Romantic Period: Music

Did you know that during Romantic Era, piano music was used to express emotions? Or that composers used to incorporate folk stories into music? Sounds interesting? Then, keep reading to learn more about early and late Romantic Period music! Romantic Period Music: Essay Introduction The 19th century marked a remarkable...

“Thank You for Smoking” by Jason Reitman

The movie, ‘Thank You for Not Smoking’ has a theme that mainly revolves within the tobacco industry. This industry faces challenges due to the obvious reasons that, tobacco smoking is harmful to health, a fact that has resulted in anti-smoking campaigns, which evoke a decline in the number of young...

The Play ‘How I learned to drive ’by Paula Vogel

Introduction Paula Vogel was brought up in Washington, DC. She graduated from Catholic University with a B.A in drama. However, her graduate study was turned down at Yale school of drama thus became very difficult for her to get her early plays produced. Nevertheless, she kept on working towards her...

“The Imaginary Invalid” by Stephen Campanella Drama

Classic plays are extremely hard to stage, mostly because they have already been performed a number of times to the point where they seem to have nothing new for directors to explore. However, every new staging of any Moliere’s play reveals new depth in the author’s genius and provides the...

The Movie Battleship Potemkin

The movie, Battleship Potemkin, is a story about the maltreatment of the crew of the Potemkin battleship, which leads to riots against the use of rotten meat to prepare dinner. Apart from the rotten meat, several other acts of mistreatment such as unwarranted whippings increased the resolve by the ship’s...

Get Real in Northern Exposure

The use of metaphors always makes any art/literary/musical work more interesting, more captivating, and more educative to any person. When a person gets a chance to comprehend the meaning of the metaphor, its intentions, and expected effects on people, this person has one of the most significant lessons in his/her...

Chinese cinema: Two Stage Sisters and Yellow Earth

The film, “Two Stage Sisters” is a 1964 Chinese production by Xie Jin, staring Cao Yindi and Xie Fang (Connolly). It is a production made shortly before Chinese Cultural Revolution. “Two Stage Sisters” tell of feminine story, “Yue Opera” practitioners, who happened to be from the same cast, but who...

Death Upon Request: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide

In this documentary, assisted euthanasia is the result of the patient’s decision since some people prefer to die in dignity in order not to burden their loved ones with looking after their health. However, this is done for patients suffering from incurable diseases, which cause unbearable pain and prevent the...

“The Piano Lesson” by August Wilson

The Piano Lesson is a play by August Wilson, an African American playwright, who was popular for writing plays about the African-American experience in the twentieth century. The play has strong sentiments on the role of history in the shaping of future lives. The play title was encouraged by a...

Freakonomics the Movie

Freakonomics, a movie released on December 3, 2010, originates from the book with a similar name. The directors of the movie are Heidi Ewing and Alex Gibney, among others. Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, the authors of the book Freakonomics, discuss social issues like abortion, parenting, and the impacts they...

The Architectonics of Memory: On Built Form and Built Thought

Architecture has generally been considered as the art of design and construction using unique techniques that are appealing to the eyes. However, some architects have been arguing that architecture is more than this. They consider it as an art and science of trying to make the world a better place...

Identify World Music Terms

Indonesia Instruments Rebab: It is a fiddle with two strings. It’s mainly found within Muslim nations. Gambang: Is an instrument that resembles a xylophone. It’s made of wood and is commonly used in the Southern Philippines and Indonesia. Suling: A bamboo flute used by Indonesians in gamelan ensembles. Kendang: A...

Attending Music Concerts: Musical, Jazz, Classical and Opera

Introduction Nowadays, it would prove rather impossible to find many people not appreciative of music in one way or another. The reason for this is that the activity of listening to music has always been deemed as an integral part of one’s upbringing – something that in its turn is...

Documentary: Slavery and the Making of America by Betty Wood

Slavery is one of the topics which attract most of students’ attention. This topic is also associated with numerous discussions concerning historical facts and falsifications, morality in the 17th–18th centuries and modern days, numerous lessons to learn for teenagers. This topic has been explored by many researchers and there are...

Relevance of the Bauhaus to Twentieth Century Design

Introduction Bauhaus was a German school that operated between 1919 and 1933 and which introduced a different form of architecture. It was run by talented artists and architects, and although for the first few years it did not have a department of architecture, it made considerable contributions to this field.... Company Website Design

Introduction This is a website design report for, a software, hardware, and network product and services company with a steadily growing client base now in several states across the US. specializes in providing hardware, software, and networking products and services at the most competitive costs presently on the...

The Lessons of Lady Gaga

The article in the wall street journal talks about Lady Gaga, a dance/pop singer who was named the Best New Artist at MTV’s video music awards for her hit song “Paparazzi”. Lady Gaga is the singer to watch on the music industry as she has attracted many fans within a...

Post-Impressionist Period, Its Features and Movements

The artistic period which I would like to visit is the Post-Impressionism period as it is very different from the other periods of its time due to the use of unnatural, arbitrary and vivid colors, typical brushstrokes and thicker coating of paint thus, emphasizing more on geometric and distort forms...

Responsive Website Design Technique

Responsive Website Design is a technique of creating websites whose main objective is to provide the best viewing experience for the user who owns a wide range of devices. The website’s use should include; easy navigation and reading for the customers, minimum panning, scrolling, and resizing. The main aim of...

Legalizing Free Downloads Of Music And Movies

File sharing has had a profound impact on the economic gains of the various stakeholders in the music industry. The practice entails providing access and the distribution of information that has been stored digitally. This information could be multimedia (video or audio), computer programs, electronic books, or documents (Zentner, 2005,...

Photography as a Cultural History

Pictorialism is often called photo-impressionism, as long as effects on photos, which were achieved thanks to back lighting, and shooting in mist or under a rain, and with the help of soft-focus lenses, as well as with the help of further manipulation, reminded about. A famous American photographer Emerson created...