Introduction The Alaska Natives are one of the oldest tribes in America. The Alaska Natives have retained their culture up-to-date in spite of their interactions with the wider American society. Studies have indicated that over 5 million people who live in the United States are identified as either American Indians...
Topic: Diet
Words: 1113
Pages: 5
Food allergies and their correlation to obesity have been examined by different research studies and important conclusions have been put forward by various studies. This short research paper will examine how food allergies can lead to food addiction that can cause obesity in individuals suffering from these allergies. It is...
Topic: Food
Words: 821
Pages: 3
Introduction Prescription drugs are drugs that are issued under prescription from a medical practitioner. The need to have a prescription before the drugs are acquired is usually applied in order to prevent illegal distribution, and effective use of such medicine. Unlike prescription drugs, Over-The-Counter drugs can be acquired without a...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 1125
Pages: 5
Introduction Aids is a disease which was discovered in the early 1980’s and is believed to have originated in Central Africa from a virus that had been existence in certain monkey species for over fifty thousand years. Since its discovery in US in1981, the virus has spread rapidly. The US...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1714
Pages: 7
Summary/Abstract We know the cancer of breast tissue as Breast cancer. It has reported too that breast cancer affects woman ageing of any age at least in the western world. Breast cancer is supposed to be the most fatal cancer for women only to be holding second place after lung...
Topic: Breast Cancer
Words: 3805
Pages: 14
Abstract The growth of information technology has transformed marketing strategies of most industries. In the healthcare industry, IT has changed the way marketers relate with customers. Information technology has made it easy for the healthcare industry to create brand awareness and enlighten the public on health matters. Many hospitals create...
Topic: Health
Words: 2556
Pages: 10
Introduction Phobias could be termed as morbid fear or dread of something. It could be the expression of repressed dread of unpleasant childhood experiences which surface when a similar situation occurs, although the original fear itself may have been forgotten. For instance, a child which has been bitten by a...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 609
Pages: 3
There are certain differences between short-term and long-term types of memory that are based on specifics of the performed functions and processes. It is also important to note that short-term memory and long-term memory can function differently depending on an individual’s age (Windsor, 2015). While discussing other aspects associated with...
Topic: Memory
Words: 566
Pages: 3
A recent survey on people’s attitude toward Autism reveals that a significant percentage of parents still believe that the disease is caused by vaccines taken during childhood. The survey was conducted by the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT), with the results published on Oct. 4th 2008, in the Science Daily....
Topic: Autism
Words: 524
Pages: 2
Memory space can be explained in terms of transformation processes of a given anthropic environment. This type of environment can be an urban small scale or urban great scale. Presentation and production of memory space occurs under the following key areas such as architecture, surveying, urban modeling, environment, design, internet...
Topic: Memory
Words: 607
Pages: 3
Introduction Depression can be defined as a state of anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness (Kail & Cavanaugh, 2011). It can affect people across all ages, who present with diverse signs and symptoms (Blatt, 2004). It has been shown that there are different types of depression, which require unique approaches with...
Topic: Depression
Words: 537
Pages: 2
Healthcare professionals possess certain competencies that guide them to address various health problems (Anheyer, Lauche, Schumann, Dobos, & Cramer, 2017). Patients suffering from co-occurring conditions find it hard to receive timely, quality, and safe medical support. This complexity explains why caregivers, physicians, and nurse practitioners (NPs) should develop evidence-based models...
Topic: ADHD
Words: 1939
Pages: 8
Criteria for a diagnosis of an Autism spectrum disorder As a rule, autism starts in infancy or no later than the first years of life. First concerns usually come from parents who are alarmed if their child does not use language for the purpose of communication, despite being able to...
Topic: Autism
Words: 586
Pages: 3
Outline Over the recent years, there has been a slow progress providing healthcare to children infected by HIV/AIDS in Nigeria. Research indicates that, at least 30% of the children living with HIV/AIDS on a global scale die before they are one year old and most of them die before they...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 2230
Pages: 9
Introduction According to (Roemoeer, 1986), Health insurance pays for part or all bills of health care of a person. There are various types of health insurance which include individual plans, health plans for the government, health plans for groups and worker’s compensation. Health insurance is also classified into managed care...
Topic: Health
Words: 1179
Pages: 5
Past Diet Observation Since my last week’s overall food tracking average of calorie intake is more than 2000 calories per day, I have set my proposed plan to be based on the 1800-calorie allowance. My last diet routine analysis made me realize that I did not take proper vegetables, fruits...
Topic: Diet
Words: 646
Pages: 3
Introduction Extensive research that is being carried out in the field of nursing has led to the expansion of knowledge in this field. The time when practitioners had to memorize only a few items for them to be ready for nursing is long gone. Each day comes with a new...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1388
Pages: 6
Introduction Smoking cigarettes is one of the most popular bad habits in the world. Those who are addicted to it keep saying that there is nothing wrong about smoking, whereas their opponents name a number of reasons why smoking is a negative practice. Taking into consideration the results of a...
Topic: Death
Words: 883
Pages: 4
Stem Cell Research Essay: Introduction Stem cells are capable of regenerating any tissue and organs in the body. Why are stem cells useful? They are characteristically pluripotent, which allows them to replenish damaged body tissues. In an adult human, bone marrow cells have the ability to divide constantly to replenish...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1418
Pages: 5
Introduction Childhood obesity is defined variably as the condition of excessive body fat in children that adversely his/her health. It has been cited as a serious health concern issue in many countries. BMI, which is an acronym for Body Mass Index, is popularly used to measure obesity. This index varies...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 1012
Pages: 4
Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major epidemic affecting a large fraction of the US population. A great percentage of this [population is blacks. These people are African American. Statistics have been carried out, and there are factors about the spread of this epidemic. It has been found out that 60% of...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 2504
Pages: 10
Introduction Studies on juvenile systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have intensified in recent times. Moreover, new discoveries have surfaced on the disease. Studies have also shown that SLE is more aggressive in children than in adults. It is important to note that few studies have been done on the utility of...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1734
Pages: 7
Despite the efforts of healthcare specialists, over the past few years, the rates of alcohol consumption in youth have grown impressively. According to the latest data, one Australian teenager in five drinks excessively (Drugs – teenagers, 2012). Therefore, health service and promotion experts must provide a school-based alcohol education program...
Topic: Alcohol
Words: 550
Pages: 2
Cosmetic surgery has become commonplace, and it is registering alarming statistics of both candidates and physicians. It started gaining popularity during the reconstruction period when it was used to give hope to young soldiers after the world wars. This is despite the fact that it had existed for a long...
Topic: Cosmetology
Words: 1370
Pages: 5
There are many arguments for and against legalizing euthanasia. It has ethical benefits as well as downsides. Should euthanasia be legalized? Essay samples like this one will help you understand the issue. The legality issue of Euthanasia has been a subject of heated debate since long. On the global scene,...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1584
Pages: 6
Summary The literature review evaluates the studies that have been done on sudden cardiac arrest/death among the young athletes. Hypertrophie cardiomyopathy (HCM) will be discussed as part of the literature review because it is one of the major causes of SCD in the United States. Nevertheless, other causes of SCD...
Topic: Heart Disease
Words: 4433
Pages: 17
The article under consideration “Wireless Radiation in the Etiology and Treatment of Autism: Clinical Observations and Mechanisms” (2007) is taken from the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 26, no.2, pp. 3-7.n The article was written by Tamara J. Mariea (Internal Balance Inc, Nashville TN...
Topic: Autism
Words: 849
Pages: 4
This organ donation essay will provide you with arguments for and against the procedure. Read it to get inspiration for your paper. Introduction Organ donation refers to giving out of a person’s body organ to somebody whose organ has malfunction and who needs a transplant. Organ transplants substantially improve the...
Topic: Donation
Words: 1423
Pages: 6
Introduction Many people do not take the issue of health and nutrition seriously today. Studies indicate that people eat as much food as they want. It is agreeable that people no longer think of their health conditions and their surrounding environment. The situation today requires that we take care of...
Topic: Health
Words: 1125
Pages: 5
Bipolar disorder, which is also known as manic depression illness, is a brain problem that leads to various problems in someone’s normal functioning, for instance, unusual mood shifts, levels of activities, energy, and the ability to carry daily operations (Marneros & Goodwin, 2005). It is a serious mental problem because...
Topic: Bipolar Disorder
Words: 2096
Pages: 8
Vegetarianism is a dietary condition that entails refraining from meat and to some extend related animal products. Various people will cite different reasons as to why they ended up embracing such a kind of mannerism in their diets. Religious, social, economic, medical and cultural reasons have been attributed to various...
Topic: Vegetarianism
Words: 1812
Pages: 7
Most schools are not able to provide children with affordable and healthy food. Most of the parents who provide their children with healthy food end up paying large sums of money in schools. There are certain parents who cannot afford to provide their children with quality lunch because of high...
Topic: School
Words: 927
Pages: 4
Although many researchers agree that health literacy is a relatively new concept in the public health field, the success of public health programs greatly depends on health literacy levels in a community (Nutbeam, 2000; Hasnain, Menon, Ferrans, & Szalacha, 2014). The success of the colorectal outreach program depends on the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 606
Pages: 3
The article written by Susan Wolf urges the readers to reevaluate their views on euthanasia and assisted suicide. Certainly, people should look at this moral dilemma from the perspective of the patients who suffer from a painful and terminal illness. Yet, they should not forget about their immediate duties towards...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 842
Pages: 4
Patient/family/client situation The roles of professional nurses continue expanding and changing relative to the rising populations in need of healthcare on one hand, and on the other hand, there is the philosophical shift in healthcare provision in that besides nurses curing illnesses, they are also required to promote health, take...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Changes in the sphere of healthcare are required because they provide an opportunity to improve not only the process of healthcare delivery but also the patient’s health outcomes. For example, STEMI patients need efficient and effective treatment procedures, which presupposes the improvement of primary PCI. Unfortunately, professionals can face various...
Topic: Health
Words: 611
Pages: 3
Animal testing has been a contentious issue in biomedical research for a long time. For decades, scientists have used animals to carry out tests before they implement them on humans. Supporters of the animal testing claim that it enables scientists to understand physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, and pathology in humans. On...
Topic: Pharmacy
Words: 867
Pages: 4
The position of the nurse in the currently existing medical system has been a debated issue for a certain amount of time (Gotlib Conn, Kenaszchuk, Dainty, Zwarenstein, & Reeves, 2014). This paper discusses an article by Wall (2014), which considers the phenomenon of self-employed nurses in Canada and their contribution...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 330
Pages: 2
Abstract More than 48 million Americans do not have health insurance, and some of those who are insured are underinsured, comprising of more than 32 million people. Carrying out health care reform would ensure every person in the country has access to proper health care. This assists to a large...
Topic: Health
Words: 2978
Pages: 11
Abstract Since the creation of the first vaccine against smallpox about two hundred years ago, the debates regarding the integrity, efficiency, and security of vaccination. It has recently been debated, “whether laws should be introduced that render some or all vaccines obligatory for all children” (Rinner, 2010, p. 121). This...
Topic: Parenting
Words: 861
Pages: 4
Plastic surgery is a form of treatment that has been practiced in Egypt and India centuries back. Its prominence grew with the two World Wars, where it was used to repair the injuries of soldiers and replace the lost body parts. As a result, it became a part of the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 2512
Pages: 10
Shawnee Christian Nursing Center (SCNC) is a lowly rated (1/5) nursing home compared to Monticello House nursing home (MH) (4/5), even though they are both located in Dallas city. The difference is derived from SCNC health inspection ratings, which stand at 1 out of 5 (MH ratings stand at 4/5)....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 554
Pages: 3
Identification & Definition of the Topic Autism is a puzzling disease that has, for a long time, bemused medical society. It is a condition that starts almost after birth and typically affects children below the age of three years. Autism is a disorder that has an impounding effect on children...
Topic: Autism
Words: 1071
Pages: 4
Introduction Obesity is a major health issue today. Obesity is a condition characterized by excess fats in the body. The accumulation of excess fats will have negative implications on a person’s health. Obesity and overweight can cause severe health complications. The situation has become complicated because obesity is causing deaths...
Topic: Food
Words: 1106
Pages: 5
Schizophrenia is a psychological condition in which patients suffer from disabling chronic mental disorders that adversely affect the normal functioning of the brain. History has chronicled many instances of schizophrenia in the world. Estimates indicate that 1 percent of Americans suffer from this medical condition. According to the Rush (1962,...
Topic: Schizophrenia
Words: 1232
Pages: 5
Taking drugs is a common measure employed in the prevention and treatment of diseases. However, concerns continue to be raised regarding the rate at which some patients misuse drugs (Finkel 13). Moreover, the increasing number of teenagers and young adults who consume ‘‘hard’’ substances and take beauty pills should cause...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 2201
Pages: 9