Servant Leadership and Mistreatment at the Workplace

There is a practical altruistic philosophy of Servant-Leadership, which supports people who choose service first and leadership later to provide more services to people and organizations. The research that I have studied is devoted to identifying the main traits and characteristics inherent in the Servant-leader. Economists and psychologists have worked...

The Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence has recently become a popular topic for discussion among people, especially students and office workers. There are even enthusiastic supporters of EI who consider it to be of more value for t achieving personal goals and zest for life than intellectual faculties. Indeed, the so-called IQ seems...

Corporate Governance and Voluntary Disclosure Relationship

The present study addresses the potential benefits and costs of the fire districts and municipal fire departments consolidation in Lee County. In particular, it examines how the proposed legislation to create the Lee County Fire Control and Rescue District is potentially effective in improving efficiency and reducing the cost of...

Business Social Responsibility Examples: The Body Shop and Others

Practice shows that a business that takes on various social obligations always shows better results in its work. By investing in the social sphere, business organizations ensure their successful promotion. The development and improvement of the social environment correspond to the long-term interests of businesses and organizations. In the long...

Cyber and Public Relations in an Organization

Cyber and Public Relations Public relations professionals play a critical role in promoting an organization’s activities to the public. The advancement of technology in the modern era has introduced various digital media that have shifted the dynamics of traditional forms of public relations, thus creating a new form of PR...

Credit Analysis of Financial Position

Credit analyst scrutinizes historical financial data for companies and individuals seeking a loan from money lenders to verify the creditworthiness and possible risk associated with lending the funds. They approve loan application by determining the likelihood of repayment. The minimum qualification for the position is a bachelor’s degree in accounting,...

Data Warehouse Design as Problem Solving

Abstract Infortrack is a start-up company specializing in eCommerce and parcel delivery. The company operates on stand-alone offices distributed in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, and Chester. The different pickup stations use different data analysis applications such as Microsoft Excel, Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and WorkBooks to capture and...

Apple Inc.’s Strategic Long-Term Planning

The BCG Matrix is a tool applied for long-term strategic planning efforts, and in this discussion board, it will be applied to analyze Apple (Hanlon, 2021). The “dogs” are the iPods, which were expected to change the customer’s perception of headphones but failed to gain significant market share. The “cash...

Amazon Inc.’s Global Supply Chain & Other Operations

Amazon has an extensive network of manufacturers who are partnered with the company and supply it with a significant portion of order volume. Procurement’s input resources consist of purchased goods from other vendors and manufacturers. Its processes consist of managing contacts with numerous sellers, seeking new partners, purchasing goods, and...

Education for Business Administration: The Importance of Soft Skills

Introduction Higher levels of education are meant to prepare students by providing the knowledge, competency, and skills necessary to succeed in their industry. Business administration is one of the most complex fields, both academically and practically, commonly requiring completing a challenging master’s in business administration (MBA) curriculum. While such academic...

Direct Marketing and Relationship With Customers

Direct marketing involves targeting a particular party in an advertisement without using intermediaries. In this form of promotion, the companies may directly call a client or send e-mails to their customers about their desired products (Matviiets & Kipen, 2021). The e-mails sent by commercial companies appear as spam e-mails, giving...

A Receptionist Job Vacancy at Fairfax Medical Facilities

As an example of a vacancy, I found a job as a Receptionist at Fairfax Medical Facilities, IN. The company works in the field of medicine and is looking for a person who will work directly with patients visiting the organization. Human resources employees clearly describe what the company does...

Super Bowl Inc.’s Disaggregated Revenue Analytics

Purpose The primary objective of this memo is to document the revenue data trends while predicting future sales to identify the specific dates and locations that distinguish them from others. Data The data used in the analysis was collected from the firm’s finance department. It was tested for accuracy and...

Marketing Strategies and Sales Promotion: Nascar and Tide

Frequency marketing is an advertising strategy that aims to encourage regular customers and those who buy products in considerable amounts. The company encourages consumers with discounts and material gifts, but prizes may vary depending on the organization. Sales promotion is a system of planned advertising events united by striving to...

Amazon: The Brand That Protects Itself

Amazon is one of the most successful online retailers in history. This company has changed the rules and conventions of the entire industry and continues its rapid expansion. Introducing new services and entering new markets forces Amazon to compete with already established players and other invaders of the new areas....

NutriHealth Canine Product’s Marketing Project

Product Name The name of MSH Brands’ new weight-management product should reflect its properties as a premium and quality dog food designed specifically for obese and overweight pets. Clients have to know exactly what the product is capable of simply by looking at it. Therefore, the new product will be...

Importance of Communication in the Workplace

Communication is an exceptional tool in every person’s daily life. Nonetheless, it is essential that “both the transfer and the understanding of the meaning” (Robbins & Judge, p.427) are included in this process for fruitful outcomes. We use this tool to contact other people by transmitting and receiving information. We...

Discussion of Coca-Cola: The Marketing Mix

Introduction The examination of a company’s position on the market incorporates the assessment of the key elements of its activity. They include the products or services, locations of operations, strategies intended for increasing the market share, and pricing, and the combination of these components can demonstrate a clear picture of...

Mobile Technologies and Business Communication

Mobile technologies change the quality of not only personal communication but also of a business one. Employees of different companies can communicate with each other from different places of the world. Moreover, communication with consumers is also affected, which gives businesses new opportunities. The most relevant example of a business...

How Derivatives Could Be Used in Risk Management

In general, derivatives refer to a financial instrument that allows securing a certain value that is reliant upon a monetary asset. The most frequently utilized assets are stocks, interest rates, market indices, and bonds (Fernando, 2021). The derivatives might take various forms, including future contracts, swaps, options, and forwards which...

The $699 Cold Press Juicer: Failure in Terms of Design

In the current reality, I feel that the importance of creativity is largely understated or, more accurately, misplaced. The use of various creative methods for making a product is important, but many may substitute needless innovation for truly considering what a project might need. While many organizations and individuals understand...

Disruption of Supply Chain in the Aviation & Defense Industry

Supply chain management (SCM) is the core of the Aviation and Defense (A&D) industry. Though it comprises a complex ecosystem, an effective and efficient SCM supports its efforts to meet its strategic and financial goals. According to the data compiled by the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), it is evident how...

Major Stages of New Product Development

The process of new product development has eight major stages and starts from idea generation. It involves a systematic search for ideas about new products, which is carried out mainly on the basis of internal sources of the organization. Then comes the idea screening: an analysis of all the ideas...

The Sphere of Leadership: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction For the past two years, the world has faced a severe challenge that influenced all the spheres and changed many people’s life. The COVID-19 pandemic still impacts all spheres of life in all countries around the world. It repeatedly causes crises that negatively affect not only the public health...

Effective Management: Basic Rules and Skills Required

Management, like many other career paths, is constantly evolving with practices in the industry and technological improvements. However, there are a number of rules of management and skills a manager should possess in order to observe efficient operations at their workplace. These include consistency, which can be observed as a...

Big Data Opportunities in Green Supply Chain Management

Introduction & Problem Motivation According to academic research in the field of supply chain management (SCM), the industry is quickly changing because of the advent of digital instruments that are utilized to speed up supply chain processes and reduce the involvement of human workers. According to Hartley and Sawaya (2019),...

Assessing Diversity in the Workplace

Globalization processes determine the need to assess diversity in the workplace. Ferdman and Sajiv’s (2012) research indicates that science continues to seek additional opportunities to use variety in human potential management processes. In heterogeneous teams, creativity and productivity increase as decisions are made based on people’s opinions from different backgrounds...

Servant Leadership: Organization Development

Changes in the global management paradigm have affected one of the most important components of management – the leadership process. A great example of a modern model of ethical leadership is the concept of servant leadership. According to Kumar (2018, p. 44), “servant leadership is about finding satisfaction and motivation...

Amazon: The Leadership Strategies

Introduction This report focuses on leadership strategies since, throughout history, it has been vital for the proper operation of nearly every successful company. Though there are several leadership theories, transformational leadership is among the most effective in organizations (Khan, 2016). Transformational leaders assist followers in growing and developing into leaders...

Supply Chain Management: Big Data Analytics

Supply chain management is the organization, planning, control, and regulation of the flow of goods. It starts with the receipt of orders and purchasing raw materials to ensure the production of goods, including the optimal cost of resources for the final consumer. This strategy aims to obtain a measurable aggregate...

Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia Brands’ Transparency

I have examined the websites of Adidas, Reebok, and Patagonia – the three leading companies in the transparency index. Their contribution is undoubtedly admirable; however, in my view, the most remarkable report was made by Patagonia. Since Hart (2019) mentions that this brand was included in the index for the...

5% Shareholding Rule: Case Study

Introduction My stand A 5% shareholder rule will work against the independence of the board of directors who should own the shares of Alibaba. Agency theory This law is applied to explain and resolve conflict in the relationship between the agents and their principals. It is essential to base on...

Postponement Strategy in Business

Introduction A “postponement” strategy is a business strategy that defers investment until the last possible moment. It is believed that this strategy reduces the risk of unsuccessful investments and the potential profit increases. This approach has several advantages. For example, in supply chain management, in cases where it is impossible...

Personality Traits and Leadership Style

I am well-organized, and I work by rules, which can help me stay focused on the task. I am also grounded, and as a leader, it may help me orient the employees on the results. I am not contentious as I try to conflict with other individuals. However, scoring low...

Dudebox: A Business Project Analysis

Mission Statement We esteem our clients and therefore treat everyone who contacts the company as though they are our only customers by giving them swift responses to demonstrate how important they are to Dudebox. Vision Statement To become a global leader at connecting men to quality and unique products that...

The Interpersonal Between Co-workers and Its Resolution

The interpersonal conflict that I have chosen for this post is between my two co-workers and me. I will call the first co-worker A and the second one B. The situation is that co-worker B found out that I and co-worker A got rewarded for the project we had completed....

Walmart Annual Report: Financial Records

Walmart is a multinational corporation that incurs significant profit due to the wholesale and retail business. It is a major American employer and a competitive brand across the region. In this case, the company incurs high amounts of revenue from the transactions both in stores and through online platforms. In...

The Borders Company’s Strategic Management Mistakes

Despite the fact that the company Borders was one of the leading companies in the book business, it collapsed because of strategic management mistakes. Analyzing the company’s annual report, we can conclude that the main failure was poor adaptation to the online business. Borders was unable to compete with companies...

Dealing With Uncertainty: Estee Lauder Company

Summary Given that recent pandemics and responses shape humanity’s future, there is an urgent need for more critical insights than ever before. Before the outbreak, progress toward Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) had been enshrined for well sustainable development. From the above, a conclusion was arrived at and published in 2019...

Technical vs. People Skills: What’s the Difference?

Hard (technical) competencies are characteristics that enable people to carry out job-specific tasks and duties. Seminars, vocational education, and on-the-job training and instruction are all options for acquiring hard skills. These abilities are frequently centered on particular activities and procedures, for instance, equipment, devices, or software utilization. Soft (people) competencies...

Legal Issues of Employment Terms and Conditions

The various legal issues involved in an employment contract usually entail an enforceable contract and negotiating a more favorable contract term. However, some juridical issues arise due to contractual breaches or actions by the employer that are invalid or contrary to the provisions of the contract clause. Among the legal...

An Organizer Mug for Traveling and Hiking

Organizer for cosmetics + Mug = Travel mug Smaller weight – more expensive product Organizer mug for traveling + hiking = three full-fledged travel cups Necessary skills: designer skills knowledge of ecology External expertise: marketing advertising pricing search for sales channels development of product positioning Market gap: Multifunctional tourist tableware...

Eli Lily and Ranbaxy Laboratories Joint Venture

A joint venture involves a business partnership between two businesses that intend to benefit from the partnership but also deal with the risks of cooperating. The venture is guided by law that defines the nature of attachment. The following analysis involves a joint venture between Eli Lilly and Company from...

Financial Literacy and Self-Awareness in Entrepreneurship

Financial principles are one of the most valuable knowledge entrepreneurs and investors should have to succeed in business. The two essential concepts that can be beneficial for people in this field are financial self-awareness and literacy (Chowdhry & Dholakia, 2020). Financial self-awareness allows a person to accurately assess one’s current...

Coffee Machines Under Product Comparison

Literature Review Among the industries, the household appliances sector was chosen, which is represented by a large number of home items. Coffee makers are the focus of this presentation because the demand for automatic coffee machines has been actively growing in recent years. From 2020 to 2026, the average annual...

The Effects of Complacency on Business

Many organizations have failed because they are unable to keep up with the needs of the market and adapt to the changes of the rapidly evolving market. The tendency to be too complacent leads to less innovation, especially if the company dominates the market. This leads to laxity, which in...

Paperworks PLC. Strategic Marketing Planning

The case is concerned with a paper production company, Paperworks, wishing to expand its business and increase profits. It operates in two primary markets while holding the leading positions, but they are not as profitable as magazines and greeting cards. Thus, the company would like to have a presence in...

Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company Finding Overseas Supplier

Charlie Harris is facing a tough challenge; he needs to find 50,000 major tub assemblies for $ 160 per unit. Otherwise, the new product will fail, and supply management of the Rub-A-Dub Washing Machine Company will end. One way to do it is to convince old Rub-A-Dub’s suppliers to agree...

The Corporate Cultures of Global Companies

The corporate culture is a significant element of any major company. It determines how the company builds relationships between the leaders and the members of the organization and the general interpersonal communication within the company. In many respects, the corporate culture directly impacts the desire of a potential applicant to...

Comparing IFRS and GAAP in Investment Accounting

Investment is one of the core spheres in accounting, therefore, many systems of standards are suggested for implementation. However, the two most popular ones are the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the United States’ Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Over the last years, there has been a number of...

Disruptive Technology: Big Data Analytics

Executive Summary Information collected and stored by companies is usually used to optimize its production and service delivery procedures to attain desired outcomes. The generation of significant data amounts poses considerable challenges; it adversely impacts the proper management and meaningful use of this information. Big data surpasses the conventionally used...

Strategic Communication Plan: The Data Center Move Project

A global pharmaceutical company intends to relocate its Information Technology data centers to many locations in different parts of the globe. Therefore, the company has decided to task its project management team with the duty of ensuring a successful relocation of the data centers. The project management team needs a...

Corporate Social Responsibility: Environmental Impact

Introduction Modern industries are built on the corporations’ success as the large-scale businesses generate jobs, develop infrastructures and push the technologies forward. Companies, their culture, and values integrate into societies, and it is crucial for the executives to establish values that would help people thrive. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is...

Fonterra Company Expanding to New Zealand

Background Fonterra is a New Zealand food producer that accounts for 30% of the world’s dairy exports; the leading consumer of Fonterra dairy products is Australia. The most exported products are whey and skimmed milk powder, their export has increased several times in recent years. The export of other dairy...

SWOT Analysis of Wal-Mart

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. was established by Sam Walton at Rogers in 1962. This business has encountered immense growth after achieving an annual income of one billion dollars in seventeen years (Ellickson, 2016). This tremendous growth has made the store enter the global market. Wal-Mart has launched stores in various countries,...

Moral Responsibility at the Workplace

Managers are, for the most part, responsible for everything that occurs in the working environment. This incorporates the activities of their representatives and any errors they make. However, it is only possible if workers care about the business’s benefit. Sometimes, employees themselves can likewise be responsible in specific cases, especially...

Furbo Dog Nanny: International Marketing

Introduction Furbo Dog Nanny is an artificial intelligence-based service which helps pet owners to facilitate the process of caring for their animals. Officially manufactured by an American start-up referred to as Tomofun, the former is a global-based firm specializing in developing pet technologies (Wood et al., 2017, p. 442). This...

The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center: Hardware Store Business Proposal Plan

Business Overview The chosen name for this business is The Discounted Do It Yourself (DIY ) Center. This hardware store specializes in a wide range of construction materials. The business will be located in the city of Birmingham. The primary products that will be stocked at this store will include...

Discrimination at Workplace

Employment discrimination is unfair treatment in the workplace when hiring, promoting, and determining wages. Discrimination in employment is characterized by a certain biased attitude of the employer to the qualities of a potential employee that are not related to professional ones. In countries where it is customary to determine wages...

A US Diapers Firm’s Entry into the Brazilian Market

Introduction The proposed initiative, the Brazilian market entry of a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers, requires particular attention due to the differences in conditions of the two locations. The conflicting views regarding the use of an original advertising message and the responsibility for pricing decisions alongside the trends of the...

The Influence of Work Climate, Job Placement on Employee Performance

Each company strives for success using different instruments and tools. One of the critical factors to increase performance is the correct work distribution aimed at employee preferences. The placement of employees is essential for the company’s productivity factor. This process implies the rational allocation of work considering employees’ individual characteristics,...

Project Manager Position and Requirements

The title of this position (or role) can sound different: project manager, project leader, delivery manager, and other variations. The tasks of a project manager include the following: draw up and agree on technical specifications, set tasks for the team, distribute the workload and motivate, ensure the achievement of quality...

New Product and Customer Expectations

It goes without saying that ideas for new products and services appear every day, however, without proper market research, the majority of them will never be introduced to the market successfully. In general, the main goal of this research is to ensure that a new product or service will meet...

Animal Foodland Company’s Marketing and Mission

Introduction The Animal Foodland is a premier food company that seeks to meet the needs of dog keepers in Austin, Texas, and its environment. The firm specializes in organic foods to meet the needs of clients who seek an alternative to animal products. The location of the business is preferred...

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years. The impact of equal employment opportunity programs on the nation’s workforce is undeniable. In the workplace, the diversity advantages have been studied and extensively documented. However, practice shows that there are still problems with diversity in the workplace...

Growth Factors of the Textile Industry in Pakistan

Introduction The textile industry in Pakistan is the most developed sector of the state’s economy. The share of the total economy it accounts is estimated to be nearly 46%; about 39% of total employees in manufacture are involved in the textile production (Latif & Javid, 2016, p. 192). Pakistan is...

Leadership Styles: The Leader Who Listens

Regardless of the position held, every employee wants to be heard as well as their ideas and suggestions to be treated with respect. Trust and mutual understanding must be established in any work team, which is the supervisor’s responsibility. The ability to listen attentively, actively and analytically to the ideas...

Nike Company’s Performance Management & Logistics

The conceptualization of Nike as a company dates back to the year 1962 when its founders, Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, where it was motivated by the notion that there was a market gap for sports shoes. Its initial name was Blue Ribbon Sports, whereby its desired goal was to...

Analysis of the DIY Company Organizations

The DIY company had a threat from the gaining popularity of the online tips and instructions so people would not have to go to the shop. It could lead to the reduction of consumers, and therefore sales would fall. In that essay will be a discussion of measures that the...

Diversity and Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

Today it is more important than ever to support cultural pluralism and protect racial, religious, and linguistic identities. The most critical question in this regard is what within a business can unite representatives of different cultures. In addition, cultural discrimination and prejudice against newcomers must be combated. Society must ensure...

Whole Foods Company’s Product Marketing in France

Introduction Whole Foods was founded in Texas, Austin, in September 1980. The company was founded when local businesses decided the industry was ready for natural, healthy food. The idea was to offer customers fresh and wholesome food to avoid dealing with health problems. Their products are new and clean. The...

Negative Customer Experience in Cosmetics Store

Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers,...

Diversity and Intercultural Communication in Business

Introduction Diversity is synonymous with modern organizations and management as both global economy and technology contribute to the erosion of borders. However, within organizations, diversity and intercultural communication and inclusion is difficult to achieve a truly deep level, not the superficial HR perspective. This paper explores some literature regarding the...

COVID-19 Effects on the Pret Company’s Strategic Management

Structure and Strategic Choices for Pret’s Success Before COVID-19 Business success is often determined primarily by a company’s financial performance and revenue growth. Businesses outline objectives to be accomplished and formulate, implement, evaluate and control strategies for successfully achieving such goals (Wheelen, 2017). Before the global COVID-19 pandemic hit, Pret...

Martini & Rossi: Reinventing Mature Company

For the purpose of discussion, I have chosen the company Martini & Rossi since it fulfills the requirements pertaining to an industry in the mature stage. As it is effectively described by Parnell (2014a), the mature firm serves its clients with sufficient quality and quantity of a product, rarely introduces...

Taza Chocolate Firm’s Distribution, Pricing, and Marketing

Taza Chocolate Chocolate is one of the mainstays for American customers and comes in different forms. The country has numerous companies that make chocolate and its derived products with a broad range of stores vending such brands. Taza is one of the American-based enterprises that concentrate on the manufacture of...

“What COVID Means to Compensation”: Changes in Compensation Structures

COVID-19 has become an essential threat to all industries, and the field of human resource management has not been spared. In fact, due to the imposition of severe restrictions on the possibility of social contact and distancing, workers across the board have been forced to switch to a remote format...

Internship at Raith Company’s IT Department

Introduction Working for a company can easily change one’s perceptions of the processes behind a product or a service. Raith Nanofabrication provided me with an excellent opportunity to put my skills to practice and work in their IT department. The firm is a world leader in precision technology manufacturing. Raith...

Samsung Products and the Impact of Technology on Marketing

The products offered by Samsung very significantly, occupying various spots on the market and demonstrating different growth patterns. One of the highly developed brands is Samsung QLED, a home television (TV) appliance that manifested remarkable market expansion during previous years. Furthermore, the market share of this product is tremendously high,...

Classification of Rumors in Business

Rumors are unique, usually unreliable information and a distorting form of transmission of any information. According to psychological definitions, rumors are a mass phenomenon of interpersonal exchange of distorted, emotionally colored information. There are two main typologies of rumors: one classification of rumors is based on the degree of their...

Discussion of Pricing in Sports

Variable Pricing (VP) and Dynamic Pricing (DP) Similarities Both VP and DP are pricing strategies that are used in sporting ticketing on a game-based, rather than season-based approach. The pricing strategies deviate from the traditional sports ticketing approach where ticket prices were set based on the location of the seats...

The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Servant Leadership Theory

Introduction The servant leadership style is one of the most controversial management practices. This method includes many psychological and practical elements in the context of interacting with people at a professional working level. Like all other management models, servant of leadership has its merits and demerits. They can include the...

Arctic Mining Consultants

Determination and evaluation of alternatives The problem highlighted in the paper about the company’s work is the lack of employees’ motivation and involvement. This is a significant disadvantage because employees passionate about their work are of great value to any company. A good organization strives to maximize the potential of...

Ways of Influencing Employees’ Behaviors

The delicate and important role that the senior-ranking leader must balance within the organization to achieve success is to be the one who influences the behavior of employees. The senior-ranking leader influences the employees in various ways. The first way through which the senior-ranking leader can affect employee’s behavior is...

Benchmarking Against Competitors: Problems and Their Solutions

Companies mainly opt for implementing benchmarking to improve and optimize the existing operational processes. Benchmarking is defined as a replication strategy focused on investigating, collecting, and adapting the techniques from the different organizations to advance performance and strategy (Ramírez Canales, 2021). In other words, benchmarking is designed to solve the...

Audit Report: General Information

The audit process of a company usually includes a review of financial statements and control systems. This process is carried out to identify the noted deviations from the established accounting procedure and significant violations in the preparation of documentation and reporting by the Alaska communications system. It is worth adopting...

“Wish You Wood”: The Company Analysis

For small and medium entrepreneurships (SMEs), surviving in the environment of global competition, where organizations of a much larger caliber utilize all available strategies in order to retain their influence and power, is a massive challenge. For “Wish You Wood,” the decision to partner with Amazon seemed like a stroke...

Earthwear Clothiers Audit: Employee Stock Ownership

Earthwear Clothiers has a solid corporate structure, with founders Williams and Rogers still at the executive roles. The distribution structure consists of a range of customer offerings. The increase in revenue from 2014 to 2015 demonstrates the firm’s positive business control. The sales volume has undoubtedly risen due to overseas...

The Analysis of American Airlines

Introduction Airlines around the world were the first to face the difficulties caused by the coronavirus pandemic confronting closing borders, banning flights, and a total drop in passenger traffic. This can be explained by the volatility in the transport industry, which is 1.5–2 times higher than in other services and...

Marketing, Product Promotion, Distribution & Pricing

Intro to marketing Utility Marketing is promoting a product or service in the market that allows customers to know and eventually purchase it. It is a must for anyone looking to engage an audience and profit from sales (Godin 26). In addition, marketing helps create a positive company image. Thanks...

Analysis of ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc.

Introduction As technological and economic systems develop around the globe, many manufacturers, producers, and suppliers have entered the market. In other instances, large companies have taken up the smaller companies, making the market more competitive. ABB Motors and Mechanical Inc. is one of the companies that have a significant share...

Strategic Goals of Habitat for Humanity

Strategic planning has a significant role to play in non-profit organizations. It helps to anticipate and skillfully manage changes and effectively address problems that may arise (Poister, 2010). Bryson (2018) defines it as a set of concepts, processes, and tools for determining what an organization does and why it engages...

The Volvo Company’s Marketing Communications

The Volvo commercials outlined in the chapter achieve the Attention, Interest, and Desire steps of the marketing tool AIDA process. According to the AIDA framework, after seeing the advertisement, the customer will first pay attention to the product, then spark interest in it, followed by a desire to buy the...

Formula of Incremental Cash Flow

I agree with James’ definition and formula of incremental cash flow. However, in my opinion, more information could be given on the structure of the incremental cash flow, such that it consists of three components: initial investments, operating cash flow, and terminal year cash flow. I believe that it is...

Macropoland, a Natural Gas Country

Macropoland is a natural gas country, and it imports oil. It is experiencing an economic recession that has negatively affected the financial operations of the country. This paper will focus on addressing the issue the country is currently experiencing by recommending the fiscal and monetary policies needed. The report will...

Workgroup Emotional Intelligence Profile

What are teams and what ties into teams? A team is a group of individuals who share certain goals, objectives, and a mission, and participate in a number of activities to accomplish these. Team learning orientations and behaviors are essential, because they reflect team members’ common learning goals, as well...

Stages of Team Development and How to Build Trust Among a Team

Team building refers to the activities aimed at improving the efficiency of workers within an organization. It is aimed at instilling a better understanding between members of the team and the management. It also improves teamwork among team members and the customers, thus translating to consumer satisfaction and accomplishment of...

The Fresh Direct Firm’s Entry into the Chinese Market

Introduction For modern entrepreneurship, economic growth means expansion and exploration of other markets, as well as other types of customers and their preferences. Thus, an organization continues to evolve and strengthen its grasp on its industry, accumulating the potential for gaining more weight in it (Zhang et al., 2018). The...

Factors for a Make-or-Buy Decision for a Company

Introduction The concepts of cost, technology and the workforce type when totally focused on representing the ideal aspects that favor the incorporation of make or buy decision. This factor forms a basis on which the company can be able to advance or not or where the company can transform to...

Global Marketing Opportunities and Challenges

If the simulation were based on the real world, numerous opportunities and challenges would be encountered. The fact that the simulation does not include many ethnic factors would invoke a comparatively easy operational model. For instance, it does not include language barriers, cultural differences, exchange rates, and mode of entry...

Innovations in Zillow Firm’s Business Model

Zillow’s business model is in providing homebuyers with extensive data and other information about properties they might be interested in purchasing. This includes data available publicly and proprietary one that before Zillow was available only to brokers and real estate agents through Multiple Listings Services (MLS). Currently, the value proposition...

Tessilo Ltd.’s Chief Executive Officer Appointment

Salvatore Stella, who is the CEO of the company Tessilo, Ltd., assumes that it is appropriate to find another specialist in his place. The realization of this intention requires additional funding from the investor. However, during the negotiations, Paul Pluto, who is the investor, introduces an opinion that it may...

Logo Design: The Meaning Behind Logo Colors

The logo design procedure is characterized by the need for precise forethought, critical evaluation, and validity of each decision made. To make a brand logo, whether personal or company, ordinary, similar to the others, means to lose the competitive battle in advance because customers remember only the ones that stand...

The Budget Analysis Trend in the Graphical Expression

A budget presentation may pick various forms of presentations; these may involve graphs amongst other designs. In this particular budget examination, the graphical expression as a visual format has been adapted. One of the significant reasons that explain the application of graphs in accounting and finance reports, such as budgeting...

Enterprise Resource Planning System Report

Introduction Amesco is a virtual assistant B2C e-Commerce business that uses an online platform to provide faster turn-around times for customers. The company was started two years ago and has grown from a small startup to a progressive enterprise with hundreds of customers across several cities in the United States....

Purchase Decision Model: Decision-Making Process

Introduction The complicated decision-making process when buying new items is important for customers. It can be facilitated through the adoption of essential marketing concepts (Kumar et al., 2017). I will explain my own purchase decision of the Samsung Galaxy Watch Active 2. Problem recognition The first task is to figure...

Apple Inc.’s Business Strategy and Competition

Annotated bibliography Aljafari, A. (2016). Apple Inc. industry analysis: Business policy and strategy. International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7(3), 406-441. Web. Aljafari’s article gives details about Apple Inc.’s business strategy and policies that make the firm more competitive than Microsoft, Google, and Samsung among other top competitors. For...

Work Ethics: Communication and Cooperation

Introduction Following work ethics is crucial for effective collaboration with colleagues while using appropriate skills and abilities is necessary for this objective. In my case, they include attendance and teamwork, and these provisions determine my success in the workplace. Therefore, adhering to the regulations related to the time spent performing...

“Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” Article by Bensinger

The New York Times article “Google’s Backpedaling Shows Why It’s Hard Not to Be Evil” argues that famous tech companies disregard consumer demand and specific governmental regulations. The author, Greg Bensinger, suggests that Big Tech corporations are willing to engage in unethical behavior that compromises their reputation and the customers’...

Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their Purposes

A fund is a separate part of monetary assets that has a specific purpose. This is a financial instrument that is widely used in economic practice. Besides, it is typically professionally managed in order to allocate resources in a proper way. Such funds are generally supported by taxes, grants, and...

Samantha Gerson: CEO of UnBroken

Samantha Gerson is a twenty-six-year-old founder and CEO of UnBroken, which is a non-profit organization offering legal, vocational, and therapeutic services to individuals who survived institutional abuse and conversion therapy. The importance of Gerson’s current entrepreneurship lies in servicing as many young people as possible and offering innovative research on...

Active Followership and Servant Leadership

The problem of effective human organization for task-realization purposes has long attracted the attention of researchers, managers, and government officials. People have been searching for the best practices that would lead to the most favorable outcome of the group activity. In this regard, the question of effective administration is at...

Sales Losses Associated with Theft and Vandalism

Introduction: Country Classification Individual firms’ sales losses can be determined by a variety of factors. These factors can be divided into two general categories: internal determinants and external determinants (Alifano, Corradi, and Distaso, 2019). While internal factors are determined using a detailed analysis of firms, external factors can be identified...

Apple: Digital Business Models

Apple Inc. is a technology company, which sells electronic equipment, online services, and computer software. It practices different business models, especially B2C, which is the most common. However, Kim notes that the organization should also be regarded as B2C brand (2017). Both models, which are highly effective for the company,...

The Tehindo Supply Chain Management Issues

Supply Chain Configuration The Tehindo supply chain begins right at the tea plantations, from where the tea leaves are picked and transported to the factory for manufacturing into jasmine tea and fruity flavor. The final products are transported to wholesalers, who then sell them to retailers. The retailers then sell...

Role of Communication in Organizational Behavior

The greatest takeaways from the course are all related to the importance of tailoring any organizational behavior interventions to the specific organization. An example from the latest reading, formalization, guides employees, an excessive level of formalization can unnecessarily complicate the decision-making process or prevent employees from resolving customers’ issues (Bauer...

Responsibility in Managing the Capabilities of the Team Members

Introduction Introduction The research done on managing a team of people in a project, it has allowed project managers and research consultants from Small and medium enterprises (SME) in Sweden improve upon their effectiveness by developing better communication patterns. However, project teams pose unique challenges that are culture-based and can...

The Contribution of Quality and Improvement Processes to Risk Management

Risk management serves a great purpose in healthcare because of the rampant risks, and organizations are required to have competent risk managers to carry out management plan activities. Risk reduction strategy aims at minimizing exposure and is handled by skilled risk managers. Risk managers detect and evaluate risks so that...

Finance: Corporate Success

Working in, or leading a bit company is a difficult task. With k a variety of challenges to navigate and the need to constantly be able to improve, the global economic scene is rapidly changing. The changes factors in the environment and the company’s own internal dealing all impact its...

Diversity Training and Organizational Development

Introduction Diversity is the difference personnel show. It enables coordination of services. It may lead to misunderstandings (Bertuch-Samuels, 2018). Religion is an example of diversity. Diversity can be challenging to manage. Thus, training managers on diversity is key. Training Processes for Diversity during Recruitment Training on how to avoid bias....

Transformational Engagement Practices for Workforce

Introduction Corporate strategy is the plan of the organization that assists in defining the company’s overall goals that are intended to achieve in the future, based on current and potential management activities. It can also be seen as a unique vision of an enterprise that shapes the directions it moves...

Amazon Inc. in the Context of International Business Economics and Markets

The Key Drivers of Globalization and International Trade on the Context of the Amazon Organization Globalization is the name used to describe the growing cross-border trade in products, services, technology and investment, and people and knowledge flows of economies, cultures, and populations in the world. Various technological developments and progressive...

Discussion of Business Model Canvas

Hypothesis The use of various safety measures that promote vehicle automation reduces the number of human error-caused accidents, improving road safety and ensuring that both passengers and drivers are better protected. The creation, promotion, and use of cellphone hands-free technology, outside vehicle cameras, music volume control, and a censored brake...

Industrial Relations in Denmark

Introduction Denmark has drawn attention world-over due to its largely successful but unique industrial model. From the 1990’s unemployment levels in the country have constantly been declining to date and still show long-term sustenance of the trend. The events leading to this trend have amazed many countries in the world...

Supply Chain Strategy for the Foods and Drinks Sector

Introduction The ability to design and maintain resilient supply chains is one of the key requirements in logistics and distribution to remain prepared for unexpected events and be capable to quickly restoring to normal operations. Particularly, it is important during pandemics, when countries are not affected on the same scale,...

McDonald’s and Sexual Harassment Lawsuits

McDonald’s is among the largest fast-food chains in the world. The global organization is present in about 120 countries all over the planet. Even though its leaders take proactive steps to create decent working conditions for their employees at all levels, labor issues often arise. The company has recently faced...

Brand Management: Tea and More

Introduction Global Tea was founded in 1985 in Los Angeles by three sisters who shared profound love for fine teas. Tea and More (TAM) outsourced the tea business and experienced challenges of unreliability and shipment sizes. Although the company registered success in the early periods, poor customer service, low brand...

Trident Seafoods Company’s Corporate Governance

Introduction The success of any business firm depends on the level of leadership involvement and the willingness to respond to the changing economic times. Companies that fail to focus on emerging forces, formulate proper models, and address identified challenges find it hard to achieve their business aims. Organizational theorists propose...

Setting Up a Moto-Taxi Business in Tokyo

Introduction Tokyo is one of the biggest cities in Japan. It is a city that is dominated by numerous business activities making it densely populated. People travel from far and wide to come and settle business deals in the city. The need for people to transact businesses in the city...

Brazos Valley Food Bank Case Study

Introduction Brazos Valley Food Bank, situated in Texas, is currently dealing with various non-profit sector issues, including the operational challenge of seasonal food availability. The study indicates that the food supply was inconsistent during summer. The organization’s second challenge was the operational inefficiencies caused mainly by the old manual distribution...

The Role of Storytelling in Effective Leadership

Leadership and Storytelling Engaging and inspiring are two of the most prominent and challenging leaders’ responsibilities. Although leadership is far from being a new concept, it gained considerable interest among researchers relatively late. As a result, tools, and strategies that help leaders perform the functions came into focus. Storytelling is...

Amazon Company’s Financial Statement Analysis

Amazon is one of the largest companies in the world, with a net worth of over $1 billion. Operating in a number of countries, it serves as a marketplace where goods are sold and delivered both directly and via third-party sellers. The company was started relatively recently, and its rapid...

Hourly and Pay-for-Performance Policies

Policies are crucial in the workplace because they help clarify the expected employees’ standards and help the employer manage the staff effectively. The hourly policy requires employees to be paid every sixty minutes, while pay-for-performance is whereby workers receive their pay based on their productivity (Petersen, 2019). It is essential...

Coach INC: The Key Success Factors

Key success factors for makers of ladies’ handbags and leather accessories. The company needs to consider the needs of this particular market segment. Women are people who are known to be sensitive about the quality of products they purchase. Therefore the first success factor concerns quality products. Maintaining the required...

A Sole Proprietorship as the Most Appropriate Business Structure: ABC Company

The ABC company I am establishing is a sole proprietor, which is the most common and arguably the most universally fitting business structure among American companies. In this case, I, the head of the company, would be solely legally responsible for the decisions taken within it, as well as its...

Amazon Web Services Review: Proof-of-Concept Report

This proposed project seeks to address the need for a cloud-based to be used by PHI Engineering Design. Cloud technology has gained popularity following its use of services that are not physically located in the business environment. Like any other company, PHI Engineering Design would not like to overrun budget...

The Strategic Planning, Strategic Business Plan

The role of planning in business cannot be underestimated since it helps to prevent a range of negative outcomes from taking place. Specifically, business planning allows one to avoid an array of risks, including the ones associated with finance and the outcomes of their mismanagement when starting entrepreneurship (Ferreira et...

Economic Factors Affecting Businesses

Economic factors play a significant role in making decisions and guiding one’s business. These factors are related to goods, services, and money. Despite their direct impact on businesses, these variables relate to the financial state of the economy at a higher level, whether regional or global. The purpose of this...

Creating New Markets and Products

The global trading relationship has become much more in-depth and faster as a result of globalization, which has contributed to the exchange of technology and information. Some people say that there are no new markets left to develop. I am afraid I have to disagree with this statement because businesses...

How to Manage a Diverse Team of International Managers

According to Dowling and Welch 2007, there are 4 Multinational entity approaches, namely ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric, and egocentric. The ethnocentric approach indicates that the decisions are made by the PCN, and the key positions can be held by the personnel from the headquarters. It has many advantages, like it makes...

Nigerian Luxury Fashion Stores in Dubai

Luxury fashion stores in Dubai are fashion hubs where customers can get affordable design items under one roof. There exist over 1000 luxurious shopping outlets that offer the same things to customers. Some of the most renowned luxury stores include Mall of Emirates, Brand for Less, MarkaVIP, The Luxury Closet,...

Multinational Enterprises’ Choice of Modes of Entry

Why MNEs Struggle with MOE There is no “one shirt fits all” strategy when it comes to figuring out the best mode of entry (MOE) into foreign markets by multinational enterprises (MNEs). MNEs have to take into consideration various variances to come up with an effective entry strategy. Most of...

Valero Energy and Chevron Corporations’ Financial Management

Stock Performance During the last four quarters, Valero’s stock price has fluctuated between $60.83 on 05/2020 and $72.14 on 04/2021 (Figure 1). During this period, the lowest stock price was spotted at $37.88, whereas the highest reached $84.39 one month ago. In March 2020, a powerful oil prices shock was...

Third-Party Logistics Providers Improving Supply Chains in the Aviation Industry

Introduction The literature review was conducted from publications that are not older than 2016 to reveal that third-party logistics providers can improve the aviation industry’s supply chain. It stipulates the advantages and Future of the partnership of the 3PLs and the aviation industry’s chain supply. The topic is essential because...

AIG: Strategy Assessment and Analysis

The aim of this report is to evaluate the appropriateness of AIG’s strategic proposals, as well as the justification driving its current strategy, with recommendations and considerations based on findings. The information provided will be based on independent evidence and research into the organization. The analysis will be based on...

Financial Analysis of Ace Company

Accounts Receivable Collections The account receivables for the company seem to be increasing year on year, which indicates that their clients are increasingly paying on credit. It also shows a rising trend that could impact available cash flow (Marshall et al., 2020). Another crucial dimension of the accounts receivable is...

Pricing Negotiation Planning Strategy

Purpose of Negotiation The purpose of negotiation is to improve the price for the negotiated product. Desired outcome The desired outcome presupposes the increase in the price for an item sold by the company and the attainment of higher revenues. Pertinent information The negotiated product has outstanding quality and almost...

Target Corporation’s Management and Its Special Features

Target Corporation is currently the eighth-largest retailer company in the U.S. The retail format of the corporation currently includes discount stores under the Target name, SuperTarget hypermarkets, and a number of other small-format stores. A number of external environments affect the operations of Target across the country. Economically, Target is...

Ethical Considerations in Business

Ethical considerations play an important part in business relations, especially in companies that work in markets capable of affecting the environment. Social and environmental impact of a particular company’s actions are crucial to take into account both in creating policy and directing action. The inability to take the proper steps...

Café StudyFun’s Social Media Marketing Plan

Brief Overview The whole world has witnessed dramatic changes because of the COVID-19 industry, and the café industry is not an exception. Before the crisis, such organizations were places that allowed various people to come to eat and spend time with pleasure. Today, the situation is different because the coronavirus...