Advanced Practice Nurse Regulations in Vermont and New Jersey

For a full-fledged work in the framework of advanced nursing practice, a thorough study of the characteristics of work in this specialty is necessary. As with many other medical fields, getting an APN job comes with several complexities. It is essential to study the minimum requirements for the assignment of...

Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)

An Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) is a significant element of an organization’s response to potential hazards. Although they may remain the same for one area throughout the years, new tools for vulnerability assessment and population warnings appear, potentially improving the strategy. The EOP under consideration is outdated and requires a...

Structuring Successful Interventions in Employee Health Programs

Since this paper involves a description of RX drug addiction, two approaches will be used to enable addicts change their ways. These approaches are transformational and situational leadership approaches. The transformational leadership approach perceives change on two fronts: personal and societal (Roesner, 1990). Ideally, the outcome of transformational leadership would...

Discussion of Respiratory Acidosis

Acids are substances that can give off hydrogen ions, and bases are substances that can accept these ions. The acid-base balance is an important parameter that is maintained in the human blood within certain limits. This is necessary for the normal functioning of various body systems, biochemical reactions, and the...

Causes, Symptoms and Advised Treatment of Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a severe condition that affects the reproductive system of a woman. It is a chronic inflammatory disease when the endometrium is located outside the uterus. The endometrium is a tissue that lines the inside of the womb (Symons et al., 2018). Parasar, Ozcan, and Terry (2017) explain the...

“A Brief History of Twin Studies” Article Analysis

The scientific article “A Brief History of Twin Studies” (2016) compiles the most interesting research on twins. First, the article describes how the phenomenon of eugenic studies occurred. Initially, eugenics is the science of improving the human race. The founder of eugenics is the English scientist Francis Galton who lived...

The Lack of Awareness About the HIV

For this discussion, I chose to analyze the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States and India. Communities in both countries have been severely affected by it during the past few decades, and many interventions have been implemented in attempts to reduce its occurrence. As the...

Treating Anxiety With Psychopharmacology and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Abstract Despite the success of both cognitive-behavioral and pharmacologic interventions for the therapy of anxiety illnesses, the combination of these modalities in adults has not reached significant improvements in results relative to either approach. Consequently, there have been questions about whether there are interfering impacts that attenuate the magnitude of...

Vaccinations Against COVID-19 in Canada: A Structural-Functionalism Perspective

Broadly defined, sociology is a study of society and social life, interactions, and the reasons and consequences of the behaviour of its members. It offers a variety of perspectives on life in society, providing insights into different issues and helping to understand the causes of societal trends. This post will...

Childhood Mental Disorders: Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Childhood disorders refer to the emotional and mental issues that are diagnosed and often happen to younger or school-going children. Some symptoms begin early in a child’s life, although some develop during the adolescent stage (Dias et al., 2018). Some illnesses might progress and become problematic, while others end...

Telehealth Medicine: The Main Benefits

The evolving technology has led to various improvements in service delivery in almost every sector. Healthcare is one such sector that benefitted from telecommunications. Telehealth medical services provider is a growing phenomenon and attracts debates on the benefits, advantages, and disadvantages. Healthcare experts, researchers, and users have their views on...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder in a Hispanic Male

Nicolas, 27 years old, is a Hispanic male who reports three years of anxiety attacks. Thus, the complete diagnosis is F41.1 Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and this issue does not imply any specifiers or severity measures. However, it is possible to highlight additional conditions that can deserve clinical attention. It refers...

Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans

Bibliographic Information of the Book Title: Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present. Author: Harriet A. Washington Publisher: Doubleday Books Date of publication: 2007 Edition: 1st edition Number of pages: 569 Summary of the Book The book Medical Apartheid is...

Nursing Specific Recruitment and Retention Plan

The number of nurses practicing in the United States has considerably declined over the years. It is estimated that in the next 20 years, there will be a shortage of 400000 practicing nurses in the United States due to the high nurse turnover (Halter et al., 2017). Hospital finds it...

Jewish and Arab American Patients in Healthcare

In terms of healthcare issues, Jewish Americans are most concerned about genetic diseases. These include such conditions as Tay – Sachs disease and Familial dysautonomia (Sun Sentinel, 2010). It is also necessary to mention the most common one, which is Gaucher disease (NFG, n.d.). Experts note that “one out of...

The COVID-19 Vaccination: Side Effects

The COVID-19 vaccine can protect people from getting infected by the virus. However, the scientific examinations of the vaccine side effects show that many dangerous conditions could cause severe illnesses among the vaccinated people (Kleine-Tebbe et al., 2021). The author of the practical research points out that the most significant...

Overcoming Personal Biases, Prejudice, and Stereotyping in Healthcare

Patients should be treated with the utmost respect and equality irrespective of their race, gender, class, age, or any other characteristic. However, personal biases, prejudice, and stereotyping remain pervasive in the contemporary everyday interactions between patients and care providers. The modern healthcare system is characterized by diversity with patients and...

Nursing Education and Treatment Outcomes

The connection between the education of BSN-prepared nurses and improved patient outcomes can be explained not only by the advanced writing skills and critical thinking of professionals but also by the long-term effects of their activity. In the first place, they are related to lower readmission rates in the facilities...

Death in the Village of Gold, Zamfara Province

Review Process The village of Gold is a case study experiencing a life-threatening condition to its population after numerous deaths are reported amongst children in three villages of Zamfara Province, Nigeria. The case involves a Disease Detective who has a role in identifying the cause of deaths after getting the...

Nursing Leader and Manager as Different Roles

A nursing career is characterized by a number of interesting and sometimes challenging tasks and responsibilities, and, in the majority of cases, it requires the development of leadership and management skills. Either as leaders or managers, nurses have to make sure that patients receive high-quality care and that the environment...

Healthy Sleep Analysis and Recommendations

Healthy sleep is one of the most significant factors affecting people’s productivity and quality of life. Its duration has an impact on numerous things – from behavior to ability to work and health state. Changes in sleep quality and its duration have inevitable repercussions connected with health’s psychological and physical...

High U.S. Drug Prices: Health Policy Log

Name, Sponsor, Link to the Event Name: U.S. drug prices: Why are they so high? Sponsor: Reuters. Place, Date, Length of the Event Place: The Forum, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Date: September 26, 2018. Length of the event: 1 hour (Noon-1pm ET). Names of Participants and Their...

Current and Future Role of Nutrigenomics in Human Health

Introduction In the 20th century, nutrition research was mainly concentrating on devising ways and means of curbing health problems related to deficiency of food components as well as the necessary food elements vital in solving health complications. These were the commonly found nutrition-related problems. However, the situation in this field...

Omega Health Foundation

The Principles of Finance First of all, it is necessary to mention that the financial statement of Omega Health Foundation, as well as the financial principles, are based on the rules of successful financial management. Consequently, the combined financial statement is controlled by the entity of the financial management team,...

Novice Educators Evaluation: Public Health

Mentors have arguably the most significant role in the professional development of novice educators. They need to ensure that their mentees stay the course of their career growth through a holistic approach. In this scenario, even though all students can pass with perfect scores, it is improbable. Furthermore, there is...

Strategies to Control Disease Incidence

With the recently discovered coronavirus and a pandemic caused by it, many people found themselves dependent on public health services. The main strategies generally used in public health to control the incidence of disease include medical countermeasures and public health interventions (Institute of Medicine et al., 2007). Vaccination is one...

Military Sexual Trauma: PTSD in Female Veterans

Introduction Traumatic experiences that military personnel encounter during their profession predispose them to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Research has shown that PTSD that military personnel experience in their lives emanates from cumulative stressors of pre-deployment, deployment, and post-deployment experiences (Fisher, 2008, p. 50; Fullerton, & Ursano, 2004, p. 1374). The...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

Dementia is considered a general term for impairments in mostly remembering, moving, and thinking that serve as obstacles in a person’s everyday activity. However, the term is also strongly associated with the following problems: reasoning, problem-solving, attention, and communication. Furthermore, dementia is extended to numerous diseases with the most accurately...

Roles of a Financial Manager in Healthcare

Introduction The hospital sector management is a very dynamic and at most ever-changing occupation that has the opportunity to undertake a varied number of duties and responsibilities. As a manager in the sector one is supposed to be flexible enough and ready to handle whatever duties he is allocated without...

The Ethical Practice of Nurses Caring For Chronically Ill Patients

Those nurses who work with chronically ill patients need to pay much attention to these patients’ autonomy, desire, and will. Therefore, the most effective organizational environment should include many opportunities for respecting patients’ interests, views regarding their disease, and independence. In spite of the fact that all patients’ rights should...

The Smartphone Technology in the Healthcare Sector

Background On September 25, 2015, the General Assembly of the United Nations confirmed its collective commitment to making the world a better place through extensive utilization of information technology in various spheres of life. It formulated and embraced 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 169 associated targets for global attainment...

Ethos, Pathos, Logos in “What is ADHD?” Article

Aristotle’s modes for influence, also called expository offers, are known by the names of ethos, poignancy, and logos. They are methods for convincing others to accept a specific perspective. Through strategies like substance examination, overview philosophy, and ease of use testing, specialists in the circle medication perceive the significance of...

Diabetes: Overview of the Problem and Treatment

Introduction As the leading cause of disability and death in the U.S. and the entire world, chronic conditions can be considered a significant public health problem in modern society. In fact, they are usually associated with constant pain, fatigue, and mood disorders, which worsen the overall quality of life. At...

Schizophrenia Symptoms and Diagnosis: Patient Interview

Chase, the schizophrenic patient, exhibits both positive and negative symptoms during the interview. Regarding positive signs, he reveals auditory hallucinations, which are evident when he says that there are people he talks to, but they are now asleep. The scenario means that Chase hears them talk and makes comments in...

Millennium and Sustainable Development Goals

Introduction Understanding the models and trends in the burden of diseases is crucial to solving the problems in global health. Speaking about the burden of diseases, it is needed to define its fundamental factors within different regions. To see the reasons of the most important changes in health caused by...

Corona Regional Medical Center Site Visit Report

Introduction The Corona Regional Medical Center (CRMC) is a for-profit large medical hospital in Corona, California. Corona Regional Medical Center is an accredited organization offering medical emergency services. The interview was conducted with Barbara Lane, Manager of the HIM (Health Information Management) Department for Corona Regional Medical Center (Corona Regional...

Ischemic Stroke: Advances in Diagnosis and Management

Overview A stroke usually occurs due to decreased or interrupted blood supply to the whole or part of the brain, which prevents the brain from getting enough nutrients and oxygen. When this is not corrected immediately, brain cells begin to die within few minutes. A stroke is considered a medical...

Electronic Health Records Recommendation

Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are a widespread and practical application of information technology in healthcare. They contain data about the patient in digital format while protecting the privacy of the person. Information in this form can be effectively used by providers to treat one patient and be transmitted between...

Use of Potassium and the Potential for Toxic Exposure

Potassium, as a chemical, obeys the principle of “the dose makes the poison”. This hypothesis implies that a chemical may be useful in one type of exposure but toxic in another. Several chemicals comply with the logic. The beneficial and toxic effects of such chemicals are directly proportional to the...

Impact of Grassroots Policy Initiatives on Nurse Leaders in Improving Health

Nurses function as both leaders and managers in their organizations. Nurse leaders’ role is to improve healthcare quality and to increase patient satisfaction. These can be achieved through transactional and transformational leadership methods. Nursing leadership is associated with better-quality patient outcomes, enhanced staff retention, promotion of a better workplace, and...

Healthcare Management: Last Chance Hospital’s Strategic Plan

Introduction Healthcare management is one of the most essential facets that society strives to deal with in the best way possible. New technology and ideas continue to drive health care to high levels, thus making it a very dynamic field. Health care management has become competitive. The changes are attributable...

The Negative Effects of Drinking Alcohol While Pregnant

Introduction Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder in an infant that develops during the pregnancy period of the mother due to exposure to alcohol. Fetal growth complications and brain impairment are some of the eminent effects linked to the condition. Though the difficulties triggered by the syndrome differ from one...

Nursing Issues: How to Deal With Difficult Patients

Introduction The various technological innovations have entirely changed the world. Moreover, these advancements have lead to rise in medical conditions. However, appropriate handling of these medical conditions; it is mandatory that the medical practitioners have appropriate information, and expertise to ease the amount of energy that they require in handling...

Cultural Competency in Nursing

Positive changes in the demographic situation, as well as the multinational composition of the population give rise to particular concerns about cultural issues in medicine. Effective doctor-patient interaction is associated with increased patient satisfaction, adherence to recommendations, and a subsequent health improvement. Many people think of cultural competence only as...

Aspects of Narcolepsy

Introduction Narcolepsy is a rare and unique condition that affects the sleep patterns of a person suffering from it, which disrupts their sleep-wake pattern. The prevalence of this condition in the western states is approximately 200-500 cases per million inhabitants. However, the highest prevalence is in Japan, where 1,600 individuals...

The Discussion and Solution of COVID-19 Ethical Dilemma

The pandemic of COVID-19 emerging globally showed weaknesses of the healthcare systems worldwide. The rapid spread of the unknown virus, lack of medical equipment, and protection tools put constant stress on medical workers. During the time of the global pandemic, the priorities of healthcare workers changed from providing the needs...

Falls Prevention: Direct Practice Improvement Project

The direct practice improvement (DPI) project is dedicated to fall prevention in hospitals among patients older than 65. In some cases, falls have serious consequences, such as a broken bone or brain concussion. Older people are especially prone to falls due to their fragility, illnesses, and side effects of prescribed...

Importance of the State Nursing Boards

Introduction Boards of Nursing (BON) are the institutions responsible for protecting the patient’s well-being by ensuring high-quality nursing services. These professional bodies regulate the scope of practice of nurses within their jurisdiction. They offer licensure examinations for the preparation of nursing in each state. This organization comprises nurses, physicians, attorneys,...

Congestive Heart Failure Patients Who Travel

PICOT Problem Description PICOT Question: In patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) who travel frequently (P), does education about the management of their condition (I) compared to the absence of such education (C) reduce the incidence rate of exacerbations (O) within a year of having undergone the intervention (T)? Evidence-Based...

Aspects of Healthcare System

The central objective of healthcare is to maintain and improve the health and well-being of the population by treating, diagnosing, and preventing numerous diseases, injuries, and physical or psychological impairments. To address its issues and tasks, the sector comprises well-maintained facilities and an appropriately-trained workforce involved in various specialized departments,...

The Anatomical Structures of the Digestive System

Anatomical Structure and Functions Having a rather complicated structure, the human digestive system consists of eight distinctive parts, namely, “the mouth, the esophagus, the stomach, the small intestine, and the large intestine” (Kibble & Halsey, 2020, p. 321). The nature of the anatomical structure of the digestive system allows obtaining...

The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History

The details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child. For instance, the pediatrician or the preschool healthcare professional may understand whether the child is at risk of developing vascular disorders based on the child’s birth weight or previous congenital malformations....

Interpersonal Skills in Professional Supervision

When training health practitioners for autonomous practice, experienced professionals in healthcare play a crucial step in stimulating their interpersonal skills. This implies that education programs incorporate units of means of improving relationships with other people. Through clinical supervision, a health organization can improve on its professional support by encouraging self-assessment,...

Aspects of Probiotics

Introduction Probiotics refer to the yeasts and bacteria that are considered beneficial for human beings, especially in the digestive system. Usually, germs are known to be infectious micro-organisms, thus, causing the disease in human beings. Consequently, the human body contains bacteria perceived to have a positive and negative impact on...

The Family Nurse Practitioner’s Role and Trends

The role of a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) is of particular importance in primary health care. According to Nurse Journal Staff (2021), a significant rise in nurse practitioner jobs can be observed over the recent years. This trend means that FNPs are becoming an increasingly essential part of the health...

Monitor on Psychology Article for Covid-19 Study

Monitor on Psychology Article on Research Topic In my paper, I address a global topic in nature: binge drinking during the COVID-19 pandemic. Self-isolation can lead to increased consumption of alcoholic beverages. Humans are now surrounded by “potential stressors that can foster more reliance on alcohol” (Huff, 2021, para. 2)....

Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing: Plastic Surgery

Main Post It should be noted that the main purpose of research lies in directing and guiding nurses while treating the patients. To enlarge on this, nurses should be open to changes while identifying a particular problem and looking for viable solutions. Being a Director for an Ambulatory Plastic and...

The Characteristics and Importance of Chronic Pain

It is important to note that chronic pain is a major issue, which affects the general population in several layers. The implications can range from mild discomfort to a severe decrease in quality of life as well as impairment. Although the current measures rely on the use of pain killers,...

Cultural Competency Examples in Healthcare

A nurse is a specialist with a medical education in the field of nursing, who is a specialist and a member of the medical staff. A nurse plays an essential role in every medical institution, which performs a large number of functions. These functions include the implementation of therapeutic and...

Discusison of Medical Errors Impacts

Introduction A medical failure is the improper activity or omission of a doctor. The reason for performing mistakes is the imperfection of modern medical science, ignorance, or inability to apply existing knowledge in practice. A medical mistake is considered to be the most contradictory phenomenon of legal understanding of the...

Competency and Innovative Systems in Healthcare Delivery

Introduction Poor quality of healthcare delivery and incompetence due to lack of innovativeness and inconsistent processes put the healthcare system at risk and endanger the patient. Investing in information technology has the potential to enhance the quality of healthcare delivery (Joseph et al., 2018). However, failure may arise even after...

Interdisciplinary Plan Overview

Organizational or Patient Issue The quality of healthcare in a prison environment is critical as it requires a high level of interdisciplinary care. The issue onboard is the increased Tuberculosis spread in the prison system, as evidenced by the daily test results (Farhoudi et al. 2020). The proposal focuses on...

Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care

Introduction The problem chosen for this assignment is the issue of teamwork in healthcare organizations. The effectiveness of the provision of medical services is influenced by factors such as the composition of the team of medical specialists and the relationship between them. Such a complex activity cannot be achieved solely...

Deception In Dealings With Patients

Trust is one of the vital elements in the building of relationships between the doctor and the patient. If trust is absent, the whole treatment can lead to worse than desired outcomes. It is safe to assume that the creation of trust requires honesty from both sides, so the doctor...

The American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics

Ethics has a fundamental value to nurses in their professional lives. The ANA Code of Ethics can be used by them through applying the essential values, realizing the boundaries of loyalty and obligations, and responsibilities beyond individual patient contact. ANA can help nurses through ethical education, allowing to make informed,...

Quality Improvement Organization Programs and Their Purpose

Introduction We are living in a world whereby every person requires the best healthcare services and support. Many people are facing different healthcare needs and challenges. This situation explains why we should come up with the best programs and promote the quality of care delivered to different patients. This paper...

Why Do Minorities Delay Going to the Doctor?

Introduction In modern society, where certain groups are institutionally provided with privileged treatment, power dynamics are most often unjust. Uneven distribution of resources and social capital leaves the minority groups vulnerable against the power violations and discrimination within educational, political, and, most relevantly for this paper, medical institutions. Reported levels...

Treatment, Diagnosis, and Management of Bacterial Translocation

Introduction Background of the Study The term bacterial translocation (BT) first referred to a transmission of viable bacteria from gastrointestinal tract to the mesenteric lymph nodes. However, this notion was later widened and included the passage of non-viable bacteria or other products with the intestinal endotoxin. The intestine serves two...

Autism and Vaccination: The False Health Claim

Health is one of the most valuable attributes for humans, and they tend to be curious about it. Nowadays, using the Internet seems easier than consulting a specialist, so many people are exposed to unfiltered information. Some of it might include false claims, which are further perpetuated by conspiracies. A...

Aspects of Pregnancy and Childbirth

This site is called “FamilyDoctor”, and it is dedicated to various family tips. This site contains materials with various tips and recommendations for pregnancy. The articles are also related to the topics of the course. Thus, some topics reveal the essence and meaning of pregnancy for novice parents on this...

The Payment Modes in Healthcare

The six payment modes related to healthcare, namely: Fee-for-Service, Pay-for-Performance, Patient-Centered Medical Homes, Accountable Care Organizations, Bundled Payments, and Global Budgets, have their advantages and disadvantages (Table 1). Each of the models can perfectly suit a particular situation, which this essay aims to demonstrate. Payment Mode Name Summary Strengths Weaknesses...

Theoretical Model of Health in Advanced Nursing

Health is the most valuable asset that one can have and, therefore, understanding health and associated problems is crucial for acknowledging the critical concepts of health. When the individual is informed about underlying health concepts, he or she demonstrates the capacity to engage in self-care and better manage the potential...

Change Proposal for Implementation of a Strategic Plan

The Woman’s Hospital of Texas needs change through strategic plan implementation in ensuring that the quality of care provided to patients improves with time. Strategic planning provides a glimpse of the path to achieving the set standards that have been approved by the Woman’s Hospital of Texas (Kozleski, 2017). The...

Enhancing the Competence of Nursing Staff

Research Process The investigators created an exhaustive search methodology that was useful in the identification of articles from specific databases. They collected data on a variety of qualitative and quantitative studies published from 2005 to 2015 (Tölli et al., 2017). The sources of information included PubMed, PsycInfo, Scopus, Cochrane, and...

Cervical Ectropion Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Diagnosis K. W. is a 26-year-old female who complains of vaginal discharge, painful intercourse, and irregular bleeding between menstrual periods during the last month. The young woman is single, no children, and she takes tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia annually. She was diagnosed with chlamydia (positive urethral swab) two years...

The Health Impacts of Climate Change in China

Introduction The current situation of air pollution and climate change results in almost 7 million premature deaths yearly, making it a significant priority issue for several global health organizations. The state of the air pollution issue is worsened by the possibility of future change in climate that would end in...

Global LGBTQ Health and Health Issues

The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) populations worldwide experience various forms of discrimination, causing their poor health outcomes. Some of the health disparities among the LGBTQ community are higher rates of mental health problems, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and substance abuse and use (Baptiste-Roberts et al. 72). Although there...

Ethical and Policy Factors in Care Coordination

Introduction Nursing homes, also known as residential nursing homes or care home with nursing, are facilities that provide health care for people with distinct conditions or various types of disabilities. A Nursing home focuses on providing such care for individuals who may have struggled with daily life and may need...

Electronic Health Records in Hospitals and Physician Offices

The electronic health record is growing at an alarming rate, following an infinite advancement of this technology. This advancement is aimed at reducing the barriers that hinder the intensive use of electronic health records in hospitals and physicians offices in the entire country. Some of the key barriers include the...

Factors and the Risk of Asthma Morbidity

Introduction Asthma is a highly prevalent disease among the U.S. population, especially in the case of school-age children. According to Magzamen and Tager, it is the main reason for non-injury hospitalization and missing school (583). Asthma is considered to be a spectrum disease due to the multiplicity of its manifestations....

Healthcare Accreditation Mitigating Risk Compliance Issues

Accreditation in healthcare is an evaluating process of healthcare organizations that encourages them to stay at the specific level of standards and maintain progress. According to the research by Carrasco-Peralta, Herrera-Usagre, Reyes-Alcazar, and Torres-Olivera (2019), health professionals perceive the accreditation process positively as it furthers the organizational change, improves patient-centered...

Should Health Care Be Universal in the United States?

Introduction In the United States, approximately 28 million people, or about 8.5% of the national population lacks health insurance. The health care system is one component of the federal government that exposes the inequalities that abound in the nation, originating from the effects of private insurance, politics, and public initiatives...

Safety and Health Care Quality in Nursing

Patient safety and healthcare quality are deeply linked and central in improving the well-being of patients. According to the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP) (2020), healthcare quality encompasses effective, timely, safe, patient-centered, efficient, and equitable care. Patient safety is considered a priority and an essential aspect of...

Strategic Planning: Electronic Health Record System Launch

Implementation of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems has become essential in the majority of hospitals across the state. However, choosing a proper EHR system is not the only step in developing the hospital’s environment. The introduction of new technologies requires a well-structured plan or strategy. There are two main types...

Organizational Theory, Structure, Change, and Culture in Health Care

Overall, the critical task of organizational theory is to provide the managerial personnel with a set of models, strategies, and methods on how to effectively organize the internal structure of a company, fix the existing problems, and manage them more effectively. In health care, organizational theory is used by the...

How Smart Cities Dealt with COVID-19

Introduction Background of the Problem The novel coronavirus pandemic has put the world to an ultimate test. These challenges encompassed an array of spheres, as no corner of the planet remained unaffected by the outbreak. In addition, the pandemic had a strong impact on most spheres of human activity. Entertainment...

Healthcare Promotion and Ethical Considerations

Case Overview Health promotion is a practice of encouraging particular types of lifestyle choices and habits in people as a way to improve their general wellbeing and lifespan. The action allows knowledgeable individuals to better enable and support the public, increasing their control over their health and living. In general,...

Measurement for a Quantitative Research Plan

Abstract Reliability and validity are important constructs in quantitative research. Researchers must enhance the validity and reliability of the study test, scale, and measurements to generate significant findings. This paper examines the approaches the researcher will use to boost the validity and reliability of research examining the effect of social/medical...

Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection

Bloodstream infections take a tremendous toll on patients’ health and reduce their chances for recovery by a large margin, which is why the problem of CLABSI needs to be addressed in the clinical setting. Typically caused by intravascular devices, CLABSI represents a significant health concern, which is why the proposed...

Healthcare Marketing and Its Evolution

Changes since the 1970s in healthcare marketing During the last several decades, much attention has been paid to the development of healthcare advertising. This process undergoes multiple changes because people find it effective to replace traditional principles of marketing with innovative ideas. American organizations are ready to spend billions of...

Implementing Ethico-Legal Issues in Nursing Practice

Caldwell, E.S., Lu, H., & Harding, T. (2010). Encompassing multiple moral paradigms: a challenge for nursing educators. Nursing Ethics 17 (2), 189-199. Aim This is a case study conducted on a Chinese student studying in a European nursing school to explore the challenges that this student and his instructors face...

The Importance of Diabetes Prevention Education

The selected social media application for this task is Facebook since it is one of the most common social media platforms. Moreover, Facebook can be used to spread information across different people in various regions within a short period. Diabetes has become a significant threat to modern society. Consequently, the...

The Importance of Teaching in Nursing

Introduction Nursing can be considered as one of the most important parts of medicine since the representatives of this profession are closely connected with both patients and doctors. The lack of nurses is now a vast problem globally, and enough knowledge to teach others is one of the key strengths....

Health Access Advocacy Through Legislation in Texas

Introduction Diverse populations within the United States face dilemmas regarding accessing health insurance. Such an issue is bound to have drastic ramifications that cause adverse health outcomes for individuals and financial burdens for patients and health care institutions. The rise in numbers of uninsured American citizens translates to consequences, such...

Associated Risks and Control Measures in Cleaning

Introduction The aim of this study is to analyze the site of a cleaning company in terms of the risks the environment presents to it. Over the course of studying risks and control measures, three objectives will be covered: understanding the general risks cleaning workers experience, understanding occupation-specific hazards, studying...

High Rate of CHF Admission in Local Setting

Introduction Congestive heart failure, which is often abbreviated as CHF, is a condition that one’s heart is not able to pump sufficient blood to the other parts of the body (Kinchin 204). The condition can happen in a gradual process or a in a rapid process. The CHF conditions can...

Healthcare Documentation: Standards and Regulations

Health care facilities manage patients’ life and health daily; quality medical care relies on ably trained nurses and doctors, high facility equipment, and good record keeping. Health care documentation records the facts about a patient’s health involving both past and most recent examinations, tests, illnesses, treatments, medical records. Medical patient...

Gene Therapy Overview and Advantages

The use of gene therapy is expected to replace or fix mutated genes to cure diseases. The key advantage of this therapy is that it provides the possibility of treating diseases that cannot be cured by traditional approaches. For example, leukemia, hemophilia, or severe immune deficiencies can be potentially treated...

Outcome-Based Dynamic Cycle of Clinical Reasoning and Client Needs

In this case scenario, Mr. P.K is a 50 years old man, known as a diabetic patient for ten years. He is currently on insulin of 12 IU units in the morning and 6IU in the evening, and the abdomen is his preferred injection site. Mr. P.K reports that he...

Fraud and Abuse in Medicare: Neural Networks

Fraud and abuse schemes in medicare have been a serious issue for many years. These are especially dangerous since the victims risk not only their money but their health and, sometimes, lives. The most common methods of deceit are billing for appointments that did not take place, procedures that were...

Food Security: Global Health Issue Comparison

Global Health Issue Despite seemingly overwhelming amounts of food and consumable products, one of the major global health issues remains food insecurity and malnutrition, with the number of people affected by famine rising since 2014. It is just as much a social issue as it is a health problem. Causal...

Poor Management of Staff and Hindered Quality of Care

The current COVID-19 pandemic caused significant distress on healthcare organizations and clinicians. The daily increase in hospitalizations and death resulted in more duties and longer working hours, causing physical and emotional exhaustion among medical personnel. Moreover, inadequate management led to breaching ethical norms in some hospitals. Therefore, this research paper...

Asian American Experience and Alternative Medicine

The coronavirus pandemic has had not only devastating physiological but also undesirable social consequences. In particular, many doctors and representatives of other professions among Asian Americans face stigma and racial prejudices expressed by pandemic-anxious people. Sometimes, the patients refuse to receive care from Asian American doctors or do not adhere...

Building Rapport on Public Health Issue

There are different kinds of qualitative research methods. Soriano (2013) says the most common methods involve collecting research information using key informants, focus groups, interviews and secondary data. For purposes of addressing the questions raised in the vignette, focus groups emerge as the best qualitative research method. According to Stacciarini...

Mental Illness Diversion Program

The criminal justice system tends to incarcerate many mentally ill people without considering whether jail time will benefit them. The cause of their behavior is unlikely to be addressed, creating opportunities for future misdemeanors. A diversion program may resolve the issue by offering some offenders mental health rehabilitation. While not...

Policy Issues That Surround Public and Private Healthcare

Policy Issues of Public Healthcare The state health policy is aimed at creating conditions for the health system that allows for health education of the population, prevention of diseases, provision of medical care to citizens, the conduct of scientific research in the field of health, and training of medical and...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Integrative Summary

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic and potentially disabling disease with significant negative social and economic consequences. According to modern classifications of diseases (ICD-10, DSM-IV), OCD is an independent category that combines psychopathological formations of the circle of obsessions (Taylor & Jang, 2011). Its main clinical manifestations are obsessions (repetitive,...

Case Brief on Colon Cancer and Colostomy

Mrs. Wheeler is a 54-year-old woman suffering from colon cancer. She has undergone a surgery known as colostomy which involves opening the abdominal wall to get access to the colon. The patient requires particular care because the colostomy involves the removal of the colon from the human body to prevent...

Organizational Structure for Redeemer Residence Minneapolis

Introduction Several players with different duties and responsibilities constitute successful institutions. Organizations function as institutions with the integral responsibility of executing tasks to accomplish established goals and objectives. However, the success of meeting the goals and objectives is dependent on some factors. Therefore, sustained organizational behaviour for the success of...

Post-operative Breast Cancer Patients With Depression: Annotated Bibliography

Article #1 Kim, M.S., Kim, S.Y., Kim, J.H., Park, B., & Choi, H.G. (2017). Depression in breast cancer patients who have undergone mastectomy: A national cohort study. PLoS One, 12(4). Author’s Credentials Min -Su Kim: Department of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, CHA Bundang Medical Center, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea, So...

Informatics Technologies in Healthcare

Introduction Technologies are an integral part of coherent society as they penetrate all areas of human activity and drive radical changes. The modern digitalized world is also characterized by significant shifts in people’s mentalities and their perspectives on traditionally essential issues, such as healthcare. The scientific progress and the demand...

The Role of Nurse Leaders in Improving the Quality of Patient Care

Besides advocating for their followers, nurse leaders are also responsible for promoting their workplace vision and being available to their employees. A substantial amount of nurse leadership strives for the integration and development of patient care, formulation and assessment of treatment plans, and leading by example for the newer nursing...

Disease in Vaccinated Populations

This academic work is a laboratory report summarizing the results of a practical simulation of the epidemiological dynamics of a simulated population. Thus, the report’s central tasks are to summarize the data obtained, answer the questions posed, and analyze the results critically. Results This lab report’s main results were obtained...

Harm Reduction Initiative: Treatment of Addicts

Significance to Nursing Practice and Nursing Research Considering the necessity of helping people addicted to drugs to either fight this addiction or live with it healthier, it is likely to suggest that the qualitative proposed research findings on the phenomenon under study will contribute meaningful evidence in clinical settings and...

Watson’s Theory of Caring and Practice

Theories are essential for introducing and advancing various professional practices, hence the need for their evaluation to determine their relevance, as well as potential applications. In clinical practice, multiple models, theories, and frameworks associated with the evidence-based practice are advocated (Lynch et al., 2018). These ideas and concepts form the...

Healthcare Issues and Professionalism

Introduction As the defining global health crisis of our time, Covid-19 has had a considerable impact on different aspects of life in the whole world. Since the first case of coronavirus that was identified in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019, over 130 million individuals have been infected with...

Chinese Traditional Medicine and Medication Use

The United States is a country where multiple cultures coexist and interact while retaining their cultural identities. However, in some cases, cultural differences can lead to worse outcomes in health care. Chinese Americans are a significant ethnic group with unique health beliefs, which can impact their interactions with the health...

Racial Disparities in Healthcare: Research Proposal

Ethical Considerations and Protection of Human Rights Since the study involves an extended number of participants, it is essential to pay increased attention to the consideration of ethics. Even though the purpose of this research is exceptionally well-intentioned, there is always a possibility that interaction and communication with participants chosen...

How to Lower your Cancer Risk. Nutrition Action Health Letter

Cancer is the abnormal growth of cells, and it prevents other cells from obtaining nutrients. If a person is genetically predisposed to the disease, it can be difficult to avoid getting it. However, individuals could still minimize their risk by practicing certain behaviors. For instance, it is essential to adopt...

Nurses and Patient Safety Culture

Nurses are responsible for promoting quality in healthcare organizations by proposing improvement initiatives and accessing patient safety culture. Examples of patient-centered care initiatives include Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) and Team STEPPS, focusing on safety issues (Yoder-Wise, 2019). Furthermore, the organizational culture of a high-performing healthcare facility requires...

Does Healthcare Access Meet the Needs of All U.S Citizens?

Introduction America is one of the world’s leading economies, with the highest Medicaid spending per capita. At the same time, the country cannot afford to give all of its citizens universal coverage. The governmental reform, stuck somewhere in transition between capitalist and socialist healthcare models, remains rather inefficient. Although there...

Hepatitis B and C Infection in Kidney Dialysis Units

Introduction The following is a research proposal on the epidemiology of Hepatitis B infections in the dialysis units. The dialysis units are the sources of the Hepatitis B virus. This knowledge helps to look for ways of preventing kidney dialysis patients from hepatitis infection which will be the concern of...

Decision-Making: Euthanasia in Switzerland

With just the mention of death, it is a real shock to the world. Then, it is surprising how one can comfortably walk into a medical center and demand to die. Michele’s case could not be the only one in the world but watching her die is flabbergasting (Bueller, 2012)....

Who Can Become a Donor For the Milk Bank?

Introduction Providing assistance to the milk bank is an essential condition for donor help that vulnerable recipients need. At the same time, not every woman can become a donor since the verification and preparation procedure requires a preliminary assessment of about one to two weeks. In addition, the number of...

Nursing Occupational Burnout During the COVID-19

Ensuring patient safety is one of the main tasks and responsibilities of the medical staff. The most common patient safety concerns include information security and EHR integration, hygiene and spread of infections, nursing staffing ratios and burnout, antibiotic resistance, opioid dependence, paperwork burnout, and drug shortages (“Top 7 patient safety...

Menstruation Practices in India

Menstruation is essential because it plays a crucial role in a women’s reproductive health. Inadequate knowledge and education are the primary causes of adverse issues associated with menstruation. In this case, I would educate the girls about the importance of hygiene during periods. Genital areas’ cleanliness reduces infection incidents by...

Safety Committees of Kindred Hospital Houston Northwest

Patient and personnel safety is critical for healthcare facilities’ proper functioning, and the committees are a profound solution to regulate hospitals’ risk reduction and security checking activities. In the long-term acute care organizations, welfare providence is administrated via several communities that contain nurses, physicians, and government representatives who meet several...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pathophysiology

Introduction of Disease Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is a disease of pelvic organs in women. Specifically, it is defined as “an infection of the upper genital tract occurring predominantly in sexually active young women” (Curry et al., 2019, p. 357). PID can cause infectious processing spreading through different parts of...

Presentation of Change Models in Carrying out Indication-Based Training in Nursing

Introduction In nursing, revolutionary concepts have been established to investigate the phenomenon in different administrative backgrounds. Lewin’s three-step variation theory and Lippitt’s Phases and cognitive theory of Transformation model are examples of collective modification theories. This essay scrutinizes the efficiency of two revolution theories, social cognitive theory and Lewin three-step...

Compensation Structure in Healthcare

Introduction The compensation structure is a necessary element that deserves exploration in every successful company. There are various other essential factors, yet the overall firm’s success depends directly on employee performance. The wage structure is a strategy that assists with evaluating the amount of financial gain an employee receives, according...

Roles of a Leader in Emergencies

The primary function of the emergency management team is to prepare beneficial arrangements and protocols as a response to specific emergencies and other natural disasters. They are also helpful after emergencies because they coordinate with government agencies and other elected officials to reduce harmful effects. Some organizations have qualified to...

What Can America Learn from Japan?

Health Outcomes in Japan Are Significantly Better Than Those in the US, Even Though the US Spends Much More on Health Care After the devastating consequences of the World War II the population of Japan was suffering from very poor level of health. Today this country turns out to have...

Aesthetic Approach to Health Promotion Intervention

Introduction Purpose Statement Target Population • Cancer patients: Cultural Considerations Artistic Intervention Design Intervention’s Benefits and Challenges Goal of the Intervention: Promotion of Emotional and Psychological Health among Cancer Patients Effectiveness of the Health Promotion Intervention The Role of Aesthetic Knowledge in Nursing Conclusion References Bosman, J. T., Bood, Z....

Measures of Disease Frequency: Zika Virus

In 2016, the Zika virus caused a widespread epidemic in several countries. The United States also suffered from this disease, as can be seen from the statistics published on the CDC website (“2016 case counts,” n.d.). To see a clear picture of the effects of Zika on the U.S. population,...

Medical Negligence in French and British Law

There are currently many myths surrounding medical negligence caused by incompetence in the professional field. Such European countries such as the United Kingdom and France are believed to have one of the highest levels of healthcare in the world. However during the last few years the amount of legal actions...

Nursing Ethical Dilemmas – Balancing Morality and Practice

Introduction Life is full of ethical dilemmas and almost every day people have to make tough decisions to face their careers, professions, or callings. Whether one is a parent, clergy, spouse, or someone in a professional career like nursing, s/he has to make certain decisions to contain emerging circumstances. My...

Change Theories in Evidence-Based Intervention

Kurt Lewin developed the theory of change in patient care. The theory includes three main categories: driving forces, constraints, and balance or balance that is achieved as a result (Barto, 2019). This model includes actions such as defrosting, changing and subsequent freezing. Another approach in this paper will be the...

Healthcare Issues: Becoming Pain Free

Healthcare is only a disease care system that focuses on soothing the pain instead of changing an individual’s habits. Chronic pain is an epidemic that is ravaging society because people have become dependent on health practitioners to make them feel better, instead of seeking knowledge and support on how to...

Theoretical Approach to ADHD: Case Study Analysis

Overview of the EF Theory In the case of Leko, the executive function (EF) theory by Russel Barkley is applicable in understanding and developing strategies to improve the child’s learning process. It is worth noting that there is adequate evidence to believe that Leko has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)....

Inferential Statistics Article by Florin et al.

The paper summarizes a current nursing research article in terms of its aim, methods, results and conclusion, before examining how the authors have used the ANOVA statistical tool to inform its conclusions and recommendations. The aim of the study by Florin et al (2012) “was to investigate Swedish university students’...

Nursing Shortage Causes and Solutions

As the Baby Boomer generation starts to age and exit the workforce, the job market is likely to experience deficits in skilled workers. However, the nursing field seems to face an additional challenge as the need for such professionals continues to grow. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections 2019-2029...

Prevention-Oriented Health Policy Goals

Prevention-oriented health policy is a modern medical practice, the main goal of which is to prevent chronic diseases. It is possible due to early detection and timely correction of imbalances in the body, which would lead to various conditions and pathologies, and their complications. In the past centuries, the main...

Enhancing Skills of Staff in Healthcare Facilities

There is a positive correlation between nursing education and patient outcomes established by numerous studies. They claim that the efficiency of evidence-based practice (EBP) in healthcare is significantly dependent on one’s qualification (Melnyk et al., 2018). The link between these two notions is frequently considered as a combination of intertwined...

Strategies for Providing the Appropriate Level of Care

The Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) report on To Err is Human increased awareness of the importance of improving healthcare services quality. The IOM developed a framework that underscored the need to establish healthcare strategies that emphasize safe, patient-centered, effective, efficient, and equitable healthcare to all patients (Robertson-Preidler, Biller-Andorno, & Johnson,...

Impacts of Environmental Justice on Health

Environmental justice entailsequal distribution of environmental harm and benefits to all beneficiaries (Pavlich, 2010). It revolves around environmental health by trying to ensure that there is access to a good environment for habitable living. Impacts on health will look at how environmental justice affect health of individuals (Freudenberg, Freudenberg, Klitzman...

Exclusive Breastfeeding and Evidence-Based Practice

Literature Review Breastfeeding is a crucial process that allows infants to receive the nutrients needed in the future for developing immunity to specific diseases, as well as maintaining good health, in general. However, numerous mothers prefer to use a formula instead of breastfeeding, thus abstaining from it (Shepherd, Walbey, &...

Tobacco Intervention Initiative in India

Health Care Initiative and Rationale for Choice India is a low-middle-income country, as its GNI per capita calculated using the Atlas method was around 1,900 current US dollars in 2020 (The World Bank, 2020). At the same time, in 2020, India ranked 131 out of 189 participants in HDI, being...

Evaluation of Articles on Affordable Healthcare

For this assignment, I picked two reference materials for evaluation. Their score for every parameter from the Information Source Evaluation Matrix are listed below. Who? What? Where? When? Why? TOTAL Bio-based materials as applicable, accessible, and affordable healthcare solutions 2 3 2 4 4 15 “Accessible and affordable healthcare? Views...

Bulimia Nervosa Diagnosis and Procedural Plan

Diagnosis Bulimia nervosa The patient has been showing the tendency to vomit after every instance of food intake, which is the primary sign of bulimia (American Psychiatric Association, 2013). According to the existing definition, the diagnosis of bulimia aligns with the observed symptoms fully (Miller et al., 2021). Therefore, the...

Communication in a Hospital Setting

Introduction Communication in a hospital setting is a highly intricate and delicate process, which requires a collaborative effort from each party. The stakeholders in the given environment are mainly patients, medical professionals, and nursing professionals as well as administrators. The latter three comprise the hospital unit, which needs to communicate...