The Book and Movie Versions of “The Martian”

Introduction The Martian, by Andy Weir, is a science fiction novel adapted into a 2015 film directed by Ridley Scott. It has been adapted into a critically acclaimed movie and has become a worldwide sensation. Both the book and the movie present the story of astronaut Mark Watney, who is...

Is Binge-Watching Television Bad for You?

People spend a significant amount of their time watching TV. Moreover, the emergence and evolution of streaming services increased the number of hours individuals spend in front of screens. The popularity of TV series and shows proves that millions of people like this content and wait for new episodes. For...

Astra Taylor’s “What Is Democracy?” Documentary Review

Astra Taylor’s Documentary, What is Democracy? takes an in-depth look at the concept of democracy and its history, from its ancient Greek roots to its modern-day iterations worldwide. Taylor travels to countries such as Greece, the United States, India, and Brazil to interview people from all walks of life, comprehensively...

Social Media’s Impact on Psychological Distress

This systematic study examined the impact of social media usage on depression, anxiety, and psychological distress among teenagers. The results were categorized into four core contexts: time spent, activity, investment, and addiction. There was a correlation between all dimensions and depression, anxiety, and psychological discomfort. As a result of the...

Network Effects on Digital Advertising Markets

Introduction Network effects play a critical role in the development of digital advertising markets, frequently giving a significant competitive advantage to established companies. In the advertising sector, Google is the most notable example of a company that everybody knows about. This popularity creates a powerful network effect, attracting more and...

Weaponized Information and Its Impact on Society

Introduction The form of the information presented is equally important as the content because it determines the audience’s attitude to the articulated facts. For instance, it is possible to manipulate the target audience’s feelings to achieve the set goals. Showing the picture of the child standing in front of the...

Consuming Information: Benefits and Drawbacks

The 21st century is considered to be the century of information. In most countries in the West access to information is unlimited, meaning that everyone has a voice and can broadcast their views and experiences (Harrison 25). Likewise, the individuals consuming information have access to any source they wish, making...

The Cable News Network: Joey Jackson

Introduction The Cable News Network (CNN) is an American multinational cable channel specializing in the news. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, CNN became the first all-news television channel that provided 24-hour news coverage. A great variety of documentaries and videos, regional expertise, high quality of broadcasting, attention to accuracy and consumers’...

News Values and Today Media Culture

Introduction In today’s media culture, most news consumers prefer to watch the news on TV rather than listen to news broadcasting on the radio. The reason for this shift is because of the visual elements that accompany the news bulletin. As a result, most TV stations have lost the focus...

Twilight Zone Episode 4: TV Series Review

Introduction Twilight Zone (2019) Episode 4 is a Native American TV series directed by Ana Lily Amirpour and written by Glen Morgan. A police officer, Yuka, selected her brother as the candidate for ceremonial pardon during the Christmas party. The prison has a culture of pardoning an offender during the...

Agents of Socialization: The Development of Social Media Platforms

Socialization is crucial for community growth and economic development since it promotes the exchange of ideas and unity. The development of social media platforms has made it easy for individuals to communicate regardless of the distance between them. Although technology has positively influenced socialization, it is associated with negatives such...

The Documentary “A Brilliant Genocide”

The documentary “A Brilliant Genocide” shows how the Ugandan government killed over 800,000 people in just 100 days. I enjoyed this documentary because it was eye-opening and informative. I like how it provides many details about the killings. Additionally, the film gives a voice to the Acholi people, who are...

Animation Film Pocahontas by Walt Disney

Introduction A seventy-eight-minute animation film, Pocahontas, by Walt Disney, is about a Native American heroine who saved a British man, John Smith, from execution by her father. The movie has received criticism, especially from Arab Americans (Goldberg & Gabriel, 1995). The film is analyzed on three concepts; libel, privacy invasion,...

The Problem of Biased Media in the Modern World

Introduction Media is expected to be one of the most potent democracy tools providing individuals with objective and accurate information about important events. Unfortunately, in numerous cases, it fails to perform its central function. For instance, journalists might be biased when speaking about racial issues or protests promoting injustice and...

Aspects of the American Pop Culture

Introduction The American film industry is one of the main components of the nation’s popular culture. The main reason for choosing this culture is because it majorly highlights the social, economic, and political domains in the United States of America. The film industry has made it easy for most Americans...

National Crime Prevention Council’s Media Campaign

Introduction National Crime Prevention Council is among the American educational nonprofit institutions that enable the creation of safe communities by addressing issues such as drugs, violence, and crime, thus minimizing the chance of crimes. One of the ways they accomplish this is by running media campaigns on their website targeting...

News Coverage of the Jackson, MS, Crisis

Issues affecting communities and their well-being on a large scale are quite difficult to approach when shedding light on them in public media. On the one hand, the context and extent of the issue need to be provided; on the other hand, maintaining objectivity and neutrality remains a concern. However,...

Fake News on Social Media and How to Prevent It

Information can be considered one of the most important assets because it provides knowledge on various matters. People obtain data from different sources, such as other individuals, books, magazines, or the Internet. Nonetheless, not all information or ways of acquiring it present reliable facts. For instance, news that is spread...

The Use of Websites by Transit Agencies

Online social media platforms offer a communication network between transit agencies and their customers. It can be an effective way to communicate with users and identify their needs as a step toward establishing a client-oriented approach (Hosseini et al., 2018). Federal Transit Administration has several web policies that transit agencies...

The Hadza: Last of the First Film by Bill Benenson

The documentary, The Hadza: Last of the First, highlights the hunting and gathering practices and way of life of the Hadza tribe in Tanzania. I like how the film reflects the natural lifestyle of the Hadza, such as construction, social life, and hunting techniques. The historical prologue of the tribe...

Social Networks: Blocking at Schools

While social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube have been very impactful to young people, they have not been short of ruinous consequences. Social media causes a distraction for students, risks causing mental health problems through cyberbullying and setting unrealistic targets for most of them, and discouraging face-to-face...

The RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company: Advertising Campaign

Introduction The focus of tobacco businesses has frequently been on aggressive marketing campaigns meant to advance goods against which there is solid scientific resistance. The RJ Reynolds Tobacco Company’s advertising highlighted the admirable and revered status that doctors had attained in American culture. Smoking-related medical experts refuted the notion that...

Evolution and Challenges of Modern Advertising

Introduction There has been significant evolution in the advertising industry from traditional advertising methods such as newspapers, print media, and television to digital advertising based on the internet. Therefore, advertising research has moved from considering consumers as passive to interact-ability, where consumers are active (Rathi et al., 2022). This has...

Discussion: Public Intimacy and Social Media

The communications in the modern social networking sites are characterized by the almost instantaneous feedback regarding one’s behavior or emotional state from close people as well as acquaintances. Although people may sometimes become victims of verbal abuse, it is fair to argue that most of the normally functioning online spaces...

Significance of Social Media and Communication

Introduction Social media has become a significant part of today’s youth and is one of the newest inventions to hit the human race. It plays a significant role in influencing young minds, it is utilized by many people as a site to communicate with friends and family, but it also...

The Impact of Media on Eating Disorders

Introduction Many people are concerned about their appearance when using digital media or seeing advertising. Influencers and celebrities present an idealized lifestyle and looks on image-based social media and media campaigns. They create a distorted perception of appearance for the audience, leading to heightened concerns about body image and self-esteem....

Food, Inc., Produced by Kenner Review

Upon its release, the documentary Food, Inc., produced by Kenner (2008), profoundly impacted society, showing the true realities of food production under the capitalistic conditions of the modern USA. The major objective of the given movie is to investigate the corporate farming business in the USA and factors that are...

The “Ascension” Documentary by Jessica Kingdon

Ascension is set in China, which is regarded as a global economic powerhouse in the race to become the largest economy in the world. China is on the pathway to becoming a high-income country, which would paint a glamorous picture of a highly prosperous nation. However, that thinking would only...

The “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” Documentary

The documentary True Justice tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States. The US criminal justice system is far from perfect and is often seen as unfair to poor people and people of color. Justice should be concerned with the protection of citizens and not lawlessness,...

Internet Search and Personal Information

Introduction Access to information today is becoming more comprehensive, and almost anyone can find any data. Scientists note that the use of social media is increasingly associated with suicide attempts among adolescents (Sedgwick et al., 2019). If a person wants to create their own business, get a job, or is...

Pop Culture in “The Godfather” by Coppola

Pop culture has always been a huge influence on films. From the very beginning, films have been used to reflect and comment on the popular culture of the time. In the early days of cinema, this was often done through satire and parody. Today, it can be seen that pop...

Biased Media Reporting on Refugees and Immigrants

Introduction The media is an important function of democracy in any society. Any country requires that its media is unbiased to facilitate democracy. An unbiased media ensures that all reports, regardless of their nature and scope, are presented to the audience with careful evaluation of both sides of the narrative....

“When the Levees Broke” Documentary by Spike Lee

As Spike Lee’s documentary attests, inconvenient realities were allowed to exist that contributed to the societal tragedy that Hurricane Katrina so dramatically displayed. When the Levees Broke: A Requiem In Four Acts, directed by Spike Lee, illuminates the complex network of social, legal, and environmental blind spots that contributed to...

Synthesis on Influence of Media Societies

The political life of citizens in a democratic nation relies on media services. Media is the origin of universal communication and comes in numerous forms, from the internet to televisions and radios. The media and society field focuses on media’s background, structure, and societal contribution to mass communication: the World...

Facebook Usage and Social Development of Children

The digitalization process is constantly affecting today’s childhood: Facebook is becoming an increasingly common form of leisure and social development for children. Imagine a young child who turned on the computer and immediately plunged into a boundless and insecure virtual world. One immediately became interested in the unknown and ready...

Media Consumption’s Role in Youth Recreation

Introduction Modern youth spend their leisure time monotonously, unable to travel or devote time to an expensive hobby. Even the most common form of leisure, such as communication, has changed under the influence of modern technology, becoming the most petite deep. Social media, electronics, new security, and surveillance issues impact...

YouTube Channel Creation, Email Writing, and Nursing Website

The video titled “How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” is the subject of the second report that is being provided. The paper’s structure and format are geared toward educating the viewers of the video on the main points of the presentation and doing a deeper analysis...

Analysis: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Carr

The impact of technological progress on people’s consciousness and thinking capacity has always been under study in current research. With the rapid expansion of the Internet in the recent two to three decades, the social landscape has transformed significantly due to increased reliance on digital communication, remote work, and assistive...

Visual Arguments in Advertising

Introduction The Coca-Cola commercial from 2014, titled “It’s Beautiful,” has stirred controversy due to the misinterpretation of the scenes. The commercial features households of diverse backgrounds singing in various languages, “America the Beautiful” (Amalina 57). This advertisement faced criticism within and outside of the US due to the appearance of...

Comparison of Political Talk Radio Programs

Thousands of media personnel frequently impact the daily lives of Americans. At an ever-increasing rate, media permeate civilizations and saturate people with information. The delivery methods for audio news in the United States are divided into two categories: conventional satellite radio and digital media, including web audio and podcasting. While...

The “Crip Camp” Documentary by Newnham & LeBrecht

Crip Camp is a 2020 documentary directed by Nicole Newnham and James LeBrecht. It depicts the story of Camp Jened in New York and its attendees, as well as explains its role in the shift within the realm of disabilities rights. The main point that the documentary aims to present...

Burger King, Squarespace, Stella Artois, and Coca-Cola: Advertising Strategies

The Burger King Advertisement: The Burning House Burger King created an advertisement where it showed their restaurant burning, and the title is Frame Grilled Since 1954. It emphasizes that Burger King uses an open flame to cook meats for their burgers, unlike its competitors, such as McDonald’s. In addition, it...

TV Shows: Depiction of Criminal Investigation

Crime thrillers and CSI movies appeal to a wide audience because they feature captivating stories and realistic situations that match real-life scenarios. However, these programs overlook several critical aspects of the actual crime scene and criminal investigations because they mislead individuals into thinking that professionals have an easy time. Contrary...

Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Public Relations

Introduction In the modern marketing system, PR is an indispensable tool for psychological impact on society. It occupies a prominent place in the positioning and transaction of goods and services and the formation of trust and opinion. Attempts to form public consciousness into the necessary model do not sweep away...

The Opposing Views of Fox News and CNN Sources

Introduction Cable News Network (CNN) and Fox News are the two largest news sources in the United States. They play a critical role in many political events, leading to a strong association with either liberal or conservative viewers (Linden et al., 2020). Their comparison can reveal how popular opinions among...

Positive and Negative Images on Social Media and TV

Introduction Having lost its status as the most influential medium, TV still exposes society to various beneficial and negative images. On a positive note, diversity in TV series has been growing, affecting the number of characters to represent women, racial minorities, and sexual minority groups (Williams, 2021). Discussion In TV...

Consumerism, Advertising and Emotional Development

Introduction Consumerism has become a trend in the US, not today, not yesterday, and not even 50 years ago. It traces back more than a century and gained its first followers with the appearance of mail-order magazines advertising various popular products – the prototype of Amazon. As many could have...

“Politicized Rantings on Two Blogs…” by Savage et al.

The article under analysis is “Politicized rantings on two blogs by a ‘daviddepape’ are drawing scrutiny” by Charlie Savage, Alan Feuer, and Kellen Browning (2022). The New York Times post provides that investigators of the Paul Pelosi assault case investigate some related Facebook blogs. The investigation seeks to find out...

Social Media and Children’s Brains: Source Analysis

The first source is an article on a Newport Academy Website named Effects of Social Media on Teenagers. It was published on July 14th, 2022, by Monroe and analyzes how various social media resources affect teenagers. The author uses statistics from other publications and touches on the subject of mental...

Terrence Washington’s Interview with Kelly Coke

Terrence Washington’s interview with Kelly Coke can enlighten students about the importance of serving the community. Often people neglect community service because of a lack of time. However, Washington shows that with proper time management and prioritizing, it is possible to find time for commitment to the community. I learned...

Violent Media Is Good for Kids

Introduction The last few decades have seen an upsurge in the amount of media information available to the general audience. Some of this material is violent, and concerns have been expressed about the impact of children exposed to violent media. As a result, Gerard Jones argues in his piece “Violent...

Videogames & Stress Level Reduction Among Students

The topic of the study and its importance Stress belongs among one of the most widespread issues in modern society. Often referred to as a “plague of the 21st century,” it affects people’s lives in various ways, including their motivation, performance, and psychological well-being. Students of universities and colleges are...

Simone Giertz’s Video on Radiation Therapy

Social media enables people to communicate with large international audiences without any obstacles and in an open and transparent way. The popularity of social media can be largely attributed to its ability to offer people content that can inspire and encourage them to become better versions of themselves. Although there...

The “Shameless” TV Series by John Wells

The topic of poverty and the portrayal of people living in low social and economic conditions are not so popular among TV series creators and producers. Although the number of people who lives beyond the level of poverty and suffers from social inequalities is rising annually, they are either underrepresented...

Bias in the American News on Political Stories

Recently CNN and Washington Post have released news regarding the Russian army retreat in Ukraine’s village., which was ignored by FOX news and is mainly associated with a conservative news portal. On contrast CNN and Washington Post are known for its support for liberalism or, in other words, the left...

Responsibility of Media in the US – The Issue of Fake News

Contemporary American society depends on various sources of news media because every person has to receive timely updates on what occurs in their area or across the country. Even though traditional news outlets are not as popular nowadays, there are people who prefer reading newspapers and magazines to learn the...

Social Media Initiatives and Information Technology

It was the resource that was especially useful to me recently because it provided me with opportunities for work communication and information contacts. Information technology has helped people survive in difficult times like the pandemic and develop and strive. It motivates individuals to continue living, find meaning in their activities,...

Actionable Gamification and Its Elements

Gamification is the inclusion of game-inspired elements in non-gaming internet environment to increase motivation and engagement levels for the users. Gamification is used to create influence in websites, online community, business, and learning management system by tapping on product experience using games. According to Fitz-Walter et al. (2021), gamification market...

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promoting Feminine Items

Cosmopolitan is a New York-based American magazine that constitutes discussions and issues that create interspersion between fashion, lifestyle, culture and living, with several sub-thematic concerns such as beauty, culture, and stowaway-like stories forming a significant part (Uy, 2022). The first issue or volume of the magazine was in 1882 and...

Electric Soap Advertisement by Dobbins

An electric soap advertisement by Dobbins connects its product with the seven stages of man’s life depicted by William Shakespeare in his famous comedy As You Like It. An advertisement artist quoted Shakespeare to illustrate how Dobbins electric soap accompanies a man throughout his life, from infancy in his mother’s...

The Internet on Guard of the State Regime

Introduction China is known worldwide as a country with one of the highest levels of censorship. Investigative journalists compare the coverage of censorship in the media and the Internet year, and their forecasts are disappointing, unfortunately. Usually, the Chinese government does not run the censorship apparatus directly but delegates this...

Anime in Pop Culture: Art Review

Introduction Anime as a form of art presented a new storytelling method tailored for kids and adults. The link between cinema and anime is evident in the technology and storylines used (Grant & Henderson, 2019). Anime has greatly impacted the entertainment industry, making it one of the most recognized works...

A Mini-Series Exterminate All the Brutes

There are no such things as alternative facts: this is the central theme that prevails throughout the mini-series created and narrated by Raoul Peck. This idea implies that the history of humankind should be examined through the lens of objective facts that are not distorted by revisionism. Nevertheless, certain pages...

The “Exterminate All the Brutes” Documentary

Raul Peck says in his work that a large chapter of the world story has been told from a biased Eurocentric point of view. This approach cannot be accurate and proper since one of the greatest sins, genocide, remains out of sight (Peck, 2021). It applies to such complex topics...

The Internet Censorship Problem from Various Viewpoints

The fast development of internet platforms has led to the gradual but steady migration of various human activities in the online sphere, including the ability to communicate with different people and express one’s opinion. Due to its novelty, the interaction between people is still not properly regulated by governments worldwide....

Tobacco Advertising and Opioid Crisis

The aspects of the opioid crisis and tobacco advertisement by physicians are comparable in terms of the engagement of the medical community in these issues. In both situations, physicians, medical associations, journals, and agencies were involved. Their activity was related to creating misconceptions regarding tobacco and opioids and making patients...

Restrictions on Freedom of Speech on Social Networks

Introduction The issue of freedom of speech in American society is very acute, as it is the guarantor of democracy in the country. In recent decades, the development of freedom of speech has been heavily influenced by the Internet and content consumption by people. People no longer consume information from...

The Facebook Outage Case and Its Key Stakeholders

The Case Background Facebook and its other platforms, including Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger, went down globally for close to six hours on 4th/5th October 2021. It would be more than five hours before services would begin to be restored. Facebook has not gone into much detail about what went wrong...

The “Race: The Power of an Illusion” Documentary

The concept of race remains one of the most contentious issues of the 21st century. Even with the progress made, the pain and suffering inflicted upon racial minorities by the colonialist West cannot be overlooked. Therefore, understanding the nature of the current disparaging attitudes toward people belonging to racial minorities,...

Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy Response

The cinematic production in question is a comprehensive six-hour documentary that introduces pivotal concepts and occurrences pertaining to the formation of the global economy. “Commanding Heights: The Battle for the World Economy,” presented by PBS, stimulates the viewer’s capacity for discernment and reflection in relation to economic matters. The series’...

“Black Tech Entrepreneurs Move to the South”: Economic and Demographic Shifts in the US

The piece by Janelle Richards and Rehema Ellis entitled Black Tech Entrepreneurs Move to the South, A Great Migration in Reverse is a news story report from NBC News examining recent economic and demographic shifts in the United States. Historically, the African American community had not been given economic opportunities...

The Alternative Ending for the Film “Thelma and Louise”

The film Thelma and Louise tells the viewer the story of two friends who decide to go on a fun weekend. However, they are drawn into a criminal situation when one of the girls kills the man who molested Thelma. After that, the women must hide from the police throughout...

Social Media in Modern Society

Introduction Over the past decade, social media has become an integral part of modern society, surrounding people in many aspects of their life, such as work, education, dating, and others. While some claim that there are undeniable benefits to social media, there are also opinions and evidence that it can...

A Little Professional Advertising Analysis

Introduction In marketing, pictures are frequently used to attract the target audience’s attention. It is essential to emphasize that specialists generally choose images with a secret subtext and can inspire customers to purchase them. At the same time, it is crucial to understand the influence that creative advertising pictures have...

How I Met Your Mother and Friends Shows Comparison

Introduction In the past few decades, countless television series have been produced, with each being distinct but many having certain similarities. For instance, viewers often state that Friends and HIMYM (How I Met Your Mother) are quite alike, as the latter seems to have borrowed specific elements of the former...

“Nanook of the North”: The Documentary Film

Taxidermy is the art of creating animal representation through the preparation, padding, and mounting of some parts of animals, such as skins and bones. The process is prefaced with the preservation of animal parts after being acquired through hunting. A well-maintained taxidermy can remain intact for over fifty years. People...

Disordered Eating Due to Impact of Social Media

Introduction For this paper, the influence of social media usage and visual social networks on eating habits, particularly, disordered eating, will be discussed. In addition, a separate technique for solving the mentioned issue will be described and provided as a potential recommendation. Emotional intelligence can be considered as a methodology...

Eric Tucker: The High-Profile Statement

Eric Tucker made a mistake and admitted it, trying to convince the public not to believe all information unquestioningly. However, his first tweet was re-tweeted over 10,000 times, and the amended one containing the correct information was re-tweeted only 29 times. It is a rather frightening number because it demonstrates...

“Hearts and Minds” Documentary by Peter Davis

Introduction Created in 1974 and directed by Peter Davis, the documentary movie Hearts and Minds tells its audience the terrible truth about the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam war. It is hard to disagree that the purpose of this movie is very significant, and it is vital for the filmmakers...

The “Homeland” TV Series by Gordon and Gansa

Homeland is a television series that aired between 2011 and 2020 and falls into the genre of an espionage thriller. The majority of the film occurs within the U.S. as well as overseas in Middle Eastern countries such as Lebanon, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. However, the series has never filmed on...

Mental Health Among Adolescents

Mental health has become a debated issue in modern society due to its prevalence, especially among adolescents. Adolescents suffer numerous mental health issues that impact their lives and well-being negatively. The two significant stressors identified to be unique among adolescents include social media pressure and bullying (Boniel-Nissim & Sasson, 2018)....

Where Human Expression Is Going Over in Multimedia

Due to the expansion of modern technologies, the information and creative environment have become interactive, and artists strive to create a work and interact with their listeners or viewers. I think that the development of culture at this time is unpredictable, as there are many subcultures that can unexpectedly gain...

Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted?

Gladwell (2010) claimed that social media activism could make people pay attention to particular problems with low risk, but not as good as traditional activism because it does not lead people to sacrifice. Gladwell (2010) argued that the role of social ties is vital because leadership organizes people using rules...

The “SiCKO” Documentary by Michael Moore

One of the most baffling occurrences from the SiCKO documentary, to me, was the opposition to universal healthcare. Throughout the film, the audience sees that the arguments against free healthcare view it as a sign of communism and a danger to the values of the US. I found it baffling...

“It’s Okay to Not Be Okay” by Park Shin-woo

It’s Okay To Not Be Okay may be regarded as an excellent example that demonstrate the current evolvement of Korean dramas. Created in 2020 starring Kim Soo-hyun, Oh Jung-se, and Seo Yea-ji, it has immediately attracted the attention of viewers all over the world through Netflix. In addition, viewers’ interest...

The Medium and the Message: Media Proliferation

Media proliferation is putting pressure on advertisers and content creators to understand the impact of medium choice on the audience. The target population encodes communication from the different forms distinctively and may assign various meanings to the same message. The objective of this paper is to discuss messages in a...

Aspects of Media and Social Change

Global history proves that social movements, technological innovations, and media, combined or separated, can create social change. Another thing that the historical discipline shows is that the process of bringing it in can be brutal or peaceful. The current century is comparatively calmer regarding social transformation and change, and social...

Speechify’s Advertising Campaign Analysis

The world is full of advertising, every company or product, large or small, wants to be heard. When the campaign is run correctly, it causes a reaction and makes people buy the product or even tell others about this product they found. But not every commercial works exactly how it...

Print Newspaper in the Digital Age in the UK

During the last 20 years, the Internet and digital technology significantly impacted the approaches to information distribution. Development in technology and societal changes led to a decline in print newspapers in the UK (Curran and Seaton, 2018). Recently, the global economic recession added to the popularization of online media. Starting...

Social Media Networks’ Role in America

Social networks provide users with many opportunities that greatly simplify their lives. It includes sharing information, personal messages, and opinions and ensuring collaboration between people or brands. In the late 1970s, bulletin board systems (BBS) appeared, which were the first type of social network (Dhingra & Mudgal, 2019). The systems...

Technology Operations Centre’s Role in Expo 2020 Dubai

Introduction Expo 2020 Dubai, just like the previous World Expos, offers the global community a unique opportunity to come together to find solutions to common challenges faced by humanity. The universal journey to solving global problems started in 1851 in an event that took place in London and was referred...

“What Does Putin Want?” Article by Kirby

For this assignment, it was decided to address one of the most pressing topics of the last few days, namely the threat of a Russian-Ukrainian war. Since this topic is quite sensitive and a large amount of propaganda is generated every day, a critical analysis of one of the online...

Modern-Day Heroes: Snoop Dogg v. Odysseus

Hip-Hop Database. “Snoop Dogg.”  The real names of Snoop Dogg are Cordozar Calvin Broadus Junior. The American rapper and songwriter became famous for his song gangster rap during the 1990s when the West Coast hip-hop culture was at its peak. Most of the songs by Snoop Dogg were inspired by...

Jesse Pennington: Play Performance Reaction

Acting on the theater stage is an art that captivates the viewer not only due to the plot of a particular play but also due to the dynamics of characters’ images. As a target work to analyze, the play “Uncle Vanya” by the great Russian playwright Anton Chekhov will be...

“The Persepolis” Cartoon Meaning Analysis

Introduction The Persepolis cartoon demonstrates the unstable political situation in the Iranian capital Tehran from 1979-1984. The geographical component of the comic is the contrast of events, social classes, and opinions of residents. The historical period shown in the cartoon is represented by a period of disputes and revolutions. The...

The Meth Project: Inducing Horror as a Campaign Tactic

Introduction In 2005, a marketing campaign against methamphetamine was conducted in Montana under the name of The Meth Project (TMP). The objective of the campaign is to decrease the consumption of methamphetamine – or simply meth – by stigmatizing it. TMP aims at increasing risk awareness, reducing perceptions of the...

Ethical Obligation Regarding Online Content Copyrights

Nowadays, there are millions of websites that offer to listen to illegally taken songs or watch movies for free, and there are also numerous official websites that offer subscriptions. According to the statistics, around 600,000 items obtain copyrights annually (Ringleb et al., 231). The authors state that all “copyrightable works”...

“Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities”: Visual Presentation and Cultural Aspect

Introduction The analysis of documentary stories about individual geographic regions is often built on standard research patterns when milestones in history and key achievements are mentioned. The video Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities, directed by Mark Bates and presented by Henry Louis Gates Jr., cannot be included in the list of...

Television and Streaming Services in the United States

Common Denominator Programs Most Americans’ lives are dominated by television, although many young people today use online streaming services as their preferred media source. Until the 1970s, the majority of individuals on American television shows were Caucasian (Stanley, 2020). This affected the way individuals of other ethnicities perceived themselves and...

The “Live with Carnegie Hall” Event Analysis

Introduction This review will analyze the event titled “Live with Carnegie Hall: Judy Collins,” where American singer, songwriter, and social activist Judy Collins performs with a guitar. It is a virtual event released on YouTube in the summer of 2020. Since it is free to access on social media, the...

The Effects of Social Media on Mental Health

According to Psychiatric Quarterly, advocates and policymakers have raised concerns about the potential adverse effects of using social media. Berryman found that social media may be linked to some negative mental conditions such as loneliness, suicidal thoughts, and decreased empathy. Social media users have different lifestyles and ways of doing...

A Documentary Analysis: “The Age of Consequences” by Scott

Introduction Jared P. Scott is the director of The Age of Consequences, a documentary that discusses how climate change can be a catalyst for further conflicts. The film is produced by three distinguished creators, Sophie Robinson, Jared P. Scott himself, and Kelly Nyks. The film’s actors played themselves, and their...

Patriarchal Domination and Aggressive Misogyny in Advertising

The 50s in the Western World were almost the apogee of misogyny and masculine domination. According to Jean Kilbourne, the focus of previous female advertising was a fabricated patriarchal caricature (TED 03:15–05:21). A woman is trapped in a world of masculine dreams in the natural sense, in addition to having...

Russians Fear Mariupol Abuse Will Backfire by CBS News

The article provides a recently declassified intelligence summary of which the cases of war crimes, torture, and abuse of Mariupol residents and local government officials by Russia. The intelligence data was shared with CBS news by an anonymous US official. The article explains that the facts of abuse may lead...

Disability in the “How to Dance in Ohio” Film

Dancing at the Prom How to Dance in Ohio is a 2015 documentary film directed by Alexandra Shiva. The film tells how girls with autism struggle with society’s difficulties in making it to their high school prom. It is a positive story that touches on the everyday challenges that people...

“Coco” the Movie: Exploring the Latin American Experience

Introduction The panethnic diversity of the American community is an essential feature of historical development, which, as one assumes, is reflected in media culture. One of the peoples of this continent is Latin American, a large ethnic group of Spanish and Spanish origin, widely represented in the territories of South...

The Advantages of Dating Online

In my opinion, online dating is a good way of finding a like-minded partner. People often do not have enough time to focus on their personal lives, but dating online provides individuals with the opportunity to be matched with someone who shares their interests and views. Usually, people have to...

Manager Alvaro in the “Twisted” Movie

In the fictional movie “Twisted,” the fictional main character, “Alvaro,” was the manager of Classic Collections. This company had more than 50 employees who worked under the leadership of Alvaro. As a manager, he was in charge of all operations and the most critical decision-making processes in the company. Alvaro...

Advertisement Persuasion Strategies

As digital technology develops, many fields of human life undergo significant changes including business. Large corporations and small companies need to overthink their approach to social media in order to stay competitive. Modern digital technologies offer numerous opportunities for businesses and create a number of ethical and moral issues. Media...

The Movie “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” by Chbosky

The novel “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” is formulated in the epistolary format. The main character, Charlie, discusses the events in his life by using letters to an unknown friend. The peculiar feature of this novel differentiating this work from others is that the thought flows in letters is...

Aspects of Benneton Advertisements

Introduction Benneton ads use inclusivity to their advantage, as a tool for communicating a message and attracting customers. Research into customer behavior has shown that people are more likely to buy when they can see people similar to themselves associated with a certain product. Therefore, inclusivity plays a large role...

Kardashian Nation Work in America’s Klan

Kardashian Nation Work in America’s Klan is Lofton’s discourse on the Kardashian family as a contemporary new media phenomenon in the American socio-cultural field. It starts with a preface about the Melissa Click incident and ends with a defensive speech about her. From the viewpoints of readers who are not...

PlayStation 2 as the Best-Selling Gaming Console

Introduction Sony’s PlayStation 2 (PS2) is one of the well-known and best-selling gaming consoles of all time. At this moment, its sales have reached a 155 million record, and no other alternatives could introduce true competition in the industry (Byrd, 2021). This game console was introduced in 2000 and discontinued...

Speech Regulation on Social Media

Free speech on social media has become a contentious issue in recent years. Due to the tremendous influence and outreach of social media platforms, individuals and organizations have begun to use them for nefarious purposes, among which are spreading disinformation, self-enrichment, and manipulating public opinions. This is being done by...

Non-Human Media Environment: Animal as Medium

Changes in the media environment always lead to changes in the media system, reflecting a different quality of communications. The nature of actors, channels, and effects becomes the object of attention of mass communications researchers. In her article Assembling the (Non)Human: The Animal as Medium, Jody Berland examines McLuhan’s media...

Twitter: The Forces That Tend to Drive Social Media

One of the forces that tend to drive social media changes is the inherent immediacy of online communication. This is the main reason why many individuals tend to follow their altruistic urges and propagate positive messages while trying to make them go viral. The core issue with this force is...

Publicity Plan’s Goals and Objectives

Our media relations plan has several main goals related to the company’s reputation, task, and relationship. The first goal is to introduce the Boston Wounded Vet Group and the “They Fought We Ride” annual campaign to the residents of Boston and other states. The second goal is to promote the...

Security of Information Sharing on Social Networking Sites

Summary Nick Hajli and Xiaolin Lin wrote the article “Exploring the security of information sharing on social networking sites,” which focuses on how the social networking site (SNS) causes a threat to privacy and ethical conduct. The authors begin the article with a declaration of how the SNS collects users’...

The Episode Trash of the Titans of the Simpsons

The Simpsons is a famous entertaining animated series that is known for its peculiar sense of humor. However, the episode Trash of the Titans carried profound messages that underneath all the jokes were frustrating and mind-opening at the same time. This episode focused on problems of waste management, drugs, weapons,...

Social Media Analytics With Google and Other Tools

Introduction The presence of the internet has enabled continuous development and usage of social media networks. Other than personal use, social media has facilitated the storage of a large amount of content and a rapid diffusion of information. Most businesses have realized the benefits of social media and have exploited...

“The Grapes of Wrath”: Storyline, Characters, and Main Ideas

Introduction It is important to note that the given analysis will be focused on the drama film titled The Grapes of Wrath, directed by John Ford. The storyline revolves around the Joad family, who travel from Oklahoma to California seeking a better life through rumored work available for the people....

The Most Promising New Media Source

Introduction With the development of the Internet, people have been able to access various new media characterized by the transmission of information in digital form. Their mass character and accessibility are directly related to the computerization of society and subsequent digital literacy. Traditional media are turning into multimedia, and everywhere...

“Gladiator”: Plot, Actors, and Personal Perception

Introduction Gladiator (2000) with Russel Crowe and Joaquin Phoenix is one of my favorite movies of all time. It is a historical drama about Ancient Rome and the tradition of gladiator fights. The main character Maximus was betrayed by the government and forced into slavery. But he overcame the challenges,...

Chinese Media and International Relations

Introduction There is a considerable extent of evidence that Chinese media possess a notable influence on modern international relations. It seems rational to present this influence through a particular example. ByteDance is a Chinese privately-owned Internet holding company that owns a number of popular services. This company was founded in...

Influence of Media: Trends in Cognitive Sciences

At the present stage of the development of mass media, the media play an important role as a source of influence on the consciousness of the audience. The process of interaction between the media and the audience is two-way, both participants in communication mutually influence each other. Both print and...

The Art Basel Hong Kong Event Management

Executive Summary The current report provides a thorough analysis of the annual Art Basel Hong Kong art fair, which features more than a hundred exhibitors from various parts of the world. The event stimulates the growth of the contemporary art scene and creates a cultural bridge between Asia and the...

The Use of Social Media by College Students

This study aimed to identify how college students use social media and explain how they utilize social media to stay informed on important news and events. Furthermore, the study’s goal was to explore the survey results with 100 college student participants, which focused on gathering information about students’ use of...

Limiting Smartphones Use in Communication

The advancement of technology has transformed communication in the contemporary world. People have embraced smartphones as their interaction tools, thus disregarding face-to-face communication. According to Kim (2017), experts are concerned that this emerging trend risks phone-use addiction. The internet inspires many individuals to spend considerable time online on various social...

Controversial Issues in Today’s Media

The first controversial issue in the contemporary media landscape is the Supreme Court’s potential overturning of Roe vs. Wade. Jones (2022) claims that this decision will limit women’s economic mobility since the United States is the only developed nation with no childcare aid or paid family leave. If women cannot...

Social Media: A Distraction in the Workplace

Background Social media has become an important part of most individuals’ daily life regardless of age. It has changed people’s lives in diverse ways, ranging from being a crucial source of information to a platform that promotes social interactions. Companies have also embraced social media as an instrumental tool for...

Objectivity in Media and Its Importance

Objectivity in the media revolves around highlighting and criticizing important information and facts that are relevant to the audience. Therefore, acknowledging the need to use neutral language and avoiding writing stories that characterize institutions or people as positive or negative is critical in the presented content. As a transgender and...

Oprah Winfrey’s Interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

This essay will describe Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, which aired on CBS on March 8, 2021. The two-hour interview aired on Sunday night (CBS News, 2021). Since stepping down from official duties and leaving the UK, Meghan and her husband, Prince Harry, gave their first...

Social Networks’ Destructive Impact on Society

Ferdinand Tonnies and Karl Marx believed collective human effort leads to producing new qualities in society, either non-physical or material. Tonnies advocated for a community that cultivates feelings of belonging, mutual dependence, and togetherness. Marx believed in the importance of collaborative human labor as it pertains to producing economic goods....

Journalism Practice in a Digital Age Study by Pantic & Cvetkovic

Introduction The study investigated social media usage by news websites in the United States. The researchers used a sample of news posts from the most popular news companies to analyze the frequency of using social media in terms of source for the content. It also covered the quality of the...

Mass Media Ethics in News Coverage

Introduction News coverage plays an important role in shaping readers’ perceptions of the world around them, which is especially relevant for political events. Members of the City Council of a small town are doing their best to accuse supporters of the opposite faction of lies and corruption. However, none of...

Influence of Media on Policymaking

Introduction Policymaking is a crucial political procedure that depends on socioeconomic variables while shaping the future of the intended society. Media is directly associated with policymaking because it dwells on the potential effectiveness of proposed solutions and sets the tone for the given policies in the first place. This is...

The U.S. Media’s Problems

Profit Motive Influence Like any other organization that is profit-oriented and depends on various profit motives, media decide what they should report in society. Moreover, getting the most significant audience is the objective of multiple media profit motive, which indicates the possibility or availability of substantial returns (Hamborg et al....

Advertising in Every Aspect of America’s Life

Introduction It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without advertisements. Banners, billboards, videos, slogans, and leaflets have become integral to human life. Manufacturers and various companies use many tricks to capture the attention of a potential buyer or client. Advertising as a phenomenon appeared long before...

Editing in “Just Another Girl on the I.R.T.”

Editing is an important activity in the film-making process since it allows for establishing a clear and evident relation between shots. One should carefully approach this process to ensure that appropriate shots are used and that they are effectively arranged (Bordwell et al. 217). The essay focuses on Just Another...

Woman Made: Microsoft Campaign Advertisement

One of my favorite advertisements was the Microsoft campaign for female inventors—well, it wasn’t literally advertising female inventors—but it was about all of the things that women had developed throughout the years, and it was one of my favorite advertisements. It wasn’t actually centered on any single Microsoft product; rather,...

The Roman Empire: Documentary About Ancient Rome

History is an exciting and incredibly fascinating topic for research. This is due to the fact that, based on the experience of past years, people at the present stage of development can isolate a lot of valuable things. Thus, this scientific paper aims to study a documentary called “The Roman...

The Slogan of South Piedmont Community College: Optimization Process

Introduction Increasing customer demand for specific products and services is the ultimate goal of public advertising. In some cases, marketers’ messages may not be sufficiently strong and convincing to ensure sustainable sales. The primary task this paper sets is to optimize the existing slogan of South Piedmont Community College by...

Media Misrepresentations of Nurses

Mass media, such as movies and TV shows, constantly focus on sensational fantasies rather than reality, brainwashing society. Medical films, for instance, are notorious for dramatic, fast-paced scenes, which sometimes inaccurately portray the inner hospital workings. Nurses particularly get degrading roles, and the reality about the career is skimmed over,...

Online Advertisements on Facebook

Introduction Online advertising is a common form of promoting goods and services on the Internet. It encompasses a wide array of adverts, including display ads, search engine result pages, banners, and popups on social media platforms (Stokes, 2013). Such advertisements aim to raise brand awareness, attract potential customers, and increase...

“Despicable Me”: Social Stratification in Life

To demonstrate social stratification in life, the cartoon Despicable Me chose. The separation of the actors takes place according to the family principle. The film has so-called “parents” and “children” and clearly shows the process of communication between them. The viewer will see the classic model of the family, where...

The Power of Media in American Politics

The US media and politics are two entities that cannot be separated in the modern world. Though they are different, they heavily depend on each other, and their impact on the public is immense. Media has a great deal of influence on society and politics in America. The primary role...

Brands’ Positive Impact Through Advertisements

Introduction Modern advertising has different forms and appearances, with a lot of brands launching creative PR campaigns in different kinds of media. It is hard to imagine a successful company that does not have a huge staff of PR managers who generate ideas about possible advertisement strategies. However, more and...

Social Networks’ Impact on Society

Introduction Cause-effect phenomenon means the consequences of something: for example, an influence of technologies on society and the world in general. The technology that I will discuss is social media. In my opinion, they are the most influential disruptive technology because they changed and widely expanded the ways of communication...

The Korean Pop Industry, Culture, and Music

Deep-lying cultural differences set human beings apart, which is more evident when we study the Korean pop industry. The music industry is invariably sensitive to the culture of places it operates. Music is a business meant to generate profit and to do that; it has to align with the target...

Benefits of Fake News Analysis

The modern take on fake news is that it is a reprehensible manner of delivering information because it creates confusion and unfounded panic. In my opinion, fake news is an acceptable political tool, but it should be justified by a corresponding context. First, misleading information can achieve an impact, which...