Electoral College and Its Supports

The Election System In the U.S., during the presidential election time, regular people do not vote for the candidates directly. Instead, they choose the representatives and define the winning party of the state (Farrar, 2019). The number of electoral votes includes two for the members of the U.S. Senate and...

Epidemiology Assignment in Miami-Dade County

Introduction The national initiative Healthy People is a research-based project that outlines goals for the United States’ health improvement for the next decade. With the start of the year 2020, the latest plan, Healthy People 2020, is coming to its conclusion, and many programs and strategies are being reviewed for...

OxyContin and MS Contin: Case Study

Purdue Pharma Purdue Pharma is a company dealing with pharmaceutical products and is owned mainly by Sackler family members. The company currently focuses on medications that manage pain and perceives itself as a pioneer in developing medicines that reduce pain. The company has employed more than 1600 persons by September...

Impacts of the Renaissance Period on Modern Society

Introduction The Renaissance era that emerged in Italy at the end of the 14th century became a widespread phenomenon in European culture and influenced the subsequent development of science, culture, economy, and other social spheres significantly. The turning point in spiritual life had deep roots in socio-economic changes caused by...

Invasive Social Media & Data Security

Introduction In the era of social media, millions of Internet users post individual information in their accounts and share personal data. However, this practice of free use can have negative aspects, and one of the most significant of them is the invasion of privacy. Today, despite the existing data protection...

Homelessness and Housing-Levels of Policy Impact on Services User

The definition of a house is not only limited to a roof over an individual’s head. Apart from shelter, housing has several other purposes in modern societies. It can be referred to as a significant investment for many homes and is also classified as an industrial sector because it provides...

The Process of Excretion in Rodents

Introduction The main objective of physiology is to observe, describe, and analyze the various processes that occur within biological organisms. Through these procedures, the field provide new knowledge in regard to the profound mechanisms of animal and human bodies. The data is applied across a range of adjacent disciplines, utilizing...

Food Safety and Hazards

Identify all potential food safety hazards that may be expected to occur in the food facility. Processing food needs a high degree of hygiene to avoid poisoning and contamination. Manufacturers are obligated to maintain safe control measures to ensure products are fit for human consumption. Safety controls must be followed...

Hedda Gabler’s Relationships with the Men in Her Life

Introduction Hedda Gabler is a play written by ‘the father of modern drama’, Norwegian playwriter Henrick Ibsen, in the last half of the 19th century. The play reveals the lifestyle and thoughts of a desperate housewife, who is limited by Victorian values. He has to marry a man without loving...

Decriminalization of Marijuana: Advantages and Disadvantages

Today, the problem of marijuana overuse affects different countries around the world. Although marijuana has always served for medical purposes, for example, as a painkiller, nowadays, the results of its use are far from positive. It is a widespread object of sale in the criminal world, and it may lead...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nova Energy Drinks Company

Nova Energy Drinks company is an innovative solution in the beverage industry, offering a healthy alternative to a conventional energy drink. Excelled both in sales and social performance, Nova Energy Drinks is ready to distribute its product past the US territory, looking for long-term investments. This case-study assesses the risk...

Fall Prevention among Older Adults

Aging is an inevitable process in the life of every human. From the physiological point of view, such a process is impossible to avoid or delay. Older adults are constantly at risk groups concerning many issues; however, one of the most serious and common is falling. With lower mobility and...

Khashoggi in the US and Saudi Arabia Relations

Introduction The assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018, at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, turned into a serious test of the strength of relations between Riyadh and the US. It would seem that the purely intra-Saudi incident was a shock to the western partners of the kingdom....

Nestle’s Supply Chain Management Improvement

Introduction The current economic environment is challenged by limitations in sourcing, production, and distribution because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that organizations, especially multinational companies that operate worldwide, have reliable supply chain management strategies and practices that will allow dealing with a complicated situation. Strategies implemented by companies that...

Darwinism and Creationism Comparision

Introduction One of the most famous books for all humanity is the Bible, which has been living and passed down from generation to generation for thousands of years. The vast majority of people have read the sacred texts at least once or live by the views reflected in this book....

Interest Rate and Investment Statistics in 2000-2020

The dynamics of investment in the country’s economy is determined by the influence of a number of factors, among which one of the main is the change in the market interest rate. The Central Bank, acting on interest rates using monetary instruments, has the ability to stimulate or restrain investment...

The Power of Introverts: Analysis of Book

A strong narrative with a skillful implementation of rhetorical modes determines the success of an argumentative literary work, as research determines the quality of an academic paper. Susan Cain (1968–), an American writer today and a lawyer in the past, worked on her non-fictional book since 2005 but accumulated the...

Introduction to Social Economy

Introduction International NGOs, also known as INGOs, are global independent organizations that act in humanitarian or social areas. They are intended to make a contribution to the efficiency of the government in terms of social economy (Hossain and Sengupta 10). By advancing the rights of vulnerable population groups, these organizations...

Ethnocentrism & Othering in Intercultural Relations

Nowadays we live in a much faster world, where information is able to cross borders with the help of the Internet easily, and people are freer to travel or even migrate than ever before. These types of changes are related to the phenomenon called globalization. In simple words, it is...

The Teaching Plan for Mental Illness

Introduction The current teaching plan targets adolescents and young adults who struggle with mental illness and substance abuse. The proposed seminar falls under the domain of educational policies and health promotion interventions that could not only address but also prevent mental health concerns and substance abuse among the chosen demographic....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Research Methods for Teaching

Introduction The ways of scientific research and approaches to the presentation of academic work have always evolved in parallel with technological progress. Various scientific developments significantly improved the already existing long-term methods and principles of both quantitative and quantitative methodologies of the study. Digital and Internet technologies have enabled students...

The Development of Personal Worldview

Human beings live in trying times due to the presence of diverse views, concepts, and ideas that might affect the decisions they make and the way they pursue their personal goals in life. The development of a personal worldview is an evidence-based practice that can empower and guide more people...

Nursing Informatics in Leadership

Nursing informatics is the newly emerging aspect of the healthcare structure that implements the technologies to existing science in order to increase the efficiency of decision making and treatment providing. It aims to help manage, define, and communicate medical professionals’ data, which allows us to build relevant strategies for the...

Marriage and the Rules in Place Around the Globe

Introduction One of the most critical topics in family cultural anthropology is the analysis of creating a marriage and regulations that guide this process towards its key objective: establishing a committed partnership capable of reproduction and further socialization of children. Since the form of marriage is the primary and core...

Design and Implementation of the Safety Program

Introduction This paper will use the high reliability theory (HRT) in the design and implementation of the safety program. According to Huber (2017), it relies on interdisciplinary teams to introduce an organizational commitment to safety and create backup protection steps in their accident prevention systems. The result is a robust...

PC Components Are Recommended for Upgrading

How to Decide Which Components to Upgrade Type of case they have The case is usually not critical to the performance of a Personal Computer, as it is only a framework that safely and conveniently secures all of the more essential components in place. The customer may choose to upgrade...

Women Have the Right to Decide Whether to Have an Abortion

Introduction Despite the numerous social changes that have occurred in the world with the development of science and technology in recent centuries, some aspects of human relationships have retained their archaic nature. In particular, the patriarchal foundations of society based on the domination of males over females have not lost...

Critical Analysis on IT Strategic Planning

Introduction Companies utilize an IT strategy to be at the forefront of the development and growth across industries. Managers of the company’s divisions must have technical knowledge and skills to establish significant interaction with IT systems, adjust and communicate changes properly. Both business and IT directions need a coherent strategic...

Overprotective Parenthood: Analytical Study

Summary Overprotective parenting is one of the common strategies that some people use to offer guidance and support to their children. It involves paying close attention to what a child does at home and school to understand their weaknesses and strengths and offer protection when it is necessary. The study...

Steve Job’s Commencement Speech at Stanford

Introduction Looking through the internet, there is no shortage of adjectives that describe one of the most influential people for generations. A visionary, a design genius, and a “tastemaker of modern digital culture” are just some of the few words used to describe the late head of Apple Inc. Given...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Push-Button House Design

Introduction The broad idea of the food and beverage outlet emerging from a shipping container as part of an avant-garde festival is not new. The idea was developed by architect Adam Kelkin and first displayed at the Art Basel Miami in 2005. The idea gained popularity when Illy, an international...

Services Scape Design: The Expanded Container

Introduction An exquisite collaboration of art and design is to come to play as we try and describe the expanded container and its content. The container in question is an 8m by 4m by 2.5m custom made a container that just by the push of a button will open up...

Partnering and Participation in Nursing

Lack of clarity in the concept of partnership has led to the use of the alternative term as involvement and collaboration. While in partnership, the patient will be co-opted in all caregiving processes while other concepts such as participation will be partially enhanced (Sahlsten et al., 2007). Participation is founded...

Development of Hands-Free Set

Introduction Modern life is in constant change and every today is not similar to yesterday and to tomorrow. Everything, surrounding us, is changing in a blink of an eye. Our world is totally different from that one where our grandparents spent their youth. And it is sure to change greatly...

Millennium Project in the UK

The paper is an analysis of one of the most controversial millennium projects of 2000; the Millennium Dome. It was built to celebrate the new millennium by capturing essential elements, however, most of the anticipated benefits did not bear fruit as it did not generate enough income. The Millennium Dome...

Important Federal Policy Changes in Response to September 11

As soon as the two planes collided with the twin towers of the World Trade Center the question that was foremost in the minds of the spectators and the millions of people around the world is this: who can be responsible for such an appalling act? For the many government...

Changes in the Global Water Cycle

Introduction Evidence does exist of the rise in the global mean surface air temperature in the twentieth century. More so, even if there are several uncertainties about the level of climatic change in the future, several types of research carried out show that in the future, global warming is quite...

Nelson Mandela: Icon of Influential Leadership

Introduction Leaders are most challenged by the dire need of being able to influence the people they lead and to articulate their leadership skills in achieving the goals of their establishments. The leader’s ability to influence the followers is a major aspect that needs to be considered if the leader...

Global Warming: Causes and Solutions

The modern world faced the problem of global warming which is considered to be the growth of Earth’s average temperature within oceans and air. It is necessary to underline the fact that this climate change has started to develop since the 20th century and is still in a progressive state...

Learning With Interactive and Visual Representations

Introduction Effective learning does not take place by the use of a single method only. For efficient learning, therefore, the instructor must use a combination of several presentation methods. We have a diversity of these methods which include lecturing, organizing group discussion, and experimentations. Of all these methods it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment Have on Psychology

Introduction It can be argued that since the start of human history and despite advances in technology and society in general, human behaviour remains the same. There are issues regarding human behaviour that can surface very easily when human beings are placed in extreme conditions such as prisons. This was...

Wellbeing of Workers and Free Enterprise

The labor force in any workplace is faced with a myriad of challenges. The wellbeing of the workers is a major test encountered by employers. Industries have endeavored to provide assistance through welfare systems. Welfare capitalism is a unique approach of free enterprise that appeared in the 20th century. Usually,...

Inequality Disparities in Georgia State

Introduction Georgia has been known for its social and cultural differences, encompassing people from diversified backgrounds. However, economic disparities have been manifested as the most significant social disparity separating Georgians from the rest of American society. The state’s discrepancy between the rich and the poor has been widening, which has...

Herceptin and Breast Cancer Treatment

Introduction Cancer results from the cellular disorder that involves a poorly characterized sequence of molecular events that comprise unrestrained cell propagation, morphological and cellular alteration. It may also result from deregulation of apoptosis, angiogenesis, increased invasive cell activity as well as succeeding confined and remote metastases. It has now been...

Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series: a Pictorial Memory of Black America

Introduction The current study focuses on the text Jacob Lawrence’s Migration series: a pictorial memory of black America written by Eliane Elmaleh. It is a commentary of the paintings done by Jacob Lawrence with elements of the historical background of both the artist and the African-American community at the start...

Korematsu v. United States (1944) Historical Context

Introduction Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution is celebrated annually in the United States on January 30, mainly in California. This day is dedicated to a Japanese-American civil rights activist. This is the first day in the history of the United States to be named after an...

Karl Marx’s and Max Weber’s Contributions to Sociology

Introduction The world knows many sociologists who have made significant contributions to the study of society and its interactions. However, as in any area of knowledge, in sociology, one can single out the founding fathers who created and substantiated science foundations. These founders are considered to be Karl Marx, Max...

Plato’s and Aristotle’s Dualism and Theory of Forms

Background on the Philosophy of Truth Western philosophy considers two different approaches to the topic of reality, such as the nature of reality itself as well as the relationship between the mind, including culture and language, and reality. When studying the relationship between knowledge, truth, and reality, it has been...

English Law and Application of Statutory Legislation

Introduction Interpretation and application of the law is very critical in determining how effective a judicial system is. The judicial principles of statutory interpretation have a unique engagement with the interpretive powers that courts possess (Keenan, 2007). Lack of clear guidelines to control how courts interpret judicial principles is a...

Educational Philosophy: Progressive or Traditionalist?

Introduction These days, education presents a pressing concern, as a perspective on this regard has changed dramatically. Some people are opposed to the traditional system, claiming that it restricts students’ individuality and prevents from developing their interest. They believe that such an approach cannot provide children with relevant knowledge and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Addressing the Changing Customers’ Needs in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction In the hotel sector or the hospitality industry in general, the consumer is very crucial. The entire point of the business is to keep customers pleased. However, the margins are gradually shrinking; it is no longer enough to keep customers satisfied. As a hotel manager, one must create new...

Researching of Juvenile Delinquency

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is one of the major concerns of contemporary society. A significant number of young people involved in crime signalizes the need for action and measures to improve the situation. The scope of the question is substantial, and multiple relevant topics can be discussed; however, the major purpose...

Parental Incarceration’s Impact on a Child

Introduction Parental incarceration is a matter of significant concern in modern society since it has many negative consequences for imprisoned parents, all members of their families, and their children, specifically. The most dangerous impact of parental incarceration is associated with the fact that the child (or children) of an imprisoned...

Mathematical Development and Theories of Scientists

Early mathematical numerical notations developed as a need for accuracy in goods and money record transactions. Continued innovations necessitated the advancement of mathematics as a field through architecture and related geometry. The calendar arose also as a key development in mathematics and astrology through the consideration of heavenly bodies and...

US Economic Recession Impact

Introduction The world economy is under the grip of recession. Stock markets show great fluctuations day by day. Recession and the stock market have been the main topics dominating the newspapers since December 2007. Researchers are engaged in discussion about the causes of the recession. As it prolongs, the recession...

The Ancient Sumerian History and Legacy

Abstract The term civilization has various definitions depending on the context of the subject being discussed. Many scholars have defined civilization in different contexts but most of them agree that civilization is a social transformation of a society from low standards of living to advance standards of living. The transformation...

Cryptography for Electronic Voting System

Executive Summary There have been several concerns pertaining to the implementation of the electronic voting system, making it necessary to address those concerns effectively by ensuring a secure mechanism. To achieve this, it becomes necessary to focus on various security mechanisms in relation to cryptography. A review of these mechanisms...

Forearm and Upper Arm: Blood Pressures in Students

Introduction Kathleen A. Schell & Julie Keith Waterhouse are the two authors for the research article. Both authors are qualified nurses from University of Delaware School of Nursing, Newark DE USA. Schell is DNSc, RN while Julie Keith is Phd, RN. The title of the article is “Comparison of Forearm...

Strategies to Prevent Radicalization and Lone-Wolf Terrorism

Introduction Radicalization to violence is a crucial issue affecting populations globally. For decades now, government agencies have done a lot of research to understand the science behind the phenomenon in an effort to help practitioners and policing agencies find preventive measures. Various findings indicate that radicalization occurs in vulnerable and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Spirited Company Pty Ltd.’s Business Plan and Pitch

Introduction Spirited Company Pty Ltd is a startup company located in Minneapolis that offers game and consulting services. The company has a dynamic management team that will be responsible for overseeing its daily operations. Furthermore, a team-oriented and client-focused staff of three, that is, two computer programmers and a part-time...

Nokia Company’s Changes in Corporate Strategy

Introduction It is not easy to find a person without a smartphone in 2019. However, just a few decades ago, this was hardly the case: most of the world used wired phones. When precisely the change came around is difficult to say. IBM introduced the first device characterized as a...

Discussing “Humoring Condi” by Condoleezza Rice

Introduction The article, “Humoring Condi” focused on the legacy of the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and her single focus on arriving at a peace deal between Israel and Palestine by the end of President Bush’s term. This, according to Washington Post Staff writers, Kessler & Abramowitz (2007) her goals...

Gender and Entrepreneurship Relations

Introduction The desire to become an entrepreneur is aroused by different factors among men and women. According to Anne Laure Humbert and Eileen Drew, gender plays a big role since social factors tend to affect more women than men. Issues such as marital status, demographics and social trends have been...

The Carillion Scandal & Financial Statement Fraud

Introduction Carillion plc was a construction giant in the U.K. that collapsed in 2018. It did so under the weight of a £2.6 billion pension liability and approximately £2 billion debt to its suppliers, sub-contractors and short-term creditors (Bishop). The liquidation was abrupt and from a publicly-declared position of power....

“The Vietnam War: An Intimate History”: Book Review

Introduction Ken Burns best known for creating a series of documentaries about the American Civil War, shot in 1990, also made a new series about the Vietnam War in 2017. This violent conflict in which America fought to ensure that the communist North did not subjugate the South of Vietnam...

Under Armour Company’s Strategic Audit

Current Performance and Mission Under Armour is one of the leading brands in the sports clothing industry, which specializes in the invention and distribution of athletic apparel, footwear, and various sports accessories. Under Armour was created in 1996 by Kevin Plank as a result of an attempt to solve a...

The Loss of Mobility Issue in Geriatric Patients

Loss of mobility is a prevalent age-related health topic that affects older adults and geriatric patients. Mobility is essential to maintaining an adequate quality of life, promotes independence, and is beneficial for health. However, many experience a decline in mobility with age, causing significant social, mental, and physical consequences. Immobility...

Burger King: Global Emerging Market

Introduction Burger King is a popular fast-food chain that has a strong presence in many markets all over the globe. Recently, the company started planning an expansion to Sub-Saharan Africa in order to improve financial performance by reaching a new market (Gray & Fontanella-Khan, 2018). However, there are several important...

Ethos of the Times

Abstract In his essay, James Wilson stated that character is shaped by the “ethos of the times.” Character which forms in the early years and has intrinsically been linked to deviance is an important aspect to examine. While character is shaped by familial and biological factors, policy can influence it...

Chloé Company’s Sustainable Menswear Line

Executive Summary To launch its first menswear line, a descriptive analysis of the fashion field, including brand identity, competitors, and target market, will be developed based on primary and secondary research. The world of fashion continues developing and offering new standards and opportunities for people, and therefore, the creation of...

Employee Training and Its Benefit to the Organization

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation Motivation and engagement are vital issues that I face in my work as a supervisor, and I think that this largely depends on the type of training that a company provides to its employees. Training of employees is the process that requires continuous attention from...

Texas vs. Johnson: Landmark of US Supreme Court

Introduction It is known that judicial decisions in countries with precedent law are recorded and stored, since they, as precedents, form the basis of subsequent decisions. Thus, the US Supreme Court has repeatedly recognized the legality of restrictions or even the complete prohibition of such types of “speech” as obscenity,...

Hawaiian Communities from the Strength Perspective

Introduction Native Hawaiians have survived as a people through disastrous historical traumas, managing to preserve their heritage and steadily rebuilding their culture. Kana‘Iaupuni (2005), claims that statistics concerning poverty, substance abuse, or lower education attainment speak not of their weaknesses, but of the challenges that generations of Native Hawaiians have...

Federal Express Corporation’s Ethical Perspective

Introduction The Federal Express Corporation (FedEx) is an American company that operates in the field of delivery services. The company is distinguished by its overnight shipping and the introduction of tracking technology that allows monitoring the delivery in a real-time manner. The philosophy adopted by FedEx is based on the...

Crime against Persons With Disabilities

Introduction The world faces a crisis in terms of the treatment of individuals with disabilities. Although activists should certainly advocate for the fair treatment of disabled people in society, it is now much more important to focus on violence against such persons, rather than their oppression. It is apparent that...

Article Critique: Indigenous Peoples in Canada

Introduction The title of the article is “The mental health of indigenous peoples in Canada: A critical review of research” by Sarah E Nelson and Kathi Wilson. The study explains that indigenous people usually suffer from mental health issues more than other people around the globe. The disproportionate burden is...

Metal and Non-metal Redox Reactions Experiment

Abstract This experiment aimed to investigate Redox reaction and hence determine which elements were reactive. For this experiment, the practical was performed separately, metal versus metal redox reactions and non-metal versus non-metal reactions. The metals in question were zinc, lead and copper which were reacted separately against each other’s nitrate...

The Life of Walt Whitman, His Works and Poetry Engagements

Introduction Walt Whitman was a renowned American poet for his literary works and as a successor to Virgil, Shakespeare, Homer, and Dante. In his book, Leaves of Grass, he wrote poems that celebrated love, democracy, friendship, and nature (Turpin, 2017). This monumental work earned praise from the audience and influenced...

Smartphone Addiction Among American Youth

In 2019, smartphone use reached record levels. It is expected that by 2021, the United States will have a 72.7% penetration rate, meaning that 3 out of 4 people will own and consistently use a smartphone device. People in developed countries use technology for everything ranging from communication to entertainment,...

Mexico as a Country for Business Expansion

Country’s Macro Environment The Description of the Country Mexico is a country with a total population of 129,163,276 (as of the end of 2017) that is located in the Southern area of North America, having borders with Belize, the United States, and Guatemala (“Mexico: Introduction,” 2018). The country’s income level...

Fieldwork and Research Methods in Anthropology

Introduction Anthropology represents a summation of the most diverse theoretical points of view and efficient technologies for studying human beings. This scientific field balances between such strict disciplines as biology and the humanities like sociology and ethnography. This feature made it possible to develop universal approaches to the successful study...

Quality Systems and Their Role in Organizations

It could be hardly doubted that nearly every company strives to please as many customers as possible. It is also apparent that managers of different businesses, companies, and organizations have to implement specific frameworks to achieve their goals. One of the most prominent management approaches is a quality management system...

Nike Inc. and Adidas Group: Business Direction and HR Planning

Industry Background The sporting gear industry occupies a significant place in the business environment in Canada. The industry’s code, according to the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), is 339920, which refers to sporting and athletic goods manufacturing (“NAICS Code Description”). The reason for choosing this business field is because...

Law and Order SVU Cultural Phenomenon

Introduction Perhaps few other pop culture television shows have been as iconic as Law and Order SVU (Special Victims Unit) which has been airing for more than 20 seasons in the 19 years since it has been released. Despite never receiving critical acclaim, the show retains its popularity by adapting...

Cleopatra’s Role in the Evolution of Humanity

A role of a person in the evolution of humanity cannot be overestimated. There are numerous names of outstanding people that are associated with various periods of history as they became the manifestation of that era and preconditioned the way society evolved. In ancient times, the influence and contribution of...

Technologic Innovation for Business: Pros and Cons

Introduction The world has entered the stage of its rapid evolution under the impact of technological advances and the emergence of new devices. The high speed of digitalization resulted in the formation of a new environment characterized by the dominance of innovative solutions and attempts to increase the effectiveness of...

Public Relations in the Hair and Beauty Sector

The modern standard of living puts forward new requirements for the health, the appearance of a person, as well as the level of service offered. Striving for the best is a kind of condition for the survival of people in the third millennium. One of the global trends in the...

Colin Kaepernick’s Protest and Related Controversy

Introduction It is wrong or even useless to neglect the role of the Internet and social media in everyday life. It is not just a tool to share the news but an opportunity to demonstrate personal attitudes and beliefs with no threat of being punished or judged. In the United...

Generali Group: Strategic Risk Management

Professional Postgraduate Diploma in GRC – Masterclass Evaluation template for Executive Summary Preamble Generali Group is a financial services organization that specializes in the provision of insurance services around the world; therefore, it is open to numerous global risks that can materialize in a wide variety of new and unexpected...

Professional Development for Strategic Managers

Executive summary This report contains an evaluation of personal skills alongside professional skills that every significant person requires to successfully manage leadership. It offers a step-by-step analysis of the pest practice principles, characteristics, and behaviors that allow individuals to effectively achieve good leadership. Effectiveness in leadership requires a proper plan...

The United States’ Homeland Security Strategies

Abstract Homeland security strategies involve a multitude of different agencies and approach some of which are less beneficial to the country than others. The United States government became increasingly involved in homeland security after the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center. The paranoid and xenophobic atmosphere of...

Motivating Adolescents at Home and School

Many different reasons can be given to explain why teenagers are in need of additional motivation and support in their personal and professional growth. Compared to children, adolescents are more independent with high demands and expectations. Therefore, it is important for them to stay motivated and understand the worth of...

Effectiveness of Comfrey Root for Pain Relief and Inflammation

Introduction Background Comfrey (Symphytum officinale L.) is a perennial plant with long rough leaves and white, creamy yellow, or light purple flowers. Several chemical compounds are responsible for the pharmacological effects of comfrey extracts.  Allantoin, a compound that increases cell proliferation; rosmarinic acid, an anti-inflammatory constituent; polysaccharides (local soothing effect);...

Tourism Principles and Practice

Introduction Human beings are dynamic and are always on the move to make discoveries not just here on earth but also on other planetary bodies. The deep history explorers who traveled from their home countries to make discoveries, and of course, the 1970’s exploration of the moon have witnessed this....

Global Poverty: Tendencies, Causes and Impacts

Introduction The world community struggles with various significant issues that require a long-term, valid approach and comprehensive support to be resolved or at least mitigated. One such problem, which concerns every country, especially developing ones, is poverty which generally implies the state of lacking enough material resources or income to...

The Issue of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Its Intervention

Introduction Commercial sex exploitation of children (CSEC) is a practice that involves exploiting children sexually for money. The victim could be a child or someone below the age of consent. A wide range of abuses falls under CSEC, such as child prostitution, child pornography, phone sex channels, erotic massage, forced...

Justice in Ancient Greece: The Liberation Bearers

Introduction The perception of right and wrong and the impact of time on an individual’s actions are challenging concepts that characterize when reviewing the intricacies of justice. Understanding the context with regard to the individual’s intentions seldom helps acquit an individual from wrongdoing in scenarios where negative outcomes are experienced....

Health and Physical Education Instructor

My Role as an HPE Instructor In my professional practice, I integrate practice and ethical standards to meet the requirements set by the Ontario College of Teachers and provide students with the most effective teaching. In my opinion, teachers should always strive to improve their professionalism to respond to modern...

Cemex Cement Production and Distribution: Market Analysis

Marketing Research The cement market consists of any activity that is aimed at the manufacturing and distribution of cementitious material. Companies usually provided aggregates such as gravel and sand. Customer-specific products such as ready-mix concrete and asphalt are also part of the market. The market consists of several global manufacturers...

“The Morning Guy” Film Analysis

The film called “The Morning Guy” was created by Mark W. Gray and released in 2002.1 The film is rather short. It is a little longer than five minutes. Yet, it contains a deep allegorical meaning. Gray, The director of The Morning Guy, started working on the film intending to...

Dell Technologies Company’s Disaster Recovery Plan

Dell Technologies Overview: Goals, Objectives, Size, Layout, and Structure Dell Technologies has been known as one of the leading companies producing computers and computer technologies (Dell Technologies, 2018b). Furthermore, the goals of the firm were changed to more sustainable ones. In a recent update, Dell published its “2020 legacy of...

Colorblind Racism in “The Help” Film

Introduction Colorblind racism is relatively subtle and can be viewed as a modern-day type of racism that becomes especially widespread after its explicit, direct counterpart is eliminated (Thakore, 2014). Due to its subtlety, colorblind racism may be more difficult to pinpoint than the explicit one (McClure, 2015), but some of...

Health Disparity of Hispanics

Hispanics are an ethnic group that is disproportionately affected by obesity. The health disparity requires the immediate attention of the members of the health community because the condition is associated with a wide range of comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, and cancer (Agne, Daubert, Munoz, Scarinci, & Cherrington, 2013). Multiple...

Holistic Healthcare: The Factors of Patient Satisfaction

Patient Satisfaction Factors High level of patient satisfaction indicates at an excellent quality of healthcare delivery. Therefore, every formal and informal medical setting needs to strive to achieve it. It is possible to say that the attempts to increase patient satisfaction should begin with the identification of internal organizational factors...

Jane “Bitzi” Johnson’s Gubernatorial Campaign

Introduction Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller is an aspiring governor and a conservative Republican from West Texas. Jane “Bitzi” Johnson Miller was born in San Antonio but she was raised in a ranch in Brewster County, West Texas. Her father and grandfather were Ranchers, although her grandfather was active in state...

The American Dream in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby

Introduction The Great Gatsby is a chef-d’oeuvre tragic love story and a pessimistic critique of the idea of the American Dream as written by F. Scott Fitzgerald in 1925. The American Dream is the meritocratic belief that anyone, irrespective of his or her class, race, gender, or nationality can become...

Oedipus Rex: A Man of Destiny

Introduction The Oedipus play by Sophocles truly stood the test of time. The themes of fate and predestination revealed in the play are universal and have aroused interest centuries after they were first introduced in 429 BC. The mysteries of fate remain unsolved and continue to excite the imagination of...

Data Security Enhancement and Business Ethics

Data security is one of the key points of business success regardless of the company’s size and scope of activities. There is plenty of information that is difficult or impossible to recover or replace in case of loss, including corporate and personal files, payment data, bank account details, and customer...

Creating an Advising Company in UAE

Introduction Advisory services provided by a company encompass a broad range of services that business consultants offer. Such services include advice on the formation of capital, the management of financial assets or cash flow, the integration of successful business strategies, and so on. An advisory company may assist its clients...

Human Papillomavirus: Racial and Ethnic Differences

Introduction The article by Joseph et al. (2014) investigates racial and ethnic disparities in human papillomavirus knowledge, attitudes, and vaccination rates among low-income African-American, Haitian, Latina, and Caucasian young adult women. The research problem of this study is “to examine how the knowledge, attitudes, and beliefs related to HPV disease...

Private Health Information’s Safety

Introduction Guaranteeing the safety of private health information (PHI) is one of the most significant challenges faced by health care facilities. The issue has become even more critical after the implementation of electronic health records. In order to decrease the risks of compromising PHI, it is essential to develop and...

Osteoporosis and Falls Among Elderly Patients

Introduction As the population ages, people can experience an array of health issues that lead to adverse outcomes, both personal and environmental (cultural, financial, legal, ethical, etc.). Despite the large variety of such problems, this paper will analyze the topic of osteoporosis and falls among elderly patients because it affects...

Nursing Shortage in the Medical Institutions

Medical institutions should implement powerful strategies and procedures that can ensure every targeted patient receives exemplary care. In order to support the sustainability of such procedures, hospitals should have competent nurses, physicians, and caregivers. Adequate staffing is therefore critical in such health institutions. Unfortunately, many healthcare organizations are grappling with...

ORPIC Company: Mobilising Creativity and Innovation

Executive Summary The present report focuses on the analysis of internal environment factors in Oman Oil Refineries and Petrochemicals Industries Company (ORPIC) that play the primary role in determining the organizational capabilities for creativity and innovation: workplace climate and leadership. The analysis of the first factor employs Göran Ekvall’s Creative...

Technology Access: Enhanced Broadband

The recent advancements in information technology have proven that economic and social development depends largely on the access to information and the quality of communication channels. The unparalleled economic growth displayed by the majority of the developed countries can be attributed in part to their emphasis on investing in communication...

Canada’s International Competitiveness: Brain Drain Problem

Issue Brain drain is an inevitable and serious problem (as seen by officials, employers, analysts, and so on) that will undermine Canada’s international competitiveness. In the 1990s, up to 2% of the Canadian population left the country each year to find employment elsewhere (mainly the USA), and researchers note that...

Anthem Organization: PEST Analysis

Introduction Anthem is a company that provides insurance to people across the US. Similarly to other healthcare establishments, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has affected its performance and revenue due to significant policy changes. The challenges that impact the healthcare industry present a need for a thorough examination of them...

The Miami Community Needs

Overview Description of the Community History The city of Miami was founded in 1870; previously, this area was inhabited by the Tequesta Indians who, however, were almost completely exterminated by Spanish and British missions. At the end of the 19th century, Florida’s railroad was extended so that it could reach...

Electronic Medical Records: A Wide Range of Options

Nowadays, technologies develop extremely fast, providing a wide range of opportunities for different spheres, including healthcare. Among one of the most commonly discussed innovations are electronic health records (EHRs). They are believed to be extremely advantageous for medical workers because they allow sharing significant patient information with no complications. Professionals...

Biometric Technologies in Public Use and Ethics

With the boost of technology, the things that were a part of futuristic fiction films become a reality. Biometric technologies gain popularity not only applied to criminal investigations, but also in the sphere of personal safety. For example, the fingerprint scan is widely practiced to provide the security of mobile...

Dementia Symptoms and Awareness in Nurses

Introduction The present paper discusses a study which intends to improve the awareness of the Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) in nurses and correctional officers working at a correctional institution. Modern research indicates that medical and other personnel tends to demonstrate an insufficient understanding of BPSD and its...

How to Become a Successful Leader?

Introduction Fundamental leadership success secrets separate the successful and effective persons in charge from the average and mediocre leaders in current firms. Leadership technique is studied from gurus, learned in discussion groups and exists as a component of an individual’s inborn special headship technique set built up over years, and...

Alzheimer’s Disease in Pinecrest Community

Problem Identification Alzheimer’s is a chronic neurodegenerative disease that cannot be detected in its early stages. Its slow development and fast worsening make people unable to treat it properly or get prepared. People usually suffer from disorientation, loss of memory, details confusion, and mood changes. It is hard to introduce...

Roche Company’s Operations Management

Introduction Operations management (OM) is central to the overall organisational strategy. It focuses on attaining efficiency and competitive gains and maximising profits in the functional areas of product/service development, operations and marketing. It aims to improve practices across departments through effective conversion of inputs (materials) into outputs (products/services) (Schroeder, Goldstein...

Human Warfare Throughout World History

Introduction The concept of warfare has been familiar to human beings throughout their existence. During the ancient times already, people used to gather in groups to fight for their territory and resources. Primitive societies that used wooden sticks, Romans with highly developed warfare, and modern nations that create powerful weapons...

Passage from “Mundus et Infans” Morality Play

The passage chosen for the textual analysis in this assignment is the one from Mundus et Infans. This play is one of the brightest examples of the Medieval morality plays (Lester 2002). The drama doctrine of this period is characterised by the ability not only to depict the heroes with...

Master’s Education in Nursing: Key Aspects

Advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) can be defined as registered nurses with advanced knowledge and skills required for nursing practice as outlined within the country that they operate in, and they play a critical role in the US healthcare (Dubree, Jones, Kapu, & Parmley, 2015). Unfortunately, the barriers to their...

Black Lives Matter and Animal Rights

Nowadays, many Americans assume that the legacy of racism no longer affects the qualitative dynamics within American society. One of the reasons for this is that for the duration of the last few decades, the government remained strongly committed to endorsing the policy of multiculturalism/political correctness. In its turn, this...

The Power of International Organizations

Introduction International organizations are an expression of society’s evolution from more primitive relations between states to more complex ones. Institutions such as the UN, IMF, World Bank, WTO, and even EU were formed with one common goal – to contribute to order in international relations. There are no less than...

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