Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County Community Needs

Introduction Hialeah Gardens in Dade-County, Florida, will be the focus of the study. The community can be described as rather peaceful and quiet. According to the recent data on the identified community, it is represented largely by Hispanics (57.3%), whereas the White and the Black members of the population constitute...

Organizational Behavior on the Pacific Rim Focus

In chapter 13, the writers discuss the impact that an organization’s structure has on its performance, power distribution and the general operation of issues. Organizations need to have formalized structure that can show how they are working for ease in communication and giving of instructions. Well structured organizations have duties,...

Plagiarism in the Research Work

The pre-test scores were slightly better than the post-test ones. In the pre-test, 6 answers were answered correctly and 4 incorrectly. In the post-test, the opposite trend has emerged, as 6 questions were answered incorrectly and only 4 were correct. The question about a summary of an idea was answered...

Importance of Nursing in Women’s Health

Introduction It is worthy of noting that nurses should aim to make the practice environment more welcoming and safe. It implies the inclusion of sensitive population groups. It is important to educate both patients and the residents to be health literate and to promote safe practices for better patient outcomes....

America’s Strategic Choices Through the History

What is the War Powers Act and why have U.S. Presidents ignored it? The War Powers Act, also known as the War Powers Resolution, was a law passed by Congress after the Vietnam War, over Presidential veto. The Act intended to encourage the Commander-in-Chief to consult Congress before deploying military...

Eating Habits among the Teenagers

Introduction The researcher may classify data into two types when developing a nursing intervention to encourage healthy eating habits among teenagers. The sources of information consist of primary and secondary data. Primary data refers to first-hand data, which is collected from the field to resolve a problem at hand. The...

“Hot Pepper” a Movie by Les Blank

Summary of the Video The movie Hot Pepper tells the story of Clifton Chenier who was a representative of such a musical genre as Zydeco. The viewers can learn about the sources of his inspiration, especially the culture of urban and rural Louisiana. Furthermore, the authors of this film explore...

Hospital Readmissions Reduction in Heart Failure

Introduction This paper discusses the study by Donaho et al. (2015), which is entitled “Protocol‐Driven Allied Health Post‐Discharge Transition Clinic to Reduce Hospital Readmissions in Heart Failure.” An assessment of the methodology employed by the authors of the said study is proposed. The provided questions about the research article are...

Elderly Patient Education and Health Status

It should be stressed that chronic health conditions are critical for the contemporary health care setting, patients’ statuses, and the population well-being in general. It is of particular importance in terms of the elderly people due to the fact that many of them are health illiterate, which often times results...

Feminism, Equality and Contemporary Interpretation

Southerners and the Ideology of Domesticity Despite the fact that the issues associated with women’s rights, as well as the prerequisites for the development of a gender equality concept, were on the agenda of the social life of the 19th-century America, the ideology of domesticity slackened the path of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Municipal Waste Disposal as Social and Ecological Issue

Introduction Nowadays, when the volumes of produced waste emphasize the need for the use of appropriate solid waste disposal techniques, it is considered that waste incineration serves as a good alternative to landfill methods as it decreases the volume of waste and takes smaller space (Hu, Li, Nguyen, & Kavan,...

Servant Leaders: Response to the Colleague’s Post

After reviewing the colleague’s post, it can be concluded that Mrs. Noble was a real servant leader who aimed to create value for the community through her contributions. However, there are two questions that need to be asked regarding Mrs. Noble’s leadership: “What sacrifices did Mrs. Noble make in order...

“Prepare for a Good End of Life” by MacDonald Johnston

Introduction In the TED Talk “Prepare for the Good End of Life,” Judy MacDonald Johnston discusses the process of preparing for one’s death. She argues that this preparation can not only help an individual to pass away without any remaining problems but also preserve the quality of life until the...

Computer-Assisted Language Learning and E-Learning

Introduction Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) can be loosely be described as the process of providing language skills to learners by means of computers or computer applications. CALL is a divergent field that encompasses various levels of learning, all supported by computer-enabled technology (Kukulska-Hulme and Lesley 271). Today, computer-assisted learning is...

Epigenetics and Its Effect on Physical and Mental Health

Introduction Research on epigenetics continues to elicit varied interest from scholars keen on understanding how heritable shifts impact or influence genetic expression without necessarily influencing the fundamental DNA sequence. This paper reviews a research article and two videos on epigenetics with the view to developing a deeper understanding of the...

Floating Liquefied Natural Gas’ Modifications

Introduction Nowadays, the energy industry is represented by various alternatives since the existent options do not have enough potential to cater to the needs of the companies and target audience. Floating liquefied natural gas is one of the recent modifications, and the process implies that the natural gas is compressed...

Low Staffing of Nurses in Hospital Settings

Background Information The Healthcare industry is characterized by some of the highest turnover rates in the public sector. On average, turnover rates in US hospitals vary between 10% and 25% (Henry, 2014). This creates an issue of understaffing, especially in long-term care and frontline nursing positions. As a result, the...

Evidence Hierarchy in Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence-based medicine, also known as EBM, relies on evidence to make a decision. EBM engages the hierarchy of evidence to evaluate and assess the evidence that it has; five levels will be examined below. Case Report Case reports and case studies are considered to be the weakest level of the...

Staff Performance and Administrator’ Roles

Introduction There are many nursing fields that medical workers might be involved in after graduating from specialized colleges. Hence, a nurse practitioner provides necessary care to patients, whereas administrators are responsible for the professional development of their colleagues and auxiliaries. The following paper is intended to evaluate the role of...

The Concept of National Political Culture

What is the meaning of globalization in the context of cross-cultural management with a special focus on the evolution of our understanding of national culture and cultural change’ (Bird & Fang, p.139)? In the context of cross-cultural management, globalization is reshaping the way people think and behave thereby fostering cultural...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of Filipino Population Cultural Group on Healthcare

Introduction Cultural competence has become a major initiative that is essential in the delivery of health care; it involves a multidisciplinary approach in the provision of care to people based on their cultural orientation (Purnell, 2002). Purnell’s Model of cultural competence provides a framework that can be used to design...

WestJet Company’s Information Technology Governance

When Cheryl Smith, the new CIO, arrived at WestJet, she was asked by the CEO to advise whether the company had an adequate IT infrastructure. Assessed Aspects of the WestJet IT Situation One of the overarching purposes for WestJet to hire Cheryl Smith was to receive an accurate assessment of...

Pharmacy and Policy: Inappropriate Prescription of Drugs

Introduction The issue of multiple drug prescriptions poses a significant threat to patients’ well-being. Polypharmacy may have far-reaching consequences and negatively affect individuals’ health through various side effects and other unfavorable drug events. The problem mainly occurs because patients are either prescribed with inappropriate medications or when they refer to...

European and American Real Estate Institutions

Introduction The real estate industry is one of the major investment points in most developed countries as well as developing countries. Globally, the real estate investment is a unique and a complex institution. This then calls for in-depth understanding of the industry and the inclusion of well trained professionals to...

Childhood Obesity, Medical and Parental Education

Introduction Childhood obesity is a central problem that will be discussed in the context of this research paper. Simultaneously, it is of critical importance to find an answer to the main research question that states “Does parent education about a healthy lifestyle increase the positive outcomes and prevention of childhood...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention Protocol for Immobile Patients

Problem Statement The lack of standardized protocols for the prevention of pressure ulcers (PU) in ICUs and other emergency departments compromises patient safety and induces prolonged hospital stay as well as increased treatment costs. Developing and implementing effective standards would significantly reduce the risk of PU in immobile bedridden patients....

Employee Performance Evaluation Challenges

Introduction Employee evaluation is one of the most important functions of human resource management in an organization. The activity has a myriad range of benefits to an organization which are deemed important for success. For instance, the evaluation of employees not only enables an organization to enhance labor productivity but...

Vision and Change: Managing Organizational Change

Introduction The organization selected for the discussion is a business consulting company that operates at the state level and plans to expand its services and the customer base. The vision of this company is used by its leaders to provide the background for developing business goals and strategies and corporate...

Ethical Pain Management, Its Principles and Plan

Introduction The article by Bernhofer is devoted to the issue of pain management, which the author characterizes as elusive. The reason being, the perception of pain severity and the necessary amount of medication are strongly subject to assorted biases on the patients’ and the practitioners’ behalf. The author calls for...

Anti-Latino Discrimination in the American Society

Introduction to the issue In the last one or two decades, the United States (US) economy has experienced various shocks that have contributed to job losses and heightened competition for basic resources. Consequently, civil rights activists among other equality stakeholders have observed an increase in overall discrimination towards various ethnic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Cuban and African-American Health Culture

Introduction Cultural background and heritage are essential aspects when discussing familial health traditions. Every culture has an array of beliefs and values that influence healthcare perception and behavior. To understand the view of health in a particular culture, it is necessary to examine several aspects that constitute a particular cultural...

Anxiety Cure in Dr. Hart’s Arguments and Criticism

Introduction Anxiety leads to feelings of worry, fear and concern in people, thus hindering them from enjoying their lives. According to Dr. Archibald D. Hart, people should avoid panic, stress and anxiety. This way, they will live a life of tranquility. Anxiety naturally occurs to people, robbing them off their...

China’s Economic Growth and Manufacturing

Introduction The Chinese economy has been linked directly to the performance of its manufacturing industry for quite long. The connection between the economic growth of the state and its manufacturing sector is quite obvious; as the latter has been the source of employment options for most denizens of the Chinese...

Health Indicators Analysis

Key Indicators While all key indicators of health may be correlated with some issues in a community, three of them can be outlined as the most pressing problems: The first concern is linked to mental health, in which Healthy People 2020 (2017) includes adolescents with major depressive disorders and high...

Math Methodology Effect on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy

Introduction Teacher education studies have focused on teaching efficacy beliefs. This is because teaching efficacy beliefs influence a teacher’s effectiveness, attitude and behavior. The self-efficacy concept describes the process whereby people develop the ability to organize and accomplish important tasks first. In this model, people are supposed to develop their...

Methotrexate in Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment

Introduction Treatment of ectopic pregnancy (EP) with drug therapy is a relatively new decision since a surgical operation was considered the only way to eliminate the anomaly of the fetus. The preferred method of administering methotrexate in the treatment of EP is an intramuscular injection (Cecchino, Júnior, & Júnior, 2014)....

Transition in Terms of Chronic Diseases

Chronic diseases have become rather widespread. They tend to alter lives dramatically. This paper aims to justify the use of “transition” in terms of chronic disease, give examples of disruptive life events, and consider how nurses could assist in facilitating its impact. Chronic Diseases and Their Impact It is acknowledged...

Canadian Healthcare System Evaluation

Introduction Canada is one of the countries characterized by the most efficient healthcare systems. The Canadian healthcare system is often regarded as a model for reforming the US system of health care. The system has certain downsides and Canadians admit that there are many points to improve. However, the benefits...

Teachers Difficulties in Working With Children

Course Reflection As a general education teacher, I did not have experience of teaching children with special needs and therefore entered the course with quite a limited background on education based on IEP. After undertaking the course, I can state with confidence – and with big pleasure – that the...

Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” and Kantian Ethics

Introduction Gone Baby Gone is the film whose final action represents a controversy between the application of the law and moral judgment as core guidance for making decisions. In this paper, the final action of the selected film will be analyzed from the perspective of Kant’s moral philosophy and its...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Genomics, Genetics, and Nursing Involvement

Differences between Genomics and Genetics The terms genomics and genetics refer to the study of genetic material. In many cases, the words are erroneously used interchangeably. However, they have distinct meanings. Genomics refers to the study of the genetic material that makes up an organism’s genome in its entirety. The...

Bank of America’s E-Business Challenges

Introduction E-business is a key trend in the current system of management. This system has taken roots in the management inducing processes like Enterprise resource planning and client-server architecture (Chen, 2005:18). However, the adoption of electronic businesses in many companies faces criticism as it poses a risk to customers who...

Intervention on the Occurrence of Pressure Ulcers

Clinical Question The clinical question of the proposed project is as follows: In patients that are identified as high risk for developing a pressure ulcer, does the implementation of a pressure ulcer protocol initiated in an emergency department, as compared to patients who receive usual care, reduce the incidence of...

“Media Multitasking Behaviour” by Brasel and Gips

Introduction Modern gadgets of communication such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets areas a result of advanced technology. These gadgets are both portable and user-friendly features that enable users to multi-task. While research on the individual concurrent media multitasking behavior looks like a fascinating area of study, only a few researchers...

Natural Rate of Unemployment

Explain clearly how the natural rate of unemployment is determined in a wage-setting and price-setting model of the labor market In determining the natural rate of unemployment, analysts focus on evaluating price and wage settings in the labor market. In this regard, they analyze price relations within the scope of...

Decision Making Across the Organization

Break-even point in annual unit sale The break-even analysis gives the number of units of output that must be produced and sold that will ensure that the total cost incurred equals the total revenue earned. Therefore, it will give the minimum number of units of goods that need to be...

Effective Health Promotion Plan Importance

Introduction Medical professionals should use their competencies to empower people to control their health outcomes. They can achieve this objective by implementing powerful environmental, health, or social interventions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of a powerful health promotion plan. Health Promotion Change The selected health...

Corticosteroids and Growth Relation

Introduction Asthma, like many other respiratory diseases, is often treated with corticosteroids. The inhaled type of this medication is considered the most effective as compared to other forms. However, while the adult organism has a developed defense system against the external drug threat, children are subject to various side effects...

Coca-Cola Company’s Global Operation and Cultural Diversity

Global Operation and Cultural Diversity Coca-Cola is an example of a company that commits to supporting cultural diversity among its employees in many countries around the world. The company’s policies on diversity are largely based on the fact that the company operates globally, and an important factor in its success...

Poor Handover Process and Its Impact on Organization

Introduction It should be noted that when patients are transmitted from one caregiver to another, it is crucial that their handover proceeds together with transferring vital information about their condition and plan of care. In that matter, ineffective communication of information might lead to medical errors and can cause undesired...

Legislator Communication: Equal Pay

Introduction This letter is addressed to Senator Alan Hays in order to demonstrate the support for the died Bill, which has not received committee hearing – Equal Pay (SB 0098). Just like the identical bill (H 0025), it was ignored by the Senate, thus making it impossible to eradicate employment...

Emotional Intelligence and Feelings in Healthcare

Introduction To work with patients in the healthcare environment successfully, it is essential to be aware of the features of such a concept as emotional intelligence. This term implies the ability to recognize people’s reactions to certain situations guided by the observation of facial expressions, gestures, and other manifestations of...

The MealBox Vending Machine’s Market Position

Size of the Market The MealBox vending machine provides food and drinks services. The size of the market is rather big, considering the type of product provided by the device. However, it is targeted to a small percentage of people, as it is situated on the student campus and will...

Camden Healthcare Quality and Affordable Prices

Introduction Providing healthcare to different individuals is critical in the modern world. Despite a substantial focus on equality and tolerance, a high level of disparities exists, and not all social groups receive equal attention in healthcare (Coelho & Nguyen, 2012). In this case, Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers tends to...

The Spreading of HIV Across the Gay Men

Introduction The spreading of HIV across the gay men community has been a worrying topic during the last several years. According to CDC (2016), gay men, or men who have sex with men, are the group that is most affected by HIV in the United States: “While CDC estimates that...

Manager Skills Analysis and Development

Execution skills are regarded as important to a manager. Effective management can develop desired outcomes as planned. Heads of organization opt to enroll into institutions so as to broaden their skills. Based on my skills analysis, I required a skills improvement strategy. My colleagues pointed out my leadership potential coupled...

Female Pop-Culture in “Where the Girls Are” by Douglas

Introduction In the publicist book Where the Girls Are, Susan J. Douglas analyzes the state of the media in the 1960s and 1970s. She describes and explains the female pop-culture images of the time. In the work, the feminist movement is viewed as well as the influence of the mass...

“Doubt” a Play by John Patrick Shanley

Introduction John Patrick Shanley’s “Doubt” covers many controversial topics: child abuse, race, and homosexuality. “Doubt” leaves the readers without a clear resolution of Father Flynn’s guilt, but one thing is clear – inequality leaves both Sister Aloysius and Father Flynn in a desperate situation. Barriers to Gender Inequality “Doubt” presents...

The Gender Stereotypes in the Workplace

Martin and Barnard (2013) employ the grounded theory approach to explore females’ experiences in male-dominated professions. The use of the approach is evident as the researchers used unstructured interviews to collect data. The data were transcribed, and later initial codes were developed. After that, the axial coding was implemented. The...

Elderly Care, Treatment and Education Plan

Senior citizens need a lot of attention. Their immune system weakens, and they need close monitoring and supervision. Mr. P has various medical needs that require managing and treatment. Mr. P will get advice, treatment, and care. Approach to Care Mr. P is 76 years of age. It means that...

Cryptocurrency and Online Contribution

The chapter on cryptocurrency by Greenfield is a comprehensive source of information regarding Bitcoin and the blockchain. It provides the reader with clear and understandable insights into these pressing topics that have been bothering many people (Huumo, Ko, Choi, Park, & Smolander, 2016). The purpose of this paper is to...

A Rock Concert by Kansas

The Concert by Kansas Recently, on the evening of Friday, February 19, I attended a rock concert by Kansas. Kansas is an American rock band that gained its popularity as early as in the 1970s, and is still active today, albeit it had a short break in 1984-1985. The band...

Teacher Beliefs in Contemporary Science Education

The Subjects or Participants in the Research Study The study entails an analysis of the beliefs held by nine teachers in Souhegan High School towards the goals and objectives of the modern science education. The school is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools (CES). CES refers to a...

Patient History with Respiratory Disease

Introduction This case describes an anamnesis of a patient with a respiratory illness. A woman has suffered from the disease for seven years. The exacerbation of respiratory symptoms occurs several times a year. However, it does not depend on the season. She stated that her co-workers faced the same problem....

What Is Critical Thinking?

Critical thinking is a way of thinking in which the critical thinkers arrive at conclusion through logical means. It can be viewed as a logical way of arriving at a conclusion. A critical thinker uses reasoning and logic in order to understand the truth as opposed to mere opinions. Skills...

The LinkedIn Network Platform Analysis

In the knowledge society that is characteristic of the 21st century, the need for individuals to have expanded and supportive connections in the form of on-line social networks is becoming a reality by the day. Presently, internet users are communicating with their friends and business partners located half-way across the...

Leininger’s Transcultural Nursing Theory

Introduction Nurse practitioners use their philosophies to maximize their clients’ health outcomes. Such philosophies are usually informed by a wide range of nursing concepts, assumptions, and theories. Culturally competent nurses apply specific transcultural theories to achieve their career goals. Personally, the theory I identify with is Madeleine Leininger’s transcultural nursing...

Callista Roy’s vs. Betty Neuman’s Model in Nursing

Conceptual Differences While both theorists (Roy and Neuman) define the metaparadigm concepts of person, environment, health, and nursing and use the reciprocal interaction worldview, their key assumptions are fundamentally different. They differ concerning their perspectives on the goal of nursing, health, and definition of the environment. Goal of Nursing In...

Evidence-Based Fall Prevention in the Elderly

Fall prevention is a critical topic in the framework of healthcare because it is a considerable challenge that exists in this sphere and often leads to nonfatal injuries among the elderly population over 65 years old (Preventing falls in hospitals, 2014). This issue becomes more critical when paying attention to...

Why More and More Students Are Taking Online Classes?

Introduction In the recent days, online learning has acquired a lot of popularity in many countries. Online enrollment is convenient to most students, and many people opt to apply this strategy. The popularity of online learning dates back in the advent of the computer era and with advancement in information...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transition’s Impact for Patients With Diabetes

In the contemporary health care setting, patients are cared for by different practitioners at home and in hospital. This is a reasonable division; however, it also means that the specialists treating a patient in hospital and the home health care nurses need to engage in effectual communication if high-quality care...

Productivity and Costing Out Nursing

Established Goals: Description Managing financial resources is crucial for providing efficient nursing services to the target population. Herein lies the significance of understanding the concepts of productivity and costing out in nursing. Thus, the goals set for the week were as follows: Understanding the concepts of productivity and costing out,...

Smart Phones: Promoting Communication

To my opinion, the basic model of interpersonal communication can be employed to facilitate the understanding of the influence of smartphone usage since the definition of basic interpersonal communication can apply to a smartphone conversation: it involves two or more individuals and reflects their roles and characters. In this case,...

Sir James Dyson: Learning to Achieve Success

The case of Sir James Dyson demonstrates that the opportunity or freedom to make mistakes is vitally important for learning for the following reasons. First, learning from one’s mistakes is the fastest way of learning, and one should trust their mistakes rather than their experience as Dyson has learned when...

Nursing Knowledge and Skills Development

Introduction All nurses must develop their knowledge and skills on a regular basis to experience and practice new professional methodologies and approaches to the treatment of their patients. This factor is essential for people who strive to become better at what they do and make all their clients benefit from...

Hamartiology: The Problem of Evil (Theodicy)

The issue of whether an omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent God exists amidst all the evil that is being experienced in the world has remained to be one of the highly debatable issues among various stakeholders of religious based education. Some people may argue that such a God would logically be...

High-Quality Financial Statement Presentation

Introduction Reporting financial information requires not only accuracy but also attention to possible qualitative issues that will affect decisions made in the future. To understand how various issues influence the opinion and choices analysts make, it is important to explore the difference between the quality of reported results and financial...

Supply Chain Management: Theory and Practice

Introduction Supply chain management is the management of the system that involves the provision of goods and services to the final consumer. The system thus begins from the movement of raw materials up to the point at which a consumer receives the good or the service. This paper seeks to...

Violence Against Women: History and Causes

Introduction Cases of violence against women have been so rampant in society. Consequently, there are concerted efforts worldwide aimed at creating awareness among people on the issue. Policy makers have developed programs towards this end. The Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Program is an example. The program, co-created in 1993...

Turnitin and Grammarly as Plagiarism Checkers

Paraphrasing Plagiarism in scholarly writing involves the use of resources without acknowledging its authors. It is an act associated with the lack of integrity, and most academic institutions are quite strict about the avoidance of plagiarism (Anderson, 2016). Writers should avoid plagiarism through the application of several measures. One of...

Aggression and Violence in the Media

Introduction Many people in society encounter different forms of violence or aggression. The bad news is that communities have not been keen to address this problem using adequate initiatives. In the recent past, diverse platforms have been used to sensitize more individuals about violence and why it should be addressed...

Using Free and Secure Trade to Smuggle Drugs

Introduction Over the past, the issue of terrorism and drug trafficking has posed a big problem in international trade. The drug traffickers have taken advantage of the international trade to sneak drugs across international borders. This has threatened the effectiveness of the international trade to a great extent. Discussion Recently,...

2008 Financial Crisis Governmental Decision Making

Leadership and Decision-Making Issues The major problem in leadership and effective decision-making revealed by the financial crisis of 2008 was the lack of system in the short-term reactions of the government. The crisis started with the borrowers’ inability to pay off their mortgage loans (Flynn, 2012). To regain stability, the...

Medication Compliance and Safety Use

Introduction Each patient-caretaker interaction remains an individualized experience, with the personality of all parties and their attitude towards health playing a particular part within the healthcare process. People may decide not to adhere to their medical practitioner’s advice for a variety of reasons, opting out of taking the prescribed medicine...

Ethical Manufacturing and Technology Trends

Introduction Nowadays rapidly developing world presents the state-of-the-art technology that is integrated into many spheres of life, thus facilitating human labor. It is especially important to emphasize the role of modern trends with regard to forced labor and child labor as well as slavery. The ethical manufacturing aiming at the...

Familial Dysautonomia: Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Familial dysautonomia (FD), also known as Riley-Day syndrome and autonomic neuropathy type III (HSAN type III), is a genetic pathology, which is characterized by a violation of the myelin axons in the vegetative centers of the nervous system (Gutiérrez et al., 2018). This disease develops as a result of...

Myths of Policing: Police Work’ Expectation

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Views on Raising Children: Tasks of Parents

Introduction In our family, we have a strong belief that there is nothing more important than raising well-rounded and kind children. My parents and I have our personal views on upbringing which are based on a sense of morality and development of human qualities. The Importance of Proper Upbringing Raising...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Application

Introduction to personal philosophy The patron of modern-day nursing Florence Nightingale saw nursing as fine art that required dedication and personal input (Sitzman & Eichelberger, 2015). Subsequent philosophies have built upon the idea of nursing as a higher-order discipline. However, my philosophy of nursing takes a modern approach by incorporating...

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Musical Arts

Who Born in 1756, Mozart was one the greatest composers of the classical era. Mozart was involved in music from a very tender age of just five years. He became involved in music through learning how to play violin and keyboard as a young boy in his father’s house (Meki...

Twelve-Step Programs: Alcoholics Anonymous

Introduction Addiction is a serious issue for a person of any class, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. When a person becomes either chemically addicted to a substance or psychologically addicted to an activity, their life often experiences a multitude of negative changes. This is why programs designed to transform this behavior...

Shakespeare’s Hamlet and His Self-Destructive Temper

Introduction Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most outstanding works. Feigned and real madness, incest, revenge, treachery, and moral corruption are some of the societal vices that the play depicts (Shakespeare, 19). Driven by a singular goal to avenge his father’s death, Hamlet lets his emotions cloud his judgments. This led...

Texas Health Hospital’s Change Using TeamSTEPPS Framework

Introduction Leaders in healthcare organizations need to pay attention to analyzing problems associated with clinical practice in order to choose and implement change projects. The focus should be on achieving high results in overcoming the identified problem with the help of the implemented change. The purpose of this paper is...

“Sleepers” a Film by Barry Levinson

Introduction In every society, there are certain values and conditions that are usually established, and it is expected that they are naturally followed by every member of the society and passed through generations without active questioning or suggestions of radical changes. In assessing Immanuel Kant’s theory on morality, we shall...

Exchange Management Program in Five Steps

Introduction Exchange risk can occur when a company owns a firm or manages a branch in a foreign country, but the asset’s valuation is in the foreign country’s denomination. Individuals exposed to such exchange risk include companies which own foreign assets, companies which have branches in foreign countries, importers and...

Loudness War in Sound Engineering

Introduction One of the most controversial trends in sound engineering is the so-called “loudness war.” This name describes the practice of parallel compression that makes the record louder, but at the expense of the dynamic range. This practice results in the loss of sound detail and does not utilize the...

Hypothyroidism, Its Signs and Symptoms

Signs and Symptoms Hypothyroidism is a condition of an underactive thyroid, in which the thyroid gland cannot produce the necessary amount of hormones to regulate the functioning of the endocrine system. It is important to mention that if treated in an untimely manner, the underactive thyroid can cause such issues...

Youths Revitalizing Main Street: Article Analysis

Introduction The diversity and nature of roles pursued by social workers provide new opportunities for creativity. Social workers can take up the roles of organizers, managers, educators, or advocates. These professionals educate people to utilize resources adequately and minimize social problems. The article “Youths Revitalizing Main Street: A Case Study”...

Book Questions: “Philosophy: The Power Of Ideas”

The view of Heraclitus regarding the nature of reality Being a well known Greek philosopher, Heraclitus tried to explain the character of things and the nature of the world. He was sure that fire was the main element that served as the basis for all things in the universe. Due...

Adolescent Personality and Developmental Factors

Introduction The behavior of students is a frequent topic for research because the development of an adolescent’s personality has many peculiarities to discover. One of those concerns is the acceptance of rules and codes of behavior by students, the topic discussed in the paper by Raby (2005). This issue is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Weight Watchers: the Analysis of Smoking

In the third paragraph of the article “Weight watchers”, the author highlights the ineffectiveness of imposing high taxes on cigarettes to discourage consumption. The author indicates that the response by smokers to hiked cigarette prices mainly depends on their purpose for smoking. The view of the detrimental effects of high...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Dissemination Strategies

Introduction In healthcare, a major consideration in research justification is the applicability of findings to the actual practice of healthcare provision. Any study should be conducted with the purpose to utilize its results for better care. In order to ensure the positive effect of applying findings, it is necessary to...

Pressure Ulcer Risk Assessment and Its Validity

Summary The article “Predictive validity of pressure ulcer risk assessment tools for elderly” is focused on risk assessment tools for pressure ulcer prevention for elderly populations. It provides a meta-analysis of 29 studies that utilized three pressure ulcer risk assessment tools such as Braden, Norton, and Waterlow scales. The article...

Schizophrenia Features Among African American Men

Introduction Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that may occur at any age. It is usually characterized by several positive and negative symptoms, including auditory or visual hallucinations, reduced emotional expressiveness, also known as flat affect, and cognitive changes (Mattila et al., 2014; Peltier, Cosgrove, Ohayagha, Crapanzano, & Jones, 2017)....

Wellness Program and Well-Being for the Elderly

Introduction Older adults constitute a part of the American population that is rapidly growing. The provision of well-being for older adults is a challenge for nurses due to may chronic and age-related diseases accompanied with other co-morbid conditions. Thus, there is a need for a wellness model that will focus...

The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study Project

Scientists in various countries conduct different research projects to find out the types of behavior that affect people’s health. The Harvard Nurses’ Health Study is one of such projects. While it has some limitations due to the specific choice of the study group, the research can offer answers to some...

Teaching Literature for ESL Students

Topic Teaching literature in a language course to ESL students has been a topic of a lasting debate. Some researchers argue that, even though there can be certain hazards in the use of literature, it helps students to expand their linguistic knowledge and be exposed to cultural peculiarities of people...

Cognitive Development and Cognitive Neuroscience

Abstract Human cognitive development has always been a subject of scientific interest. Currently, scholars prove that it is directly connected with the intellectual abilities of people. Cognitive neuroscience is a prominent step towards the understanding of human nature. Cognitive neuroscience employs functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate various neuron...

The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

Introduction The United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission is a state organization which enforces federal anti-discrimination laws (Twomey & Jennings, 2010, p. 836). Even though there is a difference in application of these laws to firms of different sizes, the Commission’s website does not include much specific details for small...

Putin’s Relationship with the Russian People

Introduction The relationship of politicians with people plays an essential role in shaping the appearance of a particular country and affects its economic, social, and other types of development. In such a large state as Russia, there are always questions about the attitude of authorities to people and, in particular,...

Nursing Knowledge and Collecting Information

Introduction The use of theory within nursing practice organizes nursing knowledge and provides a methodical way of gathering information to exemplify, clarify, and envisage nursing practice by translating knowledge into practice (Smith & Parker, 2015). Theories also promote levelheaded and well-ordered practice by inspiring and validating presentiments (Smith & Parker,...

Faceless War and Dehumanization

Introduction Over the centuries of the human experience, war has changed in technological, ideological, and psychological ways. Gone are the days of young men seeing war as a personality building adventure. Although we are living in the most peaceful times, this peace is incomplete, and it was preceded by some...

Job Promotion and American Professional Ethics

Ethical issues Judy is faced with a dilemma on whether to leave the job she has been doing for years or go for promotion. The dilemma is for the fact that the current job she is doing which is evaluation is not her area of academic training. However, she has...

Psychiatric Technician: Culture in the Workplace

Description of the Targeted Subculture A Psychiatric Technician “is a healthcare practitioner who supports the needs of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental complications” (Boyd, 2008, p. 12). This caregiver “performs various duties such as observing, interacting, and treating mentally ill patients” (Boyd, 2008, p. 13). Such workers “should possess...

Experience of the Worst Job

Working in a local ginnery has been one of the worst moments in my career. I have been working in this organization for six months only but I have had bad experience. Apparently, will not continue working in the same position. In particular, our general manager, the human resource manager...

Early Middle Ages’ Art

Introduction Made of rock crystal and copper, the Lothair Crystal is a vivid representative of the Early Middle Ages (see Figure 1). Its author is unknown, and it was created between 855-869. The Lothair Crystal is a gem representing the biblical story of Susanna, the first girl who was falsely...

Sociolinguistics: Language Teaching and Age

Discuss William Littlewoods’s point of view on choosing what to teach William Littlewood (1981) argues that language education should reflect the communicative needs of students. The problem is that in many cases, children are supposed to learn mostly about various structural elements of the language. For instance, one can speak...

Email for Heads of Departments About Work Results

RE: All Departmental Heads and Supervisors It is with lots of thanks and appreciation for the diligent and committed services that you have rendered to this organization that I do write this letter. The management knows very well that it has not been easy to come this far without the...

Clinical Guidelines: Practice Standards and Algorithms

Healthcare practitioners should be aware of different procedures, tools, and guidelines that amount to evidence-based practice. Caregivers and clinicians who use them will provide exemplary and high-quality medical services to their patients. This paper gives a detailed analysis of the differences between these tools: clinical guidelines, practice standards, and algorithms....

Adopting International Accounting Standards

The effort to achieve a single set of global accounting standards has gained significant momentum in the recent past. The logic behind the development of a single set of high-quality global accounting standards for the world’s integrating capital markets has become more evident especially with the collapse of major corporations...

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Functions of the National Labor Relations Board

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Interprofessional Education in Nursing

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Constitution of the United States and Its Context

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Transparency and Organizational Performance

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Organizational Behavior in “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” Movie

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Health Reform Strategy in New Jersey

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International Cultural Festival in Toronto in 2017

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Plato’s and Aristotle’s Views on Philosophy

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Evidence-Based Nursing Study and Its Methods

Study Design The project focuses on reducing the incidence of falls among elderly patients in hospitals. The two main dependent variables that will be considered in the research are the incidence of falls and patient outcomes. As both of these variables can be quantified, the project would benefit from utilizing...

International Law, Organizations, and Power

Issues of International Law In recent years, international law practices have seemed to have increasing influence in the modern world. With countries working together more closely than ever, it is important to ensure that every participant has equal rights and opportunities. Although foreign interference can play a positive role in...