Gender Stereotypes Developed Within Families

Any scientific research has its purpose and goals. An effective scientific research has a considerable scientific merit as it contributes to theory and advances knowledge. This paper will evaluate the scientific merit of the work by Croft, Schmader, Block and Baron (2014). This study explores the way gender stereotypes are...

Domestic Violence and Abuse Countermeasures

Domestic violence has always been an ongoing issue in human society. Relationships within family units are complex, and people might have numerous motivations for using physical power to affect their family members. This problem was disregarded for years and even centuries; however, due to the unique features of modern society...

The Root Cause of Domestic Violence

Domestic violence had great implications on the physical and mental health of the victim. There are many attempts that have been put in place to deal with domestic violence. Domestic violence is mainly characterized by aggression towards women even though there are few cases where men are assaulted by the...

Domestic Violence in Nursing

Introduction Domestic violence is a significant issue affecting many women and children in the United States. Despite legal repercussions and the established support systems, a large share of victims avoids reporting incidents of domestic violence. Nurses can help to alleviate the issue by addressing early signs of domestic violence and...

Must Identity Movements Self-Destruct? A Queer Dilemma

Introduction Joshua Gamson argues that the significance of the queerness phenomenon lies not in the gender definitions, but rather in the necessity, viability, and usefulness of such definitions. Gamson points out that insufficient attention has been paid to the tendency of such movements to destroy identities from within. He argues...

Gun Ownership as the Right to Self-Defense

Institution affiliation In fact, the deprivation of the right carry guns legally is the deprivation of the person of the right to self-defense. An ordinary person is unlikely to be able to confront a group of criminals or at least one, but well-armed criminal. For physically weak people, the elderly,...

Social Work: the Latin American Youth Center

Today, in relation to social work field, many organizations seek to help individuals, families, couples, groups, and communities to improve their quality of life and wellbeing. This goal is accomplished through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, crisis, and intervention. Some communities try to address social problems with the help...

Artemisia Gentileschi: Feminist Theory

Introduction Nowadays, it is often suggested that Artemisia Gentileschi (1593- 1656) should be deemed the actual forerunner of feminism in the West and there is indeed much rationale behind such a point of view. After all, Gentileschi was the first female artist/painter who succeeded in attaining a “cult-status” in Europe...

The Use of Animals in Laboratory Research

Introduction Due to several factors, scientists have been able to make a considerable breakthrough in many spheres of human life. However, the methods employed in reaching this progress do not always involve only humans’ endeavors and participation. Along with technological advancements, laboratories widely use animal research to achieve the results...

Communication and Cultural Conflicts

When individuals from different cultural backgrounds find themselves in a community, there are always possibilities for communication conflict because each person holds diverse values, beliefs, and practices. These differences are attributed to the cultural diversity that subsequently leads to communication differences and conflicts (Almutairi, 2015). Cultural differences in a community...

Gender Display in TV Shows, Movies and News

How Gender is shown in the Media The media has been the biggest stream of information that is readily and easily accessed. Through the media, people get to learn of important information and some unimportant issues about the world regarding what is trending and what is irrelevant. The effects of...

Critical Thinking and Overpopulation Problem

Introduction Human beings should embrace the power of critical thinking in order to address the issues affecting them. McDougall (2013) defines “critical thinking as a method whereby an individual takes charge of the inherent structures and embrace intellectual standards in order to improve the quality of his or her thinking”...

Social Change and Advocacy Comparison

The society is rapidly changing nowadays, and the changes that take place within it affect different groups of individuals in distinct ways and to different degrees. The fact that some (vulnerable) groups may be left behind means that advocacy is paramount to promote their interests as well. This paper considers...

Rich-Poor Gap in Wages, Technology, Society

Introduction Equality is the synonym of “ideal society” to some extent. Equality is the basis of socialism. However, there is not an ideal society, and the term economic inequality is more suitable to describe reality. The video called Viral video shows the extent of U.S. wealth inequality demonstrates how the...

Women’s Dignity in Hong Kong’s Church and Society

In the chapter, ‘Promoting Women’s Dignity in the Church and Society in Hong Kong’, Mary Yuen explores the role of women in the Church circles based on the understanding of the Christian faith and various teachings. Mary Yuen says that it was not until the 1960s that the women in...

The Power of Alcohol: Human Inability to Control Demands

A number of investigations conducted to define what prevents people from having happy and healthy lives. Money, drugs, unemployment… Each issue has its own value and effect. However, David Nutt admits that the idea of alcohol is missed in this list. The representatives of the government failed to define that...

“The Lives of Animals” by J. M. Coetzee

Reflection The novel by Coetzee is concerned with the basis of morals, the need for people to copy each other, and humans’ desire for what others wish to have as these result in aggression and a great tendency to scapegoat animals. The author calls for an ethic of empathy, not...

Gender-Neutral Schools in Sweden

Introduction It is imperative to note that many countries have started to focus on gender equality over the last few years, and many scholars have made suggestions on how current problems may be addressed. Some think that boys and girls should be treated equally from the very start, and it...

Social Class, Life Chances and Goals Achievement

Introduction A society is not a homogeneous formation: people tend to constitute unequal subgroups known as classes. Whether a person belongs to the upper strata or comes from the lower ones determines their success or failure to a certain extent. Equipped with a corresponding set of values, norms, and preferences,...

Do Fraternities Promote Misogyny?

One of the most common criticisms against fraternities is the promotion of criminal activity and indecent behavior among members. Fraternities are exclusive societies that comprise people with similar views, opinions, and ideologies regarding certain critical issues in society such as politics, religion, race, and sexuality (Loh, Gidycz, Lobo, & Luthra,...

Universal Human Rights and Cultural Values

The universality of human rights is a question for debate because of the impact of cultures on people’s acceptation and interpretation of these rights (Donnelly 54). This idea and the problem of making human rights culturally relative is discussed by Jieh-Yung Lo, who focused on explaining the issue while referring...

Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization by Ira Rifkin

Article summary This is the summary of the article Spiritual perspectives on globalization by Ira Rifkin written in 2003. The article under consideration dwells upon globalization, its elements, and how it affects us. Economic, cultural and individual elements of globalization are considered as the most important for the world. Economic...

Social Movement and Theories

Framing Theory Framing is the process through which movements express or tend to produce an interpretation of the circumstances or events that encourage or trigger protest (Tarrow 1998). The media is an important framing method for various protest and movement groups around the world (Tarrow 1998). Because it influences a...

Power, Its Sources and Relation to Leadership

Power, Its Sources, and Usage Power is the ability of a person to influence and define the actions of other people. John French and Bertram Raven introduced five types of power relying on their sources, including legitimate power (depends on a position held by a person), expert power (depends on...

Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society The impact of industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented oriented towards goods and services. It led to an influx of people from village communities into big, industrial cities with the goal of making...

Income Inequality Based on Gender

Introduction Income inequality based on gender is the dissimilarity between male and female earnings usually expressed in part by male earnings (Miller, 2014). In other scales, it has been fondly described as the average divide between men and women, in terms of hourly earnings. These are also seen to be...

The Case of Contamination by Kwame Anthony Appiah

Introduction The author brings to the limelight conflicts between cultures of the world. He begins by unfolding a traditional ceremony for the Asante king. Surprisingly, this ceremony is said to have happened in the 21st century when globalization should have eroded most traditional cultures. However, According to Appiah, Ghana remains...

Mexican Immigrants in Texas and Their Impacts

Introduction Texas is the second-largest state in the United States of America. It is situated in the south-central part of the country and shares an international border with Mexico. Due to the geographical location and economic prospects, the region has, for a long time, attracted immigrants and other US natives....

Sex, Gender, and Inequalities

Abstract The main aim of this paper was to analyze the distinction between gender and sex. The author started by introducing the two concepts. Also, the impacts of the two on social structures were highlighted. It is important to evaluate the level of gender and sex structures in society. Such...

Poor Body Image Among Young Women

Body image issues have emerged as an important problem facing many women all over the world. Swami and Joanne-Marie document that women’s anxiety about their appearance has become a global phenomenon (152). This body issues have been caused by the society’s judgmental attitude towards women’s bodies. Young women are either...

Gender Dysphoria: Classification, Causes and Treatment

Sex is what you are assigned to at birth while gender identity is something that develops during your life based on your self-perception and personal subjective understanding of who you are. In most cases, these two categories are the same, but when they do not coincide, the person can experience...

Domestic Violence Effects – Psychology

Introduction Domestic abuse or violence involves the expression of certain patterns of behavior that are abusive towards another party in a marriage relationship or any familial affair. Domestic violence is acerbated in a number of ways, including assault, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, economic deprivation, domineering, and intimidation, among other forms...

Lucretius and His View on Mind, Soul and Spirit

Book III of De Rerum Natura, Lucretius notes that death would be something that does matter so much to the life of an individual in case it could be clear that mind is mortal stuff. However, people are always concerned because they are sure that there is no life after...

Support in Significant Life Event

Introduction Life is characterised by diverse changes that can amount to happiness or sorrow. Some of the major life changes include getting married, dealing with death and bereavement, and retirement. These life changes have a significant impact on individuals due to the adjustments required in order to go through the...

New York City’s Sociology and Infrastructure

Introduction New York City has the highest population in the world for it has enormous amount of resources that facilitate social growth and development. The city has diverse races, which mainly comprise Europeans, Africans, and Asians. The major challenges in the city are congestion, housing, crime, and racism. Both the...

Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers: Gender Roles

There are a lot of cartoons aimed at teaching children something new and interesting. Being directed at portraying many different aspects of human life and teaching children relationships, attitudes and priorities, many cartoons depict the gender roles. Watching Chip ‘n Dale Rescue Rangers is becomes obvious that the gender roles...

Developmental Changes in Adolescents’ Guilt and Shame

Introduction and Literature review Little research has been carried to ascertain the impact of shame and guilt in the normal developmental process of adolescents in ideal or non-ideal family settings. For a clear view of the role of these two emotive responses, one needs to have a clear picture of...

For and Against of Gay Marriage

Introduction Same-sex marriages is a union that takes place between two people who belong to the same social gender or similar biological sex. On the other hand, the word ‘gay’ is used when referring to a person who is a homosexual. Gays share a common characteristic and lifestyle, since they...

Philosophic Comparison: Fahrenheit 451 and Plato’s ‘Allegory of the Cave’

Introduction One of the main aspects of a contemporary living in the West is that, as time goes on, citizens continue to grow intellectually marginalized – something that will eventually result in them being turned into nothing short of ‘organic machines’, whose purpose of existence is being solely concerned with...

Analysis of Folk Costume and Its Cultural Value: Bulgarian Folk Costume

Description According to Steele (1998, 328), analysis of objects such as costumes is a sequential procedure and ought to be in the most discrete way possible. The analysis must begin from description, analysis of evidence, inference, and interpretation of findings. It is equally important for the analyst to speculate findings...

Philosophy of Things Changing

Heraclitus argued that reality is changing ceaselessly. According to this philosophy, there is no other reality apart from the reality of change (Moore & Bruder, 2012). The argument further states that permanence does not exist because it is only an illusion. He argued that fire is the root substance of...

Major Depression’ Symptoms and Treatment – Psychology

Introduction A continuous sense of tiredness, unhappiness, and hopelessness are key signs of clinical or major depression. This mood disorder is an illness; it makes one feel frustrated, angry, miserable, blue, or down in the dumps. Such mood changes alter the daily life programs of an individual for sometimes. At...

Philosophers Views on the Reality Changes

Heraclitus believes that there is no other reality apart from change. Everything else in the universe changes apart from the change itself. Apart from the fact that nothing in the universe remains the same over a period, change also originates from cosmic order. He believes that for everything that exists,...

Underage Drinking: Trends, Impacts and Interventions

Introduction: Underage Drinking The issue of underage drinking has been on the social. agenda for a while (Hudson, Wekerle, & Stewart, 2015); however, it has not been up until the past few years that the problem started getting out of control. Moreover, studies show that the rates of teenage drinking...

How to Travel With a Teenager?

Most families get time to spend together only during vacations when they travel for leisure or just as a way of enhancing the bonding among the family members. Before a person pack for a vacation, it is important to look for a good and affordable destination. It is not always...

Developmental Psychology: Apert Syndrome

Apert syndrome is a rare genetic disorder, which is characterised by a broad range of physiological and emotional symptoms. According to the National Organisation for Rare Disorders (2012), Apert syndrome incorporates numerous signs and physical complications: skull abnormalities, brain deficiencies, a range of mental problems such as profound retardation, and...

Empiricism Philosophy: The Arguments of Locke, Berkeley, and Hume

What exactly are the primary qualities of an object, and what are its secondary qualities? Concerning Locke’s theory regarding ideas as well to the idea of primary and secondary qualities, breakdown and explain in Locke’s terms what exactly you perceive when you perceive an object that you would identify as...

Concepts of Religion vs. Science – Philosophy

Introduction Primarily, concepts of science and religion determine the existence of humankind. This is because, as science ensures there are human innovations get recognition, religion ensures the achievement of such innovation follows ethics and morals, which not only respect humankind, but also other living things that exist in the universe....

Aristotle’s Views on Ethics

In this paper, I will present Aristotle’s ethical views, how they apply to humanity and the purpose of studying ethics. First, I will explain the notion of “eudaimonia,” according to Aristotle. Then I will elaborate on the goals of Ethics as a study and the use of main principles of...

Mental Disorders and Vulnerability to Homicidal Death

Introduction According to the World Health Organization (2014), there are approximately 800,000 deaths that occur annually due to suicide. Moreover, suicide has been reported to be one of the major causes of death among people aged 15 to 44 years and the second highest cause of death among individuals aged...

Scientific Experiments on Animals from Ethical Perspectives

Abstract This paper discusses the controversial topic of using animals in cruel scientific experiments. Three ethical approaches are considered, namely the consequentialist perspective, the Kantian deontological view, and Donna Yarri’s Christian character-based perception. Strengths and weaknesses of each approach are discussed. The consequentialist perspective is used to show that the...

Institutional Violence in Service Providing Industry

The rates of institutional violence are getting higher in the world of nowadays. Employees of various career fields tend to become involved into violence at the workplace. The individuals that suffer from workplace violence the most often are the workers of service providing professions that have to be in contact...

Battered Woman Syndrome as a Theoretical Explanation of Domestic Violence Effects

Abstract Battered Woman Syndrome is an inductive theory that seeks to explain the reactions of women when they are subjected to domestic violence. This theoretical approach seeks to sympathize with women who have been victims of domestic violence. In social context, several women have been exonerated from legal liabilities as...

The Immigrant Advantage by Claudia Kolker

Introduction In her book The Immigrant advantage Claudia Kolker describes the main ideas of a hui, a specific kind of the money club which is usually organized by immigrants from Vietnam. She states great importance of these clubs in helping immigrants recover from their migration and obtain some financial independence....

Resilience and Growth in the Aftermath of Domestic Violence

Abstract Resilience is a major determinant of the rate at which people recover from traumatic life experiences. Flexibility is a major factor that victims of different traumatic events, such as domestic violence, should have to lead a normal life in the aftermath of violence. Spirituality is an important aspect in...

Theories of Ethnic and Racial Identity Development

Minority identity development theory refers to African-Americans and interprets their self-formation and self-determination. This theory was developed by Cross (1971), Atkinson, Morten and Sue (1983). The minority identity development theory suggests that cultural identity problems faced by many African-Americans and adolescents are exacerbated by social difficulties in their first few...

Women and Sexuality through Naomi Wolf’s Book ‘Promiscuity’

Introduction A woman’s sexuality is a contentious context. Ms Wolf demystifies women sexuality through this expose. This book is a memoir and expose about the confusion in female sexuality. Wolf reminisces about her sexual escapades with her friends. She projects the escapade as the journey women take to sexually maturity....

Legitimization of Prostitution

Prostitution is the exchange of sexual acts for payment. There are many reasons why people enter prostitution and some of them are age, early home leaving, childhood sexual abuse, drug abuse and poverty (Sullivan, 2001). Prostitution is accompanied by many problems chief among them being physical and sexual abuse, drug...

Family Therapy Techniques

Outline This essay discusses about family therapy. It also goes through the importance of family therapy, its major goals and different theories and assumptions used by the family therapists for the treatment. Introduction Family is the basic factor for the development and existence of a person and a society. Relationship...

Concept of Same-Sex Marriage

Introduction Same sex marriage is a controversial practice in any society. The so called more advanced societies are now recognizing it as a social need to appease the increasingly demanding people who are inclined towards partnering with another of the same sex. Many countries/states have legalized same sex marriage while...

Possible Effects After Abortion

There have always been some disputable questions and issues in the history of humanity. The reason for it lies in the nature of human beings. Tastes differ, and there is always a great number of different approaches to the same issue. Some people condemn the disputable phenomenon, considering it to...

What Is the Social Study?

A skill is a practical ability to succeed in something. The inquiry is learning through interaction that actively engages students in meaningful ways. The inquiry has the following characteristics; interactive student-centered activities focused on questioning, exploring, and posing explanations. The objective of inquiry is to assist learners in getting a...

Animal Testing: Use of Animal in Biomedical Research

Introduction For over 100 years, animal testing in biomedical research played an important key role in many of the medical and scientific studies. Thanks to advances in animal research, people across the globe are now in a position to access better quality life. On the other hand, animal testing for...

What does the Rise in Interest in Celebrities Tell Us about Our Current Society?

Introduction In the society as a whole, there are those individuals who are not known, and there are also those who are well known in history. Those who are well known are known as celebrities and they are, in most cases, influenced by celebrity culture. The history of celebrity culture...

Ethical Issues in Animal Research

Animal research has always been a topic of ethical consideration in the scientific community. With experiments on humans being largely barred by numerous ethical and legal rulings put into place, using animals for potentially dangerous and invasive experiments remained the only way of testing various medical and chemical components that...

Gay Marriage Should not be Legal

Introduction While marriage has traditionally been prescribed as a union between heterosexuals, there has been a shift towards giving marriage rights to homosexual couples. This change has been brought about by the prevalence of homosexuality in the society and the widespread acceptance of gay relations. While at the onset of...

Community Services and Effective Coordination

Introduction The agency that I work for is located in York, PA, and it has been in existence for the last two decades. This agency is a multicultural non- profit agency. We offer several programs and serve a diverse population. We specialize in serving domestic violence clients, substance abuse clients,...

Sociology: Volunteering and Its Aspects

Introduction Volunteering is a situation in which an individual or a group of people come together with a view of participating or serving with no payment in return. Individuals execute a given task in society out of their own willingness. They can abandon the task whenever they feel to do...

Gender Equality in Britain in the 20th Century

Introduction At the base of gender, analysis is the difference that exists between sex and the biological sex of a person. Gender is something that is socially created in the environment, whereas sex is a thing of the genetic feature of an organism. Human beings over the decades have had...

Black Feminism: Marches in Support of Black Women

Brief Summary The first marches in support of black women transpired in the aftermath of the growing prominence of the Black Liberation Movement and the Women’s Movement. The main subject of the readings is black feminism. Black feminism, or anti-racist feminism, is a part of feminist theory that was created...

Partner Violence: The Impact on Children and Society

Introduction John Robinson is a fifteen-year-old Black male who lives with his mother, Joan, and her boyfriend in a low-income neighborhood. John goes to school and tries to get good grades while also working part-time at a local tire shop, which is a hard job for a young man due...

Book Review on “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” by David Mura

A Brief Analysis of The Author’s Main Viewpoints Mura’s book “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” is a poignant exploration of the complexity of the Japanese-American identity. He argues that one’s identity is dynamic and ever-changing and cannot be easily defined or categorized (8). He emphasizes the importance of understanding...

Society’s Dynamics from Sociological Perspectives

The structural-functional perspective is a sociological theory that views society as a complicated system where components cooperate to generate solidarity and stability. It posits that social systems, which are generally constant patterns of social conduct, control our lives (Gaur). People’s lives are shaped by social institutions, such as our families,...

Addictions Within Society: Applying a Critical Lens

Introduction Individuals’ addictions can be discussed as a serious problem faced by the population in many countries in the world, including the United States. Addictions can arise from many factors, including psychological, biological, social, and political ones. In this paper, it is important to conduct a critical reflective analysis of...

King’s Rhetoric in His Letter from Birmingham Jail

Introduction Racism and discrimination are acute social issues that have impacted every individual throughout the history of the United States. However, while nowadays, society is on its way to becoming more tolerant, only half a decade ago, racism was a matter of life or death. Violence based on discrimination caused...

How Gender Norms and Stereotypes Contribute to Inequality in Society

Over the years, the United States and other countries around the world have faced inequality issues. They arise from different factors, such as race, gender, religion, social status, ethnicity, culture, and other characteristics. According to Keister and Southgate, these attributes often determine one’s access to resources and opportunities in life...

The Article “Why the Beach Is a Bummer” by Roxane Gay

The article “Why the beach is a bummer” by Roxane Gay discusses a mediocre topic of the difference between beaches and people that are expected to appear a certain way on it. The author tries to deliver the message that societal expectations will always exist and may vary. People may...

Childhood Vaccination Dilemma and Kant’s Ethics

The necessity of childhood vaccinations has long provoked conflicting reactions and raised many moral and ethical questions among the public. For many years, opposing views on this subject have clashed with each other (Shields et al., 2020). However, moral guidance on this issue can be achieved through the application of...

Communication Approaches in Counseling

One of the first things I have learned through the course is that paraphrasing is one of the most proficient ways to demonstrate understanding when actively listening. A client’s essential words summarize what they said, and the counselor then repeats them to ensure they understood it clearly. It is necessary...

Navigating Risk and Resilience in Child Welfare

Introduction Children at risk require close attention to protective services and appropriate assistance provided. In the cases under analysis, the extent of risk, as well as the range of protective factors, vary substantially. Finally, for Gabriella, the risk of sexual abuse currently represents the greatest concern, whereas Jasmine requires an...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy

Legal Issues in the Case Study The provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare. One of the legal issues is whether it is legal for the PT to leave the patient to get out of...

Exploring the Dynamics of Race and Ethnicity

Introduction The article defines the racial and ethnic classifications applied to data gathering and publishing. American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, and White are the five minimal classifications for race listed in the document (National Institutes of Health, 2015). The...

The High-Tech Aspect of Modern Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Introduction Contemporary jurisprudence is an increasingly complex field requiring a deep understanding of the underlying processes and procedures. While courts remain the primary institutions for resolving legal cases, more and more people and businesses turn to alternative dispute resolutions (ADR) due to the possibilities this approach provides to all parties...

The Americanization Movement in the US

The current United States population continues to grow due to increased migration of people from their native countries. As a result, the U.S. government introduced the Americanization movement to blend foreigners from different states. The establishment’s objective was to alter unskilled foreigners into professional workers and relevant citizens. Conversely, Americanization...

Sustainable Development in Indonesia

My motivation to be part of the Swedish Institute Scholarship for Global Professionals can be reflected in the desire to develop my home country – Indonesia. Various steps are already being implemented to bring the country closer to attaining sustainable development. For example, the enhancement of existing mechanisms and expansion...

The Affirmative Action Practice

Affirmative action is a set of policies aiming to promote race and gender-fair decisions for inclusivity to underrepresented people, mainly in learning centers and employment sectors. Positive discrimination is applied to organizations with minority groups, including high schools and universities. Affirmative action is utilized through outreach efforts, training initiatives, and...

Colorblind Racism in Modern Society

It is important to note that racism and race-based discrimination can take a multitude of forms. Colorblind racism is a real and widespread phenomenon of being passive, dismissive, and non-acknowledging of existing race-related issues among marginalized and oppressed groups (Burke, 2018). In other words, it perpetuates racism by shutting down...

Gender Dynamics in American Slavery

Introduction The time of slavery in the US, especially in the Antebellum period, was characterized by harsh living conditions for slaves who were forced to do hard work and did not have appropriate incentives. Speaking about the gender aspect of slavery, one might notice that the experience of forced labor...

Workplace Violence in the United States

Introduction Workplaces provide mini communities involving different players operating based on some basic social laws and principles. However, the anticipated peaceful coexistence among workers and other stakeholders frequently ceases when specific individuals turn inhumane. Such occurrences lead to workplace violence, defined as the danger of harassment, violence, intimidation, and other...

Service User Inclusion and Empowerment in Social Work

Building an equality-based rapport with service users represents one of the essential pillars of effective social work. In fact, the very concept of partnership as the process of collaboration between the participants involved must be seen as central to the proper implementation of social service goals and supporting clients (Empowering...

Response to How Poverty Ends by Bannerjee and Duflo

It is bad news for potential development when inequality soars in economies that are no longer expanding. The political backlash results in the emergence of populist politicians who promote remedies they claim would work like miracles. The effects are already apparent in wealthy nations, as evidenced by the escalating protectionist...

The Justness of Socrates’s Decision to Accept the Death Penalty

Introduction It is hard to disagree that not many people are ready to die to prove their point of view and stay moral until the end. Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political views in the youth, but instead of escaping his death, the philosopher accepted it with...

Cooperation, Social Dilemmas and Game Theory

Introduction Many social connections are still competitive if humans are perfectly capable of cooperating and if ethics, social justice, and other characteristics of humans encourage cooperation. It is possible to assume that the character of the social condition had more to do with competition than with the individuals (Barreda-Tarrazona et...

Individual Decision-Making and Argument

Complex processes, structures, and environmental interactions characterize contemporary institutions and organizations. One challenge economists, analysts, and marketers face is understanding the decision-making process. Likewise, scholars have shown increased interest in understanding decision-making outcomes to make better theoretical predictions, develop effective strategies, and suggest better public policies (Jiménez & Brocos, 2021)....

Successful Marriage Components

Divorce is becoming a prominent social concern nowadays, particularly in developed nations. As such, people are looking for the issues that typically lead to the dissolution of the marriage as well as ways to reinforce it. One such consideration is mutual respect, which is missing from many such unions. In...

Schools’ Roles, Functions, and Expectations as Part of the Social System

Introduction A social system is a network connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is not universally defined, and academics use various definitions depending on the context. According to Merriam-Webster (2021), a social system is a pattern of interrelationships between individuals, groups, and institutions that form a coherent whole. On the...

Shame and Stigma of Substance Use Disorder

As an example of Substance Use Disorder (SUD), chapter 8 of Feminist Perspectives on Social Work Practice contains the case of a girl named Natalie. After identifying all the problems and difficulties in a girl’s life, such as overwork and housekeeping and mistrust of her husband, the author describes her...

The Story Behind Hailey Sinclair Foundation

Summary The story of a 13-year-old girl who resolved to commit suicide after bullies turned her life into a living hell, and many like that, is the reason for establishing a helping foundation, Hailey Sinclair Foundation. Sharon’s (pseudonym) long trail to death started after she requested to join the journalism...

Plato vs. Wollstonecraft on Education and Gender Relations

Introduction One of the key debates in history had to do with how education should be employed. Throughout humankind’s development, it is evident that the education system and gender relations within it cannot remain complacent. This thesis will attempt to compare two approaches to education and gender relations, one advocated...

Mexican Americans Getting Stereotyped

Introduction A culture is a belief about a population passed down from one generation to the other. Mexican Americans or Latinos are occasionally stereotyped in the United States of America. The trend has made discrimination part of the everyday life of Latinos. It has developed to be a culture rooted...

Social Role Theory and Its Cultural Aspect

Introduction The role of society in the life of each person plays an essential role in its formation and development. The way a person communicates and meets with people depends on his personal views and behavior. Since childhood, people are taught the right choice of friends to strive to be...

Animal Rights: The Blackfish Film

Animal cruelty and lack of care by human beings is a widespread issue across the world. Many animals are held captive in isolated regions and exploited for routine economic gains by wealth companies. When marine mammals, such as orca whales, are removed from the huge ocean and placed in metal...

Experiences of LGBTQ Community Practicing BDSM

Introduction Today’s worlds represent a rapidly changing environment regarding sexuality and sexual practices. Sexual orientation has been pluralized with diverse sexual practices characterized as non-normative. The LGBTQ community makes up a minority sexual group that does not conform to non-traditional sexual preferences and practices. Traditionally, society has encouraged individuals to...

Problem of Poverty in the United States

The problem of poverty remains complex, multifaceted, contradictory, and intractable. The U.S. ranks first among industrialized nations, members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, in terms of the proportion of the poor population and the level of inequality between the rich and the poor (Atkinson, 2019). Thus, it...

“Multiple Meanings of Money” by Smita Premchander

Today, money is the measure of success in many areas, influencing the way of assessing personal efficiency and well-being. Thus, it becomes increasingly more important to understand how to manage finances – on both micro- and macro-level. Various studies are interested the differences between men and women in their money-related...

Emmett Till’s Incident Video Analysis

The video is about Emmett Till, a 14-year-old African American boy from Chicago who was brutally murdered in Mississippi in 1955. The video highlights the historical context in which the events took place, as well as the impact they had on the civil rights movement. Moreover, it contains the words...

Self-Introduction and Secrets of Great Presentations

The most outstanding speakers in history capture audiences’ attention from the introduction. Public speaking can be self-introductory or general, each involving audience engagement through rhetoric and tonal proficiency. An effective speech is one that audiences can remember long after its delivery and, in most cases, creates a speaker’s legacy. This...

Resource Sharing, Planning, and Conflict Management

In the present-day environment of global connectivity and vast cross-cultural communication opportunities, it is hardly possible to imagine oneself being stranded in a setting with no options for contacting the civilization. However, should the specified situation occur to me, being surrounded only with a small group of strangers, I would...

Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Summary The article “Transsexual attractions and sexual reassignment surgery: Risks and potential risks” by Richard P. Fitzgibbons discusses transsexual issues and sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) that are widely disseminated by the media, governments, and schools. It is often young people who turn to specialists for treatment of transsexual attraction (TSA)...

A Proposal for Eliminating Homelessness in Columbia, Missouri

The phenomenon of homeless represents a major barrier toward proper quality of life for a number of American individuals. According to the official statistical data, a total of more than 500,000 people in the U.S. are presently homeless (Pattillo et al., 2022). By providing cheaper housing options, as well as...

Poverty as a Social Phenomenon

In her speech Dr. Payne discusses the subject of poverty, its relationship to other social concepts such as knowledge, and the differences between different social classes. In order to better understand her perspective, it is necessary to compare it to the class readings on the same subject. First, it should...

Representation of Class Model Through Interest Groups

Similar Characteristics with Class Model Class model describes the system from the standpoint of those who control the means of production. At this point power is based on the property (Marger, 2014). As the most wealthy class can control the society by taking into account the means of production, it...

Substance Abuse in the New Jersey Community

Substance abuse is a significant problem that affects communities across the United States. The negative impacts of drug and alcohol dependency can be felt in various public health and social concerns. In this essay, we will explore the effects of drugs and alcohol on my community in New Jersey, as...

Benefits of Legalizing Medical Marijuana

Introduction In recent years, the debate over whether or not medicinal marijuana should be legalized has been more heated. Advocates of legalizing bang claim that marijuana has many medicinal advantages and can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions (Anderson et al. 19). Moreover, they claim that...

Aspects of the “#MeToo” Movement

Introduction Social movements have been gaining momentum worldwide as people seek to effect positive social change in their communities. One of these movements is the #MeToo Movement, which has gained considerable attention in recent years. This movement seeks to empower victims of sexual assault and harassment and to hold criminals...

An Imbalance Between How Females Are Depicted and Their Attributes

Introduction Many executives who ensure gender diversity is precedence are left feeling discouraged despite their best efforts to increase the number of women in leadership positions. When organizations attempt to increase the number of women in positions of power, they often fail to produce the desired results (Hideg & Shen,...

Gender: Navigating State, Religion and Gender

Gender is a complicated social construct that includes the expectations that society places on people based on their perceived sex and the duties, attitudes, and behaviors they are expected to exhibit. While gender is primarily affected by cultural, social, and historical factors, sex refers to male and female biological and...

The Impacts of FaceTime and Telecommuting on People

Introduction Face time refers to being physically present during regular business hours, whereas telecommuting allows workers to work from home or other locations. This research aims to investigate the tremendous and negative impacts of face time and telecommuting on people and companies and to develop solutions to strike a balance...

Well-Being of Latina Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence

Serrata, J. V., Rodriguez, R., Castro, J. E., & Hernandez-Martinez, M. (2020). Well-being of Latina survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault receiving trauma-informed and culturally-specific services. Journal of Family Violence, 35(2), 169–180. Web. This article examined the well-being of Latina survivors of intimate partner violence and sexual assault...

Immigration Policy and International Security

Immigration reform must start with the implementation of an appropriate immigration policy that caters to international and national security as well. In the United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversees federal immigration agencies (Bergmann 37). Contemporary immigration has serious security connotations to first-world countries and therefore be addressed...

Wellness Rhetoric: Personal Opinion

My ideas about wellness developed gradually along with what I heard about this concept. Most of all, I associate it with health, physical and mental, but with more profound reflection, I include other aspects. Thus, wellness is a state in which an individual feels good physically, spiritually, and emotionally and...

Ethics in Group Psychotherapy

Introduction The ethical dilemma in the situation is that the interns are discussing clients in a public setting and sharing confidential information about the clients to understand their difficulties. The confidentiality statutes require therapists to refrain from discussing privileged information with colleagues, friends, family, or other persons not involved in...

How Immigrant Parents Affect Their Kids in School

Introduction The education of immigrant children has become a growing concern for many educators and policymakers in recent years, leading to a growing interest from scholars and researchers. There has been a considerable amount of research on the impact of parental involvement on the academic success of children. This literature...

Social Discrimination Against Illegal Immigrants

Authors produce texts for readers to take in, interpret, and learn from. Perspectives on political, economic, social, and other concerns, as well as the realities of life in society, inform the creation of literature. Social criticism examines how problems in society arise within the context of the current social order...

The “Greening the Ghetto” Speech by Majora Carter

Introduction Many activists’ speeches are strong, confident, and expressive as speakers build rapport with the audience and seek to engage with them to achieve the purpose of the speeches. Speakers use various tools in a speech that enhance it and make it appealing to the audience, making them trusting and...

Behavioral Addictions: Gambling, Eating Disorders, Shopping

Gambling, shopping, and internet addiction are complicated issues that can be difficult to handle owing to a variety of economic and political variables. The financial incentive of firms that encourage addictive behaviors is one economic element that makes it difficult to develop programs to combat behavioral addictions (Van Wormer and...

Marijuana Legalization: Cannabis Use Among US Adolescents

Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that has been used for thousands of years. With long-term use of this narcotic, tolerance to the effects of the drug is formed, and a person takes increasingly large doses of marijuana. As soon as tolerance to the drug is achieved, one of the long-term...

African American vs. Other People of Color Experience

The United States population is characterized as diverse and heterogeneous due to its inclusion of nations from various ethnic and racial backgrounds. While people of color include Latinos, Pacific Islanders, and Asian Americans, BIPOC stands for black, indigenous people of color, relating to all citizens with darker skin shades in...

The Evolution of Perspectives on Indigenous Peoples

Subject of the Paper Savage, primitive and tribal: Labels and the evolution of perspectives on indigenous people. Benefits of Writing About This Topic The events of the past created many systemic barriers and difficulties for indigenous peoples, which are still serious problems. I aspire to live in a society built...

The Army Substance Abuse Program Overview

Introduction Thesis: Substance abuse in the military is mainly caused by low family engagement issues, which is why the Army Substance Abuse Program should merge with the Army Family Advocacy Program. It should be noted that the U.S. military has a zero-tolerance policy toward drugs (National Institute on Drug Abuse,...

Overwhelming Attraction to Violent Situations

Introduction Soraya Roberts’ main claim is that modern society is full of violence and inequality due to the constant demonstration of these actions. In isolation, aspects such as movies, music, or news cannot influence people’s behavior meaningfully (Roberts, 2019). Another cross-cutting theme of the article is that saying that a...

I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King’s I have a dream is one of the most notable public speeches proclaiming the equality of all people, regardless of race. At the beginning of his speech, King states that the ongoing struggle for black rights is “the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history” (King, 1963,...

Chapter 5 “Gender” of “The Family” by Cohen

Sex and Gender Sociologists distinguish between sex and gender. Sex refers to male or female biology, while gender is a social expression of biology. Gender has two parts: identity and expression. Identity is the social category of boy/man or girl/woman, and expression is behavior related to gender. Usually, sex and...

Pathos Used in Sherry’s In Praise of the F-Word Article

Sherry used a story about her son’s English teacher, who used the threat of failing to force him to study hard. Sherry appeals to readers’ emotions and common values to lend credibility to her argument. Suggesting that failure can be a positive learning tool, she challenges traditional teaching methods and...

Rhetorical Analysis of “Why Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness” by Begley

It is crucial to note that “Psychologists have spent decades studying the relationship between wealth and happiness,” writes Harvard University psychologist Daniel Gilbert, is an example of the use of ethos (Begley, 2007, p. 1). This is because reading this sentence, the reader will trust the opinion of a professional...

Assigned Female at Birth and Women’s Rights

Introduction The term cisgender involves people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, a person assigned female at birth (AFAB) and identifying as female is a cisgender female. Similarly, an AFAB person who does not identify as either male or female is considered a...

Advocacy for the End of Gun Violence

Introduction The specific problem that this advocacy seeks to solve is deaths that result from gun-related injuries. There have been rampant murders as well as suicides related to the same. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that more than 45200 people died from injuries associated...

Effects of Colonization on Women in Canada

Introduction These traces were manifested most strongly in the rapist policy of sterilization of women, which was carried out in Canada by the then authorities. In addition, there were multiple significant violations of their rights, which will be studied in this work (Ryan et al., 2021). Forced Sterilization Forced sterilization...

Sociological Theories Applied to “9500 Liberty” Documentary

9500 Liberty focuses on the history of immigration laws in Virginia. It reveals the major events that occurred during the period of repressive immigration policies. Viewers are able to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between government actions and the social panic that erupted during the passage of the law, which justified...

Native American Identity and Race

The definition of race nowadays differs significantly from its original meaning among the XVI-century European colonizers of Northern America. The early colonist society shaped a controversial understanding of the term, particularly concerning Native Americans. Lawrence Blum’s book presents a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the term “race” and...

Gender Roles in Dual-Income Families

The typical gender roles in families have been debated for decades. With the rise of dual-income families, the roles of men and women within the family have changed. Historically, males have been seen as the household breadwinners. Men were expected to pay financially for their families, while women cared for...

Nutrition, Rules, Government, Religion, and Democracy

Introduction The development of humanity occurred in a specific historical cycle, which changed depending on the emergence of new ideas and innovations that allowed people to adapt to new living conditions. It is worth noting that innovative ideas at each stage have made significant adjustments not only to individuals’ lives...

Alcohol Use Disorder in a 39-Year-Old Male Patient

Reason for the Visit Mr. X, a 39-year-old male, complains of increased alcohol intake (usually more than six bottles of beer) during the last two months, which does not bring him satisfaction but causes fatigue and poor sleep. His wife is concerned that the man gets irritable, forgets some important...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and White Supremacy

The execution of African-American George Floyd prompted a surge of public indignation unparalleled in the United States, both on the streets and online. The event was the final straw for the country’s minority groups, bringing up concerns of racial inequity and police brutality, and protests continue today. The Black Lives...

The Causes of Discrimination from a Cultural Perspective

The issues of feminism, equality, and culture are intertwined and, therefore, should be considered when thinking of approaches to improve the social justice system. Many philosophers, writers, and academics made efforts to resolve the dilemma and pinpoint the roots of discrimination. The main causes of discrimination always involve heritage and...

The National Association of Social Workers’ Position

The importance of providing quality sex education for children and adolescents is recognized by public organizations, such as the National Association of Social Workers (NASW). The Oregon Department of Education (2022) publishes the Education Standards for Elementary and Secondary Schools. The standards introduce important definitions to develop understanding of gender...

Should Gun Possession Be More Regulated?

Introduction Gun violence has become one of the most persistent problems in many countries. This has led to the unmitigated loss of lives and disruption of society because of trauma. Many debates involving warring parties have been conducted to discuss gun possession issues. Some support the idea, while others strongly...

Marijuana Policy: Analyzing Ideology and Compromise

The policy proposal chosen is the legalization of marijuana. The most ardent advocates of marijuana legalization would want the complete removal of restrictions on the use, possession, and sale of marijuana. They would like marijuana to be treated like any other legal substance, such as alcohol or tobacco. In order...

The “Who Invented the Taser?” Video Analysis

The video entitled ‘Who Invented the Taser?’ covers the history and current issues surrounding the use of Tasers. The earliest use of electrical technology by police officers dates back to the 1960s and Civil Rights activism (Today I Found Out, 2019). The current use of Tasers illustrates the complexity of...

Gun-Related Violence in the US

Gun-related violence is a serious public health epidemic in the United States. The country has high gun ownership rates, which has thus been attributed as a major cause of gun violence. When many people own guns, they are likely to resort to the use of guns in resolving their issues....