Virginia Henderson as a Nursing Theorist

Virginia Henderson, the architect of nursing, made a huge contribution to the theory, practice, education, and research in the field of nursing. This theorist provided one of the most accurate definitions of nursing profession and, most importantly, a scientifically grounded theory of nursing that is based on a holistic approach...

Welzel’s “Patient Safety” Qualitative Study Review

Introduction The selected peer-reviewed article is the qualitative research study devoted to the investigation of patient safety and methods aimed to minimize medical error. “Patient safety” by T. B. Welzel was published in the professional journal, Continual Medical Education, in 2012. The paper was located through Academic Search Complete –...

Tidal Power’s Impact on Atlantic Canadians

Introduction Energy use created from the movement of tides is an interesting and promising renewable energy source that has attracted attention from industry experts in recent years. Atlantic Canada is home to the highest tides globally; therefore, tidal power exploration in the region should be considered a viable method of...

The Writing Skills Development

“Learning how to write a coherent, effective text is a difficult and protracted achievement of cognitive development that contrasts sharply with the acquisition of speech” (Kellogg, 2008, p. 2). Writing is one of the forms of communication that follows a person throughout life. It supports the interchanging of ideas and...

Person-Centered Healthcare Reform: Access and Quality

Introduction Proper access to health care is one of the most crucial issues in many countries of the world. In the US, this question is also a rather important one. There are people whose income does not allow them to count on receiving the full specter of healthcare services once...

Life in the Soviet Union: The Illusion of Joy in the 1930s

The period of the 1930s in the Soviet Union is one of the most controversial historical eras in which consequences and results influenced the further development of the country. This period is associated with the figure of the CPSU leader Iosif Stalin and with the Great Terror and a lot...

The Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Robert Frost

Introduction It is not by an accident that such literary genre as poetry requires the possession of strong metaphoric and imaginative skills, on the part of its practitioners – by exposing readers to metaphorically expressed messages, contained in their poems; poets enable them to derive a strong aesthetic pleasure out...

Christian Ethics in Health Decisions: Faith vs. Medical Intervention

Introduction Christian discourses have been applied world over by individuals when making vital life decisions. In particular, various issues that have a bearing on a person’s religious standing are better addressed in line with the biblical stance on the matter at hand. Nonetheless, some occurrences, for instance, health decisions, require...

The PESTLE (Strategic) Model and Business Climate

Introduction The world changed dramatically in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic caused businesses to shut down and the economy to enter a freefall. Before the pandemic, the biggest challenge that faced the business world was the tariffs on Chinese imports, which significantly impacted supply chains for many industries. The pandemic...

Effectiveness of Telephonic Case Management in Hispanic Heart Failure Patients

Standardized Telephonic Case Management in a Hispanic Heart Failure Population The aim of conducting the research was to determine the effectiveness of a standardized telephonic protocol used as an intervention method for managing diseases. In this case, Riegel, Carlson, Glaser, Kopp and Romero (2012) focused on heart failure disease to...

The Novel “A Thousand Splendid Suns” by Khaled Hosseini

Introduction The issue of women’s rights has always been an acute topic since while women in developed countries have the privilege of education and a career, having a sense of security and protection, many women in developing countries are restricted in their freedom. The novel A Thousand Splendid Suns was...

Nursing Models: Team, Modular, & Total Patient Care Insights

Rosa Nursing Models Nursing care can be achieved through several organizational methods. The types of nursing care models applied to a particular health situation can vary from one facility to another or amongst patients. Several factors including leadership beliefs, economic issues, and the ability to recruit and retain staff determine...

The Man Ideal and Women Image in “The Odyssey” by Homer

Introduction The Odyssey is an epic poem written between the 8th and 6th century BCE, narrating a long journey home of Odysseus, a Greek hero. Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, sails from the Trojan war back to his homeland but has to overcome various misadventures and delays because of battling...

“The Love Suicides at Amijima” by Chikamatsu

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the story of “The Love Suicides at Amijima” by Chikamatsu and translated and revised by Asataro Miyamori and Robert Nichols. The plot is mainly based on real-life events, which took place during the time of writing. It is important to note that...

Innovative Nursing Chronic Care Model in Nepal’s Nursing Home

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the role of innovative nursing care models has been increasing over the last few years, and it would be particularly reasonable to apply them in low-income countries. Chronic care is an area that has been chosen because the quality of such services in...

Parenting and Child Behavior: Reference and Citation Mining

Mining Reference Lists for Sources The study by Boeldt et al. (2012) was referenced in Barnett and Scaramella (2013). Boeldt et al. (2012) investigated the association between positive parenting and externalizing behaviors of children. It is usually hypothesized that positive parenting practices are capable of averting adverse behaviors in offspring...

The Influence of the Market Economy on the Society Development

Introduction The market economy created a new system of production that not only increased the efficiency with which people created goods, but also heightened their quantity. It improved the quality of life of the general population because people could access conveniences that were inconceivable before the 19th Century. Groups of...

World War I, Its Causes and the US Interference

Considering the belief that loyalty should be the greatest when it comes to nation and culture, nationalism is a way to describe this attitude. In the case of WWI, nationalism led to the development of a competitive worldwide environment where each country felt the urge to overpower its closest rivals....

Genesis: Creation, Human Identity, and Civilization in the Bible

Introduction The Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. Words τᜰ ÎČÎčÎČλία are translated from Greek as “the books”; and indeed, The Bible is a collection of books. The Old Testament is generally divided into 39 books (Bible: Old Testament, n.d.). The first of them, Genesis,...

Addressing Influenza A, HIV/AIDS, and Giardiasis in Miami

Influenza A Influenza A is a highly contagious communicable disease that severely affects the population of the US and the state of Florida in particular. An estimated 36,000 people die from the disease each year, and more than 100,000 are admitted to the hospitals. The Florida Flu Review shows a...

In Favor of Same-Sex Marriage: Legalization, Rights and Misconceptions

The topic of the same-sex marriage has always been a controversial one. Furthermore, with the recent legalization of same-sex marriage in the United States the public has divided the views on this point into two opposite frameworks. While on the one end of the spectrum there are people who support...

The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Guidelines

Introduction The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) provides guidelines for government procurements. It stipulates various consequences and penalties that are imposed to defaulters of federal contracts. The FAR also outlines performance requirements, procedures for notification, and delay provisions. Furthermore, it contains guidelines that are followed while changing terms and conditions of...

Health Issue: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare issue affecting millions of people across the globe. Those who get infected tend will lead poor and unhealthy lives if they fail to get the relevant medication and disease management procedures. Health professionals have been keen to complete numerous studies and research to get...

Film “Split” Psychotherapy Analysis

Introduction For the topic of the final assignment, the movie Split was chosen, upon which an in-depth analysis of a character’s disorder will be conducted. The film is centered around the main character Kevin, who struggles with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) also known as multiple personality disorder. There are twenty-three...

The Impact of a Firm’s Employee Diversity on U.S Tech Companies

In modern organizations, gender diversity is a significant issue, and it represents both a healthy culture and inclusivity. Despite efforts by human resource and employee management to include more women, disabled, blacks, and LGBTQ+ in the workplace, the corporate world remains a challenging place for women employees. The challenge, specific...

The Health Issues of South Africa

Despite the overall improvements in healthcare of the South Africa, the advances are uneven and in some cases insufficient (Coovadia, Jewkes, Barron, Sanders, & McIntyre, 2009). Several challenges responsible for this can be identified, with at least three – the HIV pandemic and the public health response to it, the...

The Haitian People’s Unwavering Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Introduction The Dominican Republic and Haiti share the western coast of the island of Hispaniola, home to a tiny Caribbean country called Haiti. A severe earthquake that year left the nation in ruins on a large scale. The Haitian people have persevered in the face of these difficulties and are...

The Dominican Revolution: Resistance and the Mirabal Sisters’ Legacy

Introduction The Dominican revolution started long before the events of 1965. 1956 was the epitome of the resistance when farmers and workers poured into the streets, demanding an e aboutnd to foreign interference in the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic went through phases of foreign occupation by the French, Spanish,...

The Government of Bangladesh: Corruption and Poverty

Poverty is a major economic challenge in many underdeveloped countries. According to Bardhan (2008, p. 5), ‘absolute poverty occurs when individuals are unable to secure their basic needs such as shelter, healthcare, and food’. The other common challenge experienced in the developed world is corruption. This malpractice takes different forms...

Talent Development in NIH: Purpose & Rationale

Abstract The paper provides the draft purpose statement that is formulated to describe the talent development effort in the National Institutes of Health. The focus is on the analysis of the specific rationale that is behind the initiative currently used in the discussed organization. The talent development effort in the...

Dementia with Lewy Bodies: Symptoms and Treatments

Abstract With the increase of life expectancy, the number of people suffering from age-related diseases has also increased. Dementia syndrome is admittedly one of such disorders. Dementia can be caused by different factors that influence the specifics of the disease’s development. It is obvious that special attention must be paid...

Combating Drunk Driving: Implementing Age Limits & Ignition Interlocks

Abstract The given paper revolves around the nagging problem of the alcohol abuse and drunk driving. The paper consists of eight parts which help to present the information in the logic and clear way. The introduction provides the information needed for the better understanding of the main topic of the...

Master’s in Nursing Education (MSN): From Studies to Practice

Choosing the MSN Educator Specialty Track Nursing School’s Need for Competent Teachers. A Shortage of Nursing Instructional Staff. A Variety of Career Opportunities. Satisfaction and Individual Goals Achievement. MSN Educators are in strong demand. While nursing schools need qualified instructors, a shortage of teachers has become a pressing problem. Students...

The Fall of the Roman Empire and Its Causes

Introduction The Roman Empire is one of the most significant states mentioned in both European and world history. Noteworthy, one can trace the legacy of this country in many areas of modern life: from engineering to law. The empire’s dominance was maintained for several centuries, secured by the professional army....

Cybersecurity Threats: Major Cyberattacks and Defense Needs

Introduction The last several decades could be characterized by the rapid rise of technologies. They became an integral part of modern society as the bigger part of activities are performed using different devices. They double the efficiency of different processes and result in the digitalization of the environment. Today, there...

Ethical Business Practices: Minimum Wage, Bribery, and Nepotism

Minimum Wage The issue of exploitation is a major challenge in many societies. A minimum pay is the lowest monthly or daily remuneration that companies may pay their workers. My position is that every business should follow the best ethical principles. This approach will ensure “every organization provides what many...

Evaluating Ethical Decisions: Utilitarianism in Supplier-Pacemaker Controversy

Utilitarianism is one of the theories of normative ethics claiming that the right course of action is the one that maximizes utility, meaning going for the decisions that capitalize on benefits while at the same time reducing the chances of suffering or the negative effects. Aristotle was one of the...

Managing Conflicts in Hospitals: Stages and Strategies

Conflict situations are impossible to avoid in any settings. Some people even consider disagreements as a positive trend since they can lead to significant changes and help to resolve the misunderstandings between the individuals or groups. Most commonly, conflicts occur in busy work environments when there are many employees each...

Sympathy for Blanche DuBois in A Streetcar Named Desire

The mastery of a writer can make the readers sympathize for the characters’ destinies and their overcoming many difficulties in life according to the writer’s intentions but in spite of the traditional opinions and prevalent public’s visions. Blanche DuBois is the main character of Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named...

The Concept of Resilience in Literature

Introduction As psychologists understand it, resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity. The concept is especially pertinent in war and other catastrophes that cause significant harm to individuals and groups. The concept of resilience has always been wide-ranging in its scope, from its core philosophy from social psychology...

The Causes and Events That Led to the Civil War

The Civil War was unquestionably the most disastrous catastrophe in American history. There were more casualties in this conflict, ranging hundreds of thousands, than in all previous American wars. The conflict between free and enslaved person states erupted over whether or not the federal government possessed the authority to outlaw...

Colleges Seek New Paths to Diversity After Court Ruling

Title, author source, and date of the article The newspaper article entitled Colleges Seek New Paths to Diversity after Court Ruling was obtained from the New York Times edition dated 22nd day of April 2014. Tamar Lewin authored the article. Summary of main points in the article The article reports...

The American Dream and Related Constructs

Introduction The American dream is a complex term that implies multiple values, ideologies, and social consciousness concepts. The American dream penetrated many people’s mindsets and became an unattainable aim to which individuals failed to strive. Indeed, this conception was mentioned in many pieces of literary, economic, and political texts, which...

The Role of Environment in a Child’s Physical Development

Overview Middle childhood is a stage in a person’s development that has a significant influence on their future life. Both the school and the family environment play a considerable role in the development of an individual during their middle childhood, which means that the peculiarities of the environment may have...

Strategic Partnership: IOM & RWJF Launch Nursing Report

Background of the Research that Led to the IOM Report The strategic partnership between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) led to the launch of the “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” report. During the initial phases of the research, the two agencies...

IOM and RWJF Collaboration: Transforming American Healthcare

Work that Led to the IOM Report The collaboration between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) led to new insights that could be embraced to transform the healthcare of many American citizens. This work outlined the major barriers that were affecting the healthcare sector....

Stylistic Devices in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

Introduction Literature has always been an integral part of human society. It helped people to express their feelings and emotions and share thoughts that seem very important to them. That is why, since the beginning of the history of the mankind, authors tried to create some special and unique approach...

Kendall Center’s Door-to-Balloon Time Minimization Project

My practicum project involved the implementation of an evidence-based practice strategy at Kendall Medical Regional Center to reduce the Door to Balloon Time in STEMI Patients. The need for the intervention program was caused by a high DTB time at the facility as reported by patients. The implementation procedure was...

South Korean Transportation Infrastructure

Introduction South Korea has an advanced logistics infrastructure, which the country has been developing since the 60’s. Moreover, the logistics industry is the ninth-largest in Korea with regards to revenue from sales and therefore is among the key drivers of economic growth. As of 2014, the sector employed up to...

Cuban, Russian, Japanese Families’ Heritage and Health Traditions

Introduction Health beliefs and perceptions are present in every culture. They shape the attitudes toward health and views of illness, as well as the causes that lead to the decrease of health and the occurrence of disease. Such beliefs tend to differ from one culture to another. The purpose of...

The Future of Nursing: Institute of Medicine’s Report Analysis

Introduction The nursing profession is believed to count more than three million workers in national health care. It is stated that “nurses are particularly well-positioned to address social determinants of health, due to their legacy of considering the physical and social environments of patients, caring expertise, and history of community...

Ryanair and Monsanto: Case Study

Ryanair and Monsanto are two companies that face the issues of motivation and decrease in sales. A research on the issue of these two companies is given below. Ryanair Airlines Cultural Synergy Strategies used by Ryanair Ryanair is a frill airline company of Europe. At the initial stage Ryanair had...

Historical Relations of Chad and France

Introduction The Francophone’s are those nations speaking or using French as their national or official language. They share a common cultural, social and political heritage with France. It is inferable that these nations were either French colonies or were once captured by France during the Napoleonic error. In Africa for...

Job Opportunities in Sectors and a Beyond Recession

Introduction Entrepreneurship is defined as the practice of starting a new business venture or renewing an already existing business based on new opportunities and ideas. It entails taking risks, being resourceful and venturing into the unknown business fields. This makes it to be associated with uncertainty (Shukla, 2009, para.2).An entrepreneur...

Queen’s Album “A Night at the Opera”

The name of this particular band causes a wave of appreciation in any audience all over the world, and the sounds of their melodies cause a wave of excited screaming of the band’s numerous fans and admirers. Everyone knows the names of the band’s members. Their path towards fame was...

Projects or Stop Violence Programs: Domestic Violence

Introduction The manner or behaviour that entails one party abusing the other denotes domestic violence. The violence mainly happens between the families, dating, cohabitation, marriages, as well as intimate relationship. Domestic violence may come I form of intimate partner violence, dating abuse, family violence, battering, spousal abuse, and domestic abuse....

Principles of Language Assessment – Speaking Exam

Assessment Design In this assessment, students will choose a topic and have a conversation about the chosen topic for six minutes in pairs. Students will choose from the following topics: art, childhood, food, hobbies. It will be a summative assessment of the students’ knowledge of the four topics they learned...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents

Introduction The era of social media and other digital communications has influenced people’s standards of beauty and self-perception significantly. A generation of young people that identify selfies with a mandatory aspect of life observe one another on Facebook and Instagram and form specific preferences regarding appearance parameters. Even though a...

History of Humankind: From Paleo-Indians to Modern America

History is as old as man is. It tells the story of humankind since the beginning of this planet. The subject can be compared to an old man who is thousands of years old, and who has witnessed the happenings in this world. Therefore, the old man, with a memory...

Picture Exchange Communication System Research

Introduction The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) teaches children that by transmitting the desired image or pointing a sequence of images to another person, they can get what they want. PECS is an alternative communication card exchange system initially created for children with an autism spectrum disorder (Putri et al.,...

Ohio School Funding: Challenges and the Evidence-Based Model

The epic with the Ohio school funding system has been lasting about 20 years. At first, to make the Ohio school funding system constitutional, the cost-based model was offered: it implied calculating an average per-pupil amount and providing schools with corresponding funding (Endicott). Thus, funding was supposed to be equal...

Disaster Preparedness Strategies for Midland Community Center

Introduction Disaster preparedness is a crucial element of the strategy facilitating the safety of a community. Despite the fact that some parts of the United States, such as Michigan, are less prone to disasters than the others, it is crucial that the maximum safety should be provided to every single...

University of Miami Hospital’s Nursing Conflict Resolution

Introduction Hospitals are considered to be very high-stress working environments. The shifts are long, the pressure is high, and patients’ lives and wellbeing are at stake. Nursing industry has some of the highest turnover rates, varying between 15% and 40% per year. Recurring conflicts among the nursing staff add to...

“A Bedtime Story” by Mitsuye Yamada

In “A Bedtime Story,” by Mitsuye Yamada, a father tells his daughter a story within a story about an elderly woman who struggles to find a place to stay the night and must instead sleep on a hill. The author illustrates the idea of always being something positive even when...

The Poem “Enlightenment” by Natasha Trethewey

Natasha Trethewey is an American poet and a two-time United States Poet Laureate. She is the author of six poetry collections, one of which, Thrall, was published in 2012 and earned critical praise and the public’s love. With her ekphrastic poetry, Trethewey charts the intersections of social and personal history...

“The Open Boat” by Stephen Crane: When a Few Words are Enough

Introduction Describing a disaster inflicted upon characters by an unstoppable and uncompromising force of the elements while keeping each protagonist fleshed out and well-developed is an extraordinarily difficult task. However, Steven Crane, who had a first-hand experience in a similar situation that involved being shipwrecked and having little to no...

The Poem “Poet’s Obligation” by Pablo Neruda

“Ode with a Lament” uses imagery and metaphors effectively to convey themes of death, sorrow, and brokenness. The speaker compares the woman’s skin to “a bell filled with grapes”, an image of illness that prompts the reader to readjust any presumption of the relationship at hand. In a world of...

Narrative Style of Austen’s Pride and Prejudice and Mansfield-Park

Introduction Jane Austen is one of the most famous writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The novels of this brilliant author have had an incredible impact on the development of culture, have been adapted many times, and have inspired generations of writers. Jane Austen has written such...

Men’s Idealization of Women Satirizing

Introduction The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries reflected a patriarchal system, where the functions of a woman were motherhood and household duties. Gender and class roles were determined, as a rule, by men. Jonathan Swift, as a satirist, reflected the leading positions of misogyny, almost without hiding it. However, his work...

Roald Dahl’s “Lamb to the Slaughter”: The Character of Mary

Is Mary a Good Spouse? At the beginning of the story, Mary has that plume of the perfect wife waiting dutifully for her husband. She looks at her watch to “delight herself with the thought that with every passing minute, the time is approaching when he will come” (Dahl 1)....

The Power of Love in Siddhartha

Love is a strong emotion that dictates most of a person’s decisions in life. The Siddhartha is a novel by Hesse that narrates Siddhartha’s life in pursuit of happiness and spiritual enlightenment. The story revolves around two main characters, Siddhartha and Govinda, his best friend, who move from one religious...

Aeneas’ Characteristic in Aeneid by Virgil

The epic Aeneid is the most outstanding work of the Roman poet Virgil. The poem is based on mythical accounts of the legendary ancestors of the Romans, the Trojans, and their king Aeneas. The latter, according to legends, founded a kingdom on Latin soil, which became the foundation of the...

“How I Met My Husband” Short Story by Alice Munro

Alice Ann Munro is a short story writer from Canada born in 1931 in Ontario, Canada. She attended the University of Western Ontario studying English and journalism before abandoning her studies after two years. Munro won the Man Booker International Prize in 2009, while in 2013, she won the Nobel...

The Sunflower: Mistakes That Cannot Be Forgiven

Introduction The book’s exposition takes us to the time of the Nazi concentration camps and tells about Simon and his friends’ life and hard work. Simon, Adam, Artur, and Jozek are Jews who work in a section of a concentration camp where medical waste is thrown out to prisoners. They...

The Short Story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Introduction In literature, conflict is an artistic technique that entails a struggle between two antagonistic characters. Dramatic conflict is a driving force that produces the story’s content and determines flow direction. Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” demonstrates how dramatic conflict aids in developing the plot of the story. In a narrative...

The Play “King Lear” by William Shakespeare

Introduction King Lear is a play written by William Shakespeare and originally published in 1606. It is the story of the old king of Britain who needed to give up his power to his daughters. Having no experience identifying people’s true beliefs, he is deceived by the hypocritical praise of...

Outdated Traditions in “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

Short stories such as Jackson’s “The Lottery” often deliver the point of view of their authors regarding a particular issue or topic due to the pace of their narration and the intended moral of the story. Jackson’s work presents an excellent example of the impact of foreshadowing on a reader’s...

Cry and Compassion in Paton’s Novel “Cry, the Beloved Country”

In “Cry, the Beloved Country,” Alan Paton authored the novel to address the presence of inner conflicts of South African citizens. It entertains and dramatically shows some situations the author wants the citizens to find a remedy. Suffering is evident in many instances where Paton seeks to address South Africa’s...

How Themes Inform the Context: Herrera, Tafolla, and Laviera

Introduction In literature, poetry is a truly unique phenomenon since, unlike the rest of the genres, it does not seek to tell a story; instead, its purpose revolves primarily around conveying a specific message and appealing to the reader’s emotions. Therefore, the thematic richness of a poem is inevitably connected...

Achilles’ Second Self in The Iliad by Homer

Introduction Host (YOU): Ancient epics describing great heroes’ life events are full not only of many details that reveal the personalities of these characters but also of a deep meaning that reflects the inner motives of their actions. In Homer’s The Iliad, Achilles, as one of the main characters, is...

The Novel “Emma” by Jane Austen

Introduction Jane Austen’s book titled Emma is a novel focusing on romantic misunderstandings and youthful hubris. Initially published in 1815, the book entails events in the fictional Highbury country village that explores the difficulties and concerns of women during Georgian-Regency England. The book is a comedy that highlights social status,...

Characters of Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”

The story chosen for analysis is the work of Toni Cade Bambara “The Lesson”. The author’s main argument is that the black population has the highest level of child poverty among all racial groups in the United States. Toni Bambara conveys her point of view through the story of Sylvia...

Character Analysis in ‘Doubt’ by John Patrick Shanley: A Question of Innocence

Introduction Doubt: A Parable is a drama written by John Patrick Shanley in 2004. One of the main characters, Sister Aloysius, has a very rigid and sharp character, and her behavior is often connected with the question of innocence. The drama portrays the fictional St. Nicholas Bronx School and the...

Family Dynamics in “The Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka

Introduction The family unit is a fundamental building block of society. The way family members interact with each other in relation to the whole is termed family dynamics. Family reactions can be demonstrated through communication, cultural practices, emotional expressions, and behavioral patterns. When changes occur in families, people react differently...

Quest for Freedom in “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Stowe

Introduction Slavery has a long history in America and dates back to more than three centuries ago. Slavery would not pick until the 19th century, marked by many occurrences across different parts of the world. Slow development was experienced worldwide, and technology had not as highly industrialized as it is...

Ethics of Physician-Assisted Suicide: Controversies and Moral Dilemmas

All physicians swear by the Hippocratic oath before they start practicing medicine. The oath includes a strong admonition against the issuing of harmful and in fact deadly drugs to a patient. When it was being crafted, it did not consider that a physician would want to do anything other than...

“Oryx and Crake” by Margaret Atwood

Modern society is increasingly concerned about the problems of environmental destruction, which are the consequences of human activity. Although many works have been written in the 21st century describing the possible catastrophic results of long-term human impact on nature, Margaret Atwood in Oryx and Crake does it from a new...

“One Crazy Summer” by Rita Williams-Garcia

Introduction The historical fiction novel One Crazy Summer, written by Williams-Garcia, touches upon the topics of racial discrimination in America. The author provides the readers with the opportunity to learn about changing social times and how people in different states of America experienced racism. The novel also discusses the Black...

Clark and Carla in “Runaway” by Alice Munro

Introduction The short story “Runaway” by Alice Munro focuses on the two main protagonists Clark and Carla, which are a husband and wife and owners of a small horse ranch in rural Canada. The couple have a stringent relationship but remain together, despite Carla’s resentment of her husband and attempt...

Ibsen’s A Doll’s House as a Well-Made Play

Eugene Scribe defined the structure of a well-made play to describe how the best play should be laid out. The components of this basic outline include exposition, suspense, development and complication, strong curtain, cause and effect, resolution, scĂšne Ă  faire, and dĂ©nouement (Proƛniak 448). Although Henry Ibsen’s A Doll’s House...

“Their Eyes Were Watching God”: Story Analysis

Introduction “Their Eyes Were Watching God” is a story by Zora Neale Hurston that captures the essence of society’s impact on relationships. Gender roles and identities define how individuals conceptualize love. Behavioral expectations and societal norms affect people’s worldviews and determine how they relate to each other. People’s perception of...

A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, Feminist Criticism

The play “The Doll’s House” illustrates Henrik Ibsen’s interest in gender inequality and women’s rights. This paper examines the literary work from a Feminist criticism perspective, which is relevant to its central theme. Despite the portrayal of the main character as stupid and dependent on men, the author at the...

“Free Ham” by Bertino Marie-Helene

It is almost scary how people—in everything they do—are driven by hidden motivations inside them of which they are not even aware. The unconscious—the pivotal concept in psychoanalysis—is comprised of repressed feelings that shape people’s behaviors; specifically; dysfunctional behaviors. The story by Bettino titled “Free Ham” provides a lot of...

Harriet Jacobs’ ‘Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl’ Literary Analysis

In Harriet Jacobs’ autobiography titled Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, she talks about her life as a slave woman and elaborates on the inhumane treatments she faced in the 19th century. Using the pseudonym Linda Brent throughout her narrative, she discusses how slaves were nothing more than...

“Children of the New World” by Assia Djebar

Introduction The book Children of the New World by Djebar is an insightful source of information regarding the social position of women in Algeria. Importantly, the impact of female activism on the setting in the country has been unrecognized and underappreciated. The book exhibits the efforts and sacrifices made by...

Literature Studies: “A Rose for Emily” by W. Faulkner

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner is a short story that contains many themes, but the story is undoubtedly built on the theme of aging out and decaying. The story tells readers that once the town of Jefferson was one of the nicest towns in the South but lost...

Comparison of “The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Story of an Hour”

This essay compares and contrasts two short stories – The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman (1892) and The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin (1894). Both the stories analyzed in this essay are short stories. In The Story of an Hour, Louise Mallard receives the news of her...

Feminism in the Play “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Introduction Despite being written at the beginning of the 20th century, the play “Trifles” still presents an important source and obligatory to read for people interested in feminism. It was created by an American playwright and journalist, Susan Glaspell, in 1916, and the author conducted pioneer research on the topic...

Women in “Meatless Days” by Sara Suleri Goodyear

Introduction It is apparent that women were exposed to oppression for centuries. The contradictions on the notion of woman’s place in the society probably started with Eve, who was created from Adam’s rib. Females were oppressed for long years; men-dominated society did not allow them to become a part of...

The Role of Othello in Shakespeare’s Othello

In Othello, Shakespeare aims to bring out the complexity of human relationships through the interactions of the main characters in the play. The experiences and action of the characters resemble human behaviors in social interactions. For instance, Othello evokes different feelings in various characters; some of those feelings positive, while...

Parenting: Adoption of Homosexual Couples

Introduction The adoption of homosexual couples is the adoption of kids by same-sex couples, which may take the form of the adoption by one partner of the other’s biological kid or a joint adoption by the couple. Joint adoption by homosexual couples is authorized in many nations and territories that...

On the Social Responsibility of Corporations to Society

In the modern world, economic resources are the most significant assets. Numerous businesses and corporations emerge to provide customers with products or services and obtain some profits in exchange for them. That is why some people, including Friedman, stipulate that the primary social responsibility of a business is to increase...

Analysis of Clinical Practice Guideline: Suicide Risk Assessment

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are useful documents that can support can improve the quality of nursing care available to patients. CPGs guide caregivers to provide emergency and evidence-based nursing support. One of the clinical problems affecting many healthcare settings is suicide risk. Suicide remains “a major health challenge especially in...

Comparing Saudi Arabia and USA Budgets: Key Insights

The comparison of budgets of the two super states may be essential for further evaluation of financial potentials of both countries. The paper is claimed to evaluate and compare the budgets of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America. In the year 2007, Saudi Arabia anticipated a budget shortage....

News Values and Today Media Culture

Introduction In today’s media culture, most news consumers prefer to watch the news on TV rather than listen to news broadcasting on the radio. The reason for this shift is because of the visual elements that accompany the news bulletin. As a result, most TV stations have lost the focus...

The Debate on Assisted Suicide: Ethical and Humanitarian Perspectives

Introduction The debate surrounding whether to legalize assisted suicide, or not, rests with evaluating whether it is okay for physicians to help dying patients commit suicide, or not. There are conflicting views regarding this matter. While some people are against assisted suicide for religious reasons and because they are compassionate...

Inexperience at Idle Rocks: Arnanda vs. Tony Leadership Dispute

Idle Rocks Case Study The conflict between Arnanda and Tony can be attributed to the restaurant manager’s inexperience. Initially, Arnanda was a receptionist. Consequently, her proficiency in management is in doubt among most workers. A good leader should have a wide scope of knowledge and the experience to handle emerging...

Features of Planning and Control in the Supply Chain

Planning and control system for manufacturer of air-conditioning units In order to develop planning and control system for this manufacturer of air-conditioning units, we should discuss the peculiarities of its production system. Overall, it can be defined as a job production, which means that their devices are designed specifically for...

Phobias and Addictions as Manifestations of the Human Mind Weakness

Both phobias and addictions are two weak states of a person’s mind where one can be weak while thinking of or seeing something. They can really weaken a person and if a person has intensive phobias or addictions then he or she must consult any psychiatrist to resolve the problem...

Research Process in Social Work

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods Research work in social work is either qualitative or quantitative in nature. Qualitative research, according to Neill (2007, p. 1) is used when the data that is gathered, or the research that has been performed, can not be quantified or assigned numerical weight. For example,...

Diabetes in Children: The Prevalence and Prevention

Outline Diabetes is a very common disease among children in Canada. Several studies have shown that genetic factor and inactive lifestyle plays an important role in the prevalence of the disease among Canadian children. Several programs have been initiated at the community level that has proved successful in preventing the...

Religious Denominations Analysis: Christianity, Catholicism, and Lutheranism

Introduction: A brief historical background of Christian Denominations Considering the first stages of Christianity development, humanity knew no ‘denominations’ within the church; in 1504 there was first Christendom division between the Eastern and Western Churches with ‘Great Schism’. It is necessary to underline the fact that this stage appeared to...

Nevado del Ruiz Eruption of 1985 and Its Impact on the Community

Introduction Natural disasters tend to have a profoundly destructive impact on the communities that happen to be situated close enough to the epicenter. Should the unfavorable natural conditions coincide with the cumulative human error, the toll on resources and human lives alike may become very high. Economy, culture, and education...

Mexican Americans Getting Stereotyped

Introduction A culture is a belief about a population passed down from one generation to the other. Mexican Americans or Latinos are occasionally stereotyped in the United States of America. The trend has made discrimination part of the everyday life of Latinos. It has developed to be a culture rooted...

Mental Health Association of Depression and Alzheimer’s in the Elderly

Introduction Every individual experiences depression at some point of time. There can be several reasons associated with depression. In fact, it can be said that it is a part of life. However when depression sustains for a prolonged period of time there may be a more serious problem. It is...

Literary Devices in “Cask of the Amontillado” by Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Poe’s short story The Cask of Amontillado illustrates some of the main techniques developed by this author in order to create a sense of suspense that engages the readers. In this case, much attention should be paid to the use of foreshadowing and irony. They are particularly relevant when...

PassAct Inc.’s Information Technology Solutions and New Business Model

What problems or inefficiencies did the founders of PassAct see that led them to start a new firm? In the middle of 90th, Louise Rawlings and James Blevins were employed in the trade for the main dealer of electronic units. They noticed firstly a precise irritation met by scientists at...

Gender Discrimination & Title VII: Male Nurse Case Study Analysis

Introduction The enactment of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was meant to streamline the relationship between employees and employers by minimizing instances of discrimination in relation to race and other categorizations. Title VII prohibits among other things, the discrimination of employees on the basis of their...

Legitimacy of Multi-Level Marketing Methods

Introduction The idea of multi-level Marketing involves the recruitment of salespersons who will buy the product to sell at the same time recruit more members to the team. In most cases, this system is viewed as flawed as it emphasizes recruiting more members than selling the product. Thus, Companies that...

The Role of Technology in Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector determines the medical outcomes and experiences of citizens in a given country. Many governments provide adequate resources and support systems to ensure that their sectors function optimally. Practitioners, physicians, and managers in this field need to monitor emerging trends and inform key sponsors and financiers about...

Venous Thromboembolism: Tamariz et al.’s Systematic Review Analyzed

What Does This Review Ask? The review compares the levels of accuracy of several rules for clinical prediction of deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism and tries to determine what rule of diagnosis of deep vein thrombosis is the most effective and often used. The objective of the study is...

Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech

The Internet has never been popular than now. With a rapidly growing user base, the internet has become a household thing that is used by almost everyone in the house for activities such as entertainment, shopping, education, and socializing. While the Internet itself is a blessing for anybody who uses...

Physical Examination in Obesity: Armstrong et al.’s Review Analyzed

Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1)....

Intersectionality Theory and Life Path Predetermination

People are born with particular social and biological constructs that reinforce their identity over time: race, age, gender and socio-economic background can become predictors (Vossler et al., 2017). When analysing the psychological support that an individual may need, it is essential not only to focus on individual socio-demographic characteristics but...

Interpersonal Communication: Social Exchange Theory

Introduction Human beings are social and rely on interpersonal communication to share information, ideas, secrets, and goals in life. Different models have emerged that try to describe how such interactions take place. Social exchange theory is one of them and it explains or predicts the right time when someone who...

Understanding Terrorism: Definitions, Constituents, and U.S. Reactions

Introduction The number and frequency of terrorist attacks have increased drastically since the twentieth century. Nowadays, the notion of terrorism is known to everyone. Terrorist attacks on the September 11 changed the understanding of terrorism and demonstrated its devastating threat. All countries face the difficulty of choosing the most appropriate...

Feature of Terrestrial Planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars

This reflective treatise attempts to explain the stellar nebular theory and evidences to support the same. Besides, the paper explores unique feature of terrestrial planets of Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Mars. The same explores these features in the Jovian planets of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. In addition, the treatise...

Internationally Focused Terrorist Organization: Al Qaeda

Introduction Terrorist organizations threaten citizens of all communities, nations’ infrastructure, and security to obtain political security and economic gains. Leaders of terrorist groups use threats of violence to propagate their political and religious beliefs by directing targets with objectives and goals in mind. On the other hand, leaders are undoubtedly...

Majority of Patients Are Satisfied with Telenursing Services

Introduction The recent decades could be characterized by the dramatic changes in various spheres of human activity. The development of technologies results in the appearance of several concerns that impact the way people perform their tasks and introduces significant changes. These alterations are aimed at the significant improvement of the...

Industrial-Organizational and Social Psychology

Abstract Industrial-organizational psychology studies how individuals behave and cooperate in work settings. Social psychology studies how the behavior of people is influenced by the presence or opinion of others (Kuther & Morgan, 2012). Bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degree holders’ are offered many employment opportunities due to the high applicability of...

Importance of Post-Program Evaluation

Abstract The assessment paper reveals that post-evaluation of the training programs is critical, as it contributes to the continuous improvement and increases the efficiency of the subsequent training programs. This aspect is crucial, as the training advances the competences of the workforce while driving the development of creative ideas. As...

Importance of Computers in Education

Importance of Computers in Education Since the advent of computer technology, the world has undergone a revolutionary change, because computers perform most of the tasks that were hard to perform; for example, storage of volumes of information or took a lot of time to finish. Also, computer technology has contributed...

Addressing Rising BMI: Effective Obesity Intervention Strategies

Executive Summary The Purpose of the Program Nowadays, constantly growing Body Mass Index (BMI) is one of the major problems in the United States of America and globally, and many people are considered obese (Frank, 2015). There is a diversity of ways to deal with this issue. For example, this...

Establishment of Values and Beliefs in Literature: A Comparative Analysis

The establishment of values and beliefs is a popular motif in both children and adult literature. Despite the superficial differences in narrative and manner of delivery, these stories are usually similar in their core premise. The following paper compares two such works, Surprised by Joy and The Wild Things. Surprised...

Morgentaler vs. Queen Case: Supreme Court Decision 1988

Summary and Analysis of the Case The case Morgentaler v. Queen [1988] 1 S.C.R. 30 was tried in the Supreme Court of Canada from October 7-10, 1986, and the decision was made on January 28, 1988. In this case, 3 Doctors, Henry Morgentaler, Leslie Frank, and Robert Scott were challenging...

Relationship between Religion and Government

Introduction The government and religion should not be related at all as an individual’s religious choices are personal and should have nothing to do with the state’ actions. The paper shall look at the basis of this argument through examples. The relationship that should exist between religion and government In...

Health, Fitness Organizations: Profit Center Programs

The paper explains briefly the evolution of health and fitness centers as profit centers. Based on some common definitions of profit centers, it also attempts to explain why such strategic business units need to be introduced in the health and fitness industry. It states the common perception that the industry...

Community Policing Assignment: A History of Police Work in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system helps in the enforcement of the laws by ensuring that any individual who breaks the law is arrested and charged for the wrongs done. The police are part of the criminal justice system and are responsible for the arresting of the law breakers and gathering...

Proper Communication of a Public Policy

Introduction Proper communication of a public policy is very important if the policy is to be successful. Many politicians tend to forget that delivering the message of their policies properly to the public is as important as the policy itself (Woll, 1974, p. 4). In our case, the governor should...

Heroes’ and Villains’ Views on Money in “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand

Introduction “Atlas Shrugged” is a novel which was written by Ayn Rand in 1957. This novel operates with a number of notions which may puzzle the modern reader. It deals with the concepts of objectivism and human achievement exploring a number of other philosophical themes. “Atlas Shrugged” discloses different facets...

Peaceful Co-Existence beetween World Religions

There is an African Swahili proverb that says, two giant bulls cannot share one cattle shed. I believe it must be because they would tear each other to pieces. Religious groups around the world cannot peacefully co-exist with each other for the simple reason that they unbendingly believe that they...

Ancient States vs. Non-State Societies’ Warfare

Introduction Development of civilization or states requires an understanding of the conditions of people’s life at the period when this process takes place as well as varying physical abilities and limitations of human beings and the climatic conditions surrounding the ancient world. The ancient non-states changed gradually from hunters to...

Heroic Rape in Historic Art Exhibition

The Theme of the Exhibition: Heroic Rape The theme chosen for the exhibition is Rape imagery depicted in art. Rape imagery in medieval art did not always depict rape as it is conceived today: non-consensual, forcible penetration not necessarily of a woman by a man (Wolfthal 286). Rape in art...

Healthcare Provision to Homeless People in the US

Homeless people in America are disproportionately vulnerable to disease compared to other population groups in society. With the exception of cancer, obesity and stroke, the homeless are more likely to suffer from all the other diseases compared to the rest of the population [NCH, 2007]. Homeless people have a mortality...

Gothic Elements in “The Passion” by Jeanette Winterson

Introduction Jeanette Winterson is a postmodernist writer whose work blends history, fiction, fairy tales, and feminine romance. Postmodernism allows the combining of different writing techniques and genres. In this sense, in The Passion the author could employ parody, irony, historical rewriting, self-reflectivity, and gothic elements. Postmodernism is often characterized as...

Ferruccio Lamborghini Company Information

Short Biography Ferruccio Elio Arturo Lamborghini was born in April 1916 in a small village Cento in Italy in the family of grape growers. From his early years, he had exposed a great predisposition towards industrialism and machine building. When Ferruccio Lamborghini was a little over thirty years old, his...

Fashion Industry and Social Media

Such industries as fashion have always been impacted by the media. Until recently, the most powerful of them were journals and television with the help of which one had an opportunity to take a look at new clothes collections and learn about the latest trends. However, nowadays, when almost everyone...

Human Motivation: Insights from Maslow, Herzberg, and McClelland

Background information Motivation refers to various innate forces that create impetus for satisfaction and fulfilment of recurrent human needs. Such forces are vital in determining human drive and willingness to perform under diverse existential contexts. Devoid of motivation, human beings find it difficult to pursue undertakings that characterize existence in...