The use of electronic health records (EHRs) in managed care settings is a complex issue that raises many questions. One the one hand, by giving physicians quick and simple access to patient information, EHRs have the potential to increase the effectiveness and quality of healthcare. However, if EHRs encumber rather...
Topic: Health
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Introduction Technological developments in genetics have revolutionized procreation by allowing parents to choose the most intelligent genes for their offspring. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is employed by geneticists to detect chromosomal abnormalities (Savulescu, 2001). Discussion PGD is beneficial to parents who prefer in vitro fertilization (IVF) since it allows them...
Topic: Genetics
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Marry Sherry, in the article “In Praise of the F Word,” emphasized that it is essential for students’ future to treat them with receiving bad grades if they are not studying enough, to put fear in them, so they would have the motivation to study. After graduating, students face the...
Topic: Education
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Today, most people take Internet search as an everyday task, without paying much attention to the process. However, this is not a sufficiently conscious approach, especially for people who plan to work in the field of media or information provision. A more quality-oriented approach requires information seekers to apply information...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Introduction The issue of homophobia has a significant impact on the effective treatment of sexual minorities struggling with addiction problems. Homophobia, which involves fear, hatred, or intolerance of people who identify as LGBTQ, may result in discriminatory practices in the healthcare system. It can cause people who identify as sexual...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Introduction The chapter titled “Love and Hate” criticizes the idealistic portrayal of love that exists in some media. It typically displays love as two people seeing each other, falling in love at first glance, and clicking together like two pieces of a perfect puzzle, never having a disagreement in the...
Topic: Othello
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Global Vulnerabilities in Economic Systems The global economic systems are extremely vulnerable to various factors. Complexity and uncertainty impact their evolution, meaning there is a need for risk analysis procedures (Heckmann, Comes, & Nickel, 2015). These should consider the geopolitical risks such as using weapons of mass destruction, terrorist attacks,...
Topic: Business
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Introduction Creating a leadership style that allows one to control task implementation, promote interdisciplinary work, and improve patient outcomes is instrumental. Therefore, as a future nurse leader, I strive to build a personal leadership style that will help me to prompt a positive change in the clinical environment. By using...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 322
Pages: 2
Introduction In the Western Desert of Egypt, there is a spectacular UNESCO World Heritage Site called Wadi Al-Hitan, which means Whale Valley. It contains priceless fossils of the Archaeoceti, the oldest suborder of whales that are now extinct (UNESCO, n.d.). This site is of immense cultural significance and historical value...
Topic: History
Words: 322
Pages: 1
Question Background Today, people have access to a number of methods for smoking cessation. Some people are ready to try medical ways of treatment. There are also groups of people who believe in the power of psychological treatment. Besides, there are also cases when the effects of acupuncture make people...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 323
Pages: 3
Introduction It should be noted that the views of religion and death changed significantly during the time period 1720-1820. Initially, death was regarded as a terrifying event and God’s punishment for one’s sins. People believed that, when someone died, they were sent to hell and there was no hope of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction Image technology never stands still, and multiple image formats are appreciated and utilized by both average users and professionals dealing with the distribution and production of images. The Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) and the format introduced by the Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) are among the well-known formats for...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction As an Emergency Department manager of a small community hospital, it is critical to understand that the budgeting process had to be conducted carefully and thoroughly. The main reason is the fact that small towns usually get a limited amount of funding or revenue, which is why the Emergency...
Topic: Budget
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Pages: 1
Ralph Waldo Emerson’s article “Gifts” is a discussion on the social custom of gifts. The author conveys that love is the prime force that could be termed as the best possible gift and thus should be enumerated as the best possible gift that enriches both the giver and the receiver...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction Cognitive development is the gradual development of a child’s intelligence. At various stages, cognitive impairment associated with perinatal lesions of the nervous system, diseases at an early age, psychosocial and other factors can occur. The classification of cognitive development periods is based on the ability to interact with the...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The main characters in “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “Araby” by James Joyce are people of different ages and backgrounds. However, there is a certain similarity between the events that happened to them as well as their reaction that was triggered by the need for readjustment. Both characters...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Nowadays, when social media play a vital role in shaping public opinions, once something is out in the open, it becomes subject to scrutiny. As a result, celebrities, politicians, TV series, and films might face a so-called cancelation, as in people refusing to engage with them. Sometimes it is justified,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Art has always been an integral part of religion, and visual art is especially effective in conveying religious values. The paintings by the Australian artist O’Brien are displayed in modern art galleries, as they are characterized by a bright palette and dedication to religious subjects. The artist had an eye...
Topic: Modern Art
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Despite the endeavors of Gilgamesh and Enkidu to be similar to gods, the two heroes overestimated their power and neglected the fact that they were both mortals, which led to tragic consequences. By the end of the epic, it becomes evident to Gilgamesh that every human being is bound to...
Topic: Gilgamesh
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Authors often utilize symbols to signify the importance of events, objects, or relationships in their works. Indeed, the majority of the great poetic or literature works use some degree of symbolism to allow readers to visualize the writers’ messages. Correspondingly, in the play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses symbolism to portray the...
Topic: Macbeth
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Feminist theory in criminology assumes the difference between the social roles of men and women. Hence, it questions a masculine-driven approach to criminal investigations and justice. According to Naegler and Salman (2016), gender plays a significant role in cultural criminology, impacting the way people see crime and justice, and defining...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 323
Pages: 2
In the play “A Raisin in the Sun,” several important themes are explored. George Murchison strives towards assimilationism as a way of addressing consistent racial discrimination, while Beneatha sees assimilation as a manifestation of George’s fear of his heritage. Moreover, George sees heritage as “raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!”...
Topic: A Raisin in the Sun
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Creating a specific health policy is a long mundane procedure that requires an analysis of many factors. The writing itself falls into several steps of careful consideration of the existing standards and policies, including objectives and reviewing the policy drafts. The process may seem like an ordinary activity, however, creating...
Topic: Health
Words: 323
Pages: 1
As the Baby Boomer generation starts to age and exit the workforce, the job market is likely to experience deficits in skilled workers. However, the nursing field seems to face an additional challenge as the need for such professionals continues to grow. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Employment Projections 2019-2029...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Oral health care is a vast area which needs to be taught carefully and the right methodology. The course of The Oral health Care gives an outline of dental medication to draw in, teach, inspire, and help a student in working on the teeth of future patients and advising individuals...
Topic: Education
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Shakespeare permeates his lyrics with amazing metaphors and comparisons to express love and feelings. The metaphors used in Sonnet 103 and Echo and Narcissus by Shakespeare also present the reader with an indirect description of the sublime romance. On the other hand, the romance in these two works is, in...
Topic: Literature
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The Romantics of the 19th century are not exactly what is typically associated with the term today – and to understand their history and cultural significance, one would need to travel back in time. The Romanticism was a movement that spanned across different forms of art – from music and...
Topic: Art
Words: 323
Pages: 1
I had experienced a public display of affection (PDA) before and also witnessed this phenomenon. PDA can be understood as the act of showing intimacy in public. Although the ways of showing affection are universally understood (kissing, touching, cuddling), the rules that apply to PDA differ depending on the groups...
Topic: Homophobia
Words: 323
Pages: 1
An artifact can be defined as an object made by man, as opposed to natural; an object produced for functioning in the field of art (Hoły-Łuczaj, 2020). Mostly, the term ‘artifact’ is used in archeology and refers to an object found by archeologists. However, any kind of artificial product such...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Topic Proposal: The Illusion of Ideal Family Ties and Blind Prejudice in Hemingway’s Story Ernest Hemingway is an internationally renowned American novelist and short-story writer whose works are particularly striking for the peculiar moral imperatives. Therefore, the topic proposal argues that limited knowledge and interest in native and foreign cultural...
Topic: Ernest Hemingway
Words: 323
Pages: 2
The massacre that took place in Jamestown, which is often called the uprising, at first seems to make sense to consider in other terms since the event took place in the occupied territory. To a greater extent, the Indian attacks on the English settlers should rather be called a struggle...
Topic: History
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Henry Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience illustrates his perspective on the prevalence of an individual’s conscience and personal moral standpoints over the majority’s law and opinion. The author’s acceptance of the principle “that government is best which governs least” could have implications for his involvement in protests if he was...
Topic: Civil Disobedience
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The idea of providing someone with high-quality care involves the concept of respect and acceptance of the patient’s wishes. The definition of nursing practice is illustrated through the provision of diagnostics and treatment procedures as a response to a potential health threat (New York State Education Department, n.d). However, a...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 323
Pages: 1
More often than not, when people hear the word success, what comes to their minds is a well-paid job, a bigger house, more money, a better car, or even a relationship. However, success has many faces in modern society, as everyone has their own version of success. For some, it...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Sexual diversity is a term used to describe the diversity of sex characteristics, sexual orientation and gender identity. However, there is no need to indicate each of such statuses, roles or features, which shape this plurality (The United States Department of Health and Human Services, 2016). Diversity of cultures can...
Topic: Health
Words: 323
Pages: 1
I have listened to a TED talk by Kate Roworth, “A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow”. She talked about an important topic of redefinition of the typical economy that is center only on growth. I learned there is another way, an alternative to humanity’s development. The...
Topic: Economics
Words: 323
Pages: 1
I would consider investing $10,000 in PepsiCo Inc. due to various reasons. The company has a high current ratio of 0.984. The ratio indicates that the company has a greater ability to meet its short-term obligations. The company can maximize its current assets to satisfy its short-term debts and payables....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 323
Pages: 1
It is increasingly possible to hear about the importance of financial literacy in the modern world, which largely boils down to thoughtful money management. Moreover, many might think that it is necessary to increase income to achieve financial independence. It is undoubtedly very important, but, as practice shows, it is...
Topic: Financial Management
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The article by Shelly Schwartz provides a detailed examination of possible cases in which lying to patients is considered normal or accepted. The author focuses on instances where lying to the patient is a part of the support needed to soften the bad news or provide comfort in a stressful...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 323
Pages: 2
Daoism is an ancient world-famous philosophical movement that has always been a matter of interest for philosophers. This traditional Chinese philosophy focuses on the understanding that Dao is an ultimate void forming the supreme world order (Ivanhoe 5). The Daodejing of Laozi, where the various Daoism concepts are collected, touches...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Following the traditions of the Jewish religion is a theological doctrine that includes a combination of different approaches and practices that have been formed over the centuries. Sacred place and Sacred time are the crucial components of this commitment since the rise of Judaism is based on numerous historical references...
Topic: Judaism
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Pages: 1
The Great Depression will always be remembered in the history of the U.S. and Canada as one of the darkest and most desperate times. However, for Canada, the economic recession observed on the nationwide level, also elicits an overwhelming feeling of shame for a good reason. Unless the excessive focus...
Topic: Great Depression
Words: 323
Pages: 1
To begin with, the works of Ibn Rushd and St. Thomas Aquinas represent their own understanding and approval of the existence of God. Both philosophers prove God’s existence by using logical connections and references from religious sources. Remarkably, while Ibn Rushd uses Quran as his Holy Book, St. Tomas Aquinas...
Topic: God
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease because it spreads through tiny droplets when released through coughs and sneezes. TB is caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, a human pathogen with a significant global impact. Mycobacterium Bovis is a cattle pathogen that causes bovine tuberculosis when humans consume contaminated food or milk (Moule...
Topic: Disease
Words: 323
Pages: 1
In the end of the past century, the topic of cyborgs, cybernetics, and technological advancements for the human body and mind became a prominent idea that remains deeply seated in both scientific and novelist communities. Artificial intelligence (AI) seems to be Frankenstein’s monster of the new age. The topic itself...
Topic: Artificial Intelligence
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Marriott International is a hospitality company with approximately 2,800 Marriott-branded properties located in the United States and other countries. The company is a global operator, franchisor, and licensor of the hotel, residential, and timeshare real estate. Marriott International’s portfolio of hotel property brands is the largest and most attractive in...
Topic: Marriott
Words: 323
Pages: 1
A capital market is a place that has complex financial schemes for the exchange of material values expressed in monetary terms. Financial transactions aim to optimize the use of money and what it expresses – material values. Remarkably, the decision to invest is, in a sense, a choice between consumption...
Topic: Economics
Words: 323
Pages: 1
It is difficult for healthcare organizations to ensure a high level of quality in modern realities. It begins with forming problems and their acceptance by people who work in this industry. It is essential to convince people that the chosen quality improvement method is the right one. You can convince...
Topic: Health
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Like many other fundamental social structures and phenomena, cultural diversity has existed for at least since human beings managed to establish civilization, yet defining and describing it is still a difficult task. I interpret this concept as a civilizational phenomenon of coexistence, be it peaceful or antagonistic, of different and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The complexity of transitioning from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and, consequently, to modernity implies the need for demonstrating cause-and-effect relationships of events. In this case, they include strengthening the central government, the emergence of individualism, the focus on realism, and the formation of a mechanistic view of the...
Topic: History
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Life expectancy has increased significantly with the development and discovery of new devices and medicine in the last century. Health technology played a substantial role in this process, making healthcare more accessible to people and improving the quality of life. For example, diagnostic tools, such as wearable trackers, x-ray machines,...
Topic: Technology
Words: 323
Pages: 1
One can depict or assume a lot about a past culture from their portraits, statues and other works of art. Throughout history, Romans have been known as a very powerful and warmongering nation. They respected older people and valued three virtues: pietas (respect for authority and tradition), fides (being true...
Topic: Republican Party
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Aimee Picchi’s article, “Shortchanged: Women Earn Less Than Half of Men’s Income,” states that the gender pay gap is possibly worse than it appears. She bases her arguments on recent analysis findings showing that women get merely 48 cents for every dollar earned by men. The figure is way below...
Topic: Gender
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Every time an Apple product is released, there is a frenzy of press coverage and long lines of eager customers waiting to get their hands on the newest model. I frequently purchase Apple things, like many other people. The top market rivals of Apple are Huawei, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, and...
Topic: Apple
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction The Tillman Story is a 2010 documentary and drama movie directed by Amir Bar-Lev. This is a heartbreaking, inspiring, and truth-revealing film about the U.S. government’s and army’s conspiracy and attempts to bury the appalling errors that led to the death of football star Pat Tillman. In this only...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Based on the Ricardian Trade model, it is worth having free trade even if some people are losing. Free trade promotes access to lower-priced goods with higher quality. Although some people in the home country will experience losses, imports from countries like Mexico and China are cheap, and this helps...
Topic: Trade
Words: 323
Pages: 2
Introduction The movie “Annie Hall” references thematic elements like pop culture and intellectual wit more than any other film that has won Best Picture, Oscar. The character of Allen, stand-up comedian, and joke writer Alvy Singer in the film, serves as a model for several other performances. Allen plays this...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Kraft Heinz is not the first company to reveal its losses and disclose that the SEC was looking into its financial reporting, and yet it affects both consumers and investors due to several reasons. First, as has been mentioned in the news, the corporation “blamed this on higher than expected...
Topic: Business
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction In the short story “What You Pawn I Will Redeem” by Sherman Alexie, cultural imperialism is one of the central themes. This term generally refers to the process when one dominant culture spreads and absorbs the values, beliefs, and lifestyles of smaller communities. For instance, when the prevailing American...
Topic: Literature
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction A management report is a critical piece of documentation for any business. It is a package of information from an organization to help in decision-making. The report must contain information about the organization’s financial flow and available capital (Kieso et al., 2019). Discussion The report should assess the effect...
Topic: Management
Words: 323
Pages: 1
I know two people quite well, and their ways of thinking and imagining the world differ. The first person is an introvert who prefers to work in a solitary environment, tends to be analytical and logical in their decision-making process, relies heavily on facts and data to support their conclusions,...
Topic: Workplace Diversity
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Shakespeare is a great playwright who created unfading and ageless works that have fascinated readers worldwide throughout the centuries. The secret of Shakespeare’s fame lies in the fact that, in his works, he raised such issues as love and hate, loyalty and betrayal, and truth and lies that are still...
Topic: Literature
Words: 323
Pages: 1
The idea of a free market, defined by rivalry, price cues, and a lack of governmental involvement, is a popular concept. However, there is debate regarding the claim that entry into the market is too easy for hospitals in free markets and that entry restrictions by regulators can promote societal...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 323
Pages: 1
I learned that the cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) provided in the initial month after trauma has long-term benefits for people at risk of developing PTSD. Furthermore, patients who received CBT reported less intense PTSD symptoms, particularly less frequent and less avoidance symptoms, than those who received supportive counseling (SC) (Bryant...
Topic: Cognitive Therapy
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction Chronicle of a Murder Foretold, a book by Gabriel Garcia Márquez, examines the idea of responsibility concerning crime and justice. Márquez depicts the intricate network of components that lead to the murder of Santiago Nasar, a young man wrongfully accused of stealing Angela Vicario’s virginity, using various literary devices....
Topic: Literature
Words: 323
Pages: 1
In order to communicate seamlessly between nurse and a patient, there must be no cultural gaps, which is a long-standing health problem. This can negatively affect patients’ health and their satisfaction with treatment. In recent years, the role of advanced practice nurses (APNs) in overcoming such gaps has been increasing....
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Divorce is becoming a prominent social concern nowadays, particularly in developed nations. As such, people are looking for the issues that typically lead to the dissolution of the marriage as well as ways to reinforce it. One such consideration is mutual respect, which is missing from many such unions. In...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction There are many evidence-based and effective methods of teaching English in educational institutions for several reasons that enhance learning. To achieve effective learning outcomes and develop the necessary skills in students, it is necessary to consider their characteristics as best as possible. Cooperative language learning (CLL) can be a...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction Healthcare institutions operate in an environment that establishes and changes due to many factors. Policies are among the most critical influences on health care since they affect access to services, quality, safety, and many other aspects of the environment. Main Body Strategic management, in turn, allows providers to assess...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Nuclear Weapons In my opinion, the most significant danger presented by a weapon of mass destruction is that of a nuclear weapon. Nuclear weapons are the most potent form of mass destruction and have the capability to cause widespread devastation on an enormous scale. They can inflict severe physical damage...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Introduction Planning is essential to any person’s professional and personal life, as plans allow one to organize actions to meet expectations. Any party may be regarded as a project that requires planning, and its organizer may apply the strategies of project management to receive appropriate outcomes. This essay will demonstrate...
Topic: Business
Words: 323
Pages: 1
Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience higher levels of anxiety every day, even if stressful situations are not present (Sue, Sue, Sue, & Sue, 2013). The disorder is usually accompanied by psychological and physical symptoms that can vary (insomnia, loss of consternation, tension, etc.) To diagnose the patient with GAD,...
Topic: Anxiety
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In my opinion, Van Gogh is a perfect representation of a person fitting into the Peak and Decline model. His most famous works were produced between his 20s and late 30s, and in a decade, he created more than 1.000 pieces of art. Although he committed suicide at 37, it...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 324
Pages: 1
There is a variety of industries involved in the distribution of consumer goods that are purchased by end customers. The brewery industry is among multiple markets that sell ready-to-drink products. Nowadays, beer is one of the most popular beverages in the world, and its production continues to increase, especially in...
Topic: Business
Words: 324
Pages: 1
RTI (Response to Intervention) is a system that, through the process of assessment and intervention, allows school students to receive specific services that aim to prevent behavioral problems and increase their level of academic achievement. It is important to note that RTI does not necessarily relate to special education. It...
Topic: Law
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In March of 2017, Samsung Mobile (2017) released an advertisement promoting the new Gear VR headset. The video is available on the official YouTube channel of Samsung Mobile and has already reached the number of almost 25 million views. The advertisement has quickly engaged the hearts of the millions because...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Professional counseling practice is continuously changing nowadays; however, several issues still remain; for instance, the problem of biases in higher education. There is no doubt that counselors in schools are some of the most vital workers since they assist students. Nevertheless, it is evident that many of them try to...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Many of the ideas that Kennedy and other presidents draw on come from biblical texts. Even though these truths are thousands of years old, they do not lose relevance and reflect essential human values. Kennedy talked about the Soviet Union in his speech, because at that time, the United States...
Topic: John F. Kennedy
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The hypothesis investigated by Jeroen et al. (2018) was linked to the relationship between personality traits and daily experiences of middle-aged mothers. Therefore, the idea that the researchers decided to test was that different daily experiences could have an impact on a person’s personality traits. The research completed by Jeroen...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Medicine appears to be the sphere of active developments and constant improvements, as high quality of service presents a matter of importance. This way, the article “Effectiveness of Supporting Intensive Care Units on Implementing the Guideline ‘End-of-Life Care in the Intensive Care Unit, Nursing Care’: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial”...
Topic: Critical Care
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Pros and Cons of Using a Mixed Method Research Design The selection of research design is challenging for scholars who strive to cover as many issues as possible. This reasoning results in the preference of a mixed method processing quantitative and qualitative data for the precision of an outcome. This...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Although racial and gender disparities are still widespread in the United States, Hollywood has made remarkable strides in expanding inclusivity in the film industry. Hollywood’s television and film production depict a problematic pattern of bias in opportunities and the overall representation of women and ethnic minorities. As a result, the...
Topic: Gender
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Brittany Maynard was a terminally ill patient who decided to end her own life by taking a lethal dose of prescribed medication. On November 1, 2014, Mrs. Maynard dissolved 100 capsules of a sedative in a glass of water and drank it around her friends and relatives (White, 2014). She...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Despite the fact the US is presenting itself as a democracy and striving to fit that standard, contemporary American society is far away from being egalitarian. No number of polite smiles would erase the discrimination that is present in the United States. While class inequality is the most visible problem,...
Topic: Social Stratification
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Apple Inc. has consistently dominated Fortune’s ranking of the most admired companies, owing to its focused board of directors led by CEO Tim Cook and board chairman Arthur D. Levinson. According to Fortune (2020), Apple boasts the top-most US and global ranking for several consecutive years, beating other tech giants...
Topic: Management
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The existence of racism in modern education and healthcare systems undermines efforts to eliminate it in other areas. According to Basset and Graves, Black people in the United States are still sicker and still die younger than their White counterparts do (457). The issue should be examined thoroughly and addressed...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Poetry utilizes many different tools related to its rhythm, style, structure, and composition to achieve a variety of effects it may apply to the reader. Some of those, specifically different composition types, contribute to the internal typology that has formed throughout the evolution of poetry as a literary form. Villanelle...
Topic: Literature
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Sampling distortion happens when some people are more likely than others to be chosen systematically in a survey. In the medical profession, it is also known as ascertainment bias. Since sampling bias jeopardizes external validity, especially population validity, findings are restricted in their generalizability. In other words, results from skewed...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Queue management systems have had the most significant impact on business operations, especially in service industries. In banks, restaurants, healthcare facilities, schools, and other service-oriented enterprises, customers have to wait for service (De Vries et al., 2018). Longer queues can have unprecedented negative consequences on several business outcomes, including waiting...
Topic: Management
Words: 324
Pages: 1
This site is called “FamilyDoctor”, and it is dedicated to various family tips. This site contains materials with various tips and recommendations for pregnancy. The articles are also related to the topics of the course. Thus, some topics reveal the essence and meaning of pregnancy for novice parents on this...
Topic: Childbirth
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Ethical implications of ET Ethical implications of ETs often revolve around their impact on humans. A leading concern in this regard revolves around privacy. According to Stahl, Timmermans, and Flick (2017), ET either exacerbates or creates novel privacy issues due to the large amounts of data they create and gather....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In order to most adequately prepare a child for school life in the era of raging strains of coronavirus, a parent needs to be aware of their position in current social processes. An understanding is required that the state, in turn, carries out the necessary procedures to minimize infection while...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Samantha Gerson is a twenty-six-year-old founder and CEO of UnBroken, which is a non-profit organization offering legal, vocational, and therapeutic services to individuals who survived institutional abuse and conversion therapy. The importance of Gerson’s current entrepreneurship lies in servicing as many young people as possible and offering innovative research on...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Workplace conflict is a substantial danger to employee well-being, according to numerous researches. However, such conclusions are based on a broad measure of conflict or its specific type. When looking at the different sorts of workplace conflicts, the existing literature divides them into three categories. Firstly, task conflict, then process...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The author of the article Ancient Roman roads and their influence on modern road designs is Rowyn Lea. There is no reliable information about this writer on the Internet. At the same time, the author has another article on a similar topic called Modern Roman Roads on this online platform,...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Many people believe that the phrases “work group” and “work team” are interchangeable synonyms, but there is a significant difference between these concepts. A working group means employees who work together, striving to achieve specific organizational goals and sharing information, but “actually working independently of each other” (Fritz, 2019, para....
Topic: Business
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Religion plays a critical role in the life of millions of people. Individuals all over the world have their rituals and visions. Christianity is one of the most ancient and influential teachings popular in different parts of the globe. It has some fundamental beliefs, such as the necessity to save...
Topic: Belief
Words: 324
Pages: 1
To begin with, the analyzed article provides the readers with a professional explanation of executives’ feelings during one of the most important corporative events: merger or acquisition (M&A). In fact, I learned that M&A is so important for managers’ careers due to their future career perspectives depending on the outcome...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The unemployment rate is one of the integral showings affecting the countries’ economies. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic hugely affected the state of long-term unemployment in the United Kingdom, as well as other countries around the world. Hence, during the coronavirus strike period, certain populations or groups of able-to-work people are...
Topic: Economics
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Death is inevitable for everyone on the planet, and sooner or later, it will come to every home and take away all who are loved by the human heart. The song is a terrible embodiment of the variability of life, the sudden possibility of decease at any moment; this part...
Topic: Death
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Comparing Tecumseh’s warlike uplifting speech with the poems of contemporary poet Sherman Alexie, one can find seemingly archetypal elements of the representation of the peoples of the Native Americans. Analysis and consistent comparison of these texts allows us to observe the deconstruction of the epic image of the Native American....
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The world is constantly changing, and this poses new challenges for the military leadership of today. Apart from the cultural challenges and the challenges presented by the new advances and technologies, there are several other important dimensions related to leadership. One of the challenges is defining and describing in detail...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The method of research used by the authors is a qualitative analysis of the discourse of social networks, namely Facebook. Using Northrup’s theory of identity in intractable conflict, the authors analyze how users use dehumanizing language and thereby normalize dangerous levels of hatred (Harel et al., 2020). Researchers note negative...
Topic: Social Networking
Words: 324
Pages: 1
One must adhere to ethical standards that promote effective work for any organization. Such norms can be both in relation to clients and to colleagues. This affects the work process, as comfortable conditions for employees increase their motivation. Furthermore, the proper attitude toward clients in an ethical aspect will attract...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 324
Pages: 1
There are several factors that seem to support the view that digital sales will soon outstrip traditional customer service and lead to neglecting face-to-face interaction. To begin with, making purchases online is easier than traveling to physical stores (Jimenez, Valdes, and Salinas, 2019). A suitable example of this is GameStop...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Trade has been the driving force of the global economy and interaction of communities since ancient times. With the technological advancement and evolution of society, international commerce is heightened. Currently, one can order goods from abroad and receive them anywhere around the world. The interconnectivity of the countries results from...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The issue of unhealthy eating habits has become topical in the past years, and people from different spheres try to share their perspectives on the problem. Morgan Spurlock, in his documentary “Super Size Me,” provided an in-depth look into the topic of the consumption of fast food. Despite the fact...
Topic: Diet & Nutrition
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Throughout their lives, people encounter numerous challenges of different natures which require them to use various skills which they have learned. Construction and engineering skills can be considered uncommon but extremely beneficial for people since they can provide them with many advantages in different spheres, including both their personal and...
Topic: Construction
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Topic Selection The chosen topic is relevant for understanding that such phenomena as xenophobia, racial, sexual, and other types of discrimination still exist in modern society. This socio-social phenomenon occurs in underdeveloped countries and prosperous countries such as the United States. Unfortunately, humanity rarely learns from its mistakes, and the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Statistics in today’s world is one of the fundamental disciplines since the world population makes decisions based on the available information. The today’s review subject will be the hypothesis testing, analyzed in Part 8 of our textbook. In this review, I will present you with the ‘middle-quality’ type of source,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The article analyzes the ways of operational management in large organizations, whose deliveries must be regular worldwide. Thus, using the example of Zara and Kohl stores, the author analyzes the most effective strategies that allowed companies to realize themselves as profitably as possible for production. The managers of Zara attempted...
Topic: Management
Words: 324
Pages: 1
One of the most insidious ways political parties have sought to criminalize LGBTQ+ identities is forbidding so-called “propaganda of homosexuality.” In March 2022, Florida governor Ron DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill, forbidding public school teachers from mentioning sexual orientation or gender identity for students in kindergarten through...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The presented video reflects one of the primary and fundamental aspects of mathematics – verbal counting. This exercise examines ordinal counting from one to a specified number, teaches children to read the number dropped on the dice, and then correlate it with specific movements (“Movement Counts”). Although the considered aspects...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Culture shock is a pretty common issue in businesses that is tended to be overlooked. It occurs when people move to another country or face a new culture, which leads to confusion, anxiety, shock, astonishment, or feeling of uncertainty (Segal et al., 2021). Its importance does not have to be...
Topic: Culture
Words: 324
Pages: 1
It has been found that people who identify as transgender, intersex, gender non-conforming, or gender diverse have exacerbated health disparities compared to other people. These disparities include physical and mental health issues, the development of which is brough about by a high level of stress, stigma and incomprehension these people...
Topic: Health
Words: 324
Pages: 1
A representative sample is usually several hundred, sometimes a thousand, respondents. Therefore, the starting point for calculating the selection becomes the question of determining the size of the sample population. The larger the sample sizes, i.e., the closer they are to the general population’s extent, the more reliable and reliable...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Social workers and human service professionals can apply their skills and knowledge to fulfill various roles, including that of a facilitator. Facilitation provides human service specialists with opportunities for promoting positive change and assisting social group members with getting at the roots of their issues. This role incorporates the application...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The surroundings one grows up in create a background that indirectly forms the character of a person. Despite their ambitions, their neighbors, having various social statuses, levels of income, and attitudes to crime, drugs, and violence, might stagnate a person’s plans and influence their manners and attitudes to social norms....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Constituting three interrelated theories, the nursing system theory, self-care deficit theory, and self-care theory, Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory emphasizes an individual’s ability to conduct self-care. Therefore, the theory is defined as an individual’s own initiated activities that allow them to maintain well-being, health, and life (Akdeniz & Ozer, 2021)....
Topic: Dorothea Orem’s Theory
Words: 324
Pages: 1
With the digitalization of the education process and the transfer of most of its stages to online settings, the services claiming to assist students in building essential academic skills such as critical thinking have gained quite strong popularity among learners and educators alike. Though services such as Anki are admittedly...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Mise-en-scene can be defined as an arrangement of actors and elements of the film throughout the production. Everything that is in front of the camera and, therefore, will be seen by the viewer is a part of the mise-en-scene, making it the most important element of the filmmaking process. This...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The major similarity between PDD 39 and HSPD 5 is that both are security organs that safeguard Americans from and handle acts of terror both within and abroad. The differences between the two policies lie in their specific details. On the one hand, PDD 39 aims to minimize vulnerabilities, deter...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction Justice is a quite vague concept that is perceived and utilized by people differently. Due to its ambiguity, it sometimes leads to misunderstanding and dissonances. Annette Baier explains that men and women perceive the world divergently and have varied values, which leads to considerable differences in their attitudes and...
Topic: Justice
Words: 324
Pages: 1
One of the most critical topics in microbe-human interaction concerns microbial reservoirs since they inform one about the various places pathogens can be found. Generally speaking, people, other species, and environmental elements are the groups of reservoirs (Anderson et al., 2020). Pathogens with human repositories, as a rule, adhere solely...
Topic: Disease
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction Incarceration has a significant impact on a person, but what about his or her children? The key subject of the assessment is the mental health of children with incarcerated parents. The importance and substantiality of parental influence on children cannot be overstated. Not only an incarcerated parent is absent...
Topic: Health
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The Indian Wars brought disastrous consequences to the native people of America, who suffered from discriminatory practices on a large scale. At that time, Jackson wrote that Indians were considered to have “no legal rights to any lands” after refusing to settle in specified locations (101). Such hostile behavior turned...
Topic: War
Words: 324
Pages: 2
Research Three things that I found interesting when researching the topic of metabolism rate were the dependence of metabolic rate on external factors, the importance of maintaining a high metabolic rate, and the predictability of metabolic flexibility. Indeed, metabolic rate is the energy transformation capacity, while basal metabolic rate is...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Illegal drugs include substances that affect the body and the brain of a person. They are divided into several groups, depending on the method of use, the impact on the brain, harm to health, and others. Illegal drugs are one of the most popular items on the black market, generating...
Topic: Drugs
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In this part of the paper, Microsoft’s Active Directory, which is one of the latest approaches to managing networks, will be discussed. Despite being a challenging technology to install and manage, cloud services provide numerous advantages that make them highly popular among companies of any size (Bin Abid). Active Directory...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Unhealthy lifestyles and habits may result in increased rates of overweight and obesity, requiring people to follow various diets. As noticed by Nilsson et al. (2013), one of the most popular dietary patterns is to reduce carbohydrates and increase protein and fat intake. Since the short- and long-term effects of...
Topic: Diet
Words: 324
Pages: 1
“Sweat” is a story written by Zora Neale Hurston, an American writer, in 1926, and it provides valuable insight into the daily life of African-Americans during this historical period. Delia, a young woman, works as a washer in white families, while Sykes, her abusive spouse, struggles to find any job,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Establishing fruitful relationships with stakeholders is critical in every field and, specifically, criminal justice. Naturally, the best way to achieve a meaningful association is through effective communication. In fact, it is crucial to consider many key elements, including the message framing, style of conversing, and tone of voice. Overall, communication...
Topic: Communication
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Naturalistic observation refers to the study of organisms in their natural habitat or habitual surroundings without manipulation or purposeful influence from the researcher, which does not disrupt the natural course of events or cause a response. Participant observation is a descriptive research method in which people’s behavior in the natural...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Public speaking is an emotionally and physically challenging task. Not only does it frighten inexperienced speakers, but it can also cause anxiety in public figures. The King’s Speech showcases the strategies used by the ascendant monarch of the British Empire to overcome his own fear of public speaking. Out of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction It is hard to disagree that academic research plays a significant role in people’s lives. While not everyone realizes it, precisely credible research papers can test hypotheses that affect healthcare, find new ways to eliminate social issues and explore the negative and positive effects of technologies. In order for...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) had a tremendous effect on the U.S. healthcare system. There are several key changes to the principles on which one’s eligibility for Medicaid coverage is established. The focus shifted toward covering vulnerable portions of the U.S. population, allowing low-income adults without children to receive...
Topic: Affordable Care Act
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Lipids are fats, oils, and waxes containing large portions of carbon and hydrogen bonds. They form an essential part of the cell membrane composition in the body. When broken down, lipids release energy that helps the cell carry on its functions. One gram of fat stores twice as much energy...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Early intervention, prevention, and mental health promotion significantly affect an individual’s well-being. However, it is no longer the responsibility of health professionals alone, especially during a crisis such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Most adolescents were trapped at home and isolated from friends, resulting in an elevated level of mental health...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Introduction When it comes to the main nutritional categories of microbes, there are four that involve photoautotrophs, photoheterotrophs, chemoautotrophs, and chemoheterotrophs. An example of photoautotrophs is cyanobacteria, which obtains its essential nutrients from sunlight (Wessner et al., 2020). An example of photoheterotrophs is purple bacteria, and its primary method of...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The greatest cross-border acquisition in the developing world occurred in Bharti Airtel. It was in June 2010 when Bharti Airtel, the largest mobile communications provider in India, spent $10.7 billion on the African assets of Bahrain-based Zain Telecom (Palepu & Bijlani, 2012). Bharti senior management aimed to provide the same...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 324
Pages: 1
To find rescue, Rainsford drags himself from the swirling water, driven by the sound of three gunshots that woke him and gave him a sense of direction to take. Startled by the sound of the three gunshots, Rainsford comes to his feelings. With fresh vitality, he swims only to realize...
Topic: Literature
Words: 324
Pages: 1
The primary goal of the study by Guo et al. (2023) was to evaluate the effectiveness of a mHealth (mHealth) intervention in promoting smoking cessation among people. The hypothesis was that the group that received the mHealth intervention would show higher rates of smoking cessation success than the control group...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 324
Pages: 1
In India, nutrition issues are particularly relevant to access to safe drinking water and cooking methods. According to Sharma et al. (2022), “Recently, Indian rivers have experienced massive contamination and water quality depletion due to the entry of wastewater from different regions of India” (p. 1). People seriously suffer from...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Turnover Rate One key HR metric used to evaluate the overall performance of a company staffing plan is turnover rate. The turnover rate measures the number of employees who leave the company within a set period, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, compared to the average number of total employees during that...
Topic: Business
Words: 324
Pages: 2
From a legal perspective, discovery can be defined as the procedure that allows obtaining crucial evidence from other parties involved in a legal process by means of interrogation and other techniques (Bergman and Moore 183). As a rule, four types of discovery are identified. These include deposition, interrogatories, production of...
Topic: Discovery
Words: 325
Pages: 2
What are the key drivers within the healthcare industry today for which HIT leaders must align their mission, vision, and strategy? Nowadays, the healthcare industry finds itself in a rather turbulent environment, which shapes the decision-making process for HIT leaders. Some of the key industry-level drivers that should be taken...
Topic: Health
Words: 325
Pages: 2
Legends play a significant role in the culture of every country. Historically, such stories were used to transmit certain moral values to the younger generation and served both for educational and entertaining purposes. Therefore, it is believed to be interesting to get familiar with some legends that still affect the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 325
Pages: 2
Although the problem of readmissions has been addressed by numerous policies and programs, there is still a persisting need in finding a universal solution. Even after the Hospital, Readmission Reduction program was introduced to penalize health care units with excessive readmissions, no considerable reduction in rehospitalization rates was achieved (Hunter...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 325
Pages: 2
“I Have a Dream” is one of the most famous and frequently cited public speeches of modern times. It was conveyed by a remarkable orator and activist, Martin Luther King, who became an icon and a prominent leader in the struggle against discrimination in the United States and across the...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 325
Pages: 1
Depression is one of the most common mental health disorders in the United States. Without timely treatment, this condition can have a devastating effect on an individual, impairing his or her abilities to carry out their usual life activities. The latest statistics showed that depression does not discriminate against age....
Topic: Action Research
Words: 325
Pages: 1