment. Marketing objectives To increase awareness by 35% of the market on the need for a clean working environment To increase the demand for the new cleaning products by 50 percent in...

The Role of Calibration and Independent Monitoring in Decontamination Processes

Calibration is an important practice that ensures instruments meet their desired standards of operation. To make sure that this obligation is met, standardization bodies have to be set up to check conformity and compliance with the set standards. Therefore, the role of calibration goes hand in hand with the duty...

The Importance of Respiratory Therapist

Health is the main consideration of people in different age and of different welfare. To be healthy means to be successful, powerful and happy. There is a tendency in modern world to the allied health professions. This is a relatively new profession (referencing to the fact that medicine exists for...

The Futures Contracts Case Study

Introduction When entrepreneurs decide to engage in futures investments, they must remember that it is always a risky business. The initial cost of buying a contract always changes, so it is difficult to guess whether the purchase will be profitable or not, and will bring only losses. However, using a...

Romeo and Juliet: The 2019 Version Play Review

Romeo and Juliet is one great historic story that is set on tragic romance. The 2019 version of the original play depicts much energy and character amongst the cast. This is seen from the onset of the play where the trapdoors burst open and from underneath the first two performers,...

The Role of Christianity in Slavery: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Human rights are a multifaceted concept that requires subjective respect and documentation of relationships. In other words, the individual has that set of possibilities and freedoms that are generally accepted. Nonetheless, the times of slavery are a notorious period in social existence in which injustice and cruelty were models for...

The War of Independence and Its Impact on Society

Introduction Today is September 21, 1783, and it means that I became a colonist precisely 13 years ago. Great Britain admitted independence of the United States in the Treaty of Paris only a few weeks ago, and I am lucky to witness how America came to its freedom. The country...

Ted Bundy: Social Behavior of the Serial Killer

The early stages of a person’s life are a great determinant of the kind of life the person lives in adulthood. A person who enjoys an uneventful childhood is likely to have a normal adult life. On the other hand, a person who is exposed to tumultuous conditions in his/her...

People-Oriented Organization: Information Sharing

Introduction Information sharing is an important part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information sharing is “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass information on, but does...

Understanding Soundscapes and Composition Process

Introduction A soundscape is defined as either a collection of sound or a particular sound that emanates from a certain environment. In a number of instances, this may involve performance of that sound. It may also be necessary to record it is so as to create a certain sensation that...

Alcohol Addiction and Its Adverse Effects on the Victim and Family

Consumption of alcohol is entrenched within the customs of the modern day societies. Its origin dates back thousands of years ago. It has through the times been seen as a good way of enhancing relaxation and having fun. In fact physiologists argue that a little alcohol is healthy. As drinking...

Human Development Psychology: Stages, Socio-emotional Development, and Emotional Attachment

Lifespan development is the growth of the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial changes that incurs throughout life. It is multidimensional and encompasses the psychoanalytic models of physical, cognitive and socio-emotional growth. The conceptional rationale for the transition from infancy to early childhood is determined by a series of crucial developmental stages...

Internet Invention: History and Lifestyle Changes

Introduction From time immemorial, man has been known to initiate inventions that have transformed the way humans live and relate with each other. Looking at the way some things have transformed our lives, it becomes hard to imagine living without those things. While some things are just meant for luxury,...

Clinical Rotations in Theory and Observations

Introduction Clinical rotations form a major requirement for medical students, as it remains an avenue of actual application of what the students learn in the classrooms and further learning experience. In addition, clinical rotations offer an opportunity for the students to gain diverse experiences through working in different medical institutions...

Issues of Racial Discrimination: Racial Identity and Socialization

Racial identity and racial socialization are proposed to promote the improvement of African American adolescents in the aspect of race-related difficulties (Miller, 1999; Ward, 1999). Current studies pointed out that discrimination is a condition that has harmful effects on the mental health of African Americans. Also, Comer (1995) emphasized that...

Breaching Social Norms

During their lifetime, people generally contact with a considerable variety of material objects and enter into relationships with each other as well. Although there are different types of social interactions, social norms may be regarded as the most essential tool for their organization. In general, social norms determine what behavioral...

Classical Conditioning and the Consumer Culture

Introduction What kinds of influences affect the way people behave and act? There are several internal and external factors that can alter an individual’s behavior. People’s actions ultimately reflect their surroundings, their physical and mental wellbeing, and can be swayed by the opinions of others, as well as many more...

What Is Enlightenment? By Immanuel Kant: Analysis

Kant calls the era of the Enlightenment the most important stage in human history marked by a fundamental change in the attitude of mankind to its inherent ability to judge. Kant believes that before the Enlightenment, humanity did not understand and did not properly use its inherent intelligent abili[A1] ty....

The Influence of Pets on the Well-Being of Older People

Cole, A. (2019). Grow old along with me: The meaning of dogs in seniors’ lives. International Journal of Community Well-Being, 2, 235-252. This study explores the relationship between older dog owners and their pets. One of the main conclusions in the article is that the relationship between older people and...

Donald Trump’s Twitter and Free Speech

Introduction Donald Trump’s Twitter account is one of the most popular accounts on this website. It allows the President to communicate with citizens of the country. His audience totals more than 60 million people, many of whom are actively involved in discussions of his tweets. Twitter is a valuable tool...

World War I as a Total War

What Made WWI Different? World War I was a conflict the nations had never seen before. Over thirty countries lost millions of lives between 1914 and 1918, fighting for their ideals and principles. As a result, the great empires ended their existence, the political map was significantly reshaped, and the...

Municipal Solid Waste Management

Municipal solid waste (MSW) is what people leave after their everyday life activities, and includes items such as paper, plastic garbage, metals, electronics, and textiles. These leftovers are damaging for the environment, and its their volumes grow with the human population. The waste issue is especially urgent for places with...

Leadership: Definition and Key Issues

Definition Leadership as a concept can be approached and defined form multiple perspectives. However, most of the existing definitions share a common characteristic of viewing leaders as agents of change, be it within the workplace environment or in staff members’ behaviors. From a general standpoint, leadership can be described as...

Abortion and Catholic Church’s Attitude

Spontaneous abortion is more commonly defined as a miscarriage, which happens involuntary and cannot be controlled. No factors cause intended miscarriages and religious ethics are on the women’s side and do not blame them for losing the fetus. On the contrary, induced abortion is an intended termination of a pregnancy,...

The Problem of Palestinian-Israeli Conflict and Viable Solution

The ongoing dispute between the Palestinians and the state of Israel is part of the wider Arab-Israeli conflict. The root cause of the conflicts is the claims of the same land by the two parties. Many talks have been held with the sole aim of ending the conflicts by solving...

The Accounting Profession and Ethics: Analysis

Ethics in an organization is observed when the rules and regulations that govern the operations of the organization are effectively followed. The accounting profession should adhere to ethics because people rely on that information to make decisions on whether to invest in the company or not and therefore reports should...

Agile Domain: Problem Detection and Resolution

The process of engineering of software is one that requires a lot of knowledge and includes the process of gathering, designing, actual development, testing for functionality, use and maintenance. It is rear to find a team which constitutes of members who have all the required knowledge to meet the requirements...

Classroom Management Areas for a New Teacher

Introduction Learning is a complex process that requires teachers to have organizational and disciplinary skills. Classroom management is defined as “the use of procedures and teaching techniques that promote a safe and efficient learning environment” (Cini, 2017). It is a specific set of strategies used by educators to arrange students,...

Strategies for Adequate Technical Support

Introduction Helpdesk is a company’s technical link meant to avail support to the end users. Today, most firms consider the helpdesk as one of the integral part of a management due to its responsibilities to deliver support services, whenever a client or employee makes an enquiry or an urgent call...

Stratification and Social Mobility and its Impact on the American Dream

This paper introduced the concept of social stratification and mobility in the United States. In the USA, people are categorized into different groups based on their race, gender, age, ethnicity, and family ancestry. People further categorize others based on intellectual capabilities, personal and professional skills, appearance as well as achievements....

Blackmore and Seth’s Ideas About Consciousness

Many scientists tried to understand what consciousness is and how it interacts with the world, and Anil Seth, in his speech, also talks about his findings on this topic. Seth (2017) says that people hallucinate all the time, and the images that they perceive as reality are formed by the...

Ethical Literacy in Humans: Do We Deserve Cats?

Ethical behavior has always been one of the most important questions for humanity because people, unfortunately, tend to overlook the crucial value of their attitudes. Our surroundings are built in a way that requires humans to collaborate and create opportunities for mutual development and peaceful coexistence. Nevertheless, not everyone realizes...

The Life and Influence of Julius Caesar

Introduction Gaius Julius Caesar, one of Rome’s iconic leaders, was born in 100 B.C. in Rome, Italy. He was an army general, a politician, a governor, and an administrator. Unlike other influential and wealthy Roman politicians, Caesar was raised by a humble family. Wealth and a class type of family...

eBay: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Shopping

The rapid development of information technologies (in particular, the Internet) has revolutionized practically every sphere of our activity. Online shopping is a relatively new phenomenon but its influence on our lifestyle has already become noticeable; a vast variety of commodities are now readily available on the Web, consumers can purchase...

“Children’s Emotional Development: Challenges in Their Relationships to Parents, Peers, and Friends”: Article Review

Children’s emotional development: Challenges in their relationships to parents, peers, and friends Maria von Salisch. 2001, The international study of Behavioral Development. The article focuses on the relationships between children and their parents, peers, and friends and how they pose a challenge to the emotional development of the child. This...

Modern Technologies in Business Management: Accounting Information System

For an accounting degree to be recognized by an Australian professional bodies like ASCPA, ACA and NIA, it must include an information systems unit. Information systems unit is the way in which a business firm keeps and maintains its books of accounts. The well maintained books of accounts form part...

Frida Kahlo’s Self Portrait, Dedicated to Dr Eloesser

Introduction World art includes many examples of works by great masters who are known to descendants. One of these artists is the Mexican Frida Kahlo. Most of her work is devoted to herself since she spent a long time alone. In the works of Kahlo, not only the influence of...

Labor Movement Highlighted in Newspaper Articles

The article “Age of the Workingman,” published in The Kansas City Journal on September 2, 1895, depicts the labor problem as reflected in the speech given by Rev. Charles L. Kloss (3). Kloss makes a reference to Gladstone who said that the 19th century was the “Age of the Workingman”...

Accounting Ethics and the Code of Conduct

Ethics is a central component of relations between companies and individuals. It regulates the behaviors of all parties and ensures that there will be no inappropriate actions, solutions, or strategies aimed at making benefit from causing harm to other organizations or individuals. For this reason, the observation of the Code...

Restorative Justice as an Approach to Justice

Introduction Restorative justice as an approach to justice that seeks to repair the harm done by the offense rather than punishment or incarceration. It emphasizes the offender’s accountability, his or her, as well as the victim’s, involvement in the community. Furthermore, this approach seeks to rehabilitate and reintegrate the offender...

Better Mood and Better Performance

Summary In this article, the authors, Nadler, Rabi, and Minda (2010) sought to explore the idea that cognitive tasks relying on behaviors, including rule selection and hypothesis testing are likely to benefit from positive moods using the category-learning framework. The study was experimental because the researchers induced different changes, specifically...

The Adolescent Sex Life: Key Issues

Introduction As the child grows older, there are significant physiological changes in the body. During adolescence, people experience increased secretion of sex steroids — androgens and estrogens. In addition to noticeable, visible modifications in the structure of the human body, such as changes in the size of the genitals, the...

Stay Healthy and Germ-Free: A Personal Experience of Mysophobia

Some people seem to think that mysophobes like myself would never get a chance to become ill. After all, mysophobes take extra precautions when it comes to keeping clean and healthy. In my case, I never eat food from questionable sources, drink filtered or distilled water only, wash my hands,...

Employment and Working Conditions: Youth Exploitation

Introduction Young workers are more vulnerable to exploitation as compared to old workers. This exploitation is base on payment and working conditions among other workplace issues. Many employees intentionally abuse the young worker’s rights, and subsequently expose them to brutal exploitation. Main text Employers have power over their employees, whether...