U.S. Demographics to the Year 2050

Introduction Social Security System is one of the most important phenomena in the modern society. Having originated in the United States of America in the early 1930s, it has developed into the basis on which the lives of the elderly people are built after their retirement from work (Calmes, 2006)....

Homosexual Rights on a Historical Timeline

Introduction Homosexuality is a sexual behavior that has generated a lot of interest throughout time. Some people are of the opinion that homosexuality is a deviant behavior while others see it as a natural phenomenon. This needs to be a more developed thesis statement which also needs to be restated...

Modern Racism Concepts and Types

Introduction While racism in society remains a historically painful subject, the gains that have been achieved over the past years even culminating in the first African-American president are huge. Obvious racist actions and remarks are nowadays not common and are only found in extreme cases. However, there still exists discrimination...

Racism in Campus of the Montclair State University Effect

Introduction The paper analyzes the effect of racism on campus according to how I did the interview. Ethnic in Montclair State University (MSU) is real according to the findings I got from the interview I conducted. I found out that both my interviewee felt that their high school education did...

“The Coconuts” Comedy from Sociological Perspective

There is a South African Comedy called “The Coconuts” which outlines some of the aspects that govern the interaction between the black majority South Africans and the White minority. The White minority was in power and controlled most aspects of the economy with the blacks working mostly as servants during...

Heterosexism as an Act of Discrimination

Heterosexism is basically an act of discrimination or having a biased attitude towards people who have been perceived to be lesbians and gays in terms of sexual orientation. Some of the countries are greatly acquiring the strategy of heterosexism against the same sex bonding because according to them same sex...

Adult Education for Canadian Immigrants

Almost one in every five residents of Canada is an immigrant, thereby making 18 percent of the Canadian population to be immigrant. For this reason, Canada comes second after Australia, which has a 24 percent of its population attributed to immigrants (Statistics Canada, 2005). In addition, close to two thirds...

What Ideas About Gender & Sexuality Are Communicated by Contemporary Fashion Images?

Introduction Solomon argues that since the advancement of technology and with a great number of people depending more on the media, society has continued to view aspects of sexuality from different perspectives. In the earlier years, any form of nudity in the media was seen as pornography and was highly...

Influence of Video Games the Attitude of Aggressiveness Among Children

Introduction The issue of violence has been rampart in society today. Explanations of the same have linked it to the influence of the media. This has created controversies due to the inadequacy of the research and inconclusiveness since some researchers believe that the effects of aggression especially in children are...

The Personality Development: The Nature Theory

Introduction The nature theory proposes that human traits are determined by the genes that are present in the cells of a human being and goes further to assert that a person’s sex, intelligence, or even personality is all determined by the genes. The nurture theory on the other hand explains...

Reddy’ on Racial Identity Review

The focal point of the essay is to evaluate Reddy’s claim “racial identity is often simplified and distorted” because of the mismatch between “external and internal racial identifications.” (Reddy, 1997) In order to analyze this claim, the works of four authors would be taken into consideration. These are Senna’s “The...

Drugs and Society Violent Crime: Public Drunkenness

Outline The consumption of drugs in contemporary societies has led to great effects which have been witnessed in those consuming the drugs as well to entire contemporary societies. Among those societies that have been affected by drug usage is Australia, where its main concern is on alcohol consumption. In Australia,...

Gay Rights and ACT UP Struggle

Obtaining acceptance and special recognition gay rights movement is only one of a series of intensely contested factors that have arisen since the American rights movement increased to fame in the heated political atmosphere of the 1970s. Today, the political implications of gay rights do not concern the perceptions of...

Organ Donation: Win-Win Agreement or a Noble Form of Cannibalism

Two readings devoted to the matter of commercial organization of organ donation represent the confrontation between two different opinions which exist in society. In his How Much Is That Kidney in the Window?, Bruce Gottlieb represents selling organs as a matter which is beneficial for both a donor and a...

Stories of Being Slaves: American Slave Narratives

Introduction American slaves were freed and “from 1936 to 1938, over 2,300 former slaves from across the American South were interviewed by writers and journalists under the aegis of the Works Progress Administration” (Fort, a, 1998). The interviews contain stories of people about their childhood, being slaves, masters, and their...

Affirmation as Preferential Treatment to Minorities

Introduction Affirmative action has been designed to resolve the major ethnic/ racial controversies and to provide minority populations with a chance to realize themselves in a foreign society. Given the continuous racial prejudice and the growing percentage of a minority population in the U.S., affirmative action was expected to give...

Argument Against Great Wall Between the US and Mexico

Introduction Famously known as the Border of Defense in the United States or the Border Wall, the great wall elevated between the United States and Mexico was initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2005 by the United States Government under the leadership of Bill Clinton (David 25)....

What Should Society Censor?

Introduction The issue of what should be censored by the society is quite controversial. Society feels the need to protect children from unwanted materials, which include, adult materials, hate speech, among others (Ashcroft et al 4). The government may also censor speech as some people could take the advantage of...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Stimulants: Research Method

The present description is about the article that highlights the evaluation of study with regard to the Utility of illegal Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Stimulants among college students. The research problem background mentioned in the article is that there were some already existing data that could furnish insights on...

Pro-Abortion Ethics Case and Argument

Introduction Abortion is a term used to refer to pregnancy termination. The abortion process involves the removal of the fetus from the uterus. Abortion can be aided or it can occur spontaneously following pregnancy or health complications of a pregnant woman. Spontaneous abortion is medically termed as a miscarriage; while...

Nonverbal and Verbal Communication Views Review

Ideas and thoughts can be communicated by different means other than spoken words. Thus, nonverbal communication may be defined as a method of communication, which consists of “messages other than words” which are usually used in verbal or oral communication. The importance of nonverbal communication arises due to its pre-positioned...

Discrimination of Women Entrepreneurs in Getting Loans From Banks

Introduction Research has suggested that women entrepreneurs face problems in raising capital as well as getting loans from banks (Blake 2006; Wilson et al. 2007; Prasad 2009). Women face credibility problems when faced by bankers and are less likely to have access to entry into institutional financial networks (Wilson et...

Argument of Origin: Gun Control

It has been found that there are many short and long term affects of victimization especially in relation to fee usage of firearms. There are many short and long term affects of victimization especially in relation to adolescence. In today’s perspective an individual carries many different emotional and physical responses...

The Impact of Teacher Unionization Upon the Education of Students

Introduction Teacher unions were formed basically to give teachers a collective bargaining power and a way to air their views. According to statistics by the NEA and AFT by the year 2004 an estimated 45% of the teachers in public schools are members of one union or another1. Teacher loyalists...

Ethics: Experiments on Animals

Introduction Experimenting on human has been done several times especially in the US. Philosophers believe that it is not good to carry experiments on human beings. Human beings should be treated as an end not as a means to an end. Kant claimed to have a solid reasoning behind it....

Working in a Food Pantry

Introduction There is a big global social problem to do with hunger as indicated by the number of underfed people climbing in the past decade. According to reports, the number of people in the world living with hunger exceeds 1 billion. This problem is however not due to food shortages,...

The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Introduction The Age of Industrialization brought prosperity, modernity, technology as well as new threats are never seen before. The new technology, as well as new ways of creating products and services, created problems in various industries that are difficult to anticipate and, worse, extremely hard to solve. One of the...

Email, Voice, Business Communication

Effective use of email and instant messaging in business communication When using email to communicate, the geographical and chronological constraints of communication media are invalidated. Thus, it is imperative to adhere to the necessary guidelines in a bid to promote the efficiency of the communication process. It is prudent to...

Binge Drinking Among Canadian Undergraduates

Binge drinking refers to the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages in order to get intoxicated over a very short time. This kind of drinking is usually intended by the participants and it is very common among the college students in most countries. The behavior is usually considered a social activity...

The American Sociological Perspective

Introduction The American Sociological Association defines Sociology as the scientific study of social life, change, causes, and related consequences of human behavior as a result of social action (Livesy, 2005). Sociology studies the social structure and how people interact within the structure. This is informed by the belief that all...

Jewish Experiences in the United States

In the first part of the twentieth century, the United States accepted millions of Jews from Russia, Poland, Germany and other Eastern and Central European countries. These immigrants first escaped the social changes and the growing pressure on their community in the 1900-1920, later they sought to survive the Holocaust...

Religious Views in Early 1800’s

The 19th century can be seen as a watershed in gender relations and a new understanding of the role of women in society. In their works, the authors vividly portray transformations and changes in the consciousness of the people and new perceptions of the social environment. In the early 1800s,...

“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther

Introduction Martin Luther King Jr. was a civil rights activist in America. Were it not for the efforts of martin Luther, it is highly likely that the freedom and equity the black and other minor communities in America enjoy today, would not be as it is (Williams; 1987). During his...

Should We Sweat About the Sweatshop?

Right from its conception in the 1980’s, Outsourcing has been a debatable issue and it can be viewed as a double-edged sword. It may be defined as a subcontracting process which hires a third-party company to perform some specific operations of the business. It has done with the intention of...

Grutter vs. Bullinger and Gratz vs. Bullinger: Cases Overview

These two cases are considered to be very important regarding legal, moral and ethical implication of policies implemented from schools. They are very similar to each other and yet still so different in the conclusion that can be drawn upon. The “Grutter Vs. Bullinger” case is the first case in...

Romanian Immigrations in United Kingdom

Introduction Immigration in the UK has been on a constant rise with the country’s new immigration rising since 1970s. Hatton has pointed out that immigration exceeded net migration in 1998-2000 has increased by more than 1000 thousand per annum (Hatton, 2005, p.719; Travis, 2007). The increasing number of immigrants in...

International Child Trafficking: The Modern Slavery

If there is a blot on the conscience of the so-called free world, the modern-day slavery represented by the millions of children who cross borders as sex slaves should turn the blot into a wound. Apparently respectable people cross borders into countries where law-enforcement is either lacking, inefficient or totally...

A Person’s Safety Is Not Increased by Buying a Gun

Safety is defined as a state in which a person protects himself from any arm that can arise. Safety has become a key concern for many people in the world today. It is clearly understood that where there is no safety, there are more chances of harm or even death....

Communication and Conflict Resolution Ways

There is a close link between communication and the spiraling up or diffusion of a given conflict. Communication is what pushes a conflict to reach a critical climax or on the contrary diffuse it, making the issues that are the source of disagreement as part of a constructive conflict. Hence,...

A Medical Treatment of Addiction

Introduction Medically, addiction can be defined as the abnormal dependence of substances which cause the body to poorly respond to stimuli that are naturally available. It starts as a repeated craving of substances and urge to get the substance leading to continuous use (Dorsman 12). This eventually causes intoxication to...

Cigarettes Manufacturers Should Be Prohibited

Most people are aware of the fact that cigarette smoking is harmful to the health and is one of the leading causes of deadly infections, for instance lung cancer. A fact that may not be clear to them is that cigarette smoking also leads to other dangerous diseases and illnesses....

Introduction to Sociology: Building Proper Relationships

Intro It is a common perception that has led people to say “men are from Mars and women from Venus”. This is because men and women are very different in their personalities, attitudes, views, and values among other things. Relationships between men and women can be grouped as thriving or...

Oligarchs Control of Russia

The oligarchy’s rise to power was strange in that it occurred in an industrialized country. Many studies done have shown that it was the Russian culture as well as its exceptional historical events that contributed to this state. Even though the culture allows an environment for corrupt dealings to occur...

Sexual Harassment Like Discrimination Form

Section 1 Brademore Electric Corporation is the enterprise sticking to ethical norms and regulations in business running. The case under analysis discloses the Keith Sturdivant’s unethical behavior in relation to his assistant Maura who has been employed only for several weeks. Keith’s invitations directed to Maura were a kind of...

Library Connects People and Helps Them to Socialize

Eastwood Library, Ryde – 2010 – in the frames of the Living Library Program meeting with Jenny, a Chinese immigrant to Australia, will be held. Jenny was a high school teacher in China, but migrating to Australia, she faced the difficulties of the adaptation period and was induced to start...

What Are the Causes of World Hunger?

Hunger is not a problem for people who can afford to buy food. For as long as there is money to buy some sort of food, the hunger pangs that one feels can easily be alleviated. There always seems to be more than enough food around for most of the...

Social Identity: The “We” Aspect of Our Self Concept

Abstract There are fundamental questions about his existence that man has asked ever since time immemorial. Questions that center around who we are, what our purpose is and where we are going. Man has also strived towards understanding himself, because if he cannot demystify the person that he is, how...

Analysis of the Learning Team Charter

Communication is an important tool in the delivery of services whereby it plays a critical role in establishing interactions and relationships. It has also been defined as a process of passing information from one individual to the next. Locker and Kienzler (2008) define it as a process of sharing information...

Immigration Policy in US. Problem and Solution

Introduction US congress Opposition to mode four expansion access Labor unions Migrant rights groups Coalition of service industries Major employers of H-1B workers Conclusion Works Cited Introduction For the immigration policy to be addressed effectively the number of Immigrants in the United States has to be considered as one important...

Drug Abuse and Drug Addiction and Various Policies Related to Drugs

Banned Drugs Metamizole Sodium Metamizole Sodium is a drug which is seen as a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and it has been widely used as a very strong pain killer on medical grounds and it is also used to reduce fever. It has a wide usage all over the world...

Is the Principle of Toleration Coherent? Are There Any Limits to Toleration?

The relations between human beings are rather diverse and based on different values for every particular group of people, regardless of the fact whether it is a racial, sexual or religious group. The issues of understanding between these diverse social groups, and of their fair interrelations and distribution of social...

‘Racial’ and Ethnic Inequality in Western Europe and North America

Introduction Racism is one of the contemporary trends being experienced in journalism and news. Media has been found to play a major role in the production of ethnic as well as racial inequality in the various structures of the contemporary societies. North America and Western Europe are among the contemporary...

Korean Citizens: Migration to the US

Introduction Korean immigrants have played a big part in the shaping of US culture and history over the last hundred years or so. From a rich history of serving in the armed forces or representing the US in various sporting disciplines, they have become a part of American society even...

“Becoming American Is a Constant Cultural Collision” by Nhu

“Becoming American is a constant cultural collision” by Trang Tuong Nhu is an article that evaluates the position of Mai Nguyen in the middle of a cultural conflict between two distinctly different societies. On one side it was her native culture of Vietnam and on the other hand, there was...

The Struggle for Black Equality

Introduction For the majority of white people in the south of the US, denying African Americans their right to vote was central. The African Americans were the majority particularly in the profound South and this meant that if they were to vote then they could manage to transform the power...

Sources and Uses of Power: The National Association of Colored People

Introduction On February 12, the NAACP will celebrate its 101st anniversary. Born out of violence and the good will of abolitionists nearly half a century after the Declaration of Emancipation, the NAACP waged successive campaigns to shield the African-American from mortal danger, bring about suffrage and other civil rights, and...

Homophobia and Racism and Other Issues

Even though the United States is one of the largest melting pot societies blending a variety of viewpoints, ideas, and notions for what is socially acceptable, some aspects of human life which do not infringe upon the freedoms of others carry negative stigmas. In a truly free country, people should...

Racial Disparity in Criminal Justice Systems

Introduction America has a very diverse culture. This is a highly cosmopolitan nation. Culture can be defined as the total behavior of a group of people, traditions, transmitted from one generation to another (Tamu.edu, 2010, par.1). The American culture, however, includes White, African American and Hispanic. The three cultures have...

Florence Kelley and Her Contribution to the Society

Florence Kelley was the daughter of William D. Kelley, the United States congressman. She was born on September 12, 1859, and is considered to be one of the most notable social reformers in the world. There is no wonder that Florence tried to change society throughout her life, because her...

South African: Apartheid in South Africa and Other Themes

Apartheid in South Africa was a legal system of racial segregation that was implemented in between the year 1948 and 1994 by the National Party. In South Africa, racial discrimination started in the colonial times. New rules categorized residents into racial grouping (colored, black, Indian and white) and dwelling areas...

Women in Army Infantry: Controversial Issues

Introduction Even with a vicious campaign by several groups fighting for equality of sexes, there are still six principal groups that women are not allowed to participate in, these are in Cannon Artillery, Armor, Combat Engineers, Short-range defense and Infantry (which this paper will be based). For a period spanning...

Representation of Australian Indigenous Sex and Gender

Introduction For a very long time, Australian Aborigines women have gone through a lot of oppression such as being denied even basic human rights. At the moment, a majority of the women’s liberation movements aim at addressing very many issues that affect women in the Aborigines society. In this case,...

Description of the Homeless Problem

Varying definitions of homelessness complicates the methods for estimating the number of people who are homeless. The Census Bureau has used an approach to attempt to determine the homeless population by the surveying of those who are benefiting from homeless services. This method, which involved the use of Emergency and...

Sale of Human Organs in the U.S: Ethical and Legal Dilemmas

This essay examines the pros and cons of the issue of sale of human organs in the US through the legal, ethical, moral prisms and its interaction with individual freedoms to finally affirm the case for the motion. The essay first examines the concepts of natural law and legal positivism...

North Korean Defectors and Their Reasons

Introduction During the course of recent years, the attention of an international community has been progressively more focused on socio-political situation in North Korea, due to the fact that this country’s possession of nuclear weapons poses clear and present danger to geopolitical security in Asia-Pacific. However, there is also another...

What Happens to the Mentally Challenged Once They Grow Up?

Introduction Shawn Ley was diagnosed with autism at the tender age of five years. His parents, and especially his mother, have cared for him night and day for the past fifteen years. This is with the help of a nurse from the local nursing home. The nurse is paid by...

What Is an American According to Crévecoeur

According to Crévecoeur there are many things that distinguish an American from a European, as they are inhabitants of different continents, but there are many things in common, as they all are Europeans by origin, “they are a mixture of English, Scotch, Irish, French, Dutch, Germans, and Swedes” (Crévecoeur, 1912)....

Mediation of Conflicts and Human Services

Introduction Social conflicts are becoming a reality of everyday life. Although society is constantly in the process of reorganizing its economical, political and legal institutions, such reorganization does not affect the tendency for conflicts in various situations. The presence of conflicts in various spheres of life dictates the necessity in...

Gender Construction and Heterosexism

Introduction Hemophilia does not do good to anybody; on the contrary, it causes a greater deal of harm and detriment. It is seen that lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender (LGBT) are virtually ostracized in US community settings, besides being despised as being mentally sick, biologically perverse or having unnatural sexual...

Illegal Immigration and Its Impact on Healthcare in the USA

“Ten million illegal immigrants live in the US, according to estimates by academic and government agencies, although Bear-Stearns investment firm analysts claim that the US illegal immigrant population “may be as high as 20 million people.” (Illegal Immigration, 2 May 2009). Every year millions of people sneak illegally into another...

Gender Socialization of Children

Introduction Gender refers to behaviors, mindset, and feelings associated with one being male or female. The tendency of using pink hat for a baby girl and blue hat for a baby boy leads to children learning their roles with respect to gender. Once children are born, their parents play a...

Irony In “Everything That Rises Must Converge”

Introduction The term criminal profiling progresses to racial profiling when the defining characteristics used comprises ethnicity, religion or race. Law enforcement officials often utilize offender profiles, which is described as a series of behavioral and personal characteristics related with specific offenses, to make predictions regarding the type of person that...

Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech

When we examine the history of Western civilization in the 19th-20th centuries, it will appear that virtually all of the wars that had taken place, during the course of this historical period, were instigated by politicians who never ceased promoting the concept of military confrontation as the ultimate solution to...

How to Structure a Persuasive Speech

Introduction According to the analysis of the speech forming strategies provided by Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, the main aspects to be used by every speaker are usually focused on the approaches of logic and persuasive speech building. The data highlighted the principle steps of perfect and influential speech creation based on...

Predictors of Women Representation in Corporate Boards

Many organizations all over the world have often been faced with the challenge of addressing the issue of gender diversity in relation to top jobs allocation (Brammer et al 2009). Despite frequent calls by the stakeholders to embrace the diversity, the achievement has been notably mean. In the study covered...

The Race or Class and Sexuality: Relationship

Introduction The subject or subjects for this paper are interesting to discuss. In the ‘closets’ of traditional homes, they seem only interesting in the minds of the inhabitants of the house. But in the present age, they are as ordinary as popcorns or hotcakes. Transgender, surgical operations, race and sexuality...

Human Service Agencies. Substantive Change for Better

Human service agencies face a lot of challenges, and it is appropriate to create a substantive change for the better. Looking at the recent past it is obvious that human service agencies ought to become multicultural to accommodate the increasing cultural diversity. This is noticeable given that there is an...

A Social Service Agency on Use of Mediation

Mediation is considered to be the confidential process in the informal form including mediator’s activities aimed at case resolution facilitating without necessary aspects prescription. The analysis of this phenomenon is analyzed based on a special interview with the representative of Social Service Agency, Justin Patten, carried out on November, 22,...

People with Abnormal Behavior: Agency Providing Services

To my mind the people with abnormal and maladaptive behavior include those who have problems with alcohol and drugs; it means that they are alcohol and/or drug addicted. These people should get some assistance from the outside world, because they cannot struggle with this pernicious habit by themselves (Ware, 2000)....

A Comprehensive Analysis of Pornography on the Internet

Pornography Society has witnessed drastic changes since the introduction of the internet; some may say that the internet has brought many positive changes in the society while others may argue to oppose this belief. It is very debatable whether the internet had brought more positive changes or negative changes in...

The Issue of the Gay-Marriage Movement in the United States

Introduction Obtaining acceptance and special recognition marriages and unions is only one of a series of intensely contested factors that have arisen since the American gay and lesbian rights movement increased to fame in the heated political atmosphere of the 1970s. Today, the political implications of gay marriage do not...

The Issue of Gender Pay Discrimination in Canada

The phenomenon of the gender pay gap is a well-fixed one in modern society: women working at the same time earn only part of men’s salary. Historical flow influenced the aspect of economic equality for females throughout the whole world. It should be noted that the problem of gender pay...

Problems Experienced by Children That Are Reared by Heterosexual Parents

Heterosexuality is one of the oldest concepts mentioned by historical narratives since the dawn of history. In spite of its historical significance, it is still one of the underdeveloped and uninvestigated problems of the modern society. Democratic freedoms and changes in social relations permit homosexual men and women to marry...

Gay Marriages in the Media: Different Opinions About the Question

Gay marriages are rather common affairs in the modern world. Many countries began to think about the legalization of same-sex marriages. The problem is up-to-date as more people fight for their rights in the global democratization movement. The opinions about the problem are rather different and even opposite. People, who...

An Attempt to Reform the Institution of Marriage in California

On 5th November 2008, Californians cast their votes to mark their stand towards same-sex marriage. This emotional vote was brought about by proposition 8 which called for amendments in the Californian Constitution which recognized same-sex marriages. As it could have been predicted, a majority of the popular vote voted for...

Pathways to PTSD: Sexually Abused Children

The research article being critiqued in this paper is titled as “Pathways to PTSD, Part II: Sexually Abused Children” coauthored by Julie B. Kaplow, Kenneth A. Dodge, Lisa Amaya-Jackson and Glenn N. Saxe. The objective of the paper was to build and analyze a probable model of posttraumatic stress symptoms...

Economic Effects of Legalizing Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is a type of drug that is produced from the cannabis plant. It is actually the dried leaves and the flowers of the plant. Cannabis plant is easily grown in most parts of the world and is also a wild plant that grows in most parts of the...

The Problem of Illegal Immigration to the United States

Introduction Today in the United States there are up to 20 million people considered “illegal aliens”, which means illegal immigrants (McFadyen, par.1). One of the topics of this last presidential and senate campaign was if the United States should offer a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. This is an...

The Anarchists of the 19th Century

Introduction Anarchism is a political belief that society should function as a free association and should not be controlled by the state and its laws which limit the rights and freedoms of the citizens. Anarchists firmly believed that the existence of society without government is not only desirable but possible...

Illegal Immigrants and Its Impact on Economy

Introduction Illegal immigration is a contentious subject of debate in many countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia which were traditionally known as receivers and also in Europe which historically had net emigration. The debate over the effect of immigration and its effect is mostly drawn on economic...

Role of Transnational Civil Societies

Introduction With globalization taking the better of the world’s economic and political landscape, new legislative measures that are flexible and accommodative of the new changes become more and more indispensable. These new changes call for the restructuring of the national rules and the development of global ones. However, with such...

Women’s Pay Differentials Factors that Affect

Literature review on women’s pay system and structure suggest that compensations are the expenses of the company and usually are formed from salary and additional payments. Nowadays compensations and benefits are one of the most important categories of expenses for most companies. They can be treated from different points of...

A Closer Look at Age, Peers, and Delinquency Relationship

Introduction Delinquency is a major problem among teenagers all over the world. It is therefore common to hear people say that there is a link between age, peer association and delinquent behavior. But researchers, criminologists, and social scientists will not be contented with simply assuming that the phenomenon called delinquency...

Gangs: “Always Running” by Rodriguez and “Locas” by Murray

Books Always Running by Luis Rodriguez and Locas by Yxta Maya Murray show the life in the gang and the way people join street gangs for different reasons; the violence of the street life, poverty of the representatives of the gangs. Meanwhile, the motivation for the main character of Always...

Communication and Working in the Group

Team presentation As a team member of the group, members of the group introduced themselves initiating the process of knowing one other. Initially, there was suspicion and hesitancy but progression to the second stage (storm) receded after each member had defined roles and tasks. This stage was relatively more difficult...

The Difference in Consideration by Men and Women

Introduction Men and women are different, and it deals not only with the physical differences but also with the behavior, perception of the world, and convictions that are not easy to understand and to change. Men have their consideration about this or that fact, which usually differs from women’s one,...

How ”Prison Life” Affects Inmates Lifes

Introduction We live in a time when the application of the environmentalist (Liberal) approach, within a context of how governmental officials address the issues of social and political importance, is being recognized as utterly ineffective by just about anyone capable of utilizing its sense of rationale. And the reason for...

Alcoholic Parents’ Effect on Adult Children

Introduction Societal awareness regarding problems related to alcoholism has increased due to increased research and studies in the area. A lot of attention has been paid to the long-term effect of alcoholic parents on offspring. Studies have indicated that such children grow up with “unique emotional patterns and problems” (Goleman,...

Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement

The current paper under consideration “Institutional Seriousness Concerning Black Male Student Engagement” by Harper relates to a common and previously thought after socio-psychological issue, relating the uplift of the under deemed Afro Americans, an issue that has been prevalent for centuries. The author, Shaun Harper emphasizes many perspectives relating to...

Social Change Through Technological Innovation

Social change has been characterized by technology and innovations by individuals. There has been a manifestation of technology and innovations in social interactions. As people interact in various ways technology has been utilized to enhance aspects of human life and social contacts. The mass media contributes a lot towards social...

What Is It to Be an American

Introduction When my family moved from the Philippines to America, my world suddenly opened up to experiences that, before then, had only occurred in my life as fantasies. I suddenly found myself free of a national dictator – President Marcos – and could essentially do as I liked. And while...

Fredrickson’s Racism: A Short History

Introduction This book covers the many aspects of racism, the history behind the phenomenon, and how the world now views racism, whether it takes it seriously or how it affected man’s activities and relationship with the world. It talks about the evolution of racism, religion, and how racism came to...

UK National Health Service and Criminal Justice Approaches

Introduction Drug use has increased in the UK in recent times and there are an estimated five million regular users of illegal substances in the region (Emmett and Nice., 2006). Of these, about one million people are found to be addicted to cocaine, whose use has multiplied four times within...

Runaway Slave: Tale Review

Introduction There is a rich tale about slavery in the US from previous ages of which people can only understand now as something that belied “equality” and “freedom”. Specifically, this can be glimpsed in advertisements such as the one that follows. Main body In 1769, Thomas Jefferson put an announcement...

African Americans in Films

Introduction African American people fought for their rights throughout the centuries. These days they are not oppressed and humiliated anymore; they were given equal rights with white people and are full-fledged members of society. Acquiring equal status in white society gave African Americans a possibility to take part in its...

The Unfairness and Inequalities Present in the World

Generally, merit refers to the state of deserving well or even ill. It is a reward which is commensurate to the preceding actions of the person receiving it. It can also be explained as the fruit of ones actions. Various opinions have come up to affirm as well as disapprove...

Brief Motivational Intervention: Mindfulness Based Therapy

Introduction Substance abuse is one of the leading social problems in the United States. In particular, alcohol is one of the most abused substances in the country. The American Psychological Association (2004) defines substance abuse as “ a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress,...

Young People’s View on Physical Activity: Research Ethics

Introduction In this dissertation, the author attempts to compare two papers looking at research methods as regards morals and how ethical the methods are. The essay is based on the original article dealing with the “Views of young people towards physical activity: determinants and barriers to involvement”. The author therefore...

Wartime Ethical Decisions Are Justifiable

Introduction Ethics is a set of principles that tells us how we should conduct ourselves. Every individual needs a code of ethics to guide them in life. Ethics is not only doing what you must do but it’s also performing the right thing in life. Because this calls for discipline,...

Population Density and Major Problems of This

Population density is a problem in every city where people migrate from different parts of the country or state. This paper presents the major problems related with population density and crowding. America also experiences the problem of population density and the writer tells his own experience when he had been...

Problems of Adolescent Pregnancy in Modern Society

Adolescent pregnancy is a serious issue that needs much discussion as it is involved with the future citizens of the world. Adolescent pregnancy or teenage pregnancy may be defined as the phenomenon of teenage girls becoming pregnant within or without wedlock. The term is usually used to refer to young...

Prostitution Legalization in Canada

Introduction Even though legalizing prostitution will protect women by allowing them to conduct business indoors in safer, healthier conditions, prostitution should remain as it is under the Criminal Code of Canada and should not be legalized because current laws prevent the commercialization of prostitution and protect women involved from violence...

Environmental Issues and Ethics: The Questions

Should scientists ignore their personal values and ethics when designing and conducting a scientific study to examine an environmental problem using the scientific method? Why or why not? Environmental ethics concerns itself with “the moral relationship of human beings to, and also the value and moral status of, the environment...

Preferential Treatment of Not and Disabled Veterans

Introduction Right from the beginning of 21st century, there has been certain growth in movements promoting disability rights including that of disabled veterans and has gained weight through political, social and legal channels. As per the disability rights perspective, disabled veterans should be considered as a minority group often facing...

Conflict Perspective to Analyze Personal Problems

The conceptualization of the various social issues allowed the sociologists to offer theoretical perspectives on those issues. The main three perspectives used by sociologists today are the functionalist perspective, symbolic interactionism, and conflict perspective. Examining the aforementioned perspectives, this paper applies the perspectives to three social issues, which are high...

Homelessness and Poor Health Relationship

Introduction Homeless people can be described as that group of people who lack adequate, fixed or regular night-time shelter. This includes a considerable number of people who live in deplorable conditions such as abandoned buildings, public spaces, parks, and bus or train stations as well as in cars. Since the...

“Selling Poor Steven” by Philip Burnham: review

Native American history (military, public, etc) and other American minorities have been the central focus of freelance journalist/historian Philip Burnham’s work. Authoring several books as well as articles that have appeared in publications such as American Heritage, The Washington Post, Emerge, Transition, and Indian Country Today, his work most importantly...

Ethnic and Racial Stereotypes in American Media and Literature

Introduction Race is an aspect of categorizing people into groups based on a set of observable transmissible traits. People can be placed in their race by observing significant physical features like the color of their skin, hair color and texture, body height, and features of the face (Segal, 1991). An...

Social Interconnection and Influence

People are social beings according to their nature but sometimes this social factor becomes dominant in the life of people and they begin to be influenced by the society is a great way. Such influence is often observed in the life of teenagers when they begin to copy the style...

Feminism in Civil War South Power

Discussion Feminism in the Civil War South dates from anti-slavery movement which demanded abolition of slavery in the early 20th Century. As an organized force, feminism agitated the rights of each person of self ownership as a moral jurisdiction. There were remarkable women who played prominent roles towards this course...

How the Outlier Help the Social Perspective

Introduction Taken literally, Outlier may mean abnormal experiences that lie outside the norms. For instance, it is a known phenomenon that during summer, Paris will have warm temperatures and sometimes hot temperatures. However, if there happens to be a very cold day in the middle of August in Paris, people...

Religious and Biological Approaches of Gender and Nature

Recent years, gender approach becomes a part of a broader human development approach based on equal opportunities and gender equality principles. Historically, women were seen as a secondary class citizens identified with childbearing and housekeeping activities. Today, gender equality becomes an issue of the day affected the economic sphere and...

Student’s Unrest and Socio-Political Outcomes of the Vietnam War in America

The Vietnam War was perhaps the most contentious event in American history. America’s initial incremental involvement in Vietnam soon became a full fledged commitment in which thousands of American soldiers were deployed in the far reaches of South East Asia in support of an ideological struggle between Democracy and Communism....

The Issue Of Abortion in the United States: Arguments For and Against

Introduction Abortion is one of the most debated issues in the modern United States. Liberals tend to view abortion in terms of privacy. For them, only the pregnant woman should decide if the fetus should be aborted; it is her body, after all. Moreover, liberals feel that if the pregnant...

Physical Privacy and Drug Testing

Drug testing is a process whereby companies make use of scientific methods to determine whether their employees use illegal drugs within the workplace. Although the practice, the practice violates fundamental individual human rights that can have negative effects on the morale of the workers. The issue has also generated lots...

North American Immigration: Concepts of Immigration Tendencies

Introduction The experience of the immigrants in the USA may be regarded as one of the central aspects that formed the American nation. Originally, these are the immigrants from Europe (Ireland, Germany, Austria), South America (Mexico, Argentina, Puerto Rico), Asia (China, Japan, Korea), and Africa. It should be emphasized, that...

Team Diversity: The impact of Team Diversity

A team is a union of two or more people to achieve particular goals. Formal teams are the groups that function within the structure of a particular organization. Contemporary management is hard to perceive without such structure as teams. The fact that managing each member personally is an extremely ineffective...

Margaret Fuller’s and Frederick Douglass’ Rhetorical Styles

Margaret Fuller Margaret fuller was born in 1810 in England. She was a brilliant woman who started transcendentalism and championed the fight for women to be given equal rights as the men. Due to her brilliance she stood out, unfortunately she was unappreciated in the patriarchal society. She was an...

Class, Races in Higher Education Choices Process

Focus and Rationale This paper focuses on the interrelation of the two factors, race and class, that affect the choices process of most young adults searching for higher education opportunities in various institutions in the UK. The rationale behind the quell to answer this question comes due to the evolution...

The Indigenous Violence in Australia: Reasons and Forms

The pain and agony of racial discrimination still lingers in the lives of the aboriginal communities of Australia. Compared to the other people in the same country, the indigenous people continue to suffer due to inadequate availability of basic necessities. Poverty and unemployment has led most of the youths into...

Freedom From Beliefs Native Americans

In the United States, the people who are called Native Americans are those who came from North America. They are from different racial groups and statuses. Native Americans are known by different names viz. Indians, Red Indians, African Americans, American Indians, and so on. Here in these three essays writer...

Alcohol Abuse Among Students: Reforming College Drinking

Introduction A great number of works have been dedicated such issues as alcohol abuse among students. One of the most comprehensive sources is the book College Drinking: Reframing a Social Problem, written by George Dowdall in 2008. He analyzes origins of this phenomenon and proposes strategies for overcoming it. The...

Street Walk Essay: Socio Quiz

This paper is an elaboration and analysis of social problems observed during a late night stroll around Toronto. Numerous observations were made and a few people were also interviewed to acquire a more direct and accurate observation of the scenario. In the following paragraphs, each observation made during the late...

Conflict and Negotiation Discussion

Carter McNamara stated that “A job is a collection of tasks and responsibilities that an employee is responsible to conduct.” (McNamara, 2008). Thus, a team is needed in an organization to complete the job. However, Paul Glen indicated that “Complete satisfaction just isn’t part of the human condition. We are...

Unresolved Communal Trauma Long-Term Effects

In the course of human history there occurred a lot of tragedies, which were not only personal by nature, but concerned and wounded the whole nations or races of people. What is more, these tragedies have left painful signs not only on people, who were involved in the situations directly,...

Internet Social Group Analysis

The current trends in popularizing internet social groups confirm the patterns of micro sociology, where we all can be classified by patterns of social interaction. The implementation of such social networks is just a translation of our social behavior which is practiced every day. People are divided in groups based...

“Combating Poverty in Latin America” by Robyn Eversole

Introduction Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) have had their share of criticism the world over. Some have called them as ‘capitalist tools’, others as agents of American extra-regional hegemony and ‘Christian proselytizers in disguise’ while the more extreme have outrageously called NGOs as CIA agents. Robyn Eversole through her book Here...

Interrelation of Gender and Contemporary Society: Madonna

Introduction If we have to speak about the issue of the interpretation of interrelation of gender and contemporary society, it is difficult to find more suitable and impressive example for the analysis than the iconic image of Madonna. There is no denying the fact that she may be considered a...

Human Rights: Social Relations and State and Citizens Relations

The theoretical literature on the topic of human rights education proves that it is an important and a crucial part in curriculum as it helps young people and adults to understand the problem of discrimination and protection of human rights. The book Human Rights Education for the Twenty-First Century by...

Labor Exploitation and Slavery

Introduction Labor exploitation involves unrelenting social relations where a certain group is treated unjustly to benefit the other party. That is looking at human beings as resources and with no considerations of their social, economic, political and cultural well being. This can be in the form of forcing people to...

Trend of Civil Rights During the Decade of the 1970’s

Introduction Civil rights are the rights that citizens of sovereign nations are entailed to by law, since they have a legal and philosophical basis. They are rights guaranteed in the constitution, e.g. freedom of speech, right to information, freedom of religion, and equal protection under the law. The choice one...

Various Dimensions of Child Prostitution in Thailand

Heather Montgomery presents a broad dimension of child-centered anthropological research in association with problems of practices and ethical dilemmas as a researcher while working with the most vulnerable children of the Thailand society. The author supplies an in-depth analysis of various dimensions of child prostitution in ‘ Baan Nua’ a...

International Law: Formation History

Introduction International law also referred to as public international law is concerned with regulating affairs and activities between different countries as well as the procedures that regulate international institutions like the United Nations. International law also checks how the state protects individuals as well as international associations or partnerships. It...

Women Businesses: Factors, That Affected the Growth

Introduction Many women have been participating in entrepreneurship of late; their businesses have been expanding quite rapidly in most countries in the world. It is believed that in the United States alone the number of women who own businesses is estimated to be 8 million compared to 4 million of...

Personal Issues: Marriage, Obesity, and Alcohol Abuse

The actions of every person have a particular impact on society and its development, and this impact is sometimes underestimated. Most of people believe that, taking into account the total population of the world, their actions are insignificant and can hardly change anything. This, however, is not true, for every...

Abortion: Arguments for and Against

The issue of abortion and its ready availability for any woman who seeks it is very controversial and has caused a lot of debate. There exist two positions – for and against abortion, which are dubbed pro-life and pro-choice opinions. The former defines abortion as a murder of an unborn...

Equal Opportunities in Learning Mathematics: Article Review

Introduction Social class backgrounds has a significant impact on the level of education attained by certain individuals. It is widely believed that individuals from higher socio-economic backgrounds tend to outperform those that are not from such privileged backgrounds. This will be investigated in further detail through analysing various sources Problem...

“The Mall as Civic” by Victor Gruen and Larry Smith

The article “The Mall as Civic” written by Victor Gruen and Larry Smith is dedicated to the disclosure of environmental planning’s role in society; the authors demonstrated the fact that every democratic society functions by order and law based on planning aimed at safeguarding human rights. The article centralizes the...

Masculinity Crisis and Hegemonic Masculinity

The construct that masculinity is in crisis raise storms in debates about men, masculinity and feminism. Though men from some quarters would vehemently deny there is crisis in masculinity, there is unparalleled evidence that there is a masculinity crisis and interestingly it leads to new and furthers existing hegemonic masculinity....