Safety Professional Working In an Australian Context

The government exercises control over all areas of society, including this, which is relevant for workers’ occupational safety. An extensive reporting system of statistics on occupational injuries provided by organizations is used to supervise and enact the applicable regulations. Burke (2019) notes that focusing on occupational safety provides significant economic...

Negative Impact of Colonialism on Today’s US Society

The process of colonization of the world was long and devastating. Many nations underwent significant changes in their economies, politics, societies, and environments. European nations controlled colonialism in such regions as Africa and North America. The growth of the colonial impact was characterized by a variety of positive and negative...

War and Security in Terms of Political Theories

The Significance of Theory For some, international conflict is inevitable due to its innate human nature. Realists believe war is a part of a never-ending cycle of violent confrontations between the states. Liberal thinkers tend to assume that the causes of war are connected to the institutions. They argue continued...

“Are Empires Always Bad?” Becoming Empire

Historians have widely discussed the concept of empire, yet no one can assert if imperialism is a good or bad type of governance. Scholars explore the history of empires to answer this question. For example, the article by Pennock, Holland, Green, and Wagner gives specific reasons why empires can be...

Puerto Rico’s Fight for Independence

One of the main issues of Puerto Rico is the fact that it is an unincorporated United States territory, which means the location has no statehood privileges, and it cannot proclaim itself as a fully independent nation. From a historical perspective, it is evident that such a state of affairs...

The Racial Diversity in the US Army

Race in Military The racial diversity of people in the United States affects absolutely all social institutions. The army institution is significant since this institution has mission-critical for the security of the state and its citizens. Historically, the US has been involved in coercive counterinsurgency projects since the Indian Wars...

Intergovernmental Global Organizations and Non-Governmental Organizations

Introduction Every country in the world is part of the wider global community. Each nation’s economic strength lies in the ability to work with others. Similarly, as part of the human race, individuals can only attain maximum potential when they identify with certain groups for a common purpose. Different nations...

Idealism versus Realism in International Politics

Introduction The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture, the uncertainty of war, and the need for multi-lateral global efforts to eradicate war and prejudice universally. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power and that the efficiency of...

Jair Bolsonaro and Hillary Clinton in Social Media

Abstract Social media use by political leaders during presidential campaigns is a widespread phenomenon in the present-day world. However, this aspect of their activity seems to be controversial due to the possibility of neglect of the ethical part of the matter. From this perspective, such leaders as Jair Bolsonaro can...

Student Loan Debt Issue in the USA

America has been affected by student loan debt which varies over 43million. The issue has prompted legislative action in the federal loan program for the first time making it difficult for others to apply. Therefore it is proved that Americans owe a total of 1.75trillion in private and federal loan...

American Extremists and Right-Wing Militia

Throughout history, humans sought to form communities and gathered around those with different ideas. By effectively cooperating, distributing resources, and caring for each other, people have found a way to establish functional societies. With the developments in a variety of fields, including politics, economics, ethics, sociology, and others, the existing...

The Reconstruction Amendments

The Reconstruction Amendments are the Constitutional Amendments that deal with the aftermath of the American Civil War. They include the 13th Amendment, the 14th Amendment, and the 15th Amendment, which were passed within five years following the Civil War, starting from 1865. The intent behind the Amendments was to abolish...

Interest Groups and Political Parties in the US

Interest Groups Dark Money Dark money refers to money that fuels and sustains election campaigns but whose sources remain anonymous. It is common knowledge that political campaigns require substantial investments and those candidates who cannot sponsor their efforts independently rely on the contributions and support of political groups and parties....

Internment Camps and Polls for Minority Groups

In 1944, the Supreme Court upheld the authority of the U.S. government to order the internment of a minority group in the interest of national security, even though there was no evidence that any members of this group were disloyal to the United States. This paper discusses whether the same...

Beliefs of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

At the start of the new country, the noble political leaders, including Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson, understood that the political parties would eventually paralyze the government and polarize the United States citizens. The Democratic-Republican Party, which is currently known as the Democratic Party, evolved during the presidential term of...

“Learn About Being a Police Officer” by Kane

Being a police officer is one of the most challenging professions because it requires dedication, determination, and sacrifice. Some people view the uniformed men and women performing their usual patrols and envy them, while others pity the officers because they do not understand what it takes to be one. In...

The United States Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Introduction The foreign policy of the United States towards the Middle East is a critical and sensitive subject. The ideology behind it can be summed up by a recent statement by Ambassador Jeffrey in a briefing on Syria. He stated that the United States president had laid forceful goals in...

Plunkitt’s Approach to Politics

Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. The series of talks were written...

Effects of Latin America’s Trade with Developed Nations

Introduction Following the democratization wave and the equal increase of regional ties, Latin American governments trusted that the support extended by Europe would likewise lead to progress of economic relations. These desires were mostly dependent on the presumption that Latin America’s democracy was the only pre-requisite for economic cooperation. Even...

Gun Control Laws Introduced by Executive Branch

Introduction The executive branch of the US government is vital since it enforces laws in the country. It consists of the president, vice president, administrative departments, cabinet, independent agencies, commissions, and committees’ boards. The executive has introduced various laws that guide the citizens. One of the policies involves gun control...

System of the Death Penalty in the United States

The contemporary system of the death penalty in the United States is generally straightforward and does not advocate for the defendant. The crimes that have led to this kind of punishment are severe, and, therefore, one usually does not pay much attention to the background of the perpetrator (Ashford &...

Urbanization: Census in the United States

A census refers to the practice of counting people and property in a particular region. Censuses have existed since ancient times to determine the population’s size and calculate what people require (Sullivan, 2020). Like the United States, most countries conduct a census after every ten years while others, such as...

Government Restrictions Against the Backdrop of COVID-19

Government restrictions against the backdrop of COVID-19 and people’s reactions to them are controversial. States at the federal and local levels impose restrictions on the movement of people and ensure security measures. Some individuals consider governments’ actions illegal because they violate the provisions on freedoms and human rights. To ensure...

Snowden: Prominent Issues in International Security

Governmental security services face multiple difficulties when protecting the safety of online-stored data. Maintaining the balance between international security and citizen privacy is a pertinent issue in the current age. The case of Edward Snowden presented in the film Snowden is a magnificent example of the USA’s authorities’ misuse of...

Application of Public Opinion on Trial of Hosni Mubarak

Introduction This reflection will focus on the trial of former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. Therefore, the study will review one theory of public opinion that is relevant to the above case and provide sound judgment. The maxim is that no person is to be prevented from pursuing justice. The former...

James Madison and Idea of Distribution of Power

James Madison is the fourth president of the United States and one of its Founding Fathers. His most notable contribution to the constitution of the country was his vision about the distribution of powers outlined in five Federalist Papers (47-51). Madison’s ideas are an inherent part of the U.S. system...

Irresponsible Leadership and Moral Conviction of the US President

Annotated bibliography Edwards, J. A. (2018). Make America great again: Donald Trump and redefining the US role in the world. Communication Quarterly, 66(2), 176-195. The United States has been instrumental in maintaining global peace since the end of World War II. This country has facilitated peace talks between conflicting nations...

Grand Strategy in the Early Years of Trump Presidency

Summary The direction of the foreign policy of the United States has always been of great interest both for domestic and international governmental agencies. The country has established numerous connections with other states over the years, resulting in it being one of the most significant actors on the global political...

Recruitment and Training in the Criminal Justice Field

Ethical Rules Governing Recruitment and Training Historically, American employers in private or public sectors have felt free to hire or promote workers according to the criteria established and similarly exclude from employments those deemed unfit. The US constitution prohibits the deprivation of employment rights. Thus, the Equal employment opportunity commission...

Health Policy Analysis – Legalization of Cannabis

Political What are the current political forces, including political history, environment, and policy debate? Although the use of cannabis is imminent in many states in this country, the introduction of low- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) cannabis prescriptions in treatment of migraines face varied political dynamism. While the proponents advocate for its benefits,...

Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates Trade Comparison

Introduction It is hard to overestimate the significance and efficiency of international trade agreements. Understanding how they work and what benefits provide is essential in determining the feasibility of international trade. If made reasonably, trade agreements may allow different countries and their companies to access those markets and industries that...

Election Reforms in the State of Georgia

Lawmakers in the state of Georgia recently passed a state election law brought by republicans. The bill passed due to the critics who protested outside the capital. The law passed possesses new election restrictions to the citizens voting either by mail or the greater legislative misunderstanding of the elections. One...

The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department: Most Pressing Issues

This preliminary report is aimed to outline the most pressing issues with community policing in Savannah, GA, and to provide some discursive insights into how the functioning of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department can be made de facto consistent with the slogan ‘to serve and protect’. The most challenging obstacle...

Aspects of Security Policies

Security policies are defined as high-level mechanisms which identify priorities and procedures and provide blueprints for the security program as a whole. Besides, by specifying mandatory requirements and controls, security protocols are needed to achieve policy objectives or goals. The methods or procedures used to maintain and upgrade these policies...

Bureaucracy in a Democracy

Definition of the Bureaucracy and its Main Functions Bureaucracy is a considerable part of contemporary democratic society. Most organizations should be regulated by specific services to maintain uniformity because of their complexity. The term bureaucracy implies a complex, multilayered system and a group of nonelected officials who perform series of...

The United States Foreign Policy Actors

It is prudent to approach the U.N., NATO, and E.U. as the foreign policy actors. The main reason for engaging these three actors is that they handle various issues (Smith, Hadfield & Dunne, 2016). Additionally, they have numerous member states, and this means that most of the policies that the...

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) is the most significant arms limitation and disarmament agreement that had the record number of countries ratifying. As a confidence-building measure, the Treaty operates a safeguards system that is a responsibility of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). While the treaty...

Red Cross and International Humanitarian Law

The following document will look at Red Cross as an international body its date of formation as well as the requirements that one has to have before joining. The purpose and the organization will also be discussed in this document. Structure and achievements will also be looked at in this...

The Concept of Fairness in the EU Competition Law

Introduction Competition is the engine of scientific progress and a mechanism for promoting economic development. Insufficient competition causes a lack of motivation of entities to reduce costs, search for new markets, introduce innovations, and, as a result, inefficient operation of the industry in which such enterprises operate. At the same...

The 2007–2008 Kenya Post-Election Crisis

Introduction The 2007 -2008 Kenya’s post-election crisis arose from the disputed 2007 presidential results. Kenya’s general election which was held on December 27, 2007 was marked with a lot of irregularities. Lack of fairness and transparency in the voting exercise with the associated default tallying procedures created a loophole for...

Legal Corruption: Cases Practice

Representatives of the US Administration and Congress come up with accusations of corruption against other states and their leaders on a regular basis. Nevertheless, there is still an apparent problem of political bribery, which is quite enough legal, even though everyone considers it the norm. There is no doubt that...

Negative Partisanship Increasing Reasons

Introduction Partisanship describes one’s devotion to a particular political party or movement, often based on the similarity of beliefs. This devotion can be both a positive and a negative force, informing one’s voting decisions in various ways. The problem arises when one’s vote is informed not by an agreement on...

The Netherlands: Coronabonds Controversy

The most current issue of international politics is the coronavirus response. With the world starting to slowly recover from the pandemic, the governments’ efforts are now focused on facing its aftermaths and providing support to hardest-hit countries. EU nations have expressed different positions on the matter, with the wealthiest countries,...

Communication Role in 2020’s U.S. Presidential Campaign

The 2020’s presidential campaign in the United States was thrilling and intense as the Democrats focused on removing President Donald Trump from office. While there were other contestants, Joe Biden proved to be the primary challenger of the incumbent president. Throughout the campaign, communication played an indispensable role in shaping...

Factors That Edify the Outcome of Presidential Election

The recent presidential election indeed appeared to be one of the most extremely divisive, contentious, and controversial polls in the history of the US. However, the likelihood of President Trump winning or losing the battle was influenced by several contentious issues, and events that happened before the recent election illuminated...

Capital Punishment in Texas

Introduction Capital punishment also referred to as the death penalty, is the putting to death of an individual through a legal process as a penalty for a crime. Offenses that call for a death sentence are called capital crimes. The word capital can trace its origins to Latin, ‘capitalis’, which...

Community Policing: The Alternative Solution to Youth Crime

In the 21st century Americans are becoming more aware that traditional means of policing the streets and communities of cities are no longer effective. It is hard to ignore the increasing crime rate. There is marked concern for youth crimes wherein juveniles are involved in petty crimes as well as...

French Political Parties: What Makes Them Different?

The French political landscape is known for a great number of political parties that change and reform regularly. Historically, the factions were divided along the left-right axis, with the majority of parties being either socialist, such as The Socialist Party, or conservative, such as The National Front or The Republicans....

Equal Protection for American Workers Act

As a House of Representatives member, I will vote for the Equal Protection for American Workers Legislation. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Michael Burgess, who introduced it to the House floor on January 3 2019. Understandably, the Equal Protection for American Workers Act (EPAWA) fights to protect the legitimate...

Democracy in America: Decision-Making

Introduction A debate regarding the political system in the US is a controversial topic. On the one hand, the state is usually characterized as democratic, while on the other, many issues affecting the daily lives of the citizens remain unresolved. Despite the proclamation that the country is a democracy, the...

United States Foreign Policy Doctrine

The United States foreign policy presents a matter of particular importance. Officially, it implies providing the citizenry and the entire international community with a secure, democratic and prosperous place of living. The significance of the U.S. role in foreign affairs cannot be underestimated, as it has the most advanced and...

Negotiation’s Strategy: Conflict Between Basran and Carpathia

Information on the Negotiating Parties Negotiations will be conducted at the highest level. Basran Representative – incumbent President John Seripan, who is for the third term in office, may be showing signs of authoritarianism, as the legitimacy of the last election is called into question. The representative of Carpathia is...

FEMA: Organization Review. Essential Aspects

The current paper reviews essential aspects of one of the organizations that make part of the Department of Homeland Security. That organization is the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which is also going to be referred to as FEMA further throughout the paper. Despite the relatively young age of the Department...

Death Sentencing and Its Various Statutes

Death sentencing has realized a shift and diversification over the years as new waves of crime arise. The Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, P.L. 103-322 provided for capital punishment for some of the existing federal offenses and added new capital offenses. The death penalty has also...

“The Presidency” and the First Ladies

The White House page devoted to the first ladies throughout the history of the United States. provides its readers with the information on their biography. Moreover, one may learn about the projects carried out throughout the presidency of their husbands. This data seems quite relevant, considering the poor representation of...

Political Science as a Foundational Aspect of Any Society

I find political science to be the most captivating for me due to numerous reasons. As Carr (2001) claims, “Utopia and reality are thus two facets of political science” (p. 10). The author explains that the aim of reaching a utopia is essential as there should be a necessary ideal...

Death Penalty: Practice and Ethics of the Use

Abstract This paper discusses capital punishment as a legal measure and sentence for people who committed serious crimes. The history of the death penalty, as well as its pros and cons, are studied to determine the appropriateness and relevance of this punishment in the modern world. A short review of...

The Effect of Majority Tyranny of the Liberty of Minority

Democracy and the values it promotes have become the cornerstone of modern society. The main principle of this model dictates that people must wield actual power over their nation in order to ensure that their interests are considered taken into account. At the same time, the distribution of this power...

Debate Between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris

Introduction The debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Democratic nominee Senator Kamala Harris took place on 7th October 2020 (C-SPAN, 2020). Although many voters do not base their decision on vice-presidential candidates, this election is unique because Trump has contracted COVID-19, and Biden is presenting himself as a transitional...

Review and Analysis of the Public Opinion Pills

Abstract This work in writing will conduct a review and analysis of the public opinion polls about the importance of the attitude of public preference of citizens toward a specific public policy. This work will compare several opinion polls published since 2000. Examined will be Canada’s war in Afghanistan as...

Federalism Effectiveness Analysis

Federalism is a compound form of government that incorporates a general authority with regional rulers in a single political order. It is assumed to permit a large extent of regional self-rule and protect against tyranny. Regarding effectiveness, federating is a more efficient form of government since the decentralization of power...

Human Rights Cities: Mountain View

Traditionally, when city mayors are crafting local policies, they always act without strategizing how international civil liberties can be expanded. Yet, according to Davis (2018), the city leaders have significant opportunities for advancing inalienable rights. Based on their official website, the City of Mountain View voted to be a human...

Judicial Intervention and Presidential Response

Introduction Proponents hailed the New Deal as a way to salvage the American economy and outlook after the Great Depression. This comprised a series of financial reforms, public work projects, programs, and miscellaneous regulations that were enacted at the behest of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. They primarily addressed supposed “3Rs,”...

Comparing Levels of the Federal Government of the USA

Introduction A budget refers to a financial plan of government expenditure that conforms to its revenue collection within a given period. Revenue denotes the money that the government raises from different sources. Expenditure refers to the manner in which the state uses the collected amount. The federal government is a...

U.S. Justice System and Policing

Three components make up the US Criminal justice system: police, courts, and corrections. The joint function of these components is to prevent crime or inhibit criminal actions. US justice system operates in parallel with a single federal court system and autonomous courts in each country’s fifty states, four federal territories,...

Justified Reasons for Vetoing Critical House Bills by Governor Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott has been objective in signing significant bills into law in Texas. The Republican leader has also vetoed various bills attributed to dynamic reasons entailing efficiency and effectiveness in time and financial resource management. This discussion aims at analyzing bills vetoed by the governor of Texas on June...

How Public Policy in the US Can Be Improved

Public policy in the United States can be improved through public participation and good will from the political class. Policing in the United States has been identified as one area that may require policy improvement. The recent murder of George Floyd by law enforcement agencies and massive protests that followed...

The Importance of Being a Policy Implementer

Policies evolve from diverse ideas that stakeholders sponsor within or outside the organization. Plans result from the existence of a problem or opportunity, which impacts the firm’s progress and always targets improving institutional performance. However, strategies without implementation remain mere proposals until a corporation puts them into action to achieve...

Political Science: Human Security & Revolution-in-Military-Affairs

Human Security Human security is a strategic policy agenda within the arena of international politics since it aims at addressing all forms of human vulnerabilities which threaten the well-being of communities around the world. The major susceptibilities and challenges include protracted violence and political conflicts, diseases, epidemics, natural calamities, economic...

Sino-Indian Border Dispute: Casual Analysis

The Sino-Indian border dispute is a political problem that complicates the relations between India and the People’s Republic of China. As a matter of bilateral relations between the two countries, it is technically a regional concern. Still, the importance of both India and China as great powers makes it a...

Democracy in the American Government

The political system of the United States can be defined as a representative democracy. In such an arrangement, the residents do not rule the country directly, as they choose various government representatives to adopt laws and make decisions on behalf of the entire population. Therefore, people can choose Congress members,...

Government-Funded Welfare Program

The task of gaining economic and financial success is typically quite complicated, especially for people belonging to the lower class tier, due to the multiple risks with which most business endeavors swarm. Moreover, the process of gaining financial well-being may become quite intricate even for those that are not planning...

Assessing the Federal Bureaucracy

Federal bureaucracy refers to the unelected administrative body of the Executive Branch of the federal government. It comprises the federal agencies, departments, and commissions. The main strength of the federal bureaucracy is its clarity in structure, policies, and procedures. Thus, the clear policies help in discouraging favoritism, while the rigid...

Role of Police Agencies in Law Enforcement

For many years law enforcement agencies from different countries put little effort in controlling white color crimes. There were few laws enacted to deal with these crimes. Other factors that contributed to this were the lack of knowledge on how to identify white color crimes among the public as well...

Proposition 63: Should Other States Follow California’s Lead

Introduction On November 2, 2004, the state of California passed an initiative associated with increasing financial support for mental health care. Known as Proposition 63, the plan facilitated the creation of the Mental Health Services Act that implied the dedication of funds for mental health services through imposing a 1%...

The Borderlands of the United States and Mexico

The boundaries separating one state from another are always a controversial issue. Borders were often built in the course of hostilities and the division of land after any wars. However, is this land division so strict and uncompromising? This paper aims to analyze the significance of the border between the...

Electoral College and Its Supports

The Election System In the U.S., during the presidential election time, regular people do not vote for the candidates directly. Instead, they choose the representatives and define the winning party of the state (Farrar, 2019). The number of electoral votes includes two for the members of the U.S. Senate and...

Federalism in the US

Federalism is a political system of state establishment, which allows separate states within an entity to function under a common set of rules while maintaining their own autonomy and integrity (Adler, 2020). It is a mix between the unitary and the confederal systems, sought to eliminate the negative sides of...

Will or Won’t: Trump’s Re-Election on November 3rd

State-Level Forecasts for the 2020 US Presidential Election: Tough Victory Ahead for Biden The article takes the opportunity to elaborate on the State-by-State Political Economy Model (2SPE) to forecast the 2020 U.S. Presidential election. According to the 2SPE, the candidate with popular votes has the power of winning the majority...

The Health of American Democracy

Democracy is supposed to be maintained by citizens who communicate with their government to make society better. Judging by the political engagement and political knowledge of the American people, they seem to be democratically active and healthy. Every day I can see ideas people spread through social media, mostly Instagram...

The Foundation of Army Leadership and Military Training

Introduction Army training involves a broad sphere that helps the candidates during combat. Moreover, leadership in the army is the epitome of the success of every unit. Training and promoting the desire to win are crucial impacts. Leaders give soldiers combative and reason skills and teach discipline. Training to become...

Re-Districting and Re-Mapping Processes: Gerrymandering

A re-districting process before the decennial census can be considered as a highly controversial act, such as the case of 2003 Texas redistricting. Based on the constitutional and statutory law, the given procedure is not a direct violation of the regulatory points. In other words, the pre-decennial census is not...

Marijuana Legalization in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota

On November 4th, 2020, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, and South Dakota joined the list of states where marijuana is legalized and could be used for recreation. Besides, according to the survey conducted by Yu et al. (2020), marijuana is the most commonly used drug among the drugs that are illicit...

International Relations Professionals in Government

Introduction International relations is a field of study that focuses on understanding the relationships between different nations and cultures that impact politics, economics, and international governments. The comprehension of these processes allows scientists to evaluate the strategies, predetermine the outcomes, and uncover possible behavior patterns that can help guide organizational...

Realist and Liberal Theories

As the key theories to analyze, realist and liberal ideas are invoked, which offer distinctive perspectives on the world. With regard to the causes of World War II and both its premises and consequences, liberal theories present the most convincing explanation. According to Moravcsik (2010), the liberal approach presupposes globalization...

Doha Negotiations: Possible Solutions and Outcomes

Possible Solutions Among issues to be discussed in negotiations, it is crucial to pay attention to the Chinese currency revaluation. In light of the events of 2019, when China devalued its currency, the US is concerned about Chinese currency policy, according to the New York Times.1 Among the consequences of...

The Precinct 3 Contest in Harris County

County Commissioner’s position is an essential office in Harris Region; therefore, winning Precinct 3 election is obligatory. The office upholds the Canton’s decision-making capacity, and as the State’s most populous County, the race to the office is highly contested by aspirants who are determined to win. Considering that nearly half...

Control Regime in Hong Kong: Elements and Challenges

In 1997, the independence of Hong Kong was relinquished to the Peoples’ Republic of China (Wong, 2002). From that time, numerous vital development have occurred in Hong Kong one of them being its taxation regime. KPMG (2007) argues that the Basic Law that came into effect on July 1997 gave...

Sexual Harassment Response and Prevention Program

There is a great number of social issues that people still cannot eliminate. One of them is the problem of sexual violence and harassment in the U.S. Army – a place where people learn how to protect their county and fellow citizens but cannot feel completely safe themselves. Fortunately, significant...

Nuclear Weapons Strategic Role in National Security

Introduction The strategic role of nuclear weapons in national security is crucial. The main goal of any national security policy is to ensure stability, defined as the absence of war. The core principle underlying the United States nuclear policy is deterrence. The presence of a nuclear arsenal provides the potential...

Electoral System Used in Canada

The political system of Canada refers to a parliamentary form that is fundamentally different from the presidential form of government. Moreover, in Canada, provincial bodies are significant, since each province of Canada is an independent state within the country, with its laws and its health and educational systems (Heard, 2005)....

Nuclear Weapons and Their Strategic Importance

Introduction Since the Cold War, nuclear weapons gradually lost their importance in political, social, and national security discussions. The multi-decade nuclear arms race was over, and there is no longer a continuous threat of a nuclear war breaking out. To some extent, atomic weapons lost their symbolic value, but remain...

How Can the Unit Manager Training to Accomplish Mission Goals?

Training management is one of the core competencies of non-commissioned officers (NCO), which requires specific skills for the leaders in training soldiers for high-quality performance. The case study introduces the Dagger Brigade’s efforts to fill in the gap in staffing and ensure mission goals achievements. Under the circumstances of the...

Evidence-Based Approach to Policymaking

Criminal justice policies often fail to address the issues of diverse individuals and vulnerable populations. As opposed to minimizing the role of individual characteristics, policymakers should employ an evidence-based approach to formulate actionable steps to combat discrimination. This essay will examine the evidence-based practice of policymaking in a specific case...

Policy Brief: Marijuana Policy

Introduction The American society has been keen to implement superior laws to protect more citizens against some of the illicit drugs, including cannabis, cocaine, amphetamines, and heroin. The nature of policy making processes in this country allows the federal government to retain and promote specific laws while permitting states to...

The Soviet Union and China’s Strategic Approaches

Nations The Soviet Union emerged as a response to a dysfunctional monarchy system, which took place in Russia before Lenin. He was the one who initiated the process of revolution within the nation, which resulted in the Communist party becoming victorious. However, Mao’s goal was to industrialize China to seek...

Why the Electoral College is Necessary

Introduction The electoral college has been controversial It sometimes contradicts the popular vote The 2016 election is an example Trump won despite Clinton’s popular vote advantage However, this result is ultimately desirable The 2016 election has been divisive, with the Republican candidate, Donald J. Trump, winning the race with a...

Structure and Functions of the USA Federal Government

Introduction The United States government is an organized and logical system that ensures a fair distribution of power for decision-making. It consists of such branches as legislative, executive, and legal, which have different functions and prevent the usurpation of power by representatives of another branch. In this way, the Constitution’s...

Spain and Catalonia: The Border Issues

Issue explanation The 2006 Statute of Autonomy of Catalonia was rejected by the Spanish Court, which led to the creation of the Catalan independence movement. The 2017 Catalan independence referendum was deemed unconstitutional and Spain used armed forces in an attempt to resolve the issue. The majority of seats in...

Political Science Today. Constitutions, Law and Justice

Introduction Ethnic conflicts can be defined as the disagreement between two or more assertive ethnological groups. Ethnic conflicts can be spread in various ways, such as diffusion and contagion. Diffusion occurs when an ethnic dispute in one region influences instability in another country under similar conditions. Conversely, escalation effects occur...

Governor and Public Policy: Formal and Informal Powers

Introduction When a person becomes an elected governor, they use formal and informal powers to influence public policy. I have recently been elected the Governor of Texas because I promised to address four significant issues. They include controlling immigration from Mexico, controlling spending on social programs, ensuring that the death...

New York Times v. United States

New York Times Co. v. the United States is a famous case held in the US Supreme Court that brought up the question of limitations of freedom of speech. In 1971, the Nixon Administration attempted to prevent publishing the classified papers of the Defense Department that revealed sensitive information about...

Using International Relations Theories to Predict the Future Communications With Aliens

Introduction Astronomers would describe outer space as infinite, varied, and astonishingly complex. However, when it comes to international relations (IR), the immense world of extra-solar planets and gigantic galaxies is rather irrelevant to theorists. Although the Space Age (the mid-20th century) has raised several important questions for foreign policy scholars,...

Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed business groups to side with a candidate during an election company. McCain–Feingold Act limiting the rights of corporations during the pre-election race is recognized as unconstitutional. This Act officially known as the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 or BCRA, was passed in...

The Phenomenon of “Defunding the Police”

It is safe to say that 2020 is the year of social unrest, part of which the “defund the police” movement. The reason why this movement emerged was the police brutality towards people of color. The death of George Floyd became the trigger that prompted many people to protest and...

Representing a Democracy in Miami, Florida

The legislative branch of the United States government is Congress, a bicameral house that comprises the House of Representatives and Senate. Its primary mandate is to enact laws and provide oversight to federal and state agencies, the army, and other public institutions. As a representative democracy, Congress is a mix...

The Presidential Elections in the US of 2020: Personal Review

The presidential elections in the US of 2020 are the most intriguing ones; it seems that the whole world watches them. Unfortunately, I have not voted because I am on a green card since I am from Brazil, and the law prohibits noncitizens from voting. Nevertheless, I am immensely willing...

Rhetorical Devices in Debates: Biden, Harris, and the Issue of Women and Race

Political debates often appear to be very heated and overly emotional, yet careful calculations typically lie behind the statements made by all participants to represent their points clearly and accurately. Thus, the sue of rhetorical devices that allow appealing to audiences’ emotions are frequently included in political debates. In the...

Measurable Self-Development Programs for Leader Development in the Army

Field operations can be challenging for army officers when adequate leadership is lacking. Arguably, the field is where tactical combat decisions are operationalized and experimented. Operational situations require flexible and complex leaders who can leverage their cognitive, behavioral, and social competencies to ensure combat success (Hunt & Philips, 1996, p....

Historical Analysis of Presidential Power of Executive Order

The executive order denotes how a sitting president of (most) democratic countries issues a federal or national directive. Presidents utilize the order to manage the national operations, depending on the country’s nature (Johns 100). Executive orders play a fundamental role in enforcing laws by the head of state. Most occupiers...

Strength, Weakness, and Positive Impact of Congress on American Political System

The founding fathers of America thought of creating Congress to be more authoritative. Congress was meant to have some special powers different from those of the president and the Supreme Court. For legislative purposes, Congress was established with two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. This paper seeks...

The Operations Process and Types of Training Management in the Army

Types of Training Training is a significant aspect of improving the skills of soldiers and preparing them for upcoming or potential operations. Through training, readiness develops as an integral quality that allows responding to any situation timely and using the acquired skills in a real combat or tactical environment. There...

The President’s and Congress’s Powers Regarding Using Military Forces

Currently, the issue of when and why the Presidents of the US should use military forces abroad has become widely discussed and utterly controversial among scholars, lawmakers, and political representatives. Moreover, the Trump administration’s actions seem to be aimed at the beginning of a war with Iran, which has dramatically...

Decisive Action Training Environment (Date) Overview

Military operations and the relevant environment for activities are highly dependent on a wide range of factors included in a region’s PMESII-PT. In the case of Caucasus, the political sphere affects the operations through a bipolar form of governance, such as democracy and autocracy. Military power concentration also influences the...

Bargaining Theory: A Better Explanation of Why Wars Happen

Although wars are rare occurrences even under the best conditions, they are triggered by the various factors which prevent competing states from negotiating successfully and settling the outstanding issues. International politics is a considerably small and anarchical environment where bargaining, compromises, and arrangements are the primary mode of political interaction....

Comparison Democracies vs. Non-Democracies

A democratic system makes it possible to address contemporary social problems and challenges better than a non-democratic one. According to Doyle (1996), building relationships among people through the principles of free cooperation and mutual understanding helps avoid severe disagreements. Moreover, as Mickey et al. (2017) state, democracy has already shown...

Competing Interests in a Health Care Policy

Introduction This essay provides a discussion of issues of competing interests. It also provides a discourse on public policies, democratic governance, and policy networks. It finally concludes by stating the insights about the relationship between democratic governance and policy networks. Issues of Health Care Everyone wants good health conditions. This...

North Korean Nuclear Proliferation

Introduction In Manhattan in June 1993, sixteen U.S. and North Korean delegates met to chat the way forward concerning the North Korean Nuclear Program. The delegates had never met before; they were led in the meeting by a chief negotiator (Robert Gallucci). The North Korean delegates arrived in the meeting...

Donald Trump’s Twitter and Free Speech

Introduction Donald Trump’s Twitter account is one of the most popular accounts on this website. It allows the President to communicate with citizens of the country. His audience totals more than 60 million people, many of whom are actively involved in discussions of his tweets. Twitter is a valuable tool...

Analysis of President George W. Bush’s Speech to the Nation on 9/11

Shortly after the events of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers on 11/9/2001, President George W. Bush addressed the American population with a speech. There is no doubt that the number of people and families, which suffered from this occasion, is unfair. By using the agitation and...

Birtherism Theory in the United States

Introduction Conspiracy theories have existed for a long period, and it is used to explain the causes of significant political and social events and circumstances. Such ideas are pushed by powerful people in society and have great influence. The theories are developed to accuse an individual, achievement, or a contribution....

Dying and Killing for Ivory: Africa, Asia, & the Global Ivory Trade

Ivory trade ban: When, where, why? The ivory trade originated in an ancient state Phenicia. As a rule, ivory means the tusk of living mammals of the probosci’s order. The value for products made from elephant tusk is quite high; in most cases, luxury items were made from it. Despite...

Privatizing Government Functions in the United States

I agree that government bureaucracies are ill-equipped to handle simple, everyday tasks since they manage them as a monopoly. The lack of competition affects the performance and, therefore, the quality of provided services. Such services can cost less than those of private companies, but the price is not what matters...

Politics in the United States: Elections

Voting is a democratic process that allows citizens to elect leaders whose manifestos resonate with their goals. In my family, several people engage in this activity since they view it as a fundamental right. For instance, my siblings and parents are usually enthusiastic when it comes to voting. They do...

Federalism: What It Is and How It Came to Be

Introduction While creative attempts have been made to outline the origin of federalism back into ancient times, the constitution of the United States (1787) is one of the initial cases of any contemporary federal structure. The likelihood of setting up a federal blending amid the other North American countries that...

Khashoggi in the US and Saudi Arabia Relations

Introduction The assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi on October 2, 2018, at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, turned into a serious test of the strength of relations between Riyadh and the US. It would seem that the purely intra-Saudi incident was a shock to the western partners of the kingdom....

Border Security in the United States

Safeguarding the state borders is traditionally regarded as one of the key priorities of home security. In its essence, border security is expected to shield a state from intruders and illegal migrants, thus preventing the threats of terrorism and economic instability. Therefore, creating a safe environment for citizens is the...

Law Enforcement Position in Society

Introduction With centuries of securing fellow residents and combatting crime, law enforcement authorities seem to adjust to the new policing advancements at a relatively high rate. However, over the last decades, it became clear that felony crime and a misdemeanor would always be at least one step ahead of the...

What Does Money Have to Do With It?

The policy oriented toward providing judges with the information on the costs of sentencing types can be discussed as rather controversial because of the impossibility to predict its potential effects on society. Presenting judges with sentencing costs can change their decisions and be an economically advantageous solution to address the...

The US Air Defense System

Introduction Currently, the U.S. air force is the most powerful in the world. It consists of “of 180 Air National Guard F-15A/B and F-16A/B aircraft located in 10 units and 14 alert sites in the United States” (“Strategic,” n.d.). In addition to ten dedicated units, “2 F-15 dual-tasked general-purpose units...

The Activity of Citizens During Elections

The United States electoral system is highly variable, confusing, interesting, and old as America itself. Do such factors as election complexity and the day chosen for them affect voters’ presence? Although voter turnout among the American citizens has low ratings among developed democracies, and many voters are too busy to...

Article Review: “The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Trust in Government”

Introduction The purpose of their present research is to assess the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the public trust levels towards government officials. The research applies the trust concept to and measured in dwellers of several counties within Mississippi and Louisiana. The authors assume that the level of trust is...

Donald Trump’s President Impeachment

Since the beginning of his presidency, Trump has made a plethora of questionable decisions and taken quite a range of actions that might not coincide with the existing code of ethics or even common sense. Therefore, the doubt concerning his legitimacy as a president, that is, the person who represents...

Application of the Gowers Report in the Modern World

The report is relevant to the modern world because it gives a glimpse of the death penalty necessity. Gwilym mentions that “the commission rejects the recommendations to divide murder into two distinct levels” (Gowers Report, 1955). Arguably, the statement applauds the existence of the death penalty. The report is relevant...

The Invasion of US Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

Introduction The fight against global terrorism and eliminating the threats of extremists’ activities in the Middle East became the key prerequisites for the invasion of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. The powers of President, George W. Bush, were largely expanded due to corresponding changes in the legislature, in particular,...

Role of Economics in the Upcoming Elections

The unrivaled uncertainty of the existing circumstances with the COVID-19 pandemic raging throughout the world has turned this election cycle into a unique one in modern American history. The variety of topics to be considered by the voters is unprecedented, and the polarized views of society make the outcome even...

Martin Luther King – Speaker, Activist, Leader

Sometimes legendary personalities are so significant that they symbolize an entire era. One person can be associated with a considerable period, where millions of other people also made public contributions. I am here to pay tribute to Martin Luther King. This social activist led the movement for Black Americans’ rights...

Congress and the President: Contemporary Activities and Contradictions

Among the fundamental principles of the American state, researchers invariably call the separation of powers. This provision, as well as the principle of checks and balances supplementing it, has been the main concern of internal relations in the American state throughout its history. In this context, one of the core...

City Planning and Pandemic: Efficient Approach

The coronavirus crisis revealed the burning need for an improved urban planning approach. The cities should be given technical support and information to create integrated infrastructure, social, and economic strategies locally. In turn, at the national level, governance should be improved to allow emergency response and recovery using more integral...

Betsy DeVos, the Former Minister of Education in the USA

Betsy DeVos (Elisabeth “Betsy” DeVos) was born on January 8, 1958, in Holland, Michigan. On February 7, 2017, the Senate of the US Congress approved her as the new Minister of Education after lengthy debate, and since that moment, she became part of a Trump’s cabinet. Her family is one...

Donald Trump’s Qualities of the Best President

In the long history of the United States, there have been many various presidents. Each of them left a tremendous effect on the development of the economy. The 45th president won the elections despite the vast range of factors against him. Undoubtedly, the characteristics of the strong leader had significantly...

New York Public Policy Overview and Analysis

Public policy impacts every civilian, in numerous ways: some effects are predictable and obvious and some policies catch people by surprise. Although details about public policy are readily accessible, it remains difficult to craft a clear-cut description of any public policy. The term public policy represents a set of actions...

US and Afghanistan: Diplomatic Ties and New Policy

Introduction The United States and Afghanistan have shared diplomatic ties for over seven decades now since establishing diplomatic ties with Afghanistan, the US-Afghan relations have been centered on helping Afghanistan to improve the living standards of its people. During the early years of 1950, the government of the United States...

European Parliament: Why It Failed to Gain the Trust of Citizens?

Introduction European Parliament (EP) is an essential part of governance and representation in the European Union. Representation plays a vital role in the democratic aspect of EP, which means that it allocates a certain number of seats for each member nation. Although the overall power of EP has increased over...

President Trump and the Special Coronavirus Taskforce

In his article in Los Angeles Times, Martelle reports that on Tuesday, May 5, 2020, the US Vice President Mike Pence confirmed that the White House is likely to disband the special coronavirus taskforce. These sentiments arising from the person in charge of the taskforce say much about the possibility...

The U.S. International Affairs

The United States became somewhat involved in world affairs during the first decade of the 20th century. With World War I on the verge of eruption, the US tried to benefit from the policy of isolation. As a result, Woodrow Wilson proposed to implement the “Fourteen Points” that were expected...

Odebrecht Bribes in Latin America

Amongst the most problematic issues of the modern society stands corruption. Ever since the concept of power and ability to control people were discovered, some individuals began to use them to their advantage. However, with the increasing number of opportunities that the modern media gives to ordinary citizens, it becomes...