Sustainability and Sustainable Development of a Society

Sustainability and sustainable development are effective tools in achieving a safer and healthier ecosystem in Florida and around the world. This paper seeks to define Sustainability and Sustainable Development by comparing the three components of a sustainable society, their synergy, and the difficulties of maintaining each with the influences of...

Stanford Prison Experiment: Behind the Mask

Stanford Prison Experiment organized by Stanford researcher Philip Zimbardo led to a strong public response. The results of the experiment and its ethical issues are still discussed today. Referring to Zimbardo himself, as well as documentaries based on the experiment, Maria Popova explicitly describes its astonishing outcomes. Assigned with the...

High-Level Decision Making Process in Society

In high-level decision-making, coming up with practice-oriented options requires thorough analysis and knowledge transfer skills. Based on what I have learned, to be viable, a potential solution should be able to produce tangible financial, resource-related, or reputational benefits without disproportionately high risks. Next, when it comes to knowledge transfer, studying...

The Slamming Doors Problem

Life in neighborhoods involves adaptation to specific conditions since for normal social interaction, concessions and compromises are natural aspects of healthy communication. However, in conditions of obvious irritants and neighbors’ incorrect behavior, many questions arise to one another, which creates inconveniences for a normal lifestyle. In my neighborhood in Woodlands...

The Essence of Human Sexuality

Human sexuality is a term that is defined differently depending on the sphere of the definition. It encompasses biological, physiological, cultural, legal and philosophical dimensions. Biologically, it is the human’s reproductive system which includes emotions responsible for social bonds and sexual attraction. This involves knowledge of physiological working of one’s...

Conflict: Positives, Negatives, and Strategies

Conflict is a significant part of interpersonal interactions, arising from a perception of incompatible goals between interdependent parties. Conflict can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the behavior of both parties. For example, two people can have shared plans to start a creative or business project, but disagree...

King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech Analysis

I have a dream is a short utterance in which Martin Luther King believes that blacks and whites will be equal and can get rid of prejudices. Ford and Lockett (2018) assert that this address is regarded as one of the most successful speeches in history and has been admitted...

“I Am Not Your Asian Stereotype” TED Talk by Canwen Xu

Most of the time, Canwen Xu was the only Asian among her peers. Hence, she was facing a lot of stereotypical judgments from her peers. The difficulty in the reconciliation of her Chinese heritage with her American identity is that everyone around her would only notice her Chinese origins. It...

Pacifism and Nonviolence Approaches to War and Peace

Introduction Individuals, countries, and regions have different beliefs and ideologies, making conflicts inevitable. The way conflicting parties approach their differences plays a significant role in determining whether a skirmish will occur or not. There has been concern about the use of force or war to influence changes or accomplish desired...

Communication Issues and Conflict Resolution

Introduction The media has been one of the most critical stakeholder management concerns in recent years. Since media is useful in signaling other stakeholders faced with difficulties due to information asymmetry, it directly affects knowledge sharing and any irregularity in the business community. According to Wakefield and Barney (2016), communication...

Should the Government Monitor its Citizens Using Technology?

One of the most controversial issues refers to the use of the latest technologies by governments. Any technology might become either a helper for citizens or a weapon against them. Some people believe that their use is beneficial for the well-being of our society. However, it is impossible to avoid...

Mass Rapes Committed by the Soviet Army in the Axis Countries

Wieden, A. (2016). Writing resistance: Anonyma’s narration of rape in A woman in Berlin. Women in German Yearbook, 32, 25-49. Web. This publication is an autobiography that gives firsthand accounts of World War II German rape victims. Anonyma, the narrator, recounts her rape experiences when men were helpless witnesses of the...

Transcending Addiction and Redefining Recovery

The TEDx video discusses some factors that enhance recovery from substance use disorder. These include social support, mental wellness, and hope for the future People with addictions can only recover through the help of professionals, peers, and family. The lack of a support system can deter people from seeking help...

Animals Should Be Used for Research

Introduction Since humans and animals have similar biology, animals are often used to provide experimental studies and understand how diseases impact them or how drugs can help, but ethics and legal issues cause public controversy. Definition Animal testing, also known as animal research, uses experiments to understand the factors that...

Sexism & Gender Wage Gap: Deconstructing the Myths

Discrimination has been the center of public attention over the past couple of years. People’s outrage fueled so many protests against police brutality and marches for equality. The United States is a country, which prides itself in the freedom its citizens enjoy and the historical background of America as a...

The Factors Which Determine Substance Abuse

Substance abuse is an emerging issue that deteriorates the population’s health and increases the crime rate. It is often a chronic condition that results in the cardiovascular, lung, mental diseases, and the death of the abuser. Some time ago, people argued that addiction is only a mental state but not...

What Made the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Go Viral on Social Media?

In the era of social media, viral campaigns are launched to generate public interest or promote a product. The power of word of mouth strengthens the social media’s influence on people, contributes to the emergence of the crowdculture (cultural branding) concept, and implicates various social media marketing strategies (Holt, 2016;...

Child Welfare in Canada and a Policy Position

Introduction The issue of child welfare is quite complicated especially when it is placed within the context of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child. Canada is one of the countries in the world in which a large number of cases of inequality in terms of child...

The Impact of Popular Culture on Racial Perceptions

Introduction Racism is nothing more than a theme of the next scary story you are going to read before bad. After all, in the United States, blacks, Asians, indigenous populations, and other groups, which faced oppression in the past, have the same political rights as any white American citizen. There...

Asset-Based Community Development Strategy: Overview

Introduction Research is consistent that most community development strategies aim to liberate communities by ensuring justice, self-reliance, and economic independence (Mutongu, 2012). In developing and developed economies, community service organizations have been at the forefront in helping communities to address their common needs and concerns through the use of available...

Gun Violence: Solutions to the Issue

Introduction From the objectivist point of view, a social problem is a social phenomenon or particular behavior that negatively impacts individuals, groups, or society. The subjectivist side of social problems focuses on reasons that drive society to recognize a particular issue as a social problem. Although more Americans were killed...

Geriatric Windshield Survey Analysis

The previous analysis revealed a scope of services available to the older community members. As can be seen from it, this population group’s essential needs are covered through various facilities (see Appendix A). Moreover, living in the neighborhood is optimal for them due to low crime rates, with 0.12 cases...

Public Safety and Individual Rights

Introduction Statutory authority is usually practiced in almost every federal government under the various state departments especially under department of defense and security. In this case, this statutory authority is practiced in correspondence with the existing laws and acts of parliament; where in this case this statutory authority is meant...

Societal Codependency and Enabling Issues

Introduction While there are various schools of thought regarding codependency, the general consensus is that a codependent person is one who perpetuates dependence of another person on the abuse of a chemical substance such as narcotic drugs or alcohol [WHO]; and thus standing on the way of recovery of this...

Family, Marriage, and Gender in “Gone With the Wind”

The questions related to family, marriage, and gender roles always played a crucial role in society. The norms established in these fields were changing in different historical periods. Sometimes, the mode of behavior considered as a rebellion against the social standards in one period could become a norm in the...

John Locke’s Perspective Regarding Capital Punishment

Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues that evoke heated debates in the United States. On the one hand, Americans place the highest value on human life and people’s basic rights. The right to life cannot be alienated, according to liberal views that reign in the USA (McCarthy,...

Elder Abuse and Neglect as a Health Problem

Introduction Mistreatment of the elderly population is a hidden and often overlooked problem in society. Many people in the public domain have probably heard of elderly abuse and neglect but know very little beyond that, other than the occasional news coverage of problems in elderly homes. Elder abuse and neglect,...

Design and Health Promotion Program for Someone to Quit Smoking

Background Smoking is one of the main targets of health promotion programs since it damages body organs (Tait et al. 2006) leading to many deaths and health complications (Miller et al. 2005). However, persuading a person to quit smoking can be quite a challenge (Drevonhorn et al. 2007) due to...

Health-Care Cost of Smoking: Economic Impacts

Introduction Smoking simply refers to a practice in which a known substance, usually cannabis or tobacco, is burnt and the smoke it produces is inhaled directly. The combustion releases active substances like tar and nicotine that are responsible for lung poisoning and infection. When inhaled, the smoke induces spiritual enlightenment...

The Book “Big Talk, Small Talk” by Shola Kaye Review

Introduction Interpersonal communication undoubtedly plays an essential role in everyone’s lives. People are social creatures, so it is essential to develop good interpersonal skills in all life spheres. If people cannot communicate effectively, they will not be able to reach their goals and can potentially harm other people’s feelings. The...

Moral Status Theories: Philosophy & Criteria

Introduction Decisions people make in specific situations are the product of inner beliefs and values. Evaluating these decisions from a theoretical perspective can help identify critical motivations, causal relationships, and external factors prompting certain behavioral responses. As an example of such an analysis, the case study about fetus abnormality will...

Gender Discrimination as an Ethical Issue

Today’s society is inevitably related to the notions of discrimination, inequality, and ethical injustice due to the increasing rates of incompetence incidence based on racial, gender, or ethnic affiliation. While the modern world should pool its efforts to even slightly modify the existing tendency, the already existing achievements in the...

Cultural Differences and Similarities

Addiction may have different or similar affect on different group of people or cultures. This article enumerates the differences and similarities of the effect of addiction on six groups of people – families, adolescents, women, people of color, disable persons, and Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals. The paper first...

Discrimination of Women in the Workplace

Throughout centuries women have been fighting for equal rights, fair pay and working hours, and objective judgment in the workplace. Today, in comparison to the beginning of the 20th century, the participation of women in the labor force and the rates of educational completion have significantly increased (U.S. Bureau of...

The Canterbury Tales and the Role of Women

The concept of gender roles has existed as long as a society, and it does not lose its relevance to this day. The study of women’s position is a subject of research that has generated much discussion, even in ancient times. However, often only writers could show the life of...

The Problem of Smoking in Young Adults

Despite its serious complications, cigarette smoking is common among young adults. In the US, nearly 44 million young people are smokers. While 33 percent of these smokers may die from tobacco-associated diseases, adopting an appropriate health promotion approach is critical to the future of advanced nurse roles (Centers for Disease...

Linking Income, Wealth, and Inequality

Income inequality is one of the defining features of modern economies, including in the United States. According to Coady and Dizioli (2017), “rising income inequality over recent decades is a growing concern for policymakers worldwide” (p. 3). It is primarily determined by the uneven distribution of various material goods. In...

Sexual Agency: The Gender Politics of Campus Sex

Introduction Sexual agency is the ability to make decisions freely in situations that involve a sexual context. In particular, it is the choice of whether one wants to engage in sexual activity, how they want to do it, and whether or when they want to stop it or avoid it...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents

Introduction The era of social media and other digital communications has influenced people’s standards of beauty and self-perception significantly. A generation of young people that identify selfies with a mandatory aspect of life observe one another on Facebook and Instagram and form specific preferences regarding appearance parameters. Even though a...

Beauty Through the Prism of Feminism

Some researchers consider beauty as a social construct, while others claim that it is rooted in human nature itself. The standard of female beauty in the modern world appears as social capital and a means of achieving certain resources. Advertising and the beauty pageant industry have a huge impact on...

Why Some Movements Succeed, and Others Fail

Success Factors Several factors are attributed to the success of various social movements. Satell (2015) argues that when a social movement has a clear purpose, it is deemed to succeed. He gives an example of Occupy Wall Street in 2011. Despite the movement having a good intention, it failed within...

Gendered Communication in the Workplace

Gender communication differences have been studied by a plethora of sociolinguists and sociologists all around the globe. Although the world becomes more globalized and versatile, there is still room for gender stereotypes or even discrimination that affects male-female discourse in different environments. It often results in misunderstandings, anguish, or distress...

Negative Bullying Outcomes: A Persuasive Speech

Introduction Attention Getter When we think about school, we think about the learning process, bonding with classmates, maintaining meaningful relationships, and achieving academic goals. State Topic What often remains out of the frame of this idealistic picture is ostracizing, insults, and pushes that are still way too common in school...

Seniors, Their Topics of Concern, Appropriate Support Group and Their Benefits

Introduction Group work was developed as a means, or put differently, a therapy that would help people who have experienced the same experience to cope with shared problems collectively. Older people are one of those population groups that face the most health, social, and environmental problems. It is why social...

The Problem of Social Inequality at Schools in Canada

Introduction Social inequality at schools is a serious issue that undermines the effectiveness of secondary education and leads to long-term and short-term problems of individual and group nature. Presently, it is recognized as a global problem by a variety of worldwide organizations such as UNESCO, UN, and OECD. These organizations...

The Portrayal of the LGBTQ+ Population in the Media

Many scholars have investigated the portrayal of the LGBTQ+ population in the media, noting that it does not always reflect reality. Seif (2017) provides an analysis of several characteristics of gay and lesbian characters in the media. They include gendered stereotypes, victimization, representation as villains, a sexual depiction, or a...

The Good Samaritan Dilemma: Why Are People Reluctant to Help Strangers in the Street?

Offering assistance to those in need appears to be one of the primary ethical principles to which most people are expected to adhere in modern society. However, the phenomenon known as the bystander effect appears to be tragically true, with a significant number of people preferring not to intervene in...

“The Autocomplete Truth”: Campaign Overview

“The Autocomplete Truth” is a 2013 UN social campaign shedding light on the issue of gender inequality. It illustrates the power of virality, indicating the essential coverage of campaigns in the online world (Panagakou, 2018). The significance of the placement of autocorrect results over women’s mouths on the images is...

Ghana and the Slave Trade

Introduction Slave trade operations can be considered as a primary reason for the underdeveloped state of many nations of the African continent. This historic malpractice and abuse of power of the colonial ruling countries devastated the given region. The Republic of Ghana is one of the main examples of how...

The Pros and Cons of Smoking Ban

Cigarette smoking is an individual’s behavior, which is addictive when not controlled. Most smokers start the action during their adolescence during their leisure time. The law does not prohibit individuals from smoking cigarettes even though some regulations forbid it in public places. Cigarettes are one product of tobacco and are...

Use of Technology by Teenagers for Emotional Support

Introduction Nowadays, children receive a cellphone at the age of nine and use it daily afterward, which, for their parents, serves as a way of protecting a young individual. As the year’s pass, teenagers begin to feel the constant need to be connected to others through their smartphones. Technology has...

Conflict Management Styles

The Context of the Conflict I was in a queue waiting to pay for a pair of shoes which I had purchased. A customer ahead of me started complaining that the service representative was too slow. He aggressively demanded a refund for a shirt he had previously bought. The staff...

“The Fine Art of Baloney Detection” Essay by Carl Sagan

The chapter revolves around the idea of deception and its different types. The author starts his congratulations with a strong example, mentioning his parents’ death, which was shocking for him. Although much time has passed, he is still sometimes “seized by the overpowering realization that they didn’t really die” (Sagan,...

Drug Trade. “Crack” Book by David Farber

The history of countries can be understood by studying numerous explicit and hidden processes of economics, politics, and trade. Thus, for example, for America in the 20th century, the development of crack production and trade was a striking phenomenon. This drug was popular among different population segments, but it was...

Life in Cities: Metropolitan Individuality

In 1903, Georg Simmel wrote the essay titled “The Metropolis and Mental Life,” which is discussed as an influential opinion regarding life in cities even today. Although Simmel analyzes life in the metropolis from various perspectives, the author’s key argument is that to successfully adapt to living in a city,...

Solving Ethical Dilemmas

Ethical Conduct and Statement of Commitment Working with children is a challenge requiring specialized knowledge and skills. This task is complicated by the presence of a large number of ethical dilemmas. The main principles of responsible behavior with children are reflected in The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. It sets...

“Should Drugs Be Legalized?” by William Bennett

The war against drugs in the United States has reached a new level. Such an outcome is conditional upon the recent measures that politicians are discussing. More specifically, they are related to the emergence of an idea to legalize drug consumption in order to decrease the number of drug addicts...

Assessment of Professional Communications Skill

The ability to express oneself adequately, considering the main components of a communicative situation such as the type of rapport between communicators, their cultural backgrounds, individual peculiarities, and setting, is of immense significance. Nowadays, with the expansion of social media, the net of relationships that an average person is engaged...

Person With an Addiction: Mr. Smith Case Study

Introduction Addiction is a term that refers to the area of practice that embraces the interests of the individuals who handle alcohol, cocaine, other drugs and gambling-associated predicaments. In addition, addiction refers to a general reference of a certain form of behavioral problem pattern or predicaments encountered. In this case,...

The Freedom of Expression

Free speech is one of the fundamental rights existing in democracies, including the United States. The Constitution guarantees one’s unabridged right to express oneself freely, and people often appeal to the First Amendment when accused of crossing the boundaries. However, the concept tends to be misunderstood and abused, leading to...

Positivist and Constructionist Theories

Positivism aims to explain the reasons why people engage in deviant behaviors scientifically using a cause-and-effect model. Therefore, the central area of concern for positivist lies in the deviant act itself. On the other hand, constructionism mainly concentrates on the reasons why a particular behavior became regarded as abnormal in...

Types of Shoppers and Their Approaches for Buying

Shopping may seem like a straightforward activity and something that all people do similarly. However, most people have a different approach to buying groceries, clothes, electronics, and household and other items. There are many categories of shoppers, including impulse and need-oriented buyers, bargain hunters, loyal customers, and those who prefer...

Plastic Pollution Through the Lens of Social Sciences

Previously, I discussed the problem of plastic pollution from the point of view of history. The approach helped to understand how the issues developed to understand what the central reasons for the emergence of the plastic problem were. Historical analysis helped to understand that the central problem for the emergence...

Homelessness in the New York City

Introduction The issue of homelessness has been quite acute and widespread for many years. In particular, it is especially significant in New York. On the one hand, it is difficult to “stay afloat” in this city and earn enough money. On the other hand, even though they are homeless, people...

Sources and Levels of Organizational Conflict

It goes without saying that conflict situations within organizations are currently inevitable. Conflict may occur at different levels – within people, between individuals within one group, and between various groups and organizations. Incompatible vision and objectives are frequently regarded as a powerful source of multiple conflicts between colleagues. In addition,...

Summary of “Women in Diaspora: A Study of Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni’s Fiction”

The topic of women’s experience in immigration has been broadly addressed in the field of social sciences. Multiple obstacles, psychological, cultural, and social barriers that women who immigrate to the USA encounter have been covered in numerous literary works. In the article under the title “Women in Diaspora: A Study...

The Adolescent Sex Life: Key Issues

Introduction As the child grows older, there are significant physiological changes in the body. During adolescence, people experience increased secretion of sex steroids — androgens and estrogens. In addition to noticeable, visible modifications in the structure of the human body, such as changes in the size of the genitals, the...

Sociology: Its History, Tools, and Modern Developments

Definition and Purpose Today I’d like to talk to you about the scientific field of study that concerns the very nature of human beings – Sociology. It investigates all types of human relationships, from governmental structures to important personal matters. Its subject is diverse by nature, as it serves as...

Minor v. Major Offenses Punishment

I rarely commit the acts of deviance, such as speeding, jaywalking, and littering. In case when I do, it is usually due to a lack of attention. For example, I have been speeding without noticing that I am doing it. I do not commit littering or jaywalking, but there were...

The History of Youth Style and Resistance

Introduction Once one understands fashion, it becomes easier for one to understand the complexities of relationships between the individual and society. It sums up many of the strains in the modern life experiences and particularly lays emphasis on the function of consumerism in that understanding (Miles, 1998, p. 95). At...

Women in Society According: Feminism and Functionalism

It is impossible to talk to about modern feminism without considering the history of the movement and the individuals who were fighting for the rights people take for granted in the 21st century. The work of two activists – Harriet Martineau and Jane Addams – is especially noteworthy. Despite the...

Social Learning Theory and Rational Choice Theory

Attempts to understand human behavior has led to studying social and individual behavior and their aspects. Such theories as Social Learning Theory and Rational Choice Theory assume the nature and prerequisites of personal decisions. Both these theories are used in modulating criminal behavior, however, they cannot guarantee it is a...

Marginalization in Modern Advertising

The first advertisement by Tom Ford presents a scene from an every-day life where a woman’s role is limited to household activities. She is ironing the man’s pants while he is reading a newspaper. This piece of advertising is an example of stereotypical gender roles and sexism toward women, who,...

Importance of Respect in the Army: Code of Ethics

Introduction Soldiers are required to follow established codes of ethics, core values, and philosophies that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. Commanders and other professionals in leadership positions should have their orders and guidelines followed or taken seriously. The existence of various requirements and conditions is...

Ethical Dilemmas in Education

Ethical dilemmas in education occur in many cases; one of the most common reasons for their generation is injustice. In the following paper, some of such ethical dilemmas will be addressed and evaluated. The dilemma under discussion is in the following: when all year 6 students were expected to attend...

Women as Vigilantes in “Thelma & Louise” Movie

Introduction to the Movie ‘Thelma and Louise’ is a fascinating story of two allies Louise and Thelma, who head for a vacation to escape their tribulations for a while. Thelma is a housewife married to a chauvinistic husband; Darryl. She does not have freedom considering her economic status. Louise works...

The Rise of Mass Communications

Introduction Advanced technology has rewritten the future of the world. Technology is getting advanced day by day and these technologies decide the life of the people. It has been applied in every sphere of life especially in the field of mass communication. Propaganda persuades people to a cause or position...

Victorian Period Corset Controversy

Introduction The practice of wearing corsets has historically provided women the perfect, sculpted hyperbolic female body. The corseted figure becomes an almost permanent body modification as the internal organs and ribs gradually adjust to its shape (Riordan 2007). This practice has been the reason for a long debate, which is...

The Progression of Women Beyond the Glass Ceiling

Introduction Glass ceiling is used in the field of economics to mean a situation where a person who is qualified in terms of education and experience cannot progress on an upward mobility in his/her place of work. This is usually caused by discrimination against him/her on basis of sex or...

Sociology. Identity and Self-Reflection

Identity in the social sense can be described as the human craving to have a sense of belonging within one’s self, a sense of belonging to the people and the community around us, to the things happening around us, and to influence these things. Self-reflection on the other hand is...

How Has Feminism Influenced the Art of Animation?

Introduction It has been suggested that animation is even older than live-action, or motion picture — its more popular and more commercial counterpart in the film industry but it has been accorded of less importance not only in formal discourse but also in theory so that up until recently, it...

Non-Verbal Communication: A Personal Case

Good communication is a very important thing that makes your friendships, both personal and professional or relationships successful. The most important thing in communications is clear speech. The more you are in your speech, the better people will respond to you and understand (Linder 12a). Non-verbal communication is an essential...

Social Perspective on Human Behavior at Work

Introduction Human behavior at work is an extremely vital issue to discuss. The matter is that the employees’ behavior has a direct influence on the organizational performance (Hoogervorst, Fier, & Koopman, 2004). This being the reason, the organizations subject their personnel to changes to improve the efficiency of the organizational...

Sociology Regarded as a Science

The question of whether sociology must be regarded as a science or not could prove very complicated unless one is clear as to what science is. Although arts and sciences are very distinct especially in methodology, it is not uncommon to notice given similarities or basic assumptions that are shared....

Cell Phone Use While Driving Must Be Banned

It used to be that the only thing distracting the average driver was the radio. The urge to turn the knob and scan for the best song available can be so difficult to resist. As a result vehicular accidents may occur as the driver gets distracted. In the 21st century...

Martin Luther King’s Dream Came True

Introduction Discrimination is the core problem in the United States, but in recent years people became more tolerant, and sharp conflicts do not exist in society anymore. Black people became equal members of the American society and looking at the facts of the social adoption of the black in cultural...

Conflict Theory in the Society

Antisocial behavior can be found regardless of culture. Delinquency is a normal response by youth to the social conditions created by capitalist society (Siegel & Welsh, 2008). Social conflict theory asserts, that individual behavior is connected to conflicts within the group and between the groups. It is common in contemporary...

Cross-Cultural Relations and Diversity

When we talk about culture, we mean the values, customs, rituals, behaviours and belief which we share with others in order to create a relation being as a group. On the other hand organisational culture deals with shared values though there also we find assumptions, beliefs and customs but here...

Postmodernism. Absence Theory by Jean Baudrillard

Introduction Opposing schools of thoughts pervade in the dichotomy of arguments and most get recycled, bundled up and re-emerge. Many are formed as single-standing theories that were consistent throughout the ages, and some are out to question the existence and validity of earlier thoughts that prevailed. This paper will try...

Women Leadership Within the Church

The research project looks into details the place of women in the church which is women leadership in the church. Women for a long time have been denied the opportunity to lead in the church because for that long time they have been seen as inferior to men. The goals...

Greatest Challenge Facing Western Civilization

The history and historical development of civilizations pose great challenges to mankind and relations between people and society. It all began with the idea that human beings, by their very nature, have rights. The man said the classical liberals, are born into a state of natural freedom, and his rights...

Angelina Jolie’s Rhetorical Speech on Female Empowerment

Have you ever wondered why it is mainly women who talk about the problems of other women? And why among these female speakers there are so many Hollywood artists? And, finally, what is that all for? The point is, famous females have the privilege to use their fame to share...

Child Exploitation and Trafficking

This thesis aims to define and tabulate child exploitation and trafficking. Children are categorized as anyone under 18 years of age. Trafficking has been defined as the recruitment, transportation, purchase, sale, transfer, harboring, or receipt of a person by threat or use of violence, abduction, fraud, deception, or coercion (including...

Social Media Effects on Communication Behaviors

Introduction Social media has generated new approaches to communication for people across the globe hence resulting in tremendous effects on their daily lives. For example, social media has brought individuals with similar interests together and widened the horizons of sharing ideas and knowledge across the globe. This has brought about...

The Clash of Civilizations vs the Clash of Ignorance

The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the views of Samuel Huntington and Edward Said on the sources of geopolitical conflicts in the modern world. In his article, Huntington claims that future geopolitical conflicts will be not ideological or political in nature, but cultural (Tuathail, 2006). Said,...

Transitioning from Military to Civilian Life

Introduction The military is one of the most vulnerable populations in relation to physical and mental health and social work. People who have participated in a war killed someone or became injured due to others’ actions take much time to recover. Sometimes, the hardships experienced during one’s military service cannot...

Chapters 1-2 of “In Search of Respect” by Bourgois

In his book In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio, Philippe Bourgois describes his life in East Harlem, otherwise known as El Barrio, and gaining the trust of the neighborhood’s drug dealers. Through personal observations and conversations with local criminals, he reveals a unique culture among them. The...

Fear Appeal in the Stop Bullying Public Campaign

In the public service announcement (PSA) video “Stop bullying,” the subject matter is presented bluntly and shockingly. The forty-seven-second clip shows a high school girl receiving an aggressive text message from her peers, criticizing her appearance. Such statements are prevalent among young people who tend to place a high value...

Transgender Women Athletes in Professional Sports

Introduction With the global recognition of the LGBTQ+ community and its rights in recent decades, one topic which has faced significant controversy is the presence of transgender athletes in all levels of professional sports. The debate centers around transgender rights, limitations of science in influencing biology, and the inconsistency of...

Personal Relationship With Alcohol Abuse

Given that alcohol abuse affects myriad families, ruining people’s health and harming social life, it is still a sensitive and critical issue to consider. Alcohol use disorder is probably the most preventable cause of mortality, which leads to a variety of acute and chronic diseases. For example, it is indisputable...

Immigrant Issues in a New Country

An immigrant who moves into a new country will typically encounter a variety of issues that will complicate the process of them satisfying their needs and reaching happiness. The language barrier is one such problem, as it makes communication with many of the other people in the community difficult. Even...

The Most Valuable Qualities of a Person: Definition of Honor

Introduction Honor has always been one of the most valued qualities. Traditionally, it had been associated with noble people who had to act in a particular way to be honored. Today, the given concept can be applied to all people regardless of their status or position in society. However, it...

Teenagers’ Contemporary Issues: Bullying at School

Introduction The problem of school bullying is widely discussed by modern researchers since it affects a great number of teenagers annually. Speaking about the key characteristics of the issue, it is pivotal to note that bullying involves the use of power, position, or manipulations with the sense of fear in...

Globalization’s Role in Improving Women’s Rights

Introduction During the last several decades, the process of globalization has undergone a variety of changes, as well demonstrated a considerable impact on the lives of people, regardless of their gender, age, income level, or origin. It includes certain economic, political, and social improvements in terms of which community transformations...

China’s Social Credit System: Utilitarian Approach

Introduction The technological breakthrough of the 21st century resulted in the rethinking of individual privacy concepts and surveillance ethics. Governments and companies all over the world are now able to gather, store, and analyze the personal data of millions of people. It is evident that these institutions substantially benefit from...

“Get Out” Movie: Genre, Medium, and Pathos

The movie Get Out is an exciting illustration of interracial interactions combined with pseudoscientific forces, such as the transfer of consciousness. Its director Jordan Peele is well-known for his satiric and comedic approach. However, he is also outstanding in giving the films a horror mood, where he does not apply...

“Double Lives on the Down Low” the Article by Denizet-Lewis

Introduction In his article “Double Lives on the Down Low,” Denizet-Lewis gives a clear and vivid description of the prospects for the development of H.I.V. among black gay males. He formulates the importance of the problem logically and cites statistical data – one-third of the country’s HIV-positive black gay male...

Martin Luther King Speech “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”

Context and Summary Summary The “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” speech addresses the subject that many people fighting against racism and segregation regarded as controversial at the time, particularly, Martin Luther King’s decision to use nonviolence as the means of addressing rampant racism and discrimination that could be witnessed in...

Ethics in Project Management

Christophe Bredillet (“Aristotelian Insights” author) has provided the theory that traditional ‘codes of ethics’ should be revisited or redesigned, and base upon an Aristotelian approach. Do you agree this applies to the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct? Why or why not? The article written by Christophe Bredillet suggests...

Gender Discrimination Topic for Research

Selection of the Topic Topic I have chosen gender discrimination under the family category. Description Gender discrimination is a social phenomenon based on cultural practices that set a glass ceiling to women in many aspects of life. For instance, in the workplace, women are discriminated in different ways including, recruitment,...

Illegal Migration: Positive and Negative Outcomes

Introduction The pursuit for a better life has led to people using all means possible to migrate to developed countries. People hold the perception that developed countries offer numerous opportunities that might help them to improve their living standards. A majority of the developed countries do not accommodate immigrants (Liu...

Drug Use and Heroin Addiction: Informative Speech

Abstract By the end of my speech, the audience will be better informed about the drug use problem in the United States as well as about health and life risks associated with the use of heroin. Drug use is a globally important social problem that needs detailed discussion because increased...

Sir James Dyson: Learning to Achieve Success

The case of Sir James Dyson demonstrates that the opportunity or freedom to make mistakes is vitally important for learning for the following reasons. First, learning from one’s mistakes is the fastest way of learning, and one should trust their mistakes rather than their experience as Dyson has learned when...

Standpoint Feminist Theory

The feminist standpoint theory is a politically modeled theory that tends to lean towards social epistemology. The central premise of the feminist standpoint theory is that the people who are subjected to marginalization are more advantaged when it comes to possessing information than those people who are not subjected to...

Otherness in Anne Sexton’s ‘Her Kind’ Poem

Introduction Social demarcation in the population is portrayed in geographic, tribal, or ideological lines. Identifying these differentiations within us enables individuals to establish themselves based on how they perceive others. A faction may find itself superior, based on its subjective appreciation of other cultures being inferior. Othering has been used...

“The Danger of a Single Story” TED Talk by C. Adichie

Chimamanda Adichie is a renowned African novelist. In TED talk, she extensively addresses the dangers of hearing a single story about a person or a country. She argues that such a phenomenon exposes people to the risk of developing wrong impressions about a subject. She begins the talk by narrating...

Karl Marx and Marx Weber: Suffering in the Society

Many sociologists, including Karl Max and Marx Weber, have tried to explain different contemporary issues in our society. In this paper, I will discuss how Karl Max and Marx Weber have explained the nature and cause of suffering in society. In addition to this, I will discuss Marx Weber regarding...

Canada’s Progressive Social Values and Its National Development

In recent decades, progressive values have been gaining increased recognition all over the world. In Canada, progressive public policies have long been implemented by the government and supported by the general public and are considered to be inherently linked to the Canadian national identity. Further implementation of these policies is...

Gay-Friendly High Schools in Chicago

Chicago officials have advocated for the creation of “gay-friendly high schools” to cater to students who feel that schooling in the same institutions as students who are pro-heterosexual does not guarantee their safety and freedom. Other cities in America and indeed across the world should initiate such programs to ensure...

Library Services for Community Building

Social services vary from one society to another depending on the mission, vision, core values, and goals of the society. Library services play vital roles in providing access to information, which directly empowers the communities towards development (McCook, 2000, p6). With continuous access to information, the literacy level of a...

Community Development and Empowerement in Australia

Community development: What do they say it is? This is the planned development of all aspects that affect the well-being of people. These aspects comprise of cultural, political, social, economic and environment. The scope of development depends on various sizes of the group (Tesoriero & Frank 2010, p. 23). Effective...

The Empowered Woman and the Skirt

Topic Introduction and Thesis Although the fashion industry is often viewed as a rather superfluous area, the clothes that people approve for wearing in public can be considered as a direct representation of societal attitudes and philosophies. The specified phenomenon becomes especially clear when considering as simple an item of...

Human Rights in Sociology and Philosophy

Introduction The concept of human rights is among the most popular issues throughout the world in contemporary society today. Such a concept is challenging, and many aspects have still yet to be investigated. According to James Griffin (qtd. in Moka-Mubelo 1), there exists a, “belief that we do not yet...

“We Are the Walking Dead” by Gerry Canavan

Introduction Reading is a process that is, in its nature, more complicated and multifaceted than it is usually perceived. In many cases, authors do not just write plan facts in order to inform their readers about something but wrap the delivered information in multiple layers of presentational techniques and strategies....

Controversial Final Scene in “Gone Baby Gone” Film

Introduction: Overview of the Scene An ethical dilemma presented in the final scene of the movie Gone Baby Gone is extremely controversial, and there is no right answer to it. In the plot, a detective, Patrick Kenzie, was hired by a single mother and a drug addict, Helene, to find...

Masculinity and Sexuality in High School by Pascoe

Abstract The text of this paper consists of the review of C.J. Pascoe’s 2007 book Dude, You’re a Fag: Masculinity and Sexuality in High School, and the critique of what appears to be the book’s major weaknesses. In particular, the author is being criticized on account of her inability to...

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal and Ethical Theories

Introduction After President Bill Clinton got involved in a love affair with Lewinsky, people had mixed reactions about the affair. At the time of the scandal, Lewinsky worked as an intern in the White House. Her perceived friend at the time, Tripp, had been recording phone conversations between Clinton and...

Male and Female Escalated Conflict

Introduction The conflict has been part of human existence since time immemorial. It is a natural occurrence and there is no way conflict can be divorced from human existence so long as people live together. Interestingly, conflict occurs at all fronts of life; be it in relationships, families, and workplaces...

Seven Fires Prophecy in the Reconciliation Context

The Seven Fires Prophecy of the Anishinaabe people is a vast overview of the future for the people who live in North America. Seven predictions describe seven epochs and turning points where history will be changed. Since the prophecy encompasses actual beliefs of the Anishinaabe people and is deeply incorporated...

Mental Illness Stigmatization in Media and Literature

The problem of labeling persons with mental illnesses is actively discussed by psychologists, sociologists, and other researchers in the context of making stigmas which affect these individuals’ interactions. Therefore, the question to discuss in detail is how the stigma of a mental illness or labeling associated with the misinterpretation of...

“Muslims and Social Change in the Atlantic Beach” by Sean Foley

The assumption by many Americans that the Muslim had no influence in their history and heritage may be somehow skewed and biased. Sean Foley supports this in his article, “Muslims and social change in the Atlantic Beach,” which studies the historical events and indeed finds out Islam/Muslims played a significant...

Gender Stereotypes in Families: Parental Influence on an Adolescent’s Career Choice

Gender stereotypes are still persistent in societies that often seem to be egalitarian. According to numerous studies, these stereotypes are transmitted to younger generations that copy their parents’ role models. This paper dwells upon this issue with a focus on the way parents’ professional preferences affect their children’s career aspirations....

Listening Styles

Listening is important because it provides individuals with the required information about the world around them and other people’s emotions, feelings, and ideas. Four styles that differ in terms of a person’s motivation for listening are task-oriented listening, relational listening, analytical listening, and critical listening (Bodie, Worthington, & Gearhart, 2013)....

Social Influence and Personal Thinking

Introduction Human beings are social creatures and, therefore, their decisions and thinking are highly subjected to social influence. Social influence as a sociological phenomenon is the way human beings sway the beliefs, feeling, thinking, and behaviors of one another (Fabrigar & Norris, 2015). As such, personal thinking and behavior are...

Domestic Violence: The American Psychological Association

The American Psychological Association (APA) style is a set of rules that describe different components of scientific writing. APA presents requirements for the organization, format, and citation in academic papers. The APA style’s purpose is to enhance clarity, reliability, and conformity. In addition, it assists in avoiding plagiarism and promotes...

Youth Addiction Prevention and Rehabilitation

Introduction Currently, the prevalence of substance abuse among the youth is quite alarming. Substance abuse has a significant influence on youth across the world. Substance use and abuse are leading to unwanted pregnancies among teens, delinquency, increased school dropout rates, poor performance, stress, and injuries among other harmful factors (Koehn...

Disability in Australia: Income Security and Employment

Introduction For centuries, disability has been considered an issue making an individual unsuitable for any kind of labor and therefore, doomed to spend the rest of their lives in need and poverty. Disability used to be associated with a major vulnerability that created physical and social obstacles the individual affected...

Modern Social Stratification in Weber’s Theory

Introduction Social stratification has been an integral aspect of society for centuries. Factors for social stratification differ by country and the stage of the society’s development. Social stratification inevitably leads to inequality due to division into social classes. Moreover, the aspects of racial and gender inequality should be considered (Keister...

Effective Speech Delivery Tips

How do we make our speech effective? Why do we sometimes remain misunderstood despite our efforts? What prevents us from being heard? Some people believe that effective communication is something from the arsenal of business psychology, and people who do not need to conduct business negotiations do not need to...

Sexuality in “Love Beyond Gender” by Alysia Abbott

The question of sexuality has always been an ongoing issue for human society. Being one of the basic instincts, sexual interest impacts the life of an individual and predetermines the choice of a partner. Sexuality plays a crucial role in the process as it conditions this very choice and results...

Gender Stereotypes and Misunderstanding

Purpose of the Study Gender stereotypes are frequently discussed by theorists and psychologists around the whole world. People make their decisions, develop relations, choose jobs, or even get married thinking that they take all steps on their free will and promote financial security (Aluko, 2015). However, plenty of women cannot...

Ethical Approaches in Career Choice

Introduction Happiness is the best thing that an individual can have in life. One cannot find it unless he or she has a meaningful life. Immanuel Kant reveals how people need to fill their life with activities. Work is part of such activities that Immanuel Kant refers. He claims that...

Urban and Rural Communities: Life Differences

Purpose Information about urban and rural communities includes dressing style, food habits, and culture. Urban residents prefer to wear loose clothes such as shirts and dresses while rural residents like to wear warm clothing such as jackets and gumboots. Urban residents also like to put on sandals while the rural...

Discrimination and Human Rights Laws

What are rights? Rights refer to legal claims that enable a particular group or individuals to have access to a particular entitlement. They are protected under the law of justice, although they are not always willingly granted since sometimes a group or an individual has to fight for their rights...

Sexism in “Trifles” by Susan Glaspell

Sexism is the discriminative behavior towards a person of the opposite sex especially towards women. In Trifles, Glaspell explores the theme of sexism particularly the oppression of women in the society. The distinction of the gender roles between men and women leads to the description of women characters. The feeble...

Childhood Psychological Trauma: Rape

Introduction Throughout an individual’s life, certain things occur and leave one with a wound or shock that causes serious implications. These events can cause both emotional and physical damage to the body of an affected individual. Some of the activities that cause such harm include witnessing violence, accidents, a hairline...

Psychotherapeutic Approach: Person-Centered Therapy

Introduction People from all walks of life encounter problems every day – some are trivial, and others are life-threatening or have lasting impact leaving them unable to cope with further challenges. Some people turn to psychotherapy to help them confront unresolved conflicts and deal with issues that prevent them from...

Philosophy Prospectus: Why Should We Be Moral?

The chosen painting is called ‘Girl with a Pearl Earring.’ It is one of the most famous paintings of Johannes Vermeer, a Dutch painter. Vermeer painted this painting in the year 1665. He used oil as the medium and canvas as the base for the painting. The size of the...

Racism and Its Effects on Our Society

Racism is a severe disease of society, which leads to unpredictable consequences. Although this disease is rather psychological and emerges in people’s minds, many social, economic, and even political factors contribute to its emergence. This paper examines the problem of racism, describes its causes and impact on society. Besides, the...