The First of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Compliance

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), established in 2002, was developed to provide specific compliance rules related to financial decisions. Businesses must control and regulate their operations according to the current legislation. The compliance-related process has impacted numerous organizations, including Trinity Industries. Hence, this paper aims to trace the company’s development under...

Know Your Employment Status and Rights

The labor market is an extremely large and flexible area that needs state control and regulation. This is explained by the fact that workers are often in a vulnerable and unprotected position. This is partly due to the impossibility or inability to correctly understand one’s status of employment of individuals,...

Employees’ Happiness in the UAE

Abstract This proposal aims to do qualitative research on the effects of workplace social support, psychological contracts and work engagement on employees’ happiness mainly in the UAE. This study proposes a qualitative phenomenological methodology to answer the research question. This approach is appropriate to this study since it aligns with...

ABC Manufacturing: Financial Management

As part of this task, it is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial management of ABC Manufacturing. A feature of the annually planned budget is the introduction of changes into it ahead of time, taking into account the fact that their implementation will be curtailed. Employees already know...

Nature of Leadership on the Example of Coaching

Introduction Leadership is a critical management process that helps direct an organization’s resources to improve performance and achieve goals. Influential leaders provide clarity of purpose, motivate and lead the organization to its mission realization. Deshwal and Ali (2020) defined leadership as a “process of influencing others to understand and agree...

Psychology of Work in a Coronavirus World

The idea of working from home is one of the greatest innovations in any industry. The COVID-19 pandemic taught the world that organizations could continue to function by working remotely. It is thus essential for employers to consider mechanisms that allow their staff to work from home permanently (Goldstein, 2017)....

The Rockeach Values Survey Tool for Leaders

Introduction Having a strong set of values for decision-making and relationship building is an undeniable advantage that guides one through life and allows resolving complex dilemmas. However, determining one’s values and understanding which concepts and ideas one prioritizes is a complex journey of self-assessment and self-exploration. The Rockeach Values Survey...

Management: Teamwork Issues Resolution

Introduction Team development is the process of upgrading the skills of the team members, improving the interaction between them, and enhancing the overall working conditions of the team to increase the effectiveness of their work. Thus, team leaders must be able to identify, shape, support, motivate, lead, and inspire their...

Effective Leadership: The Main Features

The success of a business depends on the employees’ productivity and the leadership qualities of the management. Various narratives define who an effective leader is. Some theories define effective leaders as authoritative and insensitive to the employees’ feelings, while others describe them as those who engage with the workforce and...

The Influence of Leadership and Management Styles on Team’s Progress

Management and Leadership Styles The managerial style presents one of the most important factors for employees’ performance as it allows concentrating employees’ collective efforts on organizational goals. Moreover, the communication methods associated with different managerial styles can provide support for the team and encourage the members by providing them with...

Southwest Airlines’ Supplier Information

Southwest Airlines Co., frequently referred to as just Southwest, is a major airline firm in the United States. It currently services 121 domestic destinations and 10 international flight paths. The company has continuously expanded out of its native Texas since 1979 and uses Boeing 737 models exclusively. Its business model...

General Nutrition Centers: Organization Design

GNC, or General Nutrition Centers, is a company that deals with products in the nutrition field, namely vitamins and sports supplements—founded back in 1935 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, by David Shakarian. Nearly a hundred years later, it has grown into one of the largest companies with a financial growth of more...

Lite Safe: Researching of Compensation Systems

Introduction A compensation system refers to a systematic method employed to provide the workforce with rewards in exchange for work done. It plays a significant role of assisting an organization in motivating, attracting, and retaining the greatest talents. When establishing compensation systems for firms, management must factor in various elements....

The Process of Laying Off Workers

Among the companies’ employees, the most likely people to be laid off are Lisa Parks and Charles Thomas. Their active participation in the future seems dubious since both of them are not going to be devoted to the company due to the former’s upcoming insurance payments and the latter’s rumored...

Qualified Candidates and Poor Credit Checks: The Ethical Theory of Utilitarianism

Different state laws in states across the United States limit employers from checking the financial situations of their employees. This paper overviews how a manager can employ an ethical theory of utilitarianism to handle a situation and conflict of a qualified candidate with poor credit checks. The applicable theory is...

Evolving Concepts of Organization Development

One of the valuable studies that shed light on the evolution of the concept of development organization was the project of Kurt Lewin and his team in 1964. Cummings and Worley (2015) describe this study and explain that, firstly, feedback was rated as a significant element in enhancing the effectiveness...

Emotional Intelligence Strategies and Strategic Leadership

Introduction The workplace is a space for communication and building social connections that should be navigated to achieve successful functioning and delivering results. The administrator acts as a leader who can develop a workplace environment for mutual interaction. Feedback and reciprocity are essential indicators of effective communication at work. Emotional...

The RealReal’s Strategy in the Luxury Resale Market

The digitalization trend continues to grow, gradually capturing more and more areas of human activities, starting from everyday life, communication, and transportation to integration in business processes. The logical direction of the trend’s development in the luxury goods sphere suggests that all luxury products will soon undergo a digital authentication...

The Australian Agriculture Company’s Financial Analysis

Introduction The Australian Agriculture Company (ACC) operates primarily in the cattle processing agricultural industry whose financial positions had been influenced by the volatility of climate conditions. Their conservative land situated in the Northern territory and Queensland’s used as the grazing land of their livestock takes crucial drivers for the company’s...

Strategic Supply Chain Management

Introduction Contemporary supply chain management is concerned with building a system that aligns both with organizational needs and customer expectations. Organizations like Cisco, which operates in the tech market, have become more aware of customers’ demands and upcoming trends, thus investing in agility, sustainability, and high levels of digitalization. The...

Is Sustainability Sustainable in African Organizations?

Abstract Sustainability is presented nowadays as a, not to say, solution for the future of “people, planet, and profit”. This approach was already developed almost 30 years ago. (Elkington, s. d.) After agreeing on the definition of sustainability and sustainable development, I will review how the development of sustainability deemed...

Demand Planning Department’s Operation Optimization and Positive Financial Effect

Introduction The department of demand planning is one of the essential departments in a corporation. This study tries to determine the ideal strategy to operate the demand planning department to provide a smooth flow of business and a tremendous financial impact for a company. It attempts to build a road...

Cook’s, Nadella’s, and Musk’s Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence is one of the most critical components in the business environment and important quality for any manager, essentially determining a firm’s success and failure. For example, world-famous personalities like Tim Cook, Satya Nadella, and Elon Musk undoubtedly have a relatively high emotional intelligence. Still, each of them...

Earnings Management and Corporate Governance

The Dependence of Earnings Management on the Implementation of IFRS Changes in the regulatory perspective directly affect earnings management. Almaharmeh et al. (2021) confirm that the introduction of IFRS contributes to a decrease in the degree of earnings management of the company. However, the results obtained are somewhat ambiguous as...

Network Infrastructure Company’s Accounting Fraud

Introduction Even with modern approaches to doing business, theoretical models of ethics contribute to the success and prosperity of organizations. The accounting fraud case of Network Infrastructure Company’s executives is an illustrative example of the violation of ethical models and negligent application of accounting standards. According to the charges, Michael...

WestProp Development Ltd.’s Construction Projects

Abstract The report below analyzes the strategies WestProp Development Ltd may undertake to control the amount of money it incurs in reconstructing 25 North Row W1K6DJ properties in Central London. Some of the costs that the report accounts for include land acquisition costs. Additionally, the research analyzes the assumptions in...

Nintendo’s Competitive Frame and Distinctions

Introduction Nintendo is a multinational company that produces electronics and video games with a headquarters in Kyoto, Japan. Its primary mission is to make people who use its services happier and help their leisure time be better (Nintendo, 2022). The company’s industry is drastically switching from the 8th to the...

Aspects of Valio Company Case Study

Introduction The case study under examination concerns Valio, Finland’s largest dairy products manufacturer, and its reconstruction following the country’s admission into the European Union (EU). Thus, the company was forced to undergo a profound organizational restructuring and adopt new strategies to continue functioning in a changed institutional and regulatory setting...

Raising the Wages and Influencing the Labor Market

State regulation of fair labor conditions for workers across the country is implemented by establishing the minimum wage, which postulates the possible minimum wage: a rate below this value is illegal. According to Herrera (2021), the state minimum wage for 2021 was $7.25 per hour. Against this background, Amazon’s raising...

William Jaeger’s Strategic Decisions

Introduction In the case study, William Jaeger’s objectives are to profit, avoid dangers, and maintain his company’s reputation. He had the option of collecting the grapes quickly or waiting for the rain. If Jaeger chooses to harvest straightaway, the rain will have no influence on the value of the wines,...

Human Resource Management: Hiring the Right Employee

Introduction Hiring the right employee is essential for any company to succeed and enhance its performance. In the given scenario, the general manager position at Midwestern Division would require developed leadership, communication, and organization skills. The individual selected for this job must be able to monitor and evaluate others’ performance...

Employee Relationships From a Biblical Perspective

Introduction It is no secret that good, strong, and stable working relationships between colleagues, subordinates, and leaders of organizations provide a solid foundation for implementing productive work, effective results, and high achievements. It should be noted that the biblical motives, commandments, and dogmas, in this case, act as a “catalyst”...

AutoEdge in US and South Korean Economies

In order to advance in a new market and gain loyal customers quickly, expand the supply chain, and gain traction in a new setting, one must have an accurate understanding of the characteristics that make the specified environment different from the home one. For this reason, comparing the South Korean...

Leadership Challenges as an Educator

Introduction Leadership is a critical factor in the success of any organization, including schools. These factors include learning loss and widening economic gaps, existing systematic inequities, ongoing barriers to a quality education workforce, increased trauma and social-emotional need, and meaningful growth and change barriers. These challenges can arise when there...

The Impact of Executive Orders

One key workforce diversity policy is the Executive Order on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce of 2021. Its undeniable benefit is that it encourages overcoming barriers to equal opportunity for all employees. The Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 is another equally important policy that is...

The Make-Or-Buy Decision Model

The topic of discussion is the preparation of a make-or-buy analysis. To investigate the topic, I selected the article by Rosyidi et al. titled “An Optimization Model of Make or Buy Decision and Quality Improvement of Components Using a Rebate.” The article’s purpose is to describe research conducted to develop...

Zappos: Company & Business Description

Zappos will seek to create value for its target market, such as young and adult fashion lovers with medium income levels in the U.S. and abroad, by offering a wide selection of clothing and home product categories online. The pride of place will be given to over twenty categories of...

Changes of Organizations: Work and Organizational Psychology

Continuous development is a natural aspect of the entrepreneurial field in which the participants involved are regularly optimizing their operational approaches and combining traditional business approaches with innovative solutions to increase their capacities. Over time, some management algorithms have been transformed under the influence of new trends, and some practices...

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance

The business industry is highly complicated, controversial, and fascinating at the same time. To run an organization effectively, there have to be rules and policies established. A compliance program, or CP, is a group of company policies integrated to fulfill all the laws and regulations that help maintain an organization’s...

Is a Leader a Leader Only When Paid?

The case study describes S. M., a young and ambitious mid-level administrator in one of the US medical homes. The woman was elected for volunteering a two-year term in the president’s office. She intended to improve herself and her leadership traits and help the medical home, patients, and the state’s...

Applying Leadership to Enable Staff Achievement

Applying Leadership to Enable Staff Achievement The systematic development of influential leaders is crucial to the long-term success of an organization; however, this aspect is frequently neglected or approached randomly. Management has been viewed as the technique through which an individual sets orientation, exerts influence over a team, and guides...

Values-Driven Leadership by Ashimolowo

Individuals’ lives and professions are shaped by their values, which are the essential concepts that impact their behaviors and choices. Leadership principles are a subgroup of values that positively affect someone’s ability to govern or be a great leader successfully. According to Ashimolowo (2013), individuals may promote and strengthen leadership...

Risk Management of Global Hazards

Global Risks: Reflection Risk management is a crucial aspect that affects the viability of a business or a project. Nonetheless, the most influential hazards are those at the global level. World Economic Forum (2020) documents several happenings that are likely to influence all people in relation to society, economics, politics,...

Southwest Airlines’ Positive Organizational Change

For Southwest Airlines, one of the world’s prominent low-cost carriers, positive organizational change, in the form of promoting a culture of improvement, can support and improve its competitive advantage globally. Organizational change can maximize the carrier’s global reputation as an animal-friendly and reliable carrier. It would support the company’s ability...

Pricing Strategies According to Spenser Lum

The three pricing strategies, according to Spenser Lum, include anchoring, good naming, and fair value. Anchoring entails setting the tone for what clients see first—according to Lum (2017), setting a high value first and letting people bid based on the price influence their expectations easily. An anchor price changes buying...

A Strategic Approach to Human Resource Management

To achieve maximum efficiency of the organization, management needs to use human resources evenly and competently. The fact is that individuals are the key tool of corporations. Based on this, the leader must, first of all, form a strategic approach to personnel. It is important to analyze in detail what...

Walmart Inc.’s Code of Conduct

Walmart Inc., one of the world’s biggest retail corporations, pays significant attention to public reputation. In this regard, Walmart’s Code of Conduct reflects the company’s approach to professional ethics. According to Walmart (n.d.), ethical conduct is vital for building trust in three essential aspects: associate relationships, customer relationships, and overall...

Moral Conscience in Relation to Business

Refusal to recognize freedom of choice would mean the collapse of any ethical system, morality and law, and human dignity, and its guarantee is not only a moral thing but also an economic one. As the experience of modern management shows, a significant factor in increasing an employee’s interest in...

The Nakilat Company’s Organizational Change

Introduction Established in 2004, NAKILAT is one of the renowned shipping and maritime companies operating in the state of Qatar. The company has about 794 employees who help achieve its purpose (Nakilat, 2022). It offers an important transportation link in Qatar’s supply chain. It provides shipping agency services through Nakilat...

The Desire of Power and Leadership Over Followers

Among other people, followers can always be distinguished by referring to their behavior. According to their rank, they are one step down in the social hierarchy and do what the leader wants them to do. The authority and influence of the ruling class subjugates their will at the expense of...

Culture and Corporate Information Systems

For the purposes of this paper, the subject of information systems will be discussed. In order to provide an organization, person or larger society with some form of data, informational systems are widely used. Discussing the existing literature on the subject, a paper examining corporate informational systems, as well as...

Workforce Shortages in Australian Unity

Introduction Implementing the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) in Australia was expected to become the foundation of a person-centered, responsive, and flexible approach to providing disability care. However, disability organizations, including those that work with the NDIS system, often face the notorious challenge of qualified staff shortage. One such organization...

Ubras China: Launching Nude Bras in the African Market

Introduction Science and technology have made the world evolve as people seek to apply these changes in their daily lives. Businesses have not been left behind as more and more business evolves to cater to the needs of their customers. The clothing industry has been affected by these innovative ideas....

The Case Study of the Jim Beam Bourbon-Making Plant

Introduction Neglecting employees’ natural needs in the context of the pursuit of increased productivity is a controversial practice. The example of the Jim Beam bourbon-making plant, described by Smith (2002), offers an assessment of an ambiguous situation. After carrying out the relevant checks and analytical work, the plant management issues...

Operations and Information Management: A Case Study of CC Music

Introduction Operations management (OM) is the regulation of business procedures inside an enterprise to achieve the best degree of effectiveness achievable. It focuses on transforming labor and raw materials into merchandise and offerings as effectively as feasible to increase a company’s profit (Mišić & Perakis, 2020). To operate a thriving...

Rokeach Values: The Leadership Styles

Introduction The three main instrumental values that have been determined through the Rokeach Values Survey have been formulated as broadmindedness, cheerfulness, and forgivingness. The three elements fit within the values hierarchy by highlighting the means through which goals are achieved. Thus, the instruments for objective-fulfilling aims include the aforementioned concepts....

Observing Cases From Various Sides in Business

Introduction Sometimes, there are cases in which the most morally correct conclusions might initially appear evident. The described situation introduces the readers to an honest manager from a small community and his seemingly egotistical boss, and the subjective reading of this narrative forces them to side with the sympathetic protagonist....

The Brooklyn Brewery’s Options in the US Market

If an organization is going to run a business in the US brewery industry, it should be aware of the three-tier alcohol distribution system. The system was created in 1933 “as a result of an amendment to the US Constitution” (Meier & Wang, 2021, p. 3). According to this legislation...

Employment Discrimination: Diversity Still Matters

Applicants need to find the right place of work to ensure their well-being, and organizations require competent people to succeed. Therefore, the search and retention of talented employees are crucial tasks performed by the Human Resources (HR) department. However, finding a job and hiring employees requires significant effort and face...

A Leadership & Organization Development Interview

Introduction The interview was conducted with a physician who owns a medical center and has been managing it for over 15 years. He has built a strong business and a unified team, implementing various leadership concepts and being a highly respected and liked leader among staff, patients, and the community....

KE Adventure Travel Company Analysis

Introduction KE Adventure Travel is a company that organizes trips and vacations for its clients. This is a task that they have been accomplishing for over thirty years (KE Adventure Travel, 2022). The recreation style promoted by this company is active, they provide, for example, hiking, swimming, and skiing (KE...

Netflix and Blockbuster: Case Study

Netflix and Blockbuster are leaders in the entertainment industry offering video streaming services. However, their histories reveal how different business models shaped customer experiences, determining corporate strategies, and paved the way for technological development. Johnson et al. (2008) note that all successful ventures are founded on developing unique solutions to...

Amazon and Walmart on Collision Course

Introduction: Amazon and Walmart Company Analysis Amazon: The largest digital company in the United States. It began as an e-commerce bookstore but has expanded to a diversified chain. The Retailer has the largest variety of products on sale. It applies the One- to- One (Relationship) Marketing Concept for value proposition...

Preparation for the Management Meeting

Introduction Since The Conservatory Company PLC is going through a successful phase with a 25% growth in sales, it faces problems matching the pace of demand. This includes a slow production process, increased pressure on machinery, and low incomes due to constant overtime payments. Discussion Expanding by renting the warehouse...

The Inc. Brokerage’s Digital Adoption Plan

Executive Summary The Key Elements of the Plan for the SME Businesses have adopted internet commerce due to the present boom of technical developments. The real estate industry has been quick to absorb these technologies. This study aims to genuinely help stakeholders understand the importance of e-platform concepts in the...

Nissan’s Cogent: The Co-Development Regeneration Tool

Cross-Functional Teams Cross-Functional Teams are characterized by diversity in participants’ functions, complex and efficient reporting systems, and more efficient time management. These teams are built of members that specialize in different disciplines and, regarding their specialization, provide different functions in the team, yet the actions of every specialist are dedicated...

Infant Industry Support of the Car Industry

Introduction An infant industry is a newly emerging industry that requires close attention and support from the state. As part of the car building, countries are increasing their technical equipment and developing their economies. In addition, states minimize the impact of cars on the environment by reducing exhaust gases and...

The Zappos Firm’s Effective Organizational Structure

After watching the TEDx Talks and the Zappos company culture videos, I am hopeful that the unique culture at Zappos will benefit the company in the long run. Based on what I saw in the Video, the company is receptive to both its consumers and staff and the ideas they...

The 8th Avenue Firm Entering the Chinese Market

Introduction Manufacturing and marketing private brand food items primarily for retail, restaurant, and ingredient customers, 8th Avenue is a market-leading holding company focused on availing private brands for consumption. A merging of the personal brand companies owned by Post Holdings resulted in the creation of 8th Avenue Food & Provisions...

Trade and Supply Chain Improvement Initiatives

The ability to operate supply chain (SC) and trade processes in an efficient manner is inextricably connected to modern states’ economic success and status in the international market. At the national level, optimal performance in this regard can be ascertained using a vast array of strategies. To promote trade and...

Amazon Labor Union from Employee Perspective

Introduction Amazon Labor Union (ALU) entails a solitary labor union, particularly for Amazon employees. This organization was established on 20th April 2021. Additionally, it is vital to note that on 1st April 2022, Amazon employees at a store in Staten Island, JFK8, were supported by ALU to become the initial...

Market Forces Affecting Malays After Privatization of Malaysia’s Power Industry

Introduction The Malaysian government has been privatizing some state-owned companies, including power generation companies, to reduce its debt burden and promote efficiency in the usage of resources. The approach has positively impacted Malays’ entry into the power market, as private companies can now compete for contracts to build and operate...

Human Resource Systems in Socialization Process

The Human resource process is heavily influenced by legal, safety, and regulatory constraints. The H.R. process oversees employee identification, recruiting, and selection. The H.R. process is also in charge of developing and implementing training programs, developing and implementing employee benefits programs, and developing and implementing employee discipline programs. Legal regulations...

Southwest Airlines’ Internal Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial analysis pertains to corporate finance and investment business economics. Internal financial reporting is a corporate practice involving the compilation of financial records for frequent internal usage (Khoja et al., 2019). The documentation may contain classified data, such as institution metrics, economic condition, scorecards, net present value (NPV), and...

Estate Planning in Financial Advising

Introduction One of the key concepts in financial advising is estate planning. In its simplest terms, this is the planning of actions that assist in managing a person’s asset base in the case of his incapacity or death (Bogan et al., 2020). It is a procedure that involves talking with...

Motivating Employees at Pearson Urgent Care

Introduction Employee engagement is crucial to any organizational success. Several adequate organizational studies have concentrated on the importance of employee motivation in improving employee performance in a company. Furthermore, it is vital to recognize that individuals have various wants that constantly compete with other variables. Every employee has distinct needs...

Real Estate Strategic Improvements

Introduction Strategic planning is a systematic process that aids in creating goals for an organization’s future and determining the best way to accomplish them. Its main objective in the real estate business is to link three crucial areas: mission, vision, and plan. A real estate company’s mission statement should identify...

Insurance Financial Advising Concepts

Introduction The job of insurance financial advising is to work with clients and offer them consultation on their capital. For people who do not have high knowledge in this area, competent and professional help is important. Employees of this profession give advice on all financial aspects of interest to the...

Entrepreneurial Profile of Private Music Teacher

Mr. Phuoc Vu is a private music teacher that has been working in the industry for about 15 years. He stated that his determination to always learn and improve, along with his dedicated approach to work and strict ethic allowed him to gather a significant pool of students. Eventually, these...

Top Management Reporting in Supporting Business Decision Making

In today’s complicated and disrupted business environments, effective decision-making should be connected, contextual, and continuous to generate good results. Typically, management reporting assists enterprises in making strategic decisions, mostly by applying data collected from different departments, units, and financial centers. With the assistance of management reporting, the top management can...

Human Resource Management Functions Analysis

Human resources are the most basic and irreplaceable resource in any activity, including business. Without reliable employees, developing any endeavor, delegating tasks, or expanding the scope of action is impossible. Accordingly, the company’s strategic plans must be aligned with the company’s human resources policy. Without an appropriate, renewable, and adequate...

Tesla Motors as the Most Compelling Car Company

Introduction Tesla is an American electric vehicle and clean energy company based in Palo Alto, California. The company was founded in 2003 by a group of engineers in Silicon Valley with the vision of creating the most compelling car company of the 21st century. Accelerating the world towards realization of...

Microsoft Office and Indian Culture

Introduction The global development of any company and the popularization of new products require an enhanced understanding of the selected region’s peculiarities and how they can be used to boost the firm’s evolution. Thus, Microsoft and its most popular product Microsoft Office can benefit from improving its presence in India...

Entrepreneurship Abilities and Predisposition

Introduction The concept of entrepreneurship as the process of establishing and running a business has been believed to be the kind of activity that requires a particular set of characteristics that are intrinsic to one’s personality. In other words, entrepreneurs used to be perceived as being born and not made....

Remote Work: Building Meaningful Collaboration

Sally Percy, a business and finance journalist, discusses the peculiarities of effective intra-team communication in a new working environment when team members are located in different cities and even countries. Percy (2022) offers five ways to build meaningful collaboration remotely. First, it is vital to encourage collective feedback by creating...

Leadership Approaches in Management

Introduction Leaders play a vital role in influencing the performance of the business organization. In any business setting, the performance of an entity is significantly influenced by the leadership style employed by the manager. Furthermore, practicing various leadership styles such as servant, democratic and transformational is effective because they allow...

Minimizing Employer’s Liability in Making Stadiums

Summary Over decades sports have become a serious activity that has increased worldwide, making investors earn from it while others do it for recreation. Since most games cannot be held in disclosed and unmanaged places, most business partners have invested in making stadiums for easy sports facilitation. As games are...

The Expectancy Model of Motivation in Business

In a working environment, witnessing one person with equal skills excel while another person fail is not a rare occurrence. Productivity and, hence, success depend not only on one’s skillset and qualification but also on intrinsic motivation and the level of effort. Chapter 7 dwells on the expectancy model of...

Wellness Program for Remote Workers

Introduction The pandemic, which is ongoing today, has changed a lot for employers. Now, to provide employees with a comfortable work environment, it is necessary to think more broadly and find new solutions. In addition, many people had a hard time working from home. There were several reasons for this:...

Compensation Package of Payments at Work

In modern times, to attract valuable employees, companies are developing various strategies and tactics. One of these strategies is to offer a compensation package of payments, which may include additional financial bonuses and benefits in addition to wages. In addition, medical insurance or pension payments are provided as compensation. In...

Human Resource Function and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Business ethics are significant since they help organizations avoid situations that may interfere with their routine activities. While ethical decision-making among organizations is anchored on their management, the employees are crucial in enhancing an ethical culture. Therefore, human resource management ought to involve processes and procedures that promote good...

Grassroots Organizations Collaborating for Change

Grassroots organizations are mainly made-up civilians who advocate for a cause that leads to international, national, or local change. They are as essential as the money required for any innovation. In my view, grassroots organizing is an efficient way of changing public policy. This is because they provide a platform...

Drone Integration in Oil and Gas Industry

Introduction Integration of commercial drones in various industries has a significant potential to positively impact such industries. These drones are deployed to conduct inspections that improve industry operations, including increasing precision, driving efficiency, and providing safer workforce options. In 2021, the global drone inspection and monitoring market recorded $7.47 billion....

Scientific Management and Its Key Principles

Economic efficiency is important when executing projects since it helps maximize profitability. Scientific management is a theory that involves the analysis and synthesis of workflows (Mumby & Kuhn, 2019). The theory’s main objective is to improve economic efficiency through labor productivity. Although the theory majorly applies to engineering processes, non-technical...

The Use of Crowdfunding as an Alternative Way to Finance Small Businesses in SA

Abstract Studying the fundamentals of the financial market implies analyzing investment channels as the critical method of replenishing organizational budget funds. Due to the expansion of digital technologies in the modern business sphere, such a fundraising mechanism as crowdfunding is one of the possible options for accumulating profits through voluntary...

Report on The Work of Caterpillar Inc.

Caterpillar is the world’s largest manufacturer of construction and mining equipment. It serves a number of industries – infrastructure, construction, mining, oil and gas and transport, the company is considered one of the most demanded in the global economy. Caterpillar Inc.’s Vision Mission of Caterpillar Inc. The company’s mission is...

A Decision to Attend Commonwealth Games

Introduction I have always been a great fan of the commonwealth games. I have always watched them on television, and this year I plan to attend them. This year, the commonwealth games hit the 22nd time since they were launched and were being held in Birmingham, England, starting from July...

Acquisition of Innovative Solutions by Multinational Enterprise

Introduction A small IT startup called Innovative Solutions (INOS) was acquired by a multinational enterprise (MNE). The cultural attributes of two companies are drastically different, which requires efforts on cultural assimilation to integrate INOS into the structure of MNE. The smaller company has horizontal, relaxed, non-hierarchical, and innovation-focused organizational culture,...

Opening and Developing the Business: A Mobile Game

To open a business, one should carefully design a business plan, calculate all possible expenses, and learn the necessary skills. I want to start a mobile game business, as it is a business that can be started with almost no physical expenses and requires only PC, mobile coding, design, and...

Ethical Reasoning in the Boeing 737 Max Fraud

The ethical dilemma when the safety concerns over the 737 Max first surfaced When first questions concerning the safety of the 737 Max were raised, Boeing found itself in a precarious position from an ethical point of view, which may be summed up as follows: For instance, when the first...

Kirkpatrick Model of Management

Introduction Many companies believe that training answers all issues and that its absence is the root of many problems. Most people are familiar with the Kirkpatrick Model, which may be used to analyze and assess the outcomes of coaching and educational initiatives. This essay will describe the Kirkpatrick instructional and...

The Key to Winning in Sales: Video Review

Almost every person strives to achieve success and prosperity, and therefore people are looking for the keys to victory. Dr. Christopher Croner believes that optimistic and determined people often succeed (Selling Power, 2012). I think that determination is one of the essential qualities of a person who strives for success....

Transformational Leadership in Business

A particular team’s progress in 2021 is documented in the article called “Transformational leadership and the leadership team: the journey continues.” Specifically, it shows how the team has effectively used its incredibly united leadership group to benefit its outside stakeholders involved. The team determined the four lessons to be most...

Marketing Interconnection With Organizational Departments

The marketing process directly correlates with organizational success. Through effective marketing, companies can examine the market through a STEEPLE analysis. Indeed, cooperation between the marketing department and other elements within an organization is vital through assistance and insight into efficient strategies and business processes. Namely, the departments that primarily benefit...

The Goodwill and Impairment Project

Buying another firm or organization is typical strategy corporations use to expand. These acquisitions are frequently sizable transactions, referred to as “business combinations” in IFRS Accounting Standards. The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is investigating ways to assist investors in holding businesses accountable for acquisitions and enhancing goodwill accounting in...

Airport Ownership and Regulation

Most modern airports are giant constructions with complex infrastructure and numerous employees necessary to guarantee their stable functioning. Moreover, they can offer a trading place for companies, shops, and retailers to sell their products to passengers. For this reason, it can be a source of stable income and increased attractiveness...

Vitro Sociedad Anonima and Corning Inc. Joint Venture

To maintain a competitive advantage, two companies focused on the production of glass-related items have established an alliance that was meant to benefit them both. In fact, Vitro Sociedad Anonima and Corning Inc. supposedly shared similar corporate values and business strategies, which implied that a great joint venture could be...

Positive Tone in Business Communication

Business communication has many unique characteristics that distinguish it from other types of human interaction. The tone of the message that is transmitted to one of the communication participants is of particular importance in this aspect. A positive tone in business communication allows to maintain optimism in a person and...

Strategic Planning Case Study: Process Management

In the organizational discipline of business process management (BPM), A company takes a step back and evaluates each of these procedures as a whole and separately. It evaluates the current situation and identifies potential areas for improvement to create a more effective and efficient organization. Therefore, during the planning phase,...

Interview Questions for Computer Systems Analyst

Introduction The interview is a tried and tested component of the employment process that employers have likely utilized for years with slight variation. The interview process should be scrutinized and revised, considering the widespread adoption of technology and data in recruitment. The most popular form of interview question, the behavioral...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Marketing Campaigns

Introduction The chosen company for this project will be Coca-Cola Company. John S. Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, brought this soda drink to the public for the first time in 1886. Bookkeeper of the Pemberton Chemical Company and inventor of the phrase Coca-Cola, Frank Robinson, published the first iteration of...

Faces and Voices of Recovery: Fundraising Company

In the modern world, people are exposed to many addictive substances and activities that destroy the life of a person and their loved ones. Therefore, the social and financial contribution to the fight against addictions is essential. Currently, the organization holds annual events such as Recovery Month and participates in...

A Forensic Pathologist’s Professional Path

The job of a forensic pathologist needs nearly 13 years of education and serious medical preparation after school, spending about 10-12 hours on foot under challenging conditions, and a daily encounter with death and cruelty. These specialists undergo substantial training, specializing in many spheres, in order to be able to...

Trade Policies in International Business

Dumping is understood as the deliberate lowering of prices below the average market to displace competitors. Meanwhile, anti-dumping is a strategy to counter dumping which is used to prevent unscrupulous participants from concluding a state contract (Blonigen & Prusa, 2019). If the participant greatly reduces the price, this does not...

The Evidence-Based Practices in Business

Introduction Quality improvement is a process in which the effectiveness of all existing systems in the business is evaluated. Changes usually take place based on a structured approach and qualitative analysis of all work areas of the company. To organize successful improvements, regular data collection and analysis are accomplished. Business...

List Integration Essay: Pilots’ Attempt to Claim Employer Collusion

The four commonly used integration methods in airline mergers are date of hire, rank ratio, relative seniority, and career expectation. The methods have therefore been used in the cases “Addington vs the U.S.,” “Nicolau reward,” and “Allegheny Mohawk Merger Case” to show the conditions for getting into a merger and...

Rules of Financial Accounting: Economics and Management

It is vital to describe control methods to show how an organization works to stop and curtail dishonest behavior and needless mistakes in its accounting records and data. Starbucks revealed that following the directives forwarded under the Securities and Exchange Commission act of 1935 is necessary for disclosure. Starbucks’ income...

Campaign Marketing Plan: Analysis

Given that the organization specializes in such a stigmatized field as the battle against addictions and rehabilitation, it is vital to gain more people’s attention to meet the fundraising goals. The major purpose of the marketing effort is to attract and enlighten enough potential contributors to fulfill the 1.5 million...

“Workplace Communication” by Newman and Goode

The article was developed by Newman and Goode, exploring the different types of communication between supervisors and their subordinates. The authors identify four types of communication: task-oriented, relationship-oriented, problem-oriented, and mixed-type. Each type of communication serves a different purpose, and supervisors must be aware of communicating effectively with their subordinates....

Healthcare Insurance Organizations’ Risk of Fraud

Introduction Today, numerous companies are experiencing problems resisting illegal actions and suffering losses because of their consequences. Healthcare fraud, including health insurance branch fraud, has a remarkably negative impact on all parties involved in each case. Combating fraudulent practices involves both the need for internal changes within such companies and...

Aspects of Servant Leadership

Introduction Servant leaders believe it is their responsibility to build enduring relationships with people and listen to their followers. This enables leaders to comprehend the skills, requirements, and objectives of followers, enabling those followers to realize their greatest potential. Servant leadership has grown in popularity since it was initially proposed...

Strategic Management of Caterpillar Inc.

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. develops short- and long-term goals to steer its performance, similar to any thriving corporation. Caterpillar’s long-term objective is lucrative prosperity that will allow the organization to fortify its status as a dominant force by developing its products and offerings. Additionally, the company seeks to provide its consumers...

Influence of Brand Characteristics on Marketing Strategies

Introduction Modern marketing strategies for promoting products and brands through social media are extremely diverse and vary depending on the characteristics and goals of companies. This study seeks to explore how key brand characteristics influence the choice of marketing strategies and the formation of the target audience’s purchasing behavior. Additionally,...

A Human Resources Manager in Setting Up a New Establishment

Introduction Human Resources (HR) managers are in charge of an essential part of the organization: the workforce. With knowledge about handling human capital, an organization maintains its success by ensuring its bottom line remains within the company’s goals. The department’s role is to assist in identifying company values, helping staff...

Multinational Corporations’ Cultural Factors

A multinational company must consider an abundance of characteristics when entering a new market or beginning fundamental cooperation with another culture can be described. Even though it is problematic to foresee and estimate all such nuances, managers should make significant efforts to become flexible in international business relations (Moran et...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Achievement of Strategic Goals

Introduction Caterpillar Inc. is a large multidivisional organization that performs in the market of machinery, financial, and insurance services. According to the organization’s official statement, its strategic goals include meeting “the needs of our customers and the communities in which we live and work” and creating “profitable growth for tomorrow”...

Workplace Consultants and Coaches

I agree with X that experts in leadership and organizations can play at least two separate roles. Although the newcomers received official training in a training class before joining the company, the exercise cannot include all the necessary information and often covers the fundamentals (12 Key Differences, 2022). The new...

The Venture Capital Concept in the Aviation Industry

Investors support start-ups and small enterprises with venture capital, a form of private equity believed to have the potential for long-term growth. Typically, the majority of venture funding comes from affluent individuals, investment banks, and other financial institutions. However, it is often given to tiny businesses, organizations with extraordinary growth...

Choosing the Right Business Type: Considerations for Startup Success

When starting one’s own business, it is essential to consider various questions and address possible challenges. The decision-making process in such a situation should be based on useful and trustworthy information: future business owners need to think about funding, the main idea of their company, target audience, employees, and many...

A Good Leader: The Main Qualities

A good leader should be motivated to know how to inspire others. For example, he or she is a role model for his or her workers by showing his career success. Attentiveness forces an employer to differentiate the motives of their employees. To illustrate, when a leader knows that one...

The Occupational Therapy Assistant Profession

Being an occupational therapy assistant has several significant advantages. Primarily, it is a valuable opportunity to realize one’s desire to help people. In this regard, this profession allows one to directly solve various problems of patients, thus making a considerable contribution to society as a whole. In addition, the assistant...

Occupational Work Accident at Dauma

Dauma is a facility that produces a variety of construction materials, including bricks, cement, clay, and concrete, using concrete block machines, cement making machines, and other potentially hazardous equipment. Incidents that may result in injuries or even death occur on the Dauma premises (Odenigbo et al., 2019). This article aims...

Cross-Cultural and Global Economic Issues

Introduction The study’s purpose is to evaluate the cultural and economic issues that will impact Winmark Corp, an organization seeking to expand its operations from the United States to India. The company operates by buying and selling already used goods such as clothing, sportswear and video games. Winmark Corp was...

Researching the Concept of SMART Goals

In the modern digital age, relying on ambiguous statements that sound like affirmations and dreams is no longer considered wise. Instead, it is now suggested to follow the SMART goal strategy, which stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (Davis, 2018). Therefore, I decided to use this method to...

Laying Off Employees: The Main Criteria

Introduction Laying off employees is an effective cost reduction strategy; however, there are many cores to consider before making such a decision. When management chooses this strategy, it is necessary to make sure that the policy does not affect underprotected classes: people over 40 and ethical minorities. Among the possible...

The Pietro Company: Capital Expenditure

Capital budgeting is essential when evaluating a project as it helps determine the viable investment opportunity. Investors ought to have project appraisers and financial analysts who can help analyze the project’s viability. Some of the financial techniques used when evaluating the profitability of an investment comprise net present value, payback...

Issues Associated with Midterm Implementation of Capabilities

Aviation is one of the industries that strive to keep up with emerging technologies and cutting-edge solutions to deliver more convenient air-travel services. However, implementing and ensuring the efficiency of travel systems is a strenuous task that requires comprehensive preparation, organized execution of initiatives, and continuous evaluation. The report by...

Change Management Capabilities at Ryno

Ryno is a small client acquisition firm that hires AT&T sales representatives to bring in new customers. In addition, the firm does hire and train internally. An organization’s current state can be improved by implementing a change management strategy. These include the people involved and the various methods used to...

A Human Services Organization’s Analysis

Organization Description Human services agencies function as community-based organizations aimed at tackling a particular problem or a set of issues relevant to a significant population of clients. In particular, this organizational analysis report is designed to identify the performance characteristics and theoretical basis for the agency that provides human services...

Internal Influence on Walmart’s Corporate Strategy

Corporate strategy is a continuous process of establishing a business’s value, setting goals for profits and growth, and training employees to achieve them. It is different from business strategy in that it is concerned with cost leadership, differentiation, and focus approaches rather than just competing in a market. Product, personnel,...

Lessons of Project Management Theory

Introduction The two main lessons I have learned are project comprehension issues and mindless quick delegation. The problem of understanding can be treated from a philosophical and existential point of view, and in business, it is often not given significant depth. Discussion However, the lack of understanding by the project...

The Importance of Making the Appropriate Hires

Introduction It is tempting to locate a new team member right away and get them started when one finally has the funds to do so. Since they have probably needed this individual for months, all they want is a vacation from their never-ending job. However, hurrying the process and selecting...

Integrated Leadership Development Program

Impact of Contextual Factors on Leadership and Management Development Leadership Development Leadership development entails activities designed to prepare current and future leaders to perform their roles efficiently. One of the primary roles of leadership development entails boosting employee engagement. This strategy trains leaders on increasing interaction, encouraging feedback, and improving...

Direct and Social Media Marketing Strategies and Techniques

The First Marketing Technique Technique Description Direct marketing refers to selling products and services directly to customers through the telephone or physically meeting up with them. This marketing technique is effective because it relies on a direct person-to-person communication channel. This organization requires this marketing strategy to engage with clients...

Contemporary Human Resource Practices

This paper will discuss the topic of contemporary human resource practices. Nowadays, HR managers shift from traditional HR management, focused on handling labor relations, to strategic HR management, which aims to align HR practices with long-term corporate goals. Strategic HR managers recognize that people are the most valuable organizational resource;...

Ethics of Targeting the Children of Leaders

Introduction For the most part, considering the connections of a job applicant is a relatively good practice for a company looking for excellent employees. Primarily, this process increases the chance of choosing the “right” talent by saving time, energy, and other resources within the recruitment framework. In addition, employers will...

Diversity and Inclusion in Business

Article Overview The article by Bryan Robinson entitled “5 Ways HR Can Work With Companies To Prioritize Workplace Diversity And Inclusion” was written comparatively recently, on Jun 2, 2022. It was published in Forbes magazine and is available online at the following link Diversity and inclusion are two critical...

Voyager Company: Case Remote Control Suggestions

Introduction This recommends a remote-control system implementation for the Voyager Search company. Implementation will take place within sixty-five days of approval. Improved profitability, productivity, and reduced costs will result from keeping employees in a comfortable environment while introducing a system for monitoring and controlling key indicators. Background Entrepreneurs, and Voyager...

Bill George’s Authentic Leadership Ideas

Introduction Bill George is a professor at Harvard Business School and the author of True North. In an interview, Bill George brings up the topic of authentic leadership, a major subject of his books. George says that leadership is not a style or manner of speaking. An authentic leader is...

The Amazon and eBay Companies Comparison

Introduction and Case Summary The pandemic has affected all businesses and industries in a most drastic way, causing a significant number of companies to exit the global market or close altogether. However, some firms managed to overcome the crisis, Amazon and eBay being among the companies that defeated the pandemic...