“Religion in Chinese Society” by Ch’ing-k’un Yang

Religion has always been an ongoing issue for human society. For centuries people have been trying to define the role it plays in their lives and the extent to which this phenomenon impacts their being. Yet, the attitude to religion in Eastern and Western societies differed greatly. Yang states that...

Medical Ethics: Christianity and Buddhism Perspectives

Ethical concerns are present in any working conditions. However, ethics in medicine is particularly important, and it has many complicated issues. Taking into consideration that more and more patients with chronic or severe diseases choose to perform euthanasia, it is necessary to contemplate on this problem. Ethics should be combined...

Homonationalism and Gender Identity in Catholicism

Introduction There can be only a few doubts that as of today, the LGBT-related issues continue being considered highly controversial – especially when discussed in conjunction with the discursively relevant provisions of all three monotheistic religions (Christianity, Judaism, and Islam). Therefore, nothing is surprising about the fact that the public...

Effective Church Models: The Apostolic Harvest Church and the Team Planting

Ed Stetzer is a famous Baptist leader whose contributions are impressive and influential indeed. In his book, Planting Missional Churches, the author introduces several effective church models (Stetzer 2006). Each of them has its strong and weak points. In this discussion, two models, the apostolic harvest church and the team...

Religion in Chinese Society: Confucianism

Confucianism has been proven to be one of the key contributors to the development of the Chinese society. It established the basic principles that guided the operational values for family life, social endeavors, as well as governmental affairs. The Confucianists (scholars trained in the doctrine of Confucianism) were considered the...

Creole Religions of the Caribbean by Olmos et al.

Introduction The book under consideration, written by Margarite Fernandez Olmos and Lizabeth Parvisini-Gebert, represents a comprehensive investigation of the diversity of religious practices, beliefs, and traditions that originated in the Caribbean region as well as the current state of these religions. The introduction to the book begins with the description...

Ignatian Spirituality: Origin, Concepts, Attitude

Introduction The dynamic changes in the present-day society and a great number of international conflicts make many people realize the necessity of the social structure transformation. A lot of researchers in the social studies recognize the importance of spirituality in the life of individuals and collectives. The recent research investigates...

“The Bible Among Myths” a Book by John Oswalt

Introduction The God that is seen in the Bible is described as the only true God and the only one that should be worshipped. This is beside the fact that the Israelite religion is not the only one that existed during the Old Testament period. Other religions were practiced by...

Natural World in Religious and Scientific Knowledge

Introduction Nowadays all people live in different communities, and various religions are spread among the population. During its history, humanity accumulated and explored a significant amount of knowledge about the world around. For people, it is important to learn more about the reality to appreciate it. Moreover, the world around...

Religious Studies: Israel in Canaan

The book of Joshua is one of the most important scriptures that describe the final journey of the children of Israel into the Promised Land from Egypt. After the death of Moses who had led the Israelites out of Egypt, Joshua took over the leadership. He was given the mandate...

Islamic Themes in Kerem Oktem and Thomas Solomon Articles

“Being Muslim at the Margins Alevis and the AKP,” by Kerem Oktem The author presents how the people of Tunceli province were festooned by the holiday wishes which were being celebrated at the same time. He presents the duties that were carried out by various people. For example, the author...

Islamic Culture and Perception in the USA

Introduction Islam is one of the most dominant religions in North America and the world at large. Furthermore, this religion is the fastest-growing denomination in the world even though it is subject to various controversies around the world (McDonnell, 2015). The American media has played a significant role in portraying...

Cultural Misunderstanding in “Islam in America” Film

Introduction As a matter of fact, the Islamic religion is one of the most popular religions in the world. However, it should be highlighted that a number of people fear Muslims and think that their religion is directed on war, destructions, and promotes murders and violence. Is it really so?...

Islamic Culture and American Muslims

Islamic Culture Islam is the third largest religion in the United States and has more than 3 million followers. This accounts for approximately 1% of the American population (GhaneaBassiri, 2010). Since the 9/11 attacks, the controversy regarding the compatibility between American and Islamic cultures and values has dominated political and...

Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Background of the Case Study The case study under discussion is focused on a situation faced by a Christian family. The parents had identical twins, but with the course of time, one of them was diagnosed with acute glomerulonephritis. It is also known as kidney failure that affects people’s lives...

“Islam in America” BBC Documentary

Introduction Atheists around the world are having a field day when it comes to proving their point that religion serves no purpose other than to oppress and prevent the growth of human civilization. It is problematic to mount up a defense of religion, especially when the deplorable acts of corrupt...

The First Islamic State Under Prophet Muhammad

Introduction The rise of Islam was not anticipated or planned. In fact, it had become so common within the first three years since the introduction of the religion that many scholars were shocked by the progress. It should be mentioned that the religion spread immediately after the death of Prophet...

Scientology Religious Beliefs, Rituals, Ethics

Introduction Scientology manifests the eight elements of religion in varying degrees. For example, the most conspicuous elements include a belief system, an ethical system, rituals, community, and material expressions of religion. Sacredness, central myths, and emotional experiences are almost non-existent. Their beliefs are based on the ability to use reason...

World Religions: Origins, Core Beliefs and Practices

Judaism Origins and Development Judaism is a monotheistic religion that was founded by Abraham (who was the first to be commanded by God) and Moses (who was also guided by Him as he led the God’s Chosen People from Egypt) (Davis & Velaidium n.d.). As pointed out by Karkra (2012),...

People’s Religious Beliefs and Their Behavior

Introduction The impact of people’s religious beliefs on their behavior can be listed among the factors that often cause ethical dilemmas in healthcare. The target of the given paper is to present and analyze the ethical dilemma related to the discussed factor. The paper describes the case of a teenager...

Christianity and Europe in the Middle Ages

In the Middle Ages Europe Christianity, namely Catholicism, was the prevailing religion. What is more, it was the only religion recognized and generously financed by the state. Having such robust support, the church has become a dominating institution having a powerful influence on the lives of both noblemen and peasants....

The Passover Origin, Development, and Practice

The Jewish people started practicing the Passover feast as a religious requirement from Yahweh. It was one of the primary methods they had to adapt on the eve of their exodus from Egypt. From the beginning of this tradition to the current day scenarios, the Jews have passed on this...

Methodist Episcopal Church and Primitive Methodist Church

This essay compares and contrasts two church denominations. The essay looks deeply into the origins of the primitive Methodist church and the Methodist Episcopal church. It further explores the similarities and differences in their beliefs and practices. Conclusively, this essay establishes that save the Methodist Episcopal Church is more polished...

Christianity and Buddhism for Terminally Ill Patient

Introduction George was recently diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and in the spinal cord, causing muscle atrophy and leading to eventual complete loss of muscle control. The median life expectancy for this diagnosis is between three and five years, but...

“How God Became Jesus?” a Book by Michael Bird

Introduction How God became Jesus is a masterpiece book by Michael Bird, who is a theology lecturer at the Ridley Melbourne College of Mission and Ministry. This book deconstructs various claims by Bart Ehrman in his book, How Jesus Became God: The Exaltation of a Jewish Preacher from Galilee. Ehrman...

Innovate Church: Non-Negotiable Commitments

Which of the non-negotiable commitments to you find most difficult to keep? How do you plan to strengthen your commitment in that area? There are four non-negotiable commitments. Each of them plays an important role in understanding God, human beliefs, and the power of faith. First three commitments are clear,...

Islamic Culture in America

Introduction Islam is one of the major religions in the world. It is highly controversial because of global links to terrorism. Most terrorist groups associated with the religion have taken responsibility for major terror attacks in the United States and other countries around the world. Contemporary American society is comprised...

Death and Dying in Christianity and Buddhism

Introduction The presented case study indicates that George has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). This condition progresses gradually and eventually results in motor neuron deterioration and complete loss of coordination and muscle control. Terminal conditions such as ALS call for appropriate care delivery from competent health professionals. That being the case,...

Four Views on the Apostle Paul

Summary of the Book Apostle Paul was an outstanding follower of Jesus Christ. The book “Four Views on the Apostle Paul” is a religious masterpiece. The book describes the achievements of Apostle Paul. Many theologians strongly believe that apostle Paul was a major force in the development and establishment of...

Religion in the Public Sphere: Morality and Law

Introduction The relations of Church and secular society have been a matter of discussion for centuries. Both spiritual and civil aspects are important for society. Scholars debate on how to bring them together without running to extremes. There are two dangerous approaches to the relations between church and state, which...

Religious Movements: Rastafarianism and Its Comparison With UNIA and the Brethren

Rastafarianism was founded by Tafari Makonnen in 1930 in Harer Ethiopia (RMHP 1). The group drew their inspirations from the teachings of Marcus Garvey and aimed at uniting the black race. Rastafarians consider parts of the Holy Bible to be sacred and reject the Bible commonly used by Christians in...

Why Did God Ask Abraham to Sacrifice His Son Isaac

Introduction Questions about why God asked Abraham to sacrifice his own son have been raised countless times, and for a number of reasons. The most common belief is that by demanding a sacrifice from Abraham, God tested his faith, will, and loyalty in such way. Even though Abraham was committed...

The School of Benedictine Spirituality

Introduction People got used to the fact the scientists do not believe in the things that seem to be supernatural and lack substantial evidence. Mainly, they consider religion to be a concept created by the human beings in order to explain the things they do not understand. Still, the absence...

American Dream, Religions and Sikhism

The USA represent a unique cultural phenomenon. On the one hand, it is a country of many cultures, nationalities, and religions co-existing in the same area. On the other hand, any culture that comes from outside the United States falls into the melting pot where it is assimilated and becomes...

Islam: Understanding the Religion

What is the essence of this ancient faith? Islam is followed by fully one-fifth of people in the world, and its essence is encrypted into the Quran, the holy book for all the Muslims. It is possible to suggest that the essence of Islam is in the worship of one...

“Salvation, Spreading, and Suffering” by B. Tabb

Introduction and Brief Summary The concepts of suffering and salvation remain to be central topics for discussion in Christian theology during a long period. Believers understand that their goal is their salvation, and they want to hope that salvation from sins and their consequences could happen only after a person...

Jesus Christ in “Resurrected as Messiah” by Ortlund

Introduction and Brief Summary Much attention is paid to the topic of Christ’s resurrection, and many discussions are developed on the idea of the justification of the events that occurred on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning when Christ’s believers and supporters had to deal with a huge amount of agony...

Apologetics as a Theological Discipline

Introduction Apologetics is a discipline of theology that involves the defense of ones’ religious position by systematically reasoning out disputed issues. This has been there since the time of early Christian writers such as Paul, the apostle. Apologists try to explain that their preferred religion is rational, and it promotes...

Psychology of Religion: Children’s Religious Views

Explanations concerning how individuals conduct themselves and how they change have troubled men and women of learning all through the centuries. As such, the psychology of religion seeks to provide an explanation of religious behavioral practices based on psychological methods. In two separate interviews, a series of questions were posed...

Disciple-Making Activity in the Local Church

Introduction The Great Commission sent out the apostles to make disciples, but not to build organizations1. This is a fact that the modern church needs to keep in mind in the course of its activities. Making disciples is an activity that has changed greatly since the time of the Great...

Islamic Religion and Culture in America

Introduction Islam is one of the fastest-growing religions in the world. It is projected that by 2050, 2.1% of the U.S. population will be Muslims. Many Americans have not understood the essence of religion. For instance, there is a common suspicion that Islam is anti-Western and supports terrorism. The perception...

Milarepa’s “Life Is Short” Statement Evaluation

Introduction There is often much wisdom to be found in the writings and sayings of ancient philosophers and thinkers. Often, this wisdom can be of great use in one’s life. For example, the following statement belongs to Milarepa, who is one of the most widely known Saints from Tibet: Life...

“The Young Atheist’s Handbook” by Alom Shaha

Introduction The Young Atheist’s Handbook is an exciting story of one man who decided to stop following the religious path that was dictated by society. The book is a deeply personal account of the author’s journey from religious to non-religious, which includes life experiences and thoughts that question the very...

Jehovah Witnesses and Kingdom Hall

Material Dimension The designated sacred space for the Jehovah’s Witnesses is the Kingdom Hall which they believe to be a representation of God’s Kingdom (Heyns, 2002). Simple design, lack of the altars, no sitting pews and images, are the main characteristics of the Kingdom Hall, the sacred places of Jehovah’s...

Purgatorio Cantos in Dante’s “Divine Comedy”

Introduction Dante’s Purgatorio symbolizes people’s need to face their inner inconsistencies, flaws, and fears to make personal growth possible. In other words, Dante’s Purgatorio is the emblem showing how imperfect humans strive to control their sinful desires and passions to overcome them and ascend to the place where soul and...

Religious States and Experiences

Collective Effervescence According to Emile Durkheim, collective effervescence is the key element of various religious experiences. This concept is used to describe the feeling of exaltation that a person may have at the time when he/she participates in religious rituals as a member of the community. Under such circumstance, an...

Lamb – the Gospel According to Biff

There are many ways to view religion and interpret various events related to a specific religion. There can be the moments of joy and the moments of sadness, the times when God seems a threatening, powerful and mysterious creature, and the times when God appears a caring and loving Father...

Creationism, Its Theories and Forms

This research project provides an overview of the famous life origin theory that dwells on religious beliefs. Specifically, the report outlines the foundation of the Creationism theory that regards God as a creator of life on the earth. Thus, the argument relies on Christianity and is supported by numerous theological...

Jesus’ Identity: God, Man, or Both?

Religion is a unique phenomenon that unites a certain group of people by presenting them with common values, beliefs, and worldviews. In most cases, it arises from the idea that some almighty creature could impact people’s lives and their destinies, as well as contribute to their spiritual growth. However, the...

Buddhist Spirituality: Contribution to Psychological Well-Being

Introduction During recent years, the popularity of Buddhism among the population of Western countries has risen significantly. The tradition of Buddhist Spirituality attracts many people seeking to find harmony in their lives. Buddhist spirituality is the philosophy based on the principles of wisdom, ethical conduct, and concentration, which if followed...

Jesus’ Teaching About the Kingdom and About Himself

Introduction Faith and religion are very personal concerns that could be treated in different ways depending on what a person wants to see, understand, and believe in. That is why there have always been vigorous debates related to the understanding of the basics of faith. The ground for these discussions...

Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism: Concepts and Values

Introduction Aryans Brahmanism and Classical Hinduism all believe in nature gods. There doctrines revolve around things such as rain, oceans, sun, and other unique physical features. Shiva, Indra, Varuna, and Surya are the most important gods in these religious orientations. Even though Aryan is the religion, Brahmanism represents the sacrificial...

Second Temple Judaism: Contradictions and Unity

The Second Temple Period of the Jewish history is characterized by three major crises the Jewish people struggled. They were caused by social, religious and political contradictions. The major sects, which are Pharisees, Sadducees and Essenes were formed during this period. The beginning of the period is characterized by the...

Judaism and Christianity: Revelational or Worshipful?

Ascher’s view on Judaism and Christianity as forms of revelational religion It is hard to argue with the fact that many similar elements are present in Christianity and Judaism. Furthermore, Ascher suggests that they both may be regarded as revealed religions because it is a common theme in many writings....

“Planting Missional Churches” by Ed Stetzer: Summary and Critique

Summary The book under analysis was written by Ed Stetzer and entitled Planting Missional Churches. The author provides valuable insights into the process of planting evangelist churches. Stetzer sheds light on various aspects of the project including finances, location, preaching, worship, spirituality, congregational formation, and so on. The book contains...

The Condemnation of Galileo

The condemnation of Galileo by the Catholic Church is a prime example of the vast dispute between religion and science. It is widely believed that his support of Copernicanism, the theory that the earth rotates on its axis, led to his condemnation by the Catholic Church. However, modern historians disagree...

Revelation in Judaism in “Leviathan” by Saul Asher

Saul Ascher, in his major work Leviathan, puts forth an argument that aims to prove the revealed nature of Judaism and the role of Christ and Mohammed in its subsequent transition from regulative towards constitutive function. Ascher defines three major categories of religion: rational, natural, and revealed. According to him,...

Deities in Hinduism and Buddhism

Abstract This paper dwells upon the differences in roles of Hindu and Buddhist deities from mythological and scientific perspectives. It is noted that Hindu gods’ pantheon was very hierarchal while Buddhist deities were almost equal to people. In Hinduism, gods had supernatural powers and were knowledgeable while in Buddhist tradition....

Mendelssohn’s Jewish Religious Thought

The changes in history were the primary reasons for the rise of a new movement, which can be referred to as Jewish thought (Greenberg 19). It depicted the correlation between philosophy, religion, and theology and created a novel framework of views, as it tended to reflect the lifestyle of Jews....

Dead Sea Scrolls Authorship

Background information and the impact on religious communities The discovery of strange manuscripts by a Bedouin near the Dead Sea in 1947 led to archeological excavations in the area that resulted in the discovery of large volumes of antiquity materials. From 1947-1956, large volumes of Hebrew manuscripts, hidden in clay...

Incompatible Traditions and Communities

Karma is a theological concept that emphasize on living righteously (Moore & Bruder, 2011). This theological doctrine warns believers of consequences for actions and thoughts that are relived through reincarnation. Samsara describes the state of ignorance and assumptions of the current impressions. In this regard, the cycle of rebirth is...

Religion History: Ideological Differences Issues

The world is currently dominated by five major religions that have been in existence for several years. These religions are Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Islam, and Hindu. The common religions have certain common aspects and also exhibit some ideological differences. This paper examines some facts about the world religions by utilizing...

The Christian and Buddhist Perspectives in Healthcare

Introduction The aspects of health and disease create a significant portion of the shared understandings of human existence meaning that it influences the diverse elements of religion practiced in various societies. Historical documentations demonstrate that health has all along been an essential aspect that ensures sustainability of the well-being of...

Paul’s Letters to Rome and Corinth

In his letters to Christians in Rome and Corinth, Paul focused on the Christian blessings in contrast to the state of affairs with the Judaism being the religion of the flesh, law, and strict sin detection regulations. The following discussion will address how exactly Paul represented Christianity as superior to...

Fall of Humanity as a Religion Issue

Introduction The fall of humanity can be considered one of the major, and, by far, the most complicated topics addressed in the Christian religion. Incorporating a range of concepts such as sin, the Exile, the Divine Promise, death, etc., the fall of humanity can be viewed as an integral part...

Religion and Beliefs Regarding Illness

Introduction The world has a diversity of religions with each having its own beliefs regarding illness. Healthcare professionals are obliged to consider religious beliefs when taking care of patients coming from different backgrounds. Religion plays a major role in healthcare and nurses ought to consider the patients’ religious backgrounds before...

Catholic, Church of Christ and Jewish Religions Comparison

Catholics, Protestants, and Jews are three major denominations of Christianity among many others. While the pope is the head of the Catholic Church, Protestantism and Judaism refer to Christianity that is not a subject to Papal authority (Neusner, 2001). The Catholic Church and the Church of Christ are the two...

Religious Studies of Healthy Grief

Grief is the deep sorrow that people experience when they receive news about death, illness, or loss of property. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross model summarizes the stages that make up the grief process. The model states that people undergo grief in five main stages (Curry, 2011). This paper focuses on the five...

Religious Beliefs Validity: the Existence of God

According to the notion of Karma, each action that a person does have outcomes known as repercussions. It is within the context of the repercussions that the notion encourages people to do things, which are good and stay away from bad activities (Moore and Bruder 488). The Karma notion claims...

“Philosophy. The Power of Ideas” and Religious Concepts

In Matthew 6: 19-24, Jesus has three main teachings for Christians to apply in their lives. First, he talks about the importance of storing treasures in heaven where they cannot be destroyed (Bible Gateway, n.d). He explores the concepts of storing treasures in heaven (spiritual) and on earth (material). This...

“Creation and Wisdom: Three Themes” by Philip McMillion

Distinguish between key concepts and subordinate ideas. Concisely summarize these The key concept of ‘Creation and Wisdom’ by Phillip McMillion is that creation plays a vital part for a minimum of three ways in the acumen of the Old Testament: Wisdom and ethics, wisdom and idolatry, wisdom and praise. The...

The Original Sin and Human Nature

The Fall – Then What is revealed about human nature? In Christianity, such a notion as human nature has two major assertions. The first one is the statement that a human being was created in God’s image. It means that our human nature, to a limited degree, has some attributes...

Religious Experiences of Women in Colonial Latin America

Introduction Latin America covers “an area of around 19.2 square kilometers” (Socolow 5). The region has twenty sovereign nations covering the Caribbean and South America. Most of “the countries in Latin America are characterized by the use of different Romantic languages” (Socolow 9). The landing of the Europeans in Latin...

The Gospel of Matthew: Jesus Christ’s Thinking

The first chapters of the Gospel of Mathew in the New Testament relate an account of how Jesus Christ has begun his earthly ministry to people. In this paper, chapters 3, 4, and 5 will be observed in detail with an objective to narrate my insights into Jesus’ thinking as...

Religion Philosophy: Right and Wrong Beliefs

From the point of view of Hinduism samsara is a cycle of being born, living, dying and then being re-born again. This cycle will repeat many times, while the person is tied up by their own karma, which is the law of causes and consequences that determine an individual’s quality...

Varying Religious Beliefs’ Concepts

Samsara is the process of birth, dying, and being reborn. Karma stands for action. It shows that every cause or activity has its consequences. It looks at humans in general (Brooke 490). Each choice made by an individual, whether good or bad, has its outcomes. Good deeds bring about happiness,...

Homosexuality From a Christian Point of View

Homosexuality is the manifestation of sexual desire towards a member of one’s own sex or the erotic activity with a member of the same sex (Strauss 1). Every Bible believing Christian, who has read the scriptures and understood what they say about homosexuality condemns homosexuality and should be oppose to...

Christians and Killing

Christians should be allowed to kill depending on the case at hand. Though Christians through the Bible in Hebrews 12:14 are encouraged to pursue peace (The Bible 835), love one another in John 13:34-35 (The Bible 749), be compassionate in Matthew 9:36 (The Bible 675), and forgive others when wronged...

Classical Christianity: Faith, Beliefs, and Practices

No one can deny the role of history in our day to day lives. We are and will remain to be products and by-products of past events. What the world experiences today in the name of postmodernity is simply a complex transformation of what was practiced in the early days....

Genesis and Its Topics

Introduction The Bible is one of the most influential books in human history. Words τὰ βιβλία are translated from Greek as “the books”; and indeed, The Bible is a collection of books. The Old Testament is generally divided into 39 books (Bible: Old Testament, n.d.). The first of them, Genesis,...

The Transfiguration of Jesus – Literary Criticism

Literary criticism Context The Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-13) is often being regarded as one of the most important miracles that took place during the course of the Savior’s earthly service (second only to the Resurrection). This miracle was meant to prove to the most loyal disciples of Jesus (Peter,...

Buddhism and Classical Hinduism

Introduction Each religion of the East (classical Hinduism and Buddhism) teaches separate principles from one another. Every religion of the East may be similar in some way, but their rituals, books, and views of a higher being are different. Principles can be found in multiple religious traditions, but each religion...

Buddhist Meditation Practices

Buddhism is a form of religion that has three major schools of thoughts including Theravada, Mahayana, and Vihrayana. Mahayana originated from India in the 5th CE under the leadership of the Gupta dynasty. The government valued the teachings of Mahayana traditions to an extent of establishing a public university referred...

Gautama Buddha Religion: Thoughts Alleviating Suffering

Introduction Buddha whose real name was Siddhartha Gautama is believed to have been born at around 563 BCE and lived till 483. According to a report by Ascension Gateway, he is believed to have been born on Nepal to a king named Suddhodana, his mother died after giving birth to...

Christian Teaching by Saint Augustine

Saint Augustine was one of the philosophers who tried to explain the role of religion in society by observing that any decision has to be based on the teaching of God in the scripture. For instance, he noted that virtue is a rightly ordered love in the sense that individuals...

Critique of “Epistle to the Galatians” Letter

Introduction The Bible is one of the most influential books in history; the New Testament, having been written almost two millennia ago, still has much to teach people about. To properly comprehend what it says, it is important to see the main principles taught there, as well as to understand...

What Is Buddhism? History of the Religion, Beliefs, and Rituals

A defining characteristic of human civilization is the presence of religion, which is the belief in and worship of a supernatural being(s) through rituals. Most people in the world practice a religion and their particular faith influences their worldview and affects how they act. There exist many religions with most...

Religious Studies: the Muslims Questions

Introduction Generally, Muslims in several parts of the world continue to experience cold relations with other members of the society with each side having negating stereotypes of the other. Much of the French and Malaysian communities view the Islamic followers as either fanatical in some way or violent in nature,...

Hristianity and Islam Differences and Similarities

Christianity and Islam are two major religions in the world. Some people often see the two religions as convergent as people practicing them tend to oppose each other. Of course, these religions have some differences but they also have loads of similarities. In fact, Christianity and Islam have a lot...

Hinduism’s Early Beginnings: The Origin of Hinduism and Its Development

Hindu religion is the prevalent religion in most parts of South Asia and indeed, the third largest religion after Islam and Christianity. The faith has more than a billion followers, but a billion of such followers are said to be residing in India. There are currently many versions of Hindu...

Religious Studies: Spirituality in Nursing

Summary of assessment findings Spiritual assessment refers to evaluating patients’ religious needs and values to find out whether they have effects on medical health (O’Brien, 2013). It would be important to indicate that most patients associate their illnesses with spirits (Aten, McMinn & Worthington Jr, 2011). Thus, they use faith...

St. Peter’s Basilica and In Praise of Folly

Introduction There is a lot that seems unknown about the similarities and differences of European culture in terms of literature, music, and visual arts. The European culture has broad elements that allowed different artists to delve into development of different kinds of cultural arts, music, or literature. The aim of...

Religious Beliefs in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Polytheism was the most outstanding feature of the ancient religious belief system among the Egyptians. Several deities or gods interacted with Egyptians. The gods had full control of nature and that nothing could take place without their influence. Hence, it was the role of individual Egyptians to act according to...

Nature of Christianity: Political Resistance Versus Cultural Assimilation

Religion as a phenomenon has a complex social purpose and is typically viewed as a source of spirituality and ethical development of its proponents. However, apart from the chances that religion opens for believers in terms of their personal development, it also provides extensive opportunities for societal progress by building...

Religious Values of Peace and War in Islam and Christianity

If there are any values in this world that appear to have a purely relativistic essence, it would be the religious ones. This is because religion as a culturally-existential phenomenon does not have innate qualities, despite the fact “representatives of God on Earth” are trying to convince us otherwise. In...