Psychology: Mothers’ Learning and Its Impact on Children

The impact of the mother’s education and academic success on the progress that the child is going to make at the earliest stages of education has been doubted for quite long; hence a major research on the factors shaping the child’s education process, including the academic progress of the mother...

Racism and Discrimination towards African-Americans

Introduction Racism and discrimination of the African-Americans in the United States of America have been a major issue that began way back during the colonial and slavery era. One would think that after such a long period of fighting for human rights and the changes made in the constitution to...

Gender Dynamics in Development

Draft Gender issues must be understood if development goals are to be realized. This is not a requirement for just one region of the world or a certain group of people. It is a universal requirement because gender issues are the same for all people and for all places. The...

Impact of Globalization on Norms and Experiences around Gender

Introduction Inequality is one of the most prolonged global debates that have refused to go away despite the great strides made through globalization (Alexander 29). The contemporary world is characterized by economic, social, cultural, and political integration of both men and women across all spheres. This has resulted in increased...

Non-Verbal Communication and Customer Satisfaction

Introduction For companies that are responsible for offering services to customers, employees come into direct contact with clients. Consequently, the manner in which they articulate their verbal and non-verbal communication greatly contributes to customer satisfaction. In every transaction made between a service provider and a customer, their communication is split...

Aboriginal Art and Culture Role in Canadian Studies

Aboriginal Art and culture help us to understand the worldview, values, and traditions of the Canadian people, their past, and the present. Aboriginal culture reflects the long-term colonization of Canada, during which Aboriginal people “have used art-making as a strategy for survival” (Trépanier and Creighton-Kelly 18). Aboriginal Arts show themselves...

Untraditional Gender Roles Distribution

The Western European marriage pattern is a family and a demographic pattern characterized by relatively late marriage, especially for women, with usually little age difference between spouses a significant proportion of women who remain unmarried. However, there are other approaches to understanding marriage and gender roles. For example, same-sex and...

A Game Theory Approach to Overfishing

Introduction A social dilemma refers to a situation where multiple economic factors are acting in self-interest although not completely cognizant of the influence such actions have on the group. Precisely, they could infer circumstances in which someone’s rationality results in shared irrationality. Such situations are challenging since acting on individual...

Argument: Social, Political, and Economic Change

People, either individually or in groups, often choose a specific course of action. However, the question is how they decide on the arguments to support. Arguers usually get influenced by their environment and available resources, or their idea seems constrained by choice structure. Individuals typically make decisions by relying on...

Social Justice in the Modern World

Social justice is a broad term that covers all areas of human life and intersects with many other concepts close to sociology, such as mental health. As a result, people of different educational backgrounds use different interpretations of it. Every person builds a unique explanation of the theory, and there...

Human Communication and Development of Civilisation

Introduction Communication is a mechanism by which the existence and development of human relations becomes possible. It includes facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice, writing, printing, telegraph, telephone and the latest achievements in the conquest of space and time. In the life of any person, communication occupies one of the...

Changes in the Institution of Family in America

The institution a family has been changing over the years in America characterized by variation in roles, composition, setup and values. The changes which started all the way from the 1500s are inspired by the development in America. Some of the developments such as slavery, industrial revolution, immigration, and the...

The Hollow Tree by Nabigon

How would you respond if a peer came to class clearly under the influence? What would you say/do? A peer’s coming to class under the influence should be viewed as an extraordinary situation that should not be disregarded. In most cases, it might indicate severe psychological problems resulting in the...

New York and California Immigration Policies Comparison

Immigration policy is the regulations and statutes governing are allowed to enter a country, including determinations of citizenship and visa issuance. New York and California have taken different approaches to the immigration, while both states have some of the most liberal policies in the nation. There are also key differences...

Cancel Culture Among Adolescents

Cancel Culture and the Pressures of Being a Teen Online by Thivya Jeyapalan (2022) addresses the issues of cancel culture. She argues that cancel culture can lead to misunderstanding and reduced accountability (Jeyapalan, 2022). The emergence of “cancel culture” and the concept of canceling someone follow a well-known pattern: A...

Euthanasia Through an Egoism Ethical Theory Lens

Introduction In the context of this discourse, it is decided to raise the topic of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. In applying ethical theories to this concept, it is necessary to note the conflict of the two main most appropriate ethical theories, relativism and egoism, paying more attention to the latter,...

Social Advocacy: Annotated Bibliography

Introduction Social advocacy means empowering people to share an idea with a large audience about a given issue. In the video titled Women’s Rehabilitation, Susan Burton shares her story on how she was incarcerated after being found guilty of drug abuse which emerged as a result of mental damage after...

How to Make an Enemy: A Process Guide with Steps

In the present-day world, where the significance of inclusivity and acceptance is prioritized, making an enemy may seem a nearly impossible task. However, with several simple steps, one will be able to find an arch nemesis comparatively easily and build mutual lifelong resentment fuelled by frequent heated disagreements online. By...

Racism & Sexism: Black Women’s Experiences in Tennis

Black athletes have pushed for and earned respect in the American athletic arena. However, research suggests that exclusion and discrimination strategies are still being used to limit the chances and advancement accessible to colored minority groups. For example, multiple scholarly works focus on the oppressive environment that surrounds Serena Williams....

Participatory Action Research Proposal

Introduction Participatory Action Research (PAR) encourages collaboration between academics and those directly affected by a study’s focus on improving that condition. It not only involves organizations but implies rigorous research, possibly incorporating both qualitative and quantitative methods. Collective thinking and evidence-based learning with an emphasis on social involvement characterize the...

Healthcare as a Basic Human Right

The ability to live a healthy life constitutes one of the basic needs of any individual. However, in the U.S. environment, the range of opportunities for accessing healthcare and receiving relevant services is significantly limited. Since healthcare is not viewed as a basic human right, universal access options are not...

Annual Outdoor Adoption Event Project

Introduction Project management is the process of planning, organizing, and managing resources to aid in the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. It involves setting up timelines and budgets and assigning responsibilities to specific team members. The annual outdoor adoption event is a project known for rescuing neglected...

How the Concept of Brahman-Atman Can Benefit Human-Environment Relationship

Introduction The philosophical and religious beliefs enable people to arrange their lives in certain ways and ultimately shape their vision of various phenomena. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world, and it possesses numerous insightful concepts which, to this day, influence the way millions of people perceive...

Ethical and Legal Issues in Older Adults Counselling

The literature related to major ethical and legal issues pertinent to older adults’ assessment, diagnosis, and treatment is abundant. For example, Farrell et al. (2020) concentrate on resource distribution models that include age and discuss the legal and ethical issues these approaches bring. One of the issues identified by the...

Stigma and Oppression of Young Single Mothers

Introduction Stigma has a substantial negative influence on people’s well-being since it is a social concept at the structural level. Despite its linkages to discrimination and bias, stigma is used within the socioeconomic and political environment as a valid form of social control with limited tools for restriction. A substantial...

Substance Abuse Among Adolescents

Introduction At the adolescence level in human growth and development, behaviors begin ensuing and may define a person’s life for a long. Unhealthy traits such as addiction to substance use are rampant in society and have posed challenges to public health. When addicted to alcohol and drugs, a person’s physical...

Career-Related Decision-Making and Gender Differences

Summary of Research Findings The article by Gadassi et al. (2015) focuses on career-related decision-making differences between men and women in general and the incidence of depression in the context of career advancement in particular. The researchers conducted a study based on a self-reported questionnaire with a sample of 222...

The Social Model of Disability: Equality vs. Equity

Introduction Speaking about disability, it is primarily necessary to understand what this term means. At first glance, the definition of “disability” does not raise significant questions, but the models of disability perception behind this definition are diverse. Nevertheless, modern ideas about disability rely most on social explanations that suggest that...

Vicarious Trauma in Social Workers

Being a social worker is essentially draining work, but acknowledging that and still having unfettered love for the profession helps one attend to their clients in most ways, which indeed leads to a significant improvement for the clients. Burnout is mainly brought forth by the draining experience of concurrent clients...

A Civil Commitment and Ethical Issues Journal

Ethical issues associated with involuntary hospitalization do create a dilemma in dealing with patients with cognitive issues. In hospital settings there are qualified physicians are expected to conduct their duties as per the principles of medical ethics, these are nonmaleficence, beneficence, and respect for autonomy (Varkey, 2021). Out of the...

The Social Workers (NASW) Practice Standards

Treatments and recovery can take various forms, and the critical component of offering good services is envisioning the patient as a part of a broader system while providing personalized therapy. Because of the widespread social discrimination and misunderstandings around substance use disorders (SUDs), a patient’s professional qualifications, social position, and...

Women’s Leadership and Communication Theories

Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman analyze a number of communication theories on the basis of an article titled “Research: Women Are Better Leaders During a Crisis” (2020). Specifically, the writing will establish a relationship between the content of the text by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman with communication frameworks, such...

Education and Social Inequality

Introduction The connection between education and social inequality in society is one of the fundamental issues of sociology and one of the most pressing issues of state policy. Each person goes through the basics of education as a social institution that influences the development of life plans and images of...

Social Skills of Ghanaian Students: Interviews

Introduction To understand how lived experiences and social skills of Ghanaian undergraduate and graduate students are associated with the student’s information retention, the two interviews were conducted and coded. As for the latter, the inductive method was applied, meaning that the codes were developed based on the raw data (Cohen...

Illegal Transportation of Migrants

Introduction Despite the stage of development of modern society, there are still many severe global problems in the world. One of them is the illegal smuggling, which has negative consequences for both the political, economic, and social spheres. Consequently, this research paper aims to consider the issue of illegal transportation...

How Women Leaders Catalyze Positive Change Amidst Discriminations

Summary Leadership is a major determinant to lead a positive change in any organization. It constitutes making policies and strategies geared towards achieving the organization’s goals and objectives. Successful leaders, whether men or women are mandated to practice democratic making of decisions to include all their workers, ensure they are...

Social Work Practice: The Role of Implicit Bias

Introduction When working with a diverse population of clients, a social worker encounters different types of issues from people representing varying worldviews and backgrounds. While the basic principles of cultural sensitivity in practice have been omnipresent in academic and professional fields related to social work, diversity-related issues are more difficult...

Modern Communication Infrastructure as a Means of Cultural Diffusion

Introduction Technology has revolutionized most aspects of life, including societal norms, beliefs, and values. Its impact on people has been felt in various areas of social, economic, and political fields, including human engagement, institutional development, governance, human relations, business, and sports, just to mention a few (Hardey 101). The continued...

The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles

When it comes to the basic ethical principles that are integral to the behavioral and biomedical conduct centered around human subjects, these are outlined by the Belmont Report that was published in 1979. According to the report, there are three such principles: respect for persons, beneficence, and justice (U.S Department...

Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice?

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to address the problem, drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. Many thousands of individuals suffer from this issue and face the high risk of reduced quality of life or death. Although there is a long history of the problem, the is still...

At-Risk Factors for Youth in Alberta

In one of the provinces of Canada called Alberta, the protection of children and young adults is serious, and the level of at-risk occasions is insignificant. However, one of the massive problems that might influence the youth of the location and their future is an environmental disaster. For instance, global...

Poverty and Homelessness Among African Americans

Summary Poverty entails a state where people or households lack the resources to support themselves or purchase the essentials for a happy existence. It can be especially challenging for young people who come from low-income homes. Its impact on Black American youths has been controversial, sparking a heated debate among...

Morality of Stealing and Funding Life-Saving Research

The act of stealing is generally recognized as immoral since it violates the owner’s rights and autonomy. However, I incline toward the utilitarian perspective on theft which states that stealing might be morally acceptable in some cases (Abumere, 2019). Utilitarianism evaluates actions based on their positive and negative value to...

Corruption in South Africa’s Healthcare Sector

Introduction Corruption is the abuse of power entrusted to an individual or organization for undue financial, physical, or non-physical gains. Sadly, the healthcare sector is susceptible to misappropriation of resources, authority, trust, or power leading to dire consequences (Mackey et al., 2018). Developing countries such as South Africa have massive...

Ethical Decision-Making Rules at Work

Introduction People make decisions about right and wrong every day in their professional and daily life. Personal experience, social skills, individual morality, and ethics are commonly used. Most often, this process is effortless and unconscious, but when there is a need to make a complex, important, or difficult decision, ethics...

Rigid Mindsets and Lack of Communication

Communication is only effective when the participants are willing to listen, hear, and try to understand the person expressing an idea. While this does not necessarily mean changing one’s mind or shaping personal overviews to fit the agenda of the other party, a dialogue implies an exchange of opinions rather...

The Relationship Between Gender and GPA

Introduction The impact of students’ socio-demographic characteristics on their overall academic performance has been the subject of much scholarly literature, and it is a debated issue in contemporary academic discourse. Understanding how a student’s ethnicity affects their overall educational performance helps identify the key predictors that determine systemic learning outcomes,...

Ethical Theories Applied to the Euthanasia Issue

The main meaning and ethical side of euthanasia is that a person dying from an incurable disease can voluntarily die in the presence of doctors and relatives. The patient is aware of the unbearable suffering that he experiences and wants to stop it. Moreover, euthanasia is applicable to animals if...

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction Patriotism, loyalty, and commitment were the main pillars on which the Pledge of Allegiance in American public schools were founded. Reciting the Pledge before the start of lessons has been a common practice. The pledge of allegiance was first acknowledged and implemented in the U.S in 1942 (Cooley, 2019)....

The Application of Hay’s Addressing Model in Culturally Competent Counseling

Abstract In the given case study, Hannah, a school counselor, a 36-year-old African-American woman, works with the 15-year-old Muslim-American school student, Adara. Being from a Muslim family and following the religious and cultural traditions, she has to wear a headscarf, which distinguishes her from her fellow schoolmates. She feels depressed...

Ethics and the Right to Abortion

Introduction The ethics of abortion concern primarily the question of what moral values are formed in health care, among staff, and in society. Ethical egoists believe that the choice of women who do not want to become mothers is predominant, so prohibitions against abortion are wrong and violate personal morality...

“Fall or Fly: Adopt and Love” Analysis

Nowadays, there is an acute issue of how one can serve the best interests of children when their parents cannot. It should be clearly realized what resources and opportunities are available for a child who suffers from their family’s disintegration, especially in the context of the national drug epidemic that...

Technological Determinism and Actor-Network Theory

Introduction The sociological theories discussed in this paper are Technological Determinism and Actor-Network Theory. Expressed, technological determinism (TD) is the view that innovation has a significant impact on daily human life. The notion that the online world is transforming society and the economy is one example of how this idea...

Microeconomic Factors of Opioid Addiction

Financial stability always affects the psychological state of individuals. It was distinguished that people who struggle with employment or financially often develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse. This knowledge in practice can be easily seen on comparison charts based on such factors as employment, education level, possession of...

The Yoga Ethics in a Student-Teacher Relationship

Setting Boundaries Between Teachers and Students The yoga ethics in the student/teacher relationship arises from an idea of various boundaries ranging from an array of personal upbringing and regular life experiences. There exists a relationship between teachers and their students who have set boundaries in their coordination and how they...

The Challenges Faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students

Education should be based on the principles of equality and access for most people. In Western schooling, the priority is to increase the participation in the learning process of those groups that used to be considered marginalised. It is evident that there is a need to create conditions to improve...

Population Aging: Benefits and Challenges

While longer life expectancy and more excellent health in later life are among the century’s shining successes in many parts of the world, these changes also pose significant challenges. Trends in longevity impact economic growth, employment, how families run, administrations’ and societies’ competence to deliver adequate services for older people,...

The Satyam Computer Services Firm’s Accounting Ethics

Issue Description As an analyzed case of violation of accounting ethics, the 2009 scandal will be considered in which the Indian outsourcing company Satyam Computer Services became involved. The key problem lies in the significant overestimation of revenue (approximately $1 billion), which corresponds to a legal violation regarding the falsification...

Basic Principles of Competent Communication

Introduction Effective interpersonal communication is a critical component evidenced in a failure to communicate. The two individuals present in the video face a myriad of communication problems. While many people do not have good skills in this sector, developing them can boost one’s communication capacity. Interpersonal communication is an integral...

Innovative Thinking in Modern World

The process of thinking is a complex and mysterious phenomenon because it is difficult to determine the line where thoughts turn into thinking. Often a person can register passing words, ideas, and concepts in their head, but this process occurs without intentional effort. On the contrary, a person can unconsciously...

Pharmaceutical Companies and Utilitarian Ethics

Despite the fact that healthcare organizations have been raising awareness about opioid addictions and the problems caused by this epidemic in recent decades, it still remains a topical issue in many countries across the globe. One of the ethical questions often discussed in relation to this problem is whether pharmaceutical...

Social Work Theories: Application to the Knowledge Base

Social work is centered on promoting the wellbeing of people, families, and the community. The practice is driven by theories that seek to explain, describe, and predict social happenings founded on scientific research and evidence. The theories involve a wide perspective covering philosophy, sociology, psychology, education, and economics, among other...

Teenage Pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough

Introduction and Rationale Teenage pregnancy is a global health concern that impacts the population of adolescent girls in many countries with different prevalence rates with similar persistence. Teenage pregnancy has been a pivotal public health issue for several decades due to the risks associated with bearing a child in adolescence...

Gender Role Differences and Immigration

Introduction Gender role is a colossal pillar of every society, and although nowadays, a shift from assigned and stereotyped gender roles is more prominent, they still significantly affect people’s lives. A gender role is a way to indicate which behaviors are acceptable and appropriate based on a person’s gender or...

Gender, Generations, and Communications

Introduction The discussion centered around how times are switching for the 21st-century workforce, with Millennials and Gen X now being the largest group of workers and women taking the lead in business more than ever before. Millennials and Generation X have become the majority of workers. The involvement of diverse...

The Alcohol Consumption Rate in Cambridgeshire

Introduction Alcohol consumption has health and social impacts borne by the individual, their families and the community. The number of patients admitted with health conditions linked with alcohol used in Cambridgeshire is rising. For example, in 2018, about 3,452 hospital admissions were caused by excessive alcohol use (Cliss, 2019). This...

Generation NeXt Behavior in College

Generation NeXt is a common group of young people who are younger than twenty-six-year-old. Their behavior in college is being studied to understand how modern people choose their areas of interest and how they find jobs in the fast-changing world. The hypothesis proposed by Taylor (2006) shows that college students...

Should Everyone Be a Feminist?

Introduction Feminism is the advocacy of equal human rights for women based on gender equality between men and women. It outlines that women and men should have equal rights and opportunities in social, political, and economic settings. Feminism supports the idea of equality for all human beings and condemns the...

Labeling and Social Reaction Theory

“If you repeat a lie one thousand times, it becomes the truth” – this line is attributed to Joseph Goebbels, who was the minister of propaganda in the Nazi Germany. This sinister message is perfect for describing the mechanism of labeling and how it affects individuals, both those being branded...

The Feminism Theory in Modern Society

Women perform significant social, work, and parenting functions on an equal basis with men. However, in some cases, they barely have the same rights and freedoms as men do (Feminism is for everybody). I believe that even in the 21st century, we can note a tremendous gap between men and...

The Gender Pay Gap in Australia

Executive Summary This paper tests the idea that a gender wage gap exists for the case study of Australian workers. The research methodology included simple and multiple linear regression models to detect differences in the significance of gender for the wage gap. Statistical analyses were conducted in MS Excel. In...

Generation Z: Connector Bridge to Other Generations

Understanding the differences between generations is essential both for the people who live and work in environments where different generations have to interact and for managers and leaders of organizations. Naturally, there is a serious gap between younger and older generations, now more than ever before, due to the advancement...

Discussion: Adapting to Change

The inevitability of change requires prior preparation to facilitate a seamless transition. Failing to prepare can lead to the unsuccessful implementation of a change project at personal and organizational levels. Taking conscious steps towards adopting a transformation and embracing the scope of work and resources needed to achieve the revolution...

Drug Misuse, Abuse, and Their Factors

Drug Misuse and Abuse Addiction is a recurrent, chronic disorder characterized by compulsive substance seeking and use despite harmful consequences. Because it involves functional abnormalities in brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control, it is classified as a brain condition. These alterations might remain for a long time after...

Gender Roles and Inequalities in Advertisement

Even though modern American society is officially equal for men and women, gender inequalities still exist. The spread of inequalities results from imposing traditional gender roles on people, which is an integral part of socialization. It is possible to find numerous examples of promoting gender roles in American popular culture,...

The Theory of Transformative Justice

In the legal and political realms, justice is believed to be one of the most fundamental moral ideals. Law and order are essential, but they can only be achieved if justice is also established. In many facets of the community, social justice fosters consistency and fairness. Equal economic, cultural, and...

Moral Implications of Eating Meat

Introduction Nowadays, vegetarianism is highly popular and considered morally right by many, yet the moral implications of eating meat remain a heavily disputed topic. There are numerous arguments against and in favor of eating meat, yet many of them contain bias, making these statements less objective. In many such discussions,...

Homelessness and Racial Disparities of African Americans

Introduction In the United States, there is a disproportionate share of the homeless population. African Americans are part of the minority groups experiencing higher rates of homelessness and racial disparities than the whites. The primary cause is America’s long-standing structural and historical racism. Racial inequality in homelessness cases among the...

Civilization: Interpersonal Communication

People are constantly striving to create a better society and increase the level of interpersonal communication. Individuals usually create groups when they share the same cultural norms and beliefs. This factor is basic, and modern nations are following this step in creating new social groups. Moreover, when people share the...

Islamic Culture and Criminal Justice Professionals

In the given reality, strong police-community connections are essential for efficiently functioning law enforcement. Despite the fact that the topic of misunderstanding and discrimination of minority communities by the police, only a fraction of attention is given to the discrimination and misunderstanding of the Islamic culture. It is crucial since...

Impact of Cyberbullying on Society

Chan, T. K., Cheung, C. M., & Wong, R. Y. (2019). Cyberbullying on social networking sites: the crime opportunity and affordance perspectives. Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(2), 574-609. Web. A study by Chan et al. focused on cyberbullying in the context of social networks. According to the authors, the...

Substance Abuse Issues in Modern Society

Introduction Substance abuse entails using illicit drugs, prescription or over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, or alcohol for reasons besides those medically intended or at excessive levels. Social, physical, psychological, and professional problems can all be caused by substance abuse. Initiating and sustaining behavioral change can be difficult for many people. Patients may not...

Morals and Using Animals for Food

The conflict between morality and using animals for food has been a very long-term topic for discourse. And animal rights have also been a very influential subtopic in this discussion, due to the issue of cruelty and poor conditions in slaughterhouses. The following essay will go into further detail about...

Social Status of Individuals in Society

Introduction Society attaches prestige and honor to positions held by different individuals in society. The position, which is referred to as social status, can be defined on the basis of inheritance (ascribed status) or a person’s achievements. Ascribed status is mainly fixed to the person as a factor of their...

The Role of Law and Social Control in Society

As the societies grew from closed homogenous social groups into complex heterogenous communities, the necessity for an organized institution that would manage the various interactions within it also increased. Social diversity, the impossibility of direct interaction between all of the members and aspects of a community, as well as miscellaneous...

Personality Traits of a Social Worker

Social work is a crucial field of practice due to its profound impact on influencing standard operative strategies. I demonstrated optimal practice skills throughout the field hence the excellent score from the evaluator. The expertise enshrines such facets as communication, cultural competence, organization, critical thinking, active listening, and advocacy. Primarily,...

Socialization and Resocialization

Socialization as a process is the assimilation by an individual of socio-historical experience, culture, rules, norms of behavior, value orientations, and their transfer by society. The socialization of a person begins in the first years of life and ends during the period of civil maturity of a person (Jin et...

James Earl Jones’ Vocal Attributes

In this paper, the following attributes should be taken into account and assumed, including examples illustrating how these characteristics can be expressed in a positive and negative light. First of all, the best way to “present” a pitch is to cover an octave and four notes above the middle and...

Gender Roles in the Buddhist Culture

The Buddhist temple leaders teaching shows that gender differences do not significantly impact spiritual advancement. Furthermore, the leaders do not provide fundamental differences that exist between men and females in the areas of spiritual advancement. However, Buddhist religious norms regarding the role of women and men in society differ significantly...

William James on “The Self” Paper

William James came up with a theory of self that is considered modern, if not post-modern. The Chapter X of “The Consciousness of Self,” James explains how self-treating is of great significance in its native complexity. The chapter unfolds by discussing the most common empirical sense of self. He begins...

“Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” by Ulrich

Introduction The essay by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich entitled “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” examines her slogan’s ambiguity on how well-behaved women rarely make history. One group of people might interpret the saying to mean that only misbehaving women are most likely to make history. As a reader, the first sentence...

Ethical Theories and Data Processing

Introduction One of the key principles of ethics can be found in the underlying ideas of ethical theories, which provide a differential and diverse range of perspectives on the notion of morality, ethicality, and goodness. The given assessment of ethical, theoretical frameworks will primarily focus on the ideas of utilitarianism,...

Gender Inequality in Security Sector

Gender inequality is a global challenge requiring immediate response from political and social principles from different countries. This inequality could not be more prevalent if a positive means of whistle-blowing from concerned personnel. There is an increasing imbalance between male and female workers in the security sector. This has been...

Social Institutions: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

As it is known, the outbreak of COVID-19 is a global crisis that has affected many significant aspects of human life worldwide. In addition, the corresponding consequences in specific fields are even more critical since the pandemic has been ongoing for almost two years. Various social institutions have had to...

Social Control in Cities, Suburbs, and Towns

Every city is full of people who are not familiar with each other; they do not know who they came from or who their friends, family, employer, or teacher are. People are strangers to each other in a biographical sense because they cannot accurately identify those around them. Theorists, public...

Self-Reflection and Moral Character

Introduction The ability and willingness to recognize and analyze one’s own thoughts, words, and actions have always been an indicator of a well-developed moral character in an individual. People call it self-reflection, whereas psychologists use the word “introspection” (Cherry). According to Cherry, “introspection is a process that involves looking inward...

Salvation Army’s Aims and Actions

Hope is a powerful emotion: its presence can guide and inspire, while its lack often calls forth devastation. In the holiday season, joy, happiness, and hope are shared by everyone in the community, representing the core values of the human experience. During this time, many see the Salvation Army as...

Eastern Star Volunteer Service

The organization in which I volunteered for 25 hours is the Eastern Star “Imperial Chapter 431”. This subsection of the Order of Eastern Star is devoted to providing positive Biblical values into society by developing modern society’s charitable, educational, fraternal, and scientific factors (About Order of the Eastern Star, n.d.)....

Freedom in Action via Cultural Relativism

Introduction Although encouraging awareness for cultural diversity, cultural relativism may sometimes be detrimental. At its most extreme, cultural relativism allows no place to criticize other cultures. Essentially, I will analyze the proposals of Savater demonstrated in chapter 6 of The Question of Life regarding freedom in action via applying cultural...

Animal Rights: Ending the Dog Meat Trade

Thousands of dogs are being tortured and violently killed every year for food purposes. Traders keep inventing more sophisticated methods of searching for their «prey.» Who would like their beloved pet and best friend to be caught? Who would stay calm knowing that letting their dog out without a lash...

Workplace Ethics: How Restaurants Design Menus

Ethical decision-making is an important aspect of any company’s work, as it allows business owners and their employees to evaluate the effects and consequences of their choices and actions. To evaluate ethical principles and their effects, this essay will analyze an article published in The Globe and Mail on the...

“Dressing for the Internet” by Shumaker et al.

Summary Many databases analyze the demographic composition, earning potential and psychological effects of social media sites. Few are interested in the semiotics of online curation. The 2017 study “Dressing for the Internet” falls into the latter category and proposes to explain how dress cues are used in social media (Shumaker...

Whether Online Shaming Should Be Considered a Problem

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the rapid development of technologies has allowed people to get access to an extended number of new features and opportunities like distant communication. It is now possible to follow celebrities on Instagram or monitor the lives of old friends from school. At the...

“The Berdache Tradition”: Summary

The current world only recognizes two genders: male and female, with no room for in-betweens; anyone else who identifies differently is perceived as deviant. When the Europeans and other nations of North America perceive one thing as the norm, then anything that contrasts it is considered abnormal. Subsequently, the world...

Impact of Depth of Processing on Memory

Abstract Researchers conducted a study to identify whether the items in deep processing conditions are more remembered than those in the shallow processing conditions. One hundred fifty-three participants were involved in the study, and the gender distribution was 84 males and 69 females with different ethnical backgrounds. The research study...

Prostitution vs. Human Trafficking

Many people believe that making prostitution a legal activity will help raise the status of prostitutes and promote their protection. However, promoting prostitution as a job does not help women but the sex industry. People often do not realize that, for example, decriminalization implies that this process occurs within the...

Urbanization and Rapid Growth of Cities

Pre-urban settlements have existed for a long time now – at least approximately ten thousand years. However, serious studies of urban life began only in the middle of the 19th century. According to Borer et al., this is due to it being the age when urban places as we know...

Arguments on Homelessness in California

Argument Summary The argument revolves around the homelessness issue and states that the lack of access to permanent places of residence is specifically problematic in California. Unbearable housing costs are among the key contributors to the emerging crisis. The state should engage in reassessing current housing regulations, allocate more funds...

The Book “Soul, Self, and Society” by Michael A. Rynkiewich

Michael A. Rynkiewich, in chapter ten of his book the Soul, Self, and Society he focuses on the issue of movements. The chapter analyses the concepts of migration, diaspora, and transnationalism. He establishes the undisputed relationship between anthropology and missiology and the colonization activities in both neo and postcolonialism (Rynkiewich,...

Prostitution: The Non-Deviant Social Phenomenon

Prostitution is one of the significant social problems that cause multiple debates and arguments over its acceptance or suppression in the culture. Prostitution might be considered deviant behavior because of the historical patriarchial roots where the exploitation of women has been practiced all along in different variations (Benoit et al.,...

Needs and Motivations From Maslow’s and the Scripture’s Perspectives

Introduction Humans crave various things in life, so numerous attempts at studying the nature of needs have been made. Particularly, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs remains the most inclusive yet structured approach. For this reason, many researchers put the classification into practice to study motifs that determine those needs. In this...

Rutger Bregman’s Statement of Poverty

Rutger Bregman’s TED talk on poverty approaches the global problem to define core reasons why poverty does not limit the intellectual potential of the poor. The speaker focuses his speech on exploring how despite the popular opinion that poor people deliberately make poor choices, their choices are influenced by poor...

Immigration of Chinese Students to United States High Schools

Introduction The United States is a popular destination for Chinese students, and their numbers continue to surge annually in United States high schools. The increase of Chinese international students in the United States high school resulted from bilateral trade between the United States and China. Some Chinese students find it...

Construction of Knowledge in Society

One can construct knowledge in multiple ways, but the information is not always trustworthy. Tierney’s Diet and Facts demonstrates that knowledge is built through an informational cascade (1). An individual can make decisions about certain questions based on other people’s assumptions, regardless of those assumptions’ reliability (Tierney 1). For instance,...

Changes in Perception on Same-Sex Marriage and LGBTQ+ People

In the 21st century, the topic of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) community and same-sex marriages is actively discussed. While the topic is controversial, arguments for and against arise. There are various opinions and attitudes from different countries and nationalities towards the issue. Over the years, the...

The Importance of Physical Spaces

Indeed, connections to physical places are critical to humans; lack of contact with physical space threatens people to feel overwhelmed and lose some of their identity. A person’s attitude to a place as something familiar, understandable, meaningful, and the sense of belonging caused by this attitude is defined as a...

The Sexual Identity: Adolescent Students

Social skills present an important element of students’ development and foundation of communication and relationships with others. There are three primary concepts of social development, one of which, the theory of mind, suggests that people can learn to read or understand other people’s mental states. Being able to use the...

Feeding America Organization Curbing Hunger Crisis

The Organization Feeding America is a non-profit organization based in the United States with its headquarters in Chicago. The Organization is dedicated to curbing the hunger crisis for the vulnerable populations of the University State. Having a wide scope of a network that spreads throughout the country, Feeding America feeds...

Discussion: Why Do We Behave as Others Expect?

Introduction Human relationships are never simple, and people have to follow a number of rules and regulations. Sociologists and psychologists developed their theories and approaches to demonstrate how to communicate and behave properly. Each sociological theory is an explanation that helps understand the world and accept social reality. In the...

The Changing Model of Female Athletes’ Representation on TV

Sports has historically been identified with men and dominated by masculinity, and until now, gender inequality in sports remains a major problem. It encompasses gender discrimination, the wage gap, unequal representation of male and female athletes, and the lack of media attention to women’s events. Women in sports have traditionally...

Administrative Policy on Homelessness

Introduction Policy-based interventions are the most effective measures to address systematic issues. A wide range of administrative policies directly or indirectly tied to homelessness affect the homeless population to the extent that there can be artificial barriers to receiving benefits in the United States. Therefore, understanding and analyzing these administrative...

Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations

Drug and substance abuse refers to the use of drugs for functions other than the intended purposes. It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers; however, it also affects various aspects of the society. For example, substance abusers harm themselves, their families, and communities by...

Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story”

Introduction Adichie’s “The Danger of a Single Story” gives an overview of the negative influences of a single story. According to her, a single-story results from a lack of knowledge of others. This is common among children because they are “impressionable and vulnerable”1. One of the experiences I have with...

Alcohol Abuse: Causes and Solutions

Alcohol abuse remains one of the key healthcare concerns around the globe, not least because addicts do not purely injure their own health. An alcoholic’s family and friends are also in danger, furthermore, there may be consequences for the wider public. To minimize the risk, society has to pay additional...

Intercultural Communication in Business, Education, and Healthcare

Intercultural communication Culture and patterned rituals determine the individuals speak and behave in specific situations. Culture establishes specific and shared rules that determine social and physical contexts’ appropriate communicative behaviors(Samovar et al. 341). Difficulties can arise during intercultural communication due to established patterns and standards across cultures. Individuals always expect...

Scandinavian Social Security: Comparative and International Perspective

Welfare initiatives have become the primary tools that modern developed governments use to combat economic disparities. In this context, the case of Scandinavian countries, namely Sweden, is actively discussed as an excellent example of effective welfare policies. According to Szebehely (2018), the primary purpose of Scandinavian social security initiatives is...

Building a More Pleasant Existence and Helping Others

Perhaps inclusivity makes the message of things breaking apart powerfully resonate with people regardless of their faith or spiritual practice. Each person experiences hardships, and how every individual responds to those feelings can build a more pleasant existence. When problems happen, people believe that the best course of action is...

Verbal Processes in Intercultural Communication

The two topics I found most interesting were “Multilingualism” and “High and Low Context Communication Styles.” In the first topic, I discovered that there are numerous ways to learn a new language. For some people, proficiency in more than one language is necessary because of where they live. For instance,...

Analysis of Ethics, Morals, and Worldview

Introduction The terms ethics and morals are frequently used interchangeably, primarily when used in contexts where an individual’s behavior or the goodness and badness of an action is in question; however, the two terms have different meanings. Ethics can be described as the values an individual uses to interpret whether...

How Society Influences the Gender Roles

 Introduction In recent years, there have been significant shifts in society, including the increasing number of female students aspiring to careers in science and technology. Such instances signify the changing male and female roles in contemporary society. Gender roles refer to the behaviors men and women exhibit that are influenced...

Race Prejudice and Group Position

This paper analyzes the article “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position” By Herbert Blumer. The author of the article on racial prejudice believes, contrary to the established opinion, that they are not taken from various negative feelings but group positions or, in other words, stereotypes (Blumer 3). Working...

The Relation Between the Teen Suicide and Bullying

Suicide has been identified as one of the primary sources of death in the adolescent population. The CDC (2019) reports it as the second leading cause among children aged between 10 and 14 years old. While the causes of suicide vary on a case-by-case basis, evidence from Wang (2016) and...

Challenges Facing Science in Modern Society

Science is an area that has faced a lot of controversy in modern society. Science is worth understanding and pursuing as it involves evidence and intensive research and findings. Basic knowledge of distribution, production, and processing borrows the knowledge of science heavily. Most people view science as a complicated issue,...

The Issue of Micro-Macro Divide in the Social Work Profession

The social work profession is dichotomized by micro and macro practices that aim to promote social equality, eliminate all kinds of disparities, and increase people’s quality of life. Nowadays, critics claim they see a tremendous incline in social work practice towards micro therapeutic interventions with the neglect of macro practice...

Advocacy for Negligence and Child Abuse Amongst Black Teenagers

Introduction Neglect and child abuse is any act by caregivers or parents that is out of the conduct norms and pose a risk of causing emotional or physical harm to a young person. Child abuse and neglect are either intentional or unintentional and vary in various types, including emotional maltreatment,...

The Concept of the Common Good: Reflection

Short Summary of the Presentation The presentation dealt with the concept of the common good and explored it from various religious perspectives. In any community, people aim to act in their interests, but it is essential to consider the needs and interests of others. For example, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic...

Social Movements in Canada

Social movements are groupings of people who push for or rally against a social change, including political matters. They do not have to be formal, and different movements can individually advocate for a common cause. Social movements can be broken down into different categories depending on the individual they target...

Gender Roles in Married at First Sight and Other Media Sources

Summary Gender roles refer to the behaviors and attitudes that individuals learn as acceptable to their biological sex due to the prevailing cultural norms. Every society and culture has different gender role expectations, which are likely to change over a given period. Gender role definition occurs under various aspects such...

Ethics Education in Daily Life

In The Significance of Ethics and Ethics Education in Daily Life, Michael D. Burroughs talks about the implications of ethics on everyday life and the importance of developing skills necessary to make ethical decisions. Burroughs challenges the differences between theoretical ethical values and principles and the way we act in...

Family Therapy: Julia’s Case Study

Overview The case at hand features a young woman, Julia, who has moved from Detroit to Los Angeles and has been facing challenges in interacting with her family. Having accepted the role of a mediator between her parents and siblings, as well as the guardian of her brother, Julia has...

Literary Criticism: The Key Theories

Introduction In the study of social and literary philosophy, the context of the era within which a particular phenomenon is being studied is paramount. One of the most prominent examples of the influence of the effects of time and social thought on the analysis results is the role model of...

“The Image” Concept in Anthropology and Philosophy

Introduction An image is simply defined as a visual representation of something meaning to reproduce its likeness (Marriam-Webster, 2020). This can be photographic material, pictures, paintings, and even human memory and imagination. This paper will seek to explore “the image” in its many forms from a range of perspectives and...

Daniel Pink’s Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose Framework

Introduction The issue of motivation is key in understanding employee performance. It can be argued that when employees are not motivated, they will not perform well, and in turn, this will negatively affect the company’s bottom line. Self-motivation has been suggested as one of the best ways of not only...

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence is an essential and valuable skill that allows recognizing other people’s emotions and intentions and, to some extent, manages them. This skill helps to solve practical problems and achieve goals in life and at work. People with developed emotional intelligence can negotiate with other people, make decisions and...

Sexual Abuse: Researching of Ethical Dilemma

The ethical dilemma chosen revolves around the social worker dealing with a situation involving a 21-year-old female client who her father had sexually molested. Although the two have been separated for some time, the man still works as a 3rd-grade teacher in a school. This poses a potential threat to...

Examples of Recent Events That Are Indicators of Groupthink

The Case of Dominic Cummings, a Government Official, Breaking Covid-19 Lockdown Restrictions In recent days, a top government adviser, Dominic Cummings, was said to have broken lockdown restrictions to travel across the UK. To maintain public confidence, many prominent leaders have approved these acts. Several government members have criticized Cummings’...

Ethical Dilemma and Decision-Making Steps

Ethical principles exist in every profession to dictate acceptable practice and promote professionalism. Social workers are often presented with ethical dilemmas in their duties that demand competence in the ethical decision-making processes. While it may be tempting to overstep one’s mandate in ethical dilemmas, it is prudent to maintain ethical...

Gender Roles and How Women are not Taken Seriously in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

In contemporary society, we usually regard everybody as an equivalent person who is entitled to equal rights. However, this point of view did not exist at the turn of the twentieth century. Men dominated nearly every aspect of society, and women were often overlooked. Gender-specific roles have positioned women in...

Annotated Bibliography: Marxism

Maass, I. (2021). Marxism shows us how our problems are connected. Jacobin. Web. This article gives a brief overview of Hadas Thiers’ book Guide to Capitalism: An Introduction to Marxist Economics. The note teaches that the power of Marxism lies in providing answers to pressing questions and showing how these...