Drug Production During Crisis: The Case of COVID-19

Introduction The Covid-19 pandemic has had devastating effects on the American economy. The healthcare system of the country has not coped well with the crisis, which indicates that it is inherently inefficient. Some observers believe that countries with socialized care have coped better, with key examples including New Zealand and...

Evaluation of Form 10-K FY 2020 by US Postal Service

Introduction The United States Postal Service is an independent and self-sufficient federal agency that provides mail delivery services across the United States. The organization is mission-driven and continuously works towards its goal of connecting people across the country, rather than being focused solely on profitability (Lawson, 2020). The number of...

Diversity Training and Organizational Development

Introduction Diversity is the difference personnel show. It enables coordination of services. It may lead to misunderstandings (Bertuch-Samuels, 2018). Religion is an example of diversity. Diversity can be challenging to manage. Thus, training managers on diversity is key. Training Processes for Diversity during Recruitment Training on how to avoid bias....

Cuban Cultural Communication in Relation to Healthcare

My Cultural Ancestry Cultural affiliation forms a person’s way of thinking. My cultural background is Cuban; it was developed over the years of revolutions and gathered from Latin American, European, African, and American cultures. Social diversity has allowed this culture to be incredibly vibrant and combine many principles, customs, and...

Cystic Fibrosis and Malnutrition in Children

Abstract Cystic Fibrosis (CF) is a gene mutation that aims to impact the digestive and respiratory systems. It is a multisystem syndrome that damages mainly the lungs, but other organs such as the intestine, pancreas, and liver can also impact. The disorder of the disorder can be passed from one...

Dances: Visual Elements and Historical Context

Introduction Having multiple social and cultural functions, dance has always been viewed as a mixture of the tradition and the means of self-expression. Therefore, as an art form, dance represents a very complex notion worth researching further (Predovan et al., 2019). Remarkably, despite belonging of the same category of dance,...

Marijuana Legalization Issues in the USA

The debate around the reasonability of legalizing marijuana in the U.S. has been continuing for decades, with very little consensus having been reached so far. Both sides of the discussion have been offering sufficiently compelling argument, most of them Bing supported by research and other types of credible evidence (Subramaniam...

The Myths of Tet

Introduction The Tet Offensive is the first large-scale offensive by communist forces during the Vietnam War in 1968. It was the war’s turning point, after which public opinion in the United States lost faith in the possibility of victory in Vietnam. In the country, Tet is the main holiday of...

Poverty Effects on Mental Health

Introduction In recent years policymakers, social workers, researchers, and healthcare professionals have dedicated more attention to the importance of mental well-being. One of the factors that may impact a person’s mental health is their financial well-being. Living in poverty is linked to some environmental factors, such as being exposed to...

“The Trial” by Steven Berkoff Review

Introduction The selected drama, “The Trial” by Steven Berkoff, follows the life of Josef K. The story was written just as World War I began (1914-1915) and is adapted from a novel of the same name by Franz Kafka. Josef K. is arrested for an unidentified crime by two agents...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Misinformation Propagation: Fake News

Introduction Misinformation is one of the main issues resulting from social media platforms. Even though various sites have their policies intended to curb such vices, users continue to pass messages, which any credible source has not verified. Most trolls happen online in the accounts of renowned bloggers, who may have...

How Small Businesses Be Supported?

Introduction Chain store creation has debilitated markets, eroded public character, and disadvantaged communities and traditional life. Furthermore, consolidation has minimized competition and could hurt customers in the long run. In contrast to the conservative wisdom, the decline of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) is not inevitable, nor is it simply...

Treatment, Diagnosis, and Management of Bacterial Translocation

Introduction Background of the Study The term bacterial translocation (BT) first referred to a transmission of viable bacteria from gastrointestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph nodes. However, this notion was later widened and included the passage of non-viable bacteria or other products with the intestinal endotoxin. The intestine serves two...

Staff Education on Pressure Ulcers Prevention

Introduction Pressure ulcers, commonly known as pressure sores or bedsores, refer to injuries that affect the patient’s skin and the tissues, basically caused by continued pressure on someone’s skin. Pressure ulcers can usually happen to anyone, but they frequently affect people who are limited to bed or those in a...

Internship at Raith Company’s IT Department

Introduction Working for a company can easily change one’s perceptions of the processes behind a product or a service. Raith Nanofabrication provided me with an excellent opportunity to put my skills to practice and work in their IT department. The firm is a world leader in precision technology manufacturing. Raith...

Analysis of the Marketing Strategy of ASOS Company

Introduction ASOS is a fashion retailer established in 2000 and has headquarters in London. ASOS is an acronym that stands for AsScreenOnScreen and is registered with London Stock Exchange as ASOS PLC. It is an online store with over 85,000 products, available in ten languages through a mobile phone application...

The Ericsson Company’s Organizational Culture

Introduction The essay describes Ericsson, a Swedish multinational company, and its organizational culture. Notably, Ericsson was chosen for the study because it is one of the leading companies in the telecommunication industry. Moreover, it has an attractive corporate culture that deserves to be examined. Therefore, the paper includes discussions on...

Qualitative Evaluation of the Case Study

Introduction Gradual alcohol consumption limitation is about the clinical and mental consideration of patients who are encountering withdrawal side effects because of stopping or diminishing their substance use. The process of withdrawal incorporates not just lessening of the physiological and mental problems caused by the restraint in habitual behavior (Kougiali...

Cessabit Company: Venture Proposal

Executive Summary The Cessabit Company is a limited liability company focusing on smartphone development. A distinctive feature of the business is its center and target audience, which is school-age children. Since almost all smartphones on the market are adapted to adults’ needs, there is a need to create a device...

Forecasting USD / CNH Spot Exchange Rate

Introduction The purpose of this report was to forecast USD/CNH Spot Exchange Rate on July 29 2014. Data for the forecasting were obtained from Bloomberg.com. CNH is the offshore version of the renminbi (RMB). Abilities to comprehend and forecast the exchange rate and fluctuations at any given moments are clearly...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Business Decision Making Description

Introduction Employees who exit a company at the firm’s request and those who leave on their own equally influence disruptions in work team dynamics, unit productivity, and operations. Both types of turnover can affect the organization’s operational costs as employees’ exit after significant investment in staff training and development would...

Data Governance: A Conceptual Framework

Data Governance includes the processes and technologies required to manage and secure data as a company asset to guarantee complete and reliable corporate data. It concerns creating methods and techniques performed by the responsible team for standardizing, integrating, protecting and storing corporate data. This paper aims to define the concept...

Report Impact of Organizations Dealing With Aboriginal Communities at the National Level

Introduction Aboriginal communities are an important part of Australian and Torres Strait Island society. This paper is aimed to research the principles that underline responsible attitudes towards the aboriginal communities and to analyze the real impact of different institutions and organizations on their lives. This research is based on providing...

Stabbing Cases in London in Relation to Durkheim’s Criminological Theory

There are different ways crime and deviance are perceived in various places and periods. The two main questions about criminal and deviant acts are what constitutes such an act and whether it should be punished. Then, there emerge other important subsequent questions about punishment or its alternatives. If punishment is...

“Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids” by Murray Milner Jr. Review

Freaks, Geeks and Cool Kids, a research book that sociologist Murray Milner Jr. wrote, describes and explains the status-based relationships between teenagers. The book’s main purpose is to elucidate all aspects of status relationships and describe tools that can be used for further investigations. According to the author, “the book...

Culture, Gender, and Price in Consumer Behavior

Introduction Consumer behavior is one of the most crucial topics in business because it determines sales and profit. Consumers dictate how specific products or services are portrayed on social media (Mariani et al., 2018). Therefore, understanding their decisions requires the knowledge of psychology and neuroscience. Indeed, behavioral psychology is critical...

Gender Roles in Modern Society: Structural-Functional vs. Conflict Perspectives

In the modern world, gender norms continue to undergo certain changes and improvements regularly. Some people are obsessed with their biological or social differences, while others prefer not to pay much attention to these concepts. Compared to the physiological characteristics based on sex, gender touches upon the way of how...

Tree Planting Ameliorating Climate Change

Introduction Climate change has serious effects on the environment and the existence of living organisms. Environmentalists and policy makers have been designing strategies to ameliorate climate change in sustainable manner. As one school of thought believes that planting trees is an effective strategy of ameliorating climate change, the opposing school...

Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Researchers view well-being as the state of general satisfaction of a particular person or a group of people. Currently, there are two main directions in the study of the psychological well-being of a person: eudaimonic and hedonic. Supporters of the eudaimonic school of thought are convinced that the term well-being...

Standardized Testing as an Evaluation Tool in Schools

Standardized testing based on high stakes is commonly used in accountability narratives. It is considered a tool that helps in promoting racial equality in schools, especially when it uses the frameworks of neoliberal multiculturalism and racial projects. The article is reliable in the research since it uses empirical and historical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Weight Loss and Importance of Praise

The Argument For the Essay I agree with Afshan Jafar’s article because it emphasizes how praising people for being thin reinforces detrimental ideals on body image. While punishment in the form of fat-shaming is often harmful to an individual’s self-esteem, positive reinforcement in the form of praise for a thin...

Five Skill Areas of an Auto Parts Sales Manager

Final Case Study The human brain presents a complicated system that enables a person to process environmental stimuli and make predictions and judgments about reality based on this information. Using ten questions submitted in session three of the course, the author of this paper interviewed a 39-year-old man employed as...

Asthma Education Program

Asthma affects approximately 300 million people (Dharmage et al., ). Asthma is a common childhood disease. Common symptoms are wheezing and cough. Patients also experience shortness of breath. Chest tightness and pain are common. Recurrent respiratory infections may signal asthma. Pathophysiology Inflammation determines the degree of severity (Dharmage et al.,...

Electric Vehicles and Their Impact on Climate Change

Internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) that have dominated the market over the recent decades are now giving way to electric vehicles (EV) experiencing rapid growth. Such a tendency marks an essential economic transition from fossil-fueled ICEVs to greener means of transport and implies a possibility for humankind to lessen its...

Factors for a Make-or-Buy Decision for a Company

Introduction The concepts of cost, technology and the workforce type when totally focused on representing the ideal aspects that favor the incorporation of make or buy decision. This factor forms a basis on which the company can be able to advance or not or where the company can transform to...

“The Handmaid’s Tale” Fanfiction by Margaret Atwood

Introduction This paper is a fanfiction of the Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. It explores a different story that the novel could have written about when Ofglen and her underground resistance movement are introduced into the account. The Meeting When Offred met Ofglen, she would not have expected that she...

The SnackRight Project’s Analytical Review

Obesity is a serious problem that has plagued generations of British society throughout the 21st century, and it is growing with destructive force in some regions. Much of this deviation from the weight norm is due to the uneven ratio between calorie intake and energy expenditure. To a significant extent,...

A Religious System for a Future Dystopia

Introduction Civilization has been linked to religious history for a long time. The sheer fact of historical studies is heretical for many religions; historical thought for other religions is an essential part of religious practice. Religious identities were an issue of decision and an instrument of control. In every part...

Measuring Economic Inequality

Global inequality is a complex issue, the measurement of which is complicated by the number of factors involved. The problem of global economic inequality has pushed its way into the national and international conversation and the ongoing debates about the need to raise the minimum wage to ensure the improvement...

Technological Trend in Amazon Company

Introduction For many years, communities have feigned the existence of numerous items that have been brought to life as sentient creatures. Robots were mythologized in classical antiquity, while Asian and Egyptian builders created automatons. Classical thinkers were among the first to attempt to describe the human mind as a sign...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Plot and Characters of the “Brokeback Mountain” Film

The Brokeback Mountain film, directed by Ang Lee and produced by James Schamus and Diana Ossana, got released in 2005 as a Neo-Western romantic drama film. The film is adapted from the story ‘Brokeback Mountain’ written by Annie Proulx. It navigates around Ennis and Jack, two shepherds who instigate an...

Integration of Technology in Schools

Introduction Digitalization is one of the issues changing the modern world. The use of new technologies in different spheres of human activity promotes radical alterations and new ways to perform traditional tasks. For this reason, this tendency acquires specific social importance, especially in terms of the educational sphere. The given...

The Employee Experience at Southern Cross Healthcare Society

Introduction Southern Cross Healthcare Group is the largest non-public health care organization in New Zealand, offering a wide range of various health services to clients, including health, travel, and pet insurance, and private hospitals. It also provides multiple working opportunities for numerous employees. Being a world-known organization, Southern Cross Healthcare...

The Legalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana policy changes over the last few decades across many states point to greater societal awareness of this drug’s decriminalization process and medical use. However, despite the intentions to create a solid understanding of legalization, there are still many factors driving the prohibitionist approach to the cannabis issue, at...

Common Organizational Business Processes and ERP Systems

Common organizational business structures and processes are multifactorial and complex, consisting of multiple processes. This paper will seek to explore the key processes including finance, procurement, fulfillment, inventory and warehouse management, and manufacturing that involved in business functionality. The overview will examine purpose, activities, and organizational elements as well as...

Effects of Latin America’s Trade with Developed Nations

Introduction Following the democratization wave and the equal increase of regional ties, Latin American governments trusted that the support extended by Europe would likewise lead to progress of economic relations. These desires were mostly dependent on the presumption that Latin America’s democracy was the only pre-requisite for economic cooperation. Even...

Divorce Rates and Causes of Their Rising

Divorce has been a major challenge to family norms in the United States for more than 40 years, with social policies increasingly focusing on the problem. At the same time, there are different findings that indicate the stabilization and even a decline in divorce rates in recent years. Discussing unilateral...

Addiction Treatment: Standards and Best Practices

Introduction The safe and effective delivery of care, as well as positive outcomes for people seeking addiction treatment, depends on the counselor’s application of the best practices and adherence to the established ethical and legal standards. Organizations such as the National Association for Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Counselors (NAADAC) and...

Change Leadership in the Baptist Health South Florida Hospital

Introduction Organizational change is a powerful process many institutions consider when they want to transform operations and meet the demands of more clients. Medical facilities that embrace the idea can solve their challenges and be prepared for some of the emerging challenges in their respective sectors. Baptist Health South Florida...

Britam Insurance Company’s Sales and Marketing Management Software

Introduction Britam Insurance Company is a global insurance firm selling various services to its clients worldwide. Being one of the leading companies in the industry, Britam has a large pool of potential and existing customers. The large client base calls for sophisticated software to handle the company’s sales and marketing...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Forensic Readiness Programme: Design & Analysis

Introduction The aspects of the creation of an FRP have to be viewed in consonance with its hypothesis and payback values. The following basic outline design has to be followed in any plan of FRP for the banking industry Using Forms to Provide sequence for verification Log File Advice and...

Workplace Bullying and Its Implications on Organizations

Discrimination is one of the major challenges that organizational leaders face within the workplace. Workplace bullying refers to any acts intended to intimidate a colleague perceived by the oppressor as weak. In most cases, bullying within the workplace applies in a pattern that is directed at specific individuals. Any form...

International Classification of Functioning in Healthcare

Introduction Disability is an omnipresent phenomenon in healthcare that embodies an array of conditions that limits one’s functioning. Due to the need of modern health care communities and societies to conceptualize disability in order to find methods of properly meeting the needs of people with disabilities, models of disability are...

Effect of Heart Rate on Arterial Stiffness

Abstract This report investigates the associations between physical activity and heart rate and the effect of positive reinforcement on stimulus perception time. The laboratory tests consisted of two sections. The first tested the hypothesis of a positive relationship between single-leg jumps performed to the professor’s count (stimulus) and heart rate....

Leadership Style: Which It Should Be?

Abstract Leadership can be defined using how a person influences others. The purpose of this study is to identify leadership styles and the traits associated with an effective leader. It also seeks to clarify the difference between having power and being a leader. A person can be a leader but...

Children Insecurity in the Context of Mother’s Drug Misuse

Introduction The problem of drug abuse is relevant to many countries of the world. It is especially dangerous in the context of pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting. The baby’s attachment plays an essential role in the mother, with whom the child builds an emotional connection. Women abusing drugs are often “unduly...

Fast Food Restaurants in the US

Success Factors in the Fast-Food Industry Convenient locations play a critical role in the success of fast-food kiosks. These points include the busy commercial strips, shopping malls, and high-traffic areas. These places have a constant movement of crowds, which will always crave some snacks. Such locations are still costly to...

Care Planning Systems in Managing Lower Back Pain

Introduction Care planning systems have transformed the way nursing care is conceptualized and delivered. The technology provides a direct link between evidence-based information and knowledge. Evidence-based research is an essential strategy that is applied in addressing critical healthcare issues. It promotes quality access to information and provides timely interventions to...

Comparison of European and US ATC Industry Standards

Air Traffic Control (ATC) is a set of measures intended to regulate the movement of aircraft. The main function of ATC is ensuring a safe flow of planes, helicopters, and other vehicles using airfoil. Flying aircraft is a complicated activity with numerous factors involved. As traveling by plane becomes more...

Innovation: Description and Implementation Plan

Description of the Problem Following the integration of technology such as the hybrid-cloud system, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, API platforms, blockchain, and robotic process automation into company operations, the organization’s susceptibility to cybersecurity threats, particularly cyberattacks, has increased significantly. Significant gaps exist in intelligence or knowledge related to the aforementioned...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Selling Sponsorship for Recreational Sports Program

Introduction Sports are some of the social activities which keep various communities integrated and closely linked. Consequently, it is essential to promote sports, which can readily be accepted by society members and contribute to their success. The sport adopted for this community recreational program is soccer, which has existed for...

Critical Appraisal Tool of Research Work

Introduction The application of critical appraisal tools to evaluate the validity of research conclusions has gained acceptance in modern research settings. Appraisal tools are mainly used in medicine and allied professions. In these fields, evidence-based practice is of utmost importance to patients. Critical appraisal guidelines often appear as a checklist...

Narcissism Test: Public Health Leadership

Introduction After completing the value assessment test, I realized that most of the things I value in life are products of my self-development goals. I also found out that my views of life also greatly influence my value system. Some of my most important issues, which I highlighted in the...

African Resistance to Colonialism and Colonial Economies

African Resistance to Colonialism The African history is closely associated with European colonization, which was mainly caused by the economic, religious, and political factors. To acquire larger territories of Africa, Europeans employed various means of suppressing the local population and supported it with the so-called mission of making Africa a...

Youth Primary Prevention Education Program

Youth Primary Prevention Education (YPPE) aims at preventing sexual violence with a focus on promoting positive individual, relationship and societal behaviour. This prevention program targets adolescents aged 10 to 19 years. YPPE uses Safe Dates curriculum to ensure the targeted population understand the factors and circumstances that contribute to sexual...

Individual and Dyadic Physical Activity Plans

Losing my job is one of life’s most frustrating moments if I am laid off or see contract work dry up. Apart from the apparent financial hardship, losing employment may significantly impact my outlook, friendships, and general emotional and mental well-being. However, I have always believed that my work is...

The Power of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Introduction Interpersonal communication is a rich, often complicated world that people navigate while being mindful of other people’s boundaries and their own comfort zone. Healthy communication is one of the essential human needs that form the core of one’s mental health and, to an extent, personal identity. It maintains the...

The Problem of Ocean Pollution Today

Introduction Millions of people around the globe continue celebrating their achievements in the fields of technology, business, health care, and education. Certain steps have already been taken to improve the quality of life and create the best living conditions on the ground. However, society usually forgets that about 70% of...

AIG: Strategy Assessment and Analysis

The aim of this report is to evaluate the appropriateness of AIG’s strategic proposals, as well as the justification driving its current strategy, with recommendations and considerations based on findings. The information provided will be based on independent evidence and research into the organization. The analysis will be based on...

“Sonny’s Blues”: Relationships Between the Brothers

Introduction One of the main themes in the short story “Sonny’s Blues,” written by James Baldwin, is family support, which is essential for uniting the characters and allowing them to solve their problems. However, it is mostly described in a negative light throughout the narrative, which changes to a more...

Compare and Contrast Fiction Analysis

Introduction In the short story, The Cathedral, the act of looking is connected to the physical outlook, but that of seeing needs a deeper degree of engagement. The narrator depicts that he is fully able to look. He can look at his house, his wife, and even Robert. This story...

Vinted Fashion Company Building Brand Awareness

Executive Summary Vinted is a Lithuanian second-hand clothing retail platform with a presence across Europe as well as in the United States and Canada. It has expanded dramatically throughout 2020, due in large part to the suitability of its business model to the COVID-19 situation. The company is currently working...

History of Ecology Topic in Art

The paper discusses ecological art by researching its history and its development throughout the years. The research recognizes that the art form began during the Neolithic period; however, eco arts prominent promoters emerged in the 1950s and 1960. The main purpose of eco arts is to inform people about the...

Hourly or Specific Days Insurance Policy Coverage

Introduction Nowadays, vehicle insurance is a crucial part of people’s lives. In the United States, numerous policies require drivers to have any type of insurance coverage on their cars. Therefore, this product is more often viewed as a nuisance and associated with adverse events. It might come as costly, unnecessary...

Nursing Specific Recruitment and Retention Plan

The number of nurses practicing in the United States has considerably declined over the years. It is estimated that in the next 20 years, there will be a shortage of 400000 practicing nurses in the United States due to the high nurse turnover (Halter et al., 2017). Hospital finds it...

Overcoming Personal Biases, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in Healthcare

Patients should be treated with the utmost respect and equality irrespective of their race, gender, class, age, or any other characteristic. However, personal biases, prejudice, and stereotyping remain pervasive in the contemporary everyday interactions between patients and care providers. The modern healthcare system is characterized by diversity with patients and...

Law, Business and Ethics: Corporate Governance Practice

Scandals on corporate governance practice Corporate governance scandals usually have a great impact on the practice of leadership in corporations that are in the vicinity of the places where the scandals occur. This is normally due to the fact that humans tend to learn from mistakes, and thus the occurrence...

E-Commerce: The Change in Consumer Shopping

Introduction The evolution of e-commerce has undergone several stages, from being a novelty that lacks security and efficiency to an integral part of a modern person’s life. Some researchers focus on how consumer preferences changed the perception of shopping, leading to more retailers developing their online shops. This paper aims...

The Mental Health of Malaysians: The Effect of Movement Control Order

This paper explores the effect of the movement control order implemented during the spread of COVID-19 on the mental health of the population in Malaysia. The report described in the paper is based on the testing procedure of a group of respondents consisting of 4 adults of different age groups....

Transitional Leadership Role in Teamwork

Abstract Nurses and clinicians are required to collaborate, engage one another, and solve most of the problems recorded in their clinics or workplaces. The concept of teamwork has gained prominence in the field of healthcare since it allows such professionals to provide timely and personalized services to more patients. This...

How Music Affects Juveniles

Introduction Music has remained a common source of advice and entertainment to millions of listeners across the globe. Individuals can rely on it to explore emotions, emerging ideas, and trends in their respective societies. Some young people identify music as a sign of expression and rely on it to acquire...

Narrative Inquiry as a Research Design

Introduction In psychology-related studies, qualitative research plays an important role because it allows for focusing on subjective perceptions and concerns of study participants, and they are important for examining in psychological studies. Narrative inquiry is one of the research designs typical of the qualitative methodology that contributes significantly to psychological...

Planning and Budgeting for a Wedding

Personal finance management is one of the techniques that every individual needs to have to be successful. Such skills can enable one to plan and budget for significant life events, such as trips, vacations, weddings, or buying a home. This paper is about planning and budgeting for a wedding. It...

Protect Purdue Pledge Improving Research

Abstract This paper discusses COVID-19 and methods of improving Protect Purdue Pledge compliance. It proposes a simple ritual that can be employed before making potentially risky decisions, consisting of a series of arbitrary gestures performed in a specific order. The ritual aims to help the person concentrate and consider the...

Aetiology of Violent Crime

Introduction Violent crime has become a major part of the crime world. Sexual crimes, terrorism and hooliganism are just some of the violent crimes. Violent acts cause 1.43 million deaths in the world (Siever, 2008). The majority of occasions of violence are due to aggression. Aggression and violence in schools...

Healthcare in Haiti: No Map, No Plan, No System

Introduction: Haiti Haiti is one of those places that every tourist wishes to visit for the sake of exotic impressions, yet not a single soul wishes to live in because of the dreadful state of economy, an upsetting political situation and deplorable healthcare services. Though Haiti is primarily known for...

Change Project Aimed at Medical Care Quality Increasing

Introduction Medical institutions need to implement new systems to maximize patients’ outcomes. Health managers can guide their followers to support every introduced change, solve their differences, and be part of the entire process. They can offer the right resources, guidelines, and training to improve service delivery and patients’ experiences. Modern...

Dealing With a Difficult Boss and Teacher

Summary The working process includes not only direct professional tasks execution but also communication between bosses and subordinates. Often, these relationships can be difficult, leading to misunderstandings and reduced productivity. However, choosing the right strategy for managing the relationship with the boss will prevent the subordinate from experiencing additional stress...

The Problem of Burnout of Medical Specialists

Purpose Nowadays, medical professionals face many various challenges. One of the most obvious and critical problems is emotional burnout, which is becoming more common among specialists. It is described as the emotional exhaustion of an employee and the formation of negative and negative tendencies towards work and colleagues. Moreover, there...

Consumer Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The onset of Covid-19 in December 2019 was unprecedented since its spread and impact were not imminent at the time. By March 2021, the world had to shut down; movement restrictions were introduced. Social distance, both partial and total lockdowns mandates were also implemented changing human behavior patterns (Mehta,...

Developing a Work Ethics Program

Code of ethics and Conduct All the employees of Fine Consultants shall be required to pay attention to the company’s policies in regard to the financial and advisory consultations addressed to or from the customer concerning his or her enquiries as given below: Avoid, reject and report all events, conduct,...

Fast Track Clinic Project

Introduction A large number of patients in emergency departments is a problem in today’s healthcare environment. Addressing this issue can allow implementing numerous valuable objectives and solving the attendant challenges. The quality of patient care can improve, which affects satisfaction rates positively and enhances the reputation of the healthcare system...

Attempt as Criminal Law Concept

Introduction The concept of attempt refers to an incomplete or inchoate crime where an individual initially was intended to commit a crime and undertook specific actions to complete it but ultimately failed to commit a full offense due to some accidental causes. Inchoate crimes cover “attempts, solicitation, and conspiracies” (Schmalleger...

Multiculturalism in Canada: Eliminating Ethnicity

Multiculturalism is the state’s ideological tool or the state’s domination technique in nationalizing, communalizing the people in Canada, and derailing various struggles for equality. Historians and political enthusiasts spent sleepless nights focused on assessing the validity of the statement. Some consider the rule of multicultural nationalism, communalism, and racism as...

Cultural Awareness: Cultural Diversity

Introduction Attended to by a culturally receptive curriculum Value the significance of cultural awareness A delightful scope of life skills Offers learners chance to gain knowledge (Hultsjö et al., 2019) The need to develop cultural awareness Passionately care about their cultural needs Definition of Cultural Diversity Entails valuing different or...

The Morality of Freedom in Novel “Sula”

Introduction Sula is a difficult and morally challenging novel focusing on the story of two girls Sula and Nel who grow up in vastly different upbrings within matriarchal households in a struggling African American community, ‘the Bottom.’ One of the major themes identified in the scholarly examination of this text...

Manual Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data

Introduction An identification process of protein that is accurate is required to be able to produce quantitative proteomics; this process is mostly carried out by searching automated softwares, they track the sequence of the database which contains mass spectra tandem of peptides, if these peptides do not have enough data,...

Jeremy Dutcher “Mehcinut” (Death Chant): Style of the Song

Introduction Jeremy Dutcher is a Canadian Musician performing Mehcinut from the ‘Wolastoqiyik Lintuwakonawa’ album. The song Mehcinut means death chant and is one of the many in this traditional album. Dutcher explains that Mehcinut is a traditional song written to celebrate life both in death and birth periods. The video...

Culture, Cultural Identity, and Cultural Influence

Introduction Culture, cultural identity, and cultural influence form the fundamental elements through which human beings interact and behave. They are considered the society’s binding that regulates the behaviors of the individuals within the society. Culture shapes behavior and relationships by determining how individuals express creativity within the public. Each community...

Social Media Marketing: Role and Importance

Abstract Social media marketing is an ongoing business trend practiced by most successful small and large-scale businesses. It involves creating brand profiles on various social media platforms and promoting business services and products. Digital marketing is essential because it offers a company huge benefits, including brand awareness, a large audience,...

Deity of Christ in the First Chapter of the Hebrews

Summary The first chapter of the Hebrews portrays Jesus as the only Son of God, giving him a superior and absolute essence. He surpasses not only the angels who are his servants but also the prophets and is also a great priest. His sacrifice, in contrast to the previous ones,...

Tactical Combat Casualty Care

Introduction The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) information system is an essential element of the US military activities due to its thorough focus on document-sharing activities and the possibility to exchange the latest updates from the field among fellow members of the military. From flow sheets to complete medical records,...

Saudi Arabian Culture, History and Political Situation

Historical Background The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the original home of Islam and the Arab people and occupies a large part of the Arabian Peninsula (Vassiliev, 2013). Saudi Arabian citizens mostly support the Arab and Muslim cultures that connect them with millions of people in different parts of the...

Cross-Cultural Negotiation Styles

Introduction People from different cultural backgrounds negotiate in cross-cultural negotiations. While the usual expectation is that cross-cultural negotiations occur between other countries, studies between distinct cultures within the same country can also occur, such as studies involving European-Americans and Native Americans (Groves, 2015). Multicultural communication and intercultural negotiations are both...

Effects of Poor Communication in Healthcare

Introduction Effective communication is essential in all forms of human interactions, but it is particularly important in healthcare given that suboptimal doctor-nurse or practitioner-patient interaction leads to low patient outcomes. As a result, ineffective communication can cause poor quality of care. Failure in communication mostly occurs during shift change, when...

Covid-19 Pandemic-Related Macroeconomic Issues

Introduction COVID-19 sparked many changes that affected various aspects of life, including the economy. Categorically, the economic indicators can fall into two primary areas, namely macroeconomic and microeconomic. The macroeconomic segment covers factors that affect the entire republic or many players. The typical examples are the interest rate, the unemployment...

Biological Strategies for Studying Schizophrenia

Introduction Among all mental disorders, schizophrenia is one of the most severe mental illnesses in the human population. This is a chronic progressive disease, proceeding with polymorphic symptoms, leading to persistent impairment of social adaptation and the ability to work with patients at a young age (McCutcheon et al., 2020)....

Relationship Between Korean Culture and Language

Introduction There are many cultures and languages ​​in the world, which can have similar words and their meanings or are radically different in all aspects. Scientists usually associate these similarities and differences with countries’ geographical locations and cultures and their historical development, uniting languages ​​into families and groups. These features...

Person-Centered Care and the Role of the Nurse

Introduction Nursing is a discipline mainly concerned with the profusion of quality healthcare services to patients. The concept of person-centered care is critically discussed in this essay. The role of the nurse, who is responsible for providing the care needed, is also reviewed. Medical practitioners apply this concept to build...

Financial and Economic Models in Maritime Business

Introduction In any business entity, stakeholders are the key elements to determine a firm’s performance by executing various metrics that are meant to improve the business’s portfolio and raise the returns on revenue (Hein, Meloni, and Tridico, 2020). Documenting the sales process and benchmarking the basic sales steps is important...

Comparison and Contrast of Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Introduction to Professional Research Research is very important in the modern world as having created a lot of theories people want to have the confirmation of what they have predicted. The scientific approach to the research is very important as only in this way one may consider the theory in...

Social Change and Its Impact on Environment

Introduction Many people have experienced social changes that the environment has impacted. Alteration implies all variations in human societies that can lead to positive or negative outcomes. When transformation occurs in the modes of living of persons and social relations get affected, such alteration is called social changes. For instance,...

Comedy Analysis: The Woman Next Door

Introduction There have been significant cultural trends in which artworks convey the role of women. Focusing on the feminist discourse, various social groups and individuals have presented it in popular settings, especially the conventional media. Social media’s role in feminist expatiate shows that women’s liberation is portrayed negatively because the...

Systemic Racism and the American Justice System

Introduction Systemic racism is not a myth as it was perceived since it affects many Americans, especially minority groups. One of the biases concerning this position is that most citizens consider justice systems as tools to serve a particular political agenda. Another way of thinking that may affect this kind...

Critical Introduction to the Book of Matthew

Introduction The book of Matthew is the first in the New Testament and was written by Saint Matthew, the evangelist. The book primarily discusses the accounts of the life and death of Jesus Christ. The gospel was initially written in Greek sometimes after 69 CE and depended on the earlier...

COVID-19 Pandemic: Economic Factors and Consequences

The Coronavirus pandemic has become the hottest topic of the new decade. The microscopic virus has caused a considerable resonance in all areas of activity: health care, industry, technology, and especially in the world and national economy. Substantial reduction in labor capacity, damage to critical economic chains, and panic caused...

Comparison S. Glaspell’s Play “Trifles” and “A Jury of Her Peers”

Introduction Susan Glaspell’s play Trifles and her short story ‘A Jury of Her Peers’ are the one that shake readers’ consciousness of the woman existence among men in the beginning of the twentieth century. These are the two literary works presenting the same story differently. The both writing are significant,...

Theoretical Framework in Identity Development

Introduction Identity development occurs throughout a person’s lifetime by defining who one is. Based on the sheer scope of studies that have delved into this area of psychology research, multiple theories have emerged. Key sections of this paper discuss Erikson’s theory of identity as the traditional model of identity development...

The Negative Effect the Internet Has on Society

Introduction The Internet is an essential part of the everyday life of each person. Digital portals, educational resources, and day-to-day tasks have moved to the worldwide web, and we cannot imagine our life without them anymore. Despite its global coverage, the debate about its impact on society has been ongoing...

Should Health Care Be Universal in the United States?

Introduction In the United States, approximately 28 million people, or about 8.5% of the national population lacks health insurance. The health care system is one component of the federal government that exposes the inequalities that abound in the nation, originating from the effects of private insurance, politics, and public initiatives...

Will Robots Replace Dentists?

Introduction In 2017, a robot performed two dental implants on a woman in China, heralding a new era that could be characterized by the automation of dentistry. The doctors involved only supervised the operation; they did not actively participate in either of the procedures. While many people believe that robots...

The Effectiveness of GDP

Introduction GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is one of the common measures of a country’s economic development. Calculated by adding up the value of all the goods and services produced in the country, the GDP is widely understood to be a sign of a well-off country. This measurement is applied...

Is Sobriety Truly an Achievable Goal?

Introduction Different theorists present powerful arguments to guide human beings to solve ethical dilemmas and pursue their goals in life. The application of moral concepts to the challenges of alcoholism and substance overuse remains a common practice today. Aristotle’s teleological virtue ethics supports the notion that is it impossible for...

The Effects of Trade Unions on Alienation at Work

Introduction The concept of alienation was first proposed by the German philosopher Karl Marx in his famous work Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844. He argued that the modern production methods forced workers to abandon their humanity and embrace the role of an easily replaceable element in a large oppressive...

The Abortion Dilemma: Islam vs. Christianity

Introduction Human beings encounter diverse problems that affect their experiences, decisions, and relationships in their respective communities. Religion and ethics are two key areas that offer timely insights for dictating the way people pursue social dilemmas to meet the demands of the greatest majority. One of the primary concerns many...

World Organisations and the Economic Outlook

Countries of the world, especially the larger economies, are passing through one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. The global forecasts according to the major world lending bodies like IMF, WB and other credit agencies are that this may take more time to stablise,...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Integrative Summary

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease with significant negative social and economic consequences. According to modern classifications of diseases (ICD-10, DSM-IV), OCD is an independent category that combines psychopathological formations of the circle of obsessions (Taylor & Jang, 2011). Its main clinical manifestations are obsessions (repetitive,...

Privacy Invasion in America

Introduction In 1984, Orwell described the ultimate totalitarian dystopia where the government-controlled every aspect of citizens’ lives and crushed any means of resistance. To achieve this level of control, the ruling government required more than just power, it needed critical information which was used to identify, manipulate, and ultimately destroy...

The History of Integration in Africa in the XX Century

Countries of the African continent during the long history of being close to each other still had different levels of economic development, and, in comparison to other close continents such as Europe, remained underdeveloped. In the twentieth century, states had a significant gap in income, financial potential, transport opportunities. This...

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