Haitian Immigration and Religion in Florida

Root Causes of Haitian Migration A significant number of Haitian nationals have migrated to other countries during the last century following the country’s political and economic turmoil. Audebert (2020) states that approximately 20% of Haitians live abroad today. Plantation-based economics and the US occupation of Haiti are the main historical...

The Problem With Big Philanthropy

The twenty-first century poses a number of new societal challenges, which may contradict some of the resolutions the public has agreed on in the past. Thus, as Bill Gates and Warren Buffet receive euphoric praise for starting foundations and giving away billions of dollars, some people decide to take a...

Racism and White Privilege and Benefits

Introduction Racism and white privilege are topics discussed on different platforms when confronting issues of social inequality. Racism is commonly viewed as the discrimination practices that people from the minority racial groups undergo. On the other hand, white privilege is the benefits that a white individual obtains from others in...

In-Depth Social History Investigation

The Most Rewarding Part in Conducting In-Depth Social History Investigation Social history investigation is a complex notion of human understanding. While conducting this procedure, there are several challenges and rewards endured by the perpetrator. Creating a conducive and encouraging atmosphere for the interviewee is the most rewarding aspect of conducting...

Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary America

Introduction The mainstream assumption is that slavery is in the past, and discrimination based on skin color is no longer an issue in the United States. Unfortunately, in reality, these problems remain and continue to cause disruptions in America. Dr. Leary and Ta-Nehisi Coates provide the foundation behind the claim...

Suicide among Adolescents: Research Dissemination Plan

Introduction Suicide among adolescents remains a fundamental and pressing problem that requires urgent action to save more lives. This study includes the main factors that can influence the decision to commit suicide, the reasons leading to such thoughts, a survey reflecting the number of intimidated schoolchildren, and recommendations for a...

Food Deserts and Their Impact on Local Communities

Access to healthy food by all the members of society is one of the main conditions to reach sustainable development. However, in this regard, the current situation in the U.S. is far from ideal. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (2021), 53.6 million people (17.4 percent of the total...

Marketing and Interaction Through Social Media Platforms and Gender Inequalities

Gender inequalities and stereotypes remain a persistent issue despite legal, political, and social efforts to control them. Gender inequality occurs due to continued discrimination of a group of individuals based on their sex. The problem’s manifestation varies according to various factors, including culture, race, country, economic situation, and politics. Conversely,...

The Family’s Influence on Delinquency

Delinquency is a widely spread problem among adolescents in every part of the world—a lot of effort is being put to identify major reasons and decrease the level of delinquency. One of the hot topics related to delinquency, especially among adolescents, is its relation to family issues. Adolescents are not...

The Children Maltreatment Problem

The article provided a comprehensive overview of the children maltreatment problem and services working to reduce the negative consequences of it. Maltreatment of children includes physical, sexual, and emotional violence. In turn, these types of abuse are likely to provoke psychopathologies or developmental issues in a child. Unfortunately, the maltreatment...

The Milgram Experiment: Ethical Issues

It is a widely known fact that research studies involving human subjects must be approved by a committee to ensure the safety of the participants. The modern ethical guidelines are often informed by the failure to consider the physical and psychological health and well-being of the participants. One such research...

Community Prevention Plan: RCCADA in Los Angeles

Regional Coalition for Campaign against Drug Abuse (RCCADA), is a drug-free community alliance established to curb and lower the irresponsible use of drugs in Los Angeles. Concurrently, as a coalition, RCCADA is propelled by local circumstances to execute local remedies that will create a comfortable, decent, and drug-free society. Skid...

Why Adolescents Take Drugs: Human Development

Delinquent and irresponsible behaviors such as substance abuse, violence, and unsafe safe practices produce serious social and health implications that contribute to declining performance in school, underachievement in life, and moral decay in society. Unfortunately, many teenagers underestimate the harmful and long-term impacts of experimenting with cocaine, LSD, codeine, marijuana,...

How to Promote Diversity in the Workplace

The critical idea of promoting cultural diversity in the workplace is to employ people of different religions, races, nationalities, native languages, genders, and ages. The most apparent benefit of cultural diversity is that colleagues with different worldviews propose different solutions to the same problem. This, in turn, could lead to...

Impact of Equality in Capitalistic Society

In the era of capitalism, differences and superiority are welcomed and encouraged. It is natural for people to compare themselves with other people and recognize and acknowledge these differences as a part of the cognitive process. People compare their physical attributes, social status, income, intelligence, and skill levels and evaluate...

Analyzing Personal Beliefs and Biases

Understanding and acknowledging one’s beliefs comes with time and experience, as the events occurring in one’s life can either shape or diminish them. Three core beliefs that I have personally developed include the existence of karma, the opposition between right and wrong, as well as the need to take responsibility...

Discrimination as a Major Cause of Sociological Issues

Issues Educational Children may face a variety of issues when attaining education, and these challenges can be related to both political and socioeconomic conditions. One of the most significant problems of recent decades has been the inclusion of children with disabilities into the educational system. Specifically, the inclusion of children...

The Debate Surrounding Euthanasia as a Method Against Human Suffering: Source Evaluation

The debate surrounding euthanasia requires extensive ethical and medical knowledge to be applied. Although numerous scholars have presented their overviews of the topic, additional insights are still being introduced by novel research. A study by Emanuel et al. (2016), Attitudes and Practices of Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide in the United...

Positive Effects of Immigration Essay Example

Introduction It is important to note that immigration has always been one of the major topics of debate in the United States, where each side either proclaims it to be a centerpiece of the American economy and civic life or a source of job loss and degradation of national identity....

African American Women & Higher Education – Literature Review

Bonaparte, Y. (2016). Leaning in: A phenomenological study of African American women leaders in the pharmaceutical industry. Advancing Women in Leadership, 36, 11-16.  The negligible percentage of African American women in leadership positions in different industries reflects the challenges these members of the community have to go through. The purpose...

People’s Views on Intelligence Analysis

Introduction There are varieties of views concerning the definition of intelligence. One of the definitions that have been used to define intelligence is the ability of a person to learn unfamiliar things within a short duration of time. Other people have also defined intelligence to be the possession of a...

Communication: Notions of the Public Sphere

Public communication becomes possible when individuals enter the public sphere to deliver messages to other people or groups. In its turn, a public sphere is a social place where citizens gather and express their views on political, social, and economic matters (Crossley and Roberts, 2004). The concept of the public...

Racial and Ethnic Inequality: Annotated Bibliography

Assari, S., & Bazargan, M. (2019). Unequal associations between educational attainment and occupational stress across racial and ethnic groups. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(19), 3539.  Summary of The Occupational Stress Disparities The US work market is known to oppress racial and ethnic minorities and place most...

Definitions and Explanations of Sociological Terms

The Blasé Attitude In sociology, the number of people living together and a variety of necessities and possibilities serve as a fundamental explanation of urban mentality. In the 19th century, society was captured by the ideas of individualism and the desire to obtain freedoms in different sectors. People were obsessed...

William Blake’s Poetry and the Modern Republic in Crisis

Introduction Blake’s society was in the midst of revolutionary fever, and the hope of a better future prompted the poet to express views he hoped would guide the people to freedom. His poems show that apparent evil is the manifestation of energy working to oppose the established order. This new...

Violence Against Women Articles Analysis

“Six women murdered each day as femicide in Mexico nears a pandemic” The article in question discusses some of the pressing problems regarding femicides in Mexico, as it is one of the worst countries in this regard. In particular, it brings up the struggles of José Diego Suárez Padilla and...

Social Construction of Race and Gender in the United States and Brazil

Being able to categorize the general population into specific groups based on certain characteristics is vital for the understanding of how people see themselves and others, as well as define the salient effects that the said properties have on how people’s perceptions of others and interaction with each other are...

“A Theory of Fields” by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam: Chapter 4 Summary

The “Change and Stability in Strategic Action Fields” in A Theory of Fields by Neil Fligstein and Doug McAdam discusses the current debates on social movements, political sociology, and organizations’ theories depending on strategic actions’ nature. The author emphasizes the need for continuous learning for stability in transition through social...

The Role of Public and Private Places in People’s Lives

The intersection of public and private lives represented through public and private places where people are situated implies subjectivity in judging and attitudes. Indeed, since the line between the private and the public is so vague and not clearly distinctive, it is a manipulative area where assumptions and bias take...

Double Standard in Sexual Relationships

For the past century, American society has significantly advanced in the issues of racial and gender equality. The feminist and political movements have had a profound impact on how society perceives various social constructs. Nevertheless, there is still a large amount of prejudice concerning the gender gap and sexual orientations....

How to Stop Gun Violence in the United States

Introduction The United States ranks among the developed countries with the highest and perpetually increasing levels of weapon violence. It also has the most privately held firearms per capita, which has positively contributed to the proliferation of firearm incidences, leading to most people living with the fear of being shot....

Functionalism vs Conflict Theory in Sociology

Among the many sociological theories that study the structures of society, functionalism and conflict theory stand out as progressive ideas. This short essay will compare these theories in sequence, both in the light of their similarities and differences. First of all, it should be understood that functionalism refers to a...

Chapter 5 of “A Theory of Fields” by Fligstein and McAdam

The content of chapter 5 of “A theory of fields” by Fligstein and McAdam gives an in-depth understanding of the usefulness of the strategic action field. Although the civil rights movements and the U.S. mortgage market’s transformation stories have different organizations, frames, ideas, actors, and politics, the lessons learned from...

Governments and the Protection of Rights

Civil liberties have become fundamental in the global space, shaping economic and political developments among various nations. The Bill of Rights in the United States of America aims at shielding the freedom of speech and religion. Meanwhile, it tends to cover the fundamental civil liberties, including owning and bearing arms...

Prescription Drug Abuse Problem

Providing access to prescription drugs is among the key tasks that the modern healthcare system should fulfil to increase recovery rates. Despite their analgesic, antipyretic, mood stabilizing and other effects, prescription medications present an important source of danger. Nowadays, prescription drug abuse is among the key issues in the U....

Psychoactive Substances: Does an Association Between Licit and Illicit Use Exist?

Abstract Since psychoactive substances have adverse effects on human health and their consumption rates have been increasing globally, they have become a major issue in public health. In this view, the aim of the research was to examine the association between the consumption of caffeine (licit substance) and the use...

Discussion of Gender Bias in Research

Gender bias in research is a widespread issue that has affected the accuracy and representativity of the majority of social sciences’ projects until a certain point. It is facilitated by the general patriarchal structure of the modern society, in which the comparative majority of resources, material and otherwise, belongs to...

Appearance and Nationality: Stereotypes and Myths

An award-winning Puerto-Rican poet, essayist, and novelist Judith Ortiz Cofer starts her piece of writing with the story of how she met a man in a bus. The man started singing Maria from West Side Story once he had spotted Cofer. That way, the author raises the issue of the...

Caring for Populations: Interventions and Evaluation

The target population will be the Westchester Community from Miami Dale County, Florida. The population in Westchester mainly consists of new individuals who are moving into the area from other countries. As such there is an enormous immigrant population with about less than 20% consisting of the locals. The total...

The Barnardo Children and the “Indians of Canada” Pavilion

It may seem that there is nothing worse for a kid who has been abandoned by their parents. Likely, some people make helping orphans and children from poor families the purpose of their life, as Thomas John Barnardo did. In 1866, he started taking care of vulnerable kids in London’s...

Systemic Racism in the United States

It is hard to disagree that racism is one of those concepts the current American society tries to eliminate, and significant effort is being put into stopping discrimination against people of color. Nevertheless, various researchers suggest that this fight is not entirely effective as American racism is systemic (Tourse et...

Financing Public Health Initiatives in America

I do not believe there is one political party in America that would be more supportive of financing national public health initiatives than the other would. This assertion is particularly true for the main parties in America (Democratic Party and the Republican Party) because both parties would choose to support...

Discussion of Pleasure in Social Activism

Introduction It is difficult to deny that in terms of social activism, people usually think about what is missing rather than what they desire. Generally, making social justice is perceived as work; however, according to a different opinion, involvement in social activism can also be a form of pleasure. Adrienne...

Misconceptions About Income Inequality

Introduction In today’s world, inequalities are the most glaring issue in human society. With the lack of proper income, an individual loses his or her ability to access essential services, such as healthcare, housing, and education, and has fewer opportunities in life in general. This topic has received much-needed attention...

Dealing With the Issue of Medical Racism

Introduction Racism is a prevalent issue in contemporary society, and healthcare is not an exception. Although there is much data available on discrimination in medical organizations, little has been done to alleviate the situation. As much as white health professionals are biased towards black patients, African-American people feel anxiety about...

Interview With Jeanette: Visit to Australia

The relationship among people is a complicated concept that provides the chance to feel secure and value oneself in society. The relationships with friends and coworkers are a significant element in people’s lives because it defines how people might feel at work and assess their interaction with others. The interview...

Policy Proposal on Religious Persecution

Synopsis of the Social Problem Religious persecution has reached a global crisis and now affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Joint Public Issues Team (2021) defines the issue as “the systematic hostility of ill-treatment encountered by an individual or group because of their religious beliefs” (para. 2). This can...

Social Construction of Gender. Sociology in Modules

Sociobiology entails the scientific study of social behavior’s biological bases among humans and even animals. It assumes that such behavior arises from evolution, and it focuses on examining and explaining social behavior from the given perspective (Schaefer, 2017). On the other hand, social construction is social, and feminism theory shows...

Network Society, Global Identities and Changes to Sociology

The network society is the organization of a society’s activities and social structures around information networks that are processed electronically. The networks, in this case, are run by information and communication technologies that are founded on theories of microelectronics responsible for generating, processing, and distributing information among different sub-groups of...

Racism: Scene for Screenplay Illustrating Racism

Introduction This scene is a father-son after school conversation about racism. The boy, whose name is James, is six years old and he went to the first grade, where he met four other boys, the same age, the same race, all white. They spend a lot of time together, make...

Can Coronavirus Pandemic Lead to World War III?

The fact that the 2020 year contains numerous events, which led to negative consequences worldwide, is undeniable. However, it is apparent that the coronavirus pandemic affects the lifestyle of the entire humanity. Therefore, it is claimed: “in a global tug of war, the COVID-19 pandemic has added a new dimension...

Minority Groups in the United States

The United States of America is a country with a large concentration of various ethnic groups. There is typically a difference between the notions of race and ethnicity. The first term generally refers to the distinctions drawn from physical appearance, and the second one is based on the concepts of...

Policy of Ecology in Social Work Settings

Understanding Hillsborough Township Community Hillsborough Township is a centrally placed administrative center found within the Raritan Valley region in New Jersey’s Somerset County located near the New York Metropolitan Area. The jurisdiction was initially established in 1771 through the Royal charter and incorporated in 1798 with the passage of the...

Challenges Faced by Immigrants in Sweden

Introduction Every country has a developed set of rules governing its citizens’ lives. Migrating to another country, therefore, presents a significant number of challenges. Changing from the rules one is accustomed to and adopting a new lifestyle is not easy. In many countries, immigrants have reported facing discrimination. Sweden immigrants...

Children With Disabilities: Biases, Judgments, and Preconceptions

Biases about Children with Disabilities The photograph represents children’s wheelchairs that is a symbol of children with disabilities. Unfortunately, the majority of children believe that children with disabilities need sympathy and compassion while actually, they need friendship and an equal attitude. The above situation affects the lives of children with...

“Main Social Paradigms” Video by Crash Course

The video with the title “Main social paradigms: Crash Course sociology №2,” posted by Crash Course, examines the sets of concepts, which explains the functioning of society. The narrator compares the community to a well-oiled machine built on a common interest basis. The video states that it is necessary applying...

Review of “Living for the City” by Murch

Introduction Written about the struggles the African Americans have undergone for decades, Living for the City recounts the origin of the socio-political movements that started in the 1960s. The book whose title borrows from the song by Steve Wonder expounds on the lyrics that form part of the reminiscences of...

Is Being Homosexual a Choice or Inherent?

In recent years, media and scientific attention have focused on attempting to discern the origins of homosexuality. Many view homosexuality as a social problem that has potential psychological and social implications depending on the public’s etiologic beliefs (Sheldon et al., 2017). For the people who believe homosexuality is inherent, their...

Legal Issues of Racial Inequality

Racial inequality is one of the most important social problems that covers various spheres of life. The most serious consequences of discrimination based on race are associated with violence and impairment of rights. However, legislation is believed to protect vulnerable populations from the negative outcomes of racial biasing. In this...

The Phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood

Introduction Understanding the phenomenon of emerging adulthood and the factors contributing to its development is essential for providing young people with the needed support in their journey toward maturity while also ensuring that possible mental health issues are resolved accordingly. However, emerging adulthood is not endemic to Western cultures, so...

Children of Neglect and Teaching Family Model

Introduction Neglect and abuse of children remain a prevalent social issue in the United States. Parent engagement is essential for improving family functioning in a meaningful way (Ingram et al., 2015). Nevertheless, political rhetoric surrounding the issue often concentrates on producing a “heroic social worker” and does not focus that...

The Most Crucial Social Problems

According to statistics provided by the National Alliance to End Homelessness (2020), every 17th out of 10,000 people suffers from the absence of a permanent residence. On the national scale, it means that in 2019 more than 560,000 have no place to spend the night. The personal experience suggests that...

Researching of Irish Immigration to the United States

Describe The Historical Event That You Selected. Why is This Event Significant? Immigration is a valuable part of each country’s history because it influences the culture, economy, and society by forming new traditions, providing a workforce, and building connections between people. The arrival of the Irish to the United States...

Discussion of Situations in the Daycare

It should be said that I own the daycare and have faced many situations in which people have not demonstrated willingness to pay for the service. Parents express a plethora of excuses regarding the fact they do not want to provide payments. Hence, I would say that one thing from...

Programs and Needs for Homeless Veterans

Purpose of Study The research topic is “Investigating the scope and effectiveness of services for homeless veterans.” This study explores programs and services offered by different agencies in Houston, Texas area. The motivation to carry out this study is that veterans who return from missions abroad face numerous challenges. One...

Marijuana Use: Positive and Negative Effects

For this response, I decided to talk about the topic from chapter 10 which interested me the most – acute effects of marijuana. This subject was the most fascinating for me among the three chapters because it is something that is relatable to many people’s lives. Additionally, marijuana is one...

“Trifles” by Susan Glaspell Analyis

Feminist stance reflects varying perceptions of men and women, and the play “Trifles,” written by Susan Glaspell, is an excellent example of literary works focused on this topic. In the narrative, several men and women come to a house when investigating a murder (Glaspell 1). They attempt to recreate the...

The Rhetoric Approaches to Conveying Messages

After watching the video analysis of the rhetoric approaches to conveying messages, it has become evident why Ohio residents, along with other US citizens, expressed such respect and admiration for Dr. Acton. Her ways of sharing information are appealing to any fellow citizen, as she does not try to speculate...

Annie Dillard’s Statement About Gifts

There are numerous ways in which people tend to show their love, care and compassion to one another, and giving each other presents is one of the most common ones. From certified life coaches to religious leaders, we hear everyone preaching about the happiness and fulfillment one gets from sharing....

Nature of People’s Propensity for Violence

Throughout the whole history, human beings manifest violence in different forms, including wars, murders, and physical or psychological bullying, among others. In this regard, many scholars of various scientific fields, primarily anthropologists, sociobiologists, and researchers, became vigorously interested in the issue of whether people are inherently inclined to violence. Some...

Influence of Beliefs, Prejudices or Biases on Profession

Introduction As a 911 dispatcher, my understanding of a situation and the response I give depends on the caller’s description. Nevertheless, my beliefs, biases, and prejudices might affect my interpretation of the situation and the action I will take. Implicit bias is mostly at play with every call as my...

Discussing of Women’s Suffrage in Now

Restoring justice and providing women with suffrage in the United States was a rather lengthy process, associated with many difficulties and problems. This process stretched for almost a century and was related to many speeches from women who tried to attract attention. However, although the overwhelming majority of women felt...

Lack of Emergency Shelter and Its Effect on the Homeless Youth

Introduction Homeless youths are one of the most vulnerable populations in the United States. This population is growing in size and it is estimated that up to 1.3 million youths face homelessness in the US (Toro, Dworsky & Fowler, 2007). Emergency shelters for homeless youths are the primary means through...

Relevance of “I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King

Summary The speech “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King narrated with empathy and wisdom American’s long fight for fairness. In the first part of the speech, he noted that he had a dream, focusing on America’s history. King stated that America had several promises which were not met....

Habitat for Humanity International’s Main Goals

Introduction Habitat for Humanity International (HHI) is a non-profit organization with the vision of a world where all people have decent accommodation. HHI operates in more than 70 countries around the globe and partners with volunteers and low-income families to build or restore their housing. This paper will provide an...

Illegal Immigration in the United States

In the United States, illegal immigration remains a critical issue affecting society and the workforce situation. Whether or not Arizona law officials should be authorized to detain individuals arbitrarily to check their immigration status is a matter of human rights. This paper argues that the decision is rather harmful despite...

Reflection on Racism as a Social Injustice

13th is a documentary directed by Ava DuVernay, which was produced in 2016. In the documentary, the major elements explored are justice, race, and mass killings in the US. The film starts with Barack Obama uttering that the US had 5% of the world’s population at the same time 25%...

Ethics: Dual Relationships

Dual-role relationships are a very important topic in the social working area since they can affect both sides: the specialist and the client. Still, the social worker is more susceptible to the situations when such relationships occur; they can have ethical dilemmas. Where a dual or multiple relationship exists, social...

The French Revolution and Structural Theory Applied

The French revolution is perhaps the most perplexing event in the history of modern Europe. The revolution commenced in 1789 and ended towards the latter stages of the 1790s. The watershed event involved the redesigning of the country’s political culture through the overthrow of monarchical and feudal systems of governance....

Service Learning, Community Service and Volunteering

At all times, people have helped each other in different life situations. Currently, there are three main types of such assistance: service-learning, community service, and volunteering. Today, the value of involving people in various types of public works is important because it contributes to the development of the skill of...

Qualitative Evaluation of the Case Study

Introduction Gradual alcohol consumption limitation is about the clinical and mental consideration of patients who are encountering withdrawal side effects because of stopping or diminishing their substance use. The process of withdrawal incorporates not just lessening of the physiological and mental problems caused by the restraint in habitual behavior (Kougiali...

Taking Joined Action to Confront Anti-Black Racism in Toronto

Living in one of the wealthiest cities of the world seems to be a dream, but not for everyone, as Toronto, the economic center of Canada, is surprisingly hostile for racial minorities. According to the recent census data, the neighborhoods with the highest percentage of minorities have the lowest income...

Asian Americans. Internationalization of America

America has been a multinational country from time immemorial, and representatives of different nations are trying to get there. This usually leads to positive developments, as it increases cultural diversity. In particular, Asian Americans have a significant impact on the country. Increasingly, Asians are being elected to political agencies. This...

Exploration of Social Justice Aspects

The organization of social welfare for the family is an integral part of the social policy of the U.S. Child welfare services include a system of social guarantees, including allowances and other types of support in different life situations such as the upbringing, the disability of children, and the absence...

Addiction Counseling Competency of Assessment

The chosen competency is selecting and using a “comprehensive assessment process that is sensitive to age, gender, racial and ethnic culture, and disabilities” (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2006, p. 46). The knowledge pertaining to this competency includes test validity and reliability, validated assessment instruments, appropriate use of instruments, life...

White Suprematism in Social Work

Introduction Although modern civilization has reached colossal development, in a number of cultural and social aspects, humanity is still facing challenges. Racism, in particular white suprematism, is characteristic of all spheres of life in European and American society. Social services aimed at improving the quality of life of the population,...

Immigrant Problems with Modern Government

Today, the attitude towards immigrants is very biased; many countries give incomprehensible answers when the question of the rights of immigrants arises. The Immigrants (We Get The Job Done) music video’s lyrics highlight relations between the United States and the immigrants, “Black and white soldiers wonder alike if this really...

Gender Messages From Social Institutions: Family, School, and Mass Media

The phenomenon of gender socialization is closely connected to the everyday lives of numerous populations throughout the world. Developing an understanding of gender norms and expected behaviors is crucial for the growth of maturing individuals, which might prompt both positive and negative outcomes. As the primary agents of gender socialization,...

Substance Abuse and Its Social Determinants

Sociocultural Determinants of Substance Abuse Several “biological, social, environmental, psychological, and genetic factors are associated with substance abuse. These factors can include gender, race and ethnicity, age, income level, educational attainment, and sexual orientation” (Galea, Nandi, & Vlahov, 2004, p. 38). Moreover, substance abuse is intensely predisposed by relational, domestic,...

Firearms and Cars: Threats to Life

Introduction In his essay “Our Blind Spot About Guns,” Nicholas Kristof raises the issue of legal regulation of the carrying and use of firearms. He compares it to the development of car safety. The appearance of cars on the roads in American history did not immediately culminate in creating traffic...

How Immigrants Enrich American Society and Business Life

Did you know that there are fewer children born now in the U.S. than at any time since 1930? The decade between 2010 and 2020 marks the lowest rate of population growth in the U.S, according to the World Population Prospects of the United Nations (2019). If the tendency for...

“The Science of Forgiveness” by Steve Coomber

Conflict situations at the workplace can negatively affect the team, as well as its member. Conflicts provoke stress, which is a common reason for absence from work, and it can lead to the dismissal of staff and an employee shortage. For these reasons, managers must promote favorable relations between workers....

Aspects of Global Citizenship

Global citizenship aims to encourage young people to acquire the information, skills, and values they need to pass on to the world. According to Dower and Williams, “the idea of global citizenship is that human beings are citizens of the world” (2016, p. 1). Global citizenship education is not another...

“Harvest of Shame” Documentary by Edward Murrow

“Harvest of Shame” was aired in the 1960s by Edward Murrow. The goal was to enlighten the citizens about the poverty in the state and the agriculture workers’ struggles. Murrow intended to use the television as a means of public education because he believed that people who are willing to...

New Home for an Immigrant Family

When we refer to the immigration story, it is not about the statistics. It is about people, their experience, and the challenges they have to overcome. Since America was founded as a state, the energy of newcomers continually filled its potential. Their assimilation can hardly be considered smooth. My family...

Narrative Therapy: Managing Grief of Losing a Partner

Katherine is a thirty-year-old licensed nurse from New York who has been a passionate and altruistic woman driven by the constant desire to help others and make the world a better place to live. Her decision to choose a medical occupation at the age of sixteen was motivated by her...

Mental Health Well-Being Notion: Its Effect on Education

Issue: The Origin Mental health is an urgent issue, and its pursuit has gained immeasurable widespread acclaim in recent years. The World Health Organization (2018) defines mental health as a state of well-being in which one can cope with everyday stresses, work productively, and contribute to society. The current COVID-19...

Discussion of Flying Africans Theory

Africa is a mysterious continent where all countries are not separated governments but magically connected nations. A long time ago, Africans believed in magic and could fly like blackbirds over the fields (Wheel Council, inc.). Their lives were carefree until the period of slavery began. Robert Hayden clearly described the...

Social Movements: Statistical and Analytical Research

Arnau Gras, J. (1995). Diseños longitudinales aplicados a las ciencias sociales y del comportamiento. Editorial Limusa. This book, written by a social sciences educator, focuses on the application of longitudinal design in social and behavioral sciences. The longitudinal design presents the possibility of assuming that the causal effects are unidirectional....

Issues of Gun Violence

Gun violence is one of the most acute problems that modern society faces. It is a daily tragedy because many individuals are severely hurt or even killed. Gun violence can affect anyone, yet, in certain cases it disproportionately affects the most vulnerable groups: people of color or other marginalized communities...

The Long-Term Consequences of Being Bullied or Bullying Others in Childhood

Introduction Bullying in schools is a well-known, dangerous, and prevalent problem in the educational collectives internationally. For teachers it is hard to detect in time and deal with effectively since bullying has many forms and is not always evident to even the most qualified outsider. Male and female students alike...

The Issue of Immigration in the United States

The given analytical essay will primarily focus on the issue of immigration in the United States. Amy Chua’s writing of the reading, where she raises valid points regarding immigration in the United States. The author’s voice is mostly neutral and informative, but it logically directs the reasoning process towards her...

Ethical Issues: Appropriate Culturation

Introduction In 2014 Christina Fallin posted a picture wearing a traditional Native American headwear with a tongue-in-cheek title “Appropriate Culturation” that sparked an online scandal. The controversy forced her music band, Pink Pony, to publish an official statement in response to the criticism. This essay will analyze the ethical issues...

Gender-Role Attitudes: Society Values & Standards

Many would not dispute that gender identity is described as a person’s perception of themselves as male, female, or neither. The representations of the differences in gender identity directly link to the issue of sex roles. In case of any disputes, as a consequence of external variables, gender identity is...

Past and Modern Colonialism, Colonization and Decolonization

Colonialism and Its Patterns Then and Now The piece of media that has been selected for this analytical work is a video called “Young girl inspires calls for National Ribbon Skirt Day.” This video is about First Nations girls and women who have banded together to defend their ethnic identity...

How Black Lives Matter Became a Successful Movement?

Introduction Black Lives Matter is a movement that protests against police brutality and violence that targets the African American community. Although the initiative started in 2013, it has become centralized and received national and international recognition in 2020, during the George Floyd protests. They were caused by the tragic incident...

Stalking: Probem Overview and Analysis

Introduction Safety has become the primary concern of people who spend much time surrounded by crowds long ago. However, the situation is not limited by the risk of theft, losing money, and valuable things. Nowadays, a more critical issue is stalking, which drags negative emotions into one’s life, and leads...

A Case Study about Work Place Discrimination

The performed research aimed to offer suggestions on how to decrease discrimination in the workplaces in Austria and Taiwan. The theoretical and empirical qualitative studies were combined to recommend the most effective strategy. The researchers gathered data through qualitative interviews with business leaders and employees of all levels face-to-face, via...

The Legalization of Marijuana in Canada

Introduction The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial subject in Canada. In 2018, Canada became “the first industrialized nation to legalize marijuana,” which resulted in positive and negative consequences (Austen, 2021, para. 10). However, marijuana legalization’s opponents contend that marijuana causes more harm than good. For instance, Hall and...

Concept and Aspects of Groupthink

Introduction Being a part of a team and having to participate in its activities and decision-making processes may be challenging for some people and both beneficial and destructive for the whole group. To make sure the achieved consensus is likely to be effective, it is essential to have an in-depth...

Obesity: Racial and Ethnicity Disparities in West Virginia

Obesity is a complex disorder in the United States affecting most adults. Different states have varying rates of obesity, with West Virginia leading in the proportion of people leaving with the disease compared to other states like Colorado. Numerous social, economic, and environmental factors contribute to racial disparities in obesity....

Deviance and Social Disorganization Theory

The reading helped me realize that there are different types of deviant acts ranging from consensus crimes, about whose unacceptability there is an almost unanimous agreement, to socially diverse acts that may be perceived differently, depending on the observer. Throughout this course, it has become clear that deviance is not...

The Issue of Transracial Identity

In the article In Defence of Transracialism, the author Rebecca Tuvel explores different arguments against and for transracialism, standing clearly with the latter. Her main idea lies in the point that a strong and genuine sense of identification with a certain social group is similar in its essence to the...

Human Rights and the Burqa Ban in France

Introduction Ever since the policy of multiculturalism had attained official status in Western countries, the conceptual incompatibility between universalist legislations, concerned with the protection of people’s human rights, and the ethnically visible citizens’ tendency to go about taking a practical advantage of their endowment with human rights in a cultural...

Social Groups Essential to Who I Am

A huge part of social identification is the process of determining the social groups an individual belongs to. Respectively, those are the five groups I identify myself the most with. Age group – Millennials I was born in the end of the twentieth century, and that makes me a millennial....

Will the New Communication Technologies Bring a New Age of Democracy?

Introduction Communication technologies are an essential part of the realities of the modern age, where every aspect of human life is directly impacted by the digital world. It is obvious that all kinds of technologies, such as social media, the Internet, and other online communication tools, have brought a wide...

Alcoholics Anonymous Organization’s Role and Functions

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is my field placement agency, and it deserves specific attention. It is a global organization that unites millions of men and women who have a shared problem. These individuals are alcohol-addicts, and they cannot remove this substance from their lives. Thus, they need assistance, and AA provides...

Substance Abuse: Determinants, Widespread Use, Financial Costs, Defense Mechanism

Substance abuse Substance abuse is also referred to as drug abuse. Substance abuse has been defined as the harmful use of both prescription and illicit drugs. Prescription drugs are also known as over the counter drugs. Illicit drugs are those drugs that have been banned by the government. The abuse...

The United States Needs Stricter Gun Control Laws

Gun control legislation has been a widely discussed issue in the United States for many years. Despite the growing number of episodes of a mass shooting, reforms in this area are not expected any time soon. This circumstance is due to a number of political and social factors. However, to...

New Media and Affective Publics Analysis

In the modern world, the concept of participation in social movements has changed. Previously, to be recognized as a protest participant, it was necessary to participate in a parade on the street. Now all one has to do is repost the petition on Facebook or write a tweet. Accordingly, similar...

The Role of Choices in People’s Lives: A Discussion

Introduction The everyday life of any person is impacted by a variety of choices that have both small- and large-scale implications for the future. A conventional idea that all actions lead to certain consequences is relevant to any life situation. However, behind any action, there is a choice that predetermines...

Drug War in Border Cities: Causes and Consequences

The war on drugs is taking place worldwide, accompanied by severe violence and problems for citizens. In some areas where convenient corridors for traffic and drug cartels are located, for instance, on some parts of the US-Mexico border, these problems are especially acute. This paper examines three topics: the situation...

Analysis of Environmental Racism in America

Introduction Despite the decades-long struggle against racism, its effects are still tragically visible in present-day American society. Moreover, racism seeps into every area, from social interactions to business to environmental concerns. Affecting the well-being of African American people on a tremendous scale, the latter represents a particularly egregious instance of...

Discussing of Expedition on Sri Lanka

Introduction The protracted military conflict that took place as part of the civil war in Sri Lanka had a significant impact on all sectors of life without exception. Social contradictions between the majority of the inhabitants and the ethnic minority resulted in a bloody confrontation. The religious and nationalist ideas...

Economics of Slavery and Expansion

The economics of slavery was greatly dependent on the expansion into the mainland United States. Multiple factors affected the actual expansion such as the developing states had been either free, slave, or undecided states during the 1800s and much of the expansion into the west of the country. Another factor...

A Single-Story Perception – “The Danger of a Single Story”

Today, many people consume information online, which leads to a distortion of their understanding of certain events because social media tend to channel one-sided perspectives. In her speech “The Danger of a Single Story,” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie contends that being familiar only with one aspect of complex phenomena entails negative...

Advocating for Social Justice

In the first part of the nineteenth century and especially the twentieth century, a philanthropic impetus of wealthy American women led to considerable changes in the healthcare system. The germ theory and the understanding of potential hazards related to infection spread made certain groups of society take action to protect...

Police Brutality: The Killing of Daunte Wright

Police brutality is defined as the use of unjustified or excessive force by the police, usually against citizens. It refers to the violation of human rights by the police (Ellawala, 2016). Forms of police brutality include racial abuse and beatings, unreasonable search, false arrest, and the misuse of agents of...

Role of Tribes in the Construction of Identity

The sense of belonging is a critical part of an individual’s identity. Therefore, while longing for individualism, people still need to be a part of a broader community. The participation opportunity in question allows them to share knowledge and information, while also comparing their social status to that on of...

Consumption of Illicit Drugs in the United States

Definition of the Problem The consumption of illicit drugs refers to the use of prohibited drugs for non-medical purposes. Usually, these drugs are illegal in many countries. They may include cannabis, cocaine, heroin and other types of drugs. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the US (National...

Media Ethics: Censorship of Online Material and Behavior

Introduction In recent years, with the development of technologies, the Internet environment has become an irreplaceable source of information and communication. Through various online platforms and social network sites, a substantial number of people all over the world communicate with their friends and relatives, follow the news, and share their...

“Should We Take a Selfie After Getting Vaccinated?” Summary

The central point of the article “Should We Take a Selfie After Getting Vaccinated? It’s Complicated” is that society is divided into groups with contrasting opinions on the issue clearly stated in the title. The text first discusses the widespread belief that post-vaccine are unethical in American society. The reasons...

The Rhetoric of the Gettysburg Address

Lincoln’s speech during the Civil War had a meaningful impact on listeners and helped people continue to fight for independence. It is significant, concise, with little specifics, but filled with deep meaning. Vocabulary, psychological techniques, as well as speaker pauses give the semantic load of this message. Through the Gettysburg...

Social Exchange Theory and Abortion Legalization

Nowadays, in many countries, abortion legalization is “frozen” intentionally because of the conflict of interests. On the one hand, politicians want to increase their social rating by providing populist measures of birth rate increasing among developed countries’ citizens. On the other hand, there is a dilemma that states whether to...

Discussion of Concept of Competency 25

Competency 25 brings up the topic of data collection, and the need to continuously gather information from the client and other sources about matters pertaining to substance use and their harm. No better accomplish this goal, a professional must possess particular knowledge, such as the set of instruments best used...

How the Intervention Is Addressed During Field Education Experience

The purpose of this blog is to explain how the intervention might be addressed during field education experience. Vulnerable and diverse elderly clients of an adult day care center may need short-term crisis interventions or long-term counseling services provided by the agency. In social work practice, interventions are developed to...

Substance Abuse and Its Effect on the Community

Introduction: What is Substance Abuse? Substance abuse is the excessive use of addictive substances such as drugs alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, over-the-counter drugs or prescription drugs. People who intoxicate their bodies on a daily routine are likely to have impairments in their occupational and social functioning. Excessive utilization of the substance...

Immunization in Refugee and Immigrant Population

The number of partners depends on how many roles a nurse can realistically fulfill while working with a vulnerable community. For instance, if one is able to act as a case manager, an educator, a direct care provider, a planner, and an interpreter simultaneously, then enlisting other specialists is unnecessary...

Women’s Non-Monetary Contributions in Supporting Their Families

Research Topic: The research topic is focused on women’s non-monetary contributions to supporting their families. The analysis will primarily focus on housework and similar unpaid work performed primarily by women in recent decades as well as the ways of recognizing and valuating these efforts in order to properly and accurately...

Child Abuse: Keep Kids Safe

Mandated Reporter Statute Child abuse is a case when a parent or guardian, regardless of whether through activity or neglecting to act, causes injury, intended damage, or danger of genuine mischief. Mandated reporters are adults with stable positions in society, who are legitimately needed to report speculated children abuse if...

The Availability of Recovery High Schools in Overcoming Substance Abuse

Introduction The article by Deborah Yaffe, titled “Recovery High Schools Make Dent in Teen Substance Abuse,” was published in District Administration journal in 2019. It talks about specialized high school for children and teenagers with substance abuse problems. The purpose of these schools is to allow a future for individuals...

Ethical Problem of Using Slave Labor in Manufacturing

Modern globalization has ensured that people can get products from all over the world. However, the reality is that the companies that provide these goods often use slave labor to maximize their profits. There are several solutions to this problem with varying degrees of theoretic success. First of all, people...

Discussion of Gun Violence in American Society

The Definition And History Of Gun Violence Gun misuse is one of the most frequent forms of violence that is prevalent in American society. All incidences of violence will the involvement of shooting can be gathered under the term of “gun violence” – from mass homicide to shooting individual victims,...

Measuring Current Opioid Misuse

A literature review revealed no studies that utilized past opioids as a variable in their studies. However, there are many instruments that measure present opioid misuse. The first part will review three validated instruments. First, the Current Opioid Misuse Measure (COMM) is a commonly used instrument to measure opioid misuse...

Global Poverty and Education

Introduction It is impossible to address issues related to global poverty without discussing the importance of education. At the same time, it is impossible to talk about global poverty and education without discussing gender issues. Global leaders may focus their resources on fighting poverty and improving education but if they...

Why the Wealthy Do Not Go to Jail for Hate Crimes

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr once said that “Darkness cannot drive the darkness away, only light can do that. In the same way, hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” These words are powerful in every sense as they talk about tolerating one another regardless of their...

The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US

There is a big disparity between the rates of teen pregnancy in the United States of America and most parts of Europe and Canada. The main reason behind this trend is the American perceptions of morality and the hypocrisies behind it. America is a country where most policies are often...

Augmentative and Alternative Communication Methods

Introduction People majority perceive communication as an everyday part of their life and have few issues practicing it. However, a certain percentage of children suffer from inherent or developed difficulties related to communication that interrupts their socialization process. It is accepted to define these disabilities as Complex Communication Needs (Dodd,...

Discussion of Opioid Crisis in the U.S.

The “opioid crisis” in the United States has lasted since the late 1990s and is associated with the emergence of cheap opiate-based painkillers. These are potent compounds found in safe drugs and hard drugs, such as heroin. After all, opioids act on the part of the brain that is responsible...

A Letter to a College Student in the Future

In the second decade of the 21st century, people live in a social environment shaped by a multitude of external and internal factors. The five major institutions that most significantly influence an individual’s life are family, government, economy, education, and religion. The rapid development of digital technologies has transformed all...