Tellico Dam Debate: Economic Growth vs. Environmental Ethics

Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...

“How to Think Like a Sociologist” by Sternheimer

In her article, Karen Sternheimer claims that in the present day, more and more people are taking sociology classes in their higher institutions. It is essential to learn how to think like a sociologist not only to gain higher grades in university but also to develop an entirely new image...

Race and Gender Diversity in Public Relations Careers

Abstract This capstone paper examines the impact of race and gender diversity on building careers in the sphere of public relations. During the last several decades, people have experienced certain challenges and changes in their intentions to find a good job and earn a living. As a rule, the representatives...

MLK’s Use of Cause and Effect in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

Cause and Effect in MLK’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” Martin Luther King’s (MLK) “Letter from Birmingham Jail” remains one of the most profound and poignant speeches ever produced. Addressing the contempt that the members of the clergy had for MLK’s endeavor at promoting the idea of nonviolent resistance, the letter...

Parenthood as a Cause of Social Status Change

Introduction The development of a personality is greatly influenced by different events. The most significant experiences have the most impact on socialization because they cause the change in social statuses and roles. These experiences include education, employment, parenthood, etc. A person can experience role conflicts that finally shape his or...

Impact of Immigration on American Society: Utilitarian & Kantian Views

Introduction The acceleration of hostility towards “foreigners” among the old-line Americans became rapid towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century as American consciousness transformed into racial and anti-Semitism ideologies. The wave of nativism was then grounded in fear of foreigners who might challenge...

Identity in Latin America: Sarmiento, Martí, Ortiz

This paper aims to investigate the position of three different authors on the problem of identity in Latin America. The issue of social and cultural identity is of immense importance for nearly any individual in the majority of countries. It is evident that if people do not find ways to...

Feminism and Sex in Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Hip Hop music was introduced with the intention of combating poverty, racism, and violence that were prevalent in lower-income neighborhoods across the United States. The music targeted individuals who hailed from violent backgrounds with no or little education. The objective was to help them to devise survival tactics. With...

Gender Discrimination Topic for Research

Selection of the Topic Topic I have chosen gender discrimination under the family category. Description Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on cultural practices that set a glass ceiling to women in many aspects of life. For instance, in the workplace, women are discriminated in different ways including, recruitment,...

Moral Issues in 21st-Century Conflict

Introduction The ability to easily find information does not equal in importance to having actual knowledge. What a person really needs is the actual truth since only reliable facts help in the decision-making and achieving the desired outcome. To illustrate, let us say that a doctor needs to assess a...

Gender Studies: The Queer of Color Theory

The Queer of Color Theory As a diverse field of studies that includes multiple disparate ideas and points of view, the queer theory incorporates color issues. To understand the experiences of people different from the predominant groups, one should refer to the queer of color theory that “seeks to disrupt...

Veteran Suicide Rates: Addressing Mental Health Challenges

The increase in suicide rates among veterans frightens and reveals the magnitude of mental challenges experienced by the group. The most worrying aspect of Clay Hunt’s interview was the revelation that 22 veterans die daily from suicide (CBS News, 2013). Unfortunately, many recruits to the army fit the profile of...

Ethical Issues in Information Technology

​Introduction IT ethics may be defined as an analysis of the impact of information technology on the profession and society at large. It involves taking a look at how professionals in this sector need to be making their decisions. This course has exposed me to the importance and challenges that...

Personal Responsibility, Ethics, and Values

Introduction Personal responsibility is defined as being responsible for oneself and the safety and demands of others. For any student to prosper at school, s/he has to be organized, meaning that s/he should be personally responsible for his/her learning by being organized. Students ought to be focused on attaining the...

Developing Own Ethical Identity: Principles and Impact

Introduction Our society can only function productively if its members learn how to co-exist harmoniously. This harmonious existence can only come about if everyone follows certain values that guide and inform their choices and actions. These normally well-established norms are known as ethics and they normally determine the purpose and...

Introduction to Sociology: Theories, Perspectives, and Technology

Sociology as a social science French philosopher, Augustine Comte in 1839 introduced the idea of sociology. This term is resultant of the Latin word, “society” which refers to society, and the Greek term, “Logos” which is taken to imply the study of science. Therefore sociology is the science of society....

Individual Development in the Societal Context

The formation and perception of one’s self are greatly affected by society and societal context due to the role they play in psychological development and achievement of personhood. There are numerous works on the influence of societal content and context on individual development, and most of them center on the...

Social Roles and Functions in Relationships

The formation of one’s self begins with answering the question “who am I”. The self-conception presents a set of concepts by which one determines what he or she is. This is the central part of the process of socialization that develops in the course of human interaction with other people....

Sociological Imagination Theory

Sociological Imagination and Its Importance The sociological imagination is a theory that links the behavior of an individual at the micro level to the society in which he/she lives, at the macro level. The concept was introduced by the American sociologist C. Wright Mills in 1959 and was defined as...

“We Are the Walking Dead” by Gerry Canavan

Introduction Reading is a process that is, in its nature, more complicated and multifaceted than it is usually perceived. In many cases, authors do not just write plan facts in order to inform their readers about something but wrap the delivered information in multiple layers of presentational techniques and strategies....

Ethics as Learned and Not Natural Behavior

Introduction Ethics is a very common topic nowadays, which encompasses knowing what is moral and immoral. There are no doubts that ethics are very essential in all aspects of life. Throughout the history of human kind, there are numerous theories and thoughts that have been developed to explain ethics and...

Computer-Mediated Interpersonal Communication

Communication is one of the people’s needs who are eager to share their knowledge and experiences with others. People have developed numerous channels of communication and the beginning of the 21st century is one of the most remarkable periods in this respect. Development of technology-enabled people to squeeze the world...

Worker Exploitation in the Social Conflict Theory

The conflict theory suggests that the different social groups within the society are engaged in a constant struggle over the scarce resources and for dominance over each other. These struggles often take the form of wars, politics, negotiations, and many other forms of interest clashes. The major contributors to this...

Communication and Cultural Conflicts

When individuals from different cultural backgrounds find themselves in a community, there are always possibilities for communication conflict because each person holds diverse values, beliefs, and practices. These differences are attributed to the cultural diversity that subsequently leads to communication differences and conflicts (Almutairi, 2015). Cultural differences in a community...

Intercultural Competence: Theories and Concepts

Introduction Given the discursive implications of Globalization, there can be only a few doubts as to the fact that one’s ability to act as an effective cross-cultural communicator does positively relate to the measure of his or her existential competitiveness. Therefore, it is indeed fully justified, on the part of...

Capitalism Reimagined: Comparing Adam Smith and Karl Marx

Comparing Smith’s vision of the impact of the capitalist economy to that of Marx, it can be claimed that the former offers a more positive evaluation of the relevant outcomes. Hence, he points out that the main consequence of the capitalist economy is the division of labor that signifies the...

Artemisia Gentileschi’s Influence on Feminism and Art History

Background of the Study Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1656) was one of the most outstanding Italian Baroque artists of the post-Renaissance period. Despite the fact that she is often referred to the so-called “Caravaggio followers”, her contribution is much more considerable: In the era when women painters were allowed to enter the...

Gender Stereotypes and Misunderstanding

Purpose of the Study Gender stereotypes are frequently discussed by theorists and psychologists around the whole world. People make their decisions, develop relations, choose jobs, or even get married thinking that they take all steps on their free will and promote financial security (Aluko, 2015). However, plenty of women cannot...

What Is Meant By Social Science Paradigms?

Social science paradigms can be defined as the frames and models according to which researchers can observe the world and make conclusions about the certain institutions, processes, and interactions within the society. As a result, social science paradigms are used in order to organize the researchers’ observation and reasoning and...

Gender Stereotypes: Men Stereotyped as Being Less Faithful in Marriage

Abstract The aim of this study was to examine the first impression formed by a group of subjects based on the information given to them about a fictitious man on the one hand and a fictitious woman on the other and to investigate further whether the subjects are likely to...

Stoicism’s Core Tenets and Historical Development in Ancient Philosophy

Introduction Stoicism is a school of thought introduced by Athenians in the third century and Zeno of Citium was the first to apply it in Hellenistic philosophy. According to the stoic philosophy, emotions are categorized into various forms and faulty judgments are believed to cause destructive emotions whereas individuals with...

Communication in Negotiation: Process and Barriers

Communication is an integral part of everyday life. Even more, communication and ability to think is a phenomenon that makes the humankind unique. Persuasive and efficient communication guarantees a success in all types of negotiations. The capacity of making other people behave and act in a particular way is a...

Leadership: Power, Authority, and Influence Selections

Improving Ethical Behaviours Many people do not embrace the best principles whenever making their decisions. This situation occurs when such individuals have to deal with their ethical dilemmas. According to Bazerman and Tenbrusel (2011, p. 154), “human beings overestimate their capabilities to do things properly”. However, such individuals will act...

Elizabeth Fernea’s Ethnographic Insights into Life in an Iraqi Village

Response to the book Guests of the Sheik: An Ethnography of an Iraqi Village The book written by Elizabeth Fernea illustrates the situations when a person is placed outside his/her own culture. The author illustrates those cases when a person has to confront various behavioral norms. For example, the writer...

Structuralism Concept in Philosophy

Background Identifying the Main Theorists in the Field While analyzing the theory, it is imperative to highlight the difference between structuralism tendencies presented in American and the ones developed in Europe. The latter is associated with the study of structural linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure who focuses more on synchronic...

The Trouble with Diversity: America’s ‘Celebration of Diversity’ Policy

The foremost thesis that is being explored throughout Walter Benn Michaels’s book The Trouble with Diversity, can be defined as follows: the current governmentally-endorsed policy, concerned with promoting ‘diversity’ in just about all spheres of America’s public life, is being conceptually fallacious, because the actual effects of this policy’s implementation...

Poems and Prose: Depicting Human Life in Society

Introduction Literature in the form of poems and prose depict the life of human beings in a society. Poems and prose are essential in a society in many different ways. For example, they educate, enlighten, satirize and criticize a system, as well as entertaining people in the society. Poems and...

Living Without Boundaries: The Role of Social Norms in Human Evolution

Introduction: Entering the New Century Living in a world without any social, political or moral restrictions can hardly seem possible, because the humankind needs certain boundaries which will define the meaning of good and evil, thus, setting certain rules with the help of which the humankind can survive. However, as...

Psychology: Science of Behavior and Mental Processes

Psychology is the science of behavior and mental processes and physiological processes underlying them (Schultz, 2005). Since time immemorial, philosophers have tried to understand mind processes and epistemology. One of the goals of psychology is to describe, explain, control and predict behavior. The great Greek philosopher Plato brought forward concepts...

PTSD: Understanding Symptoms and Treatment Options

Abstract People often experience situations that make them feel worried or suffer emotional tension. The human body reacts to such situations with a fight or flight response. Examples of experiences that can lead to such responses include rape, child abuse, bombing, torture, mugging, and natural disasters among others. People who...

Camus’ The Stranger and Rousseau’s ‘Natural Man’

Camus’ The stranger is a depiction of the natural man displayed by Rousseau. Rousseau brings out the characteristics of the natural man as being truthful and mostly affected by natural occurrences. He argues that the true nature of man is guided by self-preservation and pity; hence actions are not determined...

Freudian and Marxist Consciousness Differences

Introduction Freudian and Marxist philosophies are the defining attributes of the social and ideological life of Europe in the XXth century. However, in spite of the fact that both branches were developed during one period, they are based on totally different conceptions, which is obvious from the comparative analysis of...

Social Problems of People with Disabilities

People living with disabilities go through several challenges in life because society is yet to appreciate their presence. Close analysis of the professionals in the Hall of Fame suggests that stigmatization is one of the challenges that the deaf and the blind face in most societies, including some of the...

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr: Internet vs. Traditional Reading

Negative Impacts of Computers One of the first negative impacts of computers and their related software that I would like to discuss can be seen in the arguments of Nicholas Carr in his book “The Shallows.” In it, Carr presents readers with the notion that the traditional method of reading...

“Flight from Death” by Patrick Shen

Introduction In human beings, death causes anxiousness, fear, depression, and sorrow even at its mention. Even with the knowledge that death is inevitable for living, people can never be prepared for it, and that explains why sorrow and grief accompany death. Although man has invented ways and means of stopping...

Sexual Abuse of Children in South Africa

Introduction Child sexual abuse (CSA), which is common in sub-Saharan Africa, infringes on children’s rights and dignity. It entails the sexual exploitation of underage boys and girls for commercial gains. CSA has been attributed to four causal factors: “poverty, poor living conditions, migration, and economic and social insecurity” (Kistner, Fox...

Voluntary and Involuntary Euthanasia: Understanding the Differences

Introduction Voluntary euthanasia occurs due to permission from the patient. On the other hand, involuntary euthanasia may be carried when the patient is not in a position to make a decision or did not leave a good will. Active euthanasia happens when a third party carries out a deliberate act...

Gender is a Role, not a Biological Sex, and it is Cultural

Definition of gender identity Gender identity differs from person’s sexual orientation or biological sex, it is rather a social role which an individual links himself/herself to. In normal circumstances, the gender identity of an individual i.e. man or woman usually resembles their biological sex, which is male or female. However,...

Women and Sexuality through Naomi Wolf’s Book ‘Promiscuity’

Introduction A woman’s sexuality is a contentious context. Ms Wolf demystifies women sexuality through this expose. This book is a memoir and expose about the confusion in female sexuality. Wolf reminisces about her sexual escapades with her friends. She projects the escapade as the journey women take to sexually maturity....

Social Studies: Teaching Civic Values

Introduction Social Studies refer to “the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities in order to promote civic competence” (Waring, 2011, p. 43). Social Studies curriculum provides a coordinated and a systemized study drawing upon various fields of humanities such as Anthropology, Geography, History, Sociology, Political Science, and Religion...

What does the Rise in Interest in Celebrities Tell Us about Our Current Society?

Introduction In the society as a whole, there are those individuals who are not known, and there are also those who are well known in history. Those who are well known are known as celebrities and they are, in most cases, influenced by celebrity culture. The history of celebrity culture...

Confident Body Language: Body Language Exhibited by Barack Obama

Since the days of Martin Luther King Jr., the world was yet to experience the magic power of speech. Few celebrities and politician had given a moving speech that could send the crowd into frenzy. This was until the run off to the US presidential elections of 2008 where another...

Impact of Globalization on Norms and Experiences around Gender

Introduction Inequality is one of the most prolonged global debates that have refused to go away despite the great strides made through globalization (Alexander 29). The contemporary world is characterized by economic, social, cultural, and political integration of both men and women across all spheres. This has resulted in increased...

The Right to Life in Armed Conflicts: ECtHR’s Role in the Russia-Ukraine War

Introduction The selected research object reflects the human right to life in the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR). A narrow focus of research is the Russia-Ukraine armed conflict. Since the war initiated by Russia against Ukraine in 2022 is ongoing, all...

Effective Presentation Strategies: Analyzing “The Retirement Remedy” by Dan Casey

Introduction Most speakers are worried about the quality of their presentations. No one wants to make a presentation that will bore the audience or make it hard for them to understand its content. Consequently, speakers adopt various strategies like using visual aids, starting strong, and telling stories to hold the...

Ethical Considerations in Educational Research: Protecting Participants and Data

Introduction When conducting research, one of the critically important and necessary components is to ensure their ethics. This is especially true for those works that attract individuals and their personal information. Problems with ensuring an ethical component can jeopardize not only the scientific research itself but also the privacy of...

The Ethical Debate on Abortion: Moral, Legal, and Social Impacts

Introduction For many years, abortion has been a widely discussed issue in society, causing intense debate regarding its correctness and ethics. Many people argue that a woman has the right to make choices regarding her reproductive abilities. On the other hand, the public also insists that abortion is an immoral...

Prostitution Debate: Legalization vs. Prohibition and Global Stances

Introduction The debate around prostitution is one that has been ongoing for centuries. On the one hand, there are those who advocate for the legalization and regulation of prostitution, while on the other hand, there are those who believe that it should be outright prohibited. In this essay, I will...

Secularization Theory Through the Lens of Functionalism on the Role of Religion in Society

Introduction Today, there is agreement that secularization is of great importance and is a characteristic feature of modern society. It establishes that traditional religious symbols and values cannot function as a force uniting society and that science and technology play a decisive role in solving the problems that have arisen....

Digital Marketing Strategies and Ethical Data Practices in Social Studies

Introduction Digital marketing uses digital channels, including search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps, to reach potential customers. It involves creating and promoting content, measuring results, and driving customer engagement. It includes paid and unpaid strategies and focuses on creating customer relationships and building brand awareness. The scope...

The Importance of Animal Testing in Medical Research and Ethics

Introduction Humans have long used animal testing to assess how the disease affects biology. There is debate about whether animal testing can be abandoned and moved to more humane and modern models that benefit humans and do not harm animals. Testing animals for scientific purposes in medicine is appropriate because...

Sociological Themes and Functionalism in a Familiar Setting

Description of the Everyday Setting One of the examples from an everyday setting concerns social relationships and responsibilities within a family. More precisely, many parents give pocket money to their teenage children, but when the adolescents become adults, parents stop their financial support. This type of social change is common...

Law, Ethics, and Bioethics: Differences and Connections

Comparison of the Terms: Law, Ethics, and Bioethics Law, ethics, and bioethics are connected but distinct; each concept defines societal standards. Law is a system of rules established by a governing body, generally with legal repercussions for noncompliance (Tamparo, 2021). It is a formalized framework for keeping order in society....

Abortion Ethics: Autonomy, Well-Being, and Utilitarianism

Introduction One of the most popular issues that has been fiercely debated for hundreds of years is abortion. While nowadays seen as a medical procedure to remove a fetus from a woman’s body, whether due to physical requirements or personal beliefs, it has been highly contested since the issue revolves...

Government Censorship in China as a Violation of Free Speech Rights

Introduction Government censorship is a common problem in many modern countries. Severe regulation of the information space can negatively affect the capabilities of citizens. This trend has begun to spread rapidly due to globalization and widespread access to various information (Antwi-Boateng and Al Mazrouei 11). Thus, government regulators directly influence...

Importance of Voting: Civic Duty and Democratic Engagement

Voting is a right and an obligation of anyone aged eighteen and above. Many citizens neglect the opportunity to participate in selecting the new representatives of the power branch, which is not justified. Indeed, the right to vote is officially only a right, and no one can be made to...

Vocal Variety and Clear Delivery in Public Speaking

Introduction When speaking publicly, people are commonly interested in delivering a message clearly to reach their audience and maximize their communication goals. Despite the importance of the content of speech, its form is not less important because the quality of delivery determines the perception of the ideas and the impact...

The Unethical Tuskegee Experiment and Its Human Rights Violations

Overview of the Tuskegee Syphilis Study In 1932, the southern states were experiencing a syphilis pandemic that affected poor people the most. No one cared about impoverished and black people. Worse, physicians seemed unconcerned about their concerns. The medical profession blamed poverty-related ailments on “bad blood.” Wealthy patients received excessive...

The Civil Rights Movement: Struggle for Equality and Social Change in America

Introduction Since the post-war years in the United States, the problem of the struggle of African Americans for civil rights as a result of prolonged racial discrimination has been particularly acute. Many social barriers aimed at discriminating against black US citizens naturally provoked a backlash. As a result, this led...

Breaking Social Norms: Coughing and Sneezing Etiquette

Introduction Social norms are an essential component of society that regulate the behavior of people and the relationship between them. Even though these are unwritten rules, everyone around the community expects all members of the community to adhere to them. I tried to break one of those social norms, which...

Argumentative Reasoning: Dialogue and Problem-Solving Skills

Introduction Reasoning is an essential aspect of any dialogue, as this aspect helps people build mutual understanding. Cooperation and contracts can only be made because reasoning leads people to some logical conclusions about the options being considered. Thus, each type of reasoning can work differently, which affects how people think...

The Importance of Transitions in Crafting Coherent and Engaging Speeches

Introduction Transitions are crucial in speeches. They serve as bridges that connect different ideas, ensuring a smooth and coherent flow of information. Transitions linking concepts together help the audience follow the speaker’s thoughts without confusion or disarray. Without these transitions, speeches can feel disjointed and perplexing, leaving listeners struggling to...

The Ethical Debate on Abortion: Perspectives and Obligations

Introduction Abortion is among the most controversial topics that have been highly debated for hundreds of years. The ethical issue focuses on whether it should be permitted since it is the right to make a choice concerning one’s body or prohibited to save the life of an unborn. Thus, although...

Cultural Assimilation and Identity in Marie Myung-Ok Lee’s Eat Turkey, Become American

Introduction Every immigrant lives in a new country through the so-called “immigration process,” during which he realizes the transformations in his life due to environmental changes. It has been shown that the immigration process itself may result in several psychological issues, including loss and separation from one’s home and loved...

Mastering Active Listening for Better Communication and Relationships

Introduction Active listening is a valuable ability that may help us better comprehend and appreciate our interlocutors. Instead of waiting our turn to speak, active listening allows us to concentrate on what the other person is saying and understand their perspective. Aspects of Active Listening Paying Attention to Words and...

Effective Use of Transitions and Strong Speech Openings and Conclusions

Introduction Speeches can captivate, move, and impact their audience for the long term. A speech’s efficacy depends on several aspects, with the opening and conclusion being especially important in determining the listeners’ overall impression of the address. Through her personal experiences, Nora, a captivating speaker, leads audiences on a journey...

Ethical Implications of Excluding Radical Groups from College Festivals

Case Description Camden County College plans a weeklong festival celebrating its diverse student body, featuring cultural showcases. Camden’s Most Righteous (CMR), a controversial religious group, has requested to participate. Some CCC students support this, but others object, fearing it would create discomfort and imply college endorsement of extremist views. Case...

Supporting Adolescents Through Identity Crisis: Insights from Psychosocial Theories

Introduction Adolescence is one of the most challenging periods in young people’s and their parents’ lives. The main reason is the unstable psyche that undergoes the most significant changes and developments. This paper explores different psychosocial theories to suggest strategies for supporting a young person experiencing an identity crisis and...

Impact of Eye Contact in Group Dynamics and Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication is a fundamental skill of effective human contact and an essential component of interaction. Violation of the rules of eye contact is chosen for the aims of the project. One of the more frequent violations of this rule is the breach of the duration or intensity of the...

The Ethical Debate on Abortion: Perspectives and Moral Implications

Introduction Abortion has always been a disputable issue because of the numerous ethical issues associated with it. The parties supporting the legalization of the procedure and those insisting on its prohibition offer various arguments to support their claims. The moral permissibility of abortion depends on the perspective of the procedure...

US Immigration History: Chinese Exclusion Act and Policy Changes

Insights from Immigration History The massive influx of the Chinese into the USA in the mid-19th century during the gold rush era demonstrates how well news was transmitted even without modern technology. At the same time, the citizens of China will subsequently be banned from entering the country, legalized by...

Shifts in U.S. Immigration Policies: Historical and Political Influences

Introduction Shifts in immigration policies in the United States reflect the attitude toward refugees, asylum seekers, and foreign workers. It is necessary to assess how these changes come into existence, as society dictates their occurrence. American politics recently passed through a phase of major anti-immigration policies. The opposing parties aimed...

Understanding Gender Beyond the Binary: The Influence of Religion and Stereotypes

Introduction Gender can be misunderstood in many cases as a binary system of male and female. This misconception, however, may be exacerbated by the instruments of religious influence, which may inadvertently or purposefully create false perceptions. The study of gender stereotypes, religious myths, and the binary system can help to...

Book Bans in the United States as Threats to Intellectual Freedom

Introduction The United States, established on the standards of freedom and liberty, finds itself amid a concerning surge in the prohibition of books inside its school areas. A report by Pen America, a free speech organization, unveils the expanding censorship endeavors and their implications for gratis discourse and intellectual freedom....

The European Migration Crisis: Security and Human Rights

Introduction For centuries, people in virtually every region of the world have often had to leave their homes and seek safety to escape persecution, armed conflict, or political violence. Recently, migration processes have been intensifying, and the crisis has been exacerbated by the fact that EU states have been unable...

The Evolution of Feminism: Analyzing the Waves and Their Impact on Gender Equality

Introduction The relevance of feminist research stems from the fact that society’s improvement is inconceivable without developing programs that involve practical equality between men and women. Unexpectedly, the mass social activity of women has produced a kind of social and cultural revolution in the Western world, radically affecting the system...

The Third Gender in Bangladesh: Challenges and Cultural Significance of Hijras

Introduction Many modern researchers share the concepts of biological and psychological sex. In modern society, there are constant discussions about the number of existing genders. These disputes around the world started relatively recently. However, the third gender and a reasonably complex gender structure can be found in the cultures of...

Duty Ethics and the Protection of Marine Species and Habitats

Application of Deontology to Protection of Marine Life Deontological or duty ethics provide valuable frameworks for reasoning on how to help marine species and habits. Duty ethics would suggest that people are morally obligated to protect marine species and habitats, regardless of the potential benefits or harms (Beauchamp & Childress,...

Developing Ethics and Strategy for Modern Life: A Guide to Moral Frameworks

Introduction Being ethical means behaving in the best possible way with oneself and others. Therefore, it is connected with morality and inner values on the one side and efficiency and strategy on the other. In the modern world, which is highly complex, being ethical means combining these qualities: being efficient...

Understanding Deviance Through Conflict Theory: Causes, Examples, and Solutions

Introduction Deviance is behavior that goes beyond the general social norms of behavior. At the same time, different social theories can put forward original causes and signs of the emergence of such behavior among different social groups of the population. In the context of deviance, conflict theory can explain how...

Evaluating Les Stroud’s Communication Skills in ‘Survivorman’

TV Show Background For the TV show to be evaluated, the Canadian documentary “Survivorman” was chosen, and the creator, producer, and main character is Les Stroud (2005-2016). As a well-known showman and wilderness survival expert, Mr. Stroud has managed to create a project in which he is the main protagonist,...

The Essential Role of Leadership in Society and Its Absence

Thesis The significance of leadership in influencing the modern world has long been explored in the social sciences. Effective leadership, from commercial leaders to political leaders, is crucial for society’s efficient operation. When dealing with emergencies, effective leadership is necessary to give direction and coordination (Mohanty). But, a world without...

Abortion as Murder: Legal and Ethical Arguments for a Ban

Introduction Over the past year, the issue of abortion has become particularly contentious in the U.S. legal environment. After Roe v. Wade was overturned, a significant number of states have chosen to ban abortions as an illegal procedure that violates the foundational principles of ethics. Specifically, by its definition, abortion...

The Dynamics of Family Communication in “Everything Everywhere All at Once”

Introduction Family is a complex societal structure with its own specifications, rules and principles, which differs it from ordinary society. For a family to be healthy and to function well, there must be family interactions and communication. Positive interactions and effective communication among family members foster emotional closeness, comprehension, and...

Ethical Considerations in the Treatment of Wild Animals: Challenges and Responsibilities

Ethical Values in Wildlife Management The treatment of wild animals is a complex and responsible process that requires compliance with high ethical standards, caution, and professionalism. Firstly, the ethical values that can be safely prescribed for treating wild animals are care and respect for animal life. Treatment should be carried...

Normative Systems: Freud’s, Durkheim’s, and Labelling Theories

Introduction The series of guidelines and standards that influence individual conduct in society is known as a normative system. They are built on principles and are enforced by customs, traditions, mores, taboos, and regulations. The normative system influences both personal conduct and the running of society. A deeper understanding of...

Rawls’ Original Position Theory in a Just Society

Introduction Human nature implies taking advantage of all situations and often ignoring the well-being of others for the sake of happiness. One of the most critical issues in this context is the search for possible methods and tools that would create a just society where each individual’s life would be...

Sexuality in Older Adults: Stereotypes and Social Perceptions

Introduction The influence of sexual relations on a person is multifaceted. The physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of our lives are affected. Against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones, sexual desire, and sexual activity gradually decrease. Not only the young but also the elderly themselves...

Interpersonal Communication: Skills, Self-Concept, and Cultural Impact

Introduction Communication is a major part of day-to-day life and a way to connect and share their thoughts and opinions. However, even though interpersonal communication is a common occurrence daily, it is more complex than it might approach to be. Namely, it is a transferable skill that can be applied...

Legal and Ethical Impacts of the Right to Be Forgotten

Introduction High internet penetration, especially in developed countries, makes it possible for information to go viral and reach millions of people within minutes. The implicated may not want some of their personal posts to continue lingering online because of the impact it can have on their career, social relations, and...

Why Good People Act Unethically and How to Avoid Rationalization

Introduction The issue of human behavior is complicated, and a wide range of variables can affect how decisions are made. Decent individuals sometimes act inappropriately and make dubious decisions to appear more likable, hide a mistake, and many other reasons. People then begin to justify their behaviors and rationalize their...

Vygotsky’s Psychosocial Theory and Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems

Introduction Vygotsky expanded on the impact of social interaction and culture in shaping and orienting cognition in his study of cognitive development using psychosocial theory concepts. Humans have basic physical features and natural psychological processes shared across ethnic backgrounds, but they vary depending on the unique symbol systems to which...

Black Feminism: Marches in Support of Black Women

Brief Summary The first marches in support of black women transpired in the aftermath of the growing prominence of the Black Liberation Movement and the Women’s Movement. The main subject of the readings is black feminism. Black feminism, or anti-racist feminism, is a part of feminist theory that was created...

Book Review on “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” by David Mura

A Brief Analysis of The Author’s Main Viewpoints Mura’s book “Turning Japanese Memoirs of a Sansei” is a poignant exploration of the complexity of the Japanese-American identity. He argues that one’s identity is dynamic and ever-changing and cannot be easily defined or categorized (8). He emphasizes the importance of understanding...

King’s Rhetoric in His Letter from Birmingham Jail

Introduction Racism and discrimination are acute social issues that have impacted every individual throughout the history of the United States. However, while nowadays, society is on its way to becoming more tolerant, only half a decade ago, racism was a matter of life or death. Violence based on discrimination caused...

Childhood Vaccination Dilemma and Kant’s Ethics

The necessity of childhood vaccinations has long provoked conflicting reactions and raised many moral and ethical questions among the public. For many years, opposing views on this subject have clashed with each other (Shields et al., 2020). However, moral guidance on this issue can be achieved through the application of...

Communication Approaches in Counseling

One of the first things I have learned through the course is that paraphrasing is one of the most proficient ways to demonstrate understanding when actively listening. A client’s essential words summarize what they said, and the counselor then repeats them to ensure they understood it clearly. It is necessary...

Navigating Risk and Resilience in Child Welfare

Introduction Children at risk require close attention to protective services and appropriate assistance provided. In the cases under analysis, the extent of risk, as well as the range of protective factors, vary substantially. Finally, for Gabriella, the risk of sexual abuse currently represents the greatest concern, whereas Jasmine requires an...

Legal and Ethical Issues in Physical Therapy

Legal Issues in the Case Study The provided claim against a physical therapist raises legal issues pertaining to the case scenario and the prevalence of malpractice issues in healthcare. One of the legal issues is whether it is legal for the PT to leave the patient to get out of...

The High-Tech Aspect of Modern Alternative Dispute Resolutions

Introduction Contemporary jurisprudence is an increasingly complex field requiring a deep understanding of the underlying processes and procedures. While courts remain the primary institutions for resolving legal cases, more and more people and businesses turn to alternative dispute resolutions (ADR) due to the possibilities this approach provides to all parties...

The Americanization Movement in the US

The current United States population continues to grow due to increased migration of people from their native countries. As a result, the U.S. government introduced the Americanization movement to blend foreigners from different states. The establishment’s objective was to alter unskilled foreigners into professional workers and relevant citizens. Conversely, Americanization...

The Justness of Socrates’s Decision to Accept the Death Penalty

Introduction It is hard to disagree that not many people are ready to die to prove their point of view and stay moral until the end. Socrates was sentenced to death for instilling ‘wrong’ political views in the youth, but instead of escaping his death, the philosopher accepted it with...

Cooperation, Social Dilemmas and Game Theory

Introduction Many social connections are still competitive if humans are perfectly capable of cooperating and if ethics, social justice, and other characteristics of humans encourage cooperation. It is possible to assume that the character of the social condition had more to do with competition than with the individuals (Barreda-Tarrazona et...

Good vs. Bad Conflict in the Workplace

Good conflict is constructive and helps an organization to grow and improve, while bad conflict is destructive and damages relationships and productivity. Good conflict is based on different opinions and perspectives and leads to creative e solutions and better decision-making. Bad competition is based on personal attacks and power struggles,...

Individual Decision-Making and Argument

Complex processes, structures, and environmental interactions characterize contemporary institutions and organizations. One challenge economists, analysts, and marketers face is understanding the decision-making process. Likewise, scholars have shown increased interest in understanding decision-making outcomes to make better theoretical predictions, develop effective strategies, and suggest better public policies (Jiménez & Brocos, 2021)....

Argument: Social, Political, and Economic Change

People, either individually or in groups, often choose a specific course of action. However, the question is how they decide on the arguments to support. Arguers usually get influenced by their environment and available resources, or their idea seems constrained by choice structure. Individuals typically make decisions by relying on...

Successful Marriage Components

Divorce is becoming a prominent social concern nowadays, particularly in developed nations. As such, people are looking for the issues that typically lead to the dissolution of the marriage as well as ways to reinforce it. One such consideration is mutual respect, which is missing from many such unions. In...

Personal Values in Ethically Ambiguous Situations

Personal values usually represent very important forces in organizational ethical behaviors. There exist at least three purposes of personal values in organizational ethics. These values serve as behavioral standards that determine the correct course of action. Two, personal values serve as guidelines that help in the resolution of conflict as...

Discussion: Ethics in Healthcare Research

This assessment critically evaluates two peer-reviewed journal articles concerning ethics in research. The first is “Publication pressure versus ethics, in research and publication” by Bahl and Bahl (2021), and the second is entitled “Research and publication ethics in developing countries” by Sharma and Ghimire (2021). The two research articles go...

Schools’ Roles, Functions, and Expectations as Part of the Social System

Introduction A social system is a network connecting individuals from diverse backgrounds. It is not universally defined, and academics use various definitions depending on the context. According to Merriam-Webster (2021), a social system is a pattern of interrelationships between individuals, groups, and institutions that form a coherent whole. On the...

Plato vs. Wollstonecraft on Education and Gender Relations

Introduction One of the key debates in history had to do with how education should be employed. Throughout humankind’s development, it is evident that the education system and gender relations within it cannot remain complacent. This thesis will attempt to compare two approaches to education and gender relations, one advocated...

Animal Rights: The Blackfish Film

Animal cruelty and lack of care by human beings is a widespread issue across the world. Many animals are held captive in isolated regions and exploited for routine economic gains by wealth companies. When marine mammals, such as orca whales, are removed from the huge ocean and placed in metal...

Experiences of LGBTQ Community Practicing BDSM

Introduction Today’s worlds represent a rapidly changing environment regarding sexuality and sexual practices. Sexual orientation has been pluralized with diverse sexual practices characterized as non-normative. The LGBTQ community makes up a minority sexual group that does not conform to non-traditional sexual preferences and practices. Traditionally, society has encouraged individuals to...

“Multiple Meanings of Money” by Smita Premchander

Today, money is the measure of success in many areas, influencing the way of assessing personal efficiency and well-being. Thus, it becomes increasingly more important to understand how to manage finances – on both micro- and macro-level. Various studies are interested the differences between men and women in their money-related...

Self-Introduction and Secrets of Great Presentations

The most outstanding speakers in history capture audiences’ attention from the introduction. Public speaking can be self-introductory or general, each involving audience engagement through rhetoric and tonal proficiency. An effective speech is one that audiences can remember long after its delivery and, in most cases, creates a speaker’s legacy. This...

Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Summary The article “Transsexual attractions and sexual reassignment surgery: Risks and potential risks” by Richard P. Fitzgibbons discusses transsexual issues and sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) that are widely disseminated by the media, governments, and schools. It is often young people who turn to specialists for treatment of transsexual attraction (TSA)...

Representation of Class Model Through Interest Groups

Similar Characteristics with Class Model Class model describes the system from the standpoint of those who control the means of production. At this point power is based on the property (Marger, 2014). As the most wealthy class can control the society by taking into account the means of production, it...

Aspects of the “#MeToo” Movement

Introduction Social movements have been gaining momentum worldwide as people seek to effect positive social change in their communities. One of these movements is the #MeToo Movement, which has gained considerable attention in recent years. This movement seeks to empower victims of sexual assault and harassment and to hold criminals...

Gender: Navigating State, Religion and Gender

Gender is a complicated social construct that includes the expectations that society places on people based on their perceived sex and the duties, attitudes, and behaviors they are expected to exhibit. While gender is primarily affected by cultural, social, and historical factors, sex refers to male and female biological and...

Immigration Policy and International Security

Immigration reform must start with the implementation of an appropriate immigration policy that caters to international and national security as well. In the United States, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) oversees federal immigration agencies (Bergmann 37). Contemporary immigration has serious security connotations to first-world countries and therefore be addressed...

Wellness Rhetoric: Personal Opinion

My ideas about wellness developed gradually along with what I heard about this concept. Most of all, I associate it with health, physical and mental, but with more profound reflection, I include other aspects. Thus, wellness is a state in which an individual feels good physically, spiritually, and emotionally and...

How Immigrant Parents Affect Their Kids in School

Introduction The education of immigrant children has become a growing concern for many educators and policymakers in recent years, leading to a growing interest from scholars and researchers. There has been a considerable amount of research on the impact of parental involvement on the academic success of children. This literature...

The “Greening the Ghetto” Speech by Majora Carter

Introduction Many activists’ speeches are strong, confident, and expressive as speakers build rapport with the audience and seek to engage with them to achieve the purpose of the speeches. Speakers use various tools in a speech that enhance it and make it appealing to the audience, making them trusting and...

I Have a Dream Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Martin Luther King’s I have a dream is one of the most notable public speeches proclaiming the equality of all people, regardless of race. At the beginning of his speech, King states that the ongoing struggle for black rights is “the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history” (King, 1963,...

Assigned Female at Birth and Women’s Rights

Introduction The term cisgender involves people whose gender identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth. For example, a person assigned female at birth (AFAB) and identifying as female is a cisgender female. Similarly, an AFAB person who does not identify as either male or female is considered a...

Effects of Colonization on Women in Canada

Introduction These traces were manifested most strongly in the rapist policy of sterilization of women, which was carried out in Canada by the then authorities. In addition, there were multiple significant violations of their rights, which will be studied in this work (Ryan et al., 2021). Forced Sterilization Forced sterilization...

Sociological Theories Applied to “9500 Liberty” Documentary

9500 Liberty focuses on the history of immigration laws in Virginia. It reveals the major events that occurred during the period of repressive immigration policies. Viewers are able to trace the cause-and-effect relationship between government actions and the social panic that erupted during the passage of the law, which justified...

Native American Identity and Race

The definition of race nowadays differs significantly from its original meaning among the XVI-century European colonizers of Northern America. The early colonist society shaped a controversial understanding of the term, particularly concerning Native Americans. Lawrence Blum’s book presents a comprehensive historical overview of the evolution of the term “race” and...

Gender Roles in Dual-Income Families

The typical gender roles in families have been debated for decades. With the rise of dual-income families, the roles of men and women within the family have changed. Historically, males have been seen as the household breadwinners. Men were expected to pay financially for their families, while women cared for...

The Black Lives Matter Movement and White Supremacy

The execution of African-American George Floyd prompted a surge of public indignation unparalleled in the United States, both on the streets and online. The event was the final straw for the country’s minority groups, bringing up concerns of racial inequity and police brutality, and protests continue today. The Black Lives...

The “Who Invented the Taser?” Video Analysis

The video entitled ‘Who Invented the Taser?’ covers the history and current issues surrounding the use of Tasers. The earliest use of electrical technology by police officers dates back to the 1960s and Civil Rights activism (Today I Found Out, 2019). The current use of Tasers illustrates the complexity of...

The Negotiation Process: Communication Barriers

Introduction Although genetically embedded through communication processes, the negotiation process can be complex and multifaceted. Communication barriers interfere with effective contact between the negotiating parties. These obstacles hinder the exchange of ideas between people and their understanding. It is impossible to avoid communication barriers, as they arise due to typical...

Why Witches Were Accused in Human Reproduction Issues

The primary source, “Malleus Maleficarum,” and the secondary source, by Lynda Roper, on cannibalism, both offer a glimpse into the beliefs and accusations surrounding witches. According to the “Malleus Maleficarum,” witches were accused of various crimes related to disrupting or harming human reproduction, including aborting fetuses, killing newborns, and making...

“The Debate Over Immigration…” Article by Bump

The author of “The debate over immigration often relies on murky assumptions about the law,” Philip Bump, published in the Washington Post, argues that the debate surrounding immigration is often misguided due to a lack of clarity regarding the laws that govern it. The public discourse on immigration frequently relies...

Immigrants in the Healthcare Settings

Summary During the president Trump administration, immigration enforcement intensified significantly, and there had also been an uptick in antimigration discourse and attitude. In such a setting, there were inaccurate representations of immigrants as drug traffickers and lawbreakers as an avenue of a deliberate narrative aimed at reducing aggregate immigration. That...

“Pride Is More Than a Parade…” Article by Murphy

Introduction The article “Pride is more than a parade and rainbow transitions. We Need Action and Allyship,” written by Anna Murphy, was published on September 3, 2022. In his article, the author opines that pride is necessary to eradicate the fetishization and demonization of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. According to the author,...

Aspects of the Nonverbal Rule-Breaking

Introduction Communication is a complex phenomenon that includes many biological, social, and psychological elements. One of the major components of interpersonal interactions is nonverbal communication (NVC) (Floyd, 2020). It is generally defined by scholars as “everything but the words,” including visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile communication channels (Hall et al.,...

Rewriting Roosevelt’s Four Democracies Speech

In the speech Four Democracies, Franklin D Roosevelt spoke about why democracy matters, as well as how and why it should be protected. I would choose to expand on this discussion further by explaining my perspective on the matter and why it is important to preserve it. Primarily, one of...

Social Sciences Models and Circular Questions

The questions that have been applied during the discussion with a couple of strengths and resources align with three social science models. Namely, the postmodernist, social constructionism, and recovery frameworks are attributed to the inquiries that were presented during the therapy. In regard to postmodernism, the approach highlights the influence...