Introduction Despite leaders from both countries reiterating their commitment to the special relationship that has defined U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East for decades, the security partnership between the U.S. and Israel is being tested by three major foreign policy issues: the situation in the West Bank and Gaza,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Introduction Social media has become a significant part of today’s youth and is one of the newest inventions to hit the human race. It plays a significant role in influencing young minds, it is utilized by many people as a site to communicate with friends and family, but it also...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Up until January 2020, the expansion of air travel seemed inevitable. The number of people who travel by air has significantly increased over the past ten years. Predictions suggested that the number of passengers would keep rising, but this has altered since the Covid-19 pandemic. One of the main issues...
Topic: Airport
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
The topic I would like to know more about is Reinhard Heydrich’s involvement in the final solution and his hatred towards the Jews, as well as his assassination history. Reinhard Heydrich was a high-ranking Nazi official and one of the main architects of the Holocaust. He was born in 1904...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 1164
Pages: 4
Introduction Makey uses various strategies to support its mission and vision. The use of employee compensation addressed most of the challenges affecting the firm’s performance. This essay begins by defining the term total rewards. The essay uses the case of Makey Company to analyze how total rewards can transform the...
Topic: Business
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
Vaping, Threat, or Solution? Smoking has become a serious challenge having a catastrophic influence on human health. As there have been massive anti-smoking campaigns, it has become less acute because more people are concerned about the negative outcomes of this bad practice. Nevertheless, the new challenge looms on the horizon...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
Introduction Malaria, AIDS, and Tuberculosis are the illnesses that are widespread around the world and present a tremendous danger to humanity. The diseases mentioned above started to develop rapidly at the end of the twentieth century. The following paper will discuss and analyze AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria and how they...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
The community chosen for the survey is Cutler Bay community in Miami-Dade County, Florida. Physical environment, people, and service will be assessed in this paper. Geographical Description The geographical boundaries of the community are SW 184th Street, SW 232 Street, and Biscayne National Park (Town of Cutler Bay, 2013). The...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Organizational Background According to the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (n.d. d), Francis Lewis West, who was inspired by a children’s hospital in London, founded the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) in 1855. The hospital has since expanded to include a research institute, a pediatric rehabilitation center, and the largest pediatric...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
Introduction Every organization is sustained by human resources. For instance, when a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) retires, he/she has to be replaced for continuity. In this regard, considerations are usually made to prepare potential candidates for that role. Moreover, since market trends have become increasingly unpredictable, it is important that...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the western world was characterized by social turmoils, technological innovations, and revolutionary scientific disciplines that contributed to shaping modernity. Inevitably, the progress of humankind influenced the artistic movements, and most of the artworks of that...
Topic: Modernism
Words: 1165
Pages: 3
Introduction Enterprise risk management (ERM) is an essential practice in businesses that are enthusiastic about dealing with uncertainties and their impacts on the realization of organizational goals. It allows companies to direct their effort to the most relevant risks that may hinder the achievement of corporate objectives. The future performance...
Topic: Management
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Supply chain management requires continuous improvement and monitoring of the quality of resources and operations within production. However, failures or miscommunication between a supplier and a client occur sometimes and cause an interruption in processes. A crisis simulation case shows the situation with a company that sells building materials to...
Topic: Crisis Management
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
One of the great novelists of the American literature, F. Scott Fitzgerald has been a success in the shorter form of fiction as well. Fitzgerald’s short story “The Jelly-Bean” in the novella “Tales of the Jazz Age” confirms his literary merit as a successful narrator. An analysis of the short...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Learning is thus the main process that occurs in education, and scholars have paid much attention to studying this process and explaining its major moving forces (Behavioral Psychology, 2008). Albert Bandura’s social learning theory, put in the context of the developmental, environmental, and crossover theories, is one of the most...
Topic: Education
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
During the course of recent decades, the quality of educational standards in American high schools has been undermined to such an extent that, even upon being graduated, many of today’s students still have a hard time while trying to locate America on the world’s map. This statement correlates rather well...
Topic: Literacy
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Infrastructure and a country’s competitiveness go hand in hand. A country cannot effectively compete in today’s global markets without movement of people, goods and services. Every country needs a safe, reliable and an effective movement of goods and services if they need to drive their economy. Products have to be...
Topic: Infrastructure
Words: 1165
Pages: 5
Introduction The book Military Rule in America is a historic book written by Karen L. Remmer. It talks about the type of government that was present in Southern America, in the 20th Century. The author aimed to pass a message to leaders who believe in a dictatorial type of leadership...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Business decisions could sometimes be controversial. Some of them could even lead to global scandals, and huge losses if the choice was universally disapproved. A few months ago, in December 2017, the results of a test by John Poole from Primitive Labs had shown that due to battery wear-out, Apple...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Title: The Mona Lisa (La Gioconda) Artist: Leonardo da Vinci Date: c. 1503–1506, probably continuing until c. 1517 Culture: European Art, Italian Renaissance Scale: 77 cm × 53 cm (30 in × 21 in) Subject Mona Lisa depicts a young woman sitting in an upright position in a piece of...
Topic: Leonardo da Vinci
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Understanding critical components of research, such as data analysis, validity, and reliability is central to the in-depth synthesis of the information reviewed. They analyzed seven articles that constitute only a small portion of the bigger research, aimed at exploring accessible measures of fall prevention. Close examination of the analysis types,...
Topic: Health
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Cultural Beliefs When we study different cultures and try to understand different cultural situations, we learn the people’s beliefs on health and of different areas. As we move from one culture to different cultures we have in mind that there is something good in every culture, which means that cultures...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1165
Pages: 6
Assessment The client is a 57-year-old over-weight Caucasian male. Assessment of the clinical history of the patient shows that the patient had demonstrated an elevated blood pressure level five years back, which is under control with medication. In addition, the patient suffers from hyperuricemia, which is again under control with...
Topic: Disease
Words: 1165
Pages: 3
Introduction The right-to-work laws give employees the liberty to choose whether to join a union or not in their workplaces. This paper seeks to explore the history of such laws in the United States and summarize the perceptions of its opponents and proponents. Finally, it will be concluded whether the...
Topic: Law
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction The modern health care sector is focused on the delivery of high-quality care to patients and guaranteeing a high level of their safety. For this reason, there are multiple efforts to create an environment characterized by the increased effectiveness of specialists and improved outcomes that are achieved due to...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
The Notebook is a 2004 American romantic movie directed by Nick Cassavetes. The film is based on the biographical novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks, which was published in 1996 and became a bestseller in the first week of its release. The actors performing the roles of the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
The history of literature has seen renowned masters of short stories, and Ernest Hemingway is one of them. “Soldier’s Home” is a classic example of such a story, as it depicts the United States of America in the fallout of the First World War (WWI) through the prism of a...
Topic: Ernest Hemingway
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
The 19th century is characterized by women discrimination in society, whereby the role of women is to offer basic services at home. Female prejudice increased during the 1800s, leading to the drawing of occupational lines regarding the exact jobs that women and men could handle. As a result, women commenced...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
The Tentative Title of the Study The spheres of business and leadership have become significant subjects of scholarly investigations lately. Researchers endeavor to find out what the most favorable features of a good leader are, what differences exist between leadership and management, and, most importantly, what qualities of a good...
Topic: Military
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is characterized by neurological impairments in human behavior that begin in childhood. The disease often manifests itself at the age of seven years or with the start of regular schooling or preparatory group. ADHD is characterized by inattention and high distractibility of the child in...
Topic: ADHD
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers created the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator examination. Both were well-trained graduate students who completed the assessment using the methodological approach. Despite neither being a psychiatrist, they spent years developing Swiss physician Carl Jung’s concept of personality types. Since then, experienced professionals have periodically updated...
Topic: Mentorship
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Congressman John Lewis is well known as one of the prominent six leaders of the Civil Rights Movement that took place in the 1960s. He is considered one of the most courageous people in the era of segregation. John Lewis first gained fame at 16 when he preached at his...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction Mainly, refraction and dispersion of sunlight by water droplets or rain in the air form an arch of colors visible in the sky referred to as the Rainbow. The Rainbow consists of seven colors: green, yellow, red, orange, blue, violet and indigo. Debatably, in today’s society, rainbows are seen...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Boston Beer Company (BBC) is faced with a critical decision that will potentially impact its operations and sustainability. BBC’s penetration into the light beer market should be based on its past, and current market positioning, and prospects. The company has primarily operated in the craft beer sector and has proven...
Topic: Business
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
The alignment problem when applying AI in marketing occurs when managers ask question that does not align with the set objectives. Telecom firms embark on marketing campaigns to retain customers based on the data collected from the market. However, the problem is when the managers fail to deliberate well about...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Uzoigwe, G. N. The Evolution and Relevance of Autonomous Communities in Contemporary Igboland: An Essay in Local Governance. Journal of Third World Studies, Vol. XXVI, No. 2, 177-189. 2009. Association of Third World Studies, Inc. This article examines in detail the structure of society in Nigeria, which is characterized by...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction With the aging process, various changes occur in the human body, which are not always positive. Hence, late adults have a greater predisposition to the occurrence of serious diseases. These can be diseases of organs and various systems, for example, cardiac or vascular. In late adulthood, there is a...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction When an organization seeks to accomplish its goals of performance excellence and competitive advantage, it is only natural that it should pay particular attention to the selection of qualified professionals as employees. Indeed, in the contemporary world of competitive economies and innovative organizations, human resources and talent are regarded...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Introduction A study strategy known as mixed methods research combines quantitative and qualitative research techniques. It is frequently employed when a researcher wishes to use both quantitative and qualitative data to understand a research subject better. Numerical data collection and analysis are part of quantitative research approaches. Surveys, tests, and...
Topic: Business
Words: 1165
Pages: 4
Lipset and Rokkan argued that Western European party systems had enjoyed relative stability since competitive electoral politics was incepted. However, modern scholars claim that party systems that were established after 1978 have been characterized by a lot of volatility, and stability is almost absent. Lipset and Rokkan (1976) had argued...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
A writer’s literary works often reflect certain circumstances of his or her private life as well as peculiar personal characteristics. Such is the case with one of the most prominent writers of American Romanticism, Nathaniel Hawthorne. Born in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, which is notorious for its witch trials,...
Topic: Young Goodman Brown
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
The parking zones of Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) cannot be discussed as zones of fresh air appropriate for recreation. During several weeks, it is possible to observe the situation when the only available places for resting can be found at Kaiser Parking Lot or Willard-DiLoreto Parking Lot, places for...
Topic: Ban Smoking
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Introduction Contemporary nursing is a multifaceted field that incorporates elements from a wide range of disciplines. Due to significant improvements facilitated by the reliance on evidence-based approach, it is tempting to classify nursing as a science. On the other hand, many of its important elements, such as compassion, originate from...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Introduction Charles Manson was born in 1934, Ohio as Charles Maddox. In early childhood, Charles Manson lived with an alcoholic mother. Charles Manson’s mother was not ready to provide quality care to her son, thereby leading to the development of a disadvantaged child (Sidner, 2015). As a single mother, Kathleen...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Introduction In a multicultural country such as the United States, racial and social disparities are inevitable. Specifically, black and Hispanic populations are widely perceived to be at a disadvantage in terms of economic status, education, employment, and health. When it comes to adolescent pregnancy, the U.S. has the highest number...
Topic: Hispanics
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Organization background Founded in 1895, the Nortel Networks Corporation was a multinational company dealing in telecommunication services and manufacturing of different networking equipment. The company’s headquarters was in Ontario, Canada. Following a scandal which begun in the year 2009, the company was dissolved in the same year. This dissolution was...
Topic: Crime
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Introduction The internet and social media have become the new television, an instrument of capturing the zeitgeist and influencing people’s opinions and beliefs. With the lack of censorship and nearly universal access, people can promote the messages and causes they believe in. However, with this openness and mass accessibility, the...
Topic: Nike
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Among the grand nursing theories of care, the work of Dorothea Orem stands out as one of the most recognized and applied models in healthcare. Orem was born in Baltimore, MD, in 1914, but she started working as a nurse in Washington, DC, after getting a diploma from Providence...
Topic: Dorothea Orem’s Theory
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Abstract The paper provides a thorough summary of research purposes, methods, results, and conclusions as described in the study by Canbulat, Ayban, and Inal (2015), “Effectiveness of external cold and vibration for procedural pain relief during peripheral intravenous cannulation in pediatric patients.” The first section, Purpose, explains the rationale for...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction A clinical oncology unit typically handles patients receiving chemotherapy and/ or radiation. Aside from that, patients receive information on how their condition progresses and settle on the next steps together with health workers. Ideally, each case deserves the attention of an interdisciplinary team that could view it from different...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Women believe men lead easier lives than them. In their views, men are given more opportunities and are valued more, thus having more chances to excel in life. While it’s true that women have had to fight over the years to become more equal to men, being a man...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction The article American Express Releases Annual Global Business Forecast presents the forecast for the global business travel industry (Americal Express, 2008). The article demonstrates that external factors like the global economic slowdown will adversely affect the business. The article discusses the effect of expected external environmental factor’s status in...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
The book which is entitled ‘Lawrence and Aaronsohn: T.E. Lawrence, Aaron, Aaronsohn, and the seeds of the Arab-Israeli conflict is written by Ronald Florence in the year 2007 (Florence i). He has also authored eight other books. The author is a British officer who studied at Harvard University and Berkeley...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Wystan Hugh Auden’s poem ” The Unknown Citizen” is a portrayal of a conflict between individualism and government control and the central theme of the poem is the attitude of the government towards its citizen. W H. Auden’s poem “The Unknown Citizen” is a government’s outlook of the ideal contemporary...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Over the last decade, the world has experienced rapid penetration of the internet even in countries that were previously deemed to be conservative. This rapid uptake has not spared even the most conservative countries in the Middle East and North Africa. As such, the heightened speed of embracing the...
Topic: Internet
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Youth Risk Behaviour Survey (YRBS) is conducted and designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to gather data on youth risk behavior. The scope of this biennial study encompasses sexual activity, drug use, smoking, drinking, violence, and mental health. CDC established the YRBS system that monitors those...
Topic: Youth
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Similar to many other illicit substances, methamphetamines were once used legally for health and performance-related purposes. However, the place of methamphetamine in the medical world is still controversial as several countries continue to view it as a medication. This drug with a long history has severe and long-lasting effects...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Nurses are medical professionals who closely and frequently interact with older people. They are often working as primary care providers at institutions for aged people, particularly when older individuals require medical assistance. Consequently, these representatives of healthcare organizations have a vital role in improving and enhancing their fitness (Golinowska et...
Topic: Aging
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Adults undergo several developmental stages including early, middle, and later adulthood. As they develop through these phases, they experience different health concerns and are forced to adjust to several changes in their bodies and personality (Bourisly, 2016). Some of the changes include how people relate and whom they relate to...
Topic: Adulthood
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction The history of artificial intelligence as a new scientific direction begins in the middle of the 20th century. By this time, many prerequisites had already been formed for its origin, where among philosophers, there have long been disputes about the nature of men and the process of knowing the...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Many people use rationalizations to describe their actions when they find themselves in challenging situations. This refers to an attempt to explain or falsely justify wrongdoing using logical reasoning, even if it is not appropriate. An individual will do this in order to prove to themself and others that...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
A flight from Minnesota to Sydney lasts about 19,5 hours. When individuals travel by plane, especially during long periods, they remain relatively immobile, which is not the best state for those with CVS diseases. Stasis results in the accumulation of platelets and clotting factors. Moreover, immobility causes a decrease in...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Economic globalization is reflected in such trends as foreign sourcing, global markets, and multinational corporations. It has positively shaped many countries as they gain from mutually beneficial cooperation. According to Erixon, “globalization has improved businesses, living standards and the performance of the entire economy” (Erixon 2018, 3). Large American...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 1166
Pages: 6
Sustainability is a critical issue across the globe, owing to increased population growth. In the historical period, it reflected the available resources’ ability to meet people’s needs and maintain them at a specific level. However, the increased social and environmental problems in the contemporary world have led to a universal...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction The modern world changes fast, and people evidence multiple processes that have a significant impact on their lives. The rise of science, development of technologies and industries, along with the globalization and digitalization, are the basic features of contemporary societies. However, being involved in multiple significant processes and enjoying...
Topic: Animal Rights
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Abstract Medical practitioners use different theories are used to monitor various health practices. Nurses should use effective theories in order deal with every health problem. This essay describes two theories in public health practice. One of these theories is called the Health Belief Model. The second model called Community Organization...
Topic: Health
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Crime is continually evolving, thus becoming more complicated, especially due to technological developments. Other factors that have contributed to crime complexity include demographic changes for males below 30 years of age, which is a crime-prone age group, and macro-economic scales that include the unemployment rate, consumers’ spending power and...
Topic: Criminal Justice
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
The Turtle Mound is an ancient archaeological place located 14 kilometers south of the New Smyrna Beach in Florida, United States. The mound is the biggest shell heaped on the United States mainland, which has an estimated altitude of fifteen meters. It extends for approximately180 meters along the Indian River...
Topic: Archaeology
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction During his lifetime and after his death, William Faulkner was widely discussed both by the public and scholars. The latter’s contributions to the reception of this author were primarily connected to the discussion of the characters in his novels and stories, and, in the case of “A Rose for...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Summary Nursing informatics is the profession and science of using nursing knowledge, information, and communication technology to improve the health of communities, individuals, and families around the world. Within the Alliance for Nursing Informatics (ANI), the nursing informatics community provides numerous opportunities for networking, conference presentations, leadership, recognition, and certification...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Humans are social creatures who require the company of others to flourish, and the strength of their bonds has an impact on their general happiness and fulfillment. Websites and programs largely focused on communication, engagement, and collaboration are referred to as social media. People use social media to communicate...
Topic: Health
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Facebook and Myspace are some of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Even though the sites have specific differences, they also enjoy numerous similarities. Nevertheless, the paper will primarily focus on the differences between the two online avenues. A close review of the two social media giants reveals...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 1166
Pages: 3
Introduction Inspired by the effects of the World War I on soldiers, Ernest Hemingway, published a short story titled Soldier’s Home, based on the life a soldier named Krebs, who struggles to cope with life after coming back from war. The book was first published in 1925 by the Contact...
Topic: Ernest Hemingway
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Jamarcus Glover and Adrian Walker, who are unrelated to Kenneth Walker, were the primary focus of the LMPD investigation. They were accused of selling controlled drugs from a drug house about 10 miles away. Glover was in a relationship with Breonna Taylor until February 2020, when Taylor entered a relationship...
Topic: Crime Investigation
Words: 1166
Pages: 5
Introduction Safety improvements in the cockpit and airport operations are important because they can help to prevent accidents from occurring. In the cockpit, safety improvements can include things like adding new technology that helps pilots to more easily monitor their surroundings or ensuring that all crew members are properly trained...
Topic: Airport
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction The Civil War started in 1861, following quite a strain among Northern and Southern states. The War was caused by numerous factors, for example, the North had a well-established manufacturing industry. In addition, horticulture was restricted to limited scope while the south economy relied upon slave work since they...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
Introduction Hemoglobin is a protein molecule in red blood cells that supplies oxygen to body tissues and organs. For children aged between 6 and 12 months, haemoglobin level should range from 11.3 g/dL to 14.1 g/dL, a drop in this amount leads to anemia, which is associated with iron deficiency...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1166
Pages: 4
In the modern world of increasing competence, marketing needs to be as creative as possible. There are countless strategies that specialists use to attract potential clients. Indeed, great marketing professionals can make any ordinary product stand out. A great variety of methods has a common objective: to make an advertised...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Nurse as a Leader: Reporting the Quiz Results Although it has been confirmed by numerous studies that leadership skills are not hereditary and can be fostered successfully, being at the helm of a team is a nonetheless challenging task (Cherry, 2016). The absence of the ultimate leadership style that is...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1167
Pages: 5
Introduction The communicable illnesses chosen for the analysis are AIDS, influenza A, and rabies. The county chosen is Miami-Dade, FL (the ZIP-code is 33143). According to Miami-Dade County’s monthly report, 36 and 136 patients were registered with AIDS and HIV respectively in July 2017 (Florida Department of Health, 2017a). The...
Topic: AIDS
Words: 1167
Pages: 5
Introduction The ability of a nation to compete effectively on the international front hinges on the quality of its education. With this in mind, it is okay to conclude that cheating in exams undermines the standard of education in a country and consequently hinders its ability to compete at the...
Topic: Cheating
Words: 1167
Pages: 5
Introduction There are several models that are supposed to describe and explain deviance or crime. Among them one can distinguish Differential Association Theory introduced by Edwin Sutherland and Robert Merton’s Strain Theory. This paper is aimed at discussing these frameworks. In particular, it is important to examine the main concepts...
Topic: Law
Words: 1167
Pages: 5
The article “Impact of a team and leaders-directed strategy to improve nurses’ adherence to hand hygiene guidelines” depicts the results of a quantitative study concerning the use of a hand hygiene strategy. Huis et al. (2013) carry out a cluster-randomized trial that focuses on the effectiveness of a team and...
Topic: Hygiene
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Virginia Avenel Henderson was born on November 30, 1897, in Kansas City, MO. She graduated from the U.S. Army School of Nursing in 1921, completed her B.S. at the Teachers College in 1932, and her M.A. at the Columbia University in 1934. Then she taught at the Columbia University until...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
In your opinion, what are the pros and cons of managerial decision making based on intuition, as in the current Alfa operation? Pros In Alfas’ current operations, several advantages of managerial decision making based on intuition can be identified. First, intuitive managerial decision making is the best in changes that...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Marketing is a very important pillar in business that enables activities to be carried out for the satisfaction of a given demand. The process of marketing involves lots of activities that are geared towards the selling of products and services. The process of marketing means making the products or...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction It is necessary to note that September 11 can be regarded as the day that shaped the concept of terrorism, acts of terrorism, as well as emergency management. The attacks on the so-called Twin Towers are associated with the largest number of victims and responders to various emergency situations...
Topic: Management
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Belonging to a particular cultural group often explains the traditions and habits of people, their way of life, and, in particular, their attitude towards health. When assessing the heritage of representatives of different nations, it is possible to learn much about their opinions regarding religious, ethnic, linguistic, and other preferences....
Topic: Health
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The formation and growth of companies around the globe mainly depend on organizational culture. Organizational culture is an asset to an organization. Much has been written about organizational culture in the past years. This interest had widely grown by acknowledgment of the fact that an organization’s culture could notably control...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The simulation was a group activity and each of the team members was given their specific roles to play. The key roles that were related to the simulation were as follows: (1) team leader, (2) marketing coordinator, (3) R&D coordinator, (4) budget controller, and (5) inventory management. The simulation aimed...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction When you carefully look on the questionnaire of the survey carried out by your company it’s pretty clear as to where the problem lies. It’s a clear case that the employees are lacking motivation, that is to say the morale of the employees is down. When you look at...
Topic: Employee Motivation
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
There is a difference in the distribution of the cognitive skills between the two genders, that is the male and the female gender. The research about sex and intelligence has been conducted for a long time raising several controversies and interesting findings. When analyzing the issue of sex and intelligence...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Mexican drug cartels have begun forging a new way forward to gain supremacy over rival cartels and increase their drug dealing businesses. The biggest headlines coming out of Mexico recently have involved the increased drug-driven violence that has resulted in death tolls high enough to warrant U.S. intervention in the...
Topic: Drug Trafficking
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Micromanagement refers to close observation and control of a subordinate’s work by a manager (Mathieu & Marynard, 2008). This explanation is mainly derived from the Greek word “micro” which refers to small (Podsakoff & Organ, 2006). Thus micromanagement entails the practice of managers overemphasizing the small details of employees’ work...
Topic: Business
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction The issue of motivating employees could be regarded as a strategy that calls for planning on a long-term basis. In addition, its impact ought to be felt by the entire work environment, with its implementation being accomplished continuously. For a long time now, management researchers and managers alike have...
Topic: Employee Benefits
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Death is like a change, it is inevitable, and however much people can avoid it, they must encounter it at all costs. Religious teachings are dominated by the issue of life after death, a life that theoretically stands out to be better than the current but ironically, though, all...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Indian mythology is rich in legends and stories about the lives of various tribes. One such example is The Story of Asdiwal, which was told by Tsimshian Indians, natives of the Northwest Pacific coast of Canada. The story provides the reader with a detailed overview of the lives of...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The legal drinking age in the world The alcohol minimum purchase age differs from country to country across the world. As Howard reports, research was carried out in 2016 by the World Health Organization to study the legal age to buy and consume alcohol in different countries. The results showed...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Keeping one’s cultural heritage intact is a fairly important goal for any individual or group, but it can become more or less challenging, depending on various circumstances. Few social groups in the United States have a history as complex and turbulent as African Americans, which naturally manifests in the difficulties...
Topic: Everyday Use
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Customer Service in Medical Offices Customer service is an important practice in medical offices today. Communication is an important aspect of customer service. In medical offices, the health professional needs to adopt high standards of communication skills for them to be able to build rapport with their patients. Currently, with...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The real-life situation relating to faith and leadership Decision-making and different ethical thinking, problem-solving, human relations and values Nurses focus on the physiological, psychosocial, as well as spiritual aspects of persons during times of illness and in good health. Nurses fall in Grossman and Valiga’s (2009) definition of leaders for...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Binge-Eating Disorder Definition: Binge-eating disorder is characterized by eating, in a discrete period (for example, within any 2 hours), an amount of food that is larger than what most people would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances (American Psychiatric Association, 2013, p. 350). Moreover, a person suffering from the...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. wrote “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” as a response to a statement published in a newspaper by clergymen, accusing King’s peaceful resistance to racism in promoting violence. King was blamed for causing multiple disorders in the city, and being imprisoned he wrote a letter,...
Topic: Letter from Birmingham Jail
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The corporate environment of the 21st century is highly changeable, as conditioned by rapid technological progress and intense globalization. In order to tackle considerable challenges faced by organizations, the entire structure should perform on par with the task. At the same time, the vital nature of human resources for contemporary...
Topic: Recruitment
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Care coordination entails purposefully planning aspects of patient care and disseminating information among all parties involved in a patient’s treatment to provide better, safer, and more efficient care. A care coordinator is a trained health care professional who assists in the coordination of a patient’s care, such as the...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Literature is a great device to explore a variety of themes, ideas, and theories, as it allows people to exercise the creative freedom of expression. Writing is a medium that allows individuals to channel their ideals, beliefs into words, inspire others, and relay messages they consider to be important....
Topic: Literature
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Never Let Me Go novel highlights the life of a group of clones and their lives when growing up. Kathy, the protagonist, narrates her life in Hailsham, a school of future organ donors. Kathy is now a ‘carer’ but tells her story as a flashback. The memory also speaks...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
According to the multi-component model of working memory, a working memory model is vital for resourceful intellect. According to the dual pathway model, triggering instead of disengaging moods increases working memory capacity, allowing for greater cognitive suppleness. Short-range memory is also called the working memory. As an alternative to all...
Topic: Memory
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction The movie “Twelve Angry Men” is considered one of the best court dramas in the history of world cinema. It is a story about making the correct decision and the ability to reflect. A New York court is hearing the case of an 18-year-old immigrant who, according to the...
Topic: 12 Angry Men
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Sociology can be termed as the study of social human relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter has a wide range, from crime to religion, family to state, race divisions and social class to common culture and shared beliefs, and from stability to essential change in society. Sociology’s purpose of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Achieving happiness in life has been a topic of discussion among people for thousands of years. In particular, philosophers of all times are extremely concerned about this issue, one of which is Seneca. In his letters, he discusses the nature of a happy life and how to achieve it. He...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Summary Personal interest and greed make most accountants alter a company’s financial statements to hide its actual profits. The hidden profits all go to a few men’s pockets instead of the company’s shareholders and members. Most accountants can either overstate the revenues or fail to record some of the expenses...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Description of the Setting This paper is a detailed description of a Walmart supermarket setting in the United States. On this day, the intention for a visit was to purchase vegetables like tomatoes, onions, and other groceries for making food for Christmas. The supermarket had many shelves with different products...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction Undoubtedly, governments’ check and balance systems have been the most popular ones worldwide because they advocate for justice and democracy. This system ensures that no individual or component of the government possesses absolute country during decision- or policymaking. Check and balance typically consists of three branches of government in...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
A sonnet is a special kind of poetry expression dedicated to the inner workings of the heart and mind. They explore what it implies to give love using a wide range of emotions and various tools. To define true love, William Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116 first explains what it is not...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Introduction: Nursing-Sensitive Quality Indicator The National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators is a resource database that was established in 1998 by the American Nurses Association. It aimed to add to the existing information gathered from previous studies that linked nurse staffing and patient outcomes. The purpose of this addition was...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
The article “The Riddle of Rape-by-Deception and the Myth of Sexual Autonomy” by Jed Rubenfeld, a Law Professor at Yale University, argues that if we are serious about protecting people’s right to make their own decisions about their sexual autonomy, we will make all types of sexual activities by deception...
Topic: Rape
Words: 1167
Pages: 5
Introduction In 2017, nurse Vaught fatally administered the wrong medication and caused a patient’s death. She was charged with reckless homicide and sparked debate over a recurring issue in medical practice. The discussion will focus on why this event occurred and provide evidence-based practices organizations can employ to prevent its...
Topic: Safety
Words: 1167
Pages: 4
Every organization has a need to formally coordinate the pattern of interaction between the organizational members. Thus organizational structure can be defined as the process of allocating tasks, coordinating between organizational members, and formalizing the ‘who reports to whom’ concept. Strategy is the long term goal and the objectives of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Introduction The discipline of criminology helps to understand why individuals commit particular crimes as well as the factors that lure them into offenses. Understanding the reasons why people engage in crimes can go a long way towards developing strategies to mitigate felonies. Besides, it can help law enforcers to preempt...
Topic: Crime Investigation
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Abstract This essay discusses the venturi and vena contracta zone. The vena contracta is explained as the narrowest central flow region in a jet found in the orifice of a regurgitant valve. It determines the fluid flow velocity. The vena contracta occupies less area as compared to the orifice owing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Introduction Henry David Thoreau, an essay writer, social critic and editor, has been considered as the father of the American nature literature. In his book ‘Walden’, Thoreau, a naturalist, provides several short stories that relate to the natural aspects surrounding him. In particular, he uses natural things such as animals...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Introduction In the years following American independence, the country had to undergo a complex process of forming a republic. The inherent nature of democracy, as it is known today, was challenged as the Founding Fathers explored various possibilities for creating ‘the law of the land.’ Eventually, these substantial differences led...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Arts and Craft Movement is one of the most famous and influential interest groups that were created between 1880 and 1910. Its traits can be observed in numerous works of modern designers. Certain political, economic, and social issues were taken into account while the introduction of that new style to...
Topic: History
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Apparently, communication is a decisive factor in the prevailing society where information technology has become prevalent and highly accessible to the people. In this regard, malicious as well as unpleasant information is shared through the internet of such social services accepted in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) like Facebook. It,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Every organization operates within set goals and objectives that guarantee its success in a competitive environment. Effective communication is responsible for ensuring an organization’s objectives and goals are met. Consequently, a functional organization seeks to ensure that the channels of communication among its staff are clear and well defined. Organizational...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Introduction The article, Physical Examination Findings Among Children and Adolescents With Obesity: An Evidence-Based Review, by Armstrong, S. et al. seeks to address the issue of physical examination of children who suffer from obesity, a harmful condition which affects a third of US children (Armstrong, et al., 2016, p. 1)....
Topic: Obesity
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Introduction Nations work hard to ensure the lives of their citizens are protected and promoted. Some diseases cannot be cured easily while others are associated with old age; therefore, medical practitioners must work hard to ensure they offer proper care to victims of these conditions (Chang 2008). This discussion examines...
Topic: Evidence-Based Practice
Words: 1168
Pages: 5
Balance Scorecard Developed in the 1990s, the balanced scorecard technique emerged as a holistic strategic management tool for reviewing organizational performance (Jeffs, Merkley, Richardson, Eli, & McAllister, 2011). It encouraged managers to avoid using a narrow assessment of corporate behavior, which is based on financial metrics, and instead develop one...
Topic: Performance
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
What are the main messages and themes in the video “The Selling Game”? The video deals with a number of topics. One of them is the subject of communication and the numerous themes connected to it. The different views of communication are presented; two main models of perceiving communication are...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Abstract Child education is considered a very fundamental part of the growth process. It has now been proven that early exposure to intellectual development programs is an important investment for any country desiring to industrialize. In this e-portfolio, I have attempted to amplify this fact considering that I have been...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction The concept of gender roles is a particularly stereotyped and sexualized issue to examine that plays a fundamental role in shaping modern society. The notion of gender is connected with social, cultural, and psychological characteristics, which relate to both genders in terms of social backgrounds. According to Hillard, gender...
Topic: Gender
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Mind Map About Human Resource Management Personnel are an essential component to any company’s success. A human resource (HR) manager has roles and functions within an organization that are focused on working with people. Proper human resource management is essential for any organization as it identifies the type of workforce...
Topic: Management
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Understanding employees’ perception of the workplace and evaluating changes in it is another step toward enhancing performance quality and changing the workplace atmosphere toward a better one. It is important to motivate staff members to excel in their workplace performance. With a change in the staff members’ perception of their...
Topic: Business
Words: 1168
Pages: 6
Introduction Intergroup conflict is a common occurrence in any environment and it requires a thorough approach that would allow illuminating bias and coming up with a coherent solution. However, in many cases, an attribution bias obstructs individuals from seeing the actual information and making fair judgements. This issue is illustrated...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction Classism is considered to be promoted in the form of oppression or prejudice against people through their social class on the basis of higher or lower socioeconomic status; nowadays the notion ‘classism’ is a real issue being widely spread not only in the American society but throughout the world....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
This case study takes up the matter of commercial fishing. It is believed that: Over-indulgence in fishing has destroyed fish stocks in rivers and coastal areas and has lowered yields dramatically. The use of trawlers has damaged the river beds beyond repair and has caused discomfort to marine life. Perhaps,...
Topic: Environment
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Before the internet came into place, communication (voice and data transfer) was limited to areas between stations covered by a small radius network. That was in the 1950s and the early 1960s. The term internet is used to mean a global link via the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The...
Topic: Internet
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction According to Northouse (2007), a number of theories and strategies have been developed to enhance the performance of individuals within an organization and the organization at large (Peltier, 2009). Most of these theories and strategies focus on the managerial organ of an organization. The management plays a critical role...
Topic: Management
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction Political voting in America has declined today, for the reason that the level of articulate elite and mass political behavior has changed. However, this was not always the case in American politics. For most voters, the physical sense of casting a ballot was the juncture of an extended period...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters. Shakespeare’s work Henry ΙV part Ι is considered to be the greatest historical play. A complex plot with a sophisticated system of characters has become the subject of the research of many scholars. Two worlds come into collision in the play...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Yogurtland strategy Yogurtland is a chain of cafes and restaurants where people can buy frozen yogurt. Yogurtland operates in the United States of America mostly; however, it has several international branches which are a part of global franchise. The major features of the brand are self-service and a big number...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Traffic jam occurs when motorists’ capacity creates route demand that is higher than a present road capacity. Traffic jams can result from a number of circumstances whose end result lead to increased volume of vehicle and reduced road capacity. Auckland is most famous for its traffic jam that normally stretches...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction Travel literature is a comprehensive genre that includes various categories, and one of the most popular is travel memoirs. Such works have been widely disseminated among readers who are interested in traveling to exotic countries. Two striking examples of this genre are presented in this work. They both describe...
Topic: Literature
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction Consumer behavior can be “defined as the study of when, why, how and where people do or do not buy a product” (Torocsik, 2003, p. 2). The study tries to comprehend what drives buyers to decide on what to or what not to purchase (Murray, 2002). Several studies conducted...
Topic: Economics
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Introduction America was colonized by the British Empire for a long time; therefore, it experienced the challenges that other nations went through before attaining independence. The American Congress assigned Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingstone the role of drafting a document to be presented to...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is among the most famous works of William Shakespeare. Written between 1599 and 1601, it focuses on the story of Prince Hamlet, who struggles after losing his father, King Hamlet. The work has been heavily studied by literary critics and scholars because it...
Topic: Hamlet
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
New York City (NYC) was a primary gateway for Europeans, Russians, and Asians, especially in the early 20th century. Nowadays, people of European ancestry constitute around one-third of the population, as well as Hispanic communities, whereas African Americans account for one-fourth. However, by the early 1900s, the black community made...
Topic: History
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
From the beginning of his political actions, Donald Trump made a considerable impression on the audience. People were interested in him, although many were also wary. This politician tried to stand by his opinion, even though it was often unusual and revolutionary. This allowed him to win over audiences and...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1168
Pages: 4
Author In this work, I am going to analyze Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow, written by Anne Roiphe. Anne Roiphe is an American feminist author, and her work is noteworthy for its examination of the conflict between the desire for family and relationships and that for career and self-determination....
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1168
Pages: 3