Classroom Plan For Early Childhood Education

Thesis statement A child-centered, developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of the ages 3-5 (pre-school) enhances faster learning of essential skills. Abstract This paper will look at the child-centered developmentally appropriate classroom plan for early childhood learners of ages 3-5 (pre-school). It is important to note that pre-school...

Phonemic Awareness for Children

Children at a very young age need to be taught strategies that will help them be able to understand various practices in academics. These strategies of learning mold them into being able to self learn without any supervision. These learning procedures need to be emphasized at all levels of learning...

Educational Theories Analysis: Vocational Training

Bearing in mind that the main purpose of education is the overall wellbeing of mankind both at individual level and at societal level. Vocational education tends to achieve contrary goals than what is expected of it in terms of individual and societal development. This paper presents an argument on why...

Phenomenological Qualitative Research: First-Generation Student Academic Persistence and Retention

Research Design The design that was used in this study was a phenomenological approach to find the underlying meaning of the experience of being a first-generation student. The design focused on establishing the factors that influenced first-generation students’ academic persistence and retention. This approach assisted the researcher to understand the...

Theoretical Models: Learning Strategies

Direct Instruction Direct instruction is a term used to refer to the explicit teaching method using demonstrations or lectures. It involves the use of explication of the skill to be taught and may exclude student participation. The instructor gives the student the procedures to be following in performing a task...

Education in High- and Low-Ranked Universities

Objective This study has been conducted to know what differences are there in education through high ranked university and low ranked university? In this study, attempt has been made to explain how much the low ranked university have to be upgraded to reach the same level of high ranked university....

Lesson Plan For the Multicultural Learners

Introduction One of the challenges facing many academic institutions is how to design a curriculum that reflects on the dynamics of the classroom; these include cultural diversity and individual differences among the students. Every classroom is a representation of the cultural diversity that exists in many countries and for successful...

High School and College: The Comparing

Introduction Prior research on education defined education as a continuous process as one has to move from one level up to another. These are all in efforts for one to acquire relevant knowledge that one will apply in his profession. There is a great difference between college and high school...

The Problem of Prayer in School

Introduction The education system is the phenomenon of social life that changes constantly. Old approaches of education are being forgotten and the new ones, which are effective and beneficial for students and society, on the whole, are being adopted. The problem of prayers in school is one of the most...

Post-Compulsory Education and Training: Challenges and Recommendations by the Ministerial Review of Post-Compulsory Education

Introduction According to the Australian National Training Authority (2001), post-compulsory education forms an important component of Australian economic, social and cultural development. Historically, Australia has experienced periods of economic development due to the willingness of the government to adopt policies to fuel development. Some of these were the economic reforms...

How Can Teachers Help Improving the School for Young Learners?

Introduction The topic of improving the schools for young learners is disputed among scholars worldwide. There are different opinions as for the leading factors that can provide for this improvement. However, it is out of question that teachers play a vitally important role in forming the school environment for students....

Students With Learning Disabilities: Educational Strategy

Setting Setting for the survey is the High School. Students of this category is one of the most interesting categories for social research, as it is the least homogenous stratum of the society on the one hand, and it is the most solidly united on the other. Originally, students are...

How Can We Do ESL Better? Pedagogical and Ethical Issues

Executive Summary The paper is about how ESL is perceived and in what context throughout the globe. The paper starts with applying various ESL concepts to housekeeping employees, at their workplace. The increasing workplace diversity has developed a need to improve the ability of workers to communicate in English. Many...

Narrative Versus Descriptive Writing

Introduction Narrative element of an essay appeals to a person’s basic instincts and the impact for his/her shared stories. The main focus of the writer could be just to entertain the listeners allowing them to divert from the main business of the story. However, a storyteller could also be aiming...

David Bartholomae’s Criticism in “Inventing the University”

Introduction David Bartholomae in his “Inventing the University” discovers the problem of students’ inappropriate academic language. His criticism is reasonable, because he points out some main difficulties of the “basic writers” in the context of educational writing, gives us examples of the students’ essays with the typical mistakes and explains...

Negotiation Strategy: Miami School Negotiations

According to the Zoning Board, with the congestion of the school districts, it is advisable to rezone to mitigate the issue of overcrowding of the districts (Carnahan, 2003). The board also thinks that rezoning is considered more cost effective as compared to building new school blocks more cost effective than...

Learning Paradigms: On-Line Education

On-line education is an effective way to get the necessary knowledge and to obtain the online certificate of degree. It is also the easiest way to get some additional education in case you want to be qualified at the upper level. Online education offers more possibilities in time flexibility and...

Workers’ Education and Training in New Zealand

Introduction New Zealand has experienced a global economic downturn and recession, and this has led to the loss of jobs. For New Zealand to be successful economically it must ensure that each member of its workforce produces at their maximum. This can only be done by making it easy to...

Student’s Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Learning

The process of learning has generally been understood as the process through which individuals go in acquiring their knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions and senses. The process requires the existence of certain knowledge and skills to develop them in the course of studies and ensures this development. The success...

College-Level Academic Skills Test: A Waste of Time

Introduction CLAST Exam is a waste of time. Testing a student for reading, writing, and maths skills as a requirement for graduation is a waste of time. This is because throughout high school the teachers monitor the ability of the students. The students who have a problem area are identified...

A Short Guide to Writing About History by Marius and Page

Introduction A Short Guide to Writing about History is a book written by Richard Marius and Melvin page. It stresses on thinking and writing like a historian and helps one frame their concepts while telling their story in history. These renowned writers wrote the fourth and fifth editions of this...

CDS: Professional and Scholarly Tasks

Executive Summary The report essentially entails how the CDS has helped the learners carry out researches and assignments in other modules of study. The report has discussed how the CDS prepares the learners for both the professional and scholarly tasks in the outside world. To a large extent, the report...

Moving from Compliance to Performance Based Schools

Introduction From its inception in 2001, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) federal law, often shortened and pronounced as “nickelbee” has had its fair share of controversies. The law, which received major backing from the outgoing US president George Bush, reauthorized several federal educational programs that aimed at improving the...

Disability and Information Technology Education

Introduction This proposal is about the study of Disability and ICT education. It proposes to study how the disabled can be taught ICT and the benefits of introducing ICT education to the disabled. ICT has no universally accepted definition because the concepts, methods and applications involved constantly evolves every day.ICT...

English Proficiency Tests Comparison

Introduction Standardized language proficiency tests are widely used all over the world to evaluate students’ skills in various languages. Because of the vast number of English language learners, there is a significant variety of English language proficiency tests. When used in the ESL context, these tests can help to assign...

Theories of Cognitive Approaches to Teaching and Learning

The process of cognitive development is highly complex, and various scholars sought to propose their view on how this process occurs. Cognitive development is usually defined as the process when a child acquires and learns various thinking processes (Galotti, 2015). Understanding cognitive development is crucial for educators because it enables...

Stress and Solutions for Working Students

Since the increase in the levels of stress that working students experience due to their busy schedules, alternative options for studying need to be introduced into the current academic system. Greater flexibility in schedules coupled with the creation of online classes will lead to a better work-life balance and allow...

The Symbolic Representation of the Marks in Education

Marks are crucial both for teachers and learners since they provide feedback about students’ achievements and help educators to evaluate the progress of learning. Even though teachers are not free to choose the symbolic representation of the mark, they can utilize different methods of comparison to focus on the most...

Tuition Fees in Public Universities and Colleges

One of the problems facing higher education in contemporary American society is the high tuition fees in public universities and colleges. By the time students are graduating, they have debts that will take decades to clear, and this aspect affects their financial wellbeing for the most part of their adult...

Should Academic Achievement Be a Primary Concern for College Admission?

Introduction One of the most hotly debated issues in the academic world is whether academic achievement should be a primary concern for college admission. Every year, hundreds of thousands of high school graduates join colleges to pursue their careers. The admission process has been faulted because it is primarily based...

Indian Boarding Schools and Their Effects

Introduction During the 20th century, boarding schools for Native Americans on the territory of the United States were a common phenomenon. They became a significant part of American Indian history and determined the modern Indian identity. In this essay, the history of Indian boarding schools, in general, and the history...

Situated and Networked Learning Approaches

Introduction Critics have over the years debated on the benefits and limitations of both situated and networked learning approaches. Some have gone further to argue that the two approaches can complement each other for the benefit of the learner and the educator. This essay seeks to analyze the two approaches...

Collaborative Partnerships with Young Children

Introduction The days when formal education was regarded as the process of knowledge transfer from older to younger generations characterized by teachers’ instruction and learners’ passiveness have passed. Moreover, the number of actors involved in this process has been extended considerably. The relationships between the teacher and the student gave...

Personal Leadership Development, Goals and Actions

Introduction Employees with the ambition to become better leaders should focus on self-development. One of the ways to become a high achiever is through training and learning new techniques and acquiring novel ideas. This aspect instills competitiveness and teamwork spirit, and thus someone can work under different environments and deliver...

“A Tale of Two Schools”: Educational Differences

According to Dynarski (2016), “education is deeply unequal in the United States, with students in poor districts performing at levels several grades below those of children in richer areas” (para. 1). It means that economic disadvantages often translate into academic achievement gaps in students. The video “A Tale of Two...

Social and Emotional Competence for Teachers

Case study- An interrupted Lesson It was on a Friday, November 6 2015 at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. I had visited the university for a Conference on introduction to statistics. I wanted to learn something about statistics because it would enable me to compute simple data with ease....

David Hume’s Perception of Education

David Hume who is a philosopher believes that nature has a noble role in aiding people to gain some things, which cannot be gained through reason. He does this by deploying empirical philosophical approaches that are enshrined within the scientific methodological rigor in his philosophical approach of reasoning. He argues,...

Collaborative Learning in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Collaborative learning is a general term used among education stakeholders. It describes the process of learners and their teachers joining hands in looking for solutions or making efforts to understand concepts and create new ideas. Learners may work in small groups constituting classes, faculties, interfaculty and even inter-schools. The...

Learning Disabilities and Intervention Methods

Explain the development and definition of the category, learning disability In the United States, the category “learning disability” was developed in the field of education in the 1950s-1960s as a response of white middle-class parents to the failures of their children at school because of increased standards. It was important...

Teaching Practice and Professional Activities

Reflection Reflection on professional activities and their impact on teaching practice During the lecturers’ meeting, I have discovered particularities about the new University course (BUSS 1000) introduction. Questions about the course implementation and possible improvements were discussed. To introduce a new course, it is important to pay attention to learners’...

Pedagogical Skills in Elementary School

In an elementary school, teaching is dependent on skill rather than academic qualification. Several skills are necessary to aid the elementary teacher to impart knowledge to the students. The ability to capture students’ attention is important to any elementary teacher. Pedagogy and andragogy theories of learning suggest that elementary school...

College Degree and Its Effects on Career

The cause and effect chain described below begins with earning a college degree. It serves as a primary cause for the subsequent effects, which are interconnected and create a causal chain. Due to the college degree, there are multiple possibilities to explore, both in my professional and personal life. The...

Visual Learning Style and Its Application

According to the test results, I am a visual learner. I knew about it before this self-assessment, but I was surprised to know that my tactile scores were unexpectedly high, 25%. I often relied on my sight and did not notice that my kinesthetic sense was quite important. Since I...

The Need for Lesson Planning and Teaching

Class profile Institution: Private English School in Iran Type of course: The course is intended for students who are yet to join higher learning institutions abroad, as well as those who want to pursue their careers in America. Course duration: 9:30 – 11:00 a.m., three times a week. Group: Ten...

Edutopia Website Evaluation Using Bloom’s Taxonomy

Introduction The twenty-first century has become a challenging time for most educators. The technological process has influenced all areas of human activity, and the sphere of education has not been omitted too. Even more, the usage of technology and Internet-aided education in the classroom demonstrate remarkable outcomes. Most students are...

Creating Meaning and Six Facets of Understanding

Introduction For a teacher to attain his goals in teaching or design of lessons it is always important for him to create meaningful activities for the students. Such tasks can be used by the teacher within the lesson duration to overcome the challenges experienced in the course of teaching. The...

Impact of Culture on the Learning

Introduction: Reconciling with the Changes The importance of the cultural and social environment can sometimes be critical when looking at it from the perspective of the educational process. I realize that teaching strategies should be primarily based on respect, understanding, and compassion toward their learners irrespective of their cultural, ethnic,...

Undergraduate Degree and Future

Introduction Time passes very quickly, and it is not always possible to be ready for one more change, challenge, and task. A not long time ago, I cannot even imagine that soon I have to make one of the most important decisions in my life – I have to decide...

The Evaluation and Grading Process of Students

The evaluation and grading process of students depends on a number of factors including the effort made by a student. This process should be used to analyse the understanding of the student in relation to course material. The process of evaluation and grading according to Violet was undertaken in order...

Disability Services in Higher Education Facilities

Do you think higher education institutions have a responsibility to address the fact that underrepresented groups have difficulty succeeding in college? Explain. Any institution should put into consideration the needs of disabled students. Assistance personnel, professional care team, and accommodation are the support services that should be granted by institutions...

Nobel Prizes in Different Spheres

J.J. Thomson, Albert Einstein, William Butler Yeats, Stanley Prusiner, and Amartya Sen… Do you know what unites all these people? What do you know about these people and their achievements? All of them have only one thing in common: in due time, they were awarded the Nobel Prizes in different...

Students’ Life in College: Classes, Exams, Courses

Analyzing students’ life in college, there are two sides to such life. On the one side, there is the life depicted in movies, which is usually care-free, and with little or no mentioning of the main aspect of college, which is class attendance. On the other side, real-life in college...

School Experience for Students with Disabilities

Prediction of Drop-Out Among Students With Minor Disabilities We all know about the importance of completing at least a high school education about preparing ourselves for financially rewarding jobs in the future. Without the proper educational attainment, it is almost impossible to find a job that will keep a roof...

Educational Institutions Offering Useful Courses

With the price of education rising to ridiculous heights, making sure that the student realizes a return on this huge investment is becoming more and more critical. In an earlier article, we talked about finding practical courses in a liberal arts institution where vocationally oriented courses are scarce. In this...

Gadgets and Items Useful for College Students

With college costing so much, a student needs to take a hard look at their expenses and pare away the excesses. The money thus saved can be crucial later. The following are some thoughts on more places to save. While a computer is almost always a necessity for a student...

Supporting Algebraic Thinking in Students

The credibility of the authors of this article cannot be contested. Healy and Hoyles have played significant roles in the construction of mathematical meanings and have provided rich information on the meaning of mathematics education. Their expertise in the field of mathematics education has been demonstrated by the depth of...

Teaching Comparative Politics for College Students

Spring 2012 The topics of this semester are related to the political systems of different nations. Generally, these systems are regarded from a comparative perspective. The course is based on fundamental processes and concepts of comparative politics. Thus, when speaking about the basic issues of the discipline, one is to...

Self-Management in the Classroom

Abstract It is improper for teachers to solely use intrusive reinforcers in their quest to teach students how to behave appropriately. They should use them moderately to prevent dependency among the students. They should only use them when necessary and withdraw gradually while training their learners to respond to natural...

Education Issues for African American Women

Introduction to the Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American women to obtain higher education. Also, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories was...

Health and Physical Education Instructor

My Role as an HPE Instructor In my professional practice, I integrate practice and ethical standards to meet the requirements set by the Ontario College of Teachers and provide students with the most effective teaching. In my opinion, teachers should always strive to improve their professionalism to respond to modern...

Master’s Dissertation and Supervisor Expectations

Introduction Students and supervisors have different views when it comes to the feedback of the masters dissertation. This was clear through the questionnaires that were filled by the students with regards to the feedback that they get from the supervisors. Another major issue that was noted in terms of the...

Classroom Discipline and Behaviour’ Management

Introduction Children are often compared to a sponge. They absorb the behavior of the people around them and copy them. When they come to school, a teacher becomes a new model to follow. Thus, the common task of parents and teachers is to lead and direct children to the styles...

Teaching Early Childhood: Preschool Curriculum

Introduction This paper presents a weeklong plan that demonstrates my ability to develop a curriculum for a preschool program targeting children between 3 and 4 years. The program designed is half day and is inspired by principles in the National Association for the Education of Young Children (2009) position paper...

Disabled Students’ Skills and General Education

Using Self-Monitoring to Increase Following-Direction Skills of Students with Moderate to Severe Disabilities in General Education This article explores the modalities of enhancing the adaptability skills for students with disabilities in a collective learning environment. One of the main problems in attaining collective learning environments revolves around the establishment of...

Storytelling with Children: the Art of Imagination

Introduction Story telling is one of the mechanisms through which teachers can interact and impart knowledge to children. For my story telling session, I selected “The hare and the Hyena”. The story is about the relationship between the hare and the Hyena and how they lived in the jungle. I...

Chinese Education History and Recent Reforms

Introduction One of the most notable discursive aspects of the 21st century’s living is that, as time goes on, China continues to grow ever more powerful in both economic and geopolitical senses of this word. It now became commonplace among political scientists/politicians in the West to suggest that it is...

Psychology Coursework Ideas: How to Find Them?

Writing coursework is always a small deed since the writer has only to sit down and compose a piece of academic writing. Still, they have to identify the attractive, fresh, and original field of interest first and produce an in-depth analysis thereof. It is not always easy to generate writing...

The Common Core Standards Debating

Introduction The Common Core Standards had evoked an enormous wave of debates and discussions when they were presented and implemented. Opinions differed, and the standards themselves were seen either as a challenging, but eventually needed change or as a completely unnecessary edition. Here, I would like to discuss three quotes...

Kinesthetic Learning Preference and Other Styles

Introduction Understanding one’s preferred learning style is essential for every student because this knowledge gives individuals the idea of the model they should follow during their courses. Not only this technique lets a person evaluate his or her results regarding the best methodology of studying, but it also makes one...

Restorative Circles in Universal Design for Learning

The drive of the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI) system is to make available a crisis deterrence and intercession model for residential teen care establishments that will be of great assistance in many cases such as averting crises from happening, de-intensifying possible crises, efficiently handling critical crises, minimizing potential and genuine...

Educational Institutions and Their Rankings

In the contemporary conditions of globalization, the rankings of educational institutions such as colleges and universities have become particularly significant for their status and reputation. The major ranking systems are usually financially supported by magazines and other media (Altbach 27). Rankings influence the choices of their possible consumers, such as...

Exclusion of Students with Learning Disabilities

Introduction The problem of teaching students with learning disabilities (LD students) is actively discussed in US society. The reason is that theory and practice of working with these students constantly change to provide educators with the most effective methods to teach individuals with special learning needs. Therefore, while focusing on...

Improving Math Fluency Skills to Enhance Math Score

Introduction The need for teaching math skills is an integral part of any training program, and if it is school education, the initial attention is paid to mathematical score. (Hodges, McIntosh, & Gentry, 2017). One of the possible and affordable ways to increase the ability of students to perform both...

Gifted Development: Social and Psychological Factors

The issue of child giftedness is a controversial one. There are many perspectives on the phenomenon in the contemporary literature. For instance, Hollingworth emphasizes the significance of the hereditary factor in the emergence of giftedness and considers that talented children are likely to be born if their parents are to...

Higher Education for African American Women – Research Paper

Literature Review This chapter reviews the existing literature in support of the research study. The literature reviewed presented a discussion on the barriers and success strategies for African American Women to obtain higher education. Besides, a discussion of the Critical Race, Social Learning, and Feminist theories were included that formed...

General Curriculum for Students with Severe Disabilities

Introduction Children with disabilities especially mental disability have continuingly been discriminated by world curriculum. Inclusive education is a curriculum that accommodates both disabled children and the non disabled in the same school environment. They are exposed to the same learning facilities. The curriculum is made to fit the needs and...

The Burden of Student Loans in Modern Society

The student loan burden is a persistent problem in contemporary society. Despite significant efforts of the government, it continues to impact the economic and social life of the individuals. The following paper argues that the government should do more to relieve the student loan burden, which, in turn, would contribute...

Reading Lesson Plan Improvement for Diverse Class

Reading lesson plans can be discussed as effective when they are oriented to different students’ interests, needs, skills, and learning styles. From this point, it is possible to speak about diversity in the class that is related to the students’ language capacity, their cultural backgrounds, abilities, special needs, and learning...

Teachers’ Professionalism: Evaluation and Analysis

Educators have always been a fundamental part of any education system. Being responsible for the delivery of the most important knowledge to pupils and their outcomes, these specialists play a critical role in the development of society. Today, teachers are also given great attention because of their impact on academic...

Alternative Education System by Schopenhauer and Freire

Introduction Schopenhauer’s article focused the spotlight on some of the critical weaknesses of the conventional learning paradigm. His assertions were not only scathing, but they were also accurate, especially when viewed from the perspective of the public education system (Letizia 119). Paulo Freire’s “Banking Concept of Education” framework strengthened certain...

Reading Materials Choice in Secondary Schools

The introduction of the Common Core across the schools in the U.S was aimed at providing students with clear and consistent goals that are expected to prepare the students for their future college, career, and general life. The Common Core standards are inclusive as they stipulate what students are supposed...

Lev Vygotsky and Jean Piaget: Approaches to Instruction

ZPD and Learning as per Vygotsky The “Zone of Proximal Development” (ZPD) is the variety of tasks that a learner can perform under the educators’ (or peers’) guidance but not independently (Slavin, 2014). Vygotsky’s concept is specifically applicable in the context of children’s learning and development. From this concept, the...

Performance-Based and Personal Communication

It is challenging to imagine the modern world without communication. It is so because information sharing is essential in every life sphere, and teaching is not an exception. Various communication types differ according to the goals and situations when they occur. Performance-based and personal communication approaches are essential elements in...

Diversity Teaching Scenarios: Fractions Lesson Plan

Introduction to Fractions Lesson Plan The selected diversity theme for this lesson is racial diversity in the classroom and how it benefits everyone. In recent years, the U.S. Census Bureau highlighted that more than half of children in preschool and early grades are racial/ethnic minorities. However, diversity in educational programs...

The Learning of Medical Students

Summary Assignments created to assess the learning of medical students are targeted at identifying whether the students demonstrate the expected behaviors, developed new abilities or values, acquired new knowledge with regards to the medical practice and were overall successful after completing an educational program. To assess the student learning at...

Characteristics of Being a Student

Abstract Being a student is a dynamic and interesting stage of development, especially at the college level. At this stage of live, there several development phases, challenges, and achievements that come into play. At the same time, many negative influencers might distract or even make a student drop out of...

Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Mathematics

Pedagogical content knowledge has become increasingly important for science teacher education. The delivery of rich educational content to learners in the modern classroom environment demands a profound understanding of the subject matter in question. The history of educations shows that teacher-training courses have been focusing on the teacher’s content knowledge....

Standard 1: Promoting Child Development and Learning

Introduction The further evolution of any society is conditioned by several concerns resulting in the creation of a certain environment. These are moral, ethical norms, appreciated values, education. technological progress, etc. For this reason, the sphere of children’s education becomes crucial as it impacts the knowledge transfer and promotes the...

Teachers’ Expectancies: Determinants of Pupils’ IQ Gains

The paper under the investigation is written by Robert Rosenthal and Leonore Jacobson, and it is called Teachers expectancies: Determinants of pupils IQ gains. Despite the fact that the article was written in the middle of the past century, the given issue could still be considered crucial as it gives...

Bullying Problem in School

Introduction Everyone knows what bullying is. A great number of people experienced bullying as either victims, perpetrators, or bystanders. It is a problem that has existed ever since the creation of first public schools in the 18th century. While the society is aware of the problem, little is done to...

The Outlining Importance in Research Paper Writing

Abstract Outlining is an important preliminary activity that is necessary for improving the structure of the research paper and its readability. Additionally, this step is critical for categorizing or grouping the collected data. Apart from that, an outline can show how a student can elaborate on the thesis statement or...

Educational Issues: State Level Standards

What the US has done There has been a remarkable improvement in my state based on the education excellence for all children act of 1999. The US government has played a pivotal role in uplifting the standards of education especially in the elementary and secondary education. For instance, my District...

American Psychological Association (APA) Citations

Why is APA Style Used to Document Ideas in Writing? APA citation style is used to document ideas in writing because it demonstrates that a person who works on a particular text refers to other authors’ opinions, statements, and conclusions. It is essential to outline a certain idea of another...

Multimedia Vocabulary Instruction for Adolescents

Multimedia technologies are discussed by educators as effective instruments to enhance instructions and contribute to learning different concepts. Researchers often propose using multimedia technologies to improve the results of students with learning disabilities. In their article, Kennedy, Deshler, and Lloyd (2015) discussed the effects of multimedia on teaching and learning...

Building Family and Community Relationships

A child’s environment comprises a sufficient part of the child’s development process. Family and community remain the largest influence on a child throughout the early years, so maintaining and improving it secures the effective result in learning. Standard of Choice In my opinion, the standard that requires the most in-depth...

Teachers Expectation and Pupil Learning

Teaching as a career has distinct features that make it stand out among other career fields. The uniqueness lies in the reality that the choice made by a student like myself to pursue teaching in the field of education did not begin with a blank mind. It was utterly influenced...

Creative Thinking in Education

Presenting your original ideas in any given academic work brings a sense of satisfaction. Moreover, evaluation of the academic progress of any student by the professors and tutors is done based on the ability of the student to think, analyze and present ideas independently without copying the work of other...

Education and Innovation in the Middle East

Literature Review The last decade has brought multiple opportunities and benefits for the UAE. The main factor contributing to the growth of the state’s economy was the oil price that has facilitated some rapid increase in assets available for the development of the country. At the same time, the strong...

Response to Intervention Approach and Its Integration

Synopsis of Denny’s article Deeney, T. A. (2010). One-Minute Fluency Measures: Mixed Messages in Assessment and Instruction. The Reading Teacher, 63(6), 440–450. This article explores the issues of the response to intervention (RTI) and Learning Disabilities in quite a systematic manner. The author, Deeney, intended to examine the effectiveness of...

Lesson Plan: Solving Equations and Inequalities

Student Objective The main objective of the lesson is for students to understand what are “linear equations and inequalities in one variable, including equations with coefficients represented by letters” (Engage NY, 2014). In other words, they need to grasp how the linear inequalities appear in a general way, how they...

Trainer’s Role in the Learning Process

The relationship between the process of learning and the role of the trainer is rather complex. Different theories of learning refer to trainers as to interventionists or facilitators; however, these two sides are not polar, and their compilation provides an opportunity to review the issue more comprehensively. The purpose of...

Tea Party Pre-Reading Strategy in Education

Tea Party Strategy Overview One of the possible strategies that teachers may use for the purpose of involving students into work and improving their reading skills is called “tea party.” This name means that one can behave as if they were at a tea party: talk, discuss various subjects, share...

Cooperative Learning Groups for Disabled Students

The problem of integrating students with disabilities into the normal learning curriculum has emerged as big challenge to practitioners, policy makers, administrators, and families. In particular, childhood practitioners have been the most challenged since they encounter children with disabilities on regular basis. In reference to the text, the authors do...

Developmental Reading Assessment for ESL Students

The measurement of English language proficiency can be performed using the Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) for ESL students (Connecticut State Department of Education, 2010, p. 1). This test is designed to assess the knowledge of students in terms of reading including comprehension and fluency of oral reading for English as...

Children with Special Education Needs: Intervention

Introduction A literature review is a scholarly survey that combines previous and current ideas and opinions from defined collections for purposes of accessibility. According to Clements, Pawlowski, and Manouselis (2015), literature reviews should contain a central theme and a thesis statement. Although the literature review does not introduce new knowledge...

Differentiation in Education, Its Pros and Cons

Benefits and Drawbacks of Differentiation in a Classroom Differentiation is usually viewed as an approach that is effective to address the problem of heterogeneous classrooms where diverse students learn under the supervision of only one teacher. As a result, a teacher is expected to work as a real professional in...

Multicultural Teaching Strategies: Curriculum Design

The curriculum design is implemented in a secondary classroom setting in the US state where multi-race students are able to get their education and improve their level of knowledge. The teacher described the majority of her students in class as “disinterested” in mathematics and that there are distractions in learning...

The Reading Activity Characteristics: Literacy Philosophy

Beliefs of Frank Smith The development of the reading theory is attributed to massive scholarly works of various educational researchers including Frank Smith. Frank Smith is a psychologist who is ardently recognized for his immense research work in the fields of linguistics coupled with cognitive psychology. He explores especially how...

School Choice: Educational Sector Thriving

Competition among different players in any given sector within a nation’s economy is essential in enhancing the effectiveness of the sector in question. This calls for the government to set up policies that pave the way for healthy competition within the parties in any given sector. Over the last two...

Special Education: Single-Subject Research

Introduction Special education employs intervention measures (at an individual level) designed to meet the distinct needs of every student. Since it follows a framework that focuses on the individual behavior of students, single subject research can form a basis for enhancing special education. Instead of using a control group and...

Public Schooling in America

Introduction The American education system is arguably one of the most advanced in the world. There is no doubt that America places a great emphasis on its education system providing adequate funding (Hochschild and Scovronick 27). In fact, research studies prove that American public schools remain some of the best-funded...

Teen Pregnancy Persuasive Speech Plan

This paper provides a plan for a persuasive speech about teenage pregnancy and how it affects the future of both the child and the mother. Check it out if you need to write a teenage pregnancy persuasive speech. General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose of teenage pregnancy speech: To persuade...

Education: Internet Courses Versus Traditional Courses

Introduction Since the widespread availability of personal computers, people have found more ways to access life-altering educational opportunities. The field of education has been a major beneficiary of technological advancement. Universities have been expanding these technologies to increase the availability of classes in the form of online and distance learning,...

Bachelor of Science in Web Design and Development: Scholarship Application

My life is full of numerous challenges, adventures, and emotions, this is why I can hardly agree with the opinion supported by people that it is impossible to get education, bring up a baby, and make the cherished dreams come true. Though it is hard to follow personal interests and...

Gamification in Education Practice

Abstract Gamification is actively used today in the area of corporate training because this approach leads to high results, and it is associated with the employees’ increased motivation to acquire the new knowledge. Gamification related to the corporate training and learning can be discussed as a process advantageous for organizations...

Distance Learning and Social Change

Abstract Distance learning can be defined as a form of education where learners can learn wherever they are through the use of technology. Distance learning faces some challenges. The main issue is the quality of the instruction. The instructions which reach the students attending distant learning classes really matters. It...

Information Technology Enabled Online Learning

Introduction Technology advancement and application has been in application in almost all fields of the economy. Technology is associated with both positive and negative effects according to a specific situation and what it is able to achieve. Information Technology – enabled online learning is utilized in learning institutions. It entails...

Addressing Bullying in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms

Nature of Study The study mainly focuses on teachers’ lack of knowledge on how to deal with the issue of bullying in the classroom in an effective manner; it also suggests some of the effective ways that they can rely on to address this problem. There will be a total...

Creating Culturally Fair Tests and Learning From Finland

Introduction Developmentalists aim to ensure that assessments and tests used in educational settings are free from discrimination and impartial, regardless of students’ cultural backgrounds. This is because culture plays a significant role in shaping individuals’ experiences, beliefs, and knowledge and can influence their performance on standardized tests. The developmental approach...

Students with Disabilities in Classrooms

The acknowledgment and development of diversity in communities are one of the primary benefits of inclusive education. It strives to bring together various children in the classroom, allowing everyone the same opportunity to grow and learn. As a result, it can improve cooperation and collaboration at the local level among...

Equity Literacy: The Main Advantages

The idea of Equity literacy that resonates with my values, thinking, and beliefs are race-related oppression which comprises religion, (dis)ability, gender expression, and identity. Additionally, teachers must integrate this concept in the classroom by reflecting on their thoughts, reducing gender and race biasness and ensuring that these practices are always...

Helping Students Resume Education Post-Pandemic

In the face of the pandemic, many have suspended education and the Carroll and Milton Petrie Foundation, the Heckscher Foundation for Children, and the Ichigo Foundation awarded fourteen grants aimed at developing projects to return students to continue their education. Bold Solutions to Re-engage is an initiative supported by partners...

Researching of Classroom Critical Thinking and Collaboration Activities

Critical Thinking Activity The students will be instructed to engage in brainstorming and explaining ways in which recycling can be conducted at the school to improve the environment. The understanding of recycling is valuable for teaching students about the importance of a healthy environment as well as the development of...

Professional Learning Networks

The major goal of fostering professional learning is to help educators acquire the information and abilities needed to provide students with more meaningful possibilities once they graduate. Examining the data on student accomplishment is the first step in designing effective professional learning development that aids in defining the educational requirements...

Inequality Issues in K-12 Public Education System

Education is critical to human growth because it allows people to gain the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for fulfilling and productive lives. Not every kid in the United States has equal access to high-quality education. Meatto (2019) acknowledges that racial segregation in public schools has been unlawful in the...

The Importance of Career Counseling for Veterans

Introduction Veterans are individuals who have served in the military for a certain period of time and have been honorably discharged from their service. While some veterans transition seamlessly into civilian life, many struggle to find their footing in the workforce. They require the support and advice of career counseling....

In Praise of the F Word Article by Marry Sherry

Marry Sherry, in the article “In Praise of the F Word,” emphasized that it is essential for students’ future to treat them with receiving bad grades if they are not studying enough, to put fear in them, so they would have the motivation to study. After graduating, students face the...

Reading Mastery as an Instructional Material

Reading Mastery represents an inclusive reading program aimed to help students in mastering basic skills of decoding and comprehension through the use of the Direct Instruction approach. In particular, the program emphasizes strengthening the students’ thinking capabilities and acquiring background knowledge. Additionally, Reading Mastery contains various materials in the form...

The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

The introduced Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) is the law that allows students to acquire knowledge through high-quality education. The act contains provisions that improve students’ performance. The equality of different levels of schools is aimed to be addressed under this law, although the core needs of lower-level schools have...

The Issue of Use of Stimulants by Students

Introduction During the educational process, in some cases, people may have certain difficulties with studying the material or completing assignments on time. They can be due to many reasons, such as outside hobbies or work. In such critical cases, it may seem like a good option for some students to...

Teaching Children With Neuromotor Disorders

The most common disorders of neuropsychiatric development are cerebral palsy and epilepsy. Therefore, it is important to identify the features of teaching children with these disorders in educational institutions (Hallahan et al., 2020). All the features of children with cerebral palsy depend on the severity of the disease. For children...

Morning Meetings in Educational Setting

Morning meetings can be a great activity to apply some of the strategies for my lesson planning skills. Morning meetings can enhance the development of essential academic and social skills by developing good teacher-child relationships, fostering supportive supervision, and encouraging active involvement. Morning meetings will give me a frequent chance...

Learning Strategies and Multitasking

The most important skill a student should have is to learn enough information. Sometimes this task can be challenging to perform because proper learning requires a person’s skills and skills of self-organization. The no less important factor that can facilitate or, conversely, complicate the process is the use of learning...

Sexual Education Policy in Mississippi

The Mississippi Legislature approved House Bill 999 in 2011 (Siecus, 2021), mandating that public schools adopt an “abstinence-only” or “abstinence-plus” sexual education policy (Casetext, 2022, p. 1). In addition, the legislative session of 2022 imposes further limits on the instruction of sex instruction in public schools, including the division of...

The Education Amendments of 1972

The Education Amendments of 1972, otherwise known as Title IX, has been a topic of great deliberation since its inception. Title IX is a law that proclaims that no person in America can be barred from participating in any educational program or activity that is backed by federal monetary assistance...

The Finnish vs. the US School Systems

Educational systems across the world are dissimilar, yet it appears that Finnish schools are favorably regarded by people from distinct countries. Ivy (2016) declares that Finland is the highest-ranking state in terms of its learning approach. The Finnish school system has many differences from that of the US and is...

Parent Engagement in Vick Elementary School

Summary Parent engagement in schools is designed to encourage parents and educators to work together in order to support and improve students’ learning, health, and general development. Although there may be considerable barriers to families’ involvement in school activities and the educational process, educators undertake all efforts to improve parent...

Language Simulation Activity Plan Creation

This activity uses drama and storytelling to help children develop their language skills and improve their reading comprehension and expressiveness. Children can practice their vocal language skills and develop self-confidence through theater, while they can learn to listen and grasp through narrative. This activity also develops literacy skills because the...

Basic Literacy and School-to-Prison Pipeline

Basic literacy is essential for students to be able to comprehend the material they are being taught. Therefore, it is the foundation for any student’s academic success. Without basic literacy skills, students are unable to access the knowledge they need to be successful in school and beyond it. Research indicates...

First-Generation College Students’ Resilience

Introduction Statement of the problem College students are considered “first-gen” when they are the first in their immediate family to enroll in college. Whether it be pride in their family’s success or sadness over being apart from loved ones, this can be a difficult realization to make. Some students may...

The Strategy Introduction Program in Education

A strategy introduction program is a commonly used education technique that helps students at schools and universities to learn the material they need. Different types of strategies are direct instruction, interactive instruction, and independent study (Brown & Pressley, 2023). All three characteristics benefit students and tutors in diverse ways, like...

Education Reform in the United States

Introduction Education reform is a strategic process aimed at altering approaches to delivering learning instruction to suit society’s changing needs. Reforming education systems creates room for tackling issues and addressing limitations to enhance quality. However, changes depend on research and expert analysis of factors associated with students’ outcomes. Therefore, the...

First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning

Introduction The article First Nations Pedagogy for Online Learning by Currie S. and Kaminski J. contains a presentation of the project founded by Nicola Valley Institute of Technology and Kwatlen University College. The project is dedicated to creating and developing new opportunities for online education for Aboriginal learners. The article...

Mental Health Courses in Education Programs

Introduction In the article Depression, Anxiety, Loneliness Are Peaking in College Students by Kat McAlpine, the author explores a crucial topic which is the causes and outcomes of college students’ depression and suicidality. Research data was used from the Boston University mental health researcher Sarah Ketchen Lipson (McAlpine 1). The...

ESL Communication Strategies

Intercultural communication can be beneficial and exciting in personal and professional life since the differences in background push people to consider various points of view and ideas. At the same time, communication can be complicated by barriers – contrasting conventions and codes of specific cultures (Thomas & Inkson, 2009). Language...

Costa Rica and Education Globalization

Introduction Joining an international organization generates multiple opportunities for countries to develop in regard to their education, healthcare, and political systems due to the initiatives that arise as a result of the collaborations. Education, specifically, is a segment that can significantly advance as a result of advancement in international relationships...

The Role of the Visual Arts in Enhancing the Learning Process

This article explores the role of visual arts in education. The authors discuss how visual aids like drawings, diagrams, and videos can improve students’ involvement, understanding, and retention. They also stress the significance of giving pupils opportunities to put their knowledge to the test through creative expressions like sketching and...

Differentiation in the Classroom Setting

Approaching a diverse group of learners requires adjusting the relevant teaching strategies to meet unique needs of each learner. Therefore, a teacher needs to incorporate differentiation into the range of strategies to integrate into the classroom context and ensure that all learners are provided with equal opportunities. However, the excessive...

Differences Between Proofreading, Editing, and Revising

Introduction Proofreading, editing, and revising are different tasks while writing essays and assignments. The significant differences between the three aspects are the stage of each task and specific areas of correction in a paper. Revising involves checking the overall structure of a paper, including content and formatting (Buenning, 2020). The...

The Impact of Flashcards to Elementary Students With Learning Disabilities

Introduction Reading and basic math calculation skills are essential for success in life. Research has shown that students who struggle with reading in primary education often face difficulties in secondary education and adulthood. Understanding phonetic awareness is important for boosting reading skills. Moreover, basic math calculation skills, such as memorization...