Plato’s “Apology”: Analysis and Evaluation

Introduction Representing a peculiar interpretation of the trial that Socrates faced after being accused of multiple wrongdoings, including the corruption of young minds, Plato’s “Apology” can be considered one of the most accurate accounts of the described events. In his work, particularly, in the passages that address the accusation of...

Marijuana Abuse: Annotated Bibliography

Substance selected: Marijuana Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). SAMHSA releases 2020 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Web. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration reports that the COVID-19 pandemic had a highly negative impact on the nation’s overall health and wellbeing. The organization does not...

Body Language as a Core Non-Verbal Communication Signal

Even in the modern highly-integrated, and progressive world, many still overlook the importance of body language as a core non-verbal communication signal. It is instrumental for helping understand and decode what another person is saying and what are the intentions behind their words. However, the role of posture, gestures, facial...

The Arab Uprising by James Gelvin

The Arab Uprisings by James Gelvin is devoted to a detailed examination of the history of uprisings in Arab countries. The author organizes the narrative into a question-and-answer form and tries to highlight the causes of uprisings in the Arab world, describe the course of the most significant protest operations...

“On the Value of Social Studies of Science” and “The Sociology of Ignorance”

Currently, the rate of scientific studies has increased as most institutional and governments are interested in new discoveries. Despite the advancement in the research field, there is an increase of resistance faced by scientists producing knowledge for public consumption. Generally, there have been movements like ‘Post-Truth’ that have been attacking...

Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements

Introduction When implemented with a proper and profound understanding of the cultural background of the target audience, an advertisement can produce a tremendous difference for a specific company and its product. The advertisement in question, namely, Adidas’ 2021 ads aimed at ending the plastic waste, seeks to engage with English-speaking...

Why Practicing Radical Self-Love Is Beneficial?

Modern society is full of destructive stereotypes and mindsets about body and appearance. Developed throughout the generations, traditional images of how people must look to be accepted by society are now well-established. Even though discrimination rules the world since ancient times, people started fighting it just recently. Movements that aim...

Why It Is Necessary to Study Digital Economy

The economy studies the process of production and consumption of goods and services and the ways they help fulfill the needs of society. The economy, in general, helps people get a clear idea of the way market relations are established and developed. Understanding the guiding principles and strategies the economy...

Cultural Competence Standards

Regarding cultural competence, several points within National CLAS Standards consider culture directly. Firstly, according to the standards, all employees and managers are to be educated and trained in culturally and linguistically appropriate policies and practices1. Secondly, individuals should be offered well-educated and trained language assistance services. Thirdly, all policies, practices,...

The Impacts of Climate Change Mitigation Strategies on Animal Welfare

The article written by Shields and Orme-Evans focuses on the relevant problem of climate change from the aspect of greenhouse emissions from farm animals and their contribution to global warming. In order to resolve the ecological disaster, the experts proposed several mitigation strategies targeted at changes in agricultural practices. The...

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The Concert “That Magnificent Mozart” by the Everett Philharmonic Orchestra

I attended a concert titled “That Magnificent Mozart” by the Everett Philharmonic Orchestra at the Everett Civic Auditorium. The concert was held on February 06, 2022, and was led by Dr. Paul-Elliot Cobbs and other conductors, namely Michelle Rockwood, Tonya Harris, and Ryan Christopher. Due to the continued risks of...

BetterHelp, an Online Counseling Portal

Today, organized interaction between the client and the consultant is significant, aimed at resolving problems and making positive changes in the activities of an individual specialist or organization as a whole. It is possible to identify the leading provisions related to the essence of the counseling process: counseling helps the...

The National Association for the Education of Young Children

The National Association for the Education of Young Children has ethical conduct that sets forth guidelines for responsible behavior and decision-making. Dealing with children in early childhood and education means making daily choices with moral and ethical implications. The statement of commitment acknowledges an individual’s readiness to live up to...

The Life of Jacobs Son Joseph in the Bible

Joseph is the son of Jacob and Rachel, who gave birth to him after seven years of infertility, the father of Menashe and Ephraim, the ancestors of the two tribes of Israel. The image of Joseph and his life have inspired Jewish, Christian, and Muslim art from time immemorial. Many...

Native American Renaissance in Poems

Few literature creations convey as much information about a culture as its poems do. In the 1950s, the culture of Native Americans experienced a phenomenon known as the Native American Renaissance (Üney & Tanritanir, 2020). During this period, indigenous writers rose to prominence by accentuating important cultural values in their...

Climate in Charleston and at McChord Air Force Base

The largest city nearest to JB Charleston is North Charleston, South Carolina. It takes roughly 18 minutes to traverse the approximately 8 miles from central North Charleston to the joint installation, although given the size of the city, travel times might vary considerably. The region has a tropical monsoon climate,...

Aggressive, Defensive and Moderate Risk Portfolios

Notably, one of the most fundamental ideas in investing and finance is the portfolio. It is a concept with several meanings depending on the circumstances. O’Connell (2022) states that a portfolio, in its most basic form, is an accumulation of assets, such as bonds, stocks, real estate, or even cryptocurrencies,...

Healthcare as a Basic Human Right

The ability to live a healthy life constitutes one of the basic needs of any individual. However, in the U.S. environment, the range of opportunities for accessing healthcare and receiving relevant services is significantly limited. Since healthcare is not viewed as a basic human right, universal access options are not...

NFL Management Problem: Rooney Rule Influence

The hemostat is considered one of the most basic tools within the surgical set. According to Abdelaziz (2019), the name of any type of hemostat is pegged on two crucial factors, which include the design of the distal tip and the set-up of the jaw. As documented by Fukuba et...

The Tipping Point in Strategic Voting

Introduction The article by D. Anderson “The ‘Tipping Point’ of a Strategic Vote: When Does an Individual Vote Strategically?” aims to measure the variables that determine why people vote strategically. Hence, the exact research question is, “Why do people vote strategically?” (Anderson 2022, 647). The direct quote of the thesis...

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The Good People Book by Wallace: Journal Entry

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Object’s Motion Under Impact of Mass and Force

Introduction This research essay aims to explore how mass and force affect the nature of an object’s motion. Thus, mass (m) and force (f) are independent variables, while the nature of motion is dependent. The measure of the nature of motion is its acceleration (a), that is, how fast an...

The “Angels and Demons” Novel by Dan Brown

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Pros and Cons of Abortion: The Importance of Women’s Rights

For decades, abortion has been a hotly debated subject, eliciting strong and often firmly entrenched beliefs on all sides of the political spectrum. While some say that a woman’s freedom to choose what happens to her own body is a basic human right, others think that it is a moral...