Orem’s Self-Care Implemented in Today’s World

Orem’s self-care is a nursing theory that offers direction to the nurse practitioner on how to identify a patient’s deficit needs in getting well. The different levels of care range from educating the patient’s family to giving total attention. The theory explains how nurses can intervene to help patients maintain...

Euthanasia: A Child’s Right to Die

Introduction It is important to note that euthanasia is a highly intricate and complex ethical issue, which requires a thorough analysis and understanding in order to draw any form of evidenced conclusions. Euthanasia for children should be allowed only if a child is suffering from extreme pain, has zero chance...

Addressing Operational Challenges in Meditech

Despite its market success and competitive advantage gained over the years in the medical device market, Meditech has the problems associated with introducing new products. One of the main ones is the decrease in demand for updated goods, and, as Simchi-Levi et al. (2021) argue, this is due to poor...

Aspects of Medical Treatment for Alzheimer’s

Introduction Since there is no cure for Alzheimer’s disease, it is one of the significant issues of the modern day. Alzheimer’s patients experience memory loss and trouble finding the appropriate phrases in the early stages of the illness. The sick people’s emotional statements are likewise erratic. The development of emotional...

Healthcare Costs Affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic

Background It goes without saying that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected all spheres of life, including healthcare. In the United States and all over the world, it led to a dramatic growth of national healthcare spending as the prevention and treatment of the infection required the development and implementation of...

Monitoring Compliance of IV Pump Integration in a Healthcare Setting

Business Case For this project the focus is monitoring compliance of IV pump integration from old HER to EPIC. In this process the IV pump machines used by hospital is the brand Hospira Infusion smart pumps. They will remove the old drug library and replace with new drug library that...

Advancements in Schizophrenia Research

Schizophrenia is a heterogeneous psychiatric disorder whose pathogenesis involves various neurotransmitter systems. The authors conducted their study with the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan and received a grant from Taipei Veterans General Hospital. In recent years, scientists have made notable progress in understanding the neurobiochemistry of schizophrenia. “…with...

A 15-Month Well-Child Visit and Care Plan

Relevant Demographic Data C.N. is a 15-month healthy-looking African-American female brought to the clinic for a routine 15-month well-child visit. She has been visiting this clinic for her well-child checkups and other medical appointments since birth. The patient resides with both parents, who are present in this session. C.N has...

Anxiety, Depression, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Currently, many people experience anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that affect their general health. The rate of suicide has further increased following the pressure from the mentioned conditions, especially among the marginalized group. Failure to address the issues can result in detrimental effects on the affected individuals. The...

Hypertension and Nurse Practitioner Care

Hypertension (HTN) may be regarded as one of the most common cardiovascular system disorders all over the world. “Characterized by a persistent elevation in the arterial pressure,” this medical condition implies the rise of systolic (≥ 130 mm Hg) or diastolic (≥ 80 mm Hg) blood pressure or both of...

Enhancing Patient Safety Through Health Care Standards

One of the medical industry’s primary concerns is patient safety. Disfavored events during medical activities can occur because of any medical intervention, even when performed correctly (regardless of whether it is diagnostic, therapeutic, or rehabilitative). Improving patient safety requires comprehensive resolutions within the health care system, and safety standards are...

Geography and Healthcare Equity in the U.S.

The insurance coverage, accessibility to treatment, functional capacity, standards of healthcare, and care costs in the U.S. health system vary widely by geographical location. Geographical location plays a vital role in healthcare accessibility and equality concerns. Uneven geographic access to health care is a result of areas with greater income...

Navigating Organizational Theories in Healthcare

Introduction It is important to note that organizational theories are critical in healthcare. The main reason is that they determine the organizational structure and design, which can either enhance or hinder a healthcare facility’s capability and its business needs in a successful manner. A theoretical framework’s applicability is tied to...

Adequate Supply of Registered Nurses

In hospitals with a high patient-to-nurse proportion, healthcare workers experience dissatisfaction, burnout, and patients suffer from higher rates of death and abandonment than those in organizations with a lower patient-to-nurse ratio. Some states and even countries have begun passing laws to limit the ratio of patients to nurses. Despite this,...

Conceptualizations of Advanced Practice Nursing

The Circle of Care is a comprehensive model that demonstrates how social and behavior change (SBC) may be utilized before, during, and after treatments across the healthcare ecosystem to enhance health outcomes. The approach emphasizes the interaction across services, including the use of SBC to encourage clients to utilize services,...

Illegal Drug Use in Nurses: Discussion

There are several reasons why nurses are at higher risk of developing a drug addiction, which means that there is a high chance for practitioners to work in unit with nurses who illegally use drugs. Firstly, the stressful nature of nurses’ work contributes to the development of compassion fatigue, which...

Navigating Impostor Syndrome as a New Intern

Imposter syndrome, alternatively defined as imposter paradox or impostorism, is a mental event in which a person continuously fears being discovered as a liar and has hesitations regarding their abilities, qualifications, or achievements. Imposter syndrome is a behavioral pattern in which individuals, including those who have sufficient external proof of...

Aspects of Oncology Nursing Issue

Introduction In the research conducted by Özbaş et al. (2021), the topic of morality and ethics in oncology nurses was discussed. The study was published in 2021, meaning the research’s ethical subject is relevant. The research was found in a scholarly database and was published in a European Journal. The...

Disability From a Holistic Perspective

Introduction Disability is a complex issue that impacts the person profoundly, not only from the perspective of physical restraints but social, political, and economic aspects. Throughout the history of disability studies, a clear divide was made between the social and medical definitions of disability (Watson & Vehmas, 2019). Recently the...

Enhancing Patient-Centered Care at Regional Health

Regional Health is a major health care provider in Williston, North Dakota. The leadership of Regional Health concerns themselves with the opinion of Williston’s citizens on the quality of the care provided by the institution. After conducting a survey to understand citizens’ outlook on the Regional Health’s medical management, the...

Combating the Tobacco Pandemic

Summary Among the most significant hazards to global public health that has ever existed is the tobacco pandemic. Over seven million people are killed annually by this problem, including two million fatalities from secondhand smoking exposure (Kondo et al., 2019). No degree of cigarette exposure is safe; all kinds of...

Women’s Mental Health Disorder: Major Depression

Introduction Mental health disorders severely influence individuals’ lives in multiple aspects, often making them incapable of completing daily tasks and communicating with others. Major depression (MD) is the most common deviation and, in 2020, it was experienced by more than 21 million adults in the United States (National Institute of...

The Clark County Office of the Coroner’s Purposes

Introduction In any investigation process, understanding the causes and manner of death plays an important role. There are many steps to be taken to identify decedents, conduct medical examinations, and disseminate information. The Clark County Office of the Coroner/Medical Examiner (CCOCME) is an agency responsible for organizing various medicolegal death...

Challenges and Complexities in the U.S. Healthcare System

Introduction For the most part, the health care system in the US is primarily market-driven and privatized. It requires the medical care of US people is a commodity in the market, affected by supply and demand. The government’s Medicare and Medicaid programs, employers’ insurance, and private payments support US healthcare...

Personal Leadership Assessment in Nursing

Introduction Clinical nurses are an integral part of the healthcare profession and play a crucial role in decreasing costs and encouraging high-quality patient outcomes. Clinical nurse leaders are able to offer essential leadership at the point of care to improve the safety and quality of care throughout the healthcare encounter....

The Impact of COVID-19 on Palliative Care

Introduction The article by Tavares et al. (2021) addresses the impact of COVID-19 on palliative care. The authors note that all aspects of healthcare were affected by the pandemic, and palliative care was not exempted. The primary challenge healthcare providers experienced during the period is the focus of the qualitative...

Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Autoimmune Disease

Introduction Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease caused by inflammation in the body. An autoimmune disease occurs when the body’s immunity mistakenly targets healthy cells in the body. Rheumatoid arthritis mostly attacks joints like wrists, hands, and knees. When a joint has RA, its linings are inflamed, causing damage, chronic...

Telehealth in Personal Practice

Introduction The landmark of patient protection and affordable health care act has heralded the advent of technology into our telehealthcare and has been proving to provide effective and adaptable solutions to the mental health population. It has gradually innovated from a historical fee-for-procedure orientation prospect embarking on the quality of...

The US vs. New Zealand Healthcare Systems

Introduction The US healthcare system is often criticized for being inaccessible, inefficient, and lacking in a diverse and equitable approach. The New Zealand healthcare system, on the other hand, is often regarded as a more practical approach to addressing the well-being of the national population. The two systems, however, share...

COVID-19 Pandemic and New Parenthood

Introduction Breastfeeding is important for nutrition, survival, development, and maternal well-being. The World Health Organization suggests exclusive breastfeeding for the initial six months of life. After that, it is recommended to continue with proper complementary foods for at least two years. Early as well as continuous skin-to-skin contact significantly improves...

Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records

The main aim of “Appendix 2:Access to Employee Exposure and Medical Records California Code of Regulations Title 8 General Industry Safety Orders Section 3204” is to enhance access to exposure and medical records. The document is published for employees, their representatives and representatives from the Division of Occupational Safety. In...

Dental Healthcare Persons’ Infection Control

Appendix 3 details the minimum code of regulations about infection control as defined by the California Dental Board. It begins by highlighting key definitions of terms useful throughout the established standards. For instance, it describes standard precautions as a set of practices for the prevention of infection that may apply...

Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity a Real Disorder?

Introduction Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent children neurodevelopmental diseases. It is typically identified during childhood and frequently persists into maturity. This essay aims to answer the research question, Is ADHD a genetic or fake psychological disorder? Some justifications for ADHD as a genetic disorder...

Bleeding Prevention in Post-Cardiac Surgery Patients

Cardiac surgery correlates with multiple risks due to the threats linked to perioperative blood loss. However, it is vital to address the blood management post-intervention as certain risks persist and patients may encounter negative outcomes. Active bleeding, especially when it comes to post-cardiac surgery patients, can lead to the occurrence...

Negative Reinforcement in Pediatric Feeding Disorder Treatment

In this review the researcher’s main aim was to study how negative reinforcement can be used in the treatment of feeding disorder and the participant was an 8-year-old male diagnosed with cerebral palsy (Voulgarakis & Forte, 2015). The subject had challenging mealtime behavior which was maintained by escape and therefore...

End-of-Life Care and Physician-Assisted Suicide

Introduction End-of-life issues are multiple and often painful for patients and their families. People who are faced with the impossibility of overcoming the disease may experience emotional pain, despair, or frustration, and without support and social interaction, their suffering may worsen. The ability to decide for yourself when the last...

Occupational Health and Safety Risk Assessment

The health of a community is greatly affected by the work that people do. The reality is that every industry has its own set of risks when it comes to the place of employment, with perhaps just a distinction in the nature or severity of the dangers present. There has...

Care Coordination in People With Chronic Illness

Introduction One of the healthcare tragedies in the contemporary world is the complexity of treatment and management, which involves multiple practitioners who may not even know each other. The implication is that there is little, if any, coordination. Moreover, patients have been cultured to remain passive throughout the treatment period...

A Plan of Care for Obese Patients

A Chronically Ill Group and Rationale for Selecting This Illness and the Participants Obesity is the excessive accumulation of fats that may lead to severe health and medical conditions. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2021), in 2016, more than 1.9 billion adults, 18 years and older, were overweight;...

List of Required Postings in a Dental Office

Regulatory compliance requires that the posters be conspicuously displayed to the dentists. The posters can either be from the federal or state or printed by an individual from these state agency websites. Some of the posters that dentists should be aware of and can be retrieved from the national labor...

Functional Medicine: Probiotics in Children

The human body needs certain types of bacteria to maintain health, including those that help in digestion, fighting other infectious microorganisms, and absorbing nutrients. In children, probiotics help manage inflammatory bowel disease, reducing the duration of diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis and reducing the chances of developing allergies and eczema. When...

The Registered Nurse (RN) Job Description

Introduction A Registered Nurse (RN) is a highly significant job that generally suits persons who appreciate assisting others. They are practically responsible for people’s lives, which makes nursing a highly specialized field that is intertwined with the complex medical industry. As a result, an RN must be prepared for multiple...

Heart Disease Risk Profiles and Gender Differences

This study presents and discuses the article by Murray et al. (2019) entitled “Gender-specific associations between coronary heart disease and other chronic diseases: Cross-sectional evaluation of national survey data from adult residents of Germany.” The researchers affirm that there are gender differences in heart disease risk profiles and associated chronic...

Information Technology at Healing Hands Hospital

With the advancement of technology, there is a need to incorporate the current trends and improve on the existing ones in healthcare facilities. Patients need the best treatment, and the caregivers focus on delivering top-notch services. This can only be achieved if the systems in the healthcare facilities are compatible...

Oncology: The Prevalence of HIV Infection, Hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B

Introduction For a clinician, the information in this article is relevant because it helps to understand the prevalence of HIV infection, hepatitis C, and Hepatitis B among patients newly diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, there is a need for a clinician to screen patients who have just been diagnosed with cancer...

Risk of Tele-Medication on Controlled Substances

Telehealth medication enabled continuum health care in the U.S.A with minimal risk of Covid-19 transmission. However, despite the DEA restricting controlled substance prescription to only allow audio or visual programs that allow patients to speak with physicians in real-time, it could have negatively implicated the prevalence of Substance Use Disorder...

The Importance of Bioethics Principles

Respect of Autonomy The necessity to ensure that the patient actively participates in their care and prognosis makes autonomy crucial. Respecting patient autonomy entails recognizing that patients who are capable of making decisions about their own care have the right to do so, even if those choices run counter to...

Shifting Disease Burden and Age Discrimination

One of the human’s greatest achievements is the vast improvement in healthcare that has increased peoples’ lifespans. However, rising health and social care costs due to an aging global population are considered a danger to global economic growth in the twenty-first century. Old age is associated with the weakening of...

The Canadian Healthcare System’s Key Challenges

Canadian healthcare and the national Medicare program continue to have significant problems delivering healthcare services in the second decade. Despite the nation having universal healthcare, it ranks poorly in terms of affordability, particularly in Pharmacare and psychotherapy. The demographics of Canada have been linked to the poor ranking it scores...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Genetic Risk and Ethical Considerations

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease that causes brain shrinkage and the death of brain cells. It is the most prevalent form of dementia, which is described as a progressive decline in cognitive, behavioral, and social abilities that limits a person’s ability to do daily tasks independently. The inability...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Public Health Policy

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused numerous health challenges and made it vital for healthcare professionals and policymakers to introduce new effective measures. Nevertheless, it may sometimes be impossible for the authorities to evaluate all opportunities and threats, address all problems, and take into...

Phlebotomy Practices in Paediatric Care

Pediatrics is an intricate sector of healthcare that requires significant care for children as the most vulnerable group globally. Accordingly, challenges in pediatric care are experienced in phlebotomy, a medical connotation for drawing blood specimens from patients (Thompso, 2018). Piazza et al. (2019) provided that invasive procedures could induce psychological...

Nurse Practitioners’ Role Delineation

Nurse Practitioners (NP) should be equipped with the skills and abilities required for independent clinical practice. The NP Role Core Competencies define the competencies needed for a professional NP by the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2022). Moreover, the AACN Essentials determine excellence in nursing education (American Association of...

The Role of NCSBN in the Regulation of Nursing Practice

The National Council of State Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) is an autonomous, non-profit association. It brings together healthcare regulatory agencies to intervene and consult on issues of common interest as well as concerns affecting the health of public security and wellbeing (Dickison et al., 2019). The above includes the creation...

Increased Suicide in Emergency Departments

Ranking among the top 10 leading causes of death, suicide is a significant health concern in the US. Research has established that individuals who access Emergency Department EDs present deliberate self-harm symptoms and record the highest rates of suicide. Various literature gives extensive findings on the contributors to the high...

Electronic Cigarettes’ Adverse Health Effects

The American Industrial Hygiene Association has summarized experimental and empirical results to form an opinion on the harms of smoking e-cigarettes. The selected document analyzes and investigates the effects of such smoking devices on the health of the smoker and people around and briefly introduces diverse types of e-cigarettes. The...

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction In the U.S., the rise of age-related chronic conditions has directly increased neurological ailments, which eventually result in the spread of dementia among the overall communities. Dementia should not be considered a disease but instead should be observed through a combination of symptoms. While cognitive impairment on its own...

Pre-Eclampsia and Chronic Hypertension

It is recommended for Nancy to be seen regularly by specialists who know a pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia or blood pressure problems. The presence of chronic hypertension is a risk for moderate pre-eclampsia, and the presence of associated edema suggests that the patient already has increased vascular permeability (Beech &...

Suicide Prevention Strategies in Sioux Lookout

Introduction Suicide is the deliberate self-infliction of harm that leads to the inflicting individual’s death. When someone damages oneself intending to end their life but does not pass away because of their acts, it is considered a suicide attempt. There is a link between suicide and other types of harm...

Data Analytics and Its Role in Healthcare

Big data analysis technology is rapidly developing, becoming an important characteristic of management. For example, IBM develops a super-computer that scans millions of scientific articles and utilizes machine learning to correlate symptoms and predict clinical outcomes (Cozzoli et al., 2022). Predictions have become a necessity; modern healthcare undergoes a transition...

Antibiotics: Working Mechanism of Fluoroquinolone

Introduction Fluoroquinolone is prescribed for the treatment of bacterial infections: the medicine binds the beta-lactam ring to DD-transpeptidase, preventing bacteria from constructing a new cell wall (Collignon & McEwen, 2019). Bacterial death is caused by the loss of a cell wall, which exposes the bacterium to lethal circumstances. Fluoroquinolones have...

Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Processes

The practitioner’s knowledge of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes plays an important role in medication treatment prescribing and contributes to overall patient health outcomes. The patient’s individual characteristics can significantly influence the medication’s absorption and distribution capacities. Furthermore, inefficient drug excretion can present a threat to the patient’s health depending on...

Microbial Mecca and Global Crisis of Cholera

Introduction Hijaz and Istanbul were terrified of Cholera entering the region during the hajj from India. The 1865 period resulted in the deaths of 15,000-30,000 pilgrims and triggered a worldwide pandemic (Low 120). The outbreak struck Egypt in 1883, killing approximately 50,000 people (Low 121). The networks that moved and...

Business Analytics in Healthcare

Every aspect of our lives changes quickly due to technology and big data, and the healthcare sector is no different. Business analytics in the healthcare sector has contributed to several improvements in the healthcare system, including raising the effectiveness of medical research initiatives and providing better post-operative care for patients....

Public Health Procedures and Their Significance

Introduction Healthcare-related investment has a special meaning for people in developing countries. Many individuals from these areas do not have an opportunity to spend money on proper health care. Therefore, there is a significant need to distribute and promote health interventions in developing countries. Vaccinations and other related procedures are...

Impacts of Organizational Culture and Structure on Healthcare Outcomes

Introduction The cultural and structural aspects of healthcare organizations are critical in determining the quality of service provision and potential outcomes. Particularly, these factors can either contribute to failure or foster excellence because they represent shared beliefs, norms and modes of operation, routines, reward systems, traditions, and governance hierarchies in...

Healthcare Service Management Course

Healthcare service management course is a program that encompasses various aspects of hospital administration units. The course is essential in imparting learners with significant skills and competencies required to effectively promote equitable and quality healthcare delivery. During the program, I have learned different techniques that can be used to influence...

Healthcare Organization Assessment

Introduction After completing the evaluation of Acadiana Treatment, it became possible to effectively understand the value of evidence-based practice in the workplace. The evaluation is based on existing research into implementing EBP in medical settings, comprised of an 18-point list. There is a high degree of recognition and respect for...

Communication Strategy Used by Nurses to Enhance Patient Satisfaction

Introduction Change is one of the key strategies used in hospitals to improve healthcare services. Stakeholders responsible for the change need to get updated with the emerging trends in global health. Through this, the hospital can set its standards up to the international level (Agyei-Baffour et al., 2020). For instance,...

Aspects of Electronic Health Records

Introduction Electronic health records in healthcare are sophisticated software used to capture and store information about patients. The system was developed as a program aimed at streamlining the country’s healthcare system. The program’s main function was to ensure that all the relevant data concerning the country’s citizens were kept safe...

NCSBN’s Role in Promoting Quality Nursing Care and Patient Safety

Generally, the nursing sector is a sensitive area that requires proper oversight of the practices undertaken by different practitioners and agencies. To ensure the effective and efficient application of regulatory measures, the National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) created a platform that allows various concerned bodies to act....

Advanced Practice Nurse: Healthcare Policy

Introduction Advanced practice nurse (APN) could be a powerful asset to a medical organization and enhance the quality of provided healthcare. As an advanced practice nurse, I envision my role at the organization positively, as my skillset and education may change the implementation of provided healthcare. Discussion Modern medical organizations...

Management of Pain in Emergency

Introduction Acute and chronic pain are categories of pain people encounter at a point in their lives. Poor pain management can have negative physical and psychological effects on patients and their relatives. Even though the attending physician is ultimately responsible for prescribing and managing a patient’s pain, the nurses must...

Clinical Decision Support Systems and Physician Lack of Autonomy

Clinical Decision Support (CDSS) attempts to assist doctors in making the best judgments possible. It is challenging to pinpoint the ideal result because every patient has different traits and preferences. However, to ensure that sacrifices are made in a way that fits a particular patient, physicians should maintain their autonomy...

Business Needs in the Healthcare Sector

Introduction Business needs are what resources or methods organizations require to reach their business goal. When business needs are identified, then clear problem statements can be derived. Thus, proper goals and objectives for business can be set. This paper will define business needs and problems in healthcare, specifically focusing on...

Advocating, Politics, and Policy Making in Nursing

Introduction The nurse-patient ratio in a health institution is the number of nurses to that of patients. Nurses should always be enough to cover the needs of all patients within the institution at a particular time. In case of shortages, there can be serious consequences, ranging from worsening illnesses to...

Information Technologies in Healthcare

Information technologies are used everywhere in the modern world, and the practice of nurses is no exception. Currently, such an industry as nursing computer science has become available. The field of nursing informatics combines traditional nursing skills with technological skills to support improved healthcare systems and positive patient outcomes. Nursing...

Leadership Interview Practice on a District Director Nurse

Introduction The nursing unit is one of the central departments in the health care system. Nurses are key players in the welfare of patients. Leadership and oversight in this department are thus of uttermost importance. Proper administration ensures that resources and employees are readily available for patients when required. The...

Flagyl ER: Pharmacological Characteristics

Introduction Flagyl ER is one of the common medications that help prevent the symptoms of bacterial and parasite infections. It is a brand of metronidazole that has been widely successful in treating infections in various body parts, including skin, joints, respiratory tract, stomach, and reproductive organs. Ultimately, the current project...

Health Promotion: Ms. Sally’s Case

Introduction Ms. Sally, the client, is 83 years old and resides with her sister and cat at home. She has had spinal stenosis and types two diabetes for 15 years. To control her condition, she takes Humulin N 20 u SC every morning before eating breakfast. Due to her inability...

Using Smartphones in Healthcare: Ethical Issues

While using mobile phones to share information can be beneficial to nurses and other healthcare professionals, it has legal and ethical implications. There is a high risk of security breaches which can undermine or comprise the security of healthcare services and patient information. It can be difficult to ensure data...

Bipolar Disorder: The Key Features

Introduction Mental health conditions have a significant impact on people’s quality of life. One such illness is bipolar disorder, which, in extreme cases, negatively impacts a person’s ability to function in society. Despite its incurable nature and severe symptoms bipolar disorder can be managed through pharmacological and psychotherapeutic means to...

Healing Hands Hospital: The Patient-Focused and Organizational Functions

Patient-Focused Function: Infection Prevention and Control Firstly, it is important to note that infection prevention and control are critical for patient safety because the hospital-acquired infection can massively hinder patients’ rate of recovery and effectiveness of treatment and exacerbate their conditions. Considering the current public health situation concerning the COVID-19...

Indigenous Health and Well-Being

Introduction Indigenous peoples continue to experience greater rates of sickness and death, food insecurity, subpar living conditions, and poor mental health on a global scale. Communities responsible for their health, medical systems, and services are key to effective outcomes. These control discourses contain ideas such as indigenous participation, involvement in...

Decision-Making in Nursing: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Purpose of the study The article entitled “Decision fatigue among clinical nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic” deals with the impact the pandemic has had on the ability of nurses to make sound decisions as to the wellbeing of patients in clinical settings. The purpose of the study is “to report...

Factors That Affect Fertility: Sexual Infections

Introduction Sexual infections are one of the most common causes of infertility in women. Normally, after the mature egg has left the ovary, it should enter the uterine cavity through the fallopian tube. However, in this case study, due to sexual infection, the patient has inflammation because of which scars...

Nurse Practitioner Program: Self-Assessment

Introduction Before completing the nurse practitioner program, nurse practitioner trainees should do a self-assessment. It will allow them to reflect on what they have learned throughout the program, assess their clinical competencies, and set the proper goals. They must understand their strengths, create a plan to build on them and...

Nursing: Aspects of Comfort Theory

Introduction Kolkaba’s comfort theory is that he considers the comfort of the patient as the main component. This helps people alleviate their psychological state during stressful situations associated with health problems. Many researchers have applied comfort theory to show how its aspects are implemented and how effective it is. Discussion...

Promoting Leadership Skills in Nursing

Nurse educators have a fundamental role in warranting that current and future nurses are adequately prepared to sufficiently satisfy today’s healthcare needs. One of the ways nurse educators can achieve this is by enhancing and perfecting care in the clinical setting by encouraging and supporting registered nurses that are already...

The Issue of Euthanasia of Valentina Moreira

Introduction A 14-year-old citizen of Chile, Valentina Moreira, was diagnosed with an incurable disease – cystic fibrosis. The girl weighed only 35 kilograms, and she was unable to eat and breathe on her own: she had to get food through a tube and she was connected to an oxygen machine...

The Diagnosis of Acute Bacterial Prostatitis

Introduction The symptoms of the 42-year-old man presenting to the ED appear to align with the diagnosis of acute bacterial prostatitis, which is an inflammatory condition affecting the prostate glands’ excretory ducts. A urinary tract infection is commonly associated with bacterial prostatitis, the onset of which is associated with perineal...

The Concept of Caring and Its Principle in Nursing Education

Introduction Healthcare-related occupations have always been crucial to maintaining a healthy and happy society worldwide. All professions in the healthcare system, especially nursing positions, require knowledge about principles of caring because medical workers communicate with people needing special treatment. Nonetheless, the definition of “caring” remains vague, which makes medical worker-patient...

World Health Organization: Response to Health and Environmental Issues

Health Crisis among Homeless People in New York City New York City has an increased number of homelessness cases every year. According to the report from the city department of homeless services, from the year 2007 up to date, the number of families with children who are homeless and rely...

The COVID-19 Pandemic: Role of Leisure

Introduction The international health catastrophe triggered by the emergence of COVID-19 has led to the implementation of mechanisms to restrict the epidemic’s transmission. Care for others, such as bringing a loved one to dinner, and care for oneself, such as exercising at a fitness facility, and enjoyment like watching movies,...

Advanced Practice Registered Nurses in Mississippi

Advanced practice registered nurses are an important resource in the healthcare industry because they contribute to disease management and prevention. However, institutional, regulatory, and state barriers to APRN practice persist today leading to increased healthcare costs limited access and compromised quality of care offered. Regulatory Barriers State laws and regulations...

Depression in Young Adults: Annotated Bibliography

Alang, S., McAlpine, D., & McCreedy, E. (2020). Selection into mental health services among persons with depression. Psychiatric Services, 71(6), 588-592. The purpose of this study was to discover sociodemographic and health traits related to depression sufferers’ usage of various mental health services, such as counseling or prescription medication. Understanding...

Aspects of the Epidemiology of Diabetes

Introduction The article discussed in this work is the one written by Nita Gandhi Forouhi and Nicholas J Wareham, Epidemiology of Diabetes. The paper provides the readers with information about diabetes mellitus, explains the types of it, shows how it varies in different groups of people, and what factors contribute...

Health Care Policy: Eliminating Systemic Racism

Introduction The selected policy is Assembly Bill A5679A, first introduced in February 2021 in the New York State Senate. In December 2021, it was signed by the governor, and it became law at the beginning of 2022 (The New York State Senate, 2021). The current bill concerns the global and...

History of Access to Health Services

Introduction Leading Health Indicators (LHI) are goals meticulously chosen to drive efforts to enhance health care in the United States to minimize mortality and the spread of infectious diseases. According to the 2020 LHI, access to health services is one of the most critical health indicators. A person’s overall health...

Long COVID-19 Asthmatic Effect

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic suddenly appeared two years ago and changed every aspect of human life, including medical care. The influence of coronavirus on the human body varies from asymptomatic to lingering and complex recovery. The disease causes complications for both young people and adults. That is why tracing patterns...

Nursing Management and Psychological Science

Addressing the problems related to organizational behavior requires the participation of different stakeholders. Relevant academic resources offer valuable insights into the raised issue of the shortage of registered nurses. By integrating the topics discussed in these sources, one can identify the background to the problem and the concomitant factors that...

The Affordable Care Act’s Effects

Various factors impact the capacity of the population to receive medical care. One may consider politics as one of the most influential factors. Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a federal law that has significantly affected the American health care system, seeking to make insurance more affordable, promote Medicaid expansion, and...

The American Hospital Association as an Institution

Introduction In this paper, I will discuss the American Hospital Association (AHA). It is a national organization representing hospitals, network systems, patients, and communities. The association was formed in 1898 and is currently based in Chicago, US (American Hospital Association, 2022). The mission of AHA is to promote a just...

Working With Geriatric Patients: Nursing Philosophy

The metaparadigm of nursing is characterized by nursing, person, health, and environment. My nursing philosophy is providing optimal holistic care to every patient, showing compassion, and being empathetic and culturally sensitive. It is important to me that I advocate for my patients, treat everyone with respect and dignity, and coordinate...

The Patient-Centered Medical Home Usage and Its Benefits

The patient-centered medical home (PCMH) is an exciting strategy that could revolutionize the whole sphere of the medical sphere. Traditionally, home care has been used for palliative care of terminal cancer patients and in geriatrics. Recently, PCMH has become increasingly common for both primary care and complex nursing care. The...

Possibilities of Over-the-Counter Medications and Their Impact on Human Health

The practice of over-the-counter drugs and self-medication are important components of any healthcare system. The use of over-the-counter drugs is part of the self-medication process. The popularity of over-the-counter drugs among patients can increase the likelihood of abuse of such drugs. Pharmacists are often the first point of contact with...

ADHD in Children and Adults: Causes, Symptoms, and Solutions

Introduction Social interactions among children are crucial for their cognitive development and personality improvement. Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood (Conrad, 2007). Recent statistics show shocking data on the prevalence of ADHD among children in the U.S. The Centres for Disease Control...

Organ Transplant Allocation Ethics

Organ transplants are scarce, so they should be allocated, and decisions should be made about who will receive the transplant. Those are hard decisions, as people’s lives usually depend on them: if one will not obtain the transplant, they will die, or their lives will be miserable. However, for now,...

Choosing Between PCMH and ACO Models

Patient-centered medical homes (PCMHs) and Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) are two models of healthcare delivery that have the same objectives: To improve outcomes for patients at a reduced cost relative to standard care. However, there are differences between the two models. The PCMH model is a systems-based method that sets...

Diversity in Healthcare Organizations

Introduction In order to improve the quality of care provided to patients, healthcare organizations must practice equity, diversity, and inclusion. The company can promote multiculturalism by ensuring that all patients receive unbiased care. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. stated, “of all forms of inequity, injustice in health care is the...

Hypertension Among the Elderly in Texas

Introduction There is an increase in the elderly population due to advances in medicine. Along with this, diseases characteristic of old age are spreading. Among these diseases is hypertension, which is characterized by high blood pressure. An analysis of the demographics and epidemiology of hypertension risk or its presence among...

Workplace Culture and Leadership in Nursing

My leadership style involves encouraging collaboration between the whole team and motivating team members to gain confidence in their decision-making process. This style is based on the belief that each team member is an integral part of the team and should be equipped to play their role in the organization...

Associate Degree Concept-Based Nursing Curriculum

The traditional approach to the nursing curriculum design in the healthcare field seems no longer able to enclose all the knowledge the students need to become professionals. In addition, the ever-changing pace of the modern healthcare environment, technological advances, and recent research results require profound skills in generalizing and critical...

Stroke: Risk Factors and Preventive Measures

The presented case shows a woman who had suffered the symptoms of stroke, but after a while, her condition returned to normal. According to the CT of the carotids, the blockage rates are within the norm. The blood pressure can be considered high and corresponding to Stage 1 hypertension, which...

Vila Health’s Management and IT Sector Improvement

The central issue of the Vila Health activity is inadequate team management; the attempt to save money on EHR systems and IT specialists resulted in dysfunctional technology, which affected nurses’ quality of care and wasted the organization’s money. The key reason for the multidisciplinary team’s ineffective collaboration is a lack...

Evidence-Based Practice and Biblical Worldview

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is to increase patient safety and demonstrate strategies and tools that aim to improve the quality of care. Thus, evidence-based practice represents the judicious application of current evidence along with clinical experience to health care decision making. EBP enables healthcare professionals to draw conclusions from existing research...

Nursing Education Under Historical Influences

Nursing is a significant area in the healthcare industry because nurses perform many essential tasks that promote care delivery. This field is flexible, which denotes that these healthcare professionals should engage in lifelong learning and improve their skills and competencies to meet emerging challenges. This statement also denotes that various...

Medication Errors at Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center

The facility I chose for the assignment is Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center. The incidence trend problem I would like to address is medication errors. The analysis of 30 clinical hours shows that medication errors constitute a severe problem in clinical practice. It is possible to minimize or eliminate the...

Feeding Patients With Dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease

Nutrition continues to be a problem for people with advanced dementia or Alzheimer’s. Patients are less able to eat independently, so they need help. In particular, the problem of the effectiveness of nasogastric tubes for feeding arises. It has been established that they can be highly effective, but they also...

Nursing Medication Administration Workflow

Workflow standardization is essential in the healthcare setting due to the importance of preserving high-quality service at all times. Since patient health, well-being, and life are at stake, the validation of appropriateness and efficiency of nursing workflow is pivotal. Moreover, when dealing with such a responsible issue as medication administration,...

Epidemiology of COVID-19 Among Hispanics in the US

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most dramatic events recently affecting the world. Coronavirus resulted in an unprecedented crisis that brought adverse economic, social, and medical consequences. In the United States alone, the pandemic has already resulted in more than 986,000 cases (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,...

Community Living Center’s Clinical Problem

At Hampton VA Medical Center, Community Living Center (CLC), there is a high risk of medication error during drug administration to dementia patients due to many interruptions of nurses. In the CLC, the nurse needed to administer several medications for each patient but was interrupted throughout this complex process. In...

Obesity and Iron Deficiency Among College Students

Abstract The relationship between obesity and iron deficiency has not been adequately defined. The study seeks to establish the relationship between the two conditions by analyzing the serum hepcidin concentration amongst individuals aged between 19 to 29 years of good health. The cross-sectional study will evaluate inflammatory markers, serum lipids,...

Pregnancy as an Adolescent Health Risk

Prevalence Age and criteria for social maturity vary across the world and cultures. As a consequence, the current prevalence of adolescent pregnancy is very variable. It differs from South Korea to the United States, Africa to Europe. Many teenage girls do not represent the magnitude of the problem as seen...

Influenza Vaccine: The Effectiveness Against Hospitalization in Children

Introduction Influenza, also called flu, is among the most contagious infections that tamper with the passage of air in the lungs. The symptoms of influenza include coughs, body aches, high fever, sore throat, stuffy and runny nose, among other symptoms. Influenza has been known as the most common and severe...

Escherichia Coli: Analysis and Intervention Measures

Introduction The growing number of infectious diseases in the United States and the world is a consequence of man’s lifestyle choices. Bacteria-resistant strains make these infections increasingly deadly, making them global health risks. Escherichia Coli is a prime example of a bacterial infection whose prevalence and continued impact on society...

Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center: Case Study

Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center (OLGMC) is one of the largest medical centers in Louisiana. It provides a full set of tertiary care services and maintains 334 staffed beds as well as an acute care medical center in Acadiana (“About Ochsner,” 2022). The organization is known for its high standards...

The Influenza Vaccine Study Critical Evaluation

In recent years, with the advancements in social media, it has become even more crucial to be critical of the incoming information. In the cases of health-related content, the well-being of not only individuals but the whole community or even the world can depend on it. The mass spread of...

Managing Incremental Healthcare Costs in a Post Pandemic World

With a collaborative campaign from health professionals and health systems, payers, legislators, employers, and consumers, the COVID-19 pandemic’s disruption of the delivery of routine medical care presents a unique potential to cut low-value treatment drastically. The worldwide population is in great demand for wellness and alternative treatments due to their...

Healthcare Change Implementation and Management Plan

Executive Summary The intensive care unit is a unit of paramount salience in a healthcare setup. It serves the sole purpose of handling critically ill patients requiring extensive care. Teamwork is vital in providing timely, effective, and excellent care and promoting patient safety (Ervin et al., 2018). Poor collaboration and...

Significance of the Practice Problem

Summary Well-developed communication and relationships are the core mechanisms that ensure the effective delivery of quality treatment and care to sick persons by medical service providers, especially in psychiatry. Peplau made a significant contribution to developing this professional viewpoint, and many nurses nowadays follow this perspective. She perceived nursing as...

Augmented Reality in Surgery: Barriers to Change

Change is an inevitable element of progress and development since it signifies the work on the drawbacks of the past for better achievements in the future. In the field of health care, continuous change based on the latest evidence-based practice research drive performance excellence and lead to the improvement of...

Complicated Grief: Therapeutic Interventions

Introduction Grief is a universal human experience encountered by many people at some point in their lives. It is a natural reaction to the loss of something meaningful (Harris & Winokuer, 2019). While some people can overcome grief relatively quickly on their own, others get stuck in ruminations for a...

Parents With Pediatric Terminal Patients: Stress Management

Introduction The phenomenon of interest (POI) for this analysis is managing stress among the population of parents with children hospitalized with a terminal illness. The selected concept analysis article (CA) by Smith (2018) analyzes and devises the principles of family-centered care (FCC) in the medical setting. Smith (2018) concludes that...

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy

Introduction When COVID-19 came unexpectedly, individuals and nations were not prepared. Everybody’s response to the pandemic was different, and this brought many changes in people’s lives. The pandemic changed people’s ways of life, how they behave, how they respond to uncertainties, and how they budget. Different authors started to study...

Nursing Advocacy: The Ethical Issues

Description of the Clinical Issue Wrong diagnosis and treatment is a medical scenario where a medical report does not conform to the patient’s actual condition. In a hypothetical case, Mss. Elizabeth Brown was admitted to St. Benedict’s teaching and referral hospital, a hospital specializing in heart diseases. The physician who...

Medical Ethics: The Four Topics Model

Introduction The four topics approach is used in ethical decision-making in the healthcare industry. Ethical issues can be especially challenging in the medical field since a person in an ethical situation is both a subject and object of moral behavior, which can be difficult for healthcare professionals (Gray, 2021). The...

Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends of Death From COVID-19

The chosen research was conducted by a collective of seventeen people. The majority operates under CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response: Jayme Coyle; Brittney N. Baack; Tonji M. Durant; Kenneth L. Dominguez; S. Jane Henley; Francis B. Annor; Jennifer Fuld; Deborah L. Dee; Achuyt Bhattarai; Brendan R. Jackson. The following authors also...

Healthcare Data Quality Elements

Reducing the number of medical errors and making sure that patient satisfaction levels are high are two main objectives of healthcare providers. With the development of new technologies, it becomes simultaneously less and more difficult for physicians and nurses to follow all the guidelines and avoid mistakes. In order to...

Discussion: Nursing Documentation System

The documentary system of nurses plays a rather important place in the process of providing health services. Access to clinical information plays a unique role in the decision-making process related to the well-being of patients. To ensure the safety and proper use of medical data, it is necessary to develop...

Nursing Practice: The Perceptions of Caring

There are several different perceptions of caring in contemporary nursing practice, which all generally imply kindness in attitude towards patients. Therefore, the concept of caring includes different states or purposes, such as general state of the health care service provider, caring as an intervention method, and caring as an approach...

Conference: Breast Cancer Survival

Introduction In the medical sphere, cancer studies are one of the most important and necessary specialties. For millions of cancer patients around the world, life is a continued fight for survival. With the evolution of medical technology, diagnostics, care, and treatment, it has become possible to significantly improve the lives...

The Cognitive-Behavioral Training in Nursing

Nursing students and professional nurses cannot avoid the pressure of their work and the number of obligations to be followed. Thus, it is recommended to investigate and implement interventions to help nurses reduce stress and organize their practice properly. Regarding the offered critical appraisal and the authors’ findings, cognitive-behavioral skills...

Clinical Decision Support Systems

Introduction Clinical decision support (CDS) systems are among the most significant technological advancements in the healthcare sector. These tools are meant to help caregivers come up with directives and work to achieve better outcomes for all stakeholders involved, like reducing costs and making work more efficient and care better. CDS...

Measurement in “The Nurse Entrepreneur” by Vannucci & Weinstein

Every study design has its particular data collection measures and analysis of collected information. This essay summarizes the analysis and measures choices applied in the article “The nurse entrepreneur: empowerment needs, challenges and self-care practices,” identifying their validity and appropriateness in the study. Measurement This study’s data collection techniques are...

The Affordable Care Act: Reflections & Directions

The Problem That Necessitated the Policy It is essential to remark that the U.S. health care system is one of the most expensive in the world. The crisis that arose in 2008 particularly demonstrated the problem of the expensive cost of health care in the United States (Meinhofer & Witman,...

Cleveland Clinic’s Opportunities for Adopting New Technology

Introduction Cleveland Clinic, which is a network of more than two hundred inpatient and outpatient facilities, is a teaching healthcare organization operating in the private sector and serving millions of patients annually. Cleveland Clinic’s (2021) locations offer an array of medical services, including resuscitation/intensive care, cardiology, gastroenterology, urology, pediatric oncology,...

Strategies to Tackle Primary Care Staffing Shortages

Diagnosis stresses are quickly rising due to impending staffing scarcities in the nursing community and an increment in the number of patients pursuing primary care assistance. In order to fulfill requirements in the next years, the quantity of medical personnel will need to skyrocket. The United States will suffer substantial...

Aspects of Health Care System in the USA

Introduction The first milestone is to achieve social equilibrium in society. Along with other government goals, it serves as a stabilizer of society by equalizing opportunities for access to health care. Another milestone in developing the healthcare system is the achievement of equality of access to healthcare services (Office of...

Colorectal Cancer and Other Cancer Signs and Diagnoses

The reasons for increased colorectal cancer rates and decreased cervical cancer rates in Western society may be related to preferred lifestyles. In addition to excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, the number of male sex relationships has increased (Brenner & Chen, 2018). Other factors like physical inactivity, overweight, obesity, and a...