The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction

In the modern age, the internet and computers have become a common practice, especially in the business sector. Most people rely on these technologies for work, entertainment, homework, communication, or medical advice. Health studies have pointed out significant consequences like addictions with increased dependence on digital advancements. The brain changes...

Sakurajima – Volcano in Southern Kyushu in Japan

Sakurajima is a volcano that is in southern Kyushu in Japan. It is one of the most active volcanoes on the planet and also one of the volcanoes that have constant activity. The place where it is located has been very active during the past few centuries and is called...

The Science Behind Dreaming: Medical Issues

The article “The Science behind Dreaming” was authored by Sander Van der Linden and was published on July 26, 2011 on the Scientific American website. This article explores on the science behind dreaming, strength and weaknesses. A large percentage of human beings have dreamt at some point in their lives....

Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities

Introduction The analysis of documentary stories about individual geographic regions is often built on standard research patterns when milestones in history and key achievements are mentioned. The video Africa’s Great Civilizations: Cities directed by Mark Bates and presented by Henry Louis Gates Jr. cannot be included in the list of...

Statistics: Significance of Statistics

Introduction Statistics is a course that is advantageous and becomes ingrained in one’s life. The importance of statistical data is almost infinite, as demonstrated by confidence theory and science (Harris et al., 2017). Metrics are important because they provide accurate information about circumstances. However, several fields are abusing statisticians in...

Synthesis of 5,5-Dimethylcyclohexane-1,3-Dione

Dimedone is a well known organic chemistry compound that is yellow and solid in appearance, stable but sensitive to light un-compared to other oxidizing agents. Dimedone has a molecular weight of 140.1797g/mol and has a melting point of between 147–150oC (420-423oK). Dimedone molecular formula is (CH3)2C6H6(=O)2. This yellow crystalline substance...

Application of Statistics in the Real World

This article under research studies the aging data in Japan across all generations and genders. It also looks at how the social-economic structure of Japan and how it has played a role in this factor. In order to carry out an efficient and accurate analysis of this topic, statistics were...

Gas as the State of Matter

Introduction The matter is the amount of substance. There are three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gaseous states. These states of matter are traditionally distinguished by the arrangement and proximity of their particles or molecules. In a solid state, the substance particles are closely packed, compact with strong interactive...

The Correction Systems: US and Mexico

Introduction The United States (U.S.) and Mexico are two large countries in North America, which shares several similarities and differences in various aspects. Geographically, both countries border each other; that is, U. S borders Mexico on the North. In the basis of security and criminology, corrections systems in U. S...

“Trouble With Wilderness” and “Which Species Will Live”

Introduction Since the origin of humanity, humans have affected the natural environment around them. As civilization expands and its ability to harm, often unknowingly, other species and disrupt entire ecosystems grows, the question of preserving nature becomes more critical. Never has this question been more prominent than in the last...

Benefits of Genetic Engineering

Genetic engineering implies the scientific practice of adding DNA to living organisms to create new traits that do not exist naturally. In recent years, it has attracted particular attention as a substantive number of people believe that natural processes should not be interfered with. However, from a personal perspective, genetic...

Pink Dye Concentration Evaluation in the Spectrophotometric Absorbance Based Beverage

Introduction Background information An accurate assessment of the concentration of dyes in food and beverages forms an integral aspect of consumer safety. Mutagenic effects stemming from high levels of concentration lead to cancer development. The determination of the concentration of dyes through spectrophotometric analysis provides an accurate method. Objective The...

William Foxwell Albright: Great American Archaeologist

Introduction William Foxwell Albright was an American archaeologist born in Chile. He is well remembered for his involvement in excavation of the biblical sites and his expertise in history and culture of the Near East. During his life, he conducted excavations at several places in Palestine. His most renowned work...

The Anthropology of Messages and Communication

Introduction Language and ideas have a symbiotic relationship where one is dependent on the other. A language is used to convey ideas while the language relays messages. Examining the anthropogenic of ideas and language can impact the message sent out and how it is perceived and interpreted. It must be...

Algae: Classification, Evolution, and Lifecycle

Introduction The world is not just people, flora and fauna that are on the surface. There are great many of other different organisms that exist in the world, but most people do not see them. The marine world is strange and unique; the organisms that inhabit it may be ranged...

Correlational Research Types, Examples & Methods

Correlational research Correlational research is a quantitative research method that tries to determine if there is a relationship or covariation between two or more quantitative variables which are collected from the same subjects or a group of subjects. The subjects must be from the same participants if any correlation is...

Research Design Differences – Qualitative and Quantitative

The following paper is an insight into researching which is crucial in the field of social sciences. It seeks to define the two main methods used: qualitative and quantitative and their key characteristics. Finally, it will give comparisons of these two methodologies and how each is important and applicable in...

Astronomy. Life of a Star in the Sky

Introduction If one was to consider a star that shines ever so brightly in the sky, it is quite ironic to see that the center of many fairy tales is actually nothing more than a ball of plasma that is held together because of its own gravity and is luminous...

Social Facilitation and Relevant Empirical Evidence

This paper discusses the Social Facilitation of human beings specifically and about the development regarding social facilitation, exploring the tendency of people to be aroused in such an environment that would ultimately end up in better performance on simple assigned tasks or the tasks on which they have full command...

The Hydrocarbon Value Chain: Exploration to Production

Introduction Petroleum by-products are produced by organic compounds – living organisms that flourished in great numbers, died, decayed and were subjected to environmental pressures over eons. Some of these compounds are extremely simple; such as methane. Others have great structural complexity. Extracting all these has required equally complex processes of...

“Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History” by Mintz

Having access to a variety of food and drinks today, people would hardly think about their history. The availability of flour, salt, or sugar is usually taken for granted. Sidney Mintz, an American anthropologist, challenged the approach to treat food as something ordinary and focused research on the history of...

Thermogravimetric Analysis of Inorganic Compound and Rubber

Summary Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) is a method of thermal evaluation of substances where deviations in physical and chemical properties of materials are quantified with changes in time or temperature. The purpose of this experiment was to use TGA to determine compositional information about an inorganic salt and formulate a series...

How to Make a Good Research Project?

What is a Research Project? It is a particular type of academic assignment that requires studying an issue of interest to contribute to theoretical or practical knowledge. The paramount goal of the research project is to examine a topic in an in-depth manner, integrate the available evidence, and produce new...

Beryl Mineral’s Physical Properties

Introduction Beryl is a mineral composed mainly of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. However, traces of cesium, lithium, and sodium can be found in beryl. The gemstone originates from igneous, metamorphic rocks. It has a refractive index ranging from 1.57 to 1.58 and a specific gravity of 2.6 to 2.92 (Sultana &...

The Effect of Osmosis on Egg

Abstract Osmosis helps cells to perform transport and separation functions and is a basic natural process. Any cell is surrounded by a membrane that transmits the molecules of oxygen, water, and nutrients. The inside of an eggshell is also a membrane through which oxygen passes, but unnecessary substances do not...

Progress in Bread Production Technologies

Abstract Bread as a culinary product has a range of physical characteristics that are essential to rating its quality. While the outcomes depend on the wide range of factors, they are quite unpredictable, and scientists are looking for ways to control this process by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method, which...

Ethnography: Employee Behavior at Cafeteria

Introduction Ethnography is a systemic analysis of people and their cultures (Richardson, 2013; Fine, 2013; Kottak, 2005). For our ethnography assignment, we decided to study life at the cafeteria cited three blocks from our resident building. To ensure anonymity, this paper refers to the cafeteria as “The Point” and assigns...

Three Types of Human Knowledge

I agree with the conclusion of the essay by Wolf. Mathematical knowledge and philosophical knowledge go hand in hand. One effect can in no way unmistakably proceed from a particular cause than in the case where a quantity of an effect is equivalent to the power created by the cause....

Biology as the Branch of Science

We live in a unique era. Today we could observe the blistering rise of science and processes that come along with it. Numerous discoveries of the last decades altered our mentality significantly. We become able to think about fantastic things and, which is more important, we possess enough knowledge to...

Statistical Datas Bivariate Analysis

Introduction In research work, scholars more often than note collect more than two sets of variables. In situations where two variables are collected and used for analysis, this has been termed as bivariate analysis. Typically the aim of doing this is to establish causes or relationships between the variables (Pallant,...

Conversation Analysis: Social Action Structures

Conversation Analysis (CA) is the technique used to investigate and analyze the structures and processes of social interactions between human beings. CA is primarily focused on casual conversations but it also deals with the non-verbal forms of social interaction. CA’s research methodologies have evolved to include advanced forms of social...

Meteorological Principles and Concepts

A Scientific theory provides a vivid explanation of various aspects of the natural world (Suppe 32). It uses substantial facts that have undergone confirmation through numerous experimentation and observations. The hypothesis of the natural world, on the other hand, argues that the explanation of the world lies not in science...

Mountain Building – Geology

Formation of Continental Mountain Ranges and the Life Cycle of an Ocean When two limestone rocks are split into halves, their inside reveals the existence of fossils. The rocks, one with trilobite and the other one with ammonite, are taken from the top of two mountains, Andes Mountain and Mount...

Biology: The Concepts of Chemistry

Biology is a discipline that investigates how things in the world interact with one another and their surroundings. The sciences, in general, and biology, in particular, utilize a number of important factors in their scientific inquiry. Scientific laws, which describe how one or more aspects of nature behave under specific...

How to Obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen

Abstract This work aimed to obtain Phenacetin from Acetaminophen using a nucleophilic attack mechanism. Reflux, ice-bath cooling and heating, and vacuum filtration procedures were used to complete the synthesis. The simpler materials were reacted to produce complex compounds presented in later sections of the paper. Melting point values were instrumentally...

The History, Properties, and Use of Soman (GD) Nerve Agent

Introduction In the 20th century, a growing arms race led to the development of chemical weapons. A range of nerve agents was created by scientists in laboratories to be used in war conflicts. Soman (GD) is one of the most lethal and widely used nerve agents that allow destroying military...

Determination of the Heat Capacity of a Substance

The use of instrumental methods of analysis enhances the laboratory capabilities of researchers and directly or indirectly measures important characteristics of substances. This takes on a special meaning when instrumental methods of analysis are used to identify an unknown substance qualitatively. The analysis is unlikely to name the unknown compound...

Brain Mechanisms Involved in Emotions

Introduction Understanding the nature of emotions as the factors that serve not only to represent a response to a specific stimulus but also as the means of gauging an individual’s psychological well-being is central to modern psychology. Remarkably, despite being an intuitively understandable concept, the phenomenon of emotion does not...

Exploring Reliability and Validity in Social Studies

Values significantly determine a person’s behavior, motivation, aspirations, and relationships with others. Values and motives questionnaire (VMQ), also known as values and motives inventory (VMI), was created to measure them. The test estimates three dimensions of personal values: interpersonal, extrinsic, and intrinsic (“Values and motives questionnaire,” n.d.). As a result,...

Evolution of Atom Model: From Ancient Greeks to Modern Days

The discovery of the atom’s complex structure is the most crucial stage in the formation of modern physics. In creating a quantitative theory of the design of the atom, which made it possible to explain atomic systems, new ideas were formed about the properties of microparticles, which quantum mechanics describes....

Industrial Fermentation and Aerobic Respiration

Vinegar is an industrial microorganism fermented product used for cooking purposes and various industrial processes such as making chutneys because of its mildly acidic nature (Singh, 2020). The input products are acetic acid (5%) and water mixed. Acetic acid bacteria are extracted from different sources, including the genus Acetobacter and...

Biogenesis vs. Spontaneous Generation

Biogenesis is a term that was coined by British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley in 1870, describing the principle that all living organisms derive from organisms similar to themselves. The principle has been introduced in contradiction with the concept of spontaneous generation. Spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, refers to the idea that living...

Speech of Ralph Waldo Emerson “The American Scholar”

In his speech titled The American Scholar, Ralph Waldo Emerson presents his unique perspective on what it means to be a scholar. To fulfill this communicative purpose effectively, the speaker explores and reflects on the various external influences on scholars and scientific thought in the United States. Among such factors...

How to Construct a Mixed Methods Research Design?

A mixed method research design is a research approach that primarily utilizes both quantitative and qualitative methods in order to cover a wide range of data assessment criteria. It is stated that it is comprised of seven main aspects, which include complexity, plan, typology, integration, timing, theory, and purpose (Schoonenboom...

A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Data

Introduction In science, it is paramount to be able to analyze data in order to discover correlations between phenomena (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper provides a multiple regression analysis of the data for the task 4 of the textbook by Field (2013, p. 355); the data can be found...

Work and Energy Forms in Physics

Work is a measure of energy transfer between a system and the adjacent regions. Potential Energy (PE) and Kinetic Energy (KE) of an object increases when positive work is done on it when there is no friction present. Work is done when the force exerted on the object causes a...

Newton’s Third Law With an Example

According to Newton’s Third Law of Motion, a body exerting force on another body experiences a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction. As bodies experience acceleration proportional to the magnitude of the force and inversely proportional to their mass, lighter objects exerting force on heavier ones accelerate away...

Post-Translational Modification of Proteins

Introduction Post-translational modification is the process by which a protein (polypeptide) is modified chemically after it has gone through the third stage of protein biosynthesis. This third stage is referred to as translation. It is part of the whole process of gene expression. Basically, a protein is made up of...

Photosynthesis: The Solar Cells and the Plant Cells

Photosynthesis is a chemical process used by photoautotrophic plants and other organisms to change carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like sugars with the help of solar energy. These organisms include green plants, algae and some bacteria. The process produces oxygen and vital products as waste products that enhance...

Crop Production: Practical Report on Strawberry

Introduction Strawberries are a group of perennial plants which belong to the Rosaceae family. They thrive well in soil that has good drainage, is moderately acidic (pH range 5.0 to 6.0) and require plenty of sunshine grow. They are capable of viable fruit production for a period of up to...

Regression Models for Dependent Variables

Introduction Statistics and probability have been applied in various fields. There is no doubt that statistics is a multifaceted concept with a myriad of application. (Fox 173). With this in mind, it is worth noting that there is a number of statistical analysis having varied applications and need to be...

Human Body Bones Anatomical Reference

Skull – consists of cranial and facial bones Cranial bones – these contribute to the cranium, which encloses & protects the brain; note they are separated by jagged boundaries called sutures; there are 8 cranial bones (note there is a right & left parietal and a right & left temporal;...

The Concept of Fine-Grain Analysis

With the rapid development of Internet technologies and the increased number of possibilities entitled to users, the question of analyzing commercial websites is rather acute. It is necessary to evaluate e-commerce web pages since their usability and other features influence the potential consumers’ choices to a great extent. As Andreolini...

Study of Concentrations Using the Beer-Lambert Spectroscopic Law

Abstract Spectroscopic methods are a natural adjunct to chemical analysis, allowing for a quantitative and qualitative investigation of substances with unknown characteristics. In this report, it was explained how the use of the Beer-Lambert spectroscopic law allows determining the concentration of the active ingredient in medicinal products, which, moreover, was...

Statistics: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Exploratory data analysis (EDA) involves different statistical procedures that are available to provide a researcher with a view of the data in terms of distribution and general characteristics of a given data. While analyzing data using SPSS, there are a variety of statistical procedures available to carry out exploratory data...

History of Batteries, What Is a Battery, Recycling of Batteries

Introduction History of Batteries (Types – Production – Consumption) in Europe, the USA and China One of the most revolutionary ideas at the time of the invention was the battery. A battery is defined as a device where energy is stored and delivered through electrical means. Alessandro Volta invented the...

The Relationship Between Air Temperature and Relative Humidity

The graph describes the connection between relative humidity and temperature as well as the variations in these two parameters at different times of the day. The overall relationships exhibited are that the relative humidity increases as temperature reduces and vice versa. The peak relative humidity is measured at 6 am,...

The Problems and the Future of Social Sciences

Economic inequality is one of the ever-present global issues that social scientists try to resolve. Hunt and Colander (2016) note that even in the US, more than 12% of the population lives in poverty (p. 234). I believe that social scientists currently lack the ability to solve the issue, at...

Microbiology: History and Development

Microbiology studies the structure, vital functions, patterns, and developmental conditions of organisms. The name of science microbiology, one of the biological sciences, came from three Greek words: mikros – small, bios – life, and logos – study (Singh & Satyanarayana, 2017). In other words, microbiology is the science of tiny...

Memory Drum Theory’s Projection

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to look into memory drum theory’s projection that the increase in simple reaction time (SRT) was proportional to the complexity of the response to be instigated (Anson, 1982). How the Goal Relates to My Research The author hypothesized that...

Increasing Brain Performance and Its Influence on the Learning Process

People’s brain is the most secret and strange part of people’s bodies. Scientists have been researched it for many years, but the secret of the human brain is not solved for now. It is proved that people use only the smallest part of the brain’s potential and that it is...

Broadcasting: Scientists and Businessmen Competition

When assessing a technology-driven industry, the main outlined components can be seen through two main directions, the idea itself, i.e. the technology on which the industry is based, and the delivery, the provision of the product or the service of this industry to the consumer. In the first case the...

Embalming: The Control of Microorganisms

Abstract Embalming is the process of cleaning, preserving and presenting a deceased patient. Embalmers are at a risk of contracting diseases especially when dealing with deceased patients who have died out of contagious diseases such as Anthrax, mad cow, Tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS etc due to the presences of micro-organisms including bacterial...

Group Discussion: Training and Development

Icebreaker To make sure that the audience is engaged with the subject matter and is ready explore the opportunities that case studies provide, one may consider inviting the participants to take an active part in the deconstruction of the phenomenon of a case study. However, apart from focusing on what...

Substances Identification and Their Chemical Properties

Describe the difference between a mixture and a compound The matter is classified as an element, mixture, or compound, which varies due to composition and separation. A compound is described as a substance, where atoms of various elements are chemically bonded by either ionic or covalent bonds to give a...

Population Parameters in Statistics

A population parameter and its point estimate. Population parameters refer to the statistical measures that are fixed and when used as variables, they make the population distribution descriptive hence descriptive statistics. A good example of population parameters is the mean and variance in a normal distribution. When these two variables...

Nuclear Industry and Physics

Introduction The nuclear industry provides the modern world with rather substantial amounts of energy. However, all processes that are involved in the production of this energy result in equal amounts of waste and are highly radioactive in general. Learning from mistakes of the past, modern science operates with an extensive...

Acoustics Experiment in Brunel’s Thames Tunnel

In this project, tunnels that exist below London streets for a variety of communications, civil defense, and military purposes will be used as the objects of the experiment. This particular site is chosen in order to test and experiment with the different aspects of human senses and in particular the...

Categorical Logic and Its Base Propositions

In this essay, you will find everything related to categorical logic: examples, definition of a categorical proposition, and more. What Is Categorical Logic? Categorical logic is a type of deductive logic that is based on four propositions. These propositions are statements, which categorize members of different classes on the basis...

The City of Hialeah: Community and Its Aspects

Introduction This paper is about a Windshield Survey conducted while driving through Hialeah City. The intention was to observe the community and describe its every aspect. The areas of study include the geographical description, economy, transportation, health resources, welfare services, citizen services, and protecting services to evaluate the community. The...

Science and the Truth

Introduction The pursuit of knowledge or truth is an integral part of human existence. Science, as a body of knowledge that seeks to realize the truth through systematic approaches, is one of the commonly embraced reality approaches today. However, several instances show that science could either converge towards the truth...

The Nature of Volcanoes: Types and Effects

Abstract For centuries, people across different civilizations had been terrified by the display of power that volcanic eruptions present, and they interpreted them as a sign of wrath and vengeance of gods. Clearly, with the progress of the modern science, volcanoes have been demystified; particularly, the development of the plate...

The Mars Planet Reaching

Introduction Recently, there have been growing interest from astronauts on the whole issue surrounding a manned maiden trip to the planet Mars (Red Planet). Meanwhile, researchers are gathering vital information concerning the planet thanks to robots and satellites that revolve around the planet. Therefore, in order to understand what to...

The International Space Station: Building for the Future

The International space station is a globally established exploration facility constructed in a low- world orbit. It is the biggest space station ever assembled. Construction of the ISS began in the year 1994. The station will be completed by the year 2012. It is expected that this station will be...

Cocrico: The Red-Tailed Chachalaca

Introduction Thanks to agricultural education, humans have mastered the art of domestication. In agriculture, five production factors are vital within the domestication process (Wiseman et al., 2021). Therefore, this study focuses on Cocrico, the red-tailed Chachalaca referred to as the Tobago Pheasant and is greatly revered for being in Trinidad...

Significance of Background of Research Study

Introduction Research is one of the most important aspects of various studies, and by finding relevant information, the most realistic research can be done. However, some problems might occur during the source finding. For instance, the changes in technology have allowed people to find information online, and it is convenient...

The Painted Lady Butterfly: History and Life Cycle

Introduction Painted Ladies, scientifically known as Vanessa cardui, are among the butterfly species with the greatest geographic distribution. These insects can be observed on most continents, excluding the Arctica continent. The Painted Lady has a broad range to encompass all of North America, from Alaska to Panama, and has been...

Thomas Edison – 1877-1879- Phonograph Incandescent Light Bulb

Edison, who was born in Milan, Ohio, in 1847, did not obtain a formal education to the extent that most Americans did at the time. Early on, he experienced significant hearing loss, which served as the inspiration for several of his innovations. He started working as a telegraph operator at...

The Relationship Between the Range and Time of Flight of a Cannonball

Abstract In this work, an experiment was conducted to establish the relationship between the range and time of flight of a cannonball as a function of its initial velocity of departure from the cannon. It was determined that the cannonball would fly farther and longer if the initial velocity was...

Polynomial Use in Real Life Applications

Store and bank safe are two real-world applications for polynomial equations. Assuming a bank manager wants to keep money in a safe and they will not be available at the time of delivery. The manager may have to request that his tellers open the safe. However, the manager may not...

Urban Farming and Smart Greenhouse

As population of the world is rapidly growing, the issue of hunger is as relevant as ever. Although technology provides unique opportunities for most individuals, each ninth person in the world experiences hunger or lack of clear water. These facts concern scientists who want to optimize agriculture that to be...

Copernicus and Newton and Their Role in Astronomy

Classical astronomy was based on Aristotle’s concepts and was relatively rudimentary. Centuries after the times of Aristotle, a lot of beliefs started to shift, and scientific revolutions began to produce more discoveries. Galileo and Copernicus contributed to science by proposing their theories about the cosmos. Copernicans believed that stars, like...

Experimental Designs in Research

Introduction The experimental design is among the most systematic and comprehensive survey blueprints. This approach encompasses manipulating a single or more independent variable as treatments, the random allocation of participants to various treatment levels, and the observation of treatments’ consequences on outcomes. There are three primary experimental designs, namely quasi-,...

Sharks: History, Evolution and Habitat

Sharks are marine animals of the class Cartilaginous fish. Species of this class are known to have a cartilaginous skeleton, gills without an operculum, no swimming bladder, and placoid scales. The class includes many different species, including the White shark, Tiger shark, and smaller catsharks, constituting over 400 species around...

The Use of Statistics in Evaluating Social Problems

Statistics are an important tool for researchers and policymakers when analyzing particular social-related issues. The types of statistics that can be accumulated in relation to the area can be either objective or subjective (Rahman, 2020). Objective statistics are grounded in physical realities and numbers. Subjective statistics are typically related to...

Cognitive Revolution in Homo Sapiens

Cognitive Revolution refers to the period (70,000 years ago) when Homo sapiens developed cognitive abilities that surpassed other animals during that era. The cognitive mutation enabled them to acquire better linguistic skills, making it possible to ingest, store and share information about the surrounding environment (Harari, 2015). The change in...

Urban Sprawl in Portland: Advantages, Disadvantages, Net Effect

Introduction Urban sprawl refers to the loss of a land’s rural characteristics due to the geographic expansion of cities and towns or spatial footprint. Urban sprawling is caused by the need to accommodate an increasing urban population and fulfill residents’ desire for increased living space and residential amenities. The European...

The Turtle-Headed Sea Snake’s Habitation Areas

Introduction Also known as Emydocephalus annulatus, the turtle-headed sea snake lives in shallow coral reef waters. The snake is mainly found in Indonesia, northern Australia, and the Philippines. The name is derived from its pointed snouts that resemble a turtle. The snake has a habit of prodding cluster fish out...

Which of the Body’s Senses Is the Most Difficult to Live Without

All living beings, including humans, evolved to live in changing external environments and interact with them. Sensory reception, which consists of five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch, is a complete system that enables one to survive effectively (Pfaffmann, 2017). Pain is usually attributed to touch, as it is...

Chapter 7 of “Moral Choices” Book by Rae

As the name of the seventh chapter of Moral Choices suggests, Rae talks about biotechnology, genetics, and human cloning. He generally discusses the various ways professionals perform genetic testing, and, as the result, the ways they determine whether a person or a child has a predisposition to a specific genetic...

Osmosis, Diffusion, and Active Transport of Molecules: Key Differences

Introduction The concepts of osmosis, diffusion, and active transport concern the movement of molecules and are some of the foundational terminologies of the biology curriculum. Nevertheless, the terms are frequently confused and misunderstood. According to the research by Reinke, Kynn, and Parkinson (2019), most first-year biology students have a large...

Ohio State Report. Ohio History Central

The state of Ohio, sometimes nicknamed Buckeye State, is located in the midwest of the United States. It is bordered by Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky. Across the Ohio River is Indiana, Michigan, and Lake Erie (Fact Monster, 2021). The state is formed by mostly flat land with some hills...

Physics. Friction: Ways of Increasing and Reducing

As a fundamental physical process, friction is an essential characteristic of the mechanical interaction between contacting bodies and their surfaces. Indeed, it is only theoretically possible to assume perfectly smooth surfaces that do not experience friction, since in practice achieving such a condition seems impossible or extremely difficult. Friction between...

Statistics. How Changes to Variables Affect Conclusion

Definitions In the process of researching, the necessity to provide the correct meaning of discussed terminology units arises on a regular basis to ensure readers accurate understanding. Therefore, the methods and the process of defining are issues of great importance in every study. There are two common approaches to carefully...

Human Bones: Rib Cage and Pelvic Bone

The rib cage may also be called a thoracic cage. It has twenty-four bones known as the ribs. The ribs are curved around the chest. A human rib cage has twelve thoracics. The top seven pairs attach themselves to the sternum by cartilage; they are the true ribs (Starr, Beverly...

Description of the Radiopharmaceutical

Introduction A radiopharmaceutical, otherwise known as nuclear medicine, is made up of one or more radioactive isotopes called radio-nuclides. Radiopharmaceuticals are pharmaceuticals prepared in readiness for applications in curing and/or identification of diseases in persons. Radioactive element 133Xe, 131I-NaI, or a labelled compound 131I-iodinated proteins and 99mTc-labeled compounds are a...

Mathematics. The History of the Number Zero

Exploring the mathematical sciences through a historical paradigm can seem confusing because it is difficult for the human mind to perceive this knowledge’s artificiality. For example, numbers and number relationships seem to be perfectly natural phenomena whose patterns can be found in the study of plants, genetic mechanisms, or population...

Researching Cryptocurrency and Mathematics

Brief History of Cryptography The development of civilization provided the need for encryption of data and its secret transmission. Thus, cryptography was used in early states such as ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia. At that time, the primary method of encrypting information was the substitution of symbols (Dooley, 2018). In more...

Agriculture Development and Related Theories

Domestication Models Two Agricultural Theories That Oppose Each Other There are two main domestication models used to describe the development of agriculture. Some scientists strongly believe hunter-gatherers first cultivated wild plants by putting random wild seeds in the ground near their homes. The first approach supports the idea that domestication...

Descriptive Statistics Using SPSS Software Suite

Statistics has found its way into various disciplines of healthcare not being an exception. Data collected has been used to help employees and management to make a rational decisions regarding the wellbeing of clients or patients. Ideally, data collected from samples of populations are used to either describe or infer...

Logical Statements: Venn Diagrams

Introduction To understand arguments in mathematics, it is of necessity to comprehend how known facts are combined, to be capable of proving new facts. In logic, a statement refers to a sentence that can be categorized as being false or true, but with no vagueness (Royden, 2001). Truth value refers...