7M Tools for Purchasing Process Optimization

The idea of reducing costs for a particular product by improving its quality and, therefore, spending more on the raw materials so that the production process outcomes could be deemed as improved compared to the previous record is not new. However, in her article regarding the opportunity of saving an...

Slavery in Women’s and Men’s Narratives

Slavery from the Perspective of Women Harriet Stowe, the groundbreaking author of “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, was quoted saying: “the enslaving of the African race is a clear violation of the great law which commands us to love our neighbors as ourselves” (Harriet Beecher Stowe Center 1). On another occasion, she...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction: Negotiations

The paper indicates reasons for each stakeholder in supporting the proposed plan for improving the door-to-balloon time in the STEMI patients at Kendall Regional Medical Center. STEMI patients and families Reasons for Supporting Promise for improved care outcomes Promise for timely interventions Reasons for Not Supporting Failure to understand the...

Relationship with Father in the Book Night by Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel’s book, Night, recalls about his experiences as a young Jewish boy; throughout the events and occurrences, Eliezer develops new relationships with his father as they surpass challenges they faced on their journey towards freedom. This paper addresses how Eliezer’s relations with his father change throughout the novel. Wiesel’s...

Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times

“Middle East Oil in Uncertain Times” is a presentation by Bassam Fattouh, which is dedicated to the specifics of the dynamics in the global oil sector. The presentation reviews the most recent trends in the sector, provides illustrative examples, and makes relevant suggestions on the potential responses of the countries...

General Motors Company: Financial Performance

In 2016 and the first three quarters of 2017, GM has been experiencing significant financial issues, namely a steep growth in liabilities. According to the WSJ (2017), the company’s liabilities over the five-year period increased from 53,992 in 2012 to 85,181 in 2017 (Figure 1). As a result, GM’s total...

Critical Thinking in Addressing Dispensing Errors

Dispensing errors are common and most of them, often, go undetected when dispensing drugs in the hospitals and the pharmacies. The errors may occur at any stage during the dispensing process which begins with the receipt of a prescription and ends with the release of the drug (Leung et al....

The National Budget Development

The problem of deficiency in relation to the national budget and financing the social spheres is typical for many countries. Therefore, the most controversial question is the choice between funding the social sphere and fighting the poverty in the country and improving the national defense. In spite of the fact...

U.S. Stroller Company’s Situation and Options

Current Situation Facing U.S. Stroller Although the baby stroller market might not seem very aggressive in terms of competition and customers’ demands, the U.S. Stroller organization has been applying great efforts to retain its top position in the designated area (the U.S. baby care market, 2016). The manufacturing process is...

Mental Health Concerns in the Older Adult

Introduction of the Older Adult The patient interviewed is a 70-year old African-American man, Robert. At the time of examination, Robert felt and looked well. He was eager to communicate and discuss possible problems and concerns he thought to have. One of the evident challenges Robert had was the pain...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stress as a Fundamental Concept for Nursing

Nowadays, nursing is introduced as a sphere, an art, and a science, where several important concepts are gathered to create appropriate conditions for patients and medical workers (Perry, 2016). Each concept plays an important role in the work of nurses because of the necessity to cooperate with physicians and other...

Religion and Ethics in Healthcare Provision

Religion and Health Care Religion is often a major factor in the provision of health care to a patient. All major religions imply cherishing one’s health and making efforts to prevent harming the life that is given to human beings. However, different medical approaches feature different procedures that not all...

Talents Development: Steps and Approaches

Why Needs Assessment? If an organization focuses on developing its talents, the first step should be a needs assessment because it is necessary to know what problems exist in the employees’ performance or their cooperation. From this point, the key reason to conduct the needs assessment is the necessity to...

Childhood Obesity and Depression Intervention

Leading Health Indicators Leading Health Indicators (LHIs) are aimed at improving health and the wellbeing of the population, reduction of health inequities, and the development of health systems. This program considers the guidance and policy indicators, in particular, the 26 key indicators approved for measuring the progress in the health...

Judicial and Executive Branches and Their Roles

Humans are social beings that prefer to live in a community that introduces the patterns that are used in everyday cooperation between its members. Besides, to avoid anarchy and outline limits that should regulate the communitys functioning and well-being, people are not able to act in the way they want....

Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom and About Himself

Introduction Faith and religion are very personal concerns that could be treated in different ways depending on what a person wants to see, understand, and believe in. That is why there have always been vigorous debates related to the understanding of the basics of faith. The ground for these discussions...

Nursing Change Models and Theories

Practice Model of Nursing for Health for All Developer: Faye Glenn Abdellah. Description of the theoretical perspectives The key focus of the theory is on the promotion of more efficient nursing education tools. The strategy is supposed to improve the quality of nursing services (Bluhm, 2014). Pros and cons concerning...

Poolarama Company’s Strategic Alternatives

Speaking of strategic alternatives, it is essential to note that the core goal for Poolarama is to attract customers who have swimming pools and hot tubes into the store. In this regard, the key focus is to be directed at growing the brand and product awareness among the target audiences....

CVS Company’s Pharmacy Fulfillment Process

The current fulfillment process at CVS seems to be overly complicated of the entrepreneurship to function efficiently and make sure that the customers’ needs are met adequately. Indeed, a closer look at the way, in which the clients’ requests are processed will show that the overall process is rather convoluted....

Postnatal Depression Prevalence and Effects

Introduction While the birth of a child is generally considered as a happy event in people’s lives, it may sometimes be accompanied by negative issues such as physical or emotional complications of a mother. Postpartum depression (PPD) is a serious psychological disorder that disables the woman to take proper care...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting after Chemotherapy

The study under discussion is focused on the prevention of nausea and vomiting after chemotherapy. This theme is in need of a deeper research because nausea and vomiting present two very significant outcomes of chemotherapy that produce an adverse effect on the quality of life, as well as the ability...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Dissemination Strategies

This document set outs preliminary ideas for the activities of the interdisciplinary team at Kendall Regional Medical Center to support the dissemination of the research and practice for an administrative change project of complication prevention and PICC reinsertions. Because PICC presents a range of complications associated with placement (Kornbau, Lee,...

Piaget’s & Kohlberg’s Moral Development in the US Classroom

Moral development is a gradual process by which children build up appropriate mind-set toward other people within a particular society. Kohlberg proceeded further to modify the work of Piaget within the concept of psychology and moral development. He explains that children can only form their ways of thinking capability by...

The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation: Quality Improvement

Introduction The Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation has been in need of an update of its quality policies for a while. Although the percentage of the current defects is passable, there are means of reducing it (Kubiak & Benbow, 2014b). A set of tools for addressing the issue, including the provision of...

Neural, Symbolic and Connectionism Learning Models

Neural Network Models In my opinion, neural network models have the potential to become an artificial intelligence that would think like a human. Certainly, it will not be observed in the near future, as there are some obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make such a computer....

Behavior and Relationships in the Workplace

Techniques for Maintaining Positive Relationships If a person does not achieve the desired results in the workplace, it means that he or she does not fulfill the obligations to an employer. It is necessary to define the methods that will help to bear responsibility for achieving professional goals to avoid...

The Use of Motivation and Inspiration in Business

Introduction Organizations deliver services to their customers via employees. For customers to be contented with the offered services, employee motivation towards the fulfillment of a firm’s goals aims, and objectives is incredibly important. Organizations that seek to improve employee impetus focus on fulfilling the workers’ needs. They also concentrate on...

Nursing Philosophy and Occupational Sustainability

Personal philosophy plays an important part when it comes to professional sustainability. As for such field as nursing, it involves a wide range of practices that allow specialists to achieve the following goals: Promote and protect the health of different groups of the population, mitigating the consequences of dangerous health...

Hindi and English Comparison: Syntax Terms

Use of English and Hindi Prepositions Unlike Hindi, where a postposition is used, the English language is more likely to apply to prepositions. For instance, in the English language, this part of speech is placed before the identified noun whereas Hindi postposition is put after the noun or pronoun. In...

International Relations: The Coming of the Micro-States

Summary of the Article Montenegro’s proclamation of independence inspired statelets like Kosovo to demand the same (Weir par. 1). Kosovo’s independence had not been recognized by the international community. Hence, it resorted to the conflict to demand recognition, just like Montenegro. The greatest fear then, however, was that, should the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health IT: Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter

Health care technologies play an important role in not only ensuring better outcomes for patients but also making the work of practitioners easier and impactful. One of the recent technologies is the Peripherally Inserted Central Venous Catheter (PICC), which offers a new approach to providing intravenous access. As an alternative...

Just-in-Time Production Method: Toyota Company’ Case

What is JIT? The JIT commonly refers to the just-in-time method of production. The major area of its implementation is the Japanese car manufacturing. It is a holistic system of managing the process of production. The major objective of this manufacturing method is an attempt to reduce production waste and...

Cargo Security to Protect the Nation

After the attack by terrorists in 2001, the Department of Homeland Security has taken various measures to protect the nation from an even bigger attack by terrorists as they are capable of using weapons of mass destruction. The department has taken the initiative of launching the security measures of inspecting...

Rolling Stone’s “A Rape Case on Campus”

Introduction The truth in the case From a close evaluation of the story, one is in a position to tell that the Rolling Stone’s version of the story, “A Rape Case on Campus”, is a story of journalistic failure that could be avoided. The narrative’s failure involved poor reporting, editorial...

Deficit Spending in Economy

Introduction Deficit spending affects the economy and labor market in various ways. A deficit occurs when the level of government’s revenue is below its spending. Apart from deficit spending, the government may decide to use surplus. In surplus spending, the expenditure is below revenue. Increase in spending may come in...

Organization Theory and Classical Foundations

Bureaucratic system perfectly fits in an unpretentious, legalistic, and rigid social order. It is irreconcilable with intricate, self-motivated, and idiosyncratic societies (Pershing & Austin, 2014). Bureaucratic system is predicted to be substituted by the age of innovativeness, and non-lawful, lenient means of power. Bureaucracy and democracy point toward standards for...

The American Holistic Nurses Association Programs

The American Holistic Nurses Association membership costs $125 for the standard membership and $55 for a full-time student. Annual meetings take place in Rancho Mirage, CA, every summer. The cost of the annual meeting is included in the membership cost (housing expenses are not included). The American Holistic Nurses Association...

New Harbor Community Center

New Harbor is a vibrant, multicultural city that currently hosts a considerable number of immigrants who have come in search for employment and better living conditions. Like any diverse community, New Harbor has to deal with high crime rates, homelessness, and poverty that cannot help affecting both adults and their...

Clostridium Difficile and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Clostridium difficile (C.diff) is an infection that triggers an immediate development of nausea, diarrhea, and fever in patients. Although the infection can be contracted in a variety of environments, it is commonly known as a nosocomial one (i.e., a hospital-acquired health issue). According to the statistical data provided by...

Social Movement and Theories

Framing Theory Framing is the process through which movements express or tend to produce an interpretation of the circumstances or events that encourage or trigger protest (Tarrow 1998). The media is an important framing method for various protest and movement groups around the world (Tarrow 1998). Because it influences a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Modern Slavery, Human Trafficking and Poverty

Introduction In the early seventeenth century, European colonists in the US turned to Africa for slaves in an effort of getting a cheaper, more abundant source of labor when judged against indentured servants (mainly the more underprivileged Europeans). 1619 acted as the year when slavery increased across colonies in America...

Low-Income Children’s Health Literacy Program

Why Is Information on Health Literacy Essential for This Group? Health literacy programs are essential for children in low-income urban areas. It can be explained by several factors. First and foremost, this group of the population belongs to the vulnerable ones. It means that they do not have adequate access...

Employee Engagement in Pharmacy Services

Introduction Employee engagement illustrates willingness and desire of employees to give their best and outperform themselves daily, motivated to contribute to organizational success (Fried & Fottler, 2015). It is considered a very important factor to ensure low turnover rates and prevent burnout. Medical and pharmaceutical industry is known to have...

Authencity in “Fakebook Generation” by Alice Mathias

Alice Mathias is a Dartmouth University graduate in Hanover, New Hampshire in the United States who wrote the article ‘Fakebook Generation’. She argues that the use of social media platforms was turning into a comic. Moreover, she doubts the fact that social media could promote genuine personal and professional connections....

“Anne of Spain/Austria” by Peter Rubens in Louvre

Visiting Louvre can be an unforgettable experience in the life of a person because this palace hosts one of the finest art collections in the world. In many cases, an individual can be dazzled by the sheer variety and number of magnificent paintings displayed in this museum. It is one...

Cargo Crimes and Threats: Government Accountability Office

GAO Report Government Accountability Office (GAO) report was first published after the September 11 attacks. It was published during the attempt to improve on the security of the United States. After the September 11 attacks, the government realized the nation was not as secure as earlier thought. Before the attacks,...

Laboratory Analysis of Urine

The laboratory test selected for the discussion is a urine analysis (urinalysis). This analysis includes a series of laboratory screening tests to detect specific cells and substances (crystals and casts) in a patient’s urine. The reason for urinalysis is a necessity to support a diagnosis regarding urinary tract infections, kidney...

The Case of Memorial Hospital

Crisis and emergencies can lead to dramatic consequences if there are no effective emergency plans that are followed in healthcare facilities. However, the example of Memorial Hospital in New Orleans demonstrates that these plans should have strict ethical and practical instructions, and the staff should be trained to work in...

American Corporations and Family Related Issues

In America businesses have existed all through the time of colonial era to what they are today. Nevertheless, things have changed on various aspects such as the nature of operation and rules, which govern them. All these business required manpower to be able to produce more products and provide services....

Napoleon’s Achievements and Military Campaigns

Introduction There are numerous examples from the history of humanity that evidence the overwhelming impact outstanding persons had on the further evolution of society. They contributed to the development of various nations, enlarging territories, creating important social institutions, and altering the structure of society to produce the new environment beneficial...

Nonverbal Intelligence in Special Learners Assessment

A range of situations can cause an evaluator to use tests of nonverbal intelligence as primary instruments to assess children at different stages of their development. The first reason to choose this test in order to evaluate children’s cognitive abilities in contrast to verbal tests is the children’s age (Overton,...

Logistic Regression and Healthcare Research Design

Quantitative Design Considering the topic of the perspective investigation as well as its goals, the method of logistic regression may be applied in terms of the quantitative design. Logistic regression is a useful classical tool for resolving the issues of regression and classification, serving as an apparatus for analyzing the...

Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes

The teen pregnancy rate is one of the most persistent issues in the modern community. Thanks to the coordinated efforts of the federal, state, and local players, the incidence of the phenomenon was steadily decreasing over the last decade. However, the overall decrease does not represent the complete picture as...

Intensive Care Unit Quality Improvement Checklist

Explain the process that was used to develop the Quality Program To develop the quality program, Simpson, Peterson, and O’Brien-Ladner (2007) utilized “Shewhart and Deming’s plan-do-study-act methodology” (p. 185) to create an initial checklist for screening. The study was given to different doctors and nurses to gain feedback. After the...

Inattentive Blindness in Psychological Experiment

As it is known, the human mind is capable of much, but at the same time, its capabilities are not entirely understood. For example, the peculiarity of our perception of the surrounding world and the concentration on particular objects look rather ambiguous and intriguing for studying. Our memory has many...

Evaluation and Dissemination of Outcomes in Nursing

Evaluation There will be several aspects of assessing the change plan. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the planned activities comply with the theoretical framework of the addressed issue. For this, data from relevant academic literature needs to be collected; this data will help confirm that additional...

Clinical Activity: Maintaining Alignment to Legal Changes

The growth of informatics in the nursing field has been integral in facilitating the efficient management of information and communication processes in the delivery of healthcare services (Van Weert & Munro, 2013). This paper compares the different informatics policies developed by varying organizations before identifying the aligned laws and the...

Future Fabrication, International Trade, Transportation

Nowadays, the development of air, rail, and road transport contributed to the development the worldwide delivery of the products. As for the fabrication, it might be conducted nationally and internationally while the whole process involves various matters such as intellectual capital, sophisticated design, and manufacturing. In this case, the maintenance...

Dehumanization and Violence in Relationships

Blatant Dehumanization and Its Implications Wars are not destructive only for their participants and not merely for their contemporaries. The aftermath of wars is present in many future generations. Over the centuries, there have been numerous modifications of ideological, technological, and psychological aspects of warfare. One of the most detrimental...

Elder Functional Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Numerous elder people are facing various issues in their everyday life on account of chronic illnesses or their disabilities that are related to health. Often, those issues minimize their ability to care for themselves (Caplan, 2014). The latter is one of the most prevalent motives why older people search...

Van Gogh’s Mental Condition in “Sunflowers”

Introduction Vincent van Gogh has had a complicated childhood, and the hardships of his later life worsened his mental state. The problem of the connection between Van Gogh’s artistic talent and his mental illness is still unsolved. Likewise, it is unknown what the illness was: the most popular versions are...

Hospital Staff-Dementia Patients Interactions

The First Point of View Suggested Type of Communication Technique The problem is that some healthcare providers do not use effective approaches to communicate with patients who have dementia. In their article, Weitzel et al. (2011) propose to improve the communication with these patients with the help of such techniques...

Smart Sanctions: A Short History by Uri Friedman

Summary of the Article The article “Smart Sanctions: A Short History” by Uri Friedman reviewed different political sanctions in the last decade. Uri analyzed the concept of sanctions a political tool. Friedman revealed that targeted sanctions were used by the Greek Empire to address territorial conflicts. The aim was to...

Standard 3 for Early Childhood Professional

Introduction To be able to advocate the rights of young children and their families, it is important to be aware of the context of early childhood development. There are different standards within this area of expertise, but knowing the standard of observing, documenting and assessing to support young children and...

Using a Content Knowledge to Build Meaningful Curriculum

NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards provide a vision of excellent professional performance in early childhood education. The document is comprised of seven standards that can be efficiently used by the specialists in practice for the improvement of self-efficiency and provision of a high-quality service. The aim of the paper is the...

Nursing Role in Treatment and Care Planning

Occasionally, there are situations when nurses have to take up doctors’ work when communicating with patients. This paper reviews the case of Mr. Alcindor that happened to visit a medical center when a doctor was out of town. A nurse should provide him with information about his PSA results, the...

Masculinity of King Arthur in Literature

Is Chretien merely mocking Arthur or the concept of Arthurian literature? Chretien as Bonnie Wheeler explains is not only mocking Arthurian literature but also the character that is King Arthur by confining him to contexts that portray him as weak and not only ridiculous but laughably so. The story of...

“The Tempest” at Shakespeare Festival in St. Louis

A version of The Tempest performed at the St. Louis Shakespeare Festival is a historical period drama performance of the popular Shakespearean classic. The production utilized the main stage at the forefront of the theatrical action. There was a large set piece in the background which included a large tree...

Judaism in Steinheim’s and Luzzatto’s Perceptions

The perception of Judaism changed over time. It evolved with the alterations in mainstream philosophies. Nevertheless, some thinkers stood out due to being anti-philosophical and having anti-rational opinions on Judaism. One of the outstanding philosophers was Solomon Ludwig Steinheim. Unlike other philosophers of his time, he did not believe in...

Importance of Children Education

Children’s education is one of the most important social institutions that guarantee existence and the further development of our society. For this reason, the level of interest devoted to the issue has always remained high. Thus, today we can observe numerous attempts to improve the outcomes of the academic activity...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lavender Landscaping Company’s Profile

Introduction Founded in 2014 in Dubai Silicon Oasis, Lavender Landscaping is a fast growing company that specializes in providing affordable, but high-quality services to customers that value natural surroundings and want to embellish their houses or officers with beautiful gardens. The company owns a plant nursery with flowers and other...

The Introduction of a Four-Day Work Week

Nowadays, most employers would probably dismiss the thought of introducing a four-day work week. Everybody is used to the fact that a work week lasts for five days, and reducing the number of days employees spend at work – and, consequently, lowering the amount time they spend in the office...

Police Brutality Toward African-American Males

Police Brutality toward African-American Males as the Contemporary Issue Violence among law reinforcement officers remains a topical issue nowadays; The African-American community is affected especially strongly; In 2015, 500 people were killed as a result of police brutality (Krieger, Chen, Waterman, Kiang, & Feldman, 2015); Therefore, immediate actions must be...

Geriatric Nurses’ Role for Elderly Patients

The efforts of geriatric nurses are concentrated on the health of elderly patients. Understandably, this patient group faces an increased risk of various traumas and diseases (e.g., Alzheimer’s). Therefore, the main objective of geriatric care is the development of effective preventive measures (Arai et al., 2011). On a larger scale,...

The Major Themes of the Play “Antigone” by Sophocles

One of the major themes of the famous play Antigone by Sophocles is the sense of justice. It is possible to note that the play focuses on such moral issue as true justice. Antigone is the agent of morality in the play as she tries to make the things right...

Procedural and Distributive Justice

It is impossible to maintain the proper state of human society without justice. As for the latter, it has a variety of definitions; nevertheless, in a general sense, it can be regarded as the use of principles allowing to give people everything that they deserve and prevent depriving people of...

Sikorsky Aircraft: Determining Waste

Introduction Creating a flawless environment, in which waste is reduced to zero, is practically unattainable). However, striving for waste reduction is an essential part of any enterprise. Sikorsky Aircraft is no exception to this rule; incorporating the approaches such as Just-in-Time (JIT), Lean Manufacturing, and the Six Sigma framework, the...

Transcription and Translation in Molecular Biology

The purpose of this paper is the review of the major principles and rules of the Central Dogma of molecular biology. The Central Dogma was first introduced in 1958, and it is meant to explain the universal rules of genetic information realization. The Dogma describes the basic principles of genetic...

Film Studies: Watching Movies Now and in the Past

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Consequently, different people have different activities that they enjoy doing during their free time. Some like watching movies; others prefer listening to music, while others fancy visiting new destinations. The movie industry has seen numerous changes from early times. These...

Jules Ferry on French Colonial Expansion

Introduction When Jules Ferry was the Prime Minister of France, the state began colonial expansion. In a debate with the French Parliament, Ferry defended the decision to expand as a right and a moral duty of a higher race over lower races. Certain developments in the world trade made the...

Sentencing Policies on Drug Offences

Purpose The goal of this paper is to discuss the sentencing policies on drug offences. In this case, one should speak about the crimes related to the use, possession, and transportation of prohibited substances. In turn, it is important to explain how the courts should approach such cases. Much attention...

Healthcare Quality and Price in the United States

The main problem with the economic aspect of healthcare in the U.S. is its inability to deliver the necessary level of quality at a reasonable price. This issue becomes especially apparent when compared to a similar system in other countries. For instance, the longevity of both male and female population...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Programs in the US

Cardiovascular disorders are one of the top causes of death in the USA. It has been estimated that over 92 million American adults have some type of heart disease (Benjamin et al., 2017). The major factors contributing to the development of these illnesses include smoking, physical inactivity, nutrition, excessive weight,...

“Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” by Bisson et al.

Introduction PTSD or posttraumatic stress disorder is a specific mental condition of a patient, which was provoked by a one-time or recurring strong external traumatic impact on the individual’s psyche. This adverse health condition can be caused by multiple reasons ranging from physical or sexual abuse to empathy to the...

Marijuana Use and Governmental Regulation in the US

Ethical Issue One of the most persistent public debates in modern times involves the use of marijuana. From the 1950s, a significant section of the population has felt that the use of marijuana should not be under government regulation. However, until now any unauthorized handling of marijuana in most parts...

CSX Company’s and Company X’s Change Management

Introduction Whenever carrying out the changes that affect the very foundation of a company and trigger further alterations in its basic processes, one must make sure that the newly designed framework allows for perfect coordination of all processes involved. Therefore, it is imperative to create not only an elaborate quality...

Male Circumcision and Health Risks

Introduction Circumcision is a relatively popular procedure that is prevalent in certain cultures and communities. In males, circumcision is performed in the infantry and involves the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis. Female circumcision, on the other hand, includes “partial or total removal of the clitoris, labia minora,...

Culture Wars in Contemporary US Society

The Author’s View The author believes that culture wars are non-existent in contemporary US society, as Americans are not divided into two camps. Thus, considering such a controversial issue as homosexuality and gay marriages, the author notes that people’s attitudes towards these problems are constantly changing, and there is no...

Transition of Adolescents with Severe Disabilities

Introduction This paper assesses the transition-related strength of students with severe disabilities from the perspective of the educators, parents and the youth. It is based on various ratings for those students with severe disability by their teachers, parents and fellow students (Carter, Sun & Owens, 2009, p.74) The writers have...

Selection Criteria in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Determining the project selection criteria is a crucial step toward making sure that the primary objectives are met, the essential goals are accomplished, and the basic lessons are learned. As a rule, the selection criteria can be defined as a combination of elements that determine the boundaries for locating the...

Human Resource Training, Development and Learning

The article by Garavan considers the concepts of training, development, education, and learning, and their relationship to the process of human resource management and development, and argues that the first three phenomena should be viewed as a whole that is tied by learning. This paper summarises this argument and provides...

“The Lucifer Effect” Review by Major Joon K. Hong

Introduction This article by Major Joon K. Hong reviews the book “The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil” by Philip Zimbardo. It starts with a story about a U.S. Army Sergeant, John M. Russell, who shot five American soldiers while undergoing psychiatric treatment in Bagdad. The tragedy took...

Non-Pharmacological Intervention: Mr. Jones’ Case

In this discussion post, it is important to explain the reasons for selecting the medication to treat community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in Mr. Jones, a 65-year-old male with a 30-year history of smoking. CAP is an infectious disease that is observed in patients who become infected in their communities in contrast...

Medicare and Medicaid as Healthcare Plan Programs

Introduction Both Medicare and Medicaid are health insurance covers for patients but they differ on the categorization of patients insured. Both of them are meant to increase access to healthcare services. Medicare is health insurance for individuals from the age of 65; those younger than 65 years but with certain...

Policy Risk and Offshoring in International Business

What is meant by “policy risk” and why can’t firms engaged in international business “hedge” against it? The term “policy risk” refers to the danger to an investor’s reduction of financial returns from an investment owing to failure to implement laws and regulations or a decision by the government to...

Hospitalized Patient Reassessment Factors

Importance of Subjective and Objective Data Medical workers have to know how to gather subjective and objective data of hospitalized patients and provide them with health care in a proper way. It is necessary to understand that in a hospital setting, a patient does not require a full portion of...

The Proxemics of the Mediated Voice

The author starts the article by highlighting the importance of voice in everyday communication, particularly the fact that it can be used to define the communicative distance between the listener and the talker. He states the aim of the article as being an attempt to address the difficulties arising out...

Healthcare Spending and Financing Resources

Public Health and Economic Principles Health care is closely connected with economic principles and depends on them heavily. In the health sector, the economic evaluation is performed in order to explore the cost of a study of various infectious, long-term or chronic diseases. The costs and benefits of the applied...

Inspiration from “Stop-Time“ by Frank Conroy

Time is a concept that does not exist in nature by itself. It is created by humans to ease our understanding of universal development. For us, everything has a beginning and an end. It is quite difficult for a human mind to grasp an image that space existed all the...

Doctors’ Ethics of ‘Cherry-Picking’ Patients

Introduction The ethical issues in medicine are among the most complicated and most frequently discussed. One of the problems that recently appeared is the cherry-picking of patients by doctors. Another topic with ethical roots is an old one and is related to keeping patients alive and doctor’s decisions. The opponents...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Virtue Ethics in Stanford and Milgram’s Experiments

Character and Virtue Ethics The philosophical notion of virtue ethics claims that an individual’s ethical thinking relies primarily on his or her character traits. According to this theory, people’s moral choices are governed by their character traits rather than by set moral rules or the probable consequences of their actions....

Barcodes and Radio Frequency Identification Effects

The use of bar codes and Radio Frequency identification has certainly had some positive and negative effects on basic logistics processes. Technology has greatly improved shipping, transportation, receiving and in-facility operations. While improvement in these basic logistics processes is welcome, it is important to note that the gains have been...

Patient-Centered Care: New Approaches

The increased demand for the level of services provided by the healthcare sector resulted in a significant reconsideration of the main approaches used to attain success and improve existing practices to guarantee delivery of the most important healthcare services. With this in mind, the given sphere passes through the period...

Tolerance and Political Diversity in the US

Are Americans Growing More or Less Tolerant of Political Diversity? It could be argued that the recent political changes in the U.S. have affected mostly the degree to which political diversity is represented at different levels of power in the U.S., the tolerance rates, which mainly depend on people’s opinions...

Respiratory Complications Reduction: Barriers

Proposed Change Preventing Respiratory Complications in Patients Undergoing Interventional Radiological Procedures under Conscious Sedation at Kendall Regional Medical Center Non-Human Barriers to Change Implementation The process of change implementation implies overcoming numerous obstacles and barriers. Practice shows that it is human-related difficulties that are particularly problematic to manage (Rosenberg &...

HIV/AIDS Infection among Women

The authors of the first study provide two main hypotheses in their research study (Baker, Rodgers, Davis, Gracely, & Bowleg, 2014). Apart from just addressing the hypotheses, they are later tested in order to determine their validity. In order to establish the first hypothesis, the researchers conducted a bivariate analysis....

Physical Exercise Effectiveness for Obese Adults

Introduction In healthcare, practice change is a common phenomenon because medicine changes quickly, and so do social trends and tendencies. Healthcare strategies aimed at the resolution of various public health problems usually target large population groups and communities known for the inhomogeneity of their demographics. As a result, implementing a...

Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Evidence-Based Practice

The quality of healthcare services and the possibility to reach positive health outcomes depend greatly on various dimensions, and pressure ulcer rates are among them. They are defined as “localized injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure alone or in...

The Ambassadors Painting by Hans Holbein

Introduction The Ambassadors painting is one of the most famous and meaningful works of Hans Holbein. It is a double portrait depicting French ambassador Jean de Dinteville and bishop Georges de Selve. They wanted a biographical portrait and described in detail all the elements and parts of the future masterpiece....

The Impacts of High Patient-Physician Ratios

Problem statement In the contemporary world that is typified by high levels of competition among various organizations, it is prudent for healthcare facilities to focus on how to improve their services. Patient satisfaction is important in healthcare facilities. Consumers have need to be treated with dignity and respect (Beach et...

Women’s Movement in the United States

Introduction Women’s movement in the United States was divided into two waves. The first wave occurred in the 1840s and helped women to obtain the right to vote. In almost a century, the second wave arose in the early 1960s. After the Second World War, many women found themselves locked...

Case Management and Asian Americans Cultural Aspects

Introduction Case Management is a useful process aimed at “facilitating, managing, planning, evaluating, and advocating for appropriate options that can satisfy the health needs of different individuals” (Park, Chesla, Rehm, & Chun, 2011, p. 2374). Case Managers should understand the socio-cultural issues associated with different populations. Such professionals should collaborate...

Healthcare Access Improvement Process

Identification of the Problem Number of patients continues to grow; Number of medical specialists is in decline; Bad healthcare infrastructure; Narrow medical networks in all healthcare spheres; Long waiting times; Lack of insurance coverage. What Can Be Improved Higher medical training of nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and pharmacists; New coordinated...

Patrick Finn’s Book “Literacy with an Attitude”

The problem of educating children from working or low-class families is actively discussed today. However, it is important to note that current debates were provoked by Patrick Finn’s book Literacy with an Attitude: Educating Working-Class Children in Their Own Self-Interest published in 1999. In his book, Finn discusses the complex...

Ritz Carlton Hotel and The Room Mate Restaurant: Companies Analysis

Evaluation The Ritz Carlton is a competitive hotel based on the fundamental keys it takes to make sure every customer is contented. The hotel is also a risk taker for example, during the opening of the Ritz Carlton Boston it decided to design the chairs in the Winston Churchill’s room...

Drama: Paula Vogel’s “How I Learned to Drive”

Driving lessons are similar to lessons in life because the learner should understand how to control oneself and influence surroundings. This idea is reflected in Paula Vogel’s play “How I Learned to Drive” (1997). However, this idea comes to mind only after the play’s ending because it is necessary to...

Nursing Collaboration and Teamwork in Miami

Introduction The leadership and structure of a nursing department can significantly influence not only the patients’ level of satisfaction but also the quality of care and nurses’ retention rates. Thus, many aspects should be considered in creating a comfortable and stable environment in a hospital. One of the issues that...

“The Tempest” Performance by Savage Rose Theater

The selected performance The performance chosen for the investigation is The Tempest, which is running in the Savage Rose Theater. I was interested in this version since the theatre is now rather popular in spite of being relatively young (10 years in operation). Although Savage Rose is a modern theatre...

Culture Incorporation in Early Childhood Education

In order to understand the importance of incorporating culture in early childhood education, it is important to start by defining culture. The term culture has varied definitions but basically, it entails the things that people develop together, what is shared amongst themselves and generally how they live together. Being more...

Healthcare System: Inflows and Revenue Management

Out of all the industries, healthcare sees the most impacting fluctuations to its revenue model (Baker & Baker, 2013). There are several factors that influence these fluctuations which include the development of electronic health records and revenue-managing software, the ultimate change in how care is brought to the patients, and...

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Kant’s Categorical Imperative in “Gone Baby Gone”

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Early Language Development: Phonics Controversy

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Cytarabine: Neurological Side Effects

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National Kidney Foundation’s Educational Programs

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Diabetes Patient and Holistic Nursing Intervention

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Should the US Adopt the British Tradition of a Gap Year?

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Nurses and New Health Care Policy

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Discrimination Faced by Transgender Patients

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The Greek Financial Crisis Resolving

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Conflict Resolution by the African Union

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“Naked Economics” by Charles Wheelan

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The Psychology of Physical Attraction

Introduction Psychologists have demonstrated increased interest in understanding the factors that come into play for people to admire and like others. The general consensus is that people have different conceptualizations of what they find attractive, hence the need to understand how they arrive at decisions on what is admirable or...

Massage and Mobilization in Manual Therapy

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Healthy Eating Habits in Adolescents

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Psychology: What Is Play-Based Therapy?

What Is Play-Based Therapy? Scholars and non-scholars have asked several questions regarding the approach called play-based therapy. Reports have gone to the extent of asserting that play centered therapy appears to lack rationality in its usage, is unclear, and unstructured. Nevertheless, play-based therapy is normally used when focusing on the...

How the Internet Changed the Way People Think?

Introduction The presence of the Internet in people’s lives can significantly impact the way they interact with other individuals and the world around them. It can also change the way they think, like the Internet, while being an inherent part of life, has different and unique rules of its own....

The Health History and Physical Assessment

Nursing assessments of patients can be discussed as well-structured activities which are based on following a certain protocol (Clarke, 2014). The effectiveness of a health and physical assessment can influence the quality and appropriateness of the proposed treatment (Kohtz, Brown, Williams, & O’Connor, 2017). The purpose of this paper is...