Definition of Social Capital Offered by Robert Putnam

Introduction In recent years, community development has become strongly associated with social capital. However, social capital is a broad term, and there are many definitions of the term used in social sciences today. One of the most widely accepted views on social capital was proposed by Robert Putnam (DeFilippis, 2001)....

Immigrants in USA: Speech to Influence Thinking

General Purpose: To convince the listeners that immigrants contribute and enrich American society through culture, business, and other aspects. As such, the following speech aims to explore distinct ways in which immigrants change the landscape of American society and to influence the audience into recognizing these effects of immigration and...

Ship of Theseus: Paradox Analysis

Representing a peculiar thought experiment, the concept of the Ship of Theseus might seem fairly simple. However, further contemplations reveal that the notion in question, as well as the dilemma that it provides, are exceptionally nuanced. Implying a question of whether replacing every part of an object (specifically, a ship)...

Reality and the Universe: Worldviews

It is a known fact that human beings have philosophies that defer from one person to another. These perceptions are grossly influenced by the environment and the person’s interaction with that particular setting. The following is a subjective analysis of the themes of ultimate reality, nature of the universe, the...

Aspects of Ethical Decision‐Making

Abstract Most ethical dilemmas are conflicts between the whole and its part: organization and individual, society and organization. It is impossible to choose a single concept of ethical decision-making because it will change depending on the circumstances. As for me, over the course, I have learned to draw conclusions and...

The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of Children

It is widely accepted that minors’ health and well-being should be among the principles to guide humanity’s activities all around the world to maximize the chances of raising active and healthy generations of citizens. The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child was accepted more than thirty years ago...

Analysis of Thomas Paine’s Rhetoric

There is no doubt that pamphlets of Thomas Paine made the Revolution popular among the masses. His American Crisis provided motivation both to the Continental Army and inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies. Unlike Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, he used straightforward prose to deliver his democratic message to laborers, artisans, and...

Gender Impact on Societies Worldwide

Gender roles determine what males and females think, interact, speak or dress within the society’s perspective. The commonly recognized gender in society is the male and female who are defined by the sex of an individual (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The reason why gender is a sensitive issue in society...

Discussion of Civility on the Internet

Introduction The act of showing respect to someone with politeness and courtesy is civility. Civility comes from the Greek word civilitas, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city (Hayashi & Toh, 2020). When it is uncomfortable and challenging to care for someone’s...

Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise

Introduction The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22. While the page creates an initial appearance of neutrality, its strategies and approaches are inclined towards making people pre-order the game, due to...

Discussion of Marijuana Legalization

There are two different opinions about the legalization of marijuana. Many people believe that the legalization of this plant will have extremely negative consequences. Abuse of this drug can lead to an increase in crime, dangerous situations on the roads, and mortality growth. Also, there is an opposition opinion that...

Work-Life and Work-Family Interconnections

In terms of a growing number of natural disasters, falling airplanes, and other negative events, the issue of resilience becomes more and more important. It was useful to learn about the progress of research on work-life and work-family interconnections in the context of resilience. Chapter 8 allowed understanding that this...

The Concept of Truth in Christianity and Ancient Greece

Philosophers of all eras were interested in the truth and the search for the ultimate answer. Faith often took a centerpiece in this goal, serving as either an indomitable basis for further discussions or as a framework of expanding philosophical views. For this paper, Plato’s allegory of a cave and...

Balancing Work and Family Life

There has been a shift in the usual gender roles; a man or a woman is not only a biological being but also a sample of particular features. The search for social harmony, acceptance of one’s strengths and weaknesses are acute global problems. Nowadays, people’s problems are caused by imposed...

Immigrants as an Underserved Community in the US

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by the surge in globalization processes that bring different parts of the world closer together. These trends promote the worldwide talent exchange, meaning that people opt for better places of residence and countries benefit from skilled and motivated workers from abroad. From a theoretical...

The Six Cs of Effective Communication

Regardless of the mode of interactions, whether oral, written, or audio-visual, the six Cs of effective communication are essential to incorporate into one’s message. The qualities are intended not only to promote the credence and goodwill of the one transferring the message but also to help receive a positive response...

Community in Little Village – Community Agencies

Little Village (South Lawndale, Chicago) used to be inhabited by immigrants from Ireland and Eastern Europe in the 19th century. However, now the majority of population is constituted by Mexican people (Little Village, 2013). This is a suburban community. Little Village is situated in the west of Chicago. The climate...

Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics

Introduction The value of human life and its significance have always been disputable issues. Since the first stages of society’s evolution, people have tried to find the sense of living, its purpose, and central goals. At the same time, the attitude to every individual, his/her contribution to society, place in...

Importance of Women in Canon City

Women are important in the everyday life of society; the community nowadays heavily relies on women. In order to illustrate the significant role of women in modern society, this paper will explore the theme in the example of Canon City, Colorado. The research on the importance of women in Canon...

The Rise in Population in Europe in the Eighteenth Century

Millions of Europeans migrated to the U.S. in the eighteenth century to class rule and modernization. However, despite the exodus, people continued moving to Europe in search of economic prosperity spawned by the industrial revolution. As cumbersome jobs were mechanized and goods were mass-produced, people began to live better. Thus,...

Types of Reciprocity. Cooperation Dynamics

Any exchanges between people can be handled in three ways. The first type is generalized reciprocity, which is mostly expressed in closely related societies. The general principle of this type is “help anyone if helped by someone” (Stojkoski et al., 2018). In my case, my parents are willing to help...

Sexual Orientation Debate: Born or Chose This Way

The advantage of the ‘born this way’ argument about sexual orientation is that there is no way around nature, and it is impossible to change a person’s brain chemistry or genetics. The disadvantage of the argument is that it is limited to issues of biology and does not allow for...

Haitian Immigration and Religion in Florida

Root Causes of Haitian Migration A significant number of Haitian nationals have migrated to other countries during the last century following the country’s political and economic turmoil. Audebert (2020) states that approximately 20% of Haitians live abroad today. Plantation-based economics and the US occupation of Haiti are the main historical...

The Problem With Big Philanthropy

The twenty-first century poses a number of new societal challenges, which may contradict some of the resolutions the public has agreed on in the past. Thus, as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet receive euphoric praise for starting foundations and giving away billions of dollars, some people decide to take a...

People’s Views on Intelligence Analysis

Introduction There are varieties of views concerning the definition of intelligence. One of the definitions that have been used to define intelligence is the ability of a person to learn unfamiliar things within a short duration of time. Other people have also defined intelligence to be the possession of a...

Portrayal of Sexuality in Older Adults

Any issues pertaining to sex tend to be highly sensitive. It does, after all, concern deeply intimate experiences, which may evoke substantial emotional reactions even from mentally stoic people. The sensitivity is even higher when the discussion concerns people of old age. Modern society has numerous stereotypes, which devalue older...

Communication: Notions of the Public Sphere

Public communication becomes possible when individuals enter the public sphere to deliver messages to other people or groups. In its turn, a public sphere is a social place where citizens gather and express their views on political, social, and economic matters (Crossley and Roberts, 2004). The concept of the public...

Definitions and Explanations of Sociological Terms

The Blasé Attitude In sociology, the number of people living together and a variety of necessities and possibilities serve as a fundamental explanation of urban mentality. In the 19th century, society was captured by the ideas of individualism and the desire to obtain freedoms in different sectors. People were obsessed...

“A Theory of Fields” by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam: Chapter 4 Summary

The “Change and Stability in Strategic Action Fields” in A Theory of Fields by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam discusses the current debates on social movements, political sociology, and organizations’ theories depending on strategic actions’ nature. The author emphasizes the need for continuous learning for stability in transition through social...

Double Standard in Sexual Relationships

For the past century, American society has significantly advanced in the issues of racial and gender equality. The feminist and political movements have had a profound impact on how society perceives various social constructs. Nevertheless, there is still a large amount of prejudice concerning the gender gap and sexual orientations....

Chapter 5 of “A Theory of Fields” by Fligstein and McAdam

The content of chapter 5 of “A theory of fields” by Fligstein and McAdam gives an in-depth understanding of the usefulness of the strategic action field. Although the civil rights movements and the U.S. mortgage market’s transformation stories have different organizations, frames, ideas, actors, and politics, the lessons learned from...

Caring for Populations: Interventions and Evaluation

The target population will be the Westchester Community from Miami Dale County, Florida. The population in Westchester mainly consists of new individuals who are moving into the area from other countries. As such there is an enormous immigrant population with about less than 20% consisting of the locals. The total...

Intelligent Design and Evolution Controversy

Introduction Intelligent design and evolution all provide explanations on the origin of life in the universe. There exists considerable scientific evidence to justify the plausibility of the two theories, however, a great debate that has been there for a long time is to what constitutes science. Many public schools in...

Financing Public Health Initiatives in America

I do not believe there is one political party in America that would be more supportive of financing national public health initiatives than the other would. This assertion is particularly true for the main parties in America (Democratic Party and the Republican Party) because both parties would choose to support...

Discussion of Pleasure in Social Activism

Introduction It is difficult to deny that in terms of social activism, people usually think about what is missing rather than what they desire. Generally, making social justice is perceived as work; however, according to a different opinion, involvement in social activism can also be a form of pleasure. Adrienne...

Interview With Jeanette: Visit to Australia

The relationship among people is a complicated concept that provides the chance to feel secure and value oneself in society. The relationships with friends and coworkers are a significant element in people’s lives because it defines how people might feel at work and assess their interaction with others. The interview...

Arguments For and Against Immigration

Introduction Immigration is a matter that has sparked a debate regarding its impact, especially on western countries like the United States of America. Being at the top of the political discussion, researchers like Huntington in “The Hispanic Challenge” have voiced their concerns on immigration. One of the reasons for immigration...

Policy Proposal on Religious Persecution

Synopsis of the Social Problem Religious persecution has reached a global crisis and now affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Joint Public Issues Team (2021) defines the issue as “the systematic hostility of ill-treatment encountered by an individual or group because of their religious beliefs” (para. 2). This can...

Social Construction of Gender. Sociology in Modules

Sociobiology entails the scientific study of social behavior’s biological bases among humans and even animals. It assumes that such behavior arises from evolution, and it focuses on examining and explaining social behavior from the given perspective (Schaefer, 2017). On the other hand, social construction is social, and feminism theory shows...

Challenges Faced by Immigrants in Sweden

Introduction Every country has a developed set of rules governing its citizens’ lives. Migrating to another country, therefore, presents a significant number of challenges. Changing from the rules one is accustomed to and adopting a new lifestyle is not easy. In many countries, immigrants have reported facing discrimination. Sweden immigrants...

“Main Social Paradigms” Video by Crash Course

The video with the title “Main social paradigms: Crash Course sociology №2,” posted by Crash Course, examines the sets of concepts, which explains the functioning of society. The narrator compares the community to a well-oiled machine built on a common interest basis. The video states that it is necessary applying...

Review of “Living for the City” by Murch

Introduction Written about the struggles the African Americans have undergone for decades, Living for the City recounts the origin of the socio-political movements that started in the 1960s. The book whose title borrows from the song by Steve Wonder expounds on the lyrics that form part of the reminiscences of...

The Problem of Using Animals in Experimentation

The debate over the use of animals for medical research is still heated and seems to be everlasting. Some suggest that this practice is morally wrong, while others oppose them, arguing there is no better option. Testing on animals in the lab provides researchers with valuable knowledge regarding a particular...

Is Being Homosexual a Choice or Inherent?

In recent years, media and scientific attention have focused on attempting to discern the origins of homosexuality. Many view homosexuality as a social problem that has potential psychological and social implications depending on the public’s etiologic beliefs (Sheldon et al., 2017). For the people who believe homosexuality is inherent, their...

Researching of Irish Immigration to the United States

Describe The Historical Event That You Selected. Why is This Event Significant? Immigration is a valuable part of each country’s history because it influences the culture, economy, and society by forming new traditions, providing a workforce, and building connections between people. The arrival of the Irish to the United States...

Discussion of Situations in the Daycare

It should be said that I own the daycare and have faced many situations in which people have not demonstrated willingness to pay for the service. Parents express a plethora of excuses regarding the fact they do not want to provide payments. Hence, I would say that one thing from...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell Analyis

Feminist stance reflects varying perceptions of men and women, and the play “Trifles,” written by Susan Glaspell, is an excellent example of literary works focused on this topic. In the narrative, several men and women come to a house when investigating a murder (Glaspell 1). They attempt to recreate the...

Illegal Immigration in the United States

In the United States, illegal immigration remains a critical issue affecting society and the workforce situation. Whether or not Arizona law officials should be authorized to detain individuals arbitrarily to check their immigration status is a matter of human rights. This paper argues that the decision is rather harmful despite...

Asian Americans. Internationalization of America

America has been a multinational country from time immemorial, and representatives of different nations are trying to get there. This usually leads to positive developments, as it increases cultural diversity. In particular, Asian Americans have a significant impact on the country. Increasingly, Asians are being elected to political agencies. This...

Exploration of Social Justice Aspects

The organization of social welfare for the family is an integral part of the social policy of the U.S. Child welfare services include a system of social guarantees, including allowances and other types of support in different life situations such as the upbringing, the disability of children, and the absence...

Technology: The Bias of Communication

The improvement and increase in technological structures influence society and the people in it. A good case study showing the changes brought in the society by technology is the continuity of westernization in the middle east and other states in the world. Despite the fall of the Western Roman Empire...

Immigrant Problems with Modern Government

Today, the attitude towards immigrants is very biased; many countries give incomprehensible answers when the question of the rights of immigrants arises. The Immigrants (We Get The Job Done) music video’s lyrics highlight relations between the United States and the immigrants, “Black and white soldiers wonder alike if this really...

Gender Messages From Social Institutions: Family, School, and Mass Media

The phenomenon of gender socialization is closely connected to the everyday lives of numerous populations throughout the world. Developing an understanding of gender norms and expected behaviors is crucial for the growth of maturing individuals, which might prompt both positive and negative outcomes. As the primary agents of gender socialization,...

“The Science of Forgiveness” by Steve Coomber

Conflict situations at the workplace can negatively affect the team, as well as its member. Conflicts provoke stress, which is a common reason for absence from work, and it can lead to the dismissal of staff and an employee shortage. For these reasons, managers must promote favorable relations between workers....

Aspects of Global Citizenship

Global citizenship aims to encourage young people to acquire the information, skills, and values they need to pass on to the world. According to Dower and Williams, “the idea of global citizenship is that human beings are citizens of the world” (2016, p. 1). Global citizenship education is not another...

Sustainability and Sustainable Development of a Society

Sustainability and sustainable development are effective tools in achieving a safer and healthier ecosystem in Florida and around the world. This paper seeks to define Sustainability and Sustainable Development by comparing the three components of a sustainable society, their synergy, and the difficulties of maintaining each with the influences of...

Social Movements: Statistical and Analytical Research

Arnau Gras, J. (1995). Diseños longitudinales aplicados a las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento. Editorial Limusa. This book, written by a social sciences educator, focuses on the application of longitudinal design in social and behavioral sciences. The longitudinal design presents the possibility of assuming that the causal effects are unidirectional....

Ethical Issues: Appropriate Culturation

Introduction In 2014 Christina Fallin posted a picture wearing a traditional Native American headwear with a tongue-in-cheek title “Appropriate Culturation” that sparked an online scandal. The controversy forced her music band, Pink Pony, to publish an official statement in response to the criticism. This essay will analyze the ethical issues...

Gender-Role Attitudes: Society Values & Standards

Many would not dispute that gender identity is described as a person’s perception of themselves as male, female, or neither. The representations of the differences in gender identity directly link to the issue of sex roles. In case of any disputes, as a consequence of external variables, gender identity is...

Past and Modern Colonialism, Colonization and Decolonization

Colonialism and Its Patterns Then and Now The piece of media that has been selected for this analytical work is a video called “Young girl inspires calls for National Ribbon Skirt Day.” This video is about First Nations girls and women who have banded together to defend their ethnic identity...

Deviance and Social Disorganization Theory

The reading helped me realize that there are different types of deviant acts ranging from consensus crimes, about whose unacceptability there is an almost unanimous agreement, to socially diverse acts that may be perceived differently, depending on the observer. Throughout this course, it has become clear that deviance is not...

Division of Labor and Traditional Gender Roles

Labor within the family was traditionally divided along gender lines, with the male and female genders being assigned specific responsibilities. Men were assigned the tedious tasks that involved the use of immense power, and this was attributed to their general physical strength (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The labor men performed...

An Overview of the Driving Forces of Morality

The life of a modern human is in many ways full of excess and diversity. Issues and needs that troubled the average person a few decades ago now do not seem relevant. The individual, then, endowed with a diversity of possibilities and choices, should probably be more morally fulfilled and...

The Issue of Transracial Identity

In the article In Defence of Transracialism, the author Rebecca Tuvel explores different arguments against and for transracialism, standing clearly with the latter. Her main idea lies in the point that a strong and genuine sense of identification with a certain social group is similar in its essence to the...

Human Rights and the Burqa Ban in France

Introduction Ever since the policy of multiculturalism had attained official status in Western countries, the conceptual incompatibility between universalist legislations, concerned with the protection of people’s human rights, and the ethnically visible citizens’ tendency to go about taking a practical advantage of their endowment with human rights in a cultural...

Social Groups Essential to Who I Am

A huge part of social identification is the process of determining the social groups an individual belongs to. Respectively, those are the five groups I identify myself the most with. Age group – Millennials I was born in the end of the twentieth century, and that makes me a millennial....

New Media and Affective Publics Analysis

In the modern world, the concept of participation in social movements has changed. Previously, to be recognized as a protest participant, it was necessary to participate in a parade on the street. Now all one has to do is repost the petition on Facebook or write a tweet. Accordingly, similar...

The Role of Choices in People’s Lives: A Discussion

Introduction The everyday life of any person is impacted by a variety of choices that have both small- and large-scale implications for the future. A conventional idea that all actions lead to certain consequences is relevant to any life situation. However, behind any action, there is a choice that predetermines...

Advocating for Social Justice

In the first part of the nineteenth century and especially the twentieth century, a philanthropic impetus of wealthy American women led to considerable changes in the healthcare system. The germ theory and the understanding of potential hazards related to infection spread made certain groups of society take action to protect...

Media Ethics: Censorship of Online Material and Behavior

Introduction In recent years, with the development of technologies, the Internet environment has become an irreplaceable source of information and communication. Through various online platforms and social network sites, a substantial number of people all over the world communicate with their friends and relatives, follow the news, and share their...

The Rhetoric of the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln’s speech during the Civil War had a meaningful impact on listeners and helped people continue to fight for independence. It is significant, concise, with little specifics, but filled with deep meaning. Vocabulary, psychological techniques, as well as speaker pauses give the semantic load of this message. Through the Gettysburg...

How the Intervention Is Addressed During Field Education Experience

The purpose of this blog is to explain how the intervention might be addressed during field education experience. Vulnerable and diverse elderly clients of an adult day care center may need short-term crisis interventions or long-term counseling services provided by the agency. In social work practice, interventions are developed to...

Immunization in Refugee and Immigrant Population

The number of partners depends on how many roles a nurse can realistically fulfill while working with a vulnerable community. For instance, if one is able to act as a case manager, an educator, a direct care provider, a planner, and an interpreter simultaneously, then enlisting other specialists is unnecessary...

Globalization Effect on Social Movements

A social movement is an independently organized effort by a large group of people to achieve a specific goal, usually a social or political one. Modern movements often use technology and the Internet to mobilize people around the world (Cosma, 2011). Adapting to communication trends is a common theme in...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction People majority perceive communication as an everyday part of their life and have few issues practicing it. However, a certain percentage of children suffer from inherent or developed difficulties related to communication that interrupts their socialization process. It is accepted to define these disabilities as Complex Communication Needs (Dodd,...

A Letter to a College Student in the Future

In the second decade of the 21st century, people live in a social environment shaped by a multitude of external and internal factors. The five major institutions that most significantly influence an individual’s life are family, government, economy, education, and religion. The rapid development of digital technologies has transformed all...

Public Transportation: An Investigation of Barriers For People With Disabilities

Public transportation is often called mass transit or urban transport, including town buses, light railway, passenger trains, trolleybuses, underground transit, and ships. These days, investments in efficient and sustainable transport networks will help stabilize the global energy market and reduce public transport’s impact on environmental pollution. It also supports economic...

What a Failure at the Exam Taught People About Hard Work

Does hard work always guarantee that one will achieve success in anything that one is doing? I, like many other Americans, was raised with the belief that, indeed, hard work was the only way one can become successful in life. I did not believe that every single prosperous individual got...

Individuals With Hearing Impairment: Social Anxiety

The lives of deaf people in society are often underestimated, despite various technological advancements and increasing social groups’ tolerance. Nevertheless, this marginalized segment of the disabled community still does not have access to multiple materials due to many challenges throughout their life. For these reasons, I have decided to choose...

Message From Jeff Bezos to Amazon Shareholders

At first sight, Jeff Bezos’ preference of narratives to PowerPoint presentations may seem to violate some principles of good writing. According to Bailey (2008), a well-written material has to be easy to read, meanwhile, a six-page memo is not. Neither is such a writing likely to attract the reader, which...

A Community Mobile Food Truck to Serve Disadvantaged Children’s Needs

Date Submitted Grant Name Submitted to Address of Receiving Party Submitted by Address of Submitting Party Project Abstract The author of this proposal is seeking a grant of $94,735 for supporting the community project that is oriented toward addressing the needs of disadvantaged or low-income children and adolescents living and...

Aspects of the Non-Verbal Communication

Introduction The world is fluid by nature, and, therefore, people are in constant need to adapt to new conditions. Many processes are accelerated, and new tasks require a large amount of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Today, the leading global trends are globalization and digitalization. It means more cross-cultural contacts...

Issues of Paid Family Caregiving

Introduction Paid family caregiving is a widely discussed and controversial issue, which requires appropriate research to support or refute the necessity to continue this practice implementation. It is possible to outline several valid reasons, which clearly define why this care method can potentially deteriorate the quality of service and cause...

Human Rights Under Russian Leadership

Human rights are among the essential norms which standardize human behavior and are protected by local and international laws. Nevertheless, the governments of various countries do not grant their citizens the same liberties. There is a significant difference in human rights in the United States and Europe and such countries...

Judy Brady’s “I Want a Wife” as Feminist Manifesto

Judy Brady’s I Want a Wife is a feminist manifesto that dissects the early 1970s’ social stereotypes about the role of women in marriage and motherhood. Using rhetorical language, she paints a rather impressive new perspective of the seemingly familiar and clichéd picture of a married woman. Her essay is...

The Theme of Mistreatment in “Cesar Chavez” by Diego Luna

The film Cesar Chavez covers a currently relevant theme of mistreatment of immigrants in the United States. The movie’s central conflict revolves around the titular hero’s struggle to establish non-exploitative labor contracts from farm owners in California (Luna, 2014). As Cesar Chavez and his agricultural coworkers are predominantly immigrants, they...

Female Genital Mutilation and Reproductive Rights

Burrage, Hilary. Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation: A UK Perspective. Taylor & Francis, 2016. The book attempts a comprehensive discussion of the concept of female genital mutilation, particularly as it applies to the United Kingdom. It begins with a demographic, epidemiologic, and socioeconomic analysis of the issue’s origins, as well as...

Discrimination in the US: Du Bois’ “The Souls of Black Folk” and Present Days

In The souls of black folk, Du Bois (1903) argues that African Americans lack equal rights with their white counterparts. He supports his claim by stating that this demographic group started experiencing problems during the Civil War and period of Reconstruction. Du Bois narrates that color-line issues were more common...

The Link Between Subcultures and Ethnocentrism

Positive interaction between subcultures is an ideal worth pursuing in any situation. Although the values and beliefs held by two subcultures or a subculture and broader culture may differ significantly, to the point of being difficult to reconcile, that is not necessarily the case (Adams, et al., 2015; Haviland, et...

Doing Genders: Social Constructs of Gender

The evolution of human society is closely related to the development of such constructs as gender. This concept defines the roles and responsibilities that are characteristic of representatives of a particular group. However, physical differences are not always associated with the same gender differences, which makes them significant factors of...

Immigration and Red Scare Discussion

The Red Scare was characterized by a significant number of immigrants to the United States who were adherents of socialist, communist, and anarchist ideas. This phenomenon influenced the perception of immigrants in the years 1910-1920. The threat from the socialist regime prompted a response in the form of an anti-immigration...

“Kiss Me, I’m Illegal”: Reflection

Current US policy is aimed at tightening borders, especially with regard to illegal or undocumented immigrants. Such actions also reflect the sentiments of residents, who often stigmatize visitors from other, often neighboring states. Paul Vitello (2006), in the article “Kiss me, I’m illegal,” discusses the various names suggested for labeling...

Vision of Gender Stratification in an Advertisement

Gender Messages Conveyed Through Advertisement Instances of an advertisement directed toward women are often encountered in daily life. Permanently, the images of women appear in fashion magazines, such as Vogue, and convey gender messages which affect society. Preconceptions raised from advertisements include physical attractiveness, fashionable clothes, the use of cosmetics,...

Jacob Lawrence’s Migration Series: a Pictorial Memory of Black America

Introduction The current study focuses on the text Jacob Lawrence’s Migration series: a pictorial memory of black America written by Eliane Elmaleh. It is a commentary of the paintings done by Jacob Lawrence with elements of the historical background of both the artist and the African-American community at the start...

The Impact of Motivational Interviewing

Individuals prone to or suffering from substance abuse, smoking, eating disorders, gambling, etc., are less likely to have the motivation and desire to change. As a humanistic psychological practice, motivational interviewing has been treating addictions, disorders, and mental health issues. Motivational interviewing (MI) is an approach that “encourages people to...

The Social Theory: Comparing Generations

Conflict based on age differences between the parties seems to be a timeless problem that constantly accompanies society. It will likely always be that older people, born and raised within the same era, will not understand the younger generation, whose moral attitudes and values may differ. Thus, the mores and...

Phyllis Schlafly as a Conservative Activist

Phyllis Schlafly is remembered more as a conservative activist who proudly opposed issues such as abortion, homosexuality, and feminism. Additionally, many of her views were recorded in her publication, such as “A Choice Not An Echo,” which is arguably her most influential book. Further, she successfully campaigned against the ratification...

Immigrant Families and Challenges Experienced

There are significant challenges associated with moving from one country to another. These difficulties are experienced by individuals across the globe originating from different backgrounds. Dealing with these issues requires support from people in the surrounding. The reason is that the immigrants can be adversely affected by settling in new...

Elderly in Society: Callahan’s “Why We Must Set Limits”

Introduction The elderly face many challenges, such as physical and mental health issues, financial constraints, and negative societal attitudes toward aging. In the United States, age discrimination is a common problem for older adults, adversely affecting their well-being. The baby boom generation lives in a distinctive historical moment due to...

Aspects of Autonomous Vehicles

The reality of unmanned automobiles is approaching as such corporations as Tesla are testing the possibility of using them. The technology has certain advantages, such as saving time for drivers, preventing DUI incidents, and making roads safe, potentially eliminating the existing limits. All vehicles will be autonomous in the best-case...

Social Policies and Equal Opportunities for Minority Groups

Introduction For many years, the disadvantaged and minority groups have been underrepresented in education, employment, and housing. Moreover, the people of color have suffered historical exclusion and have missed several opportunities since the merit was based on race. For example, considering race as an admission factor in higher education has...

Animal Testing: Finding an Alternative

Introduction These days, ecological problems present a pressing concern, and for this reason, a harmless attitude to nature, the planet, and animals is becoming an increasing trend among contemporary people. This tendency also regards animal testing, which is common in the beauty industry and medical field. According to, “an...

Failure at Humanity: Animals in Zoos and Circuses

Due to the pronounced focus that the rights and well-being of animals have received owing to the efforts of PETA and similar organizations, the idea of using animals as the source of amusement seems barbaric to most audiences. However, despite the rise in the levels of empathy toward individual animals,...

Can One Will Their Own Freedom Without Willing the Freedom of Others?

Freedom is defined as the right or the power to act, think, and speaks as individual desires. Humans tend to fight for freedom collectively, especially if the most influential individuals trigger its influence. An analysis of human psychology indicates that people act independently and always strive to abide by the...

Analysis of LGBT Integration in Military

This work is devoted to the United States of America’s policy to accept representatives of the LGBT community into the ranks of the US Armed Forces. The study examined integrating LGBT people into the army and identified the main points that influenced the formation of acceptance to gays, lesbians, and...

Feminism Oppression in Islam

Introduction The issue of feminism has been debated for decades. There are various schools of thought on what feminism is, and what it should achieve. Ideally, a significant majority of these schools of thought are founded in the West, thereby, it can be argued that other cultures in other parts...

Social Research: Interconnecting Theory and Practice

Introduction Social research is a process that connects theory and practice, being both scientifically grounded and practically oriented. It makes practice research-informed and uses the practice as the material for the immediate improvement of existing theories. In the social research that I have done, I was involved in particular social...

Nonverbal Communication and Its Cultural Aspects

Figure 1 above presents a photo of two people interacting. The most evident nonverbal communication in this picture is facial expression. Notably, the woman’s face conveys happiness, joy, delight, and glee even without saying a word. Some of the feelings depicted in the photo, including joy and happiness, match those...

Theory of Self-Presentation and Digital Communication

Goffman’s theory of the presentation of self has become the framework for a broader understanding of behaviors and motivation. According to the theory, an individual acts in a way as if they are an actor on a stage, which is referred to as “impression management” intended to present oneself to...

Complex Moral Dilemmas

Deontology ethics defines the morality of an action based on whether it is right or wrong, while teleological ethics constitute moral obligation justified by the desirable end or outcome. The two concepts often present myriad challenges among medical practitioners during decision-making scenarios. As such, given a chance, some of the...

Should the Government Monitor its Citizens Using Technology?

One of the most controversial issues refers to the use of the latest technologies by governments. Any technology might become either a helper for citizens or a weapon against them. Some people believe that their use is beneficial for the well-being of our society. However, it is impossible to avoid...

Communication: Self-Evaluation Commentary

Communication is a powerful tool that can be used to present oneself and achieve various goals. Any job requires some extent of written and oral communication, which is critical to interact with managers, colleagues, and clients, properly translate the ideas and understand others. This self-evaluation paper focuses on two assignments...

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability: Schwartz Values Survey

Abstract In all people’s lives, there are many critical points where they have to make an ethical decision. From time to time, everyone becomes a part of the moral choices of other persons, and some of them may or may not have an influence on one’s life. Precisely these experiences...

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a set of principles that advocates for the rights of all humans as a means of ensuring their freedom and justice. These rights help to protect and safeguard the dignity of individuals from barbarous actions. The current paper, thereby, is a reflection of...

Animal Testing and How It Should Continue

Introduction Humans have been finding new ways of exploiting animals for many centuries. Animal testing has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical, biomedical, and cosmetics industries. This process has provoked many hot debates in recent centuries, with different arguments and opinions on both sides. Some people believe that animal...

Weber’s Idea of Bureaucracy

A system that helps control a state’s operations and aids its citizens is a necessity for modern-day states. The majority of contemporary developed countries have bureaucratic procedures that are strictly regulated by laws. However, several philosophers voiced their ideas on the proper set up of these systems during industrialization, and...

Voting Rights of Convicted Felons

Convicted felons are individuals found to be guilty of serious offenses, including raping, first-degree murder, and kidnapping, therefore, leaving them no choice but to spend more than one year in prison. According to Whitt, 8% of the US’s current total population represents the number of convicted felons, and, as a...

The Controversies of Animal Testing

Science has made tremendous progress in the last few centuries. Since the introduction and subsequent application of the scientific method, almost any scientific discipline has seen the rise not possible otherwise. Many of the branches of science, like applied physics, chemistry, and medicine, have also changed the level of welfare...

The Origins of Race: Environmental and Socio-Political Roots

The concept of race as a biological criterion to divide humans has been influential in the past few centuries despite lacking any scientific proof. The question of whether it is a biological fact or a social construct rages on, with both sides providing evidence for their views. Some of the...

The Arab Spring and Its Main Causes

Recently, North Africa and the Middle East have been hotspots of conflict, driven by political, social, economic, and cultural differences. The Arab Spring was caused by a combination of many political, economic, and social factors (Gelvin, 2015). Nevertheless, in my opinion, economic reasons can be identified as the most acute...

Assessment, Goal Setting, and Review in Counseling

Introduction Counseling phases and their relationship with theoretical and practical implications are of exceptional interest to researchers worldwide. Successful consultation outcomes are highly dependent on various factors, even such as advisor’s attitudes (Clark, Moe, & Hays, 2017, p. 259). Proper understanding of the client’s needs, expectations, and views are essential...

Art of Arguing and Elements of Debate

Frequently, one should not expose his or her beliefs and ideals in the argument in case the topic is exceedingly sensitive. In such cases, it might be a good idea to take a neutral stance and provide reasons for different points of view. It is true that people might acquire...

Counseling Service Coordination: Overview and Analysis

Definition of Service Coordination Addiction counseling is one of the most sensitive treatment programs, requiring careful implementation and application of various skills, attitudes, and knowledge. Service coordination is an essential function of offering counseling services. It entails the evaluative, administrative, and clinical actions that case managers take to harmonize community...

Abortions. Perspectives, Federalism, Court Cases

Introduction Abortion is the termination of pregnancy, which destroys the fetus. The procedure may be a result of miscarriage where the fetus is delivered due to underlying fetal or maternal complications. Conversely, pregnancy may be ended, for instance, in the case of surgical or medical abortion, where the fetus is...

Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students

Introduction Traditionally, sexual relationships were respected and promiscuity was heavily penalized in a bid to ensure that people engaged in sexual intercourse at the right time and in an acceptable setting (marriage). However, many young people have resulted to alternative sexual tendencies that at times put them at risk of...

Effective Communication Skills for Presentations

Introduction As Hoppe (2009, p.1) argues, business communication skill are not inborn, but rather learnt as one interacts with different business scenarios; so long as one is flexible to learn. A combination of both non-verbal and verbal communication abilities is an important component of any business presentation, owing to the...

Child and Youth Work Trouble Youth

Child and youth care (CYC) domain of social awareness is the significant sphere for today’s youth. In this respect the paper is dedicated to the role of the CYC practitioner. The thing is that in so multiple varieties of opportunities for children most of them are of bad side. This...

The Plato’s “Leaving the Cave of Ignorance”

Plato’s Allegory of the Cave presents an excellent metaphor for how easy it is to confuse truth and illusion, and how challenging the path to enlightenment can be. Like the prisoners’ eyes would hurt if they were exposed to the light of day, many people are living with a fear...

Disney Princesses: How Movies Impact Gender Roles

Introduction One of the main reasons why Disney movies can be picked as one of the examples of ever-changing gender roles and the breadth of societal influence in their approach to depicting women or female characters. The ability to mirror cultural perspectives of the given era is an instrument that...

Prisoners’ Human Rights Protection

Introduction Though limited in power and resources, the advocacy agency may advocate for human rights in different ways. Prisons have become centers of various law violations as the current system does not treat prisoners fairly. For the protection of human rights in prisons, it is important to examine the existing...

Animals Should Be Used for Research

Introduction Since humans and animals have similar biology, animals are often used to provide experimental studies and understand how diseases impact them or how drugs can help, but ethics and legal issues cause public controversy. Definition Animal testing, also known as animal research, uses experiments to understand the factors that...

Organizational Socialization in Public Administration

The article to be analyzed in this paper is “Organizational socialization in public administration research: A systematic review and directions for future research” by Moyson et al. The authors present a systematic qualitative review of the articles related to the topic of organizational socialization, comparing the findings to determine the...

Essentials of Negotiation

Negotiation is the process of discussion aimed at reaching a compromise or a mutually beneficial solution to an issue. It is a complex skill that involves analyzing information and making strategic decisions, often under time pressure. Naturally, there are common mistakes one should try to avoid when negotiating. One fundamental...

The 2022 Winter Olympics as a Part of the Political Debate

Apparently, despite the intensive spread of COVID-19, several countries, especially the United States and European Union (EU), stress the importance of human rights. Actually, the issue regarding the violation of human rights has raised serious debates and discordance of opinions between the West and China. For that reason, few countries...

Research of the Contemporary Cancel Culture

“Cancel culture” is a relatively new trend in the media space. Thanks to the global spread of social networks, blogs and YouTube channels, there are almost no people left who do not follow at least one media personality. It is only natural that over time, the Internet community has needed...

Non-Governmental Organization Committee on the Status of Women

The committee’s foundation was in 1972 under the auspices of the Conference of NGOs. It was formed in preparation for the International Women’s Year, 1975, and the UN Decade of women, 1975-1985, including the Initial World Conference on Women held in Mexico City in 1975 (UN Women, 2021). I support...

Communication Goals and Attainment Practices

Establishing and securing diverse communication goals is an essential task for any individual. Attaining knowledge and conveying various emotions and perceptions becomes possible through extensive interactions with other individuals, which require an understanding of public speaking. Some scholars state that successful organization and achievement of communication aims is a necessary...

Core American Values: Minority Rights

It is hard to disagree that several core American values are an exceptionally significant element of people’s lives and wellness. According to researchers, minority rights “are the normal individual rights as applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual minorities; and also, the collective rights accorded to...

Child Welfare in Canada and a Policy Position

Introduction The issue of child welfare is quite complicated especially when it is placed within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child. Canada is one of the countries in the world in which a large number of cases of inequality in terms of child...

The Controversial Issue of Abortion

In the contemporary world, the society is often separated into right and wrong, as well as good and evil. Legal and ethical issues associated with abortion are becoming controversial every day in modern society; some people support the idea of abortion, while others disagree. In a typical example, different philosophers...

Animals Testing for Cosmetic or Medical Purposes Should Not Be Allowed

Experiments on animals are not a valid method either for investigating the various causes of human diseases or for developing a treatment for them. Faked injuries are inflicted on animals in order to create so-called “models” that are used to simulate human conditions. With the exception of a number of...

Poetic Themes in the Selma Film Staring D. Oyelowo

Poetry, as likened to art, seems to depict a connection between lives concerning art. As portrayed in movies, fashion, music, dances, architecture, and literature imitate human beings’ real-life experiences. The past and modern art created defines time, meaning that people can differentiate when the art was created. In traditional times,...

Content-Oriented Listener Style and Related Skills

Introduction Listening styles refer to the general way in which a person attends to other people’s messages. Vickery and Ventrano (2020) explain that understanding various listening modes and the appropriate time to implement them helps individuals enhance their communication skills and better listeners. Although people might assume that being a...

Women Torture in Iran: Analysis of the Issue

Introduction Torturing women is officially forbidden in many countries; however, in Iran, there are cases where women’s rights are being oppressed. The issue of continuous torture against Iranian women needs to be addressed since it remains an apparent problem. Although the revolution officially gave rights to women, the problem cannot...

Large-Scale Protests in Puerto Rico in 2019

Large-scale protests in Puerto Rico in summer 2019 began after the public presentation of the correspondence between Ricardo Rosselló, the head of state, and his team. About 900 pages of messages in Telegram were clarified and made available to people. Since the data leaked, more than 500,000 Puerto Ricans took...

The Purpose of the Eugenics Movement

Scientific discoveries have been the focal point for delivering solutions to various problems facing humanity. The 19th century saw an increase in the number of scholars attempting to find answers and explain phenomena. In the process, the idea of Eugenics came into being and became so popular during the early...

What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime?

Feminist movements initiated from the beginning of 1960s had a significant impact on the society. Women’s rights were attempted to be equated to men’s both socially and constitutionally through protests, officially vested demonstrations, and adopted legal documents that formalize gender equity. However, apart from the social impact in real life...

Is Creativity A Modern Panacea From Boredom and Depression?

Introduction The modern life rhythms that revolve around people make us feel stressed about every single event-taking place in our lives. As a result, communication, daily life, and working patterns become nothing but fixed mechanisms that are deprived of any additional thoughts and perspectives. Scientists claim that such an attitude...

Success: A Re-Definition

Michael and John are siblings who live in New York City. Michael is a successful entrepreneur who develops his retail business; he has recently purchased an apartment in the city’s center and a high-quality new automobile. He is single, however, he derives enjoyment from his freedom. At the same time,...