Barack Obama Election: Events and Facts, That Defined the Occasion

Introduction A significant proportion of the world’s populace witnessed the U.S citizens making history by choosing Barrack Obama, an Afro – American, as their 44th president. He was elected on November 4, 2008 as the country’s administrator. Obama went to the polls with John McCain, a republican whom he defeated....

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by Stowe

Introduction What if someone told you, that the Civil War was started by a simple book? Uncle Tom’s Cabin or Life Among the Lowly was written by the American author Harriet Beecher Stowe, who was a teacher and prominent abolitionist. Published in 1852, the novel gained widespread popularity and became...

Crime in Texas: Security Strategies

Introduction Every state in the United States and the world experience some sort of crime at one time or another. Texans experience crimes that come in different forms. To correctly assess and measure the trends of crime, Texas takes part in the Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR) which enables the...

Environmental Law: International Agreements

Southern nations have constantly approached issues of the environment as the reference point in negotiations of the unequal utilization of resources instead of protecting the environment from industrial capitalism. Thus, the main differences between the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere over global issues of the environment rotate around three...

Psychometric Approach and Discourse Analysis in Psychology of Laughter

Introduction While psychology is interested in how laughter affects people’s well-being, it is not the only topic of interest in the field. An issue of comparable or even greater importance is how people cause each other to laugh in the first place. Thus, humor is a natural research topic for...

Federal Reserve Strategy and the Exchange Rate

Exchange rates refer to the price at which a currency is being bought or sold using another currency. It is the national currency’s value in relation to foreign currency. These being the case exchange rates operate in accordance with the normal demand and supply curves. This implies that in cases...

Interventions in Labor Analysis

Naturally, it is expected that a pregnant woman will give birth through the natural method which is giving birth vaginally. However and unfortunately this is not always the case and as a matter of fact, natural births are decreasing by the day. Natural births occur when there are no drugs...

Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams”: Review the Song

Introduction Green Day’s “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” is a song that mostly anyone knows because of its catchy tune and easy-to-understand lyrics. What is hard about getting that the song is about dreams being broken, right? However, what many do not understand is that the song speaks about estrangement and...

Spinal Injury: An In-Depth User Study

Introduction In this paper I am going to carry out an in-depth study of one of my neighbors who suffers from spinal injury resulting from injuries sustained in a freak car accident in Virginia. The man who worked on the Department of Homeland Security prior to his retirement was incapacitated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Wellness: Deliberate Action Planning

Wellness Model I am applying the three-dimensional wellness model consisting of physical, spiritual, and emotional domains. It is stated that one needs to pay attention to all eight dimensions of the wellness model such as physical, intellectual, emotional, social, spiritual, vocational, financial, and environmental. However, there is no requirement to...

Radical Feminism vs. Equality

In the 21st century, feminism has become a major social issue. The globalized world has contributed to the spread of feminist ideas to every corner of the world. Mostly, it is considered to be, and it is, a positive influence on the main cause of the feminist movement which achieved...

Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit by Winterson

Since ancient times, myth has been one of the main ways of mastering reality by a human. Thanks to mythological consciousness, people explained the events of the world and understood each other better. In addition, myths allowed people to create standards of behavior and to educate people in becoming decent...

Japan After World War II: Main Events and Modifications

Introduction World War II represents a series of events that led to the contemporary global society, raised numerous challenges for the cultures, brought many sorrows and defeats, and became a turning point in world history. Different countries experienced various post-war consequences, which depended on which side the nations were on...

Varicella Zoster Virus: Epidemiology, Impact and Prevention

The Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) is part of the alphaherpesvirus subfamily consisting of HSV-1 and HSV-2, it has a nucleocapsid that covers the inner core. The core has the linear DNA genome that is double-stranded with the protein tegument separating the capsid from the lipid envelope. After the initial exposure to...

Nominal Anchor: Monetary Targeting and Inflation

Introduction Nominal anchor is the behavioral regulation used by Central Banks on the verge of alleviating nominal variables such as a country’s general price level. To be more precise, these mechanisms are adopted to check on either deflation or inflation in the country. The commonly used nominal anchors by the...

Annotated Bibliography: Law Ethics

Law ethics, also known as legal ethics in some countries, can be said to be the codes by which legal professionals work in the performance of their duties and to which they owe themselves, their clients, and each other. Usually, failure to abide by the code of legal ethics leads...

The Ancient World: Art of Ancient Times

The art of ancient times is not merely a story of dead people and civilizations gone forever. Filled with contradictions, tragedies, and moments of glory, it reveals the lives of former generations, which define current customs and traditions. Moreover, the striking similarities in various aspects emphasize its importance in understanding...

The Issue of Limiting Auditor’s Liability

Executive Summary The liability of auditors has been a subject of debate in the recent past. The company law, international auditing Standards and the International Financial Reporting Standards stipulate the need for auditors work in the financial reports of companies. In addition, these bodies plus the statutory legislations of different...

Human Animal in “Gulliver’s Travels” and “Life is a Dream”

Introduction When we think of the human animal, we envision a complex of behavioral qualities that all primeval humans could have. Before the establishment of the social order in its familiar form and the development of the cultural aspects of life, people were closer to nature and did not suppress...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Callable Bonds, Interest and Reinvestment Rate Risks

Describe the essential characteristics of a bond and how these characteristics interact to determine bond value, inclusive of how both the interest rate and coupon rate influence bond value and pricing. It is probable to identify bonds as the investment option of primary importance, and the proper usage of bonds...

History of Slavery and Its Impact on the Society

Background: The History of Slavery To track down the history of the phenomenon, one would have to go to the times immemorial. Unfortunately, slavery emerged together with the rise of the first civilization as the most primitive form of relationships between different members of ancient society. For instance, the records...

“Divine Comedy” and “Confessions”

Just like any other religion, Christianity had a period when it was to pave its way through the doubt and rejection of the people in order to gradually win more and more followers. The intent to move on from one religion and set of beliefs to another always comes along...

Kendall Regional Medical Center: Pressure Ulcer Problem

Health care management can be seen as the optimization of internal and external processes within the institution. The effective manager affects the levels of income and expenses, administers the work of the personnel, and ensures the implementation of organizational objectives (DeWit & Kumagai, 2014). Moreover, successful managers know the ways...

Social Policy Analysis: Stopping the Opioid Crisis in Veteran Population

Introduction The problem of the opioid epidemic in the USA has been at the center of an ongoing discussion for several years. Despite its growing relevance to multiple population groups across the nation, evidence shows that veteran populations are twice as likely to die of opioid overdose as average citizens,...

Sikhism Religion and Its Major Ordinances

Introduction: Sikhism at a Glance With the total number of worshippers amounting to 30 million worldwide and makes up 0.39% of the population, Sikhism is one of the major religions originating from India. At present, the country houses 83% of all Sikhs with 76% of them residing in the north...

“Stand Your Ground” Laws Protect Citizens

The American Constitution provision several provisions that allow people to exercise their liberties and live freely in the country, such as the Bill of Rights. These principles have become the foundation of the ethical and security issues many citizens have to experience in their respective societies. People in different regions...

“The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald: Beliefs and Values

Introduction Past experiences, achievements, and challenges will influence people’s lives and the decisions they make. Individuals who acquire appropriate guidance or support will eventually develop a powerful philosophy that can inform most of their actions and aims. Many authors and novelists focus on their past observations and experiences in an...

The Extent of the Holocaust as a Christian Problem

Introduction The phrase “a lesson to be learned and a tragedy to behold” is an adequate description of the horrors and lessons that humanity has learned from the genocide of the Jewish population during World War 2. On the issue of the Holocaust as a “Christian Problem”, two different views...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Triple Bottom Line Approach

The beginning of the 21st century has been thus far marked by a rapid and wide spread of the social justice and environmental sustainability movements. While previously, issues related to human rights and preservation of the environment were considered to lie in the domain of local and national governments, now...

Income Inequality Based on Gender

Introduction Income inequality based on gender is the dissimilarity between male and female earnings usually expressed in part by male earnings (Miller, 2014). In other scales, it has been fondly described as the average divide between men and women, in terms of hourly earnings. These are also seen to be...

Non-Alcoholic Beverage Industry’s Operation and Management

Introduction: The Non-Alcoholic Beverage Company Portfolio The paper regards the non-alcoholic beverages sustainability in the context of company analysis. The major principles of organizational hierarchy development, as well as finance raising and human resources management, are discussed. Moreover, the work views the questions of equipment sustainability and production procedures. Non-Alcoholic...

The US DHS and Security of Chemical Plants

Introduction The United States Department of Homeland Security or DHS can be considered as the Cabinet Department of their Federal Government whose main responsibility is the protection of vulnerable US territories from the terrorists and to respond to any natural calamity. They function in USA’s civilian sphere to protect from...

Healthcare Finance: The Budgeting Implications of the Issue

Introduction This paper chooses a particular healthcare accounting issue or problem, the disposition of which requires special skills of healthcare leaders. The issue is contained in the article entitled “US city budgets stable – but decisions loom” by Marks, Alexandra (2007). The paper will also discuss the budgeting or accounting...

Healthcare Problems in South Africa

Introduction Diversity is a vital piece of South Africa and also the key reason I chose this country. This is because South Africa recognizes 11 languages as formal. Public administration in South Africa includes Jewish priests, tribal chiefs, rugby athletes and returned deportees. Conventional healers pursue their trade in places...

Zambia Population: Strengthening Human Resources for Health

Introduction: Mysterious Charm of Zambia Zambia is by far one of the most peculiar African states. It has a unique culture and exotic nature. However, because of the health issues, Zambia will soon have to face a serious challenge. Taking the necessary measures, the state government can possibly prevent the...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

The one-act play Trifles by Susan Glaspell, presents both a riveting murder mystery and commentary on social justice at the same time..This play reflects the status of women in the era of 1916. It makes fun of the attitudes of men towards the women who share their world, at a...

Classical Arab Music

Introduction Diverse factors define a person, community, or groups conforming to different ideals. Cultural practices are the most noticeable attributes, which distinguish groups from each other. An example of a cultural factor, used to characterize communities, is music. The classical Arab music is a one of the most distinct features...

The Harvard University Strategic Analysis

Introduction and Factors and Forces that Affect Harvard’s Choice of Strategy Harvard University was founded in 1636 in the United States, making it the oldest higher education institution in the state. It is located in the cities of Boston and Cambridge, Massachusetts. Each year this institution has an admission of...

Religious Influences on the Revolutionary War

Introduction This paper is devoted to studying the influence of religion on the course of the Revolutionary War. The study examined various aspects of the relationship between religion, politics, and society. According to the information from various literary sources, religion played a significant role in the process of the Revolutionary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Law and Society: Law’s Role in Society

One of the essential attributes of our social and individual life is the law. The constitutional conception views the law as an act of legal force, adopted by the supreme body of the state in a predetermined manner and a particular form. The development of a constitutional understanding of the... Strategic Analysis of an Asian Internet Company

Executive summary The purpose of this report is to discuss the strategic analysis of the Tom Com Valuation of an Asian Internet Company. The strategic models used in evaluating the business environment include SWOT, TOWs, and PESTEL to demonstrate the impact of internal and external aspects of the business environment...

“Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” Short Story by Joyce Carol Oates

The plot of the short story “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?” by Joyce Carol Oates centers around the encounter of a girl and a mysterious man who tries to seduce her. It has both realistic and allegorical levels of meaning and is generally viewed as an illustration...

Head Start Teacher’s Qualification and Challenges

A head start teacher may be understood as an educator who offers his/ her services under the Head start development program for children from low-income households under the age of five. Teachers in this program usually need to focus on developmental outcomes in addition to other academically oriented goals. What...

Problem Solving Process in Education Planning

The U.S. is considered a rich country due to its large pool of services and goods. There exist various resources such as forest, metal, water, land among others, and human capital (skills, technology, and knowledge) which assist in boosting growth of the economy in the nation. Even in an abundance...

Rising Health Care Costs: Analyzing Issues

Introduction American health care is, on the one hand, an ordinary branch of the capitalist economy with all its characteristic features. On the other hand, it is a special socially oriented sphere of the modern economy. Substantial elements of state regulation are embedded in the mechanisms of market relations, which...

Chris Anderson: Digitization of Music

In an influential article titled The Long Tail that was published in 2004, Chris Anderson asserts that we should forget about making about making a few mega hits in the charts. He claims that the future of entertainment lies in the niche markets that are not captured by the much...

Health Psychology and Stress: Correlations

Outline Health psychology deals with the enhancement of the whole personality identifying and eliminating the biopsychosocial causes that lead to disease. This paper presents various perspectives of health psychology, emphasizing on the stresses that which cause for the psychological and physiological illnesses. Methods for the stress management and the consequences...

The European Debt Crisis

Introduction In 2011, Europe faced one of the worst debt crises. Countries such as Greece and Portugal were heavily indebted and required the other countries in the bloc to bail them out. The only country that was not affected by the crises was Germany and this made her the “savior”...

Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl” Summary and Analysis

Over the course of history, it has become clear that in a world replete with cruelty and mischievous triumph, people crave freedom even if it implies going as far as possible from the established behavioral norms and patterns. The undisputable eagerness to feel alive and find the new connotative meanings...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Chief Justices Earl Warren vs. William Rehnquist

The United States Supreme Court is a federal body that was established to ensure conformity to the requirements and needs of a democratic society. It was accentuated by the urge to pursue social change and freedom among the American people. The Warren Court, led by Chief Justice Earl Warren, made...

The Impact of Greek Philosophers on Current Life

Many scientists agree that Ancient Greece is the cradle of European civilization. Its philosophers, scientists, and poets greatly contributed to the development of Greek culture. Modern philosophical thought would be impossible without the works of Aristotle, Plato, and numerous philosophical schools. Dramatic art would have been different if, at one...

CYC Sales and Business Strategy

Executive Summary Charge-Your-Car (CYC) innovative charging devices disrupt the market and promise a competitive advantage for the start-up. Nonetheless, the need for rapid revenue margin growth encourages the company to focus on the less traditional market of electric vehicle consumers. The core strategic proposal is to supply the rural regions...

Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory: Concept Analysis

Introduction The concept that will be presented in this paper is extracted from Virginia Henderson’s Nursing Need Theory (Ahtisham & Jacoline, 2015). This theory emphasizes the fact that the patient’s independence directly influences the successes that they make after their hospitalization. The core idea is that any patient must realize...

The American Revolution and the Russian Revolution

Introduction The American Revolution (1765–1783) was a political revolution against the rule of the British Empire that resulted in the independence of the Thirteen Colonies and the establishment of the United States of America. The Russian Revolution of 1917 was a period of political and social protests across the territory...

“Etched in Sand” by Calcaterra

The book under discussion is written by Calcaterra R. and is called “Etched in sand: A true story of five siblings who survived an unspeakable childhood on Long Island.” It can be viewed as an author’s memoir of her abusive childhood full of difficult situations and challenges. Regina, the main...

Commercial and Procurement: Project Management

Introduction Project management refers to the process of selection and coordination of the resources necessary for the procurement and development of a project right from its inception to completion. Project management is a common scenario in the global workplace. There are people who have the necessary resources but lack the...

Human Body. Male and Female Reproductive Systems

Paper Outline Introduction The male or female reproductive systems form the human body’s reproductive system. During reproduction, the male sperms (gametes) are synthesized by the male reproductive system for the eventual fertilization of the female ova (oocytes). On the other hand, the female reproduction system plays an important role in...

Adolescent Mental Health: Depression

Adolescence is characterized by numerous physical, emotional, and psychological changes in people. Sometimes, teens’ behaviors can be predicted by taking the necessary measures. However, in some cases, it turns out to be hard for children aged between 12 and 17 years to understand their emotional or physiological needs, which leads...

Lord Admiral Horatio Nelson

Introduction Western civilization involves the progressive revolution of the western culture. The western culture covers such aspects as societal norms, religious beliefs, and political ideologies. Every society has its heritage of societal norms which keep changing with time. In addition, religious and political issues also change with time so that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Government’s Impact on the Aviation Security Design Efficiency

Introduction Safety occupies a central role in many spheres of the modern world. As for the aviation industry, security became even more significant after the terror attacks on the 11th of September, 2001. Those events shocked the globe and made both the United States and other countries reconsider their attitudes...

North American Public Library Websites’ Evaluation

Web 2.0 is a general term used to refer to new technologies, services and applications design that allows its users to interact and personalize websites (Berube, 2011). Currently, several public libraries have adopted the technology in an attempt to renew and expand their services (Landis, 2010). With the adoption of...

Effective Leadership in Global Virtual Teams

Executive Summary With the advent of globalization and advancement in information and communication technology, multinational corporations have been able to do business in different parts of the globe. This has seen the emergence of what are referred to as global virtual teams. These teams are composed of people who work...

Photography and Paintings: Depicting the Truth

It is a common saying, “Believing is seeing”. We believe in what we see. Photographs are the same as what we see. Before photography being invented, people used to make paintings of incidents. Photography has given the world a new insight. Alfred Stieglitz is considered to be the “Father” of...

Sandpearl Resort Spa Management Analysis

Introduction The coherent society could be characterized by the great attention given to the fulfillment of peoples needs for entertainment. The rise of the quality of life and the evolution of consumer society preconditioned the increased importance of the creation of various facilities that would be able to satisfy customers...

Patient Satisfaction on Rural Hospital

Abstract This critique reviews a quantitative study by Kerry Ellis-Jacob on the impact of patient satisfaction on rural hospitals’ revenue generation. The critique is structured under the following key areas: introduction, purpose and problem statement, literature review, research framework and hypothesis, sample size and design, research implications and recommendations, and...

The Advantages of Globalization

Introduction The world is fast becoming a global village, seemingly smaller than it was a decade ago. This scenario has resulted from the development of trade and transport systems, thus making it conducive for movement of people, goods, services, and ideas and creating diversity in social, economic, political, and cultural...

Growing Cases of Disgruntled Drivers at Uber

Introduction Uber Technologies, Inc., often referred to as Uber, is a multinational ride-hailing firm that has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, and operates in over 63 countries around the world. According to Ferrell and Hartline (2017), the company offers a wide range of services that include ride service hailing,...

Death and Dying: the George’s Story

Abstract Euthanasia is considered as opposed to God’s guidance and Christian tradition. The inherent human dignity and medical occupation should always consider opposing perspectives and find a coherent decision through long-standing care, communication, and consideration of patient values and life choices. The analysis of George’s story through the prism of...

The Shroud of Turin

Introduction In the 14th century, Geoffrethe y Charny, a French soldier, claimed that he possessed the Shroud of Jesus. Since then, there has been controversy among scholars and believers concerning this Shroud, which is currently preserved in Turin, Italy. The first critic to dispute Charny’s assertion was the Bishop of...

Women in Ancient Greece

Function of women in Greece Classic Greece refers to the period from fifth to forth century before Christ. During this period, the Roman Empire witnessed prosperity that had a potent impact on the development of the Western Civilization. In ancient Greece, women performed three main functions – childbearing, fabric weaving,...

World War II Was Avoidable

Introduction World War II was a global war that lasted between 1939 and 1945. It was fought between two military alliances that included the Allies and the Axis. The Axis alliance comprised Japan, Italy, and Germany while the Allies alliance constituted France, the United States, Great Britain, and China. The...

Anne Sexton’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”

Anne Sexton’s poem “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs” has been commonly referred to as such that represents the classical example of so-called “feminist poetry”, in which the motifs of depression and hypertrophied sexuality define such poetry’s semiotics. At the same time, the overwhelming majority of literary reviews of this...

Managing Demand at the Wild Dog Coffee Company

Wild Dog Coffee is a small coffee house offering espresso visitors a limited choice for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So far, the company has only one branch office, but it is in the interest of management to open a new point. Expanding a business always involves risks, as it requires...

UK Media Representation of Ethnic Minorities

British society is not outnumbered by ethnic minorities, although new immigrants have come, mainly from Asia and Eastern Europe. 85% of UK citizens are white British, while the remaining 15% are recognized as ethnic minorities (Georgiou & Zaborowski, 2017). Black African, Black Caribbean, Indian, and Pakistani are the four largest...

ADHD and Socially Constructed Impairment

Introduction ADHD is a complex mental health disorder predominantly diagnosed in children, but often persisting to adulthood. Although it can have a spectrum of different symptoms, mostly attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is characterised by increased impulsivity, difficulties in controlling attention, and hyperactive behaviour. ADHD severely complicates the life of people suffering from...

Crisis of Masculinity in Hamlet

The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is among the most famous works of William Shakespeare. Written between 1599 and 1601, it focuses on the story of Prince Hamlet, who struggles after losing his father, King Hamlet. The work has been heavily studied by literary critics and scholars because it...

Research Approaches in Health and Social Care

Social research is done for the in-depth investigation of a problem of health care or cultural behavior or society. Empirical social research is either qualitative or quantitative basically (Peters, 2008, p. 157). The choice of method, chronology, design selected, the sample of participants chosen, and the instruments used to evaluate...

Fundamentals of Finance Theories Assignment

1. Top Choice Investments have given you ÂŁ2,000,000 to invest for them. The funds can be invested in one or more projects. These projects are all indivisible. The investors require a minimum return of 25% and they are high-risk takers. Details of the projects are as follows. Correlation coefficients between...

Globalization’s Impact on Banks in Canada

Introduction In the face of the globalization forces, not even the Canadian banking industry has been spared. Thanks to the current trends in capital mobility, the banking system has heavily suffered at the hands of globalization. It is no doubt that the financial markets of today have a characteristic high...

Cross-Cultural Competence and Stereotypes

Introduction Early childhood Multicultural programs encourage learning environments that afford suitable and integrated course of academic studies which contribute to the progress of all the subjects of study about children’s learning and development. Simultaneously, the statistic characterizing human populations in the society requires the understanding of the subsequent goals of...

Innovation as a Contemporary Issue in Business

Introduction There are severs approaches that can be applied by manager in order to survive the economic hard times that have constantly characterized the new millennium. Change and innovation is now equated to the survival through turbulent times. When businesses attain a very strong economic advantage it means that they...

Social Trinity: Interpreting Christian Doctrine

Social Trinity is an interpretation with regard to the Christian doctrine on trinity. The main and central idea lies in the fact that this concept of trinity comprises of three persons whose relationship constitutes its very nature. Over the last three decades, there have been increased outpouring of the writings...

US Gun Control: Losing Freedom or Safeguarding?

Gun control has long been among the chief sources of debate in the United States. Being granted by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, the right to keep and bear firearms remains among the most recognizable national liberties and is strongly embedded in the public perception as a...

Music Distribution: Defining Distribution Channels

Every commodity ends up in the hands of the user who is the consumer of the particular good or service. However, in some instances, a product may have to go through intermediaries before it finally gets to its end user. Intermediaries are normally used by companies for the purposes of...

Does Social Media Use Contribute to Depression?

Social media is a relatively new concept in a modern world. It combines technology and social tendencies to enhance interaction through Internet-based gadgets and applications (Luxton, June, & Fairall, 2012). Through social media platforms, users can create and exchange their own content irrespective of time and distance. Social media consist...

Natural Goodness’ Research by Philippa Foot

The human mind is a complex machine; which humankind has studied for hundreds of years. Thousands of scientists tried to de-code the sophisticated nature of emotions and the overall nature of humans. The concept of ‘natural goodness’ is not new to the philosophy, as it was discussed actively during the...

Wise Exporters: Case Study

Introduction Exporting is used as a means for venturing into the international markets. There has been an increased interest for people to know the performance of the export market. The quest has caused some analysts to research more about the export market (Aaby & Slater, 1989; Bilkey, 1978; Cavusgil &...

Touch of Hitchcock: Psycho and Vertigo

There are movies with an interesting plot and a strong cast, after watching which people change their lives. Some movies influence the way of how the whole filmmaking industry is developed, and the work of Alfred Hitchcock is one of such significant contributions. In the 20th century, this director demonstrated...

Leisure in Victoria Britain

Growth of Popular Leisure Activities during the Period 1860-1910 Leisure may be viewed as an important aspect of human life as it gives an individual the privilege of relaxing after putting a lot of effort and time into work. In simple terms, leisure may be described as the spare time...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Development of Professional Nursing in the United States

Introduction Nursing personnel occupies a prominent place in the US healthcare system and American society overall since a real chance for economic prosperity arises from vigorous and diligent work based on solid human health. This profession implies responsibility for the constant care of the injured, sick, and dying, as well...

The Causes of the American Civil War

Introduction The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most significant events in American history that paved the way for future generations to live in ways that were unimaginable a few years later. It preserved the unity of the nation, gave a much-needed boost to the American economy, and turned...

The Spanish-American War: Causes and Impact

The Spanish-American war was the armed conflict in 1898 between two major countries in that historical period. The fight fundamentally changed the world structure, impacting the future economics and political dominance significantly, hence being an essential event in the development of chronicles (Marolda 4). The research paper will look into...

“Emotional Intelligence” by Daniel Goleman Book Review

Overview The main reason why intelligent tests were initially conducted was to determine the level of mental ability among students (Matthews, Zeidner & Robert, 2002). However, it is still debatable whether one’s intellectual ability is similar to the IQ ratings. However, it is evident that most people who are perceived...

Tissue and Organ Transplants

Introduction The human body is composed of an intricate system of cells, tissues and organs. During the embryonic stage, the cells undergo a complex process of differentiation to form more specialized tissues. A tissue is composed of various cells from a common origin which are not necessarily the same. These...

The Great Depression and the New Deal Farm Policies

The Great Depression occurred during the late 1920s and the early 1930s. The years of the great depression were characterized by poverty, high unemployment, deflation, low profits and plunging farm incomes. The Great Depression started in the United States, spreading on to other parts of the world. The Great Depression...

Depicting Arab Culture and Society

Identification Cultural Primitivism The term “cultural primitivism” has emerged as a response to the current level of civilization and the challenges associated with it. Human beings who embrace this idea will pursue the state of nature as the best model of leading their lives and getting rid of their predicaments,...

“The Sixties” by Terry Anderson

The Sixties by Terry Anderson analyzes the impact the decade had on American society. The book does not simply summarize the events of the decade, but places them into a context that today’s readers can easily understand. It discusses major events such as the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War,...

Foundations of Buddhism and Meditation

Introduction Different religions help people to achieve similar goals: come to terms with their grief and pain, find solace, sense of meaning, and sense of community. At the same time, they also illustrate the diversity of philosophies, customs, and values, and there is immense beauty in understanding and accepting that...

The History and Overview of French Revolution

Overview The French revolution is perhaps the most significant event not only in the history of France but also in the whole of Europe. The revolution represents the transition to liberty and freedom for the Frenchmen1. This can be traced from the fact that France had been ruled by monarchs...

The Criminal Justice System: Brandon Bledsoe Case

Introduction Brandon Bledsoe’s arrest provides valuable information about the U.S criminal justice system. The criminal justice system sanctions the guilty and protects the innocent (Maculan & Gil, 2020). Bledsoe’s case showcases all procedures of the criminal justice system concerning murder and arson. The process begins with arrest and ends with...

Business Behavior. Rational Decision-Making

Introduction Decision-making is one of the most important functions of the administration body of an organization. The sound decisions that are made by the governing body of the organization are the main determinant factors in deciding whether the business will reach its intended goals and objectives or not. For this...

Changing Kenya’s Economic and Political Structures

Introduction This paper intends to discuss economic and political issues in the Kenyan situation. Since we got our independence in 1963, we have always operated on political, economic and social structures that have only served to stagnate our economy, promote ethnically based politics, and we have never looked into the...

“Big Night” by Dawn Powell: Myra’s Final Choice Pragmatism

Introduction Dawn Powell’s play “Big Night” portrays controversial relationships both within a particular family and in society in general. The author uncovers the sad but true reversal of values in 1930s America, when love, friendship, kindness, and other aspects of ordinary life were replaced by the desire to make a...

The Existentialism of Sartre

Existentialism is a popular philosophical movement in the twentieth century that is centered on the attitude toward existence. The primary principle of this philosophy is focused on the unique human existence as an irrational phenomenon. The fundamental issue of the existentialism is considered to be controversial. The existence is defined...

Economic Globalization: The Role of Geography

Introduction Globalization is by no means a modern phenomenon closely connected with the geographical structure of the world and location of a particular country. From ancient times countries have never lived in isolation. In the West, Ancient Rome was responsible for control and economic integration of the adjacent countries. And...

Resort World Sentosa: New Service Design for Singapore Tourism Industry

Executive Summary Resort World Sentosa is one of the two recently introduced integrated resorts in Singapore, by which the country tries to gain competitive advantages in the tourism and gaming industries. Currently, Singapore stays behind Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia in the tourism industry, and to catch up with the major...

Instrumental Suite in the Baroque Period

Introduction A suite is a musical instrumental masterpiece that consists of a series of changing movements or a series of dances of related keys or it’s a collection of pieces related to each other. In addition, instrumentals refer to a kind of music produced by the use of musical instruments...

Ecosystem: Mangroves in the Ecosystem

Introduction Ecosystems are active interactions that occur among the fauna and flora together with the environment as they function as a unit. Ecosystems have no limit in their sizes for they can be as big and as small as possible as long as the stakeholders in it continue to work...

Green Supply Chain Management Research Proposal

Introduction At a certain point in time, an organization might start considering the environmental impact it makes along with it suppliers. The starting point for such consideration can be seen when such factors are important to the strategy of the company. In the last decade, the strategy of the company...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Market Value: Microsoft vs. Alphabet

Financial analysis in both investment and corporate finance fields is conducted primarily to analyze available data and monitor an organization’s performance. The quantitative method to assess the operational efficiency, liquidity, and profitability of the company is known as ratio analysis. In their turn, analysts compare ratios of a particular enterprise...

Social Stratification System and Its Effect

Introduction The social stratification system involves the grouping of individuals in relation to social and economic status in the societal setup. The system not only adds value to the traditional influence on wealth but also influences the treatment of an individual in society. This misconception treatment to individuals makes reference...

Global Governance Institutions in Context of Globalization

Introduction The global community established a community that was meant to share a culture and some values that would enable the member states to come together and have an environment that would enable them to provide solutions to the global problems to achieve globalization (Wolf 2004). The global governance institutions...

Child Abuse: Risks, Causes, Effects, Treatment

Introduction More and more children become the victims of child abuse. Children who need to be loved to become the victims of different forms of child abuse. Child abuse may be physical, sexual, or mental. Physical abuse means any kind of maltreatment towards the children in a physical way. It...

Limited Time Spent Playing Computer Games

Introduction Although some people balance their time between computer games and other important developmental activities, some people have been totally incapable of balancing computer games with daily developmental aspects of life such as work, social life, family, and school. The most alarming of these developmental aspects is the increasingly reduced...

Lessons of “Bon Cop, Bad Cop” for English-Canadian Film

Introduction The movie Bon Cop, Bad Cop is a great attempt to unite two main cultures and two main languages of Canada in the form of a featuring film. The plot, the genre, the scenes, and the idea of the film are considered to flow with the major idea of...

Radio Communication and Early Oral Tradition in Canada

Since the very beginning of its history, Canadian communication has been developing and shaping in the increasingly controversial and ambiguous social conditions. Canadian communication has come to exemplify the gradual formation of self-consciousness, political power, and individuality. It was probably due to political pressures and social constraints that the Canadian...

Effect of the Housing Policy on the Financial Crises

Introduction Housing as an issue has plagued communities in the United States of America (United States or US) for many years. It has been a rich source of societal conflict. A lot of policy decisions have been formulated over the years with the intention of solving this problem. The United...

Educational Leadership: Literature Review

Leadership Defined Leadership is defined by Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary defines as follows: one, the office or position of a leader; two, the quality of a leader; and three, the capacity to lead (Agnes, 2004). These definitions describe what a leader does, but it does not provide any meaningful insight...

How Realists Explain International Relations

As a discipline of study, international relations deals broadly with the interactions between diverse states and explanations for the nature of these relations. This entails the responsibilities of various countries in the participation of joint agreements which come in form of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and inter-governmental organizations (IGOs). Realism in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Psychoanalytic Reading of Hoffmann’s and Kafka’s Works

Introduction Ever since Freud’s methodology of psychoanalysis has gained an academic validity, during the first part of twentieth century, it became possible for psychiatrists to get an insight onto the actual roots of their clients’ mental anxieties, which were revealed as such that reside deep in people’s subconsciousness. In its...

Tattoos: From Social Taboo to Social Acceptance

Abstract The purpose of this research paper is to summary and comment upon the changes in perception with regards to tattoos by the society over the years. While the unanimous acceptance of tattoos in the society has not yet occurred, tattoos have moved from being a taboo subject to gaining...

Identical Information Systems and Business Processes

Introduction Information systems have gained preeminence in the business fraternity due to the benefits that the systems bring into the business fraternity. Automation of operations within businesses has resulted to various effects in business processes, including an alteration of ways of accomplishing tasks within an organization. The nature of effects...

Confucianism and Human Rights Development

Confucianism is the main component of Eastern culture and the Chinese one in particular. The Confucian school was founded in the late 6th and early 5th centuries BC and it has influenced the Chinese culture till the present time. The structure of the Chinese political system and its socio-economic structure...

Research Methods during Writings the Dissertation

Dissertation Critiquing A dissertation is a long essay for the fulfillment of higher degree research projects, especially Masters and Doctorates. It is therefore necessary to do the work with precision and a proper sense of mastery of content. While the dissertation is expected to be a detailed paper on a...

A Compensation Program: Review

By assessing the current progress of employees’ performance in the entire organization, the management has decided to come up with a restructured compensating program as a way of trying to improve the performance for the better. It is in this line that the management has assigned the human resource director...

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell: Gays in the Us Military

Introduction Homosexuals in the military have always had to hide their sexual orientation to prevent discrimination, incrimination, or even discharge from service. According to a review by G. Dean Sinclair, psychiatrists once actually established that homosexuality was a disease and such individuals should not serve in the army, since they...

National Health Service’s Reforms by New Labour Party

Introduction The publication of The New NHS White Paper in the autumn of 1997 set the framework for the new government’s approach to the NHS in England. This included six key principles for the NHS: to ensure that the NHS remains a genuinely national service and ensure that all people...

“The Bluest Eye” by Morrison

The Bluest Eye is a novel that is centrally anchored on the theme of race relations. It highlights the psychological and subconscious tensions that work through the lives of African Americans which create conflicts of identity that haunt them in their entire lives. Although the desire to improve the African...

Social Networking Sites as a Tool for Shy and Lonely People

Introduction In the past, loneliness was not recognized by psychiatric textbooks as a problem. Robert Heiss, a researcher at Harvard School however started carrying out research on the subject around 1970. He established that a number of Americans responded to being lonely in the first few weeks of the study....

Popular Research Paper Topics

National Policy Barriers and How They Affect Ability of International Businesses to Enter Iran

Background and Context Trade is an indispensable driver of economic development. This is especially true for countries that have adopted free trade policies. Almost all studies that have been conducted to examine the economic growth patterns of countries across the world show that countries with open or outward-oriented economies record...

Hospitality Environmental Management Plan

Introduction There are numerous requirements when it comes to the construction of hotels or hospitality buildings. There are various construction standards set by the international organization for standardization (ISO) that are to be considered. The main aim of these requirements is to ensure that hotels are constructed in standards that...

McDonald’s: Property Management in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction Property management is the management of the operational aspects of real estate. Property management may also deal with individual property and physical assets. The main activity of the property management is the liaison among the tenants, landlords, and the government. The hospitality industry is booming today in the context...

“Female Masculinity” by Judith Halberstam

Introduction The modern world is more unchained than it was even 50 years ago. People allow themselves an unpredictable behavior, which sometimes frightens them, and does not shame of it. It became to be a norm that we have homosexuals and lesbians in modern society. And more attention is given...

Use of Guns in Us and It Impact Crimes.

Thesis It has always been assumed that to reduce crime the best thing that could be done is to make it harder for the civilian society to have access to guns. Guns have been linked to many crimes in the US some resulting to cases of homicide. In certain cases...

Should Turkey Enter European Union?

For quite some time, there have been debates of whether Turkey should be acceded into the European Union (EU). It is one of the nations that have applied for inclusion although it has been receiving accusations from the other members of EU. It’s been accused of not establishing an effective...

Entrepreneurship and the Role of Innovation

Introduction Entrepreneurship is the art of pulling together resources and business acumen as a way of transforming innovations into economically viable goods. Entrepreneurship is all about performing realistic business analysis and making a series of sound decisions concerning the business. Mark Pale and Jim Mack came up with a unique...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Combat Veterans

Introduction Over the past three centuries mental outcomes war-related syndromes had various names as shell shock, combat neurosis, combat fatigue, mental conflict, or mechanical impact exhaustion (Shalev and others, 1996). Each name represented a theoretical outlook to the cause of mental trauma (Shalev and others, 1996). The diagnosis of posttraumatic...

Clear Cutting in Rainforest Should Be Limited

Introduction Tropical rainforests are characterized by tall trees, lots of rain, and warm climate. Some rain forests experience rains of up to one inch each day. They have a variety of tree and animal species, they contain between 50 and 90 percent of the earth’s species although they only cover...

Teamwork During Product Design and Launch Process

Executive Summary The aim of this report is to investigate the conduct of the team selected to promote the new product that the company intends to launch in the near future. The main particular interest will be the characters of members of the team and the effect of such characters...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Latin American Film: “Macario” by Roberto GavaldĂłn

Botz describes the period between 1950 and 1960 as rife with major worker’s struggles and labor unions. This was the era before the 1960 revolution, a volatile time in Mexican politics. It is against this backdrop that Roberto GavaldĂłn directed Macario. Macario is a Mexican story intertwined with magical realism...

“Avatar” the Film by J. Cameron

Avatar (2009) is a highly successful science fiction film created by James Cameron. It stars Sam Worthington, Michele Rodriquez, and Stephen Lang among others. The film has both human and computer-generated actors. The temporal setting of the film is the year 2154 when human beings are presumed to own a...

“Secret Agent” by Conrad and “Cocaine Nights” by Ballard: Comparison

Most of the movements in art and literature were based on the negation of the principles and beliefs of the previous periods. At the beginning of the twentieth century, modernists contrasted their aesthetics to the principles and views of nineteenth-century realists. In the second half of the twentieth century, postmodernists...

Does Performance Related Pay Increase Productivity?

Introduction The Performance Related Pay (PRP) method is widely applied in modern business as companies try to increase the employees’ motivation and thus, the general productivity as well. The interconnection between this payment system and productivity has been widely studied by the management community. In the meantime, there is currently...

Diverse Leadership Model in Nursing

Introduction In the environment of the contemporary global community, the use of a diverse leadership model (DLM) is especially important for nurses since it supports the idea of multiculturalism, provides additional opportunities for resource allocation, and promotes innovative thinking (Komives & Wagner, 2016). Therefore, to ensure the successful management of...

Organizational Change Theories and Practices

Organizations that implement change successfully will record positive outcomes within a short period. Any form of transformation will present new ideas, practices, and initiatives that can deliver desirable results. The issue of proper leadership is critical since it supports the entire process. This paper describes some of the key aspects...

Validation of Brief Screening Tool in Detection of Depressive Symptoms

Abstract The problem of depression is associated with the matters of inheritance, external factors as well as the ability of a person to cope with stress. Stressful factors are closely linked with the possibility of influencing the emotional condition of a person. As a rule, depression may develop regardless of...

Post-War Britain: Decline or Growth?

Introduction The debate whether the British economy declined or grew during the post war decades among scholars especially economic historians has been going on for decades. The debate began immediately with the invention of the idea of Declinism in the later decades of the nineteenth century (Tomlinson 732). The origin...

Literature Plan for Preschoolers

Introduction Preschool children learn a lot at this age through what they see, hear or touch. The learning process is as a result of interacting with their parents, siblings, teachers, caregivers, other adults, and from the surrounding. This is a very crucial age as whatever children learn at this age...

LEED Certification and Rooftop Gardens

Introduction Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) refers to a rating system created by the United States Building Council (USGBC) to provide certification to green buildings. The certification enhances human and environmental health in five key areas. On the other hand, a rooftop garden is an artificial garden created...