Practicum Experience on Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections

For my practicum experience, following my completion of the degree course, I focussed on catheter-related Bloodstream infections (CBIs) which are among the leading killer diseases in the United States. Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections are caused by the central venous catheters. In the U.S., there are approximately 80,000 such infections occurring annually...

Manual Therapy as a Commendable Healing Agent

Introduction What is Manual Therapy? Manual therapy, as defined by Hinz and Gabbiani (2010), entails hands-on physical remedies intent on facilitating relaxation, tissue repair, stability, pain contraction, and Range of Motion increment. Manipulative Therapists employ consummate techniques to redress patients’ disabilities, musculoskeletal pain, and soft tissue inflammations (Poonam, Jasuja, Sehgal...

Teenage Suicide: Approaches for Nurses to Adopt

Teenage suicide is of great public health concern because it is considered one of the top three causes of death among the adolescents and young adults (Centers for Disease Control cited in Dour, Cha & Nock, 2011). Nordentoft (2011) describes a universal approach that can be used to prevent suicide...

National Pharmacy Technician Association

Introduction One of the biggest global certified associations for pharmacy technicians is the National Pharmacy Technicians Association. This association was established in Houston, Texas. This happened back in the year 1999 and in November of the same year, the association opened a commercial office. The association started the Technician Magazine...

Healthcare System in the Republic of Panama

Introduction Panama has a classic social security system, which is run by the CSS hinged on two legal frameworks. These frameworks include the National Constitution and article 109, and they underscore the citizen’s entitlement to social security. In addition, the frameworks define the citizen’s right to the Organic Law of...

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and Its Impact

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed by Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This federal statute is aimed at reforming the existing health care and insurance systems of the United States within four years to improve the quality of the health care services and make them...

Accessing the Pharmacy Services: Safe Medication

Introduction The pharmacy provides the access to multiple types of medication that patients would not be able to purchase otherwise, including prescription medicine. Therefore, pharmacy is an essential element of the healthcare institution. When receiving medication from a pharmacist, it is important to be aware of the extent of the...

Transferring Financial Control of Public Hospitals

Introduction Over the recent past, the issue of transferring financial control of public hospitals from State Governments to Commonwealth Government has been controversial. Some people have been opposing the idea while others have strongly supported it. The proponents of this idea have various reasons for supporting it. The Commonwealth mostly...

Healthcare Organization in the USA

Introduction Healthcare in the USA represents a highly complex, overloaded, and underfunded system with a great number of facilities that are currently available for fewer numbers of people. In general, US medical care is divided into private hospitals, public hospitals, and not-for-profit organizations. All kinds of hospitals are funded from...

Prospective Payment System in Medicine

Prospective payment systems are seen as an alternative to retrospective payment systems. Retrospective payment systems suppose that insurance companies pay healthcare providers based on their actual charges (Harrington, 2020). The most common type of retrospective payment systems is fee-for-service plans, in which the hospital provided a detailed bill based on...

The Nursing Shortage: Analysis of the Problem

In every organization, whether service, goods, public or private, human resources are required for an effective operation. Broadly health care industry, human resources teams contain physicians, doctors, nurses, and administrative staff; shortage of either of the category affects the efficiency and quality of service offered (Bruce & Fottler, 2005). According...

Environmental Health and Environmental Change

The environment has a huge impact on the human life. Environmental factors can cause and promote many health issues and diseases (Moeller, 2005, p. 1). Therefore, it is of vital importance to regard the environment as an essential part of public health. Environmental health can be defined as the sphere...

Color Blindness – Diagnosis and Symptoms

Symptoms Color blindness is a genetic disorder that is associated with the inability of the victims to see some colors in the normal way. The eye senses color in diffrecent objects and the brain translates and perceives the color through nerve cells. The brain understands the color of a given...

Depression Intervention Among Diabetes Patients

Title of the Article The article in question entitled “Qualitative study of an intervention for depression among patients with diabetes: How can we optimize patient-professional interaction?” dwells upon treatment of depression in patients with diabetes. The article is used, as it can be seen as a good example of the...

Glycemic Control in Cardiac Surgery

The rationale for Selecting the Article I selected the article glycemic control in cardiac surgery: implementing evidence-based insulin infusion protocol. The article was authored by Joelle Hargraves. My passion for the care of critically ill patients prompted the selection of the article. Nurses that work in the critical care units...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence in South Florida

Introduction Diseases of the heart or the blood vessels have become increasingly prevalent in the US hence the need for timely intervention to curb the escalation of the menace. Cases of cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in the state of Florida have raised eyebrows thus necessitating the need for intervention to prevent...

COVID-19: Historical Lens and Wellness

Looking at events using historical lenses can be beneficial for gaining an in-depth understanding of issues. Currently, one of the central wellness problems discussed in the media is the COVID-19 pandemic. While the central problem today is to find a cure or a vaccine for the disease, it is also...

The Central Tendency of Pain Measurement Principles

The central tendency of pain measurement principles was used in the study to outline the general tendency and aspects of pain management in public health care these are the data, associated with medical statistics, and the given data represents the amount of addiction, caused by the violation of pain management...

Researching the Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes and Symptoms

Introduction Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a disease that slowly and gradually damages the brain and it is distinguished by memory loss and ultimately conflict in interpretation, planning, speech, and awareness. Many scientists consider that Alzheimer’s disease is caused by a certain chemical imbalance in the body. The chemical protein beta-amyloid...

Global Issues, Advocacy & Caregiving for Patients in India

Introduction States may be subjected to a common issue. However, they may have different ways of dealing with the issue. Most of the issues that affect states relate to their economic and social status. One of the tragedies that have affected the world is the HIV/AIDS pandemic. HIV/AIDS is a...

Achievements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Introduction The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act abbreviated as PPACA, also frequently referred to as Obamacare or Affordable Care Act (ACA), is a decree of the American federal government. It was signed into law on the 23rd of March 2010 by the President of the United States, Barack Obama....

Obesity Treatment – More Than Food

The proponents of the study, Anders Lindelof, Claus Nielsen, and Birthe Pedersen wanted to explore how obese adolescents, and their parents view obesity. This qualitative study is a good example of phenomenological–hermeneutic approach. The researchers developed a qualitative study based on the phenomenological approach, because they examined real life situations....

Closing the Gap on Health Inequities: Bulgaria and Sweden

Introduction European countries enjoy among the best health statuses and highest life expectancies in the world (Commission of the European Communities, 2007). However, health inequities exist within the continent (Equity Channel, 2013). Moreover, some countries have varied health outcomes, although they belong to the same political and economic unions. Such...

Utilization and Effectiveness of Coping Strategies in Job-Related Stress among Nurses

Abstract Nursing is a discipline that is constantly evolving and requires professionals to use their skills and evidence-based practices to achieve good outcomes in their responsibilities. Knowledge deficiency is one of the major challenges that affect outcomes attained by nurses in their duties in different healthcare settings. In addition, nurses...

Chlamydia Trachomatis: Medical Analysis

Pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis is a bacterium that causes a sexually transmitted infection known as chlamydia. It is a member of the Chlamydia genus, which consists of intracellular parasites that affect different species. As indicated by the name, Chlamydia trachomatis bacteria target cells as part of their two-stage lifecycle. First, an...

The American Health Care Bill

Rapidly increasing medical costs have created barriers on the endeavors to provide affordable health care to the low and middle class citizens. Deteriorating economies and high levels of unemployment have led to many hardships in life, thus the inability of many citizens to meet their health care bills. More so,...

Prevention and Treatment of Cholera in Congo

Summary Cholera is a highly contagious disease with potentially fatal outcomes (Maponga et al., 2015). Since medical experts first documented it, in the 19th century, many researchers and health organizations have reported its devastating outcomes in different countries around the world (Bao et al., 2015). Relative to this assertion, Maponga...

The Roles of an Advanced Nurse

The roles that advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) play in the clinical field have been expanding with time since the first graduates of masters in nursing started working in the mid 20th century (DeNisco & Barker, 2013). Over the last three decades, the advanced nursing practice has assumed an increasing...

Effects of Trauma Training Programs and Trauma Quality Indicators

Willis, C. D., Stoelwinder, J. U., & Cameron, P. A. (2008). Interpreting process indicators in trauma care: construct validity versus confounding by indication. Int J Qual Health Care, 20(5),331-8. Quality indicators have found increased use in health systems based on a widely held assumption that QIs is a compelling indicator of the...

Nursing Practice: The Importance of High-Level Assessment Skills

Assessment refers to a process of acquiring data concerning the health status of an individual. Patient assessment is an integral component of nursing practice, necessary for effective planning and provision of nursing care that is family and patient centered. Assessment can either be an admission assessment, which entails the comprehensive...

Health Status of the African Americans

African Americans are among the largest ethnic groups in the United States, with a greater percentage being of African ancestry, while some are of non-Black descent. This population descended from enslaved people from Africa coerced to work in the New World. Working as slaves, they had limited rights and were...

Ethics and Nursing: Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Different people in the world share and differ in their decision-making. Most of the Ethical decisions made by people are influenced by the factors that surround them. In most cases, their decisions are dependent on their feelings. This does not mean that all decisions are according to their feelings;...

Nursing Leadership Scholarly Paper

Introduction Even though there are a number of different definitions of leadership, the notion in question presupposes essentially the same – one’s ability to encourage people to act in one way or another, without having to use any coercive force, in this respect: “In essence leadership is an act of...

Development of Protocols for Early Pregnancy

Abstract This study analyzes the development of early pregnancy protocols that can be potentially useful to clinicians when dealing with the care of pregnant mothers experiencing non-viable pregnancies like complete miscarriage, incomplete miscarriage, and delay miscarriage; pregnancy of unknown location; intrauterine pregnancies of unknown viability; ectopic pregnancies and hydatidiform pregnancies....

Core Competence of Nursing Specialization

Nurse leaders have worked hard in order to revolutionize the entire nursing practice. Nurses provide differentiated care and support to their patients. Each “advanced role tends to have unique core competencies depending on the specialization” (Halstead, 2012, p. 36). Such advanced roles are critical towards providing the best care to...

Nursing Ratios and Legislative Regulation in Healthcare

Introduction Continuing changes witnessed in healthcare has occasioned an increased awareness particularly on the quality of care in the hospitals offering acute care services. The rising demand for quality care from the patients has ushered in a paradigm shift in the management of nursing staff in the hospitals. While it...

Social Determinants of Health: Economic Growth Effect

Social injustice has adverse effects in the life that people lead in a given society. It also contributes to causes of diseases that affect the people and determines how long they live. It is alarming to watch the rates of advancement in healthcare in some parts of the world while...

Accomplishing the Intentions of Meaningful Use Program. Implications and Recommendations

Introduction Accomplishing the intentions of Meaningful Use Program is a very challenging duty to many health care providers (Dowling, 2014). In the health care sector, the term Meaningful Use refers to the processing of population and health statistics into, EHR, an electronic health record. The above process aims to enhance...

On the Reasons for Refusing to Vaccinate Children

Vaccination is a controversial issue for parents, but the decision not to have their children immunized is not an option. They tend to perceive it as a potential threat to health, whereas it is a common misconception (Ames et al., 2017). Therefore, the belief in the emergence of severe conditions...

Programs and Policies Affecting Issues in Public Health

This article highlights critical fundamental issues and concerns around framing public health programs during marketing in order to attract funds from the government and the wealthy. There are serious misperceptions in the society and particularly among leaders that tend to equate public health with poverty and disability. Little research has...

Colorectal Cancer Intervention Model

Theoretical framework Since one of the leading causes of colorectal cancer is the behavioral pattern that one assumes in his or her lifestyle, there is need to integrate an intervention plan as part of comprehensive health care. Basically, physical exercise is known to be one of the factors that may...

Healthcare Research and Social Change Relationship

Abstract Research is creative work carried out on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge. However, social change is the alteration of the social order of a society. Research forms part of the foundation of programs that seek to incorporate communities in the change process as well as...

An Analysis of Erin Brockovich: Brain Tumors

Survey Research A survey research is a study where researchers use samples of the population to make conclusions about a certain trait in the entire population. Psychologists and sociologists always use such studies in assessing the feelings, attitudes and thoughts of populations. Mostly, researchers use this survey in determining probable...

Effects of Exercise on Obesity Reduction in Adults

Introduction Obesity is a condition that results from accumulation of fat in the body. It has severe health effects on children and adults. Obesity predisposes victims to risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. The main causes include lack of adequate physical activity, consumption of foods rich in high-energy...

Patients Receiving Antipsychotic Drugs: Neuroleptic Syndrome

Introduction The neuroleptic syndrome results from the side effects of antipsychotic drugs. The most vulnerable groups are those with mental illnesses. Incidences of accidental or intentional overdose with regards to these drugs are on the rise. In the past couple of decades, mortality rates have remained at an average of...

The Efficacy of Inhaled Insulin

Inhaled insulin is associated with positive outcomes in patients with type 1 diabetes. Various studies, discussed in this paper aim at showing that the benefits from using inhaled insulin to manage diabetes type 1 and 2 are similar to those from using subcutaneous insulin. The study by Garg et al....

The Hand Washing Program for Children

 Name of Agency The program was presented at Five Palms Elementary School. Client Assessment Data A health assessment data method was employed. Records from the nurses’ office recorded the following health complaints: Chest congestion Productive coughs Sore throats Rhinorrhea The conditions above were classic symptoms of a common cold caused...

Incidence of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Motor Vehicle Accidents

Background of the Study In recent years, a global surge in the number of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occasioned by motor vehicle accidents have been witnessed in the United States of America. PTSD generally refers to an anxiety disorder witnessed in people who have undergone through a series of trauma,...

Patient with Acute Renal Failure and Nursing Interventions

There are so many complications resulting from acute renal failure. Some of these are cardiovascular which are arrhythmia, heart failure, pericarditis and high blood pressure. Heart failure, in this case, is caused by water and sodium retention and increased cardiac load. These complications can be prevented by administering drugs that...

Closure of National Parks Due to COVID-19

Introduction In the article “3 of the Busiest National Parks Close amid Coronavirus Outbreak”, Vigdor offers powerful arguments about the issue of social distancing and why it has led to the closure of national parks in the country. The National Park Service indicated that such a measure was essential to...

Evaluation and Testing in Nursing Education

Caregivers with baccalaureate degrees can provide quality care to their patients. A BSN nursing program transforms learners into professional nurses. The program should produce nurses who can make a lasting impact in healthcare. A good nursing program embraces various humanities and sciences in order to produce competent nurses. Such nurses...

Acme Medical: Validating Cleanroom Biocontamination

Introduction Medical devices decontamination services for re-processing re-usable invasive medical devices used by several hospitals is a very important undertaking in view of the critical role that these medical devices play in the lives of human beings (ISO 14971:2000). Consistency of contamination control within the clean room is therefore of...

Nurse-Coached Muscle Training in Heart Failure

Written in 2009 by Padula, Yeaw, and Mistry, the article, A home-based nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training intervention in heart failure, looks into a homemade nurse-coached inspiratory muscle training mitigation in heart failure, and it forms the basis of this review. The article considers heart failure (HF) as the most devastating...

Mandating Nurse-Patient Ratios in California

Introduction There have been constant complaints from the nurses and health departments regarding the understaffing and overworking of nurses in hospitals. Researchers undertook to collect data to determine the minimum ratio of nurses to patients that would be adequate to increase their efficiency. Data were collected from staff in a...

Nursing Intellectual Capital Theory

Intellectual capital is a theory that focuses on the collective knowledge of individuals and the structures that are present in a given organization (Stewart, 2001). This theory views the knowledge possessed by employees as an intangible asset that is critical to the success of a given entity. Additionally, this theory...

The Problem of Obesity in the Latin Community

Obesity belongs to one of the most concerning issues in the USA. This problem is acute for the whole country as well as for separate states and counties. For example, in Florida, with its high population of Hispanic and Latino Americans, special attention is paid to the minority health (“Minority...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Medical Analysis

Introduction Chronic Kidney Disease is the state of the human organism when kidneys fail to fulfill their actual functions of eliminating the blood waste, which results in various health complications that range from mild weaknesses to kidney failures, commas, and deaths (Bash, Coresh, Köttgen, Parekh, Fulop, Wang, and Astor, 2009;...

Nursing: Strategies for Measuring Quality of Life

Though alcoholism has been investigated for years, there are still a lot of questions to be answered (Vaillant, 2009, p. 3). “Quality of life measurement and alcoholism: Another arm to nursing practice?” (2006) is an article, which presents valuable information about the current situation in assessing the quality of life...

Breastfeeding Reducing the Risk of Pediatric Overweight

The present paper reviews a journal article, ‘Breastfeeding reduces the risk of obesity in childhood and adolescence’ produced by Papatesta and Iacovidou. It also analyzes the benefits of breastfeeding, which can help reducing short- and long-term risks of obesity that may persist into adulthood (Boseley 5). Researchers and healthcare professionals...

Newborn Adrenoleukodystrophy Screening

Practicum and Policy Background Florida Nurses Association arranged a meeting for nursing Practitioner Students and the senators. The conference held at the Florida Capitol, Tallahassee. The plan of the conference was to talk about new health policy of Newborn Adrenoleukodystrophy Screening that was yet to be ascended into law. The...

The Use of Telehealth: Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia

Organization Information Description of Organization The selected organization is the Visiting Nurse Association of Greater Philadelphia (VNA), and C. McEnvoy who was interviewed. The organization provides hospice and home care to the people of Philadelphia and its environs. It is one of the largest healthcare facilities in the region, and...

Quality Metrics for Chronic Disease Management

Review of the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) report The management of chronic diseases is an essential healthcare approach that is aimed at reducing the negative impact of chronic diseases in patients (National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2010). The current trends show that the prevalence of chronic diseases is...

Areas That Would Influence Nursing Care

Introduction Technological advancements have enabled individuals from different cultures and environments to relocate, work, and communicate together. The experience has been both exciting and frustrating. Some individuals find it hard to adjust to cultural differences leading to a drop in their performances (Eshleman, 2013). Concerning nursing practice, an understanding of...

Alzheimer Disease: Causes and Treatment

Alzheimer disease (AD) is a type of dementia that mainly occurs among the older populations. The disease condition improves with the age. In other words, the disease gradually gets worse as the individuals’ age increases (Tom, Hubbard & Crane, 2014). Clinical studies indicate that the disease affect parts of the...

Patients in Undergraduate Psychiatric Nursing Experiences

Background The research study was undertaken by Gale Robinson-Smith, Patricia K. Bradley, and Colleen Meakim, of Villanova University College of Nursing. The authors’ contribution to the paper stems from several years of experience in the nursing profession, hence, the information contained in the paper is credible for use as an...

The Practice of Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a type of physical treatment with a long history and a variety of contradictions. Some people truly believe in its effectiveness, and people cannot realize whether it is safe to rely on this practice. Though manual medicine does address certain local ailments, its outcomes on a psychological...

How Cancer Affects the Skin?

Introduction The cutaneous membrane primarily consists of the outermost protective layer of the body found in human beings. The skin forms the majority of this membrane that rests on top of other connective tissues. It further belongs to the epithelial types of tissues that form an impermeable barrier throughout the...

Acute Bronchitis Symptoms Versus Pneumonia Symptoms

Acute bronchitis is a widespread clinical feature that occurs after an invasion of a pathogen on the upper respiratory tract (Schlossberg, 2008). Virus and bacteria are the main cause of the disease. Usually, the same viruses that cause influenza are to blame for acute bronchitis. Other viruses that cause the...

Leininger’s Theory of Culture Care

Introduction Culture care theory derives its principles from the dispositions of Leininger on nursing and cultural orientations. According to Leininger, transcultural nursing precepts involve an analysis of different cultures with a view to understanding cultural practices across various human groups. This comparative approach to studying cultures of human constructs is...

Annotated Bibliography to Health Literacy, Self-Care and Patients With Diabetes

Associations between health literacy, diabetes knowledge, self-care behaviors, and glycemic control in a low income population with type 2 diabetes The research problem focused on evaluating relationships among health literacy, patient knowledge, self-care, and control of glycemic in marginalized populations of low-income earners, primarily with type 2 diabetes. The purpose...

International Public Health Policy and Ethics

Introduction Policy making, being one of the most important forms of government, is influenced by many factors nowadays, many of which are simply disturbing the legislature rather than forming an adequate and impartial opinion. Essentially, the democratic society of the US undergoes a stage of advanced development since the opinion...

Details About Managed Care

Introduction Health care services are the most essential as they cater to the health conditions of the individuals in society. There is a need for proper management of the health centers to ensure that the services delivered are of the best quality and the most reasonable costs. Managed care Managed...

Health Promotion Project for Chronic Diabetic Kidney Disease

Summary of literature review The above review of literature shows that chronic diabetic kidney disease can be managed using the antagonistic protein agents with the potential to inhibit the action of growth factors and cytokines. These factors, which include cytokines, putative growth factors, growth hormone and insulin-like factors, play a...

The Link Between Hypertension and Chronic Kidney Disease

Background and Significance of the Problem The relationship between hypertension and kidney disease has been disputable for decades. Recent studies suggest that there is a definite link between the two disorders and it has been suggested that the relationship is cyclic (Buffet & Ricchetti, 2012). Buffet and Ricchetti (2012) that...

Frailty and Elders: Vaillant’s and Gillick’s Examples

Introduction Frailty is considered to be one of the most serious and problematic issues the elderly have to face one day. It is hard to overcome the consequences, and it is usually impossible to understand and get ready for frailty. This condition of vulnerability and inabilities to get control over...

Administering Medication: Risks and Monitoring

Administering medication for patients is an important and responsible task, which requires attention to multiple factors, such as patients’ individual needs, counter-indications, and possible complications. The wrong prescription of medication resulting in health deterioration may be connected with various aspects, such as incorrect dosage or manner of taking medicine. According...

Public Health Campaign on Sexually Transmitted Diseases Among Teenagers

Abstract Sexually transmitted infections account for high numbers of deaths and infections among the youth. A safe sex campaign can be an important initiative to reduce sexually transmitted infections. This essay discusses unprotected sex among teenagers as a public health issue that promulgates the spread of STDs. A large number...

The New Jersey Diabetes Prevention and Control Program

Introduction Obesity among children in America has increasingly become a major public health concern. According to the America Obesity Association, approximately 15 percent of children between the ages 6 – 11 years and adolescents aged between 12 – 19 years are obese. The problem of obesity in children did not...

Pathogenic Microorganisms: Description of the Research

Introduction The evolutionary development of pathogenic microorganisms, expressed in increasing resistance to disinfectants, is a severe problem for clinical and domestic environments. Infectious diseases have high mortality rates, which means an urgent need for in-depth research into the effectiveness of disinfectants against various bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The author of...

Pharmaceuticals in the U.S.A. Analysis

It is a widely accepted truth that pharmaceuticals’ prescription in the U.S. is the most expensive aspect of the entire healthcare system. Americans tend to spend more than 1,200$ on medical drugs a year, which is multiple times more than in any other developed country (Sunrise House, 2019). Raising prices...

Patients’ Safety in the United States

Introduction People make errors that result in accidents, adverse health outcomes, and mortality. For a long time, the healthcare system has been organized in a manner that errors in the health organizations are blamed on the individuals (Marx, 2001). As a result, a healthcare practitioner is held accountable and punished...

Nursing: The Disparity Analysis

Introduction In spite of efforts of health care professionals to improve the situation in the United States regarding the access to healthcare services, the quality of services provided for minority groups in the country is often lower in comparison with the numbers for the Whites. In this context, it is...

“Sources of Stress in Nursing Students” by Pulido

This is a critique of the paper titled Sources of stress in nursing students: a systematic review of quantitative studies by three University of Jaen scholars. All components of the article were evaluated for strengths and weaknesses. It was concluded that the paper was not well written and that it...

The Cardiovascular Disease: Crucial Issues

Introduction Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of mortality in the developed nations. The condition has been the single largest cause of death for a long period in the United States of America. According to Lakic, Tasic, and Kos (2014), CVD is a large burden to the society in...

Pharmacotherapeutics and Behavioral Interventions for Psychosocial Disorders

Psychosocial disorders are common occurrence in both children and adults. As such, effective treatment needs to be undertaken to combat the disorders. To achieve excellent results, review of pharmacotherapeutic, behavioral and a combination of the two needs to be undertaken. Minimizing the prevalence of psychosocial disorder requires thorough research on...

Stem Cells Research for the Cure of Cerebral Palsy

Introduction Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive condition that results from brain damage to the fetus during embryological development or immediately after birth (Carroll and Robert 468). Due to its early onset in a person’s life, the condition is diagnosed in infancy and early childhood. Clinical features of the condition are...

Vaccination: Child Immunization on the Government Level

Description of the Issues Vaccination is one of the most important procedures for a person, especially at a young age. With many serious diseases threatening the population’s health, society must take preemptive action to prevent any further harm. Many contagious illnesses from the past were almost completely eradicated by vaccination...

Physical Diagnosis and Solving Problems

The ability to solve problems is of great importance to human beings. When a human being is born, he/she is taken through a comprehensive training to enable him/her to solve problems. The ability to solve problems can be of benefit to individuals, the community, or an administration unit. Various people...

Pulmonary Complications and Incentive Spirometry

Introduction After abdominal surgery, many patients tend to develop difficulty in breathing or basically the functioning of the whole pulmonary system. These problems can escalate and cause serious pulmonary complications. It’s been found that these complications are a cause of the high rates of morbidity and mortality among patients who...

Premature Delivery Among Black Women

The socioeconomic gap between American residents has been a topic for a continuous discussion in terms of discrimination, access to the job market, and overall financial opportunities. However, the biggest discrepancy in the US context is the issue of limited healthcare based on ethnic and racial affiliation. Thus, according to...

Protocol for Focus Group

Introduction Focus group for the study is required for proper analysis and assessment of the input data, and for further offering of the possible research outcomes. It is generally stated that focus groups for public health studies should not involve patients of public health institutions for more objective analysis. Specific...

High White Blood Cell Count as a Sign of Infection

Among the various types of mechanisms intended to counter an infection, white blood cells form the first barrier to its spread after its penetration inside the body. Although white cells, also known as leukocytes, constitute only about one percent of blood contents, their functioning is vital for the immune systems...

IT Security Controls for Closed-Loop Referrals

Gap Analysis for Closed Loop Referrals The need to have appropriate information sharing system when a patient is referred from one clinician to another, or one health facility to the other has been on the rise. There has been a general concern among medical practitioners that the current systems do...

Female Condom Skills Training for HIV Risk Reduction

Introduction The number of women who are victims of the HIV virus amounts to almost half the total number of victims who live with the virus. Since its discovery, the virus has been the cause of numerous deaths across the globe. Among women, it is the greatest cause of death...

Anorexia Among Young Adults and Family Treatment

Dietary issues are characterized by the change in behavior, physique, and mental state. People tend to think that it is normal if a high school student decides to consume fewer carbs due to body disappointment. Nonetheless, continuous unhealthy dieting can transform into a habit which demonstrates a hazardous eating issue....

An Adult Male Patient With Tonic-Clonic Seizure

The patient is Kurt Johnson, a white male 48 years old. He was admitted to having a tonic-clonic seizure. The patient had a head injury after falling off a ladder at work a year and a half ago. CAT scan showed scar tissue overgrowth in the frontal lobe. What is...

Nurse-Led Program on Food Safety Problem

The problem of food safety is on the world agenda today due to multiple cases of existing infections and contaminations. This is why this problem is one of the greatest environmental concerns that should be treated by nurses much more carefully. According to Food Safety and Inspection Service (2011), recent...

Electron Microscopy in Pathology

Introduction Electron microscopy has become established as a useful diagnostic tool in pathology. Diagnostic electron microscopy entails the utilization of electron microscopy and its associated methods in all of their ramifications for the study of human disease as well as animal disease (Zond & Cosmi 2001). Modern advances in imaging...

Informed Letter Consent: What It Includes

The requirements for human use are informed by guidelines for good clinical practice as outlined by the Institutional Review Board [(IRB) Brown, 2011]. In this study, the rights and well-being of patients are a priority and will transcend societal and scientific interests. Each subject will obtain informed consent before participating...

Quality Measures Used in Epidemiology

Introduction Epidemiology is the study of health patterns, characteristics and events in a given society. It solely depends on statistical data and records in coming up with health policies which are developed after critically analyzing, interpreting and evaluating them. This essay compares and contrasts the epidemiology measures adopted by doctors,...

Postnatal Depression in New Mothers and Its Prevention

Motherhood is a wonderful experience that married women admire. They carry pregnancies and expect to deliver normal and healthy babies. Pregnancies and their aftermaths may have serious impacts on the lives of women and their children. Postnatal depression refers to a mental health problem that occurs in women after giving...

Article Summaries of Leadership as an Advanced Nursing Role

Extant nursing literature demonstrates that the availability of high-quality health services to patients can never be attained in the absence of skilled health professionals and a work setting that emphasizes performance excellence (Salanova, Lorente Chambel, & Martinez, 2011). Owing to the fact that effective nurse leadership has been positioned as...

Intelligence Quotient Importance for an Effective Leader

Introduction Leadership is one of the most interesting and debatable phenomena in the world. Scientists have made many attempts to investigate the distinctive features of leaders and reasons why people can be leaders (Derue, Nahrgang, Wellman, & Humphrey, 2011). The efficient leader has all necessary abilities to inspire, empower, and...

The Incorporation of Evidence-Based Practice into the Nursing

Abstract The issues of quality and patient safety have increasingly become the focus of nursing practice in contemporary society. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the significance of incorporating evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing care. EBP involves the incorporation of scientific knowledge into care processes to enhance healthcare...

American Nursing Code of Ethics

Introduction Healthcare becomes more and more complex every day. Changes occur so rapidly that it is near to impossible to be on top of all of the changes all of the time. There have been issues with nursing ethics from the very beginning but there have been increases in those...

Feedback: Heart Failure Project

This is feedback to the Heart Failure Project. The Project’s main objective is to decrease 30-day readmissions of heart failure patients at Odessa Regional Medical Center (ORMC) in Odessa Texas. It relies on a dedicated heart failure nurse educator to provide comprehensive heart failure education and to bridge the transition...

Health Care Delivery in the United States

Introduction Health care in the United States is wide and very complex due to the many factors and impact of stakeholders have on legislation and practice. Health care in the country is the most expensive in the world when compared to other heath care systems around the globe. Delivery of...

Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing Report in the United States

A summary of the key messages of the IOM report The US has a chance to transform its healthcare system and nurses, perhaps the largest workforce in the healthcare system, have critical roles to play in the transformation process. In this regard, the IOM focuses on fundamental issues to overcome...

Public Health: The Evidence-Based Policy and Practice

Over the past several years, there has been a growth in evidenced-base (EB) policy and practice in the public health arena. Is there a need for this type of policy making? What are the limitations of EB policy and practice? Be sure to use the readings to support your response....

Influenza Preparedness in Low-Resource Settings

Summary In the article titled, ‘Influenza Preparedness in Low-resource Settings: a Look at Oxygen Delivery in 12 African Countries’, Belle, Cohen, Shindo, Lim, Velazquez-Berumen, and Ndihokubwayo (2010) investigate the preparedness of 12 African countries’ healthcare systems for influenza outbreaks. Belle et al. (2010) assert that while influenza is a serious...

Case Studies – Testicular Torsion and Effects of Estrogen

Diagnosis From the symptoms provided by the patient and from the physical examination, it may be concluded that the patient is experiencing testicular torsion. This condition is common among individuals of ages 12 to 16. The major symptoms of this condition include nausea or vomiting, lightheadedness, swelling within one side...

The Roles of Advanced Nurse Practitioners

This paper is aimed at examining the article written by Rechele Jordow (2014) who discusses various roles of advanced nurse practitioners or ANPs. In particular, the author focuses on the activities of the healthcare providers working in medical homes. These professionals need to assist those patients who may suffer from...

Medical Pharmacology: Noradrenaline Effect on Vascular Rings

Introduction Noradrenaline is a hormone produced as a catecholamine by the sympathetic neurons from the heart; it is mainly used as a neurotransmitter. An increase in the levels of this hormone leads to contractions. The adrenal medulla is responsible in the production of this catecholamine that is further released by...

Situational Leadership Approach

Introduction A nurse’s position often requires the demonstration of effective leadership skills to be able to cope with a variety of tasks when working with patients and colleagues. The role of a charge nurse allows for developing and using different skills and abilities typical of leaders because job responsibilities include...

Influence of Poor Health Literacy on Public Health Leaders

Abstract The following article is devoted to investigation of such issue as health literacy and different possible ways to raise its level. Having analyzed media connected with this issue, it is possible to come to conclusion that it is very important question for public health leaders to call their attention...

DNP Project: Handwashing

What is the extent of non-compliance with handwashing protocol among health care workers during routine care for breast reconstruction patients who have had mastectomies? P – Health care workers who wash their hands during routine care for breast reconstruction patients who have had mastectomies I – Handwashing C – Health...

Crisis and Risk Communication in Public Health Leadership

The importance of crisis and risk communications in public health leadership is incontestable (Finset, 2011). Public health leaders need to acquaint themselves with the latest and most effective crisis and risk communication practices because they help response teams to complete their jobs effectively (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services...

Combatting the Factors Contributing to Preventable Deaths

To fight against preventable deaths effectively, the US health system needs to promote more programs to educate the population about threats and risks. Different medical institutions should be involved in a single system based on the creation of a mechanism to stimulate people to quit bad habits. This approach, as...

What Are the Future Trends and Challenges in Health Care Quality Improvement?

Introduction Healthcare is faced with various challenges in the United States especially economic expenditure and risks associated with the patient’s health. This is noted by increased cost of insurance premiums which only cover a small percentage of human health. Thus, those who cannot afford it have less access to goods...

Quantitative and Qualitative Research Designs in Healthcare

Reasons for Categorisation The quantitative design focuses on numerical data, while qualitative designs concentrate on narrative information (Polit & Beck, 2012). The two articles in question can be seen as examples of these two types of designs. The quantitative research dwells upon the use of computer-based self-management of diabetes among...

Medicare & Medicaid for Changing Needs of Society

Proper health care can be achieved when there are enough finances to support the costly diagnostic tests and processes, and lengthy stays for inpatients. Insurance is one of the healthcare system service components that protect individuals against dangerous risks when needing costly health care services. Insurance covers in this context...

Patients’ Rights under Managed Care

Introduction The healthcare sector is rife with patients’ complaints about the poor quality of services according to them. This is evidenced by the incidences of medical errors reported such as misdiagnosis, administration of wrong treatment, negligence by the health care providers, all of which have adverse effects on the patients...

Assistive Technology and Independent Living

Assistive Technology Technology and Living Independently Independent living Independent living revolves around disabled persons. It entails opportunities to make decisions affecting one’s life. It ensures that the individuals enjoy their rights in life (Carswell et al. 2009). Independent living fights for equal opportunities and full participation of an individual in...

Trumps Obsession: Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine

What do we know of president Trump’s obsession with chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine? The use of these drugs in the treatment of COVID-19 has been a matter of great concern due to the presence of the deadly Coronavirus epidemic, which has no cure. The president has continually pushed for the idea...

Functional Characterization of MicroRNAs in Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is the name given to the cancer that starts in the prostate gland. The prostate is a part of the man’s reproductive system and is as big as a walnut. It is wrapped around the urethra, the urine carrying tube (Mason and Moffat 2003).The most common...

Statistics in Epidemiology & Infection Outbreak

Statistics play a major role in epidemiology. Numerous populations of interests in epidemiology require articulate analysis and interpretation using statistics. For instance, vital conclusions in epidemiology can only be made after carrying out statistical analysis on a given database of raw data. Uncertainty is accounted for by the art and...

Ophthalmology: Recurrent Corneal Erosion

Abstract Recurrent corneal erosion is a common condition affecting the epithelium membrane of the eye. It is often presented with a sharp pain in the morning during waking, photophobia, redness, and watering of the eye. These symptoms are resultant from relatively poor epithelial adhesion. Most patients with RCE have the...

Healthcare Facility Systems Approach

Background As a Chief Patient Experience Officer, the main goal of the presentation is to introduce and design a new systems approach that meets the patient’s needs, expectations, and priorities. The approach also needs to exemplify the key values, such as community pride, justice, compassion, and respect. It is important...

Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluating Intervention Plan

Introduction Chronic Kidney Disease occurs as a result of a breakdown in the functioning of the renal due to kidney damage. Subsequently, the kidney may retain excessive quantities of harmful nitrogenous and non-nitrogenous wastes associated with the renal failure. This analytical treatise attempts to explicitly present an outline for evaluating...

Individual Power Plan in Nursing

My Sense of Power in My Organization My hospital has always provided timely and quality care to every patient. The hospital always focuses on the health needs of its patients. I have always used the best leadership theories to mentor my employees and nurse assistants (NAs). I have always used...

Researching the Eldercide Problem

The terms ‘abuse’ and ‘neglect’ do not seem to grab a lot of attention as they used to be some decades ago. We have become numb to hear about several cases of child abuse, child neglect, murders and rapes occurring in our own communities. The media is constantly bombarding us...

Risk Factors in the Development of Osteoporosis

Risk Factors Several factors act as risk factors for the development of osteoporosis. The common risk factors have been discussed in the following paragraphs. To begin with, the development of osteoporosis is enhanced by risks that can hardly be changed. The frame size and gender are some of the key...

Nurse-Physician Collaboration and Hospital-Acquired Infections

This review aims to analyze a research article by Boev and Xia (2015) titled, “Nurse-Physician Collaboration and Hospital-acquired Infections in Critical Care” as a model to describe the problem of hospital-acquired infection. The study was based on the assumption that collaboration between nurses and physicians could have an impact on...

Menopause: Stages, Symptoms, Mental Effects and Ways of Treatment

Introduction Menopause is a term used for a condition when the female reproductive system ceases to function appropriately, causing menstrual cycles to stop. This condition is regarded as natural, given that menopause occurs with all women as they reach a certain age. Nevertheless, menopause is broadly linked with a plethora...

Personal Protective Equipment During COVID-19

Introduction The COVID-19 global pandemic placed significant pressure on the U.S. health system due to a rapid increase in cases and a need for protective measures. Almost immediately it became clear that hospitals around the country were facing shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare personnel, necessary when providing...

Nursing Care Aspects Overview

As a child growing up in a humble background where health care was deficient and almost alien to me, I felt insecure about my own body because it was dependent on other people who understood how my body worked more than I did. In my lifetime I have seen people...

Obesity Prevention in Ramsey County, Minnesota

Community Description This study was conducted at Ramsey County, Minnesota. Based on the 2000 National Census, the County had a population of about 511,000 people in 18 cities, one township, and two unincorporated areas within 170 square miles. This is the smallest County, yet among the most densely populated in...

The Implementation of Different Complementary and Alternative Medicine

The assessment of strategies is very important due to the opportunity to share the experience on the implementation of different complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies. Besides, teamwork facilitates the process of sharing information and experience as well as introduces empowerment and challenge as integral elements of collaboration (Gardner, 2005)....

The Role of Organizational Culture Health Care

Introduction The nature of the health care industry is like combining the medical industry and the human touch. The health care industry includes the delivery of health services by health care providers. Merger means joining of two companies together to form a new company. This gives firms competitive advantages like...

A Summary of a Study About Eczema & Breastfeeding

This article provides a summary of findings of a study conducted in Britain to investigate if breastfeeding indeed protects children against developing eczema and other allergic conditions. Data for the study was collected on more than 50,000 children dispersed in 21 countries, with an average age of 10 years (Bakalar,...

Disability Courses and Control Measures Patients Can Apply to Manage Them

There are many causes of disabilities, including accidents and diseases. However, all physical handicaps fall within four main courses, steady, episodic, degenerating, and episodic degenerating types. Research shows that a physically challenged individuals’ social support falls apart as the handicap persists (Smart, 2016). This essay aims to discuss the various...

Physical Restraints For Older Patients

The study is aimed at investigating how nursing staff’s personal, communal and alternative methods of handling patients in circumstances maps where Physical restraints were used to control movement of older patients (Burns & Grove, 2009, p.23). Research Study Participant Brochure Nursing Research is very important to the fields of medicine...

Program Evaluation and the Institute of Medicine Domains of Healthcare

The discussed paper and Power Point Presentation evaluate the quality improvement project associated with the program to reduce the obesity within the Cajun community developed for Minute Med Walk in Clinic, Incorporated® (MMI®) in Louisiana. The project should identify the solution of the obesity problem at three levels (macro, meso,...

Public Opinion Polling and Health Legislation

Introduction Opinion polls play an important role in the formulation of crucial public policies in various regions in the world. Perlstadt and Holmes’ article, The Role of Public Opinion Polling in Health Legislation, shows how the public health sector in Michigan and Los Angeles employed public opinion polls’ results in...

The Use of Point-of-Care Ultrasound in the Practice of Different Nations

Medicine and healthcare in the United States are one of the most unique and distinct systems in the world. Although one can argue that it has an array of flaws, it is important to put these notions into a perspective in order to have a more precise understanding of the...

Promoting Mental Health: Creating a Teaching Plan

Description of developmental, age, socioeconomic, and cross-cultural aspects that should be considered during the gathering of subjective and objective data and for the provision of health care Adolescents and college going young people are likely to be still living with parents or guardians. The age of the patient can affect...

Universal Healthcare for Chronic Respiratory Diseases from Economic Perspective

Introduction Universal healthcare is already adopted in several countries, and their economic system is adjusted to effectively provide free medical care. Switching to it from any other plan is a complicated procedure regarding all the diseases and injuries. Most of the general measures and results will apply to the current...

Nursing Skills for Palliative Care: A Critical Analysis

Protection of Human Participants Like any other study, Study of nurses’ knowledge about palliative care: A quantitative cross-sectional survey by Prem et al. had several risks to face. First, some of the participants could have chosen the answers that would make them look good. Second, some of the questions could...

Nursing Delivery System and Model

Nursing delivery models According to Sullivan and Garland (2010) nursing care delivery models include the primary nursing, functional nursing, total patient care, and team nursing models. The primary nursing model provides complete health care services for patients in groups in a hospital under the guidance of a licensed practical nurse...