Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice in Hospital Care

The selected organization for this learning activity is the hospital I work for. The leaders at this facility encourage practitioners to use different national databases to identify and incorporate EBP whenever delivering patient care. Some of them include the Joanna Briggs Institute, PubMed, and the Cumulative Index to Nursing and...

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Medicaid and Medicare Services: An Evidence-Based Approach

The Identified Healthcare Issue One of the major goals of the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) is the elimination of the level of hospital readmissions. With this aim, the CMS has introduced the disciplinary punishment for those healthcare establishments the readmission rates in which are greater than expected....

Project Management in Nursing Doctoral Programs: Overcoming Key Challenges

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN] (2006) proposes several Essentials of Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) education. Essential VIII will be the focus of the present reflection, which will aim to review and evaluate the current course from the perspective of project management, as well as fiscal considerations....

Feeding in CHARGE Syndrome: Review of Hudson et al.’s Study

Research Problem The study by Hudson, Macdonald and Blake (2016) seeks to address the issues of packing and problematic feeding behaviors in individuals (particularly children) with CHARGE syndrome. While holding food without swallowing is an adverse event researched and described for autism and Down syndrome, it has not been addressed...

Managing Feeding Challenges in Children with CHARGE Syndrome: Insights

Research Problem The research problem that the study attempts to investigate is the frequent and long-term feeding difficulties that children with CHARGE experience (Dobbelsteyn, Peacocke, Blake, Crist, Rashid, 2007). This problem is easily identified in the first sentence of the abstract. It is clearly stated and described in more detail...

Family vs. School Nurses: Roles, Skills, and Responsibilities

Introduction Community health nurses operate in a variety of environments ranging from patients’ homes to public clinics. The key goal of community nurses is helping patients access the highest-quality care not only through supervising their treatment but also through educating and advising them on the appropriate measures of health. Since...

Health-Based and Non-Nursing Theories in Examples

Introduction The health of families and communities is one of the main priorities for nurses of different types. However, non-nursing theories may also have a significant effect on family and community behavior. This paper will show an example of a health-based theory and a non-nursing theory, their application to health...

Nuclear Family’s Assessment in a Low-Income Area

Introduction It was chosen to select a nuclear family in a low-income area for the present assessment. The choice was based on the fact that families that live in an environment that lacks resources for prosperity are more likely to have worse health outcomes compared to those who have access...

FDA and CMS: Key Roles in Regulating and Ensuring Quality Healthcare Standards

FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and CMS (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) are two agencies that regulate each nurse’s practice concerning patient advocacy and patient safety. In case a patient requests an alternative form of therapy, each of these organizations has some implications. In FDA, patient advocacy is realized...

Distinguishing the Advocacy of Nurses

Specialists in each of nursing roles, be it RNs, LPNs, licensed nurses, or unlicensed members of staff, regularly perform the function of advocates. A nurse advocate is defined as the person who provides active support to patients by defending their preferences and rights, helping them to make decisions, and guarding...

Medical Education of Patients

Healthcare institutions need to develop measures for improving the medicines use safety Problem description Negative consequences Nowadays situation Raising awareness Solutions Note: Safe medicines use is the basis of healthcare, and ignoring safety rules leads to the decrease of treatment efficiency. Nowadays, many medical institutions face the problem of negligence...

The Roles of a Community Health Nurse

Community health nursing is an integral part of providing care to patients in different set-ups. This nursing discipline incorporates evidence-based research and other established scientific approaches to deliver quality and timely care to patients. The assigned community setting for this assignment is a home hospice. The primary role of a...

Ethical Standards in Nursing: Codes, Frameworks, and Responsibilities

The profession of nurse is frequently underestimated in terms of its significance in the patient treatment process. However, even though a doctor takes more responsibility for direct medical interference, it is the nurse who ensures proper communication and patient care. For this reason, nursing implies a number of moral, ethical,...

Differentiating BSN and ADN Perceptions of Top-of-License Activities

Over time, the practical skills of nurses have undergone significant changes. Caring for the patient was the manifestation of compassion to a person in need. Moreover, women had to take care of the sick to a greater extent than men. Among the nations of the Ancient World, only relatives took...

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution in Nursing

In any environment involving collaboration and communication between individuals, there is a likelihood of conflicts happening. Be it poor working conditions, a low level of someone’s responsibility, or personal misunderstandings, disputes occur rather frequently in all kinds of professions. In the healthcare environment, conflicts are not a rare occasion due...

Aromatherapy vs. Medications for Postoperative Nausea Relief

Nausea and vomiting are common consequences of operations and anesthesia, which delay the recovery of the body and worsen people’s well-being. Patients are usually offered antiemetic medications to relieve symptoms; however, aromatherapy is also an effective and safe alternative to medicines. In this work, a PICOT question will be used...

Family in Health Crisis

Introduction A family in crisis stands at the turning point when its members face health problems and lack the instruments to cope with stress. In the given family, Juanita Brown is a single mother with three children and her mother who needs ongoing care. The family has no health insurance...

Non-Pharmacological Labor Pain Relief: Methods & Impact

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem Non-pharmacological interventions are beneficial in reducing labor pain, with minimal or no damage to mother and fetus, as well as the overall progress of labor. Such methods are simple and cost-effective, however, their application is not yet fully examined in clinical settings, specifically in sub-Saharan Africa....

The Impact of Professional Association Membership on Surgical Nursing Practice

Introduction A list of professional nursing organizations is impressive in the United States, and each of them has its specific goals and visions. At the same time, any organization has a similar characteristic, which is the promotion of a professional culture to collectively advocate for nurses and support their interests...

Global Health Conceptual Framework: Challenges and Innovations

Introduction By definition, health is defined as the absence of illness or injury, but the World Health Organization and many medical professionals and theories suggest that health is a state of complete “physical, mental, and social well-being” (Huber et al., 2011). The modern health continuum has evolved to provide a...

The Importance of Nurse Delegation Policies

Introduction The practice problem selected for this project is that insufficient nurse staffing leads to medication errors. A medication error is a preventable occurrence in the hands of a healthcare provider leading to or causing inappropriate medication use, potentially resulting in patient harm. Medication errors in healthcare environments may occur...

What Is a Philosophy of Nursing?

Introduction As a nurse, I believe since the time of Florence Nightingale, the goal of nursing has always remained the same, namely to provide a safe and caring environment that promotes patient health and well-being (Selanders & Crane, 2012). This goal forms the foundation of the nursing philosophy. In other...

Nursing is in Transformation, and That’s Good for Nurses

Introduction Nursing is an essential part of the healthcare system that has significant human resources and the capacity to meet the needs of the population for affordable and acceptable health care. Nursing specialists play a crucial role in ensuring the availability and quality of medical services provided to society, strengthening...

Addressing the Registered Nurse Shortage in the U.S. Healthcare System

Introduction The realization of population health, collective well-being, and impartial access to quality medical care are reliant on a contented and adequate workforce that has the ability to solve epidemiological problems and satisfy varying demands. Registered nurses (RNs) have an integral role to play in the provision of medical care....

Self-Care and Adverse Events in Ontario Home Care: Sun et al.’s Study

Introduction Self-care is one of the fundamental aspects of the nursing theory, as it ensures that patients will be able to manage their health conditions. At the same time, the inability to perform these actions might have a negative impact on clients. The selected paper by Sun, Doran, Wodchis, and...

Healthcare Strategies for Readmitted Patients: Pennathur & Ayres’ Study

Research Problem/Purpose Hospitals use the rate at which patients are readmitted as a measure of the quality of care provided. However, it is not known how healthcare workers change their provision of care strategies when dealing with readmitted patients, and thus this scenario presents a nursing problem. Therefore, the purpose...

The Theory of Comfort in Nursing

Introduction Throughout times, various nursing theories have emerged within the healthcare industry, and each of them defined nursing and its major elements in its way. Smith and Parker (2015) define nursing theories as “patterns that guide the thinking about nursing” (p. 2). Different healthcare professionals imply the concepts into their...

Bariatric Surgery for an Obese Patient

This paper provides an analysis of the case of Mr. C., a 32-year-old patient seeking data about bariatric surgery. The report addresses the clinical manifestations the man shows as well as his health history, noting their possible causes. The work discusses possible health risks associated with obesity and the appropriateness...

Motivational Strategies for Nurses

Motivation in the workplace can be understood as a process that impacts employees’ behaviors and attitudes towards their responsibilities. In the nursing area, motivation morale is significant since the actions of nurses largely determine patients’ health outcomes and their overall well-being. The failure to achieve the standards set leads to...

Dry Eye in Critically Ill Patients: Evidence-Based Study

Purpose of the Study The study’s objective is to determine which method of nursing intervention, liquid artificial tears or artificial tears gel, would be most effective in reducing or preventing dryness in ICU patients. Due to conditions and medications that patients have in the ICU, they cannot produce adequate moisture...

Dry Eye in Critical Care: Evidence-Based Practice

Purpose of the Study A common problem for ICU patients is dry eye due to their conditions, such as being comatose or medications (diuretics, sedatives) that block physical mechanisms of maintaining moisture in the eyes. The dry eye conditions pose significant risks to damaging the ocular surface resulting in irritation...

Liquid vs. Gel Artificial Tears for Dry Eye Prevention in Critically Ill

Purpose of the Study The study offers the background that patients in the ICU often have conditions that compromise eye protection mechanisms resulting in dry eye and other ocular surface disorders. This can lead to discomfort or even damage to the patient’s eye. Nursing interventions can be effective in preventing...

Hand Hygiene Issues as a Nursing Practice Problem

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The identified topic is hand hygiene issues among practicing nurses at hospitals. Because hand hygiene is critical for preventing spreading infections within care environments, failure to comply may lead to adverse patient outcomes. Therefore,...

Breastfeeding Practices as a Health-Related Topic

Discovery: Topic and Practice Issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic The selected health-related topic is concerned with breastfeeding practices. The nursing practice issue is related to educating pregnant women and those who have just given birth on the significance of breastfeeding for the infants’...

Nursing Research Designs and Purposes

Introduction One of the essential tasks of nursing is to achieve the highest efficiency and quality of nursing care for the population. Nursing research is based on study of various phenomena with a scientific approach. Being a nurse means being a professional, and research is one of the basic premises...

Primary Care vs. Team Nursing Models

The model of nursing care In the observed setting, nurses were working according to the primary mode of nursing care. Each of the nurses was assigned several patients for whom these professionals were responsible throughout their stay in the hospital. Nurses tended to their patients, including minor procedures such as...

iCARE Principles for Interdisciplinary Healthcare Teams: Implementation and Benefits

Introduction In hospital settings, interdisciplinary teams (IPTs) are an alternative to single profession physician practices. Even though IPTs are associated with improved patient outcomes, satisfaction, and team collaborations, the present paper focuses on hospital settings are not introduced. The clinic can benefit from the introduction of an IPT concentrate on...

Bedside Shift Reports and iCare Practice

Introduction Interprofessional teams constitute a crucial component of any hospital environment. Teamwork has been cited as an important factor in healthcare, since multiple specialists working in their individual roles all contribute to improved patient outcomes. Due to effective teamwork, “teams that are considered to lack skill succeed where others fail”...

Primary Nursing Care Model in Geriatric Units

The model of nursing care I observed the essential elements of the primary nursing model, including its being oriented at establishing productive relationships between nurses and patients and facilitating individualized provider-patient interactions (Nadeau, Pinner, Murphy, & Belderson, 2017). Moreover, I was able to observe the provision of personalized education to...

The Role of the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses in Patient Care

Nursing associations may play a considerable role in the professional development of a nurse by providing education and creating information-sharing networks. An example of such an organization is the American Association of Heart Failure Nurses (AAHFN). The organization seeks to set and maintain standards for heart failure nursing based on...

Registered Nurse Course Reflection

Before enrolling in the RN-BSN program at WCU, my perception of nursing leadership and management roles was very limited, as I viewed managing positions as distant and authoritarian at its core. However, with the introduction of the nurse management role in patient care during classes, I learnt a multitude of...

Interprofessional Care and Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Nowadays, there are numerous methods that are implemented in order to strengthen the system of medical care, and interprofessional collaboration is one of them. Interprofessional collaboration is a joint effort of workers from various professional backgrounds aimed to deliver the highest quality of care to those who need it...

Institute of Medicine on Nursing Professional Development

The Institute of Medicine’s report outlines the four messages that should be considered to achieve success in nursing practice. Message #1 states that “nurses should practice to the full extent of their education and training” (Institute of Medicine, 2011, p.4). The main idea of this passage is that regardless of...

Falls Prevention in Sedated Psychiatric Patients

Abstract Patient falls are frequent in patients taking psychiatric medications, and such adverse events are associated with both physical injuries and extra treatment costs. The paper reviews current knowledge on fall reduction strategies in psychiatric populations. As the literature review suggests, strategies that are the most beneficial to psychiatric patients...

Asthma Management in Children: Research Critique

The article “Does participation in the community outreach for asthma care and healthy lifestyles (COACH) program alter subsequent use of hospital services for children discharged with asthma?” appeared in the Journal of Asthma. It was written by Pinto, Navallo, and Petrova (2019). The purpose of the study was to define...

Forensic vs Advanced Practice Nursing: Evolution and Comparative Analysis

Introduction Effective collaboration among specialists from different healthcare units enables better patient outcomes. To achieve such beneficial cooperation, the understanding of varieties between nursing roles is required. Advanced practice nursing (APN) is justly regarded as one of the most crucial divisions in healthcare settings. The professionals working in this direction...

Comparing PICOT Questions in Hand Hygiene Research Studies

In medicine, research, experiments, and surveys are regularly conducted and serve as excellent tools for the development of new treatment methods, understanding patients’ needs, concerns, and so on. It also helps healthcare professionals to evaluate the effectiveness of new medications and medical procedures. One of the ways to conduct successful...

Nurse’s Role in the Occupational Health Setting

The classic image of a nurse sitting in a hospital with a clipboard has already been put aside. Nowadays, nurses are engaged in healthcare promotion among all the spheres of life. They serve as a bridge for the dialogue between people and healthcare systems as they directly communicate with workers...

Nursing Understaffing: Theory and Evidence-Based PICOT Implementation

Nursing Theory Among the main tasks of nursing management is the development of organizational and managerial reserves for work with personnel and consolidation of professional and departmental efforts for the population’s healthcare. Therefore, the staffing issue is of high importance for the management of medical organizations. During previous years, nursing...

Nursing Shortage Issue in the Healthcare Sector

Selected Issue The increasing global population means that existing medical professionals should work hard to deliver high-quality and personalized health services. Unfortunately, the current number of nurses providing medical support and care in this country continues to decline. This is the case since the consumption or demand for such services...

Addressing Medication Errors in Nursing Practice: Challenges and Solutions

Clinical Nursing Practice Problem The selected nursing problem is the issue of medication errors, which falls under the topic of safety. The issue of medication errors is the most important nursing practice problem due to several reasons. First, patients’ lives are put in danger when nurses make errors when administering...

Nursing Development: Inter-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction Continuous improvement of healthcare services with the application of evidence-based practices is crucial for better patient outcomes delivery. For this purpose, nursing leaders are responsible for timely addressing the drawbacks in the staff’s work and adhering to new regulations. Hospital re-admission and poor nursing care are the most significant...

Examining the Impact of Past Abusive Relationships on Nursing Practice and Care

Domestic violence is a widespread occurrence with long-term negative social and health impacts. Almost a third of women (30%) are likely to experience some form of domestic violence and abuse, twice as likely as men (Bradbury-Jones & Clark, 2016). Nurses often directly work with patients who may experience abuse during...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Theory in Modern Nursing Practice

The most important and priority function of the health care system is prevention. For this reason, nursing is one of the essential components of the health care system of any country. Health care personnel can suggest ways of prevention to reduce the incidence of disease. Nurses are no longer secondary...

Nurse Prescriptive Authority: Florida and Maryland Laws

Introduction The role of nurses in modern society is extremely important because these people contribute to the quality of human life. In addition to a number of administrative tasks, activities, and ethical aspects, nursing practice is characterized by certain legal regulations. There are specific laws and levels of responsibility that...

Transitional Nursing Care Model Implementation

Program Implementation To integrate the Transitional Model of Care into the nursing setting, one will need to plant the proposed technique into the setting of a local healthcare facility. The program will be launched starting with the evaluation of the current extent of success in managing patient handovers and similar...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Handwashing Intervention

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) are a prevalent cause of infection, disability, or death in hospitalized patients due to the presence of pathogens in healthcare settings. This results in decreased quality of care and negative outcomes. The PICOT statement for this project is: In ICU/post-op patients (P), what is the effect...

Retaining Experienced Nursing Retirees: Tackling Healthcare Staffing Issues

Introduction Nursing understaffing is a prevalent issue in the U.S. healthcare system impacting the quality of care, the safety of patients, and the professional wellbeing of medical professionals. Nurses face increased workloads, long hours, and highly irregular work patterns which lead to chronic fatigue, stress, and sleep deprivation. To prevent...

Enhancing Patient Hand Hygiene: Nursing Interventions to Prevent Infections

Nursing Theory in the Project: Self-Care Theory To support the implementation of the proposed project, it is imperative to define theoretical assumptions that best support decision-making and prevent potential problems from affecting practical results. The plan is to make both patients and staff members more compliant with standards and recommendations...

Pressure Ulcers Development and Nursing Care

Introduction The problem of pressure ulcers presents a significant challenge to health care delivery, and nurses dealing with it should have the most capacity to address it. Patients who are unable to move develop ulcers, which are areas of necrosis and ulceration that occur from the combination of pressure, moisture,...

Pressure Injury Prevention: Evidence-Based Solution

Introduction Pressure injuries are a hospital-acquired condition that frequently emerges in environments where patients stay immobile for extended periods, such as intensive care units. These wounds are generally preventable and associated with significant harm, extending the patient’s length of stay, worsening outcomes, and causing financial damage. Their prevalence mostly stems...

Nurse Managers’ Leadership Styles

Introduction Nursing is an integral part of the healthcare system, and the nursing staff is currently the largest category of health workers. The role, functions, and organizational forms of activities of the nursing unit – nurses are extensive. In modern conditions, it is worth highlighting such features of nurses as...

Implementing Hand Hygiene Education to Improve Patient Safety in Nursing Practice

Handwashing in medical facilities is one of the most effective procedures that help to reduce infection rates. However, this preventive measure has limited usage among health workers. For example, a study that investigated hand hygiene (HH) compliance in a children’s hospital demonstrated that the overall preintervention rate among medical staff...

Pressure Ulcers: Background, Management, and Key Issues

The modern healthcare sector is focused on the gradual reconsideration of all services it provides to patients with the primary aim to significantly improve the health of the nation and eliminate various health concerns threatening citizens living in different states. At the same time, there are numerous efforts to improve...

Evaluating Pressure Ulcers: Prevention, Management, and Best Practices

The present paper aims at formulating the formal project proposal by covering the topics essential for this purpose. The selected healthcare issue is pressure ulcers, which is one of the greatest burdens in nursing care. The paper will incorporate such elements as the explanation of the problem’s significance, the formulation...

Nurse Understaffing Problem in USA

Nurse understaffing is a common problem for many developed countries including the USA. The increasing number of older patients, low salaries, and insufficient prestige of the profession contribute to the shortage of nursing professionals. In its turn, inadequate nurse staffing and work-related stress lead to nursing professionals’ burnout, fatigue, and,...

Influenza: Treatment and Prevention Methods

Influenza (flu) is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus that affects respiratory organs, including the nose, throat, and lungs. The illness can cause mild to severe complications and it is primarily spread through the transfer of respiratory fluids from an infected person to a healthy person during...

Issue of Nursing Personnel Understaffing in Hospitals and Ways to Improve It

Project Summary Background The capstone project’s focus is on the issue of nursing personnel understaffing in hospitals and ways to improve it. Staffing describes the number of people employed in a particular establishment. The number of nurses employed and the number of patients in a hospital is taken into consideration...

Spiritual Needs: Managing Challenges

Interview Interviewer (I): Thank you for participating in the interview. You will be asked several questions concerning your recent experience of using nursing services and the nurse’s management of your spiritual needs. Participant (P): Sounds good. I: But first, tell me about yourself. P: I am an Asian American man,...

Drop in the Number of Nursing Staff

Providing patients with instant access to high-quality healthcare services is one of the crucial responsibilities of nursing experts. However, the implementation of the specified task is becoming overly complicated due to the rising levels of understaffing in the nursing setting. Despite being scrutinized closely by global organizations such as WHO...

Balancing Ethical Considerations in Nursing: Healing vs. Patient Autonomy

The case study presents a frequent conflict between conventional medical treatment and spiritual beliefs that affect medical decision-making. In this case, Mike’s decision to opt for prayer healing instead of temporary dialysis has influenced his son’s condition and created a need for a kidney transplant. Mike is now contemplating whether...

Nurses’ Practice Environment and Satisfaction

All courses that students take during their academic life are essential, but the one that this paper is focused on was particularly helpful for me. Learning how to write and revise a research paper has given many insights into the future profession, and the skills obtained during the work on...

Nurse Understaffing Issues in the Hospitals

Nurse understaffing is a complex issue that has a direct influence on patient safety and the consequent adverse events that occur in hospitals. Since there is a correlation between nurse understaffing and poor patient outcomes, there is a need to address the issue as soon as possible. Studies conducted on...

Prevention of Pressure Ulcers

PICOT Question Will you have a comparison group or will subjects be their own controls? As the project focuses on the prevention of pressure ulcers and not on their treatment, it would not be possible to use subjects as their own controls. Based on the evidence collected, using historical data...

The Epidemiology and Control of Clostridium Difficile in Hospitals

Introduction Nursing is currently in a paradoxical situation since there is an emphasis on interdisciplinary cooperation, but the core aspects of nursing practice are being scrutinized for utility by the economics of the health care market. Therefore, the reality of the devaluation of nursing creates a culture where physicians are...

HIV: The Impact of Chronic Illness

Interview Responses What is your name? How old are you? My name is R. A. I am 29 years old. Do you have a family? Yes, I have. I live with my parents and my younger brother, but I am not married. When were you diagnosed with HIV? I was...

Substance Use Disorders Among Registered Nurses

Introduction Impaired nursing practice occurs when a nurse cannot provide adequate patient care due to being under the influence of chemical substances, such as drugs or alcohol (Thew, 2017). Impaired practice is often viewed in relation to drug diversion, as nurses might use addictive drugs that are prescribed to patients...

IOM Recommendations Impact on Nursing and Healthcare Policies

IOM Report Discussion The four recommendations proposed by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) produced a considerable impact on nurses and nursing organization across the U.S. The IOM report called The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health identified the four major issues in nursing that need to be addressed in...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

Nursing: Scope and Standards of Practice

Introduction Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), also referred to as advanced practice nurses (APNs), is a broad term that comprises nurse practitioners, nurse midwives, nurse anesthetists, and clinical nurse specialists. In the United States, about 8 percent of all registered nurses are trained to become APNs (“Advanced practice nursing fact...

“Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, and Compassion Satisfaction Among Oncology Nurses in the United States and Canada” the Article by Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, and Su

Introduction Varying healthcare systems between countries may create different work conditions for staff. The article examines the relationships between the demographic attributes and secondary traumatic stress, burnout, or satisfaction in a sample of American versus Canadian nurses in the oncology unit (Wu, Singh-Carlson, Odell, Reynolds, & Su, 2016). From the...

Change Management in Healthcare: Using the Principles of Transformational Leadership

Abstract Managing change in a nursing environment is a challenging task due to the lack of the values, philosophy, and guidelines that allow nurses to improve their performance. In addition, the lack of motivation is evident in the specified context. However, the introduction of the principles of Transformational Leadership (TL)...

Compassion Fatigue & Burnout in Oncology Nurses: Wu et al.’s Study

Introduction Although the needs of nurses are often overlooked in a hospital setting, staff members may face serious health issues due to an inadequate schedule, workplace pressure, and similar factors increasing stress. Thus, tools for handling the problem and reducing the pressure under which nurses are forced to work is...

The Impact of Work-life Balance on Nurses

Introduction Topic Work-life balance is a critical factor that has an impact on employees’ motivation, job satisfaction, and performance. However, for nurses working in hospitals, achieving work-life balance can be challenging. This problem causes nurses to experience other job-related issues, such as burnout, stress, deterioration of personal relationships, and exhaustion,...

Key Insights from a Nursing Manager’s Interview: Case Study Findings

Introduction C. W. is the nursing manager of the chronic spinal cord specialty care department in the Boston healthcare system. I have chosen her for this interview due to the experience of collaboration from the time when I used to work in the acute medical oncology inpatient care unit, where...

Nurse Staffing Issues: Interactive Case Study

Student 1 The Week 6 Staffing Issues Interactive Case Study exemplifies the practical significance of overstaffing as one of the most important factors influencing negative outcomes for both nurses and patients. In the case study under consideration, several nurses discuss their increased workload and issues related to it. It is...

Enhancing Nurse Job Satisfaction and Engagement Through Effective Leadership

Research Problem/Purpose The article “The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Patient Satisfaction” by De Simone, Planta, and Cicotto (2018) examines the impact of various elements such as work fulfillment, employees’ commitment, and self-efficacy on healthcare officials’ turnover plans and patients’...

Flexible Work Schedules in Nursing: Benefits and Implementation

Introduction Topic The primary research question for this project is the importance of flexible work schedules in the workplace and especially in the nursing profession. The working thesis is that flexible work schedules improve employees’ performance, and thus employers should adopt the concept for successful and profitable organizations. Context/Background Flexible...

Enhancing Nurse-Physician Collaboration for Better Patient Outcomes in Medicine

Theoretical Framework Although nurses and physicians perform different functions, their major goal is to provide high-quality care and improve patient outcomes. Consequently, their cooperation should focus on quality. Thus, a theoretical framework for this type of interaction can be grounded on a middle-range theory developed by Joanne Duffy, which is...

Culturally Competent Care: Insights from Johnstone et al. (2016)

In order to determine the modern characteristics of culturally competent care and the principles used in nursing practice for patients with different backgrounds, the experience of various authors may be useful. As one of the examples, the study by Johnstone, Hutchinson, Redley, and Rawson (2016) called “Nursing Roles and Strategies...

Addressing Low Nurse Staffing Issues in Hospital Settings: Key Solutions

The focus of the capstone project will be on low staffing of nurses in hospital settings. Low nurse staffing is a critical practice issue that is prevalent in the United States, as well as in Europe and Asia. The problem is of great importance to nursing practice, as it affects...

Ethical Dilemma of Circumcision: Nurse’s Role

The Nature of the Issue Male circumcision (MC) is a highly debated topic among medical professionals, religious people, and human rights activists. Currently, the decision to agree to this procedure does not belong to children in many countries, while other states try to change their legal structure to make the...

The Concept of Orem’s Theory of Self-Care Deficit

Meaning The main idea behind Orem’s theory is that the vast majority of the patients desire to be able to care for oneself and the individual members of one’s family. Some of the major assumptions behind the theory are as follows (Alligood, 2017): Every patient is a distinct individual with...

Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory

Meaning For the purposes of this assignment, Dorothea Orem’s self-care deficit nursing theory is chosen. It is based on several principal assumptions, which are the following: a “theory created for a practical science such as nursing encompasses not only the What and Why, but also the Who and How;” nurses...

Dorothea Orem’s Deficit of Care Theory: Meaning, Origins, and Usefulness

Meaning Patient education and awareness are crucial to the successful delivery of healthcare services. As long as a target demographic is capable of identifying a health threat and managing available resources, the possibility of complications or a rise in mortality rates drops significantly (Pelicand, Fournier, Le Rhun, & Aujoulat, 2015)....

“Patients’ Satisfaction With the Quality of Nursing Care Provided: The Saudi Experience” the Article by Atallah et al.

Introduction This paper reviews the article by Atallah, Hamdan‐Mansour, Al‐Sayed, and Aboshaiqah (2013) that studies the reasons behind patients’ satisfaction with the nursing care quality and reveals the areas for quality improvement of medical assistance. This critique paper provides an evaluation of the mentioned research, including its purposes, methods, and...

Strategic Leadership and Management in Nursing Environments

Introduction Healthcare facilities are integrated environments where multiple factors can influence the quality of care provided to patients. However, without the availability of a necessary number of nurses in healthcare facilities, practice settings will be unable to function the way they should. Because of this, it was chosen to focus...

Enhancing Patient Outcomes with Better Nurse-Physician Collaboration

Project Purpose The efficacy of healthcare strategies often hinges on the successful management of patients’ data and its transfer from one member of a healthcare setting to another (Conn, Kenaszchuk, Dainty, Zwarenstein, & Reeves, 2014). Therefore, the issue of relationships between nurses and physicians deserves close attention as one of...

Strategies to Prevent Readmissions and Hospitalizations: Best Practices

Introduction Since the study has dealt with the combination of exploratory and descriptive designs for employing a mixed-methods approach to data collection, the results of different statistical tools will be analyzed separately. First, a literature review was conducted to account for the following three research questions: What are the main...

The Concept of Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing

Introduction Nursing theorists and their work have a significant impact on nurse education and clinical practice. They can be applied both in theoretical research and used practically in diverse interventions aimed at the improvement of patient care quality and patient outcomes. One of the theories most commonly employed in practice...

Causes of Bullying in Nursing

Introduction The relationship between medical staff is an important aspect that determines the quality of work in a particular institution and the healthcare system as a whole. However, in the practice of even the most well-known and respected clinics, one can find cases of bullying, which often arise among nurses....

Nurse Staffing and Patient Care Quality and Safety

Introduction Patient care quality and safety are the primary concerns of the health care system that are influenced by many factors. These factors include professionalism and competence of healthcare providers, availability of care, patients’ condition and treatment compliance, equipment and funding of a healthcare facility, etc. One of these factors...

The Problem of Burnout in Nursing

Introduction Burnout is among the essential human resources issues in nursing. Nurses experience burnout due to high workload, poor working conditions, lack of support structures, and many other factors. However, research surrounding the issue shows that some leadership and human resources management strategies can be useful in reducing burnout. Researching...

The Problem of Nurse-Delivered Patient Education

Identification of the Problem Patient education is one of the concerns of health care with the potential to improve patient outcomes through educating them about peculiarities of their conditions and the necessary care. Some time ago, patient education was the responsibility of physicians. Nevertheless, with the increasing role of a...

“Nurse Burnout in China“ the Article by Lu, M., Ruan, H., Xing, W., & Hu, Y.

Introduction Nurse burnout is one of the most present problems to exist in hospitals across the world. Due to the very labor-intensive as well as mentally and emotionally exhausting nature of medical work, burnout levels among nurses and physicians are very high. This results in high turnover rates, which, in...

“The Future as a Series of Transitions: Qualitative Study of Heart Failure Patients and Their Informal Caregivers” the Article by Jones, J., Nowels, C. T., Sudore, R., Ahluwalia, S., & Bekelman, D. B.

Abstract This paper provides a critical review of the article by Jones, Nowels, Sudore, Ahluwalia, and Bekelman (2015), which is entitled “The Future as a Series of Transitions: Qualitative Study of Heart Failure Patients and Their Informal Caregivers.” The purpose of this assignment is to elaborate and critique several principal...

Evolving Practice of Nursing and Patient Care Delivery Models

Introduction The improvement of nursing aid and the quality of care has always been one of the priorities in the development of medicine. The use of modern approaches allows strengthening the current health system and achieving positive patient outcomes. Reforms and changes that have occurred in this area over the...

Nursing Informatics: Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction The process of treatment and care involves different professionals including nurses. Nursing itself is grounded on some principles and theories. Frequently, nurses develop their own philosophies during their work. These philosophies are usually a blend of already existing philosophies developed by nurse theorists and nurses’ personal experiences. Therefore, as...

Advocacy in Nursing: The Process of Healthcare Policymaking

Introduction In the course of their jobs, nurses have to advocate for the patients and the profession. Nurses spend most of their time with patients, and thus they understand the strengths and limitations of the healthcare system from a broad perspective based on firsthand experience. However, nurses are rarely involved...

Nursing Theories and Personal Philosophy: Theoretical Foundations and Practices

Introduction Being a nurse in a palliative care department can be challenging. The patients receiving healthcare services are often in pain and can be overwhelmed by emotional distress alongside serious health conditions. Communication is regarded as one of the key elements of care provided to such patients (Kelley & Morrison,...

The Key Concepts of Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Various nursing philosophies are presented in the literature, each of which suggests unique goals and principles. However, it is essential for every nurse to design his or her personal nursing philosophy to specify the essence of practice, aims to be achieved, and principles to be implemented, as stated by...

Future of Nursing: The IOM Report & Action Coalitions

Introduction The nursing profession forms an integral part of the United States’ healthcare workforce. In 2010, there were over 3 million practitioners and clinicians in the country. When these nurses are empowered, supported, and guided, they can respond competently to most of the health predicaments facing many Americans. This paper...

The Principles of Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction Although a number of widely accepted nursing theories and philosophies exist, it is common for each nurse to develop an individual one based on the knowledge, experience, and contexts acquired throughout their education. A personal philosophy is a statement of beliefs, values, and ethics in terms of nursing practice...

Core Concepts of Patient-Centered Care: Implementation and Benefits

Introduction The present paper will consider one of the nursing competencies: Patient-Centered Care (PCC). PCC can be defined as a form of holistic care that is suited to the specific needs, preferences, abilities, and circumstances of patients and aims to empower them along with their families (Constand, MacDermid, Dal Bello-Haas,...

Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing: Concepts and Implementation

Introduction Modern nursing is primarily based on patient-centered care (Hood, 2018). All nursing theorists, such as Nightingale, Watson, Orem, and others stress out the value and importance of patients as well as their physical and emotional states. Since the purpose of medicine is to promote health, it is only natural...

Nursing Professionalism in Social Media

Introduction As a rapidly growing networking platform, social media is an interactive way of sharing information, learning news, and connecting with others that became an integral part of modern society. Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram are regarded as beneficial tools for professional networking and education of its...

Analysis of Orem’s Nursing Theory

Background of Orem’s Theory The self-care deficit theory is a grand theory that was elaborated by Dorothea Orem to enhance nursing education and practice. After receiving a nursing diploma from Providence Hospital School of Nursing in Washington, DC, she practiced in various hospitals and operated in the role of a...

Team Nursing Model in Intensive Care Unit

The success of patient care efforts is inextricably connected with the effective selection and use of the models of nursing care delivery. Such models describe the basic principles used to organize care and distribute responsibilities. If I were the manager of the ICU where I work, I would advocate for...

Fall Prevention and Quality Interventions

Brief Statement of Nursing Care Issue Current shortage of nursing practitioners (NP) results in the deteriorating quality of healthcare. Over the recent years, the hospitalized individuals become subject to medical discrepancies and failure to deliver timely assistance more frequently than ever before (Glette, Aase, & Wiig, 2017). To address the...

Strategic Planning for Future Nursing Professional Development and Growth

Nursing is a challenging and intense field of work that requires workers to grow continually and self-develop. It has become one of the fastest-growing fields of work. Therefore, this group of medical workers can implement specific long-lasting changes to the healthcare system of the USA. Nurses have proximity to patients...

Registered Nurses’ Career Choices: Insights and Influencing Factors

Introduction Introduction and Statement of Purpose The main purpose of this interview is to communicate with a registered nurse and collect information about her experience, feelings, emotions, and factors that impacted her decision to become a nurse. It will help to understand the motivation of health workers and their experiences...

Analyzing O’Connor’s “Detecting Distress” Study on Gynecologic Cancer

Purpose of the Study A high level of distress is one of the main consequences of the process of fighting against cancer. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to be able to detect signs of distress in their patients. Particularly, a study by O’Connor, Tanner, Miller, Watts and Musiello (2017)...

How to Develop a Strategic Mindset: Article Summary

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to give a summary of the assigned article by Sherman and Cohn (2019). Additionally, the paper seeks to establish the impact of the article contents on my future practice. The systems thinking stage helps to single out the components of the issue and...

Family Practitioner’s Personal Nursing Philosophy

Nursing Autobiography Medicine has been my profession since my early age. I graduated from Medical Science University of Cuba, as in General Medicine 24 years ago, but my specialty has always been Internal Medicine. In 2008 I came to this country looking for new opportunities to continue contributing my knowledge...

Reducing Hospital Readmission Rates Through Strategic Follow-Up Call Programs

Introduction Due to the importance of improving the transitional care model through follow-up calls to reduce patient readmission rates, the nursing practice should be based on a special methodology involving a comprehensive assessment of the problem. Since the work is aimed at the direct interaction of medical personnel with patients,...

Elderly Education for Fall Prevention: Nursing Study

Studying the problem of falls among the population of elderly patients is necessary due to the high risks of mortality and morbidity associated with them. Injuries related to falls in older adults are common and represent one of the major causes of long-term pain and functional impairment among the target...

Nursing Research Designs and Sampling Procedure

Nursing research is one of the most important sources of information available for specialists working in the healthcare sector. The constant appearance of new problems along with the sophistication of already existing issues preconditions the need for extensive knowledge related to various fields as it will help to find new...

ICare & Interprofessional Teams in Pediatric Wards

Introduction Many healthcare settings embrace the idea of interprofessional teams to meet the changing demands of their respective patients. The targeted work setting for this discussion is that of a pediatric ward in a small clinic with six beds. The unit provides timely services to children in need of immediate...

Team-Based and Synergy Models for Patient Care

The model of nursing care I observed the team model of nursing in an intensive care unit in a certain hospital. The majority of patients in this unite were facing life-threatening conditions, and thus they needed constant supervision from the nurses and other technical staff members. Care providers in this...

ICare & Interprofessional Teams in Oncology Units

Introduction The work setting selected for this assignment is the field of oncology in one of the cancer clinics in the region. Interprofessional teams are present in the workplace as nutritionists, radiologists, nurses, and other support staff members are involved in the day-to-day running of the facility. One of the...

Transitional Nursing Care Project: Planning Phase

Introduction to the Problem Transitional nursing care emphasizes the need to pay attention to the process of discharging a patient from a hospital and their transfer to home care. These patients often have multiple comorbidities and have to be consulted by different specialists. Upon discharge, the patients can experience difficulties...

Nursing Professional Development in Florida: APN & NP Competencies

APN professional development plan is a document that nurses seeking to further their career create to guide and record activities that should be undertaken to meet requirements for advanced practice in nursing. Having a professional development plan is also an indication that nurses are improving and maintaining their competence to...

Nursing Understaffing as a Capstone Project Topic

Nurses should collaborate and apply their competencies to meet the health needs of the greatest number of patients. Unfortunately, the current patient-practitioner ratio remains low in many parts of the United States. This issue explains why healthcare professionals continue to experience increased workloads. This project gives a detailed description of...

Developing Strategic Thinking Skills in Nursing: Insights from Sherman and Cohn

Article Summary The article by Sherman and Cohn (2019) is dedicated to one of the most significant aspects of healthcare professionals’ work: strategic thinking skills. As the authors note, these skills nowadays serve as “a critical differentiator” among those applying for leadership positions (Sherman & Cohn, 2019, p. 14). Promoting...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Using Orem’s Theory

Early in the process of my nursing training, I came to a realization that learning the key aspects of the nursing profession suffices not. Given how strenuous the work in health care can be, a nurse needs to have his or her “why” figured out to guide them when the...

Personal Nursing Philosophy Based on Peplau’s Theory: Insights and Applications

The metaparadigm of nursing covers the concepts fundamental to the profession. In particular, these are elements such as client, nursing, health, and the environment (Black, 2016). They are interconnected and penetrate each other, creating a holistic approach to patient care. My understanding that caring for clients should entail all these...

Community Health Nursing Roles in Kendal Drive Settings

Community health nurses (CHN) contribute significantly to the improvement of population health in the United States by playing different roles under healthcare provision. The community setting selected for this assignment is Kendal Drive, an urban area in Miami with several nursing homes and comfort zones. One of the vulnerable populations...

Understanding Nursing Conflicts: Types, Causes, and Implications

Conflicts are an indispensable part of any working environment. In the nursing profession, researchers outline several types of conflicts: intrapersonal – occurring within one individual, intragroup within one group, and intergroup between two or more groups (Higazee, 2015). Aside from that, conflicts can be competitive when groups or individuals compete...

Addressing Cultural Competence as a Crucial Leadership Issue in Nursing Practice

As multiculturalism becomes a global trend, it is abundantly easy to imagine how a nurse and a patient experience certain misunderstandings due to their use of different cultural codes. For this reason, modern nursing education makes it a point to emphasize the importance of cultural competence in clinical settings. In...

Roles in Advanced Practice Nursing

Introduction The role of nurses in the American healthcare system has changed dramatically since the first part of the 20th century. Nurse practitioners provide a wide range of healthcare services and perform a key role in the process of communication with patients. Registered nurses (RN) have a set of responsibilities...

Pediatric Obesity and Self-Care Nursing Theory

Introduction Nowadays, obesity can be listed among extremely common health issues that lead to a variety of risks. The presence of excess body fat in children has to be given special consideration since healthy childhood is a prerequisite to normal physical and psychological maturation. The discussed research project is proposed...

Student Veterans’ Experience: Photovoice Methodology

The article featured in this critique discusses an analysis of the lived experience of student veterans that uses photovoice methodology. The author postulates that the population group has trouble adjusting to student life. He then evaluates a group of volunteers who used cameras to convey their transition experience. As a...

Legal and Ethical Considerations in Nursing Delegation Practices in Florida

Introduction The work of junior medical personnel requires professionalism and a responsible approach to the performance of immediate duties. At the same time, in order to differentiate the qualifications of nurses, there are specially licensed degrees that determine the range of rights and powers of employees. The activities of specialists...

Childhood Obesity: School-Based Activity Interventions

Introduction Childhood obesity is a prevalent health issue in developed countries defined as the excess of body fat and creates a high risk for the general population to develop a range of adverse problems and co-morbidities as demographics evolve. Numerous efforts have been made to address the rise of childhood...

Pressure Ulcers Care in Critically Ill Patients

Applicable Nursing Theory Utilized Jean Watson’s theory of Human Caring is applicable to the given project as it focuses on health promotion and highlights the need for nurses to provide patients with holistic care. Informing nurses about Watson’s caring theory may help return them to their deep professional roots and...

Healthcare Delivery Models and Nursing Trends

Introduction Nurses have evolved from being specialized doctors’ assistants to becoming a vital part of maintaining patients’ health. The scope of their responsibilities has expanded, thus making nursing practice more sophisticated and challenging. Almost any change in terms of health care reform directly or indirectly influences the nursing industry, so...

Nursing Advocacy for Access to Healthcare

Clinical Situation: Limited Access to Care Opportunities for increasing the accessibility of healthcare services have been a contentious topic for discussion for a while. Although numerous steps can be taken to advance the levels of care accessibility by eliminating the barriers associated with economic concerns, language barriers, and similar obstacles,...

Advanced Practice Nursing in Florida: Competencies

Introduction Nurse practitioners are independent medical workers who work as primary or specialty care providers in various care settings. They are expected to be highly competent, as they operate without supervision, and to lead the profession by conducting research, participating in evidence-based practice, and representing the profession to legislators and...

APNs’ Impact: Outcomes, Quality & Cost-Effectiveness

Advanced nursing practice (APN) is relevant in the context of different aspects of care in various healthcare institutions and has particular expressions and influences. The peculiarities of these employees’ work may be assessed in terms of such aspects as the outcomes of interventions, medical aid quality, and cost-effectiveness. As a...