Characteristics of Norway from Different Perspectives

Our project aimed to characterize Norway from its economy, politics, geography, social and cultural factors, business conduct, and an effective strategy for intercultural negotiations. Having analyzed geographical, government, and economic factors, we can conclude that the sea has historically been of great economic importance for the Norwegian country. It allowed...

Probability and Statistics. Random Sampling

Random sampling is defined as a sampling method whereby several subjects are selected for a study from a population. Each member of the population is merely chosen by chance and therefore each member of the population has an equal probability chance for being chosen for the study. On the other...

Each Human Being as the Owner of a Library of Ancient Information

Human beings have been trying to decipher their origin and roots for centuries onwards. They easily observed that living things inherit traits from their parents, and used this finding for the cultivation of certain features in animals and plants. But the means of such heredity represented a mystery to people...

Advantages and Applications of Carbon Nanotubes

Introduction According to [1], carbon nanotubes belong to a carbon molecular family that is different from that of graphite and diamond referred to as fullerene. These structures, cylindrical in shape, formed by the carbon atoms fall into two major categories. The categories are single-walled nanotubes and the other category is...

The Role of Enzymes in Living Cells

Introduction Living cells undergo a process called transpiration, and produce byproducts that are harmful to the cell. One of the byproducts of cell metabolism is hydrogen peroxide. Excess hydrogen peroxide is toxic to living cell. Therefore, it must be disintegrated into less toxic substances so that it does not damage...

The Heart and the Digestive System

The article about the heart shows its representation, including the respective parts. The parts of the heart include the arteries and veins that take blood into and out of the heart. The article describes where the heart lies within the body system and how it functions within the body to...

Epidemiological Study Designs in the Media

Introduction A recent article titled “Avoiding Endocrine Disruptors Drops Diabetes Risk: Study” appeared on The Scientist Magazine on 27th October, 2016 (Grens, 2016). It reports the findings of an epidemiological study carried out by Transade et al. (2016). The study is titled “Population Attributable Risks and Costs of Diabetogenic Chemical...

High-Temperature Materials Selection: Space Shuttle Shield and Turbochargers

Introduction Components such as heat shields for spacecraft and for turbochargers are very challenging. They are subjected to very high operating temperatures and especially heat shields should never fail. The recent crash of the space shuttle Challenger happened because the heat shields failed and as a result, the catastrophic failure...

The Effects of Changing the Speed of the Motor

Abstract and Objectives By experimenting, it was possible to address the three important objectives in this study. The first and second objectives were to determine the effects of changing the speed of the motor on the output current and voltage respectively. That was achieved by an upward and downward of...

The Ballpoint Pen: A Chemistry’s Review

My item of choice is a ballpoint pen. This item is of interest to me because for decades, we have come to rely on it as a writing material. Although we are now living in the computer age, the ballpoint pen is still popular. The ballpoint pen is a simple...

Interdisciplinarity According to Hansson and Kelly

Interdisciplinarity is understood as the interaction of two or more scientific disciplines, each of which has its subject, terminology, and research methods. The existence of such a phenomenon as interdisciplinary research means not only the emergence of a particular science into a new integrative research space and overcoming the boundaries...

Eating Fast Food and Obesity Correlation Analysis

Healthcare problem and research question In healthcare, it is prudent to assess relationships between healthcare problems and suspected causative factors. If causative factors are determined and positively correlated to healthcare problems, then preventive measures can be put in place (Polit & Lake, 2010). Correlation analysis statistical tests are used to...

Muscle Fiber. Types

The human body is a fantastic organism that continues to amaze scientists with the features of its device for many centuries. However, even the previously explored body parts are fraught with many amazing features. This essay aims to study the human’s muscle tissue both in general and at the molecular...

The Role of GC Within Forensic Applications

Introduction Gas chromatography (GC) is a technique used to separate volatile components of a complex mixture. The method employs a column made of a flow-through narrow tube in which a sample containing various chemical components passes in a gas stream. The gas stream in chromatography is referred to as a...

Using of Statistics in Healthcare

Introduction Many students who plan to apply for medical studies suggest that they are not going to need mathematics and any mathematics-related sciences in the future and successfully forget anything they learned in school or college. However, mathematics and statistics are an essential part of healthcare research. This essay will...

Use of Nanotechnology to Produce Electric Power on Mars

Nanotechnology has emerged as one of the critical sources of inspiration in the development and production of components that can be used to produce energy in various environments such as in the harsh undeveloped Martian atmosphere. According to Lyons and Whelan, the possibility of using nanotechnology to produce electricity has...

Green Chemistry: Saving the World Through Chemistry

Summary This article was posted by Sue White in 2013 to the ABC Environment (Australia) Website (White, 2013). The main topic of the article is the need for chemists across the world to enhance the adoption of green chemistry as a viable countermeasure toward eliminating chemical disasters in the world....

Logical Statements: Venn Diagrams

Introduction To understand arguments in mathematics, it is of necessity to comprehend how known facts are combined, to be capable of proving new facts. In logic, a statement refers to a sentence that can be categorized as being false or true, but with no vagueness (Royden, 2001). Truth value refers...

Research Proposal for Anasarca and Acute Renal Failure

Introduction Anasarca is also referred to as generalized edema in which different tissues of the body swell due to fluid retention. Anasarca is caused by different factors and conditions such as heart failure, liver failure, kidney failure, hereditary angioedema and certain medications among others. The aim of this paper is...

Crystallization Process and Related Phenomena

Abstract Crystallization is a separation operation in which crystals of blended components are obtained starting from a liquid mixture (solution or molten magma-solid). In some cases, it might generate components that are 100% pure. Crystallization creates thermodynamic conditions that compel molecules to catch up and regroup it into highly organized...

Study of Local Water Resources Quality

Introduction Surveying the quality of local water resources in the context of measuring biochemical parameters is of high research and applied importance not only for the laboratory but also for the local community. It is known that stream water has a high potential for agricultural use, but it is also...

Statistics: Analysis of Multivariate Data

Introduction There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of applications; currently, everything ranging from sociology, science, business to mention but a few in one way or another incorporate statistics in their day-to-day activities. With this in mind, it is worth noting that several statistical...

Crystallization of L-alanine Crystals

Abstract Crystallization of L-alanine crystals can be achieved through the use of Meta-assisted and Microwave Accelerated Evaporative Crystallization (MA-MAEC) process. This is a common industrial technique that has the capacity to produce crystals with different polymorphs within a very short time, unlike other preparation methods. MA-MAEC crystallization technique poses myriads...

Physical Activity in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study

Abstract Conducting a qualitative study means being especially careful with the completion of the key steps required by the existing standards. Carrying out a basic qualitative research in their article, Weir, Bush, Robson, McParlin, Rankin and Bell (2010) have managed to incorporate all basic elements that the existing standards demand...

DNA Cloning and Sequencing: The Vector pTTQ18

DNA cloning technique Cloning is the process of transferring a gene from its natural chromosomal to an autonomous vector so that to replicate. During the process of cloning, the DNA is transferred from the cells and manipulated in a test tube and the new DNA is consequently returned into cells...

Atoms in the Human Body

Introduction Billions of years ago, when the dense speck expanded, the matter and antimatter should have disappeared and left nothing but energy. Still, some amount of matter remained and filled the world with numerous particles (Sundermier, 2015). Those particles circulating through the dark matter across the universe might pass through...

Mathematical Theory: Algebraic K-theory

A mathematical theory is similar to a mathematical representation that is established on dictums. Sometimes, it can continuously be a body of knowledge, for example, built on truism and precision. Therefore, it can be utilized when dealing with an area of mathematical fact-finding within the set guidelines and procedures. This...

NonParametric Tests in Parametric Setting

Questions about Non-Parametric Procedures Non-parametric tests are choice tests if the dataset does not assume normality in its distribution (for skewed data) (Field, 2009). In addition, data that does not heed to the assumption of homogeneity of variances calls for the use of non-parametric rather than parametric tests. The preference...

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Are Fundamental to the Life Sciences

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology is a course area, which has contributed hugely to life sciences. To affirm this, some molecules are often recognized as building blocks for cell formation, implying that they are fundamental to the physiology of humans. Biochemistry primarily involves the study of such molecules, and this underlines...

Literature Review of Hepcidin: Importance, Production, Regulation

Iron regulation in the body Iron is a constituent of all living matter. Iron is a core factor in the electron transfer chain in the body; it is also a vital part of oxygen transport and iron storing molecules such as hemoglobin. It is also a component of host defense...

Heat Transfer Through Home Walls

Abstract The aim of this report is to look at the different modes of heat transfer. Specifically, heat transfer through walls will be clearly outlined and the different equations associated with the same discussed. The report will also cover conduction, radiation and convection as modes of heat transfer. Introduction Heat...

The Effect of Magnesium Deficiency on Plant Growth

Introduction The term magnesium was derived from the word magnesia which is the district in Greece from which magnesium was first mined. The importance of magnesium in plants was discovered by scientists such as Mayer, Knop, Sachs, and Salm-Horstmar; and then in 1904-1902, Willstarter identified magnesium to be part of...

Fatty Acid Analysis by Gas Chromatography

Introduction Biological systems contain a wide range of fatty acids in cell membranes and stored fat. In particular, the cell membrane of microbial organisms consists of a bilayer of glycerophospholipids in which the fatty acids are esterified to glycerol (Carlsson 1973, p.288). Microbial fatty acids are unique from one species...

The Concept of Fine-Grain Analysis

With the rapid development of Internet technologies and the increased number of possibilities entitled to users, the question of analyzing commercial websites is rather acute. It is necessary to evaluate e-commerce web pages since their usability and other features influence the potential consumers’ choices to a great extent. As Andreolini...

Master of Finance to Help African Development

Introduction Education is a vital need of modern society. It allows people to develop their skills and talents so that to further use them for their own prosperity and for the glory of their countries and continents. In Africa, the issue of education is rather burning as the weak economies...

Statistics: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves different statistical procedures that are available to provide a researcher with a view of the data in terms of distribution and general characteristics of a given data. While analyzing data using SPSS, there are a variety of statistical procedures available to carry out exploratory data...

Different Jaw Reflexes and their Clinical Significance

Jaw reflexes are of different kinds, including the jaw jerk reflex, the myotactic reflex, the jaw closing and opening reflex. This paper will aim to describe each in turn, with the clinical relevance of the normal and abnormal reflexes along with published scientific research in dental journals that has focused...

Morphological and Physiological Characteristics of Unknown Bacteria

The identification if various forms of bacteria is an important part of clinical practice. To identify bacteria, the present phenotypic characteristics are usually compared with those of known bacteria. In the process of identifying bacteria a researcher needs to appreciate the fact that the characteristics may vary significantly. Furthermore some...

Country Analysis: Japan

Country Description As a country for analysis, Japan is selected as a unique state with distinctive business approaches and cultural characteristics that create a distinctive image of the country. Traditions and beliefs constitute a significant part of Japanese business politics, which explains the significant differences between its culture and those...

“The Greatest Common Factor” by Khan Academy

Exploring new mathematical models often involves difficulties in perceiving information and an inner desire to find more straightforward explanations. If geometrical patterns are understandable due to their visual representation, it seems more challenging to work with abstract numbers. It is necessary to be completely honest to say that I have...

Silicon: Overview of Available Information

Introduction The study of available information on chemical elements allows systematizing the existing knowledge and immersing the study of chemical diversity. It is essential to note that the study of the element must be complex and multifactorial, reflecting not only the technical information about the chemical and physical properties but...

Whole-Cell Bacterial Biosensor for Environmental Monitoring

Low cost and rapid performance displayed by the whole-cell biosensor technology has led to increased interest in them. In addition bacterial biosensors are highly accurate, simple and easy to manufacture. Today, the technology of bioluminescent and fluorescent biosensors can, for example, be applied in the sensing of toxic metals and...

Differences Between Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods

Quantitative And Qualitative Research Modern times have come with many health challenges due to the emergence of new strains of diseases and also the re-emergence of diseases that are considered as eradicated. There have been issues of climatic changes which have resulted in global warming due to environmental pollution. This...

Quantitative Research of the Impact at the Workplace

The need to inquire about the relationships among variables in a population, results into the formulation of quantitative research questions. Investigators use these research questions to get information that they are looking for (Creswell, 2003). Flick (2009) acknowledges that research questions determine the appropriateness of the areas selected for investigation....

Pink Dye Concentration Evaluation in the Spectrophotometric Absorbance Based Beverage

Introduction Background information An accurate assessment of the concentration of dyes in food and beverages forms an integral aspect of consumer safety. Mutagenic effects stemming from high levels of concentration lead to cancer development. The determination of the concentration of dyes through spectrophotometric analysis provides an accurate method. Objective The...

A Brief Review of T-Test

Generally, t-test include five assumptions that have to be taken into consideration at all times when the analysis is executed. As discussed by Kim and Park (2019), first, the scale of measurement applied to the collected information follows an ordinal or continuous scale. Second, the data is derived from a...

Harvey Fineberg: Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution?

As ordinary people live day to day, they do not always think of those secrets and interesting questions that scientists are still trying to find answers to. For example, what is the current evolutionary state, and what exactly will the future bring to humans? When a person looks ahead to...

The Concept of Epigenetics

Epigenetics is a study of heritable phenotypic changes or gene expression in cells that are caused by mechanisms other than DNA sequence (Grossniklaus, Kelly, Ferguson-Smith, Pembrey, & Lindquist, 2013). Epigenetic changes may be ‘stored’ in a number of cells and may be inherited by future generations. Basically, epigenetics studies how...

Comparison of Two Articles About Issues of Leadership and Management

The First Article Purpose and Scope The research in question was explorative in nature, so the authors instead of arguing produced several hypotheses and tested them in order to uncover new information about the topic. Their purpose was to investigate the leadership preferences in representatives of different nationalities in contrast...

Cilia: Description, Function, and Significance

All organisms consist of cells that are the basic units of life. Every cell is a complex structure that includes various fewer components. These elements are called organelles, and cells use them to perform specific jobs. There are many organelles, and cilia are among their number. This research paper will...

Studying the Properties of Toothpaste

This work aims to study the properties of active components of toothpaste. The hypothesis is that the toothpaste should have a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic effect on the mouth’s hard and soft tissues, but significant changes. The color of the tooth enamel will not be revealed after one week....

The Discussion of Gravitational Waves

This paper will discuss the video Gravitational Waves: A New Era of Astronomy Begins from the World Science Festival. This video tells about one of the most significant achievements in physics in the 21st century, the first direct detection of gravitational waves. The scientists, including those who made this discovery...

Anatomical Factors Associated With Elite Performance

Introduction During sprint races among sportspeople, the most crucial emphasis is placed on the time for which an athlete can run. A short distance does not mean easy performance professional sprinters must demonstrate incredible coordination and speed performance to be the first among their competitors. Every hundredth of a second...

Octopuses: The Reproductive Process

Octopuses are oviparous animals, which means that they lay the eggs outside their body. The female octopus’ mission is to produce viable eggs and ensure that its children successfully come out. It has two cream-colored and granular ovaries, making up 25 or 30 percent of its body mass, although it...

Species Egalitarianism in ‘Are All Species Equal?‘ by Schmidtz

Species egalitarianism is a core theme of the article written by Schmidtz for the Journal of Applied Philosophy. This doctrine discovers the idea that all species should be equal and have moral standing, meaning to command respect (Schmidtz, 1998). To explain the worth of his position in the modern world,...

What Is Intelligence: Aspects and Definition

People have been trying to study the level of intelligence and improve it in different species for centuries. Many types of research and studies in various subjects, such as biology, neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, etc., have been written over the years. It can be suggested that people are close to...

Statistics for Business: Course Reflection

This paper tries to highlight the benefits that are derived by studying the topic of probability. More emphasis is put on the prior probability and the Bayes theorem. The application of Bayes’ theorem in everyday’s life and in school can never be underestimated. The lesson has brought insight into different...

Econometrics Individual Project and Data Analysis

Theoretical Model This section will present a discussion of: explained purpose of the project; the purpose of theoretical ideas does to the project; the dependent and the independent variables; the proposed econometric model; the signs of coefficients and does semi log models or double log functional forms use non-linear in...

Qualitative Article Analysis: Characteristics, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Introduction Qualitative research has unique characteristics that set it apart from quantitative research. The fundamental difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is the nature of the data that each of them uses. While qualitative study deals with narrative data, the quantitative study deals with numerical data. In addition to...

Problem Statement in Nursing Research

Introduction Research papers are complex scientific works that require intense mental labor at all stages in order to produce meaningful results. Early planning stage at which a researcher decides what he or she will work on sets the tone for the consequent paper and has to be carefully considered from...

Japan’s Culture, Geography, Government, Economy

Introduction Japan lies on the eastern side of the Asian continent and is enclosed by the waters of the Pacific Ocean. To the east, its neighbors are China, Russia and North Korea whereas Taiwan borders it to the south. The country has a total of 6 852 islands, which together...

Theory and Methodology in Social Science Research

Significance of a suitable question The issue of media in everyday life of human beings is among the most pivotal. The question is that living in the post-industrial society, one needs to use information, as the main product of suchlike type of society. The time demands new prospects in terms...

Correlational Research Types, Examples & Methods

Correlational research Correlational research is a quantitative research method that tries to determine if there is a relationship or covariation between two or more quantitative variables which are collected from the same subjects or a group of subjects. The subjects must be from the same participants if any correlation is...

Astronomy: Origin and Evolution

Introduction Man’s study of Astronomy dates back to the pre-history period. Man was driven by many things to study Astronomy. One of these reasons was for religious purposes. Some heavenly bodies were considered as gods especially the sun. Besides, man studied Astronomy to help him come up with a calendar...

The Distinction Between Inductive and Deductive Arguments

Introduction In a deductive argument, it is impractical for the basis to be true but the end bogus. In this case, a deductive argument is an argument in which the conclusion follows from the generalizations. On the other hand, deductive logic is the capability of distilling the pertinent facts and...

Evolution by Natural Selection

Charles Darwin has worked out a theory of evolution according to which all the species are united by a common ancestor. There exist some objections to this theory. These are mostly philosophical objections of those who claim about the existence of immutable essences stating that there are certain variations within...

How Migration Impacted Peru’s Culture

Introduction Peru is the third-largest country in South America and borders Colombia to the north together with Ecuador, Chile to the South, and Bolivia together with Brazil to the east. As per the 1973 census, the population for the country was 22 million people and the capital city of the...

Deli Depot Case Study: Data Analysis Management Reporting

Introduction To improve customer service, Deli Depot has embarked on initiatives to better understand its customers and provide them with the products and services that they want. For carrying out this goal the company has gathered information from the customers using in the form of field/ market research using a...

Broadcasting: Scientists and Businessmen Competition

When assessing a technology-driven industry, the main outlined components can be seen through two main directions, the idea itself, i.e. the technology on which the industry is based, and the delivery, the provision of the product or the service of this industry to the consumer. In the first case the...

Cell Biology: Cell Sizes, Types, and Theories

Abstract All life on earth is made of a fundamental structure called a Cell. They can be of two types of organisms: Unicellular and Multicellular. Unicellular are made of a single cell (Uni – one, in latin) cell and Multicellular organisms are made of many cells (Multi – many). Cell...

Medical Microbiology: Salmonella – Causes of Infection and Its Prevention

Introduction Salmonella is a type of gram-negative bacteria that can lead to typhoid fever, food poisoning and paratyphoid fever. These species can cause the production of hydrogen sulfide and are motile. Their name is derived from that of an American veterinary pathologist, Daniel Elmer Salmon. Along with Theobald Smith, who...

Monocropping Cotton and Organic Cotton

Monocropping is the traditional agricultural pattern in Africa based on the practice of growing cotton year after year on the same land. This practice is very popular in Africa because it is one of the cost-effective solutions: it allows specialization of equipment and production techniques. African farmers use large amounts...

Becoming a Vampire Without Being Bitten by Gabriel & Young

Summary Type of Study The correlation between society and individual has always remained a prosperous field for psychological research. As for the main reasons for this fact, Rosenmann, Reese, and Cameron state that “social groups are an essential feature of human life”. Hence, the value of the groups allows researchers...

Evidence-Based Practice Project: Quasi-Experimental Designs Analysis

The research methodology that would be most suitable for the evidence-based practice project is quantitative quasi-experimental. Quasi-experimental designs characteristically enable the researcher to align the project with the treatment situation while employing another criterion apart from the random assignment (Heinen, Mackett, van Wee, Ogilvie, & Panter, 2018). Because the project...

Naked-Eye Angle Measuring Tool

Jacob’s Staff Design Jacob’s staff, which is also referred to as a cross-staff, is the simplest tool used to make qualitative conclusions regarding the angle and height of an object concerning the observer. It was commonly used by navigators and astronomers before the telescope was invented (Winterburn). The simplest form...

Determining Enthalpy of Combustion of a High-Energy Candy

Summary Calorimetry makes it possible to determine the enthalpies of combustion for substances whose heat of formation cannot be found directly. The purpose of this experiment was to determine the enthalpy of combustion of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in kilojoules using a bomb calorimeter. Benzoic acid was used as the calorimetric...

How to Make a Good Research Project?

What is a Research Project? It is a particular type of academic assignment that requires studying an issue of interest to contribute to theoretical or practical knowledge. The paramount goal of the research project is to examine a topic in an in-depth manner, integrate the available evidence, and produce new...

Ideal Gas Expansion Law: Experiment

The purpose of the experiment was to understand the differences between different types of ideal gas expansions, paying attention to the amount of work done. Results The temperature-time plot for the isothermal process when moving the piston quickly is indicated in Figure 1. Figure 2 shows the pressure versus time...

Bacteria Differentiation: Acid-Fast & Endospore Staining

Mycobacterium Smegmatis & Bacillus Subtilis Endospore Stain: Abstract Endospore and acid-fast staining are differential staining procedures used to identify bacteria with unique cell properties. The purpose of this lab was to use endospore and acid-fast staining to distinguish between two bacterial species. Old liquid cultures of Bacillus subtilis and Mycobacterium...

Staphylococcus Aureus Infection in Humans

Classification and Morphology The genus Staphylococcus has various species, which are mainly divided depending on their ability to cause clotting of the blood plasma. This process is referred to as the coagulase reaction. Staphylococcus aureus is coagulase-positive, implying they cause clotting. The organisms are mainly found in the axillae and...

Progress in Bread Production Technologies

Abstract Bread as a culinary product has a range of physical characteristics that are essential to rating its quality. While the outcomes depend on the wide range of factors, they are quite unpredictable, and scientists are looking for ways to control this process by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method, which...

Oia, Greece: Tourism and Economic Development

Introduction Though not as popular as it deserves to be, Oia has been well known among tourists as a patch of exotic and thrill in the heart of Europe. Attracting thousands of visitors with its unique nature, reasonable prices, and European services, Oia truly is a pearl in a bag...

Genetic Counseling for Cystic Fibrosis

Some of the inherited genes may predispose individuals to certain health conditions like cystic fibrosis among other inheritable diseases. Therefore, genetic counseling is recommended for people with a family history of a certain inheritable condition. This paper discusses the reasons for genetic counseling and possible responses from a patient together...

Space Investigation and Its Limits

Humanity has always been trying to investigate nature and discover new things and phenomena. The thrill of knowledge and cognition resulted in numerous discoveries that altered the way we evolved. Moreover, to understand the origin of a certain phenomenon, its main characteristics, and processes peculiar to it, an efficient cognition...

The Data of Annual Salaries: Descriptive Statistics

Methodology The data of annual salaries were collected from a sample of 12 operators (N = 12) in a chemical manufacturing company. The sample of plant operators was selected randomly and annual salaries recorded. Sharpe, De Veaux, and Velleman (2015) assert that sampling of data reduces researchers’ biases in the...

Large & Small N Design and Interpretative Research

Introduction This paper is aimed to investigate the issue of doing good research, including discussing its peculiarities, based on the examples of three articles under consideration. The paper will take into account three types of research designs. They are the large N, the small N, and the interpretive designs. In...

The Proxemics of the Mediated Voice

The author starts the article by highlighting the importance of voice in everyday communication, particularly the fact that it can be used to define the communicative distance between the listener and the talker. He states the aim of the article as being an attempt to address the difficulties arising out...

African-American Rituals from Emic and Etic Aspects

Introduction Assessment of a given culture can be carried out from various perspectives. Some of the recognized perspectives, which are used by anthropologists and other professionals, include the emic and the etic approaches. To gain an emic perspective of a culture, the individual is required to view the world through...

Horse Population, Evolution, and Physiology

Horse Populations Horses belong to the Equidae taxonomic family. The majority of horses are separated into two types. The first is Equus caballus, and it represents the domestic type of horse. The second is called Equus ferus, and it is used for wild horses, which are extremely rare in the...

Witchcraft and the Azande’s Perception of It

Introduction In the chapter “Witchcraft explains unfortunate events”, Evans-Pritchard states that Azande perceive witchcraft as a power that may lead to misfortune when it establishes contact with other events.1 Even though it is an ordinary and casual phenomenon for them, Azande do not refer to it when discussing all possible...

The United States’ Advantages and Disadvantages

My topic is “What are the good and what are the bad things associated with America”. I will focus on three positive characteristics such as the country’s impact on the modern development of technologies, America as ‘the land of opportunities’, and the protection of freedom of choice; and three negative...

Becoming a Cat Owner

Introduction: Why Choosing a Pet-Related Topic There comes a time in every person’s life when they are ready to take their love to pets from watching adorable YouTube cat videos to the next step. Getting a pet cat might sound very easy – and, in fact, it is – but...

Validity and Reliability Discussion

Determining the validity and reliability of the research instruments when reading a research study When reading and assessing a quantitative research study, it is paramount to determine the validity and reliability of the instruments utilized in that study to understand whether the findings of that study can be trusted. The...

Correlation and T-Test in Psychological Statistics

Correlation Test To establish the nature of correlation that exists between mindfulness and two forms of happiness, namely, subjective happiness and Oxford happiness, Spearman’s correlation test was used. According to Coolican (2014), Spearman’s correlation test is suitable in the analysis of ordinal data because it is a nonparametric test, which...

Weather’s Atmosphere and Fronts

The stability of weather can be explained by the air fronts. The constant motion of the air masses, each having different densities and temperatures, predisposes the creation of specific weather conditions (Lutgens and Tarbuck 445). Maritime air masses are moist volumes of air, with an impressive (thousands of miles) area,...

National Parks: Environmental Threats and Protection

Protecting the Habitat of Endangered Bird or Timber Logging? Walker and David argue that every person is required to protect the endangered species because; they have a duty to protect the earth, including these birds, for future generations (127). The societies do not possess the species, but they are charged...

Bacterial Pathogenesis – Microbiology

Introduction The development of resistance among pathogens such as bacteria and fungi has challenged the development of safe and effective drugs. Specifically, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria due to excessive use and abuse of antibiotics in the healthcare settings and agriculture is posing a great danger to the survival of...

The Nuclear Power Usage in the UAE

Abstract At present nearly 20% of the U.A.E’s entire oil production goes immediately towards supplying its various power plants into order to meet the energy requirements of its populace. The inherent problem with this lies with the fact that the oil reserves in the U.A.E are a finite resource and...

The Mars Planet Reaching

Introduction Recently, there have been growing interest from astronauts on the whole issue surrounding a manned maiden trip to the planet Mars (Red Planet). Meanwhile, researchers are gathering vital information concerning the planet thanks to robots and satellites that revolve around the planet. Therefore, in order to understand what to...

What is Happening to the Honey Bees

Introduction It has been reported lately that more than a third of the entire population of bees in the United States died out this summer of 2009. Christian Science monitor reports, “Suddenly, the bees farmers and growers rely on are vanishing. Researchers are scrambling to find out why”. (Velasquez-Manoff, 1)...

Natural History of Peace by Robert Sapolsky

According to Robert M. Sapolsky, human beings feel that they are unique, unlike other species. This has been questioned by studies that have been done on other primates. Theodosius Dobzhansky, an evolutionary biologist, viewed that all species are unique. According to him, humans are unique; thus, they feel more proud...

The Potential Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Nowadays, people strive to improve the quality of life, focus on higher accomplishments, and try to find new ways to overcome such social problems as diseases and hunger. In this context, genetic engineering seems to be the potential to improve the quality of life because of creating new and improved...

Community Counselling of Bristol County Overview

Community-based service centers are essential organizations that help individuals cope with a large variety of issues. One such entity that operates in Southern Massachusetts is Community Counselling of Bristol County (CCBC). The organization provides numerous services, including adult behavioral health, child & family, acute care, community support, and rehab programs....

Housing Price Prediction Model for D.m. Pan Real Estate Company

Introduction Using statistical analysis to work with data is an essential part of obtaining results and conclusions based on facts. For the purposes of this paper, statistical tools are used to perform regression analysis, the purpose of which is to determine the nature of the relationship between quantitative variables. The...

Bacterial Carbohydrate Fermentation

Introduction This experiment aims to determine the ability of microbes to ferment carbohydrates (glucose) with the production of an acid and/or gas. The researcher’s goal is to determine whether bacteria can ferment a specific carbohydrate by using the carbohydrate fermentation test. Various microbial groups or species can be distinguished from...

The “Geospatial Revolution: Episode One” Video

The term geospatial technology encompasses a variety of tools utilized for gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and visualizing Earth and the location of objects on it. Throughout history, cartography and mapmaking were crucial parts of human civilizations that allowed exploration and creation of new settlements. Thus, the earliest maps edged on stones...

Brain Teaser: Probability and Statistics

I will stick with my choice if I am on the game show and select door #1, and the host opens door #3 to reveal a goat behind it. This is because opening the third door only supports my intuition that I might have selected the correct option. The car...

Appreciative Inquiry as a Methodological Approach

Che Aziz, R., Nik Hashim, N. A. A., & Awang, Z. (2018). Tourism development in rural areas: Potentials of appreciative inquiry approach. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Culinary Arts, 10(1), 59–75. Web. In the hospitality industry, it has been a challenge to establish tourism in rural areas. The problem is...

Age-Related Mathematical Problems and Solutions

Age problems are algebraic, dealing with people’s current, past, and future ages. According to Ventura‐Campos et al. (2022), age-related word problems typically compare two different points in a person’s life. If the problem involves a single person, it is like an Integer Problem. In addition, if an age problem includes...

The Sun Coast Remediation Dataset: Statistical Analysis

The Sun coast remediation dataset was used in this study to perform ANOVA and t-tests hypothesis testing to evaluate whether there is a statistical difference between groups. Excel tool pack was used as a statistical software to perform data analysis. Independent Data t-Test An Independent t-test is a parametric test...

Significance of Major Discoveries in Modern Biology

Introduction The modern world constantly changes, and various discoveries help to improve life. For instance, the field of biotechnology offers many innovations, and one of the most influential ones is cloning. The concept of cloning can be described as different techniques used to create copies of new individuals, tissues, and...

Probability Theory in Mathematics

Probability Theory In mathematics, probability theory is used as a vast field that studies the laws associated with random events. There are no unequivocal views as to when precisely the foundations of probability theory came into being. According to one version, it originated thousands of years ago when censuses were...

Martian Meteorites That Have Landed on Earth

When asteroids and related outer-space objects crashed into Mars eons ago, they sent pieces of Mars’ core into space. These drifting rock pieces occasionally enter Earth’s atmosphere, where gravitational pull draws them inward (Siegel, 2018). Meteorites fall to Earth worldwide, but they are easier to locate in scorching or freezing...

Summary Statistics and Descriptive Analysis

The first step to using summary statistics is by understanding the type of data being dealt with. The fundamental difference between categorical and continuous level data is that quantitative variables prompt the question, how much? Whereas categorical variables prompt the question, what type? Hasted (2018) researched that quantitative variables can...

Qualitative and Quantitative Variants of Research Methodology

Introduction As established in contemporary research practice, qualitative and quantitative variants of research methodology are the leading paradigms that are used in answering topical questions. While the two methods can be mixed within a single study, they are independent, well-defined frameworks that inform data collection and analysis techniques used today....

Geocentric and Heliocentric Models of Solar System

In the geocentric model of the Solar System, Earth is in the center of the system, with the planets moving around it at the speed called orbital velocity. In the current heliocentric model, however, the Sun is the center of the Solar System. Apollonius, an astronomer from ancient Greece, made...

Phenomenology as a Research Approach

Introduction There is a wide range of methodologies that can be applied to different studies. Nevertheless, one of the best options to realize the numerous factors that underlie a social issue is the utilization of phenomenology. The approach implies an attempt to deal with all the inner experiences unprobed in...

The NASA Space Colonization Plans

It is important to note that with the recent advancements in astrophysics, aerospace engineering, and astronomy, the topic of human space colonization is no longer considered as far-fetched but rather a realistic goal. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is actively working on the project of Mars colonization. However,...

Differences Between Null and Alternative Hypotheses

Null and alternative hypotheses are commonly used for testing in such applications as SPSS, which proposes different formulas for data calculation. The difference in the results over time does not always show the difference in the actual data statistics. Understanding the influencers on both types of hypotheses is important to...

Conducting a Titration Experiment

Summary Titration is a method of chemical characterization in which the proportion of a material’s ingredient is evaluated by introducing a definite amount of another compound (Fitriani et al., 2019). The component reacts to the recorded sample with the intended element in a predetermined ratio. Typically, the procedure involves the...

The Discovery of Additional Earth-Approaching Asteroids

In recent years astronomers are becoming more interested in studying the space objects situated relatively close to Earth. While the cosmos is still not fully discovered and has potentially numerous unknown aspects, it represents both the field of scientific research and potential danger. Therefore, this paper aims to identify two...

The Exercise Impact on Body Homeostasis

Exercise is an essential element which contributes to the health of every person and positively affects the entire body. At the same time, from the perspective of biology, exercise becomes a significant challenge for the homeostasis of humans. The article “Integrative Biology of Exercise” by Hawley et al. provides an...

Descriptive Research of Internal Discrimination Among African Americans

Introduction Researchers have applied different methods to gather data and analyze their results to develop viable interpretations. The research method selected is determined by the purpose and complexity of the research problem. When the sample is considerably large, the method chosen should facilitate fast, convenient, and accurate solutions (Atmowardoyo, 2018)....

Analysis of Goldfish Invasion Impact

Characteristics of the Invasive Species The goldfish is an animal of the fish species that lives in fresh water. This animal is most widely used as an ornamental fish in aquariums for homes. It is important to emphasize that the species itself did not exist, but was artificially bred as...

Exploring Patterns and Relationships in Mathematics

Abstract This paper proposes solutions for three learning problems: each of the proposed problems was solved using concrete, that is, taking into account the manipulation of real objects, and abstract, that is, by adopting a mathematical symbolic language, approaches. Polya’s approach of conceptualizing and fragmenting the overall problem was used...

Psychological and Theological Perspectives on Anthropology

Introduction Human history is a complex matter that can be studied from multiple perspectives. Anthropology is a science that studies the evolution of humanity in physical, cultural, and other ways. Among others, anthropology has a philosophical aspect. In its turn, philosophical anthropology can also be divided into several topics, two...

Agriculture and Food Safety in the United States

U.S. Farm Bill Agriculture in the United States has grown progressively centralized during the previous three decades. Since 2015, the bulk of the foodstuffs has come from farms with yearly revenues exceeding one million dollars (Lehrer, 2020). Generally, federal policy has aided with consolidation and the homogeneity and unfairness that...

Effect of Sucrose Concentration on the Rate of Enzymatic Reaction

Introduction Many of the biochemical reactions are carried out strictly in the presence of enzymes, special biological catalysts that help to accelerate and initiate chemical reactions. The essence of enzymatic reactions is based on a unique combination of substrate and enzyme, the relationship between which is individual for each pair...

Irresponsible Conduct in Research

Irresponsible Conduct in Research Irresponsible conduct in research also called scientific misconduct among scholars and academicians is a term covering various malicious and unethical behaviors and activities that researchers intentionally engage in during the research process. Scientific misconduct makes all academic data cultivated and procedures made unreliable and non-credible, and...

T-Tests for Independent Samples

This week’s assigned readings explore repeated measures and independent samples in psychology research, and there are multiple sources that address the concepts’ applicability to real-life research scenarios in plain terms. In his brief article located at the website of an online data management education portal, Patel (2020) explains the purpose...

Consciousness and Emotions in Animals

Animals are alive creatures that can feel pain, startling, freezing, and other spontaneous emotions. In general, it is assumed that animals are driven by their inborn instincts. For instance, when the sheep sees the lion, it runs away to avoid being eaten by the predator. In this case, the instinct...

The Scatter Graphic Representation

A correlation infographic, scatter diagram or scatter graph are all terms used to describe a scatterplot. It is indeed one of the most effective strategies for determining how two variables are related. In a perfect world, one variable would be presented on the horizontal plane and the other on the...

Alkali Metal Activity Study: Inquiring and Designing

There are over a hundred different chemical elements in nature, exhibiting not only different physical but also chemical properties. Under normal conditions, some atoms are gases while others are solids; some exhibit an acidic environment in aqueous solutions while others have a low pH. However, the Periodic Table allows us...

Dorudon as Example of Fossil Whales

General Information During the Eocene, there lived Dorudon, which are the fossil ancestors of modern whales. Dorudon were similar to whales in appearance, but their anatomical structure showed a sharper, more unsoftened skeleton shape. Their primary diet consisted of small fish and mollusks, and Dorudon lived only in warm marine...

Matter in The Colloid and the Crystal by Krutch

Introduction The question of uniformity of matter has been explored through various perspectives in the philosophical dimension. A naturalist position may be a good option on which an emphasis can be made within the scope of the issue. Joseph Krutch, being a significant representative of naturalists, advocated the necessity to...

Lysol Disinfectant in Household

Microorganism control is critical for preventing disease transmission and infection, stopping deterioration and spoilage, and avoiding undesirable microbial contamination. There are numerous methods employed in countering the growth of microorganisms today. The techniques are divided into two categories: physical control and chemical control. Osmotic pressure, radiation, desiccation, high or low...

Plate Tectonic of the Dominican Republic

The topic of plate tectonic of the Dominican Republic is extremely important for geology in general. The subject of tectonic plates is also essential for understanding the mechanisms of the Earth’s existence. However, in tectonics, several issues should be studied in more detail. To do this, one should consider the...

Thailand: Culture, Tourism, International Trade

The majority of the Thai population belongs to the Thai group (75-80%), and more than 90% rofess Buddhism. About two-thirds of the Thai group are Thais, and a third are Lao. In the Isan region, the percentage of Lao is much higher; in many areas, they constitute most of the...

The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction

In the modern age, the internet and computers have become a common practice, especially in the business sector. Most people rely on these technologies for work, entertainment, homework, communication, or medical advice. Health studies have pointed out significant consequences like addictions with increased dependence on digital advancements. The brain changes...

Gender, Sexuality, Power Relations, and Social Expectations

Introduction The present essay will seek to discuss the themes of sexuality and gender within the framework of modern society, as well as their relationship with structures of power, as the topic has high prominence in the anthropological discussion. For this discussion, sexuality refers to the expression and the variety...

Culture and Time Period Interpretation of the Sound Box of the King’s Grave Lyre

The examination of archeological objects is interesting as it allows learning about early cultures and the interests of people who lived thousands of years ago. The Bull Headed Lyre was founded in the King’s Grave at the Ur Royal Cemetery, and its parts (the head, bread, strings, and panel) reveal...

Convergent Evolution, Genetics and Related Structures

This paper discusses the concept of convergent evolution and related structures. Convergent evolution describes the emergence of analogous or similar traits in different species but cannot be attributed to the presence of a common origin; that is, the analogy does not entail homology. There may be a phenotypic likeness; in...

Analysis of Statistical Significance

Introduction Statistical significance relates to the null hypothesis’ determination, which postulates that outcomes result from chance. According to Benjamin et al. (2018), a hypothesis is a presupposition or belief about the relationship between one’s data set. On the other hand, the null hypothesis, commonly denoted as H0, relates to a...

The Research of Change Blindness

Abstract Cognition and information processing remain unexplored and are associated with various contradictory effects. Among them is change blindness, in which an individual tends to ignore the details around him while concentrating on the object of study (Briggs and Davies, 2015). The functions of this effect are only partially understood...

Statistical Process Control Methods

Process Evaluation During production, waste is defined as any process that does not add value to the final product. Examples of wastes are excessive or unnecessary motion, excessive inventory, periods used in waiting, over-processing, production defects, overproduction, and transportation. The Lean concept utilizes principles and techniques to reduce operational waste...

Hierarchy of Evidence in Medical and Historical Researches

The hierarchy of evidence is a system of grading and estimating the strength of evidence used in research. It constitutes a set of terms and definitions, as well as criteria broadly applied by researchers and peer reviewers when determining how reliable the presented evidence is (Doleac, 2019). There are many...

What Inspires Scientists to Pursue Their Research?

New ideas, a sense of impact, and unanswered questions are the things that keep all scientists awake at night (Discovery: The spark for science, n.d.). Every discovery comes with a lot of tedious work and effort. Everybody can remember when, as children, they did various experiments. For example, my earliest...

Eurocentric and Canadian Aboriginal Systems of Animals Classification

Introduction The taxonomy of the animal world is an essential concept for understanding how all living species are linked. Species are organized and categorized according to the Linnaeus system based on shared traits. For some, understanding the natural world – the landscape, plants, wildlife, climates, and natural variability – has...

Differences Between Mitosis and Meiosis

Organisms grow and reproduce as a result of cell division. Eukaryotic cells are cells that have a nucleus enclosed within the nuclear envelope. The production of new cells in eukaryotic cells happens because of mitosis and meiosis (MacGregor, Adams, & Gilbert, 2019). The two processes involved the division of a...

The Egg White Denaturation as a Concept of Biology

Denaturation is the process of breaking down the secondary and tertiary structures of a protein by external factors such as temperature. As a result of denaturation, the complex spatial structure of the polymer is broken down to the primary chain of amino acids. Denaturation can be reversible when after returning...