In 1990, three of the United States’ leading automotive manufacturers sued the state of California for the intensity with which it was establishing and implementing emission regulations. Toyota however, began work on the Toyota Prius as a move that has now become one of the most fuel-efficient cars in the...
Topic: Ford
Words: 980
Pages: 3
Introduction The managerial approach to business stresses the problem-solving and decision-making responsibility of business managers. This method emphasizes their ability to make decisions and solve business problems in a way that enhances the objectives of the whole corporation. The business manager is a specialist in managing markets and business resources;...
Topic: Management
Words: 1975
Pages: 7
The modern world is abounding with different companies and firms. These companies, firms, and factories produce different goods which they supply the markets with to please the consumers. These firms are also different in their infrastructure and the way they run business, what company politics they lead and how they...
Topic: Boeing
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Introduction In order for an organization to remain relevant and competitive in the face of fierce competition, it is important that the management is in the apposition to deliver on the goals and objectives of such an organization. For this reason, a lot of organizations today are emphasizing cooperation and...
Topic: Management
Words: 2955
Pages: 11
Outline The paper ‘Introduction to Management’ discusses the group decision-making adopted by organizations in Australia. It is a report on the increasing significance of group decision-making in organizations in Australia for meeting their organizational objectives. The research topic is the critical analysis of the subject of group decision-making in today’s...
Topic: Management
Words: 2425
Pages: 9
Executive Summary Zuckerberg is one of the young millionaires as a result of this innovation and entrepreneurship that enabled him to create Facebook. Being the youngest billionaire Zuckerberg, has managed to supply the old businessmen who have toiled for many years but have not reached his levels. Zuckerberg has used...
Topic: Mind
Words: 3638
Pages: 13
Introduction Owing to the negative effects that global warming is having on our planets, debates have raged on as to the best way to alleviate the degradation of the environment. One of the ways that have been proposed and to some extent embraced in some countries is the use of...
Topic: Energy
Words: 624
Pages: 2
Introduction A team is a group of people working towards achieving the same set of goals. Though teams usually work to achieve these goals, they face a myriad of challenges right from their formation. When our groups were first announced, every student was nervous, quietly waiting to see which group...
Topic: Business
Words: 1724
Pages: 5
Introduction Information sharing is an important part of knowledge management in the company. Assessing the context of information sharing, it can be said that it is associated with personal attributes, as information sharing is “voluntary act of making information available to others, [where] sharer could pass information on, but does...
Topic: Business
Words: 537
Pages: 3
I guess that organizational learning is one of the most important aspects of organizational development as it helps modern companies to improve their performance and introduce knowledge management initiatives. Organizations learn when they increase their knowledge of action relationships by obtaining information that they recognize as being potentially useful. This...
Topic: Business
Words: 1397
Pages: 5
This business report deals with the analysis of commercial real estate market conditions in Scotland. The demand and supply theory in the real estate market context is included in this report for assessing the future market conditions. The economics, dynamics and interactions between use, investment and development sectors are discussed...
Topic: Real Estate
Words: 3293
Pages: 12
Abstract Management is one of the most important concepts in the operation of a firm. The management of Sheltair Aviation, a firm that deals with the fixed-based operation of airlines in North America, has integrated this concept. Over the years, its performance has been optimal due to various management strategies...
Topic: Aviation
Words: 2874
Pages: 10
Digital dashboards are business management tools that visually give the position or status of the business using the core indicators of that same business. They display data from various business departments to give the bests decisions that the business venture should follow. There are three types available in the markets;...
Topic: Management
Words: 311
Pages: 2
Introduction According to Wigand (1997), electronic Commerce is an integrative concept, designed to draw together a wide range of business support services. This includes inter-organizational e-mail, directories, trading support systems for commodities, products, customized products, and custom-built goods and services, ordering and logistic support systems, settlement support systems, and management...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 1487
Pages: 5
There is a certain food stuff manufacturing firm from which I always purchase snacks. The firm produces different types of cakes, biscuits, and on the other hand processes milk into different final products like yoghurt, cheese, butter, fresh milk etc. I am a constant buyer of this business as I...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Statement of Facts Legal Issue Statement Applicable Legal Rules Observations In this case, in the lower court, jurors who were educators, office workers, a nurse, and engineers observed that Skilling was final repository as he was the main brain behind binding “side-deals” to perpetuate his technique to defraud. According to...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 974
Pages: 4
Introduction The organizational structures, especially companies, are different and more complex from those of smaller ones. While sole proprietorship and partnership consist of just the management team, larger organization and companies in particular (both profit making and non profit making organization), usually have boards of director which is the organization’s...
Topic: Business
Words: 1504
Pages: 4
The organizational structure of an enterprise can be affected by a great number of factors, such as marketing strategies, operations, human resources, and others (Bateman& Snell, 2008). Provided that we are speaking about Ford Motor Company we should first speak about operations. As a representative of the automobile industry, Ford...
Topic: Ford
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Conflict management (CM) styles provide us with those patterns of expressing our concern that usually develops in workplace organizations with an aim to resolve conflicts. Conflicting situations require the skills to cope up with various problem scenarios. CM is usually examined in my place of work as a dual process...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 842
Pages: 3
Introduction For a long time, the Microsoft Company has had huge profit margins through employing the monopoly power it has to hold constant the prices of the company’s software at all times regardless of the business situation. However, in these times of horrible downturn and ever-increasing competition, the CEO of...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 943
Pages: 3
Introduction The psychological contract between the employer and the employee can be understood as an unwritten agreement, the formal definition of which can vary, but mostly revolve around expectations and beliefs regarding terms of an exchange agreement between the employee and the organization (Maguire, 2004). Accordingly, the agreement is not...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 645
Pages: 2
Introduction Operations management refers to all sets of strategies and activities that are geared towards the careful management of processes to produce and distribute products and services. According to Bjorn & Rune (1999:294), the set of activities that are involved in operations management includes product creation, development, production, and distribution....
Topic: Ford
Words: 1039
Pages: 3
Introduction The article under consideration is called “construct “lifestyle” in market segmentation: the behavior of tourist consumers” is written by A.M Gonzalez and L. Bello. The article is dedicated to the problem of personification of the market strategies using innovated lifestyle concepts. These new streams in the market are precisely...
Topic: Market Segmentation
Words: 582
Pages: 2
Introduction Building a brand or generating response have been subjects of debate over the years, as fighter brands remain an ancient strategy in branding. In their articles “How the GFC has forced brands to rethink their strategies” (Addis 2009) and “Fighter brand strategy considerations” (Daye & VanAuken 2009), the authors...
Topic: Brand
Words: 296
Pages: 1
Introduction An employment contract is an agreement between two parties, that is, the employer and the employee (Mouzas, S. & Furmston, M., 2008). The contract is a legally binding agreement that is enforced by law and in case of a breach of contract the court may provide a remedy. According...
Topic: Trade
Words: 1736
Pages: 6
The advice given by Dr. Kennedy is practical to some extent. Many workers prefer to be led rather than be managed. This means that most employees would rather have someone to guide them and then allow them to complete their jobs on their own. While this advice may work for...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Stakeholders have a great impact on product markets as they determine the main trends and product requirements for a future period of time. To decide what a customer means by more colorful, more durable, or stronger, and to build these characteristics into a product, can easily involve misinterpretations. Moreover, needs...
Topic: Business
Words: 2210
Pages: 8
There is scarce information on the different and changing organizational situations in which women follow their careers. During the 1980s and 1990s, private and public organizations underwent various levels of restructuring as a result of the need to be competitive in the external market and improvement of the internal market....
Topic: Career
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Career goals and career opportunities Currently, I am working as an Accountant in the Finance Department of a hotel. My senior is Assistant Financial Controller and Director of Finance. I have been working here for a month only. My job duty is to do month-end closing and management reporting and...
Topic: Management
Words: 1919
Pages: 6
Blockbuster’s decision to close 20% of its stores in the US Blockbuster Inc. has made an announcement in September 2009 that it will shut down 960 stores in the US which is almost 20% of its total stores in the country by the end of 2010 (Liedtke). This decision has...
Topic: Business
Words: 579
Pages: 2
A union (labor union) is an organization that is formed through workers coming together to achieve common goals, in very key areas such as the conditions of work. Unions are legally recognized as worker’s representatives in many companies and industries. According to John, (p24) “In most cases, unions are found...
Topic: Collective Bargaining
Words: 1911
Pages: 6
Porter’s model shows the five forces influences on a businesses enterprise including threat of entry of competitors, threat of substitutes, bargaining power of buyers, bargaining power of suppliers, and rivalry among the existing players. Moreover, to make the model more comprehensive, a sixth factor, government was later included in the...
Topic: Business
Words: 521
Pages: 2
Introduction The wave of IT revaluation has shaped our business community to replace traditional procurement with e-procurement. The pioneer of technology adoption has argued to quick turn into e-procurement, when the classic thinker stands for traditional procurement. As a market leader of European Forest Industry, Finnforest Corporation has been demonstrated...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Introduction Personal or professional, decision-making is always tough and requires step by step approach. Before making a decision, different alternatives are considered and they depend on the importance of the decision to take. After finding different alternative solutions, they are analyzed to choose the best alternative (Mellers, Schwartz, & Cooke,...
Topic: Business
Words: 1790
Pages: 7
Ethics within an organization have become very important now because all organizations have now realized the benefits and advantages they can get by following these ethics. The organization I work in has a number of tools that ensure that ethics are being followed and practiced within the company. Some of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction Pendux Incorporation is a private limited company that was established in 2000 within the coffee industry in US. The firm’s headquarters are located at New York. Pendux Incorporation deals with retailing and wholesaling of roasted coffee. The management of the firm ensures that its products are of high quality....
Topic: Business
Words: 2001
Pages: 6
Sam Walton incorporated his business as Wal-Mart Stores in 1969 and more than thirty years later it has become a global retailing juggernaut with an unprecedented revenue that will exceed $400 billion in fiscal 2009 (Thompson, Strickland, & Gamble, 2008, p.374). It is the largest retailer in the United States,...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 2725
Pages: 9
Introduction A project plan may be defined as a formal, official document created in order to set clear, understandable guidelines for and to provide direction to both project operation as well as project control. The main reasons for creating such a document are to help efficient and productive planning assumptions,...
Topic: Management
Words: 3246
Pages: 11
Introduction Communication is the vital need of every human being. In other words, people would not differ from other species of animals if they had no ability to formulate their thoughts and communicate them. This ability allows people build certain relationships with each other within their local communities and in...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1707
Pages: 6
This paper aims to describe the industry and operating environment of such a company as TiVo Inc. In particular, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as the intensity of completion, the possibility of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, etc. The analysis may help to...
Topic: Management
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Introduction The merger between InterClean and EnviroTech has led to a new outfit that has shifted the two companies strategic direction to a completely dimension. InterClean dealt with cleaning products only while EnviroTech offered cleaning services for organizations in the healthcare industry. The merger effectively brings together two business entities...
Topic: Business
Words: 1125
Pages: 4
Introduction Manufacturing of new products requires product design and complete description of the steps involved. Companies should opt for a production system, which will enable production of the desired quality of goods at the right time. The major types of manufacturing processes are job shop, batch shop, assembly and continuous....
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Executive Summary In the last decades, businesses and organizations have been faced with the need for restructuring to make them more competitive globally and better positioned to meet their present needs. This development has led to the implementation of changes that have left the workplace a battleground between employer and...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 3120
Pages: 10
Abstract Good service businesses pay attention to clientele and workforce mutually. They realize how service earnings link proceeds from a service provider with human resource and consumer contentment. Service sector marketing entitles not only for outside marketing but for in-house marketing as well in order to encourage workers and interactive...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 5801
Pages: 21
Introduction This paper focuses on the Wataniya Airways and the external environmental factors influencing its performance. Wataniya Airways was established in the year 2005. It was founded as a section of the Kuwait Government’s liberalization of airways services and was established by Kuwait corporations that comprised of Global Investment House...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
The practice of providing a title rather than substantial compensation The business environment today is different. The difference has been brought about by new knowledge of work, global competition as well as outsourcing. The employee compensation plan of many companies, however, is still rooted in past practices. Modern employee compensations...
Topic: Business
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Introduction The marketing plan is one of the most important and vital documents which determines the main strategic directions and goals of the project. As the basic vehicle for matching solutions with means, or management resources with market opportunity, management planning becomes the mechanism through which a company is brought...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 2231
Pages: 8
Introduction Leadership is the socially influencing effect that one person has in the form of aid and support on others with the aim of achieving a common goal. Kouzes and Posner (2007) say that leadership is all about creating a path for people to put in their ideas for the...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1399
Pages: 4
The modern sphere of business has always been looking for ways to improve the working process. Individual decision making, brainstorm, group work, are all types of decision making, which are used by the companies. Group problem-solving and decision-making is one of the most effective techniques as the group of people...
Topic: Business
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Risk can be defined as the unexpected happening in uncertain events. Risk can also be described as a combination of the likelihood of a hazard occurring and the severity of the hazard. One is never certain that risk is going to happen and so the risk is un-foretold and uncertain....
Topic: Management
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
It is universally acknowledged that every company has its own hierarchical structure where the company is split into departments and divisions headed by managers. Hence comes, each company works out its own strategy of the subordinate relationships. Therefore, people can be divided between the leaders and the followers and effective...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 831
Pages: 3
The book “The One Minute Manager” is written by Kenneth Blanchard and co-authorized by physician Spencer Johnson. K. Albrecht (2002) writes the following about it: “Originally self-published in 1984, and only sold to a commercial publisher after it had achieved significant sales numbers, it eventually sold over 5 million copies...
Topic: Business
Words: 647
Pages: 2
At the end of the day, the insistence of the company on lean and efficient production rests on the strategy of offering the market cars that work reliably and are as affordable as possible. Quality and productivity helped the company penetrate an impoverished domestic market still struggling to surmount the...
Topic: Toyota
Words: 695
Pages: 2
While carrying out business, people encounter numerous moral and ethical constraints, which is explained by the fact that the human factor dominates in business relationships. However, to solve the emerging disputes based on the infringement of moral principles, it is necessary to apply the legal issues that foster the balance...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2142
Pages: 8
Introduction Optus Company is a communication company that provides various communication services to about seven million consumers in Australia every day. The various services that the company provides include mobile, all telephone services (international and local), business network services, internet and satellite services and subscription television. The merge of Sing...
Topic: Technology
Words: 2294
Pages: 8
Abstract Businesses or firms that employ a diverse workforce are in a better position to appreciate and realize the demographics of their market. Demographics in this case refer to specific characteristics used in marketing or business research. They include race, disabilities, income, gender, location, and age. A company with a...
Topic: Demography
Words: 1096
Pages: 4
Introduction Various approaches have been used to define the term organizational development, and the organizational change has been used synonymous with organizational development. In all geographical locations, various factors have led to the organizational development because of the necessity of an organization have to expand in the global market place....
Topic: Business
Words: 1480
Pages: 5
Introduction Wiper blades are one of the fastest-growing commodities being sold internationally. Because of the increase in demand for vehicles, the wiper blades industry is becoming one of the most lucrative industries. The wiper blades industry in Malaysia had developed into large operations whose products are used all over the...
Topic: Business
Words: 2757
Pages: 10
Introduction Within the operation of any organization, quality management is mostly considered to comprise three basic components, namely quality control, assurance and improvement. Quality management does not only focus on product quality, but also on the ways of achieving it, hence, it incorporates quality assurance, control of processes and products...
Topic: Management
Words: 1603
Pages: 6
Introduction All business and human organizations need the right management practices for them to be sustainable and viable. Proper management practices should focus on both the long and short-term objectives of an organization. It involves formulating strategic targets, defining clearly organizational goals, implementation of correct plans and executing the plans...
Topic: Management
Words: 1173
Pages: 4
Introduction Background Risks are essential repercussions of different investments. Treasury bills are considered safer than other investments. Treasury bills are those long term bond investments that offer investors assets whose prices rarely fluctuate. Low risk entails low returns. That is why treasury bills provide the lowest average return when compared...
Topic: Management
Words: 1864
Pages: 8
An Outline The following was the team’s plan for the study of Supply Chain Management in the business situation at Alton International (S) Pte Ltd, Singapore Operations. Actual site visit Purchasing Department Sales and Marketing Department Human Resource Department Warehouse & distribution Department Customer Service Department Presentation of conclusion and...
Topic: Management
Words: 1428
Pages: 5
Introduction Executive compensation concerns the remuneration of top executives in corporations. The executive compensation is a package that includes base salaries, bonuses etc. The top executives negotiate for their employment contracts. These contracts are typically five years and they spell out basic salaries, target bonus- that is paid with or...
Topic: Business
Words: 1271
Pages: 4
Introduction The Gentiva Health Company has been the leading health care company in the United States and this has been attributed highly to its best-defined organizational policies. As America’s leader in the provision of home care health services, the company has been delivering an expansion of healthcare in homes for...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 2287
Pages: 8
Purpose of the Proposed Research It is expected to give clear information on the possible reception of the SABIC brand in the Australian market and reveal the gap for entry and brand building for competitive advantage. Research question What role will SABIC brand play in the Australian market and what...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1936
Pages: 7
The market of the computer and other innovative technologies expands every day. The computer and Internet became an essential part of people’s lives not only in their working places but also at homes. Microsoft, one of the most powerful companies in the computer field, has launched Xbox, a new video...
Topic: Business
Words: 1098
Pages: 4
Effective decision making and business prosperity interrelate to each other and reflect organization’s strategic plans and management systems. The case of Paradise vividly portrays that decision-making determines overall success of the organization and its development. Leadership style of the executive enables him to be accepted by others. Decision-making mechanisms adopted...
Topic: Business
Words: 1109
Pages: 4
This paper is a synthesis of the article, “Plan, Do, Study, Act Model to Improve an Orientation Program” that concerns the processes of employee orientation at work. Employee orientation is a process wherein the new employees at a workplace are taken “on board” and introduced to the various elements of...
Topic: Business
Words: 827
Pages: 3
Abstract The project is carried with the aim of identification of the factors that will improve the employment management system. It provides with ideas and solutions for the understanding of the employees’ needs and preferences who are learning online. In addition, the project presents the models of program development of...
Topic: Business
Words: 904
Pages: 3
In this research paper importance of branding will be discussed with regards to placing a product in the minds of the consumers. The paper will then delve into the relationship element of the brand with its users or consumers. Finally a comparison will be made between two brands of different...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1091
Pages: 4
Introduction Despite the expanded role of women in the workplace over the last three decades, the proportion of women continues to decline at progressively higher levels in managerial hierarchies the higher the level in the organization, the fewer women are found. Understanding the work environment is crucial to understanding what...
Topic: Workplace Diversity
Words: 2838
Pages: 10
Making a good leader is the central goal of any working organization striving to create effective business staff headed by a qualified specialist. Leadership is considered to be one of the central skills helping any person to succeed in business and social activities; this quality makes anyone stand out from...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1092
Pages: 4
Introduction This case study takes up the matter of how the organizational development (OD) approach to changes is enforced in Du Pont. “Organisational Development is concerned about “measurement and identification of organizational factors that encourage and inhibit performance.” (Organisational development 2009). In the context of Du Pont, it is seen...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 404
Pages: 2
Introduction Creative ideas are new and useful for the progress of any organization. But creativity has been hindered at the Litmus Corporation due to time pressures that results in stressful working conditions. Analysis Colquitt, LePine, and Wesson (2009) defines stress as a psychological response to demands for which there is...
Topic: Business
Words: 1646
Pages: 6
Technological Trends The Micro Brewing and beer brewing industry has turned into a high technology industry and there are a number of factors that impact the industry. Beer Spoiling Bacteria Breweries across the world and across all types of beers are faced with the repetitive problem that beer can get...
Topic: Beer
Words: 1121
Pages: 4
Ethics and morality are philosophical concepts that are understood differently by different people. There are some rules in the society that are aimed to be the norms of the behavior. Business is the same world where norms of behavior also exist. The ethical code of behavior states some issues, according...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 600
Pages: 2
Abstract Due to the invention of highly developed technology the current world has more and more become an integrated community and as a consequence global business is the present form of trade in this 21st century. Also due to globalization concept there has been immense disregard to countrywide boundaries, the...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1881
Pages: 8
Introduction Employee motivation has been given considerable importance in contemporary organizations in order to keep high productivity. Employee’s remuneration package affects the employee motivation and subsequently job satisfaction. Job designing determines the mechanism of the flow of tasks in consideration of employee skills and ability. Specialized jobs require extensive research...
Topic: Employee Motivation
Words: 1799
Pages: 6
Integrated marketing Communication refers to a general approach to marketing. This is aimed at ensuring that there is uniformity of message with the corresponding use of media. It involves the use of online and offline marketing sources. Online marketing channels comprise websites, e-marketing, internet TV, and blogs. Offline channels include...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1135
Pages: 3
Background Strategic planning is an important aspect of the process of marketing. It deals with the process of defining a strategy and making decisions regarding the allocation of resources for the particular strategy. Strategic planning can be defined as the “determination of the steps required to reach an objective of...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 2658
Pages: 10
Abstract This paper outlines what certification is, what its perceived benefits to the employees are and why managements try and get their staff certified in the first place. It also provides some details of the commonly pursued certifications like the CMA, the CPA, CIA, etc and gives some information on...
Topic: Management
Words: 3646
Pages: 15
Executive summary This paper will base its discussion on the importance and role played by the information technology sector using system integration in supply management to achieve its goal when supplying. This paper will look at the demerits and merits that are to be faced by a manufacturer as he...
Topic: Goals
Words: 2555
Pages: 9
Executive Summary This document gives a short summary of ING’s business and how this business is affected by the information that the company must process on a daily basis. The document further stresses the need for this information for the proper functioning of the company and need to have the...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 2563
Pages: 11
Abstract This paper will discuss the analysis of porters five forces in the Zicklin school of Business which is regarded as one of the three biggest accredited schools situated in the USA, the school is reported to be delivering a high valued quality of education to its students. Porters five...
Topic: School
Words: 2744
Pages: 10
Outline A certain full restaurant located in the city has been experiencing a devastating situation in the past six months. This has been in the form of a drop in restaurant patronage, which is predicted to be a result of an associated decline in the level of service quality offered...
Topic: Restaurant
Words: 2388
Pages: 8
The paper explains briefly the evolution of health and fitness centers as profit centers. Based on some common definitions of profit centers, it also attempts to explain why such strategic business units need to be introduced in the health and fitness industry. It states the common perception that the industry...
Topic: Fitness
Words: 1692
Pages: 5
Introduction The ConocoPhillips Company is an international energy corporation having headquarters in USA Texas. It is the second largest refiner in the US oil industry and world wide its position is fourth among the largest nongovernmental refiners. They own a high quality portfolio of assets and have wide range of...
Topic: Business
Words: 2029
Pages: 7
This is a report on Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. and its strategic position on the market. The company owns casinos, hotels, and golf courses. Historically, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. sought to compete against the industry’s leaders by increasing its presence in foreign markets. The company’s mission states: “Each of our brands will...
Topic: Management
Words: 1482
Pages: 6
Introduction Mass media is considered to be the most influential and opinion-construction issue in modern society. The development of the new technologies leads to the problem that two schools have collided in the battle, the old and the new one. Young editors and journalists were brought up on Internet education,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 601
Pages: 2
Introduction An attitude of public opinion towards brands subdues some marketing principles which are structurally divided into gradual succession of actions and representations which can make this or that product original. The paper is organized in terms of making the main purpose of it clearer in several paragraphs, so as...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 754
Pages: 3
Introduction Nowadays academic environment is considered to be competitive enough, providing the students with a free choice under the influence of factors, developed by institutions in order to increase their perception of service quality. It should be noted that higher education institutions striving to gain competitive edge, work out creative...
Topic: Business
Words: 1579
Pages: 7
Introduction Cause-related marketing involves marketing efforts that have social and charitable causes and which are not based on donations as do corporate philanthropy. The strategy, which builds on the blend of the hybrid between public relations and product advertising, can be used to achieve positive impacts on customers’ buying behavior,...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1935
Pages: 7
Introduction Organizational decision-making is always a difficult task since the decisions made will affect to some extent the stakeholders, including the members of staff and the customers. There are some instances where the requirements of the customer may disagree with the organizational goals and mission. This implies that decisions need...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1683
Pages: 6
Introduction Decades ago the asbestos was the main and most likely the favorite construction merchandise among many clients. In line with Trevino and Nelson (2004), it is estimated that “over 3,000 products contained some kind of asbestos components”. This automatically shows that the management had to do what they could...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Introduction Motivation, teamwork and performance are related to each other. The level of performance of a follower is mostly influenced by the amount of motivation he receives from his leader. The leader is responsible for evaluating the performance of the followers and making any suggestive comments, if required. Role of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 976
Pages: 3
Introduction Before getting started, first of all, we have to define a leader. A leader is someone who can guide, has the ability to inspire others, and can lead over the people in a positive sense. The role of a leader is also based on his powerful personality. The personality...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 731
Pages: 2
Introduction The article American Express Releases Annual Global Business Forecast presents the forecast for the global business travel industry (Americal Express, 2008). The article demonstrates that external factors like the global economic slowdown will adversely affect the business. The article discusses the effect of expected external environmental factor’s status in...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Culture cuts across diverse issues in a given society and what may be right with one society may be wrong in another. Different cultures value and uphold different tenets and beliefs thus bringing diversity amongst societies. Whether values and beliefs of an individual count or do not count in workplace,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2494
Pages: 9
Introduction Over the last decade, there has been increased advancement within the manufacturing industry. This is attributed to the incorporation of electronic commerce concepts such as electronic manufacturing. This has been integrated in the various processes of the firms for instance within the supply chain, production and inventory control. Only...
Topic: Business
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Eddies Southern B-B-Q will be the latest hot spot in town. The restaurant will introduce a unique process of preparing barbecues to exit the taste buds for all. With the restaurant’s unique barbecues prepared using the vinegar-based sauce as opposed to the common tomato-based barbecues, barbecue lovers will be introduced...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Communication is the key to effective leadership. It is only through good communication skills that a leader is able to manage people without making them feel subdued. A good leader should be insistent but not obstinate, eloquent but not unsubstantiated, and persuasive but not coercive. Communication does not only have...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1093
Pages: 3
Introduction Employees play an integral role in the success of organizations. Organizational goals and objectives are achieved through the collaborative effort of employees. Road to organizational success is followed by the achievement level importance and effort put in by employees. In consideration of employee abilities, work is scattered over departments...
Topic: Business
Words: 1835
Pages: 6
FruitRich Private Limited to be established in Australia is manufacturing natural fruit juices in different flavors. “FruitRich” juices are ultra-premium nutritious fruit juices, 100 percent natural sold in attractive 250 ML, 1Litre, 2 Litres, and 3 Litres pet bottle containers. The word “Fruit” in the brand name of the product...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 358
Pages: 2
Introduction This is an interesting article to analyze. We have the case of a company that wants to make a great change which will be accompanied by a considerable cost. Dunkin’ Donuts is managing to change its menu and as a result, the way to prepare the food. The company...
Topic: Business
Words: 604
Pages: 2
This paper talks about integrated marketing communication by discussing the statement – ‘the realization of integrated marketing communications is unlikely ever to be achieved in an organization’. This paper elaborates on this statement while pondering over the on views of Olof Holm (2006). It starts off with a brief introduction...
Topic: Communication
Words: 818
Pages: 3
Executive summary In the dynamic world of marketing, along with the selling of products, service marketing is also becoming a common scenario. This constitutes the necessity of advertisement and other sort of promotional tools with greater specialization and selling effort. Nowadays, all businesses in the world tend to spend a...
Topic: Business
Words: 3921
Pages: 14
Company Profile The Gap, Inc. started after its incorporation in 1969 and it has become a global retailer of clothing, accessories and personal care products under the apparel store industry. Its products are uniquely designed and made for men, women, children, and babies and are being marketed under the familiar...
Topic: Business
Words: 1279
Pages: 5
The variety of the modern world requires improved approaches to the economical sphere. The scope of information does not allow finding the appropriate one without any analysis and evaluation of received data. Modern world in the world of competition and the work under improvement of any company facilities becomes the...
Topic: Business
Words: 576
Pages: 2
The impact of the culture For ICCTC, an international consulting company, it is important to recognize that international and national culture requires careful considerations and deep knowledge of values and traditions of people. The countries selected for expansion are Iran and Malaysia (Keegan and Green 1996). One widespread understanding, though,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1159
Pages: 4
Introduction The case analysis suggests that in the workplace, conflicts are caused by misunderstanding and a low degree of participation in problem-solving. Clearly, if the parties can agree on mutual objectives then the problem is far easier to resolve than if they have conflicting objectless and personal agendas. A year...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 2264
Pages: 8
In today’s society change is inevitable and must be viewed positively as a necessary transformation. Organizational changes or restructuring, for many people, may be a cause for anxiety and worry, fear about the unknown, uncertain future, new reporting relationships, and new challenges. However the issue we are faced with is...
Topic: Business
Words: 632
Pages: 2
Trade has always been one of the main spheres of human activity acquiring new forms as it developed through time. Nowadays one of the widespread forms of trade is electronic commerce, or Ecommerce, which consists in selling and buying goods and services over the Internet. With the growth and popularization...
Topic: Commerce
Words: 1022
Pages: 4
Abstract The road towards the newer millennium has been devised by IKEA based in Singapore. IKEA is working to improve the lives of people residing all around the world. The target that has been set by IKEA for the year of 2010 is to be the world renowned...
Topic: IKEA
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Introduction A successful business organization will always invest heavily in marketing strategy in order to develop a marketing mix that yields the best results as well as making the organization earn a competitive advantage over its competitors. Marketing competition in the current business climate has advanced significantly such that a...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1686
Pages: 5
Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) is a manufacturing company with a diversified portfolio of products ranging from chemical and intermediates, fertilizers, industrial polymers, and metals (SABIC 2008). Under polymers and metals, the company has established the SABIC Innovative Plastic Film and Sheet business, where it manufactures corrugated iron sheets for...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 3980
Pages: 15
Introduction Entrepreneurship is the art of pulling together resources and business acumen as a way of transforming innovations into economically viable goods. Entrepreneurship is all about performing realistic business analysis and making a series of sound decisions concerning the business. Mark Pale and Jim Mack came up with a unique...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 1910
Pages: 7
The case study about prospect theory and irrational, biased consumer behavior suggests that consumers are not always rational in their decisions as for certain purchases and do not take reasonable considerations into account. Even having the same outcome, they do not receive the same pleasure or do not get upset...
Topic: Business
Words: 546
Pages: 2
Introduction An organization has to communicate a lot of messages to a variety of people in its day-to-day business operations. The message may be either business-related or non-business-related. For this, a proper communication process should be used to convey the message. By analyzing the feedback or checking the result, one...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1084
Pages: 4
Introduction This essay shall be taking up the case study of Arthur Anderson, the accounting major, who was adversely affected due to fraudulent practices and the subsequent closure of Enron, the public energy company. Arthur Anderson was held guilty of corporate misfeasance and obstruction of justice and had to finally...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 403
Pages: 2
The analysis of the world philosophical approach props up against the rationale and grounding of a definite idea. In this respect the fundamentals of philosophy and its implementation in the world of business affairs are viable. The situation of today constitutes that there are more points on making achievements in...
Topic: Product Development
Words: 834
Pages: 3
Introduction Change Management is considered to be an integral component of IT Service Management. The fundamental purpose of Change Management with regards to this context is to make certain that standardized techniques and procedures are made use of for the competent and timely treatment of all changes to the controlled...
Topic: Management
Words: 3884
Pages: 14
Various companies need their new workers first to sign with them an agreement sooner than they commence the work. These may be important in the sense that they might act as a basis for ensuring a binding commitment from both parties. This commitment has legally binding and is therefore recognized...
Topic: Business
Words: 650
Pages: 2
Introduction Owing to varying educational backgrounds, experiences, and certifications, there is the need to check the quality of employees on a regular basis. Organizations usually want to draw a pool of workers who are best qualified for job descriptions. Additionally, Interactions between the top organs and workers are difficult because...
Topic: HR
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
Introduction In accordance to Elliot, operation management is “in its essence, scientific management involves a complete revolution on the part of the working man engaged in any particular establishment or industry — a complete mental revolution on the part of these men as to their duties toward their work, toward...
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 1783
Pages: 6
Company history Petroliam Nasional Berhad is a multinational oil and gas firm that is publicly owned. It is located in Malaysian with its headquarters at Kuala Lumpur. The company was established in 1974 within the major integrated oil and gas industry. The company has a total of 29,236 employees worldwide....
Topic: Performance
Words: 1314
Pages: 4
Introduction In recent years, there has been a resurgence of public attention to whistle-blowing. Several factors have contributed to this resurgence. Recent cases of whistle-blowing have been well-publicized, including three high-profile cases in 2001 involving Sherron Watkins of Enron, Coleen Rowley of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Cynthia Cooper...
Topic: Culture
Words: 2833
Pages: 10
The control and monitoring plan for achieving the financial and operational objectives must include the various measures that the company proposes to undertake. For starters, if the company is proposing a 1% increase in productivity every year over the next five years, it means that the company needs to invest...
Topic: Business
Words: 1374
Pages: 5
Abstract “The key challenge is to integrate supply chain capabilities to provide a seamless solution from potential design through to end delivery. End users are looking for a complete supply chain where there is single accountability and responsibility for delivery,” said O’Brien. Introduction To begin with, it should be stated...
Topic: Business
Words: 821
Pages: 3
Introduction The problem at Sloan & Harrison law firm is the high turnover among its associates. This is due to dissatisfaction caused by issues such as lack of communication, work-life balance and mentorship. Analysis The mood at the firm among the associates has changed over the last few years and...
Topic: Business
Words: 2172
Pages: 8
The performance of every business company that deals with the production of goods from raw materials is greatly dependant upon the supply chain, i. e. the cycle of getting the raw materials, their processing, and production of goods, storage, and distribution of the latter. IKEA, as one of the world’s...
Topic: IKEA
Words: 573
Pages: 2
The business world is very much different today than it was a few decades ago. Technology and globalization has made it more exciting and also very difficult to establish a company and sustain its profitability. The same thing can be said with an existing organization that may have had great...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 5497
Pages: 20
Introduction Motivational problems at work places are a great hindrance to performance and creativity. Motivation can be termed as a strong desire or urge that drives, maintains and invigorates a person to keep on going towards achieving his/her goals or targets. There are different things that motivate people, and vary...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 919
Pages: 3
Introduction The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process, institutions and activities that create, communicate, exchange offerings and deliver value to clients, partners, consumers or society in general. Additionally, the latter group believes that at the center of marketing is the need to satisfy individual or organizational goals. This...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 933
Pages: 3
Introduction The gain in prominence of knowledge management across the diverse sectors of the economy has been tremendous (Ponzi & Koenig 2002), and the hospitality industry is no exception. Different authors have diverse views on what exactly should make up knowledge management (Stewart 1997; Ruggles 1998; Wilson 2002). For example...
Topic: Management
Words: 3236
Pages: 11
Each organization is presupposed with a complex of values that should be supported for the genuine outline of it as well as for the organization’s prestige. In this respect, the world of management has many constituents which are significant for the right and effective functioning of an organization. With the...
Topic: Management
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Background of the Study It has been noted by scholars long ago that some organizations succeed while others do not, and numerous opinions connect this success to the ways in which the successful organizations motivate their employees to work more effectively and with greater commitment to the organization’s goals and...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 578
Pages: 2
Background According to Christopher (2005) logistics is the process of strategically managing the procurement, movement and storage of materials, parts and finished inventory in order to achieve efficiency when it comes to the fulfilment of orders. This means that the company will be able to make a profit but at...
Topic: Business
Words: 1209
Pages: 4
There are a great number of factors, which can neither be controlled not influenced by a business, but they are of great importance for it, especially in cases which concern business planning or product development. This is why it is necessary to be aware of them, and PESTLE analysis makes...
Topic: Business
Words: 579
Pages: 2
This is an organization which manufactures Cereals in Melbourne, Australia. The company’s name is “G’Day flakes”. This particular company is thinking of developing products which must be suitable for the current Australian market. For this reason they decided to understand certain macro-economic factors which may influence their market and the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1757
Pages: 7
Introduction SuperValue retail chain of groceries has been in operation for 135 years offering a wide range of products that include grocery, Pharmacy and supply chain operations across the country. It operates approximately 2500 stores and about 2500 affiliated retail shops through the company’s supply chain operations. Currently the chain...
Topic: Retailing
Words: 1101
Pages: 4
Introduction McDonald’s is considered as the world’s largest chain of fast food chain and the organization is considered as a multinational and it serves more than 47 million customers daily. The structure of the organization is quite huge and that is the reason why the organization focuses a lot on...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1351
Pages: 5
Starbucks coffee company is an international based coffeehouse chain that purchases and roasts finest coffee beans. The processed beans are being sold all over the world in the form of dip-brewed coffees and espressos. Starbucks Coffee Company was founded in 1997 and became the world’s leading brand of specialty coffee....
Topic: Starbucks
Words: 1367
Pages: 4
Communication climate in the organization The communication climate in Katz day care centre is effective and ideal for smooth functioning of the organization. The organizer of the child care centre is considering creation of better communication environment as an essential factor for the growth of the day care business by...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1739
Pages: 6
The construction industry experiences many challenges. Some of these challenges include bid shopping, reverse auctions, false claims, threats as well as employee misappropriation. The construction professionals feel that the industry is ruined by an increase in unethical behavior. The role of construction ethics is to ensure that ethical practices and...
Topic: Construction
Words: 841
Pages: 3
According to Estes (2003: 1), time management refers to the act of making an arrangement, carrying out organization, making a schedule, and making a budget for one’s time to make a generation of work that is more effective and productive. This act is of great importance not only to business...
Topic: Management Skills
Words: 2769
Pages: 10
Introduction A career in Banking provides a good environment, for workplace learning. Bank Tellers have an opportunity to exploit their potentials and gain much from workplace learning. An evaluation of the environment in which Bank Tellers work is necessary to provide justification that indeed effective workplace learning can occur in...
Topic: Business
Words: 2214
Pages: 8
Introduction In this era of globalisation, outsourcing is a common business practice resorted to by different countries. The quantum of outsourcing has greatly increased in the recent years. UK and USA are the two countries which outsource vast amount of business. Information technology is the most commonly outsourced industry. It...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 1378
Pages: 5
Introduction International business relations are characterized by the complexity of processes and phenomena that determine the market shares of various companies in the respective market segments. The market of petrochemicals also displays this complexity, and Saudi Basic Industries Company (SABIC), experienced this in its business activities. Dumping was the controversial...
Topic: Business
Words: 2096
Pages: 7
Introduction Decision making and customer service are interrelated issues based on organization’s strategic plans and management systems. The case of the King County Library System vividly portrays that decision-making determines overall success of the organization and its development. Also, leadership style of Bill Ptacek enables him to be accepted by...
Topic: Customer Service
Words: 2877
Pages: 10
Modern business houses have been involved in an enormous pact of debates regarding the collaboration of supply chain management. On the other hand, the dialogue about primary considerations for supply chain collaboration usually doesn’t get to the specific way out of how the collaboration in the supply chain works, how...
Topic: Collaboration
Words: 3564
Pages: 13