Low Voter Turnout in Texas and Its Causes

Voter turnout within different states significantly influences the results of the elections. When it comes to voting, such a factor as voter eligibility is considered. Among various provinces, the number of people who can legally vote differs. In Texas, throughout decades, voter turnout has been lower in comparison to the...

Intelligence-Led Policing: A Proactive Approach to Combating Corruption

Following the most fatal terrorist attack in the US, legal theorists and practitioners have popularized the new approach, intelligence-led policing, that raised the hopes about addressing the pending issues. The idea behind intelligence-led policing is that raw information at the disposal of the police needs to be involved in analytical...

Conflicts and Development in Emerging States

Introduction Even a most unenthusiastic person living in a land far away would easily say that the world is a place where barely anything is just and barely anybody is equal. Although the international community finds itself in a never-ending daily struggle for a better world, this dream might never...

Andrew Yang as a Presidential Candidate in 2020

Introduction Andrew Yang is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and a 2020 presidential candidate for the Democratic Party. He is also an accomplished lawyer and the founder of a nonprofit organization whose primary goal is to create employment in American cities. Political analysts downplayed his 2017 announcement to run for the...

Providing American Citizens with Basic Income

Introduction The milestones recorded in this country have supported the health needs and economic welfare of many Americans. However, the problems of poverty, homelessness, and alcoholism affect a significant percentage of this country’s population. The introduction of a universal basic income for every citizen will help minimize these challenges, guarantee...

A Nation Divided. Postcolonialism in “Captain America: Civil War”

Introduction Films and other artifacts of cultures reflect the peculiarities of the human society and its primary concerns. Humanity has to address various issues, including but not confined to environmental challenges and global terrorism. Captain America: Civil War also provides a certain remedy to solve the current problems, and filmmakers...

2020 Presidential Elections in the United States

The next US presidential election will be held on November 3, 2020. As usual, the Americans will choose the president of the country along with his candidacy for the position of vice president. Traditionally, candidates from two parties – the Democratic and the Republican – are fighting for victory. In...

Presidential Power and the U.S. Constitutional Framers

The Constitution of the United States was designed with the ideas of liberty and democracy in mind. Even though a number of principles underlying the framework of social justice have changed since then, the essential concept of democracy as the necessity to provide every citizen with basic rights and freedoms...

Livonia City’s Goals and Public Administration

Introduction The present situation presents a new opportunity for Livonia to create and promulgate a new constitution that will make it democracy and continue to meet the needs of its population. The first government has resolved to make Livonia successful, create a vibrant market economy, and promote effective leadership. A...

Nuclear Politics in the Modern World

Introduction Nuclear politics encompasses an essential aspect of a state’s approach to using nuclear weapons in case of war. The nature of nuclear weapons implies large-scale destruction, meaning that one must thoroughly consider all decisions regarding the use them. The article by Jervis titled “Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn’t Matter” presents...

Preemptive War, War Powers, and International Complications

Introduction Throughout the history of the United States, the country’s presidents have worked hard to strike the right balance between achievements in the global arena and the well-being of its citizens. For instance, Kennedy supported a range of diplomatic initiatives during his presidency, including the creation of the Alliance for...

Dwight D. Eisenhower: Domestic Affairs

Introduction Presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Reagan are all iconic leaders in United States history that led the nation during historically significant events and attempting to develop the United States socially and economically. Each of the Presidents had a strong and significant economic program that they successfully implemented. Eisenhower embraced...

Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey With Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford

Introduction The chosen Presidents for this assignment are Kennedy, Nixon, Ford, and Carter. Kennedy is known for some domestic progress on civil rights as well as a foreign policy seeking to stabilize the nuclear conflict with Cuba and the Soviet Union. This strengthened the U.S. economically globally. Nixon established a...

Life After Project: Record Clearance Organization

Your Actual ‘Political Passport’ Political passports are essential in determining who gets what, when and how As a 40-year old Blacktina (Black Latina) woman, I have a complex political and personal identity that requires an intersectional analysis to comprehend. I happen to belong to a few disadvantaged and minority groups...

Economic Influence and Interest Groups

Introduction The assertion that a government failure may be worse than a market is not a baseless statement. As Wheelan notes in his book, a government may acquire more problems while trying to fix the currently existing issues (176). These newly aggregated problems may be more damaging to the country...

Donald Trump’s Policies of Poverty and Human Rights

Introduction Contemporary society is facing diverse issues that frequently become the burden of the whole of humanity. Such social problems as crime, violence, different aspects of health care, environmental issues, and various cases of inequality, as well as many other events, are broadly argued over and discussed. One of the...

Anti-Communist and Anti-Islam Rhetoric

Every society consists of individuals who have unique characteristics, attitudes, and fears. They respond to various threats in different ways when taken separately; however, being united, they acquire some common features peculiar to a certain community. That is why such a phenomenon as paranoia is associated with masses of people...

What Needs to Be Done About Gun Violence?

Introduction Gun violence is one of the most controversial and hotly-debated issues in the United States of America because it results in the deaths and injuries of tens of thousands of people annually. On the other hand, the issue is controversial and complex because of the uncertainty as to whether...

“Who Is a Progressive?” the Book by Theodore Roosevelt

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt was a great leader of his time and sought to bring in the Progressive era to the United States. This movement aimed to address numerous social problems created by industrialization and urbanization. Political mismanagement and abuse by big businesses have led to a violation of many social...

Truman’s Speech on Fear of Communism and Islam

On February 9, 1950, Senator Joseph R. McCarthy delivered the famous speech – “Enemies from Within” in Wheeling, West Virginia. The speech was a direct attack on President Truman’s foreign policy, which McCarthy claimed was treasonous because it allowed communist sympathizers to run the State Department. As such, McCarthy warned...

The Progressive Era: Activists Change America

Introduction Theodore Roosevelt is well-known for his radical and comprehensive reforms to the social and political systems in the early 20th century. He used his leadership to bring in what is known as the Progressive era that is characterized by significant progress to social rights, the establishment of regulations, and...

The Progressive Era in America

Characteristics of a Progressive Roosevelt outlines several characteristics that describe a progressive: a vision, intensity of conviction, broad sympathy and imagination in the support of the forward movement, belief in goodness, justice, and righteousness, confidence, and trust in the people. A progressive fights for justice and the will of the...

Pacifism in the United States

Introduction Anti-militarism is a doctrine and political movement against militarism. Many socialists, libertarians, social liberals, and environmental activists profess anti-militarist ideology. Anti-militarism should not be confused with pacifism, which rejects any violence (Brock 27). Anti-militarism recognizes the right to self-defense, both individual and class, but opposes the monopoly of the...

The Impact of the United States Embassy Move on the Palestinian People

Introduction The history of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian people reaches back before the time when international political organizations recognized it as a significant problem. However, major events in the conflict started occurring in the middle of the twentieth century, and the tension between the two peoples has...

Theodore Roosevelt’s Book “Who Is a Progressive?”

Introduction The Industrial era brought with it many scientific and technological advancements, but also an intensification of labor that permitted capitalists to profiteer off of the working class. Progressives, as supporters and advocates of social reform, endeavored for workers to achieve a level of economic autonomy and overcome the constraints...

Progressivism in America: Characteristics and Achievements

Introduction The progressives were dedicated individuals who came together to present evidence-based strategies and ideas to transform the lives of many American citizens. The presented discussion uses Theodore Roosevelt’s speech of 1912 to analyze the unique characteristics of a progressive. The paper identifies the attributes associated with “anti-progressives”. The achievements...

The History of Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

Rights The UN resolution 181 which partitioned the land and created the country of Israel, sought to ensure a peaceful transition and co-existence amongst the ethnic and religious groups. Both Arabs and Palestinians residing in Israel were to be guaranteed full citizenship and civil rights, including the right to vote...

Socialism as an Alternative to Capitalism in the United States

Introduction The United States has always defined itself by its ideological values and political beliefs which have become the centerpiece of citizens’ lives. The country has emerged as a Democratic counterbalance to authoritarian rule. Eventually, Democracy intertwined with capitalist economics became the global status quo. However, recent social trends have...

Is the Electoral College Outdated?

Introduction It is worth noting that the presence of the Electoral College contradicts the existing belief that, in a democracy, the winner is the one who receives the most votes. This system was introduced to eliminate the possibility that a large state would impose its political position on the whole...

Global Governance: Formation of the Nation-State and the International Institutions

Introduction Expanding the principles of democracy as the foundational concepts of the nation-state could be seen as a viable approach toward creating international institutions, yet the process of building the latter might be more intricate. The formation of the nation-state can be described as the introduction of the principles that...

In the Next Decade, Will China Be a “Friend” or “Foe?”

Introduction The relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China can be traced back to the years after the US gained independence. The relations have been based on economic cooperation and political diplomacy. However, the rapid industrialization of China brought a new economic regime that...

The Future of President Assad’s Regime and Syria

Introduction In March 2018, the Syrian conflict entered its eighth year since it broke out in 2011 following protests against the continued rule of the Assad family, which has been in power for over four decades. This paper discusses the future of President Assad’s regime and Syria. This topic is...

Venezuela: Domestic and Foreign Concerns of the Country

When an old government in a country is overthrown as a result of an internal crisis, there is a challenging task to create a new system that will allow spheres to function properly. The current situation in Venezuela allows to believe that the former dictator will not be ruling the...

The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem

Introduction The struggle between Israel and the Palestinian people has not subsided in decades, with both nations being unable to come to a mutually beneficial resolution. While civilian protests initiated by Palestinian people continue, so do international discussions aimed at establishing peace in the region (Gelvin, 2014). In 2017, the...

Future of Operational Environment

Introduction It can be argued that the operations of the Army are affected by several environmental factors. These components are the diplomatic relations with other states, technological advancements, economic situation, and others. Army leaders should study anticipated changes that may affect their operational activity in the future to command efficiently...

“Enemies From Within” the Speech by Joseph McCarthy

Introduction Fear is one of the strongest emotions that often defines people’s behavior. Politicians are aware of the power of human fears and tend to exploit them to achieve their goals. The paranoia surrounding communism in the USA in the middle of the 20th century is an illustration of this...

Russian Federation: Developing a Democracy

The process of a country’s development and formation is an extremely complex phenomenon that depends on multiple factors and aspects that impact it at various periods. Geographical location, peculiarities of people’s culture, natural resources, and history influence all states and result in their evolution in particular ways. Speaking about the...

Public Policy Meeting on the Violence Against Women Act

Introduction This paper provides a summary of the public policy meeting regarding the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). It addresses the purpose of the hearing, its participants and provides the background information on the committee. Moreover, the paper reviews one of the topics that were discussed during...

Russian Federation: Political History and Democracy

The Russian Federation is the largest country in the world and a major player in global politics. The country is rich in terms of natural resources, such as oil and gas, and has a population of over 140 million (“Russia country profile,” 2018). Despite its role on the global scene,...

Italy: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Out of the examples of totalitarian societies, it is possible to distinguish Fascist Italy as one of the first major political influences both locally and globally. In the first part of the twentieth century, Italy was under a totalitarian regime, with Benito Mussolini acting as the central political figure...

Public Policy Meeting: Prescription Drug Supply and Cost

Introduction The discussions concerning health care innovations and reconstructions have been held by the country’s officials for a long time. On June 26, 2018, the testimony by the Secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Alex M. Azar II, was presented to the Senate (C-Span, 2018)....

Belarus: Developing a Democracy

Introduction Democratic principles are essential to the creation of appropriate living conditions and ensuring a high quality of life for all citizens. Without democratic principles lying at the core of the political system of a state, citizens’ rights may be abused systematically (McAllister & White, 2015). Therefore, encouraging the promotion...

Public Administration: United Operations Association

Facts The United Operations Association (UOA) is a non-profit organization funded via contracts and membership dues received from the parent organization, The American United Operations Association (AUOA). The parent organization receives allocated funds from the United States government. It appropriates them through national agencies of the federal government, namely the...

XY Country: Creating My Ideal State

XY is a developing country located in North America. Despite attaining independence more than five decades ago, this country has been experiencing years of war, including economic and political crises, which have hindered its progress. One of the barriers to development in this economy is the prevailing dictatorship. As a...

The Concept of Progressivism

Introduction The rise of the Progressives was caused by the impact of industrialization on US businesses. Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most prominent members of the party, and his explanations provided the central notions of the movement succinctly. In 1912, Roosevelt delivered a speech in Kentucky, where he discussed...

North Korea: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction At present, only a limited number of countries can be described as totalitarian. North Korea, for example, can be brought up as an example of closed states with totalitarian features. Although it is officially called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, it has a history of communism and dictatorship...

Romania: Ideal Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Historians often indicate that significant and numerous crises that occurred during the beginning of the 20th century became the prerequisites for the rise of many oppressive governments. When starting a discussion about totalitarianism, vivid examples that may come to mind are Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and communist regimes, such...

Creating My Ideal State with Presidential System

Introduction The targeted country has been characterized by civil unrest and a dictatorial leadership style. A new opportunity for democratic leadership has emerged after the end of the past regime. This paper begins by describing the domestic concerns that need to be addressed and the best measures to achieve positive...

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia and Its Future

Introduction The history of Colombia is diverse in its cultural beliefs, traditions, political decisions, social achievements, and military events. Being famous for its beautiful landscapes, myths, and emeralds, this country is also recognized as the source of criminal activities, social injustice, and violence. The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, also...

Unity of Command in Military Operation Anaconda

Introduction The major purpose of the unity of command is to arrange the effective operation of various forces under the authority of a single commander. In military operations, such unity is of utmost importance since people’s lives and countries’ relationships depend on the outcomes of such operations. Anaconda, the military...

Javier Rodriguez’s Approach to Key Health Policies

Introduction Elected officials are key to creating health policy that has a profound impact on public healthcare. It is important for nurses to be aware of ongoing health legislature and remain in contact with elected officials to offer professional input and advocate for change. This report seeks to investigate the...

Creating My Ideal State of North Korea

Introduction North Korea has been in the hands of a family of dictators for the past several decades. However, patriots have sacrificed their lives to eliminate dictatorship and bring sanity to the country’s leadership. As the newly elected president of this country, I have the daunting task of restructuring the...

The Effects of Neoliberalism as an Economic and Political Doctrine

The effects of neoliberalism as an economic and political doctrine have been addressed in many literary works, movies, and scholarly discussions. The adverse outcomes of the application of this idea to modern American life are discussed in the analyzed paper. The author of the essay argues that despite its theoretical...

Body Cameras: Civility Through Accountability

“I’m a cop. I can do terrible things to people, with impunity” (Aloi). This line comes from an HBO show titled “True Detective,” explaining the dangers of power in one crisp sentence. When the representatives a social class or a profession gain a disproportionate amount of influence over others, it...

Anarchism as a Political Ideology: Exploring the Concept

The concept of anarchy as absolute freedom is rather difficult to embrace. As a result, the subject matter is often conflated with the notion of chaos, which does not represent the phenomenon of anarchy properly. Anarchy is the political ideology that entitles every citizen to absolute freedom thus absolving them...

The History of Imperialism and Exploitation

Social Darwinism Social Darwinism was an ideology based on Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection and applied to human society arguing for the “survival of the fittest.” It became popular in the 19th century with the rapid imperialism conquest of the world by European nations. When clashed with native cultures,...

Nazism: Power, Order, and Justice

Introduction Nazism, or National Socialism, is a set of political beliefs and convictions associated with the National Socialist German Workers’ Party in Nazi Germany. Nazism is a radical branch of fascism: while the adherents of Nazi ideology retained their contempt for social liberties and parliamentary democracy, they pushed fascist policies...

Public Capitalism in Promoting the Common Good

Capitalism is both an economic and political system in which the financial market, production, and concepts of private ownership are driving factors for operation and success. Power in a capitalist society is held and maintained by those with wealth. Although capitalism is not a government system, it often interacts and...

Ideal Citizen in North Korea’s Totalitarian Government

North Korea is a prime example of a modern-day authoritarian rule and totalitarian government. Ruled by a dynasty of Supreme leaders, with the current ruler Kim Jung-un creating a highly oppressive regime that has isolated the country almost completely. Kim Jung-un maintains an iron-clad grip on power through a cult...

Sieyès’ Pamphlet on the Third Estate

Introduction The question of social and legal equality has always belonged to the most important debates. In 18th-century France, this question was raised rather acutely since the divergence between freedoms entitled to people belonging to different social layers was striking. A prominent clergyman and writer, Sieyès, wrote a pamphlet in...

Ideal Citizen in Soviet Union’s Totalitarian Government

For the majority of the 20th century, the Soviet Union in its various iterations of leadership was considered the epitome of a totalitarian state. The political system consisted of one political Communist party that retained total control of all policy and leadership, led by an authoritarian figure that commonly maintained...

How Russian Federation Is Developing a Democracy

Throughout the history of the Russian Federation, its governmental system has evolved significantly. It is important to mention that the October Revolution was the first event triggering the switch from imperialism to socialism or from the power of the monarch to the power of the Communist Party. The only political...

Ideal Citizen in Russia’s Totalitarian Government

Although officially considered a democratic federal republic, Russia is de facto ruled under an authoritarian system of a dominant political party “United Russia” with President Vladimir Putin at the helm. A modern-appropriate system of authoritarianism adopted by Putin in Russia seeks to maintain total control of power over the country,...

Ideal Citizen in Italy’s Totalitarian Government

The Fascist rule of Benito Mussolini over Italy from 1922 to 1943 is considered a prime example of a totalitarian government. Mussolini took this to heart, embracing a philosophy on the conception of state where human and spiritual values were eliminated with the government playing the central role in all...

Senate Judiciary Committee’s Public Policy Meeting

Introduction This paper will summarize a meeting of the Senate Judiciary Committee that concerned the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). The committee consulted the director of the Justice Department’s Office of Violence Against Women director as well as several activists and a prosecutor. The purpose of the...

How Lebanon Is Developing a Democracy

History Lebanon has quite a history of fighting for democratic values. The civil war that took place in 1975 and lasted for 15 years left a huge mark on citizens’ economic well-being and the quality of people’s lives, yet the introduction of democratic principles allowed for positive change. However, the...

North Korea’s Totalitarianism in Politics

Introduction Totalitarianism is among the approaches to exercising power regarded as a means of achieving financial stability and eliminating the negative effects of the freedom of expression. Tyranny and totalitarianism help to maintain stability by preventing the outflow of any resources, including information leaks. Being among the totalitarian societies of...

Addressing the Gulf Coast Police Department Understaffing

Introduction Despite the best efforts of recruiters, police departments all over the US are understaffed. Gulf Coast Police Department (GCPD) needs 11 new officers clear of criminal, drug abuse, or lying history. One of the ways to fill all the vacancies is by attracting newly graduated students to apply for...

Voters’ Characteristics in Presidential Elections

The characteristics of voters involved in the presidential election campaigns are an essential criterion for determining such indicators as prevailing age and race characteristics. Based on the review of the official data provided by the United States Census Bureau (2018), in the recent 2016 elections, older adults made up the...

How Botswana Is Developing a Democracy

History Although Botswana currently is legally defined as a democratic state, there are several issues with the implementation of democratic principles in the state. Botswana used to be a devastating place where people had scarce resources and even more limited rights, yet the change made 50 years ago allowed the...

Death Penalty and Its Theoretical Justification

The activity of the justice system equally depends on the fairness of the justification and the validity of the punishment. The issues of the death penalty, which are raised today at the global level, affect the work of criminal law and are the subject of discussions and debates. As a...

Senator Kelli Stargel’s Interview on Healthcare

Senator’s Background, Past, and Current Political Involvement Born in Tampa in 1966, Kelli Stargel is a Republican member of the Florida State Senate. Her history of political involvement has deep roots in the family background, as her great-grandfather, grandfather, and husband were all engaged in politics and legislation, serving as...

Capital Punishment for Crime Deterrence

Introduction Capital punishment has been the subject of considerable debate in the past, and many countries have removed the practice. Nevertheless, the United States has retained the death penalty, and executions are carried out sometimes. One of the primary arguments for the existence of the punishment is deterrence or the...

Woodrow Wilson’s “The New Freedom” Campaign

Woodrow Wilson: Biography Woodrow Wilson was a notable political figure and the 28th president of the United States. He was born in Staunton, Virginia, in 1856, yet his ancestry line could be traced back to his Irish grandparents (Mulder 6). He grew up in a big family of four children...

Socialism Ideology Benefiting the Public Good

Under the ideology of socialism, a ruling class of social planners, intellectuals, and bureaucrats decides what is right for people and what they want. The coercive power of the state is then used for regulating, redistributing, and taxing the wealth of individuals who work to sustain their living. In many...

Ideal Citizen Nazi German in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction Hitler’s quick and unimpeded rise to power in the early 1930s was followed by the development and radicalization of the national ideology. Nowadays, Nazism is seen as the extreme form of fascism and encompasses a subset of ideologies including antisemitism and scientific racism. This essay will discuss how government...

Ideal North Korean Citizen in a Totalitarian Government

Introduction The history of totalitarianism in North Korea began in 1948 soon after the end of World War II. Once Japan was out of the picture, the Soviet and United States governments aided in the division of Korea and took control of the North and the South respectively. Since at...

The Electoral College and Its Effectiveness

Introduction There have been many attempts to revolutionize the process of voting and eliminate some limitations of electoral systems in different countries, and the introduction of electoral colleges is considered one of them. In general, an electoral college can be defined as a number of electors that can be the...

France After 1789 and in the 21st Century

Introduction There have been different periods in France’s history, all of which have made an impact on the country’s development. The most crucial changes have been social, economic, and political. Politics has always been considered the foundation of a state’s development or organization. This paper aims to compare the political...

Chinese and American Engagement in Africa

Abstract China is one of the top three economies in the world. Its rapid growth in the past few decades has solidified its position as a powerful nation that has both economic and military influence. China’s engagement in Africa encompasses investment, aid, and trade, and it has resulted in economic...

“The Public Realm and the Common Good” by Kunstler

Introduction The journalist James Howard Kunstler is a supporter of the new urbanism, which promotes various civic amenities, such as walkable neighborhoods and a new sense of community feeling. More than that, this movement actively resists urban sprawl, which is considered to have a negative impact on the environment in...

Police Attitudes and Professionalism: Interview

Introduction The interviewee chosen for this assignment is a 34-year old white married male, currently working as a full-time police officer in the Miami Police Department. The man’s demographic characteristics successfully fulfill the required criteria, since he is eight years older than me and has Caucasian origin in contrast to...

Creating an Ideal State: Thorelinia

Introduction My country, Thorelinia, covers the territory of 500 square kilometers and has 25 million citizens. We gained independence in 1985, but since then, a dictator was ruling Thorelinia, and the situation with economic, political, and military structures is rather desperate. As a newly elected President, I will create a...

Creating an Ideal State: Phamagust

Introduction Phamagust is an independent country with a population of about 400.000. It is an island state bordering the Atlantic Ocean and the USA. The capital, Gaudium, has a number of architectural sights and a blue lagoon that was used to attract tourists prior to the war. Rehabilitation of the...

Creating an Ideal State of Examply

Introduction An example is a relatively small country that, during its previous government’s rule, had limited relations with other states. Now, Examples government is building itself from the start, ensuring that the voices of its citizens will be heard in all instances. The following essay will present the domestic and...

Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy

Are special interest groups a threat to democracy? Yes, they are, because various interest groups that are in a more favorable financial situation have more chances of being heard than those who do not have much money to spare. This creates a space for corruption and promotion of specific economic...

Creating an Ideal State with Democratic Government

Introduction My country is located in a landlocked region and is rich in natural resources. Constant wars destroyed much of the infrastructure, so much effort must be made to rebuild the necessary facilities. This paper describes the new governing style and provides a brief plan for improving the situation. It...

Election Campaigns and Logical Fallacies

Introduction An election is a process of selecting a new person who will be responsible for representing the government or some other body. The general direction of a country’s movement depends on the decision of voters, who determine a specific composition of state and local bodies. It is important that...

Is the United States a Model Democracy?

Introduction A democracy is defined as a system of government that gives power to the people, who exercise it directly or indirectly by electing representatives to act on their behalf. The United States of America (USA) adopted a democratic style of government in 1776 that gives citizens the power to...

Isolationism in Contemporary Public Discourse

Introduction It should be noted that the term “isolationism” has been most often used to describe American approaches to the country’s strategy in the international arena. This American policy provoked discussions in political, military, and academic communities regarding the prospects for multilateral cooperation between the US and other countries within...

US Presidential Qualifications and Need to Change

Introduction Being a president of the United States is a highly influential position that requires a significant degree of responsibility and awareness of the existing challenges the country faces. The current requirements for this job include three qualifications, which will be discussed below. This paper argues that the current criteria...

Electoral College or Game of Elections

Introduction In America, the Electoral College selects the president as opposed to a popular vote. It means that the majority of American citizens cannot vote for a president directly. The issue results in the fact that candidates can be elected even if their opponents receive larger support from the population....

Israeli Settlements in Palestine: Legal Issues

In 1947, Israel was created to settle Jews in the lands separated from Palestine. However, the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews has not been resolved, and it can be observed even today. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the rights of Arabs and Jews in these territories,...

Democracy Principles in the United States

Introduction Today, many scholars and critics are lamenting the fall of democracy in the US. They seem to be missing the mythical “old America” when the foundational principles were not yet compromised by chaos, social division, and the authorities’ top-down decisions. The opponents of the contemporary political regime hope for...

Israeli Settlement in Palestine: Conflict Nowadays

The state of Israel was established following U.N. Resolution 181 in 1947. This situation has led to the development of the conflict between Palestinian Arabs and Jews residing in those territories. The nature of the conflict and its current state requires further discussion. It is necessary to examine the rights...

Presidential Primaries in Vermont State

Introduction This paper aims to predict the election outcomes for both the Republican and Democratic candidates in the current election for the presidential nomination in the state of Vermont. It will also explain in detail the reasons for such predictions. The paper will commence with a brief description of the...

Democratization in El Salvador

Having improved its political and economic situation by becoming a popular tourist destination, El Salvador might seem like a fascinating place to a random visitor, yet its internal political and social processes have been very challenging for its residents. The state has also been affected by two civil wars to...

American Foreign Policy Exporting Democracy

Introduction American foreign policy refers to the guidelines that determine the country’s interactions with other nations. It embodies the actions that the federal government takes in a bid to promote the country’s national interests, safety, and welfare (Holsti 13). Over the years, it has been used as the scale for...

No Gun Control: Dropping Ineffective Measures

In light of recent events, gun control has become one of the most debated issues in American society, creating two irreconcilable groups for and against heightened firearm regulation. Mass shootings increased gun violence, and general firearm safety issues have created an atmosphere of fear around what was perceived, overall, as...

Committee of Energy and Commerce’s Role in Healthcare

Introduction Health care in the United States of America is currently in crisis and soar need for sustainable reform. One of the barriers on the way to meaningful changes is political polarization, for the schism in opinions as to what direction healthcare policies shall take leads to inaction. Unfortunately, in...

Saudi Arabia State Formation in the Middle East

State formation in Saudi Arabia centered on two main aspects – a traditional tribal society based in Najd and drastic socio-economic and political changes that occurred in the twentieth century. The process of the Saudi state formation is traced back to the period between 1744 and 1822, whereby tribes would...

Lowering Drinking and Smoking Age in the U.S.

Introduction The minimum legal drinking age in the United States remains a highly contested issue. Currently, young adults below the age of 21 years are legally prohibited from purchasing alcohol in America. In most cases, the discourse concerning the allowable drinking period often links one’s ability to access alcohol at...

Think Tanks’ Influence on the US Government Policy

Think tanks are often mentioned in journalist’s reports regarding political decisions and legislative changes in the US. These institutions affect the US government by conducting researches and publishing reports that help government policymakers with their choices. In addition, experts formerly employed by think tank institutions often proceed to work for...

Train Control and Safety: Public Policy Meeting

Introduction Public policy meetings are an essential part of the legislative process in the United States. The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee oversees matters related to technology, science, consumer affairs, transportation, communications, and more (“Senate Committee,” 2018). The Committee consists of 27 members and includes seven subcommittees in specific...

Council-Manager and Other Forms of Governance

A city government is entitled to an array of responsibilities, one of which is the representation of the city population and their interests respectively. Although most city governments typically pursue roughly the same range of goals, their structure varies depending on several factors, primarily the size of the city and...

Drug-Dealing Organizations in Latin American Politics

What is the subject and why do I care? The principal subject examined is drug-dealing organizations and their influence on Latin American politics. It is unclear if DDOs impact domestic and international politics as legal entities do. The topic is significant because the success of counter-narcotics efforts in North America...

Misrepresentation of Law Enforcement by Media

Introduction In the recent past, law enforcement in various parts of the world has come under serious threat from different types of media. In the United States, law enforcement agencies argue that their work is greatly affected by the misrepresentation made by electronic, print, and social media (Colbran, 2014). They...

“Gross National Happiness in Bhutan” Article by Kelly

There is no doubt that the level of happiness can be listed among the most important factors that are taken into consideration to estimate the prosperity in a certain country. As it is clear from the article written by Kelly (2012), the authorities in Bhutan take this principle into account...

House Freedom Caucus: Legislation Research and Analysis

From your own research, what interest group did you find? Please list its name and website information. The interest group identified in the research is the House Freedom Caucus. It is a congressional caucus that includes members of the House of Representatives that are also members of the Republican Party....

“Federalist No. 10” by James Madison

As we have been discussing, throughout history, many people were not fans of pure democracy. One of the reasons for this was the idea of factions, as addressed in Madison’s Federalist No. 10. So what is the definition of a faction? The original definition provided by James Madison revolves around...

The Impact of Government on Business in the US

The choices made by the government and its representatives, including the related bodies of authority, are supposed to reinforce the principles of democracy and create the economic, social, political, and legal environment in which the citizens of the state are able to advance successfully (International Trade Administration, 2016). Having a...

Trump’s Campaign Promises and Actions

Introduction Among ones of the most conspicuous Donald Trump’s promises are repealing Obamacare, banning Muslims, deporting all illegal immigrants, building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and making the Mexican government pay for it, stopping Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), and reversing Obama’s deal regarding the reopening of diplomatic relationships with Cuba....

Death Penalty and Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction The U.S has the largest prisoner population in the world. As it stands, over 2.3 million people are locked up in prisons and other correctional facilities (BJS). While a great portion of that population is incarcerated for relatively harmless crimes such as marijuana usage and storage, there are also...

New York State’s Taxing and Spending Values

Predicting the Future To submit a good estimate to the governor’s office, the agencies must predict the number of people who will apply for unemployment insurance and how many prisoners would be released from prison, as well as how many new prisoners will be arriving in a year and a...

American Welfare State and Income Inequality

Roosevelt and Welfare The creation and the growth of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s welfare state had a significant effect on the development of American society, including the economy, health, welfare, corporate affairs, as well as the overall well-being of the population. Through his continuous efforts to establish control and care for...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Ethnic Civil Wars

The wars for the independence of a particular ethnic group are not uncommon in modern society. The article by Regencia describes the positions of the Government of the Philippines regarding the conflict among Muslims and the local population. One of the primary thoughts is the assumption of the need for...

Authoritarian Versus Totalitarian Autocracy

To begin with, it is necessary to state that both totalitarian and authoritarian regimes might seem to be the same at first. Nevertheless, there are some minor differences that can be seen only after an intensive course of studying these systems (Stewart, Klein, Scmitz, & Schröder, 2016). In general, the...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Why Men Rebel

The history of the conflict in the Philippines has a long history and is a problem both for local authorities and the inhabitants of the islands themselves. The news article by Garrie talks about the discussion of this urgent topic by the country’s president and the possibility of signing a...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: In Pursuit of Federalism

The resolution of the conflict in the Philippines is an actual topic of discussion. Placido considers this issue from the point of view of the desire for federalism and the authorities’ position regarding this problem. The fight against Islamic extremists is also discussed in this news article. Studies on the...

Moro Conflict in Mindanao: Road to Peace

The road to peace among Muslims and other inhabitants of the Philippines is a long one and has no end. CNN Philippines Staff gives the chronology of the conflict in the country and mentions the most significant events that have occurred during the civil war. The period of the past...

Poverty Among the USA Citizens and Reduction Efforts

The purpose of my letter is to introduce you to the problem of poverty among U.S. citizens and to offer the steps that should be taken to improve the situation. Despite the fact, that America is one of the wealthiest countries in the world, millions of people still struggle to...

Honeywell International Political Action Committee

Summary of the political action committee Political action committees are created for the purpose of raising money in a private manner in order to produce an impact on elections or impact legislation. One of the largest PACs in the USA is Honeywell International. This is an international political action committee...

Florida Legislative Matrix and Representatives

District State Governor: Rick Scott Rick Scott is the 45th Governor of Florida. The primary focus of his activities is job creation and improvement of the state economy (“Meet Governor Scott,” n.d.). Governor is interested in improving health care as well. As an entrepreneur, he specialized in healthcare transactions aimed...

Citizen Advisory Board: Benefits of Public Trust

Introduction Citizen Advisory Boards are designed to ensure that members of the public are actively involved in the policy-making process. According to Miller (2018), these councils were constituted as a way of addressing the concern that members of the public are often ignored when enacting and implementing policies that affect...

The Colombian Conflict Effects

Research Question State your research question in a way that clearly highlights the discourse, practice, process, identity, etc. that you propose to study [this will depend on whether you choose discourse analysis or ethnographic research]. The Colombian Conflict lasted for over half a century, and its effects extended to all...

Political Polarization as to US Healthcare Reform

Introduction Political polarization is a significant issue that affects most aspects of policymaking in the United States. In recent years, political polarization on the topic of healthcare has become especially prominent (Beaussier and Raillard 383). This can impair the efforts to promote healthcare reform, as political polarization makes it difficult...

Roosevelt’s New Deal: Arguments For and Against

The thirty-second president of the USA, Franklin Roosevelt, was known for many political and historical decisions. His activity influenced not only the lives of U.S. citizens but also of other nations. However, the most widely discussed innovation offered and implemented by Roosevelt was the so-called New Deal ─ the politics...

Freedom or the Common Good – What Matters More?

Introduction The ideas of the free market have dominated the economic discourse since the 1970s, in the aftermath of the Keynesian economic model, which favored heavy government regulation. The theory proposed by the neoliberal economists, led by Milton Friedman, is that markets have the ability to self-regulate and that economic...

“Freedom and Capitalism” by Milton Friedman

Introduction During the last two centuries, capitalism has spread throughout multiple countries around the world, contributing to the expansion of political freedom, and becoming especially evident in the last hundred years. The economist Milton Friedman has made a significant contribution to the understanding of economic policies and free-market capitalism. The...

Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths

Introduction The work of the police is surrounded by various myths developed through TV and literature that picture it differently from real activities. It makes ordinary people believe that police officers encounter danger every day and deal with many events that are very important for national security. While the latter...

Chapters 6-10 of Dalton’s “The Apartisan American”

Summary The final chapters of The Apartisan American turn out to be a successful attempt made by Dalton to explain how partisans may influence the electoral processes and why the number of people, who cannot identify themselves as Democrats or Republicans, should have a right to vote and share their...

US Urban Planning Policies and Socio-Spatial Issues

Urban Sprawl in the U.S. and Urban Planning The issue of peri urbanization has become especially topical for the cities of the XXI century. Due to the rapid growth of major cities, the options that large cities provide in terms of employment, and the possibilities for personal and professional growth,...

International Atomic Energy Agency

Introduction As communities around the world continue to expand and modernize, it has become significant to address the increasing energy needs. The expansion and modernization of communities come together with the proliferation of aspects that are synonymous with modern-day living such as the use of appliances and gadgets that depend...

The 2015 American Public Policy

Article 1 Summary of the Article The article written by David Herszenhorn aims to discuss the nuclear treaty signed by Iran and six leading countries, including the United States. In particular, the author speaks about the attempts of the Obama administration to promote the ratification of this agreement (Herszenhorn par....

China’s Investments and Activities in Africa

China’s Heavy Investment The article “China’s Heavy Investment in Ghana Ignites Debate” looks into China’s engagement with Ghana in terms of loans and grants, and if this engagement is healthy for Ghana’s industrialization prospects. One important point is that China’s engagement with Ghana is not generating shared prosperity for both...

Chapters 1-5 of “The Apartisan American” by Dalton

Summary In The Apartisan American, Russell Dalton pays much attention to the idea of party identification and a burning necessity for an American to comprehend the peculiarities of political life, elections, and the roles of different politics in society. The first five chapters of the book aim at describing an...

China’s Economic Activities in Africa

China in Africa China is among the countries in the world which have experienced the most rapid economic growth. The middle-class population in the country is also quickly increasing, resulting in an unrivaled need for resources. On the other hand, Africa has dormant oil and mining sectors which attract China...

Party Platforms and Winning Elections

Party policies According to the Republican Party’s policy, the party believes in freedom. It states that it is “a party of freedom”, with a vision of “free speech, labor and soil”. With this slogan, the party called for immediate freedom for all American slaves in 1864 by supporting the 13th...

Business in Politics: Business, Government and Society

Business in Politics Summary of the chapter In this chapter, John Steiner and George Steiner discuss the relations between the government and businesses. At first, the scholars introduce the narratives of such people as Paul Magliochetti who represented the interests of corporations through lobbying (Steiner & Steiner, 2012, p. 272)....

The Electoral College Institution

The Electoral College is a political institution formed by 538 representatives from 50 states and the District of Columbia. These representatives are Electors who are responsible for electing the President. The candidate should receive the majority of 270 votes to win. Thus, to become the President, the candidate should win...

The “Iron Triangle” Model

The ‘iron triangle’ model is used to describe the specific complex relationships among Congress, the bureaucracy, and interest groups that can influence the policy-making process. Referring to this model, it is possible to state that interest groups are inclined to affect Congress and bureaucracy to achieve definite goals, and this...

Turkey’s Economic Policy Shifts and Failures

Introduction Turkey has experienced a series of shifts in policy since the 1920s. However, almost all these changes have been a result of crises, both financial and political. This brings into perspective the debate of which type of economic system is better and the role of the government in the...

Fletcher’s “Naked Diplomacy” in the UAE’s Realm

Introduction There is no doubt that structuring proper relationships with foreign countries remains an extremely important task for every country, and the United Arab Emirates is not the exception to this rule. Speaking about the modern world, it is necessary to say that there is a wide range of problems...

Rising vs. Declining Powers in International Arena

How small powers have managed to survive and conduct foreign policy Small powers have limited economic and military strengthens. On the other hand, middle and superpowers have significant economic and military strengthens such as the US. Small powers have been able to survive and conduct foreign policy successfully by employing...

The Congressional Black Caucus and Its Activities

Introduction The Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) was formed with only 13 members in 1971. Currently, it has a membership of 42 members. It is critical to note that from the outset, that group membership was racially exclusive, but their goals and objectives were all-inclusive. The group’s stated mission was to...

Pan-African and Diaspora Politics in the US

Introduction The 1870s saw the 15th amendment of the American constitution that gave African Americans the right to participate in universal suffrage. In essence, from the 1870s, blacks in the United States of America were to exercise the right of self-determination of how they were to be governed. These rights...

The First Lady: US Campaigns and Elections

Over centuries, the role of the First Lady has significantly evolved to reflect current political realities and expectations of the public. Currently, being the First Lady, as it is, is an unpaid position in which the Lady is required to work with some staff members to hold duties related to...

Disaster Management and Training for Emergency

The levels of training for emergency response should be part of the crisis plan. One of the significant disadvantages of the disaster management model demonstrated during Hurricane Katrina was the lack of centralized control points that would coordinate disaster response and the emergency evacuation processes. The need for centralized control...

Crisis Response Program for Rural Areas

While developing a crisis response program for rural areas, it is essential to pay attention to the specific needs of those people who live there because of their limited access to care services and support in case of emergency. Therefore, the equitable distribution of resources and funds in these territories...