The Role of Life-Wide Learning and Personal Development

In my belief, while getting a sound education is of uttermost importance in the life of an individual, complimenting it with other activities outside of the school setting not only increases the value of education but also results in personal development. For this reason, I have tried to ensure that...

Pressure Ulcers: Identifying a Clinical Question

A Clinical Question Related to the Area of Practice One of the most crucial clinical issues in the question of pressure ulcers since this type of injury is a prevalent burden in the healthcare system. Whereas major achievements have been gained in various spheres of care, no effective solution to...

Marlaine Smith’s Nursing Theory of Unitary Caring

Scenario In the case under analysis, a nurse must address the needs of a woman who has recently lost her husband to a heart attack. After a sudden heart failure, the man was brought to the hospital but died almost instantly. It was expected that his wife would say goodbye...

Career as an NFL Player: Self-Analysis

Introduction General Being an NFL player offers considerable advantages to a person. However, at the same time it is connected with certain challenges and problems. People who want to become NFL players have to go through a lot of trainings and preparations that will make them ready for the NFL...

Corporate-Level Strategy Management and Responsibilities

Introduction The major corporate-level strategy formulation responsibilities include the following. Direction setting Direction setting involves various activities which the management needs to do in order to define and put clarification on the objectives of the organization and they will include identifying and acting upon the major goals of the organization...

Strategy Application in Marketing With Human Resources

Organization Description Riordan manufacturing Inc is a successful company that was established in 1991. It has expanded its operations from a research and development company to a plastic manufacturing company. The company prides itself on having a large customer base and manufacturing plants in China, San Jose, Georgia and Michigan...

Illegal Immigration: Causes and Consequences

Introduction The issue of immigrants has been of global concern in the recent past. This is because of the increasing number of immigrants in most of the developed nations. Immigrants entail people who decide to leave their country of origin to other nations where they settle (Williams, p. 83). The...

“Senate HELP Hearing on Coronavirus Responses and Future Pandemic Preparedness”: An Overview

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most significant tragedies of the beginning of the twenty-first century. As a result, hundreds of thousands of people died worldwide, and even more will continue to experience its health-related, economic, and political consequences throughout their lives. In this situation, the United States...

Should Companies Engage Corporate Social Responsibility?

Introduction There is no doubt that the global companies’ impact on diverse aspects of life is enormous – social and environmental, as well as political and economic ones experience an immense contribution on behalf of the corporations. Be it an airline company or a coffee distributor – regardless of their...

The Global Marketing and Trade Environments

The first article selected is “The Great Recession: A Self-Fulfilling Global Panic” by Philippe Bacchetta and Eric van Wincoop. The scholars explain that as long as there is minimum integration between two economies, both will be significantly affected when one falls. Bacchetta and Van Wincoop’s (2013) argument is based on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical Law and Ethics. Increased Claims

Introduction The case of medical malpractice under examination describes the inappropriate actions of health care professionals that resulted in the patient’s death. In 2001, Arturo Iturralde went to HMC, a Hawaiian state-owned hospital. He was diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis and scheduled for surgery after several days. The surgery went wrong...

Judiciary in England and Wales

Introduction Judiciary is a collective reference to the judges and their authority in a country. In England and Wales, the system consists of judges and commissions, and individuals responsible for ensuring that the process of appointing a judge is transparent. This newsletter article aims to explain to the students the...

Nursing Sensitive Quality Indicators (NSQI)

Introduction Nursing is a complex practice consisting of diverse elements. In order to assess the effectiveness of the provided care, nursing sensitive quality indicators (NSQI) have been introduced. Several definitions of the concept exist, but they all involve a set of major components. For instance, Xiaoquan Xu defined NSQI as...

“American Born Chinese”: Theme of religion

Introduction Religion is a contemporary issue influencing civilization, morals, laws, and cultural societies globally. The American Born Chinese written by Gene Luen Yang’s narrates the experiences of immigrants in America using three different tales. This book conveys three major morals, which are resisting the urge to be assimilated, not denying...

The Terrorism Threat in the Modern World

Introduction Terrorism in its form is broad, although becoming popular to many is a relatively recent activity. The fight for terrorism has gained a new strategy with the occurrence of the United States on September 11, 2001. The United States declared a fight against terrorism. The Bush administration launched military...

Historical Figures: Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi

Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827) was a famous Swiss educator-democrat, theorist of the popular school, who had a tremendous influence on the development of pedagogical theory and school practice in many countries of the world. He pinned his main hopes on properly organized upbringing and education of children, on the unity...

Strategy for Guiding Nursing Practice

Introduction State laws have affected primary care workers, especially nurses, negatively over the years. State laws consider primary care workers as equals, despite their differences in education, training, and specialization. Thus, the nurses lack a chance to work based on their educational qualification. The realization of these problems resulted in...

Super Micro Computer Company’s Accounting Issues

Super Micro is a computer server producing company based in California. It conducts its businesses under the NASDAQ Stock Market and therefore is required to keep and file strict financial records for different periods. However, from at least FY 2015 through FY 2017, the company was engaged in improper accounting...

Network Security and Cyber Crime, Super-Highway Metaphor

Network Security Principles There are a number of network security principles that are used for internet security purposes. These principles include regularity, hardening, integrity, and redundancy. Basically, depending on how these principles have been put in place, they will be able to provide different securities levels for internet connections. Integrity...

Superheroes and Implications for Culture

Introduction Superheroes were integrated into the United States culture in the 1930s, and since then, they have remained a part of United States comic books and films. The superhero comic characters served different roles in American history ranging from spreading propaganda during wars, addressing the challenges facing the American society...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Addressing Race Discrimination in Contemporary America

Introduction The mainstream assumption is that slavery is in the past, and discrimination based on skin color is no longer an issue in the United States. Unfortunately, in reality, these problems remain and continue to cause disruptions in America. Dr. Leary and Ta-Nehisi Coates provide the foundation behind the claim...

“The Ballot or the Bullet” by Malcolm X: African Americans Right to Vote

In March 1964, Malcolm X delivered a speech titled “The Ballot or the Bullet.” Malcolm X counseled African Americans to utilize their right to vote responsibly in a lecture made at Corey Dist Church. He cautioned that if the government would still oppress them, they would lose their rights. This...

The Bronze Statue “Shiva as Lord of Dance”

Introduction Shaivism is one of the two main branches of Hinduism and is named after the main deity – Shiva. The origins of the mythological image of Shiva go back to the proto-Indian Harappan civilization that existed in the 3rd-2nd millennium BC (Hedges 160). The bronze statue of Shiva as...

Effective Teacher-Student Ratios and Class Sizes

Introduction Effective school education is one of the basic foundations for building a developed, healthy, educated, and empathetic society. The foundation is laid for essential social interaction and self-education skills at this stage. It may be considered that the more teachers work in schools, the better it is for the...

Historical Analysis of I Can’t Breathe by da Silva

Introduction Colonialism manifested itself during the colonial period, when Africans were evicted from their native countries, boarded European ships, and transported to other countries as a source of labor. The central colonizing countries were Portugal, France, Spanish and British empires. It is essential to note that people were needed to...

The Public Health Milestone in the US

The Public Health milestone is the first significant step in creating what is known today as the U.S. healthcare system. This milestone saw the development of a more organized way of handling health problems and the introduction of new systems. These systems are still used today to deal with public...

Financial Performance of the US and the State of Georgia

The US Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), a division of the US Department of Commerce, is in charge of generating economic statistics, such as data on the GDP, personal income, and global trade. By disseminating timely, pertinent, and reliable economic statistics, the BEA aims to advance understanding of the US...

Nationalism from the Ethno-Symbolic Perspective

Introduction In sociology, Nationalism has become the focus of a great deal of research and discussion since it is a controversial and challenging concept. Nationalism has been studied from various angles, including instrumentalism, perennials, primordialism, and ethno-symbolism. These theories provide a distinct explanation of the beginnings and growth of Nationalism....

Waste Management Inc.: Accounting Principles

Nowadays, all organizations have to use unified accounting concepts to ensure sufficient reporting of their financial transactions.[1] Waste Management Inc. was one of the organizations that violated these standards while being accused of financial manipulations and fraud. In this instance, reviewing its accounting principles can help understand the actual financial...

Astronomy: The Theory of the Universe

Introduction Astronomy is the most ancient science in the world. People of the ancient civilizations depended on changes in stars, the moon, and the sun to conduct most of their activities, including important activities such as navigation. Several developments have taken place to arrive at our current understanding of the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

A Defense on Abortion: Ethical Issues

Abortion is considered the intended action to expel a fetus from the womb of a woman. The expulsion of a fetus leads to death, but scientists and societies argue that the intentional expulsion of a fetus is murder. Morally, abortion is illegal and not permitted by law in several states...

Inclusion Policies in Education and Their Effects

Policies of Inclusion The policies of inclusion require students who have special needs to perform the roles of learners appropriately. They need equal access to education in all education programs available. Inclusion involves allowing all students to interact in the classroom during regular lessons. There should be no particular attitude...

Old Navy’s Online Video Promotional Strategy

Marketing The concept of online video promotion has allowed companies and organizations to fulfill their marketing objectives. Until recent times, organizations have had to rely on the experiences of marketing and promotional agencies or attend their online marketing seminars to comprehend how to create, manage, and even execute simple online...

“The Da Vinci Code”: Book vs Movie

If you want to get some inspiration for your The Da Vinci Code essay, you are at the right place! Here, you’ll learn about the similarities and differences between The Da Vinci Code book vs movie. So, keep reading to get your essay on the next level! The Da Vinci...

Wrong Time Medication Administration Errors Study

This paper is an in-depth critique of the study by Taufiq (2015) that focuses on wrong time medication administration errors (WTMAE). The selected research is conducted in accordance with the quantitative research approach and presents empirical data related to the prevalence and causes of medical errors. This critique integrates various...

Civil and Ethical Work Environments for Nurses

Introduction Professionalism in the activities of nurses-leaders is the key to success not only in the work of nursing services but also in the entire health care system. The examples of successful practice in this area indicate a high ability of employees to take a leadership position both regarding everyday...

Pop Art and Modern Technology in Artworks

Introduction Postmodernism of pop art refers to the historical events in the early 1960s that resulted in the advent of the new era of artwork. According to Osterworld (2003), pop art combines high and low art. Andy Warhol was a pop art revolutionist through the presentation of his artwork by...

Starbucks’ Strategy to Enter Abu Dhabi’s Market

Introduction Starbucks is a globally renowned organization with close to 50 years of operation having been incorporated as a retail shop in Seattle’s Pike Place in 1971. The company has branches in approximately 30,000 locations evenly spread in many countries around the globe (Taecharungroj, 2017). Starbucks was started by three...

Future of Nursing and Florida Action Coalition

Introduction It should be noted that the introduction of the Affordable Care Act has resulted in significant alterations in the healthcare sector. It allowed not only providing care to people in need of it but also evaluating the job of a nurse from a different perspective. Nurses are agents that...

Ethics in Target Marketing

Introduction Target marketing is a practice that is resorted to by many organizations in the world today. This is the case with privately owned corporations as well as government and not for profit organizations (for example education). The immigration laws of many advanced economies have resulted in large scale presence...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Total Quality Management: Impact of Globalization on Quality

Introduction TQM is the implementation of very comprehensive management techniques with very organized and structured approach to constantly improve the quality of products from continuous feedback from customers. Impact of Globalization on Quality There are several ways to ensure that information technology (IT) has been implemented into a business process...

The Strategy That Wouldn’t Travel

The Issue The critical issue facing Jimenez in trying to transport the solution which worked at the Wichita site to the Lubbock site is that the Lubbock plant is missing the charismatic leadership of a veteran like David Keller. Keller is an exceptional leader who is quick to seize an...

Earth Science: Rocky Mountains

Introduction Mountains are landform that ascends well higher than its environs, usually displaying steep slope, a comparatively limited summit region, and significant local relief. They are formed by processes like faulting, folding, or up warping of the earth’s surface as a result of plate movements. The Rockies in North America...

Qualitative Article Analysis: Characteristics, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Introduction Qualitative research has unique characteristics that set it apart from quantitative research. The fundamental difference between qualitative research and quantitative research is the nature of the data that each of them uses. While qualitative study deals with narrative data, the quantitative study deals with numerical data. In addition to...

Practicum Experience in New York Methodist Hospital

Practicum Activities Reflection My job practicum experience was held at the New York Methodist Hospital. The clinical practicum is a crucial step for a nursing student that fosters professional development and comprehensive competence, nurtures “patient-oriented professional ethics and work philosophy” (Li, Liu, Lin, & Meng, 2016, p. 2). The practicum...

A Dead Brain Gets a New Life

It is possible to conceive of the human brain as a computer. However, this analogy is not exact since it is not yet possible to reboot or turn on human consciousness on a whim. The brain is a biological computer, so it adheres to the law of nature, including the...

Evaluating the Manifest Destiny: Violence Masked as Inspiration

Introduction The concept of expansion and the colonization of North American lands, which was engraved into the Manifest Destiny, is an admittedly controversial topic that needs to be studied further in order to embrace the effects of colonization on the modern relationships within American society. While studying the historical records...

Heart Disease: Types, Risk Factors, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Heart disease is also referred to as cardiopathy, a condition that affects the heart. The awareness of the disease has been raised because it is among the leading causes of death especially in Canada, the United States, England, and Wales. Heart disease is of various types but with related...

The State of Confusion Discussion

Introduction The State of Confusion has decided to enact a ruling aiming at restricting the usage of any type of hitch for the trucks. The enactment has directed all the trailers and towering trucks to use a B-type truck hitch. As evident in the case, only one manufacturer situated at...

Social Problem: Hunger in the United States

Summary Hunger problem, income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural regions, and COVID-19 outbreak have severe effects on the hunger problem. For instance, the income gap directly impacts the hunger problem through citizen’s wealth-income ability. Additionally, race discrimination also significantly affects the issue, leading to most territories comprising African Americans...

Differences Between IFRS and U.S. GAAP

U.S. GAAP standards are more focused on practical application in different accounting situations compared to IFRS standards, contain more recommendations developed for specific accounting issues, and leave less room for interpretation. In general, the accounting principles and reporting forms of these financial reporting systems are largely the same. Accordingly, a...

Researching the Consumer Decision Making Process

The author selected Samsung Galaxy S21 5G and iPhone 12 and gathered related qualitative information to understand how consumers go through the different decision-making process stages before acquiring a product. Samsung Galaxy S21 5G is a new smartphone by Samsung and the most advanced in the Samsung Galaxy S series...

Risky Sexual Behaviors Among College Students

Introduction Traditionally, sexual relationships were respected and promiscuity was heavily penalized in a bid to ensure that people engaged in sexual intercourse at the right time and in an acceptable setting (marriage). However, many young people have resulted to alternative sexual tendencies that at times put them at risk of...

Corona Regional Medical Center Site Visit Report

Introduction The Corona Regional Medical Center (CRMC) is a for-profit large medical hospital in Corona, California. Corona Regional Medical Center is an accredited organization offering medical emergency services. The interview was conducted with Barbara Lane, Manager of the HIM (Health Information Management) Department for Corona Regional Medical Center (Corona Regional...

The Morality of the Abortion Case

Introduction Abortion is perceived as a morally incorrect action and meets several discriminative opinions from society representatives. Some individuals stand for saving a life of a newborn whose fate is decided by the singular woman carrying it. Ethics as the science seeking morally correct judgments also tries to understand the...

“Warrior Women”: Gender, Race, and Sexuality in Film

Introduction Warrior Women was created to convey how indigenous women engage with and see the world. Madonna Thunder Hawk is a Lakota activist whose career spans decades. She participated in the organization of protests and campaigns aimed at fighting for the rights of women and indigenous people in America. Through...

“The Pruitt-Igoe Myth” Documentary by Chad Freidrichs

Introduction The Housing Act of 1949 had a serious impact on the mid-twentieth century American cities; the public regards this Act as a controversial project, which turned into success for some and failure for others. The Pruitt-Igoe Myth is a documentary shot by Chad Freidrichs that analyzes the history of...

The Self-Care App: Business Plan

Brief Competitor Analysis, Cost Structure & Business Plan The main competition in the market is apps with similar features, including habit trackers, daily reminders, and reflection journals. Two examples stand out as rivals with a wider range of functions – Fabulous and Aloe Bud (Brown, 2022; Stubbs, 2020). In contrast...

Sherman Alexie’s “The Lone Ranger…” Story

The setting of Sherman Alexie’s story, the Lone Ranger, and Tonto Fist Fight in Heaven, is crucial for the reader to understand the aspect of change experienced in contemporary society. As the narrator runs away from the memories of an unsuccessful relationship, his experience shows how modern society embraces hatred...

Quality Safety and Outcome of Cleveland and Mayo Clinics

Summary The federal organization for healthcare research and Quality (AHRQ) has described quality as doing the correct thing for the right person at the appropriate time and having the greatest possible result. Additionally, giving medical care to people who might benefit from it and refraining from using treatments that are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Leaf Herbivory and Fungal Occurrences on Trees

Abstract The lab report aimed to investigate patterns of leaf herbivory and fungal occurrences on trees near the university campus in Raleigh, NC, USA. To collect data, a group of four students randomly examined leaves on selected trees and measured leaf area and the area of affected fragments. The data...

The US Development and George Washington’s Presidency

Introduction The theme of independence is one of the fundamental themes in American history. Recently, it has been very actively developed by Russian American scientists. Special attention is paid to the people who made the transition of the United States from a colony to a state possible. A huge amount...

Experiences of Institutional Racism at an Early Age

Introduction In this study, the authors aimed to examine how experiences of institutional racism at an early age translate to orientations towards activism in the black community, specifically among black adolescents transitioning to young adults. Similarly, Elan et al. were interested in how the role of racial identity concerning public...

The Lakeland Clinic’s Diversity Issue

Introduction The Lakeland Clinic is currently facing a drastic decrease in patient volume. One of the identified reasons behind this is the lack of diversity, inclusion and cultural understanding. To resolve the issue, the clinic is organizing a committee to address diversity and make recommendations for inclusion. As a candidate...

The Halo Effect as a Cognitive Dysfunction

Introduction Susan is a student enrolled at an online university with aspirations of becoming a professional psychologist. She met Dr. Frank to work with him, but she started reflecting on this decision due to his impression of her (Capella University). In addition, Susan assumed he was a successful and intelligent...

How International Terrorism Threats Transformed American Political Landscape

International terrorism consists of violent or harmful activities to human life that violate the criminal laws of the United States or any state, or would constitute a criminal offense if conducted within the authority of the United States or any state. These actions are meant to frighten or coerce a...

Use of Feasibility Concepts, Techniques and Methods for Decision Making

Economic Feasibility An economic feasibility of a project is essential before making a decision to invest in it. The process involves developing a break-even analysis of a business to analyze the costs against the returns of a project. It assists investors to determine the time required for the project to...

“Behind the Beautiful Forevers” by Katherine Boo Literature Analysis

Boo investigated and wrote in detail about the cultural influence of western society on the Indian mindset. Many writers reviewed her analysis and also criticized her in a few areas. To support her analysis, Boo referred to the incidents that took place in Annawadi. Annawadi is full of individuals who...

Religious Concepts in “Philosophy. The Power of Ideas”

Hindu ideas of Brahman, atman, and reality Karma is one of the basic notions in Hinduism, which means action or deed. Every human action has its own effect on the existing life and may last over several lifetimes. A human being passes through the series of rebirths in different forms....

Cryonics and Its Ethical Side

In the contemporary world, the new scientific discoveries and innovations often look promising and can lead to serious benefits in future. However, in is not rare that such innovations face the strong resistance of the public due to the ambiguity of their possible social outcomes, as well as their ethical...

Green Energy and Carbon Capture

Introduction For a very long time, human beings relied mostly on natural sources of energy, including solar, wind, and water resources (Jeffs 1). Oil and coal were also used for the same purpose. As a result of population increase and the onset of the industrial revolution, energy demands by human...

Singhania and Partners’ Human Resource Strategy

Evaluation of the Singhania and Partners Strategy Singhania and Partners have a strong sense of context in their business strategy. The company is on the forefront of planning for change and adapting to it. Cases in point include opening a New York office to take care of the influx of...

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Systemic Psychotherapy

Introduction Posttraumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a holistic set of symptoms of mental activity disorders caused by a one-time or recurring strong external traumatic impact on the patient’s psyche (e.g., physical or sexual abuse, constant nervous stress associated with fear, humiliation, and empathy to the sufferings of other people)....

Social Anxiety Disorder and Its Symptoms

Social anxiety disorder is a condition that occurs as a result of excessive fear of social involvement. It is also known as social phobia. The fear arises from the suspension of being closely watched, and receiving criticism from peers and other members of the society (Mayo-Wilson et al., 2014). A...

Shoppers Drug Mart Corporation’s Retail and Services

Introduction Every successful company has a competitive advantage that can be achieved in various ways (Hallsworth et al. 149). Some companies develop innovative products while other focus on information management. Shoppers Drug Mart pays significant attention to the development of an efficient retail network that makes the business attractive to...

Faith Healing in Bioethics, Its Pros and Cons

Bioethics: Its Impact and Controversy Bioethics: studies controversial issues related to recent advances in medicine and biology from the ethical perspective; helps revisiting and revising ethical standards; affects ways of treatment and the research practice; increases our awareness of ethics in medicine; brings about new questions, dilemmas, and controversies that...

Patient’s Medical History and Nursing Care Plan

Patient History and Physical Examination Patient Name: Mary Chief Complaint: The client complained about having a rash on her face. History of Present Illness: The patient said that the rash appeared on her skin after the holiday she spent hiking and doing various outdoor activities in the Appalachians. Past Medical...

World War I, Its Chronology and Impacts

Abstract The history of the world is shaped by both events and people. In this regard, people are the most crucial determinants since they initiate, develop, and document the events. This implies that the world’s history is determined by people and their activities. In order to understand the world’s history,...

Differential Diagnosis Symptoms

Introduction Every patient might have several differential diagnoses due to the symptoms that may be common in each of the considered cases. Medical workers must be able to see the major differences between several possible illnesses to identify and prescribe appropriate medications and develop an efficient healing course. The following...

African Religious Concepts: Time and Puberty Rites

Introduction A lot of people all over the world believe in the existence of some supreme forces that can affect their lives. Such beliefs determine their religion and its practices. In addition to that, it affects their everyday life and worldview. People who follow African and Western religions tend to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

MyRepublic Corporation’s Rebranding Project

Introduction Rebranding is one of the elements of this or that company reorganisation with the purpose of expanding the client base, increasing profits, and creating new and interesting offers for consumers. Nevertheless, this measure is necessary not for all organisations but only those that have some business challenges and are...

Analysis of an Extract from Beloved

It is very hard for any reader of Toni Morrison to escape her ‘black magic’. The reason is that this great Afro American writer speaks through history and ages in a language that is dipped in the dual hues of pain and poetry both. The two hundred years of horrid...

Many Versions of Cinderella, Which One Is Right for Your Child?

Fairy tale stories such as Cinderella stories must be taught to young children as they are one of the best ways to tell the children about the surrounding world. Cinderella stories form an excellent literature study aiming at character education. You can find different versions of the Cinderella stories. There...

Management Planning: Tyco Company

Introduction All business and human organizations need the right management practices for them to be sustainable and viable. Proper management practices should focus on both the long and short-term objectives of an organization. It involves formulating strategic targets, defining clearly organizational goals, implementation of correct plans and executing the plans...

Neurofeedback Software and Technology Comparison

MIDI Vs. other technologies “MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) is a protocol designed for recording and playing back music on digital synthesizers that are supported by many makes of personal computer sound cards.” (MIDI: Definition, para.1). It is an interface between the computerized devices and electronic instruments. The interfacing can...

Persuasion Techniques in Aveeno Advertisement

Introduction While trying to increase the commercial appeal of a particular advertisement, its designers commonly resort to utilization of three foremost principles, upon which Aristotle’s theory of persuasion is based – namely, appeals to Logos, Ethos and Pathos. The Aveeno Nourish (haircare collection) advertisement, found in People Style Watch Magazine,...

Causes of Economic Downturn in California

It is said that when things are going well throughout the nation, they are even better in California and worst when faced with a national economic recession (Gerston and Christensen 20). In the current downturn, California had lost more than 100,000 jobs in 2007 and its unemployment rate was 8.2...

Organic Foods Issue of “In Defense of Food” by Michael Pollan

Introduction Handling food requires a lot of hygiene and care to keep the resulting cuisine from contamination. With the development of organic foods derived from artificial plant and animals cells, placing strict measures to guide the production, presentation and consumption of such foods necessitated the creation of bodies such as...

Symbols and Metaphors in the “Green Eggs and Ham” by Dr. Suess

Dr. Suess’s full names are Theodor Seuss Geisel. The American writer as well as a cartoonist lived in the period between 1904 and the year 1991. Dr. Suess became famous for specializing in children’s books where he has published over sixty books. His writings are notably characterized by the use...

Frankenstein vs. Paradise Lost

The stories about the Devil, Adam, and Frankenstein’s monster seem to have nothing in common at first glance. However, a more detailed consideration of each of them allows tracing certain similarities between them. People (or other beings) who have negative qualities always seem alike. They are united by their desire...

“Against The Gods” by Peter L. Bernstein: “Risk” Concept Analysis

Introduction Risk is daring to do something that you are not sure if you will survive, make it a success, or lose it, but it’s done with the hope of being successful. It is a choice one makes but not fate. Key concepts/thoughts/points of the author Risk as a definitive...

The Impact of Ageism on Mental Health and Addiction

Growing older is inevitable; however, individuals can increasingly become susceptible to the adverse effects of ageism. According to Lyons et al., ageism refers to prejudice towards persons because of their age (1456). This form of discrimination is exhibited in unfair treatment of older people, undesirable attitudes towards the elderly population,...

Security of Data With the Elderly Population in the Health Care Sphere

Patient’s rights are a growing concern for both patients and health care organizations. The rights of patients for the confidentiality of information about the fact of turning for the medical help and other information, which is given to the medical care organization, is secured by the law of the country....

F-16 Unmanned Drone and Data Search

The initiative regarding the production of an unmanned drone for collecting data seems to be a profitable endeavor. However, there are specific issues that should be considered in this direction in order to ensure the correspondence of the project to the international regulations regarding information processing and storage (Lin et...

Project Management in the Time of COVID-19

Step 1: Claiming Centrality Recently there has been a spate of interest in the spread of coronavirus infection was the factor, which defined the research orientation of the global medical community in 2020. More specifically, knowledge of the methods for clinical management optimization during the pandemic has proved to be...

Aspects of International Accounting Related to IFRS

Introduction International accounting standards refer to the principles that are considered worldwide while balancing financial records. The goal of international accounting has been to create a comparison of different businesses in the world, fostering global trade and increasing transparency in financial reporting. Investors can make well-versed economic decisions about investment...

Inward Foreign Direct Investment and Sustainable Economic Development

Introduction Inward foreign direct investment (FDI) is a concept that has gained momentum over the recent past. Several countries in the world have implemented the provisions of the concept in their quest to attain the much-desired economic development. The concept implies encouragement of foreign investments in countries, which need economic...

Leadership Types in Theory and Practice

Rachel Adams, the president of the Independent Center for Clinical Research (ICCR), exhibits some transformational leadership traits. Rachel is a liberal thinker and also a positive person who relishes in nuances of life, in addition to being a risk-taker (Northouse, 2016). Moreover, Rachel inspires many women in ICCR, and they...

Smart Pacifiers Product Marketing Forecasting

Introduction The UK is a wealthy developed democracy where the adoption of smart products is already underway. As such, it should account for a significant portion of the global smart pacifier market. The smart pacifier was established early in the previous decade and began sales around 2015. The device was...

Competitive Sports at a Young Age: Effect on the Child

Introduction It is relatively popular among parents to force their children to participate in various activities, including sport. Unfortunately, it cannot always be seen as something that can benefit young children both physically and mentally. According to some estimates, a child should be at least six years or older to...

The Behavior of Viruses and Trojans

Introduction Viruses and Trojans are both bad and though you get them in much the same way they are created for different reasons and they do different things. Viruses are generally created only to disrupt your use of your computer, to destroy or compromise your data or even destroy part...

U.S. Budgeting and Spain Investment

“U.S. Senate Democrats agree to $3.5 trln for budget reconciliation bill” and “Spain to Invest $5.1 Billion From Its Share of EU Pandemic Fund to Boost EV Industry”: Article Review. Summary A newly voted democratic government might be able to achieve a significant part of the funds for the investments...

Tesla Company’s Future Digital Marketing Campaign

Introduction Tesla is an American car vehicle company that was founded in 2003. It specializes in producing electric cars, solar batteries, solar panels, and other products that require the usage of cutting-edge technologies. The company’s ideology is that electric cars and supplies that work with the help of alternative kinds...

Gender Diversity: Impact on the Organizational Performance

The current research question is concerned with investigating the impact of worker and management diversity on US tech companies’ stock prices between 2010 and 2019. Therefore, it is important to find studies that show how gender diversity shapes organizations’ performance and what indicators point to either favorable or unfavorable results...

Constraint Management in Business Projects

Introduction Recently I was involved in a product promotion project as a project manager. The project involved personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, publicity, and public relations. The sales department directed the project towards increasing the number of sales and attracting new customers by creating awareness about the product’s existence...

Lincoln’s, Obama’s, Biden’s Speeches Analysis

Introduction Literary genres refer to linguistic conventions that operate within specific contexts and possess similar text structures, purposes, and functions. As a result, genre analysis evaluates the communicative styles and techniques adopted by speakers to achieve their goals. Genre analysis also looks into the texts’ descriptive elements and how the...

The Emergency Operations Centre and Its Functions

An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is the backbone of crisis management. It brings together experts from different emergency response departments to coordinate their resources share information and experience in responding to emergencies. Its location is integral considering the fact that if targeted by criminals, the impact may be tragic to...

Christians, Jews, and Muslims Have the Same God

Most often is a topic of discussion whether Christians, Islamic and Judaism religions worship the same God. This topic has been a matter of debate throughout history. Some individuals say that yes, of course, they do, while others will disagree. It is significant to note that when one states that...

Application and Critical Evaluation of Efficient Market Hypothesis

Predicting market price changes has been a major challenge over the years. Stock market prices are often affected by many factors including internal and external factors. According to the efficient market hypothesis, stock prices are affected by all the available information (Hamid et al., 2017). This stipulates that whenever there...

Philosophical Theories on Moral Duty

Introduction There are a few different reasons why philosophers might think that there is a formula for determining moral duty. One reason is based on social contract theory, which holds that humans have a duty to obey the law because they have agreed. Another reason is based on the role...

The Co-current Grounded Theory Iterations

Introduction Grounded theory (GT) is one of the most well-known and relevant approaches to generating meaningful hypotheses in qualitative research. This method allows to inducement of ideas directly from the collected data, and experts have perceived it as a central qualitative methodology since the 1960s. However, as Carlin and Kim...

The Bed Bath & Beyond Company’s Strategy Analysis

Introduction Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY) is a retail chain operating in the US, Canada, and Mexico. The main products that the company sells are furniture and other household goods. Over the past few years, BBBY has been gradually losing its profitability, which could result in the company’s final bankruptcy....

Music and Its Impact on Cognition and Emotions

Everyday activities like going to school, drinking coffee, working out, and occasionally even sleeping involve listening to music. People frequently choose music based on their feelings. When people are joyful or sad, they will listen to different types of music. People do this because music has the power to alter...

The Nokia Firm’s Management, Control, and Planning

Introduction Nokia, a Finnish multinational corporation headquartered in Espoo, Finland, was founded in 1865 as a paper mill (Lindén, 2021). Throughout the 19th century, it expanded into several different products before being incorporated in 1967 (Lindén, 2021). In the latter half of the 20th century, the company benefited from the...

The Great War and the Position of the USA

The First World War in the Context of European Reforms Nationalism, Militarism, and Imperialism as Contributing Factors The end of the 19th century was marked by the multiple tendencies that included economic globalization, disarmament conferences, and national leagues. In his book, Fromkin describes the consequences of such reformation in the...

Windshield Survey in Winchester: Health Resources

The relevant Windshield Survey has been conducted in Winchester. The city is situated in the north of Virginia State. According to the official figures, the population of Winchester makes 26,330 inhabitants most of which are English speaking people (Winchester, VA Demographics, 2013). The data collected in the survey allowed one...

Five Priorities for Wisest Life: “The Odyssey” by Homer

The epic poem by Homer called “The Odyssey” is not only a fictional story full of mythological monsters, captivating adventures, and brave characters, it is also, in a way, a manual of moral behavior, advice for better decision making, description of the qualities that lead a person to happy life...

Technical Principles in “The Toyota Way” by J. Liker

Summary In chapters 21 and 22 of “The Toyota Way,” J. Liker dwells upon Toyota’s approach to the technical principles of TPS. It states that the service sector (in terms of administrative and service operations) can gain valuable insights from this approach, particularly from the field of lean manufacturing. The...

The Walt Disney Marketing Strategies

If you are about to conduct Disney market research, you are at the right place! Here, you’ll learn about Disney marketing strategies and campaigns to get inspiration for your paper. How does Disney conduct market research? What is an example of their findings? Disney has been actively conducting market research...

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Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention in Counselling

Introduction Multiple murders at the hands of a lone gunman typically characterize mass shootings in the United States. The cold-blooded murder of innocent people never fails to traumatize the survivors or the loved ones left behind. Mass shootings add another trauma-inducing layer as the murders were committed in a public...

Hospital-Acquired Infections and Change Plan

The issue of hospital-acquired infections (HAI) is rather important in the context of hospital nursing care as it affects quality of health care delivery and deteriorates patients’ outcomes. In this regard, this paper will propose potential evidence-based practice (EBP) plan to enhance the current situation. Focusing on nursing care, it...

Cultural Awareness, Sensitivity and Competence

Introduction The 20th century has seen a steep rise in the levels of diversity on a global scale. Due to the increase in the number of cross-cultural interactions and intensity thereof, the necessity to develop an in-depth and intrinsic understanding of other cultures has emerged (Holland, 2017). Indeed, without the...

Cardiac Patient’s Nursing Care Plan

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Stateless Nations: Catalonia and Scotland

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Financial Discourse Under Financial Crisis 2007-2008

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Freedom of Religious Beliefs in the Workplace

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“Know Your Why” by Ken Costa

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The Concept of Omnichannel Retailing

Omnichannel may be regarded as a completely new term in the sphere of digital marketing. At the same time, this cross-channel content strategy will play a highly significant role in the development of stores in the future. The development of online retailing and the emerging of additional digital channels that...

Medical Tricorder: Application and Functions

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Various Issues Related to White-Collar Crime

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A Branch of Medicine Description: Urology

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Cultural Pluralism as System in Society

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Reflection of the Poem Epic of Gilgamesh

Introduction Reading poems can always be a daunting way of studying, but can also be fulfilling. I have had a first-hand experience reading Epic of Gilgamesh as part of my classwork. While it was a generally enjoyable experience, I did make certain mistakes during the action. However, I gained some...

Computer Applications in Medical Billing

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The Nature of the Cold War Between the US and the Soviet Union

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People and Culture in America

Melting Pot Presented by Tateh in Ragtime Doctorow’s Ragtime literature is a historiographical metafiction’ in which real historical information and incidents from 1902 and 1914 are combined with fictional characters and acts. By intertwining stories of different Americans, particularly in terms of race and ethnicity, Doctorow portrays the melting pot...

An Interview With an App Designer

Questionnaire What challenges does an app designer normally face? Are there any fears or concerns when working on a new project? How has the arrival of free Internet access changed the usual app designer’s referral tasks? What happens with mobile applications today? What is the best way to adapt to...

Archaeological Research Report

Introduction Archeology is a broad discipline that relies on excavation, survey, historical documentation (publication), and aerial photography to discover various activities and cultures of the human past. There are many factors to consider when deciding on the research method to use. Primarily, the site and objective of the study influence...

The Poems of William Wordsworth: Depiction of Nature

Introduction William Wordsworth’s poems defined Naturalism and Romanticism since the author was known to be the poet of nature. The poet was a key figure of the Romantic Movement, especially considering his early poems. The life of the author was closely connected to nature, which is why his art was...

Aspects of the Law of Contracts

The law of contracts holds that a contract is a legally binding agreement. The agreement entails rights and responsibilities which are legally enforceable, and for it to exist, certain elements must be present. Sometimes, there are disagreements between parties on whether a contract was formed or not as was the...

Leading With Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success

Introduction Leading with Cultural Intelligence: The Real Secret to Success is a scientific book about the culture’s role in creating optimal leadership strategies. It provides deep insight into the value of diversity in modern society and the opportunity to enforce it via the proper cross-cultural business administration.1 The book’s content...

“Out, Out” by Robert Frost

“Out, Out” is a poem by the US poet Robert Frost published in Frost’s Mountain Interval collection in 1916, and based on the actual incident which occurred to the son of Frost’s friend. The poem starts in remote Vermont, where his sister calls a young boy chopping firewood with a...

The Issue of Gun Control in the US

For decades, the issue of gun control remains burning in the US. It is immensely challenging to find a universal solution to this problem because the attitudes to it are polar. Nonetheless, it is still possible to deprive the wrong people of access to guns. The present essay discusses the...

Sleep Paralysis: Causes and Consequences

Physical and mental health depends not only on genetic data and environmental conditions but also on how well the physiological processes in a person, which are of existential importance, take place. High-quality and sufficient sleep is an important physiological process that ensures that a person has the necessary strength to...